guide -applying for ka 1 erasmusplus eti malta

8/12/2019 Guide -Applying for KA 1 Erasmusplus ETI Malta 1/22 Executive Training Institute Malta ESE building Paceville Avenue St Julian’s STJ 3103 Malta Tel: +356 237 96321 [email protected] Guide to KA1 –Learning Mobility of Individuals (Staff)

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Executive Training Institute Malta ESE building Paceville Avenue St Julian’s STJ 3103 Malta

Tel: +356 237 96321 [email protected]

Guide toKA1 –Learning Mobility of Individuals


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This guide is for organisations who are applying for funding for school education staff mobility.

Heads of Schools or Fund coordinators must fill in the KA1 –Learning Mobility of Individuals(Staff) application form for Erasmus+ funding. This is a step by step guide on how to fill in theKA1 –Application Form.

Applications must be submitted to your National Agency by not later than noon Brussels timeon the 17th March 2014.

Your school/institute can apply for mobility activities, (courses) taking place throughout 2014and 2015.

We strongly advise you to ask any specific questions and clarify any points related to the applicationwith your National Erasmus+ National Agency before submitting the application.

Erasmus + National Agencies

Before you apply:

Before completing the Erasmus+, KA1 –Learning Mobility for Staff, application form, the organisationmust:

1. Register on the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS). The ECAS UserManual explains how to do this. or if you prefer there is a video which shows you how to register.

2. Obtain a PIC (Participant Identification Code) number Click on the following link forinstructions.

You can now proceed with your application for Staff Training & Development funding which must besubmitted to your National Agency. The application must be under Key Action 1 (Mobility ofindividuals in the field of Education, Training and Youth).

Find the National Agency in your country by following this link:

You might find it useful to print out the course descriptions for those ETI teacher Training courses

you are interested in. These will help you identify your aims, objectives, outcomes as well as thebenefits of our courses. They can be found at

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Appendix A (pg20) and B (pg22) will also help you by providing you with important key words andphrases to include in your Project Plan.

So let’s begin.

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Filling in an Application for an Erasmus + Grant

Section B1.Project Identification

Project Title

A Project title can be left open such as “ Teacher Development” or more specific such as “DevelopingSkills for Language Teachers at Secondary Level” .

Please note that a Staff Training Course abroad is an Activity within a Project. A Project may includeseveral courses or activities over the period of one or two years. The title of the Project will thereforenot necessarily be the Course Title.

Project Total Duration (Months)

This will be either one or two years. It can include the participation of staff in a number of activities

or courses abroad over this period.

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Section C. Participating Organisation(s)

C1. Applicant Organisation

In this section list the information about your school, (Applicant Organisation).

PIC NumberYour school should obtain a PIC (Participant Identification Code) number for your institution. Click onthis link for more details

If your institution is a Higher Education or Vocational Institute you may need to include the ETI PICNumber. The PIC Number of ETI is no. 948766604

Section C .Page 4

Add Partner

A Partner is another school participating on your project e.g. this applies if your school isparticipating on an etwinning /job shadowing project.

ETI is a training provider or a receiving organisation .

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Section D. European Development Plan

In the first section you should present a brief action plan defining the school ’s professionaldevelopment plan. Identify the needs and areas of professional development within the school.Outline your school’s plans for mobility and clearly state how these activities will improve your

organisation’s development.

For example:

You could add that participation on ETI Courses will develop staff competences, allow your staff tolearn, develop and apply new teaching methods or use online tools.

The course descriptions on our website, as well as Appendix A (pg20), will help you outline yourobjectives.

You should now present an overview of how the participation of staff on the Project and on thecourses at ETI will c ontribute towards the European Added Value of the school’s strategy andoperation. Mention how participation on these courses will benefit the development and

internationalisation of your school.

Here are a few examples which will help you with this section: Participation on ETI courses will allow teachers to network with other schools from all over

the EU and from other countries outside the EU therefore allowing them to exchange ideas,compare practices and introduce new ideas to the school and National Education curricula.

Participation on these courses will develop the European dimension and improve languagecompetences.

The Executive Training Institute (ETI) has more than 5 years experience of providing in-service training courses for teachers in school education from all over Europe under theLifelong Learning Programme.

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ETI participates in a number of EU-funded projects in the area of education, mainly inTeaching Methodology, the application of CLIL, and the application of Technology in theclassroom in all education sectors. Our courses are the results of these EU-funded projects.

The descriptions of all our Teacher Training courses highlight the objectives, aims and benefits ofthese courses, and could complement your European Development Plan.Click on the course descriptions at

List some ways how your school will disseminate the knowledge acquired by your staff on theirreturn from their ETI course.

For example: Participating teachers will provide training to other staff on their return. This might happen

through internal In-Service Training sessions in the School or within School RegionalAssociations

Information and activities will be distributed on the school intranet or class blogs

If the project does NOT include etwinning/job shadowing activities with other schools, then this areacould be left out.

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Section E: Description of the Project

The description of the project should include all activities which your school is planning over thisfunding period. List the participation of your teachers on courses in Malta (at ETI) and outline theareas of development.

See APPENDIX A on Page 20 for more information and examples.

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Section F: Participants’ Profile

The participants could be a section or all the staff from your school. e.g. the Secondary LanguageTeachers of the school or all management staff and Heads of Department . Give a description of theparticipants profiles and backgrounds.

APPENDIX B on Page 22 will give you guidelines on the selection process of participants from yourschool.

F.1. Learning Outcomes

Name specific areas of knowledge and competencies, for example:

Improved methodology; introduce participants to practical online software tools or teaching aidsspecifically designed for the use of CLIL. The descriptions of all the ETI Teacher Training courses aswell as Appendix A on page 20, will guide you towards identifying the learning outcomes.

Click on the course descriptions at and refer to the informationsheet for the courses at ETI which your staff plan to participate on.

State how many members of your staff will gain training either directly or indirectly through yourdissemination programme.

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What Certificate will staff use when participating on an ETI Course/ Activity?

The Europass Mobility Certificate

At ETI we promote the use of the Mobility Europass. All outcomes from the participation of thecourse will be listed on each of the participants’ Mobility Europass certificate.

Participants should apply for a mobility pass at

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Section G : Preparation

G1. Practical Arrangements

At ETI we will provide you with all the help and assistance you need to organise your training course.We will also assist you with all the logistical preparation for the mobility courses in Malta- e.g.language preparation, accommodation, travel and airport transfers in Malta. All participants will haveaccess to all the pre-course material and preliminary course preparation. All the preparation,implementation of mobility courses and follow-up information can be found on each of the ETITeacher Training courses descriptions.

Click on the course descriptions at

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G.2.Project Management

Indicate that you have a learner agreement for your participants. Cover the needs analysis, targetlearner outcomes and assessment of the objectives.

Once more you can look at our course descriptions for target learner outcomes

Note down that, once your school receives the funding and identifies the courses and course sessionsand dates, we will send an agreement or Letter of Intent confirming that all courses will be deliveredto the staff of your school.

It is useful for us at ETI, to know the number of staff you intend to send as well as course sessions aswe can start making arrangements.

G.3. Preparation of Participants

Besides listing any preparation completed at your school you can include how we will assist you withthe preparation of your participants. Participants will receive a pre-course questionnaire which willenable trainers to learn about the participants' teaching backgrounds and to assess their exact needs;an online language test to help stream teachers into suitable levels; information about the EuropassMobility Certificate; a recommended reading list to prepare participants for various aspects of thecourse and information about Malta to prepare teachers for their cultural experience.

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Indicate which assessment methods you will use to monitor learner outcomes.

Explain that at ETI all participants will be handed a mid-course and an end of course questionnaire forthem to give feedback. Participants will also be asked to reflect on their progress and their learningoutcomes. We will provide these feedback reports to your school / organisation.

H.1. Activity Details

Here you must list the information related to the Courses taking in Malta.

Activity Type: Courses at ETI are Staff Training Abroad

No. of Participants : Total number of teachers estimated to participate in eachcourse.

Is this a Long Term Activity ? : ETI courses are 1 or 2 weeks long therefore the answerwould be no.

If your staff is taking part in other courses then select ADD ACTIVITY on the application form andrepeat the process.

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I. Follow Up

I.1 Impact

Here one can describe the impact of the project and the effect ETI’s courses would have: On individual participants On the school after the mobility programme

Our course information sheets , will help you identify the outcomeand objectives of each course and the potential impact on the whole project/ programme.

You should use phrases such as: ’an increased knowledge of…; ’’a better understanding of ….’ and‘development of……’

I.2 Dissemination of Project Results

In order to ensure funding, the school must present a dissemination plan for all staff mobilityactivities. Explain how the participants will share the benefits of their training with other membersof staff, their students and if possible in your local and national area.

Therefore you should list- who is going to benefit from the activity on the return of the participatingstaff member and how this dissemination will occur. Here are a few examples:

Participating teachers will provide training to other staff on their return. This might happenthrough internal In-Service Training sessions in the School or within School RegionalAssociations

Information and activities will be distributed on the school intranet ,online forums, journalsor class blogs

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I.3 Evaluation

List all the identified learner objectives for those participants attending an ETI course. Explain whatmethods you will use to assess your project’s overall goals and the learner objectives for eachindividual participant.

You could include our end of course evaluation reports for all participating teacher.

Staff may present their own Personal Development Action Plan and confirm which activities will beimplemented and how they will be introduced in the school or department.

There could also be one annual evaluation session forum set up at the school for all teachers whohave participated on courses.

You could also list observation tools and methods to evaluate classroom methodology as well as a

record to indicate a greater use of your facilities and resources.

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J.1. Travel

This consists of the participant’s travel costs from their place of origin to the venue of the activity andtheir return:

Travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the EuropeanCommission. Here is the link:

For travel distances between 1 00 and 499 KM: €180 Euro per participant

For travel distances between 500 and 199 9 KM: €275 Euro per participant

For travel distances between 2000 and 299 9 KM: €360 Euro per participant

For travel distances between 3000 and 3999 KM: €530 Euro per participant

For travel distances between 4000 and 799 9 KM: €820 Euro per participant

For travel distances of 8000 KM or more: €1100 Euro per participant

J. 2. Individual Support

Your National Agency will define the amounts applicable to mobility activities in each country. Thiswill cover accommodation and subsistence allowance for staff when participating on the course inMalta. You can find these amounts on each National Agency ’s website.Min-Max per day in Malta – €60 -€120 per day

J. 3. Organisational Support

This includes any cost directly linked to the implementation of mobility activities (excludingsubsistence for participants). It includes preparation (pedagogical, intercultural, linguistic), support ofparticipants during mobility, validation of learning outcomes for eg Europass Mobility Certificate):

Each school can claim as much as :€350 Euro per participant on the project (on all courses/ activities)€200 Euro per participant beyond 100 th participant

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J.4. Course Fees

Course fees are costs directly related to the enrolment on the course.

Course Fees are € 70 per participant per training day (€350 for 1 week / 5 training days or €700.00 for2 weeks / 10 training days)

A programme fee of €100.00 will cover registratio n, part of the social/cultural programme andairport transfer fees (arrival and departure) in Malta.

Some funding from the organisational support and individual support can fund the total fee for theprogramme.

The application will automatically calculate the total grant requested by totalling the costs of allactivities / courses .

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Activities supported under this Action are also expected to produce the following outcomes:

Follow up on EU and International Projects

A more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside theorganisation, ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities,planning strategically the professional development of staff in relation to individualneeds and organisational objectives

2. The needs and objectives of the school and individual staff.

Such as: Producing high quality learning outcomes for participants Reinforcing the capacities and international scope of the participants

B. Quality of the Project design and implementation - 40 Points

More points are gained when the following are shown: The clarity, completeness and quality of all the phases of the project proposal

(preparation, implementation of mobility activities and follow-up)

The link between project objectives and proposed activities

The quality of the European Development Plan of the applicant organisation or school

The appropriacy of measures for selecting and/or involving participants in the mobilityactivities

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t h t i i lt 22


Selection of Teachers / Staff

The sending school is responsible for selecting the staff undertaking mobility activities.

The selection process must be fair, transparent, and documented and shall be made available to allparties involved.

The sending school should define the selection procedure, ie how staff will be invited to apply, thedocumentation that the applicants need to submit, and how it will be treated.

The school should define the criteria to be considered in the selection process. General criteria mightbe: motivation, clear goals for the mobility, willingness to share the experience upon return

We hope you have found this guide helpful and you have been successful in completing yourapplication. For further information and assistance with your application, please contact us [email protected] . We look forward to collaborating with you in the near future and welcomingyour staff at ETI Malta.