
HELFAM : RAF Clasificación científica Reino : Plantae División : Magnoliophyta Clase : Magnoliopsida Subclase : Asteridae Orden : Solanales Familia : Solanaceae Género : Solanum Especie : S. lycopersicum Nombre binomial Solanum lycopersicum L. Sinonimia Lycopersicon esculentum

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Post on 29-Mar-2016




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Supply fruits and vegs from Spain, special varieties too.


Page 2: FruivegSelected

Raf tomato is a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum, Solanaceae) obtained from artificial selection practiced on traditional tomatoes are planted outdoors since 1969. Its origin is in the Vega in Almería. RAF is a marmande type tomato that stands in for flavour and texture.

Raf's name refers to the initials of Fusarium resistant. This resistance to fusarium or (Fusarium oxysporum lycopersici) was one of the causes of its popularization in growing greenhouse. The product raf is a selection of traditional tomatoes so that is not a hybrid tomato. In Spain the most important production areas are in Almeria.

Its morphology is special and very characteristic. It is an irregular shaped fruit with deep grooves that end in the center oval and flattened at the ends. These grooves make it very recognizable and attest to their quality. Its color is deep green with touches that are close to black at the top.Inside is the pulp with a pinkish color, compact texture very firm and juicy, fleshy with small seeds.

It is consistent and usually has a delicious sweet taste (9 degrees brix) due to the balance between sugar and acidity of citric and malic type.

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Originally cultivated in the open but now is under streets or under plastic mesh.

Plastic sea in Almeria

The production is usually limited to about 2,000 acres and yield of a plant usually 4-6 kilos. The performance of a tomato variety of other ranges from 20 to 22 kilos of product on average.

With bread and olive oil, a bit of salt and sometimes we can add anchovies.

That is the paradise ¡¡

Growing in the strong plant.

Page 4: FruivegSelected


Garlic is a crop that requires nine months to develop, in Argentina mountains, depending on the variety grown in the months of mars - april and harvested in November-December.

Our garlic receive irrigation from the Andes. The treatment received garlic is almost entirely handmade, we use machine only for the selection and sizing of the product.

We offer offer two varieties of garlic for export called "Brown" and "Black Pearl".

Brown garlic is new to the national and international market, faithful representative of garlic origin from the Russian republics. Bulbs are characterized by medium to large, well-formed, external color of teeth white but purple red with violet hues. Each bulb or head is between 6 and 7 large teeth. Garlic is a popular in the international market for its strong pungency, for its strong flavor and keeping quality.

We can supply with any standard pack.

Percentage Caliber Diameter 50 6 -56 To 65 - MM 20 7 -66 To 75 - MM 30 5 -46 To 55 - MM

Ask for Information or Buy Now ¡

http:/ - Tf. 376.345271 – P. Andorra

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We can supply other products, vegetables or fruits from Spain and some varieties from America (south and center) for exotic fruits with firm orders.

We accept any request that you can have and we will work it carefully. We can supply from companies or directly from markets in auctions, with our delegates in place, mainly in Almeria.

Manufacture of vegfruits in Spain is not cheap. Onions with peels are clearly cheaper than the same onion looking nice and clean. We can submit offers from fields, but products will not look beautiful. Many companies in Spain only buy product in field, clean them and pack, and sell it more expensive to other markets. Only for big orders and firm payment sellers can make changes.

White Onion. Very good product ¡¡

Advocat in southSpain, 9.000 hectareas, short season, so prices are not cheap.