
Disclaimer: This is a satirical presentation

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Disclaimer: This is a satirical presentation


The 20th century is known for many important and meaning full events that changed the face of history forever, from natural disasters, wars, revolutions, to the independence of nations, the birth of new countries and revolutionizing technological discoveries.

However, there was one special event, that took place far from the spotlights, and its significance does not fall from all the rest.This is the rising story of a little man that turned into a big leader in the land of Falafel, and along with his wife – a princess from a far Schnitzel kingdom, they aspire to rule the world.

The rising of a leader and a princess

As a baby, Ofer prominently hung out with globally known personals

It’s hard to figure out where he learned his guide lines

No Pain, No Gain!

But he quickly embraced the moto: No Pain, No Gain!

Ofer was always loved

He had a vision

But Yuval, his big brother, made sure he knew his position in the family

Ofer started embracing eating habits of an emperor

Found a wand that suites a king

Even summoned a court jester

He tended to drive expensive formal vehicles

He understood that the globe can be in his grasp

In order to build his strategy to accomplish this goal, Ofer would stray in the wilderness

He started planning defense scenarios

and his Grandfather taught him how to liberate with a “mighty hand and an outstretched arm”

“Seder night”

From early age, he started polishing his rhetorical skills and practiced giving speeches to the nation

After the speech he used to drink wine to wet his dry throat

And like every king, he had weird caprices of his own

Ofer knew that a good king needs to show affection to his citizens

he always was concerned for the kingdom’s safety and had ears in every corner

Your highness! There is

someone trying to take over the dance floor and even stares at

the ladies…

What?!?!It cannot be!!This leaves me

no choice but to go out there and show him who’s

the king!

“Do not forget who rules the dance floor!!!”

Annually, in honor of his birthday there was the “king’s cake” tournament among all his


Ofer = deer in Hebrew

The victor would be awarded with a personal portrait of the king colored in castor oil colors on a Tigris leather sheet

After reaching maturity, and the kingdom was ruled in stability, Ofer

went on a journey where he was present in many weird experiences, but was always surrounded by his

good friends, that watched his back…

After returning from a cruise with Jack


During this journey Ofer discovered a lot of special skills that he easily


Cooking for example…

A little bit more cooking…

And…some more cooking…

He liked playing drums and discovered musical talents

Learned how to climb on trees

Even tried flying…

Didn’t give up on flying…

And discovered some acting skills…

He learned from the best how to be a seasoned merchant…

After each successful deal, he liked smoking hookah

When closing very successful deals he went wild and smoked a Cigar…


He managed a startup

And learned sorcery crafts from a great local shaman

Distance from his kingdom, didn’t prevent Ofer of showing his excellence

in winning any challenger…

He even dueled the best of all gladiators…

And was victorious…

A rare image that reveals his energy source before each duel

He scouted the edge of the world

Conquered the highest mountain tops

Crossed barren deserts

Slept in caves

Dipped in great waterfalls and rivers

But something was still missing…

He reached satiation from his journey

Then Rafi, his dear father, gave him life changing advice

“Find yourself a woman and

build her a house…”


Ofer took his advice and executed essential preparations

And began his expedition for finding the love of his life…

Meanwhile, in a far kingdom, a little princess was born... She was named Gabrielle

Since she was a child she also established her guide lines for life

She had her unique hobbies

Ice skating for example…

As a princess she learned how to ride noble horses

Had Healthy Royal meals

She also loved going to the nature to find some peace

And she knew that in order to be a good queen she needs to get proper education

After Gabi had it with the Austrian Schnitzel

She left for a big trip to explore and to have her own experiences

She visited different places

Even met Ali Baba…

And she was always surrounded by her best friends…

But eventually, Gabi wanted what every woman wants:

meet the man of her dreams

And in one of the deserted place she visited – land of the Falafel - she met Ofer

At the beginning they were a little bit surprised…

Ofer tried everything to make Gabi Like him… even a total

“Make Over”

And Gabi did the same…

Maybe even got carried away

Finally they found the perfect solution: make Ofer shut up and Gabi hidden

Love began to flourish

The young couple loved traveling together and enjoy the good life

Ofer finally decided that

Gabrielle deserved the Royal Crown

The ring he chose carefully

And today they are a married couple –King and Queen

Important massage:The wedding guests are invited to participate in the “Best Dancer” contest where the luck

winner gets an updated portraits of the royal couple!

Party Time!!!