facts - the transport professional’s magazine #56

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NEWS 6Forth Replacement Crossing latest, Capital company and Mercedes-Benz vans, GITI Tire at CVO Show and new Driver CPC website

PHIL FLANDERS 7RHA’s Scottish Director on new ideas from the newGovernment

BRIAN ADAM MSP 9SNP’s Chief Whip on changes ahead and potholes

FERGUSON TRANSPORT 16Family transport firm move to new premises in Corpach

MUNICIPAL 28APSE 2010 review, PAWRS review plus News & Profiles

PLANT & EQUIPMENT 41Hillhead plus News & Profiles

SECURITY & TRACKING 49News & Profiles

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Cover: Ferguson Transport’s new Volvo FH 480

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Backing for Forth Replacement Crossing from MSPsThe Forth Replacement Crossing project moved a step closer after MSPs backed the Forth Crossing Bill to go forward to the next stage of parliamentary scrutiny.The Bill, introduced to the Scottish Parliament by Scottish Government Ministers in November 2009, contains proposals for the Forth Replacement Crossing, which would see a new 2.7km bridge and a number of road connections built and upgraded in Scotland’s biggest infrastructure project for a generation. Following the Stage 1 debate, MSPs voted overwhelmingly in favour to carry the Bill forward to Stage 2, where individual objections will be considered in greater detail.Speaking after the debate, Transport Minister Stewart Stevenson said: “This is an important milestone for the Forth Replacement Crossing. There is now near universal agreement that this project, the biggest Scottish infrastructure project for a generation, is vital to the sustainable growth

Scotland’s economy. “The case for this project could not be more compelling and the Scottish Government is committed to seeing the Forth Replacement Crossing delivered on time and on budget by 2016. I now look forward to seeing the Forth Crossing Bill progress to Stage 2 where these proposals can be considered in greater detail.“There is, clearly, still a significant amount of work to do and we have made a number of changes and commitments on the project based on objections received and recommendations in the Forth Crossing Bill committee’s Stage 1 report. These changes will strengthen our commitments to promoting sustainable transport and minimising unnecessary impact on local communities.”The proposed changes to the project announced by Mr Stevenson include:

• The development of a Public Transport Strategy, in conjunction with SEStrans and local authorities, that seeks to ensure

integration with public transport and encourage modal shift from cars to public transport, which includes a commitment to work with Fife Council to deliver a park and ride facility at Halbeath.

• The formation of a noise liaison group with the relevant local authorities to monitor and control noise during construction, and the development of a Memorandum of Understanding on noise and vibration matters that will establish how works will be planned and monitored to minimise noise.

• Reducing the normal core working hours for road construction on the project to take place between 8am and 7pm, with a 30 minute start up time.

• A commitment to further explore with West Lothian Council and Newton Community Council ways in which potential traffic impacts in the village may be mitigated.

Capital gains their first Mercedes-Benz vansRefrigeration specialist Capital Cooling is looking forward to a significant improvement in reliability after making their first investments in Mercedes-Benz vans.The company, whose UK headquarters are on the East Mains Industrial Estate at Broxburn, near Edinburgh, have bought eight 2.7-tonne Vito 111CDIs and a single 3.5-tonne Sprinter 313CDI from its close neighbour, MERCEDES-BENz dealer Western Commercial.Capital Cooling manufactures their own range of commercial refrigeration cabinets and provides reactive and planned service of commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment to customers within the retail, hospitality and leisure industries.The Long-bodied Vitos have joined their fleet of 65 mobile service units and are racked out to carry a comprehensive stock of tools and spare parts. The Sprinter, meanwhile, will be used by the company’s installations team.Between them, Capital Cooling’s 85 field service and maintenance engineers handle some 50,000 breakdown calls nationwide each year.Managing Director Alister McLean explained: “Given the perishable nature of the contents of a fridge or freezer, our emergency call out service operates 24 hours a day, seven days per week, and we commit ourselves to four hour response times.“So reliability in our field engineers’ vehicles is a ‘must’, and this was the key driver behind our decision to buy these Vitos. We monitor vehicle utilisation and downtime constantly, and given the outstanding reputation that Mercedes-Benz enjoys for reliability I confidently expect them to

out-perform our other vans in this regard.”Capaital Cooling’s field engineers each cover anything up to 30,000 miles per year and all of the Vitos have been specified with optional air-conditioning.McLean added: “Unsurprisingly, our vans have been well received by the engineers to whom they have been assigned - the feedback in terms of general comfort and mpg returns is all very positive and a couple to whom I’ve spoken directly have told me they’re proud to be Mercedes-Benz drivers.

“I am also a strong believer in the importance of first impressions, which is why we ensure that our vehicles are always clean and any accident damage is repaired immediately. Mercedes-Benz is a premium marque and the three-pointed star a widely-recognised sign of quality - its brand values can only reflect well on our own business.”

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Stagecoach confirms UK Bus management appointments in ScotlandStagecoach Group have confirmed a number of management appointments at their UK Bus Division.Sam Greer - previously Managing Director of Stagecoach West Scotland - has been appointed as Regional Director Scotland following the retirement of Tom Wileman. Sam Greer began his new role at the start of May and now has overall responsibility for all of Stagecoach’s Scottish bus operations including Stagecoach Highland, Bluebird, Strathtay, Fife, and West Scotland.

As a result of this change, several other management appointments have also been made. Bryony Chamberlain, previously Managing Director, Stagecoach Bluebird and Highland, has become Managing Director, Stagecoach West Scotland. She has worked for Stagecoach for 14 years, and returned to the UK Bus Division in January 2009 following a spell as Director of Operations with Coach USA. Bryony Chamberlain also began her new post in May.Andrew Jarvis, previously Operations Director, Stagecoach

South, has Managing Director, Stagecoach Bluebird, based in Aberdeen. He joined Stagecoach South in 2006 although his career in the bus industry began more than 20 years ago.Steve Walker, previously Operations Director, Stagecoach East Scotland, has become Managing Director, Stagecoach Highland, based in Inverness. He previously worked in the bus industry in Manchester before joining Stagecoach East Scotland in 2006.Stagecoach UK Bus Managing Director Les Warneford said:

“The management team at our UK Bus Division is absolutely crucial in ensuring we can continue to provide first-class, affordable and reliable bus services to passengers across the country.“We have a number of promising young managers who will continue to drive our business forward in the coming years and ensure we can attract even more people on to our greener, smarter bus services. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our new appointments every success in their new roles.”

Now that we have a new Government will we really see some new ideas and change? The Conservative idea for a “fair fuel stabiliser” is still rumbling around, but they have decided that a reduction in rural areas to be more sensible economically in the current climate and will consult.Just before the election I asked the then Chancellor Alistair Darling his views on both the stabiliser and the SNP’s almost identical “ fuel price regulator” which was welcomed and supported by the RHA long before the Conservative version.Mr Darling stated that he did not think much of either version though for drivers and businesses all would be well with the price pegged when oil was increasing but when oil was decreasing and below the regulated price, there would be so much pressure, public and media to reduce that the Government would lose billions in revenue.He also said that he had taken on board what we had said about the effects of the fuel duty rise and that had an affect on his decision to phase in the increase rather than the full amount in April.

About eight years ago the Scottish Executive started investing in their version of the Road Haulage Modernisation Fund. One of the first schemes approved was for safe and fuel efficient driving (SAFED). AT the end of this scheme more than 1000 drivers had benefited with an average of over 10% reduction in fuel consumption a 30% reduction in gear changes all with no noticeable increase in journey time.

For me it is a no brainer, train drivers and save the equivalent of nearly 10p a litre. Everyone benefits, the company by cutting costs, the driver who will probably get a bonus and the Government by the reduction in emissions.Since then many companies have embraced this eco driving and developed their own versions monitoring performance regularly. In some instances, in cab telematics can relay MPG figures back to base instantly. Eco driving is part of the drivers CPC and it is one way of getting a significant return on investing in training.However, the Department of Transport is currently consulting to make Eco driving training mandatory! It is less than 10 months since the implementation of the driver training regulations The Department is right to stress the importance of economical driving - but should abandon its plan for a new law on the issue. Regulation would be expensive and it would be resented by firms of all sized across the industry. The DfT has proposed three options: regulation (that is, “gold-plating” the Driver CPC), which it prefers; do nothing, which we agree is a bad idea; and campaign actively to highlight the benefits of good driving. This middle course, we would wholeheartedly support.The Road Haulage Association has been urging employers to look at the needs of the business and of individual drivers and choose Driver CPC training modules accordingly.Having trained thousands of drivers directly, we have a reasonably clear picture of what is happening. Firms doing training are not generally

choosing to send drivers on an “eco-driving” course at this stage, although some are. They are preferring courses on core compliance subjects - drivers’ hours and daily walk-round checks, for example. This choice makes good sense. Compliance issues can cost you contracts or even cost you your O-licence. Having done courses on key areas of compliance, most firms will, we believe, send their drivers on an eco-driving course as one of the five modules and in many cases gain benefit from them.As I said earlier, many companies, large and small are already implementing eco driving and to force them to do a mandatory approved course over and above what they are already doing will add to their costs for no real benefit. The RHA believes that the best way is to promote the benefits of this type of training. If some do bury their head in the sand they will become uncompetitive if they can’t save on fuel costs. They will reluctantly have to embrace sooner than later or go out of business.

New ideas and change on the horizon?

Phil Flanders Scottish Director - Road Haulage Association

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GITI get positive responseExhibiting at the Commercial Vehicle Operator Show, GITI Tire (UK) Ltd. are extremely pleased with the outcome of the three day show. On the GITI stand distributors and fleets had the opportunity to see for themselves the latest range of innovative products from the GT Radial truck and bus programme. General Manager Richard Lyons said: “The company has focused on bringing to the market a wide range of new patterns and sizes with key features including low rolling resistance, increased mileage performance, strong robust casing construction, retreadablity and reduced noise emissions. The GITI Tire Stand decorated in the new GT Radial corporate image proved to be the ideal platform, providing my team the opportunity to demonstrate to customers the benefits GITI has to offer.“Our philosophy is simple, to be the easiest tyre company to do business with. We offer a comprehensive mission matched product range, fully compliant with all European regulations. State of the art research and development facilities including a European Test Centre based at MIRA, local technical and sales support and next day delivery across the UK.” Showcased for the first time was the new GT686, specifically designed for extreme all terrain conditions the new directional and M&S marked GT686 is now available in 295/80R22.5, 315/80R22.5 and 11R22.5. GT686 benefits from an extra deep tread depth and advanced compounding developed to resist cuts and tread tearing and provide excellent self cleaning. Featuring a robust casing construction with sidewall protection, GT686 has been designed to provide excellent grip and deliver a high mileage performance throughout the life of the tyre when used in tough on and off road conditions.Making its European debut at the show was the new GDL617, a long haul drive axle pattern available later this year in a variety of sizes. This new pattern features a compact tread design with a multi deep sipe arrangement and benefiting from the latest cool

running compound technology. Lyons explained further: “Since its conception in early 2009 GITI Tire (UK) Ltd. has focused on building long term sustainable relationships with high quality service providers, strategically located and able to provide a class leading level of service to fleets, large and small.“The investments the company has made in key areas such as the recruiting of experienced and highly motivated staff, customer events and shows like the CV Show, advertising and promotion, marketing and brand building has resulted in a rapidly expanding footprint across the UK in a very short space of time, this combined with the delivery of high quality products and service we are now achieving considerable success with the award of many new fleet contracts specifying GT Radial product.”Meanwhile, GITI Tire’s new mixed service drive axle tyre has been launched.Specifically designed for extreme all terrain conditions the new directional and M&S marked GT686 is now available in 295/80R22.5, 315/80R22.5 and 11R22.5. GT686 benefits from an extra deep tread depth and advanced compounding developed to resist cuts and tread tearing and provide excellent self cleaning. Featuring a robust casing construction with sidewall protection, GT686 has been designed to provide excellent grip and deliver a high mileage performance throughout the life of the tyre when used in tough on and off road conditions.

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Interesting times for haulage industryI recently read through the coalition agreement between the two governing parties. There are two particular action points that may be of interest in the haulage industry. The first is a proposal to introduce a new system of HGV road user charging to ensure a fairer arrangement for UK hauliers. This would presumably be favourable and work towards clamping down on the various problems created by the influx of foreign haulage. The second statement of interest relates to plans over tax which will supposedly be more favourable to entrepreneurial business ventures. There is obviously considerable discussion of reforms to the banking system. I know many small businesses have been suffering due to the lack available credit from the banks. We will all wait impatiently to see the financial policies implemented by this latest Government. I was very disappointed in reading through the coalition document to find no mention of any proposed action to combat the steep rises in fuel duty even if there may be some action for far flung parts.One result of the recent general election has meant a fresh look at devolution. There are several new powers which seem likely to devolve

to Holyrood in the coming months; one important one for the transport industry will be speed limits. I attended a hauliers’ reception at the Parliament a year or so ago, and improper speed limits were a key issue for many haulage groups. In areas such as the highlands with the A9, it is certainly understandable that a 40mph limit is unsuitable for economical and many other reasons. I look forward to any future review of the situation.

An issue which is still causing problems are the large number of potholes. After a severe and harsh winter it can only be expected that some toll would be taken on the roads. Unfortunately local authorities and Transport Scotland are struggling to keep up with the volume of necessary repairs on local and trunk roads. The harsh weather is not helped by tough economic times. Local and central government are all feeling the pinch with less money available for roads maintenance. Maintenance is ongoing on the M90 on the east coast with road works currently around Kinross.Ongoing roads projects to improve the Scottish trunk roads infrastructure continue to move forward. The replacement Forth crossing passed its first parliamentary hurdle with an initial vote

on Stage one of the bill on May 26. The costs for the new Forth road bridge will be significant, but will be dealt with in phases as the bridge reaches various stages of construction. Unfortunately the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route has hit a major legal roadblock from the campaign group “RoadSense”. I hope that the courts will deal with this swiftly. It is a vital project to improve the flow of traffic and ease congestion for hauliers and motorists alike in the North East.

With summer now upon us, a new fuel price war has appeared to have broken out. Unfortunately, the decrease of roughly 5p/litre at the pumps is not terribly significant given the level of current pricing. I am not sure whether this reduced price at the pumps is likely to benefit wholesale purchasers to any great extent. I certainly hope that ideas such as the fuel duty regulator will not be completely lost on the new Government in Westminster.

For more information: www.brianadammsp.blogspot.com

Brian Adam MSPSNP Chief Whip

Exhaust fume problems?EHC Teknik have developed a range of exhaust filters that fit directly to the vehicle tailpipe. These filters work as soon as the vehicle engine is started and require no preheating or outside power supply. The filters remove 99.92% of all particles. By trapping the particles the filter captures the materials that are harmful to health. The filters also reduce the amount of noxious gases. New generation engines produce 15 to 35 times smaller particles than older engines due to improved fuel burning and exhaust re-circulation.Fitting a filter to your existing equipment is a lot cheaper than buying new equipment.By trapping exhaust pollutants you can reduce the man hours lost due to illness, reduce cleaning costs, and reduce stock damage.Catalysers are also available to reduce smells even further.EHC supply a wide range of customers from DIY restoration enthusiasts to multinational producers, with the filters being used in production facilities,

repair workshops, exhibition halls, and construction sites, ships and aircraft hangers. Virtually anywhere that an engine is running there is an exhaust gas problem and EHC filters can reduce these?

For more information:01494 445503 or [email protected]

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New website boost as Phoenix Training goes from strength-to-strengthPhoenix Training are a leading accredited and independent UK based Training Consultancy and they run training courses for commercial drivers through the Easy CPC arm of the business.They offer Driver CPC training from as little as £35 per head per day and with 19 training centres throughout the UK - including Dumfries, Perth and Inverness - you are never further than 50 miles from one of them. And it could not be easier to find out the course that is best suited for you or your staff with the new and improved website - www.easycpc.com - which allows you to search for each course via the user friendly section.Having started contract training for local authorities and Government bodies for over 20 years they are ideally placed to offer expert driver CPC training services to the commercial industry, as they have been for the passenger transport sector in recent times.And with the number of centres they have in the UK they are now perfectly placed to replicate the service for the LGV sector. Having so many courses registered to cover all aspects of training requirements, the company are ready to deliver.

For more information:www.easycpc.com

Triscan Systems’s Simon Hollingsworth Nick Lambourn of OLE (UK) Ltd

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New design to delivery facilityThis new facility now offers a complete service for vehicle installations for all sizes of fleets, taking vehicles direct from the end of the production line through to delivering them road-ready to the end user if required.In the first 18 months over 3000 vehicles were installed with Sortimo Racking, and the feedback from the customers has been very positive with the quality of the work and the way in which Sortimo makes it easier for the customer to have their vehicles organised and installed and then finally return to them. The service they can now offer is from design to delivery.A Sortimo spokesperson said: “The installation centre has secure storage for several hundred vans that will ease any of the logistical issues that usually arise when receiving vehicles from different sources.“Sortimo has made a large investment and it’s important to emphasise that the new business is not only about Vehicle Racking systems, but also

everything that may be required in, on or under a vehicle. Anything from graphics and phone kits to solar powered auxiliary equipment, seating, and glazing can be accommodated.“Vehicles that come here will be able to leave with everything the customer needs including PDI, registration and fuel.“Sortimo will now be able to provide a complete bespoke service for the larger businesses right across the UK, but smaller companies will also find a welcome here and we won’t be too big to deliver for them. After all, today’s start-up is tomorrow’s big success story.”

For more information: 0800 027 5644 or www.sortimo.co.uk

On the move

Experienced onboard weighing service technicians can save you money

Legras Industries are an independent family company founded in 1919 located in Epernay, France and are one of Europe’s leading supplier’s of bulk moving floor trailers, having manufactured them for over 30 years.One size never fits all that is why there is nothing standard about the Legras product range, they specialise in providing cost effective trailers and fixed equipment that meet individual companies requirements, tailoring them to suit today’s many differing waste and commodity streams.In the UK Legras have trailers operating in the paper, wood, animal bedding, animal feed, recycling, and construction, waste and associated industries

and have fixed installations in several material recycling facilities, newsprint sites and distribution centres.With the trailer range constantly evolving and their complete consult and design fixed equipment service the chances are if you need to move or store bulk products the Legras have got a trailer or installation that can provide it.With over 15 years experience of the UK marketplace and a UK based sales, parts, and service team, why not join the many owner drivers and blue chip companies and be part of the Legras family.Visit Legras at the RWM show September 14-16 at the NEC.

For more information: www.legras.fr

Solutions Onboard are looking forward to moving into the Scottish market and they believe they can offer cost effective products and customer service that is second to none.The company are fully experienced in maintaining, repairing, supplying and installing many types and makes of onboard weighing equipment that has been introduced to the market over the last 15 years.They can offer low cost labour charges, highly experienced service engineers, a 24/7 service and high quality parts.They also provide and install reverse camera systems - which are an important part of providing operators of heavy goods vehicles with an aid when reversing into tight spaces - and hands free phone kits.

Solutions Onboard were formed in January 2008 by two experienced onboard weighing service technicians. With over 10 years experience of onboard weighing and another six years in industries such as electric motor engineering and design, hydraulics, motor engineering, electrics and electronics they are competent in many areas.Paul Makings from the company said: “We can help haulage companies save time and money by using one company instead of three or four to provide equipment and service. Our aim is to help haulage companies reduce costs and we would be delighted to hear from companies in Scotland who feel we could be of benefit to them.”

For more information:www.solutionsonboard.co.uk

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Fuel for thought from HarlequinLeading storage tank manufacturer Harlequin are advising those responsible for agricultural, commercial, industrial, institutional and larger domestic fuel storage facilities to check their tanks, following The Water (Environment) (Oil Storage) Scotland Regulations 2006 coming into full effect earlier this year.Harlequin’s John Switzer said: “When handled and stored responsibly, oil is an environmentally responsible fuel choice. It provides energy for heating in rural areas; power for commerce and industry throughout Scotland; and fuel oil is the lifeblood of the Scottish transport network.“However, each and every year there are hundreds of oil related pollution incidents across Scotland. Many of these could be easily avoided. As an environmentally responsible oil tank manufacturer, we therefore warmly welcome the new Regulations coming into full

effect.“The new Regulations will reduce the impact of oil upon the Scottish environment and represent the biggest change in oil storage regulations in Scotland for a generation. They usefully establish minimum standards for the storage of oil at affected premises and also include tough penalties for non-compliance.”, says Switzer.At the heart of the new Regulations is a requirement for fuel to be stored in Bunded Tanks at most agricultural, commercial, industrial and institutional installations. A Bunded Tank consists of a ‘tank within a tank’. The inner tank acts as the primary fuel storage vessel, whilst the outer tank acts as a failsafe in the event of a spill. Bunded tanks are proven to significantly reduce the risk of an environmental pollution incident and are already mandatory in many other European countries.Harlequin can supply bunded tanks for the storage of heating oil,

waste oil and lubricants, diesel, biodiesel and agricultural fuel oil. All Harlequin tanks benefit from almost three decades experience in the design, development and manufacture of fuel oil storage tanks and have been engineered to exceed the most demanding requirements. When installed and maintained correctly by a suitably competent person, Harlequin Bunded Tanks can assist in

achieving compliance with the new Regulations.Further information and guidance on the new Regulations can be obtained from your local SEPA office, or by contacting any Harlequin Reseller or Tankmark Accredited Installer in Scotland.

For more information: www.oil-tanks.co.uk or www.tankmark.org.uk

Harlequin’s range of Fuel Storage and Dispensing Tanks can help achieve compliance with the new Scottish Regulations

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Boniface Engineering will be exhibiting at this year’s European Tow Show and have an interesting line up of vehicles and equipment. As well as their usual products such as the fuel efficient T35, the high capacity Chevron slidebed and the heavy duty Recoverer Trident with Maxireach Lowline boom, they have a couple of unusual vehicles for those visiting the stand to admire. In true Boniface style customers will receive a warm welcome from Michael and his team and have a chance to ask any technical or sales related questions. Also

attending as their guest speaker will be a familiar face all the way from the USA, namely John Hawkins III - Miller Industries Vice President of Heavy Duty Products. For customers hoping to meet up with their usual Boniface Sales Engineer, Lea Pearson will be at the show on Thursday 24, David Youdan on Friday 25 whilst John Coldwell and Michael Boniface will be there for the duration of the event. There are a number of stock vehicles both available now and currently in build with some special show deals to be done if you are quick.

For more information: www.boniface-eng.com or 01842 754232

Tow Show 2010The Tow Show 2010 is shaping up to be a cracker at the Telford International Centre with the rescue and recovery event sold out.The show will formally open at 10am on Thursday, June 24 with an all industry display team demo taking place at 2pm. The team will demonstrate the latest vehicle rescue and recovery techniques to all visitors. It is recommended that you register before you arrive to make sure that you avoid queuing.

On the Friday the show reopens again at 10am with a fascinating all industry review taking place in the Ironbridge Suite from 11.30am before another all industry display team demo takes place in the afternoon. That evening a charity dinner is also due to take place and as part of this during the exciting event will be a celebration of Roy Jones’ life and indeed his involvement with the Tow Show. For those who knew Roy this

can only a happy event which will mirror his personality, happy, laughing and sociable. Money raised from this will go to the Hearts and Heroes charity.The event then runs from 10am-2.30pm on Saturday, June 26 to round off what should be a very worthwhile three days.

For more information:www.towshow.co.uk

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A new platform for continued expansion and success

Family owned Ferguson Transport’s move from their spiritual home in Spean Bridge to new purpose-built state of the art premises in Corpach on the outskirts of Fort William was the result of three and a half years careful planning.As befitting on of Scotland’s leading transport companies, the entire move was completed in only two days between last Christmas and New Year with all member of staff rolling up their sleeves and getting on with the job in some of the worst weather conditions witnessed for a generation.Ferguson Transport was founded in 1959 by the late Archie Ferguson with his wife Anne in Ardrishaig, Argyll. Farm feed forestry and general haulage was the typical type of transport carried out in these days. Subsequent to the large windblow in the late 1960’s when the forestry work dried up in Argyll, the company then moved to Lochaber in 1974 to load and unload ships at Corpach Basin for Wiggins Teape pulp and paper mill as well as the transport of the raw materials such as roundwood and paper pulp and the deliveries of finished products, as far a field as

Ireland via Campbelltown.Archie Ferguson was tragically killed whilst assisting with the recovery of a loaded vehicle stuck on a forest road in 1997. Anne Ferguson retired from the business at the end of 2004 after 45 years, and the company is now run by the next generation - Managing

Director Alasdair Ferguson and fellow Directors Carol MacKinnon, Jack Ferguson and Leslie Innes.With a fleet in excess of 36+ vehicles and 90+ trailers, most of which were making a daily trip to Fort William from Spean Bridge (12 miles each way) and further a field, it made economic sense

to re-locate the business closer to their core customers Marine Harvest, Rio Tinto and BSW Timber all in the Corpach area as well as many others in the agriculture, forestry and general haulage sectors. This will also cut down on the downtime, labour and fuel costs running their fleet out to Spean Bridge for inspection, maintenance and repair.The impressive new Corpach premises were officially opened on May 21 with around 80 guests, members of family and staff along with contractors invited to look round the new site for themselves.The development includes a new head office to accommodate 15 office staff, including directors, along with a new purpose built HGV service and repair workshop to accommodate 11 staff. The new workshop has three service bays, plus a separate VOSA test lane for HGV’s and a tacho centre for service and repair. The new workshop also has training facilities for staff, offices and drivers rest room with welfare facilities.The new VOSA approved tachograph centre is a very welcome addition to Ferguson

The Service Department

The Ferguson family

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During 2009 GEMCO Equipment got a call from their close friends at Everquip to say that they had won a large contract to fit out a new workshop for Fergusons Transport in Fort William and that this new workshop would be a VOSA DP lane. This was excellent news for GEMCO as they are the UK distributor of BM Autoteknik equipment, the CURRENT choice for VOSA in their Goods Vehicle Test Stations.In January 2010 GEMCO commenced the installation at Fergusons new workshop. The equipment supplied consisted of three major items - Brake Tester. Play Detectors and Load Simulator.The VOSA style BM12200 Brake Tester was installed including the PC and software system, which enables the operator to replicate the VOSA test by inputting the DTP number of

the vehicle. This machine has proved to be extremely reliable with its heavy duty 15kw motors, 20 tonne axle load and lifetime roller surface warranty. The BM12200 is operated by a PDA so the brake tester is truly one man operation.At the same time GEMCO installed the BM53000 Play Detectors, which are also 20 tonnes capacity. These are only one of two models currently approved for use in VOSA DP or ATF lanes and area also the current VOSA GVTS choice. The BM53000 Play Detectors are operated remotely by a radio controlled Heavy Duty Handset .The third item of equipment installed by GEMCO was the BM74000 Load Simulator or more popularly known as the “Nodding Donkey”. All operators are familiar with this item as

it has been used for many years in VOSA’s GVTS for applying load to flat-bed rigid vehicles and tractor units. The current BM 74000 can apply a weight of 10 tonnes.As part of this major installation GEMCO worked closely with Everquip by providing the necessary frames for the brake tester and play detectors and rail details for the nodding donkey so that all the necessary preparations for the test equipment were provided to coincide with the pit installation. GEMCO’s presence in Northern Scotland with BM test equipment is getting widespread with similar installations at Peterhead and Tain.

For more information: 01604 828600or www.gemco.co.uk

Transport and the local transport community as prior to the opening of the new premises, vehicles had to travel 70 miles to Inverness or 100 miles to Glasgow to the work carried out.Managing Director Alasdair Ferguson said: “With the help

of the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) we secured substantial funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the whole project was given the green light.“We are a family run business and from the outset we wanted

Opening day

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During the very early planning stages of the project Alasdair made tentative enquiries with Everquip Garage Equipment Ltd regarding the supply and installation of their Pre Fabricated Steel Inspection Pits. Following a prompt response by Stuart Everard, Everquip Managing Director, a meeting was arranged at Spean Bridge where Alasdair was able to discuss his requirements in more detail. Alasdair had become aware of Everquip as a result of several recommendations and their already strong presence in Scotland with a customer base including Andrew Black Haulage, Stagecoach, Robert Wiseman Dairies, MAN Truck and Bus, VOSA, JST Transport, Hill Hire, Smiths of Denny, Albert Fyfe Haulage and Scottish Borders Council to name but a few. The first meeting was very productive and it became apparent that with over 27 years experience Everquip would be able to supply not only the Pre Fabricated Steel Inspection Pits but also many of the other new workshop requirements. Everquips experience, flexibility, exceptional knowledge of VOSA requirements and willingness to work with local contractors proved to be a telling factor and following a competitive tendering process the prestigious order was placed with Everquip. Further site meetings were arranged and Everquip soon established a good working relationship with all of Fergusons nominated local contractors resulting in the development being completed on time and within budget.Everquip’s significant contribution included the supply and installation of 3 x 15m inspection pits complete with service recesses, 1 x 15m ATF pit complete with 2 side entrances, 1 x steam cleaning pit, the supply and installation of complete ATF equipment including the BM12200

Roller Brake Tester and the BM74000 Nodding Donkey Type Load Simulator. Everquips vast experience of garage equipment also enabled them to install a complete compressed air system with pipework and a variable speed compressor, pit jacks, an exhaust extraction system and a complete lubrication system incorporating a digital oil monitoring system.

For more information: 01430 449480 or www.inspectionpits.co.uk

to use as many local companies as possible to make our move to Corpach come to fruition. For example the main contractor was RE Campbell Joinery Ltd of Spean Bridge, the architects on the project were D Kelly Design of Fort William and the Surveyors were Samuel & Partners, also from Fort William.”On the vehicle maintenance side of the operation, Ferguson Transport employ four management staff - General Manager Jill Ferguson, Service Control Manager Peter Docherty and Service Workshop Floor Managers Christopher Innes and Fraser Gibb - administration staff, 11 mechanics, apprentices and a panel beater.The workshop staff are responsible

for the service and repair of their own fleet of 36+ tractor units from Volvo and Scania, cranes, service vans, Tug Masters, Terberg shunting tractors and 90+ trailers of various specifications from Dennison and SDC Trailers from 8am - 8pm Monday - Friday and 8am - 2pm Saturday and Sunday.Outside maintenance contracts are also undertaken for local and national companies such as Scania, Volvo, Scottish Fuels and Travis Perkins. The immaculate workshop has three fully fitted out service bays from Everquip with oil monitoring, autolube, autogrease, airjacks, brake roller tester, beam tester, and wheel shakers. Pre MoT inspections can be carried out as

Anne and Alisdair Ferguson perform the opening ceremony

The VOSA approved ATF pit

Stuart Everard with Alisdair Ferguson in front of one of the 3 x 15m inspection pits

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By either specifying your new or used Volvo with Dynafleet Online telematics or talking to Volvo Truck and Bus Centre North & Scotland about fitting it to other non-Volvo vehicles in your fleet, you will open up the possibility of reducing your fuel bills by as much as 10%. Dynafleet Online is one of the most user-friendly and effective telematics systems around today and is a key element in the Total Transport Solution available from Volvo Truck and Bus Centre North & Scotland. It delivers driver and vehicle performance information which will enable you to manage and reduce your operating costs. As Volvo’s own telematics system it is available to subscribing customers through any computer with an

internet connection. The company say it is an extremely versatile tool which you can use to access fuel usage, environmental and performance reports 24/7 any day of year. You can also specify the functions you want for each individual truck, and can integrate Dynafleet with your existing administrative systems for wages handling and servicing. To make the choice easier still, Dynafleet is available with three package solutions, Perform, Perform and Locate and Operate, with their contents tailored to meet different needs. There are now more than 25,000 Dynafleet users across Europe, including the UK and Ireland.

For more information:www.volvotrucks.com

well as individual brake tests and commercial steam washing is also available in the new purpose built wash bay.The state of the art transport room located in the new office facility is the hub of the Ferguson Transport’s fleet business where staff have all the information required to run a slick operation at their fingertips. The company has been running Volvo’s Dynafleet system for the past three years and are reaping the rewards.At the grand opening, on a sunny day, various speeches were made. Alasdair thanked everyone involved in the creation of the new premises in Corpach and outlined Ferguson Transport’s vision for the future. Ian Brown of VOSA told the gathered crowd that Ferguson Transport’s test lane and approved tachograph centre rivaled those of anywhere in the UK and family friend and ex Chairman of the old Highland and Islands Development

The busy transport office

Ben Nevis towers over the new Corpach site

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Terberg DTS UK have recently supplied three yard tractors to Ferguson Transport (Spean Bridge) Ltd based in Corpach near Fort William. Alasdair Ferguson (Managing Director) decided to choose Terberg tractors, as the units are essential for the movement of trailers at peak times, have a good reputation for reliability and have a UK based aftermarket presence. The maintenance will be carried out in the impressive new workshop facilities by FT staff. The purchase and delivery of the Terberg yard tractors was overseen by brother and Director Jack Ferguson. The units were carefully selected and were serviced, inspected and repainted prior to delivery. They

were handed over to Jack by Andrew Partridge (Sales Manger) and onsite product training was provided by Scottish engineer Craig Tollan. Terberg DTS UK specialise in new equipment sales, used equipment sales, rental, contract hire and refurbishment work, while their product portfolio consists of Terberg, Schopf, Seacom, Mantsinen and Actiw.Terberg tractors are increasing in popularity throughout the UK and the availability of good quality units enables operators of all sizes to carry out efficient and safe trailer movements. While focusing on the core product of yard tractors, Terberg DTS has expanded its portfolio and is now able to supply

industrial trailers, aircraft ground support equipment and 360 degree mobile harbour cranes.

For more information:www.terbergdts.co.uk

Jack Ferguson with Andrew Partridge

The workshop team

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Board Donald McCuish on his dealings with the Ferguson family over the last 40 years. Finally Anne Ferguson recollected many stories of from days gone by, including how she and Archie would sometimes work all night dropping a new clutch into a lorry which had to be back on the road first thing in the morning.Ferguson Transport have an additional string to their bow with their own Port at Kishorn.The delivery of fish food to fish farms located off the West Coast of Scotland has become a major activity for the company and because of the increase in this traffic, Ferguson Transport acquired own port at Kishorn to ease the distribution and warehousing of the stock.The Quay provides a single continuous straight edged Quay of some 120 metres in length, running parallel to the general shoreline. A regular fish food delivery service

is run by Ferguson Transport from the Port along the West Coast of Scotland from as far south as Arran - Mull - Loch Linnhe, as far west as Loch Hourn - Skye - Uist - Lewis - Harris and as far North as the Shetland Isles. Other products handled from this facility include

forestry, round wood, road salt and fertilizer.Ferguson Transport have successfully move to their new premises but they are not a company to rest on their laurels. Comments Alasdair: “We are looking at the possibility of opening

a rail depot at Corpach so that we can provide a truly intermodal freight transport service to our customers throughout the UK and further a field. Ferguson Transport already has the sea and road sides covered and a rail depot would be the final piece of the jigsaw.”

The new workshop in all it’s glory

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Hamilton Brothers have been supplying North Ayrshire Council with tractors and related machinery for over 25 years.The west of Scotland based outfit are one of the country’s largest supplier of agricultural, ground care, construction and powered gardening equipment. They also stock a wide range of animal health products. The relationship with North Ayrshire Council spans back over a quarter of a century and is continuing to go from strength to strength, providing many vehicles and associated products.These vehicles include Kubota

L4630 tractors as well as the Massey Ferguson 5455 and Massey Ferguson 5470 models which all do the job that the local authority needs very well.A spokesman said: “With over 60 years experience in the industry we offer our customers the utmost in brand leading tractors and machinery for all your farming, ground care, construction and gardening requirements, combined with expert advice in sales, servicing, parts and hire.”

For more information:www.hamiltonbros.co.uk

Moving from the private sector to the public sector is a major step for anyone in business, even more so when you are filling a role left by someone retiring after 15 years. Gordon Mitchell took up the position of interim Transport Manager with North Ayrshire Council at the turn of the year. Gordon’s background is in the private sector having previously held the position of Transport Manager with Ayrshire based Barr Construction.As with any business, reducing costs is a key focus and North Ayrshire Council is no different. However where some organisations are willing to take the easy option and cut staff numbers, Gordon has been working to review manpower and transport to reduce costs in all areas and enhance the North Ayrshire Council’s service. Such as been Gordon’s influence on the department, he has recently been appointed as Transport Manager. In his role as Transport Manager, he has responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the Council’s Operator licence, the maintenance of the Council’s vehicle fleet and associated plant, operation of the Council’s MoT testing station for class IV, V and VII vehicles, taxi testing and inspection, driver training and standards, fuel management, vehicle accident management

and insurance claims.Comments Gordon: “This is my first foray into the Public Sector and I have to say that I am relishing the challenge put in front of me. Having only been in the interim role for six very short months, I have had to get up to speed with how the Transport Department has worked historically. it was important to quickly identify those areas of the operation that are working very well and those which have required some fine tuning and attention. North Ayrshire Council employs

over 7000 members of staff whom in turn look after the daily needs of a population of some 135,500 residents in the area. The Transport Department is located in Kilwinning where Gordon heads up an experienced team of 22 The team at Kilwinning work closely with Gordon to run a vehicle and plant feet totalling 750 items. The workshop at Kilwinning is suitably equipped to handle all servicing and mechanical repairs for all vehicles and equipment used by North Ayrshire Council. Applications have been submitted

for the workshop to become an approved Ford repairer, as the majority of vehicles used by North Ayrshire Council are Ford, and also to become a VOSA approved HGV testing centre.North Ayrshire Council doesn’t undertake any accident repairs. Instead three separate estimates are sought from local approved accident repairers for each job and allows the work to be completed in the local catchment area.Historically the Transport Department updated a logbook for each piece of equipment

Setting a course for success A look at North Ayrshire Council

Gordon Mitchell

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in its care, which proved to be highly time consuming. This has been taken away by the introduction of RoadBASE Fleet Software, one of the most flexible and adaptable Windows-based fleet management solutions available, providing control and reports on every aspect of fleet operation and increasing the quality of information available to management.As with any council, North Ayrshire has to be seen to be ‘green’ at every given opportunity. However being ‘green’ does come at a cost and Gordon has to make judgements based on a cost / ‘green’ analysis. One way in which this has been achieved has been to adopt a retreading policy for HGV tyres with Alba Tyres.Comments Gordon: “All our groundscare tractors purchased through Hamilton Brothers are

A selection of vehicles awaiting attention at Kilwinning

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specified with Nokian Tyres which are supplied by Lockerbie based Nordic Tyres. The Transort Department has found that Nokian Tyres are very hard wearing as well as offering very good on-road grip. Our drivers prefer Nokian Tyres as they provide a soft smooth ride, very important when the vehicle is in use for long periods of time.“Nokian Tyres are very sympathetic to the terraine providing maximum grip with very little damage to the ground.”Nordic Tyres have been the UK distributor for Nokian Heavy Tyres for over a decade. They are continuing to work in close partnership with Nokian to build on the quality of the brand as they supply the full range of specialist heavy tyres to their key markets in industry, forestry and agriculture.Coming from the private sector, Gordon has been able to review the transport operation with a fresh pair of eyes and put forward suggestions as to how reducing costs can be achieved. Gordon has embraced the shop floor in order for all members of staff to understand why changes are being made and to buy into and embrace the new health and safety process. This has proven to be a highly successful process that will be undertaken again in the future.Comments Gordon: “I am very looking forward to working with the team here in Kilwinning as we have already shown that in a short space of time we are all pulling in the same direction with one common goal - to make North Ayrshire Council’s Transport Department something which the local community is proud of and looked upon as a standard bearer for other councils in Scotland.

A busy workshop

Plant in for repair

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Mike Carter of Marangoni UK flanked by Alba Directors Alex Wilson and Mike Proctor

Alba Tyre Management are the UK’s largest ringtread manufacturers and are based in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire.Founded in 2004 the company has continued to grow year on year due to the quality of product and service provided to the customer base.For the last four years Alba have dealt with three Ayrshire councils in conjuncture with Strathclyde Tyres. Since 2009 Alba are now supplying another six local authorities with their ringtread re-treads which are assisting councils to lower their carbon footprint while reducing tyre costs.

With recent investment Alba Tyre Management will increase production by more than 50% to supply more and more councils and hauliers that are seeing and hearing about the benefits of running Alba ringtread re-treads on their fleets.During the next few months Alba will be rolling out an internet based engine management system that will allow customers to monitor this valuable asset that so often either goes missing or is disposed of.

For more information:[email protected] 682 222

A new Ford based catering wagon for commissioning

Health & Safety inthe workshop

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Serving the accessible market for nearly 20 years, the Antrim based company Nu-Track Limited’s core business is the design and manufacture of accessible buses.Their wheelchair accessible minibus conversions, which are based on the customer’s van of choice, include features such as full flat floor allowing better access and space for wheelchair users

and using the leading manufacturer’s ranges of detachable seating, wheelchair restraints and wheelchair occupant restraints, ensuring the supply of an all round quality and safe vehicle.Nu-Track also supply a full range of accessible coachbuilt buses, ranging from 14 seats right through to 60 seats. The vehicles are built to the exact requirements of the customer, using

the highest quality materials, whilst at the same time remaining within the customer budget. Our accessible coachbuilt buses are supplied for the main part to the public sector market and key customers include a number of Local Authorities throughout the UK.

For more information: www.nu-track.co.uk

APSE 2010 goes wellAPSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) once again hosted their event at the Hilton Coylumbridge, Aviemore from May 5-8.The fleet, waste and ground services seminar remained at the forefront of the delivery of innovative service solutions to meet the challenges of best value, efficient Government, sustainable development and environmental enhancement. A spokesman for APSE said: “This annual event continues to go from strength to strength reflecting APSE member local authorities who remain committed to providing excellence in public services. “In an era of increasing challenges and with growing demands placed upon the public sector in local government APSE’s Aviemore event provides a genuine opportunity for like minded officers, elected members and suppliers to come together and look at how collectively they can share best practice and innovation.“Whilst it is easy for services such as vehicle fleet, transport, waste recycling and grounds maintenance to be considered as very much in the background when compared to say education or health services the reality is that for many citizens their only day to day contact with the public sector is through getting their bins collected

or a walk in the local park or simply living in a street that is regularly swept and kept clean by the local council.”Year on year this event has taken great pride in showcasing the very best in public services and the positive contributions they make to peoples quality of life across Scotland. Public services such as fleet, waste and ground services all have their role to play in helping making our communities a healthy and vibrant place to live. From initiatives such as greener fleets, through to dedicated recycling and environmental programmes or indeed, inclusive community initiatives to improve the general liveability of an area, quality public services and their partners are integral to the successful delivery agenda. This year’s key agenda topics included:

Transport, its impact on the Environment and the role of Local AuthoritiesThe Future of Vehicle ProcurementDriver CPC’sAsset Management, best use of FleetDemonstrating BV through BenchmarkingScottish Government Waste StrategyRenewables & Carbon Footprints

The spokesman added: “The calibre of the speakers remained at its usual high standard and there never seems to be any shortage of volunteers to present at this event and despite the current climate the number of exhibitors and visitors were up on 2009.”

For more information:www.apse.org.uk

Garwood Europe Ltd had a 7.5 tonne Isuzu fitted with the Garwood Bantam 6m body with wide comb lift, on the Logan Inglis stand at APSE.The company have also recently appointed Logan Inglis as their sales and service dealer in Scotland and have been providing quality products and services to this industry while continually expanding and improving as a company since 2000.Garwood produces equipment that meets and exceeds the demands of todays recycling and refuse collection needs. Established 2001 the company have supplied many local authorities, PLCs and private companies throughout the UK.Equipment ranges from 6m³ to 20m³ capacities in the following ranges:

The Bantam 4.5-6m³ capacity to fit 7.5 tonne chassis. Ideal for restrict access collection, clinical waste, recycling collections.The Powapact - 8m³- 15m³ capacities to fit 10-18 tonne chassis. Deliver excellent payloads in a selection of body sizes for all types of refuse and recycling collection.The Dualpact - 8m³-20m³ capacities to fit 12 to 26 tonne chassis. A range of equipment with separate hoppers and body sections that operate completely independently. Available 50/50, 60/40 and 70/30 body and hopper split options ensures no cross contamination of collected commodities. All equipments can be fitted with manual / auto tuckaway bin lifts as required and all Garwood equipment operates at lower engine speeds.

This results in considerable fuel and maintenance savings as well as reduced noise and pollution levels.

For more information: www.loganinglis.com

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Despite the wet weather, once again the APSE show at Aviemore was a success, attracting large numbers of visitors, and demonstrating the importance of the event as a vital point of contact with local authorities in Scotland and increasingly with northern English local authorities. Johnston Sweepers exhibited two of their latest products, the new CN101 sub-compact 1m³ sweeper - powerful and agile, neatly completing Johnston’s compact range. With its Deutz oil cooled engine and 1000 hours service intervals and low cost of ownership, the CN101 attracted huge interest from users resulting in interest from 23 local authorities.Johnston’s second product also generated a great deal of interest - the Johnston demount sweeper / spreader - one chassis and two bodies, a VT650 sweeper for most of the year

which can interchange with a Giletta spreader for use in winter conditions. The cost savings of using one chassis for both tasks attracted a large amount of attention and many enquiries from contractors and local authorities alike.

For more information:www.johnstonsweepers.com

Noblet were exhibiting some of their newest vehicles at the annual APSE conference in Aviemore.As they are an established and stable company with a firm base in Scotland following the acquisition of Alex Inglis, they feel they can offer a more bespoke fully supported service to Scottish customers. Their sales team were also present at the event to answer enquiries about aspects of hire either short term or long term. A spokesman said: “Our vehicles and engineers are all locally based and unlike our competitors we are not reliant on third party service providers, who although they can be efficient, seem always to be supporting numerous customers at any one time which dilutes their service quality. As we are part of a global corporation we can access finance to support our purchases which gives the end customer the confidence that we will still be in business for the

whole of the contract.”Alex Inglis specialise in the repair and maintenance of chassis mounted equipment.Ranging from skips, hooks, RCVs and ejection trailers in the waste industry to tippers, low loaders, plant bodies and the like in the transport / heavy haulage industry. Alex Inglis are the main Scottish Agent for the GeesinkNorba product range and can offer parts servicing and training.

For more information: www.noblet.co.uk

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Nordic Tyres are the UK wholesaler for Nokian Tyres and this was the company’s first visit to APSE. The key message they wanted to get across to councils in the UK is the environmental friendly way that Nokian manufacture their complete range of car, van, truck, bus and tractor tyres.Nokian Tyres are the largest manufacturer of tyres in Scandinavia and became the first manufacturer in the world to terminate the use of high aromatic oils (HA oils) in all production at the end of 2004.The company have invested heavily in technology to allow the manufacture of tyres with clean alternatives to these toxic HA oils. The tyre industry has traditionally used HA oils, which are a by product of the oil industry, in the manufacture of tyre treads. There is an EU directive which should enter into force in 2010 to prevent all manufacturers using HA oils containing more than 3% polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.The other message from Nokian is that they are specialist manufacturers in winter tyres - of course with a factory in Finland and Russia you would expect that to be the case. The conditions we have experienced in the UK over the last couple of winters would merit the consideration of Nokian winter tyres for the councils’ gritting

trucks and bus fleets - consider the advantage of keeping the traffic moving safely under the most severe conditions. The message is trust the natives.And finally the Nokian range of TRI2 and ELS tyres for council tractors are unique. The TRI 2 tyre is designed for road and course turf operations and can fit on existing wheel rims. The tyre is radial construction and offers low noise and low rolling resistance reducing fuel consumption. In addition, the long wearing characteristics of the TRI2 make it a very economical investment. The added advantage

is that the TRI2 offers excellent traction in winter conditions if the tractor is used to clear snow.The Nokian ELS is also radial construction and offers maximum flotation for tractors operating in sensitive areas such as golf courses and sports pitches that require a high standard of preparation.The key considerations with Nokian Tyres are quality, unique capability, cost efficiency and environmental friendliness.

For more information: 01576 203020 or www.nordictyres.com

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Vishay PM Onboard, market leaders in overload protection and on-board weighing systems, offer a complete range of weighing options to provide safety, reliability and allow operators to function within legal limits. Vishay PM Onboard only use quality components in the design and manufacture of their vehicle solutions and the second to none, Bradford based testing facility, ensures accuracy, durability and reliability from their weighing and overload protection systems.VanWeigh, the overload protection system for light commercial vehicles, is the recognised leader in its field and is now being installed in Europe and as far afield as Chile making this a worldwide product. More recently the product has been upgraded to include a telematics link that will connect to most / all telematics suppliers, providing the operator and driver, with added benefits such as monitoring loads, fleet tracking and better payload utilisation. The use of the latest development in solid state technology and the move away from unreliable spring based or mechanical systems, is proving to be what the market has been waiting for.Vishay PM Onboard’s WasteWeigh system provides continuous and precise weight

information for payload control and operational efficiency. Both the 1155 and 1300 digital indicators are suited to most types of waste and recycling operations. The 1155 is also readily enabled with telematics output capabilities, whilst the 1300 indicator has the ability to switch between weight display and camera view negating the need for multiple screens in the cab.Recently, Vishay PM Onboard have combined their proven weighing technology with Dennis Eagle to jointly develop an integrated weighing solution for the waste industry. This

system is enabled with features such as packer plate shutdown and intelligent barrier as standard and is the first system to display individual axle weights on the Dennis Eagle integrated screen.In today’s mounting legislation where the focus is constantly moving to zero accident safety policies and improved profitability, Vishay PM Onboard offers the most extensive choice of efficient and reliable solutions to cater for all transport industry demands.

For more information:www.pmonboard.com

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There was a lot of interest from local authorities and dealers in the Weightlifter product range, in particular the 18 ton three way tipper, at the recent APSE event in Aviemore.The fleet, waste and ground services seminar was well attended and brought together local authorities and exhibitors under one roof so that they can discuss business and innovations in the industry.And the Weightlifter Scotland stand was a great success, with a number of visitors over the four days who were positive about the products on show.The Scottish branch of Weightlifter - run out of Kirkliston near Edinburgh by Eddy Mollon - is relatively new, but is growing quickly. Weightlifter has been successfully trading for over 75 years supporting British manufacturing with clients in the UK and throughout the world.Weightlifter offer a number of solutions for transport, from a wide range of alloy tipping bodies, bulk and aggregate tipping trailers, through platforms and extendables. Their developing products change as the market dictates and the company is heavily investing in modern technology.

For more information: 0131 319 1449 or www.weightlifterbodies.com

James A. Cuthbertson Limited were once again at APSE this year.Cuthbertsons have become known throughout the world for innovation and quality of product over the last 71 years.To complement the range gritters in the Cuthbertson portfolio at present, including small ground drive units, HD towed gritters from 1m3 to 3.5m3, a range of vehicle hydraulic and auxiliary engine demountable and permanent mount gritters from 1m3 to 12m3, the Engineers from Biggar have developed a 1m3 gritter suitable for mounting on three point linkage attachment.By utilising the control valves and spinner assembly from the existing HD towed gritter range, the engineers at Cuthbertsons have ensured that the gritter will becapable of handling all types of salt available in the market today.The flexibility to employ sub-contractors with tractors to cover remote and inaccessible areas is one that has been recognised by Shropshire County Council who, after an initial order for seven gritters, returned to order a further 13 units. This gritter, in conjunction with the Cuthbertson agricultural straight blade has proved to be the perfect contractor’s package for Shropshire.Also on their stand Cuthbertsons showed an agricultural blade

snowplough, a 3.050m x 900mm

snowplough and the often overlooked Straight Vee ‘Plough.

For more information:01899 220020 orwww.jamescuthbertson.co.uk

B & B Contracts had another successful APSE Show and have recently become the sole Scottish and North of England agents for MacPac products.On the APSE event Scott Barr from the company, who specialise in van requirements, said: “We had a good show with good feedback from customers as we always do there, it is always a useful event to attend.”The MacPac is a high compaction

7.5 tonne refuse compactor with

the newest model being able to be loaded from either side. It is also equipped with a hydraulic lift suitable for bins up to 1280 litre capacity. Under a partnership with Stewart Commercials, the Northern Irish Company who came up with the MacPac, B & B are the agents of the products in Scotland and the North of England. And with the demand for the MacPac 65s steadily increasing it really is an exciting time for B & B Contracts. The MacPac is available for hire or purchase and the staff at the Lanark-based outfit will be happy to talk to you about your requirements.

For more information:www.bandbcontracts.co.uk

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Whale Tankers of Solihull - a specialist manufacturer to the waste and cleaning industries - have recently fulfilled an order for their biggest and most advanced Kaiser-Whale sewer cleaning Jet-Vac with continuous dirty water recycling.Joining the 40-strong tanker fleet of Taylors Industrial Services Ltd of Aberdeen - one of the largest family owned waste management companies in Scotland - the highly specialised tanker will be deployed within Scotland to support multidimensional contracts, primarily within the sewage and shipping /marine sectors.Specified on Scania’s new R-series R560, 6 x 4 rear steer 6.1m wheelbase chassis, the 32 tonne Kaiser-Whale is the first Whale recycler to feature three vacuum pumps, not to mention an 8” diameter suction loading boom assembly that features fully hydraulic operation through 300° rotation. This feature alone means the tanker can load up to depths of 50 metres. Additionally, the KaiserWhale’s debris compartment is equipped with 6” large diameter inlet and outlet valves for improved operating efficiency.Manufactured using high performance 304 EN 1.4301) grade stainless steel, the Taylors Kaiser-Whale has a carrying capacity of some 12,700 litres. Alongside a debris/sludge compartment with 8900 litres capacity, are a 2800-litre clean water tank and 1000-litre nominal capacity overspill tank.Developed by Whale Tankers in technical partnership with Kaiser AG - an acknowledged leader in water recycling equipment in Europe - the specialist unit recycles the water it uses during jetting operations, therefore maximising time spent working on site and minimising the time involved taking on supplies of fresh water.

At the heart of the KaiserWhale is a jetting and vacuum pump, both of which are dedicated to recycling, and a single stage filtration system which helps make the vehicle significantly lighter and more durable.On this latest Kaiser-Whale, the vacuum functionality is supported by a three-pump system for improved operating performance. Alongside two Kaiser KWP3100i liquid ring pumps delivering 2400m3 / hr (1410cfm) at 85% maximum vacuum is an additional Mistral 401 vacuum pump, piped to provide 1 bar discharge pressure.In terms of jetting capability, the new unit features the Kaiser KDU High Pressure Water pump assembly. The KDU delivers high performance, with a flow rate of up to 400 l/min maximum up to 200 bar. Located at the rear of the vehicle is a hydraulically operated Whale ‘Mega Reel’ that effectively handles a 180m, 1 1/4” thermoplastic jetting hose.Commenting on the decision to specify the Kaiser-Whale, Taylors Managing Director and family member Kevin Taylor said: “We have always adopted a policy of procuring highly specialised pieces of capital equipment as a means of ensuring we have the magnitude of vehicle required to fulfilled our the needs of our customer base in the future, and the Kaiser-Whale is a classic example. It is a highly sophisticated unit and one that we are confident will help us to expand our range of waste management services throughout the UK.”He added: “The first Whale Tanker that we put into service is now 20 years old, so we know that the product offers brilliant longevity, and we will be looking for much the same from this latest generation recycler.”

For more information: www.whale.co.uk

King of recyclers set to rule in Scotland

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Great three days in the sunshine at PAWRS

PAWRS - the international event for plant and waste recycling - was a success early in June in Torquay.With a 25 years venue history PAWRS is a meeting point for many of the biggest names in the recycling industry from across Europe and the USA. PAWRS attracts a broad range of exhibitors from product and technology manufacturers to niche specialists or comprehensive full service suppliers. All of them offer solutions to reduce waste, managing its disposal or recycling it.The show this year was some 35% larger in space and exhibitors than 2009 and already many of this year’s exhibitors have confirmed they are coming back in 2011.The quality of visitors was high with local authorities, business people and exhibitors really enjoyed that and the glorious English Riviera weather.Paul Bicknell Marketing Director of BMC Plc

commented: “BMC have been a supporter of the PAWRS exhibition right from the outset, we committed back at the show in 2009 to attend this year’s show and furthermore confirmed we would headline sponsor the show. We shared the belief of Richard and his team that this exhibition would grow each year and were very please to see the number of exhibitors showing products increase.“Whilst visitor numbers we felt were lower this year the quality of attendees was certainly as good as last year with us making inroads into several local councils and meeting with the procurement teams of some major organisations; we see Torquay as the place to be for networking and conducting business in a relaxed environment.“We look forward to a prosperous 2011 show where we have already committed again to be headline sponsor.”PAWRS Managing Director Richard Hunt said: “We were really pleased with the way the event went this year and the feedback so far has been good. “The event remains top for many who are involved in plant and waste recycling because we offer great value to attend and a great venue making it a very worthwhile trip for all.”The awards evening during the event was a roaring success and was attended by 160 local authority officers and business people. It was compered by John McDonald, the famous Sky Sports presenter, and the awards were handed out by John Conteh, ex-Light Heavyweight World Champion boxer who also did a great after dinner address. And there were Scottish winners on the night when Kilmarnock-based Billy Bowie - who

specialise in tanker service and waste disposal - were awarded the Private Sector Waste Management prize.A spokesman added: “We had the Campaign for Real Recycling there for three days in the Conference Suite and the Resource and Loop Group also all in conjunction with May Gurney and Torbay Council promoting the treatment of waste as a resource for renewable energyas well as recycling to save using new resources from the planet.

“We also worked with many exhibitors to ensure that this message gets out there and many visitors came to see the people, technologies, plant and equipment that will change the world in the treatment of waste and recycling.“All in all we consider the show was a great success and the PAWRS Eco Team led by Richard Hunt look forward to next year and to seeing all our friends back at the best show in the west for networking business and people.

For more information: www.plantandwasterecyclingshow.com

Red Forge Ltd would like to thank all their customers who visited them during the recent Tip-Ex and PAWRS shows. It was good to see such a strong show of support from exhibitors and visitors alike, and gives us all hope that the UK market is well on the way to recovery.

Both events were a great success, and many customers got to see a demonstration of the Omniweigh system first hand. The Omniweigh is the latest in On-Board Weighing systems, and provides both gross and net values for the vehicle and its payload.

In addition, the Omniweigh also provides a GVW Overload warning, and now has Axle Prediction for Front and Rear overloads built in as standard. Simple to operate, and using temperature compensated loadcells, the Omniweigh is a rugged system capable of being

fitted to almost any HGV application. Kits can either be purchased direct, fitted by Red Forge, or fitted through your chosen bodyshop.

For more information:www.redforge.co.uk or call 01527 526112

The Billy Bowie Tankers team with John Conteh

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Balmoral’s range of bunded tanks is available to the Scottish market on its doorstep

Sold out Hillhead set to get going

Hillhead, the UK’s major construction event and the biggest working quarry show anywhere in the world, takes place on June 22, 23 and 24 in Derbyshire.A new record 455 exhibitors will be on show at the event which has had great support since it was moved from last year with over 85% of the space booked for 2009 having been transferred to this summer’s event.The show’s Commercial Manager, Richard Bradbury explained: “After filling the Main Pavilion in February, momentum continued to build into the spring with the Registration Pavilion doubled in size to satisfy additional indoor demand and the last remaining outdoor plots also filled. “Hillhead will once again provide a true working showcase for the industry, with visitors able to catch up on all the latest innovations and technological developments available from 455 exhibitors and over 80 dedicated demonstrations.”A new feature at Hillhead 2010 will be an ‘Industry Information Village’ which will be located in the centre of the main pavilion and bring together a group of key industry organisations into one open-plan stand area so that visitors can

obtain information on a wide range of subjects from a single location on the site.The feature will be comprised of stands presented by the Institute of Quarrying, Mineral Products Association, Health and Safety Executive, British Aggregates Association, Mineral Products Qualifications Council, University of Derby, Institute of Asphalt Technology and Proskills, the Sector Skills Council for the manufacturing and process industries.

For more information:www.hillhead.com

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The first public showing of the new Volvo FMX construction truck will be at the Hillhead Show at Buxton between June 22 and 24, where a bodied 8x4 LHD tipper will be on display. For the 2010 Hillhead Show, and in keeping with the company’s intention - with the launch of the new Volvo FMX - of growing their construction business, Volvo Trucks have joined forces with fellow Volvo Group company Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) on a significantly larger stand. In addition to the new FMX, other Volvo Truck products on display include an FM 8x4 tipper belonging to W H Malcolm and a flagship FH16-700 tractor unit.Taking centre stage with the FMX is Volvo CE’s new MW500 milling machine together with an AGB6870 paver and a wide range of machinery for use in demolition, waste handling and general construction. Volvo Trucks’ Managing Director Göran Nyberg is confident that the company has a well structured Total Solution for UK and Ireland construction

industry customers: “No other manufacturer has this kind of experience where we can look after the needs of both machinery and truck operators in the construction, demolition and waste handling and recycling sectors.“This fact puts Volvo Trucks in a strong position as the company aims to expand its well-established business within the construction segment. Together with Volvo Construction Equipment we have the most comprehensive product offering. We can provide a total solution for on- and off-road construction work and have vast experience meeting our customers’ needs.”Göran concluded: “We already have a very strong position in the construction segment in the UK and Ireland with our present Volvo FM. With the new purpose-built Volvo FMX, and our optimised support for construction operations, we aim to grow our market share in this business significantly.”

For more information:www.volvo.com

Although there are numerous solutions for keeping track of fuel purchased from filling stations, one of the main advantages of refuelling fleet vehicles on site is that fleet and driver fuel usage can be monitored more easily and quickly. Dispensing

equipment can be linked directly to fuel management software, allowing fleet managers instant access to detailed information - a real advantage in such a competitive environment. Companies also benefit from having fail-safe, around-the-clock refuelling, which gives them more flexibility and peace of mind, and importantly can reduce refuelling during driver’s on-duty time.Lancashire based tank manufacturer Fuel Proof Ltd have seen sales in their range of bulk diesel tanks increase as more companies adopt this in-house approach. With the recent addition of a new CNC controlled automated welding system, the bulk tank range now covers capacities from 5200 up to 60,000 litres. A Fuel Proof spokesman said: “In the last 12 to 18 months we’ve seen a significant change in the way haulage companies and coach operators address their fleet refuelling requirements. Many find that having instant access to detailed fuel usage information and a secure, reliable refuelling setup gives them an edge over the competition. Over the years we’ve developed our products based on feedback from these customers, so we are confident we can help them find the ideal solution”

For more information: 01524 850685 orwww.fuelproof.co.uk

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Bott, the vehicle enhancement solutions specialist, will be attending the Hillhead Show to highlight their service to the construction industries.Bott’s team of experts will be on hand to talk through how they can help businesses enhance their fleet’s performance through bespoke conversions - from service and maintenance vehicles equipped with storage and racking, through to welfare units for site workers. The company have extensive knowledge of the challenges facing companies, having worked with brands such as Volvo, Caterpillar and JCB to name but a few. Bott’s original-thinking approach ensures it provides customers with practical, hardworking solutions that stand the test of time. The company offers comprehensive project support - from consultation, design and manufacture to installation, logistics and recycling, taking the strain of vehicle enhancements. Their team work with customers to optimise their conversions, while meeting legislative and regulatory requirements. Safety is integral to its designs and Bott’s commitment to product durability means customers benefit

from a long-term investment.On display at the show will be an array of vehicles equipped with examples of Bott’s standard and bespoke product ranges, showcasing the company’s innovative, quality offer.

Visit stand W21

OTS have over 40 years experience in tank design and manufacture and are accredited to the highest UK manufacturing standards ISO9000 and OFST/200.The company manufacture a comprehensive range of tanks from 1000 litres - 200000 litres enclosed bunded and can offer a 20 year guarantee on their tanks as recommended by the guidelines to Oil Storage Regulations.OTS supply a wide range of tanks for either “Purchase or Hire” up to 200,000 litres with hire tanks from as little as £5 per week.Tanks for:• secure diesel strage tanks• oil water separators• bowsers - lube Oil

• waste oil• effluent• water settlement tanks • bio-diesel• leachate Additional services on offer from OTS:• tank installation and decommissioning• tank refurbishment• licensed waste disposal site EAN/WML (86076)• ADR approved drivers along with licensed waste carrier transport • Hiab lorries and vacuum tankers• contract crane lift with appointed person• secure storage• IOSCA certified oil spill contractors OTS have been a holder of a Waste Management Licence since July 1993 issued under Part 1 of The Control of Pollution Act 1974 and since modified October 2007 under The Environmental Protection Act 1990 section 37. Licence number EAWML 86076 also under The Control of Pollution Act 1989 we are Registered Waste Carriers and Brokers Registration No CB/YP3099BT.

Visit stand H8

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Cummins have recently revealed the latest generation of 4-cylinder QSB3.3 and QSB4.5 engines offering a simplifiedTier 4 installation across a broad 75- to 160-hp (56- to 119 kW) power range.With an air intake-to-exhaust aftertreatment system specifically designed for highly flexible machine integration, the 3.3-litre and 4.5-litre QSB engines will lead the way for compact equipment to more easily meet low emissions regulations in 2012.The 4-cylinder QSB engines operate as integrated Tier 4 emissions systems with Cummins Compact Catalyst exhaust aftertreatment,.Introduced for EPA Tier 4 Interim and EU Stage IIIB off-highway applications, the catalyst removes Particulate Matter (PM) by simple, flow through passive oxidation.With a smaller size than other types of aftertreatment, the Cummins Compact Catalyst can be installed in space-constrained equipment with the added flexibility of mounting separately from the exhaust muffler, or as part of a combined catalyst-and-muffler unit.With no impact on equipment operation, the catalyst offers a robust and maintenance-free “fit and forget” solution, ideally suited for the rental equipment market.Compared with Tier 3 applications, the QSB3.3 and QSB4.5 engines can achieve up to 5% improved fuel efficiency for Tier 4, depending on duty cycle. Cleaner, more fuel-efficient combustion is achieved with a cooled Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system to reduce Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)

emissions.Extensively proven on Cummins 6-cylinder engines, the EGR system is scaled down for the 4-cylinder QSB configuration and driven by a variable flow turbocharger. Using a simple variable turbine mechanism, the turbo improves boost across a wider engine speed than a wastegate turbo and avoids the complexity of dual turbochargers.“By focusing on design simplicity, the 4-cylinder QSB engines reflect the need to maximize installation flexibility for Tier 4 compact equipment,” said Hugh Foden, Executive Director, Cummins Off-Highway Business.“The Tier 3 QSB3.3 and QSB4.5 have earned an enviable reputation for durability and power productivity. Now, with the Cummins Compact Catalyst and upgraded performance systems, we are able to achieve low emissions without compromising the ability of these engines to perform at the highest load factors or in the toughest applications where theyexcel today,” added Foden.Equipment manufacturers looking to power a wide range of machines will benefit from Tier 4 installation commonality provided by the 4-cylinder QSB engines. The QSB3.3 extends across the 75 to 110-hp (56- to 82-kW) power range, while the QSB4.5 extends from 110-to-160 hp (82- to -119 kW). For

ratings up to 173-hp (129-kW), the larger 6-cylinder QSB6.7 engine will also be available with the Cummins Compact Catalyst.The engines retain the impressive peak torque characteristics of the previous Tier 3 versions, with 306 lb-ft (415 N•m) peak torque available for the top-rated Tier 4 Interim QSB3.3 and 466 lb-ft (632 N•m) for the top-rated Tier 4 Interim QSB4.5.

Visit stand N9

The Powermax from Faymonville relies on motorised axles, integrated with the semi-trailers and capable of running at the speed of the tractor. If for example a 10 axle semi-trailer pulled by a tractor has to negotiate a route which involves a few hills, the entire road assembly requires additional power. Usually, the haulier will have to resort to one or more additional tractors to provide the necessary traction and/or propulsion. To avoid having to resort to this additional tractor, Faymonville offers a Powermax semi-trailer equipped with motorized axles of its own. A cheap solution as it turns out, seeing that the additional tractor is very expensive for additional traction power on just certain sections of the journey. Adding the costs connected to the second driver and fuel consumption you have

a measure of the validity of the Powermax system. These motorized axles are capable of keeping up with the speed of the tractor. The Faymonville solution enables the motorized axles to reach a speed of 80 km/h in ‘free wheeling’ mode without any distance or load restrictions. Other axles available on the market have a limitation up to 15 km/h and ,furthermore, have to be removed once not in use or they give rise to overheating, and cannot therefore support any kind of load. It is a dead weight which essentially cuts the useful payload. These axles with limited speed do not even have a type-approved braking system, unlike those on offer from Faymonville. The motorized axles get their power from a Power Pack Unit, a hydraulic pump linked to a diesel engine. The complete traction force is available with a minimum of 12 tons of load per axle. A Powermax 12x8 (6 axles with 4 motors) generates a traction force of approximately 30 tons. Two motorized axle sets represent the equivalent of a 6 x 4 tractor in traction terms.The same system may equally be used in an auto-traction version, which therefore will not require the backup of any external traction, for inter-factory use at reduced speeds (5 or 6 km/h).

Visit stand F11/F12

The Powermax from Faymonville

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New cab for telehandler range Latest generator technology

Bobcat have introduced a new improved operator cab for the company’s range of telescopic handlers. The new cab offers several significant changes aimed at improving and modernizing the operator’s working environment, including an improved dashboard, a fully integrated air conditioning system and a sturdier steering wheel for easier handling and control.The dashboard has been redesigned to ensure the operator can quickly gain an overview of the working conditions and operating configurations. All data is conveniently placed in front of the operator and is easy to read. This includes all operational mode indicators which are shown in the

top part of the display. The control switches on the display have been enhanced to improve visibility and ease of use. Backlit switches illuminate each function and the activation light indicates when a function is in use so the operator can easily monitor all functions which are active.The visibility of attachments has been increased by lowering the display and dashboard, improving the line of sight between the operator and the attachment. The air conditioning unit is fully integrated into the dashboard. It features well placed air outlets throughout the cab, providing an increased total airflow of over 40% to 500 m3 per hour. The number of directional air vents has been increased, ensuring an even distribution of air around the operator. The improved circulation of air ensures a more homogeneous temperature throughout the cab.

For more information: www.bobcat.eu

Atlas Copco Compressors’ portable air division have announced the introduction of a new hydraulic mobile lighting tower designed to increase night work productivity and to support safer on-site operation. Launched at BAUMA 2010, the QLT H40 incorporates the latest innovations in portable generator technology, the result of over two decades of research, development and manufacture of leading edge mobile generator solutions. Powered by a Perkins water-cooled diesel engine, the QLT H40 features an 8kW alternator, two 16-amp 230V

power sockets and provides four 1000W metal halide lamps. The lighting units are attached to an eight section, fully automated, hydraulic vertical mast capable of deployment to full height of nine metres. The alternator operates at 60% of power to maximise energy efficiency and to reduce fuel consumption. Single switches for each individual lamp allow for the maximum combination of light and power choice.

For more information: 0800 181085 or www.atlascopco.co.uk

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Back for moreSpecialist Heavy Haulage contractor, Cadzow Heavy Haulage from the UK, recently took delivery of a brand new MEGA-z-4H. Purchased through Faymonville’s UK distributor, Traffco Limited, this renowned and well respected UK heavy haulage specialist with nearly 50 years experience in the heavy haulage industry, purchased this trailer to cope with the increasing work that is now starting to return after the worst recession in many years.Cadzow bought their first Faymonville trailers three years ago, a MEGA-z-5H and MULTI-N-4L-AM trailer. Both of these trailers have performed very well and proved to be very versatile for the Blantyre operator. Because of this fact, Cadzow had no hesitation in turning to Faymonville for their next lowbed trailer.Jim Macauley, current Owner of Cadzow Heavy Haulage, says: “Faymonville was a brand that we had heard very good reports about from some of our European partners. When purchasing new equipment we look very closely at the specification and value for money and found that the Faymonville had so many more features over our older trailers, from a value for money perspective it made them stand out from their competitors. This and the fact that both our drivers and mechanics found the trailers easy to operate and maintain made our decision a fairly

straight forward and easy one to make.”Mr Macauley goes on to praise the ‘simpleand driver friendly design’ and the fact that “unlike most lowloaders in their fleet the Faymonville stands head and shoulders above the competition”. One feature that Mr Macauley repeatedly comments about is the fact that the hydraulic controls for the gooseneck and suspension operations are levers unlike other manufacturers, trailers in their fleet which have electrical push buttons

which have caused “nothing but problems”.Both Cadzow Heavy Haulage and TraffcoLimited have cause for optimism for the future. Peter Dougan, Director for Traffco Limited, says: “2010 has started very well for us in the UK and the market place feels more confident, so we look forward with optimism, but with some caution.”

For more information: 01536 206915 or www.traffco.co.uk

Going to great lengthsMorayshire-based Spey Bay Salvage Ltd have taken delivery of their seventh bespoke Andover trailer, this one specially designed to carry a 46-tonne screener. The screener requires an extremely sturdy trailer with an extendable bed, meaning Spey Bay Salvage needed a bespoke trailer manufacturer - and the decision to go back to Andover Trailers was an easy one.Owner Richard Murray says: “We’ve purchased our heavy haulage trailers from Andover for many years. For this latest application we needed exceptional strength and durability, and we knew Andover Trailers could be trusted to provide that.“I have a lot of respect for the staff at Andover Trailers. They are extremely knowledgeable and very attentive to a customer’s needs. I gave them the specification of the screener we would be carrying, and they did the rest. They have great

insight and always seem to create a trailer which perfectly complements the load it will carry.”The four-axle, extending step-frame machinery trailer with beavertail features a nine-foot-wide uprated frame, which extends in length from 13.8 to 16.8 metres. The sheer size of the screener combined with its short-track base mean its weight sits directly across the extended part of the trailer, demonstrating the enormous strength afforded by the Andover design. It will be used to carry the 46-tonne machine to the quarries and forests in which it operates, grading materials of different sizes.The screener can be a difficult machine to transport due to its overall length and weight, which require an unusually long trailer of exceptional strength. Trailers of the sort purchased by Spey Bay Salvage are a fairly common, if distinctive, sight in Ireland, where

a large number of screeners are manufactured.The trailer is fitted with BPW axles, two fixed and two self-steering, together with BPW air-suspension with raise / lower control. Its two-line EEC braking system comes with Knorr-Bremse EBS for exceptional control.Finished with vibrant red paint, it has 12-inch swing-out and slide-out side extensions and heavy duty, hydraulic steady legs. It also features metre-wide heavy duty hydraulic power toe rampswith hydraulic sideways, and will

operate in conjunction with either a DAF 6x4 or DAF 6x2 tag axle tractor unit. Spey Bay Salvage Ltd operates 14 vehicles in its local area of Morayshire, near Inverness. The family-owned business have been operating in the civil engineering, plant and crane hire, quarrying and haulage trades for 36 years, and have been an Andover Trailers customer for more than 16 years.

For more information: 01264 358 944 or www.andovertrailers.co.uk

Navman Wireless have joined forces with Apex Networks, the RMS and IT support provider, to offer a system that will help regional recovery firms meet the demanding performance targets of national breakdown service providers.The one-stop software platform seamlessly integrates two

technologies, enabling recovery operators to receive subcontracted job requests from national breakdown operators, accept or decline them, locate the nearest available recovery vehicle, route and send job details to the technician, manage the storage, repair and salvage of the vehicle and generate

invoices. Vehicle locations can be determined at a glance from detailed onscreen maps while management reports on recovery vehicle activities include everything from speed analysis to driver working hours.

For more information: www.navmanwireless.co.uk

Groundbreaking RMSDemand for video recording systems

Vision UK continue to see an increasing demand for video recording systems for vehicle, driver and payload security. It seems to be that the more and more vehicle operators are finding their vehicle subject to petty vandalism or attempted break in. With vehicles often having to be left unattended on the street - either overnight or when out on a job - owners / operators are increasingly fitting on-vehicle video recording systems to identify perpetrators of such crimes.Vision UK also have customers who are finding that their vehicles are being attacked / broken into when making deliveries in certain areas and who are also starting to fit cameras to provide evidence of events and ensure the Police can take appropriate actions and identify individuals involved.They are also finding that their wired and wireless cameras in combination with their digital recorders are being used for remote surveillance of vehicles or locations (such as known fly tipping sites) The low power consumption, small size and ruggedness means the system can be easily hidden and run off battery power for long periods.A spokesman said: “As for the future of on vehicle systems we see an increasing demand for video recording system with real time telemetry. As these systems also provide a GPS location they can provide an asset tracking capability. There are a number of benefits to real time telemetry not least that fact that a control centre can monitor a vehicle and payload even when the vehicle is unattended. In the event of an incident a control centre can also see what is happening and organise appropriate action.“Furthermore Telemetry gives the operator an option for recording video onto their office computer network directly from the telemetry stream and so avoid the need to manually download video from each vehicle.”

For more information:www.vision-uk.co.uk

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Enigma Vehicle Systems PLC have launched a special version of the company’s proven SK125 tracking unit designed specifically for trailers, or other unpowered assets, where theft recovery or location information are key requirements. It is therefore ideal for a wide range of trailers within the plant, agricultural and logistics sectors, as well as caravans and horse boxes. The new SK125 TT tracking unit is already in use by a number of organisations in the UK such as A-Plant and Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions. Ian Keam-George, CEO of Enigma Vehicle Systems PLC, said: “We have been aware of the issues around trailers for some time and have been striving to provide an affordable, reliable and compact product. Trailers present unique problems as they are often targeted by thieves, have no driver and cannot easily be found at times

of immediate need. They are also capable of carrying very high value loads, with criminals often stealing trailers with their own vehicle or disabling systems fitted to the operator’s tractor. As a result of our aggressive development plans we can now confidently say that we have a product that meets many market needs. I fully expect sales to grow rapidly over the coming months.”The SK125 TT tracking unit features a long-life battery together with sophisticated battery management software providing approximately 150 days operation based on its own internal battery, working in a low power mode and reporting twice daily. However, when connected to a vehicle, the battery management in the SK125 TT is so efficient, it takes just 2.5 hours to completely recharge and replenish a fully discharged battery. Once recharged, it will report

just like any other device attached to Enigma’s market leading Skyline remote asset management system. In addition, once connected to an external power supply, the SK125 TT comes to life with fully detailed journey reporting, movement alerts and distance travelled reports. Additionally Skyline users can request positions at any time and achieve a response within just a few seconds.Having completed exhaustive trials in both Europe and the Middle East, the new SK125 TT system has been tested in the extremes of both low and high temperatures. It is a proven and robust unit housed in a weatherproof enclosure and is designed for both external and internal installation.

For more information:www.enigmavehicle.co.uk

Gatwick Group have implemented an advanced vehicle tracking and mobile computer system from Masternaut Three X. Gatwick Group provides transport services to the aviation, rail and construction industry sectors. Their services include moving, lifting,

positioning, storage and warehousing of heavy plant, equipment and materials. The system will improve operational efficiencies and customer service with instant job status updates via email and text messages. Running on PDAs, the Masternaut

X Service system provides an end-to-end electronic solution that covers the entire operation from sending jobs to drivers to capturing customer signatures and site photographs for proof of delivery. The system maximises efficiency

and customer service and supports the company’s ISO 14001 green credentials by eliminating a mass of paper-based service documentation. For more information: 0113 2814000 or www.masternaut.co.uk

New tracking and security product for trailers

Lifting customer services

Identifying the correct replacement product

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C.P. DAviDSon & SonS LTDLyonS LanE

ChorLEy LanCaShIrE

Pr7 3BLTEL: 01257 224770

[email protected]