fi·sh - memorial university of...

-o- ulurAX. Feb. 20 .- Tbe oo._mteaioD of Freno). repon N:•inat tbe Paoama Canal. Rulaia demauda from. Bnlaaria thre01 roablea for aenicee yea"' . · · Mr. lli,ipr • .one of tbe, Home Rul• memhera of t-he Hoa11e o' ComOlooa,dieclaaddeo-"" ly ,lewrdaJ . l: fe waa io .the di•ieioa 'he Panell motioo oo Taeeday otab,, ' The grea& A uaWiao a' AodraUJ, ia dead. .. · Tbe new Laod iwonty miliino poqoda f»r \he p111'p0801 of Tbe Bill eombioea laod and coaH· oommteelooc mto e aioale eonr'- FKB. 21.-!l'he Bank or Eoalaod baa itt dlecouo' from aix to O.e per ceot, Tbe Nota Scotia Lellitlature met ye11terd'Y· A beny enow storm aocl gale bne Yiaited tbl' No'a Scotia coaat: · · . , • ' Io tbe eJectioGa io GeM'Oaoy tbe Go•erumeot fiheeo eeata. Tbe Socialipta d.oabled their •ote. HiamarcWa'fllllianatioo is expected. Ao alatmiotr ?beltioo baa i.D '!'lie ltoJil troope ••* defeated. f 1. aolliery" expt b• ooearred lu Fra ea have bee a reoo•ered. FIB of the Marquie of Uar. tiogtoo baa beeo mach imprond b.Y hie . Tii\ Eaypt. . 'feoo1eon ia aerioue\y ill. . . Tbe Prioee of Wale• bu at.teoded · Parhament eTerj Iince ita opeaiolf. ' Cholera a apreadina in Meeopotamia. Lu& olgbt tbe Dominion Parliament oonclud· ed debate oo tbe official aae of &be Freocb with tbe Enllll•b io the North \\'eat territories. MoCertb.Y.. reeolotloo aboliabiog Freoob wu defeated. "fhompeoo '1 ameod- m•nt referring tbe matter to. tho Legiela.tare of North Wn' territories after next.- electtoo wee carried by a majority of A OomL .. ioo Ceot\11 baa beeo appointed for AJ?!:il itb oen year. l"be Fruoob boveromeot uka for a new loan of 2SO million fraoea. cliupprona of the Emperor Wil- liam 1 labor plana. ""\. -Ta& BuJOMO MUTUAL tdAIUNt lNSURANCI CLOB of a•. John'• hu. we notice frOOl tbtt Herald J.uat llloeed it. operatiooa for tbe put year. ' !bl! Club •u eetabllebed lo 1886 •itb tbe objooc of pro•idtog a motoaleobeme of io- aaraoce for eopged io the Bank: eod Shore Hel•ery of the ooloay, eraladlost tbe L,b. rador. There wu a upre--.d by maoy plau'-t•ra aocJ otberw to form a m\lt\lal ol11b wbich wol\ld be outlide tbe lAbrador ftahery, aod tbla o!ab wu formed to mae' &bit want. Tbe di- rectorate are: -Hoo. M. Moo roe. Preaideot, aod M .. ra Halrd, Steer, AJTt Aod McDoaaall. with Captain· Moee aa Secreta')' aod Boneyor. Durio& Je&r or 18MOD of 1889. 262 Yeuole, of the •alaaUoa of 1480,000 were lo- eure•l io cbe Clob. Tbe ciao toeorea only for I .)II and for damagea arialog from etraodina- aod oollilioo. The riJk1 t&keo oour from Marob 16th till December S Iat, and Yeteel• oao go ao. der tbe protection of tbia Club u far '-' Boetoa. from wbiob Yeuele are allowed to tall ap till lOeb December. '.l'be rate of toauraooe, loolodiq the working expeoaee of t!UI Club, bu 4xecJ a& ll-aod-8 -8 per oeut . 1uraly a ••r:r low "rak for enoh ao extended hlearanoe. Tbe workiqupeDMI of Ulil Clob bne amoao\ed to about ooe-toorth of one per ceot., wbiob Ia eo•- ered by the entT&Oee oo yeuela. Tberl' a. .. e beoo onlt••eo total louea oa' of tbe 262 ..-.Ia. oltly tbr.- of theee beioll wbeo aocaally eopa6Cl io, or JCOinjt to or from, tbe Baok Heb - ety. Tbe adnD&.ai88 Of IUCh ID a.uoota.Lioo U tbe abo.. mast be •ery to OAr oomm11otty Oae feature io conoeotioo with tbe · Baok:iOJ lnearaooe Clab a.. 'ba\ there Ia a braoob for ioeuraooe of oatftta far tbe Beak flahery, aaob u ••'· Pf'O•I•iooe, lebior ,_,, eto., wbloh Ia aod dlaUno• from abe branob for YIIMll. .•17lh, fp,:;;'- . to Mlu A on Drake, hOl!l of Otlrbn11tllr , JI'WI · ,. . XABBJAGJIS. . " At llrWIIIO••ter. No•• 8ooLia, flli ;January ' !80a Bo+ J .W Cbut.,. L D11•la, of a .._.__ .. o ... oe, to Radl• 0 N. 8. On tbo lbl.b I oat, ai the R. 0 Ollt.Ndl"lll, St. 'lfolae'a, b7 tbe Pl"rrfjltal, Mr. Mlcb.ol OooDMA to Htu &nilfe SI&Qoek, lhat olt,. · 1 0o, l.he l7lh ln"t..• •• Citbollo St.. Jobn'l by tb 11' Veit. t AI'ebd- Fnrriacat. Mt. Richard "' St. lohu, to IUu lhlf&lo leJ, ol Uolyrood. 867 , : . . DJU.TBS. • • 1 Deeply cleeeh-wn• nt«Nt&ed, d J. yenerday tbe Bo• Jnbn MetllodleJ.lollaleter ol tbat.aowLagecl 64 yeert.& oaiiYe of Mancb .. &er, The fuaeral will 111ke pi.O. 11t Oarboolar on Hnacl"7 •fternoo' 11t 8 o clock. frleeci" wUI pl .. ae accept tbr. the ooly, luUmaUoo tbAt wUI be gi•eo. 'V' Jao,.l!ltb. 18»0, at Twllllnjl"'l'-, of dlpblherla. Wlnal- frecl Job . .- *f(Od !) ) .. rt aDd i mooiU I PAM•5GBBS . ' CHOICE \. M. 0 ·· 1L : s·s E I ' } ' J uat reefli ved per frum W eat · lndie11. ·o JOH. '" . MUNN & Co. Febl!Hi Per 8. S.'I'Cmucript for Hattfa.x-Mfu Oarbery, Meeen H 8 Bobluoa. J W I'bllllpa, U L Plillllpa. B J Walab. 0 Haopbftreoo, JolmAoder&OCI . 0 B Bopra. J Byaa. Jobn liaird. Jolan Dewe,D J Varoo-EaLoll, Heory , B D'S t I 1H[S Oiahoe .. ot hll' b.t!trU'II'c1 with th11 llfellt· I · --- IUOCIIIII io &he lfHHtoly onre of all entpr Call and tee for tbd what we ay it 'timll ari11io1t fro•n ao im-pnre of th,. hlnod or eorree\. We are now tbe CHEAPEST from infection . It ""d coree ECREMA GOODS aod Pir6VISlONS enr eold to liar- NAL"F RliEUM . l'\CURVY. UOILS. PILES bor Grtce : OLC£8.$\ •l HAPPt<:U' HA:"WS aod f.lPS JNSEC'l' STiNGS. &o lo u.e 60 years At all I Pork$8 · per brl at lS ota per lb. 100 brls Superfine Flour, (lllrloJ i) Inapeotion.:at per ;Ba.rrei. Palace FLOUR,- SelilnB Oheaf,: :- . .. ,. Men's Three-Quarter .Hoots Hand·mad•, at t2 olO per Pair . W. BUTr •. l"ebJ 22. THE NEW YORK ! 1 l ._.,.,..._ ;1 i I. lj THII . I ' Great,iPopular: Familt'Paper ; -- HY SUHSCRIPTldN-ts " per aaaum. Two . oopl• for lf5. ' . Ta& FraaiDK CoMPAtUOW malataiaa ita poahioo aa tbe *' J:aper ot Ua o.._ lo Uoited b oootaiaa THE - BEST - STORIES Dy AMEBtC:AN"AUT!IQM •. Adapted to the aute of the palallc for poN; In- tet"a.lloa aaCi faoit;lar ftodoo. Ita DE1'ECTt'V& STORIES .,.I•Ml4 -famed. Old Sleuth.; the Detective, , · • Wrftea eso1aatn17 for the NEW 1081 flllESJBB OOMPANJON. J.KOMO ITS POPULA.a 00.-TIUBUTOU ABI lira. B. Barb Ool.liu, Kza. Alex. ¥oVNh J11Uer !In Lucy Bazldall Oomtort, · Jln. Kyle nauu. . "JI1U i:.laur&l .J'e&ZL Ltbbey, Jlla. Xar7 • Br7A .... . BlJ.JiaWh.atUea. JlnK&M K01au7 lin II. Staley, Jln K-, liW. Walter "7 .J'aoklou, Old 8leath the Det.otln, •• • • E&M A .Totdan. Bzowniq. , •• OKBU CO.-TAI•t .A. '1'. :D. .'rt.lzu ... ' BUHOROOS ARTIC.L&S AND PARA.· '. · GRAPHs. POEl'RV AND 41'lSWERS TO C.OR&&s. .. "'-:") . l'ONDENTS. , dealer• 26 Ceot... Sold by W. iH. Tl-!0.1\lPSON & SON. WNEf'llNU ]8 . 8. WINTER SAiliNGS, 1890. ",. .. .. S. S. " Volunte· er " Hetweon St., Jobu'l ;ud ' Uahtu:, Under Contract with the GoYt'r'DDleDt ' for tbe Oonnyanc. of lllail.e 1 .. ; .. .. . Lu\tc' """ I ' tb Taeldq, Jauoary il. Toeedtiy1 Jaouar7 28. LU-., .. rebru.ry 4.: . • l'aNd., Febioary J 1. ToeedaJ, February lb faudaJ. hbrnarJ 26 Tueeclay,.,·Marob ' l'ue611&J,' Marob 11. · T&lMdar• Marcb 18. , l'llelday,rtb.-oh 25. TIMedaJ, April1 l. • • April 8. ToeedaJI. A-prtl ' l' olUd&n A"prll i2 ·' • I ' 8 Co.,oeotio.;•kb.ateanaets I .. Yioa Llnr• pool February l8&b, #tb 1 .Manh 18tb, lluoh ZT. aoli April lOth.. ' BmOlHfnWD-Courill8. Co. Limited. t '"l .. 1 .__ 'fA IS pN,-ratioo fs fnelodbfna a TNJio tor. all •fnrma of OmtiLl rr aod PAtLOR and l>Y8PitPSlA Purlllu · aild the Ulood, tbaa to th1 whoIt . ayakm Eciqulre of 7oor Oealer Prfoe 60 Cta .. by W. ' H. THOMPSON •· soN, .. · ·. :t\ 15. . ' For . . Cramps, Chills, Colic, Diarrhce'a. Dysente ry, Cholera ..:. I\1orbus and all Bowel Compiaints. ' - .. NO REMEDY. EQUA '-..:. ... ..1..-- r AN::> 49 Years' i: xporlence PAIN-h.: I LLEH Is the oest Fami ly for .. ( -. -] Surn s, Bruises, Sprains, Rheum atism, Neuralg ia ·· and Toothacho . Sold · Everywhcro at 25c. and GOc. a Bottle. 13"" Beware of Countar fc/tt (].'!;/ W?r!.l;/cs$ 1":1itatlontJ. "U r .FI· SH .I . I AMERICAN NET & TWINE. 34 Commercial Street, BOSTo"N, Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF . I ... .. ... 4 - ., 1: 4& <o - c(r ...... J " COD, .HERltiNG & C .. l\PLIN SEINES.' . . -ALSO- . .. HF;RRIN'G NETS, 'I -ALL OF TBE VERY BEST QUALITY A-ND MADE 0.1! OUR---.. ' I SI-IEP AHD . GOLD l\IEDAL TWINES, of which we aro exohllive manufaotorers.' · We urge oor frienda upon the Ialand to favor ua with their orde rs at an ea.rly dat.e For ell 1uob orJ ers for winter worlc be :M:acte. 1 I < Highest awards at Boston, 1869 ; : Philadelphia. 1876 ; London erics Exhibition, 1883. ti" Se td for Catalogue. J M.. SE· ARLE, .wa:teh.Jia.ker & Jeweller, Water, ll&rbol' Graoe. All work to tbe .dllerent braoobea of tbe h'&de DttttlJIX.ee1lted with Oa\po" wore will reoel•e oarefal aod promp attaottoo &bop-Two doon ••• ph Office. . W am- Strea, H ar.bor Grac8 . . Dec. 28.2m. HoteJ, Nfid, Atlantic St. John's,' Tbi.a modern and well built · Eatablbbment" ia now opened under entire NEW - - AND - DIRECTION.

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Page 1: FI·SH - Memorial University of · ed alo~g debate oo tbe official aae of &be Freocb ... M•o.•it~:.,.:Peb

By··~etegrapb. -o-

ulurAX. Feb. 20.- Tbe oo._mteaioD of Freno). enaio~rt repon N:•inat tbe Paoama Canal.

Rulaia demauda from. Bnlaaria thre01 millio~ roablea for aenicee '-!I'!!IY~ yea"'. a~o:· · ·

Mr. lli,ipr • .one of tbe, leadm ~t Home Rul• memhera of t-he Hoa11e o' ComOlooa,dieclaaddeo-"" ly ,lewrdaJ. l:fe waa ~ller io .the di•ieioa o~ 'he Panell motioo oo Taeeday otab,, '

The grea& A uaWiao etaceawao~' Co~ a' AodraUJ, ia dead. .. ·

Tbe new Laod BU~~i~ee iwonty miliino poqoda f»r \he p111'p0801 of ~d t~oaCer: . Tbe Bill eombioea laod and coaH· oommteelooc mto e aioale eonr'-

FKB. 21.-!l'he Bank or Eoalaod baa redu~d itt dlecouo' from aix to O.e per ceot,

Tbe Nota Scotia Lellitlature met ye11terd•'Y· A beny enow storm aocl gale bne Yiaited tbl'

No'a Scotia coaat: ~ · · . , • ' Io•tbe eJectioGa io GeM'Oaoy tbe Go•erumeot ~Joe' fiheeo eeata. Tbe Socialipta d.oabled their •ote. HiamarcWa'fllllianatioo is expected.

Ao alatmiotr ?beltioo baa oocime~ i.D Mor~o. '!'lie ltoJil troope ••* defeated. f

1. aolliery" expt b• ooearred lu D~be', Fra • ~- ea have bee a reoo•ered.

FIB ~.::...·('be· ~th of the Marquie of Uar. tiogtoo baa beeo mach imprond b.Y hie .Tii\ Eaypt. .

'feoo1eon ia aerioue\y ill. . . Tbe Prioee of Wale• bu at.teoded ·Parhament

eTerj eit&lo~r Iince ita opeaiolf. 'Cholera a apreadina in Meeopotamia. Lu& olgbt tbe Dominion Parliament oonclud·

ed alo~g debate oo tbe official aae of &be Freocb with tbe Enllll•b lao~raage io the North \\'eat territories. MoCertb.Y.. reeolotloo aboliabiog Freoob wu defeated. "fhompeoo '1 ameod­m•nt referring tbe matter to. tho Legiela.tare of North Wn' territories after next.- electtoo wee carried by a majority of oioe~y-oioe.

A OomL .. ioo Ceot\11 baa beeo appointed for AJ?!:il itb oen year.

l"be Fruoob boveromeot uka for a new loan of 2SO million fraoea.

8i~m_uck: cliupprona of the Emperor Wil-liam 1 labor plana. ""\.

-Ta& BuJOMO MUTUAL tdAIUNt lNSURANCI CLOB of a •. John'• hu. we notice frOOl tbtt Herald J.uat llloeed it. operatiooa for tbe put year. '!bl! Club •u eetabllebed lo 1886 •itb tbe objooc of pro•idtog a motoaleobeme of io­aaraoce for ~euele eopged io the Bank: eod Shore Hel•ery of the ooloay, eraladlost tbe L,b. rador. There wu a de~ire upre--.d by maoy plau'-t•ra aocJ otberw to form a m\lt\lal ol11b wbich wol\ld be outlide tbe lAbrador ftahery, aod tbla o!ab wu formed to mae' &bit want. Tbe di­rectorate are: -Hoo. M. Moo roe. Preaideot, aod M .. ra Halrd, Steer, AJTt Aod McDoaaall. with Captain· Moee aa Secreta')' aod Boneyor. Durio& ~e Je&r or 18MOD of 1889. 262 Yeuole, of the uaae~ed •alaaUoa of 1480,000 were lo­eure•l io cbe Clob. Tbe ciao toeorea only for to~l I .)II and for damagea arialog from etraodina­aod oollilioo. The riJk1 t&keo oour from Marob 16th till December S I at, and Yeteel• oao go ao. der tbe protection of tbia Club u far eou~ '-' Boetoa. from wbiob Yeuele are allowed to tall ap till lOeb December. '.l'be rate of toauraooe, loolodiq the working expeoaee of t!UI Club, bu ~ 4xecJ a& ll-aod-8-8 per oeut. 1uraly a ••r:r low "rak for enoh ao extended hlearanoe. Tbe workiqupeDMI of Ulil Clob bne amoao\ed to about ooe-toorth of one per ceot., wbiob Ia eo•­ered by the entT&Oee ft~e oo yeuela. Tberl' a. .. e beoo onlt••eo total louea oa' of tbe 262 ..-.Ia. oltly tbr.- of theee beioll wbeo aocaally eopa6Cl io, or JCOinjt to or from, tbe Baok Heb­ety. Tbe adnD&.ai88 Of IUCh ID a.uoota.Lioo U tbe abo.. mast be •ery ~rreat to OAr fleblo~r oomm11otty Oae feature io conoeotioo with tbe · Baok:iOJ Ma~al lnearaooe Clab a.. 'ba\ there Ia a -~te braoob for ioeuraooe of oatftta far tbe Beak flahery, aaob u ••'· Pf'O•I•iooe, lebior ,_,, eto., wbloh Ia mu~tecl Mpera~ly aod dlaUno• from abe branob for YIIMll.

B1~Be•. M•o.•it~:.,.:Peb .• 17lh, Y~ fp,:;;'- . to Mlu A on Drake, hOl!l of Otlrbn11tllr , JI'WI

· ,. . XABBJAGJIS. . ~

"At llrWIIIO••ter. No•• 8ooLia, flli ;January ' !80a Bo+ J .W P~atW'Md, Cbut.,. L D11•la, of a .._.__ .. o ... oe, to Radl• 0 Prl~ e~f H~Jrioll'f'eld N . 8.

On tbo lbl.b I oat, ai the R. 0 Ollt.Ndl"lll, St. 'lfolae'a, b7 tbe Veo.A~rltiU'On Pl"rrfjltal, Mr. Mlcb.ol OooDMA to Htu &nilfe SI&Qoek, ~of lhat olt,. · 1

0o, l.he l7lh ln"t..• •• tb.~D Citbollo O.lhed~l, St.. Jobn'l by tb11' Veit. t AI'ebd- Fnrriacat. Mt. Richard rut~oor. "' St. lohu, to IUu lhlf&lo O~t~~-leJ, ol Uolyrood. ~pd~t 867, : •

. . DJU.TBS. • • !· 1

Deeply at~d cleeeh-wn• nt«Nt&ed, d Glrboaa~~r. J. yenerday (Pricby)mAmln~ tbe Bo• Jnbn Goodt~: MetllodleJ.lollaleter ol tbat.aowLagecl 64 yeert.& oaiiYe of Mancb .. &er, En~tland. The fuaeral will 111ke pi.O. 11t Oarboolar on Hnacl"7 •fternoo' 11t 8 o clock. frleeci" wUI pl .. ae accept tbr. the ooly, luUmaUoo tbAt wUI be gi•eo. ~ • 'V'Jao,.l!ltb. 18»0, at Twllllnjl"'l'-, of dlpblherla. Wlnal­frecl Job . .- L&Ulbrld~, *f(Od !) ) .. rt aDd i mooiU I


' ~ <>?~=~.LC:='· CHOICE


M. 0 ··1L : s·s E S· I ' } ' J uat reefli ved per "~lArotio" frum W eat

· •lndie11. ·o

JOH. '".MUNN & Co. Febl!Hi

Per 8 . S.'I'Cmucript for Hattfa.x-Mfu Oarbery, Meeen H 8 Bobluoa. J W I'bllllpa, U L Plillllpa. B J Walab. 0 Haopbftreoo, JolmAoder&OCI. 0 B Bopra. J Byaa. Jobn liaird. Jolan Dewe,D J Varoo-EaLoll, Heory , B D'S

GR~A;:~BiROAriif rr.en.~h.:. i~tr:nent. t I 1H[S Oiahoe .. ot hll' b.t!trU'II'c1 with th11 llfellt · I · --- ea~ IUOCIIIII io &he lfHHtoly onre of all entpr Call and tee for yon~IYH tbd what we ay it 'timll ari11io1t fro•n ao im-pnre ~elate~ of th,. hlnod or

eorree\. We are now offt~riDI( tbe CHEAPEST from infection . It relit~tf'" ""d coree ECREMA GOODS aod Pir6VISlONS enr eold to liar- NAL"F RliEUM. l'\CURVY. UOILS. PILES bor Grtce : OLC£8.$\ • l HAPPt<:U' HA:"WS aod f.lPS

JNSEC'l' STiNGS. &o •lo u.e 60 years At all I Bon~less Pork$8 ·per brl ~ at lS ota per lb.

100 brls Superfine Flour, (lllrloJ i) Novem~r Inapeotion.:at ~

per ;Ba.rrei.

Palace Pat~nt FLOUR,­SelilnB Oheaf,: :- ... ,.

Men's Three-Quarter .Hoots Hand·mad•, at t2 olO per Pair

. W. BUTr •. l"ebJ 22.


firesid&.C'~ion ~It U~\· • ! 1 l ._.,.,..._ ;1 i ~

I. lj THII . I '

Great,iPopular: Familt'Paper; --HY SUHSCRIPTldN-ts" per aaaum. Two . oopl• for lf5. ' .

Ta& FraaiDK CoMPAtUOW malataiaa ita poahioo aa tbe *' J:aper ot Ua o.._ lo Uoited S~l.ea. b oootaiaa


Adapted to the aute of the palallc for poN; In­tet"a.lloa aaCi faoit;lar ftodoo. Ita DE1'ECTt'V& STORIES .,.I•Ml4-famed.

Old Sleuth.; the Detective, , · • Wrftea eso1aatn17 for the


lira. B. Barb Ool.liu, Kza. Alex. ¥oVNh J11Uer

!In Lucy Bazldall Oomtort, · Jln. ~ Kyle nauu. .

"JI1U i:.laur&l .J'e&ZL Ltbbey, Jlla. Xar7 • Br7A

..... BlJ.JiaWh.atUea. JlnK&M K01au7

lin O~M II. Staley, Jln K-, liW.

Walter"7 .J'aoklou, Old 8leath the Det.otln,

•• • • E&M A .Totdan. Bun~ Bzowniq.

• , KV~T •• OKBU CO.-TAI•t

.A. ZM~ooUa'iJ'Bf\P. '1'. :D. .'rt.lzu ... ' ~~ESI:!MND caAtduN~ s,ltE'ro~:~~. BUHOROOS ARTIC.L&S AND PARA.·

'. · GRAPHs. POEl'RV AND 41'lSWERS TO C.OR&&s. .. "'-:") . l'ONDENTS. ,

dealer• 26 Ceot... •

Sold by W .iH. Tl-!0.1\lPSON & SON.

WNEf'llNU tOA~JJ ]8. 8. ~U~IPANY. WINTER SAiliNGS, 1890.

",. .. .. ~ - -·

S. S. " Volunte·er " Hetweon St., Jobu'l ;ud 'Uahtu:, 1~0.

Under Contract with the GoYt'r'DDleDt ' for tbe Oonnyanc. of lllail.e •

1 .. ; • .. ..

~ . Lu\tc' 8'r.:·J~s """ Lh~.ll.un.x. • ~ ~ I ' tb

Taeldq, Jauoary il. ~ Toeedtiy1 Jaouar7 28. LU-., .. rebru.ry 4.:. • l'aNd., Febioary J 1. ToeedaJ, February lb faudaJ. hbrnarJ 26 Tueeclay,.,·Marob ' l'ue611&J,' Marob 11. · T&lMdar• Marcb 18. , l'llelday,rtb.-oh 25. TIMedaJ, April1l. • • l 'o-eed•J~ April 8. ToeedaJI. A-prtl ·1~. ' l'olUd&n A"prll i2

·' • I ' 8 Co.,oeotio.;•kb.ateanaets I .. Yioa Llnr•

pool JauD~"716~1a • .luaary:~1b, February l8&b, F~brpaiy #tb1.Manh 18tb, lluoh ZT. aoli April lOth.. '

BmOlHfnWD-Courill8. Co. Limited.

t '"l ..

1.__ 'fA IS pN,-ratioo fs fnelodbfna a natnra~.,

TNJio tor. all •fnrma of OmtiLl rr aod WF:AKN~. PAtLOR PAJ..,Pitt•ll. 'l'LO~ and l>Y8PitPSlA I~ Purlllu · aild Eoriob~a the Ulood, tbaa ai•Lo~r~Tooeraod Vf~rM to th1 who It . ayakm Eciqulre of 7oor Oealer Prfoe 60 Cta ..

~ld by W. 'H. THOMPSON • ·soN,

.. · ·.

~ :t\ BMB~li! 15.

. '

For . . Cramps, Chills, Colic, Diarrhce'a.

Dysentery, Cholera ..:. I\1orbus and all Bowel Compiaints.


- .. NO REMEDY. EQUA'-..:.

... ..1..--


PAJN-K~ llER AN::>

49 Years' i:xporlence ~rovestha~ r=~:!Y.DAVJS•

PAIN-h.: I LLEH Is the oest Family ~emedy for

.. ( -. -]

Surns, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia ··

and Toothacho.

Sold·Everywhcro at 2 5 c . and GOc. a Bottle.

13"" Beware of Countarfc/tt (].'!;/ W?r!.l;/cs$ 1":1itatlontJ. "U

r •

.FI·SH E ~RI .E. S

.I •

. ~

I •

AMERICAN NET & TWINE.-· H~., 34 Commercial Street, BOSTo"N, Mass.

MANUFACTURERS OF . I ... .. ... 4 • • - • ~ • ., 1: 4 & <o - c(r...... J "

COD, .HERltiNG & C .. l\PLIN SEINES.' . . -ALSO- .




SI-IEP AHD. GOLD l\IEDAL TWINES, of which we aro ~be exohllive manufaotorers. ' ·

We urge oor frienda upon the Ialand to favor ua with their orders at an ea.rly dat.e For ell 1uob orJers for winter worlc

be :M:acte. 1

I <

• Highest awards at Boston, 1869 ; : Philadelphia. 1876 ; London Fi~h- ~­

erics Exhibition, 1883. ti" Se td for Ilhutra~ Catalogue. J

M .. SE·ARLE, .wa:teh.Jia.ker & Jeweller,

Water, ll&rbol' Graoe.

All work to tbe.dllerent braoobea of tbe h'&de DttttlJIX.ee1lted with deepa~b.

Oa\po" wore will reoel•e oarefal aod promp attaottoo •

&bop-Two doon ••• Tel~ ph Office. ~~il. •

-~-Dres~~g . Roo~, ~. W am- Strea, H ar.bor Grac8 ..

Dec. 28.2m.

HoteJ, Nfid,

Atlantic St. John's,'

Tbi.a modern and well built·Eatablbbment" ia now opened under entire


Page 2: FI·SH - Memorial University of · ed alo~g debate oo tbe official aae of &be Freocb ... M•o.•it~:.,.:Peb

~ ·

..&1-vvays - Ask..


Medical llaii. ESTABLISHED IN 1855.


The &beoriber baa again added to his l1nge and nried Stook., a few of t.hP neweat Je"dio& Patent Medicinee and Sunciri3111 aa followa: . . Green'a Aqnat Flower, Warner's Safe Cure, Lime Frai& J uioe. Boachee'a Germ ~to !:iyrap, Eno'a Fruit Bah, Holloway s Corn Cure O.ner'a J:.ittJe Liver Pilla, Wi.tar'a Balaam of Wild Cherry, Wyetb'a Liquid Malt :Ffxtract., Hazeline Hotbet" Gral'ee1 Worm ExtMminator, Liebig's Extract of Meat, Drainage Tubing. .Peer'a Sol\p, Pear's Shaving Sticks. White Enamel (for tilling teetll,) Benane (for cleansing purposes,) Matt.eon'a Family Syriuges. Lemon Syrup, Raapberry ~y111p, Dr. Wilson's Be1·bine Bitte r11, Johnaon'l Anodyne Liniment, Tamar lodien (for COftti veneAA)1

Bllo'a M&iioated Sugtr (tor worms), Guard's Hair Jye, Trico?betoua Teeber.·, Tooth Powder, 61nnay'1 Flllid Magneait', Beet Iron and Wine, Nonhrop & Lyman'• Veaet&ble Diacovery

do do Quinine Wine, Xelloq'e Asthma Remedy

do Catarrh Snuff. Daffy's Elixir, Bop Bitters Dr. Walker's Vinettar Bitt.en Putman'• Oorn Extractor Jf eatinc'• lnBf'tOt Powder N,ortbl'Op & Lyman'a Em11lelor A.yer'a Saruparilla. Putner'a ~mulsion

do Cbe"'y Pectoral Pierce's Golden Medical Diaoovery

do Purgative Pellet.e do Nuallnjeotol'll

Wat.rproof Nul'lli~ Aprons do Sponge Bap do Bihe (for children teething.)

BelloW'I Corupoand ~yrup Steedman'" Teet.biug .Powder• ~nbber Tubin~ for Feeders A.yer'a Hair Viaor, Bay Rum A.llen'a Hair Reetot·er, Cbild'a Truaaea A.dult'a Tru•es, Minard's Liniment O..ivert.'a c.rbolic So•p, Fuller's .Earth ~Savo.y, Dried ~1\ge, Dried Thyme Wrfaht'a Unferment.ed Wine BIU'dook Blood Bitters lUpler'a Ood Liver Oil nod ?thlt. B.enoe ot Spruce, Allen'a Lon@: Bl\laam lndaou'i Gold Paint, J udaon'e Gold Ink


Hair and Olotbea BRUSHF:S. ... ~P~Liooa carefully compounded ud

wbD par. drop. W. H. THOMPSON

N. bur

RTHER~ e-Company. SHED 1836.

11{000 .dD .URI (1881): W'IN it~ tam•. •• ••• . .. • •. • •.•••••...••. I!At'J"1 ,000. 1.111 .... • ...... •••••••••·· ............ 18'7 ,000. 1at a , .................................. , 1a,ooo. ... , • Jilted hada. ................... <Ul,OOO.

"' lriJ "'~ ~-, .... 4•1 ........ ~ ... 1 ...... nJtiCJ, ~~ IG'appianu,r rrom •· tha's lbe ~....,.,. . ....... 4 .o&r..• ID h

tpMJIIJ declWbJ tlae loa11kfq of wiawliioh ... ,. ,.re ·~·~ .,., ... ., direoliou or .;_14"o* t•onr• No. 1. TbiGhr ud "'Ioker ~tre• I.M •Ia : It •• erifleat tb"' tho ..._ .of/tbre of ~eeeoa •· AddUc»a uCl ADOtber would no' •an' for bearers Iodeed, An11..U. and her ftitada aooa reallaed tbe ia&eoeilJ of &be pablio !!~iereat. ia a ••! t6ac ·~" lm.,.....,• .. i& ... ' ''"'"llreMblt, for, 1net put the AdMiraiiJ Court the paaage -. eotirely blocked bJ aa .toormoa• mMa of blrt\atere; t.htre mi,cht. hne been be buodred or more ' of thjm. l'bere &bey wen.. chond op lo~e&her io tb!.ir wbit .. wl~ raoltf, c•irinll ftJr tba door..of t.he court &o be opened. A~ preeeot lt. •11 aoarded ~~ eix · or ehtbt. at. teodaot.: wbo, wUlJ t.he help or a woodea ba~ ricr, auempteJ to keep the •••raioll OUlltitude t b"y-"bile tboae behind cried, • Forward I' ao thoee in front. cried • .Back I' : I

Abote tbe _..,. ~aataba tope, A aanow liae of anJ

Proolaima tbe ...WW.a of aiRb&.

pl'f'lll"not aud . -Oii"riteiJ ,......bled the tattno­"'"'h oa &h• lad7:a ebOqlcleN. tb• Ooart de ellned &n haAM \be • •lll'.bJ Olderla~ her to aaiJ .. It to aa7 larlber lueptedo• before the trial. J •8 on tble oc:aaalon "-"' h ~pired &h~l tho wUI •• eaaaced &o bt married to tbe plalariW, a f•et a& wb1ah tbe Court me~bOrically opylll" lie e,... After tble tbe defeadante obtafoed 1..... to •m•nit tbeir anawer to tbe plalaniJ' .. atatetneui.ofotahll. •A& llrattbey ... d o•ln>leatf· •ll tj)at ~~tor bad aot. only daly ex­~ru~d the aU~d will ID eooordaoc:e with th1 proYielona of 1 Vic .. cap. 26. sec. 2, aod that b di•l oot. know aod approYe tbe eonLeota thereof Hnt' oo• tb~ty added a plea to tbe effect that &h .. ""id alleged will •• obtained by the pudae io· tlneooe of AUIJUita Smhbere. or, u ooe of tht le11~11ed couDit'l for fbe defendants pat lt mach mure clearly •' the trial, 1 that tbe will bacJ her­~--'U.OCQUt.LLbe will. b1~ao uudae l'roj&l'1iou of ht>r owo will npoo tbe aowlllios miod of the

&od oomioa or ~ daJ. .

Upon tbe lake tbe Ire& pale rtye Careea the ••&erJ plata,

While ia folft& .. loaeiJ alalea Dallt abadon adll reaaala.

The moralog mle' llh draper)-· H"D£1 o•er reach and bay;

And throogb h, faia' and fainter atill, The ebore liot'l f.We away.

Tbe water with tbe npor bhlnd8 ; Tbe lake •l'peare to be

Aa hmitlete ae the ocean, 6D eodleae, uokoowo aea.

Bu' up tbe bay tbe lfOiden ebaf~ t:lave pier~ tbe mi•ty rim,

And io tbe dietaoce, far aod .ague, I eee the ielanda awim .

Vua, dim and 1hadowy beyood, Tbe flbOtll or mooutaio• etaod ;

Myeterlou• and atero aa fate 'fbey guard Lbe lileot land.

Tbe ripples lap aloa~t the beach Ia cb•oaiua ory•tal Jioee:

On every leaf of birch and brako A de•·drop epaogle ebioee.

From stately pioe ud ailur blrcb Sweet. uotu melodioua riog,

Ae feathered 19oga!era of wood Tbeir martin c-arol• eiojt.

Aod tbaa 1be ~tlad day cometh on AcroM the mooolain WAlle, ,

Aud down their r~ocieot, rog.:ed llopoe A elautiug apleudor falle

Down through the whispering lNtetopa The yellow •uubeao11 poor,

Aotl CArpet with a oloth of gold Tile moMy foreat floor.

• • • • A titTer lipht to tbe weetward

To eut.ward, light of ~told. Anrl the epirit of tbe moroing

To u.e a tale bu told. -Forut und Strrom.

Mr. Mees~n's Will. --~~-

By H. Blder Haggard.

CHAP l ER .X.\111 -(Co11tit·11td)


There wu a bowl of uultatioo rrom the tuob. aod lo anotlter aeco\od the •retched Au~ulta waa preMt>d, to(lather witb the .lady'• o•aid . wbo be· gtlD to IC,._n:l whb frill:lt, ri11bt Op agaiuat a huop·poat, wbile a crowd of eager faeea, moetly aowaabed, were puebed almoat. into her owo. Jndeo!d , 10 fterce wu the.crowd io ita l!teropt. to aet a wlimpee of &.he lJt~at curioeity. tbat ehe be­pn &o tblo.k &hat. w •oold be.tbro~o down eod trampled onder foot. wben timely relief arrifed in the ahape of two policemen eod a Jllntlemao yolooteer, who maoaged to reeone ber and ~ret tbem ioto a buao .. oab. wbicb etarted for Han o•er-eqou.. partned by a eboali111 crowd of ooD· deeoript iodiYiduale.

Now, Aul(uata wu a •omen of ~rood oene aod reeolatloo ; .bu~ tbla aort. of thing wu ~o tryio~r, and. ecoordto(liJ. aooompeoled by Lady ijolm­borat, ebe wenl oiJ . .t.bat. '-ar1 day, to acme rooUJI lu a little riTeralde hotel oo the Thamea.

Wbeo Eoataoe, walklo(l down the thraod that afternoon, foood eYI'ry photowrapb-1hop fall of aoou"'te pictoru of tbe ehoalden of bia belaYed, Le •a• eiwplyfurioue; autl, roehlog &o tha photo­grapher "bo bad takeo (be pioture ia tbe lWgi•· try, tbreateued him with - proa.edioJI of e"'J' eort aod kind. ! ·be mao-oadmltted ootriab' tbat. he bad puL tbe photograph._ upoo tbe market, aaylog tbat be &.eYer atipnlated oot to do eo, aod tbat. be co old oq,t alof1S to ~b~· away he or .t& baodred poaode wbeo c&aooe of making h came In bit way.

Tbereoo Eaetaoa dttpe.rted, atlll .owla~r YID• geaace. to oouaah tbe le~l twloe. Aa a rNolt of tble. wltbla a WeHr.' Mr. JamH Short made~mo­\loo for ao lojoootloo aaaioat lbe pbotoarapber, reetraloiDjl tbll eale or tb •• pllotograpba Ia qoH­ttOD, oa the arouod tbat IIIOtleale, belolf of oopiee of a dooameo& Tlttl to .a cane DO!f peo,tJaa· to tbe Court, tboae oopl• ·l a.tor been obtalaed throaab LIM ioauacoeo&aJU, of; au ..oaoer of the Court, l>r. l'rob.t.e, ~ .. le t.hereof amouoted &o a oootemp&. iouaDOb ae. H for. eo olllln rea­aoo, tbe pboto~tnpber. who obtalaed &bem be· came teeboloaiiJ. alld for t.laat porpoee oaly. aa officer of tbe Conrt, aod bad, tbe,.rore, ao rfab' to para whb tbeca, or ao7 of th•m, witboal tbe Jaa•e or tbe l..ourt. h will ~e NU'embered tbat thia mo,ioo -••..-riM-to aotDe-nf1• tiona coooeot.d 'rhb cbe ~•era of tbe.,Co,DlT.D eacb a matte~So aod alao l0oldentall7 wl&h .... of pb'o&oanpblo ~piallt. It. Ja alao •monb • for the ao~imoaa aad lacqlootll fndflua\ ball7 dell,ered by tbe Lorda..Jt~~tloee of Appeal, wure. by tbe eale ol &be ~-- , .. ~. • •I tbe pb.o&ol(rapbw .,.. IMid tq be a•U&r..:ot-• ..-. ol~ ooatetapt. 'l'lri4 Jad--' toatalaed per· bapa tbelboe~ aearobiaa aad IIU'Ded debhioo el ~uo&if ... ooaa .. pa sa.e .....,. ,_..-. •• foewu• lu.d ; baa few-... taa of tlall, 1 "fat lbe ,,...

.deu &o abe ~· rta. • .,.. ••• ae-4l took 11aoara to deUm, fw~·lt trtDel.d. poawlsll· .... ctt • .,... ....-.. . .,. •~noo 1oe1 ,,. abe par.- oc. ...... .....,. u='*· ....................... · · ,:· ·fledw of tH DDJaWW ........ D of ~ ,raplle ol .., aboald.,., ......... • ........ ................................... ~ ..... ·- o'l ..... w • .,..._ M4 ._....._.._. eet&W. .

teetator.' · <- • Aod w tbe time went on. A• often aa be

noaht, Euatal'e aot a""Y from Loodou. 11nd went do•n to t.he tittle rlnnlde botel, and wu u happy 118 a 1010 oao be who hu a tremcndou­lawlluit haouio~r onr him. Tbe law, no doab&. i• an admirabl" ioetitutiou, 90~ of which a llr~te number of people m .. ke a Jlyioll, and a prcpor­tion of beuefll accrue• to 'be community at larlle Bo~ woe an&o tboee who foe n:a the enbject.mal· ter of i11 op,.rat.ioot. For io1taooe. the l:oort of Chancery ;,· •n excellt>ot ioatitutioo io theory. 11nrl looks after tbe affalre of minora upon the pureet priti'ciplee. ~Jut bow many of ita warda After. aud u a reauh or ooe ofi&a well -ioteotion t>rl intt'rferPDO~ hue to !l&ru~rgle for the Ntlt of thfllr liYell nnt1t!~ a I~ of del~ ni~~ed to pay the oruehin~r ooetal To employ tbrCourt of ~•n· eery to Look alter ••rde Ia aometbiaa u thoollh one _. a . ta-,e, elepb,aut to plot op pioe. No tfuubt hft oo~ld pick cbem ap, bath would coe~ 8ornerloiuat t<a fee•l h!!J.l. h lr " perfect ar~tu•ble IJ•uvoailluu that. th11 Court of Chancery prodace1 u muoh wrt>tohectnen and poYeny u it preveote, 11n(l i• ~rrruuly ia " bold etep, except under the •uoet I'IO&I'douable cir ·unoetaoeee. to place any­body in ita oo•totfy wbo bu money tbat can be elhtaipatel't in law expt>oee•. Ba& o~ couree tbeee are revolut.iooary reroarke, wblcb one caonot ex­pect enrybody to "4(ree witb, leu' of all tbe con.,uyaocioll couneel of tbe Court.

ll n~e.,er tbil m11v be, eertaiol1 hit lmpenrl in(( law'"" proverl a fly lo Euataoe'f hooey Never a d11y p11111e<t, but 1orue freeh worry arose. Ja:nea and J ohn. tbe \t>llAI t•ine. fon~tbt like beroca. ""cl h11lrl tb.,rr own ,Jthon~rb Uleir experience wu eo 1101all-"11 tneu of tAlent almoet ionriably do whPn thn ue put co it Bnt It ••• difficult fnr Euetace to keep them eapplled eno wbeo auffi · or11ut uauuuT for out· of-pocket expeoaea; And, of coune, •• waa natural In a o•M io wbloh 1ucb eooruu•o• aum1 were at et.ake, aod lu whiob tbe were al~ad1 mao of yaat wealth, t liey lounlt lhe fto•er-.of tbe entire taleo' aod "elJtht. of tbe Uu arNyed ~air11t them. Naturnlly fo:uttr~ce felt. and ~ did Mr. Jam .. Hhort-who hotwhh•tandioll hie pompoelty aod tbe tecbol· eality of b11 talk, waa botb a el .. er aod a uu­IIDt•· mact-tba& coore coaoMI, m11n of weil{ht allll uperieooe, oogbt to be briefed ; bn~ tbere were abaoi•~J DO l,uoda for •hie purpoee, oor · waa Auybo.ty llk•ly to adunt-• aoy upoo tbe eeourhy of a ' •111 tattooed upon a JCHlDJr ladf1a L•oli:. Thia wae awkward~ beoaa• eQoeeee in law prOOMdhsp eo Yery of&ea leau co•arde tbe wttigb,l-.& p(ree. ud Jud1Mt howenl' lmpai­tir~l, , beioa. bat mea aU, ar• •ore apt to co aa aranmea' wbioh 11.ur,.t upon t.belr atteuuoo by an A~abey-Geo.-.1 wo oa ooe •d.,aooed by an uokoowa jaalor.

Howner. t.bere &b~ faol wae, aod tbey bad to make tb• beat of ''' aad a paiD• In •be•r fuour •aa that. the ..a, al&bOOifb of a moet remark&bJ~ oauue. wae oompt~ra&in)y almple, aod did oot luvoln aoy 11reac m111 ot doeumeatary etldeooe.

.... -__ c.~~f)'El\ XLX.


Tho muet 'earleome timN ao bJ at laat H oaly oue li•u to 10e tbe eod of tben:a, and 10 It oame tc.t pua &hll a\ lnath oo ooa 4a,e moroing abont a quarter to tea of l'he lAw Co·arta' clqck, ~L J~rojeoll 1-. ·~tl.J bldeoa~o.,. ppo9, poo.!aodl. ln~ Flee\·•treet. A~oa aooompaliled b7 Eua­•• lAdy HQiplharu, and Yr.. '!liomu. tbe •ife of 'Captala 'l'bomaa. wbo bad come np frocu 1illlla~ ber_utlatiutlD tbe F..aa&«o ooaotl• io order 10 ~tiYI oyid"ooe; fouod berMtr etaodloa lo tbe big eotraooe to the oew ·lA• Coama, feellor u tboallb el• weald P" fly• 1eara or ber ure 'o be eleo , '

• 'l'bie war. m7 dear,' aalcS.Ji:oataoe; ' Mr. Joho Sbort said tha& ha would mee• o.e here bf the ltaltae lo &,be 4-ll ' AOOPrdloriJ tbey p .... d into the arobwar bJ · tbt oat etaod wbere tbe oaoaa-IJau. -. tU.epla1.ed. Aoaoa,. alaooed at thea\ u ehe weot. aad tbe flre& tblog tb•' her ey• fell OD .... Probate and Ol•oroe Ulriltoo'. Court 1., a& 10.80, M ... oo· Y. Addieoo and AD· otb.r,'ud tbe eiwbt made her feel Ul lu eootbe'r momea& •hey had p&INd a poll011mao of all{au,io' ei ... ~ .. ~. borr.odam. tarort~~e, loaeoe, • wbo ••to!a• Dd warda &he foldioa·dbon ' hrou"b w!Uob ·eo Ill~ bamu leuain'/, wretcbedo111, aod worry .,._day by da1;an wbere •ncilog io tbe roas. ~1'1'0· aod lll·proponlooed hall wb~ appeua &o baYe biea ~ bell tblDII .U'l tbe aroblteo'ual "leot. of tbe nloeteeotb oeotury wae capable of ~tloloi- · -

l:l'o tbe ril(bf of tbe:.doot oa eateriorJ• a et•tne o1 tb arebheoa ol a p(le of • .blah ~gl.aad hu oertalaiJ ao •ue so be aad laere. a tllaok hlw fall of ........ lD MOOd f4t. •Joba ISbol\, . ~ IMt apoa ...a.ia OOID..._. •We'. ...r. iP U~Ytaweotnc -·- - ·

•u.... .... .....

be alnl4111!ili!~~;~ ODtJN ~

How oo earth are· :-e going to lr8t tbroascb ?' IIPked Aogoeta, and at that mom'eo' Mr Johpl

O.aarbt hold of an attendaut wbo •• rUM$lhU(l about io the akirta of tbiiJ crowd ll e

a .fty io a oop of ,tea, and uked "im tbe ea"" qaeatioo, explaining tbat. their pretreooe waa oe­c:eenry to the sbow. - I

• I 'm bothered if J know, eir: yoa can't come •J¥e way. I eoppoee I mnet- let you tbrougb bJ the andergroood p.uuae from the other OOG!'f Why.' he went oo. ae he led the way to tbie Admiralty Goort, • bang me, Jf 1 doo't belfe~ that. we shaH all be cru11brd to death by thezls there bnrrietere. Jt woold take a re!limeot. df ~nlry to ke"l' rhem back. And tbey are !' 'no~try lot. tlwv " ' 0\ : and there alut. oo worlt to , so, and ·lhaL·~ •hy Lhe1 oomee ktokio~r and-~­iug uud worrniofC juet &o eee a bi& nf paiotiog ou a young IIUI,'a ahoulder11.' I 1

Uy 1 hi a timfl tbey bad pue~ t.broa~rb tbe Ad· miralty Coorl. wbicb waa oot aittio~e, aod bee~ cond11cted dowo a eort of well, that terminate in tbe 11oaoe occupied hy the .Judge'• clerks ao

ofticere nf tbe Court.- Io' aoot~er ~ut.t i hey fouod themeelna emerging in .:~ aimliAf epace in the otber coar~ • ~

Before t.lllcing the aeat1b'lt 'ftll pointed o~ to her and> o~her "itn8118e8 in the well o the oourt, immediately below t.h~ reeerv for Queen's counsel, Augo~t.a gla&uc.'ed rotin·J. ·rhe ~y of the court waa as yet quite eiJlpt.y! for the aeet.hing mob oatside had not ye bur~~t in, though their repeated aboota o 'Op11n the door I' could be plainly be11rd, But tht~ jury hox was ful .. , flot wit.h a jury, IQt thA ~ae WHII tt> be tried befo1e the C'JC2urt., itaelf, but of various Jistinguished individuate; ~neluding Reveraf ladies, who l1ttd obtained or dera. T t e little gallery above waa also crowded with srnart·lookin~ people. A~ '(o~ the seat a de\·oted to connael 4t the oanee, they were .:r~Ammed tO overflowing by the repre~ lftn~tivt'a of the "arioue defendanta-ao crani"ll£ed, indeed, that tbe ~retched James Short, eole counsel for the plaintifF, had ~ ea~-&blieh himaelf and his ~aperw in the


of thA third bench eome~imea ole'{ by aolilli tora 'Goodn~w I' aaid . Enat.aoe to Au~uata.

co.1nting the be-tdtt i ' there are twenty three coqnsel ~lliMt. ua. What w1U tb t onfori.a-nate Jamete do al( inet 10 QUUlJ I' :

'I don't know, l'm eore,' uid A ugueta, with a 11igh. •It doeto't. .aeem qu1te fair, dOM it f , Bu,t,.tben, yon ~ tb..-wae DO mon1'J'.'

, 1 ~UJI' tbeq)J'obn Short dame up. 1He' bad llee.n to epet&k to h'ia brother. , Augn•tt, bejng a n ;,velillt, ana Lheref.>re' ~ profeaio'oa\ etu­dent of hum•n pbyJ~Y. wae e~aged in atndyinlJ the legal types before her, wbiob aile found reeolved themaelvee into two claeaee ­t.he eh'\rp, keen faced ciiUII and the aolid, beary Ja\"ed clue. • · · -

1 Who on earth .are they ~11 f rahe .:.ked. ' Oh,' be aaid,' that's the At.tornej.General .

He "Ppellr6 w~th , .Fiddleatick, Q,O., Pearl and Bean for the defenduL Addison. N ext to biro i11 the. Solic.'itpr-Qe'leral, wbo with P~;tior~._ , Q~ •• Micldlee~oe, Bfowblrd and H0¥8, i11 for thti ot.her defecd~t, Roeooe. Next. to him ia ~urphy. Q.C., with ~,e .. ~ta·

cl~ on; he ie eov~ t.O have a. ~· eirect on' " jury . . r dob't J~now the 'nl\me cir"hia

Tbie powder oeYer Y~rlea. A manel of par• . t ~· •trenl(tb ,ud wboleaomeoeee.- More eoooo- •. } uuoal 'bao the ordlaa.ry kiade, aod oaaao' be epld in compeliirioo •i.'b tbe multitude of low eat, ehort weigM. alam or phoeplbate powttera. •Sold Mtly i• COJQ-Ro'rAL B.&mtd P<ttrn•l Co., J06 Wall-lltre..t:, N .Y. Apltlly . .... JOHN SKlNNER,


Italian and American Marble SOAPSTONE. &c.

~IONUMENTS, HEADSTONE~ ~UBBIN~ &c., executed in Original dtl&igne.

English and American plans fulnlshed to order. Cs.rvings, a s~ty.

Note-Beet Stock, Artistic and Substan-tial W Ol'k guaranteed. I "'

Price Liete and tipecimea Booka •a' OD ap· plication to any addrear.

HeeL aueuuoo giuu to orden reqoiYed by mail or otberwi-,. ·

All wort execated aoder perao~ eaperTiliou CEMENT and !'LASTER PARIS f~ eale.



Do.okworth Street, St . .Johll'• : )loat Oaloe Box ~


Fire Assurance Company. -LONDON. WMB&RD SlR~ET & OHARING OBOSS --


TBUBl'EEB .t DIBEOTOB! Joeepb Wm. 1Jueudale1' Eeq. Bristow BoYill, Eaq, The Hou. Jamee Rfag. Joho ClnUou, Oct&Yiue E. Coope, Ee'l:..! ¥.1'. UeorBe Arthur Faller,_ t:etq. Obarlee E. Goodhari, E.q. M. Rhode ijawklDa, Eeq. 8lrJoha I.ubbook, &n;, M.P., F.B.~ Cbarle~t Thomaa Lncae, Eaq. ·· Cbarlee Magoay, Eeq, rho fJoo. Edwlo B. Portman. DudleJ Rober' Smilb, Eeq Wm. Jamee Thompaou, 'Eiq.

• BON. DIB&OTOB ' . Josar ' J. Hl.ooxrliLD, .r.eq:

Wu.Lax C. MAODolfALD,t I!'IU.lfcia n. lliooonLD, ) Joitct Steruana

• • I If

. . The .enpgei:oenta of tbia ompe a rp JOfo~j • ,oua.aeroo• and wealthy ..PrOpri~ ad~itioD to a lu~ inveeted Capital; ad promptitude and liber•li1y .;,b 1!hioholaim• have al~ays been met, are well·DoWIL and acknoWledged. . '

Tbtdmportanoe or the tra~OQ8 of the , . PH{ENIX FIRE,OJ'FIOE · · .

maJ be estimated from $be fact lhU llooe {t.e .. tabliahmeot-oow OYer ONI HOifDUD ru ...... 'be p6Jmeata io aatlefaotion or Olahu fur !.-. ee haYe exoeeded Foull'f&IM MtLLJO.I &rul.lJIG.

loaQJ'aaoea agaiuat Lou by Fire ucl l.ipto· los are e.!eot..d-b7 lhe Compaay •• ••err ,dft~C'iPUOD of Propert.r, 011 th m01t t ... o'!bl• terme. . •

W. & G RENDmLtL, St.Jomr'a.

Jaol7 gtat1 tor N't"(Ofl~d

JUpior, but he -:,ooka u though htJ wu goioa 1.0 eat one-doean't be ' He Ia (or one ot'tbe lt•_gateM That man behui a ia dtlckon f he)a (o~ one o( the l,eg'..~ ~lao. l .auppote .tbat he tioda probate and div<m)e an iuterelltiot subject, llec•u~ be ie alw•ya writing about. the~ Nul.~. hi~ ie Howle4, who, mybro ther aaye, ia the beat comic ao~r in the coon. The ehort ~eotlem•n ir. the ~iCldle u Tttlly ; he reporta for tbf' Timu. Yon lee, aa tbia ia an importawt. caae, be h~ got somebody to

help h1m ~ t.&keit--that.long man with a big T · TRE ODEL. L B wig. H., by·th~way, wihea novela. like yon y p L., ~"-' 'J:' R, 1 1 do, only not. bale ancb good: ' ones. The .cr.lro orilibf;tbe ~DBLL"IWlr.,\f~ llll~t'---bu~ at, Jpb "' \J Warranted to do .. aood wor~ ... aaJ ~ iuterrnj)tM 'bf the ·app~ ~t a ra..&.nllr' . ... •100 maoh1oe t~~ lookio~ man, w h~ .;.o,re ~ t:J!:-11 .... ~. b oomllloee SUlPLtorrr with D-vwuni'-R&CD tinoll'lly tixed in 'bia-riabt eye. ile ,_.Mr. c.u& or oP&uTiow-"eare loo~r '• ~ Newa, or the 1reat bra.a Newa and Newa, wbp of l.rep&lre ~ban aar other ~at. Ala ·~ la8 were oollduotiag tbel~ oil ,t;ehalf of the de- ribooa to bother tbt opera&or 1• ia.~~~ 1Gb fendant.a. ataotlal, alokel l,)la&ed-perf-' ~: .epl.a,1to ·

• alf lliDda of &Jpw•rllloa Lite ~ .11\ri'a&lof 1 t ~r~ 1 . t,elieve. f •W 1 Mr. N«wa, ,prtte, I& _prodaoee ijt..,P. Oleaa, '-li~J• il¥"T

C)OJlt.em.,lat&Ai bia IOppoD8D''• yea\bftll loti* W3ripta Two to t.ea oopl• OM be ~~, 1f ~ ~.a., pi&.1f aot QQIDiaed wl"' oocr.J*Iioa.' writtar Editors, · luJira. . IDle~ ~-• • YtL' , ~ercbaaae, aaaoufeoto...,., . ~

...; _ • 1 , • O&aliOI mete a bctuet Aqr •.. -~ Ab• .:S~Od, 1 bPII bee oouul&lot at.elllaea& }'enoD Ia • • .eqcw Jril.ltfti~Oiieale ad:-.-, ta. ~rnf1 Ud OI"UTOI. or a &\liD . *wu.-at•'•• 891jfri&or Ge...-1 ~ad ¥, .. Piddl~ &ad ~· 1.000 are quite wUiiq to iaiDU'Uia\ .~_iii Oir- eotlOD'IIL~ aa..·M..ulllil ~~t ta ~ ...:....tM~ob llrOGW j;~~;;~~~il io'ala~anC«w~' ~

I .all .eac.r Ne-.•

r~=="~'.: n-

Page 3: FI·SH - Memorial University of · ed alo~g debate oo tbe official aae of &be Freocb ... M•o.•it~:.,.:Peb

T • I

' . . ' . "'

Golder's Patent Victo ~ ~ " '

• ' .

• . ltiRc~IIA.nfi0\11\ ... . .. I 1 With f l1fe~r·Cfl to "ttai UW]i~rb\1, "" ai.uht · : Queen Ins· u~:nc.w~..-. 'I ~ ,-...... ~·•i .. h .. ~ t r""" : ' ,.., '? .. ···itinw, Ol!c•a 1~tion ""rl j . ... ~~· ~ u;.Y1U11p&tl •

ao•l .. IIOftlCIII ..,._'r WA-L.I. .:. J ""'' o\1 ',.,. !'"' I . I ""vn ,tw •• , .. 1 ... 111\1 Ull • • . . t TO~ r.dJJDo~t ".~.&BD'' ' • Jess 11noh nflo ~~" ' ' ncou1wtii;m "'u .. nu-efl ~o ~tn \;A,P ITAL.-.t.:~,OIJV,OOO . ~terliug.

• . t •..o..!.... • I . • • t . • l " . • 0_· , , • 1 l t}lN' 1 L' 11 " .. 1 1 II' 1! 11•11c l C()(l tiKhf'ry ~hllriJ • • --

'o" Q&A,~i 0 Nooe1.-n·d'", I ~• •harm_er and rleere~ :,.~~~ ·u.'; ~~ ····· .. r thl•·i' t~~~.n~, .... complAin', 1111 '11 QU I•; J.;N I N~U t<A N()Lt; UU U1t

I lfi'8U D e,r OUD ADo (1 e IIOwttnr of• lilY , • • I J l "l . ., h • ·' • J J \ ' 1'1· • .,·( I)) \lirlb), aad ,ln .i!,, w~!fa th,d ctn;.bnt J ""' w 1 1,'~" ,,~ l ,lt "\" 1~· '· " 'Jl .. 'fl l'~'l !fln I u~J , . • ·,. •

1 ~,

bonpd to 1111 th't 1uC" ~tid "\'~ unreuouin~r. " :1''.''t I•H'I

11•_';'·1 I'! t hJ~ Irn r·~''" ' ~~": .. q,mn~r., " N ,,.._ acf•ocaoy u that Qf 11om' ot , UI~ well ~~poiu~ •duel, It '" :!' '.*'" llk •tlRPII ' . m the l"lll. elf tw IJ U. l'I;KN I.NHVl~A!'(.!V. HUlt.iJI~\)8. c-o~ndentt~lrbo ,;rite to Jtrr4lli.h j n'urnnla i--4 lla t-l~~~~~·t• •I K •\'I'I';''L:" ri~h·~. m l,JI lho lnr)o· · liU ljJt;,(.:~UII l1 lt(H:,I. ~'J' Itl<}l!!l'. 1 c'loalated to an the .CAII4J ' or the colony' il~ tht• . tlllllR (• I ~.wcrnt~:. nt. ll f •Oil t lu; OOt'llt, Iliad ~or L lJ.. p IN. French Tr.iat': Q~e_etaon more h~rm 'bat ~ood wra~tu ,. .. " aw i:\ 'fi,, ct• to1• tl.t\ , eprt>s~nli' Lionl4 :..__ __ ~orup?"uer1c"ollr~Phee ct"ob"lotJ,·.a~tbw"I'IJo~~da-teheot 'r',',t' ill .o .... _Colohlnl .TA~~i\l ,,,tu rP. ,, atvl fo. r. lltillti-M TWt:N'l'Y .l\ J~'.l.u, A• ' l U AL Rt<~I'(Hrf ~ "' ,.. " ,.,.. ... p f I'! 1 l j . 1 fhe Ut:portb anJ Aec.ounw... 1(1.; ,t.lao 1 .:ur seotmeotll or th~ ~tand. ,hirif'l •ere ,Olllrft'. AiuJ 01 '".'" II lu . r•J\jOJC~ ?" t htl ,con?tliOO tla>tL eome of whoee directiooe tbereyppn ' bav& bt!,~u t ' ~'Y " " un~ lntE'rmpt 1 the OJ.It!rKLIOil of d ,e

1 ~86• ptoxcu ted w thn !'ihnrchohlrn. •1\t th~> reoeotly qao~d.' • • • , F rench liRhor.v. · ' " · tl.nnu11l ~ cur.i nl-!1 oh ' •thursday ~th May , The f111llt ia tbe,Ritation of tha-paet for tJI,. 'l'hu t!ll\\! l'lliJJH\~ of tlte 'Mo the t· Country 1887, Bh()wtld in ~be , . . . r~Adjoetment of the truri .. l 'and frtr thl' ~~~!An •llHY h:t\"•• lm!oiiCIICtl RIO\\tll · '·nL it~J c>~.ihio1uJ ... l<' l li.l<: l~ l< r\ i\U(J , •·• hehrfjea& of a, •more utisf1ctory modttA viwudi i o~' f111111, ~''J'$ 1,.1,.0 h~,:en in thu directi\)ll of P.ktJ.l i ,. TI1"t Ptclllillllal{ I 1 ltiKIJ , ,;l'<f1 ,},·due. u"ctly that toto• which tbe" oorreepoodenl.l! 1 1 · t' 1 · 1 f II · · ting R(1·in~:~unw('N •. l•' lllllln4:c! w !:GII l ,lj.t-9 .~.1\ve ;.uta, wben ,they i)loore 'he expre" tt!rnl11

1' till ~ 111

.' • co:"')' 111 ~ '~' ~· e~Jnyment. ot d l ol th"' t~atiee ae ·U t ley pouef.ed noL the eli bt . tfao.,t· lllll l' llllnc f\ncl tor ntort~tl n~;htfl whtch •Ill th11 ..o lieS to £~5:\,{9·1; ot· ii8. i5 l'er

e11t kaowled~te of'\belr contents, '"~ t~l k: a~ou • W•HP h:nldcd O\'er ~o ir. '.En~li11l 1 jou rll!IIR cent.. thPirabolitlo_biUI, if.Jehadaotbiagto'doburtn way.\\'t·ll .u••ukudlu!le 'whol?okto.tho Upit . fl\. THt<:. Ll~' l~ , UHANOH ' . Pllt!fla repeahng !ltatnte, aad there were oo other , .. 1 Sc .• u·;; fl f · Atiit~r ir:,, to ; 1118,1111 0 t he .Jirtv That 'Nuw Pol ici ~·~o j,,.J lwhtt i ,~~~.,.~ fl)r par&y .~o'l be . odo10l&ed; whlle ' ,' tbey hi:JIIter work ,,f a. h,> ,.. 1111~1i t~ lion of' tt ~ltiOH in H~ln rn £2flti,!Hl0, y 1oloiiug in fl l l' llaitl la ...t:U,~ l 5. a\tltl •.bout buudha~ out 'he Freoc~: or votioa for for annoxlltion. we 'Julcl Ofl reKAOll to he Llmt LliiJ t•JtJd nolL J'I'Cill illln iiJCIItiiH Wll:l £ 82,t annexation ... a( 1IIUCh• lllggealtoae were not It , 1 1 t. Re 0'r 1 rl . :H4. 'fl•at ~'"' paf"'''H''; v• pohr.y hol<i'·rK l'impiJa~rd aad i~poUible. Itttelh1111nt fi~h- '' · ~~ 1 1 "~ 1 1

"' t:r~at. , I'" •c. •.lUI liny . bllt tfl wt·r c.: £ 43,Hl, und th uL tuo Life lund wna ermea baye alreadj ,learoed, if only by tbe lon<> rnr tit ., IIJ•!Jropn~Lion of Bntt .. h te rntory;

· • f · r 11

• · .. "' , • 1 1 .11 uc rcAAud hy .£40,003. t'Xperaeace 0 Ill 0 y, the W01~1UID81'8 of d ill- wu ffi 'lY Ill CE' rt"IO t IUL R 18 Wl never ll~~ trlbee of tbas kind. t!'niJIL a mwxntion e.xcc,~t in harmonic.ns RC· Th8 (3 .. 1nn co IlL Cn•cliL of Profit and Loss

AI a lawyer (aad t .1o not undetatAod how t.ion wi ~h all concerned when the unifietlti6n dfle r ~dJiu~ .&'J:3,090 10 tlae l<'it·e J:o'unu, Wll~ nny ~~•bl~ mao ••b.o has &:i:'ea aoy thought- uf NOrth ,\ •ne,ricn may lllt'Vtl- tnken t ho fo.•·m ~:~hown to "moun t. t.o £I ~4, l-96 lO>t -la, and f•ll COOilcler~troo to thll qneetron can do otber- f I r d b I d ' . WttR dillf'•ll'>t.:ll ur .... foHu" tl : - ••• "ise). I bue DUflt' been "lble tn bold tlau a 0 "PI'rr) \ l'l po ICY, ~':' t ~ t. .un ~r nocrrcnm· £27,005 5 0 For Dividedannd Donue T re11ty ao9 Ro7al · JJpclaMttfOIJ whicb. by their Atlln~o.~ wouh.l Kh•~ en~e~tf"'' . \t. "'atb any Rnch 16,701 17 0 Added t.o R eserve ~~und and ~>xpreq t~rm11, ea~reae tb .. t • · hi• Urii.Auoic M11 • cr. udlthlll fiK d utt flli!!QPfitcd ·; rmd whule \'M 90,489 8 4 Clll'ried forwnrtl. ' jt'Aty will take the aoo11t -poaitl•e me11ao rca fo r •toe " '1\'IHII••I(.: wt.iah mil<(lll ' accrue to Ne wfound- Tll f.: ~·us LJ~ preYentiOil bie.'.ubjecta rrofll' ·mtprrnptinjl in nny hntl by t"n-,.lf!derntion ~with Ut~a•ula, roh·II~C frnm \V t'rl' shown t hf-1'>'1\l'tllr l (l !lt!lntl '' " f{\ llow~ :­tnaooer by'tbeir COmObtrtiuii(pnr fttlr'COTICUTTtiiCC) t htJ ft:tlt•l ll of thcee treaties WOnld OOt be OU\! of I he tiabefJ of tbe Frflnch, t\laol thtd he will for them. ~~npi t'lJ l'nid u p .................. £ ili0,U3!l 1h nt purpoae (a ctt 1'./ftL) cau110 the; fixed settle- T hu d alli •·ulty hAtl to be met under JUly~circnm . • •:~~t rves ... ... ... ... ... .. .. . ...... ·149,4.:35 mente wbicb shall be..lonuod there to be rPmov- lltaucell. t:llhllr hy contoeoMiinn in the form nr lAc A'cctllnulntiou l''uud ... ... · • l'>lii,Ul 6 ~>rl/' confer a. right of fiebery in ~~~rbioh Britiah 110ct pn rclta~u ur l•:tohao~o t!"hioh FrAnce i11 nr.lilcBiy Alluui Ly 1-'u nrl . ... ... ... .. "' ~-1, L• b b ' l . I h . . I'UlAL F U NDS IN ITA~r> ......... £1, :!96

• r rt>nc IU jeCII aha I be eog111:ed CODCO~(l!Dtly " lii'C<'II I ~'•'~ lUI! I 1\t IUt> m1110 T.QI."(J/1 d rlrt of itfll nnrl in common an the eama localitiee. :\ ,.,vrt'II'.•u•l conul'ctio•\ is lbe Jllaiallonaoct> of J l.) II )/ UO'l{M A U I~ •

When eucb a position 011 this ia talc t> o th,• " ~:n·nl ~ •tr•Cry). o r by th l' Satlopt ioo or tho Gl!lltral il:;eut f or •V;IJ French become nnapproar.hable. 11od a common " ' • ~ t M ·n·i•·lc jlrac:ic, l workh·~:::a).!n:ement of Sun-Aot:ST.

, bnao of oe~rotiat.ioo i1 cJea1royed.' \Ve , 0 ulol no~ " .u oh till· oir<' liiiiRl!loc~s "ill admit ,:nae Tr!'ntita A T. DRYSDA I.K IJu ioclioed. to ~i'fe a pntil!ut berlfio!! to the ·•rot of t .aaqahhnrt ch11r11Cter whic'• ,.h0111o uo hrhnr l~ flfCO do~sceodanca of t hf' Freuch colooiahl of Lower .i• .u1•t. ~u l•j •II t hc••t' to UHl ctricteAt contttrnc•ion C 1011da or the M,aari•iull, who at ~t.i 11 titne of ,,. :tt.: .. iJ• f ,,, 1..,11 oi Rians in <leroRnt ion of tht> ri l(ltt!l GU A 1n)D tl"y might expre8a a prefere nce for returniuc ' " " 1 til·· " ' " ,.,..1_. .. pr•rpriuaors; "''d if 1bi11 ••t·w .,i;"U,


h~Ad of J OliN the allegiaoce'a :or ' tbeir an'cutore. '1 ho littlr• 1 i·" •·• l'l:.":>··r·u tu tl•e . tnb!tur bu!li 11 e~11 whtch Cltlooy or Sc. Pierre earl thia rhtht. of fi~hiu~ 0 11 • I ····ro rutJ '\ ,. d :lttbl" Hlflustry. c .. nno r llt! 8 111) ·

pnrt of tbe NewfonnJtaod' co&at, " " ' most romo111 "" ll"l . t f,.,,. 0 11 . ht to Lu ho hc~ti•Rt i ••n iu pre. her, are tbe only remnanta or tbe ouct~ gru:ll ·J· lilt•. !! I ' "" tl111 'pn rt of 1h" l''rench nnti in F rench Colonial Eiupire in "Nortb • America. •·cu rH•tt . 1t11 P"ncc·st>te. 1111J profi table IJnrsui t 10

The ~reatie1 are, ia thia day unqlleatioo&bly n h~ ~l n11• 1o •r.,uur ~\u ti fieltcrm, o. to wbnro pro! ·


Assurance ·Company o~· LUND

· WOmera for the Huoys to be

Medals . Awarded ·l MoNN &co. Harbor Gr11ce. _ _ _ F. W. GOLDER, Inventur, la~The • VICTORIA ANCHOR" ia rn>t o1- 1 Late officer of A . A. T . Co. S. S .llinia.

pecfall1adH>tedfor aay particutar, but cveryc/au ~ r~nt oftM Gold M edal and of naele, from 'he Great &utw11 to the Oory~ Diploma f or modtu aJ the Fi&Jieriu

2od-lt 10pereedee all otbera, u it bu more 1 ~\ibition. tc . 18&1. t

r:~:r.pototr t9au all' other ~·en~y per ceot. GULIIEH'8 Vlffl'OIU~ PA'fBN1' OIL BUOY

(lre&t m1efortone for Newfonodl11nd, bnt. j•all t 0 ,. •.-u t ''"•" .i llllr' " ' " 111 nt he• re;opuc~ 11ro a lrt-11rly u~tqnel&ionrbly tbey· e'i:iu for wbatner tbey nr•· _, l.( r~"t . 1 h.cnlii!•'P l u ju11ti~ to botb fo' re11ch wortb. Tliey are utterly unaoited to tbo coud i- 11" 1 !• •• ,,.,:.ilt "' 1 l·J~ct~ 11 11 t l.c coaMt. ll is l!lltrlthat ESTABLISHED A.D., 1821 tlnns1 of tbe. preaeot ' d•J. ao.l their eatidl\c torv ~.:•·· 1 · "'"'"' i• """ (nr rt.., frrbunrRnCt' and avoitl working in tbelr preeen& form ie impracricnble., ance of viull•nt menAutes which bnve, 00 the Aa a matter of • rAct.' iropo tau~ EoKIIali 111ttr e - .. hole, aouk~.t Lhll l•it1ulry ol rhi11 embltrrauinJ;: men~ ha•• eprtajf ap upon tbe •• Freocb llbdrl'." t•lul'l ano~ttaloua lu t.ernrLiiooAI· armugerueot.

8rd-I~ caaaot be j()tt'Ud by oablea our it or Awarded .&· Gold llltedal at the Barcelon~ 11etpt by na owu. Bxhlbltion 1888 -

ftb-It llln4'1 Ia. oa~·fourtb the room on dealt Aqp now oe.ed bJ the Jar~e Qeet• of eailln~. for· or raJ I. ?nly pro)&Ctloi about a f oot from tbe eilh.i\ llod bank! a .. V eAell out of th 'I . t It •eael'e etde whea 1towed ll._u}di • 1

por · 6tb-h caa be le& go S~J: mcd FldJe from lbe ioy,f~.,d~lceoeral utiefectioa • . t.eatlmoniale cow-

rail by meu1 of ia 1 ambler. No cod:·billinq, \ 1• 'bil.l-boartjf or V'OJI 00 boto OeOeeufJ. " """STI"OlLTTA s

6tb-I't ot.Daol ~blJ fOnt tbe {ore-foot or .l...l'.i &IL ~'..L L • prink the bo.r •bib\ ~lar Moored: The followioiJ w1Umoaiala are-.from UapL. HAW· t. eufet' to 'ec~t uid jfilaad lt01t1 tLan ~"'· of ~e bulrlaa acbooaer Eppie, aod• Capa aoy otber. ancbbr. ' HUDSON, of cbe eobo;>aer &liM. bolh of.Hu-

8tb-The Fl.~ke qa!l '?- tam ()tit a ad replaced bor-G(&ce :- . · l fo • re., miau\81. . s~ rtokel oaa be eupplied. Sla -I baYe OMd the Victona Oil Buof •blob i.e ol gr«Jt Gil~ by Madiag omober li•e put MUo_o "hilet eaPfled in the Baak Filo.! of lise. • ~ · efJ. aad, dunog the .. '1 b•'fJ 1t.orm1 eiM!oao •.

9U:t-'l'bi.e Aochot' up to ftn hundred weight tered, hAve rooad i& to be all tba& l1 deUred ud ' caa be ~llJ ~int!'tiy'aoy ordinqry blac~ wba& Ia claimed fot' it -•be&laer layial( to or nUDa, •bertu \bt' oOmmOD aDOb<f, r, totally rue- l:llDDiDI,lD- be&f1 .... or rldiDi It a nob or 00•\be lui • !\_en oo&e ~i'tli. ' ' Baab-tbere t. perf.a& aafety •hile you ba•e

iOtb.' -Tb:s~· of ~e u VICTORIA AN· tbe Oil Bhoy ~oat. • l•ould ao& now be •Ub~, CHO

., · • out i& at an1 ooa-. You caaa~ eathna&e abe R t. 1 .. tba.D..oM.,jaif u long u the 1tod: .a .. iqg by.he of lbe Oil Huoy. , '

or tbe ~mmon. aoobor,,, od JJ aee~ed Ia a hurry · s rEP HEN RAW KINS GaD ·be thro•o~f'r ~~ ~~loet. & w1ll ba • focd ioi~ u • ble / N'9 ~chor of the day ie . I bue u··~ the P-a•A-011 B . t h' · 1 io ea.Ily cUahd' 8 • d4la • · ·'·l --' ... u... uo7 ~eeuon on ~B.~"ni• Vl OlUA ANCHOR II tbe col tbe 'Haakl aod oaa tettlry to lte lll_('folnow, a.ndt

aacbor ?,r tbt\d&~r ,.~~ • , Mot• ' b Y would ao' cue to be witboat it, u at of tea •ve .:~. ... ->~ ._~· , !*"li: ! ¥11T7" • ere m,.-v .... J whlbt ridiag at arachor.

1aeld~,..,.,....oom ea .g ttteuad 11tatnu1 RUU~ltT HUDSON 1• the dattrt6d. ~ • t • 1 • • Scbooaer &lirir.

~nd tbtM baY, been eo Jong .poeaeeaed 11otl eo- Jo coucl u~iuu, l would aiy witb reward to Joyed wi&h9:u aoy, oqDcarr•r'· u .. by tbe ~·.re110 11 tl.•c coml '"''d')" ?f ~b., ~eon or"l condiriou o r the tbct tlpOil P[{)l• of lel(al cqohy they would, .~ u•• t ou•t~ll·wo heb1o" p~pulrtiou with that. ot probabiJ be held to haYe laP:"~ ffqm '!1• usee of c .. tch c.rufte rrt. that, wh ilu have oo .4courate fi Freaoh '&.b•ry. •bfcli elth~r oeier bla beeo or of the Iotte r. wbicb probably vRriea bu loaf oeued 'to be proeeqh""d {p thoee pl acer~ a ouch wttl; po!opltJ aod placee. 1t it ia iu tended

1'beN -.uf.ctDenU ioew,'iil ly ·wdald never be 1o Imply t h11t ours a ro 1t del(rnded or very deiti­remoiedi baa.. &heir •elfa~ a•fd prolreee coorinne ~ute pe?ple. I ht~IC iudhreaotly to rapudaate tho to be overehadowed by ·tbe ·r,._ti.._ Since 1h6 uopul.lluou. aud to ueerl t ba&, ooTtbe wbole a e•pg .. pf~tb~! a.,i, , n,ol by t~· , biewfouadland populatiou ~~ protMibly bot· to bo found ~0 Lera\,.tur/. ~~!ud\~~ ~h,e Fr eocb fr(!m the ri11bt' t be f~ce of the earrb. while, "itb regard to the or nur~aa~Hil bei~ from E•,•Jl\lffl aobjecre. cbe u.oatera11l oonalitruu .or. tl<e' ' colo••!· altbou11h· it ia il'renob lii:~e rwaorted to oae 6r more ot tbeee 11ffecred lly the '"""llool to -btch ita · chief iu­placu to take Wt'Befiee for themeel. n, aod the' 11u9try ia aubj~o~. ir.. eouodu ... ia well r&tteeted Freoob ta~e•·lbl1" bale ob 1181f fo'l tbe p1~rpoee by tba fttc~ th .. , tbe public.rts~eoue ( • itbou~ di­o.f &Jaeir-_aeminer ooMtal 'fteh•fJ ... bat for export&· reot taxl\twu) nmouute, f~r ., population of two uoa to.~ fjeffe.ud foi 1\18 io Uielr.&ult tlth · buuclr~d rhout!aud, to our a qunte r million !oil eblpe. Tbelr, ~iaht ~-do ~bla., particniArl y .. pouttds ~ yuar. _a~d by tbe ~~R~ 111uidiug of ita 10 i_ca Iauer J>haeea_!! .. •~-•~cioateeted by the io- comwurc1al ere?" · , habnanta of L e_e;opet, aqd "''b . much force of ' I om, etr. your obedient eer+'lint, Araut.Dent. -Nort~~ti' ia' a• felr ~q~eetiun lor dif. !UiB~R'J' J .• .PJNSENT. fereoce of opluiop. alid one •b•oh oagM ro be 1!) Uawli~h - ru11d. 'fei~ruwoutb, Devoo, Jau. 19.' aettled 'or adJneted ~ • '• ·

BltM~diag ot the Lunge · , B O\VlfASVILL£. O:tt , Nov. 8, 1A72. ~<'"llra SI'.TII W . I''Owt.l & :SONS, Hoatoo :

Aaaia, the Fre~ch cl11im to proeecote a lob8ler tloa_iag tiaefa ... oa r~e OO&Il. aurt to l'l'llurlu 'Briueb aob~ta "ft'om it: i• ooe w~ic b thtv t-old .• ly ateeYt U comioj( •hhio ltfe ReDotal t!Pftnilltm of 11' ft•b•ry. aad ~he qneetloa 'I• no" Pngat~iul! tfle etter,.rion of !the Freocb ' Go•er11mijnt ahd U..gial"l•e CbambeF. • Now 'Upoo chie coutu t I bad ocouloo moN•'1billn &•o ftart 1al(o io wive dlreoCIODI Ia repry to Prf~ntmeQ.ta rrom l{fAUd

juriee, and I form.ed ao opiJ!Ioa,wblcb le, lthlolc, , · · tbe obl7 oae to be falrlywath11red ftlfm the trn ·

·· · ,. ·. ~U~KW:9~lH. ~'J' •• ~'1\ ·JOHN'S. · ·, ~;b~~d tba"•· tb~Uiie pomte no eucb

6'e11l lt.rnc:u- l hue been lrouble witb bleeding of t l•tr tu 1.11 fur alonJ;C t in1e. About two year111 ngo 1 touk a au v.:re c~ld wl11ch made my luu~e vl!ry Aorc, ouL nftur UI\Dll one bottle of \\'JsrAn·s IUWIA}( of \\' ILO Vtn:aur the paiQ aod cougb die~tppe.ut!d _ ttlnl havd oo~ trocabl&d me aioce. 1 btJi h: t~.t~ tbu UALSAU 11 tb4t· beeL medicine in \lid nod wdl wo~tb tllo price , uklld for is

, Yo ur11 t ruly, J£8!1£ B Ulllt.

Fo- the lir.J..Ar' Edu,.a'·tton of Girls, 'Resid t d N M7 reuooe for tble ophdoa are ehortlyllll rol· j .. '• . ~-"'! ~ . . en an On• lowi:•Tbe oriainat &be N'e~rfoaaaland 6absrlte

. ·. resident. . . hue the Olptare of oodS.h. 'l'bit ... " !be

60 ceoaa and Sl a bottle.· • S()ld bt dealere Rbu.,raiJy, noli t.y .1' • .UcMa:rdo YJ Co, 8~. Jouu'e, ~tlJ, ' ' I

1 , ftaliefJ" or 'b'& trMlf, aad 'be oul:r ,fteb•rJ' ~rblab l • • , M: OLTV.'ER the OODtnotl.,$ patfltl bad Ia' Yle" '!'be lau - · llolln101Jy'1 f 'ill.t,-lbl complalnte pect1llar to

r1. • ,.ua.e of tb1 tr•tffll· fi eoo~tu to refer · to bt> femate~1 rhoau ·p,u, are unrinlled. !'heir uee · 11.e~ · ~1 a W V W :P •other, aad bJ ft.e•lii{Diftcaorterme to nclade all .by rbo fair 11t!x hn benbme 10' conetant for tbe p 7~.--.. . to ,, • . • BtT.KW&Y, R.v. W• ILOT, Rn. A. C. Wooo and otbere. 'fbe tfta'Jof1Utrtleht ('1118) de.plare• It ri!won! of tb11lr ailu1eote that rare ia the bou18• 'i::::m T . { . ' · } ·' •to be unlawful• for 1t6e Fniadh co ' •• ereot any bold !batd a wiLhoot them.

1' •Awon~tet all cleuee

· ~

' ... · £~ to £60 per ann m. · # I buildlaall betld• etqd' m~e 'ot, ~rd11,- aod 1 lrooy't'lfe dom6~tio' ~ttrna" 'to &be'~ pl'ereu, uul~ to1

~u. OLIVER, at pre~~ent reaidia at '"Go don Son , ~.!'1•. ae~PJ. aa~ ,ulllalz!qr ~oR fteh f uor ·•~"''' luou.r ·~ accorded to . tb~•e renontiojl t"f'l ' "' . . • r ,. 1 I ' r . ~ we~. ::l.::;NIOI~ Jo IU.. d'~ood t.tie I 1'&111: lll\rir IIJ 'ftgohltlug •ad porif1iDI( proper-

• , '• 1llme 'o far '' ft ... i;1ff ~Cl 1 ::tr,fall flab." d .. 1'80t1el' tbttm 111fe aotllu¥afaa'We 'fo all CUI!I · ~ Uy tiM 'r....t1 of •.Patti (\76lt) & •u to be Ia•· &b.ef •uray 'be ••ken IJv felilale~ of all a~ee lor any

-~~~~~~~~·g~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' hl,~t ~ ·~~~~ ·8d ·' d'd~~~~ou ~r~mr~u M I~KG~~~ ~-~ilim ;-: lauCI : bIll \•rdtJ D~nuv-&0 O~ft (bat all IIJ'1edhy r.,unSvial( the t\. ~lu aGd re~toiiu~ rb~ 'hie .,pltf! lo i ~ llibftt.tlt'"- _,o'fappllc • • utT.,rtr lO robuar. h&altb. 1A1 a fau.ll7 medaci ue t.loa wta.~nr1 \ft a btj(enft ~?tO' tbtl'.t•· ltw; iah-~oa(.prOI&Obabltl.fcli iubdulu¥ ~~~ cualn· .. b11rth'!lt.D&'"Of( .. ud' ChriJIDjl. ~ diel of JOG!Ii•aod old, . , •1:-).. ••

;.=r.:¥ r!!=$!1!::~ to lbi4D ..; ' ' . U.&~W~~~· n;l;~c~~ '1\'111 ~·ot · j elf.... y•l~ob bN ... .... ..... ..... Wl;r 1.1 'be tlt

•Hal•h ' ft' ld tbe

!~~~~~tl·~~.. :~a:: the Frnob . :f M·

.. ~~=~,;;--:;~!J ... ~.l: ••

.:iu~ctuo•w C Aa::,tTAL ......... .£2,000,000 s tg I ..'1'.-\L [NV£8TEU ; L<'UNOH U P-

WARD OF .... ......... .......... 2,750,000 " d.NNUAL i.NCOllE UPWARDS OP' 850,0()0 "

The ' GUARDIAN " be ing a firstoll\18 Eogl iRb'l nslatllnce Cowpllny offeLa all those ad\·antugel', most d&~ira.ble to inaarers viz. undouh~l ll~bility. fllvorable Termi and prompt 83ttletoont. to c lai1os for losa.

T he underaib'lled h'\Vitlg been appoinloo A gents for N ewfoundland art~ preparsd Lo is-: Btte Poliaiea againat lolls by Fire.

JAMES S WINT.F:R, s~. John ..

JOSEPH GtJDDEN, Sub-Age nt Hr. Orttce.

GENERAL Assurance Oompaay.



---Capital :-£1,000.000 Stg.

Ins urances effeot.ed on almost all kinds ot property in Newfoundiand at lowest possible ·

J . A UO USTUS CLIFT, il.g~nt for N~{oundland,

E. B. TROMPSON'. ­Age-tJt for Harbor Grau.

Fisheries, 1.890. W e are fully p repared to manufacture from the

beu ittde Ameri~ao oojtoa

Caplin, Herring and Cod ..


Page 4: FI·SH - Memorial University of · ed alo~g debate oo tbe official aae of &be Freocb ... M•o.•it~:.,.:Peb

. .

.. Looal &Del~ Items.

• .. • + -~ . ~ .. -1"' _ •• ,. ....

(ronn RAUO• eu01 trA.ID.&aD.] -TBB OATBOLIO BUJIYOUJrll taDJl All Oil" readetl will h&U~Orloer, " re"' dHyll 880 &be &DDOUncetmeb' W .. mMrl8 iu UUr tel&­graphio oolown tb~nbe8isth National S..nk of New York bad bela deliberately w~ked ; that imm.,di.tely it ... known the S'.ate lln· thorit.iee orderea &hd &be ueeta bft under &hill

ooot.rol of new d~ (t Wall ~~tid lliBO th•t. &ok wat able to meet •II the de m"udot upou it; La~ mail paapert telJ ua lurA ther tb.t the old inatilnt.ion wu fo& a row d11ys at. ~be mercy ot lbe. woet ~~old@U • blink· er~~' wbo even OOI\&rolled a big New York ba11k. lt waa diacovere<J that the new preai­denl., Mr. Claa.en, wbo waa only in office tw9 day"• IJ~&d •tternpc.ed to di11po~ o£1622,000 of tbu htmk'e aeouritiee, oonaitJt.infZ of ailt edged bond" of a market •aloft of ~00,000. All buL 12:>0,000 of thl'88 bonds were eold, Rnrl where the money went. WMS not known, Mr. ()l.sseu i.e a broker, and repreaent1 a ayndi .. cate whi9h a 1hort time t>efore bad bonabt on&. interet~~ ot Oharlflll H. Leland, the former p~ident of the b.nk, and then Mllllumed con­trol. 'l'he b~&nk bad the repr~t.Mtion of being one of the m011t 10ond tin<~nci~&l concerns in New ) 1 ork, and had a very larJ<e anrploa. Thti aitlllltion wu )()O&pliC!lted hy tbe fAct th1t not one ot the new directo"' qu•litlen t,y t.akin~ tbe o•th of oftice, 118 rPquin>d hy Jaw. Th~ cloaing of the h.nk waa the only wRy to preH!nt further deprsd•tiona by the ne, ayn­dicare. W •II etr·eet men characterized the doillt(ll of the eyn'diCilt~ tll4 hiJ(hway· rohbtlry. There wu no better t.nk in New y, ric than tbe S txtb Na&tion•l. h hacl t2,000,000 of depoeit.a and a laf'Jle aur!JIU" invested in tir•t· oi•BR eecuritieA. The BCbeme for wreoking it lh•ll det~eribed : rbe market. valuu of itl lltoclc was about S~OO IJOr l'bare. Mr. lJ~"Iand Rolli hi a 11toci:, 1,03~ Mhllrfll out of t.J,., 2.000 1haro a IJoweYer, u 1660 (Mir lhttre. Mr. Lel&nd wu brought. before the Clearing H.oaHe Commit.­ tmtl wu warmly ~cored loy t h&m for bi" impolite conduct. He waa much dia~urhecl 1\t the aituat.ion. 1'here wu lllllO a& v~ry li vt~ly 8oeoe betwefln tbfl &nk Eummer and Mr. Cl•11aen wbeo tbtt former dem .. n<!ed tbe de livery of tbe abetr•c'.ed honda or their equiva· lent tn money, Mr. Olttaaen appeared to be entirely innocent of wrong duiuf{, ~Jut ooul:l give no ur.iAt•oc.ury upl•l'l•tlun of hia act in tru1tiug 10 l•rge an .atuount vf aeooriti61 to a broker for ul~, or, indN!d, any reuon for de· 11iring tbeir~ale. When George Pelt, u l'oroket, tried to aell 61omeof t be abRtr11ot.ed b .ndot, one lir·m deolinod to h••e •nythin~ t.o do with tht aec11ritiee . It. ia prellumed th •t mi••ing bond a for $421,000 of tbe e622.000 ahltraoted have llt~en ltolen. Mr. Geo. Pet,l, of Pell, Wlllkt>t &. Co., , bo, it i1 •itl, bad cb•rge ot the eohemo for purohaaioR lbe t.nk, Wllll tbe.juoior part­Mr of tlae atook br11ldng 6rm of Gro•eeteen & Pell whoee failure ChUtllf'Q a oommotiDn ou the t:ltook !Uoh•nae in 1887. Pell could not be louud.

~ .. ._. *' oP nacll'n ,UI ft'.

~IPWa!~tqf..., ~ d~w tbe. •'•en ol lU• ptabtio abe ad .. n.;

lit .. to be d~wecl b1 OGI' peopl.- from tbe r•,.ring of berley,'w!licb, be'eodeat'dt8d co &how, will 'brivt~ well in Newroandland ~1. lt will be waluable here to notios wh11t onr ~'ht.emporary, ,b, Tot00to Bmpir.,baa to aay on th., irupor&anoe of ~be barley crop in the Dominion. b remark• 81'1' ' Lhllt. &he prinoi· p.-1 m•rket tor· t.he pin, or· rasher for . the Willi t~ Uniced &tat~ whl..,h, how ever, wa~ rendered ·praotlclllly ut.availallle lhrough ~be · inote1116<1 uae by th.e \merican JleOIJJe of t.beir 0~~ barle,r-.nd other Bobftti­tUlM. ., On tb~ Ollber band,. tbere is a f"r l•rl(er, 1teedier aod more remunerative market for.hRrley in ~~e Mot.her Country, but there h11s been a difBetlJ~.J in the way of. our farm· er1 availiofi tbemael•ea .ot ~is dem11nd owing · to the fac' that the Rnti1h malta&ep tequire the two rowfWI larietieB which we oulLivate. In these oirunm1unoea 'be Pdini1&er of Agri~ oulLure ancl hia oolluguea, &hrouiJh the ex farma, have taken a t•raotical lltt~p to remove tM difBoult.y. They have m~&de "~"'''"~menta to 11npply oor f•.r.metll with eeed of the kind of barley m01t in reqneet and most higLly v•laed in the Mosher Country Mnu he ' ' 0 Jllaoed • aul>atantial a om in the Mt.i· mKt~ for o.&rrying &hils out on a mnre exten· ·h·e Mettle than *ciuld oth'erwi'le be poeeible. The •d • llDLA~ dJ 'be derived from thla Ulltt·

f11l "n'l 118Mih1e atep ate evident ancl m"ni f..,IJ . 'rhf' crop Mt beavitor, Lbe price of thP l(ntin hillhttr, tlte •lemantl ia atea•lier aud the m"rk •, i u11t"tul <'I heoowln~ more rMtricted, ia o•pable of aJmoiCindeftoi&e expansion. ..

~~. -Ttfq of tile .Dud• ..,..._, __,.,.,. arfind

ut:~t.l,ob•'••• ~. • -~ brip ~ c.,J·~a•lor. eaited •tbl1

al~roooo for &o,lud. tiN bu a loed c(oll.

lT ~ rumouted in town ""•'- \l:e GuYern­mont will in all probability cootinne to en .. for~ the Bait Acl lf.thill be correct, there can he no d111lh~ but tha\. the announcement will be heard with ~enentl ~tpproval. All thoee who hll\'~ auy right. BIJpreciarion of the

_,_ ~reat imvo•·~noe of the mellMRre co the oolony -wha.l. it eeeks t.u ~re\•,nt, what att~tin-will be fo•oed to admit that thfl he~~t intereata of the country, aa a whuiP, lfre houncl up .vith the faithful 8Xf'CIIt.IOn of it-in ll Wllf ~&nd to an extent which cannot 1,~ over-eat.itutlt.ed.

It is al..o rumoured thMt the important work ill to be entr1:st.ed til Judge Bennett ; it thia be 110, there will, beyond doubt., be a con­llenaua of opinion that such will be car• 1 ied out f~tithfnlly, efficiently, and wt>ll.

· His long retsidence on the West. Coast­of which he w•• · one uf the R epresent&

• tives for sever") yea111-wou1.1 eminently fit him w deal 'Ill hh the \' itA I mtttter; for he bAS .. ., eXJM~rimental, a moat inti~nate knowledg111 ot it in all ita aapectll 1nd pbll8f'll. Thetefore there are few per<Jona to wh0t1e banda thtt important . work could be better committed. All truf! friends of the country will hope that the 1 uruflur is c:>rreot. ; and wtll be gl~&d t~ aee the Act Atrin~Potly en foro ed. The public" will ea~~rly ~<Wilit fur~her

, inforOJation in reaard to the ma&tter.

OBSTRUCTION IN fHE !IERICAN CONGRESS Oo a Ametioan oouaina bowe, it aeema, been

la tely di11tinguit~bing theUleelvea in their Halla uf Representation On the 29th and 30th d~&ys ol last month, we learn from papers to be~.od by l•et m~til, the wildeat ~tnt.! moat tu• mnltuoua Rcene since reconstruction timea w•• euMcted in the Uouae of :He preaentllth·ee over the motion to take ~p th11 S•nirh Jackson \V eat Virginia election O>~Se-re&ninding one of ~~onte· belluru days After the House bad passed the bill relievtog the politiCill di ... uility of Dr. Smith, of 'fexaa, )lr. Dalzell, of Penn­syh·annie1 called uv the West Virsinia con· teated election caae Mr. , Crisp, or Georgia, raised the question of ouusidera&tion, and lili­busteriug at once hegaq. On tbia tbe Demo­crat.& gAnerally retuaed to vote. While the roll waa being called Sp&~ker 1\eed noted tbe na.uee of thoae preetsnt and not voting. Wbt~n the vote was announced it waa fouud that 161 vot.ea were io atlirru:\tive and two in the negative.

Mr. Crisp at once niaed the point uf • no quorum,' and Speaker Reed directed the clerk to reoord the oamee, a li11t of wiJieh be hlld kepi., ofmembera no~ Yoting, but pr888nt. A loud about of approv~&l WIIB raised oo the Re­publican li<.le. Then, aa the n"mee of tbe Demoorata were read by the Speaker, me m · ben got np in tLeir placea aod proteat.ed against their names Ueing recordAd ~ainar. their will.

Mr. Breokenridge (K~;ntucky), when hit name waa called, took the floor ~&od denounc­ed the action of t~e Spe.lter as " revolution ary."

With thi&• the DemoorAtl atood up and cheered him or 1honted their prot.eate by criee of 'Our,' which the Repuhliea&na obllracteriz ed ..., the • Rebel yell.' The IJOOne at tbia momont pn the door of Houae Wilt one of tumult -Jld riot. Wben the qui~tt waa pu­ reetored Speaker Reed made a long statement in juac.iticatioo of hia cou."lle, quo . ting p~enta to maintain the oorrectoeea or hia po~ition. Othflr apeakera followed and Mr. McKinley had thtt fluor when the Route .. greed t.o adjourn without • divi1ion.

Tbe turbulent ~ne w• r~naot.ed on the Slst. lt wu, it, more boiat.oroua than on·either or tbtt two d•y• preoeding. BoLb partifll adhered to thfl p01itiooa previoualy taken. The S1•ker ruled autoor•tiOillly, The DemOSJratl beld a cauuua. 4 ney decided to oootinl(e noh ohatruoLive t«OLIOI aa were in their powk.qainat tbB unoonatitntional and anpreoedeoted tioo of the Speaker and tbe RepubliCiln m'j rir.y of 'be House.

The above 11 ot ~y any uJe•n• creditable to 1uoh ao anJ: ·ed, progreeeive peopld u tbe American~ _olaim ..)0 he. Tbe whole n•· tioo, L~to be held rfliPODBihle.

Nor wa1 unaeemly conduct of Lhe above nature confined to Uae Amerio.n Coo1reea. A1 wu oodoed Jo tb ... oolum.aa a abo&' time a,o, the Lesielad•e A..ealbly .of New South W itol• baa at.o 1aa.11 · been lobe ~oeoe or pro­oeecijnp whiob are DO' orecU&abl~ to delibera tiwe bocli-. ADd DOW' apiD comee 1'ord throop ~r LoDdoa oootemporary, tbe Colo · .... wlttdi4 of, ... Jtod ul&., that another --.., ..... ........ .... preoii)OW ol '" ByU., Parlia~Deo' bu to be ~. Two meaaben, Jtr. .Praok fU"DeU. IOD ot the la&e l. & .,....., ........ PNIDS.ol &lteOoloa,, ad Jlr. I'..-, ............. iDa Ia OM ., ........ &be ................ w.u, -to........ ... ..... .,..... to ..... W a_., .... ~· ... oarriecl OD to a '1111111 W.e •1 ..... .m ... to locerfera. 7M ..... loa ... , ........ .

·-~--- to llaft ...... lo. s.··~·--·~~~~ .......... 1~~

THE SE!Ir3lll J!Cn!! COHROV£R3T. Aa our reade ... will reooiiPOt, on Wednee­

day we vu••liahed a letjer from tbfl Re•. George M. Job~,lleotor ot Bo&rningham, in rC!IJard to the errooeoo1 iwpreuion1 ob· tainmg in tbfl Old Oountry reepeoting thr orueltiea ·11~.-d to be practiced in oonnec,ioo with tbe pr01180ut.ion of tbe Newfonndl•nd Seal Fi1hery. Tb" rev. pnt!eman, it will be rememLelbd, def.eDded our hardy ae.lert from t.he impuwtiou 10ugh& to be out upon them. The writer a~ ende.•.ored ~ correct eome miatakee into' whiob Or. Bell had ftill&n in re gard co tile Newfoundland 8eal Fiabery. Tbt­D uotor made tbe followioJ brief reply, .-hiob it i• but fllir to blm we atiould gi•e. H.-. &!lid: •

(Tc~ tJa. EdiiDr fl/ tiN ~dun Stand4rd) Sir,-1 am aorrr to trilpaar apia OD roor

columae, bat I aboald like ao •are JO,Gr Cor­reepoodeo•, lrfr. Job..oD, &bat l am uot reapoD· eible for the qoota&loo from !»rpfe110r J ukeL J hue qooted i~ euot17 ~ It l1 .al•eo by lAdy Ulake ia her Artlolt ip tbe • ~loehteo&b Ceo tory.' 1 am quite awsre tbat the aolmal1 killed olf Newfognlfleocl an • Hair ~•.' • that their •klue are aNd for ~kloa leatbn, and &bee ar.lo oil I• ntraoted from the bltaba,., ; but are tbaee ekla1 oeYer mallt lato .f~~tb.-1 41uka. leup­poM, ie DO& &be ODIJ llllD~Ini aroqod Lba* IUp­pllee Seal-eklo J~eta 1 woald uk, too, if there ie no oeedl .. banlrit7 In abe llaoabter of the Sule of tba 89atbero Ooeao, wboee ekloa, I b~tline. are madel•to ~aeh'- for ladlee' wB&r? It would be ~appy NaGh tf alae a&'-ntloa 'bat hu beeo dc~•~1~ ~.)oallu1 la Newfoaodlaod aad eiN•b~ia9Qid_... CO eome tfor& to pre­•""' anotoaeaerr •aei&J lo U11' ... a~tbter o1 ao eultoal ao lot.,....., eo docll1. Qd 10 Yaiuble aa·w s .. 1. Ceo po&laiDJ oe d__,

1 ... 8ir.roar obedleoa .,; .... , CUABL&8 U. ~tiLL. J> D.

Tbe BeotorJ, Cbei&N~ tlaaUIJ ~

't be Anaal M,ee&io.c·ur tbe Catholic Beae•o· lent lrfeb Some\y W.. beld oa tbt lOlh ldat ha the b.-emeo~ of the Total Abe&laeaoe Rail. A(ter the mloot.el bad beta reed aod coo&rtaed. the Repor' of be Oftloert w•nbiDltted, aad, oa .. ,tioo, reoeind and adopted: Report of the O!lloln of U.. Oatholio Be­-nevole~ Iriah Bool8t7 for the Year elid­ing ¥ebruary 10, 1888 . .

fltPHTHt:RJA ttt St. John's, which a 1hort imt1 11JlO h~ttl ahowo mat-ked Aigns of aLate

'llt'nt. ba11, we '"e eorry to 181lro, a~t"in rieen ttll hideout~ heMd. HoJ* were \ entt-rtained tb11t. th~&t other dilltetuper, Ia grip~e, would k•ll off the 110011'1(~ ; but nnfortuo.tely tbeee tti\Vtt hee n d~t11h..J by lllte recorda-the Wt!ekly 1'1lll0' t of thb beRith ~ut_boritiea. To quo'e r ha ttpt worri11 of .our contemporary. th111 Oolo nut, "the citizen• or St. J ~bn'e are aakiug tbe qne"tion, wl\v the. auddf'n change 1 Fur . '(a·'" , .i weeke tbe teo enor b~ta been downward, and u tbe ~a me 10r~ '"of weat.her pre .. ill, tbert> mu1t t6 other thaq •~m01pberio oanaea for it. While 01 •ny )lln.; a1aign no reuon for tht> increase in diphtheria, others do oot be•itate' to uy tb"t tbe ~opeDinR of Saoday aobool cluaea baa 10metlling to do witht it. Wbe· ther ~bit be 10 )r ~or., it la hard ~ uy : but ·~ &s " reOJ•rk•ble' ooiootdeooe tbtlt a aimilar increue in divbti1eri& wu nodoeci lur. 1om mer, w!en Sa!ldaj~eb,oo~ were rtsooo~ned Mfter huing l>M:q, oloeed f()r a long ttme Tbe beal .h rt'OO~ on that ooouion ..... •lm01t '" 1..,.., a~ it wu t.Wt) 'Yet'kM a,lO, when it Bod-denly uoeza_ded. Woold ''~be well for the tio•rd of l:leal'h kl reoooeiJer ~be 8und11y r10bool queation f'

W hac.e•• tbe oanee be, nothlnl 1hoald be lftft. undone to staj the raY&p ot the dilleue. TIJe hMith antbor!titifll or Sl. J oho'• bavt'l a bi)( tea~naibtlit.y reetina upon theu1.

We are glad .. to 1&1 'bat t-he dileaae baa wholly <.li1appear,d from dUa and neighboring plaoea. Tbia ia a ~ult wbiob h ia &.o be ar· tlently boped mar. contioae.

""" - • • I l ._ ~"'

• La~ .Appoia\DatJate.

Toeed•y'• GttZ~~tU oont&loa the followioa bat.ob of appoiut.maota : ...:r

hit Ezo.lleooy tbe Go•eroor hae been pi~Metl to appoint 8 R &merrille, Etq M D. to be a J aet.loe of tba P..oe for tbe leland or Newfonndlaod aod Ita 1 tepeodeooiH ; aDd Jamea H Hiebop. (Flea lelal\d•) Joeepb Le Soeleor, ~· (La Poil~, Htobarll FtUaeaax. &eq. (llotte Ulaoobe), Jamae li ntoblo11, .lt.lq, (Cbaaoel). to be Joec.loee of &be feaoe for &bl &otbara Dl•· lrio•. ':

Ht. i!:&oelleooy tlae Gonreor, In CooooU. b111 been ple ... d to appolot Tbom._. a l:koaeta. Eeq. J 1'. to be a Co~m· oaer, under tbe fabllo lnqolrlee' Act of 1 ' 1 to loql'lre ln1o tbe opera. Lion of tbe &h eta 'or l&s7. 1888 aud 1889, •ud their 111f~ qpoo ~· Trad11 aod Fieberiee of &he Colouy, ucl to repor& ~ereop.

Hie l!:aoeliBDCJ tb' Go•enor. fo Coaooil. baa alto beeo pl-.d to appoloa D W Prowae. Eeq . J P, C~~. Hoo'l)lae ~ W tiar"J· H J U \Yoode, Jame1 Aopl, 1' J Nur,pby, ~. M H A, J R Mr•Cotteo, 1(.14_, J SQIII•aol l!Aq &o be a Hoard of Health for ~.~a, ~eo&ortl Uletriot uf

"St .Jobn'11 fbnmu MoCormJtQt. I!Aq, J 1', WrD ltl &elcro"• ~ J P. A P Mo .. r. ~· K D, ~. ~ l'aJ19r, a., oloba Crar11. a.• Pblltp A Carotu. P P. TbOGMt tfu1'• ~. ~. A ••rr ~, '! be " ~d of ij-"b ,o, Oata· lloa: Jl' Serttta• I(M, J P. 6 ttocl11, llq, J B, l4blo, ~· ~ O•e"~~J VI. ~tbWjdt~e. t-el· 'l'baddeaaa tkiou, ~ H ~-~ Ulllea&, ~ IM• R H r,......_ r1 A..-,y. MJI• Wlnl•• U.,...., ~ • .lobD ""ott, ~. - M • ~of Uealda ror 'l'lf~lliuNitl .,.,. ~~.~ -~· .. 1M Q~ijpi'O..., ,., ~ron ol * ., ... ~·e· .. T tJgbln. ~ .. , P .. .!1. bo ........... &Ia ~oer r,, .. ~ PIMflf\qJ _, .t-*ca'e

Hla ~~~ die' , l~t Oct~, ltaa .. beH •fit ' If ~ ........... I;J: .. Uo (, I ... ~-~

The Of&oeMI uf the Soolety, in preeeodq Utl1, thPir Annul Report. take pleaeore In coollff&ta · latiosr the Society oo itl lixteen&b .aooi•e,.ry Un r~fereoce to the Treuorer'e aoooont41, joet read. •e oaono' bat r~e& &ba' the ftoaoolal contfitioo of tbe Soclrty il oot .. proeperooe u could be detired. Owiosr to Ute depreeeed e&ate of the timu, many of oor woriby membert were compelled. doriosr tbe pelt \wo or three yean, to aeek lo otber Ianda tbe emploJlDeat which tbelr coon try deoiee them. Certaioly, we are power­tell to pre•eo• tbie, aod oao only hope for tbe beet, and botobly 1ubmit to Ute will of Dltiae Pro•ideoce .• W e alao ff'Qretlthatfmany of.tbe prominent Catholica of tbi1 town ere foood ab­SIInt from the roll of membera of the largest Ca· tho lie J natitutlon nf Harbor GMioe: and we may ht!re etatlll that it i• the duty of .. ery Catholic to nheriab and ""•'";"" Catholic Society. wblch baa for ita priooipl"" lt11li~oo aod Charity.

lo non~tiderio~o~ the alate of alfaiMI, a brief oat· lioe of the furmation and prog-re• of opr Society m11y not be out or place. Tbe Society waa ea­tahliehed by the Mtnt Re•. H Carf~nioi. tbf' leuoeti predrce11or or the Moat Re•. R. Mao­tfonald, lo the year taH. A D. At h1 formation the Society nnmbered about one boodred mem· herL It cont.inued to iocreue aod pr01per, and, io !_he ahort apace of ooe year, oYer ' two boo­drPd and 6hy nuoee bad beeoteorolletf. On all occ"'iooe the ijoeiety preeented aD lmpo«iosr •P· pearaoce, aud h aoon attaiaed and beld ao important poeltion lo tbl1 oommoolty. Bat tbe great enccHe of the Soeiety wu mainly doe to •be Moet Rn. H. Carr"RUioi. who a& all timet manifl'lted the areotee& fotereet In il41 weH•re. lo 1877 &he Society had tba area1 bl81111osr eod prlvlle~te of beiosr le~t~IIY reooQoized by tbe ao­thoritiu of the Cburob~Hia Lordehio. Dr. Car. ra~tnlnl, bniosr been pleaaecr t.O baod onr to the Society • written document of Ita oauoolcal re­COilnition; tOOl lt'fiUtiDQ to the Society all riabu knd pri•ilollet wblch &he Cbotoh jrivee aad KTI"la to all 1ooietiee eimilarly erected. Tbie, Indeed. wu tbe orowolosr IUoceee The progrtll of ahe tsoolet' •u marked by Ita 1triot maint411oeooe of tbe prloeiplee of rtllj(ioo and beonoleooe on wbleb It bad been founded. aod by Ita auwer•· io~r fldellt• to the Catholic Cboroh.

lo 1880 ~he &clety bad oooaalon to record wltb aorro• the departure of lila Lordablp Dr t:arf'\Qoioi. 'fbe followloa year, It wu tbelr pleuloa duty to welcome tbe arri•al of bla ano. ce110r -cbe Moet Ru. Ur. Macdonald. The 8oclety sook part io .bia r4t08pUoo, aod preeeo&­e•l blm irlth ao addreee of weloome to •blob ru. Lordablp replied. cooferriogbla patronage 00

&be Society, aod Uloriolf tbe~n that " abe pur· poeee for wblob your Society b11 been formed oommtod thamaelne to my 1peol&l t .. or aod yeo ita mem~re to my apeolal palfOoave" With auob a brilliant reoond, It mael be edmlttfd tbat the &clety I• de.ei'TiDil of tbe rr•teet 1oppcn aod eoooureaem11ot.

By the Report of tbt B&Dd Oo':Dmlttee, we learu tbaa tbe Haod 11 ia poor working order at JJreteot, owlr.g to many of oar baodameo lea•iog tbe OODo"'J dortoa ~~ puly"r ar.d tbe'diftloahy SO llod otbera to llJI tbelr plaotL

For aenral reaaooa, of wblob all the ~nemben are well aware, tbe Society did not oelebrate tbe feetinl of i'- Patron &lot.

Durlo11 &ht paat year It bu pleued the AI· miMbty God, In t:lieloftnlte wltdcro, to call from nur uoldat onr worthy aod eet.eemed brother, Mr. John Farrell. •

Uefore rt~iaoloi oar poeitloae, •e de1lre to rbaok .JOD for your prompt aueoc!anoe on all oeo'-looa, aod for JOor kiodo .. aod oo~Jr&ely to your ctBoere. lteepeotfullyeobmit&ed,

W lLLIAM• R!CN N ~SEY, Pruidt11t.

JOHN P. KENNEDY. &eMory. -Tbe eleatloa of Oftlcert for the eoaoloa Jl&r

thea took plaoe, aod reealted aa follow• :-Capt. William Heoo .... y, re·elected ... Pruidw Mr. Jamee Callanan, elected ...... ...... ... Vi411 ·do. Cap• William Duoo, eleo&ed ............... 1 It Alld. t.J•pt. Jaaree Ueady, eleo~d ..... , ... ...... jnif .i11t, Mr 'Cbomu Strapp. r~t-eleo&ed ........... ,TrtG.~~rer t.J&pt l .. ao Purnpbrey. re-elected ... ...... AMI do. Mr. Jobo P J(eooect1. re-elected ......... &crttorr Mr. tl .. mllel J. Tbomay, eleated ... .tat. &cretary Mr. Mlobael J . Kennedy. eleo&ed ... Financial do. Mr. JobuJ. &tarpby, eleoted ... CAoir Co•i• c.:Aorlty Mr. t:leory Heooaaeey, eletn.a.,.C.'%Gir &11ietD t'

· • ·~· • < 'ttrmpol~tlbtoc Mr. 1'tttrlolt Moriarity, re-elected ... CAlif MariAal Mr. Wm. It, Keele. ,l~t..d.,,;. ..... . 4., Mortltal

O~~~M\~ri~·s·~~ ln~rr .. olu'**-.•'-' Jj'; ia;

~d.-'fbal·ih~ llm' ' aoif oald ie tJI&hled to tbe belt &haa-• of &be tlooJtCJ, wbio~J are bereb.J reepeotlaiiJ' teader.d, for bie krodoe11 In aiYlDI &be tseiecaea& ot •be To&al Abetloeoee ttatt lot" tb• ~ let baht 'blh' meo" and 4eedemJ tt.ll for 'lbe aM Ute "' • ...

---Tbe briat. Ardio. wbioh waa oaogba by tbe 1oe on 'I:bllrtdaJ• nt.,b~ aot clear tbilfmoroioll, &ad ..Ue4 for tbe W eM ladieL ' ·

--·~ -A Memoriat Semoe will be held &e-morTOw

(8onday) a' 8.80 p.m. fo tb• ~odlu Cbarob of th~ towo, oa &he death of ate I~ Rn .J.obo Good"!!D· ~-- •

-Siti.TING MA1CR.-Ailbther" Sllatj1,1~! Match will take place od Tueec.lay eunibll oex&. Tbere will likely be awo raoee oa tbi'a occuioo,lM more tbao eooagll for o e oonteet will en~r. •

.Furlb~r partioal~ b~r o~ Monday.

S<:oooJCia LosT.-Pri .. te edyioea from H~r J¥itoo ll41te tbat tP A~~~ laqeo wttb frozen herring.. ••loa' Jut week oa Gooee­oerry ,Polo,. The ~,.. add &he\t -eleotl were ~and.-7 eltaram.

.._A PROSPERoua JNSTlTUTJOK.- The &Dnulll etatement of tbe 8111k of No .. Scotia ia oow pobllehed. A declared dl•ideod of 6 per ceot, with addition of •100,000 to tbe rtM"ed prof\11 "of! the .Compaoy, shu•• (pr01peroo1 year'• buaioea.


-The I.Lt; ManoheJmioe will be openedtjio[a abort time, and it i• aaid tbllt aome of the coal tfepoeite oo tbe Weet Cout wlll be worted dur· ioJC tbe cwml o~r.eommer These, with the miof'l of Tilt Con aod Ultle Bay:wm e'Dplo_r a large nomber of mea when fully atarted. Tbat min­ing Ia to be ooe of oor Iargen iodu1trie1)la the near future oo ooe can dou'>t..-Co/oaUl.

-BT AUTDORITY.-Membert retoroed to Bene In the Ltgtelatl•e:Aaeembly of6Ne11loondlaod :­Oinriot of Triohy : Honorable Sir W. V. Wbl~­way, K.C.M.G, Honorable ltober\ Bood; Die­trio ~ ofD8a1-de-Ver<te: 'IHooorable H. J . B. Wood•i Diltrict of Fortune Ba1 : Jobn Stoddy, Eaq ; uiltrict of Plaoeotia aad St. Mary'•: Hooorable Richard R O 'Dw1er: Oletrfot of St. John'e. (We~tero l>&•leloo): Jama Day, Eeq.­Gautu.

- Tb& Charlottetown lltro/4 ol• the i9tb. uh. •Y• :-L'etber Lyncb prucbed io tbe ' Catb4tdral oo Sooday l~t, IJid nailed hitn119lf o!

1tbe occa­

•loo to t.bao~ tbe p'eople of tbia pariiD' for their geoerout oootrfbotlona toward• tbe 8arbol' Grabe reboildloi fuod. He ~tlao tbaoked Hl1 l..Qrdeblp &be Blebop aod tbe prfft&e of tbe 'pariah for tbe athat klbdo .. be bad experienced •t tbelr baode. Fetbe~ Lyoob ie 09• •ieltioi &be otber parhbea tbroogbout tbe Jeleod, aod1 i•. we are bappy to learo, meetloa witb nrr Bood aacoea. ' .. . .

-OBlr -In«carfmoaru(al ~ to·daJ io record 1 the deceue of ot~e QJliferB&IIJ be~otld aod re•peoted,l&beiJiateUl~!f~ol whoee ao'cldep deatb will oaUM o paog of deep. eqrro• aod re· atret wbere•er b .. rd lo &bit OOGDtrf.• For be wu f"orably IIDowaJfart-Jad pi&•. We refer to t~e Ru Joba•GoodfaoD~of Carboo~r. who died a' that place, ·, .. terday morolog. &Cter aci UID .. ~ ool,; a few~toara. Coqae&loo of tbe laD4(8 l1 llid to be &b1 oaaae. On Wedo~~ we ebaU eode .. or to lay t.rore o

1a_i readeri a 6ulq,cpe·

morfal notice of the <!eoeaM'd aeotlemao. 111• aorrowlaa fa&nilJ aDd frieoda •.Ul pl .... aooep' our elooert 17mpatby. "~

'fbe faoeral wlll J-ke R.laoe, at Oerbooear a• S o'olook oo Monday alleroooa A a~ uala, we learn, will cooYr) hither f~m th . .lobo'• a ou~nber of,.ympa\he,io' frieodi 18 ' 1' - - -·- ,)

-CAll' CP IT TBI Su. -New1 Jatel7 ~b.;a town of tbe dead body of a mao barioa ~ · fooad on TopeaU bMOb, ' It ,.. dieoo,ertd at l.tlib wat41r mark eome &lme Ia &be morolua 1 on loforwatlon h .. loa been ' oor;tYeyed iO Otlo,r Beckham, be wea' to the eoeae: He focuacl tJle body of • maD abotU elxty yean of ..... olo~d io reepeotable 11armeat1. 1be .reoe •• iOaiJ. wbU ewoJieD aod dl.&oned1 ba' &8e bociJ-wu otberwiae all rijhl; oo .. ideooe of foal plat or •ioteuoe belq ~teoero ~\«{ liDj'f!Jtre. J:li). dre~ of peopfe from \ule~ I GRift* Yiahed,&be beach, bo~ no one ooald ldeotlf7 tbt

body. • _li.!:ai A Harbor Mala ,dMp&~ 1)artdar •1•:

Tbe'body of Hr. Jam .. W ford, foaod In lb• laodwub al Laooe,l'o•e.-'!fA. .Oaupcl ~ oa 'l'qe.dq by snht, Ttle ..,._~rlat eaqulrr wta held Jtsllerday, aad. after ao eumloaliua of tbe body lly J.Jr. l>aooao, th1 Jary oame lC' tbe OOQ•

olu••oq, tbea 'be d~ yy-.. d!Y•oed wblle orOIIiDi tbe roe. Nu mark. we're' diiMrDable OD &be bvdy, ~pl. tbe faoe, wblob waa dleftl(pred beyond reoopiUoo. ;the -...matut .,,. tlj~rt;!d In tbe (.;eme&ery, and &be fooefall~tbe l~a ... ,. eoeo ~ ... for ,....._ 1'l'b1 cfeoeaM •• 6j

ol .... ~od leaYae a wjf .. •o,d.,foJlr olillOrea : 'lb. loee or .M· alyo~~~~ f~er. , ·. r

---- 1,. TBJI GUU .. Litt BL'I'.

1fellle Blj'l ""woadtirUI- 167--ai Die "l'.t.~~m 8fo8Y iiAHil .. M t~. I• lOWDI

ebere lbNe..,. .o ""~~AIJI.t lftou ~''"~ .Ull ~»o~auo.:.O ..--JMO&be for o•• oou..u, W. Nellie BIJ't G~ ¥corr • .&.._.. . .

'·, MO!l BIJ:8 .i HUUIIK. w~ ....,.1 , rGaJ.lll.r.