fms delhi placement brochure

Flight of Mystical Seagulls Corporate Relations & Placement 2010-11 University of Delhi Faculty of Management Studies

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Flight of

Mystical Seagulls

Corporate Relations & Placement 2010-11

University of Delhi

Faculty of Management Studies

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knowledgeProgrammes 05

Course Structure 06

Faculty 09

International Linkages 10

action Student Activities 13

Corporate Participation 22

discovery Summer Internship Process 25

Final & Lateral Placement Process 26

experience FMS Alumni 29

achievement Alumni Achievements 31

Student Achievements 31

Dean’s Message 01

Placement Convenor’s Message 01

Life @ FMS 02

‘Jonathan Livingstone Seagull’ by Richard Bach, is a story of an ordinary seagull with an extraordinary love for flying. While other seagulls focus on routine needs; food and shelter, Jonathan views these as incidental and challenges himself to reach beyond the conceivable limits; reaching new worlds and strengths on the way.

The FMS Manager doesn’t just manage; he believes, he is ‘free’. He understands reality but doesn’t accept its limitations. He seeks the sky of possibilities, struggles for it and learns to be a whole new self, in the process. It’s a flight/journey that transcends any educational program or a tangible experience in pursuit of an infinite excellence.

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Dean’s Message Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), University of Delhi has been a pioneer and a leader in imparting management education in India for the past many decades. FMS has been able to attract some of the most talented students and the best companies to recruit them by being able to adapt to the ever changing world outside. The teaching pedagogy and the learning environment make our students innovators and leaders.

On behalf of FMS I am proud to present to you our latest batch of students, who I am sure will be of great value to your organisation.

Best wishes

Kuriakose Mamkoottam, PhDHead & DeanFaculty of Management StudiesUniversity of Delhi

Placement Convenor’s Message The Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi stands on the edifice of knowledge gaining strength through the exemplary faculty, global alumni and talented students. Each individual associated with FMS synergizes the academic spirit, professional excellence and global industrial and cultural exposure.

The oldest Business school in the country, with its rich heritage, FMS has stood the test of time with great panache. For more than half a century, thousands of thinkers, strategists and visionaries have passed through the portals of this institution and gone on to make their places as industry captains and thought leaders across the country and world over. .

Leaders across the country and the world over. The stellar placement record, the phenomenal exposure and the extraordinary experience at FMS has shaped the minds of the tomorrow of India and the future of the world.

A.Venkat Raman, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorFaculty of Management StudiesUniversity of Delhi

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5.30 pm

2.00 pm

7.00 pm

2.30 pm

9.30 pm

7.00 am


The stroke of midnight sends pulsating signals to the waiting fingertips.

Sleep? .. What about tomorrow’s class presentation and quiz?

The theory of initiation states that the best way to treat the morning is to wake up

Where the vagaries of the business hit you for the first time

Corridor Logic and discussions always manages to solve classroom cases

Time to interpret and rediscover classroom discussions

All set for Foreign language classes

Scoring a Table Tennis point when you can

Delicious eatables and crisp presentations are the specialities at canteen

Presentation time Lasting business solutions and ever-lasting friendships are born, tried and tested in the study groups

Time to try hands in different areas of management in Campus Library.

Discussions are never ending, its now time to eat your words.

Lasting business solutions and ever-lasting friendships are born, tried and tested in the study groups


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6.00 pm

4.15 pm

10.15 pm

6.30 pm

9.00 am

2.00 am

12.15 pm

The stroke of midnight sends pulsating signals to the waiting fingertips.

Sleep? .. What about tomorrow’s class presentation and quiz?

The theory of initiation states that the best way to treat the morning is to wake up

Where the vagaries of the business hit you for the first time

Corridor Logic and discussions always manages to solve classroom cases

Time to interpret and rediscover classroom discussions

All set for Foreign language classes

Scoring a Table Tennis point when you can

Delicious eatables and crisp presentations are the specialities at canteen

Presentation time Lasting business solutions and ever-lasting friendships are born, tried and tested in the study groups

Time to try hands in different areas of management in Campus Library.

Discussions are never ending, its now time to eat your words.

Lasting business solutions and ever-lasting friendships are born, tried and tested in the study groups


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FMS co






n with understanding,

passion with poise, experience w

ith innovation;

to fi

nd new horizons. “You don’t need faith to fly, you need to understand flying.”

Johnathan Livingston Seagull, Chp 03


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FMS co






n with understanding,

passion with poise, experience with innovation;

to fi

nd new horizons.

Full Time CoursesMaster of Business Administration•

Master of Business Administration – Management of •Services

Post Graduate program in Health Care Administration•

Doctoral and Research Programmes•

Exchange ProgrammesFMS is actively engaged in collaborations with International Business Schools such as Harvard, Stanford, Kellogg, INSEAD, and other Business Schools across the globe. FMS is one of the founding members of the Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA) and International Teacher’s Program (ITP) with American Universities.

Partners in Exchange Programme(s) INSEAD , Fountainbleau, France•

Manchester Business School, England•

SDA, Boconi, Milan, Italy•

Esade, Barcelona, Spain•

Rotterdam School of Management , Netherlands•

Lyon School of Management, France•

Groupe Essce, Cergy Pontise, France•

Nijenrode Biefield, Germany•

University of California, Berkeley, USA•

Wisconsin University, White Water•

University of California, Fullerton, USA•

Lahore Institute of Management Sciences , Pakistan•

Part Time CoursesPart time program in Business Administration•

Management Development ProgrammesThe faculty of Management Studies has been at the forefront of imparting quality management education to the corporate world as well. The clientiele includes:


GAIL Limited•

Department of Posts, GoI•

All India Radio•

The Taj Group of Hotels•

North Delhi Power Ltd.•



Doordarshan India•



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FINANCEFinancial Accounting (MBAFT 6104)•

Financial Management (MBAFT 6204)•

Management Accounting (MBAFT6205)•

MARKETINGMarketing Management (MBAFT 6105)•

Marketing Research (MBAFT 6207)•


Organizational Behaviour (MBAFT 6101)•

Human Resource Management (MBAFT 6106)•

Business Communication (MBAFT 6107)•

Organization Effectiveness and Change (MBAFT 6201)•

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility •(MBAFT 6301)


Quantitative Methods (MBAFT 6102)•

Production and Operations Management (MBAFT 6206)•

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENTInformation Technology Management (MBAFT 6108)•

Management of Information System (MBAFT 6208)•

STRATEGY International Business Environment (MBAFT 6403)•

Strategic Management (MBAFT 6402)•

Legal Environment of Business (MBAFT 6303)•

Strategic Analysis (MBAFT 6302)•

Economic Environment of Business (MBAFT 6203)•

Managerial Economics •

SUMMER PROJECT Paper on summer training with academic inputs- Written •Report & Viva Voce

The programs are designed to provide innovative and practical solutions to critical management challenges that are real time in nature. Companies have benefitted immensely due to these programmes conducted by the faculty members.

Compulsory Courses

Course Structure


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FINANCE F-3101 Quantitative Analysis of Financial Decisions •

F-3102 Security Analysis and Investment Management •

F-3103 Portfolio Management •

F-3104 International Financial Management •

F-3105 Management of Financial Services •

F-3106 Management Control System •

F-3107 Risk Management •

F-3108 Corporate Taxation •

F-3109 Financial Derivatives •

F-3110 Project Planning, Analysis and Management •

F-3111 Fixed Income Securities •

F-3112 Corporate Governance •

F-3113 Financial Reporting •

MARKETING F-3201 Consumer Behaviour •

F-3202 Advertising Management •

F-3203 Competitive Marketing •

F-3204 Internet Marketing •

F-3205 Sales Force Management •

F-3206 Business Marketing •

F-3207 Sales Promotion Management •

F-3208 Services Marketing •

F-3209 Marketing Channel •

F-3210 Analytical Marketing •

F-3211 Brand Management •

F-3212 Advanced Research Techniques in Marketing •

OB & HRD F-3301 Management of Industrial Relations •

F-3302 Negotiation, Persuasion & Social Influence Skills •

F-3303 Manpower Development for Technological •change

F-3304 Compensation Management •

F-3305 Performance Management •

F-3306 Management Training and Development •

F-3307 Managing Interpersonal and Group Processes •

F-3308 Personal Power & Leadership through Asian •Values

F-3309 Counselling Skills for Managers •

F-3310 Human Resource Development: Strategies and •Systems

F-3311 Human Resource Planning and Development •

F-3312 Cross Cultural and Global Management •

F-3313 Managing Diversity •

F3314 Leadership, Power & Politics •


F-3401 Advanced Operations Management •

F-3402 Total Quality Management •

F-3403 Production Planning and Control •

F-3404 Operations Strategy •

F-3405 Operations Research •

F-3406 Environment & Safety Management •

F-3407 Modelling in Supply Chain Management •

F-3408 Decision Models and Optimization •

F-3409 Quantitative Analysis of Risk and Uncertainty •

F-3410 Supply Chain Management •

F-3411 Technology, Innovation and New Product •Management

ENTREPRENEURSHIP F-3501 Entrepreneurial Management •

F-3502 Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation •

F-3503 Social Entrepreneurship •

F-3504 Family Business and Entrepreneurship •

F-3505 Financing the Entrepreneurial Business •

F-3506 Managing the Growing Business •


F-3602 Business Process Re-engineering •

F-3603 System Analysis and Design •

F-3604 Strategic Management of Information •Technology

F-3605 Database Management System •

F-3606 Knowledge Management •

F-3607 Managing IT-Enabled Services •

F-3608 Network Operations, Management & Security •

F-3609 Business Intelligence •



FINANCE FE-3101 Financial Decisions Analysis •

FE-3102 International Financial Management •

FE-3103 Management Control System •

FE-3104 Corporate Taxation •

FE-3105 Project Planning, Analysis and Management •

FE 3106 Working Capital Management •

FE-3107 Foreign Exchange Management •

FE-3108 International Financial Markets •

FE-3109 International Accounting •


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MARKETING FE-3201 Consumer Behaviour •

FE-3202 Advertising Management •

FE-3203 Marketing Research •

FE-3204 Strategic Marketing •

FE-3205 Distribution Management •

FE-3206 Business Marketing •

FE-3207 Brand Management •

FE-3208 Relationship Marketing •

FE-3209 Direct & Network Marketing •

FE-3210 Sales Promotion Management •

FE-3211 Retail Marketing •

FE-3212 Sales Force Management •

HUMAN RESOURCES FE-3301 Management of Industrial Relations •

FE-3302 Human Resource Planning & Development •

FE-3303 Technological Change & Human Resource •Management

FE-3304 Performance Management: Systems and •Strategies

FE-3305 Cross-cultural management •

FE-3306 Counselling Skills for Managers •

FE-3307 Labour Laws •

FE-3308 Managing Diversity •

FE-3309 Personal Power and Leadership through Asian •Values

FE-3310 Compensation Management •

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT FE-3401 Total Quality Service •

FE-3402 Logistics and Supply Chain Management •

FE 3403 Environment and Safety Management •

FE 3404 Operations Research •

FE-3405 Operations Strategy •


SE-4101 Security Analysis and Investment Management •

SE-4102 Portfolio Management •

SE-4103 Financial Derivatives •

SE-4104 Risk Management & Insurance •

SE-4105 Treasury Management •

SE-4106 e-Banking •

SE-4107 Management of Financial Services •

SE-4108 Management of Financial Institutions •

HEALTHCARE SERVICES SE-4201 Health Systems Management •

SE-4202 Health Management Information Systems •

SE 4203 Corporate Health Services and Health Insurance •

SE-4204 Marketing of Health Services •

SE-4205 Purchasing and Materials Management for •Hospitals

SE-4206 Quality Management in Healthcare Services •

SE-4207 Environmental Health Management & Safety •Planning

SE-4208 Health Economics •


SE-4301 Managing e-Business •

SE-4302 Business Process Re-engineering •

SE-4303 System Analysis and Design •

SE-4304 Knowledge Management •

SE-4305 Strategic Management of Information •Technology

SE-4306 Database Management Systems •

SE-4307 Enterprise Resource Planning •

SE-4308 Managing IT Enabled Services •


SE-4401 Tourism Marketing •

SE-4402 Transportation Management •

SE-4403 Hospitality Marketing •

SE-4404 Hospitality Operations Management •

SE-4405 Quality in Hospitality Services •

SE-4406 Civil Aviation Management •

SE-4407 Airport Management •

PUBLIC SERVICES SE-4501 Social Marketing •

SE-4502 Management of Public Distribution System •

SE-4503 Development Administration •

SE-4504 Planning and Management of Education System •

SE-4505 Management of Cooperatives •

SE-4506 Technology Finance •

SE-4507 R&D Management •

SE-4508 Infrastructure Financing •

SE-4509 Energy Management •

SE-4510 Management of Telecommunication Systems •

SE-4511 Management of NGOs•


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PROFESSORSProf. A. S. NARAG M.Sc. (O R). ITP •(Harvard), Ph.D

Prof. V. K. BHALLA M.A. Ph.D•

Prof. RAGHAV GAIHA Ph.D •(Manchester)

Prof. J. K. MITRA M.A. Ph.D•

Prof. RAJ S. DHANKAR M.Com., •Ph.D., PDS (UCLA)

Prof. M. L. SINGLA BE, MBA, PhD•




Prof. VIJAY K. SETH M.A., Ph.D.•

Prof. MADHU VIJ M.Com. M.Phil. •Ph.D.




Dr. H. D. GUPTA B.E., MBA, Ph.D•


Dr. SIMRIT KAUR M. A. (Eco). Ph. D •Economics

Dr. MALA SINHA Ph.D. (Psychology)•


Dr. KAVITA SINGH MA (Psychology), •M.Phil, Ph.D

Dr. TANUJA AGARWALA M.A. •Psychology, M.Phil, Ph.D

Dr. HARSH V. VERMA M.Phil, Ph.D.•


Dr. PANKAJ SINHA M.Sc., •Ph.D., Financial Engineering, Econometrics and Forecasting

Dr. DEBADYUTI DAS M.Tech., Ph.D, •Operations

Dr. MONIKA SINGHANIA M.Com, •Ph.D, F.C.A., Corporate Taxation

Dr. AMIT BARDHAN M.Sc., Ph.D., •Operations Research and Marketing Engineering

LECTURERSHEMENDRA K DANGI B.Tech.•(Gold Medalist), Marketing Research, Sales and Distribution Management, Disaster Management.

Mr. NARAIN M.Com., Security •Analysis and Investment Management, Portfolio Management

GUEST FACULTYProf. ABAD AHMAD Ph.D, MBA •(Western Ontario), ITP (Harvard)

Prof. S. NEELAMEGHAM M. Com, •Ph.D., AMBIM (London), GICAME (Stanford), ITP (Harvard)

Prof. M. M. ANAND M.Com Ph.D, •DIM, GICAME (Stanford)



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The world for which the MBAs prepare is multicultural and multinational. FMS strives to give its students and faculty members the opportunity to develop and apply cross-cultural skills and concepts in global business contexts. As a founding member of the Association of Management Development Institutions of South Asia (AMDISA), FMS has had a rich history of relationships with excellent institutions around the world and is exploring further areas of collaboration:

ESADE, Barcelona, Spain•

Harvard Business School, Boston, USA•

INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France•

Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium•

Manchester Business School, England•

Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands•

SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy•

University Bielefeld, Germany•

University of California, Berkeley, USA•

University of California, Fullerton, USA•

Wisconsin University, White Water, USA•


Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan•

IAE de Lyon Business School of the University, South •Korea

Indian Youth Delegation to China, MOU with •Government of Chaina

University of Melbourne, Australia*•

McGill University, China*•

Fudan University, China*•

University of New South Wales, Australia*•

University of British Columbia, Canada*•

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China*•

University of Queensland, Australia*•

University of HongKong*•

University College Dublin, Ireland*•

Waseda University, Japan*•

Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico*•

University of Auckland, New Zealand*•

National University of Signapore*•

Korea University, South Korea*•

Lund University, Sweden*•

University of Birmingham, UK*•

University of Virginia, USA*•

University fo Edinburg, UK*•

University of Glasgow, UK*•

University of Nottingham, UK*•


International Linkages


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O P Jindal Engineering and Management Scholarship (OPJEMS)

TMI Scholarship

IFCI Scholarship

Bharti Scholarship

His Holiness “The Pope” Scholarship

Award of Pandit Manmohan Nath Dhar Endowment Scholarship

G L Mehta Scholarship for Academic Excellence

All India Post Graduate Scholarship

Guru Harkrishan Educational Society Scholaorship

NDPL Scholarship

NTPC Scholarship

New Central Scholarship Scheme of top class education

Address by Mrs. Hilary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State USA

Prof. Gordon Patzer, a Full Bright Scholar from University of Roosevelt, Chicago taught at FMS for one year

Prof. Allen Boge, Germany taught at FMS for one Semester

Hosted Prof. John Brinkman, Dean, Liverpool Hope Business School

Hosted delegation from IESEG Business School, Lille, France

Mr. John Davison, Econimic Minister Counsellor at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, on “Barack Obama & Indo-US relations”

Proof. Zahoor Hassan, Vice Chancellor, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan

Prof. T.G. Woldemariam, Vice President, Post-Graduate Programmes, Addis Ababa University.

Prof. Robert Fouchet, Dean, IMPGT & Vice Rector University Paul Cézanne, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Prof. Hongjoo Jung, Prof. of Management & Associate Dean, SungKyunKwan University, Seoule, Korea.

Prof. Guy Scoffoni, Director, International Relations, University Paul Cezanne, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Prof. Gilles Guyout, IAE-Lyon, Universite Jéan Moulin Lyon 3, Lyon, France

Prof. Denise Dimon, Director MBA Programs, University of San Diego, California, USA.

Prof. Alain Boge, Coordinator India Programme, IAE-Lyon, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Lyon, France.

Prof. Ajit Tanaka, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Salman Akhtar, Jefferson Medical College and Psychoanalytic Centre of Philadelphia, USA

Prof. Gert Bruche, Vice President, Berlin School of Economics, Berlin, Germany

Mrs. Valerie Pecresse,. Minister for Higher Education & Research, Government fo France

Mr. Wolfgang Holtgen German-India Business Center, Hannover, Germany

Mr. W.K.W. Michael, State Minister, Technical and Vocational, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia



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is 1%

inspiration, 99% application


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is 1%

inspiration, 99% applicationto evolve oneself and realities

“Heaven is not a place or time. Heaven is being perfect.”Johnathan Livingston Seagull, Chp 03

Student Activities

Panel Discussion - Union Budget and its Implications on the Economy

Paranjoy Guha Thakurta Ex-Anchor, India Talks, CNBC TV 18

Dr. M Govinda Rao Director, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy; Member, Economic Advisory Council

Dr. Monica Singhania Faculty, Faculty of Management Studies

Dr. Sriram Khanna Faculty, Delhi School of Economics; Founder,National Consumers Helpline

The Banker’s Summit

Session 1 : Banking after the Bubble

Mr. S.C. Sinha- ED, Oriental Bank of Commerce

Mr. T.M. Bhasin-ED, United Bank of India

Mr. Sanjeev Bhasin-MD, DBS

Mr. Anirban Lahiri – CEO, Deustche GMC

Mr. Hugh Sandeman – MD, Langham Capital

Session 2 : Evolution of the Private Equity Ecosystem

Mr. Ajay Garg-MD, Equirius Capital

Mr. Munish Dayal-MD, Barings Private Equity Partners Mr. Udai Dhawan- Director, Standard Chartered PE Mr. Jayasankar– Executive Director, Kotak Investment Banking Mr. Muneesh Chawla-MD, Blue River Capital

FINANCE ACTIVITIESThe Finance society at FMS challenge the hackneyed and clichéd to go beyond, combining business ideas with business theories to bring about convergence with business realities.



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Mr. Paresh Thakkar- MD, Religare Advisory Services Mr. Avinash Gupta-Head, Transaction Advisory Services, Deloitte

Workshop & Courses Derivatives - Dun & Bradstreet A two day extensive workshop on Derivatives -futures, forwards, swaps and options

Investment Banking and Wealth Management: Conducted by Mr. Neeraj Batra: Ex- hedge fund manager and Director, Inbuss Practical application of Global

macro economics in Investing decisions across global asset classes Equity Research and Value investing Workshop Conducted by Mr. Saurabh Basrar, Altais Advisors on Stock Investing, Sector research, & Value investing Certified workshop on Insurance sector and Marketing of Insurance Companies, Conducted by Mr. Naresh Vigh , Regional Director - DSF, Aviva and Mr. Rachit Singh , AVP - Bancassurance & Business Partnerships, Aviva

Valuation Workshop, KPMG Conducted by Arvind Vermani, Director KPMG (Corporate Finance) and Mahek Vikamsey, Associate Director, KPMG Covered practical application of theories of valuation techniques and live case studies

Workshop on Global Currency Markets

One day workshop covering Foreign Exchange Risk Management, Currency Futures, Hedging, Currency Spreads & Strategies

Finanza ‘09

‘Managing Economic Recovery’.

Mr. Naveen Gupta

Head ,Private Banking Treasury, Standard Chartered Bank

Mr. Anup Kapadia

Director, NM Rothschild

Mr. Sachin Gupta

Business Head, CRISIL Ratings

Mr. Atul Kumar Rai

CEO and MD, IFCI Ltd.

Mr. Subhomoy Bhattacharjee

Senior Editor , Financial Express

Mr. Gyan Mohan, Exec VP

Head IB, IDBI Capital

Mr. Rajesh Parthasarthy

Vice President, Calyon Bank

Mr. Varun Gupta, MD

American Appraisal

Mr. Shailesh Singh

Director Investments, 2i Capital

Mr. Manasvi Srivastav

Senior Vice President, BMR Advisors Pvt. Ltd.

National Level Competitions

Kshitij, Share Badshaah & Comparta Comerciar

Workshops & Courses

Short courses on Securitization & Credit Derivatives

Workshop on Structured Trade & Commodity Finance


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Annual Marketing Conclave

Session 1: Marketing Tools in Recessionary Times


Mr Ravi Kiran, CEO (South Asia), •Starcom Media-vest Group

Mr. Sai Nagesh from Dentsu •Communication

Vivek Bali, Group President – Global •Brand and Marketing, Spice

Mr. Vikram Khosla, National Sales •Head of Foods and Personal care businesses, ITCK

Keynote address and moderation •by Dr. H.V.Verma, Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Management Studies

Session 2: Advertising is the answer…… What is the question?


Mr Vivek Sharma, CMO, Philips •Electronics India Ltd.

Mr. Manasvi Rasgotra, Marketing •Manager, Nestle Professional

Mr. Kishore Chakraborti, Vice •President, Con-sumer Insight, McCann Erickson India

Mr. Mohit Gupta, CMO, MakeMyTrip•

Mr. Anurag Batra, MD, Editor in •chief, Ex-change4media group.

What lies beneath: An event focused on learning about the hottest trends and concepts in the marketing world Merchants of Delhi: A selling and entrepreneurial event aimed at testing both creativity and selling skills Mark-o-pedia: A category analysis event

Guest Lectures

Mr. Satish Sharma Apollo Tyres Chief, India operations

Mr. Rajesh Ghatge Executive director , COO and co founder 141-Sercon

Markibrand ’09

Brand Loyalty and its relevance in today’s context.

Mr. Punit Modhgil Director, Enterprise Marketing, Microsoft India.

Mr. Manishi Sanwal GM, LVMH

Mr. Anupam Dutta MD, Kellogg’s India

Mr.Tarun Puri MD, Nike India

Mr. Sandeep Lahiri Marico

Mr. Atulik Saxena COO, Futurebrands,

Mr. M.S. Gadhok Category Head, RTE Division, ITC

Mr. Rajiev Grover Director, Mobility and Consumer Marketing, Hewlett-Packard

Mr. Gurumukh Singh Malhotra Head, Business marketing, Intel

Mr.Prakash Dharmarajan President, Ogilvy & Mather

MARKETING ACTIVITIESMarketing societies at FMS endeavour to build marketing acumen in the future managers at FMS.


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Theme Ownership & Management: Rethinking of Corporate Governance in 21st Century

Speakers –

Mr. C S Raju, General Manager (HR), Maruti Udyog Limited Mr. Shourov Mukherjee, Executive Assistant to President & CEO, Coca Cola India

Mr. Deepak Khandelwal, Vice President, Bank of America Mr. Ashish Anand, Sr. Vice President, Religare Enterprises


Emotional Intelligence at Workplace (FEIL)


Praxis Blog Contact a senior – Mentorship Programme for Batch 2012 Outbound Trip - Student / Faculty Interaction

Live Projects

6S Capital 2020 Social Jaquar PVR Nest

Harvest Theme, “Managing HR in times of recession”.

Mr. Sebi Chacko Head Human resource, South Asia, Thomson Reuters

Mr. Ashu Malhotra Head Human resource India, Alcatel Lucent

Ms. Vijaya G Head HR Corporate, Fortis Healthcare

Mr. Abhay Kapoor GM, Ranbaxy Laboratories

Dwandh – Inter B School Paper Presentation


HR & OB Society aim to facilitate discovery of the self and a better understanding about one’s own responses and reactions to the situation.



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Mr. M.P. Singh, Managing Director (Mining) and Vice President & Co. Head, Arcelor Mittal Mr. Puneet Kalra, Senior Principal, Monitor Group Mr. Praveen Kumar, Senior DGM, Jindal Steel & Power Mr. Prakash Chandra Prabhakar, MD, Q Equip Associates India Pvt. Ltd. Ms. Charu Sehgal, Senior Director, Deloitte Consulting Mr. T R Ramachandran, CEO Aviva India

Talk to the Consultant :

Mr Vishal Pandit, Head, (India, •Middle East, and SAARC, Hewitt Associates India

Mr. N S Rajan , Partner & Head- •Human Capital, Ernst & Young

Mr. Vikas Aggarwal, Director-•Advisory Services, KPMG

Mr. Arsh Maini, Director, Deloitte •Consulting

Mr Manish Upadhyaay, Senior •Consultant, Bain & Co.

Sector Speak

Mr. Richard Dailly, MD, Kroll (India) Political Risk & Business Litigation

Consilium Magazine

Article by consultants from Cognizant Business Consulting.

Q-Equip Business Innovation Challenge

Topic : “Innovation to Expand Reach, Reduce Cost & Offer Greater Value to All Stake Holders in the Healthcare Industry” . Prize money INR 1,00,000.


Contraband which throws light on specific sectors are circulated amongst the students to give them insights and a clearer perspective about the industry. The sectors which have been covered Telecom; Power; Power Equity; IT/ITes; Banking; Entertainment; Tourism; Real Estate and Health care.

Live Projects

Live Project in association with Q Equip Associates partnered with firms like Porsche and Aviva.

Guest Lectures

M&A - Naman Mawandia, Langham •Capital and Solving Case Studies.

Manuj Ohri, Accenture Business •Consulting.

Mr. Ranjit Shastri, MD of PSi, former •consultant McKinsey.

Prof. Pradeep Dubey of Yale •University.

Prof Prasad a former faculty at •SUNY Stone Brook University


Mr. Sumit Gupta, at E&Y India, Mr. Tarun Arora, Pricewaterhouse Coopers

Athenica – White paper •presentation competition.

Decode the Enigma – Online •Treasure Hunt competition.

Management Simulation Games •and knowledge-sharing sessions


Consulting Club in FMS aims to be an incubator for consultants par excellence and is powered by ideas and innovation.



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International Entrepreneurship Challenge 2009

Finale Judges

Prof. Vivek Suneja

Dr. Anil Wali, MD FITT, IIT Delhi

Gautam Munshi, CEO Redwood Associates

Sharat Jain – President, Online Recharge Services Private Limited

Guest Lectures

Mr. Sanjeev Bikhchandani – Founder & CEO Prajakt Raut – Co-Founder, Orange Cross(healthcare) Raghav Aggarwal – Founder, True Tech

Live Projects

Fractal Solutions ITDC Neuve Consultancy

E-Week in association with National Entrepreneurship Network

Events Judges Sramana Mitra: Author, Columnist, ForbesStrategy Consulting and Online Strategy Roundtables Sameer Guglani - General Partner, Morpheus Venture Partners Dipti Tandon – Founder Jeevan, Magic


E-Cell is an endeavour to create opportunities and to provide people with a platform for their Start-Ups and convert their ideas and plans into sustainable realities.



The Inter-School Business Plan Contest was unique in its focus on services. It required the development of a basic structure of a Business Plan under economic constraints and pre-specified business conditions.

Blueprint The event aimed at addressing the vital need to find out alternative sources of energy.


Connexion is the annual start-up fair started in 2009. It saw several companies visiting the campus to share their dreams,visions and live projects with students. The firms got several credible market researches, analysis and knowledge input from the students.

Participating Companies:

1. Fractal Solutions

2. Skullcandy

3. Khojguru

4. KyaZoonga

5. PiggyJobs

6. NIIT e-Learning;

7. Redseer Consulting

8. The Sports Campus

9. ARC Financial Services

10. The Recruiters

11. General Education

12. Nurture Avenues

13. Verkko

14. Greenobin

15. Kumar Labels

16. AccessAbility

17. InstaLearning

18. India Property Review


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Systems society aims to spread awareness in the fields of Systems, Operations and Consulting. Synopsys is a cross functional society with involvement spanning across domains

“KshITij” the annual IT conclave

Theme: The future of IT leadership and the evolution of delivery models in IT

Mr. Amarpreet Singh, Director Online and Sales Marketing from Google

Mr.Apoorva Chamaria, Director Marketing, Enterprise Services, HCL

Mr. Deepak Marwah, Director Manufacturing, Microsoft

The conclave also had distinguished industry leaders and academicians from Michigan State University,

NASSCOM, Sopra Group and ST Microelectronics.

Dr. Krishna Kumamuru, who is a senior Manager at IBM Research Hyderabad delivered a guest lecture on “Engineering and Management Innovations in Services” enlightening the students on the prominence of innovation in the service industry.

Events :

‘FOOTPRINTS’ magazine: FMS Alumni Newsletter •

Annual Alumni Dinner•

City Chapter meets at Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Singapore•

Family Picnic, Light Musical Programmes, Hasya Kavi Sammelans•

The Nostalgia Committee works in fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between the institute and its alumni.





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The Seminars and Conventions committee at FMS has a pivotal responsibility of organizing the annual seminar, Serveskriti of MBA-MS programme.

Serveskriti ‘09

Speakers :

Mr. Rohit Adya CEO Vodafone Essar

Mr. Ranjiv Singh CMO Microsoft Corporation India

Mr. Rakesh Sharma Head - Strategy and New Business development Philips Electronics

Mr. Amit Ranjan COO Slideshare

Mr. Atul Gupta VP - Sales & Marketing Suzuki India

Mr. Tuhin Sen Creative Director Saatchi & Saatchi

Mr. Gurdeep Singh COO Aircel

Mr. Amitabh Vardhan CEO PVR Cinemas

Mr. Sanjeev Kapur Director Country Marketing & Banking Products Citibank

Mr. Lakshmi Kant Gupta CMO LG Electronics

Mr. Vikram Malhotra COO Balaji Motion Pictures

Mr. Salil Kapoor COO DishTV India Ltd.


Sports bring people together; a team bands together to accomplish a familiar goal.

Altius A 3-day sports extravaganza that envisages participation from prominent Business schools of the country

Sports Covered

Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Carrom, Chess, Cricket, Football, Table Tennis, Throwball, Tug-of-War, Volleyball

This society that aims at the overall development apart from the regular academics that one is used to.

SMASH-Intra college Badminton tournament•

OTC championship- Intra college Cricket championship•

Fantasia and Felicity-Cultural Programs•

Wining and Dining sessions•

Grooming sessions•

Adventure trips and sports meets•


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Prospectus , Admissions Brochure and the Student Resources Guide•

Special Publications like Spark & Kairos - the newsletters of FMS •

Comprehensive coverage and reportage of campus activities•

Update and streamline the official website •



Retail Marketing Workshop•

Redesign New Courses•

Reorganization of the library system•

Acquisition of databases and journals•


Annual Convention•

Fiesta - FMS Annual Management Festival•

Business, general quizzes•

The Teachers’ Day Celebrations•

Antakshari, JAM and Dumb Charades•

Induction dinner•

Grandiose parties •

Accolades IIM-A ‘Chaos’ •

With an aim to improve and assess the general awareness quotient , this group aims at conducting voluntary participation based quizzes.



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Mr. Abhimanyu R., • AVP, Avalon Consulting

Mr. Amaria, • Tata Capital Limited

Mr. Amit Ranjan, • Co-Founder, Slideshare

Mr. Anil Saxena, • Associate Director, MTS

Mr. Anish Shah, • President and CEO, GE Capital India

Mr. A S Chouhan, • President and CEO of the Speciality Sector, RPG Group

Mr. Cherian Thomas, • Group Head and Chief Operations Officer, IDFC Foundation

Mr. G.K. Suresh, • Marketing Head, Personal Care, ITC

Mr. Jitin Goyal, • CEO, Elpis Inc

Mr. Kulin Patel, • Business Practice Head (Employee), Tower Watson

Mr. Neeraj Garg, • Chief Operating Officer (Mass Market Business), Piramal Healthcare

Mr. Niren Chaudhary, • MD Yum Resraurants

Mr. Pallav Sinha, • MD & CEO at Fullerton Securities & Wealth Advisors Ltd

Mr. Pankaj Maheshwari, • Senior VP & Head - North India, Credit Agricole CIB

Mr. Pankaj Mittal, • CHRO (Chief of Human Resources) Indus Towers

Mr. Piyush Mathur, • President, India Region, Nielsen India

Mr. Prabhat, • Marketing Director, GAIL

Mr. Puneet Kalra, • Executive Director, Russell Reynolds Associates

Mr. Ramit Gupta, • President, IBM Consulting

Mr. Ravi Kiran, • CEO South East and South Asia, Starcom MediaVest Group

Mr. Sandip Tarkas, • President, Customer Strategy, Future Group

Mr Sanjay Gujral, • Executive Director, Everstone Investment Advisors

Mr. Sanjay Kukreja, • Principal, Chrys Capital

Mr. Shailesh Vickram Singh, • Director, 2i Capital

Mr. Sriram Jagannthan, • mCommerce CEO, Bharti Airtel

Mr. Steve Remedios, • Head CD Center of Excellence, HUL

Mr. Subhash Chand, • Director, Marketing, SC Johnson

Mr. Thomas Kuruvilla, • MD, Arthur D.Little Middle East

Mr. T Ramachandran, • Aviva LIfe MD, CEO

Mr. Vineet Trakroo, • Vice President, Marketing (Personal Care), Cavinkare

Mr. Vishal Pandit,• Head Hewitt Consulting, India, Middle East & SAARC

Mr. Vivek Mathur, • Senior Group VP, ICRA

Corporate Participation


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Student Speak“ My notable memory of FMS will always be of the great camaraderie that students enjoyed and this made the learning experience so much more enjoyable”

“Commit, work hard, and excel…it’s plain; If you still miss it, there won’t be anything to complain”

“ FMS is a place that teaches you the capabilities to perform under constraints and make you a smart individual”

“ Products of FMS have outshone management graduates in practically all fields of business because we do not produce management graduates. In fact, we refine.”


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“Your whole body is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too ...”

Johnathan Livingston Seagull, Part 03


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S is

a d

iscovery of the ‘infinite’ w


amidst finite ground realities.

Company PPTs for Summers 25th August –20th September

Summer Placements (Batch of 2010-2012) October 2010

Lateral Placement (Batch of 2009-2011) January 2011

Final Placements (Batch of 2009-2011) February 2011

Summer Internship Process

Stages 1Company interacts with students on campus through Guest Lectures, Corporate –Campus Building exercises , live projects, competitions etc.

2The profiles of the students are sent to the companies

3Company conducts a Pre-placement talk

6 Company announces final results

4 Company asks for the resumes of the interested candidates

5 Based on the students’ perceptions and areas of interests, the companies are ranked and called on campus for interviews

Placement Season


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1 Companies make a pre-placement presentation (PPT) to provide an opportunity to the students to seek clarity on the profile of the company, position offered, remuneration package and other relevant information

2 Participating companies are invited to make their assessment of the applicants during a specific time slot

3 The slots for the companies shall be decided on the basis of the following parameters:

1. Brand Name of the organization

2. Profile

3. Remuneration

4. Previous Relationship (consistency in recruitment from campus & Number of Offers)

4 Placement Process is conducted on campus or off campus (Video Conference, Telephonic Conversation)

Final & Lateral Placement Process26

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FMCGAsian paints•



Coca Cola•

Colgate Palmolive•




Heinz •

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.•






Procter & Gamble•

Reckitt Benckiser•

SAB Miller•

Yum foods•


Godrej •

Johnson & Johnson•

Jumbo Electronics•




UB Group•

Usha International•


General Management

M & M•

Aditya Birla Group•


Larsen & Toubro•



Avalon consulting•




Ernst & Young•

Frost & Sullivan•


Q –Equip•

Technopak •


PharmaAstra Zeneca•

Elli Lily•



HRCinepolis HR•

Cummins HR•


Pepsi HR•



Private Equity2i Capital•


Bajaj Capital•

Barings Private Equity •

Millennium Spires•

Trade FinanceJaypee•

JRG Securities•

Kotak Securities•

Project FinanceAviva•

Bajaj Allianz•

BMR Advisors•


InsuranceAviva •

Max New York Life •

Bajaj Allianz•

IT ConsultingAricent•










BankingAmerican Express•


BNP Paribas•






Standard Chartered•

Yes Bank•

Investment BankingAvendus Advisors•

Bank of America•


Goldman Sachs•

J P Morgan•



SBI Capital•

Tata Capital•

Zeus Infra •






Tata Teleservices•


“The quality of education imparted and the quality of student talent shines through. Your robust and deep selection process for screening new joinees is very effective.”

Mr. Rajagopal, Global CIO Mastek

“Some of the best professionals I have worked with over the last 20 years came from FMS”

Sriram, CEO, M-commerce, Airtel

“FMS students are driven by a strong value system.”

Sonali Chowdhury, Associate Director & Head HR, P&G India

“One distinguishing feature of FMS has always has been the rich diversity of student profiles in terms of work experience as well as educational backgrounds. The students we have recruited consistently exceed our expectations”

Leela Nair,

Executive Director, HR, HUL

“Its a family institution where we are so closely knit with the faculty that they would always encourage us to achive more”

Manoj Kohli, CEO & Joint MD of Bharti Airtel IB Group

Past Years Recruiters’


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s the globe

as h

is n


al sp

here of performance.


Page 31: FMS Delhi Placement Brochure

A. K, Puri, MD, Hinduja Power

Shumeet Banerji, CEO of Booz & Co.

Achal Ghai, CEO, Avigo Capital

Ajay Mahajan, MD, Union Bank of Switzerland

Ajit Singh Chauhan, President & CEO (speciality Sector) & Board Member, RPG

Akhil Awasthi, Managing Partner, Tata Capital Private Equity

Amit Jain, Managing Director, MTV Asia, Singapore

Anil Aggarwal, Director & CFO, IREO

Ashok Bhan, CEO, Wadia Group

Ashok Bhasin, Managing Director, Wadhawan Food Retail Pvt Ltd

Ashutosh Maheshvari, CEO, Motilal Oswal Group , Investment Banking

B V Shriraman, Partner Accenture Management Consulting

D. S. Brar, Chairman , GVK Biosciences

Dalip Raheja, President & CEO, Mpower Group

Dalip Sehgal, Former MD &CEO, Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Deepak Khetrapal, CEO, Jumbo Electronics

Gokul Laroia, Co-Head, Investment Banking, Morgan Stanley, Asia Pacific

Harit Nagpal, MD, TATA Sky

Hemant Lamba , AVP, Banking and Capital Markets, Infosys

Hiroo Mirchandani, Director, (CHPD), Pfizer

Kamal Oberoi, CMD, M&C Saatchi

Saatchi Kamesh Goyal, CEO & Regional Head, Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance

R.K.Dutta, Former CMD, OIL India Ltd

Manoj Kohli, CEO (International) & Joint MD, Bharti Airtel

Mahendra Swaroop, CEO, Times Internet,

Manoj Vaish, Former President & CEO, Dun and Bradstreet

Mohit Joshi – Head, Sales, Banking and Capital Markets, Infosys

Narayan Sundaram, Director Cadbury India

Neelam Dhawan, MD, Hewlett Packard (India)

Niren Chaudhary, MD, YUM! India

Pankal Agarwal, Reckitt Benckiser

Pankaj Sharma, Global & European Marketing Director, Unilever

Pravin Paby, MD, Nomura Securities Singapore

R. Mukundan, MD, TATA Chemicals

Raghav Bahl, Founder & MD, TV18 Indian Media

Raj Kamal Sharma, Head (Exports), Nestle

Rakesh Bhatia, Partner, PWC

Rajan C R, President, Murugappa Group

Ranjan Sen, Head, Strategic distribution, HSBC Bank (India)

Rahul Malhotra, Regional GM (Asia & Middle East), LPG, Shell

Rahul Vohra, Executive Director, Societe Generale

Rajiv Sharma, CFO, Axis Private Equity

Ravi Deol, MD and CEO, Barista Coffee

Ravi Deol, Chairman & CEO, IHC

Ravi Kant, COO, Titan Eyewear

Ravi Kiran, CEO (South Asia), Starcom MediaVest Group

Reshmi Sehghal, MD, BNP Paribas

Ritesh Idnani, COO, Infosys BPO

Sameer Joshi, Director, Credit Agricole CIB, UAE

Sandeep Goyal, Chairman, Dentsu Communications & Marcom

Sanjiv Vohra, Managing Director, Citibank, Phillipines

Sarvesh Swaroop, Head ,Retail Banking, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank

Seema Chandra, CFO, Spicejet

Sudhir Sethi Founder & CMD, IDG Ventures

Sunder Hemrajani, Managing Director, Times OOH

Sukanta Acharya, Head, MFG Americas, Infosys

Udit Prakash, Vice President, Commodities Corporate Structuring, Barclays Capital Singapore

Vineet Joshi, Managing Director, Citibank, UK

Vishal Pandit, Head of Consulting for India, Hewitt Associates

Some of our prominent alumni in the corporate world include:

“Each of us is in truth an idea of the ‘great’; an unlimited idea of freedom.”

Johnathan Livingston Seagull, Part 03


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“You need to keep finding yourself, a little more each day, that real, unlimited Seagull.”

Johnathan Livingston Seagull, Part 03


S, s


ss is


a target; it’s a continued process,


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At F




is n

ot a target; it’s a continued process,



re tomorrow’s efforts


ust su

rpass yesterday’s accolades.

NCPEDP-Samsung Scholarship by Rajiv Gandhi Foundation.•

Felicitated by Ms Chanda Kochhar, CEO, ICICI Bank, for process initiatives at Corporate •Operations

Awarded Employee of the month for May 2008, at Citco Fund Services, Canada•

Selected to Represent British School as Management Intern at Purolator India Limited•

CTO’s Fast Track Learner Award, given by CTO, Avaya GlobalConnect•

Director at Diversity and Equal Opportunity Centre•

Managing Director,, India•

Author, Ibbani, a collection of short stories•

Runner-up in the Oxford’s SAID B- school’s International Business Plan Competition•

Internship at N.A.S.A. at US Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, Alabama.•

Gold medals in Trans-National Maths and Chemistry Olympiads•

Recipient of JRD Tata Scholarship for academic excellence•

Student Achievements

Neeraj Garg COO, Mass-market Branded Formulations Business, Piramal Healthcare

AT Kearney Global Intellectual Capital award for creating a methodology to evaluate retail business models

Manoj Kohli CEO & Joint Managing Director of Bharti Airtel Limited

Telecom Man of the Year” in 2000 by Media Transasia

Raghav Bahl Founding/Controlling Shareholder & Managing Director Network 18

Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the year award 2007

Homi Battiwalla Director, Juice & Juice Drinks Business, PepsiCo India

Star Youth Achievers Award

Shumeet Banerji Global CEO, Booz Allen & Co

Worlwide Top 25 Consultants by Consulting Magazine

Alumni Achievements31

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aculty of




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FMS in News

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A.Venkat Raman, Ph.D., Associate Professor & Placement Convenor (011-24113353)

Varun Satia, Placement Secretary (+91 9650695087)

Kunal Prabhakar, Joint Placement Secretary (+91 9990634802)

Email us at [email protected]

Faculty of Management StudiesUniversity of Delhi, Malkaganj Marg, Kamla Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110 007

A Guide to FMS Delhi