february 2011 insert - 2010 annual report

2010 Annual Report page 1 T he following is a report on Fern- wood NRG’s accomplishments in the year April 2009 to March 2010, as well as an update on the first six months of the current fiscal year. 2009/10 was a year of transition and of consolidating the enormous transforma- tion that’s taken place for Fernwood NRG and for the neighbourhood over the last several years. After five years of dedicated contribu- tion, Roberta Martell, our former Exec- utive Director, left the organization for other adventures. Lee Herrin, our previous Chair, took on the Executive Director’s role and began a comprehensive program of stabilizing and renewing the organization. During Roberta’s tenure, the organi- zation’s revenues grew from less than $900,000 to over $1.6 million, an 87% increase. As well, the society’s assets grew from just over $400,000 to over $3.3 mil- lion. While this tremendous growth was hugely positive for the organization, it also strained our systems and our cashflow. In the last fiscal year we reviewed all of our internal systems and made significant changes to improve operations. is pro- cess is ongoing but nearly complete. Our organization became significantly stronger in the past year with the hiring of David Gilchrist as Director of Finance in August of 2009. David brings a wealth of accounting experience working in the non-profit and municipal sectors. He has brought us up-to-date with all of our reporting to funders and keeping track of our day-to-day finances. Having up-to- date and accurate financial information has been a challenge in the past but is now a vital support to Lee and the Board as we decide how to re-invest in our programs. Another significant addition to the team was Denyse Koo, our Director of Family Programs. Denyse joined Fernwood NRG in February and brings more than 20 years of experience in Family Programs. She has solidified and refreshed our programs in childcare, pre- and post-natal nutrition, family support and drop-in programs, and youth and seniors’ recreation. Denyse works at the Community Centre and over- sees all of the programming that runs in the building. With a strong team in place at the Com- munity Centre we were able to finish our renovations in the Cornerstone Building and take the end unit (lucky number 1313 Gladstone Avenue) as our development office. Lee Herrin and Lenore Rankin, our Director of Development, moved to that office this past summer to increase the vis- ibility and accessibility of Fernwood NRG in the neighbourhood. Since that time they have met with hundreds of residents, both formally and informally, to open discus- sions about what Fernwood NRG could and should be working on in the coming years. is move freed up an entire room at the Community Centre. A major lack of office space at the Centre meant commu- nity use space had to be used as an office for several people. Now, yoga, music, par- ent and tot and other meetings happen in the space which has kept the community centre full and hopping. In the last year, the City of Victoria pro- vided welcome re-investment in the Com- munity Centre and the neighbourhood. e Centre now has a new roof, upgraded lighting, and a new floor in the gymna- sium. ere’s also been more investment in the grounds surrounding the Centre which is greatly appreciated. ese improvements will ensure the Community Centre is a part of Fernwood for a long time to come. As well, we are very grateful to the City for their work and investment in upgrad- ing the intersection and curb in front of the Cornerstone Café. e Café has been granted a patio license and this coming spring there will be tables on the sidewalk so that we can enjoy the sun along with our coffee or tea. Perhaps the greatest success of 2010 was the fantastic FernFest and Fernwood Bites weekend in June. “e best ever FernFest!” raved many, though 2005’s FernWoodstock remains a pretty high bar. On the Sunday, 300 residents and guests came to our first ever Fernwood Bites fundraiser. e first year of any fundraising event is always uncertain, but we sold out two weeks in advance and raised more than $5,000 for the Neighborhood Chest. e food and beverage tasting event in the square was magical, and we hope to repeat it next year. Last but not least, I’d like to thank my colleagues on the Board of Directors for a great year. We are a relatively new board, and we have covered a lot of ground in the past year in terms of getting oriented to the orga- nization and what has been accomplished in the past five years. In the coming year, we’re looking forward to talking with all of you to about how Fernwood NRG can help take the neighbourhood to the next level! Annual Report 2010 A Word from the Chair ›› Lisa Matthaus

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Page 1: February 2011 Insert - 2010 Annual Report

2010 Annual Report page 1

T he following is a report on Fern-wood NRG’s accomplishments in the year April 2009 to March

2010, as well as an update on the first six months of the current fiscal year.

2009/10 was a year of transition and of consolidating the enormous transforma-tion that’s taken place for Fernwood NRG and for the neighbourhood over the last several years.

After five years of dedicated contribu-tion, Roberta Martell, our former Exec-utive Director, left the organization for other adventures. Lee Herrin, our previous Chair, took on the Executive Director’s role and began a comprehensive program of stabilizing and renewing the organization.

During Roberta’s tenure, the organi-

zation’s revenues grew from less than $900,000 to over $1.6 million, an 87% increase. As well, the society’s assets grew from just over $400,000 to over $3.3 mil-lion. While this tremendous growth was hugely positive for the organization, it also strained our systems and our cashflow. In the last fiscal year we reviewed all of our internal systems and made significant changes to improve operations. This pro-cess is ongoing but nearly complete.

Our organization became significantly stronger in the past year with the hiring of David Gilchrist as Director of Finance in August of 2009. David brings a wealth of accounting experience working in the non-profit and municipal sectors. He has brought us up-to-date with all of our reporting to funders and keeping track of our day-to-day finances. Having up-to-date and accurate financial information has been a challenge in the past but is now a vital support to Lee and the Board as we decide how to re-invest in our programs.

Another significant addition to the team was Denyse Koo, our Director of Family Programs. Denyse joined Fernwood NRG in February and brings more than 20 years of experience in Family Programs. She has solidified and refreshed our programs in childcare, pre- and post-natal nutrition, family support and drop-in programs, and youth and seniors’ recreation. Denyse

works at the Community Centre and over-sees all of the programming that runs in the building.

With a strong team in place at the Com-munity Centre we were able to finish our renovations in the Cornerstone Building and take the end unit (lucky number 1313 Gladstone Avenue) as our development office. Lee Herrin and Lenore Rankin, our Director of Development, moved to that office this past summer to increase the vis-ibility and accessibility of Fernwood NRG in the neighbourhood. Since that time they have met with hundreds of residents, both formally and informally, to open discus-sions about what Fernwood NRG could and should be working on in the coming years.

This move freed up an entire room at the Community Centre. A major lack of office space at the Centre meant commu-nity use space had to be used as an office for several people. Now, yoga, music, par-ent and tot and other meetings happen in the space which has kept the community centre full and hopping.

In the last year, the City of Victoria pro-vided welcome re-investment in the Com-munity Centre and the neighbourhood. The Centre now has a new roof, upgraded lighting, and a new floor in the gymna-sium. There’s also been more investment in the grounds surrounding the Centre which is greatly appreciated. These improvements

will ensure the Community Centre is a part of Fernwood for a long time to come. As well, we are very grateful to the City for their work and investment in upgrad-ing the intersection and curb in front of the Cornerstone Café. The Café has been granted a patio license and this coming spring there will be tables on the sidewalk so that we can enjoy the sun along with our coffee or tea.

Perhaps the greatest success of 2010 was the fantastic FernFest and Fernwood Bites weekend in June. “The best ever FernFest!” raved many, though 2005’s FernWoodstock remains a pretty high bar. On the Sunday, 300 residents and guests came to our first ever Fernwood Bites fundraiser. The first year of any fundraising event is always uncertain, but we sold out two weeks in advance and raised more than $5,000 for the Neighborhood Chest. The food and beverage tasting event in the square was magical, and we hope to repeat it next year.

Last but not least, I’d like to thank my colleagues on the Board of Directors for a great year. We are a relatively new board, and we have covered a lot of ground in the past year in terms of getting oriented to the orga-nization and what has been accomplished in the past five years. In the coming year, we’re looking forward to talking with all of you to about how Fernwood NRG can help take the neighbourhood to the next level!

Annual Report 2010

A Word from the Chair ›› Lisa Matthaus

Page 2: February 2011 Insert - 2010 Annual Report

page 2 2010 Annual Report

In the 2009/10 fiscal year, Fernwood NRG invested $57,299 in capital assets, the majority of which was an invest-ment into the Cornerstone Building to prepare our office at 1313 Gladstone for occupancy. Prior to that, the office was an unfinished space and so the level of investment required to bring it up to code was significant. We also retired $19,139

of debt (principal) related to the mort-gages on our properties (1222 Yukon and 1301-13 Gladstone). Throughout 2010 the City of Victoria has made numerous improvements to the Fernwood Commu-nity Centre (operated by Fernwood NRG) which have extended the life of the build-ing. These include resurfacing the roof, resurfacing the floor of the gymnasium, upgrading the lighting throughout the building, and numerous other cosmetic and functional improvements. Addition-ally, a new outdoor play space for the infants in our Infant & Toddler child care centre was created through a mixture of grants, NRG funds, and a generous dona-tion of labour from community members. We have also entered into highly produc-tive negotiations with the City around renewing our Operating Agreement for the Community Centre at 1240 Glad-stone Avenue. Our financial statements for the 2009/10 fiscal year are available at www.fernwoodnrg.ca/financial10.

In 2005, Fernwood NRG adopted our

Statement of Principles & Values which have

guided our work since then. The following

report outlines how our efforts in the past year

have advanced these principles & values on

behalf of the neighbourhood.

Report on our Principles & Values 2010

One of the keys to sustainability is to plan to be around for a long time. The decisions you make when you’re planning to stay in a place are different than the decisions you make when you’re just passing through. Many folks may not realize, but Fernwood NRG has been a part of Fernwood since we were incorporated as a charity in 1979. At that time, we were called the Fernwood Facilities Management Group and were incorporated to manage the newly built Fernwood Community Centre. Some years later, the group changed its name and became the Fernwood Community Centre Society. In 2005, when we purchased the Cornerstone Building, we decided to change our name to better reflect our expanding role in the neighbourhood. We settled on the Fernwood Neighbourhood Resource Group Society—Fernwood NRG for short.

In the past year, we had an opportunity to focus internally after 4 years of construction and major projects. We do plan on being around for a long time, and so it was necessary to review all of our internal systems and infrastructure to make sure we were operating on a solid foundation. This review has been comprehensive, looking at all of our systems—financial, human resources, technology—as well as our spaces. Indeed, the most substantial change for us in the past year has been shifting our Development Office out of the Fernwood Community Centre (1240 Gladstone) and into the Cornerstone Building at lucky number 1313 Gladstone Avenue (see page 4 of this report).

Through the rest of this report, you will read about many of the changes we have made to our operations and facilities in the past year, but the overarching theme throughout has been to position Fernwood NRG to serve Fernwood for the long term. A sustainable neighbourhood needs a sustainable Neighbourhood Resource Group!

Fernwood NRG employs nearly 50 people, many of whom live in the neighbourhood. This is approximately equivalent to over 28 full-time jobs. In 2010 we created approxi-mately 10 new jobs. Part of this was achieved through restructuring existing jobs at the Community Centre, but many are new jobs in Fernwood. By opening evenings at the Cornerstone Café, roughly three jobs were created. We have added an Events position in the past year to work on FernFest, Fernwood Bites and the Swap n’ Shop, and are currently hosting two eco-interns through the spring. We have consolidated a number of part-time cooking jobs into two full time cooking jobs in our kitchen at the Community Centre. We have added a part-time maintenance position to keep on top of the numerous odd jobs that come up when you own or operate 26,000 square feet of building space. And last but not least, we added a member to our management team, Denyse Koo, who became our Director of Family Programs at the Community Centre.

Fernwood NRG’s operations continued to operate at a modest surplus in the 2009/10 fiscal year, although there was an account-ing deficit after allowing for depreciation. Operating expenses in almost all major areas except wages, salaries and benefits were reduced from the previous year as we embarked on our systems review. That review continues through the current fiscal year and we anticipate further reductions will be reported on next year. Reducing our operating expenditures on things we buy has allowed us to spend more on peo-

ple and staff, creating more employment in Fernwood (see principal #4). Overall, our revenues shrank year over year as a result of our decision in the previous year to transfer our Out-of-School Care program to another provider. However, there was modest revenue growth in other areas which did not fully compensate, but which will allow us to increase our rev-enues in future years, especially at the Cor-nerstone Café. Our financial statements for the 2009/10 fiscal year are available at www.fernwoodnrg.ca/financial10.

WE are committed to engaging the dreams, resources, and talents of our neighbours and to fostering new links between them.

This year, we hosted the first annual Fern-wood Bites fundraiser in Fernwood Square. This hugely successful event showcased the talents of Fernwood chefs and was a great demonstration of cooperation between Fernwood NRG, neighbourhood busi-nesses, and countless volunteers. The event raised over $5,100, enabling Fernwood NRG to respond to urgent community need as well as to support neighbourhood improvement projects. The first contribu-tion from the proceeds was to Emily Grav of the Paint Box to support her work on

the beautiful Welcome Mural that now graces the wall on the south side of the square. We’re already looking forward to hosting Fernwood Bites again this coming June 26th.

WE are committed to creating a socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable neighbourhood.


WE are committed to ensuring neighbourhood control or ownership of neighbourhood institutions and assets.


WE are committed to using our resources prudently and to becoming financially self-reliant.


WE are committed to the creation and support of neighbourhood employment.4


Page 3: February 2011 Insert - 2010 Annual Report

2010 Annual Report page 3

The most fun we had bringing all of this to you this past year was at FernFest and Fern-wood Bites. FernFest featured great music, great entertainment, games for kids, and a beer garden for adults. We’re already looking forward to FernFest 2011. And who could forget the magical transformation of the Square for Fernwood Bites—our food and wine-tasting event featuring local eateries, chefs, live music and a silent auction? This event too, will be repeated this year. Fun? You bet.

You can support our work by joining our organization (membership is free) www.fernwoodnrg.ca/who-we-are/membership or by making a donation at www.fernwoodnrg.ca/donate.

Piece by piece, individual acts of building give a neighbourhood its shape and form, and its defining character. When these acts are at odds with each other, and at odds with the needs of people, they create spaces that are cold, uninviting, and unwel-coming—spaces to be hurried through or gotten away from. By contrast, when the acts support each other, and reinforce each other, they create places to linger, enjoy and thrive in.

This past year, we created a much more welcoming and vastly more beautiful office space for our organization, and worked hard with the City of Victoria Engineering

Department to configure the curb project on Fernwood Road in such a way that it would allow us to create further vibrancy. This will be evident in the Spring, when the Cornerstone Café puts out patio tables along the west wall of the building, creat-ing a beautiful sunny place to relax in the afternoon. Last but not least, we have also worked with the City to revitalize the Com-munity Centre building and its grounds. Fresh paint, new flooring, improved light-ing, a resurfaced roof, landscaping, a new fence—piece by piece we are improving that facility too to make it more welcoming and to better suit the needs of the users and staff.

WE are committed to governing our organization and serving our neighbourhood democratically with a maximum of openness, inclusivity and kindness.

Last year in this report we indicated we were working on improvements to parking and pedestrian safety. The crosswalk at Fernwood and Gladstone is now much safer as a result of the civic works project which bulbed out the curb and improved lighting and signage. The curb project did result in one additional parking space on Fernwood Road. We also hinted last year that we would be looking to host another Neighbourhood Visioning Forum in 2010. We didn’t quite get that far last year, but have announced we will be holding our next Visioning Forum February 26th at the Fernwood Community Centre. At our last forum in 2004, some ideas that came up were to purchase the boarded-up and graffiti-bedecked building in the heart of the neighbourhood (we did—it’s called the Cornerstone Building now), to open a Community Café (we did—the Cornerstone Café), encourage more affordable housing (we went one bet-ter than just encouraging and have built ten three-bedroom affordable rental units since 2006), and many more. We are looking forward to hear-ing more great ideas from our neighbours as to what would improve quality of life in Fern-wood in the years to come.

Fernwood NRG’s membership is open to anyone 14 years old and older who lives in Fernwood. The Board of Directors of Fernwood NRG is drawn from the membership, meaning Fernwood NRG is run by and for residents of Fernwood, and cannot be con-trolled by non-residents. There is no fee to join Fernwood NRG, so there is no financial barrier to membership. In 2009, we put out an open call for residents to come forward if they were interested in joining our Board of Directors. For the coming year, our Board is full with 11 members, all residents, who will guide our work and monitor our progress. Last year, we created this report for the first time as part of the Village Vibe so that we could distribute it to every household in the neighbourhood. We are doing this again this year to continue to raise awareness in the neighbourhood of who we are and what we do.

WE are committed to developing the skills, capacity, self-worth, and excellence of our neighbours and ourselves.

In the past year, Fernwood NRG has been preparing the organization to make greater use of volunteer energy in the neighbour-hood. To be sure, hundreds of people vol-unteered, sometimes for days at a time, to work on the renovation of the Cornerstone Building. However, once that project was complete, we lost touch with many of the people who came out to help. Part of the challenge has been that it requires resources to do a good job of managing and coor-dinating the work of volunteers, and just as Fernwood NRG worked to transform

the neighbourhood, in the past year, we’ve been working to transform our organiza-tion out of project mode and into ongoing operations.

We’re now at the point where we will be calling for volunteers on a regular basis to help us with hosting events, coordinat-ing activities, and taking on projects. This is a huge inflection point for the neigh-bourhood, because with a large group of committed volunteers, many incred-ible projects become possible that would never happen if they could only be com-pleted with paid staff. If you’re keen to help us continue the transformation of the neighbourhood, watch the notice boards, the Village Vibe and our website for volunteer opportunities. Or better yet, become a member of Fernwood NRG at www.fernwoodnrg.ca/donate and tell us what skills you can offer as a volunteer.

WE are committed to taking action in response to neighbourhood issues, ideas, and initiatives.




WE are committed to focusing on the future while preserving our neighbourhood’s heritage and diversity.


WE are committed to creating neighbourhood places that are vibrant, beautiful, healthy, and alive.


AND, most of all,WE are committed to having fun!11

Fernwood NRG has demonstrated a strong concern for heritage over the years, and 2010 was no exception. Although we didn’t undertake a major construction project, our new office at 1313 Gladstone Avenue was lovingly renovated. We chose to expose the raw brick on the east wall and installed a reclaimed fir floor. The windows (though not heritage) are all double-glazed to conserve energy. Our open space office is modern, and is a gorgeous testament to the simple and solid architecture of the Cornerstone Building. Please drop in and visit us sometime to see for yourself.

Page 4: February 2011 Insert - 2010 Annual Report

page 4 2010 Annual Report

L ast spring, Fernwood NRG weighed the options for using the end unit of the Cornerstone Building which we

were in the process of renovating for occu-pancy. With Aubergine on the horizon, we knew that soon the neighbourhood would have a long awaited and much needed gro-cer. We considered other options that con-tribute to village life—but the space was too small to accommodate most of the uses that truly anchor a village.

At that time, our administrative offices were in what was originally called “the Community Room” in the Fernwood Community Centre. When I joined the Board of Directors of the (then) Fernwood Community Centre Society (in 1998), we were concerned that the Community Room was being used as an office, and that members of the community had no place to gather. We moved the offices out, and encouraged a range of uses—a lounge, the Community Access computer terminals, a clothing exchange, free bread, access to a telephone, etc. However, as the neigh-

bourhood slowly slid down over the next several years, the Community Room slid along with it. We, too, eventually closed the Community Room to public use, and moved the offices back in.

But in many ways, it was unsatisfac-tory office space—it was hidden from the public and had little natural light. It was

also distant and removed from what was going on in the neighbourhood—not a great place for the staff of the Neighbour-hood Resource Group to be.

With all this in mind last spring, we decided to make the switch. We would move our own offices into lucky number 1313, and restore the Community Room

to true community space. Now, we’re call-ing it “the Studio”—and after upgrading the lighting and the flooring—it is a multi-purpose room filled with activity during the day and into the evening. The space is suitable to smaller groups—so if you’re looking for a place for a small group meet-ing, or an activity that doesn’t require a larger room, give the Community Centre a call at 250-381-1552.

As for our offices, there are currently five of us working out of 1313 Gladstone Avenue. We’re ecstatic to have our own storefront office right in the heart of the neighbourhood! Right now, we are work-ing on the start-up of the Swap n’ Shop, writing the annual report, preparing for the Neighbourhood Visioning Forum, and planning FernFest and Fernwood Bites.

But we’re never too busy to talk to you, so please stop in to say hello. We’d love to make your acquaintance (if we’ve never met) and hear about your ideas for the neighbourhood. We hope to meet as many of our neighbours as possible in 2011!

Arnason, CheyenneAsplin, GermaineBaker, MichaelBell, ShonnaBeyer, PamelaBishop, NatalieBongarts, FionaBoychuk, ChrystalDaniels, KellyDemandre, KhalinaDeMarsh, AndrewDerkson, CarolineDickson, EricaDry, BreanneDuffy, LannaEwert, DeneneFainblum, LinaFlebbe, PaulineGilchrist, DavidGilmour, Jo-AnneGood, DanielGordon, Dee-AnnGrandbois, CelineHayes, JerryHenderson, JohannaHenry, KaylinHerrin, LeeHolland, SusanHoward, ChrisJenkins, HeatherJones, LaraJoth, LynKoga, Moyuru

Kolla, AshleighKoo, DenyseLackey, KateLynn, KristinMacLean, SahraMann, JessicaMcGrath, ShelleyMcInnes, DanielleMcKinnon, KayliahMorrison, JamilleNaugler, KateNyquist, ArielPendleton, SusiePine, HenryPoirier, NicolePolicnick, SharonPomeroy, YuriPower, AllisonRankin, KirstyRankin, LenoreReid, Clive RobertRoberts, JoyRoss, JoseySaini, SushilSargent, ShannonSaunders, JohannaSchiedel, HeatherScott, BrendaScott, HannaSeltzer, LeahShaw, KatieSolberg, SeanTraverso, Amy

Turner, TaliaUnfreed, KathleenVan Wensem, CaseyVermette, BrentVickers, ShannonVukmirovich, VladimirWalmsley, NaomiWatt, RobynWeldon, TanyaWood, JonathanWoodyard, AdeleWynne, Caitlin


Board Members Andrea ScottBiance BrodleyCaitlin DaviesKelsey SingbeilLauren WarbeckLisa MatthausMatt TakachPaula DebeckSimon NattrassSteve ParrTony Nelson


Board Members

Susan SalvatiTodd Faulkner

Alderlea Vineyards (Peacock & Martin)

All In One Contracting

Apex Tents

Aubergine Specialty Foods

Averill Creek (Peacock & Martin)

BC Council For Families

BC Gaming Branch

Blanshard Community Centre

Camosun College

Canada Helps

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Capital Families Association

Carde Collins

Cascadia Liquor

Cedar Creek


Christine Lintott

City of Victoria

Cold Star Foods

Community Action Program for Children

Cornerstone Cafe


Eat Magazine

Fernwood Bites Silent Auction Donors

Fernwood Inn

Garth Homer Society

Gehringer (International Cellers)

Gingerbread House

Glenterra Vineyards

Good Food Society


Industry Canada


Lucy’s in the Square

Military Family Resource Centre

Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development

Ministry of Children and Family Development

Ministry of Housing and Social Development

Monthly Donors

Muttart Foundation

Nightengale Preschool

Oak Bay Kiwanis

Pacific Breeze

Pacific Rim

Paprika Bistro

Pedersen’s Rentals

Phillips Brewing Company

Pig BBQ Joint

Provincial Employees Community Services

Public Health Agency of Canada

Quail’s Gate Winery

Renaissance Wine Merchants

School District # 61

Sea Cider

Silk Road

Sooke Family Resource Society

Sprott Shaw

St. Patrick’s School

Stag’s Hollow

Stage Small Plates and Wine Bar

Stir it Up


The Little Piggy

The Parsonage Cafe

Thrifty Foods

Tinhorn Creek

Twisted Tree

United Way of Greater Victoria

University of Victoria

Vancouver Island Health Authority

Vertical Wine (JoieFarm, Kettle Valley, Orofino & Pentage)

Victoria Gin

Victoria High School

Village vibe Advertizers

Wildfire Bakery

Woodward and Company


And a BIG thank you to all our volunteers!

Our Staff 2009-2010 Our Supporters

Fernwood NRG moves down the street and finds a new home. Photo: Mila Czemerys

Lucky Number 1313 ›› Lee Herrin