finesse middleton comm final project

Into The Future Finesse Middleton

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My final project for COMM 303


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The Umbrella Perspective on Communication Technology Theory

• The Umbrella Perspective requires you to investigate each area of a technology to fully understand that technology. It breaks technology down into parts of an umbrella to explain it.

• The bottom of the umbrella consists of the hardware and software of the technology.

• The middle section of the umbrella is the organizational infrastructure: the group of organizations involved in the production and distribution of the technology.

• The top of the umbrella is the system level, including the political, economic, and media systems, as well as other groups of individuals or organizations serving a common set of functions in society.

• The handle of the umbrella is the individual user. This represents the relationship between the user and the technology.

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The Hologram Phone Call I Believe that the hologram phone call will evolve in 2022. The reason I

believe it will is, it follows the Umbrella Perspective on Communication Technology. My reasons for believing is, as the world and technology has evolved, telegraphs have turned into phone calls and phone calls have turned into facetime call where people can call other people and have a conversation with the other party while seeing them through the phone. At the rate that technology is going, I believe that the next step to a phone call would be making it possible to have a phone call similar to a facetime call but instead of being able to just see their faces on the screen, they will be able to see a 3D image of the person in hologram form. I believe that we have the technology in this day in age to make that possible, which would serve as the bottom of the umbrella in the theory. While the people that come up with innovations to cellular devices are putting in the work to make things of that sort come true will serve as the handle to the umbrella.

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Moore’s Innovation and Adoption Rate Theory

Moore's Innovation Adoption Rate explain that innovations go through a gradual change of being accepted by early adapters, early majority, late majority, and then lastly the stragglers. Adoption can be slow and take time. The adoption rate most often follow a diffusion curve. It can take time for everyone to catch on to the change.

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The Hologram Phone

Just like the hologram phone call, I believe the hologram phone will be very popular and successful in 2022 if not sooner. My reasoning behind this theory is, it is an example of the Moore's Innovation Adoption Rate Theory. In the world we live in today, people are always anxious to see and use new technology for the most part but like anything else that is new to society there will always people that won’t be persuaded as easily as others and there will be some that aren’t open to new ideas and technology. But just like the Moore’s theory, eventually people with come around and accept the new innovations.

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Social Learning Theory/ Social Cognitive Theory

• Social Learning Theory/ Social Cognitive Theory is theory that people can learn by observing others. Learners can acquire new behaviors and knowledge by simply observing a model. It also states that the observer could process the new behavior, but his/her learning may not be affected until a later point or never at all.

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Wrist Phone with Hologram Features

The hologram wrist phone I feel will take off soaring when it hits the markets. I really don’t believe that the vendors will have a problem distributing them. The reason I feel this way is, there are so many venues that companies use to advertise their products such as television commercials and internet ads. With all these ways of getting their products seen by people give them an advantage because the more people that see the ads means the more people that will actually go buy the product. When the people buy the product, that’s when the Social Learning Theory/ Social Cognitive Theory comes in to play because people will witness others with the new technology and will be curious and anxious on how it works and will adapt to the evolution and buy one of their own in the end.

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• Bandura, A. (2001). Understanding Communications Technologies. In Communication Technology Updates and Fundamentals (No ed., Vol. 3, pp. 265-299). Media Psychology.

• Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: Free Press.

• Ball-Rokeach, S.J. (1985). The origins of individual media-system dependency: a sociological framework. Communication Research, 4, 485-510.

• Moore, G. (2001). Crossing the Chasm. New York: Harper Business.