gm-10 - cca newsletter fall 2006

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  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    FALL 200()


    o fli d :II I'uhliclllillll of th e (;orrcdioll (;:Ill1nills' s t l In c I)cl'urtmclII of Corrceriou C i l ~ of ~ c Yorl.

    Patience isa Virtue

    Getting aContract is

    a ReliefBy:

    Peter D.MeringoloPresident

    / uiant to thanl: the entire membership for your patience andunderstanding during the long process to obtain 0/./1' recent COII-tract. It was not an easy bat tle. as YOIl are ioel! atuare, but itwas a battle worth the fIght. f am pleased that as of I IOW, webaue our new contract and all back money that was due to OUrmembers has been paid.It's 110 secret that this past round of bargaining, highlighted

    by givillg tip the unborn, was something the CCA did no t want to partake ill. However,reached a point where it was incumbent UPOIl us to acbieue {or you a contract that contained tsame pay raises as other unijormed forces received - even i f it meant having tv play the Citgame.We tried extremely hard to ge t a COl/tract without sacrificing [uture hires coining into the ran

    However, based 011 the patten! set before us, there was absolutely 110 choice. l ioi]! always belieit was the City's and the Departments obligation to protect the future hires and they didn 'tthat. As expected, they let us flown again .

    11/ settling our contract, we inflictcd the least amount o f pain possible, while working our wtbrougb this roun d of bargaillillg. The oueriohelming ratificatioJJ result of 94 percent is prothat the meinbersbip was satisfied with what we were able tv achieve.The good netus i l l "II this is that IIJe haue 0 11 1' neur cont ract and el.'eryone is happy they ha

    their money. The slightly bad news is that this contract expires at the end of 2007 and we bato st art t hi s process ouer again ill just {f few short months , Hopefully ill the upcoming roundbargaining, the City won't be so tough. They have already taken blood (1'0111 {/ stone, so thisn't much more for them to go after:We recently completed our 16th Delegates Sennnar: WId once again, it was a huge successwas pleased to welcome the f irst time Delegates and appreciated their ilJput and entbusias

    There is always something ncto to learn at these seminars, and every'olu' who at tended walkaway with a new appreciation of the Union's ius

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006



    AllOffici;]lP u t i ( ~ l " ofCORREcnONClPTlI:;SLSSOJ4T1D1i

    p a 1 m o COUK't1Ol1C,tyof "' " Y c

    233lIlo: "'''Y.Sui,. 1701v Y ~ 10279

    ~ [2121227-4090r, 1212J96l.\819H ! l [Eme,it""'' ' ' ' O n ~ l l :(898)707.3213

    ' t l ccil nyc@lnol,comW ~ b ! l \ t l ! WWW,llYCCC.1 oraPETER D MERNGOLD






    S E R ' E A . ~ r ; J 1 M S



    I'RANKJE &0 SWTIl,P.(,LEGt,l COU : EL


    HOI :,RDLiSCHR E T I R E ! - l E ~ I CO .'$OUMIT



    ( pmms(k;.:metly is prochICedboIJ \ (Qnec,.an r t . A.s nuen. [ t l cooterrts



    RIIOGROUP[B4S' 36402n

    HEALTH BENEFITS TRANSFER PERIODActive Members may switch their health insurance carrier from

    October 16, 2006 November 17, 2006.Retired Members may switch their health insurance carrier from

    November 1, 2006 November 3D, 2006.Retirees can make changes only during even numbered years .All health plan changes requested during the transfer period

    will take effect on Sunday. January 7. 2007.During the transfer period. employees may transfer into any health plan for which they are eligible.add or drop optional rider coverage. or add or drop dependents in their present plan. To do any of the

    above, you must complete a health benefits applicat ion (Form ERB2000] .Employees may also elect the buy-out waiver program or change premium contr ibution tax statusby fil ling out both an ERB2000 and a medical spending conversion form. Employees who wish to

    participate in the dependent care assistance program or health care flexible spending account program shocomplete a medical spending conversion form Q.!lly .Forspecific questions or any additional information, you can call the health plan directly or vis it

    their websites lis ted on the current rate sheet. Any questions , please contact theEmployee Benefits Section at (ziz) 487-6676 or 6677.

    LINE OF DUTY INJURY (LODI) FICA REFUNDSTheCty has reached a settlement with the Internal Revenue Service regarding FICA [Social Securit y

    and Medicare) tax refunds to eligible uniformed members of the Correction, Fire, Police andSanitation Departments. The years covered by this settlement are 1989-2005.

    Eligible uniformed members of these Departments who were on authorized line of dut y injury (LODI)leave at some point during these years will likely be eligibl e for a refund of the FICA taxes

    paid on LOOI payments received for six months or less. LOOI payments received for greater thansix months have previously been exempt under a separate statutory provision and

    thus are not part of this refund.In order to collect a refund in connection with this settlement, eligible Correction Uniformed membersmust submit a signed consent form to the City allowing the City to collect the refund on your behalf.

    Once the IRS refunds the money to the City, the City wi ll then send it to you. Without a signedconsent form, you wil l not be able to partic ipate in th is settlement. In addition, you may

    be forever barred from collecting a refund of these amounts sin ce your time for filing an individualrefund claim wi ll likely have expired.

    TheOffice of Payroll Administration is currently preparing letters to send to anyone who mightbe affected by this sett lement. The letters, which explain the refund process and the years for whichyou might be entitled, should be mailed by the end of the year. Enclosed with this letter will be theconsent form you're required to sign and return to the City. Th is consent form MUST be returned

    within 60 days from the date of the letter. The deadline will be indicated in the letter itselfTheOffice of Payroll Administration has obtained maili ng addresses from the City's Payroll Managemen

    System. If you believe your address on file might be incorrect, complete the change of employee addressLOOI Fica RefundClaim form. which can be found at /home/hame.shtml

    For any questions regarding the FICA refund, you can call (212) 6692333or you can v is it html/ faqs/ lodiJaq .shtml

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006
















    BIRTHSIIRISTI AN WI IIT I' IELI>- Fir. r grandson of

    CCA 1T VICE PRESIDE, r CAPT. Ro : ALD\V. W H ITfIELD . Christian was horn june24, 2006. weighing 10 Ib , 2 oz. and was21" long. he pro ud pa rents arc Keithand Davna \Xihitfield. CongrnrulurionsCapr. Whitfield!

    Con g ra t ula t io ns to CAPT. PETERC ONQUET (l et t ). and D ELEGATE CA PT. O T ISBLOUNT (right) on being honored hyWardcll Emmanuel Bailey (center) at the( .NID . Appreciation Day,

    dfafP!j d f o ~ ~fwmtk(!&:If ( ) f f l a v t ~ 5-EX,(!,uJ:iCJ'E, !Boarui

    1:0 all(!&:If d V l . e m b E , ' t ~5- fJhd't g:a1TllfJ.u

    CONGRATULATIONSC APT. M ELI A M ATn IEW (RN n C) is verypro ud of hurd ::t u g h t c rJUMARA M UZA,age l l . ju rnara isa 2006 gradua tefrom the AbigailAdams Schoo l.PS 13IQ, and is

    arrcndingG t'o rge .J. Rynni\ lidd Ie School.

    CA I'T. N EI 0 ARROYO (T D) is extreme lyproud of his daughter Ashley Oi l her grudu-arion. She is attending Scranto n University.Pictu red with Ashley arc her parents Capt.Arroyo a ll I wife Diane and bro ther NelsonMnrrhcw,.ongra rulario ns to our 10 forme Ca pt a inswho were promoted to As. isranr DeputyW:m k n. effective April 2X, 20DE .




  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    Fred H. Brown danced on to the scene on Mond ay, 1 1 1, 1942.He was the firs t o f th ree ch ildren to bless the marriage of Fred H.and Ella Elnora Brown. Fredd ie was a ha ppy and play fui chi ld .Fred d ie gradua ted grade schoo l in 1-1 , r lem and grad ua ted from

    Taft High School in january 1960. He then en tered the U.s . AirFore ' and was ho norably d ischarged in Janu ar y '1961. He workedsevera l jobs (taxi d rive r. ma il hand ler, and bus d rive r) until he

    d iscovered hi pass ion, law enfor erncnt . I-Ie viewed law en forcement as i1 mea ns to hel p others.In ]969, Fred d ie en tered the Depar tmen t o f Correction a t theu rgi ng of hi friend L nny John son. The follow ing y ' ,11', whilepa r t ing a t the SilVOY, he met his fu tu re bride . Fred marr iedKaarcn Cu lpepper on April 3, 1971. Tw o years la te r, til 'y were blessed wi th the bi r th of the irson Kam a l.Aft er 20 yea rs of erv ic . Fred re ti red from C'N York C ity s Departmen t of Co rrec tion in

    1990 as il ap tain . For six years, Fred d ie enjoyed fish ing trip. ou t of Ci ty Is la nd an d gam-ing vacations in Atlantic City . It was during this time tha t Fred became a OJ, He loved musian d chose the name Music Man fo r his bu siness cards and license p late. In ]996, heret u rned to work as a Pos ta l Po lice O ffice r.Fred loved to dance and p ia ' m usic. He loved te llin g jokes , p laying baske tba ll and Bid

    Whist. Mos t of all, Fred loved people.Fred is su rvived by his w ife Kaare n, chi ldre n Fred Ill , Lenai rc, Kama l, fa ther Fred . bro ther Alexander, sister Lisa, s is ter-in-law Marcia, brothe rs- in-law Barry an d Michael; d augh ter

    in-la w Capr ice, g rand sons Brandon, Ca leb and Joshu a, nephew s Erick and Cra ig, n iece Joan ,an d many cousins, re lati ves and friends ,

    N icholas jo han Whyt e was bo rn on Ju ne 23. 1984, in Brooklyn.A 'f. a small chi ld , he had a passion for running and playin T w ithhi. frie nds and cousin ' . N icho las was a lways a perceptive chi ldwho loved. read ing with h is mo ther a t bed time. He loved Clny-thing to do w ith dinosa u rs. As ea r ly (IS age seven. he could iden-tify an a rm y of rep tiles a nd quo te an exhau st ive list of names tha ta lway - ended in the consonan t sa urus,He attended rs 221 and b 'G I USe of his aca demic excellence ,was t, pped fo r Prepfor Prep, a p rogram (or acaderni a lly p rom

    ising studen ts who are geared towa rd leadersh ip . He ea rn ed aSFo t a t the pres tigious Eaglebrook Schoo l, an exclus ive p repschool in Massachuse tts, From there, he went on to vVestminst ' r

    Schoo l in Con nec ticu t, befo re a long ing for home b rought him hack to New York to com plete choo l a t [ames Mad iso n High in Brooklyn . Nich olas was also an avid spor tsman,excell ing in wate r pol o, lacrosse, basketba ll, wres tling and foo tball.N i k gradu ated , wen t on to 51. Francis College in Brooklyn . bu t someth ing wa miss ing

    for him . After year s o f rigorous acad emic dem and s, he decide d that he wan t -d a d iffe ren tad ven tu re , on e d ictated by his na tural inclination towa rd cama rade r ie w it h his friend s, an ddemons tra ting h imself throug h action ra ther than mere words.N icho las chose to become a Marine ill a p recar ious time whe n ma ny wa rned him againsti t, bu t st ill he so ldiered on. His bro the r. in the Ma rines as he called them, have spoken of

    hi ' s treng th, hi. bra cry, h is leade rsh ip , and of how he saved the life o f another Marine du rin" his second tou r and yet never bothe red to brag abou t it.N icholas spoke often o f his aw a reness of the hos ti le environme n t in wh ich he had been

    placed . bu t also of his be lie f in th e Ameri can idea l of freedom. He exp ress ed a s trun g in ter.s t in a po ss ib le law en forcemen t career upon his re tu rn home.Nicholas is survived by his father And re (EMTC) , h is mother Anne tte , brother Tris ton ,

    an d man y othe r rela tives and friends. A memo ria l fund to provide financ ial a id to an academical ly gifted bu t economically need y studen t is bei ng establish ed in 1 icho las mem ory .Fo r inform ation, send an e-mail to max sandrofsrn or mar ied e lusfscx .ite .com Fromt il e M emo rial Serv ice Prog ram

    Celebratinthe Joy BeLife ofRet. Capt.Fred H.BrownAug. 19,200

    HomegoinService foNicholas JWhyteJune 30, 200Son ofCapt.Andre Whyte

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    Membersof theClass ofSept. 7, 2006
















    ju ne 2006To Peter and rlu: Execut ive Board ,As yo t: ca n im ag ine I' ve been retired . incc 1 ' and en jo yin g it. We h:1\'1:: rhc go od (o n line tohave seven children (si x gi rls a nd o ne so n ). .I lis twa nted to sha re a litt le bit of news with you311Frances c;,vRobert Clabby

    TELL US ... If you have a hir rh , g rad ua t io n , specia l anni versa ry o r birt hday, o rac omplishmcur, send your informarion, along with J photo to the CCA office forinclusion in The Capta ins' Quar terly.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    16thANNUALDELEGATESSEMINARTh is year's 16th AnnuDelegates Semina r waheld on Sept. 1012,200 6. The Seminar wa chance for Delegateto hear no t only fromthe Union's ExecutiveBoard about mattersimpo rta nce to theunion and membershbut also from some oour outside consultanwho help us hand leeveryda y problems.H,my Greenberg spokabout cont racts , theWittenberg Decision ,and grievances. Alsoattending was AttorneJim Frank ie of Frankieand Gentile , whodiscussed your rightsand how toinvestigate incidents[MED 16).We also had the pleasure of having BureauChief Va lerie O iverrepresenting theDepartm ent. Sheaddressed theDelegates on howthey can best helpmake the Departmenrun as moot hlyas possible.In addition, manyof our Union providersattended, including obenefits consul tantsJoseph Lizzio andMaria Keeler.

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    must submit S.A.T. scores before June 1, 200?APPLICANTS FOR NEXT YEAR IS SCHOLARSHIPS

    J 'Mi lE ELSKOE is the lauof CAPT. VANESSA GIBELSKOE (MDC) . She is ar111" Howard Universit\XI3shingron, DC.

    Dona ld CranstonAward

    ROB ZUILKO\V 1\.1 is the soRcr, CAI'T. G ERARD Z UllKSKI. He is un end ing . rClns rirute o f Te chno logHoboken , NeVI' j ersey,

    is th e so nST UART

    arrcndi ng

    Alfred MandaniciAward

    Z A I-IARY D EUTSCHof Ret. CAPT.D EUTSCH . He isBrooklyn College,

    ANDREW ATHANASSIOU is the. o n o f R ET. CAI)T. ALEXATHANASSIOU. He is .irt cn d ingNew York Univer-sity,

    Correction Captains Awards

    Carmella MandaniciAward

    D EANN t\ C n'RIANO is rhcdaughter of Rer. CAH. STEVENCIPRIANO" She is atte ndingSUNYNew Paltz.

    M EGAN BAU'\IGARTEN is th eda ugh ter o f Ret . C APT.JEFFREY B AUMGARTEN. She isartcndi ng r University inMa ssachuscr ts.

    "' am honored to be arecipient of the 2006Correct ion Captains

    Scholarsh ip Award. I amsu re t hat your faith in me

    will be rewarded byallowing me to further myeducat ional aspirat ionsand become a val ued

    memb er of the 131'1enfo rcement communitq."- Zachary Deutsch

    '" wish to extend mythanks to 'he CorrectionCaptains' Assoc. forselecting me to receivethe Donald Cranston

    Scholarship Award for theyear 2006 ."

    - Rob ZuflcolYski

    "I would like to thank the(CCA) for the ir generosit yand scholarship. I would

    also like to thank m\!mother, Capt . GlbsonElskoe and my father,

    Officer James E.Elskce 111for raising me to

    apprec iate and neverunderest imate asol id educat ion ."

    - .l'oime V. ~ l a

    ", would like to thankCapt.Meringolo and theCCAfor th is scholarship .My family and I reall y

    appreciate yourgeneros ity ."

    - AndrewArhonassiou

    "I'd like to tha nk myparent s and the rest of

    my family and friends forthe ir love and SUppOIl

    throughout mlj enti re life.It has meanl so much tome. especlalllj now,as I get readljto leave

    forcollege ,"- Megan Baumgarten

    " ' have been inspired tobecome a Psychologist bya psychology class I tookin high school, as well asa therap is t that Is very

    close to me. I want to helppeople, which I 'hink willbe very rewarding. Thankyou again for the scholar-

    Ship :- DeannaCiprano

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    "I wou ld like to thank theCaptains Associat ion forgiv ing me the opportu nityto fu rt her my educat ion.II tru ly meant a lot to meknowing that we have agreat organ izationsupport ing loday'syoun g people:- Nicole Fiorella

    RYAN W OERNER is the son o f Ret.CAl'T. R ICHARD E ER. He ISune nding Ithaca College.

    "I would like to thank PresPete Meringolo as well asthe CCA (or my recentscho larship award thatwill enab le me to furthermy educat ion at WagnerCol!ege and also cont inuemy footbal l play ing careeThank you very much :- Louis Phillips. Jr.

    "I would like to take thisopportun it y to t hank theCorrect ion Captains Assocfor their generos it y . I amext remely grateful forthis scholarship ."- MrregonKrifc:hin

    "The requ irements of beina successfu l st udentwould not have been possible without th e help ofm!:l parents. Myparentsprovi de me with all th enecessary tools that allowme to succeed in my educal ion and all my [u tureendeavors:"- Lou;s Porascando

    I would like t o thank theCorrection Captains 'Assoc. for th is generousscho larship . I will bestudy ing pre-medicin ewith a concentration insports medicine :- Jessica Pappas

    "First and foremost Iwou ld li ke to thank youfor giving me th is award .1appreciate it to th efull es t. I plnn to becomea docto r in the fields ofoncology 8< immunology ."- Ayono Jolin

    is theSTEVENShe IS

    "I am both elat edand honored to be arecipient of a CCAcollege scholarship.

    This honor i sespe cially meaning.ful to me given thehistory th at my

    fam ily shares withboth the CCA and theNYCDepartment ofCorrecti on as a

    whole:- Ryon Woern er

    Lo I PHILLIPS jn , is the son ofCAn. LOUI PHILLIP (HQ) .He is attending Wagner.o llcge in rarcn Island. NY.

    K RIFCHINof CAPT.(OBCC).attending Syra u. c ni ver-siry's School of Educat ion.

    MAEGANda ughterKR I I'CH IN

    LOUIS PARASCANDO i .. the sonof R ET. CAPT. L o U! 'l 'ARASCANDO. He is attend ingthe University of Delaware.

    AYAi A JOHN is the daughte r ofCAPT. R UDOLPH JOH N(A M K C) . She is a tt en d ingS N r'-Plarrsburgh .

    EMMAN EL RAMOS is the son ofCAn. EUGENIO R AMO (SOD). Heis attending Fordham Unive rsity.

    "I give my greatestthanks to both

    Mr.Mcr ingolo and t heCorrection Captains'Assoc iation for th eCCA Scholar ship .

    This award isextremely appreciated

    and one tha t I amhono red to receive:

    - Emmonue! Ramos

    JESSICA PAPPA IS the daughterof R ET. CAPT. STEVE PAPPAS.She is at tending SUNY-NewPaltz.

    N ICOLE FIORELLA is the daughtel' of Ret . C APT. RAY,\-'ONDF IORELLA . She is arrcndiug

    ; I 1 C Mad ison Univcr it)' inVirginia.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    This year's 37th AnnualAfrican American DayParade was held on

    Sunday. Sept. 17, 2006.Members gathered on111th Stree t and Adam

    Clayton Powell Blvd.inManhattan at

    1:00 p.m."We had a greatturnout in the

    Department," said1st VPRonaldWhitf ield. AFRICAN AMERICAN DAY PARADE

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006



    GRADUATIONANNIVERSARYSPECIAL NEWTO REPORT ..We WanttoKnowSend yourinf ormation,including name an

    work location, alonwith any pertinen

    photos, to;Captains' Duart erCorrect ion Captain

    Association233 BroadwaqSuite 1701

    New York , NY 1027

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006



    ScholarshipGolf Outing

    The largest crowd todale turn ed out for the

    CCA's 8th annualScholarship Golf Outing

    held June 6, 200 6, atLido Beach Golf

    Course on Long I land.Wewere privileged

    10 have Reti red Chiefof the Department

    Robert N. Davoren joinus again this year.

    The day was warm, theweather great and

    the fr iendship inabundance to helpraise funds for ourscholarship fund.

    "It's always nice tosee so many friends

    of the CCA tum out tosuppor t our eff ortsin providing college

    scholarships forchildren of our

    members," saidPresident Peter

    Meringolo. "Everyyear we salJ it can'tbe better than theyear before, and il

    always is. This is oneof the premier events

    that so many lookforward to attending:'

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    In LovingMemory ofCCA Delegate

    Capt.Kenneth Eric


    Sept. 26, 2006By:

    Ronald W. Whitfield1st Vice President

    On Scpt cml cr 17, 2006, e ll t. Kenneth Daley's"Sunset" W;15 called home to be with the Lord.Capt. Daley's nickname was Mal and he was ho rnon November 5, 1957. He was the fifth child ofJohn Alfred and Eloi c Daley and was bo rn at j acobiHosp irul in the Bronx. N.Y. He at tended Pn:-K and1st grade in the Bronx . When his fami ly moved toQueens, he continued his education a t PS4S, rcphcnHalsey J. High School and Fore r Hills High 'c1w olin For est H ills.Beca use o f his aca dem ic excel len ce, Kennethwo rked parr-rime for the Mcrro poliran InsuranceCompany while urrcnding high schoo l. Once hegraduated, he worked Iullrime for them unt il hedecided to jo in the Air Force. After completing hisrour in the Air Force, he attended Saint John ',Univcr: i t }'.Ca pt. Kenn et h Eric Da le)' joined the NYC

    Dcp a rrment of Correc tion on Scprcmher 17, 1984,and was promoted ro the rank of r on April199 , . He was a CCA Delegate for the past sixyears . Twcnry-rwo year to the day he joined theDepa rtment , ro his "sun set " (Sc] rern l er 17, 19B4 September 17, 2006).K nncrh loved music, not only listening to it, buthe played the guitar and the keyboard . He was an avid jazz bu ff an d one of his f;lVorite grouwas Earth , \Xincland Fir '. Daley loved life, he wax ~ ca ring and he would help others in thtime of need . He would make you laugh when you were down and give you suppo rt to help yalong the W3)' . Ii you knew him, you would be glad that he had tou ched your life with a woor a deed.H is memo ry is chcri: heel by his loving wife, Lisa and his four childr n, Scan, N icole, Kena 11

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    The Association ofCaribbean Americansmarched as acontingent inthis year 's Labor DayParade on Monday,Sept. 4, 2006. Thegroup gathered atRochester Avenueand St. John's Place inBrooklyn to begin theparade.CCi\ ls t VP RonaldWhitfield marched witthe group and said,"the camaraderie andspirit were grand.Everyone had a greattime spending theday with friends."

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    This year's AnnualColumbus Day Parade

    was held inManhattan onMonday, October 9.

    2006. Everyonegathered at

    44th Street and5th Avenue.

    The Uniformed GrandMarshall was Michael

    Maello and theNon-Uniformed

    Grand MarshallwasJeanine Pirro.

    Correct ion memberscame out

    to show pride (ortheir heritage andtheir Department.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    e A t t i 1 f l ~ means gilt or grantJ{y--eA1fl means loveThe six-year-o ld daughte r of Capr. Daunu H:l)'es-\Vebbwas trag ica lly killed rhis slimmer when an SUV slammed

    in to the hack of the car she was in wirh her mother,Acco rd ing to the police repo rt, Dauna Hayes, "' 2, wasstopped a t a red light at Avenue I at Flatland Avenue inEast Flarbush with her kids. j aniyah Webb, 2, and\t t iyah Hayes, 6, in the hack sca t at I:45 p.m.Suddenly, an SUV rea r-end ed her car, which in rum, hitan other passenger ca r i l fro m. Acco rding to a e UV was going too fast and it did nor ;.1\ pea r heapplied his brakes.Th is is the obirua rv written by her mother:Art iyah Ha yes was called home hy Cod onAugust 2, 200 1 , into eternal life. Arriyah was horn to Dauna H:lye.,-\X'cl h and Fabian C ram

    on Februa ry 7, 2000 , in Long 1. 11I1d Col lege Hospital, Brooklyn. Ar rhc e:11" I)' age of ( W O , herste p fa the r j e ffery \\lei b came into her life. whom she lov ed dearly. She would a lwa ys sa y shehad two dadd ies. Arriyah wa: nlwuys a spec ial child from the rime she was ho rn ro anyone whoshe ca rne into contact with. She had a ce rt a in w ay about her when met her, you just hadto love her. Artiyah was affccrionarely ca lled "Pinky," Ti-Ti" , an d "Angel T ip . " She to ld herfriends, " I jusr have :l lor of ni kna rn cs. ' She was so proud she hegan to give her fam ily andfriend s nickname. . She to uch ed the hea rt of ma ny,Attiyah sta rred her cd u arion ;H age two at Nia Lycucn Academy unt il age five. Att iyuh bega n

    kindergart en in the fall o f 2005 .H rs J 15 , class K007. She was happy and excited to ( to wha tshe calk I big kids schoo l. She knew :1 11 rhe children from her class to rhc fifth grade, even rhcschoo l .afcry offi er at rhc de k. T hey knew her well. She even knew the reachers. When . hewould wa lk thr ough the schoo l yard , rhc big girls would sto p her to hug her and kiss. I wouldjust sit an d smile to know she was so .0 ia blc,Arriyah was promoted ro first gr;l [c. She would have been in Cla s: 1- 106. I to ld her who hernew teacher was , and she sa id " I know her. She is nicc :l nd I knnw whe re the lassroom is." Shewas so happy.She received an cxcellcn r report card. I rold her I was I ro ue] am) she could ger anyth ing shewnnrcd. he never asked for anything,Arriyah loved to dance and sing. She also wanrcd to be a .locror , She knew all the I:HeS tdan ces. Arriyah would s a ~ ' " I want to he on TV. When am 1gonn:l be on T V?" An i )', h was sohelpfu l. She would help me with everything, especia lly wit h her ha hy sister, j a niya h . She liked(() dress up in cos tum es and high heel s. and she liked to make dance rou t ines, showing her sisrcr how (() dance.Arriyah \\ ' :15 loved I y so mnny peo ple. She was herself at a ll rim .s, no matter what she never

    cha nged . Arriyuh W ;'IS taughr rhar she was a beautiful black girl and that's how she carr ied herself.Arriyah leaves ro mourn and cheri. h her life. her mother Dauna, her dad Fabian, her stcpdad.Jeff, her baby sister j aniyah, her sisters Brea , Akira and j ada , her brothers Rasha un, Raikwon,Tyrnos, Fabian [r. , Kaleck, Kha lccl, j ustin and Pablo. her grandpa rents Lillian iavin, Jeff,Eun ice and Tr evo r, her grea t grandparents Mary. Chr istine. and John, u host of aunts anduncles, grea t au nts and great uncles, cousins. godpar ents, god hrorhcr, friends and famil y.T hank you ro my family and friends who rook a grea t parr in Arrivuh': life, helping her tob ' O Il lC rhe loving, sma rr, beautiful black girl rhnr she is.

    HomegoingService forAttiyahNy-AyaHayesAug. 9,2006Daughter ofCapt. DaunaHayes-Webb

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    By Capt. '/0"Robert


    1 am 40 venrs o ld and married wirh th ree children . I resid e in Orange County, New York , andhave hee n a member of rhc Depa r tment since 1987.I wo rked 16 year s ar AMKC. 18 months at (; ;,,1 DC.six mon ths a t OBCe , and .urrcnr ly at V .He. [bccan e pa rt of the E.S.U team in .I uly 2000 . enlisted in the U.S. Navy in Fehruary 1999 . My rank isPerry O fficer 2nd Cbs . . Here's my sro rv.In January 2006, I was ac tivared by the N.Y. Stare

    M ilitia . T hi. was a securi ty pa tro l hoar un it in support of O pe ration Nol Ie Eagle, ..Homeland, ecur iry." Th ere I per formed securiry ope rationsnear Indian Poinr Power Planr located on the HenryH udson. T his deployment wa: for six mont hs.During rhar time I received new orders for a oneyear deploymen t in the Middle E;1St in su pport ofOperation Ira qi Freedom. Four teen rc erv isrs werepulled from various uni ts to wor k the Armories an dRifle range located in Kuwait and Iraq . Our teamconsists o f two D.O.C. members including myself,two NY . cops, one F.B.I agent and several Sher iffsas well as cops from Atlan ta, (; .org in.I spent r lVo months in Virginia rraining to becomean lnsr rucror/Range Master for rhe J ; \ ilita ry. '\ ' etra ined a group (If 2 -0 sailors whn were beingdeployed [() Kuwa it and Iraq in preparation to work various du ties such as, customs, cargo hadling, an d pat rol/shore security. They qua lified wirh wea pons such as rhe 1\'14. M Ih, and i\t9 5/Included in the rraining were convoy operarions, counter-a II I hush, live fire exercises. and II I iliruoperations in de: err terrain.Due to rhe Global \X 'ar on Ter rorism, the military has changed. U.S. forces arc combini

    together in Joint-Task Force Operations. In April 2006 . I arri ved ar .. 'amp Parrior" in KuwaThere I W;1 Sassigned to FWD. Delta Hendquurrers. T his uni t work: direc tly under the U.S. ArmMy mission is to work at variou s a rmories, one of which is loca ted in Iraq. Our range is locatin Kuwait I ecause Iraq is not a training center,Many people ask me why lo I do this and my response is, "Freedom isn' t Ircc, if I am involvin the tight for freedom the n I'm going to he happier, and I' ll have a better unde rstandingwhat 's going on ar ound the world. " O ne speech I will never forger was on September 20. 200

    when President Bush addres: eel :l joinr session of Cong ress. Th ere he stared , " Every nationevery region now has a dec ision to make. Either you ,H C with us or you a re with the terroristsHe ask ed (l UI ' militar y to he read y he ause the hour was com ing to act and that they would maAmerica proud. He said that free 10m and fear were at wa r. At rhar point 1 knew my time woucome to he C:1 Ik c!. So her ' I am working in J 2 degrees in the lcserr , hut 1musr say there isn 'day rhar passes hy that I do n't th ink abou t my Correct ion fami ly hack in the sta res.Serving in rhc Middle East has made th is my longes t dep loyment. B' . ides working stat esidemen t ioned, on 9/1 1 during the ter rorist attacks, my annual tr:1ining was -xr -nded at Little CreVirgin ia wo rking at the armo ry with Seal Team Two. And of course, OBCe wa: ;1 very inrere

    ing de ployment for me (LO L. LOL). Man)' (If my Comrades here ask me who am I employwith . \'(Ihcn I . , y, [ work for the : cw York City Dept. o f .,orrect ion, rhey are amnxingfy supr ised. T here wa one ill. ranee when [ to ld a Sheriff from South Carolina rhar I've workedRikers Island . He bowed to his knees and said, "Q, )'o u ar c the m:1I1 . How can you wo rk ill thtype of environrncnr?" So remember rn )' fellow ..aprains. we are professionals in what we dan d we are respected worldwide . \' ('1: ea rned and dese rve rhar right. \'(Ie are the first line of supvi Ion , and char a lone makes ou r job the toughes t in the D .pa rnncnr.Afrcr rhc completion o f Ill )' to ur I plan ro pur in my reti remen t papers. and pursue my carein the military. I will pend more time wit h my family, and of c urse ra ke my kids ro DisneylanSo unr il then. "ad ios amigos" and God bless you and your families.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    Congratu lations aDelegate, CAPT. HARIDRAYTON from MOe. Aret irement pany washeld in his honor onThursday, Sept. 28.2006, at Maest ro's inthe Bronx.Pictured at top left wiDray ton are neicesChris ten James andShaolin Drayt on, alonwith sister DeannaDrayton. A top right inephew Kevin DraytoA bottom left, 2nd VPPatr ick Ferraiuolospeaks about theformer Delegate.At bottom right

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    Cap.: coAft r

    Congratulations toCapt. Thomas Scalia(AdjudicationI.

    Aret irement part ywas held in his honor

    on April 19, the Pine Restaura nt

    in Queens.In top photo. friends

    and family gather forthe final farewell.

    Middle left ,Scollo (center1pose s

    with CCA 2nd VPPatrick Ferraiuolo and

    Iman Umar Abclul-Jali l.In middle photo

    at right , Ferraiuolopresents Scollo wit h

    retirement certificate.In bott om photo,Scollo receives aplaque from ADW

    James Perrino.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006


    ptYol n ael z r

    R Ieend . hme wiamil

    Con gratulations toCapt. Yolanda Selt zer[ Adjudicat ion ). on heretirement aft er 20years with theDepart ment. Aparty was hel d inher hon or onSeptember 29 , 20 0 6,at t he Pine Restauranin Queens .Fam ily and friendsgath ere d to help hercelebrate.In top pho t o, friend sand cowo rkers gatheto wis h Yolanda w ell.Middle left , Is t VPRonald Whit fieldpre sen ts Selt zer witha retirement cert ificaand wish es he r thebes t.Middle rig ht ,ADWJam es Perino, pre senSelt zer wit h a plaque.Botto m. Seltzer withfamily.

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    By:RonaldW. Whitfield1st Vice President

    As always, :H rhc memor ial luncheo n. there is a place . erring . et for one. The signficancethis is the empty place represents Corrcctioua l sta ff wh o have given their lives in rhc line o f dudefending society while mainta ining inca rcerated felons . T he ;'.l issing O fficer Table svmholizthat the y ar e wit h us in spirit.Th e Missing Office r Table: The rable is ro und - ro show ou r ever lasting co ncern fo r our missing loved on " . T he rnbleclorh is white - sym bo lizing the pu rit y o f rheir mo tive, when answe ring [he cto duty,

    The swo rd - symbo lizes hono r, The single red rose - d isp layed in a vasc, reminds us of the life o f each of the missiloved ones and friends o f rhesc .o rrccrional ruff who keep rhc faith.

    T he vase - is t ied with a ~ O ribbon, symbol of our cont inu ed dcrcrminarionremember and ro "Ta ke Ca re o ( Ou r Ow n." A slice of lemon - reminds us o f the bitter fa te o f those kille I and/or crippled while prrect ing soc iet y.

    A pinch of salr - symbolizes the endured hy rhosc l l l i s n and their t.un ilics wseck answers. T he Bihlc - represent . the st rength ga ined th rough faith to susta in those o f us that connuc Oi l . T he glass, inverted - symbolizes their ina bility to sha re th is day's roast. T he cha ir is em pt y - they a re missing.This yea r the i\ nnua I Nat iona l Memor ia l Ser vice was held in t , Louis, M issouri, hono ring

    mem bers o f ser vice who gave the ult ima te sacrifice. Six curre nt, on e from 2006 and five fro2005 . ix from the past , two from 200 I, one from :WOO, one from 1997, one from 1)95 aone from 1991. Also honored were five rncmbcrs o f crvicc who were killed in the line o f duwhile serving their Co unt ry. For the first time, three ch ildren o f act ive members o f scrvi e walso gavc the ultimat e sacrifice while serving thei r country were a lso honor ed . Fallen bur nforgotten ,T he CPO Foundation :11 0 recog nize 19 survivors of assau t , tr :1I .l 111 :1 or accide nt and two

    bra very, a bove and beyond the cal l o f du ry at a recognition luncheo n.It has been said hy the Board o f Directo rs and 111 .mbcrs o f CPOF, [ha t the NYC De] a rrmc

    of Co rr .crion Pipc Band a rc a major par r of the Memoria1 Service, Not on Iy in their II I usclc .rions rhar they rende r and everyone loo ks forwa rd t i l hea ring, bur :11$0 hcc:lusl' they lofo rward to sponsoring the "JUSt fo r Kids & Teens" pool si lc picnic and pnrty fo r the CPFou ndation's kids and teens.Correctiona l PC1Ce O fficer's Fou ndation, Ta king Carc O f Our Ow n.Pro ject XVIII will be J une 2 1 - 24, 2007 in Philadelphia, Pen nsylvania.

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    TI,eNYCDepartmentsof Correction andHealt h &: MentalHygiene hosted aHealth Fair called"Iake Ca re DOC" onTuesday, Sept. 19from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.on Rikers Island .Theevent highlightedthe importance of the10 steps to a longerand healthier life.Health care providerswere on hand to conduct spot tests forvarious condit ions.There were informatioal handouts on healthissues such ascholesterol, diabetes,blood pressure, heartdisease, cancer,depression, alcoholand drug dependencyHIVand other concer

  • 8/14/2019 GM-10 - CCA Newsletter Fall 2006



    CCALongtimeLobbyistBe FriendRetires

    OtEII 1W1;1dA 'nueq\1f
