fraport ag arisea_ppt

©2013 Software AG. All rights reserved. Success with ARIS April 2013 Transport and Logistics Fraport AG – Germany

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Success with ARIS

April 2013

Transport and LogisticsFraport AG – Germany

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• More than 1,100 applications support the work of Fraport AG employees

• Information relating to the processes and applications form the foundation for the Fraport AG IT department

• Excel spreadsheet as central information source

• It was not meeting the needs in terms of how it worked or how it was used

• ARIS IT Architect to document all applications and their dependencies related to processes, data and infrastructure components

• ARIS Business Publisher gives authorized employees access to all information on the applications and their use

• ARIS IT Inventory to conduct Web-based maintenance of application information

Success with ARISOverview

Challenge Solution

• Increased productivity - no discussion about the quality of information

• Cost savings – optimized and standardized processes mean no more laborious information searches

• Greater efficiency – new applications can be integrated more easily


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• Is among the leading international professional services organizations in the aviation industry, with 2012 annual revenues of €2.44 billion

• As the operator of Frankfurt airport, Fraport AG is responsible for one of the most important hubs in international air transportation

• In 2012, an average of 1,300 planes took off and landed every day, transporting a total of more than 57 million passengers

• Is active as a full-service provider in the field of airport management through investments and subsidiaries on four continents

• More than 19,000 employees

Success with ARISCustomer Profile

Fraport AG

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”No matter what kind of information the management needs about

processes or applications, our Fraport PAA and the high-performance ARIS

reporting API help us provide it within a few minutes. That way,

decisions can be made more quickly and reliably.”

Success with ARISCustomer Quote

Thomas Leonhardt,

Corporate Information Architect, Fraport AG, Deutschland

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• Fulfilling obligations to the works council and German data protection laws

• Implementing a comprehensive solution for process and application management

• Install a consolidated repository for all application information

• Map the application landscape transparently

• Link the different levels of the enterprise architecture (processes, applications, data, infrastructure)

• Enable rapid responses to questions from business users and IT through detailed reporting

• Allow local maintenance of data via a Web front-end

Success with ARISChallenge/Project Goals

Business Issue Project Goals

• Extensive Excel spreadsheet as central information source

• Increasing time exposure for administering it centrally

IT Issue

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• Development of a metamodel with all basic information that needed to be mapped

• As all information is available in the ARIS repository, the Excel spreadsheet isn`t needed anymore

• Collected data are available online to other authorized Fraport employees via ARIS Business Publisher

• Web-based maintenance of all applications via ARIS IT Inventory

• Fraport PAA is central information source for the applications in use and maps application dependencies and relationships

• ARIS IT Architect documents all IT applications and processes

• ARIS Business Publisher enables access to information about the IT systems

• ARIS IT Inventory is used by assigned employees to maintain the information through the Web

Success with ARISSolution

Solution Key Components

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• Increased productivity – no discussion about the quality of information

• Cost savings – optimized and standardized processes mean no more laborious information searches

• Greater efficiency – new applications can be integrated more easily

• Comprehensive dependency analysis – integrated view of the enterprise architecture allows analysis of mutual dependencies

• Regulations are followed – data protection requirements and the obligation to give information to the works council are fulfilled

Success with ARISBenefits

Business Benefits IT Benefits

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