gods highest wish

‘Gods Highest Wish’

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Post on 17-Jan-2015




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Is it Gods will to heal? Yes; a million times yes... If it were not Gods will, Jesus broke every rule in the book by healing all who came to him and all who were brought to him... What is Gods highest wish for you? ‘Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers’ 3 John verse 2,


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‘Gods Highest Wish’

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Someone once said to me; ‘I try to remember in all things to pray for something ‘if’ it glorifies God and ‘if’ it is His will’

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‘IF' is the stumbling stone that many Christians fall over;

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Some church leaders teach that God is glorified though sickness and that people should bear it with patience and fortitude.

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Can you honestly believe that a sick body really glorifies God? Would disease draw people to him or cause them to run from him?

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Consider this; If sickness glorifies God then Jesus made sure that he took all that glory from his Father by healing all who came to him...

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God is not glorified through sickness or pain, he is glorified and exalted when he heals those who fall into ill Health, whatever the cause…

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Is it Gods will to heal?

Yes; a million times yes...

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If it were not Gods will, Jesus broke every rule in the book by healing all who came to him and all who were brought to him...

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Multitudes came day and night and he never refused to heal anyone regardless of class or creed.

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Jesus said 'I do nothing apart from the Father' I only do what I see the Father do' If God was unwilling to heal people Jesus would have done likewise and refused all.

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What is Gods highest wish for you? ‘Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers’ 3 John verse 2,

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Does this sound like God wants you to struggle with pain? Does it sound like he wishes you to live in poverty?

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Of course not, like any Father he desires the best for you. He desires the best of health for you...

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The problem is, when we doubt Gods good plans for us as his children we can never pray in faith believing that he wills to set us free.

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Now let me bring you some meat to chew on… The milk of the word of God is awesome to drink but now its time to tuck into some real food…

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Let me bring you truth that will take doubt by the scruff of the neck and kick it into the street where it belongs.

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It is written that 'Jesus himself took your infirmities (weaknesses) and carried your sicknesses already’ Matthew 8:17, He doesn't have to heal you; he did it 2000 years ago.

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It is a heart issue not a physical problem that keeps us from receiving health from the one who took our sicknesses himself…

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Our mind wars against the truth of Godsword on healing, it sows arguments about Gods will into the stagnant soil of our imagination.

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When we dwell on the symptoms instead of the eternal word of God which is truth, we fall at every hurdle and succumb to the enemies lies.

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That's why the scripture tell us to,‘be renewed in the spirit of our minds by the washing of Gods word’ Ephesians 4:23

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That's why we are to 'cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ' 2 Cor. 10:4

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We are to look at every word thatforms in our minds and to cast them out if they do not line up with Gods will for our lives, for example thingsthat make us accept that its Gods will for us to be sick...

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Jesus said 'a little leaven the whole lump'... I'm sure you realize it doesn't take much yeast to make a cake rise when its mixed in thoroughly…

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When you take a small dose of lies it eventually goes right through your faith and destroys its simplicityand makes it useless…

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That's what Jesus was saying here when he talked about leaven, he was saying… 'it doesn't take many lies and half truths to rob you of your inheritance'

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Its time to begin 'word therapy' to be saturated with Gods word of truth on Health. Its time to read, digest and to speak what God has said is your inheritance instead of listening to what man or the devil has to say.

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Its time to rise up on the inside and to declare before hell itself, 'Christ Jesus took my weaknesses and by his stripes I am healed already‘1 Peter 2:24.

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Its time to be filled and overflowing with praise for the one who saved and healed you at Calvary instead of lies from that old rascal Satan.

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Its time to shake off religions‘yeast’ and to take God at his word. 'Faith is substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen' Hebrews 11:1.

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Faith does not look at the mess our body is in, it looks at what God has said and believes it, speaks it and keeps on declaring truth until the evidence comes along and we are healed.

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Do I believe that we can be completely restored? Yes I am more convinced than ever, with every beat of my heart I know that God wills to heal all who come to him in childlike faith. 

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Its complete healing, wholeness of mind, soul and body… It comes as our soul prospers, as we find the truth for ourselves in Gods word.

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Its is the same wholeness the woman with the issue of blood received, Mark 5, wholeness like the madman of Gadara received… Luke 8:26:35.

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Go on have a look and see what the Lord did for so many and ask your self has Jesus changed?

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Has the one who is 'the same yesterday, today and forever' changed?

Of course not… we have..

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Seek out the truth and be free enough to declare it until you see it manifest it self in your life…

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Read of the multitudes in the land of Gen-nes-a-ret being made perfectly whole just by touching his garment, Matthew 14:34-36 

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Read of the man at the gate beautiful, made perfectly whole through the ministry of Peter and John.

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Oh but you say ‘if only I could touch his clothes, if only Christ was here I know I would be healed’ please listen carefully now…

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It is written that 'Christ was touched with the feelings of your infirmities' Hebrews 4:15.

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You have already touched the heart of God; the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.

You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.

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You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.

Now all you have to do is to receive and be made whole, its that simple… so simple we often miss it;

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You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.

We seek a sign, Christ seeks for faith in us; he once declared to a man ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe' Mark 9:23,

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You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.

The man replied, 'Lord I believe, help my unbelief' in other words 'Lord I believe but I have doubts'

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You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.

Did his doubts stop Jesus? No; he made the mans son whole anyway.

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You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.

You see its your heart that Christ listens to, its your heart that he responds too, not your head. He isn't going to slap your wrist just because you have doubts, he loves you,

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You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.

Listen; its Gods highest wish that you Prosper, so stop living like a pauper... Its his will that you be in health, so stop living on ills, pills and hand outs from the social services.

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You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.Simply believe and let God do what God does extra well;

Let him fulfil his highest wish to

‘Prosper and Heal you’

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You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.You have already touched the heart of God the moment the accident happened, the moment you were touched by pain you touched the heart of Christ your saviour.

A Studio 18 Production ©

David Robinson