gima szolnok industrial park plc

innovációs és technológiai központ bemutató 2014-01-28

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Page 1: Gima Szolnok Industrial Park Plc

innovációs és technológiai központ bemutató


Page 2: Gima Szolnok Industrial Park Plc

Mission of GIMA Szolnok Industrial Park Co. Ltd. is to establish an up-to-date and modern business

environment providing competitive, operational and economic benefits for the entrepreneurships which have

already settled or will settle in the Industrial Park and who will utilize the services of the Park.

Based on our wide ranging system of relations and our experts’ professional knowledge of many decades we

are playing integrating role serving for meeting the development demands.

Social responsibility by propagation and application of green and renewable energy production and storage


Promotion of the application of efficient technologies with minimum CO2 emission (blue economy).

Establishment of a Technological Park, Green Industrial park and research and development centre besides

the Industrial Park.

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Page 4: Gima Szolnok Industrial Park Plc

The county town with its 76 500 inhabitants, is situated at 100 km Eastof Budapest, where rivers Tisza and Zagyva meet, at the water, landand rail hub of the Great Plain. The town is connected to the capitalwith main transport route No. 4 and a busy railway line.

It is a county seat, that is Szolnok is the economic, transport, trade,education and tourist centre of the region and it is – at the same time –a busy water crossing.

It is a historic town with rich historic and cultural traditions firstmentioned in 1075. The second railway line was built here in 1847.

Its economic role is significant because of it accessibility, educationalfunction and machine industry.

The settlement can be reached on highway 4 from Budapest andDebrecen; highway No. 32 from the North and No. 442 of Martfű fromthe South are the most important roads. The town can be equallyaccessed by railway lines Budapest-Cegléd-Szolnok, Budapest-Újszász-Szolnok, Hatvan-Szolnok, Vámosgyörk-Újszász-Szolnok,Záhony-Nyíregyháza-Debrecen-Szolnok-Budapest, Curtici-Lőkösháza-Békéscsaba-Szolnok-Budapest, Makó-Hódmezővásárhely-Szolnok and Kiskunfélegyháza-Szolnok.

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The Park is situated at the favourably located site of Szolnok, surrounded by Abonyi street andNagysándor József street, and the railway line Budapest-Újszász-Szolnok.

The area of the Park had served for land recovery before 2000, but due to its location and the lack oftopsoil it could not be utilized.

The present form of the industrial park is the result of the complete territorial development of the pastdecade, where the previous area which could not have been utilized for agricultural purposes, becamea business environment providing complete services by now.

Regulation plan of the Industrial Park was elaborated in 2005 and it is followed by further steps ofdevelopment.

Road and public utility network (driveway, gas, water, electricity, precipitation water drainage andtelecommunication) of the 46-hectare development area were finished during 2011 and 2013.

Construction of 6 buildings with 10.000 square meters of area for renting is being performed during2011 and 2014.

The image and the focus areas of the park are greatly influenced by the concepts of the companiesintending to settle here, including by now renewable energy production, services based on professionalIT infrastructure, technological and innovation central projects.

According to our future plans an annual 5000 square metres of territorial expansion for renting andrealization of about 5 hectares per year can be accounted for.

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excellent geographical location in the heart of Central Europe and Hungary, with direct road and railway connection

clean ownership, fields free of soil pollution

skilled labour supply, developed local school system

complete infrastructure, public utilities with opportunity to connect

extensive services before and after the settlement

quick and flexible administration at local authorities

turnkey project implementation

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Gross total area: 86 hectare

Engrossed area: 54%

Settled companies: 46 companies from 5 countries

Number of employees: 1626 persons

Gross total investment: 89 million USD

Settled main sectors: vehicle manufacturing and repairs, machine industry, instrument manufacturing,

chemical industry, sheet metal work, pharmaceutical manufacturing, waste

recovery, wood industry, wholesale,distribution

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Page 10: Gima Szolnok Industrial Park Plc

Drainage is ensured by the

network constructed in the area

of the industrial park (495

m3/day) and the wastewater

plant of the town.

Precipitation water is drained

by the precipitation water

drainage pitch of 26,5 l/s

outfall and the water reservoir

established on the area.

Drink water is supplied from the town

network, with a capacity of 550 m3/day.

Thanks to the 3 transmission lines

crossing the industrial park and the

transformer stations installed because of

the development Power supply of either 5

MW can be ensured.


Road network – the capacity of 1x1 lane

road network within the park is

dimensioned for truck traffic.

Gas supply - natural gas distribution

line of 480 m3/hour is available.

Waste management –

communal waste is disposed by

the participation of an external

waste management company.

Through telecommunication the analogue,

ISDN and leased lines as well as

broadband internet relation are directly

available. Fire protection –with the system of

hydrants installed on the area.

Guarding and security – non-stop security guarding with reception and telemonitoring of the

property are also available

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Antipode Kft.ASM Security Kft.Axiál Kft.B+T Szuper-100 Kft.Bagi Kft.Béres Gyógyszergyár Zrt.Borovi Faipari Zrt.Bravoker Kft.CNB Tanácsadó-Vagyonkezelő Rt.Ereco Zrt.Erinvest Kft.ezTrade Kft.Fortuna Trade 2000 Kft.General Service Kft.Gima Szolnok Ipari Park Kft.Grafiti Press Kiadó Kft.Hungarocoll Kft.Hungaropharma Zrt.Iron Horse Hungary Kft.Jászkun Volán Zrt.Kasuka és Partnere Kft.Kincses Erőd Kft.Lángi Építőipari és Szolgáltató Kft.

Malagrow Kereskedelmi Kft.Méter 96 Mélyépítő Tervező és Villamoshálózat Szerelő Kft.Nagy és Éder Kft.Nagygyörgy Bosch Car ServiceNSJ 29 Kft.Pedrollo Hungária Kft.Pintér Szolgáltató KKT.Remondis Szolnok Rt.Reve Kft.Schwinn Csepel Zrt.Seen Sigma Hungaria Kft.Szolnok-Helios Kft.Szolnok Megyei Jogú Város ÖnkormányzataSzolnok Sütőipari Zrt.Szolnoki FőiskolaTónus Szolgáltató és Ipari Kft.Trans Polczer Kft.Unimax-Hungária Zrt.Vasfa Kft.WM-Karaván Kft.

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Page 13: Gima Szolnok Industrial Park Plc

Skilled Hungarian manpower

Favourable Hungarian wages

Favourable taxation for the Hungarian companies and affiliates (corporate tax 10 %)

Logistic benefits of the value chain suppliers of the industrial sectors already embedded in

Hungary (car industry, rubber production etc.)

Accessible tender sources in case of new investments

Favourable geographical facility for the renewable energy projects (solar, geothermal)

Close cooperation among the Hungarian universities in the field of innovation, research and

development projects

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Development of the own infrastructure

Purchasing of real estates with building permit

Renting of buildings under development

Renting of halls in built-to-suit (as requested) construction

Development of renewable projects

Outlined focuses of the Park development based on the results (informatics, trade, research and development, innovation)

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Based on our development so far we offer industrialareas between 0,5 – 5 hectares with all utilities andflexible territorial distribution.

Minimum size: 2000 m2

Maximum building in: 50 %

Minimum green area: 30 %

Max. building height: 12,5 m

Public utilities: Drink water, Waste water, Electricity(even 20 kV), Communication network (optical),Precipitation drain system, internal road network,natural gas network, public lighting and industrialrail track (it can be constructed if needed).

consultancy designing implementation operation

Benefits Disadvantages

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Development of the own infrastructure

Purchasing of real estates with building permit

Renting of buildings under development

Renting of halls in built-to-suit (as requested) construction

Development of renewable projects

Outlined focuses of the Park development based on the results (informatics, trade, research and development, innovation)

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Purchasing of hall buildings between 1500 and 5000square metres, prepared by the Park developer andalready having building permit

consultancy designing implementation operation

Benefits Disadvantages

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Development of the own infrastructure

Purchasing of real estates with building permit

Renting of buildings under development

Renting of halls in built-to-suit (as requested) construction

Development of renewable projects

Outlined focuses of the Park development based on the results (informatics, trade, research and development, innovation)

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Long-term renting of the buildings implemented by the Parkdeveloper:

consultancy designing implementation operation

Benefits Disadvantages

Building Office/Hall Preparedness Status Lessee

VH 1 200/1200 2012.09.01 Rented Cash & Carry

VH2 100/600 2012.09.01 RentedMedicine, renewable,


VH 3 200/1200 2014.06.30 Free

VH 4 300/20002014.06.30


VH 5 250/20002014.06.30


IT 1 800/02014.06.30

ContractedIT cloud data


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Development of the own infrastructure

Purchasing of real estates with building permit

Renting of buildings under development

Renting of halls in built-to-suit (as requested) construction

Development of renewable projects

Outlined focuses of the Park development based on the results (informatics, trade, research and development, innovation)

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The developer of the Park undertakesimplementation of the project according to theindividual demands

consultancy designing implementation operation

Benefits Disadvantages

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Development of the own infrastructure

Purchasing of real estates with building permit

Renting of buildings under development

Renting of halls in built-to-suit (as requested) construction

Development of renewable projects

Outlined focuses of the Park development based on the results (informatics, trade, research and development, innovation)

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consultancy designing implementation operation

Solar power station of 500 kW implemented in 2013:

Continuously expanding electric power consumption,favourable regulation environment, „green” mission of thepark provide excellent possibilities for entrepreneurshipsworking in the sector of renewables.

Target group:

◦ Those who are interested in the implementation of theproduction, research, development and training centre ofrenewable technologies

◦ Regional manufacturers, constructors and consultantswho wish to expand on the Hungarian market

◦ Potential project field of companies wishing to invest inMiddle Europe in the field of renewables (solar, wind andgeothermal)

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Development of the own infrastructure

Purchasing of real estates with building permit

Renting of buildings under development

Renting of halls in built-to-suit (as requested) construction

Development of renewable projects

Outlined focuses of the Park development based on the results (informatics, trade, research and development, innovation)

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Based on the geographical peculiarities, mission, the companies which have already settled in the Park andour system of relations we put the following fields into focus when determining the development:

IT:Bidirectional independent optical connection supplying the park, as well as the cloud-based datacentre of European level will be constructed in the first half of 2014. This infrastructure to be installedwill ensure an attractive project site for IT investments, research, development and innovation projects.

Production: Skilled manpower of Szolnok and its region and the benefits of the country and of the park,and the favourable tender sources provide the possibilities for the domestic and foreign producingcompanies.

Trade: Continuously increasing turnover of the area and the modern, green business environmentimplementing as a result of the development provides favourable development potential for the retailtrading chains in expansion (electronic products, clothing, restaurant)

Research, development and innovation: The goal of the developer is to gain the titles of innovationcentre and technological park, which would create the possibility of involving even more tender sourcesfor the settlers.

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flexibility lead time investment demand

Development of the own infrastructure high long high

Purchasing of real estates with building

permit medium medium high

Renting of buildings under development medium short low

Renting of halls in built-to-suit (as

requested) constructionhigh long low

Development of renewable projects high medium medium

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Follow-up of tenders for the companies wishing to settle

Development integration services (designing, implementation, technical follow-up)

Consultancy (technical, legal and financial)

Area surveillance (reception, security service and alarm system)

Installation of bank ATM and connection with the post is planned

Professional office and IT services (optical internet, web hosting, cloud services, phone exchange, fax, e-mail, photocopying, printing house, meeting room, auditorium, event organization)

Dining options

Transport connection (public transport, organized transportation of the workers, central parking place, bicycle storage)

Technical services (cleaning, gathering of communal, selective and dangerous wastes)

Maintenance (general maintenance, non-stop service, water, electric and building maintenance, cleaning service)

Logistic services (freight service, transporting, forwarding, loading, storing, packing and customs administration)

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Technical questions:

László Koós general manager +36 30 955 28 58

[email protected]

Financial issues:

Péter Takács general manager [email protected]

Inquiry, information:

Mrs. Horváth Mariann Mihályi +36 20 494 13 59

[email protected]

[email protected]

Please do not hesitate to contact us!