german call for proposals

1 1 SOFIA Science Demonstration Time German Call for Proposals This document and all other information pertaining to this German Call for Proposals may be found at 1. SOFIA Science Demonstration Program Description 1.1. Introduction: The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) is pleased to invite proposals for Science Demonstration observations, which are expected to take place in a 5 month interval within the time period of May through September 2011. A total of 3 science flights are scheduled during the Science Demonstration period, us- ing either the mid-infrared camera FORCAST 1 or the heterodyne spectrometer GREAT 2 . These flights - up to approximately 24 hours total observing time - are avail- able for qualified astronomers currently affiliated with German research institutions on- ly and will be allocated by the Deutsches SOFIA Institut (DSI) following a peer review. Funding to support the selected applicants is very limited. It is expected that most of the observations will be executed in Service Mode. The Science Demonstration phase is folded into the SOFIA Basic Science Program 3 . Since this phase occurs during observatory development and commissioning, it will have limited planning resources available. All scientifically well-justified proposals will be considered. Preference will be given to substantial investigations that demon- strate significant scientific impact from SOFIA observations. The observations under the Science Demonstration Call for Proposals are considered shared risk. 1.2. The SOFIA Project The SOFIA project is a joint project of NASA and DLR. SOFIA Science Mission Oper- ations (SMO) is responsible for the scientific operation of the observatory. It is operat- ed by Universities Space Research Association (USRA) under contract to NASA and by Deutsches SOFIA Institut (DSI) under contract to DLR and is primarily located at the 1 Faint Object infraRed Camera for the SOFIA Telescope, see 2 German REceiver for Astronomy at Terahertz frequencies, see http://www.dsi.uni- 3 Information regarding Basic Science with SOFIA may be found at

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SOFIA Science Demonstration Time

German Call for Proposals

This document and all other information pertaining to this German Call for Proposals

may be found at

1. SOFIA Science Demonstration Program Description

1.1. Introduction:

The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) is pleased to invite

proposals for Science Demonstration observations, which are expected to take place in a

5 month interval within the time period of May through September 2011.

A total of 3 science flights are scheduled during the Science Demonstration period, us-

ing either the mid-infrared camera FORCAST1 or the heterodyne spectrometer

GREAT2. These flights - up to approximately 24 hours total observing time - are avail-

able for qualified astronomers currently affiliated with German research institutions on-

ly and will be allocated by the Deutsches SOFIA Institut (DSI) following a peer review.

Funding to support the selected applicants is very limited. It is expected that most of the

observations will be executed in Service Mode.

The Science Demonstration phase is folded into the SOFIA Basic Science Program3.

Since this phase occurs during observatory development and commissioning, it will

have limited planning resources available. All scientifically well-justified proposals

will be considered. Preference will be given to substantial investigations that demon-

strate significant scientific impact from SOFIA observations. The observations under

the Science Demonstration Call for Proposals are considered shared risk.

1.2. The SOFIA Project

The SOFIA project is a joint project of NASA and DLR. SOFIA Science Mission Oper-

ations (SMO) is responsible for the scientific operation of the observatory. It is operat-

ed by Universities Space Research Association (USRA) under contract to NASA and by

Deutsches SOFIA Institut (DSI) under contract to DLR and is primarily located at the

1 Faint Object infraRed Camera for the SOFIA Telescope, see 2 German REceiver for Astronomy at Terahertz frequencies, see http://www.dsi.uni- 3 Information regarding Basic Science with SOFIA may be found at



NASA Ames Research Center. DSI, located at the University of Stuttgart, is the prima-

ry interface between SOFIA and the German astronomical community. The SOFIA air-

craft development is managed by the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. The air-

craft itself is located at the Dryden Airborne Operations Facility (DAOF) in Palmdale

with direct access to the adjacent U.S. Air Force Plant 42 and its two 12,000-foot run-

ways. Palmdale is 70 driving miles north of LA-International Airport.

SOFIA has a 2.7m telescope with an optical beam of 2.5m, housed in a Boeing 747-SP

aircraft. The airborne observatory will cruise at altitudes between 35,000 and 45,000

feet. These altitudes will place it above 99.8% of the obscuring atmospheric H2O vapor.

The observatory operates in the 0.3-1600 μm wavelength region, with a focus on the

mid and far infrared portions of the spectrum (5-300 μm). There are seven first genera-

tion instruments for SOFIA, which will provide imaging and spectroscopic capabilities

that can be used for a wide range of scientific investigations. These instruments will

come on-line over the next two years. Descriptions of the instruments can be found at

A number of science cases (Design Reference Mission Case Studies) can be found at .

An overview of SOFIA is given in the COSPAR paper (Bremen 2010 by Gehrz et al.

2010, Adv. Space Research, submitted Feb 2011), which can be accessed on astro-ph


Moreover, “The Science Vision of SOFIA” has been published by NASA Ames Re-

search Center in May 2009 and can be downloaded from the latter SOFIA website .

1.3. Available Instruments and Observing Modes

For Science Demonstration observations, the two instruments available will be FOR-

CAST and GREAT. Not all of the planned observation modes of those instruments will

be available during this period. The sections below describe the available modes. De-

tails are given in the FORCAST and GREAT web pages linked from the Science

Demonstration pages on the DSI web site.

1.3.1. FORCAST modes supported in Science Demonstration Time

For FORCAST, the science modes consist of observing modes and filter choices. The

supported science modes for Science Demonstration Time are:

Observing modes:

1. Two position chop and nod (C2N)

2. Two position chop and nod with dither (C2ND)

3. Mosaic mode mapping (MOSMAP)


For the Short Wavelength Camera (SWC):



5.4, 6.3, 6.6, 7.7, 8.6, 11.1, 11.3, 19.7, 24.2 μm

For the Long Wavelength Camera (LWC):

31.5, 33.7, 35.1, 38.8 μm


For Early Science, FORCAST can be used in a single channel mode or dual channel

mode. Dual channel mode uses a dichroic to split the incident light towards the short

and long wavelength arrays simultaneously. One of the following short wavelength fil-

ters: 11.1, 11.3, 19.7 or 24.2 μm, can be used at the same time as any of the long wave-

length filters. All filters can be used in the single channel mode, allowing for increased


1.3.2. GREAT modes supported in Science Demonstration Time

For GREAT the science modes consist of observing modes, receiver band and backend

choices. The supported science modes for Science Demonstration Time are:

Observing modes:

1. Position switching (PSW)

2. Beam switching (BSW)

3. On-the-fly mapping (in PSW or BSW mode)

Receiver bands:

Band L #1 & Band L #2 will be operated simultaneously. Different frequencies can be

set in each band. The backends record data simultaneously. The usable IF bandwidths

of the receivers are typically 1.0-1.2 GHz, frequency dependent. The sky frequency

ranges are:

Band L #1: 1.27 - 1.39, 1.43 - 1.52 THz

Band L #2: 1.82 THz - 1.92 THz

Receiver noise temperatures have been measured to ~1500 K (L#1) and ~2500 K



2 digital FFT spectrometers: 1.5 GHz (8192 channels) or 750 MHz (16384 channels)

2 array-Acousto-Optical Spectrometers (AOS): 2x1 GHz bandwidth and 1.6 MHz spec-

tral resolution

Two Chirp-Transform-Spectrometer (CTS) spectrometers:

220 MHz bandwidth and 47 kHz resolution

The most current configuration can be found at



1.3.3. Chopper

The secondary mirror chopper provides unvignetted chop amplitudes of up to ± 4

arcminutes at chop frequencies between 0 and 20 Hz. Asymmetric chop amplitudes as

large as 8 arcminutes can be accommodated with some image degradation.

1.4. Science Demonstration Schedule

While the details are dependent on the overall SOFIA schedule, the nominal schedule

for the Science Demonstration observing program is as follows:

February 20, 2011 Release of Draft Call for Proposals.

Feb 28 / Mar 1 SOFIA Workshop Stuttgart

March 4, 2011 Release Final Call for Proposals

March 21, 2011 Proposal Phase 1 Submission deadline.

April 15, 2011 Selected Proposals Announced

April 29, 2011 FORCAST Proposal Phase 2 Submission deadline

May 13, 2011 GREAT Proposal Phase 2 Submission deadline

May-September 2011 Nominal Science Demonstration Flights Window.

(FORCAST in May/June, GREAT in July and September)

1.5. General Guidelines and Policies

The Science Demonstration observations will be undertaken as a collaborative effort

between selected science proposers from the astronomical community, the Science In-

strument teams and the SOFIA Science Mission Operations (SMO). The observations

will be selected through a peer review competition (Sec. 1.8). During these early stages

of observatory operation and instrument characterization, the active participation of the

Science Instrument teams in data acquisition, reduction and analysis will be crucial.

Therefore, the instrument PI will be designated Co-I on all accepted programs using that

instrument. Combined FORCAST and GREAT proposals are also possible. The propos-

ers should be aware of the elevated risk of scheduling such proposals.

The Science Demonstration Program is intended to demonstrate that SOFIA is ready to

perform scientific observations involving the German astronomical community as early

as possible. The goal is to acquire observations of high scientific value.

The Science Demonstration Team will consist of the selected proposal teams and the

Science Instrument PIs (designated as program Co-I(s)). Additional Science Instrument

team members may be added to each selected proposal team based on negotiations be-



tween the proposal PI and the Science Instrument PI(s), facilitated by the SMO director

or deputy director.

1.5.1 Proposal Process

The SOFIA Science Demonstration proposal process will consist of two steps. In phase

1 a science justification, a feasibility analysis for the proposed program, and a high level

description of the proposed targets and observations will be required. This phase 1 pro-

posal will form the basis of the peer review and proposal selection by DSI and SMO.

Proposals that are awarded observing time based on the evaluation process described in

Section 1.8 will subsequently be required to submit Phase 2 observation specifications

following guidelines provided by the SOFIA Science Mission Operations. These sub-

missions will provide the SOFIA Science Mission Operations and instrument PIs with

the detailed definition of each observation to be executed for the proposed program.

SOFIA Science Demonstration Phase 1 proposals shall be prepared using the Java based

SOFIA proposal tool (SPT) and be submitted to DSI Stuttgart. The selected proposals

must later (in Phase 2) be fully detailed (using SPT) and then ingested into the SOFIA

Data Cycle System.

The prospective proposer starts with downloading SPT to a local computer. The pro-

posal shall consist of standard formatted information filled in via the SPT form fields

(such as proposer information, scientific category, instrument, target and exposure in-

formation) and a text file, to be uploaded in .pdf format described below (section 2.1.2).

SPT is available for most commonly used platforms, including Mac OSX, Windows and

Linux. Help by staff at Science Mission Operations and also by DSI will be offered for

the complexities of Phase 2 for selected proposals.

An outline of the proposal preparation process can be found in section 2.

1.5.2. Who May Propose

Participation in this Germany led SOFIA Science Demonstration Program is open to

scientists from all categories of German scientific organizations, including foreign na-

tionals affiliated with German institutions. The DSI Director and German Science Mis-

sion Operations Deputy Director at NASA Ames are excluded to propose, but German

DSI staff members of SOFIA in the US and Germany are encouraged to submit pro-


Each SOFIA Science Demonstration proposal must identify a single Principal Investiga-

tor (PI) who assumes responsibility for the conduct of the scientific investigation. Con-

sidering the limited observing time available (3 flights) and scheduling constraints (see

section 1.8), the formation of self-organized groups submitting larger joint proposals is


There is no restriction as to the nationality and affiliation of the Co-Is. However, the

DSI Director and German Science Mission Operations Deputy Director at NASA Ames

are, again, excluded from CoI-ship for Demonstration Science Proposals.



Following selection by the SMO Director and Deputy Director, the SOFIA Science

Mission Operations will communicate formally only with the PI (or a person designated

by the PI) of each proposal. It is the responsibility of the PI (or designee) to provide the

SOFIA project, in a timely manner, with any information necessary for implementing

observations, and also to respond to any questions concerning observational constraints

or configurations.

Due the above listed constraints, late proposals will not be considered for this Demon-

stration Science Call for Proposals.

1.6. Data rights and distribution

All scientifically meaningful raw data obtained during the Science Demonstration phase

will be made available to the SOFIA Science Mission Operations in standard FITS for-

mat, with header information and appropriate FITS keywords conforming to the SOFIA

FITS keyword dictionary. This delivery does not include documentation or analysis

tools. The data will be made available to the proposal PIs as soon as is feasible after

each flight. It is expected that the raw data will be available to the Proposal PI, through

the SOFIA archive, within 24 hours after the end of each flight.

Raw data will be validated by the SOFIA Science Mission Operations staff and, when

appropriate, the Instrument PI prior to archive ingestion. Each dataset will be assigned

a 'Data Quality' code. These data will be accessible to the general community after a

proprietary period of six months. While the goal is the prompt reduction and analysis of

Science Demonstration Data, general community support for data analysis from the Sci-

ence Instrument teams may be limited during this period.

Once the data are reduced and a paper using the reduced data has been submitted, it is

the obligation of the PI to make the reduced data available to the SOFIA archive and

hence to the community no later than 3 months after the paper submission date (see also

section 3.2.1). The document detailing the Data Rights and Usage Agreement for the

SOFIA Basic Science Phase can be downloaded from the DSI website.4

1.7. Targets for Observations

All scientifically valid observations may be proposed for, with the exception of those

duplicating the ones in the “Reserved Observations Catalog” lists (section 1.7.1), desig-

nated by the FORCAST and GREAT science teams.

Science Demonstration observations will be performed during an approximately four to

five month period, expected to fall between end of May and end of September. To al-

low for development contingencies, this call solicits observations of targets with SOFIA

availability for an observing window within a 5 months period that commences on 15




May 2011 (see also Section 1.1). The potential investigator should consult the SOFIA

Visibility Tool5 to check on target availability during the Science Demonstration period.

Because Science Demonstration flight operations will be conducted from the Dryden

Aircraft Operations Facility in Southern California, no targets in the declination range

-36 degrees to -90 degrees will be considered. Observations will not start before sunset

and will be stopped ca. 45 minutes before landing to allow touch down before sunrise.

1.7.1. Reserved Observations

As part of the instrument development process, the instrument teams were awarded a

limited amount of Guaranteed Time Observing (GTO). To protect the interests of the

instrument development teams, the SOFIA project has allowed the Science instrument

teams to set aside a limited number of targets and associated exposure times as “Re-

served Observations”. These reserved observations may not be proposed to be repro-

duced in Science Demonstration Time – including by any member of the instrument

teams. In addition, the targets approved for Basic Science are also protected and cannot

be proposed in this call.

A Reserved Observation consists of the combination of position on the sky and instru-

ment observing mode. “Instrument observing mode” encompasses the basic scientific

intent of the observation by specifying, for example, the wavelength range for FOR-

CAST or the frequency of observation for GREAT.

The Reserved Observation Catalogs (ROC) for the two instruments are independent of

each other. A target in the FORCAST-only ROC may be proposed for GREAT observa-

tions and vice versa. The Reserved Observation list only applies to this Science Demon-

stration call, and the Instrument PIs will have the opportunity to revise the Reserved

Observation Catalog prior to subsequent proposal calls.

The FORCAST and GREAT Reserved Observations Catalogs can be found in appendix


1.8. Proposal Evaluation and Selection Process

Proposals submitted to DSI in response to this opportunity will be evaluated in a com-

petitive peer review conducted by DSI and led by the DSI Director. The peer review

panel, including its chair, will be recruited from the astronomical community. The re-

cruitment as well as the procedure for this proposal cycle will be approved by the Ger-

man SOFIA Science Working Group (GSSWG).

5 (username and pass-

word can be ignored)



Based on the results of the peer review, the DSI Director will develop a recommenda-

tion for the total program to be submitted to the SMO director and deputy director. Giv-

en that the present Demonstration Science Proposals are German-led, the selection offi-

cial for these proposals will be the deputy director (German representative of the SMO).

He will make the decision in concurrence with the SMO director who is ultimately re-

sponsible for integrating the selected proposals into the overall schedule of the observa-

tory during Phase 2.

The following factors will be used in evaluating proposals for the SOFIA Science

Demonstration Program.

1. The overall scientific merit of the proposed investigation.

2. The suitability of using SOFIA and its data products for the proposed investiga-


3. The feasibility of accomplishing the objectives of the investigation given the

early stage in the characterization of the observatory and instruments.

4. The degree to which the investigation uses SOFIA’s unique capabilities.

5. The competence and relevant experience of the Principal Investigator and col-

laborators to carry the investigation to a successful conclusion.

The scientific review panels will be given an assessment of the technical feasibility of

each proposal as determined by the SOFIA Science Mission Operations. After ac-

ceptance of an observing program by SMO, successful proposers have to provide the

required inputs to detailed observing plans for submission to the SOFIA Science Mis-

sion Operations. Instructions for completing these inputs will be distributed to the se-

lected PIs.

The SOFIA project reserves the right to select only a portion of a proposer's investiga-

tion, in which case the PI of the proposal will be given the opportunity to accept or de-

cline the implementation of the partial selection.

The final schedule for the German Science Demonstration flights will be incorporated

into the Basic Science program and ongoing observatory in-flight performance tests.

The selected FORCAST observations will be conducted in the first part of the Basic

Science Program, while selected GREAT observations will be in the second part of the

overall observing window.

The scientific review panels will be asked to evaluate the proposed observations based

on the above criteria, irrespective of the exact visibility window (within the overall 5

month period). Under the contingency of significant schedule slip, highly ranked pro-

posals with targets that fall outside of the nominal four month observing window, but

within the overall five months period, will be held in reserve. As the Science Demon-

stration schedule is finalized, issues related to target availability will be reviewed and a

final observing list prepared by the SMO Director and Deputy Director.



An appropriate over-subscription of the available flight times may be accepted via the

peer review process with an associated prioritization, which will allow for contingencies

in flight planning. The implementation of the observing prioritization and target selec-

tion will be approved by the SMO Director and Deputy Director.

1.9 Proposer Participation in Observations

Because the SOFIA observatory will still be in formal development during the Science

Demonstration phase, the project needs to minimize the complexity of operations and

hence keep the number of persons on the airplane to essential personnel. The Science

Demonstration observations will be performed as collaborations between the selected

proposers, the SOFIA Science Mission Operations and the instrument teams. Of the

very limited number of “astronomer slots” available for the Science Demonstration

flights, one (1) slot has been allocated for the selected proposal PI. The remaining slots

will be required for the instrument team and support personnel. Even if observations for

more than one General Investigator (GI) program are planned in a given flight only one

seat may be available. Therefore GIs who wish to be considered for an opportunity to

fly should state this in their proposal. At the discretion of the instrument team PI, and

with concurrence from the SMO director, the program PI and instrument team may

choose to reallocate additional “astronomer slots” from the instrument team to the pro-

posal PI.

Please note that participation in any given SOFIA flight is subject to successful clearing

not only at the port of immigration into the US, but also with the NASA administration

in order to be able to enter the SOFIA site at Palmdale. PIs and Co-Is are responsible to

have their documents prepared in time, in particular if they have a non-German back-

ground. While DSI is supporting the process of entering the SOFIA site, DSI does not

have the expertise or qualification to provide assistance for entering the US.

1.10 Funding for Germany-based Investigators

For this exceptional series of Science Demonstration flights, limited travel funds are

available for representatives of the selected proposals. Subject to final approval by the

DSI Director, travel grants will be made available to those selected proposals which,

apart from stating their proposers desire (see section 1.9), also convincingly explain in

their rationale the need for the physical presence of a representative during the observa-


The funds are limited to one travel grant per selected proposal and will only be granted

if a seat is available onboard the SOFIA aircraft. In case of conflicts due to the limited

number of seats available or if several proposals have been scheduled for a single flight,

the DSI Director’s decision in concurrence with the SMO deputy director takes prece-

dence. Also see section 1.9.

Each of these grants is intended to cover the cost for a one week trip to Palmdale, CA

on an economy class flight and is limited to about €2200,- (Air fare 900€, hotel 700€,

rental car 300€, subsistence 300€) [to be finalized]. Details about the procedure will be



provided at in

due time.

No funds, however, are available for preparing or submitting observing proposals or for

data reduction or evaluation.

1.11. Press Releases and Presentations

Press releases associated with SOFIA observations during Basic Science and Science

Demonstration Time will be jointly released by the DLR and NASA and will require

coordination with both DLR and NASA before release. The SOFIA Science Mission

Operations education & public outreach E&PO officer and his German/DSI E&PO

counterpart will coordinate the press release process. Other relevant press releases by

participating organizations (including PI institutions) must be coordinated with the SO-

FIA project, DLR, and NASA. Other presentation material based on the Science

Demonstration observations can be generated by any member of the Science Demon-

stration team and will be considered part of the team’s collective set of material. Any

member of the team may use these materials (e.g., in public science talks or conference


2. Proposal Preparation and Submission

2.1. Proposal Preparation

Each Science Demonstration proposal must be prepared using the SOFIA Proposal Tool

(SPT). The proposal information is directly entered, while text sections including the

scientific justification and feasibility analysis should be in PDF files, uploaded via


Proposals must be written in English. The length of each section of the proposal should

not exceed the page limits indicated in Section 2.1.2, using single-spaced 8.5x11 inch or

A4 format with 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins. Proposals must be printed to the PDF files

with a font size no smaller than 11 points (about 6 characters per cm). Reviewers will

only be provided the portion of each proposal that complies with the page limits.

For the convenience of those wishing to typeset the proposal text using LaTeX, simple

template and style files are available at the SOFIA Science Demonstration web page7. A

similarly simple MSWord template is also available at the same web page. The use of

these files is not required.

The abstract provided using the Proposal Information form is limited to 300 words (see

Section 2.1.2).

6 (username and password

can be ignored) 7



2.1.1 The SOFIA Proposal Tool (SPT)

The SOFIA Proposal Tool (SPT) provides the user with a simple form-based interface

for preparing a proposal and for electronic submission to the DSI and later to the SOFIA

Science Mission Operations. After downloading the appropriate package4

and following

the install instructions, the user starts a new proposal by launching the SPT application.

The proposer then fills in the necessary form fields including proposer information, ab-

stract, instrument(s), and target lists.

The target list does not need to be filled out entirely. The intention is to simplify Phase 1

for all proposers by not asking the proposers to detail every aspect of their intended ob-

servations in the target list during Phase 1. It is sufficient for the initial Phase 1 to in-

clude one line for every target and filter or wavelength setting and to provide the total

observing time for each of the settings, i.e., all of the mandatory fields. The details of

the intended observation shall rather be explained in the technical justification (see be-

low). Please note that successful proposers need to complete the target list in its entirety

in Phase 2.

The Science and Technical Justification is prepared in a separate text editor (e.g. MS

Word, LaTeX, etc...) and saved as a PDF file. Using SPT, the proposer then identifies

this PDF file on a local disk for attachment to the proposal summary information.

When the proposal is complete, the proposal is exported as a pdf file to the proposers

local disk using the Export function under the File menu. The file name convention of

this pdf file is <PIlastname><1digit number>proposal2011.pdf. An Example file name

is: steinmetz2proposal2011.pdf . The <1digit number> is unique for each proposal, and

selected by the proposer to identify his/her different proposals.

Please note that the concepts of “Blackout Periods”, or “Long Term Observation” are

not supported in Science Demonstration Time and should not be used in the SPT

form. Similarly, Target of Opportunity observations are not supported for the Science

Demonstration phase. In particular, note that the SUBMIT button is not supported

for Science Demonstration proposals. These functionalities will become operational

during later regular proposal cycles. See also section 2.2.

2.1.2 Proposal Text Sections (To be attached as a single .pdf file)

Proposal Sections – The attached pdf file must contain the following sections and be

addressed in the order indicated below. The page length limits are indicated.

1. Scientific Justification (up to 2 pages) - Describe the scientific objectives of

the proposed investigation, clearly stating the goals and their significance to as-

tronomy, and why SOFIA data are essential to the investigation.

2. Additional Material (up to 1 page) – An extra page can be used for figures, ta-

bles, and references.

3. Feasibility (up to 1 page) - The proposed program must justify the requested

exposure time for each target, noting the target visibility assessment, required



signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and spectral resolution, expected flux, and any other

information relevant to the observation (e.g., wavelength region of interest, spec-

tral flux distribution, emission line intensities). Also, the different observing

modes for each target should be described in this section, such as two position

chop and nod with dither, position switching , etc. for each of the target entries

in the target list. This section forms the basis for assessment of the technical fea-

sibility of the proposed observations. Describe the basis for and accuracy of the

flux estimates. This section should also contain a justification for special cali-

bration procedures, if applicable (Section 3.2.2).

4. Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator Biographical and Publication

Data (1/2 page for the PI with 1/2 additional page for Co-Is). A short bio-

graphical sketch for the PI should be provided and include a list of the most re-

cent refereed publications relevant to the scientific proposal. A short account

should be given on the roles of the Co-Is in the proposed project as well as a few

comments on their relevant expertise.

2.1.3. Exposure time estimates

Estimates of instrument sensitivities for FORCAST can be made using the SOFIA In-

strument Time Estimator (SITE)8, a web-based tool that provides total integration time

or S/N for a given instrument, filter(s), source type (point, extended, emission line) and

water vapor overburden. Algorithms and assumptions used are given in the help link on

the page. At the current time, for the Science Demonstration instruments only FOR-

CAST is covered by SITE.

For GREAT, a similar Instrument Time Estimator is available at the DSI website9. This

integration time estimator is also web-based tool that provides total integration time or

S/N, given instrument, wavelengths, and other parameter (e.g., water vapor overbur-

den). Algorithms and assumptions used are given in the help link on the same page.

The Guide-to-GREAT, available on the DSI Website, can also be used for assessment

of integration times.

Because this call for proposals is being issued during flight commissioning, the sensitiv-

ities of the instruments are somewhat uncertain.

2.1.4. Sky availability during Science Demonstration Time

The sky availability for SOFIA observations, particularly during Early Science, is con-

strained by several factors, including the need to return to the DAOF at the end of a

flight before sunrise and airspace restrictions. The instantaneous pointing of the tele-

8 (username and pass-

word can be ignored) 9 will be released by March 11 at http://www.dsi.uni-



scope, relative to the aircraft, is restricted to ±3˚ cross-elevation (on the left hand side of

the plane) and elevations between 23 and 58 degrees.

The SOFIA Visibility Tool (VT)10

provides the capability to estimate what date, time,

and aircraft heading are required to observe an astronomical target from a given point

on the earth's surface. The tool distinguishes between unvignetted and vignetted obser-

vations, includes easy selection of common SOFIA takeoff locations, can simultaneous-

ly plot up to sixteen sources, and shows sunrise and sunset times on the plots. VT is use-

ful for determining whether or not a particular source will be available to observe during

the Science Demonstration period. For the Science Demonstration program, only

flights out of the DAOF (Palmdale) will be available.

In terms of potential target selection, we note that due to the requirements of flight

planning, targets in parts of the sky complementary to highly sought regions will likely

be needed to provide efficient flight plans. Depending on the exact dates and time of

flights, relatively large areas of the sky are available, but due to flight restrictions only

objects north of Dec.≈-36˚ are likely to be observable in Science Demonstration Time.

Science Demonstration proposers are not expected to lay out flight plans or perform de-

tailed visibility analysis for their proposals. Flight planning will be done by the SOFIA

Science Mission Operations staff and the instrument teams, with input from the selected

science PIs.

2.2. Proposal Submission

Proposals must be submitted through an email submission form on the DSI website (see

below). Upon successful upload, the system will generate an automatic reply acknowl-

edging the submission.

Once the forms in SPT have been filled out and the proposal text attached, the proposal

is ready for submission to the DSI. Before submission, the proposer should verify that

all required form fields have been filled in by pressing the "Errors and Warnings" button

on the SPT tool bar (there is also an "errors and warnings" indicator at the bottom right

of the SPT tool that shows status at all times). The resulting "Diagnostic Report" will

indicate if there are any fields missing. Once all fields have been filled in, the diagnos-

tic report should be empty and a green check mark will appear in "errors and warnings"

indicator at the lower right hand corner of the SPT window. The proposer should then

save a copy of the proposal to the local desktop in the format internal to SPT, followed

by saving the proposal in pdf format using the Export function and a specific file name.

See section 2.1.1 for details.

10 (username and

password can be ignored)



At this time the complete proposal is submitted through the email submittal form on the

DSI website11

. The maximum size of the pdf file should not exceed 5 MB. Proposals

that have been submitted to the DSI can be resubmitted using the procedure described

above at any time up to the proposal deadline (old versions are not retained). Note:

<1digit number> should not be changed between versions. Also note again that hitting

the "Submit" button in the SPT tool bar is not supported for Demonstration Science

Proposals and will create an error.

To change and resubmit a proposal, the proposer should start SPT, select "Open" or

"Open Recent" from the "File" menu, and choose the local copy of the proposal to be

updated. Once changes are made, the proposer should check the proposal for errors and

warnings (see above) and then use the same Export and email procedure as described

before. It is important that exactly the same file name is used for a resubmission of a

proposal. Once again, a confirmation email will be sent to the proposer using the ad-

dress provided in the proposal.

3. Observations and Data

3.1. Flight Planning & Target Prioritization

Flight planning will not be part of the Science Demonstration proposals. Upon ranking

by the peer review panel and selection by the SMO deputy director in concurrence with

the SMO director, a prioritized target pool will be provided to the SOFIA Science Mis-

sion Operations, which will produce flight plans in consultation with the instrument

teams and science PIs. The effort will be carried out under the scientific direction of the

SMO director.

As noted in Section 1.8, an appropriate over-subscription of the available flight times

may be accepted via the peer review process with an associated prioritization. Since the

Science Demonstration program is constrained to a set number of flights, and due to this

over-subscription or due to unexpected contingencies, not all accepted targets are guar-

anteed to be observed. Unobserved targets will not be retained for future observing cy-


3.2. Data Processing, Calibration and Distribution

3.2.1 Data Processing, Archiving and Distribution

The proposal and Science Instrument PIs shall jointly notify the SMO director which of

the raw data sets are to be labeled to be “scientifically not meaningful”, as soon as pos-

sible after each flight, but no later than 1 month after receiving the data.

Data reduction for Science Demonstration observations will be the joint responsibility

of the proposal and instrument PIs. Any reduced and calibrated data products shall be





delivered to the SOFIA archive in standard FITS format and will be made available to

the community three months after archive ingestion. The detailed requirements of this

data delivery may be negotiated with the SMO director.

Approval to deviate from these archiving requirements may be granted by the SMO di-


Raw data will be distributed to the Science Demonstration teams remotely via the SO-

FIA Science Archive (encrypted http), or locally via direct data transfer or by removable

media, as agreed by the teams and the SOFIA Science Mission Operations.

Both raw and reduced data will be made available to the community, after the proprie-

tary period, through the SOFIA Science Archive.

The data deliveries to the SOFIA Science Archive do not include documentation or

analysis tools. The data release will make clear the limitation on community support by

the Science Instrument teams during the SOFIA Basic Science period.

3.2.2 Calibration

Because this Call for Proposal is being issued during the first SOFIA science flights, the

data calibration is currently uncertain and will be developed primarily by the instrument

teams in collaboration with the SOFIA Science Mission Operations staff.

It is expected that the photometric calibration for FORCAST during Science Demon-

stration observations will be no worse than 30%.

The absolute photometric accuracy of GREAT, during Science Demonstration observa-

tions is expected to be no worse than 20%.

Science Demonstration proposals do not need to include time for calibration target ob-

servations. Calibration observations will be allocated as general overhead and will be

obtained at a Basic Science wide level. Proposers wishing to implement specific cali-

bration strategies may propose to do so, but must identify the specific calibration target

observations to accomplish these goals and explicitly request the observing time to ac-

complish these observations. The calibration strategies and targets will be evaluated in

the technical and science reviews and, if recommended by the review process, will be

treated as part of the proposal.

4. Help Desk and Further Information

A Help Desk is available for various topics:

FORCAST, GREAT, and General User Support

Email: [email protected]

Technical questions about the Phase 1 proposal submission process can be directed to

Benjamin Greiner, [email protected]



Contact info for Instrument PIs:

GREAT, Rolf Güsten: [email protected]

FORCAST, Terry Herter: [email protected]

Note that both groups, FORCAST as well as GREAT, are extremely busy conducting

Basic Science observations and should not be approached with questions that can be

solved by the Help Desk.

Questions about the SOFIA General Investigator program can be directed to the DSI

Director, Dr. Alfred Krabbe ([email protected]), or SMO Deputy Director,

Dr. Hans Zinnecker ([email protected])

For further information about the SOFIA Science project, please contact the above, or

the Science Mission Operations Director, Dr. Erick T. Young ([email protected]).



Appendix A1.

FORCAST Science Demonstration Program Reserved Observations Catalog (ROC)

Science Object Name RA Dec SWC Filter

LWC Filter

# Map fields

(J2000) (J2000) [m] [m] Total

Debris disks

Alpha Lyr 18:36:56.34 +38:47:01.3 19.7 31.4 1

Alpha Lyr 18:36:56.34 +38:47:01.3 24.2 37.1 1

Fomalhaut 22:57:39.05 -29:37:20.1 19.7 31.4 1

Fomalhaut 22:57:39.05 -29:37:20.1 24.2 37.1 1

HD 141569 15:47:20.2 -03:46:12 6.3 - 1

HD 141569 15:47:20.2 -03:46:12 7.7 - 1

HD 141569 15:47:20.2 -03:46:12 8.6 - 1

HD 141569 15:47:20.2 -03:46:12 11.1 37.1 1

HD 141569 15:47:20.2 -03:46:12 11.3 37.1 1

Galactic Center

Sag A West, Arches, fila-

ments 17:45:50.5 -28:49:28 19.7 31.4 12

Sag A West, Arches, fila-

ments 17:45:50.5 -28:49:28 24.2 37.1 12

"Pistol" star, Sickle region

17:46:15.3 -28:50:04 19.7 31.4 1

"Pistol" star, Sickle region

17:46:15.3 -28:50:04 24.2 37.1 1


NGC 253 00:47:33.13 -25:17:17.8 5.4 - 1

NGC 253 00:47:33.13 -25:17:17.8 6.3 - 1

NGC 253 00:47:33.13 -25:17:17.8 6.6 - 1

NGC 253 00:47:33.13 -25:17:17.8 7.7 - 1

NGC 253 00:47:33.13 -25:17:17.8 8.6 - 1

NGC 253 00:47:33.13 -25:17:17.8 11.1 - 1

NGC 253 00:47:33.13 -25:17:17.8 11.3 - 1

NGC 253 00:47:33.13 -25:17:17.8 19.7 31.4 1

NGC 253 00:47:33.13 -25:17:17.8 24.2 37.1 1

M82 09:55:52.2 +69:40:47 5.4 - 1

M82 09:55:52.2 +69:40:47 6.3 - 1

M82 09:55:52.2 +69:40:47 6.6 - 1

M82 09:55:52.2 +69:40:47 7.7 - 1

M82 09:55:52.2 +69:40:47 8.6 - 1

M82 09:55:52.2 +69:40:47 11.1 - 1



M82 09:55:52.2 +69:40:47 11.3 - 1

M82 09:55:52.2 +69:40:47 19.7 31.4 1

M82 09:55:52.2 +69:40:47 24.2 37.1 1

NGC 4038/9 12:01:52 -18:52:02.9 19.7 31.4 1

NGC 4038/9 12:01:52 -18:52:02.9 24.2 37.1 1

M51 13:29:52.37 +47:11:40.8 19.7 31.4 1

M51 13:29:52.37 +47:11:40.8 24.2 37.1 1

NGC1068 02:42:40.83 -00:00:48.4 5.4 - 1

NGC1068 02:42:40.83 -00:00:48.4 6.3 - 1

NGC1068 02:42:40.83 -00:00:48.4 6.6 - 1

NGC1068 02:42:40.83 -00:00:48.4 7.7 - 1

NGC1068 02:42:40.83 -00:00:48.4 8.6 - 1

NGC1068 02:42:40.83 -00:00:48.4 11.1 - 1

NGC1068 02:42:40.83 -00:00:48.4 11.3 - 1

NGC1068 02:42:40.83 -00:00:48.4 19.7 31.4 1

NGC1068 02:42:40.83 -00:00:48.4 24.2 37.1 1

Arp 299 11:28:32.8 +58:34:45 5.4 - 1

Arp 299 11:28:32.8 +58:34:45 6.3 - 1

Arp 299 11:28:32.8 +58:34:45 6.6 - 1

Arp 299 11:28:32.8 +58:34:45 7.7 - 1

Arp 299 11:28:32.8 +58:34:45 8.6 - 1

Arp 299 11:28:32.8 +58:34:45 11.1 - 1

Arp 299 11:28:32.8 +58:34:45 11.3 - 1

Arp 299 11:28:32.8 +58:34:45 19.7 31.4 1

Arp 299 11:28:32.8 +58:34:45 24.2 37.1 1

HII / PDR M16 18:18:51.5 13:49:30 6.3 - 1

M16 18:18:51.5 13:49:30 6.6 - 1

M16 18:18:51.5 13:49:30 7.7 - 1

M16 18:18:51.5 13:49:30 8.6 - 1

M16 18:18:51.5 13:49:30 11.1 31.4 1

M16 18:18:51.5 13:49:30 11.3 33.5 1

M16 18:18:51.5 13:49:30 19.7 34.8 1

M16 18:18:51.5 13:49:30 24.2 37.1 1

M17 18:20:26 -16:10:36 6.3 - 16

M17 18:20:26 -16:10:36 6.6 - 16

M17 18:20:26 -16:10:36 7.7 - 16

M17 18:20:26 -16:10:36 8.6 - 16

M17 18:20:26 -16:10:36 11.1 31.4 16

M17 18:20:26 -16:10:36 11.3 33.5 16

M17 18:20:26 -16:10:36 19.7 34.8 16

M17 18:20:26 -16:10:36 24.2 37.1 16

S106 20:27:27 37:22:48 5.4 - 9

S106 20:27:27 37:22:48 6.6 - 9

S106 20:27:27 37:22:48 7.7 - 9

S106 20:27:27 37:22:48 8.6 - 9

S106 20:27:27 37:22:48 11.1 31.4 9

S106 20:27:27 37:22:48 11.3 33.5 9



S106 20:27:27 37:22:48 19.7 34.8 9

S106 20:27:27 37:22:48 24.2 37.1 9

Orion BNKL,

Trapezium, Bar 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 5.4 - 12

Orion BNKL,

Trapezium, Bar 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 6.3 - 12

Orion BNKL,

Trapezium, Bar 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 6.6 - 12

Orion BNKL,

Trapezium, Bar 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 7.7 - 12

Orion BNKL,

Trapezium, Bar 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 8.6 - 12

Orion BNKL,

Trapezium, Bar 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 11.1 31.4 12

Orion BNKL,

Trapezium, Bar 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 11.3 33.5 12

Orion BNKL,

Trapezium, Bar 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 19.7 34.8 12

Orion BNKL,

Trapezium, Bar 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 24.2 37.1 12

Orion Nebula

"Deep" 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 5.4 - 1

Orion Nebula

"Deep" 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 6.3 - 1

Orion Nebula

"Deep" 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 6.6 - 1

Orion Nebula

"Deep" 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 7.7 - 1

Orion Nebula

"Deep" 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 8.6 - 1

Orion Nebula

"Deep" 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 11.1 31.4 1

Orion Nebula

"Deep" 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 11.3 33.5 1

Orion Nebula

"Deep" 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 19.7 34.8 1

Orion Nebula

"Deep" 05:35:16.0 -05::23:17 24.2 37.1 1

Galactic Star for-mation

HV Tau 04:38:35.311 +26:10:38.49 5.4 - 1

HV Tau 04:38:35.311 +26:10:38.49 8.6 - 1

HV Tau 04:38:35.311 +26:10:38.49 11.1 31.4 1

HV Tau 04:38:35.311 +26:10:38.49 19.7 34.8 1

HV Tau 04:38:35.311 +26:10:38.49 24.2 37.1 1

DK Tau 04:30:44.243 +26:01:24.79 5.4 - 1

DK Tau 04:30:44.243 +26:01:24.79 8.6 - 1

DK Tau 04:30:44.243 +26:01:24.79 11.1 31.4 1

DK Tau 04:30:44.243 +26:01:24.79 19.7 34.8 1

DK Tau 04:30:44.243 +26:01:24.79 24.2 37.1 1



IT Tau 04:33:54.708 +26:13:27.70 5.4 - 1

IT Tau 04:33:54.708 +26:13:27.70 8.6 - 1

IT Tau 04:33:54.708 +26:13:27.70 11.1 31.4 1

IT Tau 04:33:54.708 +26:13:27.70 19.7 34.8 1

IT Tau 04:33:54.708 +26:13:27.70 24.2 37.1 1

HK Tau 04:31:50.576 +24:24:17.84 5.4 - 1

HK Tau 04:31:50.576 +24:24:17.84 8.6 - 1

HK Tau 04:31:50.576 +24:24:17.84 11.1 31.4 1

HK Tau 04:31:50.576 +24:24:17.84 19.7 34.8 1

HK Tau 04:31:50.576 +24:24:17.84 24.2 37.1 1

GG Tau B 04:32:30.326 +17 31 40.67 5.4 - 1

GG Tau B 04:32:30.326 +17 31 40.67 8.6 - 1

GG Tau B 04:32:30.326 +17 31 40.67 11.1 31.4 1

GG Tau B 04:32:30.326 +17 31 40.67 19.7 34.8 1

GG Tau B 04:32:30.326 +17 31 40.67 24.2 37.1 1

FX Tau 04:30:29.617 +24:26:45.04 5.4 - 1

FX Tau 04:30:29.617 +24:26:45.04 8.6 - 1

FX Tau 04:30:29.617 +24:26:45.04 11.1 31.4 1

FX Tau 04:30:29.617 +24:26:45.04 19.7 34.8 1

FX Tau 04:30:29.617 +24:26:45.04 24.2 37.1 1

FQ Tau 04:19:12.798 +28:29:33.01 5.4 - 1

FQ Tau 04:19:12.798 +28:29:33.01 8.6 - 1

FQ Tau 04:19:12.798 +28:29:33.01 11.1 31.4 1

FQ Tau 04:19:12.798 +28:29:33.01 19.7 34.8 1

FQ Tau 04:19:12.798 +28:29:33.01 24.2 37.1 1

FV Tau 04:26:53.502 +26:06:54.06 5.4 - 1

FV Tau 04:26:53.502 +26:06:54.06 8.6 - 1

FV Tau 04:26:53.502 +26:06:54.06 11.1 31.4 1

FV Tau 04:26:53.502 +26:06:54.06 19.7 34.8 1

FV Tau 04:26:53.502 +26:06:54.06 24.2 37.1 1

Haro 6-28 04:35:56.837 +22:54:36.22 5.4 - 1

Haro 6-28 04:35:56.837 +22:54:36.22 8.6 - 1

Haro 6-28 04:35:56.837 +22:54:36.22 11.1 31.4 1

Haro 6-28 04:35:56.837 +22:54:36.22 19.7 34.8 1

Haro 6-28 04:35:56.837 +22:54:36.22 24.2 37.1 1

UZ Tau 04:32:42.962 +25:52:31.09 5.4 - 1

UZ Tau 04:32:42.962 +25:52:31.09 8.6 - 1

UZ Tau 04:32:42.962 +25:52:31.09 11.1 31.4 1

UZ Tau 04:32:42.962 +25:52:31.09 19.7 34.8 1

UZ Tau 04:32:42.962 +25:52:31.09 24.2 37.1 1

GH Tau 04:33:06.216 +24:09:33.72 5.4 - 1

GH Tau 04:33:06.216 +24:09:33.72 8.6 - 1

GH Tau 04:33:06.216 +24:09:33.72 11.1 31.4 1

GH Tau 04:33:06.216 +24:09:33.72 19.7 34.8 1

GH Tau 04:33:06.216 +24:09:33.72 24.2 37.1 1

NGC 2024 05:41:43 -01:50:30 5.4 - 16

NGC 2024 05:41:43 -01:50:30 8.6 - 16

NGC 2024 05:41:43 -01:50:30 11.1 31.4 16

NGC 2024 05:41:43 -01:50:30 19.7 34.8 16



NGC 2024 05:41:43 -01:50:30 24.2 37.1 16

Serpens 18:30:00.0 01:15:00 5.4 - 84

Serpens 18:30:00.0 01:15:00 8.6 - 84

Serpens 18:30:00.0 01:15:00 11.1 31.4 84

Serpens 18:30:00.0 01:15:00 19.7 34.8 84

Serpens 18:30:00.0 01:15:00 24.2 37.1 84

L988-e 21:03:58 50:14:38 5.4 - 64

L988-e 21:03:58 50:14:38 8.6 - 64

L988-e 21:03:58 50:14:38 11.1 31.4 64

L988-e 21:03:58 50:14:38 19.7 34.8 64

L988-e 21:03:58 50:14:38 24.2 37.1 64

US Basic Science Targets

LkHa 198 00:11:26 58:49:45 11.3 37.1

LkHa 198 00:11:26 58:49:45 19.7 37.1

beta And 01:09:44 35:37:14 19.7

beta And 01:09:44 35:37:14 24.2

beta And 01:09:44 35:37:14 31.5

beta And 01:09:44 35:37:14 33.6

beta And 01:09:44 35:37:14 34.8

beta And 01:09:44 35:37:14 37.1

L1448 IRS3 and

L1448-C 03:25:38 30:44:47 24.2 37.1

L1448 IRS3 and

L1448-C 03:25:38 30:44:47 19.7 31.5


04275+3519 04:30:49 35:26:25 24.2 34.8

L 1527 04:35:54 26:03:10 37.1

IRAS 05319-

0551 05:34:23 -05:49:09.81 24.2 34.8

IRAS 05338-

0529 05:36:19 -05:27:53.23 24.2 34.8


05345+3157 NE cores

05:37:52 32:00:05 19.7 31.5


05345+3157 NE cores

05:37:52 32:00:04 24.2 37.1

IRAS 05363-

0209 05:38:53 -02:07:40.26 24.2 34.8

IRAS 05394-

0253 05:41:55 -02:52:01.49 24.2 34.8

IRAS 05404-

0948 05:42:48 -09:47:23.59 24.2 34.8

II ZW 40 05:55:43 03:23:32 19.7

II ZW 40 05:55:43 03:23:32 24.2

II ZW 40 05:55:43 03:23:32 31.5

II ZW 40 05:55:43 03:23:32 34.8

II ZW 40 05:55:43 3:23:32 37.1



II ZW 40 05:55:43 03:23:32 11.1

S255N 06:12:53 18:00:25 7.7

S255N 06:12:53 18:00:25 8.6

S255N 06:12:53 18:00:25 11.1 31.5

S255N 06:12:53 18:00:25 11.3 33.6

S255N 06:12:53 18:00:25 19.7 34.8

S255N 06:12:53 18:00:25 24.2 37.1

NGC 2146 06:18:38 78:21:23 11.3 37.1

NGC 2146 06:18:38 78:21:23 19.7 37.1

IRAS 06293-

0931 06:31:45 -09:33:26.17 24.2 34.8

UYSO1 07:05:11 -12:18:58.00 19.7 31.5

UYSO1 07:05:11 -12:18:58.00 24.2 37.1

He 2-10 08:36:15 -26:24:34.00 31.5

He 2-10 08:36:15 -26:24:34.00 34.8

He 2-10 08:36:15 -26:24:34.00 37.1

He 2-10 08:36:15 -26:24:34.00 19.7

He 2-10 08:36:15 -26:24:34.00 24.2

Frosty 09:39:54 11:58:53 24.2 37.1

NGC 3125 10:06:33 -29:56:06.99 11.1

NGC 3125 10:06:33 -29:56:06.99 19.7

NGC 3125 10:06:33 -29:56:06.99 24.2

NGC 3125 10:06:33 -29:56:06.99 31.5

NGC 3125 10:06:33 -29:56:06.99 34.8

NGC 3125 10:06:33 -29:56:06.99 37.1

NGC 3227 10:23:31 19:51:54 11.3 33.6

NGC 3227 10:23:31 19:51:54 11.1 31.5

NGC 3227 10:23:31 19:51:54 19.7 34.8

NGC 3227 10:23:31 19:51:54 24.2 37.1

Haro 3 10:45:22 55:57:37 8.6

Haro 3 10:45:22 55:57:37 11.1

Haro 3 10:45:22 55:57:37 19.7

Haro 3 10:45:22 55:57:37 24.2

Haro 3 10:45:22 55:57:37 31.5

Haro 3 10:45:22 55:57:37 34.8

Haro 3 10:45:22 55:57:37 37.1

NGC 5253 13:39:56 -31:38:24.00 5.4

NGC 5253 13:39:56 -31:38:24.00 8.6

NGC 5253 13:39:56 -31:38:24.00 11.1 31.5

NGC 5253 13:39:56 -31:38:24.00 19.7 34.8

NGC 5253 13:39:56 -31:38:24.00 24.2 37.1

T CrB 15:59:30 25:55:13 5.4

T CrB 15:59:30 25:55:13 6.4

T CrB 15:59:30 25:55:13 6.6

T CrB 15:59:30 25:55:13 7.7

T CrB 15:59:30 25:55:13 8.6

T CrB 15:59:30 25:55:13 11.1

T CrB 15:59:30 25:55:13 19.7

T CrB 15:59:30 25:55:13 24.2



L1688W-8A 16:26:09 -24:24:10.80 11.1 34.8

L1688W-8B 16:26:09 -24:24:10.80 19.7 34.8

L1688W-7A 16:26:09 -24:21:06.80 11.1 34.8

L1688W-7B 16:26:09 -24:21:06.80 19.7 34.8

L1688W-1A 16:26:22 -24:24:11.00 11.1 34.8

L1688W-1B 16:26:22 -24:24:11.00 19.7 34.8

L1688W-5B 16:26:22 -24:27:15.01 19.7 34.8

L1688W-5A 16:26:22 -24:27:15.01 11.1 34.8

L1688W-4A 16:26:22 -24:21:07.00 11.1 34.8

L1688W-4B 16:26:22 -24:21:07.00 19.7 34.8

L1688W-6A 16:26:36 -24:19:55.11 11.1 34.8

L1688W-6B 16:26:36 -24:19:55.11 19.7 34.8

L1688W-3A 16:26:36 -24:26:06.30 11.1 34.8

L1688W-3B 16:26:36 -24:26:06.30 19.7 34.8

L1688W-2A 16:26:36 -24:22:59.90 11.1 34.8

L1688W-2B 16:26:36 -24:22:59.90 19.7 34.8

alf Sco 16:29:24 -26:25:55.20 11.1 31.5

alf Sco 16:29:24 -26:25:55.20 11.3 33.6

alf Sco 16:29:24 -26:25:55.20 19.7 37.1

M2-9 17:05:37 -10:08:35.00 19.7 33.6

M2-9 17:05:37 -10:08:35.00 24.2 37.1

M2-9 17:05:37 -10:08:35.00 11.1

M2-9 17:05:37 -10:08:35.00 6.6

MN61 17:42:14 -29:55:36.09 19.7 31.5

MN61 17:42:14 -29:55:36.09 24.2 34.8

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 5.4

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 6.6

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 7.7

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 8.6

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 11.1

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 19.7

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 24.2

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 31.5

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 33.6

C6 17:43:03 -29:38:01.50 37.1

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 6.6

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 7.7

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 8.6

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 11.1

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 19.7

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 24.2

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 31.5

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 33.6

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 37.1

E51 17:44:35 -29:04:35.50 5.4

A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 5.4

A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 6.6

A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 7.7

A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 8.6



A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 11.1

A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 19.7

A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 33.6

A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 37.1

A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 24.2

A12 17:44:45 -29:05:38.30 31.5

HD 161796 17:44:55 50:02:39 11.1 31.5

HD 161796 17:44:55 50:02:39 11.3 33.6

HD 161796 17:44:55 50:02:39 19.7 37.1

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 5.4

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 6.6

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 7.7

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 8.6

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 11.1

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 19.7

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 24.2

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 31.5

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 33.6

A52 17:45:14 -29:07:20.80 37.1

HD 161868

(Gamma Oph) 17:47:54 2:42:26 24.2 34.8

RS Oph 17:50:13 -06:42:28.48 5.4

RS Oph 17:50:13 -06:42:28.48 6.4

RS Oph 17:50:13 -06:42:28.48 6.6

RS Oph 17:50:13 -06:42:28.48 7.7

RS Oph 17:50:13 -06:42:28.48 8.6

RS Oph 17:50:13 -06:42:28.48 11.1

RS Oph 17:50:13 -06:42:28.48 19.7

RS Oph 17:50:13 -06:42:28.48 24.2

NGC6543 17:58:33 66:38:00 11.3 31.5

NGC6543 17:58:33 66:38:00 11.3 33.6

NGC6543 17:58:33 66:38:00 24.2 33.6

VX Sgr 18:08:04 -22:13:26.61 5.4

VX Sgr 18:08:04 -22:13:26.61 8.6

VX Sgr 18:08:04 -22:13:26.61 11.1 31.5

VX Sgr 18:08:04 -22:13:26.61 19.7 34.8

VX Sgr 18:08:04 -22:13:26.61 24.2 37.1

W1814+34 18:14:17 34:12:25 24.2 34.8

L 483 18:17:30 -04:39:38.00 37.1

MWC 922 18:21:16 -13:01:27.00 11.1 31.5

MWC 922 18:21:16 -13:01:27.00 11.3 33.6

MWC 922 18:21:16 -13:01:27.00 19.7 37.1

HD 168625 18:21:20 -16:22:26.06 5.4

HD 168625 18:21:20 -16:22:26.06 8.6

HD 168625 18:21:20 -16:22:26.06 11.1 31.5

HD 168625 18:21:20 -16:22:26.06 19.7 34.8

HD 168625 18:21:20 -16:22:26.06 24.2 37.1

RY Scuti 18:25:31 -12:41:24.19 5.4

RY Scuti 18:25:31 -12:41:24.19 8.6



RY Scuti 18:25:31 -12:41:24.19 11.1 31.5

RY Scuti 18:25:31 -12:41:24.19 19.7 34.8

RY Scuti 18:25:31 -12:41:24.19 24.2 37.1

MWC297 18:27:40 -03:49:52.20 11.1 37.1

MWC297 18:27:40 -03:49:52.20 19.7 37.1

Serpens MMS3 18:29:09 0:31:29 19.7 31.5

Serpens MMS3 18:29:09 0:31:29 24.2 37.1

SerpensSouth 18:30:03 -02:02:22.20 19.7 37.1

SerpensSouth 18:30:03 -02:02:22.20 24.2 37.1

W40 CO Peak 18:31:18 -02:06:30.00 34.8

W40 18:31:29 -02:05:24.00 5.4

W40 18:31:29 -02:05:24.00 8.6

W40 18:31:29 -02:05:24.00 11.3

W40 18:31:29 -02:05:24.00 24.2

W40 18:31:29 -02:05:24.00 34.8

MN 81 18:33:43 -08:23:35.30 19.7 31.5

MN 81 18:33:43 -08:23:35.30 24.2 34.8

OH 26.5+0.6 18:37:33 -05:23:59.20 11.1 31.5

OH 26.5+0.6 18:37:33 -05:23:59.20 11.3 33.6

OH 26.5+0.6 18:37:33 -05:23:59.20 19.7 37.1

MN 87 18:42:22 -05:04:30.10 19.7 31.5

MN 87 18:42:22 -05:04:30.10 24.2 34.8

MN 90 18:45:56 -03:08:29.70 19.7 31.5

MN 90 18:45:56 -03:08:29.70 24.2 34.8

W43box5 18:47:28 -02:00:34.40 19.7 37.1

W43box6 18:47:28 -01:57:28.30 19.7 31.5

W43box6 18:47:28 -01:57:28.30 11.1 31.5

W43box7 18:47:28 -01:54:23.90 11.1 31.5

W43box7 18:47:28 -01:54:23.90 19.7 37.1

W43box5 18:47:28 -02:00:34.40 11.1 31.5

W43box2 18:47:40 -01:54:23.80 11.1 31.5

W43box2 18:47:40 -01:54:23.80 19.7 37.1

W43box3 18:47:40 -01:57:28.20 19.7 37.1

W43box3 18:47:40 -01:57:28.20 11.1 31.5

W43box4 18:47:40 -02:00:34.40 11.1 31.5

W43box4 18:47:40 -02:00:34.40 19.7 37.1

W43box1-MM1 18:47:52 -01:54:23.80 11.1 31.5

W43box1-MM1 18:47:52 -01:54:23.80 19.7 37.1

W43box8 18:47:52 -01:57:28.10 11.1 31.5

W43box8 18:47:52 -01:57:28.10 19.7 37.1

W43box9 18:47:52 -02:00:34.30 11.1 31.5

W43box9 18:47:52 -02:00:34.30 19.7 37.1

W43box10 18:48:16 -02:01:10.60 19.7 37.1

W43box10 18:48:16 -02:01:10.60 11.1 31.5

W43box11 18:48:16 -02:07:03.90 11.1 31.5

W43box11 18:48:16 -02:07:03.90 19.7 37.1

MN93 18:50:40 00:04:45 19.7 31.5

MN93 18:50:40 00:04:45 24.2 34.8

G35.20-0.74 18:58:13 01:40:33 11.3 31.5



G35.20-0.74 18:58:13 01:40:33 19.7 37.1

G35.20-0.74 18:58:13 01:40:33 24.2

G35.20-0.74 18:58:13 01:40:33 31.5

G35.20-0.74 18:58:13 01:40:33 37.1


18576+0341 (AFGL 2298)

19:00:11 03:45:47 5.4


18576+0341 (AFGL 2298)

19:00:11 03:45:47 8.6


18576+0341 (AFGL 2298)

19:00:11 03:45:47 11.1 31.5


18576+0341 (AFGL 2298)

19:00:11 03:45:47 19.7 34.8


18576+0341 (AFGL 2298)

19:00:11 03:45:47 24.2 37.1

HD 179821 19:13:59 00:07:32 5.4

HD 179821 19:13:59 00:07:32 8.6

HD 179821 19:13:59 00:07:32 11.1 31.5

HD 179821 19:13:59 00:07:32 19.7 34.8

HD 179821 19:13:59 00:07:32 24.2 37.1

HD 179821 19:13:59 00:07:32 11.1 31.5

HD 179821 19:13:59 00:07:32 11.3 33.6

HD 179821 19:13:59 00:07:32 19.7 37.1

L673-SMM1 19:20:25 11:22:19 24.2 37.1

L673-SMM1 19:20:25 11:22:19 19.7 31.5

L673-SMM2 19:20:26 11:20:04 19.7 31.5

L673-SMM2 19:20:26 11:20:04 24.2 37.1

Vy 2-2 19:24:22 09:53:57 11.1 31.5

Vy 2-2 19:24:22 09:53:57 11.3 33.6

Vy 2-2 19:24:22 09:53:57 19.7 37.1

IRC +10420 19:26:48 11:21:17 5.4

IRC +10420 19:26:48 11:21:17 8.6

IRC +10420 19:26:48 11:21:17 24.2 37.1

IRC +10420 19:26:48 11:21:17 11.1 31.5

IRC +10420 19:26:48 11:21:17 19.7 34.8

IRC+10420 19:26:48 11:21:17 11.1 31.5

IRC+10420 19:26:48 11:21:17 11.3 33.6

IRC+10420 19:26:48 11:21:17 19.7 37.1

B 335 19:36:55 07:34:24 37.1


20000+3239 20:01:59 32:47:33 7.7


20000+3239 20:01:59 32:47:33 8.6


20000+3239 20:01:59 32:47:33 11.3 33.6

IRAS 20:01:59 32:47:33 19.7 34.8





20000+3239 20:01:59 32:47:33 24.2 37.1


20000+3239 20:01:59 32:47:33 31.5


20067+4405 20:08:23 44:14:10 24.2 34.8

P Cygni 20:17:47 38:01:59 24.2 37.1

P Cygni 20:17:47 38:01:59 5.4

P Cygni 20:17:47 38:01:59 8.6

P Cygni 20:17:47 38:01:59 11.1 31.5

P Cygni 20:17:47 38:01:59 19.7 34.8

V1318Cyg 20:20:31 41:21:45 11.1 37.1

V1318Cyg 20:20:31 41:21:45 19.7 37.1

MWC349 20:32:46 40:39:37 19.7 37.1

MWC349 20:32:46 40:39:37 11.1 37.1

DR21 20:39:02 42:19:45 34.8

DR21 20:39:02 42:19:45 24.2

L 1157 20:39:06 68:02:17 37.1

PV Cep 20:45:54 67:57:39 11.1 37.1

PV Cep 20:45:54 67:57:39 19.7 37.1

NML Cyg 20:46:26 40:06:59 11.1 31.5

NML Cyg 20:46:26 40:06:59 11.3 33.6

NML Cyg 20:46:26 40:06:59 19.7 37.1


Field/Targets B+C

20:57:41 43:51:59 24.2 34.8


Field/Target A 20:58:17 43:53:25 24.2 34.8

V407 Cyg 21:02:10 45:46:33 5.4

V407 Cyg 21:02:10 45:46:33 6.4

V407 Cyg 21:02:10 45:46:33 6.6

V407 Cyg 21:02:10 45:46:33 7.7

V407 Cyg 21:02:10 45:46:33 8.6

V407 Cyg 21:02:10 45:46:33 11.1

V407 Cyg 21:02:10 45:46:33 19.7

V407 Cyg 21:02:10 45:46:33 24.2

AFGL 2688 21:02:19 36:41:41 7.7

AFGL 2688 21:02:19 36:41:41 8.6

AFGL 2688 21:02:19 36:41:41 11.3 33.6

AFGL 2688 21:02:19 36:41:41 19.7 34.8

AFGL 2688 21:02:19 36:41:41 24.2 37.1

AFGL 2688 21:02:19 36:41:41 31.5

NGC 7009 21:04:11 -11:21:47.70 19.7 31.5

NGC 7009 21:04:11 -11:21:47.70 33.6

NGC 7009 21:04:11 -11:21:47.70 24.2 34.8

NGC 7009 21:04:11 -11:21:47.70 37.1

NGC7027 21:07:02 42:14:10 6.4

NGC7027 21:07:02 42:14:10 6.6

NGC7027 21:07:02 42:14:10 11.1



NGC7027 21:07:02 42:14:10 19.7 33.6

NGC7027 21:07:02 42:14:10 24.2 37.1

CB230 21:17:39 68:17:33 24.2 37.1

CB230 21:17:39 68:17:33 19.7 31.5

LkHa234 21:43:07 66:06:55 11.1 37.1

LkHa234 21:43:07 66:06:55 19.7 37.1

mu Cep 21:43:30 58:46:48 5.4

mu Cep 21:43:30 58:46:48 8.6

mu Cep 21:43:30 58:46:48 11.1 31.5

mu Cep 21:43:30 58:46:48 19.7 34.8

mu Cep 21:43:30 58:46:48 24.2 37.1


22223+4327 22:24:31 43:43:11 11.3 33.6


22223+4327 22:24:31 43:43:11 19.7 34.8


22223+4327 22:24:31 43:43:11 24.2 37.1


22223+4327 22:24:31 43:43:11 31.5


22272+5435 22:29:10 54:51:06 19.7 34.8


22272+5435 22:29:10 54:51:06 24.2 37.1


22272+5435 22:29:10 54:51:06 31.5


22272+5435 22:29:10 54:51:06 7.7


22272+5435 22:29:10 54:51:06 8.6


22272+5435 22:29:10 54:51:06 11.3 33.6

beta Peg 23:03:47 28:04:58 19.7

beta Peg 23:03:47 28:04:58 24.2

beta Peg 23:03:47 28:04:58 31.5

beta Peg 23:03:47 28:04:58 33.6

beta Peg 23:03:47 28:04:58 34.8

beta Peg 23:03:47 28:04:58 37.1

NGC7538F1 23:13:33 61:29:50 11.1 37.1

NGC7538F3 23:13:38 61:25:30 11.3 37.1

NGC7538F2 23:14:13 61:29:00 11.1 37.1

MWC1080 23:17:26 60:50:44 11.1 37.1

MWC1080 23:17:26 60:50:44 19.7 37.1


23304+6147 23:32:45 62:03:49 7.7


23304+6147 23:32:45 62:03:49 8.6


23304+6147 23:32:45 62:03:49 11.3 33.6


23304+6147 23:32:45 62:03:49 19.7 34.8




23304+6147 23:32:45 62:03:49 24.2 37.1


23304+6147 23:32:45 62:03:49 31.5

rho Cas 23:54:23 57:29:58 5.4

rho Cas 23:54:23 57:29:58 8.6

rho Cas 23:54:23 57:29:58 11.1 31.5

rho Cas 23:54:23 57:29:58 19.7 34.8

rho Cas 23:54:23 57:29:58 24.2 37.1

Solar Sys-tem Tar-gets

Jupiter 19.7

Jupiter 24.2

Jupiter 31.5

Jupiter 33.6

Jupiter 34.8

Jupiter 37.1

Moon 31.5

Neptune 33.6

Neptune 34.8

Neptune 37.1

Neptune 19.7

Neptune 24.2

Neptune 31.5

Uranus 19.7

Uranus 24.2

Uranus 24.2 31.5

Uranus 33.6

Uranus 34.8

Uranus 37.1



Appendix A2.

GREAT Science Demonstration Program Reserved Observations Catalog (ROC)

Science Object Name RA DEC 1 2 # points

(2000) (2000) [THz] [THz]

OD & OH IRAS16293-2422(A)

16:32:22.6 -24:28:33.0 1.391 2.510 1

OphA 16:26:27.2 -24:23:34.0 1.391 2.510 1

OrionS 05:35:13.5 -05:24:00.0 1.391 2.510 1

G18.17-0.30 18:25:07.5 -13:14:32.7 1.391 2.510 1

SgrB2(M) 17:47:20.4 -28:23:07 1.391 2.510 1

SgrB2(N) 17:47:20.0 -28:22:19.0 1.391 2.510 1

Sgr A* 17:45:51.7 -28:59:08.7 1.391 2.510 1

W28A 18:00:30.4 -24:04:00 1.391 2.510 1

W31C 18:10:28.7 -19:55:50 1.391 2.510 1

W33A 18:14:39.4 -17:52:00 1.391 2.510 1

W49N 19:10:13.2 09:06:12 1.391 2.510 1

W51 19:23:43.9 14:30:30.5 1.391 2.510 1

DR21(OH) 20:39:00.7 42:22:46.7 1.391 2.510 1

W43-MM1 18:47:47.0 -01:54:28.0 1.391 2.510 1

IRAS18089 18:11:51.5 -17:31:29.0 1.391 2.510 1

AFGL2591 20:29:24.7 +40:11:19.0 1.391 2.510 1

W3-IRS5 02:25:40.6 +62:05:51.0 1.391 2.510 1

G31.41 18:47:34.3 -01:12:46.0 1.391 2.510 1

G29.96 18:46:03.8 -02:39:22.0 1.391 2.510 1

NGC7538IRS1 23:13:45.3 +61:28:10.0 1.391 2.510 1

W51N-E1 19:23:43.8 +14:30:26.0 1.391 2.510 1

G34.26 18:53:18.6 +01:14:58.0 1.391 2.510 1

G10.47 18:08:38.2 -19:51:50.0 1.391 2.510 1

G5.89 18:00:30.4 -24:04:02.0 1.391 2.510 1

Orion-KL 05:35:15.1 -05:22:26.6 1.391 2.510 1

p-H2D+ &


16293E 16:32:29.4 -24:28:52.6 1.370 1.477 1

H-MM1 16:27:58.3 -24:33:42.0 1.370 1.477 1

SgrB2(M) 17:47:20.4 -28:23:07 1.370 1.477 1

Sgr A* 17:45:51.7 -28:59:08.7 1.370 1.477 1

W28A 18:00:30.4 -24:04:00 1.370 1.477 1

W31C 18:10:28.7 -19:55:50 1.370 1.477 1

W33A 18:14:39.4 -17:52:00 1.370 1.477 1

G34.3+0.1 18:53:18.7 01:14:58 1.370 1.477 1

W49N 19:10:13.2 09:06:12 1.370 1.477 1

W51 19:23:43.9 14:30:30.5 1.370 1.477 1



DR21(OH) 20:39:00.7 42:22:46.7 1.370 1.477 1

Galactic PDRs

M17SAO 18:20:28 -16:12:01 1.901 1.461 1800

S106 20:27:18 37:22:27 1.901 1.461 900

S140 22:19:18 63:18:47 1.901 1.461 900

DR21main 20:39:01 42:19:43 1.901 1.461 900

DR21OH 20:39:00 42:22:43 1.901 1.461 900

IC63 00:58:55 60:53:11 1.901 1.461 900

W43M 18:47:39 -01:58:49 1.901 1.461 900

W43S 18:46:00 -02:43:00 1.901 1.461 900

Cygnus X (cut) from:

20:49:20 42:50:00 1.901 1.461

to: 20:47:25 42:22:00 1.901 1.461 100

Proto-Planetary Disks

CQ Tau 05:35:58.5 24:44:54.19 1.901 1.461 1

Evolved Stars

R Hya 13:29:42.8 -23:16:52.8 1.901 1.461 10

Betelgeuse 05:55:10.3 +07:24:25.4 1.901 1.461 10

Galactic Center Studies

Top_E2 17:45:48.3 -28:46:19 1.840 2.510 900

Arches_E1 17:45:51 -28:48:22 1.840 2.510 900

CS-Peak1 17:45:36.7 -28:52:54.8 1.840 2.510 900

E2 17:45:44 -28:48:22 1.840 2.510 900

M-002-007 17:45:51.7 -28:59:13.7 1.840 2.510 900

M-013-008 17:45:36.85 -29:05:23.8 1.840 2.510 900

Sickle 17:46:14.7 -28:48:55.9 1.840 2.510 900

Low metal-licity gal-axies

NGC2366 07:28:54.7 69:12:57 1.901 1.461 10

IC10 (A) 00:20:17.3 59:18:14 1.901 1.461 10

IC342 03:46:49 68:05:46 1.901 1.461 10

OH W43-MM1 18:47:47.0 -01:54:28.0 1.840 2.510 1

DR21(OH) 20:39:00.8 +42:22:48.0 1.840 2.510 1

IRAS18089 18:11:51.5 -17:31:29.0 1.840 2.510 1

AFGL2591 20:29:24.7 +40:11:19.0 1.840 2.510 1

W3-IRS5 02:25:40.6 +62:05:51.0 1.840 2.510 1

W33A 18:14:39.1 -17:52:07.0 1.840 2.510 1

IRAS18151 18:17:58.2 -12:07:25.3 1.840 2.510 1

G31.41 18:47:34.3 -01:12:46.0 1.840 2.510 1

G29.96 18:46:03.8 -02:39:22.0 1.840 2.510 1

NGC7538IRS1 23:13:45.3 +61:28:10.0 1.840 2.510 1



W51N-E1 19:23:43.8 +14:30:26.0 1.840 2.510 1

G34.26 18:53:18.6 +01:14:58.0 1.840 2.510 1

G10.47 18:08:38.2 -19:51:50.0 1.840 2.510 1

G5.89 18:00:30.4 -24:04:02.0 1.840 2.510 1

SgrB2(M) 17:47:20.4 -28:23:07 1.840 2.510 1

SgrB2(N) 17:47:19.1 -28:22:17.8 1.840 2.510 1

Orion-KL 05:35:15.1 -05:22:26.6 1.840 2.510 1

IRAS05271+3059 05:30:21 31:01:26 1.840 2.510 1

IRAS05345+3536 05:38:00 35:58:59 1.840 2.510 1

IRAS20406+4555 20:42:20 46:05:39 1.840 2.510 1

Chlorine chemistry in Venus


1.870 2.500 10



17:45:39.9 -29:00:28.2 1.840 2.510 25

OH in nearby nuclei

M82 09:55:52.2 69:40:49.6 1.840 2.510 1

NGC253 00:47:33.1 -25:17:17.6 1.840 2.510 1

Arp220 15:34:57.3 23:30:11 1.840 2.510 1

NGC4038/39 12:01:55.4 -18:52:47 1.840 2.510 1

OH in MHD IC443C 06:17:42.5 22:21:30 1.840 2.510 1

IC443G 06:16:42.6 22:31:55 1.840 2.510 1

IC443B 06:17:16.5 22:25:25 1.840 2.510 1

IC443NE 06:18:03.8 22:33:50 1.840 2.510 1

W28 18:01:52.3 -23:19:25 1.840 2.510 1

W44 18:56:28.4 01:29:55 1.840 2.510 1

3C391 18:49:22.3 -00:57:22 1.840 2.510 1

OH in stars

NML Tau 03:53:28.84 11:24:22.6 1.840 2.510 1

VY CMa 07:22:58.33 -25:46:03.1 1.840 2.510 1

OH231.8 07:42:16.83 -14:42:52.1 1.840 2.510 1

IRC10420 19:26:48.10 11:21:16.7 1.840 2.510 1

U Ori 05:55:49.2 20:10:30 0 1.840 2.510 1

R Leo 09:47:33.49 11:25:43.6 1.840 2.510 1

W Hya 13:49:02.00 -28:22:03.5 1.840 2.510 1



RS Vir 14:27:16.39 04:40:41.1 1.840 2.510 1

S Crb 15:21:23.96 31:22:02.6 1.840 2.510 1

U Her 16:25:47.47 18:53:32.9 1.840 2.510 1

VX Sgr 18:08:04.05 -22:13:26.6 1.840 2.510 1

R Aql 19:06:22.20 08:13:48.0 1.840 2.510 1

NGC7027 21:07:01.6 42:14:10.2 1.840 2.510 1

NML Tau 03:53:28.84 11:24:22.6 1.840 2.510 1

US Basic Science Targets

Orion BN-KL 05:35:16.0 -05:23:17.00 1.329 1.907

Orion BN-KL 05:35:16.0 -05:23:17.00 1.357 1.907

Betelgeuse 05:55:10.3 07:24:25.40 1.267 1.841

RS Vir 14:27:16.0 04:40:41.00 1.296 1.885

RhoOphA_350 16:26:27.6 -24:23:56.30 1.382 1.901

Roph_ref1 16:29:49.0 -24:29:31.00 1.382 1.901

G357.7+0.3 17:38:27.1 -30:34:06.73 1.382 1.841

G357.7+0.3 17:38:27.1 -30:34:06.73 1.267 1.833

G357.7+0.3 17:38:27.1 -30:34:06.73 1.462 1.901

Sgr A* continuum 17:45:37.7 -28:59:58.10 1.461 1.901

Sgr A* continuum 17:45:37.7 -29:00:58.10 1.461 1.901

Sgr A* 17:45:40.0 -29:00:28.10 1.461 1.901

Sgr A* continuum 17:45:40.0 -29:00:28.10 1.461 1.901

Sgr A* continuum 17:45:42.3 -28:59:58.10 1.461 1.901

Sgr A* continuum 17:45:42.3 -29:00:58.10 1.461 1.901

Sgr B2 (M) 17:47:20.1 -28:23:06.00 1.383 1.908

G10.6?0.4 18:10:28.7 00:19:55.00 1.383 1.908

G29.96-0.2 18:46:04.1 -02:39:22.00 1.383 1.908

G34.3+0.1 18:53:18.7 01:14:58.00 1.383 1.908

NGC 6720-major-off4

18:53:30.41 33:01:06.89 1.461 1.901

NGC 6720-major-off3

18:53:30.42 33:01:16.44 1.461 1.901

NGC 6720-major-off2

18:53:30.43 33:01:25.97 1.461 1.901

NGC 6720-minor-off3

18:53:30.44 33:02:29.06 1.461 1.901

NGC 6720-minor-off1

18:53:30.45 33:02:14.38 1.461 1.901



Freq. Species (THz) 1.370 p-H2D

+ 1.391 OD 1.461 [N II] 1.477 o-D2H

+ 1.840 OH 1.901 [C II] 2.510 OH

NGC 6720-major-off1

18:53:30.46 33:01:35.50 1.461 1.901

NGC 6720-minor-off1

18:53:30.47 33:01:59.71 1.461 1.901

NGC 6720-cen 18:53:30.48 33:01:45.03 1.461 1.901

NGC 6720-major-off-m3

18:53:30.49 33:02:04.09 1.461 1.901

W49N 18:53:30.50 09:06:12.00 1.383 1.908

W49N 18:53:30.51 09:06:14.00 1.296 1.885

W51 18:53:30.52 14:30:30.50 1.383 1.908

W51 18:53:30.53 14:30:36.00 1.296 1.885

IRAS20319-3958 18:53:30.54 40:17:00.00 1.267 1.901