ffir tngtou tmr - library of congressr tngtou tmr rtlfts ... suppose they say john brown is se...

Showers Ind warmer ts night tomorrow fair pre ceded by showers WANT AD MEDIUM OP WASHINGTON SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBER 8 1904 PRICE ONE CBHT I ffi rtlftS r tngtou tmr NUMBER 3771 WASHINGTON 1 r ¬ + = FOR MUKDEN FIGHT Paris Hears Battle Be tween Oyama and ropatkin Is On KOREAN ADMINISTRATION Japan Reduces Army anti Court Functionaries Re- models Government LOOfDON Oct a aeveral Part pa- per UBs mooting nbetved reports the battle of Mukden bad begun Nothing official has ten from Tientsin states that guns to be rushed to UaoYang from Port Arthur Car rsisar BIRMINGHAM England Oct 8 The Post today asserts that a special emissary from the Kaiser arrived in London conveying to Foreign Secretary Lnsdowne the main points of which has yawed be tween the Kaiser and the Cleat regard- ing the possibilities of the Immediate future of the Far East TOKYO Oct a Japan has amoved for the complete m MUJtH of the Korean government The court functionaries will be Diplomatic representation win in the wadors ese coinage will be substituted The Korean army LOVJ soldiers FALL ON NOVEMBER LONDON Oct 1 The cor- respondent of the Daily JsfaU says that- a Japanese officer from Port Arthur maintains that the Japanese are pad u ilv dosfae to on the fortress r it meat anxious to capture the the Mikados btr MSS II of dead lie uncurled within the fortress and that the hospitals are so full that the wounded are now sent to ships in the harbor The to now stated to number rnly 1M00 elective troops Bamatai TOKYO Oct is reported that has severely damaged tour of the in the l of Port Arthur One of them is said to have been completely wrecked The names of the are not known here SHANGHAI Oct 8 The Japanese have seised off Niuchwajur the British steamer Slshan with cattle and flour BLOCKADE RUNNER SINKS WITH CARGO I BRINGING UP GUNS FROM PORT ARTHUR Ku received 1 A Field Marshal 07aJu ordered U e e ay ee xu be t se for Xwean money will be reduced to Tl tat h N L- It It rrIsoa LIt the fire of the lard to the at Port 4r thur T ihttt The report have ease beeneb- tained haa big Admiaietraje re- duced FORTRESS pct Km dips Japanese batteries war- ships Safes Sppiiss cons ned E uatans ¬ ¬ < ° = SAN FBANCISCO Oct 8 has ben received here by cable of the loss of the freight steamer Mineoia off Kam chatka on September 6 salted from here in July was ed near Tigel Bar and sank with her cargo Alander Ktarkwood and men were rescued by a British gunboat and taken to Hakodate The was owned the Pacific Improvement Company and was chai by Co packers cf this city to carry general merchandise 10 ports and return with She was on return trip laden teal and valuable seal skins when the struck on an anchored rock That the Mineoia escaped capture dur- ing the outward that the blockade maintained the Japanese cruisers and gunboats is lax sup- position U the made a suc trip to Vladivostok with contra hand and was on her way home hugging the shore to avoid being seen wrecked SECOND RUSSIAN ARMY DELAYEDS- T PBTERBBIRQ Oct 8 General Griprabvrg lately appointed by the Czar to the command of the Second Continued on Second Pegs WEATHER REPORT The area of high that has dominated the eastern dis- tricts for the last few days has moved Mtubettstward torn the lower lake re to the and New England Coasts and now forms a ridge A high extending from the east uertn westward to Newfoundland to Minnesota pressure Is still low It to much warmer in the Interior val middle Atlantic States TKMPKRATURE 1 p m 2 p m f 1 p 2 p n a THH WJH Bun sets today rises tomorrow TUMI rmuL Slut Ca t teDt bt JIJn furs with th t l 8ful weathers In idOl The advanced over the Pae1Ac Coast tIe plateau reidoa tBe lake In the 9 a G- I neon C at t M- U m I LoW t AQ1- RI a 7 New b sure Mates western depression has and end m 02 8i DOW TIFKPERATURL- ResW iblltair hitsai lM dw a p n m m 6B Sign t t pt Iow hlb ¬ ¬ ¬ = > PLACED TOO HIGH EXPERTS DECLARE Creditors Fearful They Will Meet With Losses Ml SOHONS OPINION Lawyer Points Out Weak Places in Bankrupt Schedule The qHmajc of the interest in the fail- ure of Thomas K Waggaman JIM MI of Ms assets and liabilities Not only the ag- gregate amount but the details show what has been asserted all along that this is the worst failure in all respects in the history of this city pear from the servant girl with her pitiful savings of WO to the University of America which figures as a creditor to the extent of over a million The question asked by every body is What will be the ultimate loss to all these creditors The Asssti Overestimated The moat conservative Judgment of local financiers and real estate men is that the assets have been largely over- stated by Mr Waggaman perhaps va- cooscloualjr some say War lasts nee the property on Sixteenth tended and the Woodtpy T do not it Is asserted represent at time the money value ascribed to in the list of assets The same may be true of other real estate which figures in that list Per- sons who claim to have knowledge of the Waggaman art gallery and who are recognised as pretty good Judges of the value of paintings and other art treas- ures do not hesitate to declare that no such amount as upward of MOMfS could be reattaed if the collection were forced to a sale Heads Gnat Cart It is agreed on all aides that only the most careful management of the esf will even a fair imirsiitMs of claims against the bankrupt The most importance therefore attaches t t the selection of the trustee by the cred- itors An enormous amount of labor will be involved In the settlement the most del- icate questions of law and fact will have to be decided a single mistake may mean the loss of thousands of dollars to some and of nearly everything to others For this reason some of the largest cred- itors especially the banks that hold Waggamans paper strongly favor the selection not of an individual but a trust company as such trustee honest an individual may be they say the administration of such an estate one man involves elements of uncertain- ty which would be eliminated if it were to the charge of a trust com Suppose they say John Brown is se matter in hand further that after having at- tended to the business for WAGGAMAN ASSETS been rescued by tM of the longexpected In of aU ap Catholic this them o and x dottlttDy publiss hiata the list credgors cloves at No matter skilled cautions ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ or a j whole affair must be over again by his successor and thus not only is valuable tune lost and a settlement de- layed but another complication is added to the many Trust Company Beat On the other hand by the selection of a trust company all this would be ob- viated Suck a concern is ready and equipped for Just such work as would be thrown upon it officials are fa- miliar with the Management and set- tlement of large estates they have the entire machinery nestled in such a they are habitually conservative and their resources are ample to assure all creditors that their interests will not be Jeopardised in any direction- It is safe to assume therefore that at the meeting of creditors to be held the latter of this month the banks represented there will advocate the se- lection of a trust company as trustee in preference to any individual however trustworthy question Is involved in the selection of this trustee As the ease now stands be is to be chosen by the unsecured creditors only If there should be a preferred creditor whose status is changed by action of court setting aside a deed or through some other process and be were thus thrown into the rucks of the unsecured there would arise a new complication one probably not to be disentangled except by ad ditional Jaw suits are likely to be the crop the seed sown by this Amcf Although several of the banks and trust companies of the city figure at creditors in the Slat they either have no individual interest to protect or are- as to feel entirely sate as to the outcome ss far as they are concerned The National sate Deposit Savings and Trust Com panv for instance is in the list as a creditor to the amount cf about 4QOOu but the money is realy owing to some cf its depositors whose notes from Waggaman were simply placed In its hands for collection The American Security and Trust Company also is creditor to a large amount but the sums due it from are indorsed by several solvent persons one of whom would be able to discharge the if In the final the portion al lotted to It is insufficient lag upon the assets attention called to fad that if Waggamans ban real estate were now forced to a Continued on Second Pap Hymas Inshnn CeU f th x w e r ones in innumerable that will spring Creditors so well In other wan fee an beck to the question of a y its Bash secured W tioing sails I si sr led tkseissel tryCeti feisr4s p ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < A MUNICIPAL PUZZLE General JUrrles KB Just Tfis te Catch a Train a4 las Deem ts Tale Bis Own BcSfatw Line Taifs the Am s swrr2 LOTS TO BROTHER Payment of Bond of 13500J- ttieat sf Accused as Wft- asss May Ba K pt Testify CHARLOTTE8VILXJB Oct A By a filed In the corporation desks and this morning ex Mayor J Samuel MeCue who is charged with the murder of his wife conveys to his brother Police Justice E O McCue certain lots in Charlottesville to secure MCUE TRANSFERS cUea CHILDREN OUT OF THE STATE fee recorded Sett Wanted deed ones payment of a bond for 2500 McCue also conveyed to his brother his law library valued a tWM and three bookcases la PxiaaMr IfaaSnitaf The original deed of trust is in the prisoners handwriting The statement that McCue Is not at present allowed to transact business m jail is denied by the Jailer He receives visitors on business at certain hours transacting his law business as if he was at his office Visitors are permitted to enter only when hearing a passport signed by his brother Edward O McCue and counter- signed by the chief attorney Daniel Harmon of Charlottesville Miscues four children are not in West Virginia according to the statement made today They boarded the westbound train with an uncle who stated to the conductor he had arrived at the depot too late to purchase tick- ets He paid the unknown This is taken to mean that M oldest son William an Commonwealth will out of Virginia until after the trial 11 APPLICANTS SEEK STUTLERS POSITION fares to i some place s treat witness ¬ ¬ The District Commissioners announce that they will make a decision next week concerning the charges of malad ministration preferred by Royal Robin son a former street cleaning contractor against Warner Stutler Superintendent of the Street Cleaning Department Already there are said to be two can didates for Stutters place in case the Commissioners render a decision adverse- to the present superintendent These It is understood are Harrison Btidman of New York avid George G Boteler of Georgetown Mr Btidman is a graduate of CorneU University in civil engineering and held high places street cleaning New York He now In technical work for the American Bridge Company No Indications have been given as to what the decision of the Commissioners will be Lat of the Kiafsra Falls Jtxcuni via Railroad leaves train tober M at 8 a m vestlbu Pullman parlor oars Ticket fit ten This excursion at the last opportunity this season to visit the at leas than half the usual U Adr IID deJ JirtlaY coaches p of Pennsylvania ash Ow an good d fords i natters wonders ¬ ¬ ¬ To Publish Statistics Concerning Wars Cost J4 li Pop- laited at Fin Session of International Peace Congress in Boston JtGomrnOECO I 1 < BOSTON Oct 8 The final business aesatoQ of the International Peace Con- gress was held in the Park Street Church this forenoon Tiro Abrataln a Japanese delegate discussed the war spirit which is now rampant to his na tive country Dr M C Hirug a Russian spoke in defense of his country He said that tf England had not stepped In at the close of the RussoTurklsh war in 1119 and told Russia to keep out of there would have been no Eu- ropean Turkey and consequently no Armenian massacres Herbert Furrows of England replied that In his denunciation of Russia yes- terday be made no attack upon the peo- ple of that country but upon the Rus- sian government He said that he knew the officials of Russia were responsible- for the massacres of the Jews and he had documentary evidence which be could publish in this country if neces- sary that prove the Klshenef slaughter was practically at the command of the late Minister Pletve Gangs Free State Quwtwns Dr W Evans Darby of British Peace Society presented 7 resolutions which were adopted calling a re- newed conference of the powers con cerned in the formation of the CooP Free State or upon the court of arbi Constan- tinople upon ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tration at The Hague for in regarding the of the Cos m international law and in what manner the grave ceralng its alleged acttous in the a of of the natives satisfactorily and competently deter SpfcATM sf H ttr lity A resolution was adopted to send to The Hague tribunal the question of In- creasing the sphere of neutrality in ease of war Announcement was made that the next niisttng of the International Congress will be held in Lucerne David Greene Hsskins presented a res- olution that the Berne committee bs re- quested to ask the various patriotic so- cieties to work for peace William lames of Albany presented a resolution recommending that the United States Congress pass a resolution caning the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to publish statistics on the cost of wars to the United States from WOO down to the present tmte tic nt to pensions amount spot for o for property de- stroyed the additional cost time of the to health property and the number of soldiers wounds ar be Belva A Loekwo presented a- uUon that atM for the of the to the peace movement Cost of Wars n paid Peon con may annual Pea recommending are masses Te Publish ce estimated damage and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Governor Garvin Has Hope of Rhode Island Believes That State Go for Parker and Trend Sets In Says Executive Jill Democratic B8OPU8 N Y Oct I Oov F C Garvin of Rhode Island was a visitor at Rosemont today He Had never before met Judge Parker and stopped oK on his way home from the 8t Louis Governor Qsrvin is a candidate for re- election in Rhode Island and Is about to open his campaign Prom him the Presi- dential nominee renewed a complete re port of the situation In that State The Democrats hope to carry the national and State tickets to victory there but count positively upon winning both They think there is a possi- bility of electing a Democratic Legisla- ture and then defeating United States Senator Aldrich whose successor is to be chosen next year We have a hard fight ahead of us all along the line in Rhode Island the governor but there are ex- cellent prospects of victory Therj is Seduced Rats ts Bests Pennsylvania Gen- eral Convention Protestant Episcopal L 1 to Church Tickets October t ties t CoIe4tI aM Hwk 4T Expo- sition Con- gressmen said Seat Ultilf Olte fare phew ri cs r ar Ir off eltanle ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > + widespread dlssatisfaetioa the voters State over the Administra- tions foreign and tariff policy The peo- ple believe we should give the Filipino independence both for their interests and our own and In pursuance of the cherished principles of American gov- ernment ¬ ¬ ¬ They also favor tariff revision and and holding such views aisle come into conflict with the Roosevelt policy These issues are very pregnant- In Rhode Island Coupled with the State issues 1 believe they have engen- dered a sentiment that will mean Demo- cratic victory at the ekction We have a splendidly working or ganisation in the State but we have Republican managers who have hired all available halls in the principal cities and Intend to hold against us Obviously action was taken to vent us from presenting our issues to the people the coup win react We may decide to moss meetings in circus tents On the whole 1 should say Judge Parkers chances of election were ex- cellent The expected Parker trend has already set J I been checkmated to some extent In our I for a campaign the iea6ek JI Ii re- ciprocity speaking such Brown WteW3unats fig Adxli s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AMERICAN WINS AUTO CONTEST G Heath Breaks AH Records in jooMite Race Beats M Clement of Pars by Minute and a Half GEORGE ARENTS JR UPSETS HIS MACHINIST MEETS DEATH Many Accidents Attend Chances of the Race Vanderbilts Car Fails to Start Excitement All Along the Course AUTOMOBILES OF FOUR 9 AT ONS COMPETE IN COifTMST aotrie la todays rue whkk wg- xirkp al at ae MI hew Pope Motor Car Go Pope Motor Oar Go C A Packard M Oe Prank Croliac William Waiiao A G Vaa4arbTO- M Clamant W G Brokaw R B JarrJsa- Paakard 4b Faahrd Lvraaaor- Paaaard Leratwor TTKITMD 8TATJBB Our Dkfrar- S8 a p PofTowm9 JL a WW 41 a PopTokKlQ HH Lgrttto Toormt jr T m j- rMk a Packard Ji Bchmldt nhjLBAM1- TALT Ma a Hat J Bartorl h JO a p RflnaaK- to k p Paaaardf- O h p Panlutrd- QWRMAKY Tarte Nk A 4 ot I DAr TIM trot p Deere JL Po C JIIIDaDt p rite fit p W1qt G k tie t3tabrlei LeT Be BieIttk M h Po S D Jap C G A JI Po 911 h Po r- jl L U 21 u- i kb r 1 i Irpd hr ins ather eager 1MO s M Royal I Altktlieec N L Paris Clesl L Bad l f wA Benin 10 p IRetrisk d Paebard Tttet I w ll 11 rat Dlt e 5 10 t rtaeCSdes W1Rlld- rleador W- tCheer i Mrap- TLaoag i 10 h A < > WESTBURY Oct 8 G Heath won the 300mile A nHrf race today by 1 minute 28 seconds M Clement was snood Heath finished at 1 084S Clement at 1 2013 Heath is an American He drove a ninety horsepower PanbanL Clement is a Frenchman and the youngest contestant in the He drove his own auto an eighty horsepower OernoitBayard The contest in the seventh round became a hot one betreeu G Ruth in his Panhard and Clement in his own car Heath had a lead of ten minutes and fourten seconds at the epl of the seventh round Tire trouble however held him up for five minutes and his lead was cut down TRAVEL AT FAST CUP The spade made by the racers was terrific dement opened up in the eighth round and drove his machine tike mad When he reached Queens he was in the lead AM long distance records were smashed The avenge speed of the leaders was about sixtyfive miles an hour and on the Jericho Wretch the cars swept along at a speed of ninety miles an hour When Heath had completed his repairs he Mt out jp vtooyor lost time When he passed the judges stand there was a moaaqitary teh to mark the flight of the car Heath and percent in on the last thirty miles with dement leading by one minute and fourteen seconds VICTIM OF ACCIDENT DEAD MINEOLA Oct 8 Paul Mussel injured in the overturafttf oi George Arents1 car died shortly before noon Mr Arents it was said at the hospital continues to improve tad Is suffering only from While rounding a curve two miles this side of Quftet oo the Hempstead Road the sixty horsepower Mercedes driven ty Aunts skidded on the rear wheels and overturned Both Arents and his mechanic named Mussel tafowit oat They were taken to Mineoia Hospital Eighteen Automobiles- In TimeKilling Race I tape waif shale types WMTBUltY X Y Oct S Eighteen automobiles driven at express train speed streaked around a course a little over thirty miles In length today for the honor of winning the cup donated by William K Vanderbilt Jr Ten times the pacers biased their way around the course making a total dis tance covered of a little over KB miles in time which held spellbound the 100000 spectators who gathered along the course to roe the contest Mfflienafee Ckanf attnu Four countries are represented in the race the United States Germany France and Italy Added Interest was millionaires drove their own machines They are prank Croker W h sad George Argots Wormser Jr purposed ArtrfMs his oar sheD to the race by the fact that three Wal- e 1 ett Dye way to his Let tin Jaedor cIisu r M4 ¬ > I The race itself wee one I incidents The erowd was la continual state of excitement Long Island never saw Its like and aatomo bjUsts who have attended similar events in Europe say the Urns made In the first few rounds excelled any records heretofore made New Yorks elite hobnobbed with the farmers on the grandstands at West bury Mineoia and other along line What the spectators saw was but a momentary of a machine and sl was over At the starting and lines the officials of the course directed the race over telepnone which circuited the course When was asTird there was a ccy Cur cosaing- U wee hut a e 1 Ift of a cuc tar up the a tiny Reek a the fill I kept wires Car c road plat M14 ltlth wblvrp n and meeting a tlr atui aowtsst a hgsded ehttus w who Late p °

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Page 1: ffir tngtou tmr - Library of Congressr tngtou tmr rtlftS ... Suppose they say John Brown is se matter in hand further that after having at-tended to the business for WAGGAMAN ASSETS

Showers Ind warmer tsnight tomorrow fair preceded by showers




ffi rtlftSr tngtou tmrNUMBER 3771 WASHINGTON






Paris Hears Battle Between Oyama and

ropatkin Is On


Japan Reduces Army antiCourt Functionaries Re-

models Government

LOOfDON Oct a aeveral Part pa-per UBs mooting nbetved reportsthe battle of Mukden bad begun

Nothing official hasten from Tientsin states that

guns to be rushed to UaoYang fromPort Arthur

Car rsisarBIRMINGHAM England Oct 8 ThePost today asserts that a special

emissary from the Kaiser arrived inLondon conveying to ForeignSecretary Lnsdowne the main pointsof which has yawed between the Kaiser and the Cleat regard-ing the possibilities of the Immediatefuture of the Far East

TOKYO Oct a Japan has amovedfor the complete m MUJtH of theKorean government

The court functionaries will beDiplomatic representation win

in thewadors

ese coinage will be substitutedThe Korean armyLOVJ soldiers


LONDON Oct 1 The cor-respondent of the Daily JsfaU says that-a Japanese officer from Port Arthurmaintains that the Japanese are padu ilv dosfae to on the fortressr it meat anxious to capture thethe Mikadosbtr

MSS IIof dead lie uncurled within the fortressand that the hospitals are so full thatthe wounded are now sent to ships inthe harborThe to now stated to numberrnly 1M00 elective troops

BamataiTOKYO Oct is reported that

has severely damaged tour of thein the l of Port Arthur Oneof them is said to have been completelywrecked The names of the arenot known here

SHANGHAI Oct 8 The Japanesehave seised off Niuchwajur the Britishsteamer Slshan with cattle and flour







AField Marshal 07aJu ordered


e e ay



bet se

for Xwean moneywill be reduced to

Tl tat



It It


LItthe fire of the lard

to the at Port 4rthur



The report have easebeeneb-


haa big




pct Km


Japanese batterieswar-


Safes Sppiiss

cons ned E uatans






SAN FBANCISCO Oct 8 hasben received here by cable of the lossof the freight steamer Mineoia off Kamchatka on September 6

salted from here in July wased near Tigel Bar and sank withher cargo Alander Ktarkwood andmen were rescued by aBritish gunboat and taken to HakodateThe was owned the PacificImprovement Company and was chaiby Co packers cfthis city to carry general merchandise

10 ports and return withShe was on return trip ladenteal and valuable seal skins when

the struck on an anchored rockThat the Mineoia escaped capture dur-

ing the outward that theblockade maintained the Japanesecruisers and gunboats is lax sup-position U the made a suc

trip to Vladivostok with contrahand and was on her way home huggingthe shore to avoid being seenwrecked


T PBTERBBIRQ Oct 8 GeneralGriprabvrg lately appointed by theCzar to the command of the Second

Continued on Second Pegs


The area of high that hasdominated the eastern dis-tricts for the last few days has movedMtubettstward torn the lower lake reto the and New EnglandCoasts and now forms a ridge A high

extending from the eastuertn westward to Newfoundland

to Minnesota pressure Is still low

It to much warmer in the Interior valmiddle Atlantic States


1 p m2 p m f

1 p2 p na

THH WJHBun sets today

rises tomorrow


SlutCa t

teDt btJIJn


th tl 8ful

weathers In


The advancedover the Pae1Ac Coast tIe plateaureidoa

tBe lake In the

9 a G-

I neon

C att M-


m ILoW t AQ1-RI a 7




Mateswestern depression has




DOW TIFKPERATURL-ResW iblltair hitsai lM dw

a pn


6BSign t t









Creditors Fearful TheyWill Meet With



Lawyer Points Out WeakPlaces in Bankrupt


The qHmajc of the interest in the fail-ure of Thomas K Waggaman JIM MI

of Msassets and liabilities Not only the ag-gregate amount but the details showwhat has been asserted all along thatthis is the worst failure in all respectsin the history of this city

pear from the servant girl with herpitiful savings of WO to theUniversity of America which figuresas a creditor to the extent of over amillion The question asked by everybody is What will be the ultimate lossto all these creditors

The Asssti OverestimatedThe moat conservative Judgment of

local financiers and real estate men isthat the assets have been largely over-stated by Mr Waggaman perhaps va-cooscloualjr some say War lasts neethe property on Sixteenthtended and the Woodtpy Tdo not it Is asserted represent attime the money value ascribed toin the list of assets

The same may be true of other realestate which figures in that list Per-sons who claim to have knowledge ofthe Waggaman art gallery and who arerecognised as pretty good Judges of thevalue of paintings and other art treas-ures do not hesitate to declare that nosuch amount as upward of MOMfScould be reattaed if the collection wereforced to a sale

Heads Gnat CartIt is agreed on all aides that only the

most careful management of the esfwill even a fair imirsiitMs ofclaims against the bankrupt Themost importance therefore attaches t tthe selection of the trustee by the cred-itors

An enormous amount of labor will beinvolved In the settlement the most del-icate questions of law and fact will haveto be decided a single mistake maymean the loss of thousands of dollars tosome and of nearly everything to othersFor this reason some of the largest cred-itors especially the banks that holdWaggamans paper strongly favor theselection not of an individual but atrust company as such trusteehonest an individual may be they saythe administration of such an estateone man involves elements of uncertain-ty which would be eliminated if it were

to the charge of a trust com

Suppose they say John Brown is sematter in hand

further that after having at-tended to the business for


been rescued by tMof the longexpected

In of aU ap



o and


dottlttDy publisshiata

the list credgors cloves


No matter skilled cautions









or a jwhole affair must be over againby his successor and thus not only isvaluable tune lost and a settlement de-layed but another complication is addedto the many

Trust Company BeatOn the other hand by the selection of

a trust company all this would be ob-

viated Suck a concern is ready andequipped for Just such work as wouldbe thrown upon it officials are fa-

miliar with the Management and set-tlement of large estates they have theentire machinery nestled in such athey are habitually conservative andtheir resources are ample to assure allcreditors that their interests will not beJeopardised in any direction-

It is safe to assume therefore thatat the meeting of creditors to be heldthe latter of this month the banksrepresented there will advocate the se-lection of a trust company as trustee inpreference to any individual howevertrustworthy

question Is involved in theselection of this trustee As the easenow stands be is to be chosen by theunsecured creditors only If there shouldbe a preferred creditor whose status ischanged by action of court settingaside a deed or through some otherprocess and be were thus thrown intothe rucks of the unsecured there wouldarise a new complication one probablynot to be disentangled except by additional Jaw suitsare likely to be the crop

the seed sown bythis

AmcfAlthough several of the banks andtrust companies of the city figure atcreditors in the Slat they either haveno individual interest to protect or are-

as to feelentirely sate as to the outcome ss faras they are concerned The Nationalsate Deposit Savings and Trust Companv for instance is in the list as acreditor to the amount cf about 4QOOubut the money is realy owing to somecf its depositors whose notes fromWaggaman were simply placed Inits hands for collection

The American Security and TrustCompany also is creditor to a largeamount but the sums due it fromare indorsed by severalsolvent persons one of whomwould be able to discharge the ifIn the final the portion allotted to It is insufficient

lag upon the assets attention calledto fad that if Waggamansban real estate were now forced to a

Continued on Second PapHymas Inshnn CeU f th x

w e r



innumerablethat will spring


so well In other wan

fee an

beck to the question of







tioing sailsI

si sr

ledtkseissel tryCeti feisr4s p












A MUNICIPAL PUZZLEGeneral JUrrles KB Just Tfis te Catch a Train a4 las Deem ts Tale Bis Own BcSfatw Line Taifs the Ams



Payment of Bondof 13500J-

ttieat sf Accused as Wft-asss May Ba K pt


CHARLOTTE8VILXJB Oct A By afiled In the corporation desksand this morning ex

Mayor J Samuel MeCue who is chargedwith the murder of his wife conveys tohis brother Police Justice E O McCuecertain lots in Charlottesville to secure






Sett Wanted


payment of a bond for 2500McCue also conveyed to his brother

his law library valued a tWM andthree bookcases

la PxiaaMr IfaaSnitafThe original deed of trust is in the

prisoners handwritingThe statement that McCue Is not at

present allowed to transact business mjail is denied by the Jailer He receivesvisitors on business at certain hourstransacting his law business as if hewas at his office

Visitors are permitted to enter onlywhen hearing a passport signed by hisbrother Edward O McCue and counter-signed by the chief attorney DanielHarmon of Charlottesville

Miscues four children are not in WestVirginia according to thestatement made today They boardedthe westbound train with an uncle whostated to the conductor he had arrivedat the depot too late to purchase tick-ets He paid theunknown

This is taken to mean that Moldest son Williaman Commonwealthwill out of Virginia until afterthe trial



fares to


some places

treat witness



The District Commissioners announcethat they will make a decision nextweek concerning the charges of maladministration preferred by Royal Robinson a former street cleaning contractoragainst Warner Stutler Superintendentof the Street Cleaning Department

Already there are said to be two candidates for Stutters place in case theCommissioners render a decision adverse-to the present superintendent These Itis understood are Harrison Btidman ofNew York avid George G Boteler ofGeorgetown

Mr Btidman is a graduate of CorneUUniversity in civil engineering andheld high places streetcleaning New York Henow In technical work for theAmerican Bridge Company

No Indications have been given as towhat the decision of the Commissionerswill be

Lat of the Kiafsra Falls Jtxcunivia Railroad leaves

traintober M at 8 a m vestlbuPullman parlor oars Ticket fitten This excursion at

the last opportunity this seasonto visit theat leas than half the usual U Adr





Pennsylvaniaash Owangooddfords

i natters wonders




To Publish StatisticsConcerning Wars Cost

J4 li Pop-

laited at Fin Session of InternationalPeace Congress in Boston

JtGomrnOECOI 1


BOSTON Oct 8 The final businessaesatoQ of the International Peace Con-gress was held in the Park StreetChurch this forenoon Tiro Abrataln aJapanese delegate discussed the warspirit which is now rampant to his native country

Dr M C Hirug a Russian spoke indefense of his country He said that tfEngland had not stepped In at theclose of the RussoTurklsh war in 1119

and told Russia to keep out ofthere would have been no Eu-

ropean Turkey and consequently noArmenian massacres

Herbert Furrows of England repliedthat In his denunciation of Russia yes-terday be made no attack upon the peo-

ple of that country but upon the Rus-sian government He said that he knewthe officials of Russia were responsible-for the massacres of the Jews and hehad documentary evidence which becould publish in this country if neces-sary that prove the Klshenef slaughterwas practically at the command of thelate Minister Pletve

Gangs Free State QuwtwnsDr W Evans Darby of British

Peace Society presented 7 resolutionswhich were adopted calling a re-

newed conference of the powers concerned in the formation of the CooPFree State or upon the court of arbi













tration at The Hague for inregarding the of the Cosm international law and

in what manner the graveceralng its alleged acttous in the a

of of the nativessatisfactorily and competently deterSpfcATM sf H ttr lity

A resolution was adopted to send toThe Hague tribunal the question of In-

creasing the sphere of neutrality in easeof war

Announcement was made that the nextniisttng of the International

Congress will be held in LucerneDavid Greene Hsskins presented a res-

olution that the Berne committee bs re-quested to ask the various patriotic so-cieties to work for peace

William lames of Albany presented aresolution recommending that the UnitedStates Congress pass a resolution caning

the Secretary of Commerce andLabor to publish statistics on the costof wars to the United States from WOO

down to the present tmte tic ntto pensions amount spot for

o for property de-stroyed the additional cost

time of theto health property and the

number of soldiers wounds



Belva A Loekwo presented a-uUon that

atM for the of the tothe peace movement

Cost of Wars







recommending aremasses

Te Publish

ce estimateddamage and




Governor Garvin HasHope of Rhode Island

Believes That State Go for Parker andTrend Sets In

Says Executive


DemocraticB8OPU8 N Y Oct I Oov F C

Garvin of Rhode Island was a visitor atRosemont today He Had never beforemet Judge Parker and stopped oK onhis way home from the 8t Louis

Governor Qsrvin is a candidate for re-

election in Rhode Island and Is about toopen his campaign Prom him the Presi-dential nominee renewed a complete report of the situation In that State TheDemocrats hope to carry the nationaland State tickets to victory there butcount positively upon winning both

They think there is a possi-bility of electing a Democratic Legisla-ture and then defeating United StatesSenator Aldrich whose successor is tobe chosen next year

We have a hard fight ahead of usall along the line in Rhode Island

the governor but there are ex-cellent prospects of victory Therj is

Seduced Rats ts BestsPennsylvania Gen-

eral Convention Protestant Episcopal




Church TicketsOctober t

ties t CoIe4tIaM Hwk4T




Seat Ultilf Olte fare phewri

cs r ar Iroff eltanle










widespread dlssatisfaetioa thevoters State over the Administra-tions foreign and tariff policy The peo-ple believe we should give the Filipinoindependence both for their interestsand our own and In pursuance of thecherished principles of American gov-ernment




They also favor tariff revision andand holding such views aisle

come into conflict with the Rooseveltpolicy These issues are very pregnant-In Rhode Island Coupled with theState issues 1 believe they have engen-dered a sentiment that will mean Demo-cratic victory at the ekction

We have a splendidly working organisation in the State but we have

Republican managers who have hiredall available halls in the principal citiesand Intend to hold against usObviously action was taken tovent us from presenting our issues tothe people the coup winreact We may decide to mossmeetings in circus tents

On the whole 1 should say JudgeParkers chances of election were ex-cellent The expected Parker trend hasalready set



been checkmated to some extent In our I

for a campaign the

iea6ek JI





Brown WteW3unats figAdxli








G Heath Breaks AH Records in jooMiteRace Beats M Clement of Pars

by Minute and a Half


Many Accidents Attend Chances of theRace Vanderbilts Car Fails to Start

Excitement All Along the Course


aotrie la todays rue whkk wg-xirkp al at ae MI hew

Pope Motor Car GoPope Motor Oar GoC APackard M OePrank Croliac

William WaiiaoA G Vaa4arbTO-

M ClamantW G BrokawR B JarrJsa-Paakard 4b

Faahrd Lvraaaor-Paaaard Leratwor


S8 a p PofTowm9 JL a WW41 a PopTokKlQ H H Lgrttto

Toormt jr T m j-rMk a Packard Ji BchmldtnhjLBAM1-


Ma a Hat J Bartorl

hJO a p RflnaaK-

to k p Paaaardf-

O h p Panlutrd-QWRMAKY


Nk A


ot I



Deere JL Po



p rite fitp W1qt

Gk tie t3tabrlei

LeT Be BieIttkM h Po

S D JapC G A JI Po

911 h Po r-

jl L U 21 u-i kb



i Irpd hr ins athereager 1MO s

M Royal I



Paris Clesl L Bad l fwA Benin

10 p IRetrisk

d Paebard TttetI w

ll 11 ratDlt e 5 10

t rtaeCSdes W1Rlld-rleador W-tCheer i Mrap-

TLaoagi 10 h A



WESTBURY Oct 8 G Heath won the 300mile A nHrfrace today by 1 minute 28 seconds M Clement was snood

Heath finished at 1 084S Clement at 1 2013Heath is an American He drove a ninety horsepower PanbanL

Clement is a Frenchman and the youngest contestant in the Hedrove his own auto an eighty horsepower OernoitBayard

The contest in the seventh round became a hot one betreeu GRuth in his Panhard and Clement in his own car

Heath had a lead of ten minutes and fourten seconds at the epl ofthe seventh round Tire trouble however held him up for five minutesand his lead was cut down

TRAVEL AT FAST CUPThe spade made by the racers was terrificdement opened up in the eighth round and drove his machine tike

mad When he reached Queens he was in the leadAM long distance records were smashed The avenge speed of the

leaders was about sixtyfive miles an hour and on the Jericho Wretchthe cars swept along at a speed of ninety miles an hour

When Heath had completed his repairs he Mt out jp vtooyor losttime When he passed the judges stand there was a moaaqitary teh tomark the flight of the car

Heath and percent in on the last thirty miles with dementleading by one minute and fourteen seconds


MINEOLA Oct 8 Paul Mussel injured in the overturafttf oiGeorge Arents1 car died shortly before noon

Mr Arents it was said at the hospital continues to improve tad Issuffering only from

While rounding a curve two miles this side of Quftet oo theHempstead Road the sixty horsepower Mercedes driven ty Auntsskidded on the rear wheels and overturned

Both Arents and his mechanic named Mussel tafowit oatThey were taken to Mineoia Hospital

Eighteen Automobiles-In TimeKilling Race






WMTBUltY X Y Oct S Eighteenautomobiles driven at express trainspeed streaked around a course a littleover thirty miles In length today forthe honor of winning the cup donatedby William K Vanderbilt Jr

Ten times the pacers biased their wayaround the course making a total distance covered of a little over KB milesin time which held spellbound the100000 spectators who gathered along thecourse to roe the contest

Mfflienafee Ckanf attnuFour countries are represented in the

race the United States GermanyFrance and Italy Added Interest was

millionaires drove their own machinesThey are prank Croker W

h sad George ArgotsWormser Jr purposed ArtrfMs his oar

sheD to the race by the fact that three


1 ett Dye way to his Let


cIisu r M4



I The race itself wee oneI incidents The erowd was lacontinual state of excitement LongIsland never saw Its like and aatomobjUsts who have attended similar eventsin Europe say the Urns made In thefirst few rounds excelled any recordsheretofore made

New Yorks elite hobnobbed with thefarmers on the grandstands at Westbury Mineoia and other along

line What the spectators saw wasbut a momentary of a machineand sl was over

At the starting and lines theofficials of the course directed the raceover telepnone which circuited thecourse

Whenwas asTird there was a ccy

Cur cosaing-U wee hut a

e 1 Ift ofa

cuctar up the a tiny Reek





Car croad

plat M14 ltlthwblvrp n and meeting a tlr atuiaowtsst a hgsded ehttusw who Late

