formal systems and a language of thought

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  • 7/30/2019 Formal Systems and a Language of Thought


    Formal Systems and a Language of Thought

    "All our reasoning is nothing but the joining and substituting of characters, whether these

    characters be words or symbols or pictures, ... if we could find characters or signs appropriate for

    expressing all out thoughts as definitely and as exactly as arithmetic expresses numbers or

    geometric analysis expresses lines, we could in all subjects in so far as they are amenable to

    reasoning accomplish what is done in Arithmetic and Geometry." Leibniz (1677)

    Judging from the quote above, it appears that Leibniz was quite certain that thinking of the mind as a

    formal system is a useful way to view reasoning. The explicit idea of a formal system is pretty much an

    intellectual product of this century, but Leibniz uses areas of mathematics as examples of what he has in

    mind. These areas certainly qualify as examples of what we would now refer to as a formal system.

    The interest in the idea of a formal system arises from the intuition that there is a kind of "language of

    thought." Indeed, a naive assumption is that the language of thought is determined by the natural

    language that we have learned as a child. And, certainly it is hard to escape the intuition that the language

    we speak is intimately related to our thought.

    But we needn't resolve this issue now, because in this century the idea of a formal language or systemhas been well-defined. In one sense, this is simply an abstraction of the idea of a natural language. And,

    as such it provides a clear presentation of some of the basic properties of a "language." We could be very

    careful and exact in defining the class of things that we call formal systems, but at this point we just want

    to get the idea out there so you can use it to help think about the issues that were, and still are argued

    about, by people who study human reasoning.

    A formal system consists first of all of a set of things, usually we think of this set of things as a set of

    symbols. Asymbol is something that someone "dreams up" as opposed to something that nature provides

    on its own. To capture this idea, it is often said that symbols are 'arbitrary.' For example, the letter 'A' is

    not a phenomenon of nature...someone decided to adopt this set of conventions to make this form and

    treat it as - the letter 'A'. And, a symbol doesn't automatically refer to anything other than and

    I had to learn that the letter 'A' could be used to refer to the sound-A. Another property of symbols is thatwe usually try (or are taught to try) to make the symbols unambiguous...if you are writing an 'A' you try

    to write it in such a way that it won't be confused with any other symbol that is in the set of symbols you

    are using.

    The numbers used in mathematics, letters used to write down a natural language, notes used to write

    down music, are just some of the familiar examples of differing sets of symbols. Notice that the letters of

    our alphabet and the notes used in music are each finite in number...there are 26 letters in the English

    alphabet. But we can use these finite sets to create sets of things, expressions; and the set of possible

    expressions is not really bounded in size....the set is infinite. In a technical sense, there are an infinite

    number of sentences in the English language and we can use the alphabet to express each of these. A

    similar claim could be made about the number of musical expressions.

  • 7/30/2019 Formal Systems and a Language of Thought


    In the picture on the left, I have used three differentsets of symbols - integers {3,2,5...}, a 'stick' {|}, and

    the English alphabet {B,a,n,...}. In each of the gray

    boxes I have grouped these symbols in particular ways

    to serve as examples for this discussion. First, note

    that I added some symbols - for example, + and = aswell as a blank space and and period (.) in the case of

    the sentences.

    These symbols seem to be a bit different and they are.

    Recall that we have only a finite number of symbols

    but we want to be able to create an infinite set of

    things that we call expressions from this finite set.

    Well, the only way in which to obtain an infinite set of

    expressions from a finite set of expressions is to

    define ways in which tocompose expressions from the

    elements of the vocabulary. +, = and space in the caseof sentences are used to represent a composition of

    elements of a set. For example,

    2is a number


    3is a number


    2 + 3is a number


    2 + 3 + 2is a number


    2 + 3 + 2 + 3is a number


    and so on.

    So how does this help us think about the mind. Well,

    perhaps the mind has a finite vocabulary of "basic

    ideas"....perhaps, it has a finite set of ways of

    composing these ideas into well-formed expressions(complex ideas)...and perhaps it has a set of

    syntactically defined rules of inference. Perhaps, then

    there is a sense in which we have an infinite set of

    ideas (how do we fit them into our brain then?) And,

    perhaps the mind can imagine syntactic expressions

    that are false or describe a completely imaginary

    world such as Alice's Wonderland. Could this be

    possible without a language of thought?

  • 7/30/2019 Formal Systems and a Language of Thought


    But as soon as we allow ourselves to string elements of our set together, we need to introduce the idea offollowing rules for stringing them together. We call these rules, syntactic rules....they are rules that

    define the way in which we form expressions using our basic set of symbols. In the figure above, the first

    two sentences in the lower box are syntactically correct. The last sentence, shown in red is not

    syntactically correct. A more general term that is often used to refer to this distinction is to say that

    syntactically correct expressions are well-formed expressions or formulae.

    Now we can create an infinite set of expressions from a finite set of elements. Can there be more? Well,

    yes. We would like to able to say something more about these expressions...more specifically, we would

    like to be able to say something about possible relations between elements of these expressions. Note,

    that I have exemplified the "commutative law" in the equations in the upper right. Now, if the

    commutative law holds; then if we have the expression '2 + 3 = 5,' then we can infer or derive the

    expression '3 + 2 = 5' using the commutative axiom. This represents a rule of inference and rules of

    inference are another component of a formal system. I used a similar type of rule with the "Bacon and

    Eggs" phrase to derive the lower sentence from the first. Note that the rule of inference says something

    about how to modify one expression to yield another...and technically, that is all it says.

    This last point is important ... formal systems are also often called syntactic systems to contrast themwith systems where the expressions are intended to refer to something outside the have an

    associated semantics.

    Now, this can get really tricky but the intuitions are familiar. "Bacon and Eggs have high Cholesterol." is

    simply a well-formed expression and nothing more from the syntactic point of view. But, of course, these

    words refer to something outside the syntactic system and in addition to being syntactically correct, the

    sentence may be semantically may make a true statement about the things that the word

    'Bacon' and the word 'Eggs' and the word 'Cholesterol' refer to in the world.

    So how does this help us think about the mind. Well, perhaps the mind has a finite vocabulary of "basic

    ideas"....perhaps, it has a finite set of ways of composing these ideas into well-formed expressions

    (complex ideas)...and perhaps it has a set of syntactically defined rules of inference. Perhaps, then there

    is a sense in which we have an infinite set of ideas (how do we fit them into our brain then?) And,

    perhaps the mind can imagine syntactic expressions that are false or describe a completely imaginary

    world such as Alice's Wonderland. Could this be possible without a language of thought?

    This idea that the mind possesses a "language of thought" in this formal sense is, more or less,

    the rationalist position. This stands in contrast to the empiricist position that relies on the "world outside

    our mind" to populate our mind with ideas.