garden plants

Aubergine Pot Black AUB 030 Prolific cropping variety over a long cropping period. Dark purple fruits exceptionally early with good vigour. SEE PAGE 5 Ivory AUB 031 A long cropping period and fruits can remain on the plant for a long time before over maturing. SEE PAGE 5 Brussels Sprout Seven Hills BRS 016 A heavy cropping old favourite. SEE PAGE 10 Crispus F1 BRS 031 A superb variety showing excellent clubroot resistance. SEE PAGE 9 Cabbage Rovite F1 CAB 075 Large heading red cabbage with vigorous habit suitable for less fertile soil. Resistance to tip burn. SEE PAGE 12 Cabbage Kalibos CAB 074 A delicious red pointed cabbage with high sugar content, making it the perfect variety for shredding into salads. SEE PAGE 13 Carrot Eskimo F1 CAR 041 A very strong carrot with robust tops, which makes harvesting easier. Excellent frost resistance and good disease tolerance. SEE PAGE 15 Sweet Candle F1 CAR 029 A must for exhibitions. High yields of uniform cylindrical shaped roots with round tips. Exceptional taste. SEE PAGE 15 Herbs Coriander Green Aroma HER 200 Multi-cut with a very good heat tolerance and slow to bolt. Performance is excellent during hot summer. SEE PAGE 26 Herbs Stevia HER 201 Sweetener 30 times sweeter than sugar but with no calories, suitable for cooking and baking. Full cultural instructions available. SEE PAGE 28 Leek Zermatt LEE 040 Great as either a baby leek or left to mature. Has some rust resistance. SEE PAGE 29 Lettuce ICEBERG TYPE Robinson Pills LET 055 Reliable performer in a wide range of soil type and growing conditions. Good pest and disease resistance. SEE PAGE 30 RED TYPE New Red Fire LET 037 Dark red with a high bolting and weather tolerance. Popular choice amongst growers for its excellent uniformity. SEE PAGE 31 BUTTERHEAD TYPE Clarion Pills LET 035 The popular variety of good quality. Nice shaped head with thick mid to dark green soft leaves. Resistant to ten strains of mildew. SEE PAGE 29 2 NEW vegetable varieties for 2012 Your order which will be despatched within 48 hours or reserve your seed for despatch at your required delivery date

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Garden plants description


Page 1: Garden Plants

AuberginePot Black AUB 030

Prolific croppingvariety over a longcropping period. Darkpurple fruitsexceptionally earlywith good vigour.SEE PAGE 5

Ivory AUB 031

A long cropping period andfruits can remain on the plant fora long time before over maturing.SEE PAGE 5

Brussels Sprout

Seven Hills BRS 016

A heavy cropping old favourite. SEE PAGE 10

Crispus F1BRS 031

A superbvariety showingexcellentclubrootresistance.SEE PAGE 9

Cabbage Rovite F1 CAB 075

Large heading red cabbage with vigorous habit suitablefor less fertile soil. Resistance to tip burn.SEE PAGE 12


Kalibos CAB 074

A delicious red pointed cabbage with high sugarcontent, making it the perfect variety for shreddinginto salads. SEE PAGE 13

Carrot Eskimo F1 CAR 041

A very strongcarrot with robusttops, whichmakes harvestingeasier. Excellentfrost resistanceand gooddiseasetolerance.SEE PAGE 15

Sweet Candle F1 CAR 029

A must for exhibitions. High yields of uniformcylindrical shaped roots with round tips. Exceptionaltaste. SEE PAGE 15

Herbs CorianderGreen AromaHER 200

Multi-cut with avery good heattolerance andslow to bolt.Performance isexcellent duringhot summer.SEE PAGE 26

Herbs Stevia HER 201

Sweetener 30times sweeterthan sugar butwith no calories,suitable for cookingand baking. Fullcultural instructionsavailable.SEE PAGE 28

LeekZermattLEE 040

Great aseither a babyleek or leftto mature.Has somerustresistance.SEE PAGE 29


Robinson Pills LET 055

Reliable performer in awide range of soil type andgrowing conditions. Goodpest and diseaseresistance.SEE PAGE 30


New Red Fire LET 037

Dark red with a highbolting and weathertolerance. Popularchoice amongstgrowers for itsexcellent uniformity.SEE PAGE 31


Clarion PillsLET 035

The popularvariety of goodquality. Niceshaped head withthick mid to darkgreen soft leaves.Resistant to tenstrains ofmildew.SEE PAGE 29


NEW vegetable varieties for 2012

Your order which will be despatched within 48 hours or reserve your seed for despatch at your required delivery date

Page 2: Garden Plants

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF


Little Gem Tambura Pills LET 059

Darker and taller than the standard Little Gem, withimproved tolerance to tipburn. Resistant to downymildew races BI 1-16, 21 &23.SEE PAGE 32

Winter Gem Vailan LET 131

Can be grown through out thewinter with only frost protection.Mildew and mosaic virustolerant. SEE PAGE 32

MelonMelon Emir F1MEL 010

High tolerance todangerous disease– pumpkin downymildew. Tolerant tolow temperatures.Very tasty, fragrantand sweet.SEE PAGE 32

OnionArmstrong F1 ONI 054

A very productive main crop,Rijnsburger type with beautifulcoloured strong skin. Excellentkeeping quality. SEE PAGE 33

Onion ShallotsZebrune SHA 099

Very productive and with good resistance to bolting.Performs best on a well drained light soil in a sunnylocation. SEE PAGE 33

Pepper Anaheim CAP 041

An early and very high yielding semi hot pepper.


Cheyenne F1 CAP 099

A dwarf, compact chilli pepper produces a heavy crop oflong chillies. SEE PAGE 42

Mohawk F1 CAP 034

A compact sweet pepper with a spreading habit. Idealfor hanging baskets & patio planting. SEE PAGE 42

Salad LeafNamenia ORI 035

A superb leaf witha mild crunchytexture, ideal formixed babysalad leaf. Veryproductive. SEEPAGE 36

Salad Leaf

Mustard Red Frills ORI 034

Superb deep red & green shoots with a mild fierymustard flavour. Easy and fast growing. SEE PAGE 36

Rudy Streaks ORI 044

Deeply serrated,attractive redmustard.SEE PAGE 36

Oriental Vegetables Pak Choi Ivory F1 ORI 039

Slow bolting, whitestemmed pak choi with alarge upright frame anddark green round thickleaves. SEE PAGE 3

Spinach Missouri F1 SPI 017

Relatively fast growing and slow bolting. Resistance PF1-11. SEE PAGE 46


Midnight F1 COU 031

Compact bushy plant, ideal for growing in containers.A slightly speckled courgette with good flavour.SEE PAGE 48


Hunter F1 GOU 024

Bred for the UK climate.Mature and ready toharvest after 15 weeks.Produces a heavy yield.


SwedeBest of All SWD 02

Reliable purple topvariety. Very hardy andholds well. Goodstoring qualities.SEE PAGE 52


Sunbaby TOM 01

One of the best yellow tomatoes with excellent flavour.


Black Russian TOM 013

Large dark skinned variety with plenty of darkmahogany brown fruits. SEE PAGE 53

Smadar F1 TOM 016 (determinate variety)Grown for early productions. Ripens continuouslywith a heavy yield of tasty thin skinned fruits.SEE PAGE 53

Craigella TOM 027

Chosen for its fine flavour. Round medium sized fruit ofbeautiful red colour. SEE PAGE 54

Sweet ‘n’ Neat Scarlet TOM 044

Produces masses of tasty round 1 inch scarlet fruits.SEE PAGE 53

Ildi TOM 043

Great staying power on the vine. SEE PAGE 53


Page 3: Garden Plants


Wild Flowers....................................72Acanthus to Zinnia .................73 - 135Ornamental Grasses................97 & 98

VEGETABLE SEEDAgricultural Seed .............................55Artichoke ...........................................5Asparagus .........................................5Asparagus Pea ..................................5Aubergine..........................................5Baby Leaf ........................................35Beet .................................................6Bean

Broad ........................................7French .....................................21Runner ....................................44

Borecole ............................................7Broad Bean........................................7Broccoli .............................................8Brussels Sprout .................................9Cabbage..........................................10Calabrese ........................................14Cardoon.............................................5Carrot ..............................................15Cauliflower ......................................16Celeriac ...........................................18Celery..............................................18Chicory ............................................19Chinese Cabbage.............................37Courgette.........................................48Cress...............................................19Cucumber........................................19Endive .............................................21Fennel .............................................21French Bean ....................................21Gourd (see Squash) .........................48Grass Mixtures ................................23Green Manures................................24Herbs...............................................25Kale (see Borecole)............................7Kohl Rabi .........................................28Leaf Beet...........................................6Leek ................................................28Lettuce ............................................29Marrow............................................49Melon ..............................................32Mustard...........................................32Okra ................................................32Onion Sets.......................................33Onion Shallots .................................33Onion...............................................33Oriental Vegetables & Baby Leaf ......35

Amaranthus (Vegetable)...........36Baby Leaf ................................35Basella ....................................36Beans ......................................36Brassicas.................................37Cape Gooseberry .....................38Chinese Celery ........................38Chrysanthemum Greens ..........39Japanese Parsley ....................39Passion Fruit............................39Perilla ......................................39Radish .....................................39

Parsley ............................................39Parsnip ............................................39Pea..................................................40Pepper.............................................42Potato..............................................43Pumpkin ..........................................48Radish .............................................43Rape ...............................................44Rhubarb...........................................44Runner Bean....................................44Salsify .............................................45Savoy ..............................................45Scorzonera ......................................46Spinach ...........................................46


Sprouting and alternative crops .......47Squash ............................................48Strawberry ......................................51Swede .............................................52Sweet Corn......................................52Tomato ............................................52Turnip ..............................................55


Aubergine........................................57Beet.................................................57Leaf Beet.........................................57Borecole ..........................................57Broad Bean......................................58Broccoli ...........................................58Brussels Sprout ...............................58Cabbage..........................................58Calabrese ........................................59Carrot ..............................................59Cauliflower ......................................60Celeriac ...........................................60Celery..............................................60Chicory ............................................60Courgette.........................................70Cress...............................................60Cucumber........................................61Endive .............................................61Fennel .............................................61French Bean (Climbing) ...................61French Bean (Dwarf)........................62Gourd (see Squash) .........................70Green Manures................................62Herbs...............................................63Leek ................................................64Lettuce ............................................64Melon ..............................................66Okra ...............................................66Onion...............................................66Oriental Vegetables..........................67Parsley ............................................67Pea..................................................67Pepper.............................................68Potato..............................................68Pumpkin ..........................................70Radish .............................................68Runner Bean....................................69Salad Crops .....................................69Savoy ..............................................69Spinach ...........................................69Sprouting Seeds ..............................70Squash ............................................70Swede .............................................71Tomato ............................................71Turnip ..............................................71









WILD FLOWER MIXTURESFour delightful native wildflower and grass mixtures.SEE PAGE 72

Cosmos HHA CBDouble Click Bicolor Pink COS 017

Delightful and eye catching new colour, full doubleflowers, stronger stems holding each flower upright.Long flowering period. Height 60-90 cm (24 -36”).

Double Click Cranberries COS 018

Nice double carmine flowers. SEE PAGE 88

Dianthus RCSweetness Mixed DIA 007

Deliciously scented, even in the daytime. In shades ofpink, rose, carmine and white. Ideal for bedding or inpatio containers. Fragrant and colourful year after year.Height 10-15cm (4-6”). SEE PAGE 91

Ipomoea HHA Purpurea Carnevale di Venezia IPO 017

A vigorous climber producing masses of spectacular,striped blue and pink blooms which flower allsummer. Ideal for trellis and fences. SEE PAGE 102

Sweet PeasA selection of our wide range of beautiful singlecoloured sweet peas. SEE PAGE 129

NEW flowers for 2012


CM Varieties highly recommended for the commercial marketPS Varieties recommended for plant sales S/C Seed count


Wild FlowerMixtures

Double ClickBicolour Pink

Double ClickCranberries

Sweetness Mixed

Carnevale di Venezia

Photography: Deni Bown, Buffey & Buffey, Sakata,Clare Banks and Kings Seeds archive

Page 4: Garden Plants


Green Globe ART 01

Excellent quality, tight,compact, good sizeheads. S/C 18 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Romanesco ART 04

Very tight globe shaped purple heads. Later maturity thanthe green type but finer flavour. S/C 22 per g.

Violetto di Chioggia ART 03

Larger more open head than standard types with veryattractive green tinged purple colouring. S/C 19 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.75 £6.56 £9.94 £15.00 £28.13


Bianco AvorioCAD 01

Large, light green, finelyincised smooth leaveswith white large ribswhich are verydecorative. S/C 33 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.50 £17.00


Jersey Knight F1 ASP 07

An all-male hybrid, so production is much improved.Premium quality spears, upto 2cm thick, that have hightolerance to fusarium, crownand root rot. Highly suited forUK production.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£10.25 £16.40 £24.60 £34.34 £63.55

Connover’s Colossal ASP 01

Good early stock. S/C 56 per g.

Mary Washington ASP 02

Produces thick, dark green shoots andvery resistant to rust. S/C 57 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £9.35 £20.63

Asparagus Pea SAC 01

Pick pods when young and tender for cooking whole.S/C 21 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £11.73 £25.88


Miranda F1 AUB 01

Deep purple colour with green calyx. Very early to cropon vigorous plants. Fruit 25-27cm (9-10”) long.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£10.25 £16.40 £24.60 £34.34 £63.55

Moneymaker F1 AUB 06

Very productive extra early variety. Glossy black semi-long fruits with deep purple calyx.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£10.25 £16.40 £24.60 £26.65 £63.55


Black Beauty AUB 011

Purple black, round to oval fruits borne well clear of ground.Slightly later in maturity. Green calyx. S/C 226 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Pot Black AUB 030

Prolific cropping variety over a long cropping period.Dark purple fruits exceptionally early with good vigour. Acompact spineless attractive plant. Suit containers orsuitable for open ground in a warm sunny location. Fruitscan be harvested small as a true baby vegetable. 58 to62 days to maturity.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£12.25 £21.44 £32.46 £49.00 £91.88

Ivory AUB 031

Compact well branching variety with creamy white fruits,purple flowers and silvery grey foliage. A long croppingperiod and fruits can remain on the plant for a longtime before over maturing. Suit containers or suitable foropen ground in a warm sunny location. Fruits can beharvested small as a true baby vegetable. 58 to 62 daysto maturity.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£14.25 £29.74 £37.76 £57.00 106.88

Long Purple AUB 02

Good quality dark fruit for general purpose and plantsales. Green calyx. S/C 268 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13


Snowy AUB 05

Early maturing with cylindrical white fruits up to 18cm inlength. Very attractive and tasty.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £11.00 £20.63

BeanBroad Bean See pages 78French Bean See pages 21-23Runner Bean See pages 44-45


vegetable seed - artichoke to aubergine

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF





When March - AprilMatures 2nd yearGermination 30°C

❋ Pick heads before flowering

Green Globe

Rate/acre 50mWhen/early NovemberWhen/main JanuaryMatures/early April

Matures/main MayGermination 25°CRow width 100cm

Bianco Avorio

Rate/acre 1.25kgtransplanted

When April

Germination 20°CRow width 125cm❋ Transplant following April

Asparagus PeaWhen May/JuneMatures August/SeptRow width 15 - 30cm

❋ Crop requires goodmoisture levels


Asparagus Pea



Pot Black

Aubergine (0rganic page 57)Black Beauty Miranda

Page 5: Garden Plants


Use early varieties for bunching.Boltardy BET 02

Excellent quality, medium size roots, superb deep redcolour, completely ringless. S/C 65 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1kg£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38

Bonel BET 030

Excellent early variety for March/April sowing, uniformsmooth roots with superb colour for processing.Medium short, upright, leaf habit for easier harvesting.S/C 100 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1kg£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £19.80 £37.13


Moneta F1 BET 023

A monogerm variety of very high quality. Smoothskinned, deep red, round roots for maincrop production.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10,000$ 25,000$£7.25 £11.60 £17.40 £18.85 £44.95

Pablo F1 BET 095

This excellent deep red beetroot can be used as a babybeet, or grown on as a main crop, adds perfection to anysalad with its globe roots and sweet tasting smoothflesh.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10,000$ 25,000$£5.45 £11.29 £17.09 £21.93 £48.38

Detroit Globe BET 024

Large first quality roots for maincrop use. S/C 110 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1kg£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88

Golden BET 09

Re-introduced recently, after seed not being available forseveral seasons. Yellow/orange flesh, globe-shaped. Doesnot bleed when cooked. Good flavour. S/C 84 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£6.95 £12.16 £18.42 £23.63 £52.13


Cheltenham Green Top BET 03

Long tapering roots with good strong top for easylifting. Slightly rough texture but excellent flavour. M/F.The germination level of this variety is lower than roundtypes. S/C 56 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£4.75 £8.31 £12.59 £19.00 £35.63

Cylindra BET 05

Tankard shaped roots that grow well above ground foreasy lifting. Ideal for slicing for salads, delicious flavour.S/C 78 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Forono BET 08

Much improved strain of the intermediate types. Half longstump ended roots of excellent flavour. S/C 120 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Moronia BET 096A monogerm cylindrical type. Very high quality roots witha delicious flavour. Sow seed 10cm (4”) apart, thereforethere is no need to thin out.

1,000$ 2,000$ 3,000$ 5,000$ 10,000$£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38


Chioggia Barbietola BET 018Traditional Italian beetroot with unusual but decorativewhite rings when sliced. Very tender with mild flavour.Highly attractive as a hot vegetable or in salads.S/C 100 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38

White Detroit BET 026

An unusual variety with round, slightly conical, tasty,tender pure white roots. S/C 40 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£6.95 £12.16 £18.42 £23.63 £52.13


Bulls Blood BET 025Although primarily produced for ornamental purposes, this variety is very well suited for salad leafproduction. S/C 61 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.25 £3.94 £5.96 £7.65 £16.88

Erbette BET 022

Paler green leaves with a thinner rib than normal.Excellent texture and flavour. S/C 85 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38


vegetable seed - beet

We test our vast range of seed for germination, vigour and purity

Moneta F1 Pablo F1 Forono

Bulls Blood

Rate/acre 3.5kgWhen/early Late MarchWhen/main April/JulyMatures/early June

Matures/main Aug/DecGermination 8°CRow width 35cm

Golden Cylindra White Detroit

Beet (0rganic page 57)Bonel Boltardy Detroit Globe

Page 6: Garden Plants


Perpetual Spinach BET 013

Good quality Leaf Beet. S/C 50 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Rainbow Mixed BET 092

A mixture of various coloured stems and leaves. Veryattractive in packs, fully grown, or ideal for baby leafproduction. S/C 51 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Rhubarb Chard BET 019

Interesting change for Leaf Beet. Bright red leaf and rib.Highly suited for baby salad leaf. S/C 40 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.25 £3.94 £5.96 £7.65 £16.88

Swiss Chard Bright Yellow BET 016

Bright broad leaved chard with vivid yellow stems. Goodas baby leaf in salads. At maturity it will produce sweetstalks. S/C 32 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£5.25 £9.19 £13.91 £21.00 £39.38

Swiss Chard Fordhook Giant BET 014

Very large leaved with broad white rib. S/C 67 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Borecole/Curly Kale(Organic page 57)A hardy vegetable for winter use. Produces anabundance of green curly leaves.


Redbor F1 BOR 009

Distinctive red leaf contrasts well with conventionalgreen types. Autumn to early winter maturity.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$ £3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £15.80 £29.63

Winterbor F1 BOR 05

Excellent winter hardy type for harvesting late autumnonwards. Medium height with dark blue-green, finelycurled leaves.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$ £9.25 £14.80 £22.20 £24.05 £57.35


Green Curled Dwarf BOR 01

Height 45cm. Densely curled. S/C 342 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88

Red Russian BOR 09

Leaves are flat and tooth edged with deep purple veins.Very tender and useful for both salad mix or cooking.S/C 280 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88

Borecol/Curly Kale continuedThousandhead KAL 03

This very hardy, frost resistant variety is very leafy,making it suitable for winter greens. S/C 235 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1kg£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38


Nero di Toscana BOR 06

Long, heavily blistered leaves of dark green. Very dwarfgrowing produces an abundance of curly leaves from thecentre of each plant. S/C 404 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.65 £6.47 £9.79 £12.56 £27.71

Broad Bean (0rganic page 58)

Bunyard’s Exhibition BRB 013

Heaviest cropper with up to 8 beans per pod.S/C 6 per 10g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 25kg£9.25 £16.19 £24.51 £31.45 £69.38

Masterpiece Green BRB 08

Excellent quality and fine flavour. S/C 7 per 10g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 25kg£9.25 £16.19 £24.51 £31.45 £69.38


vegetable seed - beet continued to broad bean

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF





Perpetual Spinach

Rhubarb Chard

Rainbow MixedRate/acre 500gWhen April/JulyMatures Aug/Nov

Row width 25cm❋ Matures 3-4 monthsafter sowing

Swiss ChardFordhook Giant

Nero di ToscanaGreen CurledDwarf

Rate/acre 100kgWhen Feb/March

Matures June/JulyRow width 45cm

Bunyard’s Exhibition

Masterpiece Green

Swiss Chard Bright Yellow

Page 7: Garden Plants


Aquadulce Claudia BRB 02

Improved strain with longer pods. S/C 8 per 10g.2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 25kg£9.95 £17.41 £26.37 £33.83 £74.63

Witkiem Manita BRB 012

Very early type for spring sowing. S/C 5 per 10g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 25kg£10.45 £18.29 £27.69 £35.53 £78.38


Giant Exhibition (EWK) BRB 04

Our trials show this to be the longest podded variety.Outstanding quality and very heavy cropping. S/C 7 per 10g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 25kg£9.25 £16.19 £24.51 £31.45 £69.38

Imperial Green Longpod BRB 07

A superior longer podded type of excellent flavour.S/C 9 per 10g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 25kg£9.25 £16.19 £24.51 £31.45 £69.38

Stereo BRB 016

Small podded type containing about 5 beans. Very highquality with exceptional flavour much used for cookingwhole like mangetout. S/C 12 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 5kg 10kg£7.25 £12.69 £19.21 £29.00 £54.38

The Sutton Dwarf BRB 010

Bush type, very prolific. S/C 9 per 10g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 25kg£12.25 £21.44 £32.46 £41.65 £91.88

Broccoli (0rganic page 58)


Purple Sprouting Early BRO 02

Late February/March cutting. S/C 404 per g.

Purple Sprouting Late BRO 03

Cutting from late March/April. S/C 392 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88


White Sprouting Early BRO 05

Ready early March. S/C 306 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88

Red ArrowBRO 010Prolific yieldingvariety withexcellentuniformityand quality.Cutting lateMarch andApril.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10,000$ 25,000$£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £18.53 £40.88


vegetable seed - broad bean continued to broccoli

If you need quantities other than those shown, please contact us

Witkiem Manita


Giant Exhibition

The Sutton Dwarf

Rate/acre 200gWhen April/MayMatures February/May

Row width 60cm❋ Transplant June/July

Purple Sprouting Early

White Sprouting Early



Biennial Varieties J F M A M J J A S O N DPurple Sp’ting Early BRO 02

Purple Sp’ting Late BRO 03

Red Arrow BRO 010

Rudolph BRO 011

White Sp’ting Early BRO 05

White Star BRO 012Specialist VarietiesRomanesco BRO 04

Summer Purple BRO 020

Sow Plant Out Harvest

Aquadulce Claudia

Red Arrow

Page 8: Garden Plants





01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF 9

vegetable seed - broccoli continued to brussels sprout


Brigette F1 BRS 015

A first-class variety with good shape buttons having anexcellent flavour. Cropping mid-October to mid-December. Good disease tolerance. High levels ofvitamin C. Very vigorous and suitable for high and lowfertility soils.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£9.45 £15.12 £22.68 £24.57 £58.59

Cascade F1 BRS 0280

Smooth, dark green, solid round buttons ideal for theChristmas market. Medium-tall in height, maturing frommid-November to the end of January. Excellent holdingability and flavour.

250$ 500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,500$£9.25 £14.80 £24.05 £37.93 £57.35


250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$ £8.25 £13.20 £19.80 £21.45 £51.15

Crispus F1 BRS 031

A superb variety showing excellent clubroot resistance.The small tight buttons are a lovely dark green colour.Great choice for Christmas maturity.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£9.25 £14.80 £22.20 £30.99 £57.35

Hastings F1 BRS 099

The dark green buttons haveexcellent flavour and keepwell on the uniform plantsuntil required. They have agood resistance tolodging. The evenly spacedbuttons in a good seasoncould even be harvested inSeptember.

250$ 500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,500$£6.25 £10.00 £16.25 £25.63 £38.75

Maximus F1 BRS 017

A high quality variety for early and mid-seasonproduction. Good flavour. Ideal replacement for Peer Gynt.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£6.95 £11.12 £16.68 £23.28 £43.09

Revenge F1 BRS 010

High quality sprout for late cropping. Medium-tall planthabit with very firm, smooth, round buttons which arewell spaced on the stem. Harvest early December to endof February.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£6.95 £11.12 £16.68 £23.28 £43.09


F1 J F M A M J J A S O N DBrigette BRS 015

Cascade BRS 0280

Crispus BRS 031Hastings BRS 099

Maximus BRS 017

Revenge BRS 010

Trafalgar BRS 097Open pollinatedEvesham Special BRS 05

Darkmar 21 BRS 03

Early Half Tall BRS 04

Seven Hills BRS 016

Early varieties - Sow 100g per acre under glass for early use Mid-varieties - Prepack or freezeLate varieties - Hand pick for the fresh market

Hastings F1


Rudolph BRO 011 An extra early purple sprouting type producing largespears for harvesting from late January.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10,000$ 25,000$£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £18.53 £40.88

White Star BRO 012A re-selected late white sprouting variety for productionMarch/April. High quality spears.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10,000$ 25,000$£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £18.53 £40.88


Romanesco BRO 04

Excellent green variety producing small conical shapedheads. S/C 278 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£4.45 £7.79 £11.79 £15.13 £33.38

Summer Purple BRO 020

Summer production cropping from late June to Octoberdepending on sowing date. Summer Purple produceshigh quality coloured spears and has good heattolerance. A high yielding and versatile variety.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10,000$ 25,000$£6.45 £11.29 £17.09 £21.93 £48.38

Sow Plant Out Harvest

Romanesco Summer Purple

Brussels Sprout (0rganic page 58)Cascade F1Brigette F1 Maximus F1

Crispus F1

Rate/acre 225gWhen/early MarchWhen/mid AprilWhen/late MayMatures/early August/Oct

Matures/mid Oct/DecMatures/late Dec/MarchGermination/early 15°C

under glassRow width 60cm

Revenge F1

Page 9: Garden Plants


Bison F1 CAB 092

Main season white cabbage for October-Novemberharvest. Large heads, suitable for long term storage.Good levels of resistance to leaf diseases.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 1,500$£6.45 £10.32 £15.48 £16.77 £26.45

Campra F1 CAB 068

Second early,medium to darkgreen, roundsummer cabbage,very uniform, smallheads with goodholding ability.Suitable for use ababy cabbage.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£6.25 £10.00 £15.00 £16.25 £38.75

Candissa F1 CAB 096A refined elisa type with a fresher and darker green leafcolour. Slow to bolt. Successive sowings for continuedproduction from late June to early autumn. Can be used asa mini veg or medium size (1kg) heads. Sweet tasting.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,000$ 2,500$ 5,000$£6.45 £10.32 £15.48 £16.77 £21.61 £39.99

Kilaton F1 CAB 041High yielding autumn/winter cabbage. Very long storagevariety with good growing reliability due to its club rootresistance. Very high yielding and uniform. Nice greenexternal colour, even after long storage. Head weightapprox 2.5kg – 4kg. Fungicide treated.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£5.25 £8.40 £12.60 £17.59 £32.55

Stonehead F1 CAB 039Early variety with really solid round heads. Very suitablefor close planting.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,500$ 5,000$£3.95 £6.32 £9.48 £13.23 £24.49

Sunta F1 CAB 013Very flavourful heads of cabbage. One of the earliestmaturing, small solid ballhead varieties. Very compact.Golden Cross type

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£4.25 £6.80 £10.20 £11.05 £26.35


Although bred for spring sowing all these varieties can be sown under glass in the autumn.Cape Horn F1 CAB 022

Excellent quality, early pointed variety. Crisp, firm, shortcored heads of good texture. Very useful for freshmarket or coleslaw.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,000$ 2,500$ 5,000$£6.45 £10.32 £15.48 £16.77 £21.61 £39.99


vegetable seed - brussels sprout continued to cabbage

For a wide range of organic vegetable seed see pages 57 to 71

Rate/acre 250 - 500gWhen February/AprilWhen/F1 spring heading


When/OP spring headingJuly/Aug

Matures see tableRow width 30 - 60cm

Bison F1

Cape Horn F1

Brussels Sprout continuedF1 HYBRID VARIETIES CONTINUED

Trafalgar F1 BRS 097

Tall, mid-season variety. Heavy crop of medium sized,firm button sprouts with excellent sweet flavour.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£5.45 £8.72 £13.08 £14.17 £33.79


Darkmar 21 BRS 03

Mid to late main crop. Outdoor plot. Ideal for producingbrussels sprouts over a long period. Large and deepgreen in colour. S/C 320 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £29.63

Early Half Tall BRS 04 PSVery early with dwarf habit, quick growing and prolific.S/C 308 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Evesham Special BRS 05 PSProduces large quantities of medium size, solid sprouts.Cropping from September to December. S/C 270 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £29.63

Seven Hills BRS 016

Reintroduction of this heavy cropping old favourite.Small tight sprouts, well flavoured, Mid to late season.S/C 220 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £17.00 £31.88

Sevn Hills F1

Darkmar 21

Evesham Special

Stonehead F1

Campra F1

Candissa F1 Kilaton F1Cabbage (0rganic page 58)

Sunta F1

Page 10: Garden Plants


Duchy F1 CAB 083

Pointed type, also useful forgreens. Good colour andshelf life. Mid-Februarysowing for late Maycropping and can be sownin succession until July tocrop as late as mid-October.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 1,500$£5.45 £8.72 £13.08 £14.17 £22.35

Duncan F1 CAB 024

Both spring and summer production. Dark greenupright outer leaves for greens or hearts.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 1,500$£9.25 £14.80 £22.20 £24.05 £37.93

Evergreen F1 CAB 073

Leafy green F1 hybrid with slow heart formation that canbe used for greens. Extended harvesting period.Transplant sowings from mid-January to August andOctober to November. Harvest April to mid-October. Directsowing mid-March to August and September to October,harvest May to mid-October.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£3.95 £6.32 £9.48 £10.27 £24.49

Hispi F1 CAB 032

Greyhound type very early May/June. Small to mediumhearts.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£7.95 £12.72 £19.08 £20.67 £49.29

Regency F1 CAB 069

Pointed cabbage producing uniform compact 500g (1lb)hearts with an exceptionally high percentage ofmarketable heads. Excellent flavour and field holdingability, very healthy base and suitable for year roundproduction in the UK summer and southern Europewinter.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£6.25 £10.00 £15.00 £16.25 £38.75


Spring Hero F1 CAB 038

Late spring ballhead for August sowing. Large solidheads.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,000$ 2,500$ 5,000$£4.95 £7.92 £11.88 £12.88 £16.58 £30.69


Celtic F1 CAB 023

Very hardy for December/February cutting, stands well,for fresh market.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£5.25 £8.40 £12.60 £13.65 £32.55


vegetable seed - cabbage continued

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF






Ballhead types J F M A M J J A S O N DBison CAB 092

Campra CAB 068

Candissa CAB 096

Kilaton CAB 041

Stonehead CAB 039

Sunta CAB 013Pointed typesCape Horn CAB 022

Duchy CAB 083

Duncan CAB 024

Evergreen CAB 073

Hispi CAB 032

Regency CAB 069Spring heading/autumn sowingSpring Hero CAB 038Winter heading (Savoy types)Celtic CAB 023

Deadon CAB 064

Tundra CAB 046 Red typeRovite CAB 075

Hispi F1

Evergreen F1

Duchy F1

Spring Hero F1

Celtic F1

Sow Plant Out Harvest Sow under cold glass

Regency F1

Page 11: Garden Plants


Deadon F1 CAB 064

January King type with a sweet flavour. Can be sownearly May for August-September cropping and July forlate November-January cropping. An improved type.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 1,500$£8.65 £13.84 £20.76 £22.49 £35.46

Tundra F1 CAB 046

A winter cabbage with great reliability and uniformity.Performs well under close planting with long standingability. Excellent quality and winter hardiness withcompact habit and attractive green colouring.Successional sowings from early May to end of July willcrop from beginning of October through to early May.

500$ 1,000$ 2,000$ 2,500$ 5,000$£6.85 £10.96 £22.95 £28.09 £42.70


Rovite F1 CAB 075

Large heading red cabbage, ideal for harvesting in mid-to-late August with good field holding until lateSeptember. Vigorous habit for less fertile soil. Resistanceto tip burn.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£6.50 £11.38 £17.23 £22.10 £48.75


Earliest of All (EWK) CAB 060

Our own speciality ballhead,compact and veryearly. S/C 270 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£4.45 £7.79 £11.79 £15.13 £33.38


Golden Acre CAB 03

Early ballhead, very compact. Small solid heads.S/C 245 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £19.80 £37.13

Greyhound CAB 04

Very early pointed hearts. S/C 247 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£4.75 £8.31 £12.59 £19.00 £35.63


Christmas Drumhead CAB 01

Sow late May forautumn use.Outstanding qualitylarge green firmheads. S/C 328 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £21.80 £40.88


vegetable seed - cabbage continued

Seeking a variety not in this catalogue - we shall try and find it for you


Summer and early autumn heading types J F M A M J J A S O N DEarliest of All CAB 060

Golden Acre CAB 03

Greyhound CAB 04Late autumn and winterheading typesChristmas Drumhead CAB 01

Enkhuizen Glory CAB 044

Holland Late CAB 05

January King CAB 06

Jan King Extra Late CAB 07

Winnigstadt CAB 014Autumn sowing varietiesApril CAB 016

Durham Early CAB 042

Durham Elf CAB 043

Flower of Spring CAB 053

Offenham Compacta CAB 010

Wheelers Imperial CAB 020

Wintergreen CAB 015Cattle typesBrunswick CAB 017Red typesKalibos CAB 074

Red Drumhead CAB 011

Christmas Drumhead

Golden Acre Greyhound

Rovite F1

Tundra F1

Sow Plant Out Harvest

Deadon F1

Earliest of All

Page 12: Garden Plants


Enkhuizen Glory CAB 044

Traditional autumn maturity variety with large semi-flatheads of good deep green colour. Excellent tastingquality and will stand when ready into early autumn.S/C 238 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£4.45 £7.79 £11.79 £15.13 £33.38


Holland Late Winter CAB 05

Large solid heads for late autumn and winter production. Outstanding storage quality. S/C 270 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£5.25 £9.19 £13.91 £17.85 £39.38

January King CAB 06

Late autumn cutting from late May sowing. S/C 270 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £18.53 £40.88

January King Extra Late No. 3 CAB 07

Ready in the new year and will stand quite late.S/C 344 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £18.53 £40.88

Winnigstadt CAB 014

Large, solid heads with a fine sweet flavour, making itideal in salads. Conical shape. S/C 270 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £29.63


April CAB 016

Early dwarf compact. Very uniform heads. S/C 290 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Durham Early CAB 042

Small firm hearts, quite leafy. S/C 358 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Durham Elf CAB 043

Small compact heads, with few outer leaves. S/C 274 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Flower of Spring CAB 053

Early maturing medium size heads. S/C 384 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Offenham Compacta CAB 010

Very uniform stock of good size and quality heads. S/C456 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £16.80 £37.13

Wheelers Imperial CAB 020

Bulky type for mid-spring production. S/C 320 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £8.33 £18.38

Wintergreen CAB 015

Heavy yielding spring greens with large dark greenleaves. S/C 282 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38


Brunswick CAB 017

Very large solid heads. Extra long standing.S/C 265 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £11.73 £25.88


Kalibos CAB 074

Delicious red pointed cabbage. Has a high sugar content,making it the perfect variety for shredding into saladsfor superb sweetness, crunch and colour. Late summerand autumn cuttings. Not suited to cooking. S/C 275 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38

Red Drumhead CAB 011

Good quality all round variety for both spring andautumn sowing. S/C 302 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £29.63


vegetable seed - cabbage continued

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF




EDFlower of SpringDurham EarlyApril

Wheelers Imperial Brunswick

Red DrumheadKalibos Red

Holland Late Winter

January King


Page 13: Garden Plants


vegetable seed - calabrese to cardoon

Carriage is free to mainland UK for all orders over £40 - minimum orders £7.50


Chevalier F1 CAL 093

The standard all purpose variety. Continues to producemany good sized side shoots after main head is cut.Ideal variety for freezing.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,500$ 5,000$£5.25 £8.40 £12.60 £17.59 £32.55

Green Belt F1 CAL 095

Versatile mid-season variety with beautiful smooth stem.Very fine beaded head of excellent quality and goodfield holding ability. Can also be sown September in coldframe or greenhouse and planted out in March.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,500$ 5,000$£6.25 £10.00 £15.00 £20.94 £38.75

Green Magic F1 CAL 094

Early variety maturing in 60-65 days from transplanting.Produces a medium sized head 350-500g which is anattractive green colour with tight beads and smoothdome. Shows wide regional adaptability together withgood resistance to white rust and hollow stem. Overwinter propagation should be in 216 cells or trays of asmaller cell size.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,000$ 5,000$£7.25 £11.60 £17.40 £18.85 £44.95

Ironman F1 CAL 017

A main crop variety with good vigour and uniformity.Excellent shelf-life. Performs well in hot/dry conditions.Excellent disease resistance.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,000$ 5,000$£7.45 £11.92 £17.88 £19.37 £46.19

Marathon F1 CAL 012

A medium late type with very attractive, fine grainedheads. Good cold and disease resistance. Heads arelarge and blue-green in colour with excellent holdingability. Sow late June to early August for October to earlyNovember cropping.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,500$ 5,000$£4.65 £7.44 £11.16 £15.58 £28.83

Parthenon F1 CAL 016

High yielding variety, 80-85 days maturity. Outer floretsremain beaded and firm with an improved green colour.Head weight 400-600g. Sow February to end May forJuly to October harvest.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,250$ 2,500$£4.95 £7.92 £11.88 £16.58 £30.69

Samson F1 CAL 03

Late season variety for cutting October and November.Deep dome-shaped heads with very fine heads whichcan be cropped up to 800g without loss of quality. Goodfield tolerance to Downy Mildew.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,500$ 5,000$£7.25 £11.60 £17.40 £24.29 £44.95


Green Sprouting CAL 01 PSPossibly the best open pollinated variety available,matures from early August over long period. S/C 304 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £11.73 £25.88

De Cicco BRO 06

A quick growing Italian strain for late spring or autumncropping. Non uniform in maturity so produces over along period. After main head is cut, many side spearsare produced. Very good for box work. S/C 318 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £11.05 £24.38

Cardoon see page 5

Rate/acre 750 - 800gWhen/early MarchWhen/main May/JuneMatures/early June/July

Matures/main July/SeptGermination 15°CRow width 35cm

❋ For very early crops sow under glass in Feb &transplant April. For overwintering crops sow in Sept.

Marathon F1Green Sprouting

Parthenon F1

Calabrese (0rganic page 59)

Chevalier F1

Green Belt F1 Green Magic F1

Ironman F1 Samson F1

Page 14: Garden Plants


Eskimo F1 CAR 041

A very strong carrotwith robust tops,which makesharvesting easier.Excellent frostresistance and gooddisease tolerance.Stands well throughthe winter.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10.000$ 25,000$£3.65 5.84 £8.76 £9.49 £22.63

Flyaway F1 CAR 047

Although not resistant to carrot fly, this variety does havea very good tolerance as it is not attractive to the egglaying flies. Good quality, broad shouldered, stump endedroots with smooth skin and excellent colour. Mid-seasonNantes type.

10,000$ 20,000$ 30,000$ 40,000$ 50,000$£6.45 £10.30 £15.48 £16.77 £21.61

Ingot F1 CAR 028

Early Berlicum type with long stump ended roots. Goodflavour and excellent inner quality. Very suitable forheavy soils.

10,000$ 20,000$ 30,000$ 40,000$ 50,000$£7.75 £12.40 £18.60 £20.15 £25.96

Nairobi F1 CAR 07

A very smooth second early or maincrop type for use onlighter soils. Cylindrical stump rooted Nantes type withstrong tops.

5,000$ 10,000$ 15,000$ 20,000$£8.75 £14.00 £21.00 £22.75

Nigel F1 CAR 054

High yielding excellent uniformity. Upright, healthyleaves. Early maincrop or maincrop production. Strongroots. Not recommended for sowing before February.

5,000$ 10,000$ 15,000$ 20,000$£8.75 £14.00 £21.00 £22.75

Sugarsnax 54 F1 CAR 055

An early maturing cylindrical type with semi-blunt tip.Tender with excellent mild sweet flavour. High in beta-carotene. Good disease tolerance. Suitable for babycarrot production.

10,000$ 20,000$ 30,000$ 50,000$ 100,000$£8.95 £14.32 £21.48 £29.98 £55.49

Sweet Candle F1 CAR 029

A superb newNantes type withextra deep orangecolour. A must forexhibitions. Highyields of uniformcylindrical shapedroots with roundtips. Exceptionaltaste.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10,000$ 25,000$£3.25 £5.20 £7.80 £8.45 £20.15

Trevor F1 TCAR 03

A heavy yielding Nantes type with strong, upright foliageand uniform, sweet, succulent carrots with good internalcolour, 15-20cm (6-8”) long. Trevor is just as good insummer salads or in winter casseroles and isacknowledged for its excellent taste, colour andtexture. Treated seed.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10,000$ 25,000$£3.75 £6.00 £9.00 £9.75 £23.25


Amsterdam Forcing CAR 01

Small cylindrical roots for early bunching and freezing.S/C 1036 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£4.45 £7.79 £11.79 £15.13 £17.80

Autumn King 2 CAR 02

The standard variety, superb colour, long heavy roots.S/C 604 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£4.75 £8.31 £12.59 £19.00 £35.63

Berlicum 2 CAR 030

Mid-season variety for fresh market and farm gatesales. Good size cylindrical, stump ended roots about20cm long. S/C 1176 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£4.75 £8.31 £12.59 £19.00 £35.63

Chantenay 2 Red Cored CAR 031

Short top, excellent shape and colour, produces highyields. Wedge shaped roots. S/C 760 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £17.00 £31.88


vegetable seed - carrot

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF





Nairobi F1

Flyaway F1

Ingot F1

Amsterdam Forcing

Carrot (0rganic page 59)Nigel F1

Sugarsnax 54 F1

Trevor F1Autumn King 2Rate/acre 1.5 - 2.5kgWhen/early Feb/MarchWhen/main March/JulyMatures/early June/JulyMatures/main Aug/Dec

Germination 8°CRow width Twin 45cm❋ For very early cropssow in January with polythene protection

Eskimo F1

Sweet Candle F1

Page 15: Garden Plants


Aviron F1 CAU 044

A very vigorousgrower for use incooler climatesand low nitrogenlevels. Creamywhite curds forharvestingSeptember/October.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£7.45 £11.92 £17.88 £24.96 £46.19

Candid Charm F1 CAU 017

Upright habit with dark green leaves giving excellent curdprotection. Large domed shaped heads of pure whiteweighing 900g. Matures in 75 days from a springsowing.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£5.25 £8.40 £12.60 £13.65 £32.55

Cendis F1 CAU 048

Late autumn variety harvesting from late November toearly January. Good level of disease resistanceparticularly to ringspot and hollow stem. Producesdeep, dense curds which are easy to cut and have a veryhealthy base.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£22.50 £36.00 £54.00 £58.50 £139.50

Clapton F1 CAU 018

A club root resistant cauliflower with good qualitywhite curds carried high off the ground and so is keptvery clean.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£10.95 £17.52 £26.28 £36.68 £67.89

Snow Prince F1 CAU 07

Late type, 140 days from planting. Very good texturedheads about 900g. Grows well in close planting.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£4.65 £7.44 £11.16 £12.09 £28.83


All Year Round CAU 02

Excellent quality standard variety for domestic plantsales. S/C 317 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88

Igloo CAU 045

An early variety suitable for mini vegetable productiongrown close together, or for larger heads, grown at widespacing.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,000$ 2,500$ 5,000$£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £15.80 £29.63

Snowball CAU 04

Very early, dwarf compact which can be forced. Sowautumn or January. Very suitable for domestic planttrade. S/C 296 per g.

10g 20g 30g 40g 50g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £12.41 £14.60

White ExcelCAU 046

Very deep andheavy curdswith a goodpercentage offlorets suitablefor freezing.High qualityand yield. Sowearly March fora summerheading andsow mid-May for an autumn heading.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£5.95 £10.41 £15.77 £20.23 £44.63


vegetable seed - carrot continued to cauliflower

Order by post, phone, fax, e-mail or from

Aviron F1

White Excel


Candid Charm F1

Snow Prince F1


Chantenay RoyalCAR 032

Excellent selectionwith slightly longerroots. Rich deep orangecolour. S/C 816 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £18.53 £21.80

Early Nantes CAR 035

Long strong roots with good colour, probably the best“straight” variety. S/C 808 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£4.45 £7.79 £11.79 £17.80 £33.38

Paris Market CAR 056

Top quality Paris market type. Very early with superbcolour. Small almost round roots. S/C 970 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£5.75 £10.06 £15.24 £19.55 £23.00

Paris Market Early Nantes

Chantenay Royal

Cendis F1


Cauliflower (0rganic page 60) a

Clapton F1Rate/acre 250gWhen April/MayMatures Varies

Germination 10 - 15°CRow width Twin 60cm

Page 16: Garden Plants

Cauliflower continuedAUSTRALIAN TYPE

Strong growing types producing large heads.Wallaby CAU 011

September/October heading. S/C 303 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£9.65 £16.89 £25.57 £38.60 £72.38


Belot F1 CAU 039

Produces high quality heads for cutting October toDecember. Has excellent deep clear white curds.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£8.25 £13.20 £19.80 £27.64 £51.15

Medallion F1 CAU 091

Extremely uniform, deep and solid heads for February-March maturity. Stands well in poor weather conditions.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£9.45 £15.12 £22.68 £31.66 £58.59


AalsmeerCAU 021

Over winteringwalchern type.April heading fromMay/June sowing.Early vigorousvariety withexcellent curds

that are well protected. Creamy white heads of gooddepth and weight.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,000$£5.95 £10.41 £15.77 £20.23 £44.63

Alpha 7 Jubro CAU 022

Very early, for Octobersowing. Maturing late Mayto June. Good toleranceto buttoning, high yield ofgood quality curds. Sowin mid-October undercover. Plant out in March.Can also be sown in earlyspring.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,5000$£7.95 £13.91 £21.07 £27.03 £59.63

Galleon CAU 035

Solid pure white heads, well protected, cutting frommid-May. S/C 419 per g.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,000$ 5,000$£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £12.41 £27.38

Snow March CAU O6

Pure white domeshaped curds with lotsof deep green leavesproviding excellentprotection. Winter crop,outdoor sowing in Apriland May, maturesFebruary to mid-March.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£7.45 £13.04 £19.74 £25.33 £55.88


Graffiti F1 CAU 023

Deepest purple cauliflowercurds, perfect for adding colourto any summer or autumn dish,delicious and highlynutritious. Matures within 75-80 days. Good heat tolerance,and head weight.

50$ 100$ 150s 200$ 250s£4.50 £7.20 £10.80 £11.70 £15.08


vegetable seed - cauliflower continued

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF






Summer and autumn - F1 J F M A M J J A S O N DAviron CAU 044

Candid Charm CAU 017

Cendis CAU 048

Clapton CAU 018

Snow Prince CAU 07Summer and autumn -open pollinatedAll Year Round CAU 02

Igloo CAU 045

Snowball CAU 04

White Excel CAU 046Australian typesWallaby CAU 011 Over wintering - F1Belot CAU 039

Medallion CAU 091Over wintering - open pollinatedAalsmeer CAU 021

Alpha 7 Jubro CAU 022

Galleon CAU 035

Snow March CAU 06SpecialistGraffiti F1 CAU 023

Green Trevi F1 CAU 099

Sunset F1 CAU 015

Violet Queen F1 CAU 01

Purple Cape CAU 029

Rate/acre 250gWhen May/JuneMatures September/DecGermination 10 - 15°C

Row width Twin 60cm❋ Drill either direct or onseed bed and plant out

Alpha 7 Jubro

Sow Plant Out Harvest

Graffiti F1

Belot F1 Medallion F1


Snow March F1


Rate/acre 200gWhen MayMatures March/June

Germination 10 - 15°CRow width Twin 60cm

Page 17: Garden Plants


Green Trevi F1 CAU 099

Extremely uniform green-curled type. The plant structureis uniform and semi-prostrate,yielding very smooth, round,light green heads that arebract-free.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£8.25 £13.20 £19.80 £27.64 £51.15

Sunset F1 CAU 015

Have a change from the traditional variety, uniqueorange curds. Great raw in salads or as a cookedvegetable. Semi-upright habit with medium green leaves.Sow May-June harvest in September/October.

50$ 100$ 200$ 500$£8.25 £13.20 £21.45 £51.50

Violet Queen F1 CAU 01

Vigorous grower, veryuniform. Early autumnmaturity, deep purpleheads.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,500$£6.25 £10.00 £15.00 £16.25 £25.63 £38.75

Purple Cape CAU 029

Unusual purple heads of excellent flavour. April headingfrom spring sowing. S/C 384 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38

Victoria F1 CEL 016

Mid-green colour, tall withfleshy petioles. One of thebest-flavoured celeryvarieties available which isself blanching. Quickgrowing and has a goodstanding ability. Strongupright stalks. Boltresistant, holds for a longtime. Early to mid-seasonproduction. Grows where traditionally difficult.

1,000$ 2,000$ 3,000$ 5,000$ 10,000$£5.95 £9.52 £14.28 £19.93 £36.89

Golden Self Blanching CEL 05

Dwarf growing creamy white heads, sweet flavour. Verygood for plant sales. S/C 3,000 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £9.35 £11.00

Green Utah CEL 012

Medium tall, dark green, smooth rounded sticks, verygood flavour. S/C 2,240 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £17.00

Par-cel CEL 084

A celery that looks like parsley. Excellent forflavourings or as a salad garnish. S/C 3,780 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £12.41 £14.60


vegetable seed - cauliflower to celeriac

For a wide range of oriental vegetables see page 35 onwards

Golden Self Blanching

Rate/acre 75gWhen/early JanuaryWhen/main March/JuneMatures/early July/AugMatures/main Sept/March

Germination 15°CRow width Twin 30cm❋ Transplant early cropsApril; main July onwards

Giant Prague CEL 01

Globular roots with slightly flattened base. Ready fromlate September onwards. Stores well. S/C 2160 per g.

10g 20g 30g 40g 50g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £8.33 £9.80

Prinz CEL 014

An excellent bolt resistance variety. Good for earlyproduction, under protection or outside. Light skinned.Ideal for fresh salads and processing.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Giant Prague

Celeriac (0rganic page 60)

Celery (0rganic page 60)

Green Utah

PrinzRate/acre 100gWhen Feb/MarchMatures October

Germination 15°CRow width Twin 20cm❋ Transplant April/May



Violet Queen F1

Green Trevi F1

Not shown in this catalogue?Contact us and we will try

and find it for you

Page 18: Garden Plants

Chicory (0rganic page 60)

Rialto F1 CHI 094

Excellent Radicchio with globe shaped, deep red headsand crisp white rib. Semi-early type and very productivefor mixed salad packs. Very uniform maturity forSeptember-October.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,500$ 5,000$£4.95 £7.92 £11.80 £16.58 £30.69

Zoom F1 CHI 016

Outstanding quality chicons that do not require soilcovering when lifted. Sow April/May for liftingSeptember/November to harvest November to January.S/C 620 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£6.45 £10.32 £15.80 £21.61 £39.99

Brussels Witloof CHI 03

Excellent variety for forcing chicons for winter use.S/C 608 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £11.80

Pain De Sucre CHI 02

Large leafy variety very suitable as winter alternative tolettuce. S/C 672 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £11.05 £24.38

Chicory continued

Palla Rossa (Radicchio) CHI 01Red coloured autumn variety, uniform with firm headsand large leaves. S/C 804 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.25 £3.94 £5.96 £9.00 £16.88

Rossa di Treviso CHI 08 Long pointed green foliage that turns red as the weatherbecomes colder. Roots can be forced like Witloof toproduce paler, tender shoots. Sow June and July.S/C 926 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g £3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £11.05 £24.38

Rossa di Verona CHI 07

Red ballhead type. Sow from April to August which willstand throughout the winter without protection.S/C 716 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £11.05 £24.38

Variegata di Castelfranco CHI 013

A very decorative chicory with red blotched greenleaves. Outstanding eating quality and best used inwinter similar to Witloof. S/C 736 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 500g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Courgette See Squash page 48

Cress (0rganic page 60)

American (Land Cress) CRE 02

Similar in habit to water cress but does not requiremuch water. S/C 720 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Cress continued

Fine Curled CRE 03

Dwarf medium late strain, fine leaves, very well curled.S/C 370 per g.

500g 1kg 1.5kg 2.5kg 5kg£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Greek CRE 05

More pungent than ordinary Cress. Fast growing andideal for adding to salad packs. S/C 402 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1kg£4.65 £8.14 £12.32 £18.60 £34.88

Plain or Common CRE 04

Large leaf variety quick growing, very productive.S/C 364 per g.

500g 1kg 1.5kg 2.5kg 5kg£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Water CRE 01

Strong flavoured tall growing, requires moist conditions.Plant out 15cm apart. S/C 4,680 per g.

10g 20g 30g 40g 50g£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £16.83 £19.80

Chinese Cabbage See Oriental Vegetables page 37

Cucumber (0rganic page 61)


Avanti F1CUC 034

An excellentvery earlyvariety for bothearly use andreplanting.Fruits are veryuniform withaverage lengthbetween 27 and36cm andslightly ribbed.

50$ 100$ 200$ 250$ 500$£23.50 £37.60 £61.10 £78.73 £145.70


vegetable seed - chicory to cucumber

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF





Rate/acre 6kgWhen April/MayMatures Nov/Feb

Row width 45cm❋ Lift Sept/Nov

Brussels Witloof

Pain De Sucre

Rate/acre 500gWhen April/MayMatures July/Sept

Germination 25°CRow width 80cm❋ Transplant May/June

Palla Rossa

Rate/sq. m 25g

Fine Curled

American Avanti F1

Page 19: Garden Plants


Cucino F1 CUC 040

A mini-cucumber, ideal for lunch and snack boxes. Agood green colour, with excellent flavour. Grow in eithergreenhouse or tunnels. Harvest at 8-10cm.

25$ 50$ 75$ 100$ 250$£10.75 £17.20 £25.80 £27.95 £66.65

Diana F1 CUC 033

A mid-seasonvariety with extralong fruit averagingup to 37cm inlength. Plants havea strong root systemand are suitable forsoil culture as wellas growing at lowtemperatures.

50$ 100$ 200$ 250$ 500$£23.50 £37.60 £61.10 £78.73 £145.47

Femspot F1 CUC 011

All female flowering. Highly recommended. Early tomature and high resistance to disease. Bitter-free,ribbed and spined long cucumbers. UK market leader ingarden centre plant sales.

25$ 50$ 250$ 1,000$£9.25 £14.80 £57.35 £195.00

Passandra F1 CUC 06

A top quality mini-female cucumber with 15-17cm fruits.Good resistance to cucumber mosaic virus andtolerant to powdery and downy mildew. Can be grownin an unheated greenhouse. Replacement for Petita.

25$ 50$ 100$ 150$ 250$£7.28 £11.65 £18.93 £29.85 £45.14


Telegraph Improved CUC 016

Seed produced from selected fruits. Good croppingdomestic variety.

50$ 100$ 150$ 250$ 500$£6.25 £10.94 £16.56 £25.00 £46.88


Beit Alpha F1 CUC 029

Superb bitter free flavour with small seed cavity. Pickat about 15cm long for use for salad or pickling. Extradark green fruit and suitable for either outdoor orpolytunnel production. S/C 29 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£5.25 £8.40 £12.60 £17.59 £32.55

Burpless Tasty Green F1 CUC 025

Very crisp, juicy fruits, long and slender, very digestible.S/C 37 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£5.45 £8.72 £13.08 £18.26 £33.79

La Diva F1 CUC 038

Slender, glossy, bright green fruits. The cylindricalcucumbers are smooth with slightly tapered ends. It hasa superior taste and texture that is tender, crisp andsweet. Non-bitter and seedless. All ‘American SelectionWinner’. Length 14-17cm. S/C 41 per g.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£3.65 £5.84 £8.76 £9.49 £22.63


Stimora F1 CUC 030

Gherkin type. Veryvigorous high yieldingdark green crispy fruits,Crops over a long period.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£9.25 £14.80 £22.20 £30.98 £57.35


Crystal LemonCUC 05

Delightful roundshaped fruits ofpale yellowcolouring reputedto be moredigestible thanother types. Quickgrowing and veryprolific. A veryinteresting novelty variety. S/C 41 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £15.80 £29.63

Gherkin National CUC 023

Very quick growing and prolific in habit. Produces amass of small prickly fruit for pickling. S/C 37 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38

Marketmore 76 CUC 0190

Outstanding ridge slicing type with dark green fruit ofabout 20cm in length. Good strong plants that havemultiple disease resistance. Maturity about 2 monthsfrom planting. S/C 40 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38

Perfection CUC 04

Extra large ridge type ideal for home plant sales. S/C41 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£4.25 £7.44 11.26 £14.45 £31.88


vegetable seed - cucumber continued

Need to know more - just ring our knowledgeable sales team on 01376 570000 for more information

Burpless Tasty Green F1

La Diva F1

Stimora F1

Crystal Lemon

Femspot F1 Passandra F1

Telegraph Improved

Cucino F1

Diana F1

Page 20: Garden Plants

Virtually stringless and very suitable for growingunder glass, but needs supports. Particularly suitable for canning or freezing. Ideal for the really early market.


Blue LakeCFB 08A well establishedvariety, botheconomical andvery productive.S/C 32 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£7.95 £13.91 £21.07 £27.03 £31.80

Cobra CFB 013A good variety for indoor and outdoor production withstraight, long and round fine pods with a smooth exterior.Can be harvested over a long period with good shelflife. S/C 16 per 5g.

500g 1kg 2kg 3kg 5kg£13.95 £24.41 £47.30 £66.26 £104.63


Hunter CFB 04

Superb variety for both early and maincrop productions,extremely heavy yields of large flat pods. S/C 10 per 5g.

500g 1kg 1.5kg 2kg 2.5kg £12.10 £21.18 £32.07 £41.14 £48.40


vegetable seed - endive to french bean

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF





Blue Lake



Fennel (0rganic page 61)


Rondo F1 FEN 08

For summer/autumn harvest. Very high quality roundedwhite bulbs of good appearance. Quick growing. SowMarch/May. Highly resistant to bolting.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£3.65 £5.84 £8.76 £9.49 £22.63


Romanesco FEN 04

A late variety producing very big round bulbs of purewhite. Excellent resistance to bolting. S/C 298 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£5.25 £9.19 £13.91 £17.85 £39.38

Sweet Florence FEN 02

Large white bulbs for mid-season production. S/C 304 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£5.25 £9.19 £13.91 £17.85 £39.38

When April/JulyMatures July/Sept

Germination 10 - 30°CRow width 20-30cm

Rondo F1

Sweet FlorenceRomanesco

An alternative salad crop for either outdoor orglasshouse production.

Bubikopf 2 END 09

Batavian type producing large, semi erect heads withcreamy-white hearts. Broad, round leaves of deepgreen with white rib. S/C 612 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Encornet de Bordeaux END 06

A fine, very hardy variety for constant cutting. Ideal forsalad leaf mixture. S/C 600 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Fine Maraichere END 05

A spring and summer variety producing small, compactvery frizzy heads. S/C 762 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £12.41 £27.38

Pancalieri END 08

A frizzy type with well curled leaves which have rosetinted white midribs. Can be sown from March rightthrough to September. S/C 752 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £29.63

Scarola Verde Giant Maraichere END 07

A full heart broad leaved variety forming very large headsof green and white leaves which have curled edges andtender, tasty white midribs. Ideally suited to spring andearly summer production. S/C 662 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £29.63

Wallone Despa END 012

Very uniform Frisee type with large, medium fine curled,self blanching full hearts. Good performance inunfavourable conditions. Ideal for open field productionin autumn and greenhouse production. S/C 825 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 50g£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £18.53 £40.88

Rate/acre 25kgWhen Early MayMatures July/AugustRow width 40cm

❋ Sow under glass inlate February for an earlycrop

Rate/acre 50gWhen April/JuneMatures July/Nov

Germination 18°CRow width 20cm

Endive (0rganic page 61)Pancalieri

French Bean - climbing (0rganic page 61)

Page 21: Garden Plants

All very suitable for P.Y.O. as well as fresh market

Canadian Wonder DFB 06

Really heavy yields of oval shaped pods. S/C 19 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 5kg 10kg£7.45 £13.04 £19.74 £29.80 £55.88

Cropper Teepee DFB 0240

Medium green pods of 18cm in length. Good for P.Y.O.S/C 32 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£10.25 £17.94 £27.16 £34.85 £41.00

Masterpiece DFB 011

Quick growing type, very useful for farm gate sales.Extra long pods. S/C 28 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 5kg 10kg£7.45 £13.04 £19.74 £29.80 £55.88

The Prince DFB 013

Large leaved variety, giving extra protection.S/C 18 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 5kg 10kg£7.45 £13.04 £19.74 £29.80 £55.88


Annabel DFB 01

Very early, quick growing variety which should be pickedwhen young and small for the fresh market to becooked whole. S/C 16 per 5g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£10.25 £17.94 £27.16 £34.85 £41.00

Safari DFB 014

Late maturing variety with strong vigorous upright planthabit with very fine pods carried high on bush. Pods areround, stringless, straight and dark green, about 12cm inlength. High level of disease resistance. S/C 27 per 5g.

500g 1kg 1.5kg 2.5kg 5kg £7.25 £12.69 £19.21 £29.00 £54.38

Sprite DFB 017

Dark green, long straight pods. S/C 18 per 5g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 5kg 10kg£7.25 £12.69 £19.21 £29.00 £54.38


vegetable seed - french bean continued

We test our vast range of seed for germination, vigour and purity

Rate/acre 40kgWhen AprilMatures July/September

Row width 40cm❋ Can be sown up tomid-July for late crop

Canadian Wonder

French Bean - dwarf (0rganic page 62) .

French Bean - climbing continuedSPECIALIST VARIETIES

Barlotto Lingua di Fuoco 2 CFB 07

A dual purpose bean for use as both green pod or drybean. Spectacular green pods with decorative red stripes.Excellent flavour. S/C 13 per 10g.

500g 1kg 1.5kg 2kg 2.5kg £7.25 £12.69 £19.21 £24.65 £29.00

Corona D’Oro CFB 02Golden yellow pencil podded type and virtually stringless.Excellent cropper with fine flavour. S/C 26 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£9.75 £17.06 £25.84 £33.15 £39.00

Cosse Violette CFB 03Strong growing purple podded type that can beharvested over many weeks. Good flavour. Pods 26cmin length. S/C 23 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£9.25 £16.19 £24.51 £31.45 £37.00

Yard Long CFB 011

Also known as asparagus bean. Very vigorous type bestgrown in large tunnels or under glass. Plants can growup to 2.5 metres in height and will produce very long,round, thin pods that are stringless and very tasty.S/C 39 per 5g.

250g 500g 1kg 2kg 2.5kg £6.95 £12.16 £23.63 £42.40 £52.13

Barlotto Linguadi Fuoco

Corono D’Oro Yard Long

Cosse Violette

Cropper Teepee MasterpieceThe Prince Annabel

Safari Sprite

Page 22: Garden Plants


Cricket LWG 014

Special mixture for cricket squares and tennis courts.

5kg 10kg 15kg 20kg£28.26 £49.94 £74.89 £96.08

Economy LWG 021

A very good general purpose mixture.

5kg 10kg 15kg 20kg£18.75 £32.81 £49.69 £63.75

Fine Lawn LWG 054

The ideal mixture to produce a fine, dense, ornamentallawn that does not require excessive maintenance.

5kg 10kg 15kg 20kg

£24.75 £43.31 £65.59 £84.15

Golf & Bowling Green LWG 015

A high quality mixture to produce a fine close knit turfwith a smooth and attractive surface ideally suited forbowling and golf greens. Tolerant to close mowing andresistant to drought and disease, it will retain anexcellent colour throughout the season.

5kg 10kg 15kg 20kg£41.40 £72.45 £109.71 £140.76

Lawn Grass, Greenshade LWG 032

Specially formulated to produce a shade-tolerant turf.Although this mixture will tolerate close cutting, it isrecommended that a height of 50mm is used.

5kg 10kg 15kg 20kg£30.42 £53.24 £80.61 £103.43

Practical Lawn LWG 051

An excellent landscaping and lawn mixture with hardwearing perennial ryegrass to provide rapid establishmentand a high degree of wear tolerance. Designed for longcutting intervals and good clean appearance.

5kg 10kg 15kg 20kg£25.38 £44.42 £67.26 £86.29

Sports LWG 050

An outstanding mixture with great durability underheavy use. It will maintain a compact fine leavedappearance with great wear tolerance and quick recovery.

5kg 10kg 15kg 20kg£25.11 £43.94 £69.05 £85.37


A versatile permanent mixture of grasses and clovers toprovide a well balanced sward for both grazing andforage.

0.5 acre 1 acre 1.5 acre 2 acre£28.00 £49.00 £74.20 £95.20

Horse & Pony Paddock LWG 010

A specially blended mixture for horse and ponygrazing.

0.5 acre 1 acre 1.5 acre 2 acre£28.00 £49.00 £74.20 £95.20


vegetable seed - french bean continued to grasses

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF




EDFrench Bean - dwarf continuedPENCIL PODS CONTINUED

Tendergreen DFB 019

Strong growing variety, virtually stringless.S/C 19 per 5g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 5kg 10kg£7.45 £13.04 £19.74 £29.80 £55.88


Golden TeepeeDFB 033

A very attractivevariety in the Teepeerange. The firm darkgreen plants areloaded with mediumyellow stringless podswith a length of 16cmand a width of 10mm.Easy to pick andresistant to BeanCommon MosaicVirus. S/C 35 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£10.45 £18.29 £27.69 £35.53 £41.80

Mont D’Or DFB 012

Very fine flavoured golden coloured wax bean with flatstringless pods. S/C 21 per 5g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£11.45 £20.04 £30.34 £38.93 £45.80

Orinoco DFB 032

A beautiful, straight, golden yellow wax bean with 13cmpods. Can be used as a whole bean or as fine cut bean.High yielding and easy to pick. Good resistances toBean Common Mosaic Virus, Anthracnose and HaloBlight. An excellent variety. S/C 33 per 5g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 5kg 10kg£11.45 £20.04 £30.34 £45.80 £85.88

Purple Queen DFB 028

Exceptionally flavoured purple podded type. Ready topick in about 55 days and has good resistance tocool weather. S/C 38 per 10g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£9.45 £16.54 £25.04 £32.13 £37.80

Purple Teepee DFB 024

A distinct advantage of this variety is the habit of

producing all its pods from the top of each plant above

the foliage. Superb flavour with good clean pods and

suitable for later planting. S/C 19 per 5g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£10.25 £17.94 £27.16 £34.85 £41.00

Gourd See Squash page 48


Golden Teepee

Last year we revised all our Grass Mixtures to reflect not just new varieties but also thecontinuing demand by our customers for the finest quality strains. The Mixtures, we feel,relate more specifically to the required purpose. We have also included a range ofstraight Clover varieties as these become ever more popular for adding to grass areas.

Grass Mixtures


Looking for a variety notshown in this catalogue?Contact us and we will try

and find it for you

Page 23: Garden Plants

Grasses continuedCLOVERSAber Ace CLV 011

Dark green leaf adds colour to lawns and open spaceswhilst improving soil fertility. S/C 1,576 per g.

250g 500g 750g 1kg 2.5 kg£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Aber Concord CLV 096

Used in grazing and hay mixtures. S/C 1,520 per g.

250g 500g 750g 1kg 2.5kg£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Aber Ruby CLV 098

Very important part in any grazing and hay mixture. Alsoreputed to have medicinal properties. S/C 540 per g.

250g 500g 750g 1kg 2.5kg£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88

Yellow Sweet Blossom CLV 013

Very attractive annual type, excellent as part of hay crop.S/C 484 per g.

250g 500g 750g 1kg 2.5kg£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £9.35 £20.63

Green Manures (0rganic page 62)The use of Green Manures can improve and benefit all soil conditions, with or without theaddition of artificial fertilisers.Alfalfa (Lucerne) CLV 04

Sow from April to July atthe rate of 1kg per 400square metres or 10kgper acre. Dig or plough inwhen plants are fresh andgreen. Does well in dryconditions. Dislikes acid soils. S/C 582 per g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£8.75 £15.31 £23.19 £29.75 £35.00

Buckwheat MIS 018

Sow from mid-March to end of August at the rate of1kg per 100 square metres or 50kg per acre. Dig orplough in any time when flowering. All soil types. S/C 35per g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 15kg 25kg£9.25 £16.19 £24.51 £31.45 £43.94 £69.38

Green Manures continued

Crimson Clover CLV 02

Sow from early March to end of August at the rate of 1kgper 300 square metres or 15kg per acre. Dig or plough inbefore flowering. Prefers sandy or light soil. S/C 327 per g.

500g 1kg 1.5kg 2.5kg 5kg£6.75 £11.81 £17.89 £27.00 £50.63

Fenugreek MIS 039

Sow from Marchto August at therate of 1kg per220 square metresor 20kg per acre.Dig or plough inany time up toflowering. Preferswell drained soil.S/C 75 per g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 15kg 25kg£9.25 £16.19 £24.51 £31.45 £43.94 £69.38

Field BeansMIS 020

Sow fromSeptember tolate Novemberat the rate of 1kgper 40 squaremetres or 75kgper acre. Dig orplough in anytime beforeflowering. Workswell on heavysoil. S/C 12 per10g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 15kg 25kg£9.25 £16.19 £24.51 £31.45 £43.94 £69.38

Grazing Rye MIS 024Sow from mid-August to November at the rate of 1kgper 60 square metres or 75kg per acre. Dig or plough induring early spring. All soil types. S/C 32 per g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 15kg 25kg£4.65 £8.14 £12.32 £15.81 £22.09 £34.88

Lupin MIS 021Sow from March to June at the rate of 1kg per 180square metres or 25kg per acre. Dig or plough in justbefore flowers open. Prefers light, slightly acidic soil.S/C 6 per g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg£9.75 £17.06 £25.84 £33.15

Mustard, White MUS 05Sow from March to September at the rate of 1kg per360 square metres or 12.5kg per acre. Dig or plough inany time before flowering. Prefers reasonably moistsoil. S/C 150 per g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 15kg 25kg£14.25 £24.94 £37.76 £48.45 £67.69 £106.88

PhaceliaTanacetifoliaMIS 028Sow from Marchto September atthe rate of 1kgper 300 squaremetres or 15kgper acre. Quickgrowing densefoliage for diggingin just beforeflowers open.S/C 566 per g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£14.95 £26.16 £39.62 £50.83 £59.80

Tares MIS 025

Sow from March to May and July to September at therate of 1kg per 40 square metres or 75kg per acre. Digor plough at any time up to flowering. Prefers slightlyheavy land but will not survive in acidic soils. S/C 15per g.

2.5kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg 15kg 25kg£7.65 £13.39 £20.27 £26.01 £36.38 £57.38

Trefoil CLV 05

Sow from mid-March to August at the rate of 1kg per450 square metres or 10kg per acre. Dig or plough inwhile plant is fresh and green. Prefers light, dry,alkaline soils. S/C 636 per g.

1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg£14.95 £26.16 £39.62 £50.83 £59.80


vegetable seed - grasses continued to green manures

Kings Seeds - wholesale seed merchants and growers since 1888


Field Beans

Crimson Clover



Page 24: Garden Plants

) Annual Biennial PerennialFor a more comprehensive list of herbs, wild andcottage flowers, please refer to our Suffolk Herbscatalogue. Write, phone, fax or E-mail us for a copy.Angelica HER 02Useful for medicinal purposes and confectionery. S/C 204per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88

Anise HER 015Seed used as a condiment and for liqueurs. S/C 552 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £11.05 £24.38

Balm Lemon HER 024Seasoning, medicinal and flavouring fruit cocktails. S/C1,520 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Basil F1 Nufar HER 210

The first fusarium resistant variety. Sweet Genovesetype. S/C 652 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £19.80 £37.13

Basil Bush HER 016

Dwarf growing habit, used for seasoning. S/C 768 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £9.01 £19.88

Basil Cinnamon HER 025

Distinct flavour with strong cinnamon aroma. S/C 628 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38

Basil Fine Minette HER 0126

Small leaves and compact bushy habit. Ht. 45cm. Fineflavour. S/C 628 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38

Basil Greek HER 026Very compact strain with tiny leaves. S/C 725 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Basil Green Globe HER 150A much improved bush type, producing dense, small,round bushes about 70 cm across. Good flavour. Ht. 40cm.S/C 720 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38

Basil Holy HER 0139

Small, quite pretty plant with pinky mauve flowers anddeep purple stems. Delicious scent and flavour. Superbin all types of oriental cooking. S/C 2,333 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £15.80 £29.63

Basil Horapha Rau Que HER 051

A special basil from Thailand, with an anise scent. Attractivered stems to the leaves. Ht. 37cm. S/C 832 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £12.41 £27.38

Basil Lemon HER 027

Dwarf compact strain with strong lemon scent. S/C 712per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £16.83 £19.80

Basil Lime HER 166

Dark green leaves with distinct lime aroma and flavour.Ht. 45cm. S/C 600 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38

Basil Neopolitana HER 0113

Very large, crinkled lettuce type leaf with distinctiveflavour. S/C 494 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.75 £6.56 £9.94 £12.75 £28.13

Basil Ruben HER 148

Deep purple bronze leaves of outstanding aroma andtaste. S/C 810 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£4.45 £7.79 £11.79 £15.13 £17.80

Basil Ruffles Green BAS 002

Plants which are both beautiful and useful. Ornamentalfoliage with large heavily fringed leaves of rich green.Suitable for flower bed or herb garden. Height 60cm(2ft). S/C 688 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £16.83 £19.80

Basil Siam Queen HER 211

A really outstanding strain with dark green leaves anddeep purple flower stems. Excellent spicy, anise/liquoricearoma and flavour. S/C 815 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £8.33 £18.38

Basil Spice HER 0133

Quite distinctive type with dark green, slightly hairyleaves that are very aromatic. S/C 1,860 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£4.75 £8.31 £12.59 £16.51 £19.00

Basil Sweet Genovese HER 0112

Useful for flavouring soups and fruit preserves. S/C 580per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.25 £3.94 £5.96 £7.65 £16.88

Bergamot Lemon HER 028

Purple pink flowers for use as a tea or a drieddecoration. S/C 2,160 per g.

1g 2g 3g 5g 10g£2.25 £3.94 £5.96 £9.00 £16.88

Bergamot Wild HER 056

Strong scent and flavour, for use with meats and to maketea. S/C 2,260 per g.

1g 2g 3g 5g 10g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £11.00 £20.63

Borage HER 018

Very useful forbeekeepers,also forflavouring. S/C54 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £9.01 £19.88

























vegetable seed - herbs

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF






Basil Bush

Herbs (Organic page 63)Angelica Basil Sweet Genovese

Page 25: Garden Plants

Herbs continuedBurnet HER 019

Young leaves used in salads. S/C 103 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £11.00 £20.63

Caraway HER 05

Seeds are used for flavouring. S/C 344 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Celery Leaf CEL 010 Producing lots of leaf instead of stems. Ideal forflavouring or adding to herbal salad mixtures. S/C 2,250per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £11.00 £20.63

Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla) HER 09

Flowers used in hair rinses and insomnia tea. S/C 12,560per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Chamomile Lawn (Anthemis Nobilis) HER 010

Sweet smelling foliage with dwarf growing habit for herblawn. Daisy-like flowers. S/C 8,800 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £11.05 £24.38

Chervil Curled HER 06

Used for seasoning and salads. S/C 448 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Chervil Plain HER 155

Long, straight leaves and slightly stronger flavour. S/C455 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £11.80

Chives Garlic HER 050

Flat dark green leaves with strong flavour. Excellent forseasoning and flavouring fried dishes. Also known asChinese Leek. S/C 806 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Chives HER 029

Onion flavoured foliage for soups and salads. S/C 796per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Chives Extra Fine HER 0290

Very fine leaved strain ideal for bunching. S/C 776 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38

Comfrey HER 011

The Russian strain used for leaf production. Handle withcaution as the leaves can cause skin irritation. S/C 96per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£3.75 £6.56 £9.94 £12.75 £28.13

Coriander HER 07

Useful in confectionery and soups. S/C 106 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1kg£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Coriander ConfettiHER 0164

Totally unique foliage thathas the appearance ofcarrot tops but stillmaintains the distinctivecoriander flavour. Suited tonormal corianderproduction regimes andmatures in a similar periodto standard cultivars.Reasonable boltingtolerance. S/C 100 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1Kg£4.65 £8.14 £12.32 £18.60 £34.88

Coriander Cilantro HER 0122

Leafy strain for use in salads and cooking in Indian andChinese dishes. Will also produce aromatic seeds. S/C104 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1kg£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £11.00 £20.63

Coriander Green Aroma HER 200

Vigorous and fast growing plants with large stems andthick leaves. Multi- cut with a very good heat toleranceand slow to bolt. Performance is excellent during a hotsummer. Strong flavour. S/C 100 per g.

500g 1kg 1.5kg 2kg 5kg£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Coriander Leisure HER 164

Much improved leafy type, extra slow to bolt. S/C 104 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1kg£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Cumin HER 03

Aromatic seeds for flavouring. S/C 336 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £9.35 £20.63

Dill Dukat HER 08A

A much improved strain for fresh leaf production. S/C580 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £11.00 £20.63

Dill Fernleaf HER 147

Special strain producing very dwarf plants with darkgreen leaves. Slow to bolt for longer cutting time. S/C440 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £21.80 £40.88




















vegetable seed - herbs continued

If you wish to order by post, please use the enclosed order form

Coriander Confetti

Dill DukatCumin

Coriander GreenAroma

Caraway Chervil Chives

Garlic Chives

Page 26: Garden Plants

Herbs continuedDill Mammoth HER 08Used as a condiment, for pickling and to accompanyfish. S/C 595 per g.

100g 200g 300g 500g 1kg£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £17.00 £31.88

Fennel Bronze HER 0103Fern-like leaves of deep bronze for soups andflavourings. S/C 352 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £15.80 £29.63

Fennel Common HER 0125Green version, slightly hardier. S/C 105 per g.

50g 100g 150g 250g 500g£2.25 £3.94 £5.96 £9.00 £16.88

Fennel Sweet Florence FEN 02Bulb forming type for use in salads or cooked as avegetable or for flavouring. S/C 304 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£5.25 £9.19 £13.91 £17.85 £21.00

Feverfew HER 030Used for medicinal purposes. S/C 6,720 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Horehound HER 032Leaves used for medicinal purposes or seasoning. S/C1,056 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£4.75 £8.31 £12.59 £16.15 £19.00

Hyssop HER 033

Beekeepers Plant, also used for medicinal purposes. S/C950 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £11.80

Lavender Stoechas HER 0117

True French strain and unlike other lavenders. Verystrong scent and unusual purple flowers. Requiressheltered position and good drainage. S/C 1,640 per g.

0.25g 0.5g 0.75g 1g 2.5g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £11.73 £25.88

Lavender Vera HER 035

Dwarf compact strain. S/C 1,040 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £11.80

Lovage HER 036

Pot herb for seasoning. S/C 368 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Marigold Pot HER 097

Petals used for colouring and adding to salads. S/C 90 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88

Marjoram Pot HER 012

Used chiefly for flavouring. S/C 9,040 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Marjoram Sweet HER 037

Useful for medicinal, seasoning and flavouring. S/C 4,540per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88

Oregano Greek HER 013

Special aroma to add that extra flavour to cooking. S/C12,200 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £29.63

Par-cel see Celery page 18Parsley see page 39Pennyroyal HER 014

Creeping habit, will deter ants and when dried can beused as a moth repellent. S/C 11,920 per g.

1g 2g 3g 5g 10g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £9.80 £18.38

Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) HER 040

Strong growing with good flavour. S/C 13,520 per g.

2.5g 5g 10g 15g 25g£2.95 £5.16 £10.03 £14.01 £22.13

Poppy, Field HER 118

Cornfield Poppy claimed to have medicinal properties.Seed also used in flavouring. S/C 13,520 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88

Rosemary HER 041

Excellent variety for seasoning. S/C 730 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Rue HER 042

Useful for seasoning, has a slightly bitter flavour. S/C 452per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £15.80

Sage HER 043

Probably the most popular herb for seasoning. S/C 132 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Sage Clary HER 082

Large, aromatic leaves can be made into fritters. Also,possible medicinal uses. S/C 220 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88

Sage Painted HER 080

Very decorative plant. Leaves and seeds used to assistfermentation of liquor. Also, possibly medicinal. S/C 360 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88
























vegetable seed - herbs continued

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF





Marigold Pot

Rosemary Sage Sage Clary

Feverfew Hyssop

Fennel Bronze Lavender Vera Lovage

Page 27: Garden Plants

Herbs continuedSage, Spanish HER 192

Smaller leaved variety with stronger aroma and flavour.S/C 233 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38

Savory Summer HER 022

Leaves and young shoots useful for flavouring. S/C 1,480per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£2.45 £4.29 £6.49 £8.33 £18.38

Savory Winter HER 044

Strong growing and hardy, useful for flavouring. S/C2,700 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£4.45 £7.79 £11.79 £15.13 £17.80

Sorrel, Large French HER 023

Used as a vegetable like spinach or raw in salads. S/C1,150 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.25 £5.69 £11.05 £15.44 £24.38

Spearmint (Mentha Spicata) HER 045

Ordinary garden green mint. S/C 14,000 per g.

2.5g 5g 10g 15g 25g£3.45 £6.04 £11.73 £16.39 £25.88

Strawberry Sticks HER 160Also known as Strawberry Spinach, a very attractiveplant with base branching habit producing quantities oflight green leaves to be cooked like spinach. Alsoproduces stems covered with pink strawberry-like fruitthat can be eaten fresh. S/C 1,380 per g.

1g 2g 3g 5g 10g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88

Stevia HER 201

Sweetener 30 times sweeter than sugar but with nocalories, suitable for cooking and baking. Full culturalinstructions available.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £19.80 £37.13

Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis Odorata) HER 039Use in place of sugar for flavouring fruit. S/C 25 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £11.73 £25.88

Tansy HER 046Strong aromatic herb for flavouring. S/C 9,800 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £10.03 £22.13

Russian Tarragon HER 047Leaves can be used for seasoning or in salads. S/C 6,340per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£4.45 £7.79 £11.79 £15.13 £17.80

Thyme HER 048Excellent quality herb for seasoning. S/C 3,520 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £11.00 £20.63

Thyme, Broad Leaved HER 0150Large, fleshy leaves used in flavouring. S/C 6,160 per g.

2.5g 5g 7.5g 10g 25g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £29.63

Welsh Onion (Allium Fistulosum) HER 01Similar to chives but larger and stronger flavour. Usefulfor salads or cooking. S/C 444 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Welsh Onion Red HER 017 Stronger flavoured than the white type and hardier. Veryattractive stalks of medium red. S/C 342 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £21.80 £40.88

Woad HER 100Famous dye plant. S/C 170 per g.

5g 10g 15g 25g 50g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88

Wormwood HER 049Extremely bitter leaves, used for medicinal purposes andfor flavouring. S/C 12,700 per g.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £9.01 £10.60

















vegetable seed - herbs continued to leek

Maximize your sales with our retail seed stands, see pages 138 - 141


Quickstar F1 KOH 09

Medium green colour with a firm round bulb, suitable for

sowing under glass, polythene or outdoors. Ideal for

early heated cultivation.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$

£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £14.45 £31.88


Delicacy Purple KOH 06A little later in maturity than the white variety but slightlymore tender and stronger flavoured. S/C 334 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£4.75 £8.31 £12.59 £16.15 £19.00

Delicacy White KOH 07 A considerable improvement over previous Viennavariety. Semi-globe roots of pale green with very crispwhite flesh. S/C 264 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£4.75 £8.31 £12.59 £16.15 £19.00

Superschmelz KOH 04

A white and light green giant variety which can reach

8kg without becoming stringy. Slow growing, does notrun to seed. S/C 300 per g.

25g 50g 75g 100g 250g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £13.43 £29.63

Kale see Borecole page 7

Oarsman F1 LEE 037

Medium to dark flagleaf, erect shape andproduces a highpercentage ofmarketable leeks.The plants remainvirtually free frombulbing even whendirect drilled. Harvestmid-August toNovember. Showsgood resistance to bolting.

500$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 2,000$ 2,500$ 5,000$£6.95 £12.16 £18.42 £23.63 £27.80 £52.13

Pelleted Seed - please phone for quotations

Delicacy Purple

Kohl Rabi Leek (0rganic page 64)

Russian Tarragon


Rate/acre 750gWhen Feb/JulyMatures June/Oct

Germination 20°CRow width Twin 35cm

Rate/acre 750gWhen/early Feb/MarchWhen/late March/MayMatures/early Sept/Nov

Matures/late Oct/AprilRow width Twin 45cm❋ If planting early underglass transplant in June

Oarsman F1

Page 28: Garden Plants

Leek continuedBandit LEE 091

Upright growing habit with dark blue-green foliage andmedium long, high quality white stems. Sow in April andMay for cropping January to April.

1,000$ 2,000$ 3,000$ 5,000$ 10,000$£5.25 £9.19 £13.91 £21.00 £39.38

Blue Solaise LEE 09Traditional French variety that is extremely hardy. Deepblue/purple leaves with medium length thick white stem. Willstand until May. The original strain of St. Victor. S/C 294 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £17.00 £31.88

Giant Winter LEE 01

Late type with good length stems. Very suitable forgarden plant sales. S/C 344 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Musselburgh LEE 04

Main crop. Medium long thick stems. S/C 346 per g.

10g 20g 50g 100g£2.45 £4.29 £9.80 £18.38

Jolant LEE 07

To replace King Richard. Improved variety, very earlycropping with a mild flavour. Can be used for mini-vegor grown on to harvest from August onwards. Growsvigorously and gives a high density stem.

1,000$ 2,000$ 3,000$ 5,000$ 10,000$£8.25 £14.44 £21.86 £33.00 £61.88

Tadorna LEE 099

A medium length leek, very upright habit and extremelyhardy. Crops December to March.

2,500$ 5,000$ 7,500$ 10,000$ 25,000$£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £16.83 £37.13

Zermatt LEE 040

Early maturing variety, with long shank and erect leaves.Great as either a baby leek or left to mature. Has somerust resistance.

1,000$ 2,000$ 3,000$ 4,000$ 10,000$£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38


vegetable seed - leek to lettuce

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF






J F M A M J J A S O N DOarsman F1 LEE 037

Bandit LEE 091

Blue Solaise LEE 09

Giant Winter LEE 01

Jolant LEE 07

Musselburgh LEE 04

Tadorna LEE 099

Zermatt LEE 040

Blue Solaise Musselburgh

Tadorna Zermatt

Sow Harvest

BLOCK PILLSWe are pleased to offer a selection of our lettucevarieties in Block Pill form, for sowing in peatblocks or modules. See individual varieties.CM Lettuces that are highly recommended forthe commercial market.


Buttercrunch LET 04

Small, slightly upright dense heads of superb crisp andcrunchy texture. Stands well without bolting.S/C 928 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88

Clarion Pills LET 035

The popular variety of good quality. Nice shaped headwith thick mid to dark green soft leaves, Resistant to tenstrains of mildew.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88

Femke Pills LET 052

Summer greenhouse variety. Sow mid-December to lateAugust, will crop early April-mid October. Very firm andcompact head, also resistant to B1 1-26.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 25,000£8.75 £15.31 £23.19 £29.75 £65.63

Suzan LET 014

Early maturing variety, good compact heads for easypacking. S/C 1,030 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.75 £6.56 £9.94 £15.00 £28.13

Rate/acre 1 - 1.5kgWhen/summer March/JuneWhen/autumn July/AugWhen/spring Aug/SeptMatures/summer May/July

Matures/autumn Aug/OctMatures/spring Mar/MayGermination 10°CRow width 25/30cm

❋ Summer lettuce can be sown under glass inFebruary & planted out in March.Spring lettuce may be transplanted in Oct/Nov


Lettuce (0rganic page 64)Clarion Suzan

Page 29: Garden Plants


Sylvesta LET 126CMResistant againstAphids (Nasonoviaribisnigri). Bremiaresistances 1-17,19+21. LMVtolerant. Producesmedium sized headswith thick leaves.Nice, well closedbase, tolerant against tip burn. Early and marked headformation. Suitable for spring, summer and autumnproduction. BLOCK PILLS

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£4.95 £8.66 £13.12 £19.80 £37.13


BergamoLET 123 CMLollo Biondi

type. ResistantagainstBremia 1-4, 6,7, 10, 13-15,17, 19+22.Goodresistance tobolting withnice light greenleaves. Verysuitable for outdoor growing during the season.Recommended for greenhouse growing with plantingfrom January. BLOCK PILLS.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £15.80 £29.63

Can Can LET 129 CMSweet green ‘Frisee’ type lettuce which has theappearance of an endive without the bitter taste. Non-hearting and retains good colour throughout the head.Has good tolerance to tip burn and bolting. Good forbaby leaf production. Pelleted seed. Disease resistant toBremia B1 5, 15-16, 18, 20, 21, 23-24 & 25.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £15.80 £29.63

Catalogna LET 095

Spring, summer and autumn cropping. Leaves areelongated, deeply lobed, light green and very tender.S/C 1,104 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £11.00 £20.63

Cocarde LET 098

Large oakleaf variety of superb flavour. Heads are somewhatupright in habit with dark green, deep lobed leaves andstrong red overlay. Slow bolting. S/C 1,044 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.75 £4.81 £7.29 £11.00 £20.63


Fristina LET 115 CMA good strong crop with robust structure with 3D leafform and attractive colour, flavour and texture. Toleranceto basal rots and tip burn. Good alternative to GreenOak Leaf or Salad Bowl. S/C 920 per g.

1g 2g 3g 5g 10g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £17.00 £31.88

Lollo Biondi LET 028

Large size and excellent flavour for cropping over along period. S/C 1,296 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88

Salad Bowl LET 011

Large uniform heads for summer and autumn use. S/C1,052 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38


Great Lakes LET 07

Medium-large heads with frilled pale green leaves.Early summer. S/C 1,070 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88

Iceberg 4 LET 065

True original type with large, somewhat open hearts ofglossy pale green, crisp leaves tinged red on the edges.Sow spring and early summer. Ideal for local sales.S/C 952 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.25 £3.94 £5.96 £9.00 £16.88

Robinson Pills LET 055

Reliable performer in a wide range of soil types andgrowing conditions. Good pest and disease resistance.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£4.65 £8.14 £12.32 £15.81 £34.88


Saladin LET 013

Shiny dark green leaves on compact well wrapped headsof medium size. Stands well when ready. Outstanding“Iceberg” type. S/C 804 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38

Webbs Wonderful LET 017

Very crisp large heads. Ideal for the fresh market. S/C1,020 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £10.60 £19.88


vegetable seed - lettuce continued

For a wide range of organic vegetable seed see pages 57 to 71

Great Lakes

Iceberg 4





Salad Bowl

Webbs Wonderful


Page 30: Garden Plants

Lettuce continuedRED TYPES

Lollo Rossa LET 09

Loose leaf strain with deep red coloured leaves. Strongproductive variety and suitable for croppingthroughout the year. S/C 1,044 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.95 £6.91 £10.47 £15.80 £29.63

Marvel of Four Seasons LET 027

Red curled leaf type with good solid hearts. Bestresults from spring and autumn sowing but can be sownall year round. S/C 784 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38

Murai LET 053

An oakleaf type, triple red colour with a narrow bubbledleaf with very high uniformity. Very good flavour andshelf life. Strong against bolting, full BL 1023 mildewresistance and also tolerant to LMV. Cropping fromMay to October. Head weight 325-375g. Split pills.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£5.65 £9.89 £14.97 £22.60 £42.38

New Red Fire LET 037

Dark red with a high bolting and weather tolerance.Popular choice amongst growers for its excellentuniformity. Crisp, sweet leaves have a light green basedeeply filled in wine red. S/C 800 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38

Red Salad Bowl LET 012

Multi-leaf type deep red throughout. Quick growingsummer and autumn. S/C 1,048 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88


Arctic King LET 01

Very hardy for autumn sowing outside and cutting inspring. S/C 1,248 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.45 £6.04 £9.14 £13.80 £25.88

Wiske LET 051 CMGreenhouse type. Autumn, winter and early springproduction. Sowing period mid-August to mid-February.Strong well closed base, strong against tip burn andresistances. HR B1 1-25 + PB. SPLIT PILLS.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£5.45 £9.54 £14.44 £21.80 £40.88

Valdor LET 016

Excellent overwinter type producing good firm hearts inearly spring. S/C 1,192 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.75 £6.56 £9.94 £15.00 £28.13


Attico LET 122 CMResistant against Bremia 1-16, 19, 21+23. Varietysimilar in type as Little Gem with dark green, upright andsmooth leaves. Very good resistance to bolting androbust against tip burn. Suitable for spring, summerand autumn cultivation. PELLETED SEED.

100$ 200$ 300$ 500$ 1,000$£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £17.00 £31.38

Freckles LET 121

A unique romaine type. This early, open pollinated lettucehas glossy green, semi-savoy leaves with maroonsplotches. Mature heads hold extremely well in thefield. Very tasty. S/C 1,024 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£4.25 £7.44 £11.26 £17.00 £31.88

Little Gem LET 019

Mid-green shiny foliage, dwarf compact habit. Excellentquality crisp leaves. S/C 1,128 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38


vegetable seed - lettuce continued

01376 570000 01376 571189 [email protected] www.kingsseedsdirect.comT WEF





Little Gem




New Red Fire

Lollo Rossa

Arctic King

Marvel of Four Seasons Red Salad Bowl Attico

Page 31: Garden Plants


vegetable seed - lettuce continued to okra

If you need quantities other than those shown, please contact us

Pure Luck F1 OKA 02

Early and prolific in growth, plants are medium tall andvigorous in habit. Pods are uniform, slender, smooth andspineless. Quick to set and starts producing on lowerparts of plant. S/C 14 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£4.45 £7.12 £10.68 £14.91 £27.59

Clemsons Spineless OKA 03

Very prolific grower with bright green pods.S/C 18 per g.

50g 100g 150g 200g 250g£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £12.41 £14.60

Okra (0rganic page 66)

Clemsons Spineless

Pure Luck F1


Little Gem Tambura Pills LET 059

Excellent shape, colour and flavour. Darker and tallerthan the standard Little Gem, with improved tolerance totipburn. Resistant to downy mildew races BI 1-16,21& 23.

250$ 500$ 750$ 1,000$ 2,500$£2.65 £4.64 £7.02 £9.01 £19.88

Little Leprechaun LET 072

Striking, red leaved, semi-cos variety. Good tolerance tobolting and very good quality, appearance and taste.S/C 952 per g.

5g 10g 20g 25g 50g£5.95 £10.41 £20.23 £23.80 £44.63

Lobjoits LET 020

Tall, large heads with deep green very crunchy hearts.Highly suited for box work. Early outdoor productionalso polytunnel for autumn. S/C 882 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Valmaine LET 023

American type with some resistance to mildew, verycrisp large heads. S/C 912 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£3.25 £5.69 £8.61 £13.00 £24.38

Winter Density LET 018

Semi-cos type with dark green very crisp foliage.S/C 1,016 per g.

10g 20g 30g 50g 100g£2.95 £5.16 £7.82 £11.80 £22.13

Winter Gem Vailan LET 131

Can be grown throughout the winter with only frostprotection. Mildew and mosaic virus tolerant.

5g 10g 15g 20g 25g£6.45 £11.29 £17.09 £21.93 £25.80 Marrow See Squash page 49

Winter Density

Little Leprechaun

Winter Gem


Charentais MEL 03

Excellent sweet flavour. Very early medium size fruits.

50$ 100$ 150$ 250$ 500$£4.75 £8.31 £12.59 £19.00 £35.63


Blenheim Orange MEL 02

Fine textured scarlet flesh of sweet flavour, large fruit.

50$ 100$ 150$ 250$ 500$£5.25 £9.19 £13.91 £21.00 £39.38

Melon Emir F1 MEL 010

High tolerance to dangerousdisease – pumpkin downymildew. Tolerant to lowtemperatures. Round to ovalshape, slightly ribbed fruit.Greyish green peel colour,turning orange whenmaturing. Very tasty,fragrant and sweet.

25$ 50$ 75$ 100$ 250$£3.25 £5.20 £7.80 £8.45 £20.15

When January /MarchGermination 20 - 30°C

Row width 30cm


White MUS 03

For high grade salad work. S/C 195 per g.

1kg 3kg 5kg 10kg£3.65 £6.39 £9.67 £14.60 £27.38


Rate/sq. m 25g

Melon (0rganic page 66)Blenheim Orange Emir