geology - university of exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. csm has research...


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Page 1: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,



Page 2: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,

Key Information

For further details on our entry requirements, please see our Geology pages at

Cornwall Campus, near FalmouthWebsite: [email protected]: +44 (0)1326 371801


BSc Single Honours Applied Geology F613 ABB-BBB; IB: 32-30

Engineering Geology and Geotechnics F644 ABB-BBB; IB: 32-30

Our exceptional links with industry andworld-class analytical research facilitiesset us apart from many other Geologydepartments. We focus on appliedaspects of geology – how geology relatesto the real world – ensuring you havethe knowledge, skills and experiencenecessary to compete in today’sgraduate job market.




Page 3: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,

Why study Geology atthe University of Exeter? e study of geology applies manydifferent branches of science andengineering to understand how the Earth‘works’ and has evolved over the last 4.6billion years. It ranges in scope from theatomic through the continental to thecosmic, and encompasses such spectacularnatural processes as earthquakes,landslides and volcanic eruptions. Manyapplicants choose to study geology forthese reasons alone. However, geology hasmany applied aspects and knowledge ofthese provides opportunities for work in avariety of landscapes and environmentsworldwide.

Geologists who can successfully apply their knowledge of how the Earth worksare employed in the exploration andproduction of metals, industrial minerals,hydrocarbons and water (the basicmaterials that underpin all technologicalsocieties). Geologists also have anunderstanding of the engineeringproperties of rocks and soils and areemployed on civil engineering projectssuch as tunnels, road cuts, dams,reservoirs and foundations. Geologists are increasingly employed within theenvironmental sector, in site investigationand the remediation of contaminated land.

Our Geology degrees providecomprehensive training for studentsaiming to become professionalgeoscientists. e mixture of pure andapplied earth science and engineeringmodules, and associated transferable skills,is appropriate for subsequent employmentin many sectors or study towards apostgraduate degree (MSc/PhD).

Emphasis is placed on practical training infield-based skills, including geologicalmapping (surface and underground), core

logging and surveying. Residential fieldcourses take place along with one-daycourses based around the outstandinglocal Cornish geology, extractive industryand environmental case studies.

Our Geology programmes are taught bythe University’s Camborne School ofMines (CSM), which has a very strong national and international reputation forproviding applied geoscientists forindustry. CSM has research strengths inapplied geology (ore deposits,environmental mineralogy, igneouspetrology, geostatistics and structuralgeology) and geotechnical engineering(rock mass modelling).

Both our programmes are accredited by e Geology Society which is advantageousshould you wish to proceed to CharteredGeologist status after graduation.

International reputation with excellent employment prospects 8th for Materials Technology in The Times Good University Guide 2011 Top 10 in the UK for Assessment andFeedback, and Personal Development in

the National Student Survey (2010)pSpecialist facilities including world-classanalytical laboratoriesTypical group size of 20-25 studentsensures an effective learning environment

Emphasis on field-based training Accredited by The Geological SocietyMerit scholarships of £2,000 per year


pbased on average percentage of positive responses acrossall survey categories for full service universities

Page 4: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,

How your degree is structuredWe offer two Geology degree programmes,which have a common first and second yearto give you a thorough grounding in geologybefore you undertake specialist modules inthe third year.

Our programmes are modular and youprogress through your degree by studyingmodules and accumulating credits as yousuccessfully complete them. Individualmodules are usually worth 15 or 30 creditseach and you have to complete 120 creditsper year in order to progress through theprogramme.

Further detail on the modules making upthe two Geology programmes can be foundtowards the back of this brochure.

For up-to-date details of all ourprogrammes and modules, please

Single HonoursBSc Applied Geology e Applied Geology programme provides a broad-based training appropriate forstudents who wish to maximise theiremployment potential as professionalgeoscientists in sectors such as explorationor production geology (hydrocarbons,metals, industrial rocks and minerals),hydrogeology, environmental geology, and waste disposal.

BSc Engineering Geology and Geotechnics e Engineering Geology and Geotechnicsprogramme is suitable for students whowish to maximise their employmentpotential as geoscientists in the civilengineering, environmental or mineralsindustries.

Year 1e first year is common to both Geology programmes and gives you afoundation in geology, together with anoverview of crystallography and mineralogy,stratigraphy, palaeontology, geological mapsand surveying. Modules in mathematics andchemistry provide the basis for moreadvanced geological and applied modules in Years 2 and 3. Field work skills, criticalfor all geologists, are developed.

Year 2 Your studies continue in key aspects of pure geology and their applications andinclude a substantial amount of practicalwork. Students of both programmescontinue to follow the same modules in Year 2. You will develop your skills ingeological data collection and analysisduring field classes in the UK. Coregeological skills are developed insedimentology, igneous and metamorphicpetrology and structural geology. e inter-relationship between geology and the engineering behaviour of rocks isdeveloped through the geotechnics module.

In the summer vacation between Years 2and 3 you will undertake a five-week projectthat involves the collection and analysis ofgeological or related data. Many of ourstudents take advantage of thedepartment’s exceptional links withindustry and choose to carry out theirproject as part of a work placement.Alternatively you can carry out a groupmapping project or individual researchproject in the field or laboratory.

Year 3In Year 3, you will specialise according to your programme of study. e overallfocus of the year is applied geology andadvanced options in related scientific,engineering or environmental applications.You will report on your vacation project andalso carry out a research project focusing on your area of special interest. e appliedfield geology module takes the form of aresidential field class and provides apractical synthesis of many of the modules covered in Years 2 and 3.

Degree programmes


Page 5: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,

Teaching methods include a combination offormal lectures, ‘hands on’ practical classesand field-based teaching. Laboratory classes,using our extensive teaching collections andpetrographic microscopes, develop yourunderstanding of the major groups of rocks,minerals and fossils. Project work ofteninvolves use of our world-class analyticalmineralogical facilities.

You’ll have on average 18 teaching hours perweek and will need to undertake additionalhours of private study (assignments,additional project work and associatedreading). You should expect your totalworkload to average about 40 hours perweek during term time.

We’re actively engaged in introducing newmethods of learning and teaching, includingincreasing use of interactive computer-based approaches to learning through ourvirtual learning environment, where thedetails of all modules are stored in an easilynavigable website. Students can accessdetailed information about modules andlearning outcomes and interact throughactivities such as the discussion forums.

You do not have to travel to Exeter for anyof your modules – they are all taught at theCornwall Campus.

Research-led teachingWe believe every student benefits frombeing part of a research-led culture andbeing taught by experts with whom you candiscuss the very latest ideas in seminars andtutorials and become actively involved inresearch yourself.

CSM is an internationally recognised centrefor research related to the formation,discovery, extraction and utilisation of the Earth’s natural resources, and subsequent

remediation. e applied nature of much of the research is indicated by significantinternational industrial collaboration. eteaching of undergraduate programmes istherefore underpinned very strongly bylecturing staff who are world experts intheir respective fields. We have activeresearch interests in tectonics,sedimentology, igneous petrology, economic geology and applied mineralogy.

You can find out more about our research on our website at

Facilitiese facilities on campus offer state-of-the-art equipment for teaching and research.CSM research facilities include world-classgeochemical and mineral analysislaboratories complete with QEMSCAN®, asophisticated scanning electron microscope-based mineralogical assessment systemwhich is a unique facility amongst UKuniversities. In addition, our analytical suitecomprises an electron microprobe, lowvacuum scanning electron microscope, X-raydiffraction, X-ray fluorescence, InductivelyCoupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometer andhigh quality microscope and imagingfacilities. Other areas include a sensor basedmaterials sorting and characterisationfacility, mineral processing laboratory and ageomechanics rock and soil testing facility.You will have access to the research facilitiesin the department throughout your degree,especially during project work.

Field workField work is an essential component ofboth our programmes with formal field-based modules in all three years. Field workincludes one-day field classes in SWEngland, making the most of the excellentgeology on our doorstep, and also includesresidential field classes. All students learnpractical surveying skills at the end of Year1 and undertake under-ground geologicalmapping at our test mine during Year 3.

e environment and sustainabilityAt the University of Exeter, we are committedto producing graduates who have anunderstanding of both the scientific and thehuman/social issues which are involved in thevital field of environment and sustainability.

From 2012, the new Environment andSustainability Institute (ESI) will play a key role in the study experience for all students atthe Cornwall Campus. e ESI will give you the opportunity to develop your knowledgeabout the causes and consequences ofenvironmental change and how to manage its effects, and to work with internationallyacclaimed experts who are at the forefront of research in this area. We aim to developfurther opportunities for Geology students to develop their knowledge, understandingand interest in sustainability.

AssessmentAssessment methods vary betweenmodules, and may include individual orgroup reports, essays, practical write-upsand more traditional exams. You have topass the first year in order to progress to the second year but your first-year marks do not count towards your final degreeclassification.

Learning and teaching

Page 6: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,

Academic supportAll students have a Personal Tutor who is available for advice and supportthroughout their studies. There are also a number of services on the CornwallCampus where you can get advice andinformation. You can find furtherinformation about all the services in theUniversity’s undergraduate prospectus or online at

The CSM Students’ Association organisesactivities to help new undergraduatesintegrate into the department and offers a supportive environment for studentsthroughout their studies.

Money mattersAt the time of printing, majorGovernment reforms to student finance are underway – these will allowuniversities to charge tuition fees of up to£9,000 a year from 2012/13. Universitiesthat want to charge more than the newbasic fee of £6,000 will have to meetadditional conditions to promote accessfor disadvantaged students. We have notyet confirmed our tuition fees andsupport levels for the coming year, but,once we have done so, we will update ourwebsite as soon as possible. We thereforerecommend you consult our website forthis information before you submit yourUCAS application for entry to universityin autumn 2012. For further information,please see

Scholarshipsrough the generous support of eCamborne School of Mines Trust, industrialsponsors, and past students and staff we areable to offer 10+ scholarships each year tonew students who register on degreeprogrammes run by Camborne School of Mines.

e scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of academic merit and areworth a minimum of £2,000 per year for the duration of your degree programme,subject to continued satisfactory academicperformance. Further information can befound on our website

Careerse majority of our graduates enter geology-related employment in areas such asgeotechnics, engineering geology, mineralexploration and production andenvironment-related industries, either inthe UK or overseas. Over the last five years,the international minerals industry hasbeen particularly buoyant due to economicgrowth in SE Asia, which has led to asubstantial demand for our graduates.

ere are also opportunities in the UK for graduates with skills in engineeringgeology, geotechnics and contaminatedland, both within large civil engineering and construction companies and in smalland medium sized consultancies.

Many students from the department takepart in the Exeter Award and the ExeterLeaders Award. ese schemes encourageyou to participate in employability relatedworkshops, skills events, volunteering andemployment which will contribute to yourcareer decision-making skills and success inthe employment market.

A significant proportion of our graduatescontinue onto taught postgraduate (MSc)courses or research degrees (MPhil/PhD).CSM offers a wide portfolio of specialisedMSc programmes in Earth Resources andstudents who continue onto one of theseprogrammes are currently eligible for a 30 per cent fees reduction.

e following are examples of initial jobssecured by Geology graduates who recentlyfinished undergraduate programmes:

• Exploration Geologist, LydianInternational, Jersey, Channel Islands

• Site Engineer, Leighton Asia, Hong Kong• Project Geologist, London Africa Ltd,

Asmara, Eritrea• Engineering Geologist, Project

Dewatering, Ipswich• Engineering Geologist, Coffey

Geotechnics, UK• Logging Geologist, Halliburton • UK Graduate Civil Engineer, Balfour

Beatty plc, UK• Geotechnical Engineer, Kalgoorlie,

Consolidated Gold Mines, Australia• Exploration Geologist, BM Geological

Services, Western Australia• Geologist, Axmin, Central Africa

Examples of further study followed by ourgraduates in Geology are:

• MSc Mining Geology, University of Exeter• MSci Geotechnical and Mining

Engineering, European Programme• MSc Hydrogeology, University of

Birmingham• PhD Earth Resources, University of Exeter• MSc Applied Geotechnics, University of


For further information about what theEmployability Service offers at Exeter

Page 7: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,

Entry requirements and applyingYou can find a summary of our typical entryrequirements on the inside front cover ofthis brochure.

e full and most up-to-date informationabout Geology is on the undergraduatewebsite at and westrongly advise that you check this beforeattending an Open Day or making yourapplication. Some programmes require priorstudy of specific subjects and may also haveminimum grade requirements at GCSE orequivalent, particularly in English Languageand/or Mathematics.

We make every effort to ensure that theentry requirements are as up-to-date aspossible in our printed literature. However,since this is printed well in advance of thestart of the admissions cycle, in some casesour entry requirements and offers willchange.

If you are an international student youshould consult our general and subject-specific entry requirements information forA levels and the International Baccalaureate,but the University also recognises a widerange of international qualifications. You can find further information aboutacademic and English language entryrequirements at

For information on the application,decision, offer and confirmation process,please visit

Geology at the CamborneSchool of Mines is a uniquedegree and I have enjoyed theapplied nature of the moduleswhich has given me an insightinto topics ranging fromcontaminated land to exploration techniques. CSM has

top-class equipment and facilities which are available for

undergraduate use in our research projects. The applied

nature of the programme has enhanced my skills and

prepared me for a job in industry. I’ve also enjoyed the

variety of field trips over the past three years to places like

Rum in Scotland and Cyprus. Doing a Geology degree near Falmouth makes it really

easy to visit amazing geological sites including the Lizard

peninsular, Praa Sands beach and Rinsey cove. Cornwall

is a great place to live and study by the sea!LAUREN NUGENT, GEOLOGY GRADUATE (2010)

Page 8: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,

Module details Key: C = CoreO = Optional

Module Name AppliedGeology

EngineeringGeology andGeotechnics

Environmental Chemistry C C

Surveying and CAD C C

Mathematics IA C C

Crystallography and Mineralogy C C

Stratigraphy and Palaeontology C C

Geology C C

Field Geology and Geological Maps C C

Year 1 modules:

Module Name AppliedGeology

EngineeringGeology andGeotechnics

Exploration Techniques C C

Hydrogeology C C

Tunnelling and Excavation Design C

Surface Excavation Design C C

Mineral Deposit Geology C O

GIS for Geologists C C

Geology Research Project C

Engineering Geology Design Project C

Applied Field Geology C C

Summer Vacation Project C C

Health and Safety Risk Management O O

Contaminated Land Management and Remediation O O

Year 3 modules:

Module Name AppliedGeology

EngineeringGeology andGeotechnics

Structural Geology and Tectonics C C

Sedimentology C C

Geological Field Techniques 2 C C

Geotechnics C C

Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology C C

Year 2 modules:

For up-to-date details of all our programmes and modules, please check

Camborne School of Mines is world-renowned and in a beautifullocation not far from the beach. This programme has reallyimproved my organisational skills and it’s great to be able to workoutside. I’ve found the people to be really friendly and the studentlife is exactly what I needed – you can’t beat Cornwall!

‘‘ ‘‘


Page 9: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,

Year 1EnvironmentalChemistry

Surveying and CAD

Mathematics 1A

Crystallography and Mineralogy

Stratigraphy andPalaeontology


Field Geology andGeological Maps

Overview of the structure of matter and chemicalreactions, and the properties and behaviour ofsolutions and suspensions, reinforced by practicalapplications.

Fundamental surveying techniques and associatedcomputational methods (distance measurement,accuracy/errors, theodolite familiarisation, anglemeasurement, reduction of observational data andelevation control/levelling), and basic CAD.

Basic principles, methods and techniques inalgebra, trigonometry, calculus and statistics.

Includes symmetry elements of crystals; formationand stability of common rock-forming minerals;mineral optics; and the use of transmitted lightmicroscopy to determine optical properties and toidentify common rock-forming minerals.

Begins with an overview of the evolution of life onearth before moving onto the principles ofstratigraphy and the application of stratigraphyand palaeontology in applied geology.

Overview of the principal processes that havecontributed to the geological evolution of theEarth and an introduction to the formation,classification and applied significance of minerals,rocks and geological structures.

This module integrates training in field-basedgeological data collection (lithologies, stratigraphy,logging and structures) with an introduction to theinterpretation of published geological maps.

Year 2Structural Geologyand Tectonics



Geological FieldTechniques 2

Igneous and MetamorphicPetrology

An overview of the causes and mechanisms ofnaturally occurring deformation within thelithosphere and the recognition, nomenclature,formation, representation and analysis of theprincipal types of geological structure and theirimplications for applied earth science and earthresources engineering.

Provides an understanding of basic physicalsedimentary processes and resultant sedimentarystructures; a knowledge of how process-basedsedimentology can be applied to the recognitionof a range of clastic and carbonate depositionalenvironments; expertise in the petrographicdescription and interpretation of clastic andcarbonate sediments; and an appreciation of theapplied nature of sedimentology.

An introduction to the engineering description ofsoils and rock, soil and rock mass classificationand applied rock engineering. Provides a basicknowledge of site investigation practice andprinciples and explores how undergroundworkings may affect surface movement. Providesan opportunity for you to design thereinforcement requirements for an excavationbased on your own field mapping data.

Provides a thorough training in surveying plus the field-based description and interpretation of a wide range of rock types and tectonic/structuralsettings. Field work takes place in the WessexBasin (sedimentary rocks, the principles of basintectonics and petroleum geology); Rum inScotland (igneous/metamorphic rocks plusgeological mapping of an upland field area); andSW England (structurally complex area andmineralisation).

Develops your skills in the description,identification and classification of igneous andmetamorphic rocks and provides insights into theprocesses that are responsible for their formation.

Geology modules Full module descriptions are available at

Page 10: GeoloGy - University of Exeter · providing applied geoscientists for industry. CSM has research strengths in applied geology (ore deposits, environmental mineralogy, igneous petrology,

Year 3ExplorationTechniques


Surface ExcavationDesign

Mineral DepositGeology

GIS for Geologists

Geology ResearchProject

Applied Field Geology

Summer VacationProject

Health and SafetyRisk Management

Contaminated LandManagement andRemediation

Includes the application of geochemistry andgeophysics in the search for mineralised targets,geochemical and geophysical data processing,chemical element behaviour in different geologicalenvironments, and the sampling of rocks, soils,streams and biological materials.

A comprehensive overview of hydrogeologyintroducing basic concepts and principles,derivation of mathematical models, applications ofhydrogeological interpretation and problemsolving, and applications to groundwaterprotection and environmental hydrogeology.

Design-based consideration of some of the majoraspects of geotechnical engineering in civil andmining engineering practice. Includes integratedsite investigation, stability analysis and design(including blasting), hazard appraisal and riskmanagement.

Covers the nature of metalliferous and industrialminerals deposits and the processes contributingto their formation.

Provides a practical introduction to GeographicalInformation Systems and their use in geology.

Research in an area of earth sciences or earthresources engineering of interest to you orpertinent to your anticipated career path.

An integrated applied geological field exercisecomprising a feasibility study, geological mapping,a geotechnical exercise and an environmentalimpact assessment.

Independent or semi-independent projectinvolving the collection, analysis and presentationof geological or related data from geologicalmapping, field/laboratory-based study or industryplacement.

A practical-based module providing the legislativeframework and essential knowledge and skillsnecessary to undertake health and safety relatedactivities such as writing policies, assessing risksand investigating accidents in your chosen fields.

Understanding the causes, characteristics andhazards of contaminated land and the practicalapproaches to assessment and remediation.

Geology modules continued

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Experience for lifeStudying at the University of Exeter is about more than getting a degree – there’s a wealth of opportunities open to you todevelop personally as well as professionally.We offer an exceptionally wide range ofopportunities for you to gain the skillsemployers want – from managementtraining to business placements,volunteering programmes and pre-teachertraining, to a worldwide network of studyabroad opportunities and careers advicefrom our own successful graduates.

Great reputatione University of Exeter is a top UKuniversity, according to the main highereducation league tables. We were ranked12th in the UK in e Times Good UniversityGuide 2011, making it the highest rankedSouth West university. We have one of thehighest National Student Survey rankings in the country, being in the top 10 since the survey began, and in 2010 we scored inthe top 10 for teaching, academic support,personal development, and overallsatisfaction.* We are also in e Times top 10research-intensive universities: nearly 90per cent of our research was rated asinternationally recognised in the latest(2008) Research Assessment Exercise.

Contemporary campus with world-class facilities Since opening in 2004, our £100 millionCornwall Campus has gone from strength to strength. We’ve built state-of-the-artfacilities, developed innovative degreeprogrammes and attracted leading academicstaff. Our latest development, a £30 millionEnvironment and Sustainability Institute,will help put the University at the forefrontof environmental and climate changeresearch on a campus which already offers21st century academic, research andresidential facilities.

Exceptional location andgreat atmospheree Cornwall Campus offers a fantasticstudent lifestyle in a safe, friendly andenergising environment, with plenty ofopportunities for sports, including surfing,sailing and other outdoor activities. Witharound 4,000 students studying in the localarea, nearby Falmouth has developed into alively student town, with fantastic beachesand a wealth of live music, cafes and bars.You’ll be part of a lively student communitywhere there are plenty of opportunities tolive student life to the full but where youwon’t get lost in the crowd.

Explore the possibilitiesOpen DaysCome and visit our beautiful campus. We hold Open Days at our Cornwall Campusin June and October.

Campus ToursTours of the Cornwall Campus run onWednesday and Friday afternoons. You’ll be shown round by a current student, who’ll give you a first-hand account of whatit’s like to live and study here.

For full details and to book your place at an Open Day or campus tour,

For enquiries contact:Phone: +44 (0)1326 371801Email: [email protected]

Post-Offer Open DaysOnce you receive confirmation of an offerwe’ll contact you with an invitation to visitus on a Post-Offer Open Day, which will give you the chance to find out more aboutyour programme and department anddecide whether to accept our offer. Whilethis opportunity to visit includes a campustour and formal introduction to your subjectof choice, much emphasis is placed on amore informal period for questions andanswers. A number of our current studentsalso take part on these days, leading toursand giving you the opportunity to ask themwhat studying here is really like! Post-OfferOpen Days take place during the periodJanuary to April.

e University of Exeter

*based on average of positive responses for full serviceuniversities (ie, excluding specialist colleges)

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2011CAMS017 03/11

The University’s undergraduate prospectus provides moreinformation about the University and the full range ofundergraduate degrees offered.

You can obtain a copy from

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This document forms part of the University’s undergraduate prospectus. Every effort has been made toensure that the information contained in the Prospectus is correct at the time of going to print. TheUniversity will endeavour to deliver programmes and other services in accordance with the descriptionsprovided on the website and in this prospectus. The University reserves the right to make variations toprogramme content, entry requirements and methods of delivery and to discontinue, merge or combineprogrammes, both before and after a student’s admission to the University. Full terms and conditions can be found at

Photography by Apex, Bob Berry, Gregory Bradley, Tom Dymond, Matt Jessop,Sophia Milligan, Tim Pestridge, Oliver Rudkin, Iain Stott and Steve Tanner.