first client meeting (rivers)


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Page 1: First Client Meeting (Rivers)

28th February

Documentary style that is easily understandable (needs to be pitched at an easy language), although it is aimed at adult’s, technical language could mean they lose interest. Legal issues: material: archive footage given to but using maps etc. but can only be used for this, and not for any other reason. Would like to use other things from multiple sources but for that we would need to get permission for copyright. Music: ideally we would find someone make our own if possible, otherwise copyright would have to be sorted. Travel costs paid for if save tickets. The inspiration came from books the agency read onthe lost rivers of London. The environmental agency want the public living and working over the rivers to know about because rivers should be natural and will eventually flood if anything is built above them, so it is better to move buildings away from river. These people will have to live with the effects eventually, but in the meantime they must care for river or it will become problematic. People live over them, you actually own that ground and section of the river, so therefore you have responsibilities to look after it, the environmental support agency can help so get in contact. Melvin would like us to watch rivers with Griff Rhys Jones, as he likes the style and delivery of the film, as well as the way its edited. Key issues for the film: Emphasise the flood risk and how eventually the city centre will be flooded. Possibly use CGI to show this? Maybe look into the flood in 1968 – Bedminster because it is a similar incident to the predictions of what will happen in the future. Follow the path of the river Frome that goes underground, and do vox pops over that path. Path of the FROME through Bristol (reference maps given): Wade street – river starts underground Goes under river street Goes under galleries Castle park – tunnel underneath, leads water to harbour Comes out by lazer quest Goes to Rupert street, that’s where agency goes in and out Under hippodrome, comes out in harbour