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Show & Tell grosum Performance Management Delivered !!!

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Post on 12-Aug-2015



Recruiting & HR

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Show & Tell

grosum Performance Management Delivered !!!

Easy, Configurable Review Process flows & assessment forms

Options for Self-assessment, multi-level reviews & Moderation

Showcase: Review Process

Source Performance Measures from Industry Standard libraries.

Import Measures from previous assessments & set templates.

Showcase: Goal Libraries

Performance Measures rated by Balanced Scorecard perspectives.

View SELF & REVIEWER ratings side by side

Get overall rating based on weighted average of goal/competencies ratings

Showcase: Review Ratings

Ability to compare within reviewees in a single screen & give relative rating.

Ensures consistency of review.

Showcase: Comparative Rating

Document Profession & Competency development aspects

Identify employee training needs

Recommend for transfer & promotion – specifications for new role.

Showcase: Development Plan

Configure 360 Feedback reviewer profiles – Internal & External

Set rating scales for feedback.

Showcase: 360 Feedback Process

Send Feedback form on email.

Ensure easy access & quick completion.

Showcase: 360 Feedback

Import Recommendations from LinkedIn & Feedback on eMails.

Tag with performance parameters for easy reference during reviews.

Showcase: LinkedIn Recommendations

Give & Get instant feedback to & from colleagues.

Tag with performance measures to be available at review.

Showcase: Instant Feedback

Normalize ratings based on individual reviewer’s rating statistics.

Remove bias from reviewers ratings & ensure review parity.

Showcase: Normalize Ratings

Showcase: Performance Scores

360 Feedback

Overall Performance Scores combing Review & 360 Feedback Ratings.

Scores are based on normalized ratings & percentages, irrespective of rating scale.

Grade employees based on ranking of normalized ratings.

Identify top performers & laggards for personalized development planning.

Showcase: Performance Grades Performance Grade

Determine pay raise & bonus payouts, based on budget & normalized

performance scores.

Showcase: Increment & Bonus

Showcase: Auto Recommendations

Automatically determine increments based on review performance grades.

Maintain conditions for optimization & check for conflicts.

Issue review letters based on specific review outcomes for employees.

Personalize the review letter format & generate PDF ready for print.

Showcase: Review Letters

Showcase: Analytics

Detailed & summary analytics on performance.

Drill down & compare performance at a goal level.

Thank You

Performance Management
