forge questions: part ii: chapters 14 -36 forge chapter 14

Forge 1 Name__________________________________ Date_______________ English Period_____________ FORGE Questions: Part II: Chapters 14 -36 Directions for the packet: Answer all questions for the chapters using complete sentences. Use RAFT for all. Forge Chapter 14 (XIV) 1. Describe the conditions and hardships that the soldiers are facing at Valley Forge. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What bad news does Sergeant Woodruff relay to the men? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

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Page 1: FORGE Questions: Part II: Chapters 14 -36 Forge Chapter 14

Forge 1

Name__________________________________ Date_______________

English Period_____________

FORGE Questions: Part II: Chapters 14 -36

Directions for the packet: Answer all questions for the chapters using complete sentences.

Use RAFT for all.

Forge Chapter 14 (XIV)

1. Describe the conditions and hardships that the soldiers are facing at Valley Forge.



















2. What bad news does Sergeant Woodruff relay to the men?






Page 2: FORGE Questions: Part II: Chapters 14 -36 Forge Chapter 14

Forge 2

Forge Chapter 15 (XV)

1. What happens to Brown?



2. The washerwoman was “drummed” out of camp. Army drummers actually beat their drums as

she marched out as a sign of her dishonor. “To be drummed out” is now an idiomatic phrase which

means to be fired or thrown out of something due to committing a crime.

Explain the reasoning behind the decision to drum the washerwoman out of camp. Do you

agree or disagree that her offense warranted her removal from the camp? Explain.
























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Forge Chapter 16 (XVI)

1. Who takes charge of making food for the men? Describe the meal.











Forge Chapter 17 (XVII)

1. What NEW hardship do the men have to face? Why is the task so difficult?












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Forge Chapter 18 (XVIII)

1. What special treat does the Sergeant get, and who misses out on it?







2. What information is revealed about Benny in this chapter?











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Forge Chapter 19 (XIX)

1. What “present” do the men receive on Christmas?












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Forge Chapter 20 (XX)

1. Describe Eben’s condition.







2. Describe Eben’s reaction when Curzon asks him what happened. Cite a line that supports your













3. Using context clues, explain the term “countersign.” Why is it significant to know?







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Forge Chapter 21 (XXI)

1. What literary technique is being used in the following excerpt?

“My belly was a giant empty pit, Curzon. Tasting those little bits of food today just made it worse”




2. What information does Eben reveal about John Burns? Is this information surprising to learn of

John Burns? Why or why not?







3. Why does Eben hit John Burns?






4. What character trait does Eben possess that John Burns does not? How do you know?







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Forge Chapter 22 (XXII)

1. What is ironic about George Washington’s meal?







2. What literary technique is being used in the following excerpt?

“By the end of the year, our floor was dug as deep as our hips” (108).





3. What literary technique is being used in the following excerpt?

“…the woodlot road was thick with mud that stuck to my boots like cold molasses” (109).





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Forge Chapter 23 (XXIII)

1. How do the men honor Sergeant Woodruff?














2. Curzon thinks, “Someone had stolen the moon from the sky” (115). Why does he feel this way? How

does this add to the mood and relate to the plot?













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Forge Chapter 24 (XXIV)

1. What literary technique is being used in the following excerpt?

“The New Year could not decide if it wanted to snow on us or simply throw ice at our heads” (116).




2. What literary technique is used in the following excerpt?

“The walls of our hut were half height” (118).





3. For what crime were the two prisoners lashed and the other hung in the gallows? How do their

deaths affect Curzon and his friends? How do they feel about the punishment and why?













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Forge 11

4. Read the following excerpt:

“Burns studied us all gape-mouthed at this news, and then focused his attention upon me like a

weasel baiting a fox” (122).

Why does Burns react this way? What just occurred? What does John Burns’ reaction foreshadow?














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Forge Chapter 25 (XXV)

1. Why does Curzon say, “I did not sleep much” (124)? What is keeping him awake?












2. When Benny recites, “Blow, blow thou winter wind” what literary technique is being used? How

do you know?







3. How does Faulkner commemorate the men’s feat of construction?






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Forge 13

Forge “Before”

1. Why is Isabel’s birthday January 19th?











2. How are Curzon and Isabel alike in their personalities? Cite evidence.













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Forge 14

Forge Chapter 26 (XXVI)

1. Curzon states, “I twisted my ear so often in the weeks that followed that it swelled like a puffball” (130).

Why does Curzon twist his ear?











2. What literary technique is used in the following excerpt?

“…the cold ate through my clothes and gnawed on my bones” (121).

How does the use of this literary technique add to the plot?













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Forge Chapter 27 (XXVII)

1. How does John Burns “extract his payment”?











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Forge Chapter 28 (XXVIII)

1. When the soldiers are discussing the theft of Curzon’s boots, Faulkner makes the following


“Tell the new captain or report it to brigade headquarters. The officers need to know this kind of

thievery is afoot.” (139)

In the statement above, Faulkner made a pun, which is a play on words or an example of verbal irony.

What is ironic about this statement that makes it a pun? What word is amusing and why? (Reread

page 139 if necessary.)










2. Read the following excerpt:

“The winds outside blew fierce but could not match the storm of discontent in our hut” (140).

➢ What causes the “storm of discontent”?

➢ Of what literary technique is this an example? How?













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Forge Chapter 29 (XXIX)

1. Whose appearance causes Curzon to say, “The sight of his face staggered me as hard as a blow from

an axe” (145)? What literary technique is used here? How does Curzon know this person?















Forge “Before”

1. What information is revealed in this flashback and WHY do you think the author revealed this at

THIS point in the novel?











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Forge Chapter 30 (XXX)

1. From the revelation made in the flashback, predict how Bellingham’s arrival might affect Curzon.








3. What makes a look of horror pass over John Burns’ face?





3. What is ironic about Bellingham’s request to John Burns at the end of the chapter?





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Forge Chapter 31 (XXXI)

1. The opening of the chapter states, “The questions fired at me like blasts of grapeshot soon as I entered

the hut” (152). What literary technique is being used? Why are the men questioning Curzon?













2. Describe Curzon’s mood at the end of this chapter. Why does he feel this way?













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Forge Chapter 32 (XXXII)

1. The first paragraph states, “Smoke from a thousand chimneys climbed into the sky and settled there

beneath the clouds” (156). What literary technique is being used?








2. When Curzon is asked to use the back door, and he turns and asks, “’Do all who meet with the

committee enter through the back door?”” What does his response reveal about his character?

(Hint: What character trait is Curzon developing throughout this novel? How is he dynamic?)



















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Forge Chapter 33 (XXXIII)

1. In this chapter, irony of situation occurs for Curzon in a terrible way. Explain why.













2. What “grave miscalculation” did Curzon make? How does Curzon respond to his “grave













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Forge Chapter 34 (XXXIV)

1. What was Curzon’s crime?










2. How has Curzon changed since the beginning of the novel? Explain one action he does or comment

he makes that shows this change.













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Forge 23

3. After reading the chapter, why is it ironic that Curzon says, “Everything was done according to the

law”? *Hint: How does the law work with regard to African Americans?
















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Forge Chapter 35 (XXXV)

On page 167, Curzon states, “ My hands were no longer shackled together, but it felt like they were.”

Why does Curzon feel like he is still shackled? From his thoughts, do you feel that Curzon will submit

to these shackles or not? Explain. (Of what literary technique is this an example?)

























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Forge Chapter 36 (XXXVI)

1. Why does Curzon remain silent while Mr. Bellingham speaks to him? What is Curzon fantasizing

about while Bellingham talks?












2. At the end of the chapter, why does “time stop” for Curzon?





