global daehan

GLOBAL DAEHAN. Day 1 Time Frame: 10 minutes 1: Hip-Hop and American History ” Hip-hop will soon be accepted as an important form of music in America. The Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. has decided to create a hip-hop exhibition. Rappers and DJs will be alongside the greats from classical, jazz and folk music. The museum’s collection of hip-hop objects should trace the music’s inner-city origins in the Bronx in the 1970s to the present day. The exhibition will be called “Hip-Hop Won't Stop: the Beat, the Rhymes, the Life”. It will take over five years and two million dollars to gather enough material to showcase hip-hop’s roots. The museum plans to work with many hip-hop artists and the music channel MTV. Smithsonian spokeswoman Valeska Hilbig said: “Hip-hop was born in New York but it’s now a global phenomenon….It’s here to stay, and it’s part of American culture, just like jazz is part of American history.” Rappers and DJs from the early days, such as Grandmaster Flash, DJ Kool and Afrika Bambaataa have promised to donate records, turntables, posters and a “boom box” to the collection. Gangsta rap legend Ice-T expressed his happiness with the project and said he would send anyone interested in hip-hop to the museum. Hip-Hop is History at American Museum What do you think of Hip-hop music? What do you think of hip-hop fashion and lifestyle? How would you define hip-hop? Why does hip-hop sometimes have a bad image? What do you think about hip-hop being showcased in a prestigious American museum? Do you prefer American hip-hop or that in your own language?

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GLOBAL DAEHAN. 1: Hip-Hop and American History. Day 1 Time Frame: 10 minutes. Hip-Hop is History at American Museum. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Day 1 Time Frame: 10 minutes

1: Hip-Hop and American History

” Hip-hop will soon be accepted as an important form of music in America. The Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. has decided to create a hip-hop exhibition. Rappers and DJs will be alongside the greats from classical, jazz and folk music. The museum’s collection of hip-hop objects should trace the music’s inner-city origins in the Bronx in the 1970s to the present day. The exhibition will be called “Hip-Hop Won't Stop: the Beat, the Rhymes, the Life”. It will take over five years and two million dollars to gather enough material to showcase hip-hop’s roots. The museum plans to work with many hip-hop artists and the music channel MTV. Smithsonian spokeswoman Valeska Hilbig said: “Hip-hop was born in New York but it’s now a global phenomenon….It’s here to stay, and it’s part of American culture, just like jazz is part of American history.” Rappers and DJs from the early days, such as Grandmaster Flash, DJ Kool and Afrika Bambaataa have promised to donate records, turntables, posters and a “boom box” to the collection. Gangsta rap legend Ice-T expressed his happiness with the project and said he would send anyone interested in hip-hop to the museum.

Hip-Hop is History at American Museum

What do you think of Hip-hop music?

a. What do you think of hip-hop fashion and lifestyle?b. How would you define hip-hop?c. Why does hip-hop sometimes have a bad image?d. What do you think about hip-hop being showcased in a prestigious American museum?e. Do you prefer American hip-hop or that in your own language?



2: Romantic Love

Day 2 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Romantic Love Lasts Only A Year

Italian scientists have discovered that a chemical in the brain responsible for romantic love fades in intensity over the course of a year. This perhaps explains why that giddy, euphoric, head-over-heels-in-love feeling that takes our breath away at the start of a relationship diminishes over time. Researchers from the University of Pavia determined that levels of a protein called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) greatly increase when a person first falls in love. Raised NGF levels spring from the rush of adrenalin, renewed vigor and confidence and lust for life that occur when new love blossoms. Levels of NGF greatly decrease over a year or so as security within the relationship sets in. There is then less urgency to constantly woo a potential partner to ensure they are yours.

a. How many times have you been head over heels in love?b. When was the last time you had happy and wonderful feelings?c. Are you happy now that you know the reason why romantic love disappears after a year?d. Would you like scientists to make a drug that keeps NGF at very high levels in the brain for as many years as you want?e. Do you wine and dine your partner / Do you like to be wined and dined?

Are You romantic?



3: Happiest People On Earth

Day 3 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Working Mothers Pass On To Stress Kids

Working mothers take heed. A new report published in the journal Developmental Psychobiology suggests that mothers who work in jobs that offer little satisfaction and are emotionally draining pass on their stress to their children. The researchers, from the UK’s Bath, Kent and Bristol universities, found that young children are particularly susceptible to picking up on their mother’s stress. According to the report, putting a child in childcare, where youngsters will play and happily interact with other tots, can help to counter the problem. Co-author Julie Cobb said childcare provides a sanctuary for children that protects them from the adverse effects of their mother’s “emotional exhaustion”. Ms. Cobb urged companies to support both mothers and children.

a. What do you think of the findings of this study?b. Do you think it is a big problem when mothers pass on their stress to their children?c. Did your mother work and was she stressed?d. How do you think a mother’s stress affects her children?e. Do you think mothers and children should be given drugs to reduce the levels of cortisol?



4: Happiness

Day 4 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Happiest People In The World

Australians are the happiest people in the world according to a survey undertaken by market researchers GfK NOP. The marketers conducted door-to-door surveys and interviews with 30,000 people in 30 countries. They asked respondents how satisfied they were with their overall quality of life. Forty-six percent of Australians proclaimed to be “very happy” and expressed optimism about their future. Following them in the “very happy” stakes was the USA (40 percent), Egypt (36 percent), India (34 percent) and the UK and Canada (32 percent). Hungary got the wooden spoon, finishing bottom of the happiness chart. Thirty-five percent of its citizens said they were either “disappointed” or “very unhappy”, followed by Russians at 30 percent.

Do you agree with the headline?

a. Are the people in your country generally very happy?b. Are you very happy most of the time?c. What makes you unhappy?d. What’s the most miserable you’ve been?e. How happy are you compared with your friends?



5: Children and Violence

Day 5 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Violence in Japan’s Elementary Schools

Japanese elementary schools are becoming ever more increasingly violent, according to government statistics. This is beginning to challenge the myth of Japan as an orderly society in which schoolchildren sit attentively, respond in unison and respect teachers. The number of reported cases of violence rose to a record 1,890 during the past school year. This broke the previous record of 1,600 cases set in 2003. A government spokesperson attributed the violence to children having “difficulties expressing their feelings” or lacking patience. Japan began surveying school violence in 1997 following a string of macabre and disturbing crimes committed by younger students. The most shocking crime was the decapitation of a ten-year-old by a classmate.

What adjectives describe your feeling about this article?a. Are you surprised there is violence in Japan’s elementary schools?b. What is your image of schools in Japan?c. Do elementary schoolchildren in your country sit attentively and respect teachers?d. What are the biggest problems facing elementary schools in your country?e. Did you witness or experience any violence at elementary school?



6: Beauty And The Net

Day 6 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Site For Beautiful People Only

“Dear Guest, Welcome to the most beautiful and coveted network in the U.S.” This is the greeting you receive at a new, elite and exclusive Internet site that has just been launched in the U.S. follows similar, successful ventures in Denmark, Sweden and the U.K. Membership requirements are deliberately blunt – you must be very beautiful or handsome. If you don’t have the curves in the right places or your face isn’t quite Hollywood, you are rejected. The site’s introductory spiel says it: “introduces beautiful people to truly beautiful people. It is a meeting place which is reserved for people who, because of their attractive appearance and personal qualities, stand out from the majority.”

a. Would you like to join What do you think of people who want to join this site?c. Do you think this site is just for vain people?d. What does this kind of site say about the world?e. Do you worry about your looks and body?



7: Record-Breaking Weddings

Day 7 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Everest Wedding

A Nepalese couple have become the first people ever to get married on top of Mount Everest. They felt, and were, on top of the world on their wedding day. Moni Mule Pati, 24, and Pem Dorjee Sherpa, 23, exchanged wedding vows on top of the world’s highest peak. Their ceremony on the summit truly was a match made in heaven. The couple are now on cloud nine.There were no wedding dresses, tuxedos or wedding bells. Just oxygen tanks, climbing equipment and some plastic flowers. The groom carried some traditional red powder, which he put on his bride’s forehead as a symbol of marriage. The happy couple and their one guest had to climb down after ten minutes. The conditions were bitingly cold and becoming dangerous.The newlyweds had kept their plan a secret. They were worried about not being able to reach the top together. They also had concerns over what their families might say about their different cultural backgrounds. Pem Dorjee said: “With our interracial marriage, we also wanted to give the message that caste and race are no barriers when it comes to marriage.”

a. What do you think of the idea of Everest weddings?b. What do you think of the Nepalese couple?c. Are you surprised they are the first couple to marry on top of Everest?d. Would you like to climb Mount Everest?e. What wedding vow would you make on top of Mt. Everest?



8: Best Food In The World

Day 8 Time Frame: 10 minutes

British Food Best In The World

A British restaurant that serves bacon and egg ice cream has been voted the best place in the world to eat. The Fat Duck restaurant, near London, was at the top of Restaurant magazine’s list of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. The owner and head chef Heston Blumenthal opened his restaurant ten years ago. He has quickly developed a reputation for experimental and unique dishes. His menu includes leather, oak and tobacco chocolates, sardine on toast sorbet, snail porridge, and mousse dipped in liquid nitrogen. He taught himself how to cook and is now famous for this new style of cooking, which is called “molecular gastronomy”. It mixes chemistry, physics, food and flavour to make unusual taste combinations. Britain, the home of fish and chips, is famous for tasteless and boring food. However, it seems things are changing: in addition to the Fat Duck’s award, London was named in March by Gourmet magazine as the Gourmet Capital of the World.

a. Was there anything in the story you cannot believe?b. Did you agree with anything you read?c. Which country do you think the writer of this article is from?d. What do you think of British food?e. Do you think your country’s food is the tastiest in the world?



9: Movies And Children

Day 9 Time Frame: 10 minutes

The 50 Must-See Children’s Film

BNE: The British Film Institute (BFI) has released a list of 50 movies that they say all under-14-year-old children must see. More than 70 movie critics gave their top ten children’s movies from around the world. The result is a wide variety of famous Hollywood blockbusters, such as ET and Toy Story, as well as more obscure movies, like Where is the Friend’s House, an Iranian movie released in 1987. The number one film is Hayao Miyazaki’s 2001 movie Spirited Away. Five of the top ten movies were not in English.

a. What do you think of must-see movie lists?b. Are you surprised five of the top ten are not in English?c. Have you seen or would you like to see the four movies mentioned in the first paragraph?d. How have kids’ movies changed over the years?e. Do you prefer Hollywood kids’ movies or non-American ones?



10: People Of The Year

Day 10 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Bill Gates and Bono – Time’s Persons of 2005

Time magazine has named Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and rock star Bono as its “Persons of the Year” for 2005. All won the annual award for their non-stop efforts to improve public health around the globe and reduce disease and poverty in Africa. Time’s editor Nancy Gibbs said she wanted to honor Bono and the Gates “for being shrewd about doing good, for rewiring politics and re-engineering justice, for making mercy smarter…and then daring the rest of us to follow”. Of course, they also have their own incredibly busy and successful careers.

In pairs / groups, make your choices for Person of the Year / Do-Gooder of the Year / Baddie of the Year / Fool of the Year / Star of the Year / Nice Person of the Year / Biggest Mistake of the Year / Sports Person of the Year / [Your category] Person of the Year. Change partners and explain your choices and reasons.



11: Parenting

Day 11 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Toddlers Mimic Smoking Parents

Parents who smoke and drink should be careful. Children are looking at and remembering and copying the behavior of their mothers and fathers. This is the conclusion of a study made by Dartmouth College in the American state of New Hampshire. A research team asked kindergarten children to role-play a shopping trip. The researchers measured the thoughts and attitudes of the students and found two-year-old toddlers “buying” alcohol and cigarettes.

a. What do you think of this article?b. Why do people smoke?c. Do you think the research made is conclusive?d. Do you have smoking friends. What do they say about




12: Celebrities

Day 12 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Tom Cruise Proposes In Paris

Hollywood heart-throb Tom Cruise has asked his girlfriend Katie Holmes to marry him. Tom popped the question at a very romantic setting – the Eiffel Tower, in Paris. The couple have had a whirlwind romance. They only told the world they were in love in April. Since then, Hollywood’s gossip reporters have been writing about the pair nonstop. Of course, not all the news has been true. Some tabloids filled dozens of their columns about Tom and Katie. Many said that the relationship was a publicity stunt. Gossip columnists want to believe Tom is just helping Katie to become a star.

a. Do you like Hollywood news (or news of other movie stars)?b. What is your opinion of Tom Cruise?c. What do you think of this whirlwind romance?d. Do you think they’ll both live happily ever after - together?e. Is a diamond engagement ring necessary?



13: Music

Day 13 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Paul McCartney”s Space Station Concert

Sir Paul McCartney has become the first musician to sing live to an audience in space. The former Beatle woke up the crew of the International Space Station with special versions of two songs that were carefully chosen for the space concert. The first was the Beatles classic Good Day Sunshine. The second tune was a track titled English Tea from his new album Chaos and Creation in the Backyard. NASA’s own television channel showed the songs and live images of the two-man space audience listening to them. This is the first time live music has woken up astronauts. NASA traditionally uses recorded songs.Sir Paul said he decided to sing Good Day Sunshine to repay a favor. NASA used it to wake the Space Shuttle Discovery crew earlier this year. The song signaled to the crew that landing conditions on Earth were perfect for their second attempt at returning from space. The first landing was canceled because of bad weather. Before his performance, Sir Paul said: “I can’t believe that we’re actually transmitting to space.…This is sensational. I love it.” Astronaut Bill McArthur also seemed happy and told Sir Paul: “We consider you an explorer, just as we are.”

a. Do you like Sir Paul McCartney or The Beatles?b. Do you think Sir Paul McCartney was a good choice of artist to make the first live broadcast into space?c. What song or piece of music do you think should be transmitted into space?d. How do you wake up in the morning?e. Have you ever canceled anything because of bad weather?



14: Jogging And Health

Day 14 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Researchers Say Jogging Alone Is Unhealthy

A new report suggests that jogging could be bad for your health, especially if you do it alone. A team of researchers from Harvard University has said that going for a run on your own is not as healthy as people believe. Their research showed that jogging as part of a group is healthier. The experiments they did on rats showed that running alone raises stress levels and slows down brain cell growth. Professor Elizabeth Gould, the research leader, said: “These results suggest that, [with no] social interaction, a normally [positive] experience can [have a negative] influence on the brain.”

a. What do you think of jogging?b. Is jogging popular in your country?c. What are your experiences of jogging or running?d. Do you think jogging can be bad for you?e. Do you agree with the conclusion of the professor in the article?



15: The Things We Eat

Day 15 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Eating Fish Is Good For The Brain

Eating fish every week may keep our brain more active during our older years. This is the conclusion of research conducted by the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. The study found that older people who eat fish regularly have quicker and better memories. Over a lifetime of eating fish, people could be three to four years mentally younger in age. Lead researcher Martha Clare Morris said: “We found that people who ate one fish meal a week had a 10 percent slower annual decline in thinking.…People who rarely eat fish have a…faster decline in their thinking ability over time.”

a. Do you like fish?b. Have you ever thought about the link between food and the brain?c. Do you have a good memory?d. What would you do if you noticed a decrease in your brainpower?e. Do you worry about brain diseases setting in when you are older?



16: Going On A Diet

Day 16 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Breakfast Helps Girls Stay Slim

A newly published report says that girls should eat breakfast every day if they want to stay slim. Researchers from America’s Maryland Medical Research Institute followed the eating habits and weight of nearly 2,400 girls throughout their adolescence. This ten-year period is a time when “girls put on a lot of weight”, according to lead researcher Bruce Barton. The conclusion of the findings was that teenage girls who ate cereal for breakfast three times a week or more were more likely to stay slim.

a. What do you usually have for breakfast?b. What would you like to eat for breakfast?c. How have your breakfast eating habits changed over the years?d. Do you think breakfast is the most important meal of the day?e. Do you think it is important to eat breakfast with your family?



17: Coffee And Your Health

Day 17 Time Frame: 10 minutes

New Study Says Coffee Is Good For You

Coffee is good for you. That is the conclusion of researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania. A team led by Dr. Joe Vinson found coffee is a rich source of antioxidants. Coffee is the biggest provider of these vitamins in the U.S. diet. Antioxidants help fight cancer and reduce cell damage and the effects of aging. Dr. Vinson said both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee provides similar levels of antioxidants. He recommended no more than two cups of coffee a day.

a. Do you drink a lot of coffee?b. Do you think about the health benefits of what you drink?c. Do you do anything to limit the effects of aging?d. Do coffee and tea play an important role in your life?e. Do you ever go to coffee shops? What do you like about them?



18: Your Health And Your Friends

Day 18 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Friends Help You Live Longer

A new health report says that having good friends in your old age helps you live longer. The report also says that having close friends may be more important than having close family ties. Researchers interviewed 1,500 Australians over the age of 70 about their social and family ties. The results suggest that people with close friendships were 22 per cent more likely to live longer. The researchers said this is because of the positive effects on the body of social activity and recreation.The researchers analyzed data from an Australian study, which began in 1992. The 10-year-long study measured how behavioral, economic, environmental and social factors affected the health of 70-year-olds. The senior citizens were monitored annually for four years and then at three-yearly intervals. The team found that those with the strongest network of friends were less likely to die by the end of the ten-year period. This was true even when the senior citizen lost a spouse. The message is to keep in touch if you want to live longer.

a. Do you agree with the study that friends are more important than family to help you live longer?b. Would you rather be surrounded by friends or family at 70?c. Are you worried about old age?d. Do you think life is less stressful for seniors?e. Do you think friendships between 70-year-olds are stronger than those between younger friends?



19: Robots

Day 19 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Home Robots On Sale In Japan

A Japanese company started selling a futuristic home robot on September 16. The meter-high humanoid may make housework a thing of the past – for the rich. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries put its internet-linked Wakamaru robot on sale at a price of $150,000. Just 100 of these home helps will initially be available. The robot is the idea of Japanese designer Toshiyuki Kita. He said his creation was “designed in the shape of a human being so that it is not considered simply a machine” and that it has an “independent personality”.

a. What do you think about Wakamaru?b. What do you think of the idea of robots?c. Do you think robots will become more intelligent than humans?d. Do you think it will become difficult to tell humans and robots apart?e. What would you want your robot to look like?



Day 20 Time Frame: 10 minutes

Television Shoes

An amazing new invention by a British student will help children who are overweight. It will also reduce the number of hours of television they watch every day. The technology is nicknamed “Square-Eyes”. It is a tiny, computerized sensor that fits into children’s shoes. It measures the number of steps the child takes during the day and sends this information to the family computer. Software then tells the child how many hours of TV he or she can watch that evening. One hundred steps equal one minute of TV. If children use up all of their viewing time, they must do more walking.

a. What do you think of the new invention?b. Do you think this device will be popular?c. How would you feel if you had to walk for four hours every day to watch your favorite TV drama or news program?d. Do you think kids will find a way to beat the walking counter?e. How much TV did you watch when you were a child?

20: Television and Health