four portfolio scenes

8/11/2019 Four Portfolio Scenes 1/31  ACT II: SCENE 9: “Mom Hugs” (Lights up on a patient room in a depression clinic in upstate New York. Boxes fill the room and NORA sits in the middle of them on a bed. Reading the post-it with her mother’s number on it. JONATHON enters carrying a large box.) JONATHON: I think that was the last box. You are all set. NORA: Thank you. My mother really left you this number? JONATHON: Apparently the hospital contacted her for you after the accident. NORA: And she wanted me to call her? JONATHON: It’s what the nurse said. (ELLA enters with a smaller box. And sets it down.) ELLA: I think that was the last box. You should be good to go. (They all share a chuckle.) JONATHON: I’m going to lock up the van I will be right back. (He exits.) (A moment of silence passes between the two girls.) NORA: Thank you so much for helping me move. I know you really wanted to go on that camp out this weekend. I know you wanted that trailblazing badge ELLA: I am glad I could help. I think I earn a badge anyway for helping you. NORA: Good! Good! Did you know I was a girl scout when I was your age? ELLA: You were!? Cool! Did you earn a lot of badges? NORA: Quite a few. I actually stopped at your age. ELLA: Really why? (Beat.) NORA: My mom stopped taking care of me. She decided working was much more important than a family. So she left my father and me. ELLA: Oh… (Beat.) My mom passed away when I was very little.

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 ACT II: SCENE 9: “Mom Hugs” 

(Lights up on a patient room in a depression clinic in upstate New York. Boxes fill the

room and NORA sits in the middle of them on a bed. Reading the post-it with her

mother’s number on it. JONATHON enters carrying a large box.)

JONATHON: I think that was the last box. You are all set.

NORA: Thank you. My mother really left you this number?

JONATHON: Apparently the hospital contacted her for you after the accident.

NORA: And she wanted me to call her?

JONATHON: It’s what the nurse said.

(ELLA enters with a smaller box. And sets it down.) 

ELLA: I think that was the last box. You should be good to go. (They all share a


JONATHON: I’m going to lock up the van I will be right back. (He exits.)

(A moment of silence passes between the two girls.)

NORA: Thank you so much for helping me move. I know you really wanted to go on

that camp out this weekend. I know you wanted that trailblazing badge

ELLA: I am glad I could help. I think I earn a badge anyway for helping you.

NORA: Good! Good! Did you know I was a girl scout when I was your age?

ELLA: You were!? Cool! Did you earn a lot of badges?

NORA: Quite a few. I actually stopped at your age.

ELLA: Really why?


NORA: My mom stopped taking care of me. She decided working was much more

important than a family. So she left my father and me.

ELLA: Oh… (Beat.) My mom passed away when I was very little.

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ELLA: You make my dad happy again. I think the woman that can do that is good

enough to be my mother. Plus you give hugs like a mom. I have never had a better

hug in my life. Except my dad’s, of course. I knew for sure when I hugged you. 

NORA: Is that so?

ELLA: Cross my heart and hope to die.

NORA: Thanks. I think… I really believe I needed to hear that. (Gets out her phone

and starts dialing the number on the paper.)

ELLA: What are you doing?

NORA: Calling my mom. I have something to take care of. (The phone picks up on the

other end.) Is this…? Is this Angela?... Hello mom. It’s Nora… Yes I’m all right. I’m fine.

I wanted to get one thing off my chest. I haven’t been able to say it for 25 years. Butnow I want you to hear it. (Beat.) I forgive you. (The lights fade as NORA’s smile lights

up her face. She lets the tears of joy run down her face and ELLA embraces her again.)

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 ANGELO: Uh… Uhh… Where… Where am I? (Beat. He looks around.) This… This

couldn’t be… I’m not… I cant… Dead? No death is for… 


 ANGELO: Huh? What? Who- Where am I?


 ANGELO: No! No! I’m not! I cant - Death is for…


 ANGELO: Death is for people. (This realization ignites relief in him.)

PRINCESS: Exactly.

 ANGELO: Death is for humans! (More relief.)


 ANGELO: Mortals!

PRINCESS: And you are… (Beat.) Not a human!... Right?

 ANGELO: Uhh… Yes. Yes! Right! So I can’t be dead!!! 

PRINCESS: Cause your… 

 ANGELO: Not mortal! Not a human.

PRINCESS: Yes… Just like the rest of us… 

 ANGELO: Us? Who? Who’s us? Who are you? Show yourself! 

(A young lady dressed as a fairytale princess walks out. ANGELO is taken aback.)

 ANGELO: Prin- Princess Honeydew!!!

PRINCESS: Yes, it is I… 

 ANGELO: But… you said “us?” 

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PRINCESS: Indeed. (Calling off) Captain Scarbourg! Fairy-foo!

(A sea-worn, burly pirate appears from the shadows, shortly followed by an

obnoxiously, sparkly fairy.)

CAPTAIN: (Somewhat forlorn) Arrrg, Matey.

FAIRY: (Awkwardly gangster) Sup.

 ANGELO: This is weird! Since we are not human… and cant die… where are we then! 

PRINCESS: She finally said it.

 ANGELO: Said what?

PRINCESS: “Go away forever” “I don’t believe in you anymore!” blah, blah, blah. And

now your on the “final adventure” 

 ANGELO: Adventure?

PRINCESS: The biggest adventure ever. A sea… 

FAIRY: A vast sea… 

CAPTAIN: An unforgiving sea. A sea I never thought I would voyage.

PRINCESS: An abyss.

FAIRY: A cavernous abyss… 

CAPTAIN: One with no end! Eternal

 ANGELO: Uh-huh

PRINCESS: A jungle!

 ANGELO: A what?

FAIRY: A jungle of mystery!

 ANGELO: Wait! A jung-

CAPTAIN: A jungle of despair and uncertainty!

 ANGELO: Woah, woah, woah! Get you metaphors straight! Which is it? A sea, an

abyss, or a jungle?

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PRINCESS: All of those.


CAPTAIN: This is the world of the subconscious.

 ANGELO: The sub- the- you have got to be joking???


PRINCESS: I’m afraid he is not. 

 ANGELO: NO! NO! The subconscious?!

FAIRY: You heard the dude… 

 ANGELO: But that would mean-

PRINCESS: She has stopped believing. Yes! That’s what it means and you can move

on with us now! (She breaks he lady-like manner) Good GOD! (Takes out a pack of

cigarettes.) I should have given it to ya like that the first place! Shit! (Lights a

cigarette, draws and puffs, and offers one to ANGELO who takes one and she lights it.

The take a beat as the others pull up “waiting room” chairs from the darkness.) 

Woulda saved me the time to explain this crap!

 ANGELO: Princess Honeydew!!!

FAIRY: (More awkward ganster talk) Don’t freak. Cracka’z always bein’ like that. 

 ANGELO: Fairy-foo?


 ANGELO: What? How long have you guys been here?

CAPTAIN: Can’t say. Time is messed up in here. 

 ANGELO: I feel something still. Like, I’m not finished with her yet. She still needs me.

PRINCESS: Well, she must have stopped needing you, cause you’re here. 

 ANGELO: Huh… (Lost in thought. Then suddenly.) Wait! I don’t smoke! (Puts out the


FAIRY: This place changes you!

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 ANGELO: It’s sure does! Fair-foo, when did you become… “ghetto.” 

FAIRY: I’ve been here the second longest, brotha! 25 years of nothing. Karlene’s

subconscious dropped me like a mother, the first minute she started noticin’ boys atage 9! Now she’s a 34-year-old ho! Damn straight! Serve her right.

 ANGELO: One thing more that confuses me. Is, Fairy-foo, you’re Karlene’s imaginary

friend. Princess Honeydew is— 


 ANGELO: “Was” Janine’s. (to CAPTAIN) And who are you?

CAPTAIN: Captain Scarbourg of the “Foudroyant ” the biggest, baddest brig on the

seven seas… (ANGELO is un-phased.) I was Hugo’s imaginary friend. Welcome to

eternity, matey!

 ANGELO: NO! No, I have to get back. I need to see Nora again! She has to come to

terms with something and I need to help her see it, or else she will never find true

happiness and I couldn’t live if that were NOT to happen! 

PRINCESS: Technically were not living things, buddy.

 ANGELO: Stop! I need to get back. How do I do that?

PRINCESS: (Sighs dramatically and puts out her cigarette.) There has only been one

case of that with Drainy. (ANGELO is confused) Drainy? You remember him? Peter’s


 ANGELO: Oh? Yeah what about him?

PRINCESS: He can give you a final wish, on account of the fact he’s been here the

longest. That unfortunate bastard. If you wish to go back, then if she, Nora, changes

her mind then you can stay.

FAIRY: Or else is back to us, fool!

CAPTAIN: For eternity!!! YAAaaaaAAAaaarrrr… (ANGELO death glares CAPTAIN)

 ANGELO: Where is, Drainy?


DRAINY: (Off. Sounds perpetually sad, almost like “Droopy the Dog.”) What!!!

PRINCESS: Get over here! We got another!!!

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DRAINY: (Off.) I’m coming. I’m coming.

(DRAINY, enters. He looks like he has been sick forever. He has bags under his eyes, he

is in a one-sie and a night-cap. Sniffling all the way with a blanket dragging behind

him, in tow.)

Who’s this now? 

FAIRY: You don’t remember!? (Awkward rap.) That’s our bro, Angelo!

DRAINY: Oh. Ok. Well let’s get things straight. You get one wish, and one wish only.

No wishing for more wishes, or killing someone, or something like that. It’s basically

the same rules as it is for any wish. So, that said. What do you want?

 ANGELO: I want to go back. To reality. To save Nora.


 ANGELO: That’s it? (DRAINY nods lethargically.) Ok. What now?

DRAINY: Just start walking off into the void. You’ll get there eventually. 

 ANGELO: (Hesitant) Ok… well, I guess. Here I go. Good-bye. (He slowly walks off.)

FAIRY: Bye, foo’! Good luck! 

CAPTAIN: Bon voyage!

PRINCESS: Bye, kid!

DRAINY: Byeeee…. (Drifts off asleep, standing up. The others eye-him judgingly. They

walk off the other direction dragging their chairs behind them slowly, leaving DRAINY

in his sleep. The light’s fade.) 

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Scene 4: “Same Shoes… Different ‘Souls’…” 

(Lights up back in NORA’s apartment. She opens the door and stumbles in. It is early

morning. She has just returned from her all-night meeting with her job where they

 prepared for the big presentation. The time is about 9AM. She is exhausted. She puts

down her bag she gazes at the place in it’s mess from her slump she has been in. Shesighs and reluctantly gets her phone out. She closes the door. But in her focus on her

 phone she doesn’t completely close it. She opens her voice mail and puts it on speaker

 phone, placing it on the counter. While she gets out a frozen dinner and puts it in the

microwave, the first message plays. It’s KARLENE drunk at a nightclub from last night.

There is a rocking clashing sound of a terrible live band in the background. With the

added element of cheers and a muffled voice from KARLENE’s boyfriend, Michael.

While the course of the voicemails occur, NORA eventually makes the dinner and eats it

with a glass of wine she eventually pours herself. She listens and she reacts)

KARLENE: (V.O.) HEY GIRL! I am really drunk right now! THIRSTY

THURSDAAAAY!!!! Woooooo. Omy god! I hope you are having fun! I am missing

you… You’re not here! I wanted you to be here. I am so drUUUUUNNK!!! I’m calling

bec– Stop it, Michael! I am talking – I’m on the phone! OH! NORA! I am calling you!Yes, Because… I called you because …One thing is, I just gave my number to a girl! I

gave it to a girl! Does that make me a lesbian now!? I have a boyfriend though! Am I

bi??? What- What- what else was I going to say. Oh yes! The second thing… it is…

what is was it?... Oh! Michael is here! He has those pills if you want them. I have

them in my purse! I feel like- Like I’m a dealer! HAHAHA!! - Oh wait… those are not

THEM! Uh oh. Sorry there actually my “no baby” pill- pillsszzz… whoops!

DRUUUUUNK! Please let me know if you need thinga- anything else! OH! Everyone

say hi to NORA!

EVERYONE: (V.O. Ad lib.) Hiiiiiii!!! Heeeeeeeey!!!! Wooooooo! (etc.)

KARLENE: Okaybye! 

(Click! The next message starts. It’s JANINE in the washroom of the pub. She has

interesting news.) 

JANINE: (V.O.) Hey honey! Just checking in with you. Wish you were here! I hope

everything is going okay in the meeting. Call me if you get a break. You’ll never

believe what awesome thing just happened– (Toilet flushes.) Sorry… I’m in thebathroom because the live band is really loud, and really awful. But the awesome

thing is the guy was here again!!! He started chatting with me! It’s like it was destiny

that I keep seeing him again! Weird! He really want’s to meet you! I- now don’t be

mad- but I gave him your number! He is not a stalker! I promise that he is a good

guy! If you aren’t working out with Jonathon, just try him! How did your chat at thecafé go? Are you and Jonathon still a thing? What’s going on there? Call me as soon

as you can. (The door of the bathroom bursts open with a drunken “THAT

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BASTARD!!!”) I got to go, Karlene is in bad shape. Michael is dancing with another

girl. Drama never ends in our little group. Love ya, bye!

(Click! The end. The “Jonathon” talk has set off NORA to tearing-up. She eventually

cries more and more out of fatigue and miserableness. There is a knock at the door. It

slowly creaks open to reveal an eccentrically dressed woman in her mid 40’s. It isCANDICE. The next door neighbor. She is not looking into the apartment out of

courtesy and caution. We still see her though, with the way the set is positioned.) 

CANDICE: Hello??? Nora? Are you there? Is anyone here. If there is an intruder in

here I know jiu jitsu!

NORA: Who- Who’s there? 

CANDICE: Don’t worry. It’s just me, Candice Frederickson. Your neighbor? We have

met a few times? We have our “Same Shoes” meeting this morning, remember? 9am

is what you said on the phone? Is it okay for me to come in?

NORA: I… Didn’t expect you. But… Yes. Come in. (CANDICE enters.) We talked on the


CANDICE: Yes. Well your personal assistant did… But I can reschedule if -

NORA: Personal assistant?

CANDICE: Yes. He called yesterday.

NORA: I don’t have a personal assistant. 

CANDICE: Huh… Are you sure? 

NORA: Not that I know of… 

CANDICE: Well that’s strange! Really strange. I got a call from the doctor, and then

right after that I got one from a personal assistant who said he worked for you.

NORA: That’s odd. I don’t have a personal assistant. 

CANDICE: That’s no matter, if you weren’t expecting me I can leave. No pain to me. I

just live across the hall, so I’m very accessible. How crazy was that coincidence! I

can’t believe this worked out the way it did. I never would have guessed– (Seeing the puffy eyes tears) Have you been crying?

NORA: Huh?

CANDICE: Your eyes are a bit red. Are you ok? What’s wrong? Is there something

wrong!? You gave me such a fright when I saw that the door had been left open.

Cracked open doors scare me. It’s part of my paranoia issue, but I’ve gotten that

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under control. I learned jiu jitsu and now I feel safe in any situation, but OMY GOD!

Here I am rambling and here you are crying. Forgive my insensitivity.

NORA: You’re fine. I’m just… getting over things. Overwhelming night and all… 

CANDICE: Well it’s up to you… Are we still on for today’s meeting? Is everything


NORA: Yes. Yes that’s fine.

CANDICE: And everything is alright… Yes?


NORA: No… honestly everything is not alright. 

CANDICE: Ok then, I’ll consider the meeting started. Is that breakfast? (CANCICE

chuckles at the odd sight of NORA eating her frozen dinner and glass of wine.)

NORA: Haha, yeah, I guess. I just pulled an all nighter last night to finish my

presentation. It was pretty rough. The presentation is tonight and my job is on the


CANDICE: If we need to reschedule, we can. If you need sleep, you should sleep


NORA: Don’t worry about that. I can take a nap this afternoon. It’s just… I rather not

be alone right now.

CANDICE: I understand! Let’s get this thing going! Want to take that  and sit down.

Unwind a bit.

NORA: Sounds great. Would you like some wine?

CANDICE: Of course! Wine: The breakfast of champions. (After NORA pours the glass.

They head over to the couch and sit down.)

CANDICE: So… Here we go. To start, I like to list off  what I call “the positives.” “The

positives” are everything that has happened this week that are… you know…positive. Like, all of the good things that are happening in your life. What are your


NORA: Well… I don’t know what to say… 

CANDICE: Anything at work? You had a good hair day? You saw something funny

happen? Anything… 

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NORA: Well… I got the stuff done for my presentation tonight? 

CANDICE: That’s a start! Keep going! 

NORA: And I have gotten help for this disorder… 

CANDICE: There you go! Looking at it in a good way! What else?

NORA: Well… no it’s, it’s crazy… I don’t know if I should tell… 

CANDICE: It’s up to you. I’m not one to judge. 

NORA: Well ok. So there is this mystery guy who has been interested in me. My

friend Janine keeps talking about. It’s somewhat flattering. They are trying to set me


CANDICE: Oooh! Mystery guy!? That sounds fun! These are great “positives.” 

NORA: Come to think of it… another mystery guy bought me coffee the other day. 

CANDICE: The same one?

NORA: You know I don’t know! I never thought about it until now, but another

mystery guy paid for my session with the therapist the other day too!

CANDICE: Yay! Look at you! Drippin’ with mystery men! What a coincidence! Are

they all connected you think?

NORA: The same guy you mean?


NORA: Huh...

CANDICE: Could be?

NORA: I don’t know. That sounds too good to be true. Then this whole personal

assistant thing just now… 

CANDICE: WOW! No way! That can’t be the same guy… Could it!? OMY God! I highly

doubt it though. But it does sound like someone is watching out for you. Either oneguy who is watching over you or multiple who are just utterly infatuated.

NORA: There can’t be a guy out there who is that interested in me! Look at me! 

CANDICE: I am! And you look good! I’d kill to have a body like yours. 

NORA: Really?

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CANDICE: Do you have to ask?

NORA: You really think that there is a mystery guy out there that has his eyes set on


CANDICE: Yeah. There really could be. Then it would almost be like it was

something like… a fairytale or… fate or… destiny or– 

NORA: Destiny.

CANDICE: Yes. Destiny is a good way to describe it. Written in the stars.

NORA: There’s that word again. Destiny. 

CANDICE: What about it?

NORA: Well, it’s just that…(Lost in thought.) It’s nothing. What were we talking


CANDICE: The mystery guy! Are you going to meet him? I hope you do. That would

be so romantic! It would be like a real life chick-flick! Leo gets Kate! Julia Roberts get

Hugh Grant! Oh my god! The mystery is killing me! It could be anyone! It- It could be

anyone in the world!!! It could even be Hugh Grant! What if it’s Hugh Grant! Oh god!

I hope its Hugh Grant! How great would that be!? (Beat.) Sorry… I got a little carried

away, forgive me. Any other positives?

NORA: Um… No. None I can think of. 

CANDICE: Ok! Great! That’s some great positives. You’re off to a good start. Now formy “positives” My first one… I think it’s the only one… Lemme think… Yeah. It’s theonly one. SO! My first and only “positive” is that I have found such a sweet boy. He’s

so charming. I have really lucked out. The other guys I have found were so scared

and skittish at first. They always ended up running away or hiding from me. But not

this one. This one is a real keeper. Sometimes, he sleeps with me. He gets really

close. His body pressed to mine. I love waking up to his adorable face every

morning. He has this special spot on his lower back. It really gets him going. He

always cleans up after himself too! Never a mess. He gives wonderful massages. And

when I hear his precious voice saying “hello.” I know everything is going to be all


NORA: I wish I had a guy like that. My relationship right now is… quite complicated.

(Beat.) So… he sounds like a pretty great boyfriend. 

CANDICE: Oh he’s not my boyfriend.

NORA: What?

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CANDICE: He’s my new cat. 

NORA: Oh. (She quickly sips her coffee.) 

CANDICE: But you’re right a boyfriend would be nice. 

NORA: It would be nice.


CANDICE: Look at us! A couple of gals having a great time. This is a great first

meeting so far. Who needs boyfriend! We are having a wonderful time without

them, just the two of us. We are having a great morning, a great meeting, and no men


NORA: You have a point.

CANDICE: I do! Don’t I? That’s for damn sure!

NORA: I was crying about a guy when you came in. And look at me now! I’m smiling

a bit more.

CANDICE: And that’s great! But it’s okay. Just forget about him for a while. Take it

from me. I have been married twice and I know that for a fact. You can get by just

fine without them. “Who needs men!” It’s my mantra. (She downs the last of the wine

in her glass… which is quite a lot and slams it down on the coffee table like she just

took a shot.) You got any beer?

NORA: Umm… I do, actually. In the fridge. Bottom drawer. Help yourself to as much

as you want. I bought it for a party last month. But I never have anyone over, and I

never drink it… so have as much as you want.

CANDICE: I will drink indeed. I love starting off my day with a beer! … or three!  

NORA: You said you have been married before?

CANDICE: Yup. Yes ma’am! Reginald & Augustine… (She is at the fridge and she pulls

out the whole six pack. Brings is back and sets the pack on the coffee table.)

NORA: Those… those are men right? Not cats?

CANDICE: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA – Their both. (She pops the beer cap off with

the edge of the coffee table to NORA’s shock.) Sorry. Heheh.

NORA: So what do you mean by both? (Sips coffee quickly out of awkward, again.)

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CANDICE: What I mean is, they are cats that I named after my two ex-husbands.

NORA: Oh. I see. That- That doesn’t bother you at all. 

CANDICE: Not really. They are low maintenance and I got to chop their balls off…

something I only wish I could’ve done t o the real ones.

NORA: Point proven. (Awkward beat.) So, three cats? (CANDICE nods) I suppose it’snot that bad. What is the third’s name? 

CANDICE: (A little sad.) Thomas.

NORA: Oh? Another husband.

CANDICE: (A little more solemn.) No actually my… father.

NORA: Oh? Is everything ok? You seem sadder.

CANDICE: Well. It’s just a sad story. It’s partially why I had trouble with those


NORA: Oh No.

CANDICE: I have coped with it though. When I was – Oh. Oh, maybe I shouldn’t tell

this story with you being in your state. I don’t want to bring you down. Dr. Selznick

has really helped me through it. It’s good for me to tell it, but like I said, not in thestate you’re in now. 

NORA: I don’t mind. If it’s good for you I can handle it. I feel much bett er now.

CANDICE: That’s great! Well prepare yourself. It’s- It’s quite a downer. 

NORA: Don’t. Get it out. I want to listen. 

CANDICE: Well. When I was young. I- Well- I didn’t have the most normal childhood. 

NORA: Neither did I.

CANDICE: My father was very distant. He decided one day he didn’t want to be myfather. And left.

NORA: Interesting.


NORA: It’s just. Nothing. Go on. (It’s not “Nothing.”) 

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CANDICE: Oh… Ok then. (Growing more somber.) My father screwed me over. I could

never trust my father. He was always leaving me and my mom to go on these long

trips that he claimed were for “business,” but… but the only business he had was

with his many lovers in Atlantic city. I was nine and I remember he took me to one

of the casinos. I thought it was a carnival or something. He sat me down at theroulette table ad as I was hypnotized by the spinning wheel. He’d be spending all our

money away and making passes at all the blondes who would sit next to us. I really

haven’t trusted many men all of my life since. Yet I went out into the world, and I

found my first husband in my last years of college. Reginald. He was from a rich

family, handsome, and charming. He swept me off my feet. But, money made him the

target of all the other gals. Eventually he left me for a gold-digging bimbo named,

Elizabella… What a dumbass name, am I right? Elizabella… perfect name for a

dumbass ho! Sorry, anyway, soon after him I met Augustine, husband number two. I

met him right after I moved to the city. He was more charming then Reginald. But he

had one little problem. He was gay. Took us five years to find that out. Five years too

long! Now he’s happily coupled with his hot Puerto Rican boy toy… but noresentment here… We will see how long that lasts. But I assure you, my life hasn’t

always been bad news. I had a cat as a child. He was the best. He got me through the

rough parts of my life when I was a kid. I guess that’s why I take to them so much.

Cats help you get through a lot of things. But eventually I learned to open up my life

people can help too. If they are kind. Dr. Selznick helped me. Now look at me! Here I

am helping you! This is great! (Beat. Gauging NORA’s reaction.)  Oh … was that too

much for me to unload? That was a lot of personal stuff I just opened up.

NORA: No! Don’t feel bad. It’s okay. You have had quite a life. I actually am amazed

you have made it through all that and that you have over come your disorder.

CANDICE: Yeah. It’s been tough, but helping others like me has been quite fulfilling.

Believe me. Nothing warms the human soul like lighting the fire for another one.

(Beat. NORA smiles and grabs her memo pad and jots something down.) What are you


NORA: “Nothing warms… the human soul… like lighting the fire… for another one…”

I like it.

CANDICE: I’m flattered.

NORA: Yes, I like it a lot. It’s something… something worth remembering for thefuture. I’m a writer. Did I ever mention that? 

CANDICE: I remember that from when we met the first time, when you first moved

into this place… plus I’ve seen your books in the store. I know you have won awards!

I read that somewhere… 

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NORA: Awards that mean nothing, my job is still at stake. Once you have one great

work, they want another. No rest for a job well done, just cup of coffee and onto the


CANDICE: But try to find time to slow things down. Don’t keep running through life

passing the important things by.

NORA: I don’t. I don’t. I just… I have different priorities then some people. 

CANDICE: What are they?

NORA: My job… my… 


CANDICE: Your? … 


NORA: That’s … it … Oh my God… 


(Panic increasing) Oh God! That’s all I can think of! I only have one priority in my

life! …And it’s my job! God!!! I’ve turned out to be like (Hardly audible) … my


CANDICE: Like who?

NORA: My… one of those people! You know? Those people that only have one thingin their life that matters to them and it’s their job?!

CANDICE: Oh yeah! Yeah, but you said something els– 

NORA: Their pathetic! Because they focus only on their job, and that just makes

them – It makes them – them – ! I’m just like – I am… 

CANDICE: No. “Am” what?

NORA: I am my mother!

(Beat of confusion.)

CANDICE: Hold up… what!? 

NORA: What I mean is I am turning out to be just like my mother! I am just like her!

GOD! Why!? I cant – I can’t – can’t (She starts hyperventilating.) 

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CANDICE: (Calming her) Nora! Nora! Stop! Settle down it’s okay! Just breath slow

and easy. It’s okay… Breathe. (NORA. Does this and comes out of it.) What was that all

about? Huh?

NORA: (Weakly.) My mother… 

CANDICE: Your mother? What’s the story behind that? (Beat.) Is there something

you’d like to tell me? Only if you feel comfortable, of course. 

NORA: My mother… I’m sorry. She wasn’t the best mother. She tried, but her work

got in the way. She was very distant and put me last. A lot… I hated her for it  

CANDICE: Join the club, sista!!! Up top! (She holds up her hand and NORA reluctantly

high-fives it.) Sorry. That may have come across as sarcastic or insensitive. I just

have gotten over my issues with humor and that’s… that’s… all. I didn’t mean… I’m

sorry. I’m sorry to hear that. I cope differently than most people, humor works for

me, not everyone.

NORA: Your fine. I just haven’t found a way to cope with mine yet. I mean… his job

was always put first before me. That is why I reacted the way I did when I made my

realization. That’s all. Your totally fine. I actually appreciate the help you have been.

Honestly. (Beat.) And I am sorry. I was just caught off guard by that whole

“revelation.” I don’t know where that came from. It came out of nowhere.

CANDICE: By all means! Let it all out! Balls to the wall! Cut them of and fucking stab

them to the wall! Take that  balls! You match the wallpaper perfectly! Fuckin’ balls!

TO! THE WALL! (Beat. NORA just a bit unsure.) Again comedy... Please continue.

Anything else?

NORA: Yes… the… “daddy issue… issues…” or whatever. That’s just one thing. It has

also start to affect my dating life… a lot! 

CANDICE: Care to elaborate?

NORA: Might as well I got a glass of wine in me. Round two is time for bearing all.(She pours herself another glass of wine.) I was crying about a guy earlier. We have

been dating for 6 months now.

CANDICE: So you said. Elaborate. What are the “date-tails?” (NORA unsure again.) Golly, tough crowd. I knew you were crying about a guy, but you’ve been dating forSIX months?

NORA: Yes, and it was all perfect. But… (Beat.) About a few days in I learned

something about him… it gave me a lot of anxiety. I have I haven’t been able to really

commit to him since. It scares me… but… I- the truth is… I can’t let him go because…I … love him. (NORA lets a genuine smile shine through.) 

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CANDICE: OMY GAWD!!! Look at you! In love! (Realizing.) But shit… that sucks about

the whole anxiety thing. What was it about him?


NORA: He’s a… never mind. It’s not really the problem. The problem is… (Stalling.

Hiding something.) He’s actually a really… loud snorer… yeah, he is a really  loud one!

CANDICE: (Suspicious) Snorer?

NORA: Yeah. So loud! Born that way… It’s… it’s kind of a deal-breaker… yup.

CANDICE: (Still suspicious.) You have anxiety because of his snoring…? 

NORA: (Knows she is caught, but painstakingly plays into the lie more.) Yup. Oh

yeah… I can’t ever sleep with him… It’s rough… I, uh… So it’s going on 11am! I really

should be getting to bed… My presentation is at 7 tonight. Got to be well rested… 


CANDICE: (Playing along, but she knows something is off.) Oh? Well then I will be

shoving off. I got big lunch plans anyways… 

NORA: Oh yeah?

CANDICE: Feeding three cats. Yeah. It’s a big lunch affair everyday.

NORA: I can only imagine… 

CANDICE: But please… don’t hesitate to call me or visit me anytime about anything.I am here for you… and literally like “here” here. Across the hall. Just holler and I will

be right over. Or with any luck I will notice things going wrong on the cameras...

(NORA, again, unsure how to respond.) Sorry… Maybe my humor is not for all people.Duly noted. So with that, goodbye, Nora. Let me know when you need some…

“snore” advice... (Beat.) “Snorely” you will want to talk some “snore” about this guyof interest… (Pause) Dammit! My humor! Sorry… I’ll leave you now. Get some rest.


NORA: Bye! And thanks for everything! I already feel so much better.

CANDICE: Anytime! (CANDICE leaves with a wink and salute.)

(NORA lets the loneliness sink in. She doesn’t know why she couldn’t tell the truth. She

lets that get to here and she falls into a depressed stupor. Perhaps she cries, maybe she

is beyond the point to where she can’t cry. Whatever it is she is obviously deeply hurt,

and sad about something. She downs the rest of her pretty full wine glass, and drops it

carelessly on the floor where it breaks. She retrieves the memo pad and pen again. She

begins writing again.)

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NORA: “Nothing warms the human soul like lighting the fire for another one…”

(Beat. Ads to the quote) Unless… that soul…. can’t… be lit. (Off-page) It’s the sadtruth… what am I doing. Why am I even trying? (Back to the page.) So memoir… I

have tried. I really have. I have this new disorder and it is one of the things that are

currently making up the stress in my life. Why can’t I admit my fears? I was offered

help and yet I turned it down. I could have let her know why I feel the anxiety aboutmy relationship with Jonathon, but I can’t even admit the truth to myself. My life is

utterly miserable, and… suddenly that suicide note doesn’t sound like such a bad

idea. (Beat. She flips through the pages to the first one, the suicide note.)

(The suicide note flies off the memo pad and starts flying around the room like a

strong wind is blowing it about. NORA is incredibly shocked as she chases it around

 frantically. Suddenly the window blows open and the papers of a transcript, on the

table in front of it, fly around into a large cluster. The cluster settles to magically

reveal ANGELO standing in the midst of it. He is a handsome man in his 30’s very

debonair. He is wearing a very sleek suit and he is smiling widely. NORA is frozen in

complete astonishment. ANGELO breaks the silence.)

 ANGELO: Hello, my beautiful girl!

(NORA covers her eyes. This can’t be real.) 


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 ACT II: Scene 5: “This Can’t Be Real” 

(Lights up in NORA”s apartment. It is the moment after ANGELO said his line; only he

isn’t there anymore. Everything else has stayed the same. NORA is still covering her

eyes. She slowly uncovers them. Shocked then relieved that she is alone. She crosses

over to the open window and shuts it. When she turns around, to her horror, ANGELO pops up from behind the couch and is lounging on it. He is still smiling.)

 ANGELO: Hello, my beautiful girl!

NORA: I—this—this can’t be real! What? What is…?

 ANGELO: Oh NO! This is real all right. It’s happening. I’m here. Sit down! Relax! Let’s

chat. I have a lot to talk to you about! (Beat. NORA is agog.) Are you going to stand

there? You loo like you just saw a ghost. (Beat. NORA still in shock.) Oh my god! Is

there a ghost?! (Hides his face.)

NORA: (Trying to piece it all together.) It sure seems like there’s a ghost. (Crosses to

him and gives him a poke. ANGELO Re-acts with a flourish of giggles.) 

 ANGELO: (Suddenly mood swings to anger.) Why did you do that!? Don’t you

remember how incredibly ticklish I am!

NORA: I can’t believe I am even remembering you! (Sudden revelation.) I keep seeing

you! Why do I keep seeing you!?

 ANGELO: I don’t know. You tell me. 

NORA: That night I had the episode. I thought I saw you in the pub. And then I sawyou at the coffee house… why am I seeing you everywhere!? 

 ANGELO: Ooh I like this game! It’s like “Where’s Waldo.” Oooh! Remember how weused to read those books!? I could never find him.

NORA: You! You set me off into my mania that night at the pub. I knew  I saw you!!! I

was right! HAHA! … Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m proud of that.

 ANGELO: And so we meet again! I have a flair for the dramatic. I had to make a few

cameo appearances to ensure that this one was well set-up. So, let me know the

truth. Were you surprised? I wont have my feelings hurt if you weren’t.

NORA: Surprised? Ha! That can’t even compare to what I am feeling right now!

 ANGELO: I knew it! You are more than surprised! You’re utterly astonished! Am I

not just the best at surprises or what!?

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NORA: I’m not seeing you! I can’t be seeing you. (She covers her eyes.) It’s impossible. 

There’s no possible way that you are here.

 ANGELO: I am quite proud of my planning. I had 27 years of waiting. When I saw

you needed me I— 

NORA: WHEN I open my EYES you will be GONE! … (She does. ANGELO waves to her,

still there.) OH GOD!!! Who am I kidding? I guess this seals the deal! I am officially


 ANGELO: You are? Since when?

NORA: Yesterday morning… Or… before that? Well, that’s when I was diagnosed… Iguess that is the start, but wait, then that means… this is so confusing! I don’t know

anymore! I am seeing you! YOU! And that is what makes me crazy.

 ANGELO: And what exactly am I?

NORA: You’re a figment of my imagination!

 ANGELO: A figment of your imagination...? I wouldn’t say, ”a figment of your

imagination,” but Rather an ingenious creation! A brilliant masterpiece! An

invention of superior wit!!!

NORA: Stop it! Just stop! I shouldn’t be seeing you! I’m thirty-fi—I’m too old to be

seeing you.

 ANGELO: Too old!? TOO OLD!? You’re sure not acting like it. Look at this mess! Your

mother would be so upset… (NORA shoots him a glare. She was terribly appalled bythat statement. ANGELO sarcastically.) What? Was it something I said?

NORA: Don’t you talk about my mother. 

 ANGELO: Oh? Ok… I won’t, but you should really clean this mess up. I will help you.

Aha! What’s this!? (The suicide not flies from the pile of papers into his hands.) Oh,

how lovely! A suicide note. Is this for me!? You shouldn’t have! (He produces reading

 glasses to read the note.)

NORA: I don’t understand. Is a hallucination of my disorder or the pills? Oh, what

the hell does it matter! When do these episodes end?

 ANGELO: Episodes? (She throws him an exasperated nod.) End? (Another nod.) Well I

hope they never end. I missed you! A lot! Oh! And I wouldn’t say “episode,” but

rather “epic reality” or “wondrous occurrence.” God! And you call yourself a writeror publicist or … whatever you are? Be more accurate and artistic in your

descriptions. After all, you are quite the artist! You created me!

NORA: Yes. I know! Now how do I un-create you?

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 ANGELO: Well you could kill yourself. That would end both of us. But I highly

suggest opposition to that. This suicide note is terrible! TERRIBLE!!! You call that a

proper note? It has typos! Run-on sentences! You have all these closings n here. Pick

one or else the people who read this will think your crazy!


 ANGELO: (Sarcastic) Oh, are ya’ now? Couldn’t tell. You look pretty normal to me.

What makes you think you’re crazy? Huh!? Enlighten me. 

NORA: Well. Number one: I’m seeing you!!! Number two: Seeing YOU! Number


 ANGELO: Now, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! WRONG!!!

NORA: What?

 ANGELO: That’s not why you’re crazy! You want to know why you’re crazy!? 

NORA: (Beat.) “Enlighten me.” 

 ANGELO: Because you wanted to end something that is too good to be ended so



NORA: It’s… It’s none of your business.

 ANGELO: Actually. It is! After all. I am a part of you. I die, you die. It wouldn’t be fair. 

NORA: It’s my life! I get to decide what I want to do with it. This isn’t about you! 

 ANGELO: It isn’t? Have you really forgotten? What I mean to you? (Beat.) You must

make pretty poor decisions… don’t you? Like… not wanting to pursue Jonathon

anymore. Like lying to someone who is trying to help you. Like pushing everyone


NORA: I can’t be having this argument with you! You’re not real! Here I am… talking

to you as if you were another person in my life. You’re not! So why bother. You are

just a hallucination. (She gets an idea.) I know! My pills I haven’t taken them! That’s

why I’m seeing you! This all make sense. This is all because of my disorder. I’m stillgetting used to it. Who knew the hallucinations were so real. I really thought I saw

you at the bar and the café. It is a wonder that it is all so— 


NORA: Ow that was loud?! (Dropping the pill bottle that she just retrieved.)

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 ANGELO: No, Nora. It doesn’t all make sense. There still are unanswered questions.

Questions that have been left unanswered for a long time. The first is simple… Why

are you acting this way?

NORA: I am going to take my pills now. 

 ANGELO: I don’t understand you! It was an easy question. (Pause) You know… you

could have it all. Something is holding you back though. Answer me my other

question, Nora, before you take those pills! Stop! (He stops her putting the pills in her

mouth) If you are so confused by the fact that I can’t be real, then ask yourself this.

Why are you even seeing ME? Huh? Is it really so random that I appeared out of the

blue? Just one of the first of your hallucinations that you will be experiencing. This

new disorder has lots in store for you. Blah blah blah! Then why me? Why do you

see me first?


NORA: (Taking pills) Goodbye… When these kick in I wont be seeing you anymore!

So any last words about me, say ‘em now. Thanks for being my childhood friend and

all… but you are just from my imagination. I am 35! YES! I admit it out loud! I

shouldn’t! Be seeing! My imaginary friend!!! So take my childhood and get out of my


 ANGELO: Listen to yourself. You just told me to take a part of your life… and leave.

Funny thing the mind. The imagination and subconscious tells a lot about a person.

With that said, you just told me a figure of your imagination to leave, and to take

with me ALLLLL of your childhood. Is there something wrong with this picture?

NORA: These pills better kick-in soon.

 ANGELO: I think you summoned me here somehow, subconsciously. There is

something wrong and all the facts seem to lead to… Exhibit A: Me! Your childhood.

(Beat.) I knew I had it right.


NORA: My child hood was terrible… Yes, I know… but I… Goodbye. (Beat as she gets

her things to head out the door.) I have to get out of here. I’m leaving. I need some


 ANGELO: You can’t leave again. You would become just like her!  

NORA: (Stopping at the door. She feels the same as the last mother remark.) Don’t

even compare me to her! I am not her! I am Nora! I need psychiatric help, but not

from the hallucination that is derived from my disorder! It doesn’t work that way! I

am leaving! And when I come back. You wont be here! (Before NORA can get to the

door there is a knock at it. It rattles NORA a bit.) Who’s there!? 

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 ANGELO: Snoring problem?

NORA: I… I panicked.

 ANGELO: You have some major denial issues. First you deny that I’m real, then you

deny the truth from your friend who was just trying to help— 

NORA: I will handle things in my own way.

 ANGELO: Fine! But your way SUCKS!

NORA: Fine! If you want to make my decisions, make them. I am just about done

with them.

 ANGELO: Alright! Sounds like a deal! Can I start with calling Jonathon and telling

him you would like to take him up on that offer for a date night!

NORA: How’d you know about that? 

 ANGELO: I was there remember!

NORA: I still can’t believe it. I must have looked completely off my rocker. I knew Isaw you. It’s just… I deny your existence for a reason. Okay? (Pause.) Something tells

me these pills don’t work. 

 ANGELO: So does this denial of me have anything to with this whole Jonathon thing

as well?

NORA: Maybe. It’s none off your business.

 ANGELO: We need to change this whole Jonathon thing. I think its time to call him

and talk it out.

NORA: Ha! I’m not going to call him. 

 ANGELO: (Producing her cell phone from his pocket.) Who said YOU were going to?

NORA: Very funny.

 ANGELO: You don’t think I’m serious? Just watch me. Siri, call Jonathon. 

SIRI (V.O.): I’m sorry there were no contacts named “Jonathon.” Please try again. 

 ANGELO: Siri— 

NORA: It’s not going to work. 

SIRI (V.O.): Sorry, I don't understand “It’s not going to work.” Please try again. 

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NORA: I deleted his phone number.

 ANGELO: You did!?

NORA: So there! Besides… what can you say to him? You’re from my imagination!

 ANGELO: You have lost all sense of magic in your life, haven’t you? 

NORA: Ha! You get to my age… you can kiss all the magic goodbye. 

 ANGELO: That’s too bad. I had hoped you becoming a writer would make you keep

your sense of wonder and imagination. But… Since I am here before you… obviously

you haven’t kissed  all of that “magic” goodbye. 

NORA: No magic here, so please… forget it. 

 ANGELO: No magic? I’ll show you “No magic.” Siri, undo what Nora did to Jonathon’s

contact. I need to call him. Nora, was just overreacting, she didn’t mean to delete it. 

SIRI (V.O.): Right away, Angelo. And, Nora, stop overreacting. Everything is going to

be fine. Calling Jonathon.

(A dial tone comes from the phone as ANGELO switches it to speaker. And before NORA

can act a weak little voice picks up. It is the voice of ELLA, Jonathon’s 12-year-old

daughter. She is still a little sick. A light comes up on her about where JONATHON

stood during his phone interaction in the first act. ELLA is somewhat confused by the

call. ANGELO and NORA are also confused because they didn’t expect her to pick up.) 

ELLA: Hello???

 ANGELO: Hello? I was trying to reach Jonathon.

ELLA: My dad?

 ANGELO: This is Ella then?

(NORA Starts to struggle with ANGELO to get the phone out of his hands.)

ELLA: Yes. Who is this?

 ANGELO: I’m… I am the personal assistant to Miss Nora Helms.

ELLA: Is that the book lady?

 ANGELO: Yes. “The book lady.” 

ELLA: The one my daddy has a crush on? (NORA stops struggling blushes.)

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 ANGELO: Yes! That one! She would like to have a nice evening with you and your

father… tomorrow night, perhaps? He had offered and we wondered if that offer was

still good?

ELLA: Well… I am feeling better… 

 ANGELO: Good to hear!

ELLA: I’ll ask my dad. DAAAAAD!!!

NORA: What are you doing?

 ANGELO: Shhh!

ELLA: Who was that?

 ANGELO: No one. Just an annoying person that’s been bugging me lately. 

ELLA: Okay??? 

(JONATHON enters her light.) 

JONATHON: What is it, sweetie?

ELLA: (Teasing) It’s the Nora, book lady that you have a crush on! Oooooh! 

 ANGELO: Actually, it’s her assistant. 

ELLA: Actually, it’s her assistant. Here you can talk to my dad. (She hands the phone

to her dad. He picks up the phone.)


 ANGELO: Hello, Jonathon?


 ANGELO: Good. I am Miss Helms’ personal assistant and I am calling because she

would like to take you up on your offer to go out this weekend, Saturday night. She

was hoping to take you and Ella to Le Bon Plat. I have already made reservations so

no worries there. It is just a matter of whether you accept the invitation or not. Whatshould I tell her?

JONATHON: Well, Ella just woke up this morning without a fever. We were hoping

to go on the campout this weekend if she felt up to it.

ELLA: I don’t have to go. We can miss this one. We should go out with her. 

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 ANGELO: That’s no problem. I can make it tonight? If that works better? (NORA’s

 face and the words she is mouthing protest.)

JONATHON: I don’t know Ella’s fever just broke— (ELLA grabs the phone.)

ELLA: We would like to be picked up around 7.

 ANGELO: 7 it is!

ELLA: Sounds good. Right, Dad?

JONATHON: If you feel up to it… 

ELLA: I do!

JONATHON: Ok, then it’s a date 

ELLA: Alright! Tell her we will see her at 7. Good bye!

 ANGELO: Bye! (They hang up. Lights out on JONATHON and ELLA. NORA is angry.) 

NORA: What are you doing!? Are you crazy?

 ANGELO: No. I’m magic. You’re crazy. 

NORA: My presentation is tonight!

 ANGELO: Is it?

(The phone starts to ring. NORA reluctantly answers it. ANGELO makes his way to the papers. He puts on some reading glasses and starts to read some of the transcripts.)

NORA: Hello?

(Lights up on TARA who is a writer on NORA’s Staff. Everything about her is bubbly

and exciting.)

TARA: Hi Nora! It’s Tara! I just got the most crazy  news! They’re bumping your

presentation up to this afternoon! I know you’re out, because you worked on it all

night. But we’re really trying to push everything down over here because Mr. Keats’

daughter just had a baby!!! Exciting!!! He needs to fly out tonight. Could you comeinto the office as soon as possible??? (NORA is struck dumb. She cannot believe the

turn of events.) Nora? You still there?

NORA: I am… It’s just… that’s all quite amazing. 

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TARA: I know, right!? I can’t wait to see the pictures of the baby! It’s so exciting!

Good thing you have your presentation done. He flies out at 7. So the presentation

has to be done by six. So we need you here by 3 at the latest. Can you manage that?

NORA: I guess I have to come in. Or else I’ll be fired. 

TARA: Oh yeah… he did mention that… but I wasn’t going to say anything. Too

negative for my taste.

NORA: Thanks, Tara. I will see you soon.

TARA: Okay! See you soon! Bye! (NORA hangs up she is glaring at ANGELO. He is

oblivious. He has been reading the transcripts.) 

NORA: Just who do you think you are!?

 ANGELO: I am your friend. That’s who. And friends don’t let friends pass-up their

dreams. You love Jonathon. I wasn’t about to let that relationship die. 

NORA: How did you get the reservations for tonight? Le Bon Plat  is hard to get into.

You have to reserve months in advance.

 ANGELO: You will have them. I promise.

NORA: I need formal wear to get in there. I don’t have anything close to that to wear.

How am I going to get there? And not to mentioned you also invited— 

 ANGELO: Don’t worry about it. You need to get to work! Then swing back by here

and nap. And then get ready for a wonderful evening.

NORA: I know but you also invited— 

 ANGELO: No second thoughts, Nora. Get going. (He hands her stuff to her, and he

ushers her towards the door.) 

NORA: I know but —!

 ANGELO: Go! Good luck and goodbye! (He gets her out the door. He smiles. And

crosses to the couch. He plops down triumphantly and lights fade as he continues to

read the transcripts.)

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