gcmstechforstudentsvol1 no1

Your Digital Footprint Everything you post online contributes to your Digital Footprint! Be responsible in regard to technology use! Volume 1, Issue 1, Fall 2014, Carol Taylor Keep a check on your grades and attendance in Power School on your phone with the Student App! This App can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or iTunes. You need to know your log-in information to PowerSchool to use the App. Ask your teacher for your account information. Tell your parents about the PowerSchool app for parents! Parents who do not have an account should ask in the front office for r registration form. PowerSchool App for Students PowerSchool App for Parents Tech4U@GCMS Technology support for GCMS Students Attendance Assignments and Scores Teacher Comments Final Grades Take good care of your Macbook Air! CC image twitterclassroom by brunsell ,

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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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GCMS Tech Newsletter for Students


Page 1: Gcmstechforstudentsvol1 no1

Your Digital Footprint

Everything you post online contributes to your

Digital Footprint! Be responsible in regard to

technology use!

Volume 1, Issue 1, Fall 2014, Carol Taylor

Keep a check on your grades and attendance in Power School on your phone with the Student App! This App can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or iTunes.

You need to know your log-in information to PowerSchool to use the App. Ask your teacher for your account information.

Tell your parents about the PowerSchool app for parents!

Parents who do not have an account should ask in the front office for r registration form.

PowerSchool App

for Students

PowerSchool App

for Parents

Tech4U@GCMS Technology support for GCMS Students


Assignments and Scores

Teacher Comments

Final Grades

Take good care of your Macbook Air!

CC image twitterclassroom by brunsell,

Page 2: Gcmstechforstudentsvol1 no1

Log in Information for GCMS Resources

To extend your battery life so your computer will last through 4th Core...

1. 1. Adjust your screen brightness to the lowest comfortable level for your eyes by pressing your F1 key.

2. 2. Always QUIT applications you are not using! Command+Q

3. 3. Do not play games or listen to music during school. (Only teacher directed activities.)

4. 4. Keep your computer closed when you are not using it.

Need images for your projects? Try these 5 sites for free-use images. Remember you may still need to give credit to the creator. Check the terms of use.


NASA Image Portal



The Smithsonian Collection

Discovery School Clipart

More about Digital Citizenship..

What is your digital footprint?

Common Sense Media describes your digital footprint as:

Digital Footprint: All of the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally

In other words, you create your footprint t h rough you r on l i ne ac t i v i t i e s and communications you post about yourself and others.

How to manage your digital footprint:1. Guard your privacy-set accounts to privacy


2. Keep your personal details private. Ask your parents before giving out any personal details online.

3. Understand that nothing is private online.

4. Don’t post things you do not want others to know and wouldn’t say to their face. Apply the “Golden Rule”.

5. Don’t share your passwords and change them often. (Always lock your phone-don’t give anyone open access to your accounts.)

6. Talk to an adult if something is bothering you about any online activity!

username:[email protected]:ms followed by your ID# Ex. ms123456

username:firstlast_gcspassword: ID#