f.no.21-108/2015-ia.iii to aiims at village badsha, dist...

F.No.21-108/2015-IA.III Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (IA.IIISection) Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, J or Bagh Road, New Delhi - 3 Dated: 15 th July, 2015 To The Executive Engineer (C)-I, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), E-76, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 29 Sub: National Cancer Institute, Phase-I, AIIMS at Village Badsha, Dist. -Jhajjar (Haryana) by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi - Environmental Clearance - Reg. Sir, This has reference to your application dated 29.04.2015 and subsequent letter dated 18.06.2015, submitting the above mentioned proposal to this Ministry for grant of Environmental Clearance (EC) in terms of the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification (EIA) , 2006 under the Environment (Protection), Act, 1986. 2. The proposal for National Cancer Institute, Phase-I, AIIMS at Village Badsha, Dist. Jhaiiar (Haryana) by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),New Delhi, was considered by the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC)in the Ministry for Infrastructure Development, Coastal Regulation Zone, Building/ Construction and Miscellaneous projects, in its 149 th & 150 th meetings held on 19 th - 21 st May, 2015 & on 24th - 26 th June, 2015 respectively. 3. The details of the project, as per the documents submitted by the Project Proponents (PP), and also as informed during the above said EAC meetings, are reported to be as uriderr- EC_AIIMS_NCI_Jhajjar Page 1 of 11 1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi proposes to develop a National Cancer Institute, Phase-I in Badsha village at Jhajjar district of Haryana state, for which Govt. of Haryana has already allocated 300 acres of land. This consists of 300 acres plot divided in two lots by the Basai road going through it along with the Gurgaon water supply channel. One plot of 100 acres mark for residential Zone and other of 200 acres for institutional zone. 11. The proposed project site is connected to Jhajjar, Delhi, Gurgaon and other ~ regions. It is surrounded by villages such as Ismailpur, Jhanjrola, Mubrakpur, Sarbasirpur, Sultanpur, Budhera, Mundakhera, Y Farrukhnagar within 5km of the area of proposed project site. iii. The project is located at 28°30.470"N Latitude and 76°52.213"E Longitude. iv. . Since, total plot area is 12,14,057.00 m? (300 acres), the development of project shall be in phases and under initial Phase-Il, 04,611.00 m? to be

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Page 1: F.No.21-108/2015-IA.III To AIIMS at Village Badsha, Dist ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Form-1A/... · Badsha, Dist. Jhaiiar (Haryana) by All India Institute of Medical

F.No.21-108/2015-IA.IIIGovernment of India

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change(IA.IIISection)

Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,J or Bagh Road,

New Delhi - 3

Dated: 15thJuly, 2015

ToThe Executive Engineer (C)-I,All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),E-76, Ansari Nagar,New Delhi - 29

Sub: National Cancer Institute, Phase-I, AIIMS at Village Badsha, Dist.-Jhajjar (Haryana) by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),New Delhi - Environmental Clearance - Reg.


This has reference to your application dated 29.04.2015 and subsequentletter dated 18.06.2015, submitting the above mentioned proposal to thisMinistry for grant of Environmental Clearance (EC) in terms of the provisions ofthe Environment Impact Assessment Notification (EIA), 2006 under theEnvironment (Protection), Act, 1986.

2. The proposal for National Cancer Institute, Phase-I, AIIMS at VillageBadsha, Dist. Jhaiiar (Haryana) by All India Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS),New Delhi, was considered by the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC)inthe Ministry for Infrastructure Development, Coastal Regulation Zone, Building/Construction and Miscellaneous projects, in its 149th & 150th meetings held on19th- 21st May, 2015 & on 24th - 26th June, 2015 respectively.

3. The details of the project, as per the documents submitted by the ProjectProponents (PP), and also as informed during the above said EAC meetings, arereported to be as uriderr-

EC_AIIMS_NCI_Jhajjar Page 1 of 11

1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),New Delhi proposes todevelop a National Cancer Institute, Phase-I in Badsha village at Jhajjardistrict of Haryana state, for which Govt. of Haryana has already allocated300 acres of land. This consists of 300 acres plot divided in two lots by theBasai road going through it along with the Gurgaon water supply channel.One plot of 100 acres mark for residential Zone and other of 200 acres forinstitutional zone.

11. The proposed project site is connected to Jhajjar, Delhi, Gurgaon and other

~regions. It is surrounded by villages such as Ismailpur, Jhanjrola,Mubrakpur, Sarbasirpur, Sultanpur, Budhera, Mundakhera,

Y Farrukhnagar within 5km of the area of proposed project site.iii. The project is located at 28°30.470"N Latitude and 76°52.213"E Longitude.iv. . Since, total plot area is 12,14,057.00 m? (300 acres), the development of

project shall be in phases and under initial Phase-Il, 04,611.00 m? to be

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J xii.




constructed and remaining area i.e. 10,09,446.00 m-' will be part for futureexpansion.The Project Proponent (PP) is developing the proposed National CancerInstitute in phases. The initial phase includes the development of NationalCancer Institute (Institutional Area) and Residential infrastructure on aplot area of 1,29,536.00 sqm and of 75,075.00 sqm respectively. NoConstruction has been done on the site except the temporary OPD havingthe built up area of 4,500.00 sqm. The built up area for the proposedproject including temporary outreach OPD/Polyclinic will be 2, 53,405.40sqm.The present project plot area is 12,14,057.00 sqm. The project willcomprise 15 buildings. FSI area is 218553.4 sqm. and total constructionarea is 2,04,611.00 sqm. Total 1020 flats shall be developed.During construction phase, total water requirement is expected to be50 -60 KLD which will be met by Private water tanker. During theconstruction phase, soak pits and septic tanks will be provided fordisposal of waste water. Temporary Sanitary toilets will be providedduring peak labor force.During operational phase, total water demand of the project is expected tobe 2021 KLDand the same will be met by the Municipal supply, bore welland Recycled Water including the consumption in the existing temporaryOPD Block. This includes domestic, swimming pool, flushing, landscaping,and for cooling water requirement. The total fresh water requirement is 677KLDwhich includes Domestic water requirement, HVACcooling, swimmingpool requirements. The water requirement for Flushing, HVACcooling andlandscaping will be met through treated water from STP. Wastewatergenerated (1489 KLD)uses will be treated in 2 STPs of total 1790 KLDcapacity. 1340 KLDof treated wastewater will be recycled (376 for flushing,194 for gardening and 900 for cooling towers). About 194 KLD will bedisposed in to municipal drain during monsoon season.About 3 TPD solid waste will be generated in the project. The biodegradablewaste (1.35 TPD) will be disposed at disposal point by MunicipalCorporation and the non-biodegradable waste generated (1.66TPD) will behanded over to authorized local vendor. Biomedical waste generated will be225 kg/ day and it will be disposed by authorized vendor.It is estimated that maximum solid waste generation would be about3,019.87 kg / day, biomedical waste is estimated to be approx. 225 kg/ day(25% of waste generated by beds). The bio-medical waste would bedisposed off through Government authorized vendors.Rooftop rainwater of building will be collected in 15 RWHpits.Parking facilities: The parking for residential, hospital facilities and staffwill be 1830 car spaces + 15 HUVfrom 1549 car spaces. Provision for 120two wheelers parking on surface will also be provided.The total electrical load demand has been estimated to be 20 MVA whichwill be met through Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam. Electrical load forhospital block will be approx.15000 kVA (15 MVA)and for housing blockload will be approx. 5000 kVA(5 MVA).The project will develop Green Belt Area (Phase -I) at 52.52% ofdevelopment area (1, 07,489 sq.m.) comprising of Shelter Belt at 18%,Avenue Plantation at 15.5%, Lawns/Herbs at 14% and Water body at 5% ofdevelopment area.






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xv. Wildlife issues: It is located within 10krn of Eco-Sensitive Zone. TheSultanpur Bird Sanctuary is falling within 4 km radius of the project site.

XVI. Investment/Cost: The total cost of the project is RS.1927 Crores.xvii. Forests land: No diversion of forest land in the project.XV111.There is no court case pending against the project.XIX. Employment potential: 2075 nos.xx. Benefits of the project:-

a. Treatment of cancer is undergoing rapid changes due to improvementsin our understanding of the cause, and development of newerapproaches for detection and treatment. However, many unansweredquestions still remain to conquer this deadly disease. Prevalence ofdifferent kinds of cancer varies from country to country and betweengeographical locations within a country. Distribution of cancers seen ina developing country like India, are also very much different from seenin the west. There is also an urgent need to understand the variouscauses of cancer which are specific to our country; our lifestyle,tobacco, food habits and genetics etc.

b. Improvements in treatment of various cancers like those of the cervixand head and neck would have to be developed within India. Results oftreatment in advanced stages of most malignancies continue to bedismal, and there is an ever increasing need to improve upon these.Besides these, unlike other diseases all the cancer patients require alifelong follow up, in order to take care of the treatment, and later, itsafter effects, which at times may require treatment, counseling,vocational and lifestyle changes and rehabilitation.

c. Hence, there is an urgent need of a National Cancer Institute in thecountry which can concentrate and spend major part of its time inresearch. There will be substantial facilities in this NCI including bedsto take care of needs of the ever growing numbers of patients.

4. The EAC, in its 148th meeting held in May, 2015 asked the PP to submitfollowingadditional information for further consideration:

1. A detailed clarification from HUDAregarding availability of waterin the area and corresponding summation of commitments made so far tobe obtained by the PP from HUDAin Gurgaon or concerned areas.

ii. Revised map showing adequate parking space based on calculation ofexpected no. car/motorcycle to accommodate Patients, staff and visitors.

iii. The project location is falling within 10 KM radius of Sultanpur BirdSanctuary; necessary clearance to be obtained. Submit the status ofapplication for the same.

iv. Valid permission from fire department to be submitted.v. Statement regarding Green belt indicating area of Green Belt and plant

species to be planted.

5. The PP submitted the additional information and presented In the 149th

EACheld in June, 2015, and informed that:

~/ i. An assurance letter for water supply has been obtained from the/ Superintending Engineer, Public Health Engineering Circle, Jhajjar vide

Memo no. 4699; dated 08.06.2015 stating that the Department will provide

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I. Construction Phase

(i) The Project Proponent shall ensure that the guidelines issued videthis Ministry's OM No. 19-2/2013-IA.III dated 09.06.2015, to befollowed for building and construction projects to ensure sustainableenvironmental management in pursuance of Notification No. 3252 (E)dated 22. 12.2014 under the EIA Notification, 2006, as applicable,are followed in this project.

The Project Proponent shall obtain all necessary clearance/permission from all relevant agencies including town planningauthority before commencement of work.

'Consent to Establish' shall be obtained from State Pollution ControlBoard under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981and the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.

The environmental clearance is subject to obtaining prior clearancefrom wildlife angle including clearance from the Standing Committeeof the National Board for Wildlife as applicable. Grant ofenvironmental clearance does not necessarily implies that WildlifeClearance shall be granted to the project and that their proposals forWildlife Clearance shall be considered by the respective authoritieson their merits and decision taken.

2021 KLDcanal based water supply to National Cancer Institute at Jhajjar,Haryana as a deposit work and the same letter was submitted.

11. The details of parking for residential, hospital facilities and staff has beenincreased to 1830 car spaces + 15HUVfrom 1549 car spaces. Provision for120 two wheelers parking on surface is also being provided.

111. The copy of NOC from National Board for Wild Life (NBWL)will besubmitted in due course of time as the application is under process.Approval from the State Govt. has been submitted to MoEFCC (WildlifeDivision) New Delhi. Permission from Director, Fire Service, Haryana forapproval of fire fighting scheme from fire safety of view of proposedInstitutional Building of National Cancer Institute (NCI)has been obtainedvide Memo No.33953 dated 15.06.2015.

iv. The project will develop Green Belt Area (Phase -I) at 52.52% ofdevelopment area (1, 07,489 sq.m.) comprising of Shelter Belt at 18%,Avenue Plantation at 15.5%, Lawns/Herbs at 14% and Water body at 5% ofdevelopment area.

6. The EAC in its meeting held on 24th- 26th June, 2015, has recommendedthe project for grant of Environmental Clearance. The Ministry of Environment,Forest & Climate Change hereby accords Environmental Clearance for the above-mentioned 'National Cancer Institute, Phase-I, AIIMS' at Village Badsha,Dist. Jhajjar (Haryana) by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),New Delhi as per the provisions of the Environment Impact AssessmentNotification, 2006 and amendments thereto and circulars issued thereon, andsubject to the compliance of the following specific conditions, in addition to thegeneral conditions mentioned below:




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The investment made in the project, if any, based on environmentalclearance so granted, in anticipation of the clearance from wildlifeangle shall be entirely at the cost and risk of the project proponentand Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change shall not beresponsible in this regard in any manner.

(v) The total plot area is 12,14,057.00 sqm. The project will comprise 15buildings. FS1 area shall be 218553.4 sqm. and total constructionarea shall be 2,04,611.00 sqm. Total 1020 flats shall be developed.

(vi) During construction phase, total water requirement is 50 -6 0 KLDwhich shall be met by Private water tanker. During the constructionphase, soak pits and septic tanks shall be provided for disposalof waste water. Temporary Sanitary toilets shall be provided duringpeak labor force.

(vii) During operational phase, total water demand of the project isexpected 2021 KLDwhich shall be met by the Municipal supply, borewell and Recycled Water. The total fresh water requirement is 677KLDwhich shall include Domestic water requirement, HVACcooling,swimming pool requirements. The water requirement for Flushing,HVAC cooling and landscaping shall be met through treated waterfrom STP. Wastewater generated (1489 KLD)uses shall be treated in2 STPs of total 1790 KLDcapacity. 1340 KLD of treated wastewatershall be recycled (376 for flushing, 194 for gardening and 900 forcooling towers). About 194 KLD shall be disposed in to municipaldrain during monsoon season.

(viii) About 3 TPD solid waste will be generated in the project. Thebiodegradable waste (1.35 TPD) shall be disposed at disposal pointby Municipal Corporation and the non-biodegradable wastegenerated (1.66TPD)shall be handed over to authorized local vendor.Biomedical waste generated will be 225 kg/day which shall bedisposed by authorized vendor.

(ix) The bio-medical waste shall be disposed off through Governmentauthorized vendors.






Rooftop rainwater of building shall be collected in 15 RWHpits.

The total electrical load demand is 20 MVA which shall be metthrough Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam.

The project proponent shall develop green belt area (Phase -I) at52.52% of development area (1, 07,489 sq.m.) comprising of ShelterBelt at 18%, Avenue Plantation at 15.5%, Lawns/Herbs at 14% andWater body at 5% of development area, as committed.

The public parking facility will be clearly demarcated for specificpurpose and shall not to be encroached by others.

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(xiv) Internal shuttle transportation facility shall be provided for staffmovement from resident to hospital to minimise parkingrequiremen ts.

(xv) Aesthetic and shady plants to be given priority during development ofgreen belt around the periphery of the plot.

(xvi) Authorization from State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) shall beobtained as applicable under Bio-Medical Waste (Management andHandling) Rules, 1998 as amended.

(xvii) The project proponent shall comply with the conditions ofNOC/Clearance obtained from Fire Department.

(xviii)All the construction shall be in accordance with the local buildingbyelaws. The Project Proponent shall obtain all necessary clearances.

(xix) The project proponent shall put in place a credible enforcementmechanism for compliance of energy conservation measures with itsallottees, as projected, in perpetuity. This would be monitored by thedesigned Energy Conservation/ efficiencyAuthority in the State.

(xx) Temporary toilets will be provided for all construction labour.

(xxi) Suitable toilet fixtures for water conservation shall be provided.

(xxii) Proponent shall obtain permission for ground water withdrawal fromState Ground Water Authority.

(xxiii)D.G set shall be at least 6 m away from the boundary.

(xxiv)The rainwater harvesting plan should be incorporated by the CGWA.

(xxv) Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour withinthe site with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel forcooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking water, medicalhealth care, creche etc. The housing may be in the form of temporarystructures to be removed after the completion of the project.

(xxvi) A First Aid Room will be provided in the project both duringconstruction and operation of the project.

(xxvii)All the topsoil excavated during construction activities should bestored for use in horticulture/landscape development within theproject site.

(xxviii) Disposal of muck during construction phase should not createany adverse effect on the neighbouring communities and be disposedtaking the necessary precautions for general safety and healthaspects of people, only in approved sites with the approval ofcompetent authority.

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(xxix)Soil and ground water samples will be tested to ascertain that there isno threat to ground water quality by leaching of heavy metals andother toxic contaminants.

(xxx) Construction spoils, including bituminous material and otherhazardous materials, must not be allowed to contaminatewatercourses and the dump sites for such material must be securedso that they should not leach into the ground water.

(xxxi) Any hazardous waste generated during construction phase, should bedisposed off as per applicable rules and norms with necessaryapprovals of the State Pollution Control Board.

(xxxii) The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phaseshould be low sulphur diesel type and should conform toEnvironment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emissionstandards.

(xxxiii)The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be stored inunderground tanks and clearance from Chief Controller of Explosivesshall be taken, as applicable.

(xxxiv) Vehicles hired for bringing construction material to the site should bein good condition and should have a pollution check certificate andshould conform to applicable air and noise emission standards andshould be operated only during non-peak hours.

(xxxv) Ambient noise levels should conform to residential standards bothduring day and night as per Noise Pollution (Control and Regulation)Rules, 2000. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air andnoise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase.Adequate measures should be made to reduce ambient air and noiselevel during construction phase, so as to conform to the stipulatedstandards by CPCB/ DPCC.

(xxxvi) Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction asper the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September, 1999 andamended as on 27th August, 2003.

(xxxvii)Ready mixed concrete must be used in building construction.

(xxxviii) Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWB and BISstandards for various applications.

(xxxix) Water demand during construction should be reduced by use ofpre-mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices referred.


Permission to draw ground water shall be obtained from thecompetent Authority prior to construction/operation of the project.

Separation of grey and black water should be done by the use of dualplumbing line for separation of grey and black water.

Fixtures for showers, toilet flushing and drinking should be of lowflow either by use of aerators or pressure reducing devices or sensorbased control.

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The treated wastewater of 88 KLDand 12 KLDof treated lab effluentshall be recycled and reused for gardening (12 KLD), flushing (34KLD),HVACcooling (54 KLD)to reduce the demand of fresh water ascommitted. ETP treated water shall be used only for HVACcooling.

(xliii) Use of glass may be reduced by up-to 40% to reduce the electricityconsumption and load on air-conditioning. If necessary, use highquality double glass with special reflective coating in windows.

(xliv) Regular supervision of the above and other measures for monitoringshould be in place all through the construction phase, so as to avoiddisturbance to the surroundings.

(xlv) Under the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, legalaction shall be initiated against the project proponent if it was foundthat construction of the project has been started without obtainingenvironmental clearance.

II. Operation Phase

(i) The bio-Medical wastes shall be managed in accordance with theBio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 asamended.

(ii) The quantity of fresh water usage, water recycling and rainwaterharvesting shall be measured and recorded to monitor the waterbalance as projected by the project proponent. The record shall besubmitted to the Regional Office, MoEF&CCalong with six monthlyMonitoring reports.





J/ (vii)

Solid waste management shall be collected, treated disposed inaccordance with the Municipal Solid Waste (Management &Handling) Rules, 2000. No municipal waste should be disposed offoutside the premises.

The Operation and Maintenance of STP shall be made in the MoUwith STP supplier. Project Proponent shall ensure regular operationand maintenance of the STP.

Total parking facility shall be provided for 253 ECS. Parking facilityfor taxi and three wheelers shall be provided within the premisestaking care for movement of patients and elderly. Parking facilitywith 6 m clear driveway shall be provided, as committed.

The project proponent shall take measures to ensure 20%power/ energy conservation in perpetuity with regular monitoringreport to competent energy management authority.

(viii) The Project Proponent shall explore the possibilities of reusing thetreated wastewater from nearby projects.

(ix) The project proponent shall take all precaution to ensure that thereis no adverse impact from the nearby Waste to Energy facility.

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Rain water harvesting for roof run- off and surface run- off, as plansubmitted should be implemented. Before recharging the surface runoff, pre-treatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil andgrease. The borewell for rainwater recharging should be kept at least5 mts. above the highest ground water table.

Energy conservation measures like installation of CFLs/TFLs for thelighting the areas outside the building should be integral part of theproject design and should be in place before project commissioning.Use CFLs and TFLs should be properly collected and disposedoff/sent for recycling as per the prevailing guidelines/rules of theregulatory authority to avoid mercury contamination. Use of solarpanels may be done to the extent possible.

(x) The installation of the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) should becertified by an independent expert and a report in this regard shouldbe submitted to the Ministry before the project is commissioned foroperation. Treated affluent emanating from STP shall be recycled/reused to the maximum extent possible. Treatment of 100% greywater by decentralized treatment should be done. Discharge ofunused treated affluent shall conform to the norms and standards ofthe State Pollution Control Board. Necessary measures should bemade to mitigate the odour problem from STP.

(xi) The solid waste generated should be properly collected andsegregated. Wet garbage should be composted and dry/ inert solidwaste should be disposed off to the approved sites for land fillingafter recovering recyclable material.

(xii) Diesel power generating sets proposed as source of back-up powerfor elevators and common area illumination during operation phaseshould be of enclosed type and conform to rules made under theEnvironment (Protection) Act, 1986. The height of stack of DG setsshould be equal to the height needed for the combined capacity of allproposed DG sets. Use low sulphur diesel. The location of the DGsets may be decided with in consultation with State Pollution ControlBoard.

(xiii) Noise should be controlled to ensure that it does not exceed theprescribed standards. During night time the noise levels measured atthe boundary of the building shall be restricted to the permissiblelevels to comply with the prevalent regulations.

(xiv) The green belt of the adequate width and density preferably withlocal species along the periphery of the plot shall be raised so as toprovide protection against particulates and noise.





(i) A copy of the environmental clearance letter shall also be displayedon the website of the concerned State Pollution Control Board. TheEC letter shall also be displayed at the Regional Office, DistrictIndustries centre and Collector's Office/ Tehsildar's office for 30 days.

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(ii) The funds earmarked for environmental protection measures shall bekept in separate account and shall not be diverted for other purpose.Year-wise expenditure shall be reported to this Ministry and itsconcerned Regional Office.

7. Officials from the Regional Office of MoEF&CC, Chandigarh who would bemonitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards should be given fullcooperation, facilities and documents/data by the project proponents during theirinspection. A complete set of all the documents submitted to MoEF&CCshould beforwarded to the CCF, Regional office of MoEF&CC,Chandigarh.

8. In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, the project wouldrequire a fresh appraisal by this Ministry.

9. The Ministry reserves the right to add additional safeguard measuressubsequently, if found necessary, and to take action including revoking of theenvironment clearance under the provisions of the Environmental (Protection) Act,1986, to ensure effective implementation of the suggested safeguard measures ina time bound and satisfactory manner.

10. All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of dieselfrom Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department,Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 etc. shall beobtained, as applicable by project proponents from the respective competentauthorities.

11. These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions ofthe Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention andcontrol of Pollution) act 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the PublicLiability (Insurance) Act, 1991 and EIANotification, 2006.

12. The project proponent should advertise in at least two local Newspaperswidely circulated in the region, one of which shall be in the vemacular languageinforming that the project has been accorded Environmental Clearance and copiesof clearance letters are available with the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)and may also be seen on the website of the Ministry of Environment, Forest &Climate Change at http://www.envfor.nic.in. The advertisement should be madewithin Seven days from the date of receipt of the Clearance letter and a copy of thesame should be forwarded to the Regional Officeof this Ministry at Chandigarh.

13. This Clearance is subject to final order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of.~ India in the matter of Goa Foundation v/ s. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil)

~ No.460 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project.

/ 14. Any appeal against this clearance shall lie with the National GreenTribunal, if preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.

15. A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to concernedPanchayat, Zilla Parisad zMunicipal Corporation, Urban Local Body and the LocalNGO, if any, from whom suggestions/ representations, if any, were received whileprocessing the proposal. The clearance letter shall also be put on the website ofthe company by the proponent.

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16. The proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulated ECconditions, including results of monitored data on their website and shall updatethe same periodically. It shall simultaneously be sent to the Regional Office ofMoEF&CC, the respective Zonal Office of CPCB and the SPCB. The criteriapollutant levels namely; SPM, RSPM, S02, NOx (ambient levels as well as stackemissions) or critical sectoral parameters, indicated for the project shall bemonitored and displayed at a convenient location near the main gate of thecompany in the public domain.

17. The environmental statement for each financial year ending 31 st March inForm-Vas is mandated to be submitted by the project proponent to the concernedState Pollution Control Board as prescribed under the Environment (Protection)Rules, 1986, as amended subsequently, shall also be put on the website of thecompany along with the status of compliance of EC conditions and shall also besent to the respective Regional Offices of MoEF&CCbye-mail.

~\1\20\5(S.K. Srivastava)

Scientist ECoPY to:(i) The Principal Secretary, Directorate of Environment, Government of

Haryaria, SCO 1-2-3, Sector-17-D (2nd floor), Chandigarh(ii) The Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, CBD-

cum-Office Complex, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi - 110 032.(iii) The Member Secretary, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, C-11, Sector-

6, Panchkula-(iv) The CCF, Regional Office, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate change

(NZ),Bays No.24-25, Sector 31-A, Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh - 160 030.(v) IA- Division, Monitoring Cell, MOEF, New Delhi - 110003.(vi) Guard file.

~1120\5(S.K. Srivastava)

Scientist E

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