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1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Akhir Sekolah yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk di LJK.

2. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJK.

3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya, pastikan setiap lembar soal memiliki nomor paket yang sama dengan nomor paket yang tertera pada cover.

4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap.

5. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.

6. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban.

7. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.

8. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.

9. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian

10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret.Read the text and answer the question 1.

1.Which of the following sentences best explains the above sign?

a. If you break any of the articles, you must pay for it.

b. You dont have to buy articles that are broken.

c. In this section, you will only find broken articles.

d. The shop sells special broken articles.Read the text and answer question number 2 and 3

2.When will the party be held?

a. At the second house

b. At 44 Devoe Road

c. At 6.30 a.m.

d. On March 13

3.Regrets only : Marie Salinger 238-1722 or e-mail [email protected] The word above tell us that we should....

a.Give information if we can not comeb.Give information if we can comec.Ask information how to come to the placed..Contact Marie Salinger before come

Text For Number 4

4. What is the relationship between sender and receiver ?a. They are father and son

b. They are friendship

c. They are brothers

d. They are teacher and student

The following text is for questions number 5-65.What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To tell the senior about Blue and Gold costumes

B. To announce the activities that will be held in the school

C. To invite the students to read poetry in the farewell party

D. To give detailed information about Senior Panoramic photos

6. Based on the text, which statement is not true ?

A. the senior students do not wear their Thursday uniform.

B. all students wear Blue & Gold costumes to the party.

C. the farewell party will not be held on July 26.

D.all students must attend the farewell party.Read the text and answer questions 7

7. The text is written in order to

A. congratulate Rafi on his success.

B. inform people about the best journalist.

C. announce people to give praise to Rafi.

D. invite people to come to the the studio..The following text is for questions 8 and 9

Samsung ML 2525W wireless laser printer

The Samsung ML 2525W monochrome laser printer doesnt pack in extra features, but delivers worthwhile improvements over previous generations in output speed and quality.

We highly recommended this wireless workhorse if you refuse to sacrifice quality for affordability. Price $500

8.The advertisement offers us about....A. Wireless.B. Printer.

C. Computer.

D. Microphone.

9. How can we buy this printer?A. By sending e-mail.

B. By calling electronic shop.C. By visiting the exhibition.D. By ordering throught its web. Text for number 10 -11

Flight NumberRouteDepartureArrivalDays of Operation

GA 652/GA888Jakarta - Nagoya23.0509.10Sun, Wed, Fri

GA 545/GA888

GA 346/GA888

GA 254/GA888

Makassar Nagoya

Surabaya Nagoya

Yogyakarta-Nagoya 17.35




09.10Sun, Wed, Fri

Sun, Wed, Fri Sun, Wed, Fri

10. How many aircraft does Garuda fly to Nagoya?

a. 4b. 5c. 6d. 711. What is the text mostly about?

a. Destination of Garuda

b. Time schedule in Denpasar airport

c. Garuda flight schedule

d. Information of Garuda arrivalThe following text is for questions number 12-14

32 Pine Zaggat Lane

Hampervile, NE 25345

January 5, 2012

Dear Joana,

I am sorry about forgetting about our lunch date. It was completely my fault. I was so busy at work that it must have slipped my mind. How about I treat you to lunch next Wednesday at the new Italian restaurant julies at 12:30 pm? I have marked this date in my planner so I will not forget about it. Id just like to apologize again for missing the lunch date. Love


12.What is the letter about ?

a. Forgetting the lunch date

b. Inviting someone for having lunch.

c. having lunch at the Italian restaurant.

d. Apologizing for missing the lunch date.

13.When will Jolene and her friend have lunch ?

a. Wednesday morning

b. Wednesday noon

c. Wednesday afternoon

d. Wednesday evening

14.What is relationship between Joana and Monica a. They are mom and daughterb. They are friends c. They are teachersd. They are enemies Read the following text to answer questions 15 to 18

15. 15. How many ingredients are on the text?



c.5 d.6 16.What do we need to prick the skin of the duck?

a.Salt.b. lack fork.d.Boiling-hot water 17. 17. Then remove it from the oven. What does the underline word mean ?

a.Salt.b. lack pepper.c.Roast duckd.Boiling-hot water18. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.

What is the meaning of the underlined word?

a. Make a small hole in something.

b. Brush something on the surface.

c. Pull something on the body.

d. Cut something into a small size.The following text is for question 19-22

19. From the text we know that

a. The robot cant move back ward

b. The robots feet are bendable

c. The robot cant move at all

d. The robot has no arms20. What are the colour of the robots eyes?

a. Red

b. Blue

c. Black

d. White

21. What is the main idea of paragraph three ?

a. A medium sized battery must be put to make the robot strong

b. Two batteries are needed to make the robot move

c. The writers robot is difficult to move

d. The robot can move without batteries

22. and it moves forward only.

Forward means .

a. Back

b. Left

c. Right

d. In front of

Read the text and answer questions number 23 to 26.

23. How long does it take to paint the whole tower?

a. A month

b. Five month

c. Less than a year

d. More than a year24. What does the second paragraph tells us about?

a. The parts of the Eiffel Tower

b. The visitors of the Eiffel Tower

c. The things we can do in the tower

d. The panorama we can enjoy from the towe25. What does the text above mainly tell us about?

a. Towers

b. The Eiffel Tower

c. Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel

d. the tallest structure in the world

26. the tower was the tallest structure in the world.

What is the opposite meaning of the underlined word?

a. Strongest

b. Smallestc. Shortest

d. Largest

The following text is for questions number 27-30

27. Who went to Jogja last week ?

A. My friends

B. The writer

C. Student

D. The writer and his friends

28. How many place did they visit in Jogja ?

A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. five

29. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?

A. Visit Gembira Loka Zoo

B. We visited Parangtritis beach

C. I hope I could visit Jogja again

D. We really enjoyed

30....scenery was very beautiful there.

The underlined word mean ....

A. nice

B. elegant

C. beautiful

D. comfortable

Text for question no. 31 to 34

Two frogs had lived in a village all their lives. They had a plan to see the big city that was about ten miles away.

They discussed about it for a long time and at last, agreed to set off to see the city.

It was a hot day and they soon began to fell tired. They had only gone a little way when one said to the other, We must be nearly there. Can you see the city ?

No, said the other, but if I climb on your back I may be able to see it.

So it climbed up on the back of the other, to see city.

When the frog put up its head, its eyes could only see what was behind and not what was in front. So, it saw the village they had just left.

Can you see the city ? asked the frog below.

Yes, answered the frog above. I can see it. It looks just like our village.

Then, the frogs realised that it was not worth while going any further. They returned and told the other frogs in the village what they had seen in the city and it was just like theirs.

31. What did the frogs feel on their way to see the big city ?

a. Happy

b. Glad

c. Sad

d. Tired

32. Why did one of the frogs climb on the others back ?

a. It felt tired

b. It was a hot day.

c. It could not see the city

d. It thought it was worthwhile

33. What is the text about ?

a. Frogs

b. Wolf

c. Fox

d. owl

34. What is the moral value of the story ?

a. Never do useless activities with your friends

b. Never trust a single opinion without evidence.

c. We have to accept whatever information we receive.

d. We can always ask for opinions.

The following text is for question no 35-38

35. Why did Anansi sent the Turtle to the lake?

a. To clean his dirty feet

b. To get some water to drink

c. To wash his clothes

d. To get fish and cook it

36. Why did Anansi put rocks in his coat?

a. To make himself heavier

b. To protect himself

c. To float to the sea

d. To make himsleft scary

37. What can we get from the story?

a. We should be greedy

b. We should share something with the others who need it

c. We should be revengeful

d. We have to be clean to ask something

38. Turtle asked Anansi to take off his coat before He ate.

What is the word He refers to .

a. Spider

b. Anansi

c. Turtle

d. Turtles houseThe following text is for question no 39- 42Water is very important for any kinds of living things. Humans can live more than 10 days without food. However, they can only live for eight to ten days without water. Water goes around the body through blood. It carries oxygen and food for cells. It cleans the body by bringing the waste in sweat or urine. It also keeps the balance of mineral in the body. Most parts of human body use water to work. Someone cannot move well if there is not enough water in his or her body.

Sixty five percents of human body is water. To keep the amount of water in the body, someone must drink an average of eight to ten glasses of water each day. How much water does a person need everyday? It depends on the volume of urine and sweat. An athlete who does a lot of physical exercise certainly need, to drink more water than a bank manager who spends most of his time in his office. Besides drinking, many kinds of food are also a good source of water. Fruit and vegetable, for instance, is eighty to ninety five percent of water.39. They can only live for eight to ten days without waterWhat does the underlined word refer to ?





40.What is very important to living things ?

a. Water

b. Food

c. Blood

d. Body

41. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

a. Living more 10 days without water

b. The content of water

c. Water is in the body

d. The importance of water

42. What does the text tell about ?a. Glasses

b. Humans

c. Water.

d. Athlete

The following text is for question no 43-45

a. Province

b. Capital

c. Town

43a. Province

b. Capital

c. Town

d. Big


a. Miniature

b. General

c. Natural

d. Symbol

45. a. Take

b. Give

c. See

d. Know

For questions 46 to 48, choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.


a. For

b. From

c. Since

d. During


a. Come

b. Came

c. Comes

d. Coming


a. Park

b. Store

c. Job

d. Vacancies

49.Arrange the sentence into a correct paragraph!

1) It was long.

2) My holiday was great.

3) My family and I visited my grandparents.

4) We stayed at my grandparents house for five day.

5) We did a lot of things together.

6) After that we ate them.

7) We traveled by car

8) We cooked and prepared our meals

a. 1-4-5-8-6-2-3-7

b. 1-3-7-2-4-5-6-8

c. 2-1-3-7-4-5-8-6

d. 1-7-3-4-5-6-8-2

50. Arrange these sentences to form a sequential paragraph

1. Then I had, you know what, some cendol durian.

2. Last night I went to my neighbours wedding party with my family. You know, it was the wedding party of dads boss son.

3. Hi, every body. Let me tell you something

4. At about 09.15 we went home. We arrived home rather late. I felt really very happy.

5. After that, I sang for the happy couple.

6. Well, in the party I had Rendang and sate Madura. Its really nice to have them in a traditional wedding like this one.a. 2 5 4 1 3 6

b. 2 3 5 1 6 4

c. 3 2 6 1 5 4

d. 3 5 2 4 6 1

The following text is for number 1

1. What does the text mean ?a. Dont bring drug to school.b. Dont bring weapon to school.c. School is free from violators.d. Dont bring drug and weapon to school.The following text is for number 2 to 3

2. Who will celebrate the wedding anniversary?a. Windy.

b. The company.

c. Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

d. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen.3. request the company of The word request in the text mean .

a. .b. .c. .d. .The following text is for number 4

4. How are Santi and Sari going to visit their friends?a. By busb. By shipc. By traind. By planeThe following text is for number 5 to 6

5. What is the announcement about?a. A students Board Organization.b. An English Speech Contest.c. A National Day Celebration.d. A National Education Day Ceremony.6. Based on the announcement, these statement are correct, except .a. The program will be held on National Educational Day.

b. There are two competition.

c. Mr. Sulaiman is in charge to organize the program.

d. The programs will last for four hoursThe following text is for number 7

7. What is the purpose of the text?a. To say good for Dina.

b. To congratulate OSIS.

c. To congratulate Dina as the leader of OSIS.d. To get support from the member of OSIS.

The following text is for number 8 to 9

8. Where does we visit for more information?a. The Azzura English Courses web site.b. Azzura house.c. Azzura office.d. School. 9. Which one is NOT TRUE about the text?a. It has qualified teachers .

b. Get the right place to learn English.

c. Using the best course method of teaching.

d. 50% money back if you cannot speak English.

The following text is for number 10 to 11

10. What time will the students have lunch?

a. 7 a.m.

b. 11 a.m.

c. 1 p.m.

d. 7p.m11. What kind of schedule is it?a. Daily activities.

b. Camping agendas.

c. Scout itinerary.

d. Holiday plan.

The following text is for number 12 to 14

12. What is the text about?a. Bimbis holiday.b. Bimbis friends.c. Bimbis first day at work.d. Bimbis first day at her bourding house.13. Who is Bimbi?a. Olivias sister.b. Olivias friend.c. Olivias penpal.d. Olivias old friend.14. Why did ///////////////////////////////////////a. kasih ibu

b. ibu adalah malaikat

c. perawat hatiku

d. ibu kandung

The following text is for number 15 to 18

15. How many steps are needed to make sandwich?a. 3b. 4c. 5d. 616. What is the third step in making a sandwich based on the text?a. Join the two slices of bread together.b. Put one slice of egg, strawberry jam.c. Spread the bread with butter .d. Take two slice of butter.17. First, take two slices of bread, spread them with butter. The italic bold word has the meaning with.a. Propagateb. Threwc. Longd. Make18. spread them with butter. The word them refers to .a. Strawberry jam.b. One slice of egg.c. A slice of cheese.d. Two slices of bread.The following text is for number 19 to 22

19. How did the writer get the backpack? a. She bought it.b. Her mother bought it for her. c. Her uncle gave it to her as a gift.d. Her father bought it when he was in Singapore.20. Which of the following statements is TRUE?a. The writer has ever been to Singapore.b. The writers hobby is travelling.c. The writer backpack has two pockets.d. The writers backpack is made of cotton.21. What is the main idea of paragraph two?a. The backpacks characteristics.b. The uniqueness of the backpack.c. The number of pockets on the backpack.d. How the writer have the backpack.22. I love travelling and a backpack would be a perfect gift.The word gift can be replaced by .a. Present.b. Parcel.c. Thing.d. It. The following text is for number 23 to 26 23. When did Albert Einstein get noble prize?a. In 1903b. In 1921c. In 1905d. In 195524. How old was he when he died?a. 26 years oldb. 76 years oldc. 42 years oldd. 86 years old25. What is the text about?a. Relativityb. A noble prizec. Albert Einsteind. Science 26. After that, he published his writing in 1905.a. Articleb. Letterc. Storyd. Certified The following text is for number 27 to 30

27. Where did the writer go to holiday?a. Bugis.

b. Malino.

c. Toraja.

d. Lake Tempe.

28. What is the best title to the text?a. Beautiful Lake Tempe.

b. My experience in Toraja.

c. An impressive Toraja culture.

d. My long trip.

29. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?a. A trip to Lake Tempe.

b. A beautiful lake.

c. Floating housed. White water bird.

30. . in green scenery with white water birds completing this paradise.The underlined word mean .a. Forest.b. Panorama

c. Plantation

d. Environment

The following text is for number 31 to 34

31. Why dida. Taman yang ada pada sekolah tersebut umumnya sudah baik. Bahkan beberapa tanaman bunga mulai berbunga. Keadaan ini membuat siswa senang dan semanga belajar.

b. Saat aku memasuki pintu gerbang taman tampak hijau dan asri. Hal ini berbeda keadaannya dengan taman-taman yang ada di depan kelas. Mohon pihak sekolah memperhatikan hal tersebut, agar semua taman indah dan bebas dari sampah.

c. Perawatan taman menjadi tanggung jawab kita semua. Baik taman yang ada di luar, maupun di dalam. Keindahan taman dapat mempengaruhi semangat belajar siswa. Oleh karena itu mari kita jaga keindahan taman sekolah.

d. Sampah berserakan di mana-mana. Padahal tempat sampah di taman sudah tersedia. Namun, faktanya taman menjadi rumput sampah. Keadaan ini menjadi perhatian kita semua.

32. Bacalah teks berikut!

Amat disayangkan bahwa banyak ilmuwan Indonesia yang memilih berkiprah di luar negeri karena terbatasan fasilitas riset di Tanah air. Bahkan tidak sedikit yang mencetak prestasi mengagumkan. Salah satunya adalah Prof.Dr.Ing Eko Suprianto.

Kiprahnya dalam rekayasa biomedis di negeri jiran Malaysia telah membuatnya meraih 14 hak paten, terkait dengan produk rekayasa Biomedis yang ditekuninya. Kini ia pun dipercaya duduk sebagai Ketua Jurusan Sains Krinikal Universitas Teknologi Malaysia.

Rangkuman isi teks bacaan tersebut yang tepat adalah ....

a. Banyak ilmuwan Indonesia yang berkiprah di luar negeri dan mendapatkan hak paten.

b. Banyak ilmuwan indonesia yang berkiprah di dalam negeri untuk memajukan bangsa dan negara

c. Banyak ilmuwan yang kecewa karena dalam melakukan riset, sehingga mereka pindah ke luar negeri.

d. Keterbatasan alat riset di Indonesia menyebabkan para ilmuwan memilih keluar negeri untuk melanjutkan risetnya.

33. Cermatilah ilustrasi berikut!

SMP Cinta Kasih menjadi juara umum lomba kebahasaan tingkat Jakarta Barat. Lomba tersebut diadakan dalam rangka memperebutkan Piala Bergilir Kepala Sudin Dikdas Jakarta Barat. Pelaksanaan lomba pada 2 Mei 2012 di Balai Kota Jakarta Barat. Peserta lomba adalah 50 SMP di Jakarta Barat.

Teks berita yang tepat berdasarkan ilustrasi tersebut adalah ....

a. Lomba Kebahasaan tingkat Jakarta Barat kembali digelar. Kali ini diikuti 50 SMP di Jakarta Barat. Lomba yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka memperebutkan Piala Bergilir Kepala Sudin Dikdas Jakarta Barat. SMP Cinta Kasih berhasil memboyong piala yang diserahkan tanggal 2 mei 2012 itu.

b. Lomba Kebahasaan tingkat Jakarta Barat berlangsung seru. Sejumlah 50 SMP bertanding memperebutkan Piala Wali Kota Jakarta Barat. SMP Cinta Kasihlah yang beruntung. Mereka berhasil memboyong piala yang diperebutkan di Balai Kota itu.

c. SMP Cinta Kasih sungguh maju, mereka berhasil menjadi juara pertama. Piala Wali Kota yang diperebutkan itu berhasil diboyongnya. Mereka berhasil menyisihkan 50 SMP yang lain.

d. SMP Cinta Kasih berhasil memboyong Piala Kepala Sudin Dikdas Jakarta Barat. Lomba yang dilangsungkan di Balai Kota itu sangat meriah. Ada 50 SMP bertanding. Mereka hampir berhasil memenangkan setiap mata lomba.

34. Cermati ilustrasi berikut!

Untuk menimbulkan rasa cinta terhadap budaya dikalangan para remaja, Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tuban menyelenggarakan festifal musik dan tari daerah.

Slogan yang sesuai dengan ilustrasi tersebut adalah ....

a. Seni itu indah karena itu harus dilestarikan.

b. Gerak tari dan musik membuat kita ceria.

c. Budayaku, Budayamu, Budaya kita semua.

d. Musik dan tari kekayaan yang berharga.

35. Cermatilah ilustrasi berikut ini!

Rendra akan menjual sebidang tanah seluas 1,5 hektar. Tanah tersebut berada di tepi jalan raya, tepatnya di Jalan Achmad Yani 17 Sidoarjo. Lokasi tanah sangat strategis.

Nomor telepon Randra adalah (031) 8966670. Status tanah Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM)

Iklan baris yang sesuai dengan ilustrasi tersebut adalah ....

a. Jual tnh 1,5 ha, Jl Achmad Yani Sidoarjo, Strgs, hub 08318966670

b. Jual tanah 1,5 ha, Jl Achmad Yani Sda, Strgs, hub Rendra T 08318966670

c. Jual tnh 1,5 ha, Jl Achmad Yani 17 Sda, Strgis, SHM, hub Rendra T 08318966670

d. Dijual tnh 1,5 ha, di Jl A. Yani, 17 Sidoarjo, SHM, hub Rendra Telp. (0831)8966670

36. Perhatikan petunjuk berikut !

Petunjuk memasak pisang goreng gurih (tanpa tepung)

(1) Kupas pisang dengan pisau!

(2) Iris tipis (sesuai selera)!

(3) Taruh garam secukupnya, ratakan!

(4) [...]

(5) Letakkan wajan di atas kompor!

(6) Tuangkan minyak goreng ke dalam wajan!

(7) Panaskan!

(8) [...]

(9) Goreng sampai kuning kecoklatan!

(10) Angkat kemudian sajikan!

Untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang pada petunjuk tersebut yang tepat adalah ....

a. (4) Masukkan pisang kedalam wajan

(8) Nyalakan kompor

b. (4) Nyalakan kompor

(8) Masukkan pisang ke dalam wajan

c. (4) Cuci pisang sampai bersih

(8) Matikan kompor

d. (4) Masukkan pisang ke dalam wajan

(8) Cuci pisang sampai bersih37. Perhatikan petunjuk berikut!

Petunjuk menyalakan televisi

(1) Tekan tombol remote kontrol!

(2) Tekan tombol main power

(3) Indikator power atau standby akan bewarna merah!

(4) Hubungkan kabel daya listrik pesawat tv ke stop kontak!

(5) Selamat menonton!

Urutan petunjuk menyalakan televisi yang tepat adalah ....

a. (4), (2), (3), (1), (5)

b. (1), (4), (2), (3), (5)

c. (5), (3), (1), (2), (4)

d. (2), (3), (1), (5), (4)

38. Cermatilah ilustrasi berikut!

Pada acara perpishan kelas IX , Amril menyampaikan pidato mewakili kelas VIII dan VII. Dalam pidato tersebut Amril menyampaikan ucapan selamat dan berdoa untuk kesuksesan kakak kelasnya.

Penutup pidato Amril yang tepat adalah ....

a. Akhir sekian dulu sambutan singkat ini, terimakasih.

b. Sekian dulu sambutan saya. Semoga lain waktu dapat kita sambung lagi.

c. Sekian dulu yang bisa saya sampaikan, kurang lebihnya minta maaf bila ada kesalahan.

d. Akhirnya, kami mengucapkan selamat jalan. Mudah-mudahan cita-cita kakak semua tercapai.

39. Perhatikan kutipan teks pidato berikut!

Anak-anak yang saya hormati

Hujan deras akhir-akhir ini sering menyebabkan banjir di kampung kita. Hal tersebut memberikan pelajaran kepada kita tentang betapa pentingnya melestarikan alam. Kita harus menjaganya dengan membuang sampah pada tempatnya.

Perbaikan sapaan pada kutipan teks pidato tersebut adalah ....

a. Adik-adik yang saya hormati,

b. Para alim ulama yang saya hormati,

c. Bapak dan Ibu yang saya hormati,

d. Para pendengar yang saya hormati,

40. Perhatikan topik karya ilmiah berikut!

Tema karya ilmiah : Peran pelajar dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang bersih.

Rumusan masalah karya ilmiah sesuai tema tersebut adalah ....

a. Di mana pelajar berperan dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkungan?

b. Bagaimana peran pelajar dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang bersih?

c. Berapa pelajar yang dapat berperan dalam menjaga kebersihan?

d. Mengapa pelajar harus ikut berperan dalam menciptakan kebersihan?

41. Bacalah kesimpulan karya ilmiah berikut!

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingginya tingkat kecelakaan di jalan raya disebabkan pengendara mobil mengabaikan aturan berlalu lintas.

Saran yang tepat berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut adalah ....

a. Para pengendara mobil hendaknya mengindahkan aturan lalu lintas yang ada.

b. Pengendara mengikuti aturan lalu lintas pada tempat-tempat yang ramai kendaraan saja.

c. Warga ikut memberi sanksi pidana kepada pengendara yang tidak peduli terhadap aturan lalu lintas

d. Pemerintah mengeluarkan keputusan untuk melarang seumur hidup mengendarai kendaraan bagi pelanggar lalu lintas.

42. Perhatikan data berikut!

Data buku ; Buku yang dijadikan rujukan dalam penyusunan karya ilmiah adalah Teori dan Apresiasi Puisi karangan Herman J. Waluyo, diterbitkan Erlangga Jakarta tahun 2000.

Penulisan daftar pustaka yang tepat berdasarkan data buku tersebut adalah ....

a. Herman J. Waluyo Teori dan Apresiasi Puisi. 2000 Jakarta; Erlangga

b. Herman J. Waluyo Teori dan Apresiasi Puisi. 2000 Jakarta: Erlangga

c. Waluyo J. Herman. 2000 Teori dan Apresiasi Puisi. Jakarta: Erlangga

d. Waluyo, Herman J. 2000. Teori dan Apresiasi Puisi. Jakarta: Erlangga

43. Perhatikan kalimat berikut!

Selain daripada itu, masih ada satu truk bantuan sembako.

Perbaikan kalimat tersebut yang tepat adalah ....

a. Daripada selain itu, masih ada satu truk bantuan sembako.

b. Selain dari itu, masih ada satu truk bantuan sembako.

c. Daripada itu, masih ada satu truk bantuan sembako.

d. Selain itu, masih ada satu truk bantuan sembako.

44. Perhatikan kalimat berikut!

Kalau hari ini tidak hujan saya akan mengahadiri pentas seni itu.

Pengguanaan tanda baca koma (,) pada kalimat tersebut yang tepat adalah ....

a. Kalau hari ini, tidak hujan, saya akan mengahadiri pentas seni itu.

b. Kalau hari ini tidak hujan, saya akan mengahadiri pentas seni itu.

c. Kalau hari ini tidak hujan saya akan mengahadiri, pentas seni, itu.

d. Kalau hari ini tidak hujan saya akan mengahadiri pentas, seni, itu.

45. Perhatikan kalimat berikut!

Mawar menampilkan tari remo dalam gelar seni Jawa Timur.

Perbaikan penulisan huruf kapital yang tepat pada kalimat tersebut adalah ....

a. Mawar menampilkan tari Remo dalam gelar seni Budaya Jawa Timur.

b. Mawar menampilkan Tari Remo dalam gelar seni Budaya Jawa Timur.

c. Mawar menampilkan Tari Remo dalam gelar Seni Budaya Jawa Timur.

d. Mawar menampilkan tari Remo dalam Gelar Seni Budaya Jawa Timur.

46. Perhatikan pantun berikut!

Ada pedang hanya sebilah

[...] (1)

Taatilah tata aturan sekolah

[...] (2)

Larik yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang pantun tersebut adalah ....

a. Terletak disamping pinggang(1)

Janganlah bimbang dan ragu(2)

b. Terbuat dari baja putih (1)

Agar diri tetap disiplin(2)

c. Terbuat dari batang tembaga(1)

Agar diri tetap terjaga(2)

d. Dibawa perang oleh pasukan(1)

Agar tercipta hidup bersama(2)

47. Perhatikan kutipan puisi berikut!


Udara yang segar

Kini sesak rasa kuhirup

Larik bermajas yang tepat untuk melengkapi kutipan puisi tersebut adalah ....

a. Laut biruku berganti berganti kelabu

b. Udara biruku berganti sendu

c. Langit biruku berganti kelabu

d. Hutan biruku berganti debu

48. Perhatikan kutipan naskah drama berikut!

Maria : Pokoknya Ibu harus setuju!

Ibu : (menarik nafas panjang kecewa) dengan apa ibu membayarnya

Maria : (terkejut dengan gagap) kan masih lama, Ibu.pen.

Ibu : Biaya kursus cukup besar, Maria!

Maria : [...] (1)

Ibu : (dengan tersenyum) Nah, begitu [...] (2)

Dialog yang tepat untuk melengkapi naskah drama tersebut adalah ....

a. (1) Iya deh. Maria turuti nasihat Ibu, (2) Ini baru putri Ibu!

b. (1) Maria kita kan sekarang lagi kesulitan, (2) kamu kan sudah besar!

c. (1) Saya kan ingin menjadi guru, (2) Ini baru namanya cita-cita!

d. (1) Biayanya tidak terlalu mahal kok!, (2) Lain waktu ibu akan belikan!SAFE








Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hansen

request the company of

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown

On the occasion of their

25th Wedding Anniversary

On Saturday 8 March at 8. P.m

Taman Orchid Indah Block 2 D No.4

Cengkareng Jakarta Barat

R.S.V.P : Windy (02154390231)


Our plan to visit our friends who suffer from Kelud eruption is cancelled. The weather is not good to fly. I will let you know later.



To. All students of SMP Bina Bangsa

In the framework of National Education Day , the Students Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest and Call Wall Magazine Competition. The program will be held on Mey 2nd ,2014 . Started from 8a.m until 1p.m.

All classes must take part in the program.

For detailed information, please contact Mr. Sulaiman, the coordinator of the program

Dear Dina Maria,

Congratulation, You are the best choice in the vote of OSIS

We wish a change

The member of OSIS




Using the best course method of teaching, with qualified teachers,

You will get the right place to learn English.

Be communicative with us.

Never think anymore; PRACTICE !!!

100% money back if you cant speak English !!

For more details, visit us on


05.00: get up

50.30: do exercises

06.00: take a bath

07.00: have breakfast

08.00-10.00: briefing

10.30: hiking

11.00-12.30: break

13.00: having lunch

14.00-15.00: games

16.00-18.00: group discussion

19.00: dinner

20.00-22.00: campfires

Jl. Melati no. 190


21st April 2014

Dear Olivia,

How was school today? I hope everything was fine.

This is my first day at work. Not too bad, but I experienced a little accident this morning. I could not sleep like a log last night and my alarm was broken. Consequently, I woke up late and I was almost late for work. I arrived at the bank one minute before work began.

Apart of the accident, today was a nice day. I have many new friends at work. They helped me when I had difficulties doing my job.

This is all for now. Best regards for our mom and dad. I miss you all.


What did you have for breakfast this morning? Do you ever have sandwich? What is sandwich? Yes, it is made of two slices of bread with something inside. How to makes a sandwich?

First, take two slices of bread, after that spread them with butter. Then put one slice of egg, strawberry jam, a slice of cheese etc. After that, join the two slices of bread together. Finally, your sandwich is ready.

I have a new backpack that I like very much. I received it from my uncle who had just returned from Singapore. He intentionally bought it for my birthday as he knew that I love travelling and a backpack would be a perfect gift. He was right.

My backpack is very special because it can be used as a cross-body bag, backpack and clutch bag as well. It is made of brown leather and quite big. These are a big pocket at the front and small ones on its sides. There is also a small pocket inside for cell phones. I keep my backpack well and use it only for travelling.

Albert Einstein was the greatest man of science. He was born in 1879. When he was at the school age, he started to study at school. In 1894, he left the school because of money. Then he got a job at the factory in Bern. His job didnt require much of his time, so he could write a scientific article. In 1903, he moved to Berlin and worked on his famous theory, Relativity. After that, he published his writing in 1905. At the age of 42, he got a noble prize. Finally, he died in USA in 1955.

I had a very good experience in Toraja. We went there via Malino, the Bugis region and Lake Tempe. We took a long tail boat for passing the lake. We saw women and children washing and fishermen doing fishing. We also saw floating houses in the centre of the lake in green scenery with white water birds completing this paradise. The trip took three days driving with two night staying over but the landscapes were worth it. We were very impressed by Toraja culture and the view of the highest mountain of Sulawesi.

One day, there was a big dog walking through a villa. The dog looked very hungry. It wanted to have something to eat. Therefore, it went toward a butcher and stolen a piece of meat. Then, it run away with a piece of meat in its mouth.

The dog run it to the direction of a garden. It looked for a safe place to enjoy the meat. It did not want any other dog to disturb it. The dog crossed a small bridge. It is over the stream.

Suddenly, the dog stopped walking in the middle of the bridge. It looked into the water under the bridge. There was a dog in the stream. The dog has a piece of meat too. It opened his mouth to take the meat of other dog in the river. Unfortunately its own meat fell into the river and it got nothing.


You are invited

Occasion: Kims birthday

Date : March 13

Time: 6:30 p.m

Place : 44 Devoe Road

Direction : Take the no. 5 bus. Get off at the corner of Devoe Road. Our house is at the second house on the right. Please arrive, on time. This is a surprise party.

Regrets only : Marie Salinger 238-1722 or e-mail HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" [email protected]

To : Erman

I hope this make you feel better

Your Daddy


Crisp Roast Duck


1 Long island duck

2 cups boiling-hot water

1 tablespoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper


Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200 C.

Rinse duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.

Pour boiling-hot water over duck (to tighten skin). Cool duck.

Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper

Roast duck, breast side up, until skin is brown and crisp, then remove it from the oven.


Attention seniors: The Senior Panoramic photo will take place on Thursday, July 24, in 3A. More details will be given next week. Lets wear our Blue & Gold costumes that day to make this a fun picture.

Come and join us!

There will be a school farewell party on Saturday, July 26, at 7 pm in the main hall. Enjoy music performances, drama, and poetry reading from the students of 3A, 3B and 3C. Dont miss it!

Dear Rafi,

Our sincere Congratulations on your success as The Best Solo photographer Prize 2011.

This will support you to create more pictures.

The manager and staff of

Moonlight Studio

I just got a new toy from my uncle. My uncle is a sailor. He bought me a robot when he sailed abroad. I love this robot

This robot is very nice. It is about twenty centimeters tall. The colour of the robot is blue. The robot has a strong body. It has two big red eyes. Its two strong legs are covered with blade boots.

My robot can be moved with two medium size batteries. After inserting the batteries at the back of the robot body, we can make it move when we push the button behind its neck. The robot will move its left and right foor in turn. It will move its two arms in turn too. However, the robot could not bend its feed and it moved forward only.

The Eiffel Tower rises above Paris. It was built for the world Fair in 1889 by a French engeineer, Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel. At the time of its completion in 1889, the tower was the tallest structure in the world. It remained the tallest for 40 years, until the 1930 completion of the Chrysler Building in New York City, which was 7 m taller. Today, with its television antenna, the tower measures 324 m in height.

The lower section of the tower consists of four legs. The legs currve inward until they unite in a single tapered tower. There are three main platforms, each with an observation deck. The first deck is 57 m high, while the second is 116 m off the ground. Both are accessible by stairs or elevator. The third deck, which is 276 m high, is accessible to visitors only by elevator. Restaurants with panoramic views are located on the first and second decks.

The open framework design of the tower allows it to withstand strong winds. The entire tower is repainted every five years, a job that takes more than a year and requires about 60 metric tons of paint. The Eiffel Tower underwent a major restoration program from 1980 to 1985.

Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja. We visited many places.First, we visited Parangtritis beach. The sun shone brightly and they scenery was very beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. There were many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kind of souvenirs.

Second, we visited Gembira Loka Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as monkey, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, etc. We looked around in the zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunch, we decided to go home.

For me, that was a beautiful day. We really enjoyed it, and I hope I could visit Jogja again.

One day Turtle stopped to rest at the house of anansi, the Spider. Turtle was tired and hungry. It was dinner time, but Anansi didnt want to share his food. Anansi saw that Turtle had dirty feet, so he sent him to the lake to wash before dinner. Anansi then ate all the food. When turtle returned, there was no food left for him. Turtle was hungry as he left. But he invited Anansi to visit him some day. Months later, Anansi came to see Turtle. Turtle invited Anansi to dinner. He then went to his underwater home to make the meal. Anansi put rocks in his coat to make himself heavier. He jumped into the water and swam down to Turtles house. Turtle asked Anansi to take off his coat before he ate. When Anansi took off his coat, he floated up to the top of the lake. Turtle smiled and ate all the food.


Jakarta is my city. It is the (43) city of Indonesia. Surrounded by Depok, Bogor, Tanggerang, and Bekasi, Jakarta is beautiful city. It has many skyscrapers, like BNI 46 building, Indosat building, Jakarta Stock Exchange, etcetera. Jakarta also has a beautiful beach: Ancol. The other interesting places are Taman Mini in which you can see Indonesia in (44) . then if you have ever heard about Ondel-ondel, look at it in Jakarta. Jakarta is full of interesting things to (45) and enjoy, and it is also full of hustle and bustle.

I went to Germany with my family (46)__________ a school holiday a few years ago. It was getting dark, so we were looking for a hotel. Then, we (47)____________ upon two hotels next to each other with (48)______________. We just randomly chose one and stayed there for the night.

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