advet&tlier. - memorial university of...

VtLUJDl'lS. ·r J'otice lnmrue lfaUce 1. JtcJtnlft, No- Bmtk Or' lharanue IlotUe, s; 9 ,, Slip, Mil BJUWJ.liQ lNTBilEBr . P•Mt.rt: . Bnt in lieu thereof ·I . I to inform tht Publio of Harbor e1.000,000 Once only, that he h prtpared J;o e..-- cuteall oroieu tDtrUitNIO bia Clrt, It a manner &ot to be tsctUed ill tft•, · ,.,, 'o:- 1 .. 1 d oua .. an J. F. McK., u to do MDTDJL , LJF£ USDHAKGI Graniting, ll&rbling;JJren.z- (JijcoaPoRATBD JW:> ing aud Gilding Dua&4:T.Ou Orrtc&-27,Court St. s-a, 141,· · I HENRY CROCK.ER. l'ceeident. io a mostauperior ID&Dner, and at the w. H. HOLLI&TB&, leeretar• , 1 burt e st J Ordtora left at the r11idence of Mr . B. R. CORWIN, Man.aaer lor Cenada .ard Brit ieh Pco•iacca. Mauri :e Connell "Ill be epudll7 and jaitbCull1 attealfed to. THOS. A. TEMPLE, General Agent" for Muiti111e Pro'fi:wln. Jan. 4. Aetna lat, 1870 ...... 41l ,380.0S Luawma, 111cludiog Rauen 3,46i,400.0J ausunnct llriicn. NOBTHBBN ASSURANCE COMPANY 1101\ CU'IT.u..-T\VO IONS' STo. .A..'flro.u. 1l.nDvz 1'11.0¥ Pa.Da17lla...... . .. . .. . . . .. £180,000 bxo .u raoll P11Euttrlll ......... . ...... £110,000 o.u. noll L"fT EST lJPO!f XE.UU.r .. ... ... . .... ... ..... £-i2,000 HE..\D OPPICBS. Moorgate St1eet ABERDEEN-3 King Street. etr.,c ted on Property iu "lew at Curre.ot oJ Prut:J. um. Prospcct ui!CI-Forme of Application for :lnd Life ln1ur&lfce and all other Information bo obtained at the. Office of July 1, 1870. A. 0 . HAYWARD, Bt , lofao'a, Agent for Newfou. ndland. ldfe Assooia.tioll ofSootland. BR!ICB. . DTRECTORS : ll . 11. : E1<1. ROUERT GRIEVE, E&q. Medical Officer-ln. W. C. Sno1a. . Sl>Crotary-E, L. JABVIS, BIQ. Tbt &DDW oC thil ia DOW DPWJZda of · £280,000 STERLJNO. 'J'be Accwoalakd Fuaolla 1869, to /!I :Sif. Tl.- Lite AuuraD«e ill Cone Ia 1869, .uaoanl to e7.1ii . tlhe&. l'be bllli!MM II coodw.w.: under two wparate J>tputmaat or cl.- of Aaunace. T h- ... ptder LiCe._, .... ,. al1bt •••Ilea o11tla7 couloieet wi:lt tli&IJiiue tbo mlllt lliiCiu CLAiS A. TboM wlaDtlairttlaclubanof Prollm tpplkd In luc-.1.,. tiM IWD8 -rtd-•hb 1M optloo pt •• lmpcxW!l pftlrialoo for their ololiC<'-•ithout the - _,... pnfnnd to tiM lttaoAta utlft CL.\88 B. Vrdft c ... A ... balf or oae rourfb of tM aix7oan p_, nmalo uopald. hr I&Ht ooal7, 104 tha" 11 I p1r _.,Will nqalr. ,.! . TIM ..... _"' 11a1a oa- t11e am .m .. Ill Pol' ., HoWtft, Jaaye rWio to ITt per cnat, of :f:.t.m1111a ...... ba Cull, a 1IOt II , 1o eta. 1 tile ,ceaea an ..toW to the pollcJ aadan- -aJadac attbo,... at• ,.. cmt --,_.the .............. 'fta _,t.l or tiaJallc-.. eWIII dlt ....... olrrtlr/ OIM CO!fCBPflON BAT AOBNCY • lJII'JUJJLE SIJilPLUI, New Yuck 6tandard, S 943,980J)6 Dn'mL'fDS paid Ia 1869 •••••. The ,Ioterut earne;l by tbP Ct-111p 1ny in 1889 wu Dearly 33ll'-3 ptr ceat. mort than to pay all ita loeaee for tbt 11111e pv.iad. Ita ntio ol claill\8 aad to income ia on tbt lowtat aracs.. WOI'roor ot lou aubmitttod to. the under •icftt'd •ill be anC: the lon paid Wl&bQut ezpeoaa tD tlw Polioy boldn. W. H. TijOliPSON, HJ.uoa Oucz. A'qent for NeiiJ( LOVELL'S GAZETTEER -OF- , :British North America. Tlte Publulaq of the Directory a hi,.. elf of Ihi• opporl11nity to announce tlrat Joe lou ;,. r --r--•: •• A Gazetteer of the St. Lawrence and Atlanh 'c Provinces of British North America. Tbi• important .work I• irleode ·d to eapplr the ampleet inform • tioo reepeot. ing the Citiu,Towna and VillaRee therin. It will be to the rt o j'lt of Canada, Ne•Coundland and Prince Ed•a!'d It. laud, a maJu•l relllfte •ith accurate ln- torma•ion touching the couotr} in which they ltn, and to tbo p' ople of other Iande it will npoee the adnah(le•, commerciel, ma11ofeotaring 111d aarlcul t,ura!, and the undo,.eloped weahb of tbi• portion ot the empite,' The O.uETTUil will be c:arefully COI'D· pil.,d, aod the mott aecurate a11d aa tbea. tie iaCormatioo inurted. lp•elal promlnenee will be Ri'fln to tbP Citlea, 1'o•n• aod placH of hiJt'lrl. eel iotereet and com:nerical wbilo •ill•s:;ee and hamlftr"'Wi ll bo brlf 8y d11cribed Tbo Lakee, Rtnr•, Bayl, Ia. ltrt, &c., will rectin 11 full and a ecur- afe ducrlptione 11 ca11 pouib\J be ob. telned. The Pro•incu will be ineerted 11 fol. low1 : Oot•rio, Quebee, Nqn Scotia, New Brunewiolt New(ouadlaad aat! Priqce Bdtrard hlead . Tbt Pro•i11cee or Britt.b Columbia aod thaltoba wlh alto rtcaln dtoe atteatloo . The Publiebtr fult co118deot t}tat tbla OunTEU will ba f011nd worth7 of ao lnt•Diaent aod liberal pa' rooaae, beeaoee It will be iodi•P.•aeablo to Pub. lie, Profeealonal aod baoloen mea, nd lutrumeahl 111 tadoclaaa larse mt1ra. tioa to tbeae aboree. , .. I ADVEt&TliER. DBBOBGBAOE, NEWJ'OUBDLIBD, APRIL 19, 1871. NUliBEB as. DOBllOWJNO N.BWBPAPBBS. - ' I LEGISL.tfi'fJ' OCf.UlTCIL. P 010 '• 1 lef'ler amou"t io t heir Brat year by cltctioa aocfby he m0t1tli. of thrir ptr llonty) in trrins tcr-b out !Net u! po•cr than w,ae eve r gnnhd by I D) cuentatina and to go lt..tonoi that of f be -cue . fur pnrnmtnl in N&ICT Ut the olr fl one aoeMD IDert ooate•ptib4f To811U.t' 1 F\lb, 28. o( tbelr prtdtCOUOfl. it "II dtairtc! to IICtrtain moro .' ate.&t'l'ely tlJt &tate brnu,;ht ll" itut'• til-• IINttA• .. J tban aaotbtr,lt II borrowlns atwtpepen. (0611n..l.) uidenttbey '!tta not•indifl't rent to ed . ofpu!Ji io feeling apon it , wu the plan lncrcu.d the p1111t b1•£S. 600. lcoltfd rtQIICt a · raaa who etoit •Y •o• Bn A He"IJ.-WMII the koa aod nor couid it be uid tnat th e by btm ( !olr P) tor whic" arect- m•nt could b't m·''' unlbrtuate for til.. ID4f1!11biDia lltAroo.t ltaplildl1, Gorernment ltand. etill. t he dent ••• all'ordec! by proc.tdlnga in th• ""- btcau•e thr Jo••moa•nt in t!Wftr. ,...s-w., bit& -• wbo wDl bOriiiw that...,,.., tiM 9f'tb• J PN' cciuotry "' 11 the · fact . That they bne blatura of' . the old counter. By tllle pt.. ly part of l a\t .,,.i •n ori• Mt._tltl btl oelahbor'• lllftpaper, beclauM bt II .................. OoYeraaet' art oppoeed to edllcat. not lobrnittcd a meaaure to tbe logiJa- nideoce could be taken and orlniona u4 pt'opotiq '" IIIJke an l•10te•._ tar dtat atinsr to tilly ODe lor w...lf',.ll beyoiMI ht 117• •h·._ le DOt w 1 th tore Will ""i"ll u be before to their t1 H bl .,.at 1 't 'o11nd Itt ... , .. t 'nto the --.p'- - ... • the man!' difticu}t iU that bottt th o tt iiOnl IICKIDIDt ' e a•ecJ th " ' w•r '7 Tbie eta.. ot borrowera pt tD be · 'l'be boD aad leu .. d Rllltlatnan . d goYeroment for r.ot eosgutiJl« aacb or •ome ftill or any ot htr pund lilt .. .. (.on. oo outbudtoed at\er a -bile, that tL-, oa,.u.. .._ LDOw that 10 .. r be1'11g qun ttoo, 10 tho necct1it1 of correctly tb r · H ,.. · L- d'd h t t t · -, .,....,. .., a •• hw b o er llltllll o actton. o ••• lflod to lf'oe' .,.,,,_... ' t ,. co•trnrr.ent at -mt• •• '"' makt nothin. ofeend1 · a1 'or"""',.., .... L-. hottllt to tt, the OoYeromeot · ba•e ucertalotng w at Corm or •phm •iU b th b 1 .. _ Th 1 .. 1 -o " ,-- r-r-· .,. b d · ll I at o oo gent cman (llr HacYtJ) arl! ent .,.. .. , •- e on 1 tU'Il '" •y a • oo ban read it 1-"···11. I cao' .. - abowa tbe' 1r d 'ttn..• .. 't'ton and deai•e to 1 moat coo uct•e to thll we being and h 1 1 1 d L- • _.. d 1 o. _,_ r- " b f th l N a IUPJIOrler •• • 1 o tbe pruent owt •o .,. •i'proprull.,. onr an · • " ' t '"' whr pub!iahe" doa'• baYt a , ... __ to-', •daca• 1 oo, br locr··· · ,o,. the appwoll 0 e peop 1 0 mat t •r b ....,_ tel · I' r · d b' h " ' ·uw o.wv- .. " b t 1 · b b d · b nttnt •• r•p..... at tot p.o ICJ wliich bu grent o prr'fto'JO y,.ra an w oc '" "' liet for tbe IOC0111111od1tioD of JL-•• -bo educatt'onal "rant lut aeeet ' on. He ('fr. "' 1 P 10 mtg e Y t!::e Oo•· .. d b • b' d · 11 • h · · ....,_ • .. " t maro.t I ttr career 0::1 t 11 quuainn and im· o c. rcc 111ta a ow1nlt J the <-!'potltron, ••• rceftr borro•iiifto buylo' a paper. H) Wll a wert that our educational .,... ; DO b,w perf e ct it pl ie41f coadtiiiDI· thtir COIIUf. What thcr plaetd I their nt llllltl't 1t would be 10 1cb coonoleat !or ttm hu beea the Qf the con aider- mtll 1 t uem to •tr mJ , ds, unl'u t he It wu rt freehlng to .find tn reepertable and nun bl'eallle '" In tbt R-inr O.n· tbta:ato borro•·dlrect f'loaa the ollloe olpab- atloa ot ac leut oat prominent member •dappro•ed or it, : it could never be inlblligtoot aau pportrr ol tbe party in power era I'• talirute tbe 110 ouat or £3. JOO wu l ieatloa. ..r , tbe oo · •ar11ment, the ou•, a.od •11 h:,cia lati••n woul-1 L •· _ .. VI' b · , · •o outapo.. en upon tue maottoo ol hi• Go•· pro111ioed but 1bt And oo pabi'_J..- wo .. 'd objt- to """'-, a geotlemaA who hu doAe motfor tb• PMYI 1 0 ' 11 "'· N1t·.outlitot H - -·· 111 r-•"' .. •· • · bli · . ttDIDent. t IIJI, DO Act prepared and their propoaalau4tbe woo.tld drly tbelsODIIf• 1be poatap lor rtgular ouet-n. We, •bo c u11tr1 tba11 •111 other mao •ho bu ' '''!'tpu c deeottmer. t. tJ!en 11 " 0 " 11 bo pa•••d in one 1 c11ion could ba npeottd to ablt 1entlo!a!&n to point to anJ aotooolain- art honored by oenpaper borrowere, al••'!• •• a'6ced bt'a meaoe and r·r•onal Cl'm· Dtl bee pru eut oor pnlitic for tl..e Uo•· .. · h r _ _, b t · 'f d' woe,. wat lllltoa llllon or adnntaae. He ing it, they .,,.. '" "'"" 1 utee111 it pri\lltgt to p•1 the poatap for lor r lte ukt-, ala period of liCe •hen enrnon 10 101 uatt PI'Occe tnge. Tbey (Mr P) quite coiocidtd whb b( 111 In that 0 • the opp"itina to do tllat• •hidl-oa Ja .. llloa• D ..... r•tt'reme nt and re11. He anu•f ute . tb.- mat eri•b tbey Pouu • · b tb b OUr CUIIomer•; •• I d • ' th •It p1a100 I Ut at Wll I I Yfty rtUOD Wby tice dtiiiiDC:ttlJ ID!flao lfiD& 110""- But the nry llltlllftt ot all &bla1• 000(!lr. koew I bat tho q·lealion ol tdu· n accor anco WI e ctrcumeteocea, tltey abould be1io tbe•ulier witb tba Yiew pond Dro rok r .. . dl the illcn- pop. n . ectcd widi borrowIna newapo-11 a.dill1 e&tion wu a of c .. naidereiion t be deai r"'• eoJ tbo neceeaitiee o(l tbe to perfect u Car •• poniblt a meuure that ulatio;,. TbeM facta wen oa tba nconle eDd IDnuoeot cbildnn upoo each ,;n--;"and, It with him ..-en einoe tbe formation of his wi.oae tbe7 mual will CODUf'fe "'"1 mttrut could Dol be dieooted. 1 OoY,.tnmeot•. had 'a connrution eecur t-, otber"i•e 10 1 •1•tem f OU ttould work for tbereoeral good. pounud " tplrit DltiD tnoaab to borrow with bim upon it 1 fe• wteb ht contril'e would oeeomo aa idh machine Hoo. T Talbau-The MD arNI lfana .. 111 1 neighbor'• newtpapn, instead of P•1ln1 u•umed 11 Premier tbP manajlement tbat • ould not work. Would it be Hoo A Harny11ld the boo ad )tamed be ,...ntlt111ao bee ID&dea a ... & cbqt oeotalor oat ot rD1 01rD, I'd p UPOD ot a6ain. Since th•t be bad frequently held thea that it ••• adtiublo fur tba ltDtlllllln bed uederttlr.eo to eorrf« bi111 qaintt the SOffrnmtDt and lmaflnecl be tbe IIIYatlt hutead of wDCIU., • cbald. •pokeD with flim (llr. II) on lhia aubjeet, Oo•ernmernt to cst tbl isb a 1cberno io H) and auerll that the credit of hau. would be permitted to' aoohithl)lof oolore Or, 111 bad a bo7 who had been bat 10 nat are the difticultie• that op· whi:h the pet'ple hilt 110 pa:t inx tbe educ•tioa gnat incruet'd wu due to but tba bon. ('XI flant)) wiAcl IJid IIHerYed • thrublog, I'd II" hl111 f'/it poet therneel•n to the alteration of our ia tile to ·mat ioo of which tb11 bed the luder of tbt oppcuitlon io tbe Hou11 or bi111 u lie nnt nai lacl t ltia mlet.U aod choice ,bnnco 1 ·• rlabt 1 111&rt" whip. educational retem, that i• will r t quiret taken 110 intcu•t. The Oonromeot Aue111bl7. '1'-beo be (Mr H) ltated that tbt ebowores him to be ezuireiT Iii error. Ht ping, aod bela1 aeot to a new .. maa 1111 rt calm and carefuletud 7 befoCP fully detiroue to protnote it, but Prteent gonm111cot ioereutd tbe grant bt prond •err dearly to bim tHat the mer-. paper. it Call be remodelled by an:"" la• that t bey heai tato becauee tbey (,., e11hr· did eo ad,.iaedly balining bl1111tlt to be riabt td annt '!:••not owinc to tat oppoaltloa bat B'ff..,.body howal like to land my pa. "ould woH eaccee•lully. Tbe matter prito a radical change that might on. io •b•t be eald. The adiifiooal a 111 oulllt wu propoted bJ tbe COYtnlaeDt looe before pen I ll' lbf1 didn't koow It tbe)''d 1l•e me ia too ltrioue to be approached hutilr tlaager aod mullify the workiag or the wu pieced laat year Ia tbe tappltattottry m. otion ol the ltadar of the oppoeltl011. In a wbUt, a to read thta:a Sntaod thau,b it may be welUto commence whole •rat em, and neutraliae the well- ftnanolal atatement of' the go•eromeot d &b• boo 111d l11111ed ,eDtl .. aD Yet 10111 e peopll,ltu a111labw tbaa mywlf• ite COIIIidrratioll now, it it ooe rrq tir- mea at dot igna oft be Thty wulald oo tht tablte ofboth bra 11 cb• returae to the auack and auuta that tba mlgt.t olject to hniolthtir fnorita new.... lnJ time and caution. That the •r•t om uoderahnd •he tber all t ho religio us de. u;and it wae to add £3,600 to lbt conro:uent abaadontd their lnttnt1on aa4 peprr rtlurntd with the ooroera l4nl 111d ., 11 defectiu wae no do:&bt. It oomloatiooa of t he country will corn .. esieting I;Jproprlallon for tdocatlonal pur- wtre rorctd into act io a by Nr. Carter. alltbe read ing about the• partl W.,. ., 11 1 aad tbing t-o lookal the f!atiet ic al vood '¥:t!l them ' in carrJtog ou t any poeee, That propoeed incr nte wuj.lublllil· tbe bon and luraed member ie nry vofor· ible. returoe, and eee wbat a number of child: gifon eyatorr. beforo they take it io ted lone before tha bill wbi clr tht bon and tun ale whto he aloade ap with no olber Ani IIDme '"1 leelJ ptreooe mfaht' objtct nn ha'tlfall•D •••J from attendance at a a until tbe7urert11io this t 'le1 were right lurnt'd grot Ieman reftre to a• hnia 1 bten •i•• b11t to ettark the lll'ftmllltat. lo to hnlng the "otimeatal poetry cut out 1 ecboo). aearl 1 ont ball nt them are 1101 io t.oldi og baca from any meuure Introduced by the leader ol the oppoeition alway• fallinr lnto trror; ladiar' •lie! 1 hau 1 " 0 peraonaeo nntfGr·in COl'- atteDdiDI tb ·achooll. Such a ttate of tendenc1 wight be to produce ditaatis. ever •• • the llgbt; end be (Me H) tupp ond he pleea• hintaell lo, of diality ot di•poahioo 11 to ntute tD wad thiDJe wu a d•phrable commrnt.ary (actio 'I and defeat of tho contomplotod the aum ,. .. He coottod.d rttlaetlng •ritt-•nd •""'" in tht tfort ta tbtlr papen •hare tbe baby ol the booM upon education in Ne•Couodlalld; and obje ct. The boo and learned geotlemao tbtn tbat tbe iocreue wll tbt act ol the bolller up bia :oiatalln. and learn· ••• e llo•ed lo amu .. ltaell b1 ebewiDJ the wt all rt(rtt 11 •• If any 171 te 01 (Mr. Pintent) apnka at If wa bad Do •uch pre Mot gnr•rnllllnt who Wffl u.much alin td crn&ltlllan retia 1flltd;. oo dcxabt, bul paptr after itt relati'" and frie"Dda bad eo. ceo ba duiled, or 111y alttcation cao be thing u educaqon ; u if tbt couotr7 "ere in to tbt lt.ttrt1t1 of eduoatioo u otlter Jneo Ia mull be aatia&.d •ilh a caMI,!etloo wbtn . .. .___. --...&'-- &. ---. .. .... --- £ b. h be i tatm t If 1 rtmeJDber wtll, I Dt'ftr aooldld but ID nil like .tbit, be. H) w ...... U;e Wt DOW &';..oi 'ei' o'r the ltrii . (IIIII i ci .. tbe 'J{ci ai ltTIIorburo coalldtrtd I bit toe oo- " art • own tD m.. ',D ing to dalllalf• tb• lfO'I'erDIIItnt. . Till ••« once wbtn 1111 borrowed paper wa• returoed that tbe membert or both bra11cbee ot ctuity of know!edge and inatruction. He unatiocu of bon me111ben of lh .. oppoe it ion rtlllaine ho•ncr that the JlnMnt Uo•em• in a damagtd co11dltion, aau lbt wu a tbeleaulature, wbtthtr eur-portere or (Mr. T) that no malttr •bat our on a eubjeot olaucb gnat aad gentnl im· llltnt did inCHall the tJuoational lftlll fan rite atory peJMf coallialog 1 etory In opponeall of tbe Oonrnment, "ould prcaent tduo: at ional imperfection mas portanea 11 that ol t'dueatlun, would bne .and are to the crtdi& Cor .., doJaa. which 1 had been lntereeted lotealtl)', bot do all iD their power to a in elf eel 'be, •• eah ol eome u cell•nt 1 ruter we i sbt II di'flattd of the · . . . h i ' b 1 b c b 1 Alttr eo111t furtber dlacalllon H• B D Juat tr. proporltoo to t e ocreue or 111y owo II' l ec oo '• won 1 o anr commun aty, : oug 1 cboraoter ol ao attack apoo tbe go•ero111eot. .a . . h I I H N 8 Lb I .. b b tl . .. ·' h b b Sbu, to notiot, .-.f'Cl IN _.,. tnterett 111 I • ott tory, IIIJ' ntl«hbor'a In· 1 011 . h,;, .- e oa gen em111 tbu wu not I••J &tner.... , ru - t ClUJ t • AU 111a 1 t rtcogaise &b• aeoeuity or p,rolllot· _.. il ("- T lbo ) L h b tb 0 h I lion or an addrUI to bJ• BsoeliOIIIJ &be ttrhl increa&...,, unt ooe erenlo1 abe aeot to ...,., a t ane" II }1\UC a ou. t coun1r7. ur a.Jatam 11 a • . o '• comparee Ina to tbe utmou tbt can\1 ol t.Jueatioo., but - l z h tl h k 1 Oo•nnor · for enpr or minata cl Coeacl borrow the pepcr before wrapper wu matter u 10bt on em an w o tf-0 e •• I, pr opo ruonale IJ with our population ba tbouibltba mtone dnoted b7 tbe Colony ' fJ laet, doubt)ua be would ban been •ble ead oircum•tancee, wilb tbat of any country. to ita eattentatiuo were ool .. ade &be D\otl autbo li•ing PI) &MDI 10 tbe Jlllpnlal OoY• 0 · o.. d . ( to d ' eroiiiHII for ltonpallatlootd lo tlw Coloay Now, I don't cart who •rtede 111 y p•-r to 11•e I .,..uu an more Ulll •c ry our gr.nt foJr education ia a ban aome au b. of oor product'Cl all tha rteuh• that e bo11ld d tl r- h · L 1 Tb b 1 Aleo the Rep rt oftaDJ .. iaaion or ,,..,. DD but I did wllb 10 lru11 wbttber Pill eoe"er to t • queehon ao,.tu. I 011 eidy aud tha J)'atam reuooab y fair, and be aoticipattd. Owiag tD tba eubd!Yition of William AuiUJtu• e-.itd lo ruchia.r the 'epeakiog !or tho Oonrament tbarefore we c•uld not be to be without the grant ia meoy 1111&11 wbtrt oo the tubjiiCI or 1117 other d.--11 toll• rround 1n with. hit adored Alia laat told ue tbey do art koo• tbe fulinif bleuina• or eJucalion. Speaking Cor there are two aehoola wi&b -tire or miaur-. ntctld the,..,witb. . Mtria Sopbroaia.lo bll Ullll, ltba ;unlog ortht people apoD our educetionaloye' bi111aeU he would etrike radically 11 tbt atemianably paid. It,would ba lbouab•· b• Motion.carrled•. nu111bu of' the paper left blm dtoeodial a tltll, U tbey wl•h to tbe dtoftcta or the •r•tem, but "ish caution. prcxlaotin o1 11111cb more adnotar• if thtre Tae h·ouae tbtn• adJ•IIf'Df4 Ia l'rW•F rope laddtr ,) or w betber ht bad bam kept popular will, bow ellt eao 1 e7 ° 10 He wu glad bowner the bon and lurntd w• r• but oae aoo4 aebool "ith a more efBci. nut. ;n that poeltloo a wh,le wu\ 1' eoftr fell- ben b7 hia(iDJ the aubJect under tbe 1•ntla111an baa oolioe tu mou in tbe ent teacher which tile eo111binrd wluiea of are at lut 1 toolidtTatloD oflbt pcoplee repreeeat• matter, bec aute by Yentileaion aod diuua· the two would be like!) to secure. fbe eub· H I I th d L. lt iYII ? Ht taUt o• tbat it will reqo Ira •loa tht •Ieber or tbt -oplt 1111" dt .,. dl-& "t to' II ol tbe srant ••• th• ••tit drfec:t . o l't'ftr mt e paper, ID ,.,. aut 1 I t d . 1 I . .-- ' .... The br-mtt· at 4'o'oloe\. day 1 rowbls hapatlmt to team the rata or a oar t m 1 e 1 o '"'"t 10 0 rind at, wbicb conelitutee tbe •bole d if· aod trouble o( our educat!onal· ayet.em •• it On mot•on or hOlt. p, O. T ... lf! *'' h nd b i meet. 11, 1ure 1 100118 ' an ... lleullf, Ir t!le whole populati:lo were ot ooe 1 1 in otber -uot"-·· 1t ou,t.t to be con· B un.1 111y ero • ero ae, emt to IDJ lltllhbor' a ,_ d b 1 · - ·- 0 abltner au JTID.ttd to boa "" tt. b ... ll' L uld I tempt .. m• • t • IDODer a CO DC: UIIOD rwliaioua daaolllinltlon tbtre would be DO ,d--.1 •L- dllt• or'''"' 11110 or Iota ouee, tD at.. a:.e wo tnol DIJ p•JHr ill b d JC bl' • · ..... ""'" ' ., •· p T 1 ftd tis• of tbt back Sbt did 110 , bat wbtD 1 llw 1 amn at. · pu 10 optoton obttaclc to the auceenful tatablitbllltnt of a jU &be colony ntry llttmr rccuiun u n ••a tr 1110 - Win ap;ttalltl to bt Olr. 8) woold ttoll tallatectory •y•t••• bat tbat wae tba ktroal aM bll iatlumce whll tbe of U. rll· petiti ohhelnhebitanta of Burio oa tilt tb• ' boa r•atlelnan (lar. Telbot) what he nftbt whol• •abject. The objtct ebould be hlr ccneration to loduee !belli to tend tbrir eubjtd nh l'tmriul'f• !'Ill. H• had, be 1 ••• know w'oaltl be tbe 101 "er of dtno111inatlonal eectlona, and at the 111111 -b 1 JJ-o to tbe ecbooll "ro•lded for thtat, aaid tbe '"po-et t.,r the ,.i"" ' to t4ka tbe .... pit out ot tba 0 " 10 1 •"-• JDa,t-'X __ _. wLat O"Rht to '.MI the •• ,. ti 't'tonera In I"-lr dt'i" tD ·, ""t nt the ' P'"' d aooldrd. w ,. '- " .. tilllt make tbe machinery eaob II woald and endenour te obtain the belt edbcalian 011 me WIT tf 1 wbul•, that io-jultiCt work for the ltoeral good. B1 meaoe or withlo lbtir reach Bt (Mr T) bad olt1o or iotampennce, and tu nacaerou• n ils But tbat wua eolltary ina&aote olllly eo wltbout . (a'l'or. A. [rTtat change bu opinion tll rited by a commtttH frolll per· eouabt to llllpr"' upon penooa 1M eame COIIItqUl'llt upon It •., truly .s..-UNct br . far forr•ttlnJ tbe dut1 1 on to •J' Dtlcb· takta place lathe eberaeter of our po- aoaa compettnt to gnep the qotatlon, tht Ia b;ul otll contact with, bow btDtS.Ial. and thta:a. He llir T) aboald lilut to- tilt bora u tD -ld beoallee they rttaam · mJ p•la,lcna wltbla th• putltw 1e&re, a nd IDlY be to Itt their l111portatl011 and l..eal dlatlllatioa ol artloPat Ia a dUapltaud ooDclJtba. It wu DIW "ri'J dUFereot from wbat It ••• clear to act tor the lnr•- of all. what pltuure alld ••titfactlon It would be epirita rroaiblted abeoluttlJJ ooant.rlaa 1 oft•• •oo&cl boooaue ........ __ , ...... b ..... 1 t .... t' A t I on to &belli if neo on• of tbalr Wtrt b .. _.. _, - of - ...... ra Wll w fD ..... 11 .-.a:a 100 0 wu •iabta to defend tbo OuurniiiPnt fro111 the that be 1 • •oat _ ..... , thrm a\ all !Mac that'• eaotber ta.•- "•Ita. p---.a 'wblca. tLoa..L pnhapelll'partial able to tsamia• tbtlt IOOOUDII aod ••• that . ...... , .... , the coat o.r ... eril. Rt cUal .._ , -- -. ... char1• ol in tbie tnatter, beeoaae ...... -- .- So-bod• bunld tbatlt IID't do'·- b7 IN ...... _. ,_. .. --- witL fau ' II tit oo• tht7 were oornot, Henrofore edncatloo ltae b ·L- _ ___., .... of tM 1 ..,. will,'""' 0 r···- " • it wu wholly onnrnnted and bad no Dot kDow. trbet tt ._ •-- pahliaber aa we'd be due bJ, bU 1-'1 111 IC tbt eobjtd bt a ooe tn ap· foundation io tact, been loolr.ed oo wltb If not con· Petltloaera wuuld be eadt 1tM1a er lie- • by pall!lalaen eboald Ml bot J ... M wWUJI tbt abould be pr1· ltlllpt by the mal\8, A111ong.t a. crew of ltlatift.Gpoa th ••*"'• bat lit "'-14 Ill to 1tll one oopy of a,.,.. eo bt In&· eo a to "apple wilb tbt dl!lculty. L•t Hoa. R 1 Piaaut-Tbe boa. s•ntlam•o a•altre It •u paenll1 t&'DIId•tbe& Y"f fow moet bappr -to 1 ,.,. bll .. ppon ta u1 , .... cloam dl8ernc )'lf'IODt 1o •II clalrwta before tbe ud wUI onoe tha wide dif'tnnc:o betwttn -:d. •ip Ultlr aa••· caiiOt ol tlelll tloal-aure calculattd lo ...,. eop1n. ..,.. lociil fftultl may bt anind et. 1f nvtloo aod the do·ootbirtl poUoy which tbt lq the mark ot a troll I alldlt 1 \e111td (0 ,... tlsJ a - at tht 1 a4Yooa&t. Be .w..t • t DL W'; X. llatbor Grace 1>L W. A.NDEBsoN, lhigu1. . llM n. glYIIIJihe Jmmigraat tnefallntlwmatfoa The "ork will contalo ID the couatry, the Dtetrlcte wilue btma1 11t1le, &<'. a flllliDrt ucl f11and per· OonrDJDcz!i Ia poralllor wilb reference to m•t11 tD bt bald IIIIODI't tbftl tltal a pd the petitioner• •"'7 ........ 1 Ht ..... . r-et after • 7•11·1 dptutioa, It 111&1 bt thia aad other euhjict.. Pia din, hiiDIIIf 1n tltlwnDID Wll tb• betttr far btlnf IIIII tNt It w be•• .. (Jir tbt tollowlaa , .. r, aod eo OD a r.t.. poailioa tba boo a•ntlmeit II Db· IOIIIIWbal tdaoated. .He'bopad IMieh ld... T.) by boa Mr Stahb .... , ......... Ia - tot I) 1.n la,..lmelltf tl eucctta are, u llced to admit tba oacbt tD tah _. Jirioa waJ btfora aweb of "'U,bt- who r'"' latt.podtloa ftl flt.liee wMia odr power, HIDOYtd ..,_ lll'pl l'or tbe cooslchntloo or the qata•-nt, Wilen a .... are OODitl bofote DDSble to atttod 0 ooacU to-day. The ailll !" prtnte 'd oa fine paper, eiDall 8Yo ln tloable ooloatoe, wltb loe botnla · 'ia cloth It wiJI bt kept lM ...,ltttat wltb lte ot.jtct, whltb II 1 to ell tht iaformatioo at 1.11-II&III "' UIII plaela 'r it' •tthl6 'tbe reaob of 11 eolt1blt 101 . ta k wiU I ' 1 1 :I , II Jlf.ibu.\er} lli .. ...u. •• J Oat patb of'' •duoa,ioeal proanu tloa aod tho IIDI"->•e111tD1 ol&b• eyattlll, Jflialauar• toochtna oar tdooatloaal 1J1t•m. ,.., _. 1 &io• wu rnt Clerk, u .. daaclttllt wtabaU Dt'ftr achlne and ltt "1• be Ia a lad tbat &b' lealalawre Ia It• bepad It would bt o! I practleal clleraellr · ucr JaJd'; tile tabla. aoytblar. Wb, doia't tbt boa the p,.. aboa\ to be wt '!fl •otloa. Be '(alr P) OOD· IDd aboh II ebaU .... , .... , nptee.Uoa 1ltat ml•rpcl lbt.boa Cooilolllor (air. Talbot]' .ned lfilh hiiD that tlit eal!la« abould Ill nlae wUibe reoetttd tor the approprlatloa; .... lf ,th•7 be, ula 10 aasloaa t, apptoalbed wltb oaulioa, tllereton be 101· whicb tlltooloD 1 hit aot llltWrta reeel•td ..,_ •1•tem. 'PDt thdr 1bouldera .-.a formation or a J<tlat llltc& "*llllt- for lar,e piat 110114 for the pvpoH ..W k ... co tile ,ptoda,ce 1oatt1Jial( to ltl . 1\e Oonmcam& .... Jo Mlt!M from tdaaoalloa. .. .,._.. .. tbatdUlre their ability to tbt rtepooalbUhy of 1D1 _,.., Jamfina r:==.:.::.:.:--..::-r.: with 1t ab ' t'aJd ltacl the ID7DIIOOIII-II diSC11lt1, ID. wire& M 1 •• fot tMptJDatal OD ttai' Rb.Jtet 111 _,_ Ia ta a tble llad; Dot b1 tilt boo aeatlo111an caatloD& b•\. - OoYIIUIIII& tile ..... faJct llellro h 011 tbla ...... . • .,...-. · •• BYID " liow, He taU. • W. Oonro-llt are 1 IINl if alllaata- e11d ,_Ill ....... the aueloo," h • aocl ual- to ,.._ .. . tdlllldoa, tloa paa& hf AIOO. 1 eo, • lMt 'I'J lwn ap, ...... ll Ia a _, *' UOWID••n , .rm tbe erNI ,.lnll· la proafto nla- of haYt •&111114 .. tli.U tll.y _ mou lrri1ll ..W .,_ad .... ,... .. *"- t)e• et aod eoml be. tboat parpoe. •de *' Ia a bill to.IDII ... If7 ._..atlfta lor k, Ja, ...... ,. - ...S Wr ...,.. U cll'l'fttd BtOlr . P.)M14eotorttlttbS. wltla _. uba.wr putttl CN . eo tb.t .. , .. ,, •• -•t :.opdnaldor "-···'"'·' wt t11t "'t ttm .. leb forw4 the ,_ .... _ ......... ..,.,. liD ........ ocraptii..S tilt Oo'l'ln· ....... . r .......... ., .......... put ............ .., ...... "' ...... tftllt Mt .._&..... ,_ ........ ,.._,..._ ..... . ..... .. ........ ,. .... , .... j ........ .. \

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VtLUJDl'lS. ·r

~usintSS J'otice lnmrue lfaUce ~. 1. JtcJtnlft, No- Bmtk Or' lharanue

IlotUe, s;9,, Slip, Mil ~ BJUWJ.liQ lNTBilEBr.

P•Mt.rt: . Bnt in lieu thereof ~a:r-- ·I . I

Br~ta to inform tht Publio of Harbor e1.000,000 Once only, that he h prtpared J;o e..--cuteall oroieu tDtrUitN•IO bia Clrt, It Eiurp~UJ!It a manner &ot to be tsctUed ill tft•, · ,.,,'o:-1 .. 1 d U.~..,JON oua .. an •

J . F. McK., u pr~putd to do MDTDJL ,LJF£ USDHAKGI ~0 Graniting, ll&rbling;JJren.z- (JijcoaPoRATBD JW:> •

ing aud Gilding Dua&4:T.Ou Orrtc&-27,Court St. s-a, 141,· · I HENRY CROCK.ER. l'ceeident.

io a mostauperior ID&Dner, and at the w. H. HOLLI&TB&, leeretar• , 1 burt est notlc~t. J

Ordtora left at the r11idence of Mr. B. R. CORWIN, Man.aaer lor Cenada .ard Britieh Pco•iacca. Mauri:e Connell "Ill be epudll7 and

jaitbCull1 attealfed to. THOS. A. TEMPLE, General Agent" for Muiti111e Pro'fi:wln. •

Jan. 4. Aetna Jaou~ry lat, 1870 ...... 41l,380.0S Luawma, 111cludiog Rauen 3,46i,400.0J ausunnct llriicn.



P"Zftm~li'.EI. CU'IT.u..-T\VO IONS' STo.

.A..'flro.u. 1l.nDvz 1'11.0¥ Pa.Da17lla...... . .. . .. . . . .. £180,000

bxo.u ~ raoll L~1 P11Euttrlll ......... . ...... £110,000

A..~ o.u. RnE~rua: noll L"fT • EST lJPO!f b:attJ:Q~,/ XE.UU.r .. . . . ... . .... . . . ..... £-i2,000

HE..\D OPPICBS. Lo~ooN-1 Moorgate St1eet

ABERDEEN-3 King Street.

Jnaurnnr~ etr.,cted on Property iu "lew foundlan~ at Curre.ot ijA~ea oJ Prut:J. um.

Prospcctui!CI-Forme of Application for Fin~ :lnd Life ln1ur&lfce and all other Information ~ bo obtained at the. Office of

July 1, 1870.

A. 0 . HAYWARD, Bt, lofao'a,

Agent for Newfou.ndland.

ldfe Assooia.tioll ofSootland.


Medical Officer-ln. W. C. Sno1a. . Sl>Crotary-E, L. JABVIS, BIQ.

Tbt &DDW ill~ oC thil A~tioll ia DOW DPWJZda of ·

£280,000 STERLJNO. 'J'be Accwoalakd Fuaolla 1869, 1111ou~d to

/!I ~li.OUO :Sif. Tl.- Lite AuuraD«e ill Cone Ia 1869, .uaoanl to

e7.1ii.tlhe&. l'be bllli!MM II coodw.w.: under two wparate

J>tputmaat or cl.- of Aaunace. T h- ... ptder LiCe._,....,. al1bt •••Ilea

o11tla7 couloieet wi:lt MCtllht.~ollld tli&IJiiue tbo mlllt lliiCiu

CLAiS A. TboM wlaDtlairttlaclubanof Prollm tpplkd

In luc-.1.,. tiM IWD8 -rtd-•hb 1M optloo pt •• lmpcxW!l pftlrialoo for their ololiC<'-•ithout alf~dlnc the - _,... pnfnnd to tiM lttaoAta utlft

CL.\88 B. Vrdft c ... A ... balf or oae rourfb of tM ~ aix7oan p_, nmalo uopald. hr I&Ht ooal7, 104 tha" 11 I p1r _.,Will nqalr. ,.! ~bopUL .

TIM ....._"' 11a1a oa--~ t11e am .m .. Ill Pol'., HoWtft, Jaaye rWio to ITt per cnat, of :f:.t.m1111a ...... pa,a~:i ba Cull, a 1IOt II

, 1o eta. 1 tile ,ceaea an ..toW to the pollcJ aadan--aJadac attbo,... at• ,.. cmt --,_.the .............. 'fta _,t.l or tiaJallc-.. eWIII dlt ....... olrrtlr/ OIM ,.,fMW.~


lJII'JUJJLE SIJilPLUI, ~ New Yuck 6tandard, S 943,980J)6

Dn'mL'fDS paid Ia 1869 •••••. 39~606.6 The ,Ioterut earne;l by tbP Ct-111p 1ny in

1889 wu Dearly 33ll'-3 ptr ceat. mort than •~tfticieo~ to pay all ita loeaee for tbt 11111e pv.iad .

Ita ntio ol claill\8 aad npto~• to income ia on tbt lowtat aracs..

WOI'roor ot lou aubmitttod to. the under • •icftt'd •ill be Conr~tded, anC: the lon paid Wl&bQut ezpeoaa tD tlw Polioy boldn.

W. H. TijOliPSON, HJ.uoa Oucz.

G~ A'qent for NeiiJ(


:British North America.

Tlte Publulaq of the Don~lnio11 Directory a ~tail• hi,..elf of I hi• opporl11nity

to announce tlrat Joe lou ;,. r --r--•: ••

A Gazetteer of the St. Lawrence and Atlanh'c Provinces of

British North America.

Tbi• important .work I• irleode·d to eapplr the ampleet inform •tioo reepeot. ing the Citiu,Towna and VillaRee there· in. It will be to the rtoj'lt of Canada, Ne•Coundland and Prince Ed•a!'d It. laud, a maJu•l relllfte •ith accurate ln­torma•ion touching the ~rreat couotr} in which they ltn, and to tbo p ' ople of other Iande it will npoee the adnah(le•, commerciel, ma11ofeotaring 111d aarlcul t,ura!, and the undo,.eloped weahb of tbi• portion ot the empite,'

The O.uETTUil will be c:arefully COI'D·

pil.,d, aod the mott aecurate a11d aatbea. tie iaCormatioo inurted.

lp•elal promlnenee will be Ri'fln to tbP Citlea, 1'o•n• aod placH of hiJt'lrl. eel iotereet and com:nerical imp__<~ttaoce wbilo •ill•s:;ee and hamlftr"'Will bo brlf 8y end.lucldl~ d11cribed

Tbo Lakee, Rtnr•, Bayl, Cepe~, Ia. ltrt, &c., will rectin 11 full and aecur­afe ducrlptione 11 ca11 pouib\J be ob. telned.

The Pro•incu will be ineerted 11 fol. low1 : Oot•rio, Q uebee, Nqn Scotia, New Brunewiolt New(ouadlaad aat! Priqce Bdtrard hlead.

Tbt Pro•i11cee or Britt.b Columbia aod thaltoba wlh alto rtcaln dtoe atteatloo.

The Publiebtr fult co118deot t}tat tbla OunTEU will ba f011nd worth7 of ao lnt•Diaent aod liberal pa' rooaae, beeaoee It will be iodi•P.•aeablo to Pub. lie, Profeealonal aod baoloen mea, nd lutrumeahl 111 tadoclaaa larse mt1ra. tioa to tbeae aboree .

, .. I



LEGISL.tfi'fJ'OCf.UlTCIL. P010'• 1 lef'ler amou"t io t heir Brat year by cltctioa aocfby he m0t1tli. of thrir up~ ptr llonty) in trrins tcr-b out !Net u! po•cr than w,ae eve r gnnh d by I D) cuentatina and to go lt..tonoi that off ~ be -cue .fur hit~ pnrnmtnl in N&ICT Ut the

olr fl one aoeMD IDert ooate•ptib4f To811U.t'1 F\lb, 28. o( tbelr prtdtCOUOfl. 'l'b~rcfore it "II dtairtc! to IICtrtain moro.' ate.&t'l'ely tlJt &tate ctlatjt~6 brnu,;ht ll"itut' • til-• IINttA• .. J tban aaotbtr,lt II borrowlns atwtpepen. (0611n..l.) uidenttbey '!tta not•indifl't rent to ed. ofpu!Jiio feeling apon it, tb~rt wu the plan lncrcu.d the p1111t b1•£S.600. No"fl*~

lcoltfd rtQIICt a ·raaa who etoit •Y •o• Bn A He"IJ.-WMII the koa aod ucatio~t, nor couid it be uid tnat the aug~telltd by btm (!olr P) tor whic" arect- m•nt could b't m·''' unlbrtuate for til.. ~. ID4f1!11biDia lltAroo.t ~~~~,l~'l»'r ~ pDtU•aa~w_.-.ea ltaplildl1, G orernment ltand. etill. Q~ito t he dent ••• all'ordec! by proc.tdlnga in th• ""- btcau•e alih'o"~b thr Jo••moa•nt in t!Wftr.

,...s-w., bit& • -• wbo wDl bOriiiw that...,,.., tiM n~ 9f'tb•J PN' cciuotry "'11 the· fact. That they bne blatura of'. the old counter. By tllle pt.. ly part of la\t .,,.i •n ori• Mt._tltl btl oelahbor'• lllftpaper, beclauM bt II ................... OoYeraaet' art oppoeed to edllcat. not lobrnittcd a meaaure to tbe logiJa- nideoce could be taken and orlniona u4 pt'opotiq '" IIIJke an l•10te•._ tar dtat atinsr to tilly ODe lor w...lf',.ll beyoiMI ht 117• •h·._ le DOt ooneit~-o"' w1th tore Will ""i"ll u be before aht~d, to their • t1 H bl • .,.at 1't n·~rr ' o11nd Itt ... , .. t' nto the --.p'-

- ... • • the man!' difticu}tiU that bottt tho t t iiOnl IICKIDIDt ' e a•ecJ th • " ' w•r '7 d~m,1tloo, Tbie eta.. ot borrowera pt tD be · 'l'be boD aad leu .. d Rllltlatnan . d goYeroment for r.ot eosgutiJl« aacb or •ome ftill or any othtr •~t pund lilt . . .. (.on. oo outbudtoed at\er a -bile, that tL-, oa,.u.. .. _ LDOw that 10 .. r '~m be1'11g qunttoo, 10 tho necct1it1 of correctly tb r · H ,.. · L- d 'd h t t t · • -, .,....,. .., a •• hw • • b o er llltllll o actton. o ••• lflod to lf'oe' .,.,,,_... ' t ,. co•trnrr.ent at -mt• •• '"' makt nothin. ofeend1·a1 'or"""',..,.... L-. hottllt to tt, the OoYeromeot· ba•e ucertalotng w at Corm or •phm •iU b th b 1 .. _ Th 1 .. 1 -o " ,-- r-r-· .,. • b d · ll I at o oo gent cman (llr HacYtJ) arl!ent .,.. .. , •- •J•I~•. e on 1 tU'Il '" •y a • fora.~ oo ban read it 1-"···11. I cao' .. - abowa tbe'1r d 'ttn..• .. 't'ton and deai•e to 1 moat coo uct•e to thll we being and h 1 1 1 d L- • _.. d 1 o. _,_ • r- " b • f th l N a IUPJIOrler •• • 1 o tbe pruent ~~:o•ern• owt •o .,. •i'proprull.,. onr an · • " ' t '"' whr pub!iahe" doa'• baYt a , ... __ to-', pro~._ •daca•1oo, br locr····,o,. the appwoll 0 e peop 1• 0 matt •r b .... ,_ tel · I' r · d b' h "

' • ·uw -~· o.wv- .. ~- " b t 1 · b b d · b nttnt •• r• tot p.o ICJ wliich bu grent o prr'fto'JO y,.ra an w oc ' ""' liet for tbe IOC0111111od1tioD of JL-•• -bo educatt'onal "rant lut aeeet'on. He ('fr. "' 1 P 10 mtg ~ e o~ued Y t!::e Oo•· .. d b • b' • d · 11 • h · · ....,_ • .. " t maro.t I ttr career 0::1 t 11 quuainn and im· oc.rcc 111ta a ow1nlt J the <-!'potlt ron, ••• rceftr borro•iiifto buylo' a paper. H) Wll a wert that our educational .,... er.a~eo ; DO t~a.tter. b,w perfect it plie41f coadtiiiDI· thtir do.aotbin~t COIIUf. ea. J~. What thcr plaetd I their ntllllltl't

1t would be 10 m·1cb 1110~ coonoleat !or ttm hu beea the ob~ct Qf the con aider- mtll 1t uem to •tr mJ, ds, unl'u t he It wu rt freehlng to .find tn reepertable and nun bl'eallle '" In tbt R-inr O.n· tbta:ato borro•·dlrect f'loaa the ollloe olpab- atloa ot ac leut oat prominent member poo~ •dappro•ed or it,: it could never be inlblligtoot aaupportrr ol tbe party in power era I'• talirute tbe 110ouat or £3.JOO wu lieatloa. ..r,tbe oo· •ar11ment, thohu~ the Premt'~r. c•rra~ ou•, a.od •11 h:,cialati••n woul-1 L •· • • _ ..

VI' • ~ • b · , · •o outapo .. en upon tue maottoo ol hi• Go•· pro111ioed but 1bt Oo~emJDtllt •be-~ And oo pabi'_J..- wo .. 'd objt- to """'-, a geotlemaA who hu doAe mot• for tb• PMYI 1 0' 11"'· N1t·.outlitot uc~rtain. H --·· 111 ~• r-•"' .. •· ~ • · bli · . ttDIDent. t IIJI, DO Act prepared and their propoaalau4tbe woo.tld drly tbelsODIIf•

1be poatap lor rtgular ouet-n. We, •bo c u11tr1 tba11 •111 other mao •ho bu ' '''!'tpu c deeottmer.t. tJ!en 11 " 0"11 bo pa•••d in one 1c11ion could ba npeottd to ablt 1entlo!a!&n to point to anJ aotooolain-art honored by oenpaper borrowere, al••'!• •• a'6ced bt'a meaoe and r·r•onal Cl'm· Dtl bee pru eut oor pnlitic for tl..e Uo•· .. · h • r • _ _, b

• t · 'f d' woe,. wat lllltoallllon or adnntaae. He ing it, bu~ they .,,.. eub~ently ' ""'"" 1 utee111 it • pri\lltgt to p•1 the poatap for lor r lte ukt-, ala period of liCe •hen enrnon

10 101 uatt PI'Occe tnge. Tbey (Mr P) quite coiocidtd whb b(111 In that 0• the opp"itina to do tllat••hidl-oa Ja .. llloa• D ..... r•tt'rement and re11. He anu•f ute .tb.- materi•b tbey Pouu • · b tb b

OUr CUIIomer•; • •• ~ I d • ' th •It • p1a100 I Ut at Wll I I Yfty rtUOD Wby tice dtiiiiDC:ttlJ ID•!flao th~ lfiD& 110""-But the nry llltlllftt ot all &bla1• 000• (!lr. koew I bat tho q ·lealion ol tdu· n accor anco WI • e ctrcumeteocea, tltey abould be1io tbe•ulier witb tba Yiew pond Dro rokr ... dl the illcn- pop.

n. ectcd widi borrow Ina newapo-11 a.dill1 e&tion wu a mat~r of c .. naidereiion t be deair"'• eoJ tbo neceeaitiee o(l tbe to perfect u Car •• poniblt a meuure that ulatio;,. TbeM facta wen oa tba nconle eDd IDnuoeot cbildnn upoo each ,;n--;"and, It with him ..-en einoe tbe formation of his 1'0'> (11~ wi.oae co-oper.A~ioc tbe7 mual will CODUf'fe "'"1 mttrut coo~nied could Dol be dieooted. 1 OoY,.tnmeot •. haria~ had'a connrution eecurt-, otber"i•e 101 •1•tem f OU ttould work for tbereoeral good.

pounud " tplrit DltiD tnoaab to borrow with bim upon it 1 fe• wteb af~r ht contril'e would oeeomo aa idh machine Hoo. T Talbau-The MD arNI lfana .. 111

1 neighbor'• newtpapn, instead of P•1ln1 u•umed 11 Premier tbP manajlement tbat • ould not work. Would it be Hoo A Harny11ld the boo ad )tamed be ,...ntlt111ao bee ID&dea a ... & cbqt Co:~r oeotalor oat ot rD1 01rD, I'd p UPOD ot a6ain. Since th•t be bad frequently held thea that it ••• adtiublo fur tba ltDtlllllln bed uederttlr.eo to eorrf« bi111 qaintt the SOffrnmtDt and lmaflnecl be tbe ~rnod IIIYatlt hutead of wDCIU., • cbald. •pokeD with flim (llr. II) on lhia aubjeet, Oo•ernmernt to csttblisb a 1cberno io (~r. H) and auerll that the credit of hau. would be permitted to'aoohithl)lof oolore Or,

111 bad a bo7 who had been iot~> bat 10 nat are the difticultie• that op· whi: h the pet'ple wo:~lJ hilt 110 pa:t inx tbe educ•tioa gnat incruet'd wu due to but tba bon. ~lltlftDID ('XI flant)) wiAcl

IJid IIHerYed • thrublog, I'd II" hl111 f'/it poet therneel•n to the alteration of our ia tile to ·matioo of which tb11 bed the luder of tbt oppcuitlon io tbe Hou11 or bi111 u lie nnt nailaclt ltia mlet.U aod choice ,bnnco 1 ·• rlabt 1111&rt" whip. educational •retem, that i• will r t quiret taken 110 intcu•t. The Oonromeot Aue111bl7. '1'-beo be (Mr H) ltated that tbt ebowores him to be ezuireiT Iii error. Ht ping, aod bela1 aeot to ~rrow a new .. maa1111rt calm and carefuletud

7 befoCP •r~ fully detiroue to protnote it, but Prteent gonm111cot ioereutd tbe grant bt prond •err dearly to bim tHat the mer-.

paper. it Call be remodelled by an:"" la• that t bey heaitato becauee tbey (,., e11hr· did eo ad,.iaedly balining bl1111tlt to be riabt td annt '!:••not owinc to tat oppoaltloa bat B'ff..,.body howal like to land my pa. "ould woH eaccee•lully. Tbe matter prito a radical change that might on. io •b•t be eald. The adiifiooal a111oulllt wu propoted bJ tbe COYtnlaeDt looe before

pen I ll' lbf1 didn't koow It tbe)''d 1l•e me ia too ltrioue to be approached hutilr tlaager aod mullify the workiag or the wu pieced laat year Ia tbe tappltattottry t~ m.otion ol the ltadar of the oppoeltl011. 00~ In a wbUt, a chao~ to read thta:a Snt• aod thau,b it may be welUto commence whole •rat em, and neutraliae the well- ftnanolal atatement of' the go•eromeot N~ieft d &b• boo 111d l11111ed ,eDtl .. aD Yet 10111e peopll,ltu a111labw tbaa mywlf• ite COIIIidrratioll now, it it ooe rrq tir- mea at dotigna oft be fr•mcr~o. Thty wulald oo tht tablte ofboth bra11cb• returae to the auack and auuta that tba mlgt.t ol•ject to hniolthtir fnorita new.... lnJ time and caution. That the •r•t om uoderahnd •hetber all t ho religious de. u;and it wae rt~ol'fed to add £3,600 to lbt conro:uent abaadontd their lnttnt1on aa4 peprr rtlurntd with the ooroera l4nl ~ 111d .,11 defectiu tbar~ wae no do:&bt. It oomloatiooa of t he country will corn .. esieting I;Jproprlallon for tdocatlonal pur- wtre rorctd into actio a by Nr. Carter. B~t alltbe reading about the •partl W.,. .,11 1 aad tbing t-o lookal the f!atietic al vood '¥:t!l them ' in carrJtog out any poeee, That propoeed incrnte wuj.lublllil· tbe bon and luraed member ie nry vofor· ible. returoe, and eee wbat a number of child: gifon eyatorr. beforo the y take it io b~nd ted lone before tha bill wbiclr tht bon and tun ale whto he aloade ap with no olber

Ani IIDme '"1 leelJ ptreooe mfaht' objtct nn ha'tlfall•D •••J from attendance at a a until t be7urert11io this t 'le1 were right lurnt'd grot Ieman reftre to a• hnia1 bten •i•• b11t to ettark the lll'ftmllltat. lo to hnlng the "otimeatal poetry cut out 1 ecboo). aearl1 ont ball nt them are 1101 io t.oldiog baca from any meuure •h~•e Introduced by the leader ol the oppoeition alway• fallinr lnto trror; ladiar' •lie! 1 hau 1" 0 peraonaeo nntfGr·in COl'- atteDdiDI tb·achooll. Such a ttate of tendenc1 wight be to produce ditaatis. ever •• • the llgbt; end be (Me H) tuppond pudi~~a111rnt he pleea• hintaell lo, lnat~ of diality ot di•poahioo 11 to ntute tD wad thiDJe wu a d•phrable commrnt.ary (actio 'I and defeat of tho conto mplotod the aum ,. .. appropria~d. He coottod.d rttlaetlng •ritt-•nd •""'" in tht tfort ta tbtlr papen •hare tbe baby ol the booM upon education in Ne•Couodlalld; and object. The boo and learned geotlemao tbtn tbat tbe iocreue wll tbt act ol the bolller up bia :oiatalln. ~tt.lo and learn· ••• ello•ed lo amu .. ltaell b1 ebewiDJ the wt all IDa,~ rt(rtt 11 • • If any 171te01 (Mr. P intent) apnka at If wa bad Do •uch pre Mot gnr•rnllllnt who Wffl u.much alin td crn&ltlllan retia 1flltd;. oo dcxabt, bul paptr after itt relati'" and frie"Dda bad eo. ceo ba duiled, or 111y alttcation cao be thing u educaqon ; u if tbt couotr7 "ere in to tbt lt.ttrt1t1 of eduoatioo u otlter Jneo Ia mull be aatia&.d •ilh a caMI,!etloo wbtn . .. .___. --...&'-- &. ---. .. .... --- ~ £ b. h be i tatm t

If 1 rtmeJDber wtll, I Dt'ftr aooldld but ID nil like .tbit, be. (lttr~ H) w......U;e Wt DOW &';..oi'ei'o'r the ltrii . (IIIII ici .. tbe ne~ ·~ 'J{ciailtTIIorburo coalldtrtd I bit toe oo- " ·~liiQinll art • own tD m.. ',D • ing to dalllalf• tb• lfO'I'erDIIItnt.. Till ••« once wbtn 1111 borrowed paper wa• returoed that tbe membert or both bra11cbee ot ctuity of know!edge and inatruction. H e unatiocu of bon me111ben of lh .. oppoeit ion rtlllaine ho•ncr that the JlnMnt Uo•em•

in a damagtd co11dltion, aau lbt wu a tbeleaulature, wbtthtr eur-portere or (Mr. T) conteod~ that no malttr • bat our on a eubjeot olaucb gnat aad gentnl im· llltnt did inCHall the tJuoational lftlll fan rite atory peJMf coallialog 1 etory In opponeall of tbe Oonrnment, "ould prcaent tduo:at ional imperfection mas portanea 11 that ol t'dueatlun, would bne .and are tat it l~d to the crtdi& Cor .., doJaa. which 1 had been lntereeted lotealtl)', bot do all iD their power to a in elf eel 'be, •• eah bo~nt ol eome u cell•nt earri~d 1ruter weisbt II di'flattd of the · . . . h i ' b 1 b c • b 1 Alttr eo111t furtber dlacalllon H• B D Juat tr. proporltoo to t e ocreue or 111y owo ~ II' l ec oo '• won 1 o anr communaty, : oug 1 cboraoter ol ao attack apoo tbe go•ero111eot. • .a . . h I I H N 8 Lb I .. b b tl . .. ·' ' · h b b Sbu, JIU"u.~ to notiot, .-.f'Cl IN _.,. tnterett 111 I • ott tory, IIIJ' ntl«hbor'a In· 1 011 . h,;, .- ~ e oa gen em111 tbu wu not I••J &tner...., ru - t ClUJ t • AU 111a1t rtcogaise &b• aeoeuity or p,rolllot·

_.. il ("- T lbo ) L h b • tb 0 h I lion or an addrUI to bJ• BsoeliOIIIJ &be ttrhl increa&...,, unt ooe erenlo1 abe aeot to ...,., a t ane" II }1\UC a ou. t coun1r7. ur a.Jatam 11 a • . o '• comparee Ina to tbe utmou tbt can\1 ol t.Jueatioo., but - l z h tl h k 1 • Oo•nnor· for enpr or minata cl Coeacl borrow the pepcr before tb~ wrapper wu matter u 10bt on ~en em an w o tf-0 e •• I, proporuonale IJ with our population ba tbouibltba mtone dnoted b7 tbe Colony '

fJ laet, doubt)ua be would ban been •ble ead oircum•tancee, wilb tbat of any country. to ita eattentatiuo were ool .. ade &be D\otl autboli•ing PI) &MDI 10 tbe Jlllpnlal OoY• 0 • · o.. d . ( to d ' eroiiiHII for ltonpallatlootd lo tlw Coloay Now, I don't cart who •rtede 111y p•-r to 11•e I .,..uu an more Ulll •c ry our gr.nt foJr education ia a ban aome au b. of oor product'Cl all tha rteuh• that ebo11ld d '· tl

r- h · L •1 Tb b 1 A leo the Rep rt oftaDJ .. iaaion or ,,..,. DD fir~t but I did wllb 10 lru11 wbttber Pill eoe"er to t • queehon ao,.tu. I 011 eidy aud tha J)'atam reuooab y fair, and be aoticipattd. Owiag tD tba eubd!Yition of William AuiUJtu• e-.itd lo ruchia.r the 'epeakiog !or tho Oonrament tbarefore we c•uld not be aai~ to be without the grant ia meoy 1111&11 Mltla~~~tnta wbtrt oo the tubjiiCI or 1117 other d.--11 toll• rround 1n 11r~ty, with. hit adored Alia laat told ue tbey do art koo• tbe fulinif bleuina• or eJucalion. Speaking Cor there are two aehoola wi&b -tire or miaur-. ntctld the,..,witb. . Mtria Sopbroaia.lo bll Ullll, ltba ;unlog ortht people apoD our educetionaloye' bi111aeU he would etrike radically 11 tbt atemianably paid. It,would ba lbouab•· b• Motion.carrled •. nu111bu of' the paper left blm dtoeodial a tltll, U tbey wl•h to u~e~n tbe dtoftcta or the •r•tem, but "ish caution. prcxlaotin o1 11111cb more adnotar• if thtre Tae h·ouae tbtn• adJ•IIf'Df4 Ia l'rW•F rope laddtr ,) orw betber ht bad bam kept popular will, bow ellt eao 1 e7 ° 10 He wu glad bowner the bon and lurntd w•r• but oae aoo4 aebool "ith a more efBci. nut.

;n that poeltloo a wh,le wu\ 1' eoftr fell- ben b7 hia(iDJ the aubJect under tbe 1•ntla111an baa ~tinn oolioe tu mou in tbe ent teacher which tile eo111binrd wluiea of are at lut 1 toolidtTatloD oflbt pcoplee repreeeat• matter, becaute by Yentileaion aod diuua· the two would be like!) to secure. fbe eub·

H I I th d L. ltiYII ? Ht taUt o• tbat it will reqo Ira •loa tht •Ieber or tbt -oplt 1111" dt .,. dl-&"t to' II ol tbe srant ••• th• ••tit drfec:t . o l't'ftr mt e paper, ID ,.,. aut 1 I t d . 1 I . .-- ' • .... The br-mtt·at 4'o'oloe\. day 1rowbls hapatlmt to team the rata or a oar t m1e1 o '"'"t ~bp 10 0 tmproY~- rind at, wbicb conelitutee tbe •bole d if· aod trouble o( our educat!onal· ayet.em •• it On mot•on or hOlt. p, O. T ... lf! *''

h nd b i meet. 11, 1ure 1 ~ • 100118' an ... lleullf, Ir t!le whole populati:lo were ot ooe 1•1 in otber -uot"-·· 1t ou,t.t to be con· B un.1 111y ero • ero ae, emt to IDJ lltllhbor'a ,_ d b 1 · - ·- 0 abltner au JTID.ttd to boa "" tt. b ... ll' L uld I tempt .. m• • t • IDODer a CO DC: UIIOD rwliaioua daaolllinltlon tbtre would be DO . ·,d--.1 •L- dllt• or'''"' 11110 or Iota II i-~~« ouee, tD at.. a:.e wo tnol DIJ p•JHr ill b • d JC bl' • · ..... ""'" ' ., • · p T 1 ftd tis• reedit~~ of tbt back ap~n. Sbt did 110, bat wbtD 1 llw w· 1 amn at. · pu 10 optoton obttaclc to the auceenful tatablitbllltnt of a jU &be colony upo~ ntry llttmr rccuiun u n ••a tr 1110 -

Win ap;ttalltl to bt Olr. 8) woold ttoll tallatectory •y•t••• bat tbat wae tba ktroal aM bll iatlumce whll tbe pouwt~tt of U. rll· petiti ohhelnhebitanta of Burio oa tilt :~ th:=11~11:,::: ~'!:.::::I tb• 'boa r•atlelnan (lar. Telbot) what he nftbt whol• •abject. The objtct ebould be hlr ccneration to loduee !belli to tend tbrir eubjtd nh l'tmriul'f• !'Ill. H• had, be

1••• (Mr.~) know w'oaltl be tbe 101"er of dtno111inatlonal eectlona, and at the 111111 -b1JJ-o to tbe ecbooll "ro•lded for thtat, aaid tbe h~Jbttt '"po-et t.,r the ,.i""' or~"-to t4ka tbe .... pit out ot tba 0"10• 1 •"-• JDa,t-'X __ _. wLat O"Rht to '.MI the • •• ,. ti't'tonera In I"-lr dt'i" tD ·, ""t nt the ' P'"'d aooldrd. w ~ ,. '- " .. tilllt make tbe machinery eaob II woald and endenour te obtain the belt edbcalian 011

me WIT tf 1 wbul•, that io-jultiCt work for the ltoeral good. B1 meaoe or withlo lbtir reach Bt (Mr T) bad olt1o or iotampennce, and tu nacaerou• n ils But tbat wua eolltary ina&aote olllly eo wltbout . (a'l'or. A. [rTtat change bu opinion tllrited by a commtttH frolll per· eouabt to llllpr"' upon penooa 1M eame COIIItqUl'llt upon It • ., truly .s..-UNct br .

far forr•ttlnJ tbe dut1 1 on to •J' Dtlcb· takta place lathe eberaeter of our po- aoaa compettnt to gnep the qotatlon, tht Ia b;ulotll contact with, bow btDtS.Ial. and thta:a. He llir T) aboald lilut to- tilt bora u tD -ld beoallee they rttaam ·mJ p•la,lcna wltbla th• putltw 1e&re, and OoYemiD~nt IDlY be to Itt their l111portatl011 and l..eal dlatlllatioa ol artloPat ne~•pepen Ia a dUapltaud ooDclJtba. It wu DIW "ri'J dUFereot from wbat It ••• clear to act tor the lnr•- of all. H~ what pltuure alld ••titfactlon It would be epirita rroaiblted abeoluttlJJ ooant.rlaa

1 oft•• •oo&cl boooaue ........ __ , ...... b ..... 1 t .... t ' A t I on to &belli if neo on• of tbalr cbildr~ll Wtrt b .. _.. _, - of -~ - ...... ra Wll w fD ..... 11 .-.a:a 100 0 wu •iabta to defend tbo OuurniiiPnt fro111 the that wou~ be 1 • •oat _ ..... , thrm a\ all !Mac that'• eaotber ta.•- "•Ita. p---.a 'wblca. tLoa..L pnhapelll'partial able to tsamia• tbtlt IOOOUDII aod ••• that . ...... , .... , the coat o.r ... ~ eril. Rt cUal

.._ , -- -. • ... char1• ol ind~rtnea in tbie tnatter, beeoaae • ...... -- .-So-bod• bunld tbatlt IID't do'·- b7 IN ...... _. ,_. .. --- witL fau' II tit oo• tht7 were oornot, Henrofore edncatloo ltae b ·L- _ ___., .... of tM 1 ..,. will,'""' Do~ 0r···- " • it wu wholly onnrnnted and bad no Dot kDow. trbet tt ._ •--

pahliaber aa we'd be due bJ, bU 1-'1 111 IC tbt eobjtd bt a llll~lt ooe tn ap· foundation io tact , been loolr.ed oo wltb lniifenn~ If not con· Petltloaera wuuld be eadt 1tM1a er lie-• by pall!lalaen eboald Ml bot J ... M wWUJI tbt Oo•eromea~ abould be pr1· ltlllpt by the mal\8, A111ong.t a. crew of ltlatift.Gpoa th ••*"'• bat lit "'-14 Ill to 1tll one oopy of a,.,.. eo bt In&· eo a to "apple wilb tbt dl!lculty. L •t Hoa. R 1 Piaaut-Tbe boa. s•ntlam•o a•altre It •u paenll1 t&'DIId•tbe& Y"f fow moet bappr-to

1,.,. bll .. ppon ta u1 ,....

cloam dl8ernc )'lf'IODt 1o •II clalrwta till~~ ~~ before tbe Lej(l~latan ud wUI ~It onoe tha wide dif'tnnc:o betwttn -:d.•ip Ultlr aa••· caiiOt ol tlelll adopt~ tloal-aure calculattd lo ~eo ...,. eop1n. ..,.. lociil fftultl may bt anind et. 1f nvtloo aod the do·ootbirtl poUoy which tbt lq the mark ot a troll I alldlt 1\e111td (0 ,... tlsJ a - at tht

1 a4Yooa&t. Be .w..t

M~.L~fcen: • t DL W'; X. llatbor Grace

1>L W. A.NDEBsoN, lhigu1. . ~ llM n.

glYIIIJihe Jmmigraat tnefallntlwmatfoa The "ork will contalo ID Appe~:tll~ r~~~~~~~~~~;~~c:tE rt~pectlor the couatry, the Dtetrlcte wilue btma1 11t1le, &<'.

a flllliDrt bo';J~uttd ucl f11and DO~ per· OonrDJDcz!i Ia poralllor wilb reference to m•t11 tD bt bald IIIIODI't tbftl tltal a pd the petitioner• •"'7 ........ 1 Ht ...... r-et after • 7•11·1 dptutioa, It 111&1 bt thia aad other euhjict.. Pia din, hiiDIIIf 1n tltlwnDID Wll -· tb• betttr far btlnf IIIII tNt It w be•• ~ .. ~- (Jir ~ODd~ tbt tollowlaa , .. r, aod eo OD a r.t.. poailioa tba boo a•ntlmeit II Db· IOIIIIWbal tdaoated. .He'bopad IMieh ld... T.) by boa Mr Stahb .... ,......... Ia -tot I) 1.n la,..lmelltf tl eucctta are, u llced to admit tba Oonrn~~~tot oacbt tD tah _. Jirioa waJ btfora ~be aweb of "'U,bt- Jlllmlay·b~at who r'"' latt.podtloa ftl flt.liee wMia odr power, HIDOYtd ..,_ lll'pl l'or tbe cooslchntloo or the qata• •-nt, Wilen a .... are OODitl bofote DDSble to atttod 0 ooacU to-day.

The G~llTRQ ailll !" prtnte'd oa fine paper, eiDall 8Yo etu~ ln tloable ooloatoe, wltb loe ty~·aaa botnla ·'ia cloth It wiJI bt kept wj~ lM .I~)Jeet~mJM\fl ...,ltttat wltb lte ot.jtct, whltb II

1 to

ell tht iaformatioo 11ece1~·fJ at 1.11-II&III" ' UIII

plaela'r it' •tthl6 'tbe reaob of ~ 11

eolt1blt 101 .ta p~lof k wiU I bf•~Uy ~0'

' 11 :I , II LO~iLt:, Jlf.ibu.\er}

lli .. ...u. •• ~~1 : J

Oat patb of'' •duoa,ioeal proanu tloa aod tho IIDI"->•e111tD1 ol&b• eyattlll, Jflialauar• toochtna oar tdooatloaal 1J1t•m. ,.., _.1&io• wu ~•• rnt ltJ.~' Clerk, u .. daaclttllt wtabaU Dt'ftr achlne and ltt "1• be Ia a lad tbat &b' lealalawre Ia It• bepad It would bt o! I practleal clleraellr ·ucr JaJd'; tile tabla. aoytblar. Wb, doia't tbt boa the p,.. aboa\ to be wt '!fl •otloa. Be'(alr P) OOD· IDd aboh II ebaU ....,...., nptee.Uoa 1ltat ml•rpcl lbt.boa Cooilolllor (air. Talbot]' .ned lfilh hiiD that tlit eal!la« abould Ill nlae wUibe reoetttd tor the approprlatloa; .... ~::a~~=~;~~·= lf,th•7 be, ula proft~etcl, 10 aasloaa t, apptoalbed wltb oaulioa, tllereton be 101· whicb tlltooloD1 hit aot llltWrta reeel•td ..,_ lia~n ~ •1•tem. 'PDt thdr 1bouldera .-.a formation or a J<tlat llltc& "*llllt- for lar,e piat 110114 for the pvpoH T-.B!'r.nR.DeYI~I'Ia':.-.:!' ..W k .~ ... co tile w~tilu( ,ptoda,ce 1oatt1Jial( to ltl. 1\e Oonmcam& .... Jo Mlt!M from tdaaoalloa. .. .,._.. ..

tbatdUlre ali~ their ability to tbt rtepooalbUhy of 1D1 _,.., Jamfina ~EO;T.-r.-Boe.-tlnaaaepea\- r:==.:.::.:.:--..::-r.: with 1t ab't'aJd ltacl the ID7DIIOOIII-II diSC11lt1, ID. ~It wire& M 1 •• fot tMptJDatal OD ttai' Rb.Jtet 111 _,_ Ia

ta a tble llad; Dot b1 tilt boo aeatlo111an caatloD& b•\. - OoYIIUIIII& a"~ tile ..... faJct llellro h 011 tbla ...... . • .,...-.· alli~l\bttr •• BYID "liow, He taU. • W. Oonro-llt are 1 IINl if alllaata- e11d ,_Ill ~t.oh .......

the aueloo," h • aocl ual- to ,.._ ... tdlllldoa, tloa paa& hf AIOO. 1 eo, • lMt 'I'J lwn ap,...... ll Ia a _, *' UOWID••n , .rm ~b tbe erNI ,.lnll·la proafto nla-of appr~ haYt •&111114 .. tli.U N~Q~~t~~t, tll.y_mou lrri1ll ..W .,_ad ....,... .. *"- • t)e•

et ~~=~==-:::~ aod eoml be. prfa~ tboat parpoe. •de *' Ia a bill to.IDII ... If7 ._..atlfta lor k, Ja, ......,. - ...S ad~.t• Wr ...,.. U cll'l'fttd BtOlr.P.)M14eotorttlttbS. wltla -· _. uba.wr putttl CN &wtllr•~'tw,.......

. ~~~~ eo tb.t .. , .. ,, •• -•t :.opdnaldor ~~~~~,.::;'*' ·~.,0:~~ "-···'"'·' wt t11t "'t ttm .. leb forw4 the ,_...._ ......... ..,.,. ~ ·~._itli·,iliii~liir.Ml\ll"»• liD ........ ocraptii..S tilt Oo'l'ln· ....... . r .......... ., •

.......... put ............ .., ...... "' ...... ;.::::~:.e== tftllt Mt llr ·~ .._&.....,_........,.._,..._ ..... ~... . • ..... .. ........,. ...., .... j ........

.. :r1~= ~:1f.W-llllfllW




~· ,11~ .a.1f"l nolllirla ', 111 • . ~L o~ s-itiouu lllklaton otGN u m-b.rra of .-.lJ· TbtJ clo ,_ ,'fl' ttl -riolatt ooDM.llall•aal pri~lplf•lat. • ' lfw tlr~ \ct the .. bWJ prlaolf41oJ~1 cl"-i majontJ wbitb •• tH adoDW Ill die l.;ta­lallnt ud tlaewbtre, aad 011r nptri!­•bo•• tba& ol\eo ~ •••II .. jwitl II ~­eat to make lawe' blAding upon tfle wbot• ~9Pl•1 6Jt tboait pttltloaara with dtlleacy ~J ~·· onrdit and that abtJdld 'noom­Dfmd itMJf to \bt rtUOD of tfiiJODt , do IIOt •uai"' tba\ a .,..u 11U1jorl&7 ahd\ ~It tbt 'mt but thaliA 'thfa CN tbi .iU of two· Jbirda of tb• ptoplt oi aoy JoeaJity aball prnru\ tbt publlo aale aod 11M bf"ioto:dcal· loa drink. h hu bteo' oo11tended b7 the oppoMilta ol a Dtnpietln law tba& tliiA princlpJe ln•ol"J arilDlrUdon of tbt liberty 'o/lb• aubj~ Pel wu DO& ooa~ttn& wltb the aplrlt ol 1M ooulltatloo and~r •lllota •• li": but be could not ooaoar 111 that . ?lew. H• oooaldrftll tba& it eo larp • l"''portloc. u two.U.irda oftht peqplt of any dlaulct ,dteidt that any'~ tra. ot IJIUID ..,. dHtruotht of pubUo morality, to~ All

outnr ur~n pab:lo dtotDpJ, ancl ~- r•· qoln the tl!ftDI araa of &JM' I•• t\, re~ it they ba.-. !- rl,!bt to applJ for llltUII to II" ~t'\o tba' will or .. . large • llltjority. Tbt objtet Of the ptt(tloatra it mUll bt borot in mJDd, ~ DOt It prtYIIIl tbt U" of aalt a b. aollll•lykt lialply tbt pobllo traiBo and ooo· p,omp\lon b7 perbapa a ,.,ry •mall 'Portioll pf'Liie inbabitanJ.IIo lh,a olf6ooe and outra(a pftbt ftiL ijt (ifr.P) would i!D-IIUJ 'jo Jritb J!la bctd friend t )(r Ttt~ltt) for the pro­]libiti6n oftbt importation o_fapirhf, but tbe llltUJI't IUjl'gtttrd by ptl illOntrl It dol of 10 'itrlngto\ a ch.lrvter u that problbhioo would entail; It coaftnu httlf to reotrlct loo upon tbt runner 6t aalt 'and COIJ•umptloD al\er lmDOrt.tlon. Ttt•y wout.l Mt prertn\ • ruo from bnlna 1Piritt urun bla own pra21lttt'or ill bla own IJC11JM, 10 wng U be did J!OI ~~· pabllo aooeo:ranoe. an4 or eo ly oJreild the atDlimtDt of tht OOmCDUilily ~ wb~b b'e lind. Jt!' rrfminf Jo tbt IG~porlt of wlnea and •pill" dnrlna the p_ut ·,;'r It wOO bt found tbat"<<nt band red •IJd aeno

TU """-llOBTM~T~

TM1aril--'~••\ oftL p.;r, _N_,;wrttllll Batdtday "'blaht; '''" the foUowlDI aarratlft of tb' eno~t of Uat tulj atap' of Qt ren)II,IOD :-

At bi.)f-pu\ thret la · ~bt monlo1 tbe Buttta ljloDliDa~rl Yttt IO!fOG~dtd b7 Uat tr'oo;»l of Otaanl 7flnoy, wbtob took poa .. uloo of 'aU tbe leadiiiJ Uaoroagb. raru. aad planted 8UDI anj) D'lltrallltGitl at' nrtoiii polote, wblob It would be uaeleae to eoumenta. At 6n o'clock a "'lllltDl from tbo army or Faidber&., tba 88tb of tbt liDt, wblcb arri•ea only Jetterday ID Psria, went ap lo!Jifcll tb• Tower of Bolrtrloo, anprlatol tbt oa. tiooal111ard•; •bo·auuillered li!tle more tbao a acore, and took polltiiiOD at ooce of tbe belsbte and of tbe aan1. In abouj an hour tile ne~lonal tuard beaaD to U· rin-not atroog tDOU~b to uconr what tbej bad loa~, but boJd oooqJb to eJ • cbaort abo~ • l)b tbt t1oqpe of the Gonrnmeot. Tbart ·,.,, ee1~ral dadba -tnd tba~ too, of aon-combataota. Aleo unrll Ill"' and nae 111etrailleu~e were diacbugtcl, bo~ ra~ber in the Alf, u lt eeemtd1 fe-r tliey haJJ no e~ect. Tbt fact i• tbat toine . of tbe reglroenu or thtliot lratrrniud wi~b ~t guard•, refoaecf to attack tbem after tbey ""' •urrauoded '"or at leaat ftj:ed In coneid. erablo numbep, and IJlJJtd about wi~h tbelf motktta bUt~ ena UpWard•, I Or, II thei 117 her• crott lo' tbe ·air. The people eb6'uted •' Yin Ia li11oe," leaped up to Jba aoldlrr•, ahoolt their hand,, erqbraced them, and to the tbreat of war

. J}lo11aaoJ dollan bau !lttn paid In dutitl aloDt, about thrHquartera ol a dollar per head for uery ruo, w mao, aod cbUd in ~11• ooaotrJ. lt muat therefore appire nt Jl!•t tbt P,IOOty tp~n\ coneomptior. itMII JFM of tOOI'I!JOU UlOiat, ' htn WI rtgard tba quantity of alcobolio dr k coniUftltdo and tba nlot waattd wb lch l&l,l h• applid 10 moeb' :ndrt uttfu:ly and b«~e6ciatly it '~. ~u¥rut lo makt one relltct-~ alarm upon tlle eonatqatoOtt or t~t prtunt 01oC:e of trallo. l{wu ottdlnr-~ hiCD ~to da· Fenlllpoo tbt nil• or inttmperanc•, or el:ow ~'" intoxtt~~tlon tend a to dr grade roan ~orallr. ~oolall,r, lotallactually. and polltL eatt,. 'rake the matter or edu~atioll alone' on wblch thit auhj.ct ~·• • YfiJ coniidcrable ~ta;ing and · 'pply thi amount aptnt on atrong drink :0 111 promotion anc! iropron· pur.t, wbat an eluation would reault In the lntell~nca or t::.e people, anJ bow much belli!' ~,. wo~ld be lltud fc.r tht dlltiee or ft.l'a '114 o!a~i•!y. 1Tow rpany fOmTorla wo11ld the' auinrp prqYid~ for the peoplo and tho it Who are lo tUcCte.t' them if dnoted JO ud tn.lanmtot of tht ir phJaieal and moral coad rtlo'D. ·He hoptd that the agitation now 'rude wu but the commrncamrnt of a piorer~~~rit ibit 'willtborlly b .. r fruit io tbt t't'~.!batton of l~ote bument obj&cta tht pe· \~ti.>Ottt ·witb roezi lawlable i ul are eodea. Torilfj tA · promo If. · · Otr fi»CCtioo of &he bon Dr . . Wmttr the pt· t hfoo of th~ Lord Bithop of Newfoundlaod ud Cit~ of the Cbiirclr'ol Ellffland on the '~~ ~fTtm.JIIrance and o Permiuln BiD ,.,"¢ ~ . . ..

Ho'O"Dr. Winter warrqly araec! tbt praJtr ~f t~ ~lJUOntrt. 'Jt wa1 maolf~t, bt aaid lbat tbt nile rteuhiog from lnltmPfranee m 'tM. COioay wtre in!)llculible ; and any ~~~" ttodior to auppu~t tbe +ice aJlpuld ~1\11 ilttlf I!) '1'0 oot i!ltettttid' io U.e.-we~t Of t~~ c;,alllrJ'. Blii:lul:l"' '"AA a BIO ~ btme t~e • (~a neil lie b~ ' l!O ~oobttt yooJ4 aptt !lth gentral ~fOf' ··u~~~~ t 'ft.lbo& aaid no 01\P 6o)lllt ~oqbt tiM!~· f.abiie of rrmpdeoce' •• ,. c:al­~.._to OO~tr apoA aby COilnlly, ·and ueftfonr lllJ _ _,. d~t!ped to proaota uaape,-r:. a boo ld bt btld to bt one or tbt

ed_Yl .. laetOllll ltaat could bt adopted. ~to tbe TrmperaDot Sodetlu

tolodit (0( all they h••• done by tbtlr aod aaocitaaful labota lb ad•aoce thla

"at~lleatlc• b1 pnublna aJid tad! lor uJ r o latltJ*&IIca priaelpl" lhrou1b

W'Ullout olrrillg u opolo· _ _,,._..., -- lllat ~ltd

f.IIIUqll~ tala ~~ tbt vue ~~~ti'l'l Mn(oe CAD

...... tbt nalllplt •t by

I~~~~~ b11be poblle prnpep• ~the n~· \U~ " wiiii:'lo ptOclatt c ~Mal

• ,..,. ... Sri& per-o'rp~~

tllat fto1JI ef .... Btlll

.S.Wl'liltiM-........... tftCI ..... clt"-l .. .. UJeir

1ucc!cedtd'.enry poatibla demooatrallon of Crieodlineu. •! Wo bne bad eoough of Bgbtior the Fruaaian•," uelaimed ~b• eoldiera i "we don't wan~ to 6gbt tb' fa:ieitnl aJao." ! o tbp mldat of_ the 1oldien, bownt1'1 were enen! po~1ee · mcio armed witl};ehnaepoll. and tbue were rouably baodled. Tbeir i rmi were takel:l, 'their uoifrtrms. t~uelt on the top of baj ooeCe, wr re lifted hitrh and car. rled about tbr cfiahict, Jollo"ed b7 t he hluu andjee:-1 of the cro"d. ~nn•l Ltcomt.f' · one of the genera!l in com­maod Of ~be tr00p1, was h keD priaoner, tngrtber with all ot!ioer high on lbo at-all of Oeneul Vi11oy. · · •

In tbt meaotirot, the aoldieu who embrated the cauae of the people "'" left without foud. Or COU~te the QoY• nnment did aot und tbeJL any, Bo1 thi• IWJiculty "u aoon overcome. Se­ wei~ about tbt • •reeta with ha~, and eboated, ~· Some coppon. pleue, for tbe troop• wbo refund ~o Bra on ~bt people, and wbo han bad DO food.'' · In a few minu~a a cap waa eoon f~tb. Women f.Ln about for pro• •ia.ion,. Some broogh~ ou~ their din nett and-gan them *o tbo aold1111, It ••• -wbo ebou)d be moat generoua ~~ the good•oldiera wbQ would not lllltnnate 1be people. 1'bo gratitude to"ard• them ie unb.,unded.

Tht reaolt o( all -.u that thp loyal portio a of the army waa obliged to ~etire. u.tetly-- o'Ojt.h.~:.,Jo .. \J,N&~etPu•t<ll. OonrntDeol i t ~nile buteo, and the rebela are gainiog upon tbe town poiqt b7 point . Tbe:r bno come do•ro from Montmartre and taken. po11e11ion oft be PTioee Eugene barraciu ; tbeJ bne plant1d tbe red fl•g on the column or tbe Beetille; wa are npectiop: them on the Boolnarda ner7 hour; balf Paria i• In their band• ; and wbeo wo wake in tho roorolng we oxpect tbat the to•n will be under tbt gonrnment of tbo Red R•publjc. Priuto per,ona are jn con. ttftDa~fon1 and tbe Qoyernment oft\ctrt art In the 11reatttt aoxiety. Q.n ~bt ex. terior Uooleurde hardly uy ciyili\DI are to be attn-:none but armed D\tD ; aocl \'bt few c\YIIiaAI w!lo fOII~IIrt O\lt ill tbi• · 'duai~z: are \mJDedi•"'ly f<'Uottad \ nd a'lupecte4 o( l;)""p: police •pitt. Whb tbt help of\ao~rAt, ~e iolllfgente (it II no .. teD o'elock ahl11bt) are buai. l7 engapd iD ertctin~t barricadea. Tbe barrieatle at tbe top of ..Ria• Roc:bo­cboaart ia btCOIDIDI q~afW f&rlllidablt. Tbt maktn or tbt banicadoa tDOOGIIJ8 thetoatlna wltb eolemn oatba that tbo7 •ill died nUaer tllec aor~tnder. Oo tbe graod Boalnarda immeaat crowell are gatberrd to diaeu11 ~· tttD~ o.ftba day, aod Qlpelll•\17 til• uaQlou~d t~tn11t1on of two stn•~le. Tht Ollfll•&• t\rcula· 1100 \• •J.mot~ .. $irely atopRtd, and ~ll ~be way.1om lSoulnard J4ontmarlre to ~bt ,Madtleioe I counted llut four nhi· 01 tt1 and the driY.;·· of -tbiat attmid trilbteoad at the · Do\at of their o•D whttlt, lor ~··1 ~aicklJ ttUptd otr Ill to a bJ~~tnet.

'· Tim FRATERN181NG.

THE J-IARBOR " !T:P1DI- mdatly. ~h ot

8~~-~91!'~&s~;.'" oath. boX,. w~~ • • ~e are happy.-(o ilaJ1 ~8J CU4 ~ot SUC. ued in· tlilc:fteriug. Several ~rticleo .wep! atolen.

""""--·-·- .ia ... Cap,. an, .. Itia...lly IUJ'I~riiJgj~~· ~ in • Par--

aacl e.a.a lboold

1~ wit\ hit mtrCJ bat bt.Mtcl tbt (ailbflal liDlty of tb•, German

The above il, ' we leary, the third establishment_b.roken into within the ~ontb, and tho' nothing of very great value wu taken from either, yet were the intentions of the ruftians on ON£ . occaaion realiaed Harbor Grace would now have' to mourn. the loss of perha~ one or mo~e of its mercantile houaell.

ceacla «~ ~ tt.e al oar cnrn :i..ePJatu• ~ lleftra1 reporten foi'O employed and •Uber nenpapen pai4 for publiahin8 tbefrepc)rl.edtpeeehet u4 proCeeclioga or the llemben or the Cp_gocU &l).cl A.tttJQbly, yet their aaying. &Qd doin~ come to a. a month iu ar-, IOU I Silll tbi• nothing in re~poct of delay to a certAin new-parer, •ubaidi&· ed br the Gorero.meu~. which eonclud. ed tho publication or lut Setlion'• de­batot- 11<11DO time about tho beginning of tho p retant you I After thete 1peci· mea. of tardineu on tho part or the F9urlQ oatate arc coulid~red, be muat incleed bo a bold Dl&O whb talke of p~ greta without Conl'ederaUon. You may u well w\liatlojig tunea to tele­graph poets and e.rJ*et tbe.m to danco to your cboek mWiic, u to hopo Cor this Colony permanootly Ul thrin~. atanding aloQe. In W;t. I ba-re more hopo of teeing thoEditort or the Clm'"i· ck and tho Ootuiw llanc:,iog 'Jim Crow' to lir. Cartor'll ptping, thi)A I haTe ex· poctation or a protperou• ru.turo for Newfoundland, apart from or uoalded by tbo Dominion.

A Uitt. , " B7 lllll btf"'liiD aocl the dlacll~t-Uoe or

ocar aiml•, aa well 11 tbt dnotion o! tbt Gtrmao people, who readily medtall aacri· lloea,wt bau.aeblt•td wbat ~u been etrittn for by oar forefalhtn-th• union of GtrmaoJ aod Ita.,..., ooU&ItDtloa,tba eetilriq or Ollr ... , aod tbt lacl.,.ncltoce of oat naljon,Ldeytlopmtllt oro,s~a-. •.

Su&aavc~:,?l[arcb, 1G. Tho Emperor of Genwm,y, tho Pri~:e

lmporial of {jof!UD1• pd Prince ~1 Adilbo'!_~rriYeCl be're t.O-oday ai eloyen a. m. .l'I:JOY frore roeei1M by the oruor-gonoral, tho offiCiala and by immOD.l O c-rowd of pertODI with ~t enthueium. A laurell"J'CCltb from the inbabitMtt of tho Rhine provinceJ ~ p.eaoq~ t.o t4o illuacr:ioua tra~lol'll 4n<J tl)oy ' pt'QCCC(lcd on their journey at nooq,

" Coo.Yictito of ,{ta futor't unity wu n fl•d, It wu •1••7• 1'iwldly pre­_, tD tbt •illd of tb•J GtriDan people. It b11 b~~ Itt nil by ~· rotbaal11m with wbltb tbt wbol~ nation rote f11r tht defenc• or till thruta.Md Fatbartaoa, Pd tiaetd Ita will with indalibli c:haracttn' on the balllt­lt.lclt o( France to bt and to romeio on a uah· tel people

" Tht apiri\ •bleb aoim.atu the Otnoan, people and prnadtt Ita tuhlirt and morale ner lo • l1111 de1rea tbt oonttitution or itt tmp 11 and Itt araalta, auarda GuCDao y, in tht mldtt Of ilf IUCCIUfjl . ageh:.&l Ull)' tRipJ.4tiqn to Jt'blltt tbt power geintd b) irs unity. Garmaoy wtiUnciT paya the rtt~ct olaimed (or it• 9wo lodcpenJepe., to tbt ln. d•veodeoce of all 'otbtr BtatM and people-the wnk 11 wellu the po•· t rful. Ou1 nctr Gtrm\ny, aa it bn Luma forth f1om tha Bur ordeal of 1 be pre· unl war will bt a ra\iable 1uaran~t of the peact or'Eurcipe, liccauee Germany ia auffi· clently powerful a11d aelf·reiJant to prcacne the resulatlon oflta owo atralrs aa an nclu · airw but, '' tbl ~~~~· time, aulficirnt and a111tfactory bentart.

With the public · generally, we cannot. but express our sur­prise at the easy manner in wbir.h crime has been, mort. than once: perpetrated in ·thu comruuniij.. Thete·mattera may ·well· engng_e f:be grave a~tentio!l of the Maaiatrate. 1£ n.ot we should M obliged to ba~e.aGme· tbing:mqre .• ~o say. · How is it that ai~!>l;lgp a lar~e polic~ force is .suttained here, 'tl:e 'said force it- :.Oot required to guard the town dnrln(l all the night and morning.· What are they p11id for t , We would sug. gest. that half our regular police be taken off their day duty, and their places supplied, if necessary, by speciala. We should theu have . a regular organized and efficient guard during the night time. Such protection would not be required aftor the middle of June. We have had, o.s. state d above, three outl'ages commit· ted. Let us at once be provided with the necessary night pro­tection. If due precaution is neglected and another case of house breaking should occur, after the repeated warnings already given, a grave responsi· bility will rest somewhere.

General Items .

llEWSPI\PEB nJVAJ.RY .\• tb. public altraJ• niactt a kttn ap­

preolatloo of P''P' btlllnd -nil rnt a.liag tlit IIIJ'IIIrln orl\t~9ptr work, 0¥ rn4•

may perhapa llh to btu of eome curioae diacloaurea juat mac!t in coootetloo with th• rapid ntWip•per deepa1111h11 announcing tbt Prauian tnl(J Into Perla. Tbttt wu a ktt!) rlralrJ btt,..e:J "tbt ·• 'rimea," the "Daily New•," aod tbe " l:•l,gr.&J•b," tbt latt·n•med making a ftnal elf•trt IQ enatoh from lhll ttcond she bonourt it hat lai otd in tbc war. The other London dailiu made no •t~•cial .tr~at . 'fha "Timn," itlt attttd "" chcC:C-rna~td at Lillt 'and Calait (eo rar •• tclrg. aphJ we11t) bytbt two penny papere, fbt repn .. nlatiTt of tht "'r•l•ltf&Ph" took tlourui11n qr t~e w irea at Lilla ,~riJ on the m~rning qf tb~ tntoy, and hrld tbcco until tht c:c1 uopnodent'• d11petc:bu, arriYed by elowlr "'~graphing Byrol)'• ' •lhbrtw M .. lodiu.''' The r,prrttntatiu of tbe "Dally Newe" adop~d 11 aillliltr plan witb r.,&rd to tbt wirta at Cahii• onli the grl\oJeman'a chuice fell upon lhJ boAk ofG•ntfit, a chap· tn of wblch were fonrardtd to Bouurit· tr•• Jlf'nd iiJ~t tho rcc:tipt of the orijlll al m•tter from Pari•. Not'!'hhatanding this circurnotln« the "Timet," disttnred al: ha conttlllpurariea b7 aecoring a aptoial train from l'11rl• to Ca lais~ a .l ptciol stta:n·bo•l Crom Celtis tQ ltonr :and another •p•olal tuin ftQIJl Ooftr b ondon, Tbt coat of this ten ice Wll f200.~LiNrpool Mercur,t.

•· 1 han fttt tbt aptcial lllitfeotJpn, in the mid at or th• tr7ins war I=Urttd on bJ ue to ruU beard tba YOi~ or Otri!IIRY in thit epirit of peace doriol_lbt OtJOiiatlone .•hi~h wat !Jrought to a aa:lafaclo" concluaton at tht L-Indon c:onftrtnoe, brQuttht abou l by the mediatory endenoura of my foreign ofllee.

" Tba bonor•blt tuk of the &rat Oermsn Heichettg•ill be to beat •• much •• put· • ibl' the wound• lnft lcted by lhe wer, to cooftrm the tliaoka of the Falbtrland to ~ wbo ba.-. Daid for tbt Ylctory with their bbocl and tbolr lift .

" At tbt IIIII' l im•, )'QU wil!, gentlcmt n, brgin thOM woi\1 by which the reprtMnt· a tin e of the Otrmao ~oplt co·operatt for the rulftlmenl or tbt mluloo which hll btell tntruelt'd to tbt1D by the conatitutioo for tht proteotion oCtht law• of OtrmanJ, and for eullh•tl"g tba walfart tf \ila German people. Tbt \lrtpentoiy labour !or the rc~ula~ legh· lation ban, I am lOrry to uy, eu.fl'erea aomt dtlaJ lod abait lcr.wmapt ion by the war, Tbt bUla wbiob will bt aubmilled to yoo, tbtrefnre, dirtitly orfalnalt In tht new coo· e\itulioa of Oa~nf, 'fbt co~natitutional

THR SUEZ CA~AL BLOC~RO UP al'tangemtatamedt bytbt ttparata trtatl•• A telrgr•m at,tee th'\t th• Su• • Canal ol tba ~ N'otembtr lnt are •o riC<" in a new

is olocktd up llJ, telc&rapb ett•me& with , : act, a better ooof'urmatlon, a mort barmoni · bout 2?00 111ilu of cablt on board, oua raodtriDf·

" The P.Afttcip•tion or tbe elntrle Federtt Staltlla ihe cnrrtn\ upe~tt• of the tmpir1 d.maDda a legalatltltment. Your co-opar· atlon yUI alao bt required for tha introduo • tlon oftbelawe. oftbe Confederation of tbt North, whi~b I• intended by tl:e N)al Banrlan Oonroment.

.. The dl~·l or tbt war jndemnlty to be paid bf Prance will !It elrectad witb JGUr apPfOW l~a oootormhy whb 1h1 re. ouirtiiJtnl.A(tl!•~pU, and witb the jutl ' , .. _ · ' .\.. ,...... • ........ Tc"'*·'·

•: An account o mno• or catryial on

THERE were some clozen V&S!Ale in the ice off this port laat even .. ing. We fear, should the gale continue, ~any of them will drive ashore. The Brigantine Trut Blue Joyce, Master, was abandoned by her crew ye&te~· day afternCion off·Clown's Cove. Up to going to press bowevc:, abe wo.s still afloat n_nd safe.

4 nmv l.T~S, F.JlOM TKE. SEAL :1-'IS.t::U.RY TU DA'l'~.

Youn truly_.. A SUBSCRIBER.

16th April, 1871. .

(TO TR£ EOITOll or TP 11'~...-x>.l.llD)

Dua Ma. 'Eorroa,-Tho Boys aro an impo_rtant elemcnL

in aociety ; in fact, I don't ~O!f that it would bo h:ud to pro'Ye that they aro moat important clast in tbo world. May I the:~ h3Yo haU' a col~u thia weok fo r tho Boy• i .

.And let me begin by tolling them it Ia a groat pririlc~e to bo a boy ; a boT with lifo beforo h1m, and tho opportum. ty of d~ing a great work in tlio worM ; a boy without wutod yoara to rcpont of and tho weight of a loalyoutb Jo cl~g his steps. Ay, it ia a great priYi• logo to bo 1\ boy, to .be in a poeition t.o begi11, r.nd to bcgtn ~eell. Thero 11 nothing that. hu brough• mAnkind halt tho ropontanco and aorrow that .~n· niog'a ba~e;- ·and-to haYo tbe ~cwg to iooke ia indeed a great pnrilege. Boys, remember thia moet ? ital point, aod taka care t~ atart well. on~'tl atarted it ia not ao easy to chango tho d ire.:tiou, and it ia tho bo1 and not tho -= that •tart~. for " tho boy it parent to tho mau." I have aeen the teatimouy or two priaon chaplaila, who had he:srd

S tho lipa of hundred• ol cooYicta, thoj 'could trace their ruin right

bac to ita beginning in boyhood. lC you would not be " ~ men" t.&ko earo to bo good boys, ~

It {J aatiaractory to know thllt the feua entertain e.! l•at tb• alfaiu of the Sat a Qu(lll migbl auio•uly eutfer from the oirnmt~ano. of the l<'reneh directura and •••If of the c:om· oenr being abut' up !or lht month• In farle duraag the a~g• han !ortunatelr not betn rullee.J. After poa~al coa.mnnicationt wtrt n-optotd, tba Fnncb ••r• aurpriHd to lind tb•t tba l!l&nalf111~t bad gooe 011 i•nl~--1, wltb tbia dill'm~~te, ,~~~ ~~~ largtt, ~ witboat tbe .occuranct oh •Ingle acclde11L ~lortonr, a rrt•t lmPf!>v~ment by!mtana of drtdalng 110( mudi!yinr tb .. btndt In the canal bad beta elf~ ; where· u tht Par!J dinctonnpteted to lind enrJ• tbi:~g at a a•andetill and cli-guiMI\:

tbt 'war wblch ban bttn Yottd by you will bt leld lifo fora JOil u apeedly al tbt cinum. atancu will admit.

"The poaitioo oftbt lerritor:ea ruotertd bJ Otnoar.y will nndtr otccn ary a Mritt ol Ctrtral law,. and all ) a law COIICI roiDI tha f'lllliona of the ofllctn and enldiau, and (or the req11itl\• llltUnrteln •i~ ~fthe widow a and orpba:11. Tbeat meuuraa will apply til the whole German empire lA 'almlitr run­ner, all the ar~lat ~!nine foucht for \he Fathtrla_J\d witb tht eamt dnotion ~d e'qulit7, · dtaenlng the th'l\i' of tba

Now no ono OYel' bogan wol1, who be­gan tcillc11t 1111 .; ... You !'f'mnmber the J\Ol')' of tho.boy• trying to mako atraight tncb from the centre or the rro:r.en pond to it• bankt, and all mo\king ~nM?k· ed linoa but he who had walked With hi• oyo Sxed upon a aingle t ree on tho pondaido. llo cHd _well ~u110 _he bad an aim . .. So "ou ,...u Bnd 1t in lifo. lf ,..,.. ••• " li;ina •• nu~dom," if your miud bu no worthy objoct in new,

:ron OF nhiiOB oucr. which it ia reeolYed to attain, if you haYe nb tettled purpoee you aro de-

To Punton cf .Munn. termined to aecompliab-uo aim in

Thit bat, ce art icfom~td from Parle, I~ to lncplry •• to tbt di.eirability of doit'o11 any witb a cumbroua and bunhneo~ 11111 iA Patia, and aubatitutiog in Ito attacl a practical working board ofBnglhh director•, formed bl Sir Vanltl Langr, whb •hom tht EnJhab public and tom-rcial cluttt art !amlllar:-l.iwrpoql P01t1 • •

St: &.triok,. Jlny na celJ}IratOii at Cork by a banquet and ball. Tho Mayor -.rho proaided, Clo~unced Lord Derby'• •peec:l:\1 \1\ 't\'qicll he· laid no m4.n'a fifo wu ..-ro in tho 1h eota o£DubUn or Cork who na loyal to the ' Britiah GoYOro· moot, ua fouland :maligoan~ lie.

111tion. ~ " Oel\tletDan, may the rt....,.tabliehm~t

of the Genaa11' tmpirt, nen after roar lime. ba a p~lllil• of fotllrt rrutAIII ; raar the o~ liiiRe~W "ar, !Qugbt ao alorloutly by 111, be loU oWed by cia ~ually glorlou• JIIIOt o( ~ rms-in i and may tht tuk oft be OtfiiJaD 'Ptoj'lt h•lbttb bt to DfO'I't Ylo· torioua In the unlnraal euocrl• far tilt pro-doct.a of ptieee. 6ocl.lrfAOl It I " •

OPENING OF Tun PRUSS.l 'l'bt BmpProt rtad the apeetb with much · · ~ !u'l tmpbuia. l'bt .adctraa• w-aa frequeotlr io·

REICHBTAG. te1111ptrd whl! cbttr_., wbich aao\ to moan• ......:.._:_ at tbCNP ratMi-e 'wbicb aJtud,d to ' thl IIC•

SPEECH 01' THE E:\lPF.ROU. 'flllcta o life and blood whftb tbt' Fatbtr• laod beef madcl. ·' • • ·

Commodore, Mutidon .......... .. ... 23000 lifo, you will neYer mako a mark Glongarry, HnnrabaD ......... .. .... llOOO in the world, your namo will not liN Reacuo, Dawo ................... .. ... 0000 aJ!n' you. :EYOD io the memory or your Gloncoo, nawo ........ ..... .. .... .... . IS~ tncn<\1. ~ Cyrus, Panoos, .. : ........... : . .... .. 15300 HJ.,.P, atta;~. ancllot it be '\TOrthy or Breadalbano, D~~noy ......... .. .. ::·40do 1ou. There &rO manywhoee only aim Rift!, Koofo ... ..... .. ........ :: .. .. .. . ~ 11 pl_euure, who apend their timo in J eMie, Geary ...... ...... , ..... , ....... -~ eelflably trying tQCI'Owdinto itu much EICO!'t, \Yalah .. ... , ... .. .. .... .. .. ... l7QQ aa tboy can of ~GDaual onjoy111mt and Mat.ildt., tlooling .. .... ....... : .. .... :: 1700 ~ti&catir. of'theirappetiW.and indi-Atlanta, Perry .. ... . .... ........ : ... ... 11009 ~tiona. Thae were worthy or naif United D~~lief8, Furlong ...... :·~ .• 8000 wo had no other than an animat nature, W-alrus, I>Wver .......... .... ..... , ... ) J90Q but a ratioual being ahould eeoro to Annutatia, Kconohry .... .. .... ... 6000 hi•Yeoo ~but wbat ia common to the Yetta, Keefe................. .. • .. .. .. 1!000 beaate t~t periab.. " It it a alrai~t ?ti ionic, Gordon ...... ........ , ...... !9.00 path" -~· Dr. Todd," but it ia atnllg t Penguir; ~leacy ............ : : . .... .. • 100 tn ruin. ' Some are erer ttrinng to Haven wOod, Smart·:: .... ·i .... · .. n·: add · field tQ Bold and hoUM to houae, Ialay, .Brien ......... . ........ :: ..... : . and to 611 tholl" oolftln with th& " yollow Uni~n, .Lindaay .. ...... , .... ,.... ..... . They euroly liYo below tho

To RiJiq. ct &M. · whoee mo.t eheriahed bopea and • ~heat udiratioo• are repreaented by

~trio-ror, Piko: .... ...... : .. .. .. :: .. :16ts00 coined gol and the~ comforw A 'B.crlio eo1'1'011eoadonttl\Q~ <te-enO. fir TO THE PU'BLIO . .I!!J irutilf, Murphy ..... ~ ..... .-.. ~. :: ... 201150 in ita ~Q.

et tho openiogoftbefirtt .lloichltll~t of Cabot, .tetfera ... ....... :: .... : .: ...... 7000 And be, die •N'~q~e or a Bekle tl'\o ~nnan OII\P\ro on tho 21 March, We re•p«tj'ulli ·~-t tuty pn-10tt or lt,nion, PI~o .... . : ........... : .. _. .... .. -~ world fora few lhortyean, it the object ~t~eEmperar i- • ~IOfMiiAo iMyjxllro~tlutA, pin«• LO"' Cl,rdo, Htcka.: ... .. .. ....... . : ·-6800 ol'ot}uln, o(great ioteJ.

" Pnmo!l' to tho. a~lemu o~ng o.fMl- tuiHrt~J ~ .,.. tltNugl Sophia, HoatCl' ..... .. .............. .. :· 1800 lectual ~wer and abili'J ror sood· The ol the Pa.liamon~ .. ......,. - · hol•Hn i<Mi'1 "' ..,,,,,;.,,,.;,,. ;. ,,. Gul .... , Vat.l>~. .......... . ... . . ... 2000 hot bnOlh oC •""" ~ hohthe.,..,.. chaP,Ol oH~Q Royal' Outlelof' lho. f4'0- SN.lcDUD u, ttOtif1 n~Mr- tu pcrlit• M-tr & A.nnip, Burt ...... ... . ::.' ... • 100 With cooaeioua triniDp but thcr. it tei~nhnct in•lhe aWO\uing O&tholie f1o11rcluaed'.fr'o«, or ou,.•l-, of tu N~~\'~ ~ ~!~~~-.. ~· .... : .. :.·.•.:: 1150 certainly nothing Ia • t8iluaumpty Ohurch ro~ _tbe;Catbolic lfembel'll. Tho flld.. ~a.., wiM' Io. Mo.o.tu ~ !f\&1; ~pnroy ................. :... ll60 ptitf or 8Jory, nor wo the et'orl ora Em.-nranooaed tho lormorftl.'..... of "- 'OC*IIu.utift -' Hu&w IJrtU:.e 6nent, Jo~· ..... ...... : .... .. . :}:.:. 200 aoul, r:-hi- ,..-.v 'fl ~· t-.t I ' 800 • ~ P• · _ tutJ ,,~ .. tJrf!, MID Uktttiotll iJ t. tcilla ·~~ or................... .. " ,.~!lid' to ecbln• ....,_. ,._"

~· Only halfan hour before the com tkir ~. 1o lltl,.m,. TA• pN.. ,,. . ~.~f.! . , j· .S·:~Mlly: ' Ancl wrltt bft alofJ~~ J¥1\aeiDODt orthe oe,omony the aocieot lic;t~ore, CM~ WM -..lid w.!pclJJ, ·Stapleton ........ -'· .,,2l)QO ' ,Wll_,. .... , boeu tUl~-

tbrone o( ~ Mriftd 111 tM ...tlef', liM tH~ COif}i~ Soeezcr. Stap\etan ...... : .. .' .. : ..... ~ . ThCtle aro eelbh a.ima, aDd t.beref'ore from 10_ill Mlb. kck_,-cf '" tJo. A.Ieri, ~ •. ••• : ..... :·.- ... - ... ~.'. soo imwortby;· ,. 01\IJ ,..- aim w,

":t'o tJie Ticino, .booneUy ......... :........... 1200 "genuin~ benm>lence, • to dp ~ to ~ ~9' ... , ... - ............. ~ '1600 OUI"" ".ault)l'riDJ Mel .. u*iity.' .,....

., •• . , " 'n D ' L1-.....o • • , world q Jull ot IOft'OW IIDd•'WU' • • _ _..... · · • ago.Dy. EYer, where theN il ... lajj.

SIUJ&!Ir~bp'ald ... ,: •. : .. .. .... .. ,., .. !2700 ~ ~&e.W..Io'WI»..cnatfel~-'l' itT or OADQ,nu. lit~ iit-.. rdehipe

. 20' Job Bora. . ofthia'Ji!e..t..WtM~ior.,. .. , .. · t· oadlr _within tWr a.n a 8DCl

n.omu.Bidl•t· )l'ortimer .. ........ 6800 to~ to .. ~ ..t ' Hope1 Thomey ................. . . ... : . . tl~ in the tho ..... .,.._d ... ,. ~

U ,».AT .oa~ need~~ II tM worth~bject of a • • • r I u.telul1ifa.,; A~ ...,... '{D 8 JiDe Hootocello, ~~-· .. ·;;·•· ... :.~ with, tbkil ... QJdect aA for,bat Ha-..~~a,Dtwe ... .. - ....... _. .. , ... fOOO wllicllT . .....,'WW~llllt · .- m the

DIIADtiY~... . : ...... : •.. :·· 1000 ~ ..... "\M .... taolow, Dtpilll$t(11\NC)~· · .. ·· ..... ~ ~,'Cr"~:tl·~ ....

IDecL . , ll • ..



--·- -----' . .... "' ' "\~ ... \ .. • . • t •••

aemonc•. There ie~o old Oreek P.N- ft .. ,_ii-:-(.oat.Gaplatee tO ~ra• ~htft tiUoa twiM • atlll~ell!6 OIU-;tMiqa.t1111~~~~~ nrb to the effect tW we tlaG.W ~ tbe Mllu ol .eetad•ni'IJI,-to JIIPri" • ..,. ..,w-s, , Jmowle!dge l'rom eYel')'41urMr• To the many or aa ~lementarf e4~ and A DuNnl ol o-!a"'WIW ·Pi .. 12th, J Att:linmcnt of IIUCii ltnowledp. the W .catter eetda Of diecOrd ~o~D~tng tboee t.ttJe orNeuilq took ,.,..&cMI.y, • Loq.O•, Ulth. new~ per iw a moe 1ftluable id)unrt. claalce w!Uda ebould" be bnuad tog8ber wu attawleclj,J U..e..-JIIOIIII: ••• ;. • A. loud ud UDi.Dterrupteel eanoooade Ill 00 1pirit •f egot\lm or boutlnJt, it bJ tiee olJtrotberi7IOfl in OAUQIIUIWU • P.nn, A.p~'1 f_t~;.~ ~ ~n kep~ up •iDee Jut n;.,:h~ be· aay bo \umb!yl&id that tho utivca of Ohrittiall faith. P"• ~. ~~l tweeca Chatilloo Ud Southern fort11. ilU• connny poll~ a nry largo a. H. C11m0Da.le NCl Kaaket.y J.rinj wire · ncnr going OD ill the Boi1de molltlt or ftried talent, and the m?ro .April 10th, 18'11. reowed tl.ilmoroiog "Pon'illillot, BOuJDpe &lld A.lmeroL WDunded are it iaencouragecl tbelbotter .. Th~ day Nouilly. Pont 4e Joww and ·BcM. do comiog m in large nwnben. LoNca iw put when tho ltudy or ICIODCO wu Latest If. ewa bv TelAm'tt_ph. &logno. : '. heuy. diaregarded and tho~n~ er .. UMl~ .... - ~ doputatio~ baa cone ~ v .,Uijee The O.IJeW JOIINIM publilhek 1\11 ap· The increued progreu of ge~logy and for the purp010 of•p!'OpOiU!g 'me~~wree peal &om •undrf women adjuring the mineralogy baa deteloped a Wider. tu~o Lo¥oc lf, .\pril Stb. of conoliatioo. Tber are j,Datructod to Guarda to fight to tho laat. for ecieuce. Need I eay that tlue W1U ii!A~t on the mainteD~LDCe-o£ a republic, The II&IDe journal a1.o publiabce forwArd the intereatl or Newfoundland. The IIJ:h:L ia toniblo; the IIAUon· and the counteD&Doe of munitipel fran. promilo of a poneion or aix hundred Wh~n WO rilit other c:ountriu wo Aliata 011 1'u y night re·~Qpied the chilo aa4 demand that NatioD&IJI ahall franc. to the widowa or National

find thAt they have theU> trouuro barricade at Nouillr, and it wu to• :llooo gu.ud Paria; aa4 iCTbien reject Guarda :;;· and tluee hundred and hoUICI or art; wo lnd &bAt talent ill day florc:el1. attacked br a bat wry of tbeto tarma to i.olillile what tenn• the ~· fl':6 01 for each child legitimate d 1 ed d th kJ4 f tho Yenaille'• army. Tbe nationale v -·"! G t willin •- --•-

e,·e op ; an wo 108 0 wor 0 milt adnnCM or the ANelllbliate with p.:=.· OTO~ are I .... egt ........... their unTo artiab ta~iog tMir proper •v,.-- BDI.r.f, 12th. 11Jnco. Thi. il a 1ubjec:t too whll\b c:ou- dotennination. oud will defend every Allain at Pont Maillot ba.e improYed The OJ!ici4l Jo11NUJl of to-dAy uy1 crrn• tho doYelopment of art iu the iuc:h of tbo etrocb, abould the Auom· for the Natiooala, who repaired Cluring that Germany 'will onlr interfere in mcfropollt. It ia a 11abject well worthy bliltt euccood iu entering tlle city. tho night, tlle ~0.1 caueed by tho the affaire of France, when it 1holl be-of con•idcratioo, and I truet that da010 Lom~cnr, 9th. c:annoDIIliDB oC tho dAy prorioua. t como nec:eaaary Cor tho collection of impeorfod remarkl may bo u~eful in A detpateb f'tom Venaillee thia eren· It ie laid here tba~ Von Fabrioe baa money due to horetU: drnwing incnued attention to it. ing uy•, tha~ their annie~ arc now. uu· informocl the Voraailloe GoYemment LolfDO:or, 13th.

Youn, &c., dcr tho command of Manhal McMahon. that tho Commune hal notifiocl him of The Commune iMuce pueporta more DELTA. A recent tlecroo of the CommDne ita dotorminAtion to 1top traffic Oil freoly, &Dd large numben of cifizooa

bu boon modifiod 10 aa to mako mili- oorthron railway. lcaYO dai17. · tary ecn'ico <'Ompul10ry on all between Tho CoiDDluniaa are barricading BoYero lighting cootinuod on Tuoecby

[To TnE &onoa op TUK 1u:orDJ.I.D. ] tho ~Clll ofl9 and ·iO. ovory •treot. ni8h~ and Wedilelday. Ma. Eotroll,- - A. ftotiUa of ;;unboab hu ~u 1out BDLnl', lith. A Venaillee de~patch of tho 12th

Wo admire your remMk.e i11. a lt~to from HAvroup tho ~~ne to e'ommenco Tho Prueaian Crou Gt~.~~tu aye, tho colutnn of.intuigent. adYanced iaauo on tho •ulliect of Educo.tioo, o.nd opcratioM aguimt Paria. Siege gun• Britillh Govemmeot i• cndoaYouriog witlrout oppo1ition.

April l:ith, 1871.

T1)o &v. Roberl Brennan to be a Member ·or t~• ~Board at Harbor Breton ; 4

• • •

Dr. Nat10'Y, of Carbooeu, to be Health Officer ot Quarantine at that Porl ;

And ![r. J.uoa P. SlfOOJ[, (l'ortuno,) to bo a Mombor or the of Edu· cation At GMitcJ;Bank, in place or Mr. J onathan Snook, roeigned.

Soc:retary'a Office, April 9th, 1871.­G~II~.

At H&rbor Main, on Fnday, the 7th inet., tho wifo ot Mr. Jamet Murphy, of a eon.


On tho 18th inwtant, afu.r a lin~ter. ing illoeu, Catherino Coodoo, aged 39 yean.

At Upp6r leland Cove, auddonly, on the 11th inat., I Mr. John Morrisey, aged 60 yean. 'l'ho deceaecd waa for many yean a toachcr undor the R. C. Board of Education.

~nsintss 41 arb. J th biro alwo beeu deepatcbed from Hane penuado Germany to ioterYono for the i.. oppoled to tho brintrog

heartily concllr with your vi en in ° to Chorbon.,;, to atta~k forta occupied roetoratioD of order in Paria. · about of a deciaiio action 'till 600,000 J J DEAR IN whole !Mttor. Evuy penon int.ere.eted by tho iniUI'!;Cnts. Bn.~ 11th. mon roinforeq_s the Versailles army.

1 1 '

bin t~o wl olfo&ro of thria chouotry beau not Tho 0/Jierorruy• tbat Bismarck ia Tho total oumbor of French IOldien Tbo·p.ortion of the Vo1'811illca army DR. '(J' G-G- X c:::a..·.-

ut ,eo a ecn•o 0 1 amo w en con· aUU fnvourablo to tho restoration of acut homo &om Switaorlaod i• 84,084. engaged upon the outlaying fort• aou'h ,_, .... lr:LI~Ilg t~toh ~t·hommonr echool•. bob£ this Nllpoloon. p AIUI, 11th. or Paria, havo IUfl'orod greatly in killed coun .. ry wa 010 0 our neag ouf'l', Mount \·nlerienaud tho battcric• of and wounded. From tho Inapoctor'• Report of tho ,.._ bo. L . • • .... Tho broach 'bf'Poot Maillot ill praeti. Protoataot echoole for tho Year 1869, ""ur no Ull\'O tnAantainuu bombanl- cabiCI and all aaaault upon it ia e:a:pocted Tho CoiDDlUriiet. have •nrrountlod wo le:uu that 63-11 children woro at· mont all day, and their •helL• Coli be· to-morrow, , and will probablr capturo three thou·

·" h cl h 1 d yood tho al'<!h of Triumph. Tho Communilt. arc barricading aand ~ild.Armea near Aamere&.


87 &atrr .itrut. tonwng t 0 omcntary IC 00

.. au on Tho oft'orta or Commuuiate •• fio""O ha L • .:. Thaera it now oppo-~ to conciliation 1'. th · •:-..: wo fiuJ that out "' •... every etroot, and thoy TO more luau I!:"" .ur UlllYea .. t~-•ou tho dtiJen1 gencrnUy to take up arms l and thinb the 1ucceei' oCtbo o.rmy cor. GENUINE DRUGS of thi• number only haYo

10 Car failod. 100,000 men at their di•pou . .

G Tho work of carr.ra. :!'n tho barricades taLO. J;&orGt&rlyl-23,_ tta•Jioa r&mmar. Pari• parwon 1111.1 thoro hu been can- 'll bo '-·-"··'1 bl D b d NEW You, 13th. ~ M " 1.1s " " ~pby. ,.- m feanw y y. om ron i34 • " 1.1s " ae,uaintf<l ••lh tile ,,,.. oon~iog all day. Tho Champa Ely•· roport• eomplcto occupation of Auxe. Despatches Crt'm tho Britiah Gov·

pie RaluCTbrte,aa It Ia Yutcarly called tiCI a a completely dcstroyod. tros by National a and cffoetiYo opera- ornment annouucea the determination Surely tbcao facbl do uot give a 'I'Of'1 Tho Natiounl Guards Arc hiding in tione of Iron Clads on Veno.illea and of tho qabinct, to make Houdur11 a


CHEMICALS. high /croficicncy atto.inod by :oul' youth, tho crs>ustrecu, :uking protection from st. Germain railway. CroW'D colony, to Corll). a part of the nor o they pay & very flattering com- tJib ehofJL,bwhhich fall in '}:Cf'Y directiou, LolfDO:or, 12th. Woat IndiA Confederation. Eogliah and AmoriCAD Jllimcnt to tho efficiency of tho toachen, ~any o w ic fAll closo w tho Amcricau A Vonaillo• de~patcb ju1t recciYed Gold 10 t, Exchaogo 101. though thoy aro 10 fa1'911rably reported, log:ltiou. uya tho cannonading' abOut Pam ia Puts, 13th. PATENT MEDICINES etc. I• It right that pi A tchool of up- 'fho l'Oiult of tho la.~~t 4S houn can. lou Croqueot, and nothing of import. Paria il calm, but tho exodus of the ward& o£70 pupils, tho majority ofwhoot non.adiug is, that tho Venailloa troops an eo bo.l tnlo•pirod. · · iohabi•antl continuo. of reputo aro above 12 yC:ln o,<_ ago. tht M1'0 cro..OO tho Seino And occupy Sa- Thien bas iuuod IUiotbcr poclama. Tho Cri4 tlll PetJpltl .. ,. •• tho Vcr. Choico French and English

PERFUDRY. there should bo but th~ or four bon rilles and Long Champs. The draw. tion, elating tha~ McMahon; La'Domi. eailic1 troop• haYo been driYen from ar.quiring • tho clemente or their britlgo aud ftoor of Pout Maillot aro rault and Criuy ha'o all · taken their Nioully and aro flying toward.a Cour-tultivo to~o? Wo 831 o, noithor brokon · commands, and Vinoy hj)Adl tho re• verie. .· is it ri .. huo omplo7 teachcn who10 ox. Tho Commune aro b11ilding additional ~ervo army, which increuee every day. The attack made yetterday by tho BRUSHES, COMBS preui;os aro, " I gooa" "l ~!;Ot'S" " I , barriC3tlca ~ tho quarter• threatf'ocd They pay no attention to £alae report• ; V orsaillee foreoe wu a failure.

-ASD-flied out to bo" " I anb!;~u goca.',;..atc., 1 hy tho f'<'1gen. their Frosideot and .Aaembly do .not The Orleau1 railway baa beau cut by otc., to eay nothing a u'il•pcl- ~ . · . . Lo:or!>O~'l.Oth. ~nree. Only in•urgonture perildion~. Venaillea troop•. ling oftheao ped:l);ogues. Trcnbble work contloucean l"n1. Tho lrroaii tablo mcuuroe aro in preparw· Tho Britith Contul in thie . city hu TOJLET REQUI Sl TE S.

Tcacbon ahoultl teach by o:umplc Cathedr:ll of Notro Dlllllo hu boou tion to end ofi'uaion of blood. Good warned all Eogliahmen to leave. MPB("(,WI:I "U"STS A& well o.a br books. They ehould cor· ucke~. Rochfort vainly endeAvored to dtizcnaaro a.uured that for thoDUclvu D li ,10 li I) roct O\'Cr"f uo::rnm~tiC:ll oxpi'Ol!aion : "'"e tt from pillar;o. N'carlf o.ll vAlu- they h&Yo notbi.og to fear. · Vn.uu.u., 13th. "hicb fBIIL upon thctr can froan tho ~ a~lca wero pl.uudorod. 'I he Arch- It ia uscrted that a atrong force of It i• omc:ialll announced that the lips of their pupils. llut ia it thnt ba~hop or Paras hu boon trnn1forred Joyal natiow guard& inside PArii will fo~=~~ictorie. eutiroly G~mmar ia not needed in our common fr~an 'tho Concierge rio to tho Mayia attack th., in1urgent1 llimultanoouslv achoola. Tbia is II. lAd doluvion, :md praton. Gcncrnl Cluecrot bas boon ar. with tho uuult of tho V oruiUN troopi. Tho delegates from the party of con· such news ought to bo dono 1\\\"ay with I roatcd, ch11ry;ed with mis-appropriation . · ciliAtion hATo roturuod to Paria. in thi. day of enlightcnmcol. E,·cry l of the publ_ac funds. OTT.t.W.L, April 12th. . Tho conditione of peace propoeod b7 b. d f b L . •.1 A v u d kh th 0 Tho HollliO of CoiDDlons met at 2 Thien, wore, that thO inlurf'ote ehall

c al 11 y..:an o n:;c O-!fG t to "" au o onaa ea capa ••!• e OY· o'clrck to-day. ?t!l'. 'Blake moYed that fi la do th . th h to dofioo tho puts ol' speech in his or crnment ba1'o reaoh•ed to outer Paris ~ nt >J W'1l ctr a.ruu an on t o laor reading loeaoo, 1\n'd to di~tin1,'Uiah by storm, At any coat, mthor thAn bom- provision bo mado for ta~ eriucoco muniopal fraochilo will be granted. bofwecat. aimplo and c:omfouod 10nton· bard tho cit)-. • ~n tho aport, dur}f!· tberted. co~tng:rec.e* ~· · 'Bnr.m,18th. c~•. C\'Cn ooo 7 years o a:;o should bo Fort. Va!orion 81'08 mainly to clear 10 cuo ° COD•<V'(O e•octiOU tn The amount of eredit to be uked ablo to diatinguillh dift'oront aorte of 1 mmpart.a and provont tho Artillc11 &om MMitobah. u iC 00 •uc.h prorillion be tho GOrman Parliauien~ ia 120 000 000 word8, :1nd v.·ould be ablo to do so, ir · boina used to ropol an attacL A made, tho CA801 would not be eottled thalo ' '

Replenished .. PruC'I'iplioru 4ccvrat~ly Dilpen•ttl.

&"'Orden from tho outporta roapcd. fully 1olicited.


tar Salt.

-B'i-tho teacher "tVould t11ko tho trouble to p11~IAI b~ch hat boon cffut:tod in tho bofo~ tho cloiO of tho proeen~ term of ra, Ianno, 18th. giYo o~l louona. W o bold that ovary fortJOcnhoua. · Par~wncnt. . ·Iti• reported that Franco hAl uo• J & T HEARN teacher 1hould posaeu a thorou);b W .UDTlfOTO:or, lOth. Sar J . B. Cartier moved that. the dot taken~ rettore to tho oWDcn, all 1 1


knowlcd~te of his vcm~ular tonguo,ite Thoro 1e0m1 to bo truth in tho atato. mattc:r .bo reforrod ~ tho ~mmtttoe the German ehipe taken by the Froocb ST. ] OHN's, hiator]', it.s att-uduro, ita rules of syntax mont coming &om usually well inform. or Pnnl~go and El~tiona, l!'th tho nn- cril.iMllt and DOt condemned u priua and prosody. H o1hould bo ~~ogood"ma. ed quartol'll, apArt from the Commi•· deretandin~ thAt ea:d comoutf.oe re20rl oCwar ' 200 Puns, St. Jago Rum, thomaticiAo, Ho ahould bo ablo to work •ion, that tho bluia propoled con temp. Buai~~~~~ Ballht~ih• aolll~~~httbeaboTe ' . Lo!fDOlf, 14th. with correctncu, and expedition, any latoa : lat.- Privilogo or American provallona, w 1~ waa _..,.,.. 0 • TbOl"CC were h~ary. eanuouding dur-oxoroiae, embmcod within tho r ules of fiabermoo to fish within parts ofCanadi· Mr. Holton called for a <\ivision °0 ina: lut night, which- baa grown moro any common artithanetic, And to bo able an ;nton, fromwhich t!loy aro now O'X· &ho item Cor e•tabliehing garriaoo.. rioll'ot thia morning. Fort Moot Val·

,. to expound tho prioc:iplos, upon which ol4dod, and to hwd,dry thoir W.h, oloaneo way of oxpreaing hie diuJ!probation erieD. firing hearily. . tbeee rulGI depond • Alto, bo aliould be their note, &c. ; for thia privilege the what could . only bo eODitder«l &I &ll A. . number or tho membon or the 1\ good algebraist aod geomctric.iAn, with ·United St.t()l ia to pa7 Cnnada a cer- initial •tep ··towarda .. eetabliehing an Commun• wore .peno&AIIy on t'ho 1uch att:llnmenta a teacher ahould be tain •um ofmoucy. 2od.-l'ortAin gen. army. ThO ittm wu carrlocl-)'eu 88; fleld to encourage U.. troops. com~tent to lay tho foundation era el'l\l international progrea laid do1fn. nays 10· No OllgagGmenl took placo 00 Tuos· good Engliah educ:~otion in our elemon. coveTing thoeo oC neutrality, by which Laat night, 011 motion to go into dar Ol' W edneedAy •. There wu merely bry a.:hool•, aod where elte is thi. to claim~: a riling from doprodatiooa com. Committee 00 Bnpply, Mr. RyallmoYod an in1nrgent fnailade followed by c:llfl· bo done, but in thoee echoole, &Dd by mittocl b' the Slu11411ti«JA aod itlt.haMa, that thia HoUle regreta tha~tbe GoY- nonading. whom but tho.O who havo the early &c., are to be adjusted. ard-Commia. onimont of to-day 'bayo· done Thoro hal been no ens;agement this training' of your youth? :rboinadequaer llionon arc to bo borcaJ\cr a~tad to toward& ~~Curing tho· pttm.hment morning and tho road.e towards Po.ria of the ulariee yoq aid waa one gt'M' adjn~t matten of bui1 pro poled and it the murderera of TbOiou Scott, and aro occupied bt troop• from Vo1'811illcs. ca111e or ourdeOectiYe •Y.tem. uci..U ie further uid tllil bam bU boon eent t.hat an adcfi.e.. be preeented to hil The Bullion in tho Bank of England you might uy it. From the Report-.. to Eo~ land for approYal. Somo of the Excellency, praying to take euch •tee• baa decreued £220,000 during tho ftod that the .u enge aJarr ia about 9omouuionon havo no hoeit:ation in 1"0- and mllke •ucb repreeentation u W1U week. £60 per &DDUII\, certainlt Dot a IWI1 porting a atatcmont. tbat tho prob:lbility bo beet calculated to bring thoee .xnen to Blluanu, 15th.

"t-o induce young men ot alen\ to epond ll t.hat they 1\ill by tho tint nf Ma7 juatice. A warm diecullion continued Tbe GerDWl Fitwlco delegates to till\o and mosu• to eecore a good oduca• aubmit eoncluaion• of the two govoru.. till late thil IDOI'I\iog, when a 1'0te wu Ulilt in tho peace conference arrived tion and deYote th~l,. to tho ar- moutl. taken anc\ the motion IOit--40 to 'NS to-da · cluow laboun or tho IOhool reom. u Mo..nrz.u., 10th. SoY~ral GoYerument euppo~ra f.rom 1· Lom10trr 14th. any thing ie done it 1houlJ be a .tep Mr. Ste1P&rt, ~eat of the Bank of ~~'::io:otadw.J~onTbeup ~~~tnbdee r Paria datee or yeaterday w~y8, tho rorw&rdl,.acl 1\0t baekwanle,wh.icbwould Pertb,Ontario, hasabecond. ...... noWI del-to r tho ·- r Rcda report be u-e C¥1 It anr reduetion in lalariea ed to U oitad ~tatee with the BanJr fund. cua· ion, and i~ _. bitim&tecl 'tho.., .._-.,.. o. . . P- •J


'WU made and WO flnnl1 believe thia to tho &mOUD~ o( a00,000. '{OUid be a cloftcienoy next ye&r Of OY81' • ~rt.P.OI'tife)1 refu:,ct J!n rocog. woahlile the reenlt or tho eub-diri•ion VD&AJLLa;, 10~ !200,000, aod that witbou• colllidering DIIO ~re~ ot t. • muoe at_.]Sducational Grant. Thoro arc lt ie repoMed that. t~w· Pru~ tho reduction in the d~tiea made this ~~r~!r e~o:'~':' a ott. improYementl required boeidee threaten mtaneotiou in . tllA aft'aire of aeeaion. Haor tbell• haYO been fired into Paria tW- ot ~e Mlal'iee,- "'e1HIU11ilhod Paria if' Ule dilturb&acee aril DOt. eo4oc1 Tho inereuo in tn{litary elpCID8elwaa and c:&Uocl pat damapL

(Seltettd brands.)

40 ·Puns. Demerara Rum, (Ver7 high proor.) ·

DeKuyper's Geneva, (Hbda."and qtr. eatka.)

Dark and Pale Brandy, . (Heantll7't-qtr. caalta.)

Fine Old Irish Whiske y, Scotch Whiskey,

(A nry choitt artielt.)

Ginger Wine, (In octane.)

Old Tom Gin, (ll\ oclntt.)

Malaga and Sherry Wine, Scotch Ale and Porter,

(Hiabl7 neom-Ldrd) And a c.w qtr. utka ol nry aapnior

Dtrronshire Oider. Aprill2. lm.

~ebool-TOOIDI, and i111plement.a to work by tho 16th inat., but there ie the belt eenrely cnliciaed.j · · . • ""·'le are eootinning .to ran . and with, aucb u ma~pbel, black boa_rde authority for prooouncingthe'atatlement It ie 1"880l'ted tbt • recoDitrnotiou bo=property of the ftlue or two 'mil. ""

"'>e~ .• okl. You mtp~ u -..U IOGd a u.ofou.oded. , • ·~ • . ot tho Cabinet will take plaoe before lion hU alreacly been d•ltroJod. NEW DRESS 1 jebe~ to eatch bh inzo~er Bay l'nre, contrary to ~eral ·Upec:ta~ the Dominion electioua. The anTral Of General Fabrlce (~r .. .

·'With~ut~ line, u tO een a man to tion, clid not go to the Pnullian head. ~r.~~· i•; t. ki~ •. will take mu) Doni• ie 0011• ·§ithout a~tut. .u lout qaartenyeetoiday. •JU P· ~ • ' • • ' - atilea "'-~ nldbein theiChooll'OOID, ' a Moretlaan800penon•r•aohaclbeen Mr. owewill~li~elrtlof ::!at=r~:u~.tor FA rt·c·y ft 0 0 D s lar&e P. ¢ tbo Colony; two large called upon by the ~a to elcc:UQ.n. .. · tt. in*~ ~ ma\:e uericm don rQJ' a . t li&ed H mi_!p'hei.; a18rre*ial glolle, eomi iu • tlleir Naticu\al GIIU'da ea. It ill belined that Dr. Tnpper will the ea~ of' PUW; . -.a~diff.~-""\ul\• ~ hmPari•brtlwt ~·~ :~~t!d':fth~~:~~ · The"Pw aaa0r-1eau railway. hal F'OR SALE BY rormMriet or acbobl boOb. Nieh.ed t¥ linesofthe V~anoy Dot been cut by tb.efniurgen.._

When we rillitecJ tJie Pronoe a in alety. ..:u • . P.u~~,wh. · N Yon 1Mb -'lata lOf JAKES BJPPISL][Y. ' lborttUiie eince,-.. Yiaited a number 1 •• NA You, 11th. Y.-tenlaya~tcUbelfatiODAl frft ' ~~v •

• ot eehoola, aad were ·~ plCIMI!d to Tlae w .. z~. •pedal, dated Paria lOth Guatda w>~ a PruliaD al St. the teeelu .... o ,...0 'qaalihl ancl equip· aaye, un1t11 the n.mana iayo Ul Pan~ Dt!~ : ' • • • ~· YieJu. 1*\ ~f tWrlaboar, MdiiP8Cially Wllr'O m01t lOOn ewim with blood. A eonlict .....t'betwec the JltiDct. ~ · we p'--4'- ~~pi aad coneot 'n-o Coaunnne bou"L~"' more and l'ruUu. ADd 101M meliaben of • · & tlaOee io tho primary delperaee and ftiiOdil to a~ the Com~mae: .. ,. ' 'a. IMI/eltllN' .z.n.r. ol ~Ia. We·took 1poeial pain• 'the Con~ iii.IW 11i•Pno.te ~beftnoe Panallu'ie.dim· l'*aary...._,. tW •a



~'Hrolleeale and Betail, by

;r•Xu KIPPISLBY. ' to 'leana bQ1f ~'"'-' oflme Hc&ool• U.. NDDI, whO ba"· beea·arreeted oo awo~ u4 ~ 1111e1Ja ... _, wil ..Wat;tlae Towa wo~e4, and we t6uC ~to be ~"' warrant. calling them aiti&ena et,Jecl about-lUte 1tWbtji& iailll the~ ..._. · or dao Karor, eel the ...... ~ NoYa Soott. ner ~of a~ eaUed God. BJ,._ · ' · ..._.,..,....,~ arnapm•• to OBAIBS. W ~ .... _. aad ~ Daboie wu ~ na· ~ ~ ' ~lfr.·..,-.·r..t~H...t Coutalale, .BBDtSTJW>s' ~..... 'fte tnt -.~ bJ the bel, ~ to • pW. 111111 10Ha'KI4 ect to.r~· UD LA.HP8. Coaiaeil of hbUc &.tnidloit, to taiae .... '.W1br botln by ...... of 100 deleQOe. of ---

,....._ ·-~ &a•· toe · the nik · •a · ~ .... ·' ••


184 "VV'a.'tex~ &'tree't 1.84


BEGS to thank the Public of H arbor Grace nnu Vicinity gener ally, for the liberal patronage hitherto bf'stowed, and ho~

by strict attention to business to merit n continu-ane~ of their suppot t.

In addition to hia la.rge and vnliccl stock of TINWARE, be hu C'lnatantly on hand no extensive assortment of

Cooking, Parlor and Hall STOVES. -A.LSO-


C. L. K. h~so in Stock Kerosene Oil and o. large assortment

of Keros a Lamps. January 18 • . 871.


To ehcw tho benefit roaulting from tbe uao of FELLOWS' COMPOUND ::sYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPfilTES in DiecaeCII of tho Lunge, tho Inventor ia permitted to refer to tho Mcciical Gen. tlomen in St. J ohn, N. B., whoso aigno.turea aro ntl4ched hereto :

WILLIAM BAYARD, M.D. EDWIN BAYARD, M.D. THOMAS W A..LKER, M. D. Eo. JOHN DERltYl\lliN. M.D. Eo. Da. JOIINSTCNE. L. R. C. S. ED. GEORG}; KEATOR, :u. D. W . H. HARDING, M . R. C.Jj. JOH..'l BAXTER, M. D. J . D . WHITE,?t!. D. T. W. CARRI'IT, M. D. I, AAron A11Vllrd, MAyor of tho City

o£St. J ohn in tho ProYinco of New Brunswick, hAvi.og examined tho Jetton of DN. Earlo, Addy, Clay, J acobe nnd Chaudlu, and Also, tho signatures nt­tachcd to foregoing pormit of reference, hrreby ccrtift thnt I bolicvo ..them aU l;Cnuinc.

I can n1ao toatify to tho high tbcra· peutiC:ll Tnluo of Follows' Compound ~yrup of Hypophoahpito• and consider it deaer1'iug e£ attention by tho profo•· aion generally.

In tcetimon} whereof I ~ have hereunto tot my hand r Greo.t {•nd·af!Ued my Seal of Mny.

{ ~nl. J omlty at tho City of St. ~ John, thia axtb day of Fob.

in tho year of Our Lord ono t.houaand eight.hunclred and ais:ty.oight.

AARON ALWARD, M . D . Mayor of tho City of St. Joho.

Sold by Apothecaries. Pric:o &l ,SO per bottle. or G for $7,50. On tho ro. coipt of !7,50 tho proprietor will Cor­wArd G to any part of NoYa ScotiA or Now Drunewick, Free.

JAMES I. FELLOW'S, Cbemlat. St. Joba. N. B.

W. H. THOMPSON, Ao&!CT roa HABliCia Ouca

ADAMS' IN DIAN ·SALVE I Uncqualoo for Cute, Burna, Sorce ~r

all kin<la and or old atandiug- Frolt Bite., Dry Scurvy in tho hi nds, D11 Piles, and all aorta ErucJ.~n1, Uleon, or di8eaaea for which h · Ointment ia required.

Each box or Pot baa a Photograph Likoneu ofthe Manufacturer on tho label, and tho name .D . AdAt:na, under. noath. Without· this it cannot ~ genuine.

§treitim for uing ~bam's Iubin Jllbt . ..

SpioeAd a euJiiciont quantity to coYer tlwt 1t0ro, on a piece of white "linen, (not calico,) 0t1at a tktJ· Before every drCJ. ling wUh tho eoro with tepid water, wipe it irJ, and then put your ealve on. It acoeforatee the cure if the tepid water w Mtu.ratad with Outile aoap.

For ebapped Hancll, Dry 'PilN, or Seur­aimpl) rub the 10re with it once a ; a euro wilt 10011 be et'ectad. Tbia

ie abo exoelleot !or Galla OD Honl)l.

For Sale.


And for &to by tho Subscriber, er 2W

1Jrotlrer1 from New York-

727 Barrels FLOUR, 50 " 'MEAL


March 1. -


A:· & E. PARSONS, "O:abinct .. l}lalms, il~~olstenrs " A:'\'D

T'l:l.rn.era. - -:o:--

BE G n:o~l re~~pcetfull7 to intimate to tho Public of Harbor Grace,

and the Outport11. that they havo·tabn 1he Du.siacea lately carried on by ·

tvr. ~imron 1)aTSans ; and hope by etrictlottcntion and punctu. ality to merit 11. alU\rc of public patron· , go.

They would abo announce tha~ the

Undertaking Business, wiH fonn part of their occupAtion.

Furniture rep:\ ired 11ot 11hortest notiee, and on m01l reuonablc term•.

or Jlosrrise--180 Water Street oppoeito the premDel p(

Puutoo .t Munn. ~

January 2G.

1 will not be Accountable ~or any Debt or Debts cootraqt·

ed in my name from this date without a written order from my· self or agent..

Jn. of,




To any Peraon or Pem0n1 who will give auch informaifon a11 will lcRtl to CtntoictiM t/ IA1 Perpttl'ator or Pnptlnlort of the muFd~ of the late UFRI. D.A PIKB,on Mnaqnito BW, on the uight of Wec!Delday, the 5th dat of January, iDituL .

.ANb .A roaTDa aox o• . . ~ ..

. 400 DOLLA118,

Will lMt at tM ~ llr. TB10'£HY MITCUilbL, Sa- ,. periutendent of p,,uce~ ~ UlJ SEClttn• iufomaatl~ .... to bimthat will -INd ·to tie.,-. yitdon abcmr !-fene4 ._




-V" ~ .& - bl A. portion of tbia eurplua w~) bo &J>· .:o:-orlll,8 ()~ ADBelll Y· proprinted in opening up roada through

' --:o:-- tho country, God other u..eful " ·ork1, 8 P E E 0 H. The GoTernment would no\ in my op-

OF THB RE.OBIVER GENERttL inion act rightly~ftbey ~d 1\0t rcaene ON INTRODUCING THE BUD. a pof\io~ ,of. the ~urplua to meot nny ~ uufoJ'IIMD c:aaualllca that mlly occur

0 ET TO TH~~MHI'ITEE <h~ dpri,og the yeAr ; wo ruuet benr in mind WA.YS L'iD S.. .t&e large oxpeudlture of lnt~t y~ar in

' OOM"VlTtU O!f WUI .L.'Q) v.&A.NI. tep~ug tho damajtO q~O by firo llDd The boueo 00 motio-11 ortho ,bon. floOda. It will thorefoN only ~o au

ceivcr Oeoeral, ~eolved~t.elfinto ac:t C!f common prudence to relrun a mittee oftbo WhaJ, on Waya ~d port~on .of.our en,plue fo~ unfore~c;en Meana, Mr. !Bniuea in the ch&V-. contiogenoee, and by <lomg eo, sbo"

The bon &ccivcr General, Mr. Glon both ~e,e &.1\~ clao~hero t~ tho pr.o· addreescd tho Committee as fuUow11 : 10nt JtOI'<'~nmcnt.w•ll endca'fQIIJ' to k.ecp

,.,_ CL-· 1 ' ·'d h bl the fiDAuCI:\l affniJ'I of t~e Colony m n JUT •• DAtnnan,- ... on t o til e sound ~;ouditioo.

lOme timo .•g~ .•.statement of our ~e- The fu1Jo1,Ying Htat.cq~ent show~ thp in· ~t• and L•~tbihtlce 011 Slat D~c., 1870. erea.eo and dccrc:uo in tho estimnto for al!d the Financi:ll S,bitomenl of tho nf. tho present ycnr. fairs of Colony (or the vrc~nt ycnr • 1871, wluch no doubt have b<>cn cnre- I);CTIEASE. fUlly examined by bon mombcre. G;Q.vcmor'a Order!y

'Vc nroall n\\·aro ~bat our fis~~rjes J>ro1·cnti1·o oDh·cr Roso for the year ~870, " '1th the exccpi ioit of Dlaucho those 011 tho Labro,dor, wcro more pro· Preventive rfficer Rc· duetil·e thno they· have been fur mnny news years; and· our alnplo ortide of Cou8tnblo nt Trcp:uosry export hMing yiolded a fnir price, our Rcpnirs onlmperi:ll pro-tiehermon, from the produce of thuir )ll'rty hnnded 01·~·r to lnbors at the fisheries, nuu from t he l'icwfoundlnud lnrgc expenditure ou ronde And bri<lgcs, F<'rr"mnn 11t Hnrbor we~ enabled to purehn80 more of t ho Brito 'l comfortll nud ncccss.cuiCII of lif• fu r Repni rP 0 11 Q 11nrd Uoom, theaaolres nnd fnmilic(!, t.h:\11 tl•e'' hnrc Lodge nnd G:mll:c r'd been do for mnn~· ycnn<,' ni1d tho H ouse importation o.f goods iuto tho roluny Hepaira on Drill ::ihcd from the nntidpnted d omnnd on :w - ~pc<'inl 1'nli1·u Scnicc count of n aucecs fulli~hery were un:1, fn nill of IT a rbor L i.;ht UAll.1· large ; the result wns n ro1·c•mc <>f llouscH £20.1-,000 from Customs clutit•to, thu largest rercnuc oror collcclcd in ~<'w · foundlnnd, notwitl.stnnding n rcmi•· aion of tnxes.on bread nod flour of£ I J., • 000.

Thero will bo n furt her rcdur tioa of duty mndo iu tho Tnrifi' this vcnr, l Si I ou LeathOI'\I'nro-sn\' on liovts nud shoca, from 21) per ce1i t to l:J per erot · This ITill in,·oll'c n loss of ro\·enuo of oTor-£5,000, which wi•h tho reduction o.fduty of£1-J.,OOOon Brend' nnd Flour, for the whole of tho present yea;, will bo a reruission of tnxcs mndc by thl' present gol'erumeot of £20,001) f1.1r the one yenr they hn\'c been in office.

.D l-'CllE:\ E. On I nterest of P ublic

Debt. On .'nl:try l n~pcctor of Rond~

On Snlnry lnspector of Light Housed and l'ubli.: Dui:din~:t

On Lc~i~lat i i'O Contin­r;cudes

'iO :.:o


0 0 0 0 0 0

Tho A~scte nud Linbilitics of the Colony on 8la\:ceomber, nrc ns ful~ loll'a :- ~

A ~s. Cash in Union Bank £lO,S3S a 9 Cnatoma Bonds, ( ut·

stndingl \ 17,81!:! 13 1 lhlance dup by ~

Race Lig'ht H ouse uc· count --_

A su m r f £52.j 2 ndditiounl is put do"·n in tho cstimnt o for pe,rmnncnt nnd c.lSIW 1poor, mnkin~ the ,:rnnt for th:u ller,·ico £ 17 ,7;)0 ; but it i! not nn in· crr:uor C'lf cxprnditurc. 1 put tho nd­clit ionnl .Ca!?;JO iu tho <'Siimnto, to ~ho'" tho rent nmonnt nnnn:tlly expended by the CouJut is~iuner (•f t he Poor, ns I nm . irons of showing iu my finnncial

•i SS s. 8 tfntcment tho amount, ns ncnr ns possi• Balnoce duo by ' n er

Company, for interest blc, that i~ required for CI'Cry 11e~'jc~. The nn' ount oxpcndr d

on Debonturea,Scwor­age Account

F or Pcrrnnncnt nod Cn11· ·145 10 i lt:\1 P uor in l !)G!) 1ras £17,8~Q

--- ~ Fur l't·rmanont nnd Call­£ oOt6'19 IG I t wd l'unr in 18i0 was li,-l.:JO

l·:~timntc for the prt'I!Cnt LIADILITIES. · year, I 71 , is li,'i.iO 0 o

OutetAnding .. , VI\rrnnts £ 18,70 1 10 fl 1 T ho ozzreg:\11' nmount of tho Public Outataoding lnt(lrest 9,;JH 13 10 ' llcbt. of the Colon ; nf Jl\ c11·foundbnd Outstanding T rensury j on t ho 3 ht du\· of' .DcccmLor , 1870, nud

N otes 34 0 0 I the yenu in n·hieh tho BCTOI'Al portion& Balance duo Geut>rnl of it :\ro repn:mble, " 'ill bo seen by tho

Light Hoose nccount 2C2 i !l follu~·iu:: ~tntemcnt : Unexpeodrd Legislnti,·o Amount Consoli.

Grnnt.. 7,-!!l l 13 0 clntccl undt>rnr t Balnnce t o the credit of ' (,

th C I !! I, ' ic., 'np. 3 . ~;J,S J4 .5S

e o ony 23,0S2 1l) !l .\ mC'Iun~ Cou~oli-' dntc•l under n~' t

.£;)0,~ 10 Hi I ; :.!:?, \' ic. c.1p. 16 8!>, • ; :\ III OUII I C\m~C'Ili ·

It muet be grntifyiug to t ho Com· 1 ,Jntc•.l undc r nd mlttce t.o. knoiT~, that nftcr pnyiug nll !!3, r 11· .. cap. 1!! 23,0iG.!l3 tho ndd1honnl grnots mndo lnai Sclll<iun, .lmount C'on~o!t . for:Educnt ion, Con81nJ :Stcnm,&c.,nbout thtcd nuJe r nt t £8.000 for buildin" sod rcp11rin .., ro.~ad~ 2!:!. l'ic., cap. I :i 100,00:-1.00 and bridgc~,dcet i-oyod uy tho gre~t li re,. Amount C'onaoli · nod floocfa, thnt did so mur 3 dnml\gc tn dntc •. l under nt'l the country hut yc.'lr ; nnd nlso p~tying 2!l, n r., ~·np. !!0 100,000.00 off £10,000 the rentaiuiug port i<.on uf n -318,30!:!.22 flonting debt thnl for ao mnny ~·e:~rs ."-mouni <>funpnid paralyzed our finnncinl nfi'nirs, their rc- J::lcctiou iliot lllllina C\'ery liability of the Colon• Dobcnt ures for 1870 iuu been liquidated, n s urplus Amount rc-pnyablo to the credit of tho Colony <.of £2-'i,. in yenr I '7 l a, 732. I G 682 10.. 9Cl. · · " 1872 G,603,;W

I may, thercfoN!, with perfect pro· 1~73 31i,i3:f.70 prictv eon~tulatc tho coun!ry on ~he '· " 187·' 20,5-W, 16 lk>UnCl condition of our finnuc~al nlliul'!'. " " 1875 20S,GLG.·i9

I will now b y before tho C'omtnittec " 1 'iO 309.21} a etatemont of too FionnciAl Afi'nin~ of " 18i7 670.00 the Colony for the proaont year, 1871. " 1678 l OO,OoO.OO

•s"'-= .. 1 79 1:>, t 92.oo ..... """'~": " " 1580 800.00

Balance from 1870 £23,692 10 !> •· 1838 50,000.00 :&timntcd A mount of " " 1888 38,910.00

Cuetoma.Duties 16.),000 • o 0 " 1889 84,166.00 Do tie• of Crown T .:mds GSO 0 0 " " 1800 23,076.00

" of revenue 1,500 0 0 " 1~91 19,652.00 " of ltitenQej!, fint'B, .. ,18!>2 lJ,426.SO

£ecs,l&<-. 1,250 0 u

;St02,082 10 .fl