grounding the city lr

Grounding the city Approaches, Tools and Techniques Cusco Sun City An experimental territory on the site of the Alejandro Velasco Astete Airport Politecnico di Torino, April 8th 2014

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Grounding the cityApproaches, Tools and Techniques

Cusco Sun CityAn experimental territory on the site of the Alejandro Velasco Astete Airport

Politecnico di Torino, April 8th 2014

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Giovanni Battista Nolli, Rome Topography 1748

Grounding the cityApproaches, Tools and Techniques

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Pierre Patte, Monumental spaces of Paris built to the glory of Louis XV, 1765 Mill Creek, Plan for the Open Space of Philadelhia, 1959

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Le Corbusier La ville radieuse, 1935

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Ludwig Hilberseimer, The New City, 1944 Frank Lloyd Wright, Broadacre City, 1950-1955

Archizoom, No Stop City, 1970

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Open spaces in Milton Keynes (1970)

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André Gutton, Plan for an open space network in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris,1960

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Barcellona, 1981-1992

Berlino, IBA1978-1987

Parigi, 1984-1997

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OMA, Parc de La Villette, Paris 1982-83

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Strips running east-west. 50 meters width (nature guided program: theme gardens,

playgrounds, discovery gardens...)

Access and circulation: the Boulevard and the Promenade.

Composition of the major elements: the Science Museum, the Grande Halle, the Circular


Point Grids or Confetti: kiosks, playgrounds, bars, picnic areas...

OMA, Parc de La Villette, Paris 1982-83

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OMA, Parc de La Villette, Paris 1982-83

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OMA, Parc de La Villette, Paris 1982-83

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OMA, Ville Nouvelle Melun-Sènart, 1987

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OMA, Ville Nouvelle Melun-Sènart, 1987

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OMA, Ville Nouvelle Melun-Sènart, 1987

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OMA, Ville Nouvelle Melun-Sènart, 1987

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OMA, Ville Nouvelle Melun-Sènart, 1987

Main axes



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OMA, Ville Nouvelle Melun-Sènart, 1987

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OMA, Ville Nouvelle Melun-Sènart, 1987

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Gregotti Associati, Area Pirelli della Bicocca, Milano 1986-88

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Bernardo Secchi, Siena, Progetto di suolo, 1991

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Bernardo Secchi, Firenze-Prato, Progetto di suolo, 1995

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une ville poreuse est une ville où la biodiversité percole et où les parcs ne

séparent pas

couches et stratégies

1 les côteaux, la plaine, les plateauxLe territoire du Grand Paris est composé

de trois grands paysages qui ont des rôles différents dans le système écologique: les

forêts sur les sols pauvres des plateaux, les zones humides de la vallée, les côteaux

avec leur richesses en biodiversité. L’idée d’une ceinture verte ne nous aide pas à la mise en relation de ces trois paysages. La

forme du système écologique est inscrite dans la topographie et dans le travail des

eaux. Les côteaux jouent un rôle de mise en relation des deux autres paysages. Il s’agit d’accentuer les possibilités de percolation

au travers des côteaux pour connecter les forêts à l’eau, plutôt que d’imaginer de

grands couloirs.

2 les bandes boisées et d’agriculture biologique

Aujourd’hui la pollution des eaux est en grande partie déterminée par l’agriculture.

On imagine de concentrer autour des zones de captation d’eau potable 20%des terrains

dédiés à l’agriculture biologique comme le préconise le Grenelle de l’environnementd’ici

à 2020, avec la recommandation que ces surfaces puissent être situées de préférence

sur les 700.000 hectares des périmètres de captation d’eau potable et de renforcer

les bandes de végétation le long des cours eaux.

3 habiter le périmètreAujourd’hui les parcs sont rarement des lieux de connexion entre les différentes parties qui

les entourent, mais plutot de distanciation et de séparation. On a étudié les bords des

parcs existants et on a sélectionné ceux qui pourraient etre modifiés et transformés.

Là on imagine des rives habitées mais perméables qui puissent rendre plus aisée

l’appropriation du parc.



connexions écologiques

espaces verts boisés

agriculture biologique


plateaux, côteaux et vallées: les relations écologiques© équipe Studio 09, Secchi-Viganò

4. espaces verts et agricoles: appropriation et biodiversité

94 95

une ville poreuse est une ville où la biodiversité percole et où les parcs ne

séparent pas

couches et stratégies

1 les côteaux, la plaine, les plateauxLe territoire du Grand Paris est composé

de trois grands paysages qui ont des rôles différents dans le système écologique: les

forêts sur les sols pauvres des plateaux, les zones humides de la vallée, les côteaux

avec leur richesses en biodiversité. L’idée d’une ceinture verte ne nous aide pas à la mise en relation de ces trois paysages. La

forme du système écologique est inscrite dans la topographie et dans le travail des

eaux. Les côteaux jouent un rôle de mise en relation des deux autres paysages. Il s’agit d’accentuer les possibilités de percolation

au travers des côteaux pour connecter les forêts à l’eau, plutôt que d’imaginer de

grands couloirs.

2 les bandes boisées et d’agriculture biologique

Aujourd’hui la pollution des eaux est en grande partie déterminée par l’agriculture.

On imagine de concentrer autour des zones de captation d’eau potable 20%des terrains

dédiés à l’agriculture biologique comme le préconise le Grenelle de l’environnementd’ici

à 2020, avec la recommandation que ces surfaces puissent être situées de préférence

sur les 700.000 hectares des périmètres de captation d’eau potable et de renforcer

les bandes de végétation le long des cours eaux.

3 habiter le périmètreAujourd’hui les parcs sont rarement des lieux de connexion entre les différentes parties qui

les entourent, mais plutot de distanciation et de séparation. On a étudié les bords des

parcs existants et on a sélectionné ceux qui pourraient etre modifiés et transformés.

Là on imagine des rives habitées mais perméables qui puissent rendre plus aisée

l’appropriation du parc.



connexions écologiques

espaces verts boisés

agriculture biologique


plateaux, côteaux et vallées: les relations écologiques© équipe Studio 09, Secchi-Viganò

4. espaces verts et agricoles: appropriation et biodiversité

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Studio 08, La Metropole Poreuse. Open spaces and waters

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Studio 08, La Metropole Poreuse

60 61106 10790 91

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam,1991-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam,1991-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam,1991-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam,1991-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Borneo/Sporenburg, Amsterdam,1993-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Borneo/Sporenburg, Amsterdam,1993-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Borneo/Sporenburg, Amsterdam,1993-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Borneo/Sporenburg, Amsterdam,1993-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Borneo/Sporenburg, Amsterdam,1993-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Borneo/Sporenburg, Amsterdam,1993-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Borneo/Sporenburg, Amsterdam,1993-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Borneo/Sporenburg, Amsterdam,1993-1996

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Adriaan Geuze, West 8, Borneo/Sporenburg, Amsterdam,1993-1996

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MVRDV, Buga 2001 / Plant City, Postdam, Berlino, 1997

“Might be conceivable to construct a park with no style of its own, where all the elements of a garden, all the plants, even all the styles, are

loosely linked together?

Where the elements are arranged alphabetically, everything easy to find and to refer to, like one

unimaginably large collection?

A Pixel Town where the boundaries between park and building become indistinct and where the building dissolves into a landscape of


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Saved elements

hills and accesses

97 streets920 fields

17 avenues

Alphabetical zones

MVRDV, Buga 2001 / Plant City, Postdam, Berlino, 1997

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MVRDV, Buga 2001 / Plant City, Postdam, Berlino, 1997

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MVRDV, Buga 2001 / Plant City, Postdam, Berlino, 1997

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Archizoom, No Stop City, 1970

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Andrea Branzi, Agronica, 1995

Rural model of weak urbanization based on converting and producing natural energies Model that can be used in a lot of reversing different ways

Unexpressing materials and buildings

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Andrea Branzi, Strijp Philips, Eindhoven, 1999

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Andrea Branzi, Strijp Philips, Eindhoven, 1999

The design of the ground has not been traced on a car raod model but as a patern composed by pedestrian, cycling and tramway paths . A sort of wide “tartan” made by weak infrastructures traced on the field.

On this wide tartan we can design the composition of layers of services, housing and commercial buildings, gardens, transports, lighting.

A central axe is located on the north-south railway with theatres, lunaparks, research centers, mills and wind turbines (a sort of wind farm).

All the infrastructure related to the distribution of energies are aerial and not grounded

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Andrea Branzi, Strijp Philips, Eindhoven, 1999

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Christopher Lamarca, Defenders of the Forest, 2005Richard Long, Walking a line in Peru, NY 1986

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Richard T.T. FormanMosaico territorial for the Barcelona Metropolitan Region

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Dennis Oppenheim, Annual Rings, 1968

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Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning, Patches / Edges and Boundaries / Mosaics

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Grounding the cityApproaches, Tools and Techniques

In the name of:


Process vs FormTechniques


“Landscape urbanism brings together two previously unrelated terms to suggest a new hybrid discipline” James Corner

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Hilberseimer, Ludwig, The City in the Landscape

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Landslag Ltd. Landscape Architects FILA, Avalanche-protection structures, Islanda, 1998-1999

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Chriss Reed / Stoss Landscape Urbanism, Riverside Park, New Bedford, Massachusets, 2001-2002

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1. fields2. parkings3. skateboarding4. playgrounds5. basket6. football7. garden8. wind turbine9. riverside

“This project is conceived as a mutable ground for hydrologic, ecological, and programmatic adaptation. It taps into on-site hydrologies and ecologies, both present and latent, to set in motion a re-appropriation of site, program, and context. Together, landform and vegetal strategies initiate estabilishment of a

dynamic performance ground for growth, succession, and modification.”

Chriss Reed / Stoss Landscape Urbanism, Riverside Park, New Bedford, Massachusets, 2001-2002

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Chriss Reed / Stoss Landscape Urbanism, Riverside Park, New Bedford, Massachusets, 2001-2002

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Chriss Reed / Stoss Landscape Urbanism, Riverside Park, New Bedford, Massachusets, 2001-2002

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Chriss Reed / Stoss Landscape Urbanism, Riverside Park, New Bedford, Massachusets, 2001-2002

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Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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“Staten Island can assume a new identity as an expansive nature sprawl. A spread of lush vegetation, birds, mammals, and amphibians. A new nature-lifestyle island, both destination and envy of the surronding urbanites. As a catalyst for this new identity, the reclaimed Fresh Kills Reserve will form the heart of an expansive

green matrix of infinite horizons and newly connected ecosystems.”

Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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“We propose a matrix of linear pathways and elements (threads), surfaces and fields (mats), and clustering groupings (islands) to maximize opportunities for access and movement - movement of seeds and biota as well as people and activities.”

Linear Threads: water, energy and matter around the site.Clusters of islands: protected habitat, seed source, program activity

Surface mats: renovated salt marsh, eastern prairie, recreation fields, freshwaters wetlands, event surfaces.

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Seeding: pubblic access into safe areas of the reserve, restoration of native habitat, creating landscapes for the immediate neighborhoods.Infrastructure: new roadways, utilities, plantings, structures for a wide range programs.

Programming: golf, sports, education, arts, green-houses...

Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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“The site presents an opportunity to develop a new form of pubblic-ecological landscape, an alternative paradigm of human creativity, biologically informed, guided more by time and process than by space and form.”

“Ecological reflection, passive recreation, active sports and exercise, creativity, performance and cultural events, community development, economic enhancement and neighborhood revitalization all take their place alongside the micro-macroscopic processes of lifescape.”

Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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Field Operations, Lifescape. Fresh kills Parklands, Staten Island (NY), 2001

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Ecosistema urbano, Ecological Boulevard for a socially innovative public space, Madrid, 2004-2007

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Ecosistema urbano, Ecological Boulevard for a socially innovative public space, Madrid, 2004-2007

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Ecosistema urbano, Ecological Boulevard for a socially innovative public space, Madrid, 2004-2007

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Ecosistema urbano, Ecological Boulevard for a socially innovative public space, Madrid, 2004-2007

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Ecosistema urbano, Ecological Boulevard for a socially innovative public space, Madrid, 2004-2007

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Ecosistema urbano, Ecological Boulevard for a socially innovative public space, Madrid, 2004-2007

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Ecosistema urbano, Ecological Boulevard for a socially innovative public space, Madrid, 2004-2007

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Ecosistema urbano, Ecological Boulevard for a socially innovative public space, Madrid, 2004-2007

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Plan:b Arquitectos / Mazzanti Arquitectos, Public projects, Medellin /Caracas/Bogotà, 2000 >>

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Field Operations, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, The High Line, NY 2003-2009

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Grounding the cityApproaches, Tools and Techniques

Cusco Sun CityAn experimental territory on the site of the Alejandro Velasco Astete Airport

Politecnico di Torino, April 8th 2014