funky renewables brochure 2015

Flexible solutions for your renewable needs 2014/2015 Brochure Shakespeare Business Centre 245a Coldharbour Lane London SW9 8RR +44 (0) 207 274 7267 [email protected] RENEWABLE ENERGY WITHOUT THE SPIN

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Page 1: Funky Renewables Brochure 2015

Flexible solutions for your renewable needs

2014/2015 Brochure

Shakespeare Business Centre245a Coldharbour Lane London


+44 (0) 207 274 [email protected]


Page 2: Funky Renewables Brochure 2015

The local company with the international service

Right from the very beginning, Funky Renewables has been involved with a number of renew-able energy projects all across Europe.* This experience has allowed us to share best practices whilst at the same time learn from some of the industry’s leading renewable energy special-ists.

In countries such as Germany and Belgium, installation standards are often regarded as amongst the highest in the world. Funky Renewables brings this know how and workmanship back home to the UK to ensure that we are installing renewable technology in British schools, homes and businesses to D�VWDQGDUG�\RX�VLPSO\�ZRQ·W�EH�DEOH�WR�ÀQG�DQ\ZKHUH�HOVH�

* We’ve been working with 16 international partners across 11 EU countries plus Turkey, including universities & research institutions.

Not just anotherrenewable energycompany...

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It’s all in the Planning...


:KHQ�UHQHZDEOH�HQHUJ\�ZDV�ÀUVW�FRQFHLYHG��LW�ZDV�D�SUHWW\�IXQN\�FRQFHSW��7KH�LGHD�WKDW�\RX�FRXOG�JHQHUDWH�electricity using existing natural sources was something that few could deny had considerable potential.

7KHQ� FDPH� WKH� LQHYLWDEOH� FRUSRUDWH�DWWHPSWV� WR� WUDQVIRUP� WKH� UHQHZDEOH� HQHUJ\� LQGXVWU\� LQWR�D�SURÀWDEOH�and investor-friendly industry. It wasn’t long before over-commercialisation and greenwashing helped to create many sceptics out of the very people the corporates were actually trying to win over.

And so Funky Renewables was born. A company which goes back to grassroots and focuses solely on the founding principles of this great industry. A company which avoids greenwashing at all costs, a company which will never HYHU�FRPSURPLVH�LQWHJULW\�IRU�ÀQDQFLDO�JDLQ��DQG�D�FRPSDQ\�ZKLFK�DOZD\V�SXWV�WKH�FXVWRPHU�ÀUVW���

6R�OHW�)XQN\�5HQHZDEOHV�VKRZ�\RX�KRZ�UHQHZDEOH�HQHUJ\�FDQ�ZRUN�IRU�\RX�DQG�ÀQG�RXW�H[DFWO\�ZK\�we are becoming the UK’s fastest-growing renewable energy company.


At Funky Renewables our ethos is all about working in harmony with the environment. We understand that careful planning and preparation is key to the successful implementation of any renewable energy project. Our skilled team of renewable energy specialists design, plan and measure systems which will not only provide you with the best performance and fast payback, but will also help you protect the environment.

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above: ecohoUse iN cambridge

Our client was looking for a renewable solution to balance the energy requirements of his ecohouse. Funky Renewables designed, commissioned and installed a complete solution which included the use of a specialist designed PV mounting system which was custom built in Germany by Schletter for the eco-roof green roof system, along with a 25kW Dimplex Air Source Heat Pump to supply space heating, domestic hot water and to heat the indoor swimming pool. This renewable solution helped the home achieve an A+ rating for lowest environmental impact, upgrading it to the status of a ‘passive house’.

Renewable excellenceIntroducing the next generation of renewable technology

FUNKY Price gUaraNTee

:H� ORYH� UHQHZDEOHV��$QG�HYHU� VLQFH�ZH� LQVWDOOHG�RXU�YHU\�ÀUVW� VRODU�39�system, we have strived to bring you a standard of renewable technology ZKLFK�LV�VHFRQG�WR�QRQH�DW�D�SULFH�ZKLFK�FDQQRW�EH�EHDWHQ��,I�\RX�ÀQG�D�VRODU�39� LQVWDOODWLRQ�RI� WKH� VDPH� VSHFLÀFDWLRQV�DW�D� ORZHU�SULFH��ZH�ZLOO�match it. This is a 100% iron-clad unequivocal guarantee which we offer on each and every one of our renewable energy systems.

We don’t settle for anything less, and we don’t believe you should, either.


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We understand that when you want to purchase your solar PV system, you only want to purchase it once. Which is why we insist on only using the very best materials installed to the highest level of workmanship, all backed by the strongest guarantees in the industry.

Funky Renewables are proud to be specialist installers of Schletter GmbH; who produce state-of-the-art Made in Germany mounting systems from aluminium and high-grade steel. We insist on installing only SMA Solar Technology. SMA are UHJDUGHG�DV�WKH�XQGLVSXWHG�LQGXVWU\�OHDGHUV�LQ�WKH�ÀHOG�RI�39�LQYHUWHUV��DQG�SURYLGH�WKH�PRVW�WHFKQRORJLFDOO\�DGYDQFHG��award-winning components on the market today. What this means for you is maximum return on investment and a professional and rapid response to all and any of your problems.

Our experience in installing quality renewable technology systems all over Europe has earned us a reputation of being one RI�WKH�PRVW�ÁH[LEOH��FRPPLWWHG�DQG�HQYLURQPHQWDOO\�FRQVFLRXV�UHQHZDEOH�HQHUJ\�FRPSDQLHV�RQ�WKH�FRQWLQHQW��%XW�GRQ·W�MXVW�WDNH�RXU�ZRUG�IRU�LW��JLYH�)XQN\�5HQHZDEOHV�D�WU\�DQG�GLVFRYHU�ÀUVW�KDQG�H[DFWO\�KRZ�ZH·YH�EHHQ�SXWWLQJ�WKH�)XQN\�back into Renewables.



1. Team Funky on the roof of St Joseph’s College

2. Simon Ashdown, son of former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown, beaming with pride over his new solar PV installation

3. Funky Renewables Director, Fergal McEntee, rigorously inspects the solar PV installation at the Buddhist Centre

4. Another satis!ed Funky customer with every reason to smile

Solar Photovoltaic

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"exible solutions for your renewable needs

Wind Power Heat Pumps / Biomass


Green DealSolar Thermal

Rainwater Harvesting

Wherever you look these days, everybody seems to be talking about wind turbines, and it is easy to see why. Wind power offers one of the cleanest forms of renewable energy generation with the least negative impact on the environment. At Funky Renewables we design, supply and install specialist domestic and commercial wind turbines with the fastest payback. Generate clean electricity without the fuss.

Ground source, air source and water source heat pumps are three different technologies used to

extract energy from the ground, water or air to supply heat for your property. Think of them

as working like fridges except in reverse. Funky Renewables’ recent Biomass Heating Solution and

Heat Pump Award highlights our position as the number one supplier and installer in the industry.

Funky Renewables have been involved in supporting EU-funded projects involving

feasibility studies, needs analysis and fund-raising which address issues of sustainability

and climate change. We provide independent technical and business case assessment

services so that our clients can make well-LQIRUPHG�GHFLVLRQV�WR�PD[LPLVH�ÀQDQFLDO�DQG�environmental return on investment for their

renewable energy projects.

Funky Renewables are authorised Green Deal ,QVWDOOHUV�DQG�ZLOO�GHOLYHU�HQHUJ\�HIÀFLHQF\�

improvements to the highest exacting standards, DOORZLQJ�\RX�WR�VDYH�VLJQLÀFDQW�FRVW�DQG�UHGXFH�

your carbon footprint. The energy saving measures can be paid through a loan, and repayments should be covered through the

savings on your energy bill.

Solar thermal energy technology uses the power of the sun to produce hot water which can provide as much as 70% of your hot water demand. With Funky Renewables you JHW�WKH�EHQHÀWV�RI�KDYLQJ�D�TXDOLW\�DVVXUHG�solar thermal system installed, which will require little or no maintenance and will protect you against rising energy prices year round.

Working together with one of the longest established companies in the industry sector (responsible for some of the largest projects LQ�WKH�8.��LQFOXGLQJ�WKH�:HVWÀHOG�6KRSSLQJ�Centre in London), Funky Renewables are proud to bring you a state of the art recycling system which will help put all that rainwater and greywater to good use.

At Funky Renewables we decree the management axiom that ‘you cannot manage what you cannot measure’.

Which is why our state of the art energy monitoring systems allow you to track and compare performance with remote access live information and custom alerts directly to your computer, tablet or even smart phone.

Helping you to protect your investment.

For more information on our smart energy monitoring systems and thermal imaging services please contact us.

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Will I need to place the order on the day of the quotation?


Most certainly not. We would strongly advise you to take your time in considering your options and carrying out your due diligence. A renewable energy system is a serious purchase which we believe you should only ever have to make once, which is why we always provide a no-pressure consultation with no hidden costs or obligations.

Looking to work with a renewable energy company?

Please Ask Yourselves These Questions


Does the company provide a good after-sales service?


At Funky Renewables we pride ourselves on providing the very best customer care and after-sales service in the industry as standard. We want to provide all our customers with good reasons to recommend us to others, and so we never cut corners when it comes to this all-important aspect of our business. Furthermore, all of our installations include a complimentary annual system performance audit.

Will the installation team be clean and tidy?


Yes, we only use Funky Gold Approved installers and they all have to follow the Funky Renewables Code of Conduct and will clean and make any QHFHVVDU\�FRUUHFWLRQV�EHIRUH�WKH\�ÀQLVK�the job. In many cases, our installation team have left the installation site in a much cleaner state than they found it!

I’m seeing a lot of great offers on the market. Are they for real?


Installing any form of renewable technology costs thousands of pounds, so if a company offers to own and install them for free, in reality you could be shortchanging \RXUVHOI� RXW� RI� WKH� WUXH�EHQHÀWV��$W�Funky Renewables we give you all the facts so that you can make an informed decision on the purchase of a renewable energy system that’s ULJKW�IRU�\RX��7KDW·V�RXU�GHÀQLWLRQ�RI�a great offer.

How important is MCS and RECC FHUWLÀFDWLRQ"

In order to receive the Feed In Tariff it is a legal requirement to be listed on the database of the Microgeneration &HUWLÀFDWLRQ�6FKHPH��0&6��GDWDEDVH�of accredited installers. RECC ensures that installers adhere to a strict Renewable Energy Consumer Code. Funky Renewables are both MCS DQG� 5(&&� FHUWLÀHG�� HQVXULQJ� \RXU�investment is protected by the highest industry standards.

1Will the company be around long enough to secure my warranty?


Absolutely. Funky Renewables was originally established in 2009 and has outlived most other renewable energy companies formed since that time. You also have the strength and back-up of our association with partner organisations across Europe. We believe this puts us in a much stronger position than most other renewable energy companies, because we have far more to lose were we to ever close our doors.

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1Install the very best in renewable technology to the highest exacting


3Ensure maximum return on investment for all of

our customers

2O#er an unequivocal guarantee on all parts

and workmanship The FUNKYMODEL

Team Funky standing on the steps of the Solar Institute at

Ege University, Izmir, Turkey

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It is a crucial thought which probably goes through the mind of anybody seriously considering their re-newable energy purchase: does the company I am dealing with meet the essential standards of quality and safety?

At Funky Renewables our MCS accreditation ensures we adhere to a strict Quality Management Sys-tem which undergoes a comprehensive annual audit. We then go that extra mile to make sure that everything we do exceeds this criteria for excellence. Below are a selection of some of our most impor-tant accreditations:


1Our Consultant will measure, design and

price everything for you and answer any questions you may have.

2Following on from our 6XUYH\RU� FRQÀUPLQJ� WKH�

precise measurements; your order will be placed for the renewable industry’s leading products.

3Stringent quality control checks are made at ev-

ery stage, and the entire pro-cess of your order is managed by a mainframe computer, ensuring maximum precision DQG�HIÀFLHQF\�

4Putting it all together: only Funky Renewables-

Approved Installers will make the grade to install our prod-ucts.


highest standards of workmanship, which is why our Installers are Funky Renewables trained and must at all times

adhere to the following standards:

YOU’RE IN SAFE HANDSWith the Funky Renewables Installer Standard


Funk y R e n e wables C

ertified Installer

(i) To treat all customers, their homes/properties and neighbours courteously at all times, being fair, polite, respectful and professional.

(ii) To be smartly dressed at all times and to maintain a respectful personal appearance.

(iii) To maintain Funky Renewables’ Code of Conduct at all times, and to observe any Health & Safety regulations.

(iv) To have NO COMPLAINTS attributable to them.

(v) To respect the environment at all times and to take appropriate measures to reduce the impact onto the surrounding ecosystem.

(vi) To accurately record all greenhouse gas emissions which are then offset through the purchase of carbon credits via a third party programme.

Of course, quality and safety are paramount when it comes to installation time, but what about the actual products? We wouldn’t call ourselves Funky Renewables if we cut corners on this all important aspect, which is why we insist on only using products with the highest achievable level of quality assur-ance in the world.

Here is a small selection of the standards which our products adhere to:

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To read the “Power to the Pupils” pamphlet along with other useful publications, please visit the DECC website at

The Renewables for Schools initiative is our way of making sure that we spread the environmental message to where it counts most in the community: schools.

And we don’t just guess what needs to be done. Our experience with schools in the United Kingdom, along with our many years of experience with our partner organisations from across Europe, ensures we bring together the very best in renewable WHFKQRORJ\�DQG�HQHUJ\�HIÀFLHQF\��EDFNHG�E\�UHDO�ZRUOG�UHVXOWV��We have found this approach to be highly favoured by schools, who want to know that they aren’t dealing with a company only interested in how many installations they’ve currently got in the pipeline, but a company which honestly cares and which is genuinely committed to delivering the very best possible service, educational programmes and renewable energy generation each and every time.

After all, if combating climate change is all about education, then where better place to start?

RENEWABLESFORSCHOOLSFunky Renewables are proud to have supported the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) with the creation of a new pamphlet entitled, “Power to the Pupils”. 7KLV�SXEOLFDWLRQ�SURYLGHV�JXLGDQFH�IRU�VFKRROV�RQ�WKH�EHQHÀWV�of solar PV, with practical advice on how to get started.