grammar note 5

Lesson 13 Lesson Recap

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Page 1: Grammar note 5

Lesson 13Lesson Recap

Page 2: Grammar note 5

1. Reviewing the “giving and Receiving”

Japanese people like gifts

One thing about Japanese culture is that they're big on giving gifts. There are many different customs involving giving and receiving gifts (お歳暮、お中元、etc.) and when Japanese people go traveling, you can be sure that they're going to be picking up souvenirs to take back as gifts. Even when attending marriages or funerals, people are expected to give a certain amount of money as a gift to help fund the ceremony. You can see why properly learning how to express the giving and receiving of favors and items is a very important and useful skill. For some reason, the proper use of 「あげます」 and 「もらいます」 has always haunted people studying Japanese as being horribly complex and intractable. I hope to prove in this lesson that it’s conceptually quite straightforward and simple.

ose ibo ochuugen

agemasu mora imasu

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ex. スミスさんは チャンさんに はなを あげました。

person(giver) は に Object を

sumisu san wa chan-san n i hana o agemash i ta

wa ni o

When to use あげます

あげます is the Japanese word for "to give". You must use this verb when someone (as the giver) is giving something (as the object) to someone (as the receiver). The particle に is used to indicate to whom an object is delivered. Also when the subject of a sentence is the giver あげます is used.


person(receiver) あげます。agemasu



Mr. Smith gave Ms. Chan some flower.

*The verb あげます conjugates to the past form as あげました.

agemasu agemash i ta

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ex. チャンさん は スミスさんに はなを もらいました。

person(receiver) は に Object を

chan-san wa sumisu-san n i hana o mora imash i ta

wa ni o

When to use もらいます

もらいます is the Japanese word for "to receive". You must use this verb when someone (as the receiver) is receiving something (as the object) from someone (as the giver). The particle に is used to indicate from whom an object is delivered. Also when the subject of a sentence is the receiver もらいます is used.

mora imasu

person(giver) もらいます。mora imasu


Ms. Chan received some flower from Mr. Smith.

*The verb もらいます conjugates to the past form as もらいました.

agemasu agemash i ta

mora imasu

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• Asking whom, you should use the question word “だれ(dare) = who” with a particle “に(ni)”.

Exercise 3B) Ask and answer whom someone received something from.

ex. A:スミスさんは だれに えいがの きっぷを もらいましたか。

B:チャンさんに もらいました。

Subject(person) は だれ に Object を か。

sumisu san wa dare ni e iga no k ippu o mora imash i taka

chan san ni mora imash i ta

wa dare ni o kaVerb (past)

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• Asking what, you should use the question word “なに(dare) = what” with a particle “を(o)”.

Exercise 3

C) Ask and answer what someone gave to another.

ex. A:スミスさんは チャンさんに なにを あげましたか。

B:えいがの きっぷを あげました。

Subject(person) は に なに を Verb (past) か。

sumisu san wa chansan ni nani o agemash i taka

eiga no k ippu o agemash i ta

wa ni o kananianother person

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• You should place a time expression right after the subject of the sentence with a particle “に(ni)”.

Exercise 4.

What you learn here in this exercise is adding a time expression as an event or an occasion in sentences, such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and birthdays.

ex. :すずきさんは クリスマスに チャンさんに でんしじしょを 


:チャンさんは クリスマスに すずきさんに でんしじしょを


Subject(person) は に

Verb (past)

suzuk i san wa kurisumasu ni chan san n i densh i j i sho o

wa nitime expression

You have to make up sentences or dialogues following the patterns of the examples and based on the information in the illustration.


another person Object をo


chan san wa kurisumasu ni suzuk i san n i densh i j i sho o


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• Asking when, you should use the question word “いつ(itsu) = when” without any particle.

Exercise 4D) Ask and answer when someone gave something to another.

Subject(person) はwaいつ


another person Object Verb (past) か。ka


ex. :すずきさんは いつ チャンさんに でんしじしょを あげましたか。suzuk i san wa itsu chan san n i densh i j i sho o agemashitaka

Please follow appropriate rules with question words “nani” and “dare” for the rest of questions in the exercise.

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あげます・もらいます の れんしゅう(1)例(れい/rei)

・ささきさんは たかはしさんに プレゼントを 


・たかはしさんは ささきさんに プレゼントを




ささきさん たかはしさん ささきさん


たかはしさん たかはしさん

たかはしさん たかはしさん たかはしさん

agemasu moraimasu no renshuu

sasaki san wa takahashi san ni purezento o


takahashi san wa sasaki san ni purezento o

morai masu

Note : the person who gives a hand is the giver

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You have just come back from a trip. Look at the picture and tell what you will give to the following people.

Ex. : (わたしは)ちちに ウイスキーを あげます。


あげます・もらいます の れんしゅう(2)agemasu moraimasu no renshuu

watashi wa chichi ni uisukii o agemasu

ruumu meito

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あげます・もらいます の れんしゅう(3)

Look at the picture and make sentences using もらいます.

Ex. : (わたしは)かのじょに マフラーを もらいました。

agemasu moraimasu no renshuu

watashi wa kanojo ni mafuraa o morai mashita

(ビデオカメラ)bideo kamera

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「あげます」「もらいます」「くれます」の れんしゅう(4)

Describe who gave what to whom using あげます, もらいます, and くれます.Ex. : きょうこさんは ビルさんに セーターを あげました。

agemasu moraimasu    kuremasu no renshuu

kyoko san wa biru san ni seetaa o age mashita

Biru Kyoko Mearii




