facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction © Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 1 Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salts Introduction People Helping People Live Healthier Lives through Natural Healing DavesHealingNotes.com

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Page 1: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salts Introduction

People Helping People Live Healthier Lives through Natural Healing


Page 2: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


What are Cell Salts? Cell salts are twelve inorganic biochemicals found in the blood and tissues which catalyze essential processes. They include forms of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and silica that work at the cellular level; hence, the name cell salts. Minerals are essential to the proper functioning of your body. Having the right amount and proper balance brings cellular health, and healthy cells amount to a healthier you! Learn more about cell salts at http://www.daveshealingnotes.com/learn/about-cell-salts.html.

Cell Salts and Their Indications The idea is to match the symptoms of the cell salts with a current condition for symptomatic relief. You may use one or more o the cell salts to match the symptoms. Chronic conditions are treated with a particular cell salt combination called a Cell Salt Solution. These are then taken over a period of 6 to 24 months and changed as conditions and health dictate. See specific cell salt solutions for common issues (like eczema, vision, rashes) at http://daveshealingnotes.com/common-ailments.html.

Learning about Cell Salts Help yourself and your family by learning to use cell salts (minerals). The first step it so get familiar with these new-found friends. There are just 12 of them in contrast to thousands of regular homeopathic remedies. These notes provide the basics. Remedies are best found by their “key” notes: or the few words that describe whole of the person (personality, physical, and mental attributes) for each cell salt.

Your Best Information on Cell Salts

See http://www.daveshealingnotes.com/learning-center.html for information on how cell salts work, how to use them and specific information on each cell salt (mineral). See Dave’s Books & Seminars at http://daveshealth.com for more information on the following items:

12 Minerals for Cellular Health is a reference many people use, including a brief synopsis of cell salt facial diagnosis that we will briefly talk about.

A quick and easy reference for guidance in using these wonderful minerals.

Cell salts (tissue salts) exist in every human body. They are the inorganic

biochemical elements found in the blood and tissues. They are the builders

and the catalysts for many essential processes, including nutrient assimilation

and detoxification of the cells.

Page 3: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies shows you how to find deficiencies of these minerals by looking at signs in the face such as lines, discolorations, wrinkles etc. Hopefully, through the photographs provided, this book will help you to visualize and recognize cell salt deficiencies and gain greater health. The Power of Cell Salt Seminar allows you a Certificate of Completion through a 15-cd 2-day seminar complete with workbook including:

• Functions in the body – KEY NOTES

• Organs, tissues, body parts affected

• Color-illustration of FACIAL signs of deficiency

• Chinese Meridian and muscle groups associated

• Emotions associated

• Zodiac sign associated

I also offer a Cell Salt Poster that charts your birth times by the zodiac. It can also be used to cleanse and strengthen the body according to the zodiac seasons (one season, one part of the body). Want Instruction from Dave? Individual consultations are available over the phone or in my store. Please see Dave’s Appointment Schedule at http://www.daveshealth.com. Live 2-day seminars are available for groups of 15 or more people locally, nationally or internationally. Call or write us for details.

Cell Salt Poster- section enlarged

Page 4: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Calc fluor artist description and symbolic rendition

With calc fluor there is a major imbalance between soft and hard: this is represented by the exposed skull, the saggy cheek, showing two extremes of hard (bone) vs soft (flesh). The revealed skull and the spine are also used to show that there is an overall problem with bone health. The spine is shown curved as a sign of possible scoliosis. The chained empty money safe in his mind represents his overwhelming and constant fear of poverty. Other physical symptoms are cracked heels and fingertips. His joints in his hand are shown enlarged and irritated, representing a problem with arthritic nodosites. Ligaments are seen in the exposed jaw joint to show problems with connective tissue (tightness or sagging). Cracked and otherwise unhealthy looking teeth are signs of poor tooth enamel. Rain clouds above his head are used to indicate that all symptoms are worse from weather changes, especially when it is wet and cold.

Page 5: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Calc phos artist description and symbolic rendition

She partially hides herself behind a corner because of her extreme shyness. Despite hiding herself, the subject still peeks out to show her curiosity. The airplane represents the desire to travel and see new things. Broken bones in the finger and cracks in the teeth show common problems with bones and teeth. In her mind, she sees herself as being cast out and ridiculed by peers and has the sense of drowning. Snake and spider represent some of their fears. All symptoms are made worse by windy, wet weather.

Page 6: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Calc sulph artist description and symbolic rendition

The bird represents an extreme fear of all birds. Her face is shown angry, the tear a lamenting attitude generally due to a lack of feeling appreciated. The runny nose is indicative of inflammation of mucus membranes. The eyes would be green with envy and jealously. The jaw is exposed to show joint problems. The tendons and other connective strands in the throat show overall problems with connective tissue. The flexing arm and the lion show a strong and willful personality. The shield represents a withdrawn and shielded person. The heart under the magnifying glass represents the person’s focus on love and attention and craving for such.

Page 7: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Ferrum phos artist description and symbolic rendition

The heart and brain show organs that are often affected. Earaches are a common problem. The heart is shown with blood coming out of it to represent the frequent blood problems. The lungs are shown to represent common problems with the respiratory system. The thermostat indicates susceptibility to low fevers up to 102 degrees. Bone represented the presence of bone problems. This person is very cheerful, showing a friendly and talkative nature. The wind over the top of the head shows sensitivity to touch.

Page 8: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Kali mur artist description and symbolic rendition

The subject pose (hold the child) shows the natural tendency to act as a surrogate or use a maternal mindset. The ears are plugged representing blocked Eustachian tubes and plugged ears. On the face the area around the eyes is circled and accentuation with lighting bolt shaped lines showing sinus problems or sinusitis. The throat is also shown with similar symbols representing a sore throat, and tonsillitis. The circles on the shoulder and elbow show joint swelling and cramping in the arms (also occurs in the legs). The stomach is shown bubbling and quivering with fatty foods in it because fatty foods cause indigestion in this person. Cold drinks make all symptoms worse.

Page 9: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Kali phos artist description and symbolic rendition

This person has a worried countenance, very common with nervousness which causes exhaustion. Headaches are common from over thinking which is shown in the sharp lines around the head. Ears are very sensitive to noise and music; also common to experience a buzzing noise in the ear. Insomnia is very common, shown by the zees making a circle around the eyeball. For women, there are frequent problems with menses; this includes being too late, scanty flow or to have foul yellow discharges.

Page 10: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Kali sulph artist description and symbolic rendition

Personality wise this person has a very large and kind heart and the papers adjacent to her represent her need to work to bring happiness to others as well. The subject’s posture is indicative of general weakness. The nose represents a problem with snoring from mucus. The circles and arrows on the arm represent the migrating arthritic pains. Fatty foods are very poorly received and make the subject feel worse. The thermostat shows the susceptibility to high fevers. The lungs have a lot of problems and at night they experience a rattling sensation.

Page 11: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Mag phos artist description and symbolic rendition

This person has heart problems. The three men above him represent a sense of isolation. Subject commonly has rib pain, back pains, and problems with hemorrhoids. Headaches focused above the right side of the face are quite common. Eye nerves (twitching) are a problem on the right side. There are also calf problems (cramps more in the right side). Tooth pain is common, sharp nerve pain better by heat. Symptoms better from heat (fire) and bending over (doubling over). Symptoms worse by wind, during the night.

Page 12: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Nat mur artist description and symbolic rendition

Snowflakes show the subject is an overall cold person. The separating sutures tell this person’s tendency to dwell on past hurts, whether emotional or physical. People standing in the distance indicate this person’s isolation. A very noticeable cold sore on the lower lip is used to represent the tendency for dry lips, skin and cold sores. Within the dashed circle are several things: the toilet represents the inability to urinate in the presence of others; a person with extended arm around another person shows the inability to be comforted; the crying eye represents the inability to cry in front of others. This person loves salt.

Page 13: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Nat phos artist description and symbolic rendition

Clouds and lightning show the presence of headache during thunderstorms. The globe, vials and math symbols coupled with the question marks in the mind show the confusion from too much study. The world being behind the subject shows the absolute apathy towards everyone and everything. Nose picking is common while a child. Quiver near back shows a weakness and a persistent trembling of the muscles. Lots of digestion problems; heartburn, indigestion, an upset stomach caused by milk and sugar; bleeding stomach ulcers and noisy gas are present. Subject has extreme cravings for eggs, fish, and bear, salty and spicy foods.

Page 14: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Nat sulph artist description and symbolic rendition

Noose and gun represent suicidal feelings which generally happen by hanging or shooting. Light bulbs show that subdued light makes all symptoms worse. Band aid on the forehead coupled with eye blacked out show that head injuries may lead to blindness or epilepsy. Music noted next to tears shows person often weeps at music. Bile or yellow mucus on the tongue shows a constant bitter taste in mouth. The pancreas is shown with cracks representing diabetic problems. The liver is shown with A, B and C representing hepatitis. The lung shows the respiratory problems, generally asthma, which gets worse at night particularly 4 am. The stars and lightning bolts are aimed at the lower left chest because that is a common place for the subject to experience pain. The balloon represents all of the bloating and trapped gas that is common in Nat sulph.

Page 15: Facial diagnosis cell salt introduction

Facial Diagnosis and Cell Salt Introduction

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Silicea artist description and symbolic rendition

Large eye at the top of the picture shows a plugged tear duct which is a common problem. The subject is also shown imagining sharp, pointy objects flying towards her because of a neurotic fear of these types of objects, which seem to be on the mind constantly. The hat and scarf are shown to demonstrate the need to have the head covered or wrapped always. The character within her mind is sad, crying while looking in a mirror, low self esteem. On the face and neck you can see veins, boils, and a scar which shows weakness and frailty of the flesh and an inability to fully heal. It also shows that the skin is often translucent enough to see the veins. The lightning bolts over the subject’s ear area show the susceptibility to earaches and infections. The hands and feet are shown with icicles hanging off them because they are often extremely cold. The feet are also shown with sweat coming off to them as well as odor lines because, despite the cold the feet, they sweat often and are extremely smelly. The word change is shown crossed out because the subject fears new thing, ideas, or change. A curved spine is shown to represent scoliosis.