global crop diversity trust collaboration with pgrn, dr. l.guarino


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Page 1: Global Crop Diversity Trust collaboration with PGRN, Dr. L.Guarino
Page 2: Global Crop Diversity Trust collaboration with PGRN, Dr. L.Guarino


• GPA calls on countries to: “develop an efficient goal-oriented, economically efficient and

sustainable systemsystem of ex situ conservation” and “develop and strengthen cooperationcooperation among national

programmes and international institutions to sustain ex situ collections…”

• ITPGRFA calls on Parties to: “cooperate to promote the development of an efficient and

sustainable systemsystem of ex situ conservation” “cooperatecooperate to enhance international activities to promote

conservation, evaluation and documentation of PGRFA”

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The visionThe visionThe visionThe vision

A rational global systemfor the efficient and effective

ex situ conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA

Page 4: Global Crop Diversity Trust collaboration with PGRN, Dr. L.Guarino

Establishment of the TrustEstablishment of the TrustEstablishment of the TrustEstablishment of the Trust

• Established under international law in Oct. 2004

• Public-private partnership

• Joint initiative of FAO and Bioversity International on behalf of CGIAR Centres

• Endowment fund with target $260 million, generating $12 million/year, in perpetuity

now stands at approx $100 million

• Essential element of the funding strategy of ITPGRFA

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Making decisions Making decisions Making decisions Making decisions • Regional strategies and global crop strategies

identify eligible collections set priorities define most efficient, effective approach for conservation

• Process stakeholders involved through regional/crop networks facilitated through expert consultations backup from Trust, Bioversity & CG Centres, FAO

• Where are we? major crops, all regions available on Trust website

• Where do we go from here? Trust willing to work with networks etc. to raise funds to implement


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• Long-term grants from endowment• Short-term project funds

Building a global systemBuilding a global system

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Criteria for long-term support Criteria for long-term support

• PGRFA judged important in the context of regional or crop conservation strategy

• Effective links to users

• Material in Multilateral System of ITPGRFA

• Facilities, human resources and management systems adequate to ensure long-term conservation to internationally agreed technical standards

• Willingness to act in partnership to achieve a rational system for conserving PGRFA and make them available

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Long-term supportLong-term supportto in-trust collections in regionto in-trust collections in region

Long-term supportLong-term supportto in-trust collections in regionto in-trust collections in region

• Barley• Forages• Faba bean• Grasspea• Lentil

• US$ 300,000/annum from Trust endowment

• US$ 132,000/annum from ICARDA endowment

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The Global System ProjectThe Global System Project

• Regeneration• Safety duplication• Information• (Collecting)

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The Global System ProjectThe Global System Project

• Regeneration of accessions in priority collections and duplication in long-term conservation 21 Annex 1 crops, 60 collections, 70,000 accessions identified by

- crop strategies

- regional networks

multilingual regeneration guidelines strengthening capacity of key genebanks

• Duplication in Svalbard International Seed Vault from the regenerations of seed crops other important collections (e.g., in trust)

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• Generation of information and development of information systems characterization/evaluation of priority collections

- competitive grants scheme

data management system for genebanks- GRIN-Global

global accession-level information system

The Global System ProjectThe Global System ProjectThe Global System ProjectThe Global System Project

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Barley 1,183 Bean 2,719 Cassava 740 Chickpea 966 Cocoyam 109 Cowpea 2,492 Faba bean 826 F/millet 3,925 Grasspea 1,540 Lentil 665


Pearl millet 482 Pigeon pea 766 Potato 500 Rice 8,791 Sorghum 6,894 Sweet potato 950 Taro 200 Wheat 9,724 Yam 1,508

Status of regeneration Status of regeneration Status of regeneration Status of regeneration

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Regeneration projectsRegeneration projectsRegeneration projectsRegeneration projects

• Individual genebanks• Crop networks



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Regeneration projectsRegeneration projectsRegeneration projectsRegeneration projects

ARI, Albania 6,000 NARO, Uganda 1,691

ARC, Sudan 1,171 National Genebank of Kenya 3,274

BARI, Bangladesh 1,455National Genebank, Azerbaijan 1,099

EAPGREN 1,316 NCGRB, Nigeria 327FOFIFA/CENRADERU, Madagascar 2,141 NCPGRU, Ukraine 2,290

GRENEWECA 5,063 PARC, Pakistan 2,576ICABIOGRAD, Indonesia 1,750 PSARTI, Mongolia 835

IER, Mali 2,773Pyongyang Crop GR Institute, DPR Korea 5,700

INIA, Peru 2,359 REDARFIT 672INIAP, Ecuador 500 RNCGR, Tajikistan 1,623IPB/UPLB, Philippines 1,719 UAC, Benin 680IRAD, Cameroon 109 UNA La Molina, Peru 1,644ITRA, Togo 150 UzRIPI, Uzbekistan 257

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Trust support to PGRFA in the region

Trust support to PGRFA in the region

• Regeneration of unique, threatened accessions Key collection holders identified through crop strategies

already contacted- Need to urgently identify other key collections Need to urgently identify other key collections

through regional networkthrough regional network

• Competitive grants to support evaluation Using GIS to develop subsets of cereal and food legume

collections for screening programmes (ICARDA)

• Information systems GRIN-Global genebank data management system

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What makes a strong network?What makes a strong network?

• Self-financing• Strong information infrastructure• Building on CGIAR Centres and other potential

service providers• Focus on use for major crops• Focus on regionally important crops• Outward-looking

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Moving towards a global systemMoving towards a global systemMoving towards a global systemMoving towards a global system

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Safety backup

Long term collection

Active collection

Breeding/working collection


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