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B0750AE Rev D May 6, 2011 Foxboro ® Control Software Appearance Object Editor User’s Guide

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Foxboro® Control Software

Appearance Object Editor User’s Guide


Rev DMay 6, 2011

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All rights reserved. No part of this documentation shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Invensys Systems, Inc. No copyright or patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this documentation, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Invensys Systems, Inc. The software described in this documentation is furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of these agreements.

© 2006-2011 Invensys Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Invensys, ArchestrA, Foxboro, I/A Series, InFusion, Wonderware, and the Invensys logo are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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Before You Begin ................................................v

About This Book .................................................................................... v

Revision Information.............................................................................. v

Reference Documents ............................................................................ vDocumentation Specific to FCS ......................................................... v

CHAPTER 1: Appearance Objects .....................1

Invensys Appearance Objects ................................................................ 1Adding Blocks .................................................................................... 3

Modifying the Appearance Object ......................................................... 5

Selecting an Alternate Appearance Object............................................. 7

CHAPTER 2: Editing Appearance Objects........9

Appearance Object Editor Tab ............................................................... 9Page Controls.................................................................................... 10Toolbars ............................................................................................ 10Lock/Unlock Control .........................................................................11Command Buttons ............................................................................ 13Shapes Window ................................................................................ 14

Editing an Invensys Appearance Object .............................................. 16Scaling and Positioning the Object................................................... 16Arranging Parameters ....................................................................... 17Setting Live Data Defaults ............................................................... 20Adding Text ...................................................................................... 21Adding Graphics............................................................................... 22Creating a Hyperlink ........................................................................ 24

Creating an Invensys-defined Appearance Object ............................... 25

Creating a Custom Appearance Object ................................................ 28Adding Parameters to a Custom Object ........................................... 30Deleting Parameters.......................................................................... 32

Configuring Multiple Appearance Objects .......................................... 33Selecting and Updating Appearance Objects in a Strategy .............. 34

APPENDIX A: Adding a Left-Right-Justified Name to Custom Appearance Object ..............37

Adding a Left- or Right-Justified Name to aCustom Appearance Object.................................................................. 37

Index ..................................................................41

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iv Contents

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Before You Begin

About This BookThis guide describes the method to create graphical representations of I/A Series® system control objects using the Appearance Object Editor in the Foxboro® Control Software (FCS) Configuration Tools.

Revision InformationEntire Document

• Updated product naming to support the FCS v3.0 release.

Reference DocumentsSince FCS is based on the ArchestrA® architecture and incorporates several Wonderware® products, much of the documentation written by Wonderware is relevant. In addition, there are documents that describe features specific to FCS. Below is a list of documents that can provide additional information that is beyond the scope of this document. These documents can be accessed from the Global Customer Support Web Site:

Documentation Specific to FCSThe guide assumes that you are already familiar with the FCS Configuration Tools interface.

During FCS component installation, the documents associated with the software component are also installed. These documents can be viewed from the Start > Programs > Invensys > InFusion Documentation menu.

• Foxboro Control Software Block Configurator User’s Guide (B0750AH)

• Foxboro Control Software Bulk Data Editor User’s Guide (B0750AF)

• Foxboro Control Software Common Graphical Editor Features User’s Guide (B0750AG)

• Foxboro Control Software Control Database Deployment User’s Guide (B0750AJ)

• Foxboro Control Software PLB Ladder Logic Editor (B0750AK)

• Foxboro Control Software Sequence Block HLBL Editor User’s Guide (B0750AL)

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vi Before You Begin

• Foxboro Control Software Sequence Block SFC Editor User’s Guide (B0750AM)

• Foxboro Control Software Strategy Editor User’s Guide (B0750AN)

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C H A P T E R 1

Appearance Objects

Appearance objects are Microsoft® Visio® objects that represent I/A Series blocks and control strategies in the Strategy Editor. The functions of a block appearance object are as follows:

• Provides a means of connecting block parameters to other blocks and nested strategies

• Displays the values for selected parameters

• Allows access to the Block Configurator and other configuration tools

• Identifies the block’s execution order

• Shows the block’s deployed status

• Displays live values from the run-time system.

When a strategy is added to another strategy, the nested strategy’s appearance object performs similar functions, allowing connection of the strategy attributes to blocks and other strategies in the containing strategy and displaying the strategy’s execution order.

This chapter describes the use of appearance objects in the Strategy Editor.


• Invensys Appearance Objects

• Modifying the Appearance Object

• Selecting an Alternate Appearance Object

Invensys Appearance ObjectsEach block and strategy template listed in the Template Toolbox contains a default Invensys- defined appearance object. When a new template or instance is created, the new object inherits the appearance object from the defining template. Figure 1-1 shows the default appearance object for a block template derived from the template $PIDA.

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2 1. Appearance Objects

Figure 1-1. Block Appearance Object

Title Area

The title area at the top of the object includes the following elements:

• Tagname at the top of the title area ($PIDA_FF in Figure 1-1) displays the tagname in strategy instances. This is the name to be used in the I/A Series system when the block is deployed.

• Contained name shown in square brackets on the second line of the title area is the name of the block in strategy templates. The contained name provides the default tagname when a strategy instance is created from the template.

• Type is the base template from which the block was originally derived. $PIDA on the third line in Figure 1-1 is the base template for the I/A Series PIDA block.

• Deployed state indicates whether the block instance or strategy instance has been deployed to the run-time system: U for undeployed, D for deployed, and M for blocks that have been modified since deployment and need to be re-deployed to implement the changes in the run-time system. The deployed state is not displayed in strategy templates.

• Execution order indicates when the block or strategy will execute relative to other blocks in the strategy.

Ports Area

The left and right port areas include connectable parameters most likely to be used in the strategy-inputs on the left and outputs on the right. The blue x adjacent to the parameter name marks the connection point. When the block is selected in the Strategy Editor, the connections points are displayed as yellow diamonds (Figure 1-2). The default parameters can be moved to the other port area, rearranged within the area, or removed from the display, and other connectable parameters can be added to either area. You cannot change the parameters selection or placement in the Appearance Object Editor, if the

Title Area

Right Port Area

Information Area

Execution Order

Connection Point

Left Port Area

Deployed State

Contained Name

Block Type

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1. Appearance Objects 3

appearance object is locked in a defining template. However, you can always change the parameter selection and placement in the Strategy Editor.

Information Area

The information area at bottom of the object is used to display values for selected parameters. In the Appearance Object Editor, parameters can be added to this area if the appearance object is not locked in a defining template; in the Strategy Editor, parameters can be added to this area at any time.

Adding BlocksFigure 1-2 shows the method of using appearance object in the Strategy Editor to represent a block. In the example, a PIDA block has just been added to a strategy template. To add a block to a strategy:

• Drag the template name from the Template Toolbox and drop it in Strategy Editor window.

Figure 1-2. Inserting a Block Into a Strategy

Other blocks (and strategies) can now be added to the strategy, and parameters can be connected to other block parameters or declared variables. Figure 1-3 shows a second PIDA block added to the strategy. Four declared variables have been connected to the block inputs and outputs, and the blocks have been connected so that the second PIDA provides back-calculation input to the first block. The present order of block execution reflects when the blocks were inserted into the strategy, and can be changed in the Execution Order tab.

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4 1. Appearance Objects

Figure 1-3. Block Connections in a Strategy

The strategy has its own appearance object to represent it when it is inserted into another strategy. The appearance object can be viewed and modified in the Strategy Editor’s Appearance Object tab.

Figure 1-4 shows the appearance object for the strategy that is depicted in Figure 1-3, which has three input declarations (Initialize, Primary, and Secondary) and a single output declaration (Out_1). These attributes are displayed on the appearance object in the left and right ports. If the strategy has been saved after the addition of the declarations, they are automatically added to the default appearance object. If the declared attributes have not been saved, they can be added to the appearance object as described in “Adding Parameters” on page 18.

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1. Appearance Objects 5

Figure 1-4. Strategy Appearance Object

Modifying the Appearance ObjectThere are three ways to change the appearance of the object:

• Edit the default Invensys object, as has been done in Figure 1-1 where the BLKSTA parameter has been added to the information area. In addition to adding and arranging parameters, there is a wide variety of editing options available in the Appearance Object tab, such as scaling and orienting the object, combining the object with imported images and other drawing elements, and creating hyperlinks to help files and other resources. However, the basic arrangement of title, port, and information areas cannot be changed. The editing features are described in “Editing an Invensys Appearance Object” on page 16.

• Build a new Invensys appearance object using the PortAreas stencil in the editor. This Visio stencil (left Figure 1-5) includes the shapes used to build the default appearance object and several alternative shapes. For example, using the stencil, you can build an appearance object with port areas on the top and bottom of the object. The Appearance Object Editor automatically arranges the shapes copied from the stencil, and combines the shapes into a single appearance object. The new object can be modified with the same editing options as that for to the default Invensys object. Building a new object is described in “Creating an Invensys-defined Appearance Object” on page 25.

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6 1. Appearance Objects

Figure 1-5. PortAreas Stencil and New Invensys-Appearance Object

• Create a custom appearance object using the Appearance Object Editor to convert virtually any graphic into an appearance object. After the object is converted, you can add parameters or attributes so that the object can be used in the Strategy Editor to make block and strategy connections. The basic image can be drawn in the Appearance Object Editor, created in another graphics application and imported into the editor, or assembled using Visio stencils (including the PortAreas stencil). Figure 1-6 is a custom appearance object that employs SAMA symbols. See “Creating a Custom Appearance Object” on page 28 for information on building custom appearance objects.

Figure 1-6. Custom Appearance Object

Bottom Port Area

Top Port Area

Title Area

Information Area

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1. Appearance Objects 7

Selecting an Alternate Appearance ObjectYou can create multiple appearance objects for the same block or strategy and apply them at different stages in the system development. For example, there can be an appearance object for configuration, another for deployment, and a third for documentation.

The appearance objects are created on multiple tab pages in the Appearance Object Editor (as described in “Configuring Multiple Appearance Objects” on page 33). When a block or strategy is dropped into the Strategy Editor, FCS Configuration Tools use the appearance object from the first tab page in the Appearance Object Editor.

To select a different appearance object for use in a strategy:

1. Right-click the object in the Strategy Editor window and select Appearance Object from the context menu.

The Appearance Object window (Figure 1-7) displays the current appearance object. Page control tabs at the bottom of the window enable you to review and select among the other appearance objects configured for the block or strategy.

Figure 1-7. Appearance Object Window

2. Click the page control tab for the desired appearance object and click OK.

The Appearance Object window closes and the selected appearance object replaces the initial object in the Strategy Editor window. Connections made with the previous appearance object are maintained.

See “Selecting and Updating Appearance Objects in a Strategy” on page 34 for additional information on updating appearance objects in strategies.

Click a page control to display a different appearance object

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8 1. Appearance Objects

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C H A P T E R 2

Editing Appearance Objects

This chapter describes the method to modify an appearance object, by using the Appearance Object Editor, which is presented as a tab page when a block or strategy is opened in FCS Configuration Tools.


• Appearance Object Editor Tab

• Editing an Invensys Appearance Object

• Creating an Invensys-defined Appearance Object

• Creating a Custom Appearance Object

• Configuring Multiple Appearance Objects

Appearance Object Editor TabThe Appearance Object Editor is a Visio control that runs within FCS Configuration Tools and is made available as a tab page on any block or strategy template.

To access the Appearance Object Editor:

1. Double-click the object in the Template Toolbox or one of the Applications Views to open the object in FCS Configuration Tools.

2. Click the Appearance Object tab.

Figure 2-1 shows the appearance object for a template derived from an Invensys PIDA block and identifies the major components in the Appearance Object Editor tab.

Note Note that the image has been modified to show multiple components that normally are not displayed simultaneously; for example, the Default and Edit command buttons, which are mutually exclusive, are both shown as active.

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10 2. Editing Appearance Objects

Figure 2-1. Appearance Object Editor Components

Page ControlsWhen an object is opened for the first time, the Appearance Object Editor tab displays the default Invensys-defined appearance object on the drawing page in the editing window. A page control tab at the bottom of the window (AppObject_1 in Figure 2-1) identifies the object and provides a context menu for adding other appearance objects, each on a separate page. In Figure 2-1, PIDA_Reg and PIDA_Alarm have been added to the configuration. Refer to “Configuring Multiple Appearance Objects” on page 33 for information about adding, naming, deleting, and prioritizing multiple appearance objects.

ToolbarsAt the top of the editor are two rows of icons and combination boxes providing various editing tools and viewing options. The rows comprise several toolbars that are used in the FCS Configuration Tools Graphical Editor. These same tools are available in the Strategy Editor to enable modification of individual objects in the Strategy tab.

Refer to Foxboro Control Software Common Graphical Editor Features User’s Guide (B0750AG) for a detailed description of these tools.







Appearance Objectpage controls

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2. Editing Appearance Objects 11

Lock/Unlock ControlThe padlock icon, which is on the right side below the toolbars and above the command buttons, indicates whether or not the appearance object can be modified in the current template and in templates objects derived from it:

Locking does not apply to the modifications that can be made to an appearance object in the Strategy Editor. For example, you can always add or remove parameters in the Strategy Editor, even when such changes cannot be made to object in the Appearance Object Editor.

Appearance objects can be inherited from a parent block or strategy or can be unique to a derived block or strategy. This is illustrated in Figure 2-2 and discussed below.

The appearance object configuration is unlocked, and can be modified in templates derived from this object. Click the icon to lock the configuration.

The appearance object configuration is locked, and cannot be modified in templates that are derived from this object. However, the defining template object can be modified. Click the icon to unlock the configuration.

The appearance object configuration has been locked in the defining template from which this object was derived. The configuration cannot be modified in the current object. The command buttons, including Default, are inactive.

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12 2. Editing Appearance Objects

Figure 2-2. Appearance Object Inheritance (Applies to Appearance Objects for Blocks and Strategies)

The appearance object of the derived blocks will have the following properties:

1. If the appearance object is locked in the parent block, derived blocks will derive the appearance object from their parent.

2. If the appearance object is unlocked in the parent block, derived blocks will derive the appearance object from the parent unless it is modified locally. That means, appearance object for a block template is created for itself only when it is modified. Until that point, it will continue to use its parent's appearance object.

Block 1 (Parent) - STATUS: UNLOCKED

Block 1A (Derived from Block 1)

Appearance Object 1

Appearance Object 1 (Derived from Block 1)

Block 1B (Derived from Block 1)

Appearance Object 1B (Unique to Block 1B)

- This appearance object is unmodified. It remains derived from the

- This appearance object has been modified by a user. Since the parent block is unlocked, modifications are allowed. This

Block 1 (Parent) - STATUS: LOCKED

Block 1A (Derived from Block 1)

Appearance Object 1

Appearance Object 1 (Derived from Block 1)- This appearance object cannot be modified while the parent

block is locked. It remains derived from the parent block’s

appearance object is no longer derived from Appearance Object 1.It is unique to Block 1B.

appearance object.

parent block’s appearance object.

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2. Editing Appearance Objects 13

The appearance object of the derived strategies will have the following properties:

1. If the appearance object is locked in the parent strategy, derived strategies will derive the appearance object from their parent.

2. If the appearance object is unlocked in the parent strategy, derived strategies will derive the appearance object from the parent unless it is modified locally. That means, appearance object for a strategy template is created for itself only when it is modified. Until that point, it will continue to use its parent's appearance object.

Command ButtonsTable 2-1. Command Buttons

Group Button Description

Invensys Default Restores the default Invensys appearance object to the page, replacing a modified Invensys or custom appearance object. Editing tools become inactive when Default is selected.

Invensys Edit Enables you to add and arrange parameters or edit the appearance object. The Edit button is active when the default appearance object is displayed.

Invensys Create Frame Clears the currently displayed object from the page and displays the PortAreas stencil in the Shapes window. You can now create a new Invensys appearance object by dragging elements from the PortAreas stencil and dropping them on the drawing page.

Invensys Finish Frame Realigns the elements selected from the PortAreas stencil and creates a single appearance object that can be used in the Strategy Editor. Active when InFusion™: Create Frame button has been selected and at least one element (other than Name and Execution) has been dragged from the stencil and dropped onto the page.

Invensys Update Integrates the appearance object with graphical elements that have been added to the drawing page, creating a single appearance object. The Update button is active when the page contains an object that is not part of the appearance object.

Custom Create Frame Clears the currently displayed object from the page and displays the PortAreas stencil in the Shapes window. You can now create a custom appearance object by importing graphics, dragging elements from the PortAreas stencil, and using the drawing tools in the toolbar.

Custom Finish Frame Forms a single appearance object from the elements on the drawing page. Active when Custom: Create Frame button has been selected and there is at least one element on the drawing page.

Custom Update Integrates the appearance object with graphical elements that have been added to the drawing page, creating a single appearance object. The Update button is active when the page contains an finished frame and at least one element that is not part of the appearance object.

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14 2. Editing Appearance Objects

Shapes WindowThe Shapes window is opened when Create Frame is selected (in either the InFusion or Custom group). The window displays the PortAreas stencil. The stencil consists of drawing elements called masters. When you drag a master from the stencil and drop it into the editing window, a copy of the master is pasted on the current page.

The PortAreas stencil (Figure 2-3) contains masters that are used in creating an Invensys appearance objects; these masters can also be used to build custom appearance objects.

Figure 2-3. Stencil for Invensys-Defined Appearance Objects

The PortAreas stencil includes the following masters:

Title AreaThis rectangle containing the name, deployed state, and execution index area is used at the top of all default Invensys-defined block and strategy appearance objects.

Info AreaThis rectangle, which is placed at the bottom of all default Invensys-defined block and strategy appearance objects, is used for showing parameter values. The height of the area expands automatically as parameters are added. The area cannot be used for connecting parameters.

Left Port AreaThis area is used for connections on the left side of the appearance object, usually but not necessarily, for input (or sink) parameters. Only connectable parameters can be added to this area.

Right Port AreaThis area is used for connections on the right side of the appearance object, usually but not necessarily, for output (or source) parameters. Only connectable parameters can be added to this area.

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2. Editing Appearance Objects 15

By default, the Shapes window is docked on the left side of the Appearance Object Editor tab.

• Right-click the Shapes window title bar to display a context menu with the following options for controlling the window:

Table 2-2. Menu Selection Window

Top Port Area and Bottom Port AreaTop Port and Bottom Port areas are used for connections on the top edge and bottom edge of the appearance object, respectively. Only connectable parameters can be added to these areas. The parameter names are displayed on end (rotated 90° counterclockwise). You can expand the height of the area after it has been dragged onto the drawing page but before the Finish Frame button is clicked. Make sure that the Top Port Area is placed above all other masters on the page before clicking the Finish Frame button. Likewise, the Bottom Port Area should be below other areas on the page before you click Finish Frame.

Left Right Port AreaThis master, which is used on all default appearance objects for blocks and strategies, combines the left and right port areas.

Left Info Right Port AreaThis area combines the Info Area with left and right port areas. The heights of the three areas are automatically adjusted as parameters are added to one of the areas.

Name AreaThis area enables display of the name and type of the block or strategy anywhere in the appearance object separate from the title area.To justify a Name Area to the left or right side of a custom appearance object, refer to Adding a Left-Right-Justified Name to Custom Appearance Object.

Execution Index AreaThis area enables display of the object’s execution order anywhere in the appearance object separate from the title area.

Deployed State AreaThis area enables display of the object’s deployed state anywhere in the appearance object separate from the title area.

Menu Selection Description

Float Window/Dock Window

Select Float Window to position the window elsewhere in FCS Configuration Tools and/or resize the window. The command changes to Dock Window, which restores the window to its original size and position.

Icons and NamesIcons OnlyNames OnlyIcons and Details

These commands specify how the masters are identified in the stencil.

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16 2. Editing Appearance Objects

Editing an Invensys Appearance ObjectWhen a block or strategy is opened in the Appearance Object Editor tab for the first time, the editor displays the appearance object as that inherited from the defining template. When the inherited object is the default Invensys-defined appearance object, the only active commands in the toolbar are the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons and the view scaling combo box. The Edit and Create Frame buttons are active.

To modify the default appearance object:

• Click Edit in the InFusion group.

When Edit button is clicked, you can use the editor tools to:

• Scale and position the object

• Add and remove parameters

• Arrange the displayed parameters

• Add text

• Insert graphics, including imported images

• Create hyperlinks to help files and other resources.

Note that the Default button is now active. Click this button to revert to the default Invensys-defined object, overwriting all changes to the object.

Scaling and Positioning the ObjectA variety of scaling and positioning tools are available when you select the object (Figure 2-4).

Figure 2-4. Scaling and Positioning Tools

Close All Stencils Clears the PortAreas stencil from the Shapes window.

Hide Window Closes the Shapes window. You can also hide the window by clicking the close button on the right side of the title bar.

Menu Selection Description





Move Move


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2. Editing Appearance Objects 17

• Move handles on the top and bottom edges of the object. Drag a handle in any direction to move the object on the drawing page. The object maintains its size and aspect ratio.

• Rotate handle initially above the object. Move the handle clockwise and counterclockwise to rotate the object.

• Resize handles on the center of the left and right sides. Drag the handle on either side to adjust the width of the object. The opposite side remains anchored so as to effect changes to the aspect ratio.

Refer to Foxboro Control Software Common Graphical Editor Features User’s Guide (B0750AG) for additional information on selecting, moving, and copying appearance objects and other drawing elements in the FCS Configuration Tools Graphical Editor.

Arranging ParametersThe appearance object configuration determines how parameters or attributes are displayed when the object is inserted into a strategy.

In Figure 2-5, for example, six input parameters are displayed in the left port area, while two outputs are displayed in the right port area. There are no parameters in the information area.

Figure 2-5. Connectable Parameters Shown in an Appearance Object

The features described in this section can be used in either in the Appearance Object Editor to change the configuration or in the Strategy Editor to modify the parameter display in appearance object.

You can do any of the following to change the parameters displayed in the object:

• Rearrange the order of parameters within an area by dragging a parameter up or down.

• Hide a parameter by dragging it outside the appearance object.

• Move a connectable parameter from one port area to another or to the information area.

• Switch the left and right port areas by clicking the icon in the toolbar, as illustrated in Figure 2-6. Flipping the object horizontally moves the deployed state and execution order symbols to the opposite side of the title area.

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18 2. Editing Appearance Objects

Figure 2-6. Flipping an Appearance Object Horizontally

• Switch the name and information areas by clicking the icon in the toolbar, as illustrated in Figure 2-7. Flipping the object vertically also inverts the top-to-bottom order of the parameters in their respective areas.

Figure 2-7. Flipping an Appearance Object Vertically

• Select additional parameters for display, as described in the next section.

Connectable parameters can be displayed in the port areas and in the information area. Non-connectable parameters can only be displayed in the information area.

Adding Parameters

To add a parameter to an appearance object:

1. Right-click the appearance object and select Add Parameter from the context menu to display the Select Parameter dialog box (Figure 2-8).

The dialog box displays the object’s parameters that are not already shown in the appearance object.

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2. Editing Appearance Objects 19

Figure 2-8. Select Parameter Dialog Box

2. Use the check boxes in the Parameter Attributes group to filter the parameters listed in the Parameters list box.

A parameter is included in the list if it has at least one of the selected attributes.

3. Drag the parameter to be added to the object from the dialog box and drop it in one of the areas in the appearance object.

Only connectable parameters can be placed in the port area. Any parameter can be added to the information area.

The newly added parameter is automatically removed from the selected dialog box.

If necessary, the port or information area is automatically expanded to include the new parameter that appears below those already in the area. Figure 2-9 shows a block appearance object before and after three parameters were added to the information area.

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20 2. Editing Appearance Objects

Figure 2-9. Parameters Added to an Appearance Object

4. Add other parameters to the object and arrange the order as needed.

5. Click Close or in the Select Parameter dialog box.

Setting Live Data DefaultsWhen a strategy has been deployed, the Strategy Editor can be used to display the values for block parameters from the run-time system, and update the values in FCS Configuration Tools and/or the run-time system. In these live data displays, the editor displays the values from the run-time environment for any parameter displayed on a block appearance object and for any attribute displayed on a child strategy. The live value is displayed outside the appearance object and adjacent to the parameter (Figure 2-10).

Figure 2-10. Live Data Display for a PIDA Block

The initial parameters to be used in live data displays can be specified in advance in the Appearance Object Editor.

To set live data display defaults for a block or strategy:

1. Add parameters as needed to ensure that the desired parameters are included in the appearance object.

2. Right-click the object and select Live Data Settings from the context menu to open a dialog box for changing the settings (Figure 2-11).

The information area was automaticallyresized to include the added parameters.

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The dialog box lists the parameters that are currently on the appearance object with check boxes to their left, for selecting each parameters. Initially all parameters are selected.

3. Click a parameter to clear the box and remove the attribute from the live data display update parameters; re-click any parameter to make it available in the live data display.

4. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Figure 2-11. Setting Defaults for Live Data Displays

Adding TextTo add text to the appearance object:

1. Click in the toolbar to select the text tool, click a position on the drawing page to create a text box, and enter the text in the box.

The editor adds the typed characters using the default settings for font, size, alignment, and the other text attributes.

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22 2. Editing Appearance Objects

2. Format the text by selecting the text and using the appropriate tools in the toolbar.

Note that you cannot modify the text attributes of any Invensys-defined features (such as a parameter name in the port area). If an appearance object is selected when the text tool is active, the editor displays the following message:

Shape protection and/or layer properties prevent complete execution of this command.

When you have finished entering and formatting the text, do the following:

1. Click in the toolbar to select the pointer tool, and select the text object to display the move, size, and rotation handles on the object.

2. Adjust the object using the handles on the object and the graphics buttons in the toolbar.

3. Click InFusion: Update to combine the text objects with the appearance object.

The added text is now part of the appearance object as it will appear in the Strategy Editor. Note the position of the size and move handles in the updated appearance object (Figure 2-12).

Figure 2-12. Updated Appearance Object with Text

Refer to Foxboro Control Software Common Graphical Editor Features User’s Guide (B0750AG) for additional information on adding and formatting text in the FCS Configuration Tools Graphical Editor.

Adding GraphicsTo add graphics to an Invensys-defined appearance object:

1. Click InFusion: Edit if the editor is not already in edit mode.

2. Use the appropriate drawing tools in the toolbar to add lines, rectangles, and other elements to the drawing page.

3. Use the formatting options in the toolbar to change the line weight, fill color, and other attributes of the element.

Note that you cannot modify the color, line weight, and other attributes of any Invensys-defined features such as the color of the port areas. If an

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appearance of object is selected when the drawing tool is active, the editor displays the following message:

Shape protection and/or layer properties prevent complete execution of this command.

4. Click in the toolbar to open the Insert Picture dialog box (Figure 2-13) to browse for and place an image on the drawing page.

Figure 2-13. Insert Picture Dialog Box for Importing Graphics

The image is pasted into the drawing, not imported by reference. After being pasted onto the page, the image can be scaled, oriented, and positioned using the tools in the toolbar.

5. Click in the toolbar to select the pointer tool.

6. Select and position the drawing objects using the handles on the object and the graphics buttons in the toolbar.

7. Click InFusion: Update to add all elements on the drawing page to the appearance object.

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Figure 2-14. Updated Appearance Object with Imported Graphic

Figure 2-14 shows an imported graphic that has been grouped with text and a box and placed on the appearance object. When Update is selected, the added graphics become part of the appearance object as it will appear in the Strategy Editor.

Refer to Foxboro Control Software Common Graphical Editor Features User’s Guide (B0750AG) for additional information on adding and formatting drawings and pictures in the FCS Configuration Tools Graphical Editor.

Creating a HyperlinkConfigure hyperlinks in the appearance object to make instructions, planning documents, and other files accessible from the appearance object in the Strategy Editor.

To create a hyperlink:

1. Click in the toolbar to open the Hyperlinks dialog box (Figure 2-15).

Figure 2-15. Hyperlinks Dialog Box

2. Use the dialog box to browse to and select the target file, and click OK.

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3. Right-click the appearance object and select the file name from the context menu to test the link (Figure 2-16).

Figure 2-16. Testing a Hyperlink

Refer to Foxboro Control Software Common Graphical Editor Features User’s Guide (B0750AG) for additional information on adding hyperlinks in the FCS Configuration Tools Graphical Editor.

Creating an Invensys-defined Appearance Object

In addition to modifying a default appearance object, you can create a new Invensys appearance object by copying masters from the PortAreas stencil. The stencil contains the masters used in the default Invensys appearance objects and variations on those components, as described in the table on page 13.

To create a new Invensys appearance object:

1. Click Create Frame in the InFusion group.

The selected page is cleared and the Shapes window displays the PortAreas stencil.

2. Insert drawing elements by dragging each selected master from the stencil and dropping it into the editing window.

Do not be concerned about exact placement of the drawing elements, as the editor automatically aligns and joins the elements when the Finish Frame button is clicked. However, the top-to-bottom order of the objects on the page determines the way the elements are stacked in the finished frame.

Figure 2-17 shows three elements dragged from the stencil for use in an appearance object being created for a block template. The object will consist of a top port area, an info area, and a bottom port area. The height

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of the bottom port area has been increased to accommodate longer parameter names. (Note that a red rectangle has been drawn on the right of the inserted elements.)

Figure 2-17. Drawing Elements Selected from PortAreas Stencil

3. Arrange the copied masters vertically, and, if desired, adjust the height of top and bottom port areas.

4. Click Finish Frame.

The editor stacks the elements according to their top-to-bottom order on the page, aligns the elements vertically, and sets a uniform width. (Figure 2-18).

For Invensys-defined appearance objects, the editor eliminates any elements that have not been added from the stencil; for example, the red rectangle seen in Figure 2-17 has been cleared from the drawing page.

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Figure 2-18. Finish Frame Aligns and Joins the Copied Masters

You can now adjust the width of the new appearance object, select parameters, and add text and graphics as you would for modifying a default Invensys appearance object. When you insert an additional element, the Update button becomes active, enabling you to add all other items to the appearance object.

5. Click Update to join additional items to the appearance object.

In Figure 2-19, three parameters have been added to the bottom port area, and the name and execution index areas have been dragged and dropped to the right of the finished frame. Note the position of the resize and move handles on the new object.

Figure 2-19. Update Joins Additional Elements to the Object

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At any point in the process, you can click Default to revert to the default Invensys appearance object, or click Create Frame (in either group) to clear the page and start again.

Creating a Custom Appearance ObjectThe Appearance Object Editor supports the creation of custom appearance objects to represent blocks and strategies. The editor converts an image that you create into an appearance object (a finished frame). After the image is converted, you can add parameters and edit the object as you would for an Invensys appearance object.

You can use any combination of the following methods to create the image:

• Assemble the image by using graphics and text tools in the editor tab.

• Develop the image using Visio or a similar application, and then import the image into the Appearance Object Editor.

• Copy one or more masters from the PortAreas stencil. When you start a custom object, the PortAreas stencil is displayed in the Shapes window. Masters from the PortAreas stencil can be included, but they are not required.

To create a custom appearance object:

1. Click Create Frame in the Custom group.

The selected page is cleared and the Shapes window displays the PortAreas stencil.

The Default button and the two Create Frame buttons are active so that you can revert to the Invensys-supplied appearance object, or clear the drawing page and start again.

The Finish Frame button in the Custom group becomes active when the first drawing element is placed on the drawing page.

2. Insert drawing elements by dragging each selected master from the stencil and dropping it in the editing window.

3. Click in the toolbar to import images onto the drawing page.

In Figure 2-20, a PIDA appearance object is being created with an imported bitmap that consists of SAMA symbols.

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Figure 2-20. Imported Image Using SAMA Symbols

4. Edit the inserted images as required, and add text and graphics using the toolbars.

5. Click Finish Frame when all the elements are arranged as you want the object to appear.

All elements on the page are combined into a single object, and layer properties are set to limit the changes that can be made to this single appearance object. The finished frame in Figure 2-21 includes a rectangle added to the top of an imported image. The block name and execution masters have been inserted into the rectangle from the PortAreas stencil.

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Figure 2-21. Finished Frame

You can now scale the new appearance object, add parameters, and combine the object with text and graphics as you would for modifying an Invensys appearance object. When you insert an additional element, the Update button becomes active, enabling you to join all items on the page into a single appearance object.

At any point in the process, you can click Default to revert to the default Invensys appearance object, or click Create Frame (in either group) to clear the page and start again.

Adding Parameters to a Custom ObjectYou can add parameters anywhere on the finished frame:

1. Right-click the appearance object and select Add Parameter from the context menu to display the Select Parameter dialog box (Figure 2-22).

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Figure 2-22. Adding a Port for a Connectable Parameter

2. Use the check boxes in the Parameter Attributes group to filter the list displayed in the Parameters list box.

A parameter is included in the list if it has at least one of the checked attributes.

3. Select the parameter or attribute to be added, drag it to the appearance object, and drop it on the side of the object where you want the connection to be made.

In Figure 2-22, the MEAS parameter has been added to the top edge of the appearance object, as indicated by the yellow triangle. In the Strategy Editor, connections to the parameter will be routed to the top of the object.

4. Right-click the object and select Show Parameter Names from the context menu to mark each parameter with an information box (Figure 2-23).

The parameter name is displayed in the tooltip when you place the cursor on the box.

MEAS parameter

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Figure 2-23. Displaying Parameter Names

Note The yellow parameter symbol is attached to a separate circle in the drawing. This shape can be selected, enlarged, brought forward, or sent back, and grouped with other shapes.

Deleting ParametersTo remove a parameter or attribute from a custom appearance object:

1. Right-click the object and select Delete Parameter from the context menu to list the parameters currently on the appearance object (Figure 2-24).

Figure 2-24. Delete Parameter Dialog Box

2. Select the parameter in the list and click OK in the Delete Parameter dialog box.

Show Parameter Names Selected


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Configuring Multiple Appearance ObjectsYou can create multiple appearance objects for the same block or strategy, and specify which among them is the preferred object.

Adding Objects

To add an appearance object to a block or strategy:

1. Right-click the page control at the bottom of the Appearance Object Editor and select Add Appearance Object from the context menu.

The editor adds a page to the editor window and displays the default appearance object for the block or strategy. The editor provides a default name for the new object (AppObject_2 in Figure 2-25) and highlights the name in the page control to indicate that it is available for editing.

Figure 2-25. Page Controls for Multiple Appearance Objects

2. Press Enter to accept the default name, or type a new name and then press Enter.

3. Click Edit or Create Frame (in either the InFusion or Custom group) to modify or create an object.

Renaming Objects

To rename an appearance object:

1. Right-click the page control and select Rename Appearance Object from the context menu, or double-click the page control.

The object name is highlighted indicating that it is available for editing.

2. Type a new name and press Enter.

Deleting Objects

To delete an appearance object:

• Right-click the page control for the object to be removed, and select Delete Appearance Object from the context menu.

Note that this menu selection is not active when there is only one appearance object configured for the block or strategy.

Reordering Objects

When there are multiple appearance objects configured for a block or strategy, the object on the first page (left-most page control) is the preferred object, that is, the first object to be displayed the next time the Appearance Object Editor is opened.

The preferred object is also the one that is automatically selected to represent the block or strategy when the object is added to a strategy. After the object is displayed in Strategy Editor, you can select a different appearance object by

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right-clicking the object and choosing Appearance Object from the context menu.

To specify the preferred appearance object:

• Select the page control for the object and drag the control to the left until it shows up as the first page in the page control.

Selecting and Updating Appearance Objects in a Strategy

To select a different appearance object for use in a strategy:

1. Right-click the block or nested strategy in the Strategy Editor window and select Appearance Object from the context menu.

The Appearance Object window (Figure 2-26) displays the current appearance object. Page control tabs at the bottom of the window enable you to review and select among the other appearance objects configured for the block or strategy.

Figure 2-26. Appearance Object Window

2. Click the page control for the desired appearance object and click OK.

The Appearance Object window closes and the selected appearance object replaces the initial object in the Strategy Editor window. Connections made with the previous appearance object are maintained.

Update Button

Changes can be made to an appearance object at the template level using the Appearance Object Editor and to an instance of the appearance object in the Strategy Editor.

To maintain changes made at the instance level, modifications made to the appearance object at the template level are not always applied retroactively to existing instances of the block. Here are the rules:

• When an appearance object template is locked in the Appearance Object Editor, changes made in the editor are propagated to instances of the

Click a page control to display a different appearance object

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appearance object when the containing strategies are opened in the Strategy Editor.

• When an appearance object template is not locked in the Appearance Object Editor, changes made in the editor are:

• Not propagated to instances of the appearance object that have been previously changed in the Strategy Editor.

• Propagated to instances of the appearance object that have been not changed in the Strategy Editor.

To apply the recent appearance object template to a block instance in a strategy:

1. Right-click the block in the Strategy Editor window and select Appearance Object from the context menu.

2. Click the Update button.

The template version of the appearance object replaces the version used in the strategy.

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Adding a Left-Right-Justified Name to Custom Appearance Object

This appendix describes how to add a left- or right-justified name to a custom appearance object, using the Appearance Object Editor.


• Adding a Left- or Right-Justified Name to a Custom Appearance Object

Adding a Left- or Right-Justified Name to aCustom Appearance Object

To add a left- or right-justified name:

1. From the Custom group, click the Create Frame button to create a custom appearance object frame, as shown in Figure A-1. The Shapes window is opened as described in “Shapes Window” on page 14.

Figure A-1. Creating an Appearance Object Frame

2. From the PortAreas stencil, drag a Name Area stencil into the appearance object.

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Figure A-2. Adding a Name Area Stencil to the Appearance Object Frame

3. To make the Name Area top left-justified, proceed as follows:

Figure A-3. Adding a Name Area Stencil to the Appearance Object Frame

a. Select the Name Area shape.

b. Right-click the Name Area shape and select View -> Size and Position Window from the context menu The Size and Position window appears, as shown in Figure A-4.

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Figure A-4. Size and Position Window

c. Set the Pin Pos field to Top-Left, as shown in Figure A-5.

Figure A-5. Setting Pin Pos to Top-Left

d. Reposition the Name Area shape to the top-left position within the appearance object frame.

e. Select the Name Area shape again.

f. Right-click the shape and select Format -> Text from the context menu.

g. Select the Paragraph tab in the Text dialog box, and set the “Horizontal alignment” field to Left, as shown in Figure A-6.

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Figure A-6. Text Dialog Box

h. Click OK to close the Text dialog box.

i. Click the Finish Frame button.

4. To make the Name Area top right-justified, proceed as follows:

a. Select the Name Area shape.

b. Right-click the Name Area shape and select View -> Size and Position Window. The Size and Position window appears, as shown in Figure A-4.

c. Set the Pin Pos field to Top-Right.

d. Reposition the Name Area shape to the top-right position within the appearance object frame.

e. Select the Name Area shape again.

f. Open the context menu for the shape, and select Format -> Text.

g. Select the Paragraph tab in the Text dialog box, and set the “Horizontal alignment” field to Right.

h. Click OK to close the Text dialog box.

i. Click the Finish Frame button.

The Name Area is added to the custom appearance object and is justified as desired.

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appearance object 6configuring multiple appearance objects for a block or strategy 33deleting an object 33editing options 5renaming an object 33selecting among multiple objects for a block or strategy 7

Appearance Object Editorcommand buttons 13components 10configuring multiple appearance objects for a block or strategy 33creating a custom appearance object 28creating an Invensys appearance object 25editing an Invensys appearance object 16introduction 9, 37opening an object in the editor 9page control tabs 10toolbars 10

Appearance Object windowin the Strategy Editor 7, 34

Appearance tab in the Strategy Editor 4attributes in a strategy appearance object 4


command buttons 13Create Frame

in the Custom group 13in the Invensys group 13

creating a custom object 6custom appearance object 6

adding parameters 30creating an object 28deleting parameters 32example with SAMA symbols 28showing and hiding parameter names 31


Default button 13Delete Parameter dialog box 32


Edit button 13execution order

Execution Order tab in the Strategy Editor 3variable in appearance objects 2


Finish Framein the Custom group 13in the Invensys group 13


graphicsadding graphics to an appearance object 22

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42 Index


hyperlinkstesting a link 24

Hyperlinks dialog box 24


imagesadding an image to an appearance object 23importing an image 23

information area 3Insert Picture dialog box 23Invensys appearance object

building a new object 5components 1default objects 1editing the object 5


layer properties 22, 23locking an object configuration 11


move handles 17multiple appearance objects

adding objects 33specifying the preferred object 33


padlock icon 11page controls 10parameters

adding parameters to a custom appearance object 30adding parameters to an Invensys appearance object 18deleting parameters from a custom appearance object 32deleting parameters from an Invensys object 17moving parameters in an appearance object 17showing and hiding parameter names in a custom appearance object 31

port areas 2PortAreas stencil 5, 14, 25, 37

automatic formatting of areas placed in an Invensys appearance object 26


reference documents vresize handles 17


Select Parameter dialog box 18shape protection 22, 23Shapes window 14, 37

context menu 15strategies

default appearance object 4Strategy Editor

Appearance Object window 7, 34Appearance tab 4block connections 3inserting blocks 3

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Index 43


textgrouping text with an appearance object 22

text tools 21title area 2toolbars 10


unlocking an object configuration 11Update button

in the Custom group 13in the Invensys group 13

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