former border agent zachary taylor details national security threats on mexico border

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  • 8/3/2019 Former Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats on Mexico Border




    Posted on February 7, 2012 at 5:12pm by Buck Sexton

    Related Story:Clearly Failing: Santorum, Paul, Bachmann React to Shocking GBTV Border Security Report

    Editors note: This story has now been updated with information from Glenn Becks Tuesday night

    broadcast. The text report below has been updated with some of the pictures from GBTV broadcast. The

    most graphic of the photos we are including only in the video for GBTV subscribers in the on-demand

    version of the full broadcast that can be seen here.

    This video clip is Becks introduction it does not contain graphic images:

    As America prepares to draw down from wars abroad, it faces a new conflict as a vicious drug war spills across our

    southern border with Mexico.

    Former Border Patrol Agent Zachary Taylor told The Blaze just how grave the threat really is.

    Taylor broke down the imminent dangers and expanded upon the case that the U.S.-Mexico border has become the

    soft underbelly of U.S. homeland defense.

    Its not just an immigration problem, Taylor insisted, but also a major national security vulnerability.

    A former US Border Patrol Agent himself, Taylor says all these threats have been exacerbated by current Obama

    administration policies and deliberate distortions by much of the media.

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  • 8/3/2019 Former Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats on Mexico Border


    To understand the scope of the problem, Taylor first wants the public to recognize that the dominant media narrative

    is intentionally false. As a former and longtime Border Patrol Agent, Taylor balked at the notion that illegal

    immigration is simply a function of people seeking a better life.

    He feels there is a lot of nefarious activity that goes unaddressed, and said: The main problem is that the American

    press is working in conjunction with the administration to keep the facts about what is happening in Mexico and

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  • 8/3/2019 Former Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats on Mexico Border


    Central America a secret. They are hiding it in plain sight, deception I would call it.

    Taylor continued: Our institutions have been corrupted, the 4th estate has been corrupted. It is a tool of

    disinformation A psychological warfare operation being waged against the American people using things to deflect

    their attention.

    According to Taylor, many of the people coming across the border are entering America illegally with the intention of

    doing real harm. They are coming with drugs, guns and inflicting violence, or are part of elaborate human smuggling

    networks with direct ties to the vast criminal cartels. The appeals to human compassion and America is a nation of

    immigrants meme ignores this very real and growing threat to the United States.

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  • 8/3/2019 Former Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats on Mexico Border


    Which brought our discussion to the vicious and powerful Mexican drug cartels.

    Taylor made it clear that there is no level of violent depravity or government corruption outside the ability of the

    cartels. The Sinaloa, the Zetas, and others narco-insurgents are engaged in beheadings, mutilations, sexual

    assaults, as well as videotaped torture campaigns similar to what most people associate with Al Qaeda.

    I have never seen this level of terrorist messaging, Taylor said, referencing the brazen brutality of the criminal

    syndicates. Taylor provided the Blaze with slideshows that depict unspeakable cruelty true evil that has become

    the calling card of the cartels. Vans full of headless and dismembered bodies, human carcasses strewn about the

    side of a desert road all of it intended to strike terror in the hearts of Americans, as well as Mexicans.

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  • 8/3/2019 Former Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats on Mexico Border


    Taylor believes the cartel campaigns are not limited to the nuts and bolts of the drug trade. He told The Blaze that hefeels the cartels want to have a hand in Mexican national elections and hope to help bring a sympathetic leftist

    government to power.

    The approximately 45,000 casualties of the drug war so far have been largely a response to Mexican President

    Calderons attempts to crack down on the cartels. If the drug barons were able to help install a leftist, anti-American

    government that would turn a blind eye to the drug trade, it would be a huge victory for the narco-traffickers. And a

    huge problem for the United States.

    Mexico has an insurgency on its hands that is exactly what the problem is and America will have the same

    problem as it makes it easier to get across the border, Taylor said.

    But Taylor brought some outside elements into his analysis. He stated that drug cartel activity and terrorist activity

    are both transnational in nature, which means groups from around the world have become involved.

    In this case, that means the Shia militant group Hezbollah.

    Taylor said that Hezbollah is allying with the drug and alien smuggling operations at the border to help finance their

    operations in the Middle East. And in the event of hostilities with Hezbollahs benefactor Iran Taylor is

    concerned that the cartel smuggling networks could help make Americas WMD nightmare come true.

    Get them close enough and effective enough, they [Hezbollah] could smuggle a Weapon of Mass Destruction into

    the United States.

    For those who would say the threat of a WMD smuggled into the U.S. is hyped or remote, Taylor points to a

    YouTube video from 2009 in which Muslim cleric Abdullah al-Nafisi talked about bringing 4 lbs of anthrax into the

    U.S., which he gleefully claimed would kill 330,000 people. Its still available for anyone to see on YouTube, as

    shown below courtesy of MEMRI.TV:

    Faced with all these threats, the federal government has refused to devote enough resources to the problem inTaylors view. On the contrary, Taylor believes the Obama administration is engaged in efforts to bureaucratically

    subvert border security for political gain.

    When the subject turned to the brave efforts of our border agents, Taylor painted a picture of an undermanned,

    outgunned, and bureaucratically hobbled federal Border Patrol force. He shared a number of disheartening

    anecdotes and cases that showed U.S. border efforts are not only insufficient decisions are being made at the

    top of the federal government to make border enforcement more difficult.

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  • 8/3/2019 Former Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats on Mexico Border


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  • 8/3/2019 Former Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats on Mexico Border


    Those policy decisions can and do have lethal consequences. In the infamous killing of former Marine and Border

    Patrol Agent Brian Terry, operational guidelines ordered that non-lethal force was the preferred first option of

    defense for Terry. This ignored the fact that there had already been several attempts to shoot Border Patrol agents

    in the same area with high-powered rifles.

    In 2009, almost exactly one year before Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by border bandits, another group

    of BP officers were on ATVs near Ramanote canyon in Arizona. Armed smugglers opened fire on the agents,

    wounding one in the ankle/foot area, but the other agent was able to withdraw.

    The smugglers, however, did not retreat, despite the fact that other border patrol agents came into the area to

    assist. Taylor said not only will they [bandits] open fire on Border Patrol, they will advance on them in an attack.

    A helicopter arrived on the scene, according to Taylor, but shockingly, the helo crews were prohibited from

    exfiltrating the wounded agent. Instead, the Border Patrol brought in a horse to carry the agent out of the area to a

    waiting helicopter because of DHS protocol.

    It took 4 1/2 hours from the time of the engagement until the medical evacuation was completed. This was all due,

    as Taylor put it, to DHS policy with no basis in anything other than slowing down enforcement efforts, endangering

    Border agents in the process.

    Taylor added that the Department of Homeland Security did away with CAS (Close Air Support) helicopters in

    December 2011 even though with a FLIR-mounted surveillance system, the choppers almost guarantee you will

    catch your quarry.

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  • 8/3/2019 Former Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats on Mexico Border


    Taylor doesnt mince words about this. He believes the removal of the choppers is an attempt to intentionally hamper

    the effectiveness of border operations.

    The federal government is killing the operation through policy and how they deploy assets its about spending

    money and making the show, not about effectiveness.

    Currently, there are even federal agency turf wars making border enforcement more difficult. Border Patrol Agents

    are not allowed to enter or pursue on federal wildlife refuges without permission. As some of these preserves

    which fall under the Department of the Interior can stretch for nearly a hundred miles from the border, they are

    basically a smugglers paradise.

    House of Representative Bill 1505 would give agents unfettered access to anywhere within 100 miles of the border,

    but the mere fact that this legislation is needed speaks volumes about the present state of border security, as Taylor

    put it.

    There can also be clear politics at play in how Border Patrol cases are handled. Agent Jesus Diaz was found not

    guilty of excessive force by two different internal review boards, but the US Attorneys Office interceded and

    successfully prosecuted the agent for excessive force.

    Taylor said that the federal court did not allow any background info at the trial of Agent Diaz, and the words of four

    inexperienced agents were used against him in court.

    For this offense, Diaz was charged and spent time in prison. In addition, Taylor said it has come to light that all four

    of the rookie border patrol agents who testified against Diaz have since washed out of the agency.

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  • 8/3/2019 Former Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats on Mexico Border


    As if the southern border were not enough, there are problems at the northern U.S. border, as well. Taylor claims tha

    the Obama Administration is intentionally making it easier to illegally cross the northern border through bureaucratic

    obstacles. The National Forest Service does not allow unfettered access to Border Agents, and DHS is ceasing

    many transportation checkpoints along the border with Canada.

    For Taylor, all of this adds up to a situation that gravely threatens U.S. national security and endangers Americans.

    Asked how this state of affairs could continue, or even be allowed to worsen, Taylor summarized his case bluntly.

    This administration is trying to facilitate the entry of illegal aliens into the United States.

    Watch more



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    er Border Agent Zachary Taylor Details National Security Threats o...