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Description of the magnetic materias of the mantle


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    id, S

    e Institut de Minralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condenss, Paris, 75005, FranceCedex 05, France

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Received 30 June 2013Received in revised form 24 December 2013Accepted 4 January 2014Available online xxxx

    a large variability (Msa factor of ~40. The

    noliths from Western

    Tectonophysics xxx (2014) xxxxxx

    TECTO-126166; No of Pages 12

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect


    .e lview for eight major reasons and explain why this paradigm may notapply globally. Of the 400 xenoliths measured by Wasilewski and co-workers, magnetic remanence is available for 131 specimens only.

    for only 11 samples. This small dataset showsranges over 3 orders of magnitude, and K byexisting dataset is also overrepresented by xe1. Introduction

    A common assumption underlying the inversion of longwavelengthmagnetic anomalies (LWMA) is that the mantle does not contribute(Warner and Wasilewski, 1995; Wasilewski, 1987; Wasilewski andMayhew, 1992; Wasilewski et al., 1979). Here, we challenge this

    display macroscopically visible alteration (e.g., #110597; Wasilewskiet al., 1979) and approximately twenty percent show contaminationby host basalt (e.g., #ANT50; Warner and Wasilewski, 1995). Of the26 remaining unaltered anduncontaminated samples, surprisingly littlerock magnetic data is reported. Saturation magnetization (Ms) was re-ported for 22 samples, while magnetic susceptibility (K) was reportedThis Wasilewski collection includes garnet pi.e., mantle rocks that would not be cold enoremanence at mantle depths. Thirty percent otion consists of volumetrically minor compomantle such aswehrlites. Among the remainin

    Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (E.C. Ferr).

    0040-1951/$ see front matter 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rihttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.004

    Please cite this article as: Ferr, E.C., et al., Edx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.0048. Themagnetic properties ofmantle xenoliths vary consistently across tectonic settings. In conclusion, themodelof a uniformly non-magnetic mantle should be revisited.

    2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords:MantleXenolithMagnetizationMagnetic anomalyMagnetiteNRMa b s t r a c t

    Wasilewski et al. (1979) concluded that nomagnetic remanence existed in the uppermost mantle and that evenif present, such sources would be at temperatures too high to contribute to longwavelengthmagnetic anomalies(LWMA).However, new collections of unalteredmantle xenoliths indicate that the uppermostmantle could con-tain ferromagneticminerals. 1. The analysis of some LWMAover cratons and forearcs suggestmagnetic sources inthe uppermost mantle. 2. The most common ferromagnetic phase in the uppermost mantle is stoichiometricmagnetite. Assuming a 30 km-thick crust, and crustal and mantle geotherms of 15 C/km and 5 C/km, respec-tively, the 600 C Curie temperature implies a 30 km-thick layer of mantle. 3. The uppermost mantle is coolerthan 600 C in Archean and Proterozoic shields (N350 C), subduction zones (N300 C) and old oceanic basins(N250 C). 4. Recently investigated sets of unaltered mantle xenoliths contain pure magnetite inclusions in oliv-ine and pyroxene formed in equilibrium with the host silicate. 5. The ascent of mantle xenoliths occurs in lessthan a day. Diffusion rates in olivine suggest that the growth of magnetite possible within this time frame cannotaccount for the size and distribution of magnetite particles in our samples. 6. Demagnetization of natural rema-nent magnetization (NRM) of unaltered mantle xenoliths unambiguously indicates only a single component ac-quired upon cooling at the Earth's surface. This is most easily explained as a thermoremanent magnetizationacquired by pre-existing ferromagnetic minerals as xenoliths cool rapidly at the Earth's surface from magmatictemperatures, acquired during ascent. 7. Modern experimental data suggest that the wstitemagnetite oxygenbuffer and the fayalitemagnetitequartz oxygen buffer extend several tens of kmwithin the uppermost mantle.f Gosciences Montpellier, UMR CNRS-UM2 5243/Universit Montpellier II, 34095 MontpellierEight good reasons why the uppermost m

    Eric C. Ferr a,, Sarah A. Friedman a, Fatma Martn-HeDmitri A. Ionov f, James A. Conder a

    a Department of Geology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901-4324, USAb Department of Geophysics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid 28040, Spainc Instituto de Geociencias IGEO (UCM-CSIC), Fac. CC. Fsicas, Av. Complutense s/n, 28040 Madrd Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

    j ourna l homepage: wwweridotites and eclogites,ugh to carry a magneticf the Wasilewski collec-nents of the lithosphericg samples, thirty percent

    ghts reserved.

    ight good reasons why the utle could be magnetic

    ndez b,c, Joshua M. Feinberg d, Jessica L. Till e,



    sev ie r .com/ locate / tectoUSA (~40%). Some of the specimens show microstructural evidence ofincipient partial melting at olivinechromite grain boundaries (Warnerand Wasilewski, 1995). Finally, the depth and temperature of equilibra-tion associated with each xenolith remain unknown. Wasilewski et al.concluded that 1) magnetite constitutes the main magnetic remanencecarrier, although a few xenoliths host pyrrhotite and/or native iron and2) the lithospheric mantle is too weakly magnetic and too hot to contrib-ute to magnetic anomalies.

    ppermost mantle could be magnetic, Tectonophysics (2014), http://

  • 2. Reason 1. Mantle contribution to LWMA deduced fromsatellite data

    magnetite and ilmenite, may form in olivine and pyroxene at mantleconditions (e.g., Sen and Jones, 1988), during xenolith ascent, or by acombination of crack healing and metasomatism (Drury and vanRoermund, 1989; Hervig, 1989; Neal et al., 2001). Also, xenoliths may

    Fig. 1. The analysis of magnetic anomalies suggests the presence of magnetic sources inthe upper mantle over both continental and oceanic areas such as: A. The Bangui anomalyin the Central African Craton (Kochemasov and Chuprov, 1990; Ouabego et al., 2013) andtheAmsaga anomaly in theWest African craton (Hemant andMaus, 2005a, 2005b); B. TheCascadia subduction zone (Blakely et al., 2005); and C. Domains of serpentinized oceaniclithosphere (Dyment et al., 1997).

    2 E.C. Ferr et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2014) xxxxxxThe origin of LWMA has long been debated (e.g., Dunlop et al.,2010; McEnroe and Brown, 2000; Shive, 1989). For some (e.g., Shive,1989; Williams et al., 1985), and the magnetizations measuredin lower crust rocks are too weak to account for the observedmagnetic anomalies. This missing magnetization stimulated a questfor strongly magnetized lower crust rocks. For others, there is no miss-ingmagnetizationwhenmagnetizationsmeasured from rocks are prop-erly reconciledwithmagnetization computed frommagnetic anomalies(e.g., Ravat, 2012).

    We propose an alternative hypothesis that additional magnetizationcould, in some regions, reside in the lithospheric mantle. If this is true,then deep crustal rocks do not need to be as stronglymagnetized as pre-viously thought and the Moho should not be considered an absolutemagnetic boundary. Up to now this idea has been rejected based onthe conclusions of Wasilewski et al. (1979) and Wasilewski andMayhew (1992) that mantle rocks are too weakly magnetic and toohot to contribute to LWMA. This view, however, is increasingly atodds with a growing number of studies suggesting that the source ofsome LWMA lies in the lithosphericmantle (Fig. 1): for example, in oce-anic basins such as the Ligurian Sea (Chiozzi et al., 2005), the CaribbeanSea (Arnaiz-Rodriguez and Orihuela, 2013; Counil et al., 1989; Guevaraet al., 2013), in the forearcmantle such as the Cascadia arc (Blakely et al.,2005; Bostock et al., 2002) and other oceanic regions (Arkani-Hamed,1993; Arkani-Hamed and Strangway, 1986, 1987; Bronner et al., 2011;Dyment et al., 1997; Harrison and Carle, 1981; Popov et al., 2011;Ravat et al., 2011). In several cold geotherm areas, such as the Amsagabelt in the West Africa Craton or the Bangui region in the CentralAfrica Craton, magnetization may extend into the lithospheric mantle(Hemant and Maus, 2005a, 2005b; Kochemasov and Chuprov, 1990).Overall, mantle contributions to magnetic anomalies, at least in someregions, are acknowledged to be likely (e.g., Purucker and Clark, 2011;Thbault et al., 2010). In addition, the European Space Agency plans tolaunch in November 2013 the Swarm constellation of three satelliteswith the objective of resolving the lithospheric magnetic eld with anunprecedented accuracy (Maus et al., 2006). This mission will bridgethe spectral gap between satellite and airborne/marine magneticsurveys, making this proposal highly relevant to understanding themagnetic contribution of the lithospheric mantle to the overall magneticsignature observed from orbit.

    3. Reason 2. Magnetic minerals in upper mantle rocks

    The upper mantle consists mainly of lherzolites, harzburgitesand dunites, and accessorily of pyroxenites, wehrlites and eclogites(e.g., Jackson, 1998).In continental areas, the lithospheric mantle(consisting of plagioclase- and spinel-peridotites) is below the Curietemperature (Tc)1 and can contribute to magnetic anomalies, whereasgarnet-lherzolites, present at greater depths, are too hot to carry amagnetic remanence.Mantle peridotites are found at the Earth's surfaceeither as ophiolite (e.g., Nicolas, 1986), as Alpine-type peridotites(e.g., Liou et al., 2007), or as xenoliths (e.g., Nixon, 1987). Exposedman-tle rocks alter through serpentinization, a process that forms abundantmagnetite (e.g., Alt and Shanks, 2003; Borradaile and Lagroix, 2001;Frost et al., 2013; Toft et al., 1990). Even weakly altered massifs areserpentinized (Christensen, 1971; Ferr et al., 2005; Le Roux et al.,2007).

    Mantle xenoliths, due to their rapid ascent, provide themost pristinesamples of the lithospheric mantle (Carlson, 2007; Haggerty andSautter, 1990; Nixon, 1987). Inclusions of iron-rich phases, such as

    1 The temperature above which ferromagnetic minerals lose their magnetic ordering

    and become paramagnetic.

    Please cite this article as: Ferr, E.C., et al., Eight good reasons why the udx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.004be contaminated by the host magma during ascent by grain boundary

    ppermost mantle could be magnetic, Tectonophysics (2014), http://

  • percolation. Finally, supergene alteration can form hematite or serpen-tine along grain boundaries. If care is taken when selecting samples,many of these secondary effects can be avoided. Thus, if mantlexenoliths can be shown to be relatively unaffected by these processes,they represent the best available samples to examine upper mantlemagnetic mineralogy.

    It is critical to this study to discern primary mineral assemblagesformed in equilibrium at mantle depth from secondary assemblagesformed during ascent, emplacement and subsequent alteration. Weexamine mantle xenoliths from the serpentinized cratonic mantle(Facer et al., 2009) and from the forearc mantle (Kamchatka samples).

    Magnetic anomalies arise from variations in induced and remanentmagnetizations held by adjacent rocks. The induced magnetization ofa rock is the sum of the magnetizations of its minerals. The inducedmagnetization of a mineral is proportional to the mineral's magneticsusceptibility (K) and to the applied eld. Table 1 summarizes themag-netic susceptibility at 300 K (K300 K) and saturation magnetization (Ms)of commonmantleminerals. Silicateminerals, such as olivine, pyroxeneand garnet, are abundant in the upper mantle, however the remanentmagnetization of a peridotite arises from minor phases such as Fe-oxides, FeNi-alloys and some Fe-suldes that show ferromagnetic be-havior. Ferromagnetic minerals carry a spontaneous magnetizationbelow Tc, and even when present at the trace concentrations, thesephases have profound effects on a rock's magnetization. The presenceand concentration of ferromagnetic minerals in mantle rocks are atpresent relatively unknown.

    Several magnetic minerals may inuence the magnetization of theupper mantle. Cr-spinels are common in upper mantle peridotites (e.g.,Haggerty, 1995; Irvine, 1965, 1967). Chromite, often cited as a rema-nent phase, often owes its magnetization to magnetite inclusions(e.g., Kdziako-Hofmokl et al., 2008; Rais et al., 1997, 2003; Thompsonand Robinson, 1975). In fact, pure chromite is paramagnetic above 70 K

    (Derbyshire and Yearian, 1958; Gattacceca et al., 2011). Cr-spinel is ferri-magnetic only if Al + Mg b 0.2 and Fe N 0.3 (Yu and Tikoff, 2010;Ziemniak and Castelli, 2003), compositions that are uncommon inmantleperidotites. Also, ferrimagnetic Cr-spinels show a lower Curie tempera-ture than that of magnetite, further reducing their potential contributionto remanent magnetization of mantle rocks. Our preliminary results(Section 4) show that, even in the Montferrier specimens that host600 ppm of sulfur (Alard et al., 2011), the contribution of pyrrhotite andmonosulde solid solution to magnetic remanence is always negligiblecompared to that of magnetite. In addition, the low Tc (593 K) and lowconcentration of pyrrhotite prevents it from being a major contributorto magnetic remanence. FeNi alloys, such as awaruite, are stable only invery reduced conditions, FMQ6 or7, typically in serpentinized ultra-mac rocks (Frost, 1985). The potential contribution of these alloys tomagnetic remanence, despite their high Tc, ought to be negligible becausethese phases are rare and occur only in trace amounts. Our preliminaryresults further suggest that magnetite occurs systematically, albeit invariable amounts, and dominates the remanent magnetization of mantlexenoliths.

    Pure (stoichiometric) magnetite has been reported in mantlexenoliths in several studies (e.g., Callahan, 2009; Ferr et al., 2013;Warner and Wasilewski, 1995; Wasilewski and Mayhew, 1992;Wasilewski et al., 1979). The origin of this magnetite (Fig. 2) is crucialto the evaluation of the magnetic properties of the lithospheric mantle,as it has to be demonstrated that it formed under mantle conditions. Ingeneral, Cr-rich spinel occurs as a primary phase in mantle peridotitesformed at mantle depths (e.g., Ballhaus et al., 1991; Barnes, 2001;Ionov, 2010; Ionov et al., 2010). As the Cr content of spinel increases,it is stabilized at increasing depths in the mantle and coexists with gar-net (MacGregor, 1970, 1974; Neal andNixon, 1985). In contrast,magne-tite generally forms as a secondary phase (Hwang et al., 2008; Janeckyand Seyfried, 1986; Nazarova, 1994; Toft et al., 1990; Zhang et al.,








    meSI] de is t

    3E.C. Ferr et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2014) xxxxxxTable 1Magnetic properties of selected minerals in mantle peridotites.

    Mineral Formula Magnetic ordat 300 K

    Plagioclase (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 DiamagneticOlivines Forsterite Mg2SiO4 Diamagnetic

    Fayalite Fe2SiO4 ParamagnetiOlivine Fo92 (Fe0.08, Mg0.92)2 SiO4 Paramagneti

    Pyroxenes Enstatite Mg2Si2O6 DiamagneticDiopside CaMgSi2O6 DiamagneticClinoenstatite Mg2Si2O6 DiamagneticFerrosilite Fe2Si2O6 ParamagnetiClinoferrosilite Fe2Si2O6 ParamagnetiHedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 ParamagnetiOrthopyroxene (Fex, Mg2 x)Si2O6 ParamagnetiClinopyroxene (Fex, Mg2 (x + y), Cay)Si2O6 Paramagneti

    Fe-rich minerals Ilmenite FeTiO3 AntiferromaUlvspinel Fe2TiO4 AntiferromaChromite (magnetite) (Fe3 xCrx)O4 Ferrimagnet

    Pure chromite FeCr2O4 Ferrimagnet

    Pure magnetite Fe3O4 FerrimagnetTitanomagnetite (Fe3 xTix)O4 FerrimagnetMaghemite Fe2O3 FerrimagnetPyrrhotite Fe7S8 Ferrimagnet

    Native iron Fe FerrimagnetJosephinite FeNi3 FerrimagnetWairauite CoFe FerrimagnetGarnet (Fe,Mg)3Al2(SiO4)3 Paramagneti

    Serpentine ((Mg, Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4) Paramagneti

    Median of paramagnetic susceptibility of 26 crystals of crysotile, lizardite, & antigorite 3.2 [SI] for Fe7S8 & 0.17 for Fe9S10; Dunlop and zdemir (2009). 49 103 to 0.34 [

    Monoclinic pyrrohotite has a Curie temperature less than 623 K & hexagonal pyrrhotit

    compositions become metastable above 523 K, therefore the Fe(1 x)S phases should all

    Please cite this article as: Ferr, E.C., et al., Eight good reasons why the udx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.004K300 K [SI] Ms Am2/kg Curie TKelvin


    16 106 Bleil and Peterson (1982)2.2 106 Belley et al. (2009)4831 106 Belley et al. (2009)517 106 Belley et al. (2009)2.2 106 Calculation based on Syono (1960)2.2 106 Calculation based on Syono (1960)2.2 106 Calculation based on Syono (1960)2834 106 Calculation based on Syono (1960)2834 106 Calculation based on Syono (1960)1499 106 Calculation based on Syono (1960)322 106 Average of 77 Opx chemical analyses166 106 Average of 78 Cpx chemical analyses

    ic 4.75.2 103 40 Dunlop and zdemir (2009)ic 4.8 103 120 Dunlop and zdemir (2009)

    0.0 3.0 092 70853 Tarling and Hrouda (1993),Gattacceca et al. (2011)

    530 106 16 70 Dahlin and Rule (1993),Gattacceca et al. (2011)

    3.0 92 853 Dunlop and zdemir (1997)0.130.62 092 120853 Dunlop and zdemir (2009)2.02.5 74 953 Dunlop and zdemir (1997)3.249 103 17 593 Dekkers (1988), Dunlop and

    zdemir (2009)3.9 218 1038 Dunlop and zdemir (2009)N1.0 120 883 Wasilewski (1988)N1.0 235 1241 Moskowitz (1991)398 106 Average of 112 chemical analyses

    (pyrope)37 106 Median of 26 single crystals

    asured at 1.7 T (to remove contribution of ferrimagnetic inclusions).epending on grain size (Dekkers, 1988).hermally unstable with a lambda transition centered at 523 K. All ferrimagnetic pyrrhotite

    be non magnetic at mantle temperatures.

    ppermost mantle could be magnetic, Tectonophysics (2014), http://

  • 4 E.C. Ferr et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2014) xxxxxx1999) resulting from interaction with oxidizing uids or melts throughone or more magnetization processes (Section 7).

    4. Reason 3. Temperature of the uppermost mantle in coldgeotherm regions

    Temperature distribution in the lithosphere (Fig. 3) can be evaluatedby i) the pressuretemperature of equilibration of mantle xenolith suites(e.g., Goncharov et al., 2012); ii) surface heat ow measurements,iii) magnetization contrasts inferred from satellite magnetic data (e.g.,Manea et al., 2012), and iv) spectral magnetic depth determination of

    Fig. 2. Scanning electronmicroscope images of thin sections of a harzburgite xenolith fromAvacha andesitic volcano, Kamchatka island arc (Ferr et al., 2013). A. The rock is free ofpost-eruptive alteration along grain boundaries. Olivine (Ol) grains host 200 nm 500 nm, needle-shaped magnetite (Mag) inclusions adjacent to orthopyroxene (En)lamellae. B. Elongate magnetite inclusions display a lattice-controlled orientation withinolivine. C. Magnetite platelets or needles 10 to 20 m in length occur within primaryolivine.

    Please cite this article as: Ferr, E.C., et al., Eight good reasons why the udx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.004near-surface magnetic data. The xenolith-based approach, howeverdoes not inform about it on the current geotherm present in the regionof origin of the xenoliths (e.g., Kobussen et al., 2008). The other ap-proaches, combined with seismic data, have yielded realistic modelsfor the thermal state of oceanic and continental lithospheres (e.g.,Abercrombie and Ekstrm, 2001; McKenzie et al., 2005). Clearly, partsof the lithospheric mantle can be cooler than the pressure-correctedCurie temperature of magnetite (b600 C), for example, in cratonicinteriors (e.g.; Batumike et al., 2009; Blackwell et al., 2011; Goncharovet al., 2012; Grifn et al., 2011; Jones et al., 2003), subduction zones(e.g., Bostock et al., 2002; Ernst, 1988; Liou, 1999; Tsujimori et al.,2006), and old oceanic lithosphere (e.g., Ildefonse, 2010). The geother-mal gradient in the continental crust varies greatly with the age of thecrustwhile the geothermal gradient in the uppermantle is less variable.

    5. Reason 4. Magnetic properties of fresh mantle xenoliths

    All xenolith specimens producemajor hysteresis loops demonstratingthe presence of at least one ferromagnetic sensu lato phase (Ferr et al.,2013; Friedman, 2011). This ferromagnetic contribution varies between1 and 70% of the bulk magnetic susceptibility with an average of 21%(Ferr et al., 2013; Supplementary Data).

    Some minerals, occasionally reported as carrying magneticremanence, actually do not. For example, Cr-rich spinel behavesferromagnetically only within a specic compositional range(Schmidbauer, 1983), and in thesemantle xenoliths, previous petrolog-ical studies have shown that the iron content of Cr-rich spinel is too lowto carry a magnetic remanence. Ironnickel suldes, such as pentland-ite, cannot contribute to remanence because they are paramagnetic at

    Fig. 3. The uppermost mantle can be signicantly cooler than 600 C in tectonic settingssuch as: A. ArcheanProterozoic shields, N350 C (Davies andDavies, 2010); B. Old oceanicbasins, N250 C (McKenzie et al., 2005); and C. Subduction zones, N300 C (Manea et al.,2012).

    ppermost mantle could be magnetic, Tectonophysics (2014), http://

  • oxidation event responsible for magnetite exsolution to a 700800 Cmetasomatic uid. The exsolved magnetite observed in this studyoccurs within primary silicates, away from serpentine veins, and is

    Fig. 4.Natural remanentmagnetization (NRMinAm1) versus total low-eldmagnetic sus-ceptibility (Km, dimensionless in SI units) of peridotite xenoliths (details in Appendix A;full dataset in Supplemetary data). Koenigsberger ratio, Qn = NRM/KmH where H: localgeomagnetic eld intensity = 40 Am1. Each suite shows a relatively narrow range of

    Fig. 5. The ascent ofmantle xenoliths in volcanic conduits through cratons and subductionzones occurs typically in less than a day (Table 2). Our numerical models show that mag-netite should not grow to sizes as large as those observed in the samples within this time

    5E.C. Ferr et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2014) xxxxxxand above room temperature (Knop et al., 1976). The lack of apyrrhotite transition around 3034 K (Rochette et al., 1990) in low-temperature (LT) magnetic experiments, even in the Massif Centralspecimens, which have the highest sulfur content in mantle peridotites(600 ppm; Alard et al., 2011), shows that the contribution of pyrrho-tite to remanence is negligible. Finally, we nd no evidence for FeNi al-loys using either electron microscopy or rock magnetic measurements.

    Pure magnetite is the ferromagnetic mineral most commonlyobserved in mantle xenoliths. In measurements of room temperaturesaturation isothermal remanent magnetization (RT-SIRM) on coolingfrom 300 K to 10 K, xenoliths from Hawai'i, Massif Central, Kamchatkaand Siberia showed M/T maxima at 120125 K (Ferr et al., 2013),which corresponds to the Verwey transition of pure magnetite (e.g.,Walz, 2002). This data, along with the electron microscopy results andalternating eld demagnetization spectra of NRM (SupplementaryData), indicate that magnetite constitutes the dominant NRM carrier.The xenoliths' hysteresis properties (Ferr et al., 2013) are consistentwith pseudo-single domain (PSD) to single domain (SD) grain sizesfor this magnetite. Two samples from the Siberian craton (U503 andU504) also displayed clear pyrrhotite transitions around 3034 K inthe low temperature cycling experiments. The magnetic propertiesof mantle xenoliths from the United States interior are described inFriedman et al. (this issue). Thus, although magnetite may be the mostfrequently observed ferromagnetic mineral in mantle xenoliths, pyrrho-tite may also occur on a less frequent basis. However, its comparativelylow Curie temperature of 320 C makes it unlikely that pyrrhotite cancontribute to either an induced or remanent magnetization in the litho-spheric mantle.

    6. Reason 5. Ascent of mantle xenoliths and implications formagnetic assemblages

    In mantle peridotites, magnetite is commonly thought to form as asecondary phase through serpentinization at various depths: in theman-tle (e.g., Facer et al., 2009), at intermediate depths (e.g., Deschamps et al.,2010), or near the surface (e.g., Malvoisin et al., 2012; Toft et al., 1990).However, in this study we argue that magnetite can form via diffusiveexsolution at mantle depths within both olivine and pyroxene, or alongprimary silicate grain boundaries (Figs. 2; 5). Our strongest evidence forsuch a claim are magnetite inclusions exsolved in olivine (and frequentlyassociated with orthopyroxene) in xenoliths from Kamchatka. Theseinclusions are similar to those described by Markl et al. (2001), whoproposed a formational mechanism associated with a late stage rise infO2 conditions. Indeed, spinel grains in the Kamchatka xenoliths showan increase in Fe3+ from core to rim, consistent with an increase in fO2due to exposure to late-stage, subduction-related uids (Goncharovet al., 2012; Ionov, 2010). Such oxidizing uids can be present at mantledepths and may explain the magnetite observed in the other xenolithsuites. In the Hawai'i xenoliths, a portion of the magnetite grains are spa-tially associated with amphibole lamellae, in striking similarity with theinclusions described in gabbroic olivines altered at high temperature byoceanic hydrous uids (Puga et al., 1999). Similarly, in the Massif Centralxenoliths, the amphibole lamellae exsolved along crystallographicplanes within the host diopside suggests the availability of H2O duringexsolution. Our sample selection criteria exclude almost all cases of xe-nolith serpentinization, but when rare serpentine veins were observed,they do not host magnetite or metal alloys, but only non-ferromagneticnickel suldes.

    The magnetite exsolution observed in this study is thought to occurduring oxidation, at temperatures higher than600 C, and has beenpre-viously studied in pyroxene (e.g., Fleet et al., 1980; Schlinger andVeblen, 1989) and in olivine (Franz and Wirth, 2000; Kohlstedt et al.,1976; Markl et al., 2001; Putnis, 1979). In olivine, these exsolved grainstend to display both needle-like and dendriticmorphologies and displayhigh coercivities (Brewster and O'Reilly, 1988). In mantle xenoliths

    from a seamount, Franz and Wirth (2000) attributed the olivine

    Please cite this article as: Ferr, E.C., et al., Eight good reasons why the udx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.004magnetic susceptibilities and a broad range of NRM values (see also Friedman et al., thisvolume).frame.

    ppermost mantle could be magnetic, Tectonophysics (2014), http://

  • consistent with formation at mantle depths or during the initial stagesof ascent.

    External oxidation of olivine proceeds by diffusion of Fe to grainsurfaces or high-energy sites such as subgrain boundaries or disloca-tions, with the O and Si remaining relatively immobile in the olivinelattice (e.g., Chakraborty, 1997; Mackwell, 1992). Fe-oxides can beproduced in a matter of hours by this mechanism, but its formation ishighly localized at high-energy sites. No such association of oxideswith grain boundaries was noted, so growth of magnetite by externaloxidation of olivine during ascent is unlikely to be the source of magne-tite in our samples. We also note that at high temperatures (9001200 C), Fo90 is stable at oxygen fugacities up to 4 log units aboveQFM (Nitsan, 1974), so an entraining basaltic melt would need to bemore oxidizing than QFM + 4 to produce magnetite and pyroxenefrom Fo90 during xenolith ascent. Oxygen fugacities in MORB are typi-cally much lower than this (Fig. 7). Alternatively, an exsolution-likebreakdown of olivine can take place to produce magnetite and pyrox-ene, which often results in symplectic intergrowths (Moseley, 1984).This occurs without the addition of oxygen, although the reaction canbe accompanied by a transformation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ if diffusion ofelectrons and excess Fe2+ out of the grain also occurs (Ashworth andChambers, 2000). This type of reaction requires a small amount oflattice reorganization and short-range diffusion of Si away from thearea occupied by the magnetite (Moseley, 1984). Measurements ofSi diffusivity in olivine under hydrous conditions by Costa andChakraborty (2008) indicate that the characteristic length scale ofSi diffusion on the short time scales of xenolith ascent (Demouchyet al., 2006; Peslier et al., 2008) is too short to allow growth of themagnetite particles observed in our samples (Table 2).

    magma. In this case, the Ti-poor magnetite commonly occurs withmaghemite, hematite and goethite, a mineral assemblage characteristicof supergene alteration of peridotites that gives the rock an olive greento ochre color depending on the degree of weathering (e.g., Li et al.,2008; Luguet and Lorand, 1998). Magnetically remanent phases formedafter eruption often record slightly different magnetization directions(Fig. 6), which can be used to distinguish them from phases formedthrough oxidation at higher temperature.

    7.2. Interaction with volcanic uids and melts during ascent

    The transport of mantle xenoliths from the source region to theEarth's surface involves high-temperature interaction with volcanic

    Table 2Calculated magnetite growth in olivine during xenolith exhumation.

    Characteristic Fe diffusion distance, x = 2(Dt), in olivine calculated using FeMgdiffusivities of Dohmen and Chakraborty (2007)

    1 h 6 h 12 h 1 day

    1200 C 0.81 m 1.0 m 2.8 m 4.0 m1100 C 0.45 m 0.55 m 1.6 m 2.2 m1000 C 0.22 m 0.55 m 0.78 m 1.1 m

    Characteristic diffusion distance for Si in olivine calculated using data of Costa andChakraborty (2008)

    1 h 6 h 12 h 1 day

    1200 C 11 nm 27 nm 38 nm 54 nm1100 C 3.8 nm 9.3 nm 13 nm 19 nm1000 C 1.1 nm 2.7 nm 3.8 nm 5.4 nm

    6 E.C. Ferr et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2014) xxxxxxFig. 6. Paleomagnetic analysis assists in detecting incipient xenolith alteration. AF demag-netization of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) shows that altered specimens carrymultipleNRM components (A)whereas unaltered specimens always display a single NRM

    component (B).

    Please cite this article as: Ferr, E.C., et al., Eight good reasons why the udx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.0047. Reason 6. Magnetization processes of mantle xenoliths andimplications for mantle magnetization

    7.1. Weathering

    This process is caused by meteoric uids after eruption of the host

    Fig. 7. Oxygen fugacities for spinel peridotites from various tectonic settings (Frost andMcCammon, 2008).D is diffusivity; t is time.

    ppermost mantle could be magnetic, Tectonophysics (2014), http://

  • 7E.C. Ferr et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2014) xxxxxxuids and melts. If the fO2 of the melt is sufciently high (e.g., FMQ,MagnetiteWstite), the formation of magnetite could be promoted.An example of lavas having oxidation states at magnetite-wstite orhigher is in Hawai'i (e.g., Rhodes and Vollinger, 2005). There are alsopetrographic and mineralogic indicators of such xenolithhost melt in-teractions witnessed by the breakdown of pyroxene and spinel to formspongy rims (Fig. 2a of Taylor and Neal, 1989; Fig. 2c of Kinman andNeal, 2006). It should be noted that while all xenoliths experienceheating by host magmas and decompression during their transport tothe surface, only a few spinels display spongy rims. Some kimberlitexenoliths, equilibrated at 1300 C and transported from depths of 80250 kmalmost instantaneously, showno spongy rimson clinopyroxene,orthopyroxene, spinel, or garnet. This means that the spongy rims are aresult of pre-eruption mantle metasomatism, i.e., reaction with perco-lating melts and uids, not decompression, nor reaction with hostmagmas. During this ascent, new magnetically remanent mineralssuch as magnetite, maghemite, or hematite may form.

    7.3. Decompression during ascent

    The change in pressure from mantle to crustal depths can promoteback reactions between aluminous phases that are seen as slivers ofpyroxene between garnet and spinel (occasionally amphibole ifvolatiles are available from the host magma). Such decompressionwould also lead to an increase in Fe3+ from core to boundary in the spi-nel adjacent to secondary pyroxene/amphibole (e.g., Neal and Nixon,1985; Neal et al., 2001). Using the method of Quintiliani et al. (2006)the relative change in oxidation state can be estimated based uponFe3+ variability across Cr-spinel grains.

    7.4. Oxidative metasomatism

    The challenge is to prove that magnetite formed under mantleconditions (e.g., Hofer et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 1999) and that subse-quent processes have preserved the mantle signature of this mineral.Only the topmost layer of the mantle (4070 km depth range) incratons and subduction zones can be magnetic considering theirtemperature range (Pollack and Chapman, 1977). These rocks normallyhave FMQ of+1 to 0 (Creighton et al., 2010;Wood et al., 1990), i.e., themantle exists at oxidation states capable of stabilizing magnetite.It should be noted, however, that the magnesium-rich olivinemagnetitequartz oxygen buffer (Clark, 1999), which lies above FMQ,provides a more accurate representation of magnetite actual stabilityin the mantle. The oxygen fugacity conditions required for the stabilityof stoichiometric magnetite are generally not met in the pristine upper-most mantle. The presence of magnetite in the mantle, therefore, mostlikely requires metasomatism by oxidized uids. The effects of suchuids can be demonstrated through careful microanalytical characteri-zation of peridotite samples (e.g., Facer et al., 2009).

    Previous studies describe the eight suites of mantle xenoliths ofFig. 4 in detail: Bearpaw Mt. (Facer et al., 2009); San Carlos (Frey andPrinz, 1978; Irving, 1980); Knippa (Frey and Prinz, 1978; Raye et al.,2011; Young and Lee, 2009); Kilbourne Hole (Bussod and Williams,1991; Dromgoole and Pasteris, 1987); Kamchatka Arc (Ionov, 2010;Ionov et al., 2011; Soustelle et al., 2010); Hawai'i Hot Spot (Sen andJones, 1988); Massif Central (Alard et al., 2011; Lenoir et al., 2000);Siberian Craton (Doucet et al., 2012; Goncharov et al., 2012; Ionovet al., 2010).

    In each suite, the primary ferromagnesian minerals (olivine,orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene) consistently show limited core-to-rimchemical zonation. This lack of signicant zonation indicates equilibra-tion at high temperature and shows that the assemblages observedin the xenolith suites represent in-situ mantle conditions. Also, theshort duration of ascent generally calculated for mantle xenoliths, com-bined with the large size of our xenoliths, reduces the chances for re-

    equilibration of the xenolith with its host magma.

    Please cite this article as: Ferr, E.C., et al., Eight good reasons why the udx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.004In the followingwe emphasize only the petrologic features specic toeach suite. The Bearpaw Mountains xenoliths consist of phlogopitespinel dunite with olivine (N80%), enstatite (1015%), phlogopite (510%), chrome spinel (12%), brown amphibole (12%) and antigorite(12%). In some specimens, olivineolivine grain contacts display thinlms of antigorite hosting small alignments ofmagnetite grains,whereasin other specimens, magnetite forms on the rim of chromite andin-between diopside grains (Friedman et al., this volume). The SanCarlos xenoliths correspond to Cr-rich diopside dunite in which magne-tite inclusions up to 5 m in length occur in some of the olivineporphyroclasts. The Knippa xenoliths are coarse grained, equigranular,fresh spinel lherzolite free of lizardite veins. Grain boundaries arestraight and show well-developed triple boundaries, occasionally withspongy rims around clinopyroxenes. Magnetite has not been observedmicroscopically. The Kilbourne Hole xenoliths consist of Cr-diopside spi-nel lherzolites and spinel harzburgites with protogranular microstruc-tures. Spongy rims around clinopyroxenes suggest reactions duringascent. Monosulde solid solution (pyrrhotite) and other CuNiFe sul-des such as chalcopyrite are relatively common in these peridotites.Magnetite was not observed in these xenoliths. In the Kamchatka xeno-liths, spinel grains show an increase in Fe3+ from core to rim, consistentwith an increase in fO2 due to exposure to late-stage, subduction-relateduids. The late-stage assemblage also contains amphibole indicating hy-drous uid compositions. In the Hawai'i xenoliths, the association of am-phibole and magnetite inclusions suggests a hydrous alteration process.In the Massif Central xenoliths, the presence of amphibole lamellaeformed along crystallographic planes within the host diopside suggeststhe availability of H2O during reaction. In this case, the platelet andneedle-shaped Cr-rich spinel inclusions formed as a result of solid-state reactions, while needle-shaped magnetite inclusions formedthrough uid and/or melt inltration at ~600 C. Thus, the magnetiteobserved in this study must have formed between ~350 and ~600 C.In the Siberian xenoliths, magnetite was not observed in the very rareserpentinite veins.

    7.5. Multi-stage magnetization history

    The petrological evolution of mantle xenoliths outlined in the previ-ous section corresponds to the following multi-stage magnetizationhistory: (1) when the peridotite is formed at mantle depth, the mantleis above Tc and therefore cannot carry a remanentmagnetization; (2) asthe mantle cools below Tc over time, the peridotite acquires a thermo-remanent magnetization (TRM1); (3) leading up to a volcanic eruption,a hot melt comes from below, extracts the xenolith and transports it tothe Earth's surface, at that point TRM1 is completely erased because allmelts (basaltic and kimberlitic) are at temperatures much higher thanTc; (4) after eruption, the xenolith cools down below Tc and acquiresa new thermoremanent magnetization TRM2; (5) if the xenolith ischemically altered, then a chemical remanent magnetization (CRM1)is superimposed and potentially modies TRM2 (CRM1 is generally car-ried by hematite and goethite and displays a magnetization directiondistinct from TRM1). It should be noted that in principle, alteration oroxidation during ascent may affect the mineral assemblage but cannotimpart a specic CRM because it would occur mainly above Tc. Hence,specimens that have more than one directional component of magneti-zation are believed altered and will not be included in the magneticdatabase.

    8. Reason 7. Oxygen fugacity and stability of magnetitein the uppermost mantle

    The extent of induced and remanent magnetization in the mantle isintimately linked to the variation of fO2 (e.g., Frost and Shive, 1989; Toftand Haggerty, 1988). fO2 in the lithospheric mantle was rst assessedusing the spinelorthopyroxeneolivine oxybarometer on spinel peri-

    dotite xenoliths (e.g., Ballhaus et al., 1990, 1991; Mattioli and Wood,

    ppermost mantle could be magnetic, Tectonophysics (2014), http://

  • 1986;Wood, 1991). Typically, fO2 ranges from2 to+1 relative to thefayalitemagnetitequartz (FMQ) buffer, is heterogeneous, and tends todecrease with depth (Fig. 7). The highest fO2 values are measured inarc-related mantle. Within cratons, fO2 is controlled by iron equilibriainvolving spinel and garnet (McCammon and Kopylova, 2004). Insome cratons, fO2 increases with depth across the spinel to spinelgar-net transition, but generally remains above the stability eld of nativeiron down to the bottom of the lithosphere (Woodland and Koch,2003). Hence any part of the mantle having fO2 higher than thewstitemagnetite (WM) buffer, could potentially host magnetite.Partial melting of the mantle redistributes Fe3+, producing reducedresidues and oxidized magmas (e.g., Foley, 2011). Lithospheric mantlefO2 may vary with tectonic setting, and thus its magnetic mineralogymay not be as uniform as typically assumed. In rare instances, FeNimetals and suldes may contribute to the NRM of mantle rocks (e.g.,Toft and Haggerty, 1988). For example, Ishimaru et al. (2009) reportedmicrometer-scale native iron inclusions in mantle xenoliths fromKamchatka. However, these native metals are likely not representativeof pervasive fO2 conditions in the lithospheric mantle (especially asthey are out of chemical equilibrium with olivine, orthopyroxene, and

    spinel in the same sample). Finally, even if the NRM component heldby suldes in mantle peridotites is not well constrained, it is unlikelyto be signicant at mantle temperatures and pressures, where thesephases would be in a liquid state.

    9. Reason 8. Variations of magnetic properties of mantle xenolithswith tectonic setting

    Details onmagneticmethods are given in the Appendix A. Each xeno-lith sample yielded two 10-mm cubic specimens for magnetic analyses.Stepwise demagnetization of the natural remanent magnetization(NRM) was performed using alternating eld up to 120 mT. The least al-tered specimens showed a single component of NRM and were kept forfurther tests. A few specimens' NRM demagnetization spectra displayedan additional high coercivity component, inferred to be carried by hema-tite, and were discarded because this mineral indicates that thespecimen's original mineral assemblage was compromised by oxidation.

    Allmantle xenoliths showa relatively narrow range ofmagnetic sus-ceptibilities and a broad range of NRM values (Fig. 4; SupplementaryData). The magnetic susceptibilities t a log normal distribution


    8 E.C. Ferr et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2014) xxxxxxFig. 8. The predicted geotherm in cratonic and forearc regions (A) can be relatively low. Det

    now ignored in the inversion of magnetic observations.

    Please cite this article as: Ferr, E.C., et al., Eight good reasons why the udx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.004ble LWMA in these regions (B) may have an upper mantle component that has been up toppermost mantle could be magnetic, Tectonophysics (2014), http://

  • 9E.C. Ferr et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2014) xxxxxx(Supplementary Data). Low-eld magnetic susceptibility (Km) is aproxy for the concentration and grain size of ferromagnetic minerals,and to a lesser degree, the concentration of paramagnetic minerals.The NRM intensity of mantle xenoliths varies broadly between 104

    and 1 A/m, and is an expression of the abundance of single domainand pseudo-single domain sized grains in a specimen, as well as thestrength of the Earth's magnetic eld at the time the magnetizationwas acquired. The Koenigsberger ratio (Qn) represents the ratio of natu-ral remanentmagnetization to the inducedmagnetization in the Earth'seld: Qn = NRM/KmH, where Km is the magnetic susceptibility in SIunits and H is the local geomagnetic eld intensity (here 40 A/m).Values higher than 1 indicate that the specimen's remanent magnetiza-tion dominates the induced magnetization at ambient temperatures,while values less than 1 indicate that the specimen's induced magneti-zation is greater than the remanent magnetization. However, the mea-sured remanent intensity at room temperature reects the two-to-threefold increase in spontaneous magnetization of magnetite fromthe blocking temperature to room temperature, so the depth averagedin situ remanence at elevated temperatures (between the blocking tem-perature and the Curie point) is expected to be less than the measuredNRM by a factor of 23 (Dunlop et al., 2010). Thus the depth averagedin situ remanence at elevated temperatures (between the blocking tem-perature and the Curie point) should be less than themeasured NRM bya factor of 23. On the other hand, there is some enhancement of thesusceptibility carried by SD magnetite above the blocking temperature,up to a factor of ~2 just below the Curie temperature. Dunlop et al.(2010) conclude that the expected Q values pertaining at elevated tem-peratures at depth range from ~0.20.3 for MD grains and ~1 for SDgrains. Since the magnetic carrier in our xenolith samples is predomi-nantly SD magnetite, the remanent and induced magnetizations atdepth should be about equal. It is reasonable to assume that the rema-nence at depth is dominantly a viscous magnetization acquired duringthe Brunhes Chron, so the directions can be assumed to be consistentand approximately parallel to the induced magnetization, whichmeans that the effect of remanence is to approximately double themag-netization that is calculated from measured susceptibilities.

    Approximately one third of the xenoliths display Qn values N1, and ifthese specimens are representative of magnetic mineral assemblages inthe lithospheric mantle, then these measurements suggest that themantle's remanent magnetization may contribute to magnetic anoma-lies in low geotherm regions. Although there is a signicant amount ofoverlap in the magnetic properties of xenoliths from different tectonicregions, we observe that, on average, specimens from the Siberian cra-ton and Kamchatka island arc have higher NRM intensities than thosefrom the Massif Central plume or the Hawai'i hot spot. Xenoliths fromthe subduction zone setting of the Kamchatka island arc have thehighest Qn values and their remanent magnetizations may play a moreimportant role than their induced magnetizations in long wavelengthmagnetic anomalies.

    The saturationmagnetization normalized tomass (Ms) constitutes aproxy for the concentration of ferromagnetic minerals in the xenoliths.The ratio of the coercivity of remanence (Hcr) to the bulk coercivity (Hc)is directly related to the median magnetic domain grain size of aspecimen's ferromagnetic minerals. Although the values of magnetichysteresis parameters signicantly overlap between suites, they plotin different regions of the Ms vs Hcr/Hc diagram (Ferr et al., 2013; Sup-plementary Data). The magnetic properties of fresh mantle xenolithsvary with tectonic setting (Fig. 4; Table) and also suggest that in coldgeotherm regions, the uppermost mantle may contribute to LWMAanomalies (Fig. 8).

    10. Conclusion

    The view that the uppermantle is universally non-magnetic because itlacks ferromagnetic minerals and would be too hot to carry a magnetic

    remanence (Wasilewski and Mayhew, 1992; Wasilewski et al., 1979)

    Please cite this article as: Ferr, E.C., et al., Eight good reasons why the udx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.004has been challenged by new data on mantle xenoliths (Ferr et al.,2013). Until now, the source of LWMA was assumed to reside only inthe lower crust. Evidence suggesting that the upper mantle may alsocontribute to magnetic anomalies is growing. Without additional infor-mation about magnetization of the mantle, differentiating these contri-butions from satellite or airborne data alone will remain difcult, evenwith spectral methods (e.g., Ravat et al., 2007). While deep crustalsources are currently examined, it is also crucial to re-evaluate the po-tential contribution of mantle rocks in various tectonic settings. Wealso believe that the non-magnetic mantle idea should be revisited be-cause the forthcoming Swarm mission, to be launched in the Fall of2013,will provide anunprecedented resolution of the lithosphericmag-netic eld.


    We thank A. Tommasi and O. Alard for providing Hawai'i andMassifCentral samples. D. Ionov acknowledges N. Pokhilenko (Novosibirsk In-stitute of Mineralogy), ALROSA for access to Udachnaya and collections,and CNRS PNP and PICS grants in 20102012. S.A.F. Thanks the Geolog-ical Society of America and the Institute for Rock Magnetism for support.We gratefully acknowledge the Guest Editor, Michael Purucker, and tothe two reviewers, David Clark and Anonymous, for their insightful sug-gestions that help clarifying our views.

    Appendix A

    Magnetic measurements

    Unoriented specimens were cut into 10 mm cubes using non-magnetic, diamond-impregnated blades from the center of xenoliths.Only specimens with one NRM component were included in Fig. 1.Two cubes were prepared from each specimen, and all specimens arefree of basaltic glass. Low-eld, room temperature, magnetic susceptibil-ity was measured using a Kappabridge KLY-4S susceptometer at 875 Hz,300 A/m; hysteresis properties were measured on a PrincetonMeasurements VSM 3900-04 at the Magnetic Laboratory at SouthernIllinois University, Carbondale. NRMs were measured at the Institutefor Rock Magnetism at the University of Minnesota, and at the paleo-magnetic laboratories of the University of Madrid and the Universityof Burgos, using 2G Enterprises 760R and 755-1.65 three axis DCsuperconducting rock magnetometers respectively. Each samplewas progressively AF demagnetized up to 170 mT.

    Secondary electron microscopy

    Samples were examined at the University of Minnesota'sCharacterization Facility using a thermally-assisted eld emissiongun JEOL 6500 scanning electron microscope outtted with a Cen-taurus detector for backscattered imaging. Prior to imaging eachsample was coated with a 50 thick layer of amorphous carbon toprevent charging. Samples were examined using an acceleratingvoltage of 15 kV and a working distance of 10.0 m. Spot energy dis-persive spectroscopy measurements and elemental line traverses werecollected using a Thermo-Noran Vantage System. The diameter of theinteraction volume for elemental measurements was 2.5 m in sili-cate minerals and 2.0 m in oxide and sulde minerals. Matrixcorrection coefcients (Z, A, and F) were calculated using the Phi(Rho*z)method. X-ray spectra were collected using counting times of 60 s and aprobe current of 100 nA.

    Appendix B. Supplementary data

    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.


    ppermost mantle could be magnetic, Tectonophysics (2014), http://

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    Eight good reasons why the uppermost mantle could be magnetic1. Introduction2. Reason 1. Mantle contribution to LWMA deduced from satellite data3. Reason 2. Magnetic minerals in upper mantle rocks4. Reason 3. Temperature of the uppermost mantle in cold geotherm regions5. Reason 4. Magnetic properties of fresh mantle xenoliths6. Reason 5. Ascent of mantle xenoliths and implications for magnetic assemblages7. Reason 6. Magnetization processes of mantle xenoliths and implications for mantle magnetization7.1. Weathering7.2. Interaction with volcanic fluids and melts during ascent7.3. Decompression during ascent7.4. Oxidative metasomatism7.5. Multi-stage magnetization history

    8. Reason 7. Oxygen fugacity and stability of magnetite in the uppermost mantle9. Reason 8. Variations of magnetic properties of mantle xenoliths with tectonic setting10. ConclusionAcknowledgmentsAppendix AMagnetic measurementsSecondary electron microscopy

    Appendix B. Supplementary dataReferences