final exam review game biology b

Final Exam Review Game - BIOLOGY B Pass Or Play

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Final Exam Review Game - BIOLOGY B Pass Or Play

2. Which of the following is NOT an organic macromolecule?

  • A: Carbohydrate
  • B: Ice
  • C: Lipid
  • D: Nucleic Acid

3. The pituitary gland (master gland) is..

  • A: 2
  • B: 3
  • C: 6
  • D: 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 4. Non-polar molecules have

  • A: No negative or positive poles
  • B: Both negative and positive poles
  • C: Only a negative pole
  • D: Only a positive pole

5. Which stage is pictured?

  • A: telophase I
  • B: telophase
  • C: telophase II
  • D: anaphase I

6. What is the bone labeled 1?

  • A: sternum
  • B: cranium
  • C: femur
  • D: tibia

3 2 1 4 7. Amino acids are monomers of

  • A: disaccharides
  • B: proteins
  • C: nucleotides
  • D: steroids

8. What is the bone labeled 4?

  • A: clavicle
  • B: humerus
  • C: sternum
  • D: phalange

3 2 1 4 9. The dispersal of ink in a beaker of water is an example of

  • A: diffusion
  • B: osmosis
  • C: active transport
  • D: endocytosis

10. Nucleic Acids include

  • A: Chorophyll and retinol
  • B: DNA and RNA
  • C: a mitochondrion
  • D: glucose and glycogen

11. How many chambers does the human heart have?

  • A: 1
  • B: 2
  • C: 3
  • D: 4

12. Which stage is pictured?

  • A: prophase
  • B: prophase I
  • C: prophase II
  • D: interphase

13. Alveoli in the lungs are connected by the bronchi by a network of tuny tubes called

  • A: arterioles
  • B: venules
  • C: capillaries
  • D: bronchioles

14. The cell uses structure 5 for..

  • A: to transport material from one part of the cell to another
  • B: to package proteins to be stored by the cell
  • C: as a receptor
  • D: to produce energy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15. Testosterone is produced by

  • A: 1
  • B: 2
  • C: 3
  • D: 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 16. Which of the following is a carbohydrate?

  • A: DNA
  • B: insulin
  • C: wax
  • D: sucrose

17. What is the bone labeled 2?

  • A: tibia
  • B: radius
  • C: humerus
  • D: ulna

3 2 1 4 18. Plant cells have large membrane-bound spaces in which water, waste products and nutrients are stored. These are called..

  • A: mitochondria
  • B: chloroplasts
  • C: Golgi apparatus
  • D: vacuole

19. The lower chambers of the heart are called..

  • A: veins
  • B: atria
  • C: vena cava
  • D: ventricles

20. The three types of muscle are..

  • A: skeletal, smooth and cardiac
  • B: skeletal, voluntary and cardiac
  • C: smooth, cardiac and involuntary
  • D: skeletal, cardiac and ridged

21. How many chromosomes are in the BODY cells of an organism that has a haploid number of 8?

  • A: 4
  • B: 8
  • C: 12
  • D: 16

22. Which phase is shown below?

  • A: metaphase I
  • B: metaphase
  • C: metaphase II
  • D: prophase

23. As a result of diffusion, the concentration of many types of substances..

  • A: always remains greater inside the membrane
  • B: eventually becomes balanced on both sides of the membrane
  • C: always remains greater on the outside of the membrane
  • D: becomes imbalanced on both sides of the membrane

24. The sodium-potassium pump usually pumps..

  • A: potassium out of the cell
  • B: sodium into the cell
  • C: potassium into the cell
  • D: only a potassium and sugar molecule together

25. What stage is pictured?

  • A: prophase I
  • B: metaphase I
  • C: metaphase II
  • D: prophase II

26. Which of the following is an example of a prokaryotic cell?

  • A: amoeba
  • B: virus
  • C: bacterium
  • D: liver cell

27. The structure that regulates what enters and leaves the cell is called..

  • A: nucleus
  • B: cell wall
  • C: nuclear membrane
  • D: cell membrane

28. Smooth muscles can be found

  • A: attached to the skeleton
  • B: in the wrist bones
  • C: at the knee joint
  • D: in internal organs

29. The stage of the cell cycle that occupies most of its life is called?

  • A: G1
  • B: M
  • C: G2
  • D: S

30. What three elements are found in organic compounds?

  • A: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
  • B: carbon, hydrogen and neon
  • C: nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen
  • D: nitrogen, chlorine and phosphorus

31. What organelle is labelled 8?

  • A: nucleus
  • B: Golgi apparatus
  • C: mitochondria
  • D: Smooth ER

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 32. Water is a polar molecule because

  • A: it contains two hydrogen atoms for each oxygen atom
  • B: it has a charge
  • C: different parts of the molecule have slightly different charges
  • D: it does not have a charge

33. The organelles in plant cells that contain green pigment are called..?

  • A: mitochondria
  • B: bi-layer lipids
  • C: chloroplasts
  • D: Golgi apparatus

34. The packaging and distribution center of the cell is called the

  • A: nucleus
  • B: Golgi apparatus
  • C: central vacuole
  • D: nuclear envelope

35. The cell pictured is probably an animal cell because.

  • A: it has mitochondria
  • B: it does not have a cell wall
  • C: it has a cell membrane
  • D: it does not have a nucleus

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 36. When crossing over takes place, the chromosomes

  • A: mutate in the first division
  • B: produce new genes
  • C: decrease in number
  • D: exchange corresponding segments of DNA

37. What organelle is labelled 1?

  • A: cell wall
  • B: cell membrane
  • C: cytoplasm
  • D: choloroplast

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 38. A protein disc that attaches two chromatids to each other is called..

  • A: chloroplast
  • B: centromere
  • C: gamete
  • D: centriole

39. Development and maintenance of female sexual characteristics is simulated by secretions from what glands?

  • A: 2
  • B: 6
  • C: 3
  • D: 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 40. The heart and blood vessels are separate organs that form the

  • A: skeletal system
  • B: circulatory system
  • C: reproductive system
  • D: digestive system

41. What organelle is labelled 3?

  • A: nucleolus
  • B: Golgi apparatus
  • C: nucleus
  • D: mitochondria

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 42. Molecules that are too large to be moved across a cell membrane can be removed from the cell by

  • A: diffusion
  • B: exocytosis
  • C: lipid carriers
  • D: osmosis

43. What organelle is labelled 6?

  • A: Rough ER
  • B: Smooth ER
  • C: Golgi apparatus
  • D: chloroplast

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 44. Proteins are made in the cells

  • A: mitochondria
  • B: ribosomes
  • C: nucleus
  • D: cell membrane

45. Urine is stored in the

  • A: ureter
  • B: urethra
  • C: bladder
  • D: intestine

46. What organelle is labelled 5?

  • A: Golgi apparatus
  • B: Rough ER
  • C: Smooth ER
  • D: mitochondria

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 47. Polysaccharides are..

  • A: carbohydrates
  • B: lipids
  • C: proteins
  • D: unsaturated fats

48. Which structure immediately identifies this cell as a eukaryote?

  • A: 1
  • B: 2
  • C: 3
  • D: 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 49. Which phase is shown below?

  • A: interphase
  • B: telophase
  • C: telophase I
  • D: telophase II

50. Which stage is pictured?

  • A: anaphase II
  • B: anaphase I
  • C: anaphase
  • D: telophase

51. Lipids are

  • A: polar molecules
  • B: similar to water molecules
  • C: protein molecules
  • D: non-polar molecules

52. What stage is pictured?

  • A: prophase
  • B: prophase I
  • C: prophase II
  • D: interphase

53. Which stage is pictured?

  • A: metaphase II
  • B: anaphase II
  • C: anaphase I
  • D: telophase I

54. In which of the following organelles is ATP produced?

  • A: mitochondrion
  • B: endoplasmic reticulum
  • C: Golgi apparatus
  • D: lysosome

55. Which stage is pictured?

  • A: metaphase I
  • B: metaphase II
  • C: metaphase III
  • D: metaphase

56. Diffusion takes place.

  • A: Only though a lipid bi-layer membrane
  • B: From an area of low concentration to high concentration
  • C: Only in liquids
  • D: From an area of high concentration to low concentration

57. Which stage is pictured?

  • A: telophase
  • B: telophase I
  • C: telophase II
  • D: anaphase I

58. The gland that produces the hormone insulin is

  • A: 3
  • B: 6
  • C: 4
  • D: 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 59. All of the following are found in both plant and animal cells EXCEPT..

  • A: cell wall
  • B: a cell membrane
  • C: mitochondria
  • D: the endoplasmic reticulum

60. Which of the following does NOT expend energy?

  • A: diffusion
  • B: chemiosmosis
  • C: active transport
  • D: sodium-potassium pump

61. What is the bone labeled 3?

  • A: femur
  • B: humerus
  • C: fibula
  • D: tibia

3 2 1 4 62. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the cell cycle?

  • A: S G1 C M G2
  • B: G1 G2 S M C
  • C: G1 S G2 M C
  • D: C G1 G2 C M

63. A typical human cell has 46 chromosomes. After mitosis and cell division, each of the two cells formed from the original cell

  • A: gets 23 chromosomes
  • B: grows new chromosomes from existing DNA
  • C: gets a complete set of 46 chromosomes
  • D: none of the above

64. The gland in the diagram that is stimulated during emergency situations causing the flight or fight response is

  • A: 1
  • B: 3
  • C: 5
  • D: 6

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