green music soirée

Accelerating the Energiewende 4 September 2012 Berlin Music Week, Berlin GREEN MUSIC SOIRÉE

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The Green Music Dinner finally returns to Berlin as Green Music Soirée! After holding very inspiring and successful Green Music Dinners in Hamburg, in Cologne in the context of the c/o pop and already two times at the Melt! Festival, the upcoming Green Music Soirée takes place in on the eve of the Berlin Music Week. On the 4th of September selected international and national representatives of the music scene, science, politics, NGOs and environmental associations will get together to collaboratively generate new and innovative ideas on how to run their operations smarter & greener. Keynotes and input statements will offer a variety of topics for rich and lively discussions during the Green Music Soirée. More information on:


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Accelerating the Energiewende

4 September 2012Berlin Music Week, Berlin


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CHRISTOPH VON KNOBELSDORFFStaatssekretär in der Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Forschung Berlin

Green Music – da fallen einem Al Green, Fiddlers Green oder Green Day ein, aber auch das erste Greenville Festival, das gerade im Juli dieses Jahres vor den

Toren Berlins erstmals über die Bühnen ging. Bei Greenville und der Idee der Macher ökologische Aspekte bei der Organisation zu beachten, ist man schon nahe dran an dem, was hier gemeint ist: green music, green clubbing, green festivals. Wer schon auf einer Musikmesse mit Flyern überschüttet wurde, die Lichtanlage einer Großraumdiskothek oder die Müllberge eines Festivals gesehen hat, ahnt, dass für eine bessere Ökobilanz einiges zu tun ist.

Der Jahresstromverbrauch eines Clubs entspricht rund 40 Drei-Personenhaus-halten, ein Festival hat den CO2 Fußab-druck einer Kleinstadt und die Besucher verursachen täglich die doppelte Menge Müll verglichen mit einem Durchschnitts-bürger. Aber interessant ist auch, dass 48% der europäischen Fans mehr Geld für Greener Events ausgeben würden.

Hier setzt das Team rund um Jacob Bilabel mit der Green Music Initiative an. Nicht mit erhobenem Zeigefi nger sondern mit kleinen, aber effektiven Schritten sollen Wege hin zu einer klima- verträglichen Musik- und Entertainment-branche gefunden und gegangen werden.

Ein Beispiel dafür ist der Masterplan "Green Berlin Music Week" Schon 2010 wurde erstmalig ein Leitbild für eine umweltverträgliche und klimaschützende Berlin Music Week entwickelt. Die Vielzahl der Orte, Konzepte und Akteure stellt ein systematisches Umwelt- management vor große Herausforderun-gen, um die nicht zu unterschätzenden Umwelteinwirkungen zu minimieren. Gemeinsam mit der Green Music Initiative haben die Veranstalter Lösung-sansätze entwickelt, wie diese Heraus-forderung in Zukunft sinnvoll gemeistert werden kann. Und darin liegen Chancen.

Die „Green Economy“ ist Wachstums-faktor un Innovationsmotor, Ressourcen-effi zienz wird zu einem immer wichtigeren Wettbewerbsfaktor. Green Music und Green Economy – das kann ein spannendes Duo werden, von dem wir in Zukunft gern mehr hören.

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JACOB BILABELFounder of the Green Music Initiative

During a recent visit to the SXSW conference in Austin / Texas I had meetings with three US Cleantech Start-Ups. Be-

side the all american tendency of hardsel-ling their products I was taken by the per-spective all of them had on the business opportunity they saw in climate change: "Climate change is one of the greatest wealth generating opportunities of our generation.“, said Robin working with Sir Richard Branson’s Carbon War Room (yes, that Branson). He put it as bluntly as I never had heard it before. Then he suceeded with: „Almost all technologies necessary to meet our global 2020 emis-sions reduction requirements exist today.“ Only market barriers would reinforce the status quo and prevent capital from fl ow-ing to sustainable solutions with compel-ling returns.

Being in Texas, the heartland of fossil fuel gulping mega heavy SUVs and ACs cranked on artic levels just for the fun of it (and home to Bush & Perry), that some-how naive view blew some fresh air into the room and my head.

Before that I felt that we could not solve the challenges ahead with the same mechanisms which created most of them („the ever growing business & markets way of thinking“). Is there really a market-driven solution to climate change as long as we have smart enough entre-preneurs to seize this opportunity? For most of my new friends I met in Texas, Germany was a blueprint for a smart new approach, a roadmap for other countries to follow. Besides „Kindergarten“ and „Autobahn“, they had learned a new German word in the last months: „Energiewende“.

They understood the necessity to move away from dangerous or harmful ways of producing energy like nuclear or coal towards renewables. And instead of asking what it will cost, they saw it as an investment into the future, which will re-turn with a beautiful margin for those who adopt early. As there will be no other way.

When we came to talk about the ener-gy effi ciency work the GMI is doing with festivals, clubs and concert venues, we realized the lack of a genuine energy product tailored to the unique needs of the entertainment sector. Five beers later the idea for Green Music Energy was born. From 2013 on Green Music Energy will power all the things we love to do to-gether. Regional. Decentralized. Competi-tively priced. And maybe even a bit faster & louder than your old energy. See you in the Grid.

Harder. Faster. Greener Music Energy.

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Large events are ma-jor sources of pollution: thousands of people travelling from all over the place, scores of taxis and cars that jam up the streets, fl yers, guides,

programme booklets, masses of bro-chures, additional energy consumption that could easily supply a small town, unparalleled amounts of rubbish, a sea of material waste – the list goes on and on. However, alternatives do exist and greater care and awareness are called for in fu-ture, as shown by the numerous activities of the Green Music Initiative, an estab-lished partner of the Berlin Music Week since its foundation in 2010.

Just how seriously issues such as reduc-ing CO2 emissions, sustainability and environmental friendliness are being taken is being shown in a number of ways this year. As well as the Green Music Soirée, there are events such as the Clean Tech Media Award and the future workshop Ferropolis. There is also the best practice presentation of Velomax GmbH, a com-pany which is demonstrating itself to be one of the pioneers in the event industry by drawing up a sustainability concept for running an event arena, which is currently being put into practice.

Through the multitude of workshops and consulting services offered by the Green Music Initiative, together with our partners of the Berlin Music Week, we at Kulturprojekte Berlin have learnt a lot

about how we can turn green thinking into green actions. Examples of measures are event tickets which include public transport, shuttle services between event venues and greater use of digital media to avoid unnecessary amounts of paper for print publications. At the largest inner-city festival in Europe, the Berlin Festival at Flughafen Tempelhof, the event organis-ers have switched entirely to LEDs to reduce electricity consumption. We re-use advertising banners in the form of bags, deck chairs and other forms of seating. In the area of catering – also for participat-ing artists – we make sure that regional partners and products are used.

However, all these examples are just the beginning of the path to a Green Berlin Music Week. As event organisers, we believe that we have a responsibility to act as a role model and pioneer for our partners, consumers and music fans. We want to make the best possible use of this position. Mutual motivation within the music and culture industry is important to achieve the Eureka-effect, which will in turn be transferred to fans, festival-goers and clubbers, hopefully inspiring some of them to follow our lead.

MORITZ VAN DÜLMENManaging Director of Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH

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SYBIL FRANKESales & Marketing Director of Velomax Berlin Hallenbetriebs GmbH

Sustainability and environmental issues are becoming more and more important in the management of venues. The venue managers of multipurpose arenas

have taken quite a few years to catch up with the “new” demands of the environ-mental needs. Hotels and Congress Cent-er were the fi rst once to follow the new demands in the industry and create new standards in venue operations.

Our Management Team of Max-Schmeling-Halle was one of the fi rst in the industry who consciously decided to focus actively on sustainability and envi-ronmental conservation in the daily oper-ation of our huge building. Therefore several employees of Velomax set up a “Green Team” two years ago.

The team is now meeting regularly to improve the green activities, to renew the Green Globe Certifi cate every year and to defi ne which panels and exhibitions should be attended to gain knowledge, to expand the network and to share experiences.

We are still in a constant process of studying and we are seeking for new inspi-rations to offer green events and to help our clients who rent the venue to arrange a “clean” event. We are very concerned to act authentic, transparent and verifi able and dissociate ourselves from “popular” green washing.

We believe that the Green Music Soirée is a unique opportunity to share experiences and to gain more knowledge and inspiration in terms of green opera-tions. To discuss innovative approaches in the music industry with selected high-ranking representatives of music, politics, science, media and environmental institu-tions can lead to concrete results in the protection of our environment, in saving costs and supporting social engagement.


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The German Energie wende does not only seek to transform the energy system but implies the transforma-tion of society as a whole.

The Energiewende is not a technical change process in the fi rst place, but asks for new concepts like sustainable growth, collaborative capitalism, reallocation of social power and participation in econom-ic and political processes. They come along with a substantial shift of culture. New cultural patterns that go beyond the reduction of CO2 emissions and towards a more sustainable and better social life are emerging in our actual daily life through the Energiewende. Thus at 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung we want to contribute to a better understanding of this cultural transition.

We urgently need this interchange since the public debate about the Ener-giewende is increasingly being reduced to mere expert discussions focusing on very specifi c technocratic aspects that can’t be understood by the average citizen. We are at risk to fl atten the impressive social phe-nomenon Energiewende to an exclusive, hermetic, and sort of boring expert issue. However, there are many ways to awake the curiosity of the people in order to let them participate in this enormous collec-tive challenge. And here is where culture and art come to play a crucial role, not only as diffusion canals but especially as

promoters and agglutinative agents of the Energiewende in peoples’ lives.

That is why we are aware of the great importance of initiatives and activities like the Green Music Soirée, that mean to boost and to broaden the understanding of the signifi cance the energy transition has. Notably Berlin is becoming a double-capital. Not only is Berlin the leading center for cosmopolitan culture, but is also about to become the capital of the Energiewende. This makes Berlin a unique venue for platforms like the Green Music Soirée, a hot spot for creating social transitions like the Energiewende.

We believe that the German Energiewende is a social and borderless transformation issue. We are happy to become part of a community that invites many more people to get involved in this major cultural process. Music and all kinds of arts will become agents for a new social model of sustainability that fi nds its fi rst manifestation in the Energiewende.

RENÉ MONOManaging Director of 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung

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HENRIK KUFFNERChief Executive Offi cer of WindMade

WindMade is proud to support the Green Music Soirée. We believe that increased sustainabili-ty in music events can have massive benefi ts not only for the environmen-

tal impact of festivals, but also for a more positive reputation with festival goers, for environmental innovation and for better environmental awareness both inside the industry and towards the public.

Events are highly resource intensive, and, if there are not managed carefully, can have negative environmental consequences. We are therefore delighted to see that there is a trend towards hosting events in a more environmentally, socially and economically responsible way.

WindMade is the fi rst global label for events, products and companies that use wind power, and as part of our commitment to renewable energy, we stand ready to help the events industry green their power consumption.

Since February 2011, the WindMade label can be applied to events that procure 100% of their electricity from renewable power. For many conference organisers that are already making efforts to green their events, WindMade now offers a credible label certifying their commitment to renewable power. This will resonate strongly with the public and help differentiate events in a meaningful way.

Wind energy is a growing power source in many parts of the world, and in some countries such as Denmark, Spain and Portugal, wind power now contributes more than a fi fth of the overall power generation. Since 2000, wind power represented nearly a third of all new power stations in the EU, and in 2011, more than 70% of all new power generation was renewable. This shows that wind and other renewable technologies have well and truly entered the mainstream for electricity generation.

The objective of WindMade is to raise awareness to the great environmental, economic and social benefi ts of wind power and other renewable energy sources, and to help foster a more positive association in consumers’ (and festival goers’!) minds. By working with the music events industry, we believe that we can achieve both, and cooperation with the Green Music Initiative is an important step into this direction.


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HARALD WELZERFounder of FUTURZWEI. Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit

There is a social movement, which does not yet know of its own existence. This sentence is not as absurd as it fi rst appears to be: All social movements, from the American civil-rights

movement to the feminist movement, were at fi rst mostly invisible, except for a few prominent activists. They were mainly made up of a latent community; the members of which neither realised that they were part of a group nor that were contributing to a shared project of reformation.

This is also the case for the current movement which is attempting to win back the future.

The protagonists of this movement have one particular characteristic in com-mon: they are young and, rightly so, worried about the future; not only about their own futures, but about the condi-tions for survival of mankind as a whole. Their quest applies to the loss of a viable future and especially to fi ghting against a life-style and a consumer culture, the envi-ronmental results of which threaten to put the whole climatic system at risk.

It is a counter movement against the global culture of irresponsibility. That this counter movement is primarily borne by younger people is no coincidence: they are the ones who still have a future to lose and they are also the ones for whom the Internet and social networks are not just a communication media, but are also an organisational media.

Still, actual protest and real change always have locations and occasions. In the same way that in today’s digital world beer is still served in a bar, so too should a movement against the destructive busi-ness-as-usual have its places, span distan-ces and be bound to real people who, wherever they are organise fl ash mobs, create petitions, ride their bikes to so called Earth Summits, lobby politicians, organise concerts and parties or even green festivals.

A political movement is always a matter of social learning and the estab-lishment of common ground: to overcome resistance, to reach goals, to have fun, to make friends – this far more a part of the creation of social movements than than the ongoing Power Point presentations about CO2 emissions, the incessant calcu-lation of carbon footprints and scientifi c reasoning to explain what every seven year old child is able to plainly see: that endless resource consumption is not possible in a fi nite world.

It is about experimenting with social practices that seek for an escape out of a culture of resource depletion and the oblivion of the future and to consequently pave the way for according concepts. This might not seem very powerful, but this is, as stated before, the way all social move-ments started out before they changed the world. They are always driven forward by minorities and fi ve percent of a populati-on is easily enough to set movements in motion.

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The Green Music Initiative acts as a pan European platform coordinating the music and entertainment industry’s efforts to minimise their climate impact. CO2-reduction strategies are implemented in close coopera-tion with scientifi c institutes, stakeholders and

artists, paving the way for others to follow. GMI showcases best practise with the objec-tive to create industry wide demand for innovative and sustainable solutions – both from the climate and business point of view.

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WindMade is the fi rst global consumer label for companies, events and products usingwind energy.

The WindMade label gives companies the ability to communicate their commitment to renewable energy in an intuitive and credible way, by being part of an independent certifi -cation programme. Many brands have already made strong statements on this, but until now, they did not have the ability of credible, independent certifi cation of their claims. WindMade now provides this tool.

Labels are a powerful tool for differentiating a company, enhancing brand perception and guiding consumer behaviour. The Wind-Made label gives consumers the opportuni-tyto choose companies and products that are in line with their own values. By making informed decisions, they will reward compa-nies that have a clear commitment towards sustainability and renewable energy.

WindMade was fi rst introduced in 2011 by its founding partners (UN Global Compact, WWF, Vestas Wind Systems, the Global Wind Energy Council and the LEGO Group). Bloomberg is the offi cial data provider, and PwC the offi cial WindMade verifi cation partner.

The WindMade Company Label, which was launched in October 2011, communicates the percentage of wind electricity as a share of the overall electricity consumption of a company’s operations. To qualify, compa-nies must pledge to source a minimum of 25%of their electricity consumption from wind power. According to the technical standard,this can be achieved through a company-owned wind power generation facility, along-term power purchase agree-ment for wind power, or the purchase of high quality Renewable Energy Certifi cates approved by WindMade.

For maximum transparency, the exact percentage of the wind energy share will be stated on the label. Companies can choose to certify global, regional or even facility level operations, a distinction that will be clearly communicated on the label itself.

Motorola Mobility, Deutsche Bank, BD, Method, the LEGO Group and Bloomberg were among the fi rst companies to sign up to use the Company Label.

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The Berlin Music Week is a fi ve-day, city-powered con-stellation of music showcas-es, concerts, parties, confer-ences, panels, seminars and networking opportunities. As a hosting city, Berlin furthers its role as creative provocateur, with curated offerings that provide audience and professionals a compact panorama of what's trending in the international music industry. Berlin Music Week is de-signed and coordinated by Kulturprojekte Berlin and supported by the Senate Department for Economy, Technology and Research, Berlin Partner and visitBerlin.

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Berlin is a renowned city of transition. For more than twenty years, she has grown, lolled and changed in her role as a music capital, simultaneously setting global trends.

The city changes at a dizzying pace and change is good if you see and take advantage of the substance you fi nd here. Celebrated worldwide as one of the most interesting spots for creativity, innovation, originality, uniqueness and authenticity – not least because of its pioneering mix of music industry, festivals and club events – Berlin sets a matchless international standard. A variety of music events are held year-round, all them catering in different ways to the countless interests, needs and expectations of event organisers, associations, networks as well as consumers. Nevertheless, because of the large number of individual efforts and activities, the communicative impact both inside and outside the city is too weak to truly, effectively put Berlin on the map as THE international music capital in the world. With Berlin Music Week, the city has a platform, the activities, commitment, diversity, passion, synergies, communication and charisma tied into one. This broad and cooperative presentation reinforces Berlin’s standing as an international music hotspot both within the city and beyond. Supervised directly by Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH, from Septem-ber 5-9 Berlin Music Week will become not only a communicative, but organisational framework for the activities of its local and international partners. The project is supported by the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research, Berlin Partner and visitBerlin.

Green Berlin Music Week:

After two successful years of cooperation, the Berlin Music Week and the Green Music Initiative put together a new, diverse programme for 2012. Covering events including inspiring network evenings, panel discussions on recent developments, presentations of innovative ideas and an award ceremony. All events follow the aim to boost the idea development processes and their actual implementation for a greener music and entertainment industry. Come and be inspired!

Green Music Soirée• Tuesday, 04.09.2012• 18:00 - 22:00 h, Katz Orange• By invitation only!

Greener Arena Index: perspectives and challenges for a greener arena• Panel discussion• Wednesday, 05.09.2012• 12:30 - 13:30 h, Spreespeicher

Sunplugged Stage & "Walkable Ener-giewende" on Ferropolis – Presentation of the Zukunftswerkstatt Ferropolis Project• Thursday, 06.09.2012• 14:00 - 17:00 h, Landesvertretung

Sachsen-Anhalt/ Representation of Saxony-Anhalt

Green Music Award @ Clean Tech Media Award• Friday, 07.09.2012• 19:00 - 23:00 h, Tempodrom• By invitation only!

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15 years ago the Max-Schmeling-Halle in Berlin opened to the public. Since then it has become one of the leading arenas of the capital and in the country. In total, 1,100 events have taken place at the arena - ranging from national and interna-tional concerts of all types; extraordinary stage and television shows; and sport-ing events including 18 World Championships. Such events have attracted more than 10 million spectators.

© Sebastian Greuner

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Sustainability and environmental conserva-tion in Live Entertainment Business are no contradiction at Max-Schmeling-Halle Berlin. The Management Team of Max-Schmeling-Halle follows the Motto Avoiding. Decreas-ing. Balancing.

Given the venue’s size and subsequent impact on the environment, the manage-ment of Max-Schmeling-Halle was one of the fi rst in the industry who consciously de-cided to focus actively on sustainability and environmental conservation in the daily op-eration of the building. Max-Schmeling-Halle is a pioneer regarding green building operations and is taking this role and its responsibilities extremely serious.

The Max-Schmeling-Halle is integrated into a park landscape on the grounds of the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn Sports Park and is called the “Green Bridge” as it connects for-mer East and West Berlin with its green and rounded down roof.

It is directly situated in a densely occupied neighborhood with which the venue management works closely regarding “Field-Development.” It has very good traffi c links. There are 1,064 solar collectors installed on the roof of the arena which produce 225 Mwh per year.

The elegant architecture meets both high aesthetic standards and sustainable stand-ards. For example, the northern side glass facades. These facades allow production set up works during daylight. Thermal insulation and the preconditioning of outside air before it is heated up and used inside the venue are

energy saving facts also brought along by its forward looking architect Jörg Joppien who build the arena in 1997.

Examples of “green operation”:

• Gentle use of water and energy• Use of daylight for loading and production

set up• 1.064 Solar collectors on roof• Waste reduction and separation in all

divisions• Energy savings through renewal of control

technologies (use of LED displays instead of ordinary lamps)

• Reduction of carbon dioxide emission through cooperation with local suppliers

• Environmentally friendly facility cleaning by using green certifi ed detergents

• Closely cooperate with surrounding neigh-borhood to commonly develop other “green operation” processes

• Closely cooperate with the Senat of Berlin to fulfi ll the sports and cultural guidelines of the City of Berlin

• Preconditioning of outside air for heating and cooling

The Max-Schmeling-Halle is a “Green Globe” certifi ed arena. It is the fi rst multi-purpose arena of this size in Germany that earned the EVVC Certifi cation in 2010 and 2011.

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Leading the way for the energy of the future

Our road map for 100% re-newable energy is also very clearly defi ned. It is faster and cheaper to achieve than the plans of the German govern-ment. At the same time, it is environmentally friendly, effi cient, and involves public participation.

© 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung

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We can achieve the goal of our plan with a distribution of decentralized renewable power plants across Germany. Decentralized means power that is generated close to the area where it is used, or in the vicinity of towns and cities. This reduces the costs entailed in expanding the grid and makes acceptance higher because people can directly profi t from the creation of value where they live. Decentralized power production also enables us to work in close harmony with the environment – energy parks blend in with natural surroundings.

Working areas: • Intelligence • Education • Local Networks• Science

Our concept of 100% renewable energy can be achieved with the following considerations:

For the future we know the fastest way to achieve 100% renewable energy production.

Monopolies on the energy market should be a thing of the past. Consumers will become free “prosumers” with a choice of energy supply, which they will also produce them-selves. We support public involvement in the energy revolution from the grass-roots level up.

For the environment renewable energy is clean and green. Environmental sustainabili-ty is not a goal, but a fundamental principle that underlies everything else. We stand for an integrated approach to environmental protection, species conservation and the expansion of renewable power plants.

With the region local businesses stand to do well. Decentralized renewable power plants create employment and promote local devel-opment. We support the creation of value at the regional level across the board.

For the consumer power has to remain affordable. The heat and electricity generat-ed from renewable sources will become cheaper and cheaper – all the more so when it is produced in the right locations. We argue the case for greater effi ciency in the funding of renewable energy projects.

Renewable energy is safe. It is available in unlimited supply, it does not require the use of life-threatening technology, and it makes the consumer less dependent on imported energy. Furthermore, renewable energy that is produced close to the consumer reduces strain on the grid. Whether you look at it from a political, social or rational perspec-tive, there is no alternative to 100% renewable energy.

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GUESTSof the Green Music Soirée

Marcus AdamManaging Director of hdpk Hochschule der populären Künste Marcus Adam worked from 1993 till 2011 for Viva and MTV and is now the Manag-

ing Director of the hdpk Hochschule der populären Künste.

Vito AvantarioReporter/Editor at Greenpeace Magazin Vito Avantario currently works for theGreenpeace Magazin Germany as journal-

ist, reporter and author. He covers subjects reaching from politics, over art, human rights, media and sports. Previous to that he was a freelance reporter for the Stern, Financial Times Germany, Brandeins, Man-ager Magazin, Frankfurter Rundschau, Tagesspiegel, +Magazin der Süddeutschen Zeitung, Telepolis, Galore, Feld, Aufbau, Spiegel Online, du (switzerland) and monocle (gb).

Sabine BangertMember of the Greens - House of RepresentativesMember of the State Parliament of Berlin and spokeswoman for Labor market

policy and cultural policy for The Greens in Berlin.

Jan Hendrik BeckerFounder of poplitics Productions BerlinJan presents a travel-show for German national broadcaster NDR TV. With his pro-

duction company he aims to bring together pop and politics. Jan worked in music television - until ringtone killed it. He really likes the internet.

Sophia BeckerEnvironmental Psychologist I'm an environmental psychologist, currently working out my PhD proposal. Its working title is: “The human dimen-

sion of energy politics – Germany’s Energiewende from a national and European perspective”. My next praxis project is a workshop about environmental psychology at the ökoRAUSCH Festival for Design and Sustainability.

Daniel W. BestCEO of Bestworks

He has been involved in Berlin club culture for over 15 years as a dj, event/concert-organizer, label-owner, publisher,

club-owner. At the moment he is heavily involved in booking and touring artists (from Electronic- to Jazz music) around the world both djs and live-bands and working on his new project G.I.Disco.

Cathy BoomEditor in Chief of style & the family tunes / stylemag

Cathy Boom is founder and publisher of Style & the Family Tunes Magazine and As editor in chief of the publication she pushed the borders of independent publishing for 15 years and developed a unique approach towards pop-cultural issues such as music, art and fashion and social issues.

Alexander BormannCEO of EnerKite GmbH

Studied aeronautical and wind engineer-ing in Kiev and Berlin. Founder and Head of aeroíx GmbH - manufacturer of thermal

insulation for event architecture. Founder and CEO of EnerKíte – the leading company for airborne wind energy - better affordable and available energy for the future. a unique approach towards pop-cultural issues such as music, art and fashion and social issues.

Melanie BötticherMarketing Manager of Spreequell Mineralbrunnen GmbHAfter 10 years as a account executive in advertising agencies like Dorland

or SelectNY she decided to work for the non-alcoholic market.

Benjamin BuddeHead of Creative Department at Budde MusicBenjamin initally started a small record company and recording studio in a small

Berlin 'bunker' whilst still at school. In 2008, on com-pleting both school and his music business studies, he entered the family music publishing business and

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in 2010 became an authorised representative of Rolf Budde Musikverlag GmbH. He is currently Head of the Creative Department at Budde Music Germany, han-dles Business Affairs, and heads the newly founded Budde Music Companies in the USA.

Julian ButzFounder of KOLLEKTIFKOLLEKTIF is both an artist management agency and a collective of visionary peo-ple from all parts of the Creative Indus-

tries. We're specialised in the creation and realisation of innovative concepts for emerging acts and brands. KOLLEKTIF believes in the power of long-term artist development and sustainable event management.

Jens ChristianiManaging Director of MedialustFormer Marketing Director of WOM World of Music, Publisher of Music- and Artmagazines, Consulting.

Ralph ChristophHead of strategy of cologne on pop GmbHRalph H. Christoph is a founding member, former program director and now head of

strategy of the festival c/o pop and the C’n’B Creativity & Business Convention in Cologne. One of the main issues is the »Europareise«, an international network with over 75 European festivals from 25 countries, as well as a close collaboration with projects in the regions of South Asia, South-East Asia, and South-America.

Nadja Clarus Senior Consultant Music Industries at the Senate Departement for EconomicsOne of the developer of the Berlin Music Week in 2010.

Dr. J. Daniel DahmExecutive Director of Ethical-Ecological Rating a.d. Goethe University / German Association of The Club of Rome

Dr. J. Daniel Dahm is CEO of United Sustainabil-ity, Executive Director of Ethical-Ecological Rating, Goethe-University, Owner of DDC Daniel Dahm Con-sult, Advisory Board Member of Federation of German Scientists, Co-Founder of Desertec Foundation, Cura-tor of Utopia Foundation, Fellow of BMW Foundation, Co-Founder of “goodgoods. The sustainable consumer goods show”.

Christian Diekmann COO/CFO of DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AGChristian Diekmann is the Chief Financial Offi cer and Operating & Marketing Offi cer

of DEAG. Previous to that he also worked for Volk-swagen AG, Porsche AG and Konzertbüro Schoneberg GmbH.

Björn DöringProject Manager of Berlin Music WeekBjörn Döring came to Berlin in 1993 with two visions: becoming a rockstar or a music journalist. He failed with the fi rst

one but succeeded with the second, working for magazines like Rolling Stone, Musikexpress or intro, newspapers like Berliner Zeitung and hosting a radio show. As a festival organiser and music promoterheI worked at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Arena Berlin, Admiralspalast and he is now responsible for Berlin Music Week.

Ricardo dos Santos MiquelinoFounder and CEO of ... and dos SantosRicardo is the founder and managing director of ... and dos Santos. His passion lies in creating stories and worlds to

communicate lifestyle values for brands. He strongly believes that the best work comes from working with creators from various fi elds when developing crea-tive ideas and he continuously challenges traditional 'cookie cutter' solutions.

Mira EbmeierSales & Consulting at BOETHER Real-tyPartnerAs a full-service company, we accompany your property along the entire value chain:

from the market analysis, conceptual consulting and implementation, to management and administration. With its comprehensive know-how and specifi c knowl-edge of the industry, BOETHER RealtyPartner creates quantifi able added value for its clients.

Robert EysoldtCreative Consultant at TriadRobert started his career in 1989 at the broadcaster RTL Television. From 2003 to 2006 he was Director TV at Universal

Music. Since 2006 he is working as a creative consult-ant for Triad. He is member of the board of directors at Create Berlin, co-founder of the music network a2n and he founded the collaboration project Farbwerte.

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Kerstin Emma FinkelsteinChief Editor of Radzeit at ADFC Kerstin Emma Finkelstein is a journalist and author. After studying in Hamburg, Prague and Vienna, she worked for a

german-jewish newspaper in Buenos Aires. After comming back to Germany she published some books about migration. At the moment she works for the german bikers club "ADFC" as chief editor of their magazin "radzeit"

Carlos FleischmannDirector of ct Creative Talent GmbH Founder of Berlin-based agency Creative Talent (2006) which supervises renowned artists from all over the world, such as

Kylie Minogue, as well as talented, new bands on their way to the top. Recently, he organized the fi rst agency's own festival "Greenville" near Berlin, focusing on eco friendliness, sustainability, energy-savings and supporting the local economy.

Sebastian FleiterTHE ELECTRIC HOTEL Born in Hamburg in 1971, artist Sebas-tian Fleiter has a certain obsession with electricity. Since 2011 he travels music

festivals, art exhibitions and industrial fairs with his project THE ELECTRIC HOTEL, which generates electricity, curiosity and utopian ideas.

Sybil FrankeSales & Marketing Director at Gegenbauer Location Management & Services GmbHSybil Franke is Sales & Marketing Director

of Velomax Berlin Hallenbetriebs GmbH and is mem-ber of the managing Board. Sybil has been working at Velomax for more than fi ve years and was for years employed in the entertainment production and in lead-ing positions in different marketing agencies before working at Velomax. Sybil believes in the importance of a sensible symbiosis of the operational processes in a venue and environmental conservation and sustain-ability in the Entertainment Business and is driving the green engagement at Velomax.

Oliver FrehseSenior Marketing & Sync Manager at Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Germany) GmbHFounder of CSR Marketing Agency Mak-

ing Sense, consulting brands like Warsteiner; Marc O'Polo etc with artist driven and media placed CSR-Concepts. Working since 2009 for Sony/ATV

Music Publ., giving campaigns and brands the sound to reach their target groups, e.g. Vodafone, Audi, VW Beetle, Nestea, Telekom, Daimler Benz, Commerzbank and many more. Always trying to connect artists and brands on a CSR cause.

Sylke FreudenthalDirector of Veolia Wasser/ Veolia StiftungAfter studying journalism and economy, she worked from 1993-2000 in the

corporate communication department of the construc-tion company Vinci. In 2001 she created the corprate foundation of Veolia Environment in Germany and is its director. Since 2006 she is also heading the depart-ment for sustainability within Veolia Wasser.

Michael FreundtAssistant Director of International Theatre InstituteMichael studied theatre history and philosophy and worked for festivals and

companies in the performing arts. With the ITI he is involved in various network projects in the fi eld of international dance and theatre exchange with a special focus on sustainable productions and long term cooperation.

Tina FunkCo-Founder & Managing Director of Creative Lobby GmbHCo-Founder and Managing Director of Creative Lobby gmbh, which has been set

up to help creative companies and artists to develop, market and secure their rights and ideas. Ex- SVP Music @ EMI Germany (Capitol, Virgin, Electrola, Labels & Mute), Ex- MD Mute Tonträger GmbH, trained journalist.

Matthias GebauerChief correspondent at Der SpiegelMatthias Gebauer's focus is on the global war on terrorism and its side effects. He has also covered natural disasters such as

the tsunami in South Asia and the hurricane Kathrina in New Orleans.

Max GemeinhardtCreative Director of Jung von Matt/SpreeMax Gemeinhardt is routed in digital art direction & user experience design. He is passionate about all things

digital & post-digital.

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Carl-Otto GenschHead of Öko-Institut`s Sustainable Product & Material Flow DivisionCarl-Otto Gensch, Head of Öko-Institut`s Sustainable Product & Material Flow Divi-

sion is very experienced in environmental as well as socio-economical impact assessment of products and materials – especially in the fi eld of electronics. Carl-Otto Gensch has good and long-lasting contacts to experts working in the fi eld of technological innovation in varios sectors.

Negar GhalamzanPR Manager at VICE Deutschland GmbH

Oke GoettlichFounder and Managing Director at fi netunes GmbHGöttlich is also board member of Merlin, the global rights agency representing

the world's most important set of independent music rights & VUT, the German association of independ-ent musiccompanies. He is also part of the advisory board of the RKW, as part of german federal ministry of economics & technology for the german creative industries.

Maja GöpelDirector Future Justice of World Future CouncilTo grasp the diversity of life Maja engages with the world as a student and teacher,

campaigner and researcher, visitor and manager. She enjoys creating projects and teams that shake up ap-parent facts and champion shared values in search for positive change in a crisis. Her particular passion lies in highlighting how worldviews and “objective” science infl uence behaviour and politics.

Dr. Dr. Alexander GörlachFounder and executive editor of The European Magazine

Dr. Lars GrotewoldProgramme Director Climate Change of Stiftung Mercator2003 – 2006 Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Edinburgh, UK (molecular

biology) 2006 – 2009 Scientifi c Offi cer, German Coun-cil for Science and Humanities (main science policy

advisory body to the Federal and the Regional Govern-ments), Cologne, Germany since 2009 Programme Director Climate Change, Stiftung Mercator, Essen, Germany.

Julia GudzentEnvironmental Manager at Melt! FestivalJulia started organizing shows in her hometown at age 16 and working as a tour manager just a couple of years

later. In 2003, she joined the Booking agency 2FORTHEROAD. Since 2005, she has been work-ing for Melt! Festival, which, a couple of years also founded Melt! Booking and became involved with Berlin Festival, Splash! festival and many other events.

Rene GurkaManaging Director of Newten Ventures GmbHBe Networker. Be Global. Be Berlin. After being a successful founder himself,

Executive at the German Chamber of Commerce in Atlanta and San Francisco. From 2007-2011 CEO at Berlin Partner. Since 2012 Co-Founder and CEO at Newten Ventures, a Seed Capital Investment fi rm in Berlin. Expert for business development and innova-tive technologies.

Paula HannemannCampaigns Director Germany at is a 16 million strong online platform empowering everyone, every-

where to launch, join, and win their own campaigns for social change. Previously, Paula worked as Social Media and Online Campaigning Manager at the World Wide Fund for Nature – the largest environmental organisation worldwide. In her role as head of social media and online campaigning. Paula designed the organisation‘s social media programme.

Sven HasenjägerCEO at 380gradTogether with Arne Ghosh, Sven Hasen-jäger runs 380grad Management. Our cli-ents are BOY, Agnes Obel, Olafur Arnalds,

Me & my drummer, TELE and many more. Our aim is to take care of environment by taking green footsteps before and during and after production (recording, cd production) and touring.

Maja HenkeSustainable development and public rela-tions at appletreegarden festivalAs founder member of the appletreegar-

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den festival organising team she is highly interested in the ecologically sensitive development of the appletreegarden festival. As member of the execu-tive board of oikos(student organisation on sustain-able economics and management)she initiated and organised workshops and lectures on ecological, economical and social sustainability. Currently doing reseasrch on Water Resource Management at the UFZ (Umweltforschungszentrum)in Leipzig.

Barbara HenneckePublic Affairs Manager at 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftungSince fi ve years Barbara deals with renewable energies as a PR Manager.

Building networks and cooperations, developping cam-paigns and online commuication are some aspects of her job at 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung. Before, she studied cultural studies and worked as a graphic designer.

Christian HudsonPolicy Strategy at Sabbatical from European CommissionCo-author of the European Union's Strate-gy for the transition to a Green Economy.

Once a corporate lawyer in London, a resource economist and sustainable development trainer with the UK government. He spent the last 8 years with the European Commission shaping individual environ-ment and energy policies. Most recently he produced the EU's overall policy strategy for for greening the EU economy. Using this year in Berlin to explore how business and governments can jointly create a supportive policy framework.

Timo JacobsDirector, actor, producer at prophetfi lmsJacobs was discovered by the famous Film-Maker Klaus Lemke. Jacobs was

leading in four Lemke movies and after that he mainly play in theaterfi lms like ,Dreileben-Komm Mir Nicht Nach under the lead of Dominik Graf and Christoph Hochhaüslers Eine Minute Dunkel. Both fi lms hat their premier and the Berlinale 2011. He had parts in Gegengrade, Blutzbrüdaz, internationally in Buffalo Sol-diers 44 and Giogio Dirittis warepos The Man Who Will Come(L´ Uomo Che Verra) next to Alba Rohrwacher and became the Grand Price Of The Jury at the Rome Internatial Film Festival. Jacobs was also working be-hind the Kamera. 2012 his fi rst feature fi lm was com-ing out to the theaters, the comedy Clapper Cowboy!. He was directing it together with Ulf Behrens and he is also doing the leading role of it. 2011 on the theater

stage he was playing the Ödipus The King /Sophokles in fi ne swiss theaters.

Dr. Ulf JaeckelHead of Division at Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsi-cherheit (BMU)He heads the division on green product

policy, standardisation and green public procurement and consumer policy in the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany, where benchmarks are set for labelling schemes like the Blue Angel, for green workshops and conferences, for effi ciency of energy related products like lightbulbs and others.

Sebastian KahlichHead of Talent & Artist Relation at Viacom International Media NetworkSebastian Kahlich is Head of Talent and Artist Relations Group of Viacom Interna-

tional Media Networks since 2011. Previous to that he worked for several years as Account Director at MTV Networks Germany GmbH and in different managing positions for companies such as Icon Impact GmbH, RTL Enterprises GmbH and Tomba Records GmbH.

Mike KellerManaging Director of Tempodrom Betriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGMike Keller is General Manager of the Tempodrom, which has actively support

climate protection since 2007. He comes with wide Experience in the fi eld of the event- and entertain-mentbranch. He worked several years as production manager for Karsten Jahnke Konzertdirektion GmbH, as event director for the O2 World Hamburg before he was General Manager for the O2 World Berlin.

Janina KlabesClustermanagement Musikwirtschaft Mannheim&RegionBesides the consultation and interlinking of founders, freelancers and established

companies in the fi eld of the music economy, the Clustermanagement exerts itself for further establish-ment of the region of Mannheim as an attractive and ambitious location for the music branch.

Dominik KlepperManager environment, sustainability and politics at Markenverband e.V.Dominik Klepper thinks that environment, sustainability, CSR and many other topics

related to environmental are very important.

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Anja KöhneSenior Policy and Communications Advi-sor at SEFEP - Smart Energy for Europe PlatformWith 1st Class Master of Arts in

European studies, economics, history and English literature, she has worked as scientist, NGO coordina-tor, lobbyist, facilitator and government consultant for two decades. Focussing on the role of Germany in the EU, the role of the EU in the world, and specifi cally transatlantic and EU-Asian relations, Anja covered a wide range of environmentally relevant policy areas, but mainly climate related energy, economic, transport and foreign policy.

Bellainga Königstadt von BerlinBellaBerlinBellainga is co-founder and owner of the music label R.O.T-respectortolerat. Furthermore, she discovered the band

Mia and is responsible for their Management and C.I. as well as of the R.O.T. Since 2010 she takes care of BellaBerlin: Living ART.

Prof Barbara KotteSCROLLANScrollan is a design studio in Berlin. Barbara Kotte is one of the three part-ners. Furthermore she is professor at

the HAWK University of applied Science and Arts in Hildesheim, faculty design.

Dr. Bas KragtAwareness and Production at United Music Events FoundationAwareness and Production at United Music Events Foundation, Amsterdam -

making events green. Organiser Meet Me, Cassius: folk music nights in Tivoli, Utrecht. Musician at Guild of Guilt. Student Cultural and Society Applied Sciences, Highschool of Utrecht.

Mieke LangieDirector Standards and Labeling at WindMadeMieke is responsible for all techni-cal aspects of the WindMade labeling

program, including the development and integrity of the standards as well as the interaction with members and third party verifi ers.Prior to this, Mieke worked for EDF-Luminus, the second largest electricity producer and energy supplier in Belgium, as Commercial Manager Green Energy & Carbon.

Lutz LeichsenringExecutive Board Member of Clubcommission Berlin e.V.Lutz Leichsenring is voluntary executive board member and press spokesman

of the Berlin Clubcommission – the representative association for Berlin’s club, party and cultural event promoters. Lutz Leichsenring is a member of the ple-nary assembly of the Berlin's chamber of commerce (IHK). As managing director of the publicity agency YOUNG TARGETS, Lutz Leichsenring is a specialist in youth-marketing and recruiting services.

Stefan LeuchtenEnergy Consultant at EnergieAgentur.nrwAfter my studies in chemical engineering I worked for a company which produces heat exchangers. At EnergieAgentur.NRW

I advise companies and municipalities on energy saving, climate protection and solar energy.

Andreas LichtenhahnAttorney, Partner at Sasse & Partner RechtsanwältePracticing law since 1996. Partner of the German entertainment and media law

fi rm Sasse & Partner. Clients: National and interna-tional artists and artist managements, music publish-ers and labels, fi lm- and TV- producers, broadcasters, brands and sport associations such as FIFA in regards to cooperation with the media industry.

Katja LuckerOwner of Idee Konzept KulturKatja Lucker is a Cultural Manager in Berlin since 1997.She curates and produces festivals, inter-

disciplinary projects, concerts mainly in the fi elds of in-ternational musicavantgarde and contemporary music. She is President of Kulturbrauerei e.V. in Berlin.From 2007 – 2011 she worked as a project developer on the fi eld creative industries for the Capitol of Europe 2010.Now she is doing the concept for the next year start-ing Berlin Musicboard together with Tim Renner.

Hendryk MartinCEO of BonoerMartin is founder of the cologne based consultancy agency Bonoer. He is giving good strategic advice for clients like

Deutsche Telekom, Converse and is working for music festivals like Melt!, Splash! and Berlin Festival.

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Dr. Dominik MatykaCEO of plistaSerial entrepreneur by heart.

Dr. Clara MavelliaHead of Institute of Cultural Entrepreneur-ship Institute Berlin UGClara Mavellia from Milan was granted

her doctorate at the Freie Universität in Berlin, where she has been working as an academic and journalist ever since. From September 2005 to April 2008 she commuted between Berlin and Munich to attend the interdisciplinary executive M.A. in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Univer-sität. To stimulate interaction between economics and philosophy, she founded the Institut für Cultural Entre-preneurship Berlin UG in March 2010. She organised the interdisciplinary conferences “Cultural Entrepre-neurship – Ethics and Innovation” (2010), “Cultural Entrepreneurship – Ethics, Finance and Politics” (2011) and “Cultural Entrepreneurship – Ethics and Health” (2012).

Heike MeadCoordinator, Outreach & Cultural Pro-grams at U.S. Embassy Berlin, Public AffairsResponsible for the youth outreach activi-

ties of the U.S. Embassy Berlin, I coordinate a variety of programs, projects and events designed to engage in a bilateral dialogue with youth in Germany. Topics include U.S.-German relations, environment, culture, integration and youth-specifi c current issues.

Anna MechelhoffProgramme Director at Piranha Kultur / WOMEXAnna Mechelhoff has a (geb. von Hagen) MA in Cultural Studies, since 2004 Pira-

nha Kultur Programme Director and responsible for the WOMEX & Classical:NEXT Conferences. Previous po-sitions include management of the Cultural Progamme at the Africa-Pavillion, EXPO 2000, Hannover and Agency GRIOT Booking- and Tourmanagement.

Brick MedakManager Energiepolitik at Lichtblick AGAfter working at the Bundestag and several NGO like WWF with in the fi eld of climate change and energey policy

Brick joined Germany's leading clean energy provider LichtBlick as Head of energy policy.

Sabine MinningerSenior Policy Advisor on Global Warming at EEDFollowing for 5 years the climate negotia-tions in the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Sabine actively lobbies for a fair global climate regime. Beyond regulations, she also asks the industry to act more climate responsible within their corporate social responsibility.

Jens MoirCFO at TanQuid GmbH & Co. KGPolygram GmbH (purchasing man-ager and later controller), Motor Music GmbH(fi nance director), Universal Music

Austria (CFO), Universal Music Germany (CFO), inde-pendent consultant, Q-Cells (CFO). In 2010 advised MEIF 2 on the integration of GWE into Techem. Since 2011 CFO of TanQuid GmbH & Co. KG

Rene MonoManaging Director of 100 prozent erneu-erbar stiftungAt 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung it is Rene's task to develop the institution

from a campaigning body to a think tank that gives the right impulses for the German, European and perspec-tively global "Energiewende". Before that job, Rene worked in the fi eld of Public Affairs as a consultant and energy specialist in Brussels and Berlin.

Ed MontgomeryMusician/ Representative at Pleasant RevolutionHe is a musician, composer, and fi lm-maker who owned and operated the arts

complex, Context Studios in NYC and Brooklyn from 1986 through 2009. In 2010 and 2012 he toured with the Pleasant Revolution, playing bicycle-powered music festivals throughout Europe and in Mexico.

Teresa MooreHead of Research and Education at Bucks New UniversityTeresa Moore is founder and member of the GO Group.She has initiated the

development of a series of conferences and short courses on sustainable event management at Bucks New University. She is a founder member on behalf of the University of the UN Music & Environment Initia-tive. She is also co-founder and CEO of MC9 Music, an independent music business.

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Tanja MuehlhansManager Creative Industries at Senate Department for Economics, Technology and ResearchUnder the framework of Berlin´s regional

Initiative Projekt Zukunft she pushed Berlin´s Creative Industries Initiative in 2005, implemented networks (music/ design), established platforms like Berlin Fash-ion Week and supported cross innovation projects. She develops strategies/ tools to foster the creative industries sector. She works in European projects like European Creative Industries Alliance(ECIA), is chairman of the Creative Industries working group on federal level as well as key person of UNESCO´s Creative Cities Network for Berlin. Since 2011 she also works as freelance consultant.

Uta MühleisManaging Director of RESET She studied environmental and develop-ment politics, and has worked in the digital media branch since the mid 1990s.

In 2007, she founded RESET – For a Better World, a leading sustainability platform on the German-speak-ing web.

Michael MüllerProject Manager at EnergieAgentur.NRWMember of the Project Mangement team of the project Green Club Index NRW for bringing energy effi ciency in Clubs.

Ioana NanManaging Director of MEETipediaIoana Nan founded MEETipedia in 2010 as a representation and sales offi ce for professional congress organizers from

Southeastern Europe. Moreover she is an authorized Green Globe Auditor, having audited hotels, conference centers and events in Germany and Southeastern Europe.

Tommy NickCommunications at Berlin Music WeekSince 2010 Tommy is working for Berlin Music Week and in charge of the commu-nications department. The Berlin Music

Week is a fi ve-day, city-powered constellation of music showcases, concerts, parties, conferences, panels, seminars and networking opportunities. As a hosting city, Berlin furthers its role as creative provocateur, with curated offerings that provide audience and professionals a compact panorama of what’s trending in the international music industry.

Sigrid NiemerBoard and Head of Communication at International Culture Centre ufaFabrikSigrid studied arts and education and is one of the founding members of the

ufaFabrik, where since 1979 she has worked in various artistic and management positions. As board member her focus is on communication and international rela-tions. Her current project is the international Forum "Creative strategies of sustainability" from 10. - 16th of september 2012 in Berlin.

Yasmine OrthFounder of Goerlzclub/Creative Connec-tors GOERLZCLUB (social & business club) for 1500 global female members. Empower-

ing women to reach and exceed their own professional and personal potential and develop their creativity, while being financially independent doing what they love.

Laura Pando MartínezSustainability Coordinator at Festival RepublicLaura Pando Martínez is the sustain-ability Coordinator at Festival Republic

since March 2011. The program focuses on reducing audience and production travel emissions, improv-ing energy effi ciency and recycling management at Latitude, The Big Chill, Reading, Leeds and BBC R1 Hackney Weekend festivals. She is a member of the Green Festival Alliance.

Maximilian PaprothManaging Director of Budde Music UKMax originally founded both his own independent music publishing company and record label in 2000. In 2003 he

began at Rolf Budde Musikverlag GmbH and after two years was promoted to the role of Head of Licens-ing at the company. He later assumed the position Managing Director of Budde Music UK Ltd. (in 2008) and is currently responsible for the licensing and busi-ness affairs at both Budde Music Germany and Budde Music UK. Maximilian Paproth is an offi cial examiner of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a member of the Digital Media Commission of the German Music Publishing Association.

Sarah PhillipsOwner and Project Director of Biorama ProjektDirector of Biorama-Projekt, Brandenburg. Biorama-Projekt promotes Sustain

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able Tourism and culture in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Schofheide-Chorin. Based in a self converted Water-tower which now hosts a viewing platform on its roof and lift -tower for accessibility. The Biorama-Projekt site includes 100 year old villa for art and environment focused events.

Daniel PieperCo Founder Dir. Marketing & Sales at mashero gmbhDaniel Pieper is an experienced media business manager. He worked as a ac-

count manager at media/direct marketing agencies in the consumer and B2B fi eld before he changed to the music industry. There he was responsible for PR and ad campaigns for international artists and acquired new business. Successes include effective brand launches and gold and platinum records. At mashero he is responsible for sales and marketing strategy.

Marit PoschArtist & Label Manager at Modeselektor / Monkeytown Records / 50WEAPONSFormer Head of Promotion at the Berlin based record label BPitch Control, she

is now part of the founding team of Modeselektor's two record labels and their managing team. Having pursued a sustainable lifestyle for ages, Marit coura-geously tries to implement more ecological awareness into the music business as well.

Christoph PostManaging Director of DEF Media GmbHProducer of THE DOME and Echo Jazz.

Frans PrinsOrganizer Beyond Fashion Summit at Beyond BerlinFrans Prins is a pioneering expert in the fi eld of sustainable fashion. As initiator

of green fashion network parties and trade shows, he was one of the fi rst to highlight green fashion on Berlin Fashion Week’s agenda. He works as consultant and is co-organizer of the Beyond Fashion Summit in Berlin.

Angelika PullenCommunications Director at WindMadeAngelika joined WindMade in September 2011 as Communications Director, where she is responsible for all internal and

external communications, media relations, and publi-cations. Prior to this, Angelika spent 6 years working

for the Global Wind Energy Council, the international trade association representing the wind power sector at global level.

Dannie QuilitzschOwner of DannieQuilitzsch.comDannie Quilitzsch works with several social organisations like Viva con Agua or WASH United and hass co-founded

projects like the singer songwriter series Feels Like Home or the WASH Social Art Festival where enter-tainment in form of music or arts as well as social responsibility are combined.

Julia RawlinsHead of Society Programmes at the British Council GermanyResponsible for international cultural rela-tions programmes in the fi elds of climate

& sustainability, mirgation & integration and social entrepreneurship. Background in environmental policy and strong interest in bringing creativity and sustain-ability together.

Bianca RichterMarketing Manager / Energy Dept. at Nike Deutschland GmbHLeading our Energy Marketing Depart-ment for Nike Germany/Austria/Swiss

with a focus on Berlin since 2006.Manage communi-ties, leading edge communication, cultural insights.Connect to art world, alternative and electronic music scene, design innovators. Track development of sport in youth culture.

Nadine RiedeSenior Project Manager at Berlin Music Commission eGNadine Riede is Senior Project Manager of the Berlin Music Commission. She is

responsible for the supervision of all BMC projects as well as being the liaison to the Berlin Senate, sponsor of the BMC. Before that, Nadine worked label-side in print, TV, radio and new media promotion as well as label and artist management.

Mona RübsamenFounder, Owner, Managing Partner, Programme Director of FluxFMFluxFM has established itself as Ger-many’s most innovative radio station,

transforming the medium radio from broadcasting to communicasting in the internet and convergence age. FluxFM is based in Berlin, but it is also broadcasting in Stuttgart and Bremen.

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Pablo Rüdiger de EriceTAYLOR WESSINGPablo is a lawyer with TAYLOR WESS-ING. He provides legal advice on complex and multi-jurisdictional M&A and Venture

Capital transactions on a regular basis. His industry focus is on technology and new media companies.He speaks German, English, French and Spanish.

Niels-Peter RudolphProfessor at Theaterakademie HamburgStage director on theatre productions of classic operas and dramas. Former head of Deutsches Schauspielhaus in

Hamburg, the biggest German drama theatre. Profes-sor for Music Theatre at Folkwang University Essen and Theatre Academy Hamburg. Doing lifelong jobs as author, director, speaker, actor. In the moment looking for additional activities that demand creative commitment.

Jochen SandigCEO / Artistic Director at Radialsystem VHe is the founder of several art institu-tions in Berlin like Tacheles, sophiensaele and the dance company Sasha Waltz &

Guests. His most recent foundation is RADIALSYS-TEM at the riverside in Berlin - a transformed historical industrial building which is now connecting the arts with social and political topics, economics and sci-ence. ARTS CHANGE IDEAS !

Tilman SantariusBoard Member of GermanwatchTilman Santarius is Member of the Board at Germanwatch and works as free lance author on issues such as globalization,

global justice, climate policy and sustainable economy.

Käthe SchäferGood Events EventmanagerAfter studying cultural studies she co-founded GOODevents - a sustainable event agency in Hamburg. She now

works as a freelancer for different social and sustain-able projects.

Janine ScharfHead of Communication at FERROPOLIS GmbHJanine Scharf is 28 years old and respon-sible for public relation and communica-

tion in FERROPOLIS. She studied political science and social studies at the University of Leipzig. Besides her studies she worked for several newspapers and

radio stations. In 2009 she founded a crowdfunding platform called VisionBakery where creatives and artists could fi nd a solution in funding their ideas and projects.

Nadin SchatterMusic Booking at Silent Climate ParadeNadin Schatter is music-loving with a passion for green social business and all things digital.She has been working for

different music labels and booking agencys as well as for Clubmob Berlin. At the moment she is responsa-ble for the organisation of the Silent Climate Parade, especially for the music booking.

Jürgen SchepersBranch Coordinator Creative Economy at IHK BerlinJürgen Schepers is a journalist and worked in the past as head of PR/Mar-

keting at the Studio Babelsberg GmbH, as head of PR at the Senator Film Distribution, as head of PR and advanced training at the Erich Pommer Institut. Furthermore, he was the head of PR and Marketing at the Art Berlin Verlag and worked as freelancer in the PR and Marketing section for fashion, lifestyle and entertainment.

Ulrich SchlenkerCampaigns & PR at Oxfam Deutschland e.V.Oxfam Germany is an independent development and aid organisation that

works to achieve a just world without poverty. Within the campaigns team at Oxfam, Ulrich Schlenker is responsible for the cooperation with celebrities, artists and bands.

Knut SchlingerEditorial Staff at MusikWocheWorking at MusikWoche since 1999.

Holger Jan SchmidtCo-owner of GreenEvents Europe Confer-enceSchmidt had a carrier of more than twenty years with Germany's biggest

admission-free festival RhEINKULTUR being in leading position since 1998. Together with his colleagues he invented the ‘Green Rocks’-program that covered all sustainability and environmental issues of the festival, which was one of the greenest in Europe. Schmidt focuses on several major event sustainability related

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projects with a focus on environmental friendliness and communication. Schmidt holds a diploma in media economics from Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln: He is board member of the Sounds for Nature foundation, co-initiator of GO Group (Green Operations Europe) and anchorman for green issues of Yourope (the euro-pean festival association).

Ingo Schollartist at wedig&scholl musik und textmanufaktur

Holger SchürmannOwner of pape l schürmannProduces all movies for the Clean Tech Media Award, but also for other organisa-tions and TV Stations. Loves good com-

munication and decent educated people.

Dr. Bodo SchwiegerPresident of team redMobility Innovations are his topic. While developing car2go, Quicar and Multic-ity, he keeps a focus on customers and


Heinz SiepmannCEO of Spinning WireHeinz works almost three decades as businessman who not only successfully ran his family business for sixteen years,

but also worked in a German bank and in an American wholesale company. In 2011 he founded Spinning Wire. Spinning Wire is an idea lab with focus on "space media", the emerging form of communication in digital 3D worlds.


sign and advertising agency run by New Zealand-born Paul Snowden who has been watching too much Mad Men recently. It's straight up "SMASHING CLIENTS, CRACKING DESIGN" yo!

Nicole Srock StanleyManaging Director of dan pearlman Markenarchitektur GmbHNicole Srock.Stanley (1969) is co-founder and managing director of dan pearlman

Brand Architecture GmbH, founded in Berlin in 1999.

At the agency the trained interior designer oversees brand strategy, brand communications, and brand architecture realms and applies her visionary thinking to developing new business fi elds and future themes.

Henry Stamerjohannit-beraterdev/ops team @ axel springer ag

Annabelle SteffesJournalist at Sounding Images / ARTEAnnabelle Steffes is working for the TV production company "Sounding Images". They are specialized in music documen-

tary. She always wanted to compine her two favorite occupations journalisme and music and fi nally made it. Before that Annabelle Steffes worked for the news agency Reuters and the german-french TV-channel ARTE. Grown up in France she enjoys working in both languages and is fond of french music. Annabelle Stef-fes is member of the Sounds For Nature-Green Team checking german festivals on their sustainability and eco-friendly approach. The effects of cultural events on society and environment are a main focus in her work.

Christoph M. StolzStrategy and Politics Division at BDEWRecently he has started to work in the Strategy and Politics Division of the BDEW, the German Association of Energy and Water Industries. Before he has

been working with several Members of the German Bundestag in the fi eld of ETS, climate change and environmental law.

Siegfried SuchanekSales Director Europe - Industrial Solutions atHeliocentris Energiesysteme GmbHElectronic Enegineer.10 years experience

with fuel cell and hydrogen technology. Strong back-ground in industrial business.

Heike SuermannDJ Female Macho / DMY BerlinPlaying music for extra small dance fl oors and corporate events, Dj Female Macho is clubbing since the 80´s. As well as

monthly residency at Berlin Bar HBC, she tours the Berlin-based DMY International Design Festival ‘Klub-labor’ (‘Laboratory of Clubbing’) around Asia.

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Dr. Stefan TaschnerCampaigner at BürgerBegehren KlimaschutzWorks in the fi eld of energy policy and its implementation with direct-democratic

means. Since 2012 he is spokesman of the Berliner Energietisch, which campaigns for the municipal own-ership of Berlin's energy supply through a referendum.

Maike ThalmeierConcept & Planning at KarmaKonsumResponsible for the KarmaKonsum Con-ference - an annual two-day networking event on sustainability and new thinking

in business. Organizer of the Frankfurt Carrotmob events. Freelance concept developer and event planner with a degree in Business Administration / Tourism, connecting the online and offl ine world of communication.

Marc ThomsenProjectmanager at ZFK Communications GmbHBefore and during his studies of Cultural and Media Management at HFMT, he

was involved in different social projects and music events in Hamburg. He is responsible for the music and festival sponsoring of Relentless Energy Drink in Germany since 2011.

Tobias ThonHead of Communications at Native Instruments GmbHHe oversees communications for the music technology manufacturer at its

main branch in Berlin.

Christian TjabenConsultant at Reeperbahn Festival CampusChristian Tjaben is a writer / editor and radio host, living in Hamburg. He is a

consultant of the Reeperbahn Festival Campus music business convention.

Moritz van DülmenManaging Director of Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbHDegree in Economics and Business Administration, marketing for Augsburg

Theatre, management of projects such as Autostadt Wolfsburg in virtual reality, cultural programme in the German pavilion at EXPO 2000 in Hanover, ‘Europa-Garten’ and ‘Sommer 2003’ in Frankfurt/O., promoting

Potsdam as the Capital of Culture 2010, since 2006 Managing Director of Kulturprojekte Berlin.

Verena VehlingManaging Director of Exit Media Brand EntertainmentShe is also a founding member of the Green Music Initiative and worked in the

music industry, amongst others for Universal Music Germany and EMI Music.

Dipl.-Ing. Marco VoigtManaging Director of Clean Tech Media GmbH & Co. KGMarco Voigt studied automotive engineer-ing and started his career at Porsche.

He was one of the founders of Germany's biggest private postal companies PIN AG. He worked for several years as a Clean Tech and Automotive manager for the European Commission and German Govern-ment at VDI/VDE. His focus has been to strengthen German industry for clean technologies. Marco is one of the founders of Germany's most attractive "Green" Awards: Clean Tech Media Award. In addition he is Managing Partner at clean tech consultancy VKP con-sulting GmbH and also Partner at Deutsche Messe. 2012 he establish @ Clean Tech Media Awards the fi rst GREEN MUSIC AWARD.

Marco Vollmar Director Public Relations and Policy at WWF Germany

Prof. Hubert WandjoPresident and Director of Music Business and Creative Industries Departments at Popakademie Baden-WürttembergHe is heading both the Music Business

Bachelor program and the Music and Creative Indus-tries Master program as well as the exploitation of the Popakademie. Prior to his academic career Hubert Wandjo was running Sony Music’s Columbia label and Warner Music’s eastwest labels as a managing director.

Gunnar WeberProducer at Berlin Sessions

He is a fi lmmaker and Journalist from Berlin. Currently he is the editor-in-chief of the online music magazine Berlin Ses-sions and working on documentary fi lm projects. During his studies he was

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intensively researching the topic of democratized cul-ture and the immanent change of our media industry.

Harald WelzerDirector of FUTURZWEI. Stiftung ZukunftsfähigkeitHarald Welzer is Executive Director of the foundation FUTURZWEI that promotes

and supports practical and experimental strategies of societal transformation. Moreover, the sociologist and social psychologist is Professor of transformation-design and -intervention at the University of Flensburg and also teaches Social Psychology at the University of St. Gallen. His primary areas of research are political psychology, memory, group violence and transformation research.

Werner WiartallaufafabrikWerner Wiartalla is a graduate physics engineer involved in ecological projects for more than 20 years. Living in the

ufaFabrik, he is empathic in the multidisciplinary of sustainability. His projects and study cover solaren-ergy, greenroofs, rainwater harvesting, biological air fi ltersystems, and cogeneration.His current interest is the development of affordable straw bale buildings.

Patrick WiechertSales & Marketing Manager at Velomax Berlin Hallenbetriebs GmbHAfter a few stations in the advertising industry since 2001 active in all areas of

the music industry. Started as a Product Manager at Universal Music Germany, he worked as a manager of several bands such as The BossHoss. Since two years in charge for the branding and sales activities of two of the largest venues in Berlin, Velodrom and Max-Schmeling-Halle.

Dirk WilbergOwner of Community Promotion & PublishingFounded Community Promotion & Pub-lishing in 2001 in Dortmund. Meanwhile

based in Hamburg, his PR company is offering a wide range of PR services and is working for major and independent companies from Germany, UK, US, France and Sweden. The publishing division has mainly focused on national artist development.

Lovis WillenbergCEO of Forum Futura UGA DJ at night, the CEO of Forum Futura during the day. Forum Futura organ-izes Germany's biggest consumer fair

for sustainable lifestyle – Heldenmarkt and the new exhibition Grüne Karriere which is aimed at young professionals seeking green career opportunities. The founder of two berlin record stores puts all his energy to change the society towards a greener future.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten WinterProfessor at Hanover University of Music, Drama & MediaCarsten Winter is Professor of Media and Music Management at the Hanover

University of Music, Drama and Media. Recently, he researches creativity and innovation als well as new strategies and value potentials and perspectives in the music industry - especially related to the new power of fans as prosumers in a new pull- or on-demand-music-culture.

Philipp WittulskyFounder of Nemo's NetzPhotographier, Visual Artist, and Event Manager. One of the Organisers of Silent Climate Parade, has worked for Green-

peace., and has his own event called OH! Teaches Robotics at Berlin Metropolitan School.

Markus ZeidlerCEO of CusCus Music&EventsHe is DJ and initiator of the german tech-no scene since 20 years and created in 2006 an innovating project called CusCus.

It includes a cooperation with the WWF (worldwide wildlife foundation) and presents highlights of the elec-tronic dance music. With this project he even took part at the Loveparade 2008 in his hometown Dortmund with an own fl oat and received an award from the UNESCO in 2009.

Jessica ZumpfeHead-of Viva con Agua BerlinOne of the founding Members of the Viva con Agua Berlin, she is responsible for the organisation, planning and implemen-

tation of all regional fundraising Events. Furthermore, she supports the global VcA network in organisational and structural development.

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Guido AxmannManaging Director of THEMA1 and Co-founder of the Renewables Grid InitiativeTHEMA1 is an independent Berlin-based think-do-tank specialised in accelerating

the transition to a low carbon society.

Lucile BarrasProject Manager of the Grid MasterclassShe has been a research assistant at the Potsdam Institut for Climate Impact Research and an advisor to the German

Federal Ministry for the Environment.

Jacob BilabelManaging Director of THEMA1Jacob Bilabel is founder of the Green Music Initiative and chair of the PCF World Forum.

Susanne BinderStudent in Event Technics/ LightSusanne is studying Eventtechnology at the Beuth Hochschule Berlin and writes her Exam about Green Tourmanagement

and Stage/Lightdesing for Live Artists.

Gregor BlachManaging Driector of WE DO communication GmbH Gregor Blach has a Diplomkommunika-tionswirt degree of the UdK Berlin and

is managing director of WE DO communication GmbH since 2002.

Roman DashuberProject Manager of Green Club IndexRoman Dashuber holds an academic degree in environmental psychology. In his current position at THEMA1 he man

ages the Green Club Index project, the fi rst national project aiming at increased energy effi ciency in clubs and discotheques.

Lena ElfrathJournalist/TrendscoutAs a freelance writer, trendscout and con-ceptionist in marketing and social media, Lena has been working for different me-dia and brands. Starting out with trends in

fashion as the focus (Esprit jewel, Conley's Magazine, Puma Time), she more and more went green.

Beate FischerB.A.T.She is running her own PR agency since 2000 after she worked in the music busi-ness for 6 years at EMI Cologne. Working

with various German and international artists such as Maximo Park and Tocotronic she now concentrates on media coaching and interviewtraining for artist, actors and also journalists.

Eleonora FrolovCommunication DesignEleonora Frolov, owner of an atelier in Berlin is a designer of visual art with special interest in designing books and

signets, creating corporate designs, preparing and or-ganizing exhibitions. Her special work "Der Höhepunkt" was exhibited in Vivantes in Berlin and it is dedicated to a mission to unmask the promises of the advertise-ment in an ironic way.

Dana GieseckeHead of Research at FUTURZWEI. Stiftung ZukunftsfähigkeitDana Giesecke is Head of Research at the foundation FUTURZWEI that promotes

and supports practical and experimental strategies of societal transformation. Prior to her current posi-tion she managed the head quarter of the Germany Sociological Association at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities in Essen.

Lutz GrimmManaging Director of TPA Agentur für Kommunikationsdesign GmbHHe founds TPA and succeeds in develop-ing the company into the market leader in

location and real-estate marketing. In 2011 Lutz Grimm expands the management of TPA and sets up Newten Ventures together with four experienced entrepre-neurs from the fi elds of fi nance and e-commerce.

Sarah GulinskiPR and Marketing Manager at Gemeinsame SacheDana Giesecke is Head of Research at the foundation FUTURZWEI that promotes

and supports practical and experimental strategies of societal transformation.

Jahn HarrisonThe former director radio promotion for UMG believes that strong partners in media can raise awareness and communi-cate solutions for the challenges we face.

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Tobias HeintzcrashcaptainsTobias Heintz has been an avid musician and producer for the better half of his life. Still somewhat below the ever so daunt-

ing 30, he has started and worked with several Berlin based projects, most notably the indie rock band crashcaptains, who will release their debut album this year. He continues to write and record music, promote and manage bands, book and organize shows, and most importantly never forgets to hold on to that feeling.

Katja HermesProject Manager at Initiative MusikKatja Hermes has been working in the music industry for over 7 years. She works as a project manager at Initiative

Musik GmbH, a German music funding institute, sup-ported by the German government. At Initiative Musik she is responsible for projects like SXSW, promotion of German music at showcase festivals, Plan! pop conference amongst others.

Daniel Hiresprojecthires.comDaniel is a marketing expert, project man-ager, and activist working on the cultural side of a sustainable future. He organizes

the Silent Climate Parade where climate-friendly fun meets activism, supports Social Entrepreneurs through the MakeSense network, and blogs at

Pauline HochCEO of Paul SandersPauline has been doing fashion press work for various companies and agencies for the past 8 years. Currently self-

employed doing press work, production networking and consutling for fashion, gastro and various cultural outputs, she very much seeks new ways to incorpo-rate green ways in all her professional work.

Eva JacobGraduated from Viadrina (Frankfurt Oder), specialised in the fi elds of EU Energy Policy, Climate Change and Sustainability.Just started a job as junior consultant at

BBH Consulting, a provider of consulting services for companies in the fi eld of energy and infrastructure as well as their customers.

Christian Kala-LobePresident & Founder of thegreenhope.comWork in IT for 20 years, for company such as BT, Oracle to name but a few. Starting

the Green Hope Music Festival, as a Global world wide Green Music Festival in several countries, to be started in 2014 Countries targeted: India, Singapore, Canada, Germany, UK, Dubai, Norway, Canada, France, Finland.

Sarah KopitzkiStudent at Fachhochschule Potsdam/University of Applied SciencesAfter fi nishing her training of eventman-agement, Sarah started her studies "Arts

Management and cultural work" at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam. During the seminar "Groove to save the world?" she worked together with the Green Music Initiative and Jacob Bilabel - lecturer of the course.

Thomas KoyFotograf

Stefan KremplCEO of nexttext press agencyFounder and owner nexttext press agency.

Luisa KretzAssistant Event at melt! BookingWorking at the melt!, splash and Berlin Festival. She is currently responsible for recycling and environmental aspects.

Markus KuehnManaging Director of FluxFMMarkus is founder and managing director of FluxFM, a media network that accompanies change in music,

art and society.

Nadine Kuhla von BergmannResearch Assistant at TU BerlinShe has joined the CHORA energy and city institute at the TU Berlin recently after having worked in Cape Town and

Berlin as an urban designer, architect, project manager, lecturer. She also worked as guest researcher at the Low Emission Cities group at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK)last year.

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Alice MarchiTrainee at Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment, Transport and Technology During her internship at the Ministry she has been working in a European project

on the improvement of regional frameworks for renewable energy expansion and she has developed a concept for a Renewable Energy Festival.

Nils MaxManager Regionet / KLINKT! at Popakad-emie Baden-Württemberg GmbHAfter fi nishing his Studies in Musicbusi-ness he is now working for Popakademie

as a Project Assistent. He is involved in the local network "Regionet" and the national Band-Supporting-Programm "Bandpool".

Christine NowickiEditor at Infothek88vierShe works as public relations and event manager for non-profi t/social projects in Berlin. During her studies in publicistics

and science of theater at the FU Berlin, she founded and conducted theater groups, works on fi lm and tv-projects and founded the band A-Certain-Extent.

Ulrike Okeng EssohTrainer at Ideenarena für ZukunftsfähigkeitUlrike Okeng Essoh studied political science. Since 2007 she works as a trainer for sustainable development and diversity.

The focus of the workshops is empowerment and motivation to act "green". Sustainable locations, initia-tives and events are very important partners and a big inspiration for her work.

Uwe Ozminskiid22 Kulturmanagement

Lia Melina PackEditor at smart urban stageThe online magazine smart urban stage focuses on the question "What would make cities better?"As one of the projects

editors she is constantly on the hunt for green places, visions or minds worldwide to write up or collaborate with.

Thomas PetruschkeHe has been working in the Sustainability Communication Department of the Volk-swagen Group for 1.5 years. Prior to that he joined the UNEP Centre on Sustain-

able Consumption and Production as a Consultant.

Rasmus PriessFounder of the PCF World ForumHe is leading the product carbon foot-printing initiatives PCF Project, Platform for Climate Compatible Consumption

Germany and the international PCF World Forum. His focus is on building positive market forces that lead to radical changes in the way products are manufactured, distributed and used.

Katrin RieggerCommunications Manager at European Climate FoundationPreviously she worked for the Bund fuer Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland

(BUND) in Berlin as a communications offi cer, where she was in charge of the organisation’s press relations and strategic media work. She has also worked in the offi ce of Mr Reinhard Bütikofer, chairman of the Green Party, and as a journalist.

Stephanie SchroppJunior Campaigning Manager at co2online gemeinnützige GmbHThe non-profi t company co2online carries out the campaign „Klima sucht Schutz“,

which provides information on climate protection and motivates private households to reduce CO2-emissions. The campaign project „Klimaklicker“ adresses young people to become actively involvedin saving energy.

Patrick SchünemannCLUBMOBIn Cooperation with the GMI, the fi rst CLUMOB at the SO36 Kreuzberg was or-ganised by the the green clubbing project

CLUBMOB.BERLIN Initiative in 2011.

Bob ShahrestaniManaging Director of PartysanPartysan Central GmbH, Mamapapacola Advertising GmbH, Work Is Play GmbH

Dorothea ShelevEvent Manager at ct creative talent GmbHAfter having fi nished her studies in Media Economics at TU Ilmenau, she started

working for ct creative talent GmbH. She works in the core team of Greenville Festival which took place this year for the fi rst time. The festival is characterized by its musical variety and sustainable approach.

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Tina SikorskiHead of Project Factory and Corporate Communications at Popakademie Baden-WürttembergAs Head of Project Factory in the Pop

Academy Music Business program, Tina Sikorski realizes student projects with companies such as Universal Music, Sony Music, Red Bull, BMG Rights Management and Greenpeace.

Christiane TeichgräberDipl. Sozialwirtin Fundraising CSRRecently, she is working on CSR consult-ing in the german fi lmbiz, spec. green fi lm production. From 2003 to 2011 she

established the German Filmacademy. Before that, she was engaged in several fi elds of the fi lmindustry such as marketing, publicity and production.

Tim ThalerV.i.S.d.P. at BLN.FM

Thomas VermynckCo-Founder of J.A.W Music Promoter (Soul/ Jazz/ Disco/Hip Hop/ Detroit & Chicago Dance music) since 2005 in both Paris & Ber-lin. Hosting of Dj & Live acts with artists such as Larry Heard, Moodymann, Marcellus Pittman, Sadar Bahar, Abdul Forsyth, Floating Points or Robert Glasper.

Jan VolkensteinArtist Manager at KOLLEKTIFHe is working for KOLLEKTIF, a man-agement agency from Mannheim. We develop forward-thinking strategies for

our artists (We Invented Paris and Deep Sea Diver). He was involved in making the Maifeld Derby Festival more sustainable and he would like to transfer the experiences into my work as an artist manager.

Markus von WollankAuthor & columnist BZ/RS2/030His aristocratic Prussian family taught him generosity, tolerance, helpfulness and re-spect. Respect for people and nature. This

is the ethical center around which rotate his publica-tions and his behavior.

Johannes WilleManaging Director Büro 2000 Medien-beratungHe works work as fi lmmaker, music publisher, artist consultant and event-

manager for audiovisual productions based in Berlin.

Dr Stephan MuschickManaging Director of RWE StiftungHe studied German philology, Scandina-vien history and literature in Berlin and Uppsala. After he had gathered experi-

ences as a corporate communications and public affairs consultant he worked in several management functions at the RWE Group.

Mascha MattheeLichtspiele iGStudied history of arts, after that becoming an event-manager, organized diferent cultural events like stu-dent festivals and Fête de la Musique.Now the topic sustainability becomes more and more important and we'll see how to implement it.

Julie ForchhammerOya Festival

Alfredo VasoncelosBoom Festival, Portugal

Veronica VenezianoProject Manager at Slow Food5 years as Program Director at Slow Food international offi ce coordinating activities on sustainable food culture (events and fairs, campaigns, on fi eld projects etc.) in Central and Northern Europe. Since February 2011 in Berlin for the international development of consumers' oriented campaigns and events of the German branch of Slow Food.

Robert PörschmannProject Manager Energieeffi ciency at BUND for environment and nature conservation Germany. After his studies of economics and sustainable development/

environmental management systems he worked 8 years in the fi eld of sustainable investment and is part of BUND Climate-Team since 2010.

Daniel KupczakFounder of Suburban Music

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PARTNERSWe would like to thank the partners for their generous support

ImprintGreen Music Initiative c/o THEMA1 GmbH, Torstraße 154, 10115 Berlin, Germany

Contact: Lena Buck, +49 30 779 0 779 0, [email protected]

All photos owned by the Berlin Music Week unless labelled differently.

We would like to thank for the fabulous food and drinks

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