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LAMPIRAN A: Format Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Lesson Plan Format Problem Based Learning ModelUnits of Education: Senior high schoolSubjects

: MathematicsClass

: XII/SocialMeeting of

: 1Time Alocation

: 2 x 45 minutes

Core of Competence:

KI 1:Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion.

KI 2:Appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and pro-active attitude and demonstrated as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment as well as in position ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association world.

KI 3:Understanding, applying, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural based sense about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with an insight into humanity, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in the field of study accordance with the specific talents and interests to solve the problem.

KI 4:Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of the self-learned at school, and were able to use the method according to the rules of science.

A. Basic Competence 1. Appreciate and practice their religion.2.1 Has an internal motivation, ability to cooperate, consistent, discipline, a sense of confidence, and tolerance in diversity strategy and implement strategies to think and resolve the problem.2.2 Able in honest, Playing the tough issues, critical and disciplined in doing mathematics learning task.2.3 Demonstrate responsible attitude, curiosity, and honesty.3.28 Demonstrate responsible attitude, curiosity, honest and care of the inviroment.3.29 Has an internal motivation, ability to cooperate, consistent, discipline, a sense of confidence, and tolerance in diversity strategy and implement strategies to think to resolve the problem .4.20 Choosing effective strategies and presents the mathematical model of indefinite in solve real problem about integral algebraic functions.3.1 Describe the concept of equality and inequality systems and apply it in two variabel ofsolving linear programming problems.3.2 Applying a suitable problems to solve linear programming problems related to real problems and analyze the truth of the steps.3.3 Analyze how to assess the validity of the mathematical logic arguments that been studied related to solving linear programming problems .3.4 Describe and analyze the concept of basic operations and properties of matrices and apply it in problem solving.3.5 Mixing various concepts and rules of matrix operations and presents a mathematical model of a real problem by leveraging the value of the determinant of the inverse matrix or in solution.B. Indicator Achivement Competence2.2.1 Confident and able to work together in an integral learning2.2.2 Honestly in the process of solving a given problem4.20.1 Understanding the concept of integral and definite integral undefinite4.20.2 Counting undefinite integral and definite integral from the simple algebra function4.20.3 Using integral to counting the area under curve3.1.1 Completing two variable linear inequality systems3.2.1 Designing a mathematical model of the problem linear program and solve it3.3.1 Make the model of linear programming problems and its interpretation3.4.1 Using the properties of matrix operations and to demonstrate that a square matrix is the inverse of the square matrix of the other.3.5.1 Determining the determinant and inverse matrix of 2 X 23.5.2 Using the determinant and the inverse of the settlement system of linear equations in two variables.C. Learning Objectives1st MeetingThrough the process of observing, asking, exploring (collecting information), associate (information processing), communicate the results of the observations and conclusions made based on the analysis of individual and group assignments, students can:2.1.1 During the learning learners have confidence and be able to work together.2.2.1 During the lesson students apply honest attitude.4.20.4 Understanding the concept of undefinite integral and definite integral4.20.5 Counting undefinite integral and definite integral from the simple algebra function.2st Meeting..3st Meeting..4st Meeting..5st Meeting..D. Learning Materials1. The concept of definite integral and the indefinite integral2. Counting undefinite integral and definite integral from the simple algebra functionE. Models, Approaches, and Learning MethodLearning Models: Problem Based Learning Approach: Saintific Learning Method: Discussion, Guided Discovery, recitationD. Learning Activity

1. Opening ActivitiesPhase I: Students orientation based problem (5-10 minutes)

Teacher ActivitiesStudent ActivitiesSpirituality Attitudes / MoralityTime Allocation

Greeting and check for attendance list

Teachers give the information about competence, scope of learning, assessment, learning system, and steps of learning which is use Teachers give the motivation by present the problem or phenomenon about the concept of integral Teacher give the material apperceptions by ask questions with nature walks and explore related concepts form an integral prerequisite material and calculate the indefinite integral and definite integral. Answering the teachers greeting and check for attendance list Students listen carefully to what the teacher explained. Students listen carefully motivation and phenomena presented by the teacher..

Students listen carefully and remember the apperception delivered back apperception material about the concept of integrals10 minutes

2. Main Activity (includes the phases of the core learning model air base issue)

Phase II: Organize students to learn (10 minutes)

Teacher ActivitiesStudent ActivitiesSpirituality Attitudes / MoralityTime Allocation

The teacher asks the students to form a heterogeneous group (in terms of ability, gender, culture, or religious) groups according to the division that has been planned by the teacher Teachers provide logistics (media) for each group eg graph paper. Teachers share worksheets containing problems and solving steps and ask students collaborate to solve problems Encourage students to work together in groups. Students adjust to what the teacher instructed their group.

Phase III: Guiding individual and group inquiry (25 minutes)

Teacher ActivitiesStudent ActivitiesSpirituality Attitudes / MoralityTime Allocation

After the division worksheets, teachers lead students to observe and record the problems in LKS observations.

If students do not understand the teacher then poses questions to stimulate students' reasoning. Teachers facilitate students with classical scaffolding to try to find an integral concept The teacher directs students to make inferences about the concept of integral Students listen to direction given by teachers, observe and record observations problem obtained. Students listen to the stimulus provided by the teacher and ask questions about things that are analyzed Students associate the knowledge gained from observations, delivered stimulus and scaffolding teachers Students draw a conclusion from the given problem through a worksheet

Phase IV: Developing and presenting the work (20 minutes)

Teacher ActivitiesStudent ActivitiesSpirituality Attitudes / MoralityTime Allocation

The teacher instructs the students to prepare the conclusion of group discussions in a neat, detailed, and systematic and drive around looking at student work compiling reports the results of the discussion and provide assistance if needed The teacher instructs the students determine by consensus the group representative to present (present) the results of the discussion in class. Students hear the instruction given by the teacher and ask if there is anything that is not understood Students determine by consensus the group representatives to present in front of class discussion

Phase V: Analyzing and evaluating the process of problem solving (15 minutes)

Teacher ActivitiesStudent ActivitiesSpirituality Attitudes / MoralityTime Allocation

The teachers pointed to the group that presented the results of their discussion to the class in an orderly, polite, saving time and systematic. Teachers provide opportunities for students from the group renderers to provide additional explanation well. Teachers provide opportunities for students from other groups to provide feedback on the results of the group discussions If there is more than one group, the teacher asks the students to determine the order of presentation of deliberation presenter politely The teacher engages students evaluate the answers and input from a renderer group of other students and make a deal, when students submitted answers are correct. Students are instructed by the agreed terms of teacher The presenter added if there are things that need to be added The other group provide additional material if there is a perceived lack or have a different perception of the results of group discussions renderer Students listen to instructions and help evaluate teachers

3. Closing Activities (10 minutes)Teacher ActivitiesStudent ActivitiesSpirituality Attitudes / MoralityTime Allocation

The teacher collects all the results of each group discussion and evaluation in each group through the quiz. With the help of a computer presentation, teachers display what they have learned and concluded about the concept of integral material. Teachers give homework assignments a few questions about the application of materials obtained The teacher concluded by conveying the topics that will be studied for the next meeting Students collect the results of discussions and working on the quiz is given. Teachers listen carefully to the conclusions presented by the teacher Students receive a given task Students listen carefully .

E. Sources, Materials, and Tools (Media)


: Students book, worksheet

Tools: Marker, whiteboard, ruler, graduated arc, teaching aid tools Media