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  • 7/31/2019 (Glossario Cinema)




    Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio de JaneiroDepartamento de Letras / CCE

    Curso de Formao de Tradutores Ingls-Portugus (2008)Disciplina: Terminologia

    Professora: Adriana Ceschin Rieche


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    Termo L1 Definio L1 Contexto Termo L2 Contexto Observaes


    A person who plays the roleof a character. Historically,the term "Actor" referredexclusively to males, but inmodern times the term is

    used for both genders.(S1)

    If you need an actor whowill carry your movie andthis particular actors creditsare paltry, you should moveon.

    (L1, p. 62)


    O ator britnico, queinterpreta Batman e BruceWayne no filme ''Ocavaleiro das trevas'', emcartaz nos cinemas, foi

    liberado horas depois de tersido preso em Londres.(S63)

    Em portugususa-se ator(masculino) eatriz(feminino)

    art director(np)

    The person who oversees theartists and craftspeople whobuild the sets.(S1)

    The art director executesthe design, answering to theproduction designer.(L1, p. 83)

    diretor de arte(s.n.)

    O programa TelaBrasileira, da RdioMetodista On-line,apresenta nesta semana aprimeira parte da entrevista

    com o diretor de arte LusFernando Pereira.


    Process where the director orcasting director of aproduction asks actors /

    actresses / performers toshow him/her what they cando.(S2)

    During an audition, someperformers read lines flat,like reciting an IRS form

    (L1, pg 64)


    Estamos realizando testespara atores e atrizes (comregistro definitivo), que

    no fumem, para projeto(...) (S58)


    A device for recordingimages.(S1)

    Wherever you get yourcamera, have yourcinematographer test it inorder to detect any problems


    Existem vrios tipos decmeras, algumas so tosofisticadas quanto umacmera de cinema.

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    early.(L1, p. 100)



    A collective term for theactors appearing in aparticular movie.(S1)

    The smaller the cast, thebetter.(L1, pg 13)


    O diretor Oliver Stone,61, escalou parte do elencopara seu prximo filme,"W.", informa o site darevista "Variety".(S57)



    The process of hiring actors

    to play the characters in ascript, typically done by acasting director, but withsome input from a director,producer, or studio.(S1)

    Casting is selecting the

    people who will bring yourdream to life.(L1, p. 58)

    escalao de


    Em entrevista MTV,

    Zack Snyder, diretor deWatchmen, adaptao stelas da HQ revolucionriade Alan Moore e DaveGibbons, comentou osboatos mais recentes sobrea escalao do elenco.(S56)

    casting director(np)

    The person who auditionsand helps to select all of thespeaking role actors in film,television shows or plays.(S1)

    It is common for thecasting director tovideotape the initialauditions without you (thedirector).(L1, p. 59)

    produtor deelenco(s.n.)

    (...) produtor de elenco(ou de casting): a partir dasespecificaes fornecidaspelo diretor e com a suaaprovao contata o elencoe fica responsvel pela suaconvocao em cada dia defilmagem.(S55)


    The personality or part whichan actor recreates.(S3)

    Character traits andmotivations are key factorsin determining what acharacter says and how hesays it.(L1, p.11)

    personagem(s.m. e s. f)

    (...) o ator John Cusackno foi o dublador dopersonagem Pata Feia dofilme "O Galinho ChickenLitlle", a responsvel pelagravao foi sua irm, Joan

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    A place where screeningsoccur.(S1)

    Encourage the children totalk about the last time theyvisited the cinema.(S9)


    (...) o objetivo dosexibidores com a vendanumerada ampliar oconforto do freqentadorde cinema, no ocontrrio.(S53)

    cinematographer(n) A person with expertise inthe art of capturing imageseither electronically or onfilm stock through theapplication of visualrecording devices and theselection and arrangement oflighting.


    The earlier thecinematographer can beginwork, the better.(L1, p. 81)

    cinegrafista(s.m.) O festival Wings OverHouston, que aconteceanualmente no Texas, noano de 2006, filmado porum cinegrafista amador.(S52)


    The act of making a film.(S4)

    Cinematography is an artand a skill mastered throughexperience.(L1, p. 81)


    a primeira vez queAndrew Lesnie, que assinaa fotografia da adaptaoda obra literria de J.R.R.Tolkien para o cinema, indicado ao Oscar.(S51)


    The degree to which a movieis self-consistent. Forexample, a scene where anactor is wearing a hat whenseen from one camera angleand not from another wouldlack continuity.

    Continuity is the internallogic of shots so they matchwhen strung together.(L1, p. 122)


    Hoje esse termo j no dconta de filmes quedesobedecem as regras dacontinuidade clssica a talponto que no podem ser

    julgados por critrios quelevem em conta elementos

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    (S1) formais como mise-en-scne, enquadramento e

    ngulo de cmera.(S50)


    The clothes worn by actorswhen being filmed.(S1)

    Micro-budget films oftendont have costume per se,the cast members wear whatthey own.(L1, pg 106)


    O curso aborda demaneira prtica (com acriao de trajes pelosalunos) e terica osprocessos criativos defigurinos para teatro ecinema, levando em contaa histria da indumentriacnica ao longo dossculos.(S49)

    costume designer(np)

    A person who designs thecostumes for a movie.


    Some indie films(especially those set in any

    time but the present) need afull-time costume designer.(L1, p. 86)


    Nascida em Portugal,comeou sua carreira de

    figurinista no cinemabrasileiro em grande estilocom Julio Bressane (...)(S48)


    Is usually (but not always)the driving artistic sourcebehind the filming process,and communicates to actorsthe way that he/she wouldlike a particular sceneplayed.(S1)

    The director is the coach,the conductor, the general.(L1, p. 133)


    Como no existia umaproduo industrializada, odiretor continuou sendo ogrande realizador, o artistaque usava o cinema comomeio de expresso.(S47)

    director ofphotography(np)

    A cinematographer who isultimately responsible for theprocess of recording a scene

    The director ofphotography is responsible,in conjunction with the

    diretor defotografia(s.n.)

    Mais tarde, com achegada de um produtor daboca do lixo (Jos da Costa

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    in the manner desired by thedirector.


    director, for the moviesvisual look.

    (L1, p. 81)

    Cordeiro, o Deca da UrnioFilmes), decidimos chamar

    um diretor de fotografia"de verdade" para encararas noturnas e os interiores.(S46)


    The organization responsiblefor coordinating thedistribution of the finishedmovie to exhibitors, as wellas the sale of videos,laserdiscs, and other mediaversions of movies.(S1)

    The distributor will takevirtually everything formyour production that iscapable of generatingpublicity.(L1, p. 178)


    O distribuidor quedetermina o que vai passarno cinema e cabe sempresas de exibio fazerexigncias para que oacesso ao sistema digitalseja democratizado.(S45)


    Reconstructing the sequenceof events in a movie.(S1)

    Your editor should be ableto show you several optionsfor editing each scene

    (L1, p. 153)


    Depois de mais de 115horas de montagem,chegamos ao resultado

    final: um curta de dozeminutos, que se tornou otrailer de apresentao doprojeto.(S44)

    Em ingls, tambmchamado de

    film editingou pictureediting.


    A person who performsediting (in consultation withthe director) on a movie.(S1)

    When editing, you and youreditor should alwaysconsider the movie as awhole.(L1, p. 151)


    () Foi editor de cinemada Rede Bandeirantes deRdio e Televiso, eroteirista e apresentador doprograma Tela 21, noCanal 21 de So Paulo.(S43)


    A producer who is notinvolved in any technicalaspects of the filmmaking

    If one believes in yourproject, hell come onboardas your executive producer


    Alm de perder oprincipal produtor-executivo, "Bionic

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    process, but who is stillresponsible for the overall


    ()(L1, p. 18)

    Woman" j enfrentououtras baixas na equipe.



    An organization whichrepresents cinemas.(S1)

    Through new exhibitoragreements with severalmovie theater chainsnationwide and in the UnitedKingdom, MovieTickets.comis now offering ticketinginventory from 66exhibitors.(S10)


    O fato que o mercadoexibidor dominado porapenas trs ou quatroempresas e algumas delasno tem interesse eminvestir no Nordeste,preferindo concentrar suasaes no Sudeste.(S41)

    feature film(np)

    A movie at least 40-45minuteslong intended fortheatrical release.(S1)

    Feature film with a stronghook can be made with abroadcast-quality videocamera

    (L1, p. xvi)


    A empresacinematogrfica norte-americana 2929Entertainment est

    filmando em Ubatuba olonga-metragem"Tourists"(...)(S40)


    To record moving pictureswith a camera, usually tomake a film for the cinemaor television.(S5)

    If possible, film a simplesetup in one area while muchof the crew is preparing for amore complex setup inanother.(L1, p. 124)


    O cineasta britnicoRidley Scott comeounesta segunda-feira (7) afilmar o longa-metragem"Nottingham", que conta ahistria de Robin Hood(S39)

    Em inglstambm usada apalavrashot.

    film stock The physical medium onwhich photographic imagesare recorded.(S1)

    On big production, the costoffilm stock is a mere blipin the budget.(L1, p. 90)


    (...) uma srie de dezfilmes, com durao de 40a 50 segundos cada, j queos rolos de pelcula tinham

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    quinze metros decomprimento


    A collective term used torefer to people who have asignificant degree of controlover the creation of a movie:directors, producers,screenwriters, and editors.(S1)

    Some of the best sources forbudgeting info are yourfellow filmmakers andindustry professionals.(L1, p. 37)


    O Festival de Cinema deSundance e seupatrocinador, o InstitutoSundance, oferecem apoioe divulgao a cineastasindependentes no mundotodo.(S37)

    filmmaking The making of movies.(S6)

    And a story and a vision arethe two most importantfactors in your filmmakingsuccess.(L1, p. xv)

    produo defilmes(s.n.)

    A estratgia do ministrio fomentar a produonacional, por meio depolticas que incentivem osetor privado a investir emfilmes brasileiros e da

    abertura de concursospblicos para a produode filmes. (S36)


    Most productions useartificial lighting whenfilming for various technicaland artistic reasons, both onlocation or on a set.(S1)

    Lightning must beconsistent between shots ofthe same subject(s)(L1, p. 123)


    Sendo matria-prima dafotografia e dacinematografia, deimportncia sumriaconhecer os aspectosbsicos de iluminao paracinema.(S35)


    A place away from a studiowhere scenes for a movie areshot.(S7)

    Generally, it is cheapest toshoot on location; often is socheap, its free.(L1, p. 53)


    Locaes de "Sex and TheCity" viram pontostursticos em NY: (...) Osucesso do novo filme

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    transformou diversos locaisda cidade que serviram

    como locao em novospontos tursticos da cidadede Nova York(S34)


    The decorations placeddirectly on the skin or hair ofan actor for cosmetic orartistic effect.(S1)

    Actors go into makeup.(L1, p. 119)


    A funo da maquiagemao longo dos anos dahistria do cinema tem sidoa de ajudar o ator a criarum personagem.(S33)


    A form of entertainment thatenacts a story by sound and asequence of images givingthe illusion of continuousmovement.


    You may very well plan tomarket your movie as arevolutionary farce or aquirky romance(L1, p. 6)


    O filme de Ridley Scottque tem Gerrd Depardieuno papel principal focalizao principal momento daexpanso martima

    espanhola (...)(S32)

    Tambmchamado emingls demotionpicture e film


    Work performed on a movieafter the end of principalphotography. Usuallyinvolves editing and visualeffects.(S1)

    Post-production sounds arevery easy and cheap.(L1, p. 14)

    ps-produo(s.f. composto)

    ()Damon Lindelof,disse ao site Trek Moviecomo encontra-se agora otrabalho de ps-produoe efeitos especiais dofilme.(S31)


    Arrangements made beforethe start of filming. This caninclude script editing, setconstruction, locationscouting, and casting.(S1)

    One of the first things theproducer or unit productionmanager needs to do is set atimetable for the movie,encompassing pre-production through post-


    Na realizao de umaproduo cinematogrficade pequeno e mdio portepode-se adotar umesquema bsico quecompreende as etapas de

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    production.(L1, p. 33)



    The filming of major orsignificant components of amovie which involve leadactors.(S1)

    Principal photography isusually the most expensivephase of film production andgenerally marks a point of noreturn for the financiers.(S11)


    A United ArtistsEntertainment anunciou oincio da fotografiaprincipal em Berlim daproduo internacional de"Valkyrie" (...)(S29)


    The chief of staff of a movieproduction in all matterssaves the creative efforts ofthe director, who is head ofthe line. A producer isresponsible for raisingfunding, hiring keypersonnel, and arranging for


    Its also the producersresponsibility to make sureany production problems areresolved.(L1, p.121)


    Na opinio de Ges, agrande qualidade doprodutor a honestidadede propsito (...)(S28)


    In the movie industry, thisterm refers to the phase ofmovie making during whichprincipal photographyoccurs. Popularly, however,production means theentire movie project.(S1)

    Appearance is paramountwhen youre trying toconvince people to invest inwhat youre selling as ahigh-quality production.(L1, pg 20)


    A produo de um filme,seja de curta ou longametragem, muito maiscomplexa do que podeimaginar o espectador aopagar o ingresso de umasesso.(S26)


    An artist responsible fordesigning the overall visualappearance of a movie.(S1)

    The production designerworks with the director toconceive, plan and supervisethe look of the scenery, setsand props.

    produtor dearte(s.n.)

    No comeo do ano,costumamos comprarquatro objetos iguais paraus-los ao longo datemporada, porque sempre

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    (L1, p. 83) quebram. Ou, quandocompramos peas de

    brech, fazemos cpiasaqui mesmo no Projac conta o produtor de arte,Guga Feij.(S25)


    An actor's part in a film orplay.(S5)

    If the role requires singingor fighting or roller skating ask the actors to do it duringthe audition.(L1, p. 65)


    O pai de Lindsay Lohanest aliviado, pois elarecusou papel em um filmesobre o psicopata CharlesManso (...)(S61)


    A continuous block ofstorytelling either set in asingle location or following aparticular character.


    Try to find a creative way toconnect the end of one scenewith the beginning ofanother.

    (L1, p. 9)


    Os cenrios e as cenas deluta so extremamentecuidadosos e, claro,enchem os olhos.

    (S24)screening An exhibition of a movie,

    typically at a cinema.(S1)

    Make sure youre well-prepared before attendingany festival at which yourfilm is screening.(L1, p. 178)

    projeo Portanto, o melhorsuporte para gravar estaimagem o fotogrfico, emque se tem justamente umaimagem formada sobreuma base transparente,possibilitando suaprojeo para cpia eampliao da imagemoriginal.(S23)


    A script written to beproduced as a movie.(S1)

    Before production begins,do not be satisfied withanything less than a great


    O curso dividido em trsmdulos, sendo o primeirouma introduo sobre o

    no portugus usada amesma

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    screenplay.(L1, p. 4)

    que um bom roteiro decinema, sobre a linguagem

    de cinema, sobre o que escrever uma histria emimagens.(S22)

    traduo paraas duas

    palavras doinglsscreenplaye scriptsendo aprimeirareferenteapenas aocinema e asegundareferente a umsentido maisamplo.


    A writer who either adaptsan existing work for

    production as a movie, orcreates a new screenplay.(S1)

    You may need to hire ascreenwriter to adapt an

    optioned property for thescreen, to turn an idea into ascript or to rewrite ascreenplay.(L1, p. 5)


    O roteirista contrapedizendo que tudo comea

    com ele, mesmo que sejauma idia encomendada,mesmo que a prpria trama

    j exista (...)(S21)


    A general term for a writtenwork detailing story, setting,and dialogue.


    The script is the singlemost important component inyour film.

    (L1, p.3)


    A Vitavision produzroteiros para a TV, cinemae teatro, abrangendo todos

    os gneros: fico,documentrio, entrevistas,institucional, esporte,msica, cultura, peateatral, etc.(S20)

    Tambmchamado deguio no


    script editing A process whereby a script is When editing a script, edio de Recentemente, concluiu o

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    (np) reviewed and changed basedon input from various

    sources such as the directoror producer.(S1)

    integrate scenes andcharacters to serve your

    overall purpose.(L1, p.10)


    trabalho de edio deroteiro para o longa-

    metragem Bob Esponja ede direo de Whoopi'sLittleburg, um programa debonecos para Nick Junior(Nickelodeon), estreladopor Whoopi Goldberg.(S19)


    An environment used forfilming. When used incontrast to location, it refersto one artificiallyconstructed.(S1)

    Move the lights andequipment from one side ofthe set to the other.(L1, p. 124)

    set defilmagem(s.m.)

    Existe ainda umasubdiviso na direo deproduo, que o diretorde set, encarregado de tudoo que compe o set defilmagem,(...)(S27)

    shooting script


    The script from which a

    movie is made. Usuallycontains numbered scenesand technical notes.(S1)

    In the shooting script, how

    each dialogue passage andaction sequence will becovered is noted.(L1, p. 15)

    roteiro de


    O roteiro de filmagem

    desenvolvido medida queo cineasta imagina seutratamento cena por cena, efaz anotaes para siprprio a respeito dasvrias cenas que poderusar mais tarde ao montar.(S18)

    sound editor(np)

    A member of the sound crewwho performs editing on thesoundtrack.(S1)

    The first thing your soundeditor should do is cleanup the dialogue track(s).(L1, p. 163)

    editor de som(s.n.)

    O harmnico trabalho daequipe os microfonistas,assistente de direo eplat permitiram que ummaterial de qualidadechegasse s mos do editorde som

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    Alessandro Laroca (...)(S17)

    sound mixing(np)

    The process of recording theproduction sound on the setat the time of shooting.(S1)

    Sound mixing is a big deal,usually requiring anestablished facility, a team oftechnicians and severaldays.(L1, p. 164)


    Descrio do curso: Acapacitao em Desenho deSom - Finalizao ser umbsico de edio de sompara cinema e televiso,destacando os itens:Desenho de som paracinema, mixagem paracinema e televiso (...)(S16)


    Technically, this term refersto the audio component of amovie. Popularly, it refers toa collection of songs which

    are heard during the movie,often sold as an album.(S1)

    Youll need a three-stripeoptical soundtrack that cande joined to the film andprojected.

    (L1, p. 171)

    trilha sonora(s.n.)

    Fergie, Joss Stone e Duffyesto na trilha sonora deSex And The City (EUA,2008),(...) (S15)

    special effect(np)

    An artificial effect used tocreate an illusion in a movie.(S1)

    Special effect creates aunique challenge for theindependent filmmaker.(L1, p. 127)


    Kapel defende ainda queo gnero funciona comoum timo portflio, em queos efeitos especiais podemdar vazo criatividade, j

    que permite um foco naparte visual com apelosensorial.(S62)


    A company that makesmovies.(S1)

    () a lack ofstudio inputor the unease of not knowingif your labor of love will ever


    Eliot Sekular, porta-vozda Universal Studios, disseque os danos ficaram

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    see the dark of a movietheater.

    (L1, p. xv)

    restritos parte do estdioonde filmes e sries de TV

    so filmados(S14)visual effects(np)

    Alterations to a filmsimages during post-production.(S1)

    Although most visualeffects work is completedduring post-production, itusually must be carefullyplanned and choreographedin pre-production andproduction.(S12)

    efeitos visuais(s.n.)

    Das equipes queconcorrem ao Oscar deefeitos visuais este ano,todas tm pelo menos umapessoa que j havia sidoindicada anteriormente.(S13)

    Informaes gramaticais:

    L1: n = noun

    a = adjectivev = verbnp = noun phrase

    L2: s. = substantivoa. = adjetivov. = verbos.n. = sintagma nominal

    f. = femininom. = masculino

    Referncias bibliogrficas:

    Livro:L1: Film Production The complete uncensored guide to independent filmmaking by Greg Merritt- Ione Eagle publishing company, 1998.

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    Sites: visitados em julho de 2008:

    S1: http://us.imdb.com/GlossaryS2: http://www.theatrecrafts.com/glossary/results.phpS3: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/characterS4: http://www.freedictionary.org/?Query=cinematographyS5: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=68413&dict=CALDS6: http://www.bartleby.com/61/13/F0121300.htmlS7: http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/S8: http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn

    S9: http://www.filmeducation.org/primary/FirstOutings/cinema.htmlS10: www.movietickets.com/press.asp?year=2005&pr_id=61S11: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_photographyS12: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_effectsS13: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/especial/2002/oscar/efeitos_visuais.shtmlS14:http://zerohora.clicrbs.com.br/zerohora/jsp/default2.jsp?uf=1&local=1&source=a1925069.xml&template=3898.dwt&edition=9983&section=68

    S15: http://www.bastaclicar.com.br/MUSICA/trilhas_cinema.aspS16:http://www.fundaj.gov.br/notitia/servlet/newstorm.ns.presentation.NavigationServlet?publicationCode=16&pageCode=236&textCode=10544&date=currentDateS17: http://www.academiabrasileiradecinema.com.br/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=579&Itemid=511S18: http://pdaldegan.tripod.com/cap_03.pdfS19: http://cinema.terra.com.br/interna/0,,OI339008-EI1176,00.htmlS20: http://www.vitavision.com.br/11.htmlS21: http://www.autoresdecinema.com.br/blog/?p=337?id=195

    S22: http://www.curtagora.com/curtagoracursos/default.asp?Servico=MostraCurso&Codigo=15S23: http://www.mnemocine.com.br/cinema/cinematografia1.htmS24: http://cinemacena.blogspot.com/S25: http://www.jornaldacidade.net/2008/noticia.php?id=8155S26: www.curtagora.com/curtagoralivros/default.asp?Servico=MostraLivro&Codigo=870S27: http://www.mnemocine.com.br/cinema/oprodutor.htmS28: http://cartacapital.com.br/2003/09/935

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    S29: http://www.adnewstv.com.br/cultura.php?id=51165S30: http://www.milenio.com.br/ogersepol/principal/saiba/produ%C3%A7ao.htm

    S31: http://www.trekbrasilis.org/2008/08/01/lindelof-diz-como-anda-a-pos-producao-de-jornada/S32: http://www.historianet.com.br/conteudo/default.aspx?categoria=9S33: http://www.geocities.com/themsfx/maquiagem.htmS34: http://mais.uol.com.br/view/a56q6zv70hwb/locacoes-de-sex-and-the-city-viram-pontos-turisticos-em-ny-04026CE4C153E6?types=A&S35: www.mnemocine.com.br/pdf/%7B1110200722012_cine_6iluminacao%7D.pdf S36: http://www.universia.com.br/html/noticia/noticia_clipping_hebe.htmlS37: http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itsv/0607/ijsp/sundance.htmS38: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinema

    S39: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/CinemaS40: http://jornal.valeparaibano.com.br/2005/06/03/lit/salim1.htmlS41: http://www.jornaldacidade.net/2008/noticia.php?id=6997S42: http://tv.globo.com/Entretenimento/Tv/Noticia/0,,AA1630456-7175,00.htmlS43: http://www.ligazine.com.br/cinema/noticias/05_07_01.htmS44: http://www.heco.com.br/montagem/01.phpS45: http://www.cinemaemcena.com.br/cinemacena/variedades_textos.asp?cod=76

    S46: http://abcine.org.br/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=170&Itemid=133S47: http://www.mnemocine.com.br/cinema/odiretor.htmS48: http://www.mulheresdocinemabrasileiro.com/kikalopes.htmS49: http://www.escolasaopaulo.org/atividades/criacao-de-figurino-para-teatro-e-cinema/criacao-de-figurino-para-teatro-e-cinemaS50: http://www.orm.com.br/blogdecinema/capa/default.asp?mes=5&ano=2007S51: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/especial/2002/oscar/fotografia.shtmlS52: http://www.weshow.com/br/videos/post/search?text=CinegrafistaS53: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/ilustrada/ult90u54622.shtml

    S54: http://cinema.uol.com.br/ultnot/2008/07/04/ult4317u2017.jhtmS55: http://www.terra.com.br/cinema/saldeprata/perca1.htmS56: http://www.omelete.com.br/cine/100006079/Watchmen.aspxS57: www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/ilustrada/ult90u386429.shtmlS58: http://www.via6.com/topico.php?tid=179359S59: http://www.metodista.br/noticias/2008/junho/201ctela-brasileira201d-traz-diretor-de-arte-premiado-nesta-quarta-feiraS60: http://www2.uol.com.br/revistadecinema/edicao32/producao_audiovisual/video_digital.shtml

  • 7/31/2019 (Glossario Cinema)


    S61: http://ofuxico.terra.com.br/materia/noticia/2008/05/12/lindsay-lohan-recusa-papel-em-filme-sobre-assassino-81507.htmS62: http://cinema.uol.com.br/ultnot/2008/07/30/ult4332u837.jhtm

    S63: http://g1.globo.com/Noticias/Cinema/0,,MUL688622-7086,00.html

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