greek religion: apolo

Álvaro Herrero Garcimartín School Coop. Alcázar de Segovia, 2º B

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Page 1: Greek religion: Apolo

Álvaro Herrero GarcimartínSchool Coop. Alcázar de Segovia, 2º B

Page 2: Greek religion: Apolo

Greek GovernmentAncient Greeks in Athens introduced a new form of government

called democracy,which means by the people. It is still in use today in many countries throught the world. In the democrazy only have rights to vote the male,the women did not have any right to vote. Also the slaves and foreigners did not have right to vote too.

All the important decisions were made at an assembly of citizens called ekklesia. Womens and slaves were not allowed into this assembly.

The Agora was an open area surrounded by shops and public buildings. The law courts and the prision were there,and other government buildings. Normally were situated in the centre of the city.

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The ostracism was another different form of punishment.

The ostracism it is about anyone whose behaviour was believed to be a threat to democracy could be ostracised,they would have to leave Athens during ten years.

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FESTIVALS AND GAMES The festival in the Ancient

Greece were very important because they do competitions in music and in theatre,were held during festival such as the city dyonisia of Athens and the Panhellenic games at the most importan sacred sites of Olympia,Delphy,Nemea and Ishtmia to honour a particular god.

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DAILY LIFEAthenians did not have large families. Boys

were evalued much more than girls. Girls also had the disdvantage of needing a dowry when they married.

Until the age of 7,boys and girls were brought up at home. Mothers would tell their childrens stories and rhymes. After the age of 7,girls help in the house and boys were sent to school.

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DAILY LIFE 2.1 All but the poorest boys in Athens went to school from

about 7 years old. School was held in the house of the teacher. Boys learned to read and write,and to do arithmetic. They learned history from Greek writers.

Athenian girls did not go to school. However in rich families they might have a tutor at home,who would teach them to read and write,and to play music and sing. Girls did not take part in sports and exercises like boys.

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DAILY LIFE 2.2Girls in Athens get married at the age of 14 or 15.She

had no say about who she married. Marriages were arranged between the groom and the father of the bride. Getting married was an important step for a girl. On the day before the wedding, the bride made a sacrifice to one of the wedding gods: Hera, Zeus, Artemis or Apollo.

At the bride’s house the morning was spent preparing a wedding feast. The bride dressed in her best clothes and put on a veil ,crowned with wreath of leaves. The men sat separately from the woman. As night fell the father of the bride gave his daughter to the groom.

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DAILY LIFE 2.3All Athenians who could afford it

had slaves,only the poorest families had no slaves at all. Most slaves were people captured in foreign wars. Slaves did all the most unpleasant jobs. Slaves could be garanted their freedom by their masters,for outstanding or secretaries long service.

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DAILY LIFE 2.4Old people were the people

more respected and admired for their wisdom,and for by their children. When someone died,they were bound in waxed clothes and put in a coffin.

The coffin stayed in the house for a day before the funeral. Then it was carried in a funeral procession to the family burial ground.

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THE GODS Polytheistic Greek religion

encomposed a myriad of gods,each representing a certain facet of the human condition,and even abstract ideas such as justice and wisdom could have their own personification. The most importants gods though,were the Olympian gods led by Zeus. These were:Athena,Apollo,Poseidon,Hermes,Hera,Aphrodite,Demeter,Ares,Artemis,Hades,Hephaistos and Dionysos. All of these gods believed to reside on Olympus.

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Apollo was a warrior god and his was sister Artemis.

He was the god of the light and the sun.

Also the god of masculine beauty. He was the most beautiful of all.

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Its consecrated animal was the raven,whose flight allowed to predict the future.

Also objects are attributed to him like the lira,the bow,the laurel and the sun.

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Apollo and Daphne

The myth of Apollo and Daphne deals with that God Eros throws a crush on Apollo to fall in love with Daphne and in turn another to Daphne to hate Apollo.

When Apollo runs after her she asks for help from her mother nature and she becomes a laurel.

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