giao an ta 9 - hk ii

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  • 8/4/2019 Giao an TA 9 - hk II


    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 37. Unit 6. the environmentLesson 1. getting started - listen and read

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use new words about

    environmental problems in the correct way , read the text for generalspecific information through Matching exercise and Answeringquestions.

    _ Grammar and structures:+ Adjectives and adverbs+ Conditional sentences: type I

    _ Educate Ss about protecting the environment.II. Preparation:_ Materials: Textbook, workbook.

    T : tape , cassette player , sub board.III. Teaching process:1. Class settlements:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:3. New lesson:

    A.Warm up:

    B.Presentation:*) Gettingstarted:(page 47)

    _ Brainstorming: Ss work ingroups of three or four:

    +Ask Ss to discuss andmake a list of peoplesactivities that destroy theenvironment.

    _ T can help Ss , then call on

    a S of each group to present infront of the class.

    _ Ask Ss to look at the picturesand the phrases in the

    _ Ss work ingroups of three orfour.

    _ A S in each

    group present infront of the class.

    _ Have Ss read

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *) Listen andread:(page 47, 48)a) Match thenames incolumn A withthe task incolumn B

    textbook, then T explains thenew words and the exercise toSs.+ Garbage dump : bi rc+ Deforestation : s tn ph

    rng+ Air pollution : nhimkhng kh+ Dynamite fishing : nh cbng

    thucn.+ Water pollution: nhimngun nc

    + Spraying pesticides : phunthuc trsu.

    _ Getting some Ss to give theanswers on the board , T andthe others correct.+) Keys: a) air pollution

    b) sprayingpesticides

    c) garbage dumpd) water pollutione) deforestationd) dynamite fishing

    _ Base on the pictures andphrases in Getting Started , Tasks Ss to give the activities toclean the environment in their

    locality in the occasions:T introduces the text andexercise to Ss.

    _ T explains some new words ,phrases to Ss.

    _ T asks Ss to write down who

    aloud the newwords.

    _ Ss match the

    phrases with thepictures in someminutes.

    _ Some Ss give theanswers.

    _ Ss discuss inpairs or in groups.

    Eg: Cleaningtheschoolyard/roads...

    _ Ss listen to thetape once.

    _ Ss listen again .

    _ Ss do the

    exercise : read thetable carefully andmatch. Comparethe answers with apartner.

    _ Some Ss read

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    b) Answer:

    is in the conversation and whatthey do.

    _ T gets some Ss to give theanswers , then comments andcorrects.+ Keys:1. Group 1- f) walk along theshore.2. Group 2- e) check the sand.

    3. Group 3- b) check amongthe rocks.4. Mr Jones - a) collect all thebags and take them to thegarbage dump.5.Mrs Smith- c) provide a picniclunch for everyone.6. Mr Brown - d) give out thebags._ T introduces the new

    structure to Ss: Conditionalsentence type I:Eg: If you cant find

    your place,I will help you get there withthis map. Asking Ss to give theform , then give moreexamples.

    _ Call on some Ss to answer infront of the class , T and theothers comment and correct.

    aloud the answers.

    _ Ss give


    _ Ss readcarefully thequestions from 15 , then read thetext again toanswer.

    _ Ss give out theanswers.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    + Keys:1) The speaker is Mr. Brown.2) The listeners are ( membersof ) the volunteerconservationists.

    3) They are on the beach.4) They are going to clean thebeach.5) If they work hard today ,they will make the beach cleanand beautiful again soon.6) - 7): Ss answers.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss: words and structures5. Homework:

    _ Revise grammar and structures at home._ Exercises: 1 page 41 in workbook._ Instructions:


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 38. Unit 6. (cont)Lesson 2. speak and listen

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to persuade other people

    by using some structures, improve listening skill._ Structures: + I think you should

    + Why not ?

    + Why dont you

    ?II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : tape , cassette player , sub board.

    III. Teaching process:1. Class setllement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *)Listen:( page 50)

    *) Production ( Furtherpractice ):b) Find the possible answersto the questions:

    _ T gives feedback andcomments.

    c) Now discuss with a partnerthe best way to protect theenvironment:

    _ T explains the exercise to Ss, then T and a good S practise

    to do sample._ T goes around and helps Ss.

    _ Call on some pairs to act outin front of the class. Tcomments.

    *) Pre listening:_ Divide the class into smallgroups , ask them to haveguess on how the ocean ispolluted.

    _T provides some words :+ raw sewage:+ oil spills :+ marine life :+ waste materials:+ regulation:

    *) While listening:_ T introduces andexplains the exercise to Ss :+ You are going to listen to a

    report on how our oceans arepolluted.Study the notes andthen listen to the tape and

    answers._ Each group writethe answers on theboard.

    _ Ss read theexample carefully ,then work in pairs ,change roles.

    _ Ss discuss ingroups.

    _Ss read the wordsafter T andremember themeaning.

    _Ss listen to the Tand understand therequirement

    _ Ss listen to the tapefor the first time.

    _ Ss listen again andcomplete the notes.

    _ Ss listen to the tape

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    complete the notes.

    _ T plays the tape threetimes.

    _ T and all the class commentand correct.+ Key:

    How the ocean is

    polluted?Firstly:raw sewage ispumped directly into the sea.Secondly : garbage isdropped into the sea.Thirdly : oil spills come fromships at sea.Next : waste materials comefrom factories.Finally : oil is washed fromthe land.*) Post listening:

    _ T can provides help ifnecessary.

    _ Call on some Ss to pressentin front of the class. Tcomments.

    for the last time tocheck the answers ,compare the answerswith a partner.

    _Two Ss to give the

    answers on theboard.

    _Ss work in pairs :use the notes asoutline and makeshort presentation onhow the oceans arepolluted.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss: words and structures5. Homework:

    _ Revise grammar and structures at home._ Exercises: 2 , 3 page 41 , 42 in workbook._ Instructions:

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010 Ngy...... thng......nm2010.

    T chuynmn duyt:





    n Th Ngoan------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 39. Unit 6. (cont)Lesson 3. read

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the poem

    with some old English by doing Matching exercise and Answeringquestions.

    _ Educating Ss not to pollute the environment.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board.

    III. Teaching process:1. Class setllement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:

    _ Homework correction.3. New lesson:

    A.Warm up: _ T gives some questions toSs:

    + Do you like poetry?+ Do you often read poetry?

    _ Ss answer thequestions.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010


    + Who is your favorite poet? introducing the newlesson.

    *) Pre reading:

    _ Teaching vocabulary:+ end up(v): chm dt+ second hand: qua

    s dng+ junk yard: bi ph

    thi+ treasure: kho bu+ stream: dng sui+ foam: bt

    + nonsense: iu vngha , v l_ T introduces the poem toSs , then T says therequirement of the exercise.*) While reading:

    _ Asking Ss to scan the poemand answer the questions:+ How many people are therein the poem?+ What is their relationship?+ Where are they?+ What are they talkingabout?a) Match each word in A to anexplanation in B:

    _ T encourages Ss to guessthe meaning of the words ifthey dont know.

    _ Call on some Ss to give theanswers , T corrects.+ Keys: 1 c 2 g 3 f4 e 5 d 6 a 7 b

    _ After Ss finish the exercise ,T asks Ss to read again the

    _ Ss write down the new

    words and read afterthe T.

    _ Ss scan the poem,discuss and answer thequestions.

    _ Ss read the poemagain carefully andmatch.

    _ Ss compare theanswers with a partner.

    _ Ss read the poemagain and find out thesentences using theconditional sentencetype I.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    poem , T repeats theconditional sentence type I.b) Answer. Then write theanswers in your exercisebook:

    _ T gives some help.

    _ Call on some Ss to readaloud the answers , T and allthe class comment andcorrect.

    +) Keys:1) If the pollution goes on ,the world will end up like asecond hand junk yard.2) The mother thinks otherfolk pollute the environmentbut not her and her son.3) If the boy keeps askingsuch questions , his motherwill take him home right way.4) No. Because hes right: Ifhe throws the bottles , thatwill be polluting theenvironment.5) The poet wants us to learnthat everyone is responsiblefor keeping the environmentfrom pollution.6) Ss answers.

    _ Call on some Ss to readaloud the poem.*) Post reading:

    _ Repeat the conditionalsentence type I to Ss , thenask them to complete thesentences:

    _ Ss read the poemagain and answer thequestions from 1 6.

    _ Ss can discuss to

    reach the answers._ Ss give the answers.

    _ Some Ss read aloudthe poem.

    _ Ss disuss andcomplete thesentences.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    + If I see somebodythrowing the empty packetson the street

    + If there arent any treesnear your house

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss: words and structures

    5. Homework:_ Revise grammar and structures at home._ Exercises: 4 , 5 page 42 , 43 , 44 in workbook._ Instructions:


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 40. Unit 6. (cont)Lesson 4. write

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a complaint letter

    with the right format and language.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board.

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction.

    3. New lesson:

    A.Warm up:_ T asks Ss to repeat the mainparts of a letter , T corrects. +)Keys: Sendersaddress

    _ Ss try to rememberthe parts of a letter.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010




    *) Pre writing:_ Teaching vocabulary:

    + complain (v) complaint: s phn nn

    + truck (n): xe ti+ refreshment (n): s ngh

    ngi+ response (n): s tr li+ break (n): gii lao

    _ T introduces the format of acomplaint letter:+ Situation+


    Resolution+ Action

    _ T explains the exercise toSs.

    _ T and the whole classcorrect. +) Keys: R S A C P*) While writing:

    _ T expalins the exercise toSs. Then giving Ss somequestions:+ Are there any lakes near

    youe house?+ What do people do in thelake?+ Are there any problems?...

    _ While Ss are writing , T

    _ Ss write down the newwords and rememberthe meaning.

    _ Ss listen to the T.

    _ Ss to read the letterin exercise a)

    _ Ss work in pairs , thensome Ss give theanswers.

    _ Ss answer thequestions.

    _ Ss to read thesituation in the the partb).

    _ Ss work individually:write a letter to thehead of the localauthorities to complainabout the way ofcatching fishin the lakebehind / near your

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    provides help.

    _ T gets some writings tocorrect.

    Suggestedwriting:Dear Mr President,

    I am writing to you aboutthe problem of catching fishbehind my house.

    I am very worried because

    they dont use the fishing rodbut use electricity to catchfish. After a short time theyleave the lake a lot of smallfish die and float on thewater surface. Other animalssuch as frog , toads , andeven birds have also diedfrom electric shock waves.Iwould suggest the localauthorities should prohibitand find heavily anyone usingthis way of catching fish.

    I am looking forward tohearing from you and seeingthe action taken to protectthe environment from thelocal authority.


    *) Post writing:_ Call on some more Ss toread aloud their writing , Tcomments and corrects.

    _ T helps Ss avoid themistakes that they often get.

    house._ Ss compare thewriting with a partner.

    _ Ss look at the letter onthe sub- board andcompare with theirwriting, find out themistakes.

    _ Some Ss read aloudthe writing.

    _ Ss listen carefully tothe T and rememberhow to avoid themistakes.

    4. Consolidation:

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    _ T summarizes the main points to Ss.5. Homework:

    _ Exercises: 6 , 7 page 44 , 45 in workbook._ Instructions:


    thng......nm 2010.T chuyn

    mn duyt:.................................




    Nguyn Th Ngoan-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 41. Unit 6. (cont)Lesson 5. language focus

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use well the adjectives

    and adverbs , adverbs of clause, understand and use well theconditional sentence type I.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board.

    III. Teaching process:

    1. Class settlement:Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction.

    3. New lesson:

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010Exercise 1.Change theadjectivesinto adverbs.Then

    complete thesentences:

    *) Exercise 2.Join thepairs ofsentencestogether.Use because,as or since:

    _ T asks Ss to repeat theformation and the use of theadv, giving examples.

    _ Formation: Adj + ly adv

    _ T calls on some Ss to give theanswers on the board. Tcorrecrs.+ Keys: Adj Adv


    good wellhappy

    happily sad sadlyslow slowly

    *) Complete the sentences:_ T explains the exercise to Ss._ T gives feedback andanswers.+ Keys:

    a) Hoa was extremely pleasedthat she got an..b)The old man walkedslowly.c)Tuan sighed sadly.d)The baby laughedhappily.e)Mrs. Nga speaks Englishquite well.

    _ T gives out two clauses:

    He failed the exam. He istoo lazy.

    Ask Ss about the relationbetween two clauses reason.

    _ Then T introduces the wordsexpressing clause of reason:

    because = as =

    _ Ss look at the tableon page 53. Then Sswork individually.

    _ Ss give the answerin front of the class.

    _ Ss workindividually.

    _ Some Ss read aloudthe answers.

    _ Ss listen andunderstand.

    _ Ss do the exercise.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *) Exercise 3.Completethe dialogue.Use thewords in thebrackets:

    *) Exercise 4.Matching:

    *) Exercise 5.Completethe

    since_ T corrects.+ Keys:b) I have a broken legbecause / as / since I fell over

    c) Im going to be late forschool because / as / since thebusd) I broke the cup because /as / since I wase) I want to go home because /as / since I feelf) Im hungry because / as /since I havent

    _ T explicits the structure:S + be + adj + that +


    giving example

    _ Call on some Ss to givethe answers, T corrects.

    + Keys:a) Im pleased that you areworking hard.b) Im excited that I can go toDa Lat this time.c) Im sorry that I broke yourbicycle yesterday.d) Im dis appointed that youdid not phone me about it.

    e) Im amazed that could winthe first prize.

    _ T repeat the conditionalsentences type I to Ss.

    _ T explains the exercise to Ss.

    _ Ss practise thestructure by doingthe exercise.Compare the answerswith a partner.

    _ Some Ss give theanswer.

    _ Ss workindividually, compare

    the answers with apartner._Ss read the fullsentences.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010sentences:

    _ Ask Ss to read aloud the fullsentences.+ Keys:1 e 2 a 3 c 4 d

    5 d.

    _ T explains the exercise to Ss._ Call on some Ss to

    answer / read aloud in front ofthe class.T corrects.+ Keys:

    b)If we go on littering, theenvironment will become

    seriously polluted.c) If we plant more trees alongthe streets , we will have moreshade and fresh air.d) If we use much pesticide onvegetables , the vegetables willbecome poisonous andinedible.e) If we keep our environmentclean , we will live a happierand healthier life.

    _ Ss work in groups.

    _ Ss read their


    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:_ Exercises: 8, 9, 10 page 45, 46 in workbook._ Instructions:



    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 42. Unit 7. saving energyLesson 1. getting started listen and read

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use the words and

    phrases relating to energy saving, understand the dialogue and theways to save energy.

    II. Preparation:_ Materials: Textbook, workbook.

    T : sub board, tape, cassette player.III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction.

    3. New lesson:A.Gettingstarted:( page 57)

    B.Listen andread( page 57, 58)

    _ T tells Ss what to do.

    _ Call on some Ss to read aloudtheir list. T gives comment. Suggested answers:+Save water by turning off thefaucet+Turn off the light+Turn off the TV radio whennot use--> T introduces the newlesson.

    _ T introduces the situation of

    the dialogue by giving somequestions:+ Who are talking?+ Who is Mrs. Ha?

    _ T plays the tape._ T explains the new words:

    + water bill ( n ) : ho n

    _ Ss look at thepicture, work in pairs:make a list of thingsthe family could do tosave energy.

    _ Ss present in frontof the class.

    _ Ss discuss andanswer.

    _ Ss listen to the tapeonce.

    _ Ss write down andremember the newwords.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    tin nc+ enormous ( adj ): to , ln+ crack ( v ) : nt , gy+ pipe ( n ) : ng nc+ plumber ( n ): th sa ng n-

    c+ dripping faucet(n): vi nc

    nh gita)Practice the dialogue...

    _ T goes around and helps Ss.

    _ Call on some Ss to act out infront of the class. T corrects

    pronunciation.b) True or False? Check theboxes. Then correct thefalse sentences:

    _ T explains the exercise to Ss.

    _ T calls on some Ss to give theanswers in front of the class. Tand all the class comment andcorrect.

    + Keys:1.True.2.True.3. False. Mrs, Ha hasntchecked the pipe yet.4. False. Mrs. Ha suggests

    taking shower.5.True.

    _Ss listen to the tapeagain, pratise thedialogue in pairs ,change roles.

    _ Some pairs act outin front of the class.

    _Ss work individually.Compare the answerswith a partner.

    _ Ss give theanswers.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.5. Homework:

    _ Exercises: 1 page 47 in workbook._ Instructions:

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    Ngy.......thng.......nm 2010

    T chuynmn duyt:





    n Th Ngoan-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 43. Unit 7. ( cont )Lesson 2. speak and listen

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use suggestions to

    suggest ways to save energy, understand and know how to do twocommon listening tasks: True or False and Gap filling, get generalknowledge about solar energy.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board, tape, cassette player.

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Written test ( 15):

    _ Circle the best answer ( 10 pts ):a) My younger brother runs very..A. quick B. slowly C. sadly D. bad

    b) This river is polluted very much we can not swim in it.A. because B. and C. so D. when

    c) If I get up after 7.00 , I late for school.A. be B. is C. are D. will be

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    d) She is very strong and he swims very A. fast B. good C. bad D. hard

    e) If we more oil , the pollution will increase.A. are using B. used C. use D. to use

    + Keys: a) B b) C c) D d) A e) C

    3. New lesson:

    *) Speak: *) Presentation:_ Review the ways to make


    Suggestion Response

    I suggest + V ing

    I think we shouldShall we?Why dont we?How about + V

    ing?What about + V



    Thats agoodidea.All right.No. Idontwant to.I prefertoLets

    _ Ask Ss to make sentences withthe structures above.*) Practice :Making suggestions.

    _ Have Ss look at the expressionsin the above table and pictures in thebook to make suggestions about howto save energy. Follow the example:

    A: I think we should turn off thefaucet.

    I suggest fixing the faucet._ Call on Ss to read aloud thesuggestions.

    _ T gives feedback and answers:b) I think we should turn off the gas

    fire.c) I suggest turning off the fan.

    - Ss look at thetable and revisethe structures tomakesuggestions.

    - Ss makesentences withthe structures.

    - Ss workindividually. Thendiscuss in pairs togive suggestions.

    - Ss read aloud infront of the class.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *) Listen:

    d) I think we should turnoff the airconditioner when no one is in.

    e) Why dont we turn off the TVwhen no one watches it.

    f) I think we shouldnt go to schol by

    motorbike.g) Lets go to school by bus or

    bicycle.+) Further practice: Work out anACTION PLAN

    _ Asking Ss to work in groups offour, use expressions and ideas insection a).

    _ T asks Ss to read carefully the

    example. Then Ss practice. T goesaround andhelps Ss._ Call on some groups to act out

    their discussion in front of the class. Tcomments.*) Production:

    _ Ask Ss to work in groups: use thestructures above to make suggestionsabout how to help the poor people.

    _ Call on Ss to act out, Tcomments.

    *) Pre listening:_ T gives the word: solar energy

    and asks Ss:+ Do you know solar energy?+ Can you give the

    advantages?+ Do people use solar energy

    in Viet Nam?_ After Ss answer those questions , Texplains the new words to Ss:

    + nuclear power (n):+ solar panel (n):+ advanced (adj):+ roof (n):

    - Ss work ingroups.

    - Some groupspractise in frontof the class.

    - Ss work ingroups.

    - Ss answer thequestions.

    - Ss write downthe new words,then read afterthe T.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    _ T reads aloud the new words, Ssrepeat .*) While listening:a) True or False:

    _ Let Ss read the statements in a)

    carefully to understand them._ T explains the exercise to Ss._ T plays the tape. T can stop the tapeif necessary.

    _ Call on Ss to give the answers, Tcorrects.+ Keys:

    1.True2.False ( Most of our electricity comesfrom the use of coal, gas, oil ornuclear power).3.False ( It is enough to provide powerfor total population ).4.True.5.False ( in 2015 ).b) Gap filling:

    _ Ask Ss to read the sentencescarefully and guess the missingwords.

    _ T plays the tape.

    _ Call on Ss to read aloud the full

    sentences, T corrects.+ Keys:1. effective.2. pollution.3. countries.4. store.5. roof.

    - Ss read thestatements in a).

    _ Ss listen for thefirst time.

    _ Ss listen againand check T or F.

    _ Ss listen againand check theiranswers .

    _ Compare theanswers with apartner.- Ss give theanswers.

    _ Ss listen to thetape twice to fillin the gaps.

    _ Ss give theanswers.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    6. instead.*) Post listening:

    _ Ask Ss to read aloud 2 or 3sentences in the tape transcription, ifthe sentences are false, the Ss will

    give punishments.

    _ Ss play thegame with theinstructions ofthe T.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:_ Exercises: 2 page 47, 48 ; 5 page 49 ,50 in workbook.


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 44. Unit 7. ( cont )Lesson 3. read

    I. Objectives:

    _ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get general ideas of thereading about the ways to save energy through choosing the bestsummary and answering questions.

    _ Educate Ss about saving energy.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:

    _ Homework correction. Checking new words.3. New lesson:

    *) Pre reading;

    *) While-reading:

    _ Teaching vocabulary:+ Luxury:+ consumer

    (n):+ household

    (n): + account for(v):

    + labelingscheme (n):

    + tumble dryer(n):

    + innovation(n):

    _ Ask Ss to make sentenceswith the new words. Tcorrects.

    _ T asks Ss to scan thepassage and answer thefollowing questions:+ Which continents are

    mentioned in the text?+ Are electricity , gas and

    water luxuries or necessities?_ Call on Ss to answer, Tcorrects. + Keys:1. America and Europe2. They are necessities.

    a) Choose the best summary:

    _ Ss write down thenew words, the makesentences.

    _ Ss scan the text andanswer the questions.

    _ Ss work in pairs.

    _ Compare the answerwith a partner._ Ss give the answer.

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    *) Post reading:

    _ Let Ss read the passagemore carefully , then choosethe best summary.

    _ Call on Ss to read aloudtheir summary, explain why,T

    and the others comment andcorrect.+ Keys:3) North American and

    European countries areinterested in saving moneyand natural resources.b) Answer the questions:_ T tells Ss what they are

    going to do._ Call on Ss to read theanswer in front of the class. Tcomments and corrects.+ Keys:

    1) Western consumer areinterested in products thatwill not only work effectivelybutalso save money.2) We can use energy - savingbulbs instead of ordinary100watt light bulbs to spendless on lighting.3) She will pay 2 USD forlighting if she uses energy saving bulbs instead.4) The purpose of the labelingscheme is to help consumersto know how efficient each

    model is , compared withother appliances in the samecategory so that they cansave money and energy.5) Ss answers.

    _ Ask Ss to discuss the

    _ Ss work individually:read the passage

    again carefully andanswer.

    _ Ss compare theanswers with apartner.

    _ Ss discuss andanswer the questions.

    _ Ss present in front ofthe class.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    question in groups:+)Why should we save

    energy?_ Call on representative of

    each group to give the

    reasons in front of the class. Tcomments.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:_ Exercises: 3,4 page 48 , 49 in workbook._ Instructions:


    m 2010 T chuynmn duyt:




    Nguyn Th Ngoan


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 45. Unit 7. ( cont )

    Lesson 4. write.

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a short , simple

    speech with clear organization and present it in front of the wholeclass..II. Preparation:

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    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:

    Absent:2. Oral check:

    _ Homework correction.3. New lesson:

    A. Warm up:


    _ Play a game: Noughts andCrosses:




    Gas Washingmachin



    Water Dryer Innovation

    _ T gives the definition of aspeech:

    + It is the act of delivering aformal spoken communication toan audience. Aspeech usually has three parts:Introduction , Body andConclusion

    _ T asks Ss about the function ofeach part , T corrects.a) Matching:

    _ T uses a sub board writing

    a short speech , asking Ss tomatch . T comments andcorrects:

    A BParts of a


    _ Ss play thegame.

    _ Ss listen.

    _ Ss give thefunction of eachpart.

    _ Ss discuss andmatch.

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    C. Practice:


    1. Introduction2. Body

    3. Conclusion

    A. summing upwhat you havesaidB. gettingpeoples

    attention andtellling them

    what you aregoing

    to talk aboutC. givingdetails in easyto- understandlanguage.

    + Keys: 1 . B 2 . C3 . Ab) Ask Ss to make a speech byordering:

    _ T asks Ss to work in pairs :making a speech by ordering.

    _ T calls on some Ss to deliver thespeech in front of the class. Tcomments and corrects.

    + Keys: 3. Godmorning

    2. Most ofus.

    1. If youfollowc) Choose one of the followingtopics and prepare a speech foryourclassmates:

    _ T explains the exercise to Ss.Then asking Ss to work

    _ Ss read carefullythe parts of aspeech in b).

    _ Ss put thesections in thecorrect place tocomplete a

    speech. Comparethe answers withpartner.

    _ Ss workindividually, thencompare theanswers with apartner.

    _ Some Ss presentin front of the


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    individually. T goes around andhelps Ss.

    _ T calls on Ss to deliver theirspeech in front of the class. T

    comments and corrects.+ Suggested answers:

    Reusing paper: Goodmorning I am going to tell / talkyou about

    There are three ways of reusingpaper.Firstly , we should haveseparate Secondly we should

    keepThirdlyIf you follow these simple rulesSaving energy in the kitchen:Hi, everybody. Today our topicis.Saving energy is veryWe cansave energyin the kitchen by:

    Turning off the light . PreparingKeepingIf you follow these simple rules

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:_ Exercises: 3,4 page 48 , 49 in workbook._ Instructions:


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 46. Unit 7. ( cont )

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    Lesson 5. language focus.

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to further improve their

    understanding about common connectives, phrasal verbs and

    suggestions through exercises: suggestion making and sentencescompletion.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction.3. New lesson:

    A. Warmup:

    B.Presentation :

    _ Brainstorming: Review all the ways tosave energy which Ss have learned inunit 7.

    *) Exercise 1. Complete the sentences ,use the correct connectives:

    _Explain the function of theconnectives:

    and ; but ; however ; because ; so ;therefore ; or. giving examples to Ss.

    _Call on Ss to read aloud their fullsentences. T comments and corrects.

    + Keys:

    a) and e) orb) but f) soc) because g) andd) thereforeh) however

    *) Exercise 2. Complete the sentences_ T explains. Then T gives examples to

    _ Ss discussand give theways to saveenergy.

    _Ss workindividually:read carefullythe sentencesand complete.Compare the

    answers with apartner.

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    Ss._ Explaining the exercise to Ss.

    _ Call on Ss to read aloud the sentencesin front of the class. T corrects.

    + Keys:a) look afterb) go onc) turn ond) looked fore) turn off

    *) Exercise 3. Make suggestions:

    _ T asks Ss to review the structuresof making suggestions.+ suggest + V ing+ S + suggest ( that ) + S

    + should_ Explaining the exercise to Ss.

    _ Call on Ss to act out in front of theclass, T corrects.a) suggest + V ing:+ I suggest organizing a show to raisemoney.+I suggest giving lesson to poorchildren.+ I suggest helping peopleb) S + suggest ( that ) + S +should+ I suggest that you should writesentences

    + I suggest that you should speakEnglish+ I suggest that you should buy agood+ I suggest that you should do somereading

    _ Ss look at the

    phrasal verbsand readcarefully.

    _ Ss workindividully: usethose phrasesto fill in thesentences.Compare the

    answers with apartner.

    _ Ss work ingroups.

    _ Some Ss givethe answers

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:_ Exercises: 3,4 page 48 , 49 in workbook.

    _ Instructions:


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 47. written test 3.

    I. Objectives:_ Checking Ss knowledge from unit 6 to unit 7. Help Ss develope

    ability in working individually.II. Preparation:A. Questions and points:I. Choose one word that has the underlined part pronounceddifferently from the list (1pt ):

    1. A. slow B. now C. know D. flow2. A. plumber B. dump C. nuclear D. bulb3. A. dynamite B. energy C. busy D. hobby4. A. pagoda B. category C. garbage D. suggest

    II. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets ( 2,5 pts ):1) What are you doing, Nam? _ I ( look ) for my new pen.2) If you ( have ) any difficulties, I (help) you.3) Mai suggests ( visit ) Hue this summer vacation.4) If the pollution goes on , the streams ( cover ) with foam.

    III. Read the passage and answer the questions ( 2,5 pts ):We are destroying the Earth. The seas and the rivers are too dirty toswim in. There is so much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live inmany cities. In one well known city , for example ,poisonous gases from cars pollute the air so much that policemen haveto wear oxygen masks. We have cut down so many trees that there arenow vast areas of waste land all over the world. As a result , farmers in

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010Africa can not grow enough to eat. In some countries in Asia there is solittlle rice. Wild animals are quickly disappearing.

    1. Check True or False?a) We are destroying all the oceans.b) Farmers in Africa grow enough to eat.

    c) There is so much smoke in the air.2. Answer the questions:

    a) Why do policemen have to wear oxygenmasks?

    b) Are wild animals quickly disappearing?IV. Choose the best answer A , B , C or D ( 3 pts ):

    1. He is tired he stayed up late watching TV.A. so B. because C. but D. and

    2. She is really that he cant come there.

    A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointingD. to disappoint3. Hoa suggests to the movies.

    A. go B. to go C. going D. went4. Can you turn the TV? Its too noisy.

    A. on B. off C. in D. for5. Who looks your children when you are away from home?

    A. for B. at C. after D. to6. My friend forgot off the light before going out.

    A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. turnedV. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentencehas the same meaning (1pt ):

    1. She wants them to go home by taxi.. She suggests thatthey..

    2. She will not travel abroad when she doesnt have a lot of money. If she hasB. Answers and points:I. ( 1 pt 0,25 for each right answer ):

    1 B 2 C 3 A 4 DII. ( 2,5 pts 0,5 for each right answer ):

    1. am looking2. have will help3. visiting .4. will be covered

    III. ( 2,5 pts 0,5 for each right answer ):

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    1. True or False?a) F b) F c) T

    2. Answer :a) Because poisonous gases from cars pollute the

    air so much.

    b) Yes , they are.IV. ( 3 pts 0,5 for each right answer ):

    1 B 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 CV. ( 1 pt 0,5 for each right sentence ):

    1. She suggests that they should go home by taxi.2. If she has a lot of money, she will travel abroad.

    C. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance : 9A: 9B:

    Asent:2. New lesson:_ T gives the testpapers to Ss , Ss work individually without using

    any documents.D. Instructions:

    _ Revise the structures at home , prepare for the new lesson.


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 48. Unit 8. celebration.

    Lesson 1. getting started listen and read

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get further information

    about celebration in the world. Practice reading comprehension skill fordetails to complete a table.

    _ Grammar and structures: + Relative clauses

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board , tape , cassette player.

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction.

    3. New lesson:

    A.Warm up:

    B.Presentation:*) Gettingstarted:(page 65)

    *)Listen andread:( page 65, 66)

    _ Ask Ss to work in groups:make a list of famous

    celebrations in Viet Nam andworldwide._ Ask Ss to wite on the board ,T and the others commentand correct.

    _ Matching: T asks Ss to lookat the pictures and match theicons with the names ofcelcebrations._ Casll on Ss to give the

    answers, T corrects.+ Keys:

    1. Easter 2. wedding 3.birthday 4. Christmas5. Mid fall Festival 6.Lunar New Year_ T gives some questions to

    Ss about those celebrations:+ When do peoplecelebrate the Mid FallFestival?

    + In which countries dopeople celebrate the Easter?

    _ Ss work in groups.Then some Ss write on

    the board.

    _ Ss discuss andmatch. Then some Ssgive the answers.

    _ Ss answer thequestions.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    introducing the newlesson.

    _ Teaching vocabulary:+ sticky rice

    cake (n):+ occur (v):+ live apart

    (v):+ slavery

    (adj):+ joyful (adj):+ parade (v-


    _ T reads aloud the newwords , Ss repeat. Then Tasks Ss to make sentenceswith the new words.

    _ T plays the tape._ T explains quickly thestructures:

    + Tet is a holiday whichoccurs

    + Family members wholive apart

    _ T asks Ss to read the textagain and find the food ,activities that relates toeach celebration.Eg: Tet ( Lunar New Year ):clean and decorate homessticky rice cake

    _ Call on Ss to write on the

    board, T and all the classcomment.*) Now complete the table:

    _ T asks Ss to look at thetable , T explains theexercise to Ss.

    _ Ss work individually.

    _ Ss listen to the tapetwice.

    _ Ss listen carefully.

    _ Ss work in pairs.

    _ Ss look at the tableand know what to do.

    _ Ss work in pairs :Read the text again ,base on the word mapabove to complete thetable.

    _ Ss read aloud thetext.

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    _ Call on Ss to give theanswers on the sub board. T

    helps Ss correct.+ Keys: T writes the

    keys on the sub- board._ After Ss complete the table ,T asks some Ss to read aloudthe text , T correctspronunciation.

    4. Consolidation:

    _ T summarizes the main points to Ss.5. Homework:_ Exercises: 1 page 52 in workbook. Revise the new words._ Instructions:

    Ngy.......thng.......nm 2010

    T chuynmn duyt:




    Nguyn Th Ngoan


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 49. Unit 8. (cont).Lesson 2. speak and listen.

    I. Objectives:

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    _ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to give and respond to acompliment for common situations , improve listening skill throughexercise: listen and fill in the missing words.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.

    T : sub board , tape , cassette player.III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction. Checking new words.

    3. New lesson:

    I. Speak: *) Teaching vocabulary:+ contest (n): cuc thi+ take part in (v): tham gia+ charity program (n): chng

    trnh hot ng t thin+ activist (n): ngi hot ng+ nominate (v): ghi danh

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    I. ( 1 pt , 0,25 for each right answer ):1 B 2 C 3 A 4 D

    II. ( 2,5 pts , 0,5 for each right answer ):1. am looking2. have , will help3. visiting.4. will be covered

    III. ( 2,5 pts , 0,5 for each right answer ):1. True or False?

    a) F b) F c) T2. Answer :a) Because poisonous gases from cars pollute the

    air so much.b) Yes , they are.

    IV. ( 3 pts, 0,5 for each right answer ):1 B 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 C

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010V. ( 1 pt , 0,5 for each right sentence ):

    1. She suggests that they should go home by taxi.2. If she has a lot of money, she will travel abroad.

    *) How to do the test well:_ T gives Ss some ways how to do the test well:

    + Read carefully the requirement of the exercise before doing.+ Revise the main structures and grammar after each unit.+ Always improve vocabulary yourselves at home

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss: words and structures

    5. Homework:_ Revise grammar and structures from unit 6 to unit 7 at home._ Prepare for the new lesson.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 52. Unit 8. (cont).Lesson 4. write.

    A. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a letter to a friend

    to share their ideas about a particular issue( There should be a Day forMother or Father in Viet Nam ).B. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board

    C. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction. Checking new words.

    3. New lesson:

    I.Warm up:


    _ T asks Ss to discuss thequestion:+ What do you usually do for

    your mother in Womens Day?

    _ Ss discuss andanswer thequestion.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *) Pre - writing:_ Teaching vocabulary:

    + essential (adj ):+ enhance( v):+ tradition ( n):

    + day off (n) :+ support ( v ):+ nationwide ( n ):

    _ T checks the new words byrub out and remember._ T introduces the exercise :+ In Viet Nam people dont

    celebrate Mothers Day orFathers Day. You think that its

    necessary to have a day._ T gets the ideas from the Ss ,then explains what Ss are goingto do.*) While - writing:

    _ Ask Ss to follow the outlineand work independently to writea letter to a friend as instructed.

    _ While Ss are writing , T canprovide help.

    _ Call on some Ss to readaloud their writing. T commentsand corrects.+ Suggested answers / ideas:

    1st part: In my opinion , itsnecessary to have a day tocelebrate for our mother.

    Reasons:_ Children will have a specialday to express their feelings ,memories and love for theirparents.

    _ We will have an opportunity toenhance family tradition.

    _ Ss copy down andremember the newwords.

    _ Ss discuss in

    groups then giveideas to the T.

    _ Ss workindividually.

    _ Ss compare thewriting with apartner.

    _ Some Ss readaloud their writing.

    _ Ss look at thesuggested ideas tocorrect themselves.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    _ Members of family can have achance to be together , to knowand help.2nd part: When to celebrate:_ First Sunday of April : Sunday

    is a day off , so people are free._ April is in late Spring , the

    weather is often fine , manyactivities can happen outdoor.How to celebrate:_ Its not necessary to have a

    party , but its a good idea tohave lunch or dinner with all themembers of the family.

    _ Children should give parentsflowers , send cards or makespecial cake, or serve parentsthe food that they like best.3rdpart: I believe that the ideawill be supported and the daywill be celebrated nationwidebecause everybody loves theirparents and wants them to behappy.*) Post - writing:

    _ Ask Ss to exchange theirwritings and correct for eachother.

    _ T helps correct themistakes that they often get.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.5. Homework:

    _ Exercises: 4 page 55 , 56 in workbook. Revise the new words._ Instructions:

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010 Ngy....... thngnm 2010

    T chuynmn duyt:





    n Th Ngoan--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 53. Unit 8. (cont).Lesson 5. language focus.

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practise the relative

    clauses and clauses of concession with series of exercises , know howto use relative clauses in various situations.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction. Checking new words.

    3. New lesson:

    I. Warm up:II.Presentation:*) Exercise 1.

    Join the

    -Playing game: Lucky numbers.

    -T helps Ss revise the relativeclauses.

    _ T explains the exercise to Ss.-Ss read theexample and listen

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010sentences.Use relativeclauses(page 70, 71)

    *) Exercise 2.

    Describeeach of thepeople in thepicture(page 71)

    Ask Ss to read the examplesentence carefully , makeclearly about relative clauses toSs.

    _ Telling Ss about the

    difference between definingclauses and non -definingclauses:+ The books which contain

    pictures will be popular.( provide essential

    information )+ The books, which containpictures will be popular.

    ( provide additionalinformation )

    _ Call on some Ss to give theanswers , T comments andcorrects.

    + Keys:a) Auld Lang Syne is a songwhich is sung on New YearsEve.b) This watch is a gift whichwas given to me by my aunt onmy 14th birthday.c) My friend Tom , who sings,can composed) We often go to the town

    cultural house, which alwaysopens on public holidays.e) I like reading books whichtell about f) On my Moms birthday myDad gave her roses, which wasvery

    to the T.

    -Ss listen andremember.

    _ Ss do the exerciseindividually , then

    compare theanswers with apartner.

    -Ss write down theanswers.

    _ Ss read carefullythe example

    _ Ss work in pairs ,

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *) Exercise 3.

    Join thesentences(page 71,72)

    *) Exercise 4.

    g) Judy liked the full - moonfestival , which is celebrated inmid - fallh) Tomorrow Ill go to the airportto meet my friend , who comes

    to stay

    - T explains the exercise to Ss.

    _ Call on some Ss to answers

    in front of the class , Tcomments and corrects.

    + Keys:a)Mom is the woman who issitting in an armchair.b)Dad is the man who isstanding behind my sister.c)Linda is the little girl who iswearing a pink dress.d)Grandmother is the womanwho is wearing a violet blouse.e)

    _ T tells Ss what they are goingto do. Then T helps Ss revise theuse of the words:

    Although , Though , Eventhough

    _ T gives examples to Ss.

    _ T calls on Ss to gives theanswers ,T corrects.+Keys:

    a)Thu Ha is not satisfied withher preparation for Tet eventhough she hasdecorated her house and make

    then compare theanswers with others.

    -Ss listen andremember.

    -Ss do the exercisein pairs. Comparethe answers withothers.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010Look at the

    pictures.Complete thesentences(page 72,73 )

    plenty of cakes.b)Although we dont have aMothers Day in Viet Nam , Dadand I have c)We went to Ha Noi to watch

    the parade on the National Daylast year even though we live inNam Dinh.d)Many tourists enjoy festivalsin Viet Nam though they do not

    e)Even though in AustraliaChristmas season is in summer ,Australians

    f)Although Tim came to theshow late due to the traffic jam ,he could

    _ Explaining the exercise to Ss.

    _ Call on some Ss to read aloudtheir sentences , T commentsand corrects.

    + Keys:a)Although Mrs Thoa was tired ,she helped Tuanb)Even though Liz has an examtomorrow , she is still watching

    TV.c)It rained yesterday althoughthe weather bureau predicted ...d)Ba ate a lot of food though he..

    e)Even though the keyboardwell , Mary tried to finish

    -Ss work in pairs.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    _ Exercises: 5 page 57 in workbook. Revise the structures at home._ Instructions:

    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 54. Unit 9. natural disasters.Lesson 1. getting started - listen and read

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get to know new words

    about weather. Undertand the information in a weather forecast.

    Acquaint the topic of the unit.II. Preparation:_ Materials: Textbook, workbook.

    T : tape , cassette player, sub boardIII. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction. Ask Ss to join the sentences using relative

    clauses.3. New lesson:

    A.Warm up:

    B.Presentation:*) Gettingstarted:

    ( page74)

    -Brainstorming: revise the words thatare related to weather.

    _ Asking Ss to look at the pictures , Ttells Ss what they are going to do.

    _ Call two Ss to give the answers onthe board. T corrects.

    + Keys:1. snowstorm.2. earthquake.

    -Ss discussand revise.

    _ Ss work ingroups or inpairs :

    matching,then comparethe answerswith apartner.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *) Listen andread:

    ( page74,75,76)

    3. volcano.4. typhoon.

    a) Practice the dialogue in groupsof three:

    _ T introduces the dialogue to Ss ,then let Ss listen to the tape once.

    _ Explaining the new words to Ss.+ coast (n):+ thunderstorm (n):+ central highland (n):

    _ Ask Ss to listen to the tape again.Then Ss practice the dialogue in groupsof three. T goes around and helps Ss.

    _ Call on some groups to act out infront of the class. T correctspronunciation.

    b) Fill in the blank with one wordor phrase from the dialogue:

    _ Ss read carefully the sentencesfrom 1 to 5.

    _ T explains the exercise to Ss. Sswork individually : find word or phraseto fill in the blank.

    _ Ss compare the answers with apartner.

    _ T asks two Ss to give the answers.T and all the class comment.

    + Keys:1) turn up ; weather

    forecast2) rainy.

    3) central highland.4) have temperatures.5) weather forecasts ;

    watching them.

    -Ss listen tothe tape.

    -Ss work ingroups.

    -Some groupsact out infront of theclass.

    -Ss workindividually.

    -Some Ssgive theanswers.

    4. Consolidation:

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    _ T summarizes the main points to Ss.5. Homework:

    _ Exercises: 1 page 58 , 59 in workbook. Revise the structures athome.

    _ Instructions:

    Ngy. thng

    nm 2010T chuyn

    mn duyt:.................................




    n Th Ngoan--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 55. Unit 9. (cont).Lesson 2. speak and listen

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to what should be

    prepared for a typhoon, help Ss improve speaking skill: agreeing anddisagreeing , and enhancing listening skill through exercise: listen and

    identify and catch key words for the answers.II. Preparation:_ Materials: Textbook, workbook.

    T : tape , cassette player, sub boardIII. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    Absent:2. Oral check:

    _ Homework correction. Checking new words.3. New lesson:

    A. Speak:*)Presentation:

    *) Practice:

    _ Answer some Ts questions:+ Were there any typhoon in

    your hometown?+What should we prepare when

    there is one?( Ss can express their ideas in

    Vietnamese ). T introduces the new

    lesson to Ss._ Teaching vocabulary:+ canned food (n): thc phm

    ng hp+ bucket (n): ci x+ leak (n): ch r r+ roof (n): mi nh+ peg ( n): ci cht , ci cc+ latch (v): cht ca+ power cut (n): ct din+ damage (v): ph hu_ Checking: rub out and

    remember.1) Check (v) what preparations

    you think should be made for atyphoon.

    _ Ask Ss to work in pairs :study the list and check.

    _ Call on Ss to explain theanswers , T comments and givespossible answers:+ Buying some canned food+ Fixing the leak in the roof+ Buying candles

    -Ss discuss andanswer.

    -Ss write the newwords , then readafter the T.

    -Ss work in pairs.

    -Ss compare the

    choice withothers.-Ss give theanswer andexplain why.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *) Production:

    B.Listen:*) Pre -listening:

    *) While-listening:

    + Tying the roof to the groundwith pegs and ropes+ Filling all buckets with water+ Checking all the windows and

    door latches

    + Buying matches+ Buying a ladder

    2) Work with a partner_ Ss look and read the ideas inthe box( page 76) , T explains theexercise to Ss.

    _ While Ss are talking , T canprovides helps.

    _ Call on Ss to act out in frontof the class , T and the otherscomment and correct.

    *)True / False repetition drill._ Say 5 to 7 statements about

    what we should do to prepare fora typhoon. If the statements aretrue , Ss will repeat. If not, theywill stay silent.

    _ Teaching new words:+ fixture (n): vt c

    nh+ block (v): khi, tng

    + zone ( n): khu vc+ roller (n): con ln+ hanging potted plant (n): chu

    hoa treo+ container (n): thng cha+ doorway (n): ng n ca

    _ Checking: rub out and

    -Ss workindividually.

    -Ss read theexample carefully.

    Then Ss talk aboutwhat they think

    they want to buyand do to preparefor a typhoon ,explain why?

    -Ss work ingroups.

    -Ss copy down thenew words andremember.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *) Post -listening:


    _ T introduces the exercise to Ss.Then Ss read carefully the table ,guess the missing words.

    _T plays the tape, pause the tapeif necessary.

    _ Call on Ss to give the answers ,T comments and corrects.+ Keys:

    1) bottom shelf ofyour bookshelf

    2) fridge3) washing machine4) mirrors5) windows6) inside7) under a strong

    table8) doorway9) corner of a room

    _ Have Ss work in groups : makea short presentation on how tolive with earthquakes , base onthe information in the table.

    -Ss read the table.

    _ Ss listen to thetape for the first

    time._ Ss listen againand fill in theblanks. Comparethe answers with apartner.

    _ Ss listen for thelast time to checkthe answers.

    -Ss work ingroups.

    _ Some Ss deliver

    their presentationin front of theclass.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    _ Exercises: 2 , 3 page 59 , 60 in workbook._ Instructions:

    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 56. Unit 9. (cont).Lesson 3. read

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get general background

    information on some common natural disasters throughcomprehension: True / False and Sentence Completion.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub boardIII. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction. Checking new words.

    3. New lesson:

    A.Warm up:


    _ Matching:1) Earthquake a)

    Mountain or hill withopenings through whichashes and gases ejected.

    2) Tidal wave b) Violentstorm especially in EastAsia seas.

    3) Typhoon c) Violent

    storm over small areas.4) Volcano d) Anotherword for tsunami , wavecaused by tides.

    5) Tornado e) Suddenand violent movements ofthe earths surface.

    -Ss read carefully thesentences , discussand match.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010*) Pre -reading:

    *) While -reading:

    _ Keys: 1 e 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 c

    _ Teaching vocabulary:

    + Pacific Rim (n): vnh aila TBD

    + collapse (v): sp+ abrupt (adj): bt ng ,

    t ngt+ shift (n): s chuyn dch+ erupt (v): phun tro+ funnel (n): ci phu+ baby carriage (n): xe ni

    _ Ask Ss to make sentenceswith new words.

    _ T introduces and tells aboutthe texts. Ask Ss if they haveseen those disasters.

    _ Explaining the exercises toSs.

    a) True or False ? Check theboxes:

    _ Call on some Ss to give theanswers. T comments. + Keys:1)True2)True

    3)False. The tidal wavetraveled from Alaska toCalifornia.4)True5)False. The eruption of MountPinatubo is the worlds largestvolcanic eruption in mare than

    -Ss write down thenew words.

    -Ss work in pairs.

    _ Ss workindividually: read thepassage and check .

    Then correct thefalse sentences.

    -Some Ss give theanswers.

    _ Ss work individually,then compare the

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *) Post -


    50 years.6)Trueb) Complete the sentences:

    _ T tells Ss to read thepassages more carefully and

    complete the sentences.

    _ Call on some Ss to read aloudthe answers , T comments andcorrects. + Keys:


    occur around the PacificRim.2)many homes , office blocksand highways collapsed.3) there is an abrupt shift inthe under water movement ofthe earth.4) a cyclone.5)the word typhoon6) passed overland below athunderstorm and suck upanything that is in its path.

    _ Call on Ss to read aloud thetexts in front of the class. Tcorrects pronunciation.

    answers with apartner.

    _ Some Ss readaloud the answers.

    4. Consolidation:

    _ T summarizes the main points to Ss.5. Homework:

    _ Exercises: 4 , 5 page 60 , 61 in workbook._ Instructions:

    Ngy thng

    nm 2010

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    T chuynmn duyt:





    n Th Ngoan--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    --Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 57. Unit 9. (cont).Lesson 4. write

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a short story by

    using guided information and pictures.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction. Checking new words.

    3. New lesson:

    A.Warm up:


    -Playing games.

    _ Teaching vocabulary:+ shine (v): chiu sng+ perfect (adj): hon ho+ behave (v): c x+ circle (n): vng trn+ shelter (n): ni tr n

    -Ss write down thenew words.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010




    _ T asks Ss to look at thepictures on page 80 , readcarefully the words given.

    _ T explains the exercise to Ss.

    _ While Ss are writing , T canprovide help.

    _ After Ss finish , T asksthem to compare the writingwith a partner.

    _ Call on some Ss to read

    aloud their story ,T commentsand corrects. Then T gives thesuggested writing. +Keys:It was a beautiful day. The sunwas shining, the sky was blueand the weather was perfect.Lan was outside playing withher dog, Skippy. All of asudden, the dog beganbehaving strangely. She keptrunning around in circles, Lanran home and told ( to tell ) hermother what Skippy was doing.Lans mother, Mrs Quyen, toldLan that she heard on TV thatthere was a typhoon coming.Mrs Quyen gathered herfamily, and told them to find

    the shelter in the home.Suddenly, the sky became verydark. The storm came withstrong wind and heavy rain.MrsQuyen and her family werescared. But soon the storm

    -Ss workindividually.

    _ Ss workindividually: baseon the words givenand the pictures towrite a story.

    -Ss work in pairs.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    finished and everyonewas glad. What a clever dogSkippy is. She saved Lan frombeing caught in thetyphoon.

    _ Ask Ss to retell the story infront of the class.

    _ Ss may tell the story theyhave written or newly inventedstory.

    _Ss prepare insome minutes,then act out .

    4. Consolidation:

    _ T summarizes the main points to Ss.5. Homework:_ Exercises: 6 page 62 in workbook._ Instructions:


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 58. Unit 9. (cont).Lesson 5. language focus.

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to further practice with

    pronouns: who, that, which and clearly identify defining and non defining clauses.

    II. Preparation:_ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : sub board

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 20102. Oral check:

    _ Homework correction. Join the sentences using relative clauses.3. New lesson:*) Exercise 1:

    *)Exercise 2:

    _ T repeats the relativepronouns to Ss. Then Ss read

    carefully the example._ T explains the exercise to Ss.

    _ Call on some Ss to give theanswers , T corrects.

    + Keys:b) The country which won the

    1998 Tiger Cup is Singapore.c) The animal which has one ortwo horns on its snout isrhinoceros.d) The explorer who discoveredAmerica is ChristopherColumbus.e) The planet which is closestto the Earth is Venus.f) The animal which was chosento be the logo of Sea Games2003 is the buffalo.g) The ASEAN country which isdivided into two regions by thesea is Malaysia.h) The food which you canchew but you cannot swallow isthe chewing gum ;

    _ T asks Ss to read carefully thesentences in column A andcolumn B. T explains theexercise to Ss.

    -Ss work


    _ Ss workindividually ,compare theanswers with apartner.

    -Ss workindividually.

    -Ss workindividually: matchand join thesentences. Thencompare the

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *)Exercise 3:

    _ Call on some Ss to read aloudthe full sentences, T corrects.

    + Keys:

    1 - e: Andrew is flying toSacramento , which is thecapital city of California.2 - g: It snowed in Lang Son ,which is on the Ky Cung river,in the winter of 2002.3 - f: Pompei ,which is anancient city of Italy, wascompletely destroyed in A.D 79

    by an eruption of MountVesuvius.4 - a: Hurricane Andrew, whichswept through southern Floridain August 1992 , killed 41people and made more than200,000 homeless.5 - c: The cyclone of November1970 in Bangladesh , whichkilled about 500,000 people,was one of the worst naturaldisasters of 20th century.6 - d: The most disastrousearthquake in Japanesehistory , which occurred in1923 , damaged Tokyo and

    Yokohama and killed about150,000 people.7 - b: The October 1989 Loma

    Prieta earthquake , whichmeasured 7,1 on the Richterscale, caused extensivedamage to older buildings inSan Francisco Bay area.

    _ Have Ss read carefully the

    answers with apartner.

    -Ss work


    _ Ss work in groups.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010*) Exercise 4: sentences a g

    _ Explaining the differencesbetween the defining relativeclause and non -definingrelative clause. Giving

    examples to Ss.

    _T calls on some Ss to give theanswers. T corrects.

    + Keys:b) Kangaroos , which comefrom Australia, have long tails.c) Ba, who lives on Trang TienStreet, likes playing the guitar.

    d) defininge) Neil Armstrong, who firstwalked on the moon, lived inthe USA.f) definingg) Miss Lien, who sings verywell, is my English teacher.

    _ T explains what Ss have todo.

    _ T writes the example onthe board, and helps Ss.

    _ Ss do the exercise athome.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:

    _ Exercises: 7 page 64 in workbook._ Instructions:


    thng nm 2010T chuyn

    mn duyt:

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010





    n Th Ngoan--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 59. written test 4.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    I. Objectives:_ Checking Ss knowledge from unit 8 to unit 9. Help Ss develop

    ability in working individually.II. Preparation:

    A. Questions and points:I. Choose the correct answer A , B , C or D (3 pts ): 1. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all . people.

    A. English B. Vietnamese C. Japanese D. Jewish2. They are going to the Womens Day on 8 3.

    A. celebrate B. to celebrate C. celebrating D.celebrated

    3. According to the weather , it will be raining tonight.A. forecast B. forecaster C. forecasting D.

    forecasted4. She lived in Da Lat City, is one of the most beautiful cities ofViet Nam.

    A. who B. which C. whom D. whose5. Mount Pinatubo , is a volcano in the Philippines erupted in

    1991.A. which B. who C. whose D.

    whom.6. Kangaroos, which come Australia, have long tails.

    A. to B. in C. from D. forII. Odd one out ( 1 pt ):

    1. A. Easter B. Christmas C. December D.Passover

    2. A. coal B. gas C. wind D. oil3. A. typhoon B. volcano C. tornado D. sun4. A. water B. egg C. land D. air

    III. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets ( 1,5 pts ):1. If we ( not protect ) the environment, our green planet will be

    badly polluted.

    2. He suggests (give)

    her a happy party.3. Yesterday afternoon, Mrs Hoa ( make ). cakes while her children

    were washing dishes.IV. Choose one word to fill in the gaps ( 2,5 pts ):

    Tet or the Lunar New Year Holiday is the (1) important festival inViet Nam. Tet is a joyful festival (2) occurs in late January or early

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010February. It ( 3) a time for families to clean and decorate their houses, wear new ( 4) and enjoy special ( 5) such as sticky rice cakes.

    1. A. most B. more C. much2. A. who B. whom C. which3. A. is B. was C. were

    4. A. glasses B. clothes C. boots5. A. food B. fish C. chicken

    V. Join the pair of sentences using the word given ( 2pts ):1. I gave him a book. I bought that book in a bookstore in Singapore.

    ( which )2. She couldnt sleep. She was tired. ( Although )3. We dont like stories. The stories have unhappy endings.( which )4. Binh is studying English and French. He has never been abroad.

    ( who )

    B. Answers and points:I. ( 3pts - 0,5 for each right answer ):1 D 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C

    II. ( 1 pt - 0,25 for each right answer ):1 D 2 C 3 D 4 B

    III. ( 1,5 pts - 0,5 for each right answer ):1. dont protect2. giving3. was making

    IV. ( 2,5 pts - 0,5 for each right answer ):1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 A

    V. ( 2 pts - 0,5 for each right sentence ):1. I gave him a book which I bought in a bookstore in Singapore.2. Although she was tired, she couldnt sleep.3. We dont like stories which have unhappy endings.4. Binh, who has never been abroad, is studying English and French.

    C. Teaching process:1. Class organization:

    Attendance : 9A: 9B:

    Absent:2. New lesson:_ T gives the test papers to Ss , Ss work individually without using

    any documents.D. Instructions:

    _ Revise the structures at home , prepare for the new lesson.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 60. Unit 10. life on other planetsLesson 1. getting started - listen and

    readI. Objectives:

    _ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about UFOs withbasic information received through discussion and the reading.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : tape, cassette player, sub board

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction.

    3.New lesson:

    A.Warm up:B.Presentation:

    *) Gettingstarted:( page 83)

    _ Play a game: word - square.

    _ Explaining the meaning UFOs to Ss:UFOs: Unidentified Flying Objects_ Then T asks Ss to work in pairs:discuss the questions from a) to d)on page 83.

    _ T gathers ideas and provides someinformation about UFOs.

    _ Ss work inpairs.

    _ Ss give the

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    *)Listen and

    read:( page 83, 84)

    _ T introduces the new lesson.

    *) Teaching vocabulary:+ meteor (n): sao bng+ sight (v): nhn thy

    + alien (n): ngi hnh tinh khc+ sample (n): mu, vt lm mu+ spacecraft (n): tu v tr+ egg - shaped (a): c hnh qu

    trng+ plate -like (a): c hnh ci a+ treetop ( n ): ngn cy

    _ Ask Ss to make sentences with thenew words.

    *) Presentation:_ Ask Ss to read the introduction andgive the ideas about the topic._ Let Ss listen to the tape for threetimes.

    _ T gives some questions to checkSs understanding about the contentof the text:

    Eg: What happened in

    ?a) Find the words in the text havingthe following meanings:

    _ T explains the exercise to Ss.

    _ Call on Ss to answer in front ofthe class, T comments and corrects.

    + Keys:1. evidence2. meteor3. aliens4. collecting5. captured6. disappeared


    _ Ss write downthe new words.

    _ Ss work inpairs.

    _Ss workindividually.

    _Ss read thetext silently toget thecontent.

    _ Ss answer.

    _Ss work inpairs: read thetext again tofind the words.

    _ Ss answer.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    b) Complete the notes:_ T explains the exercise.

    _ T gives feedback and corrects. + Keys:

    UFOs sightingsa)An aircraft , a weather balloon ameteorb) nine large round objectstravelling at about 2,800 meters anhour.c) 1500 UFOs sightings


    a UFO above their house.e) an egg shaped object in one ofhis fields and also aliens collectingsoil samplesf) claimed they were captured byaliens and taken abroad aspacecraft.g) and his plane disappeared aftersighting a UFOsh) that he saw a plate like deviceat a treetop 30 meters away

    _ Ss go onworking inpairs: read thetext again andcomplete the


    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:_ Exercises: 1 page 65 , 66 , 67 in workbook._ Instructions:


    thng.. nm 2010.T chuyn

    mn duyt:.................................


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    n Th Ngoan


    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 61. Unit 10. life on other planetsLesson 2. speak and listen

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to speak with a friend

    about things which maybe on Mars, have background knowledge aboutMar and solar system; listen to other long talk about the moon throughexercise True or False.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : tape, cassette player, sub board

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction.

    3. New lesson:A. Warm up:

    B.Presentation:a) Speak:( page 85)

    _ Guessing game: Ask Ss to

    work in groups: make goodguesses about Mars. T gathers ideas andcomments. introducing the newlesson.

    _ Ss work in pairs.

    _ Ss write down the

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    b)Listen:( page 86)

    *) Pre - speaking:_ Teaching vocabulary:

    + mineral ( n ): khong sn+ microorganism (n): vi

    sinh vt+ gemstones (n): qu+ creature (n): sinh vt+ trace (n): du vt

    _ T asks Ss to make sentenceswith the new words.

    _ Ask Ss to match the wordswith the pictures / drawings.Call on Ss to give answers, T

    corrects._ T explains the exercise to Ss.*) Practice:

    _ Ask Ss to work in pairs:practice the dialogues. First Tand a good S act out to dosample.

    Eg: Nam: What dothese drawings say , Hung?

    Hung: There mightbe water on Mars. Nam: And whatabout those black sparklingspots on the right corner? Hung: Well , theymight be traces ofgemstones

    _ T goes around and helps Ss.

    _ Call on some Ss to act out infront of the class , T commentsand corrects.*) Production:

    _ Ask Ss to work in groups:

    new words.

    _ Ss work in pairs.

    _Ss work in pairs.

    _ Ss work in pairs:make similardialogues aboutdrawings using thecues in section a).

    _Ss act out.

    _ Ss work in groups.

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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    discuss and tell others whatyou think might be on Mars ,moon and other planets.

    _ T can provide help.Encourage Ss to share and

    exchange ideas , backgroundknowledge that they knowabout planets.

    *) Pre - listening:_ Teaching vocabulary:

    + Science for Fun Program(n): Chng trnh khoa hc vui

    + crater (n): ming ni la

    + Olympic Champion (n):Nh v ch Olympic_ Ask Ss to study the statementin the book. Guess whether

    True or False to theirknowledge.*) While - listening:

    _ Have Ss listen to thedescription of the moon. Thencheck the correct statementabout the moon.

    _ Play the tape several times ifnecessary.

    _ Give feedback and answers.+ Keys:

    a) T b) F c) T d) T

    e) F f) T g) F h) Fi) T j) T

    *) Post - listening:_ Ask Ss to work in groups:prepare a short presentationabout the moon.

    _ Ss write down thenew words andremember.

    _ Ss workindividually.

    _ Ss listen to the


    _ Ss compare theanswers with apartner and withtheir guess.

    _ Ss work in groups.

    _ Some Ss presentin front of the class.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    _ Encourage Ss to use as muchinformation in the listening aspossible.

    _ T goes around and helps Ss._ Call on some Ss to make the

    presentation in front of theclass. T comments andcorrects.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:_ Exercises: 2,3 page 67 , 68 in workbook._ Instructions:

    Preparing:Teaching : 9A: 9B:

    Period 62. Unit 10. life on other planetsLesson 3. read

    I. Objectives:_ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to enhance reading skill

    through ordering and answering questions exercises. Broadeninformation of the last parts.II. Preparation:

    _ Materials: Textbook, workbook.T : tape, cassette player, sub board

    III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction.

    3. New lesson:

    A.Warm up:


    _ Answer the questions:+ Have you ever heard a

    space trip?+ What do people go there

    _ Ss answer.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010:*) Pre -reading:

    *) While -reading:


    _ Teaching vocabulary:+ physical condition (n):

    iu kin th cht+ push - up (n): mn th dc

    ht t+ orbit (n): qu o+ marvelous (adj): tuyt vi

    _ Checking by rub out andremember.

    *)Exercise 1. Ordering:

    _ Ask Ss to read the passageindividually and put the phrasesin order to show what you needand get in joining a trip into thespace.

    _ Call on Ss to explain theanswers._ Give feedback and correct.

    + Keys: 4 - 1 - 5 - 3 -2*)Exercise 2. Answer thequestions:

    _ Have Ss read the passagecarefully and answer thequestions.

    _ Remind Ss to write theanswer in full sentences.

    _ Call on Ss to read the answerin front the class. T and theothers comment and correct.

    + Keys:1)If you decide to take a space

    _ Ss write down thenew words andremember.

    _ Ss workindividually

    _Ss compare theanswers with apartner.

    _ Ss work in pairs.

    _Ss compare theanswers with apartner.

    _ Ss write down theanswers.

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    trip, you will have to run a lot ,swim everyday2)If you want to show you arein perfect health, you musthave a letter from the doctor.

    3)You can see picture of theEarth, your country , interestingplaces4)We can see those scenes 16times a day.5)We can walk on the wall or onthe ceiling6)Ss answers.*)Post-reading:

    _ Give some more questions forSs to answer._ Ask Ss to read aloud the text.Then call on some Ss to act outin front of the class. T correctspronunciation.

    _ Some Ss readaloud the answers.

    4. Consolidation:_ T summarizes the main points to Ss.

    5. Homework:_ Exercises: 4 page 68, 69 in workbook._ Instructions:

    Ngythngnm 2010 T chuyn mnduyt:




    Nguyn Th NgoanPreparing:Teaching: 9A: 9B:

    Gio vin : H Trung DngTHCS Tinh Nhu


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    Gio n Ting Anh 9Nm hc 2009 - 2010

    Period 63. correct the written test 4.

    I. Objectives:_ After the lesson, Ss will be able to correct the mistakes in the

    written test 4 themselves and know how to do the test well.

    II. Preparation:_ Materials: Textbook, workbook.

    T : Test papers.III. Teaching process:1. Class settlement:

    Attendance: 9A: 9B:Absent:

    2. Oral check:_ Homework correction.

    3. New lesson:I. Warm up:_ Play a game : Lucky numbers.

    II. Presentation :*) Correct the test:

    _ T gives the test papers to Ss, asks them to check the total pointbase on the points of each part .

    _ Ask Ss to redo the test again, then call on some Ss to give theanswers on the board, the