f. wwwe - digifind-it.com · itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula-tion'"...

Itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula- tion'" of the STAR for tlio firm n\x mnntha of the pnwnt} year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n; lrcula- STAII ln- ilVITUHUTM of (rum 17,000 to 'J0.000 Cutixldomble publicity, iWt It? SUBSCRIPTION: Sl.50 PER YEAR 34TII YEAR-NUMBER 48. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1001 F. HE Disgraced by indiscretions, Joe Chandler Suicides. He Lcaves'aYoung .Wife land Three Had Ueea Made a Co-responded! In : Brought (or Divorce. Mrs. Obangler : I right you as a frend to lot you no * the laugh tuat is getting about do you no that your huebant was the cauae of frauk fmrand his wlfo parting do not Bay anything about it but go to Mr. fair and he will tell you the rest Mrs. Ohangler it is the taugh of tho town and I chink tiat you out tJ no it. --: .-: ,.......', .from a frond. This letter undoubtedly written by Bomeone who knew how to Bpell a great deal better brought about a crialB in the life of Josopli Chandler, a well .known Washington upholsterer, /.which resulted in his hanging himself ou Friday Tiie body wao nut discov- ered until Saturday night. It waa about 7:30 on the lntfer even- ing whtm J. B. Vanderbilt mt playing with hla babo at bin home on West. Washington avenue that the though! suddenly (lashed acroaa his mind tiat Chandler, who had been missing for more than twenty-four bourn, wai in a storage room connected with Ford & FieniingV big furniture house. HH put on his hut and hurrying to the Bture took up a small lamp and went down tj the bttre-room. Opening the door of the room he loolcod in and beheld a Bight which he will never : forg.t - : HnugUig from a beam by a small cord and almost on bis knees was the object of his search. The fuce dis- torted, t'io eyes almost bursting from their sockets and fie tongue protrud- ing, the corpse of poor Chandler pre- sented a grewsome appearance there ; in thR dim light of a Bmoking lamp and Viinderbilt, who has in bis time handled the bodies of men when they were so badly mutilated that it was almost impossible to tell one piece from another, paled at the aigl t Wh.to and trembling, moro with sur- .;.prif<Q,ihun.with fenr, he hastened away and inf >tmed the members of the firm of hiafiod. , Coroner O. N. Shrope. Dr. C. B. Smith and Undertaker D. B. Laubach were sont for and in a few miuutc'8 the body was lying in the undertaking room. Dr. Smith Bald that the man had been dead at least twenty-four hours. A messenger WHS dispatched to Irulnydalu to the borne of Chandler's parents and three hours later the fattier arrived. It had been iut-nded to It t the parent break the news to th« d«nd raan'fj wife but whon be did not coma at 11 o'clock the physician, undertaker anrl policeman weDt to hla lata hom« on V-umutta street and in- formed Joseph Cline, a neighbor ir whose bouse Mrs. Chandler was spend- the evnning, and th»t gant'mnan told her of tho Had news. The shook to r.Lher.WHH mi awful one bnt she has home ' up bravely and lias riiadethebett ofa biul aituttion. .... •- For a conpiilerablo time it had been noised about that Chandler had been named as one of twn co-reRp'mdorti in n divorce caao that Prank Pdhr, a Wesi ;;..^Washington avenue barber, hadbenun, looking to a lethal sepmitiou from hia wife Emma. Tho fdtt waa not long in reaching Ohandlor'a ours. Hd worried and;bn)0!iHdaoi.fc'iuiously over the tun affiira had taken but he stout'i denied his.guilt. Mrs. Chundler any" ehe bad no'.iced his changed mannei for tho past month hut; no5 for un -- Btnnt, did she BUBpettthe caunf*. Wnen the letter printed at the heat of Una column camo on tie. 3 p. m delivery last Thursday flhe realized fo: the first time what had been troubling v> herhusband. When he came honv .-?7rrthat night tbny. discussfld the subject , at pomo length and ii is possible tmi : warm words passed b<t.v«cn husbam d if Attl f bi convinced that his conduct bad; been nothing more than this uho says they agreed to forget the whole afTiir as far .•"> ouseibte and that shortly after Febr Isfs they w tired. ••; Mrs. Chandler naturally worried about the revelations of the preceedinp eighteen hours throughout the follov- ing morning and when hor husband arrived at noon he did not fail to notiuathis. At tho dinner table after be had eaten but little he asked her If Hhe was still thlnkingof'thut mutter." She replied that she could not help but think of it, whereupon Mrs. Ohaudler , says they both begin to cry. By ai d I,by her husband got some papor and a mail and rut writing at the table, for i hour. "HH scribbled off four pagp» bich ho handed to her and .asked h r read and when Bhe refused he"ttiru'n e paper In the kitchen fire. Then he f nt o]U the, door and she never more iw him alive."'-:;•-,.„ Oh'indler's paretts live at I ml ay dale id tine young man 1 had been working ir several daya at the; new Methodist mrch iu Obairgawater, so wheu he d not come home Friday evening his Ife concluded that he had gone to hin ithor's homo to spend'the night. If .e had done that, she argued, It WHB because there was but little work in 16 church left to do and be would w and ds passed btv«c Attlw conclusion of tbei: i .conversation he went up stairs. :„'„',.::i:;,Mr8."-..0Jian(ilBr heard him coughin jn" thcT's^Cond~Btory- froul-beUruum^ few minutea later and rushing up fc'n .^..BtepB.fouiid him standing over a slop :;• ? .bowl into which he.hatl juntiempUed •' mnutit'ul of carbolic acid, He st6o< with the bottle in his hand and at i ::, si^ht of hor again put it "t» his HUB, .jj^^...^ She reached for tho lirey fluid but be- j-.,, , ; fore*Bbe' : oouUr c KBl r il-l»«-Uad~for-"th. second time taken a quantity. ' H> held ili behind bis closed lips but for. minufc 1 , however, <when he agai emit'rd it His mouth had been con Bldorably burned by tho poiaouou> -•liquid but he mado no 'complaint, i 1 ; fe* minutes later a call came saying he was wanted at Mr. Gline's houw .a- fe>v_doorH bejow'and bo at once ~ ~pl ied" w i tiv 'tHe'sii miixibii B."-^-"™--™ At the- Ollne borne Ohaudler on countered Febr who begun to ask hh a multitude of quehfcioiin onmwrnin his acquaintance with his (Fehr's) w\b The applicant,for divorce nays- tlm the. f»nnfei'etice"la*t l ti v -threB>'hours, an $hntln tho end he tiecuri-d : Oliandler'i signature t) a statement which he wit utle in hia •proposed procecdinga. tf' says thacOtmndler stated to him th; if his wife lefo him on account of thi matter he would certainly end' MB l\" After Bignlng the Btatement the t< went to Chandler's home where th "whole "miBeraWrt business w.ss CKplsUr ~ Av. to Mre.. Chandler. She'saya'that 'hor ^presence Fehr^exonerated, hi a husband of any 'charge of wrong' d ..:~_ing.as3 jurgfld hereto forgive ..."Joo'A. he had been indiscreetr When she'wai >me home ornlng. by i) o'clock Saturday When that hour rolled around -end lotber passed without bitt pulUngUn i appearance, Mrs.iCbHndlpr boiirdad ie morning train for Junction. From lore she walked to Imlaydnle and arning that her husband had not jent the night there, walked on to hangewatcr where her sister-in-law, .ra, Hirry ROHH, Hv«a. The sinter bad ot seen her brother since t:m previous y. Hurriedly she came back to dtjhington and arriving here about 4 - m. went to her husband's workshop, u one tliero liad seen him since noon ' Friday but they were euro it wns joins;* to look for.nim about the build- .g. It was the opinion of the other, 'orkmen that he had concluded to go way for a time but they promised to t her know hy 9 o'clock that night hither anv t'dings of him had been jet ived. Several hours la>er his deatt ody was discovered in ttie storage Kita. The body was removed to the la^ nme about mtdnigLt on Sstuj;dny Vaterday it was taken to Imlaydale 'hero the funeral was held in. the tiHron* t -dig Valley church ahlu a. R:«v. John B. Keugler officiated. t th s i the remains wtjrt! Does $5,000 Damage in Paulirs - Kill Valley near Columbia. WRECKS A BIG ICE HOUSE Building Just Completed and Thought to Be Storm Pruoi. One Third of It Is Laid In Ruins and Evei the Timbers Demolished. ;'- : ' A regular Nor'weater raised Ita head down in Texas lato latt week and btruck this State with *a mighty whirl lutt Sunday. For fifteen hours it raged up and ddwn the coast and ships foun- dered, houses wert down and trees were uprooted. It was as bad a storm as has beun seen in New Jerey for sev- eral yearn. In the Pocouo region miles and milea of telegraph and telephone poles were leveled to the giound and in Newark hundreds of fenced went down. All over the State windows were broken and in this county a mammoth ice bouse was blown down at Columbia. In Warren county the great' damage WHH rinno in the* Paul ins Kill valley wher.it the new ice house being erected for the Consolidated Powtr Co, waa blown down and aim oat com- ph-tsly wrepkod, Muster Carpenter Lockurd fc»ld a STAR repreaentitlve t'utfcie loss would not bo ICBB than 55.0U0. : Ttjn building was 100 x 335 feef, built of wood and was intended for use this winter. A large force of men had been at work upon it for weeks and it was supposed to be so securely put together Hint nothing abort of n Qra could damage it. The three watchman who have cared for tho strui tare tt night since construction was begun made the rounds at 2 o'clock and found every- thing iu good Bhape, not .vithtt Hiding ttie heavy wind which was then sweep, ing down the valley. ID was but a few minutes later that fter the services the remains wtjrt! .id at rest in the cemetery-near f " ihurch. .; ?,, Sir. iinil Mrs. Chandler we've.njarvied ibout nine yeara ago in E-iHton'and lie husband worked at bis trade there .ntil four years ago when they came o Washington. Ho waa thirty years if age. Aside from the widow thctre -re throe" little" children who survive. The oldest is a little girl eight years ild, Tlio two . smaller children are irigbt little boys. Mr. Chandler was member of no order and he carried ,o Insurance. His family are left al- without a penny but through the Indness of her neighbors and her liit* .uaband's employers, Mrs. Chandler's >urdens have been much lightened. COLUMBIA'S' BIG INDUSTRY. lonsnlldutert Power mid Icu Odin puny Spending u Qimrtcr of it JlllUon Dullurs Nfiur There. Reaidei ti of other narta of the .ounty will be surprised to learn that he Consolidated Power and Ice Com- pany of Columbia has during the past ear ajjont nub IRRH than a quint-r of a illinn dollars in the Paulina ICill'val- ,y near that village. A-"gro^t"""da"itf jaa boon thrown across the cm j k about AVO hundred yards from whore the itrpam empties into tbe Delaware •iver and vast buildings) for tho etor- ipe of ice and tbo generation of elee rin power are iu course_of er^etiun. Tho corporation which Imi ttie work .ndfrwayiB backed by Pomieylv.uiir mpitilistH who are spurinti;' im^ptiin ir 'money to complete tlut plant in ime to take a<lvant»ge of this year's ico harvest. The wtiiflfet inn of a few lays ago, it is faiirsd, will interfere lomewbat with tho i'euliz.itloii of tbir lope. f v ' ' •,•• ;• ' Tho dam, which is now itlmofb r 'con ilete, ia twenty feet wido «t Mie s .orl thirteen feet across the top. It in tmilt of great blocks of stone nnd tilled etweeu the walls with large quantities f crushed atone. A*crnslier atid a force .f about one hundred men are kept uon- .itantly at work und a vaBt amount of excavating and Ulling has been done When compl»t ; d, turbines will be put in and,electrlg^machinery,installed, 'n'trio^biK.power house which is, being )Uilc. TLHB power will be used to iupp]y the electric railroads and the i^ht plants over'in.i'PohhHylvaiilaiancV ihose that are expected to bo built on .hia side of the river. Several car- loiids of machinery aro already on the erouiid and others are coming in dailv, rHo^wor'K hiiB^buairurgitJuL-liBlVoutj-lu ho laboring men and merchants in iiiat section and all arn proaporing. New Valuu to"fekunka.™~ - Poraovoral wcekH Srimnal T. .Vannattn han hecn ini-Minp chickens nnd last weutt ho * to catch thu-thi-f. ^Accordingly, he act a meel trap near ono of IiK penBiiutl tho n< xt morning bin con Ovil'o hud tho atiHfnctiQ(ii.Qf_.8i!Pirje^a. tuetty, hut._ur isutilli^odorlftToua skutikwltb'.hliii lee^a jotwo'on Mio j iwa or I ho trap, A tjuli frtitn a riilo diHontched (tlio animal. - When Mr. Vannatta brought his prl: riown to the atoro tuat morning and ' ittohlsndfilibor, Hop Sing,. ti ChinosewaHbee-waBlioo nearly had a-tit. Il wa- just what ho hadboen lo-iklnc A - aCnln^emedicalfrimidin.y'-'V^ri d but a fe * seemed to inureasein violence f th l n o w " 1( * seemed to inrea and sweeping around one coruerof the bildi liftd t of tho roof high in -.['building liftad part of tho roof high in- to the air. Shortly thereafter one end of the bijr building went down with a crash. At 6 a. m. a second hurricane lnc f Yarlt TUo Now York ceifstlnl lins n,,_6ick w ifo in nhtiin and lio WMSUIO thntgW would get woil If ahc cnuld Ret ii lit Mo f-Uunk meat. Mr. V-mtiaUa nccommndnted hia neii>hhin nnd the nntmal won placed in a inrgOiC^n and went to New York. Tliero the meal will he cured nccordii'sr to Ohlncso faBhion and sont to tho land of tlio Boxers. camo down th» Kill and demolished another large share of the structure, Iu all, more than a third of the work is a total wreck. . . . ' ' A STAH representative visited the scene ou Sundity. and found much of the great building in ruins. Mr. Lock- ard stnt'd that even the timbers: were useless aa practically every Btick o: wood in the wreck was smashed to smitherines. The accident will delay tlie work for at least thirty days, as many of the timbers mutt be made to rder. , • ". ' i This is tho second accident the com-! pany has had since it began operations at Columbia "early this year. In a freauel which swept down the Kill last spring a part of tbo big dam 'us carried away nnd work thus de- layed for several weeks. "OKI FrleudB" in Two Weeks. We are now on the last lap with the 'Qid Friends'" edition, and there is .inly a little tinid Iefc during which contributions (!aii : bB"r«cwived; : and-in;" flertion guarai.t j ed. The garrs will positively be clo3ed on Dec. 5th and on Doc. 12 .h the long-loeked-for and much discussed publication will ap- [ipiir. Ic will be the regular Christmas t-riit'on of thia piper, and will'be the mo t expensive anH plaborht-i publica- tion evor issued in Noithern Now Jer- sey. Thoro will hi more than sixty illustrations and li ttars from scores of foi-mer reflidwj.tiof the county. Wo niiit-fc urgH those who have, promised to contribut *, and who have mi led to send in their letters and photos, ro do BO within .etho next few ditya. Please do nt t delay longer. Tin t the idea is heartily endorsed hy old frie.nds s'ca't'sred ahout over-the '6rld is Hhown by-ia postal card just ?cpived arid which reads as.follow: •''I Bba'.lt+ka pleasure to comply with nnr rfquewt. I feel 'Hiankful thnt -inro is »ne man in old "W<irren coui.ty with BuQlcient eLtarprisa tn oven ai pt no great a wurk as your letter ^gest's. : : : -^^-v:'Oui-Fi'ie.u:a*-'"eaitiour—~— , H'»wtime Hies; O'd ffriendB' petition, " .'-•".•.'"Help tho emtnrprinp. -.-:—-:.....„. • •••-..••-•.:- .... j- -:Q-_ JVIC^R'AOKBN, : •" ••"•"•••••- . 1255 Bates Ave., Oinuinnati, Ohio. - N.KW HAMPTON. Gfeiirgo^Gr.ffaianshRaraiQvedjihia.-.fftmilj' from tliia phicutu Broadway. Mis« C"leBte Riddle, who has been on the ilck list, ia ablest o be about again. M\m Cora Woller and frioud aro visiting frionda in.Monicioir. ,.'• v » Tho fnnoral servino over tho romairiii'ol jfeep'rCtiatKitar wero held atthu Mu-con, toorc'Viiltov PrruhytBiIiiu ol.u r oli ye«ter »y (Wt-dnpfldn') mornlTd nt 11 o'clock ^v.^.Inhn^B.-,Keuiflor...oU)iolatUiii._.Miict imi)ii"thy~i3 - ex"pre"bstid~f6r th"o"boreavcd" family. , Tho flirir.'of.the'bridRO ovor tho Muacoti- ctcoiic at Itnln.vd^lo hna boon rolaid. tlev. Jimes B Utnberf»er, p^ator of tin VAIU'.V Prtab,vtfrl>»t» church, who lins heen cnnU'eH to his home by n sovero attack ol •hiuniattflni for about t-ix wreks, is much improved and expects to ho abl« to oronuh m hlH enmrrelation acaiu next Sunday. Rov. J, B Ktiutiler han been illllrg tlio pu' pit during tbo pus'or'a illneta. -•> LOOKED LIKE A MURDER. Oliver Alpaugh, Uuntcrdon County Farmer, Drugged Home With Crushed Skull. What appeared at first to be a de- liberate murder came to light in Hutt- :erdon county on Thursday mornirg iaet SiibafqueotoveLt}, however, i e- veloped the fact that the victim hud probably met his death through an •Molddut br:frotn heart failaro to which he was subject. The unfortunate man was Oliver Alpaugh, who went to High Bridge on Wednesday from liia home near Cokes- bury. Ha did some trading about town during the day and about 7 o'clook ted for home after having tiken oni drink of whiskey at a Bflloon HPHT the: outekirta of tho borough. He had collected considerable money dur- ing his stay and it is known that he had thi* money in his pscketi when ho etaitsd for homo. Several persona who Baw him juBt before he struck the country road say he was alone at taat time. After waiting until after midnight for the return of Mr, Alpaugh, his family went t:> bed believing that he had concluded to spend the night in town. On Thursday morning his son went into the barnyard and there, waiting et the door, WQB the old horse attached t) the wagon in which bis father had driven to town. WItU his feet dragging the ground and his head and arms on the shafts lay the father. It did not take the Inexperienced boy but a minuta to tell that his father was dead. The body was carried into the house and a physician was called Hia ex- amination revealed the fact that ttie man's bead had been broken and it was at once concluded that be had met death at the hands of a highwayman. This belief was strengthened when it was learned that Emrattt Farley, an- other farmer who lives along the Cokesbury road, had heard two men quarreling while they were passing bis house in a wagon and had heard one of them say that he would kill the other. Ia the afternoon a coroner visited the Alpiu^h.hom9 and viewed the body. The man's money was missing and when a neighbor brought in the wallet a little later, having picked it up in the road, the murder theory was abandoned. It was finally concluded thht the unfortunate farmer bad been seized wtt'a an attack of heart trouble and while unconscious haddropped from the seat to t'le position in which he was found. The horse had taken fright, perhaps, and in jolting over the rough roads Alpaugh'a tiead bad come in violent contact with the body of thr wagon. It was these hard knocki which had fractured his skull. Tne dead man was well tiought oi in his comrnonity where he had many friends. lie leaves a widow and four* grown-up sons. A Successful Mine. The Peacock Oopper Mining & Mil ling Co. whose propeity is in Mont- gomer; " ' "*- "—- '"~ b *--' four ea_„ _ ... of ore in tbe bottom of the vhich showB an average of S49.28 t he ton. One assay shows $23.98 in gold he direttirs of the company are ienry.D.^shlei^ Silas.Gibba ' whose p r o p y i ry county, Pa., has just bai ssays made of the three foot veil i tb bttom of the nhnf Stepped Upon by a Horse. ;John, the. Htt'e -five-year-old sono flwis'rp."'Pioroy," wbo^livea^ on : E is 1 Jh'iirch" street, waa severely ir-jure" e^t'rday noon, near bis home, wlie; horse attached to a delivery wugoi ;nocked him down and stepped on hii g. The animal had taken fright a e steam roller which was passing a at moment and the driver was un able to control it Tbe boy's kneeca] 7B.R aomewluit hurt and it waB no iirytociill a physician. He will .ompeltac! to keep to the house fo ooie time tio?e on account of the acei ent. •. . ' * •• ' t " 3cura ^ •' £ jpon """••"" 1 WunrCornf— z "-~-"~^-~-^i nBE Ten.carlondB of corn ours wanted at tlio ^5500 Glveu Away for Ctirlstnn Send In your * l Blue Knoti'Soup" wrap' Th n who sends us tho laM*esi Tn, ••• WASHINGTON LUMBER YARD. I also want wheat and r,\e a F -ttie hi if heat kt i i ' ^ W I) GUUCE I also I market p wheat and r,\e a-ttie hi if hea i""-'^---: W. I). GUUCE. Send In your Blue KnotiSoup p iota, The person who sends us tho laM*esi br^of • wrappers-.fr.nm_*' Btuk- K.110I purchased in Washington will rn flvedoilcrB. Entriecs cloaoDtc. 20 1901. THE H. G/TOMBLEa GROCERY,CO., 108t. ' : - Easton.P* any ar , John d She ., H, j.iblke, Jacob V. Carter and-Sheriff 3ole of Bf Ividere, and Surrogat« Cbae. t. Sharp and Brokor George W. Shoef er of PUillipaburg. The compfiny itends t> buy the property upon •hich they have an option. Mrs,; Patrick P- Moran anduchildren lei lAVednuHdavufora fortntuht's ctay.witi ilattveB ni.d fiitiidaat Altoonn; Par~ -: Edward O'Hara, fged 14 years, WHS bad! lurnod ahout the fncn and heari on "^undti fternoon while piny inn with acanofpov ?r. Ho struck a mulch and ttn expli)sto allowed. 'Il waa thoiinht at iUrht that hi •yea w«ro humed out but an iVixauiiiwtlo ihnwt-d that tho sight waB not purinauoul y injutod. . .... :„:,': , _J:*b« z^ThoTnnsi a well known residentl~\ Dxtbrd.rtiedlirhta'lfoniQ'Suiinny night • complication of d'eeafies. OecfBaed wi , nuttvf of Wales nnd en mo to tbia plai nd took charge of the^rnllw nt i ho pit Ho mill wlion they were first out In .opt-rt ion. , He wna a Mirtowor and 1H snnl— ay tho following children : Frank, J't Annie, Mnv, David and Murizaret of tb ,»ndTboinHH of Vint Und. Thesei -^vcre Le!d,Wedne?d«y-mprn!n2-»t. S ..,.«„ KCflthnllc church, Rov. PaihoFflli Com.ell ofliciulit'g at, tbo high mnsp. The Jr'0. U. AM,celebrated t"heirl2t annivoreary nn TuesdHy evening of th >eok. There was a large attondnnce is-tr the nddrctaca and partake of the nl< pfreBhnientB. The Or6wrMiries,*"~nparT ButtzviUo,"] um^d ouaratknm on Monday under t.l nanfig c rnent of Alhia ^ Co., .Mr Alh penenil manncer of trie Eiuph'u Bttet and Iron Co.'a worka horo. Edvvnrd Stont.i"f Bellovilloand Johi^Zu- ...iif orSoirfrville were in fnwi Tuesday night and attended the Jr. O. U. A. M, an WWWE ouncii Denies Needham Cp. -Privilege to Lay Switch; 1 :r ; PPOSITION IS STRONG hirty-thk*ee Properly Owners Present a Remonstrance. inly Four ot the Governing Body Present at Moaday's Adjourned Meeting. At the adjournpd me<tlng on Mon- lay night, the Common Council de- Uoed to grant tbe Needham Piano nd Organ Oo. the privilege of laying Bwitch on Railroad avenue. There /ere but four members of the body present. John Siurta had gone to New- ark on a visit and Mayor Johnston wrs letainerV in Hoboken. .Councilman itevens, who has been away for two lontbs and dot s not expect to be back it two more, but who eviduLtty bus ,0 intention of resigning, wa?, of ourse, abaert. Thia h ; ft tae decision f the impuitint Needham raet'er in he hands of Messrs. Ha nee, DeR^mer, 3url and Qulick. Ouly Mr. Ourl fav- ired the project when it came ti a o t e . - •'••• : -" •.'-' -""•'•".;"'•:•.; •":•;;•. :.• The meeting of Council was called jrimarily to consider tbe switch matter, ,nd it did m 11 tke long to get- down to usinesB when tbe four members ar- ived at the Town Hull. Tno clerk ead a letter from Trackmaitar W. H. tlcFarland in which he said that the jickawanna company wa8 ready to jonnectthe Needbam Bwitch witi i's ;racks and would lay the switch at it* >wn espeCBf, providing Council would [rant tbe permit. Tbe manufacturing ompany, he explained, would have to irovide a means of taking care of the ;utter along tbe wall and would bave 0 Bse that tbe water there bad a proper i m l e t . " ,•' •'<:• . When he bad Bniahed reading this letter the clerk took up a remom trance ligned by tliiity-three freeholders of ;bat part of the borough protesting •i^ainBt the granting of the request. Tde matter was. now. to. the voting aoint, but wheu it was moved that the Meed bam company be permitted to lave such % switch put down it failed -0 pass. The p-iperB in t i e case were then filed on motion of Mr. DcRsmer and tbe matter was closed so far as Council is concerned. While there is no doubt that the "town fathers" have the support of a large number of citi- zens in the action they have taken, there are many who. feel. that the : re- ueat Bhould have boon granted... The opponents of the measure have ?een very active in their flght against It while the Needham people have not mothered themselves about getting up any petitions favoring the project. The protestants claimed that the iwitch would disfigure the street, be a misanco to,those who; frequently drive jhe thoroughfare as well as ah eyesore :o thbresideiitj of that pait of'tiwn, while there was a Bplendid opportunity ho make a rear connection with the M. &E tracks in tbe rear of the Need : bam plane. A rt-quest waa received from the .•eeidenis living above the Washington avenue culvert asking that the aid walk from the laat,.nained point^tothi borough 'Hoe be improved; The atreel commissioner was instructed to hav< t'le piles of earth left by tbe road con xaetor removed and t» have sonu Anders dumped at different point: Uong the walk in question. A ( rorrn»y Jeffery was preepntand poitsd fciat,nf the$500 delinquent taxer due when tlie warrant was made som' weeks apo, all but about $25 had beei collected. This is on one piece of pro perty, the Joseph Brown eefat", wbic! will bave to be sold in order t'iat tin collector ran square up his accounts. J<icob S. VuiiRh waa appoiitid ai Jommiesionfr of Appeals 10 surc^er DeWitt Groff, who haB t i k e n a poaitioi i P l i ^ uivereary. •y -i Order Ulbbona bv Mull. •.,.;. Tonllth« piitwnif of L. 8 PI nut & CO.'H •Newark Beo Hlve" ; who order by mall nritiKthf next six da\a—superior Satin Jxir-ta, Ribbon, all aiik/3J lnoh«B'v-Mr' soft finish, all color?, sells tegular nt 25J and an (-xcellent value nt that prlcfi—en in vour orders tills week, at I9o , yard, UA^VILLK. MifsCoraStifl'.hfis hKon-spendlnjj-fjoti' time with Misa Kate Williams". Mr.atd Mrs. A, B. Albert, who ha' been viBititip; lelativtB iu Michigan, havi returntd home. Severnl of.the children in thispl'cu ha' been vaccinated since the .emallpox^aca :s".been~'atHriHri;'- "•::,""": \! ri "' Misj Beulah Ketchnm entertained ;b father, Louis Eetclnim of Nevvwrltj'-ai uncle 1 , ^Mart-Eeichaciiof-Ne,w~york, o •Wednesday.: .;:_,, ;_.. '.';" ~ 1 . 1 ";""." Miss Olive E. Crouse has returned to hi home lu thle plice aftor apondiugaoini time In PhUadtlphin. • Mr. VanBu-klrk iHlmprovinc tho look «>r«!iW«teLuni6nr~tiou^c'.".ia^this;pl&ce.'.b giving it avnat of p4iu. John Hefs is ontortniuinff his sister, M Mury H'-PSoCMt. Bethel, Pa. o M>nk Km'cham of No* Yo-k, nccoi punled hi_his nop.he*, Lotii-s Kytcbam Newnrk," putscri thiough tbl» " place-'< Wi-rtnradsiy - with Ivauhoo,-rtl' B -'fiutti pacer in tho Stuto. ••'•'- ; - • •••• 1 Ttie milk producers of tl'is vicinity wi ««..,.^trJ..l!U_P..P^}!nr>.::H0tnlrNotf.i3n/ itt 2 p. in. for tbe piirpcse of fidvnnclng it piice of milk for tbo winter months. James* Cox of Alt. Tabor is making toai improvcin< nts nn tbe buildings of his ne 1 ly uurchaticd farn. "•"•~"~ 7 ^ ~, '•' •; r"nnd- : Mra Ji cob Harin and L c bam and dan g tit or, B m l a t i , Hp( S-tiurday with Mr.. ahd n vour o r r The holidfiy d i P n of Dolls, Christmas holidfiy btrcka of Oolm, O Oirdii attii Paney Coxts aro now ready for your Inspection In this atore. The1 Star and Thrice-a-Week NewYor]i' World, $2 per year, in advancer v ' Sinay Perry near yonr tow Mlas-Beriio Staplen le't Friday for Marl boro, where HIIO will spend tbo winter wi her sister, Mrs. GVover. •,; , Notice to Crt-dltor's. AuvclMms flRnhiHttho lato. Mnry. Ji VKIJPJM k'e of \i;dorson sbon'd he prcnoi ed nt once under'ual> or -fafU filiation-f payment to Andrew. VatiSvckte, «-xecui af.tho fslRte <'f Anfoh G.-yfJiBviklo.™ Ulcn Oarrlnnr, N. J;'.' '' :: Nov. 21,1901. U-28-St KILLED IN PHILLlPSBURii-r inner Washington CHl/.^n Run Oown by Train und Minified— Kellow ' : Workmuu Slmrw dumo Kuto ':.\ In a terrible accidenV'whiah occurred nr the Scookton street bridge in lillipBburg Fridr.v morning, Thomoa jnnrd, formerlj a w«ll known citizen Washington andOxford, was in- _ntly killed. His bod7 was horribly langladjay.'a jJaCdine; awitcri pngiae ' theOet.crai vftiiroau. •- Auu'Luur mttu SB killed at ibVsaratv t;mo and Btill icther barelyJeacapt'fiVfrigLtful iu- i r i e e . •'-.\. '.- . . / K •••• •• Leonard was a m&mber of Mai tin Ttihey's Be<tloii" gang and with half ' )zen others waa engaged in making >me track rcpair^tianr the bridge. addenly a train of; Ciira loomed up be- ire them and before Leonard could jove he was ttrnci down and cround tndcr the wheela. Thomas IIIIIH, a Ingle Hun, shared a like fate. Both Ia tegs were cut clean off. Ue died a i-tle later in the E-stin hoBpitnl i'ahey also went down and those who yitneased the accident were sure he md been killed bat when the train ;opppd be crawled out from under a r. He had Baved his life by grabbing truck and allowing himself to be ragged along over tho tie.i. The train which was responsible fo. in damage la what la known aa tbe Light aide Bob.' ; !The engine WSB (UshinR tie cars but there wai no irskeman on the front end of the train id no warning whistle was Bounded. ne men were so surprised by the ap- earance of the train that tbey did not ave time to think. Leonard lived on tercer street and his body waa _ tiken era. He waa born at Boweratown iid had livrd moat of hia life in this place and in the nearby towns. He jeaves three sons and ono daughter, Johnson SyinHcate'fl New Trolley. The Johnson Byndicare, which owns .ie Lfhigh Valley Traction liuee, an ixtenaion of which Ia proposed from "hillipsburg to Washington has opened similar road ftoai Trenton ta Prioce- m, a distance of twelve milea. Cars weighing nearly 50,000 pounds •e used, and are driven by four 50- orse power motora, or 200-horae jower altogether, and have all known lonvenienceB which can be placed on , trolley car. Air brakes, air whistles, re headlight, enclosed veotibulen, rosR-Beats and Pullman trunks consti- ute the main points of superiority. The time made, including stops, is wenty minutes for the twelve miles, md a spocd of sixty milea per hour is iitiined. The line runs entirely hrough a private right of way, and is me of the flneBt pieces of trolley track n the world, costing more than most "nfile track steam roads. Oars are being run every hour and ill be run every' half hour aftar the r>t of December, and the fare is ten .ents, with free backB to the center of ;he city in Trenton. A locomotive ifluls the freight ears, and is also quipped with a snow plow for use Juring the winter. A large express utrhaa been ordered and the United ••ates Express company begins a ser- 'ice over the line the flrab of — ' iort'1. The road is standard railroad gauge, perEt'd under a railroad charter and 'onnotti with the Reading Riilway-af n renton. Tim t-xpense of building .nd equipping the line amouxti t< .nore than half-a million dollars. I will form .inart of t^e through syttem n com New York to Philadelphia. Intended for Last Week. The follow!tin two iicms were Pccident- llv omitted freni turkst itsue after btii )ut iu type:- -•;-.-::•;.--*.-.—-1:.r~. : -'L?.-r- •••- •"-- Mr. AIVHII Bryun of ihia borough an 1ifs Ethelda Smltb:-of GS2 Pearl stree. ihStoii, were m'arrit'd on Wednesday o. )--t week utlhu home of Lbetftoom by Rev, leofge B. Armslronp of the Episcoua hntc". The ritiii service WSB used. Th- rroom wasatt»nci< d hy liis i ej Lew, Pran .1 0<'ri.stinP, while ttio brir'eiiiiaid we. i^I^s Ethel L. Bryan, n sister t:f ftj r. Bryun The bride wes'attired in Rr»y Bilk wit? i;lovesand bat to m-itch. After the cert ii"iiy was perfirined n wedding dint:c vas nerved at Mr. Bryati'd nouie. The ill live hero. : .... _ Ves'e'tdny was tie S3td birthday nnn ternary of Mrs. Cat bnmm Bowers of Wts lolinston street, and tbe day was made H }-ueciall.v happy one lor the old lady b reason of ,a turj rite \is-it from her tlire );io.li7iuE:'a"l!.iJrst 1 ction;"Ju t .OKeth*>r-'V ! " e\r wives and others of h«r off'prli httre were four genermiorB rcpuseiitei t,.;the-.big-tuikej'r*'imn--r=aprcr.6i;i:i';he 2OHOV home.' Mrs Bi.iwcr-s wl.ileerj »jin ier f_ cu It ies to a surprising degree, la muc crippled hv rhtuuiatisin and unable to ~' ubuut much. . Her to a Piil[). Mt3. John E: Suuit, wiie of the Pn-t v.)wn poik >bu<ctier, Juhn E, St< ut, m> with nn_txcec;ditigly pidnful niid ierioi "socirienfat^ ner'titiriioon^TufPilhiy—lB! She WHSengaged in fueriinsr muat into thi rge sausage t;rin(ter, which is run by H _ <sinc, I" her biiHbnnd's butcher Bhoi when her right hand WHS CHUiiht in ihi niHOhino and tbe two middle fingers wer •:Q~-int,ii^H~)jaip;-^rho~rcnjB!iiir s and thumb were b«dly lacernte \" ,Colli(ie:near^rnsto^n.;^ : ;£;2 IEVERAL PERSONS H U R g ad Sunday Smasfiup Near Washington ; ,.j s .. PassencerStation. Ji^.^l^L^l 7 ost Freight Plows Into Rear of Coal Train and Docs Considerable Damage. uiptadlon of Mrs. Stout," herself, in uiiKiAing the machine nut of pear is nil thiitsavtd her from further h'jury. Dr. VfBt of" Phillips'mrg was immediately uninmt'cdTa; d:later.-..with th( i r«st-i!«t;»i!ce' -f nn E"«t"n f-urgci.nn the two fl>gfra ns^st badly i'-jnrerl were ft'nput»ted.---T'IK )ctorsil«iiik tho other flnperH aud thumb ay bo aayt d. At preHt^tit the woundw, -. I'ho"«VlVO"«U ri tM|;"t lrS"jjii'i iaMb"flrt(>Tunt*uCnl' of pnin, aro considered hy: lier pbytician as doing an well HUcan hi expected. Ki'.vlvHl at Port Murray. Revival meetings aro being hetd in tho P..rt Muimy M. E.'churoh every lilgbt this week; and nro to he continued through liext. weifciv-' Erunjielist Mrs. J, A.:B ytnt of Wii.thlnplnti is HwifHtliiR in the services, NextVT(; 1 J 1 fidiiy;s.O'jo. l 5ih, an nil dny r« vivrtruonic.e will hfj^helrt. Neighhortni iee will j^ n and Inymt'n will d l n lnc All lire bl H A wreck which might have cost : jzpitis of lives occurred on the Morris . E^aex division of the Lacbawanna _unday afternoon between Morrittiwn . and Morris Plalnfl, when two trains lume together iu a head-on collision vhich compUtaly demolished,' the 'ronta oYboth engines. •; The two trains which tried the old / rick of passing on the same track were ;be regular Buffalo express due here it 4:15 p. m. and a local .passenger ;.''..,. ;raiu which leavea Dover for Hoboken"""'-'•""• lach day at 2:44 p. m. The engineer :' f the latter was GosperHill of Ho- '; oken. He bad orders to wait at Mor- is Plains until the express passed, but : seems he failed to understand. He : lelieved he wan to ron into a Bwitch at ^ i rlorriBtbwn and meet the espress there.' ; ' •''" : ^he engineer of the esprees, John ikillmau, who is widely known along : tbe Licbawann east of Scranton and especially in Washington, received bis laual orders to go ahead and, all un- ionscious of the impending danger, ras makiDg good time toward Morris 'laina wbon ho rounded Pocahoi t i a r ; jurve and saw the local coming to- ward him at top speed. Both engineers applied the air irakes and the trains began to slow np jutntt enough t> prevent a serious wreck. The locomttlves buried them- lelves in each ether until the'smoke- '• jtatikij touched and the audden f tip- ping of the trains caused the forward :ars in each case t> pile themaelves up .. '; D t>p of the wreckngi*. ,; -//.'" x> -•••••' When the crews of the engiuea saw -bat a collision waa unavoidable tbey jiimped and thus saved tht-ir lives. Engineer Skillmnn rolled down, a-flfv.i"..: teDn-foot embankment and Btruck rse at the bittern. Ilia Bhoulder was iislocatid and he was brutapd and cat ibout the body. He WHS taken to All Jainta' hoBpltal in Morristown. ObarleB Loper, the expreeu UremaD, leaped to the ground and was badly shaken up. He went to his home in Iloboken. •-.<•• Obarles Hicholfl, the conductor, was hrown violertly to fie floor of one of. jhe cars by the forceof the UOL tact but - >, was not dangerously hurt.- - , ' -• --.:•:- The tender of the local was jammed - hrouRh the bnggnge car and m'o th**5 irtt coach. James Clinton of Morris .Mains was pinned b<tween two^fatet. and serioualy injured. He WPS^BIBO taken to All Souls' hoapital. Conduc- :or George Brown of Summit, in charge ,-: >f the lpcdl, had an arm.broken.xiL::;;;;,;;„_;;;; Many paseongers ' were:"cut"::and"'•"""" iruiaed, among them being Abraham Kaufman and Miles L'lwery of R'.iek- nway, JiimcsDiivis of New.York, Miss Ella Petcre, Revere, MSBP., and Mrs. Mary BaBtPdo of Brooklyn. Both irains were filled with paeVengers, and j'.velve children were noticed in~the crowd.a9 .they, .clambered out. of : the ,r -> OVPrtUmed COachCS: ! ^'.v. ~^;":-r;;;~i::-;r—:^-rH^ii- It took all the balance of the after- noon nnd all the following nig! t to get . b'ie debris clearpd up, in the mpan- v t mo no triune beiDg run over the Mor- 1 '. ris & Eaeex hrtinch. The "cost of the wr. ck to the Lickawanna will amount to a good raimy thousand dollarBand will result, no doubt, in some old and •', heretofore trusted ^employees of the road loaing their poeitionp. , : " WEECK IN THE WASHINGTON YAHpS."^ 0 ;^ "Another stnuBh-up occurred in the Waahington yards at se.y+'ii o'clock Sunday rnorning in which fortunately nobody was hurt. An engine, caboose _ and two care were piled up and the" p?\v_. ( 9tp>!onr.iisrrowly-Tf>.Rcap|ed partial-,— demolition. -"" '""""" """"""" •""" The Rolliding trains were a Scran ton wildcat; and tniti No. Cl, composed J, principally of empty freight, cars.' Ab Hat-kt t stown the regular stopped to put in a car and the wildcat passed. Upon reaching here atie stopped for orriors and had har«ly come to ,i stand- stilLwhenJirBin No. 61 crashed into the . r(iar""endr"The" : c6liI^lbn'occurred al- rvv; mott directly in froi tof the: new 6ta- tion and one of'tie freid' t cars was thrown oveVupou:Uie;:Wfllk'fSurrouucl-;-i:; ing the building. "Another freight "car wns piled up along the other side of the tracks The caboose of the wildcat, train was emaRhpd into kindling wood. EBg!noiNpri.40Si-.efstheiMgulBr=Has=i: damaged considerably, Her piUt.was torn away, her froi.t truck jtmmed loone and tha froi t port battered inv A wreckinir crew from 'Hobokeu got; here^a^out ll.o'.clock and, with .the aid v of the local dril';' got the tracks clenred . by.l:.o I elocuv- ItriB-eaid-vtnat-the"flag---? man of the wildcat IB r.eepi>nBlhle for "" _the,wreck_in not going out with his Mgnaialn-timB~to~BEop"lb^^^ ...' . Not Ico to Advortlaera. ' f h..'.. ,, AB tho STARof DPP. 12th will be the : nnnunl Ohribtmna Number, con&iHting of 20 pages each, and entailing more than four times HB much woik m the repulfir number, we are'compelled to ; inbit-t that all new ''ads" and changes he in our hands 'he first of next week at the'latest. shall much^ppre- iiivitcd to coinu and titivo nn or joyahio anH prrQtablo limQ. Dinner and cupper' will he provided U\ the cluiroh and an oppor- tu'iiy for frco-wllt cfforltiES to ihe Lord will be given.;: •• : CD Smftlly, Pastor. ••-• ~.0_dgen;Whit*ell.oryt«nxia has heen r stored to'the pe - ciih list" by UDchrSa and now drawi; $12 per moath.,ll? h .week..*-•:, e lates h^pp the receipt'of the. new>.copy this pre- this The curtnin rises* louinlit nb the Opcra~~ Hnusp-et-^.o'fOnik-atirt frnm nl] spjwijp.-, ancct there will be a bis andleme Tho piny 1B"Esmeral^a" by local taltint,and la'- worth "(i0lu!riff^tnIlG5.to" r o c " T t i 5 i l i J 5 % sloa Is 35 and 60 cento.

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Page 1: F. WWWE - digifind-it.com · Itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula-tion'" of the STAR for tlio firm n\x mnntha of the pnwnt} year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n; lrcula-

Itopreiientfi the ave r - 'agotjann flde circula-tion'" of the STAR f o r

tlio firm n\x mnntha of the p n w n t }year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n;

lrcula-STAII ln-


of (rum 17,000 to 'J0.000Cutixldomble publicity, i W t I t?



Disgraced by indiscretions, JoeChandler Suicides.

He Lcaves 'aYoung .Wife land Three

Had Ueea Made a Co-responded! In: Brought (or Divorce.

Mrs. Obangler :I right you as a frend to lot you no

* the laugh tuat is getting about do youno that your huebant was the cauae offrauk fmrand his wlfo parting do notBay anything about it but go to Mr.fair and he will tell you the rest Mrs.Ohangler it is the taugh of tho townand I chink tiat you out tJ no it.

--: .-: ,.......', .from a frond.This letter undoubtedly written by

Bomeone who knew how to Bpell agreat deal better brought about acrialB in the life of Josopli Chandler, awell .known Washington upholsterer,

/.which resulted in his hanging himselfou Friday Tiie body wao nut discov-ered until Saturday night.

It waa about 7:30 on the lntfer even-ing whtm J. B. Vanderbilt mt playingwith hla babo at bin home on West.Washington avenue that the though!suddenly (lashed acroaa his mind tiatChandler, who had been missing formore than twenty-four bourn, wai in astorage room connected with Ford &FieniingV big furniture house. HHput on his hut and hurrying to theBture took up a small lamp and wentdown tj the bttre-room. Openingthe door of the room he loolcod in andbeheld a Bight which he will never

: forg.t - :

HnugUig from a beam by a smallcord and almost on bis knees was theobject of his search. The fuce dis-torted, t'io eyes almost bursting fromtheir sockets and fie tongue protrud-ing, the corpse of poor Chandler pre-sented a grewsome appearance there

; in thR dim light of a Bmoking lampand Viinderbilt, who has in bis timehandled the bodies of men when theywere so badly mutilated that it wasalmost impossible to tell one piecefrom another, paled at the aigl tWh.to and trembling, moro with sur-

.;.prif<Q,ihun.with fenr, he hastened awayand inf >tmed the members of the firmof hiafiod. ,

Coroner O. N. Shrope. Dr. C. B.Smith and Undertaker D. B. Laubachwere sont for and in a few miuutc'8 thebody was lying in the undertakingroom. Dr. Smith Bald that the manhad been dead at least twenty-fourhours. A messenger WHS dispatchedto Irulnydalu to the borne of Chandler'sparents and three hours later thefattier arrived. It had been iut-ndedto It t the parent break the news toth« d«nd raan'fj wife but whon be didnot coma at 11 o'clock the physician,undertaker anrl policeman weDt to hlalata hom« on V-umutta street and in-formed Joseph Cline, a neighbor irwhose bouse Mrs. Chandler was spend-the evnning, and th»t gant'mnan toldher of tho Had news. The shook to

r.Lher.WHH mi awful one bnt she has home' up bravely and lias riiadethebett ofa

biul aituttion. . . . . • -For a conpiilerablo time it had been

noised about that Chandler had beennamed as one of twn co-reRp'mdorti inn divorce caao that Prank Pdhr, a Wesi

;;..^Washington avenue barber, hadbenun,looking to a lethal sepmitiou from hiawife Emma. Tho fdtt waa not long inreaching Ohandlor'a ours. Hd worriedand;bn)0!iHdaoi.fc'iuiously over the tunaffiira had taken but he stout'idenied his.guilt. Mrs. Chundler any"ehe bad no'.iced his changed manneifor tho past month hut; no5 for un --Btnnt, did she BUBpettthe caunf*.

Wnen the letter printed at the heatof Una column camo on tie. 3 p. mdelivery last Thursday flhe realized fo:the first time what had been troubling

v> herhusband. When he came honv.-?7rrthat night tbny. discussfld the subject, at pomo length and ii is possible tmi:

warm words passed b<t.v«cn husbamd if Attl f b i

convinced that his conduct bad; beennothing more than this uho says theyagreed to forget the whole afTiir as far.•"> ouseibte and that shortly after FebrIsfs they w tired.••; Mrs. Chandler naturally worriedabout the revelations of the preceedinpeighteen hours throughout the follov-ing morning and when hor husbandarrived at noon he did not fail tonotiuathis. At tho dinner table afterbe had eaten but little he asked her IfHhe was still th lnkingof ' thut mutter."She replied that she could not help butthink of it, whereupon Mrs. Ohaudler

, says they both begin to cry. By ai dI,by her husband got some papor and a

mail and rut writing at the table, fori hour. " H H scribbled off four pagp»bich ho handed to her and .asked h rread and when Bhe refused he"ttiru'ne paper In the kitchen fire. Then hef nt o]U the, door and she never moreiw h im alive."'-:;•-,.„Oh'indler's paretts live at I ml ay daleid tine young man1 had been workingir several daya at the; new Methodistmrch iu Obairgawater, so wheu hed not come home Friday evening hisIfe concluded that he had gone to hinithor's homo to spend' the night. If

.e had done that, she argued, It WHBbecause there was but little work in

16 church left to do and be would


ds passed b t v « cA t t l w conclusion of tbei:

i.conversation he went up stairs.:„'„',.::i:;,Mr8."-..0Jian(ilBr heard him coughin

jn" thcT's^Cond~Btory- froul-beUruum^few minutea later and rushing up fc'n

. ..BtepB.fouiid him standing over a slop:;• ? .bowl into which he.hatl juntiempUed •'

mnutit'ul of carbolic acid, He st6o<with the bottle in his hand and at

i::, si^ht of hor again put it "t» his HUB,

. j j ^^ . . . ^ She reached for tho lirey fluid but be-j - . , , , ;fore*Bbe':oouUrcKBlril-l»«-Uad~for-"th.

second time taken a quantity. ' H>held ili behind bis closed lips but for.minufc1, however, <when he agaiemit'rd it His mouth had been conBldorably burned by tho poiaouou>

-• l iquid but he mado no 'complaint, i1; fe* minutes later a call came saying

he was wanted at Mr. Gline's houw.a- fe>v_doorH bejow'and bo at once

~ ~pl ied" w i tiv 'tHe'sii miixibii B."-^-"™--™At the- Ollne borne Ohaudler on

countered Febr who begun to ask hha multitude of quehfcioiin onmwrninhis acquaintance with his (Fehr's) w\bThe applicant,for divorce nays- tlmthe. f»nnfei'etice"la*tltiv-threB>'hours, an

$hntln tho end he tiecuri-d :Oliandler'isignature t ) a statement which he witutle in hia •proposed procecdinga. tf'says thacOtmndler stated to him th;if his wife lefo him on account of thimatter he would certainly end' MB l\"After Bignlng the Btatement the t<went to Chandler's home where th

"whole "miBeraWrt business w.ss CKplsUr ~Av. to Mre.. Chandler. She 'saya ' that

'hor ^presence Fehr^exonerated, hia husband of any 'charge of wrong' d

..:~_ing.as3 jurgfld hereto forgive ..."Joo'A.he had been indiscreetr When she'wai

>me homeornlng.

by i) o'clock Saturday

When that hour rolled around -endlotber passed without bitt pulUngUni appearance, Mrs.iCbHndlpr boiirdadie morning train for Junction. Fromlore she walked to Imlaydnle andarning that her husband had notjent the night there, walked on tohangewatcr where her sister-in-law,.ra, Hirry ROHH, Hv«a. The sinter badot seen her brother since t:m previousy. Hurriedly she came back todtjhington and arriving here about 4

- m. went to her husband's workshop,u one tliero liad seen him since noon' Friday but they were euro it wnsjoins;* to look for.nim about the build-.g. It was the opinion of the other,'orkmen that he had concluded to goway for a time but they promised tot her know hy 9 o'clock that nighthither anv t'dings of him had been

jet ived. Several hours la>er his deattody was discovered in ttie storageKita.

The body was removed to the la^nme about mtdnigLt on Sstuj;dnyVaterday it was taken to Imlaydale'hero the funeral was held in. thetiHron* t -dig Valley church ahlu a.

R:«v. John B. Keugler officiated.t th s i the remains wtjrt!

Does $5,000 Damage in Paulirs- Kill Valley near Columbia.

WRECKS A BIG ICE HOUSEBuilding Just Completed and Thought to

Be Storm Pruoi.

One Third of It Is Laid In Ruins and Eveithe Timbers Demolished. ;'-:'

A regular Nor'weater raised Ita headdown in Texas lato latt week andbtruck this State with *a mighty whirllutt Sunday. For fifteen hours it ragedup and ddwn the coast and ships foun-dered, houses wer t down and treeswere uprooted. It was as bad a stormas has beun seen in New Jerey for sev-eral yearn.

In the Pocouo region miles and mileaof telegraph and telephone poles wereleveled to the giound and in Newarkhundreds of fenced went down. Allover the State windows were brokenand in this county a mammoth icebouse was blown down at Columbia.

In Warren county the great'damage WHH rinno in the* Paul ins Killvalley wher.it the new ice house beingerected for the Consolidated PowtrCo, waa blown down and aim oat com-ph-tsly wrepkod, Muster CarpenterLockurd fc»ld a STAR repreaentitlvet 'utfcie loss would not bo ICBB than55.0U0. :

Ttjn building was 100 x 335 feef, builtof wood and was intended for use thiswinter. A large force of men had beenat work upon it for weeks and it wassupposed to be so securely put togetherHint nothing abort of n Qra coulddamage it. The three watchman whohave cared for tho strui tare t t nightsince construction was begun made therounds at 2 o'clock and found every-thing iu good Bhape, not .vithtt Hidingttie heavy wind which was then sweep,ing down the valley.

ID was but a few minutes later that

fter the services the remains wtjrt!.id at rest in the cemetery-near f "

ihurch. .; ?,,Sir. iinil Mrs. Chandler we've.njarvied

ibout nine yeara ago in E-iHton'andlie husband worked at bis trade there.ntil four years ago when they cameo Washington. Ho waa thirty yearsif age. Aside from the widow thctre

-re throe" little" children who survive.The oldest is a little girl eight yearsild, Tlio two . smaller children areirigbt little boys. Mr. Chandler wasmember of no order and he carried

,o Insurance. His family are left al-without a penny but through the

Indness of her neighbors and her liit*.uaband's employers, Mrs. Chandler's>urdens have been much lightened.

COLUMBIA'S' BIG INDUSTRY.lonsnlldutert Power mid Icu Odin puny

Spending u Qimrtcr of it JlllUonDullurs Nfiur There.

Reaidei ti of other narta of the.ounty will be surprised to learn thathe Consolidated Power and Ice Com-pany of Columbia has during the pastear ajjont nub IRRH than a quint-r of aillinn dollars in the Paulina ICill'val-

,y near that village. A-"gro t"""da"itfjaa boon thrown across the cm j k aboutAVO hundred yards from whore theitrpam empties into tbe Delaware•iver and vast buildings) for tho etor-ipe of ice and tbo generation of eleerin power are iu course_of er^etiun.

Tho corporation which Imi ttie work.ndfrwayiB backed by Pomieylv.uiirmpitilistH who are spurinti;' im^ptiinir 'money to complete tlut plant inime to take a<lvant»ge of this year'sico harvest. The wtiiflfet inn of a fewlays ago, it is faiirsd, will interferelomewbat with tho i'euliz.itloii of tbirlope. • fv ' ' •,•• • ;• '

Tho dam, which is now itlmofbr'conilete, ia twenty feet wido «t Mie h» s.orl thirteen feet across the top. It intmilt of great blocks of stone nnd tilledetweeu the walls with large quantitiesf crushed atone. A*crnslier atid a force

.f about one hundred men are kept uon-.itantly at work und a vaBt amount ofexcavating and Ulling has been done

When compl»t ;d, turbines will beput in and,electrlg^machinery,installed,'n'trio^biK.power house which is, being)Uilc. TLHB power will be used toiupp]y the electric railroads and thei^ht plants over'in.i'PohhHylvaiilaiancVihose that are expected to bo built on.hia side of the river. Several car-loiids of machinery aro already on theerouiid and others are coming in dailv,rHo^wor'K hiiB^buairurgitJuL-liBlVoutj-luho laboring men and merchants iniiiat section and all arn proaporing.

New Valuu to"fekunka.™~- Poraovoral wcekH Srimnal T. .Vannattnhan hecn ini-Minp chickens nnd last weutt ho

* to catch thu-thi-f. ^Accordingly,he act a meel trap near ono of IiK penBiiutltho n< xt morning bin con Ovil'o hud thoatiHfnctiQ(ii.Qf_.8i!Pirje^a. tuetty, hut._urisutilli^odorlftToua skutikwltb'.hliii lee^ajotwo'on Mio j iwa or I ho trap, A tjulifrtitn a riilo diHontched (tlio animal. -

When Mr. Vannatta brought his prl:riown to the atoro tuat morning and

' ittohlsndfilibor, Hop Sing,. tiChinosewaHbee-waBlioo nearly had a-tit.Il wa- just what ho hadboen lo-iklnc A- aCnln^emedicalfrimidin.y'-'V^ri


but a fe* seemed to inureasein violence

f thl n o w"1(* seemed to i n r e aand sweeping around one coruerof theb i ld i l i f td t of tho roof high in-.['building liftad part of tho roof high in-to the air. Shortly thereafter one endof the bijr building went down with acrash. At 6 a. m. a second hurricane

lnc fYarlt

TUo Now York ceifstlnl lins n,,_6ick w ifo innhtiin and lio WMSUIO thn tgW would getwoil If ahc cnuld Ret ii lit Mo f-Uunk meat.Mr. V-mtiaUa nccommndnted hia neii>hhinnnd the nntmal won placed in a inrgOiC^nand went to New York. Tliero the mealwill he cured nccordii'sr to Ohlncso faBhionand sont to tho land of tlio Boxers.

camo down th» Kill and demolishedanother large share of the structure,Iu all, more than a third of the work isa total wreck. . . . ' • '

A STAH representative visited thescene ou Sundity. and found much ofthe great building in ruins. Mr. Lock-ard stnt 'd that even the timbers: wereuseless aa practically every Btick o:wood in the wreck was smashed tosmitherines. The accident will delaytlie work for at least thirty days, asmany of the timbers mutt be made to

rder. , • " . ' iThis is tho second accident the com-!

pany has had since it began operationsat Columbia "early this year. In afreauel which swept down the Killlast spring a part of tbo big dam

'us carried away nnd work thus de-layed for several weeks.

"OKI FrleudB" in Two Weeks.We are now on the last lap with the

'Qid Friends'" edition, and there is.inly a little tinid Iefc during whichcontributions (!aii:bB"r«cwived;:and-in;"flertion guarai.t jed. The garrs willpositively be clo3ed on Dec. 5th andon Doc. 12 .h the long-loeked-for andmuch discussed publication will ap-[ipiir. Ic will be the regular Christmast-riit'on of thia piper, and will'be themo t expensive anH plaborht-i publica-tion evor issued in Noithern Now Jer-sey. Thoro will h i more than sixtyillustrations and li ttars from scores offoi-mer reflidwj.tiof the county.

Wo niiit-fc urgH those who have,promised to contribut *, and who havemi led to send in their letters andphotos, ro do BO within .etho next fewditya. Please do nt t delay longer.

Tin t the idea is heartily endorsed hyold frie.nds s'ca't'sred ahout over-the

'6rld is Hhown by-ia postal card just?cpived arid which reads as.follow:•''I Bba'.lt+ka pleasure to comply withnnr rfquewt. I feel 'Hiankful thnt

-inro is »ne man in old "W<irren coui.tywith BuQlcient eLtarprisa tn oven ai

pt no great a wurk as your letter^gest's. : : :

-^^-v:'Oui-Fi'ie.u:a*-'"eaitiour—~—, H'»w time Hies;

O'd ffriendB' petition, ".'-•".•.'"Help tho emtnrprinp. -.-:—-:.....„.

• • • • - . . • • - • . : - .... j - -:Q-_ J V I C ^ R ' A O K B N , : •" ••"•"•••••-

. 1255 Bates Ave., Oinuinnati, Ohio.

- N.KW H A M P T O N .Gfeiirgo^Gr.ffaianshRaraiQvedjihia.-.fftmilj'

from tliia phicutu Broadway. •Mis« C"leBte Riddle, w h o has been on the

ilck list, ia ablest o be abou t again.M\m Cora Woller and frioud aro visiting

frionda in.Monicioir. ,.'• v»Tho fnnoral servino over tho romairiii'oljfeep'rCtiatKitar wero held a t t h u Mu-con,toorc'Viiltov PrruhytBiIiiu ol.u roli ye«ter»y (Wt-dnpfldn') mornlTd nt 11 o'clock^v.^.Inhn^B.-,Keuiflor...oU)iolatUiii._.Miictimi)ii"thy~i3-ex"pre"bstid~f6r th"o"boreavcd"

family. ,Tho flirir.'of.the'bridRO ovor t h o Muacoti-

ctcoiic a t Itnln.vd^lo hna boon rolaid.t lev. J i m e s B Utnberf»er, p^ator of tin

VAIU'.V Prtab,vtfrl>»t» church , who lins heencnnU'eH to his home by n sovero at tack ol•hiuniattflni for about t-ix wreks , is muchimproved and expects to ho abl« to oronuhm hlH enmrrelat ion aca iu nex t Sunday.Rov. J , B Ktiutiler han been illllrg tlio pu 'pi t dur ing tbo pus'or 'a illneta. -•>

LOOKED LIKE A MURDER.Oliver Alpaugh, Uuntcrdon County

Farmer, Drugged Home WithCrushed Skull.

What appeared at first to be a de-liberate murder came to light in Hutt-:erdon county on Thursday mornirgiaet SiibafqueotoveLt}, however, i e-veloped the fact that the victim hudprobably met his death through an•Molddut br:frotn heart failaro to whichhe was subject.

The unfortunate man was OliverAlpaugh, who went to High Bridge onWednesday from liia home near Cokes-bury. Ha did some trading about townduring the day and about 7 o'clook

ted for home after having tikenoni drink of whiskey at a Bflloon HPHTthe: outekirta of tho borough. Hehad collected considerable money dur-ing his stay and it is known that hehad thi* money in his pscketi whenho etaitsd for homo. Several personawho Baw him juBt before he struck thecountry road say he was alone at taattime.

After waiting until after midnightfor the return of Mr, Alpaugh, hisfamily went t:> bed believing that hehad concluded to spend the night intown. On Thursday morning his sonwent into the barnyard and there,waiting et the door, WQB the old horseattached t ) the wagon in which bisfather had driven to town. WItU hisfeet dragging the ground and his headand arms on the shafts lay the father.It did not take the Inexperienced boybut a minuta to tell that his father wasdead.

The body was carried into the houseand a physician was called Hia ex-amination revealed the fact that ttieman's bead had been broken and itwas at once concluded that be had metdeath at the hands of a highwayman.This belief was strengthened when itwas learned that Emratt t Farley, an-other farmer who lives along theCokesbury road, had heard two menquarreling while they were passing bishouse in a wagon and had heard one ofthem say that he would kill the other.

Ia the afternoon a coroner visitedthe Alpiu^h.hom9 and viewed thebody. The man's money was missingand when a neighbor brought in thewallet a little later, having picked itup in the road, the murder theory wasabandoned. It was finally concludedthht the unfortunate farmer bad beenseized wtt'a an attack of heart troubleand while unconscious haddroppedfrom the seat to t'le position in whichhe was found. The horse had takenfright, perhaps, and in jolting over therough roads Alpaugh'a tiead bad comein violent contact with the body of thrwagon. It was these hard knockiwhich had fractured his skull.

Tne dead man was well t iought oiin his comrnonity where he had manyfriends. lie leaves a widow and four*grown-up sons.

A Successful Mine.The Peacock Oopper Mining & Mil

ling Co. whose propeity is in Mont-gomer; " ' "*- "—- '"~b *--'four ea_„ _ ...of ore in tbe bottom of thevhich showB an average of S49.28 the ton. One assay shows $23.98 in goldhe diret t i rs of the company areienry.D.^shlei^ Silas.Gibba '

whose p r o p y iry county, Pa., has just baissays made of the three foot veil

i tb b t t o m of the nhnf

Stepped Upon by a Horse.;John, the. Htt'e -five-year-old s o n oflwis'rp."'Pioroy," wbo^livea^ on : E is1

Jh'iirch" street, waa severely ir-jure"e^t'rday noon, near bis home, wlie;horse attached to a delivery wugoi

;nocked him down and stepped on hiig. The animal had taken fright ae steam roller which was passing aat moment and the driver was un

able to control it Tbe boy's kneeca]7B.R aomewluit hurt and it waB noiirytociill a physician. He will.ompeltac! to keep to the house foooie time tio?e on account of the aceie n t . •. . ' * •• '

t " 3 c u r a ^ •' £ jpon

"""••"" 1 W u n r C o r n f — z"-~-"~^-~-^i nBE

Ten.carlondB of corn ours w a n t e d a t t l io

^5500 Glveu Away for CtirlstnnSend In your *l Blue Knoti'Soup" wrap'

Th n who sends us tho laM*esi

Tn,••• WASHINGTON LUMBER YARD.I also want wheat and r,\e aF-ttie hi if heat

k t i i ' ^ W I) G U U C EI also

I market pwheat and r,\e a-ttie hi if heai""-'^---: W. I). GUUCE.

Send In your Blue KnotiSoup piota, The person who sends us tho laM*esi

br^of • wrappers-.fr.nm_*' Btuk- K.110Ipurchased in Washington will rnflvedoilcrB. Entriecs cloaoDtc. 20


108t. ':- • Easton.P*

any ar, Johnd She

., H,j.iblke, Jacob V. Carter and-Sheriff3ole of Bf Ividere, and Surrogat« Cbae.t. Sharp and Brokor George W. Shoefer of PUillipaburg. The compfinyitends t> buy the property upon•hich they have an option.

Mrs,; Patrick P- Moran anduchildren leilAVednuHdavufora fortntuht's ctay.witiilattveB ni.d fiitiidaat Altoonn; P a r ~ -:Edward O'Hara, fged 14 years, WHS bad!

lurnod ahout the fncn and heari on " undtifternoon while piny inn with acanofpov?r. Ho struck a mulch and ttn expli)sto

allowed. 'Il waa thoiinht a t iUrht that hi•yea w«ro humed out but an iVixauiiiwtloihnwt-d that tho sight waB not purinauouly injutod. . .... : „ : , ' : ,

_ J:*b« z^ThoTnnsi a well known residentl~\Dxtbrd.rtiedlirhta'lfoniQ'Suiinny night •

complication of d'eeafies. OecfBaed wi, nuttvf of Wales nnd en mo to tbia plaind took charge of the^rnllw nt i ho pit

Ho mill wlion they were first out In .opt-rtion. , He wna a Mirtowor and 1H snnl—

ay tho following children : Frank, J'tAnnie, Mnv, David and Murizaret of tb

,»ndTboinHH of Vint Und. Thesei-^vcre Le!d,Wedne?d«y-mprn!n2-»t. S

..,.«„ KCflthnllc church, Rov. PaihoFflliCom.ell ofliciulit'g at, tbo high mnsp.

The J r ' 0 . U. AM,celebra ted t"heirl2tannivoreary nn TuesdHy evening of th>eok. There was a large attondnnceis-tr the nddrctaca and partake of the nl<pfreBhnientB.The Or6wrMiries,*"~nparT ButtzviUo,"]

um^d ouaratknm on Monday under t.lnanfigcrnent of Alhia ^ Co., .Mr Alh

penenil manncer of trie Eiuph'u Bttet andIron Co.'a worka horo.

Edvvnrd Stont.i"f Bellovilloand Johi^Zu-...iif orSoirfrville were in fnwi Tuesdaynight and attended the Jr . O. U. A. M, an

WWWEouncii Denies Needham Cp.-Privilege to Lay Switch;1 : r ;

PPOSITION IS STRONGhirty-thk*ee Properly Owners Present

a Remonstrance.

inly Four ot the Governing Body Present atMoaday's Adjourned Meeting.

At the adjournpd me<tlng on Mon-lay night, the Common Council de-Uoed to grant tbe Needham Pianond Organ Oo. the privilege of layingBwitch on Railroad avenue. There

/ere but four members of the bodypresent. John Siurta had gone to New-ark on a visit and Mayor Johnston wrsletainerV in Hoboken. .Councilmanitevens, who has been away for twolontbs and dot s not expect to be backit two more, but who eviduLtty bus,0 intention of resigning, wa?, ofourse, abaert. Thia h; ft tae decisionf the impuitint Needham raet'er inhe hands of Messrs. Ha nee, DeR^mer,3url and Qulick. Ouly Mr. Ourl fav-ired the project when it came ti a• o t e . - • •'••• • : - " • . ' - ' - " " • ' • " . ; " ' • : • . ; • " : • ; ; • . : . •

The meeting of Council was calledjrimarily to consider tbe switch matter,,nd it did m 11 tke long to get- down tousinesB when tbe four members ar-ived at the Town Hull. Tno clerkead a letter from Trackmaitar W. H.tlcFarland in which he said that thejickawanna company wa8 ready tojonnectthe Needbam Bwitch wit i i's;racks and would lay the switch at it*>wn espeCBf, providing Council would[rant tbe permit. Tbe manufacturingompany, he explained, would have toirovide a means of taking care of the;utter along tbe wall and would bave0 Bse that tbe water there bad a properi m l e t . " • • , • ' • • ' < : • . •

When he bad Bniahed reading thisletter the clerk took up a remom tranceligned by tliiity-three freeholders of;bat part of the borough protesting•i^ainBt the granting of the request.Tde matter was. now. to . the votingaoint, but wheu it was moved that theMeed bam company be permitted tolave such % switch put down it failed-0 pass. The p-iperB in t i e case werethen filed on motion of Mr. DcRsmerand tbe matter was closed so far asCouncil is concerned. While there isno doubt that the "town fathers" havethe support of a large number of citi-zens in the action they have taken,there are many who. feel. that the : re-ueat Bhould have boon granted...The opponents of the measure have

?een very active in their flght againstIt while the Needham people have notmothered themselves about getting upany petitions favoring the project.The protestants claimed that theiwitch would disfigure the street, be amisanco to,those who; frequently drivejhe thoroughfare as well as ah eyesore:o thbresideiitj of that pait of ' t iwn,while there was a Bplendid opportunityho make a rear connection with the M.& E tracks in tbe rear of the Need:

bam plane.A rt-quest waa received from the

.•eeidenis living above the Washingtonavenue culvert asking that the aidwalk from the laat,.nained point^tothiborough 'Hoe be improved; The atreelcommissioner was instructed to hav<t'le piles of earth left by tbe road conxaetor removed and t» have sonuAnders dumped at different point:Uong the walk in question.

A(rorrn»y Jeffery was preepntandpoitsd fciat,nf the$500 delinquent taxerdue when tlie warrant was made som'weeks apo, all but about $25 had beeicollected. This is on one piece of property, the Joseph Brown eefat", wbic!will bave to be sold in order t'iat tincollector ran square up his accounts.

J<icob S. VuiiRh waa appoii t id aiJommiesionfr of Appeals 10 surc^erDeWitt Groff, who haB tiken a poaitioii P l i ^

uivereary.• y

-i Order Ulbbona bv Mull. • . , . ; .Tonl l th« piitwnif of L. 8 PI nut & CO.'H

•Newark Beo Hlve"; who order by mallnritiKthf next six da\a—superior Satin

Jxir-ta, Ribbon, all aiik/3J lnoh«B'v-Mr'soft finish, all color?, sells tegular nt 2 5 Jand an (-xcellent value nt that prlcfi—enin vour orders tills week, at I9o , yard,

UA^VILLK.MifsCoraStifl'.hfis hKon-spendlnjj-fjoti'

time with Misa Kate Williams".M r . a t d Mrs. A, B. Albert, who ha'

been viBititip; lelativtB iu Michigan, havireturntd home.

Severnl of.the children in thispl 'cu ha'been vaccinated since the .emallpox^aca

:s".been~'atHriHri;'- "•::,""": • \!ri "'Misj Beulah Ketchnm entertained ;b

father, Louis Eetclnim of Nevvwrltj'-aiuncle1, Mart-Eeichaciiof-Ne,w~york, o•Wednesday.: . ; :_ , , ;_.. ' . ' ;" ~1.1";""."

Miss Olive E. Crouse has returned to hihome lu thle plice aftor apondiugaoinitime In PhUadtlphin. •

Mr. VanBu-klrk iHlmprovinc tho look«>r«!iW«teLuni6nr~tiou^c'.".ia^this;pl&ce.'.bgiving it avnat of p4 iu .

John Hefs is ontortniuinff his sister, MMury H'-PSoCMt. Bethel, Pa. o

M>nk Km'cham of No* Yo-k, nccoipunled hi_his nop.he*, Lotii-s KytcbamNewnrk," putscri thiough tbl» " place-'<Wi-rtnradsiy - with Ivauhoo,-rtl'B • -'fiuttipacer in tho Stuto. ••'•'- ; • - • ••••1 Ttie milk producers of tl'is vicinity wi««..,.^trJ..l!U_P..P^}!nr>.::H0tnlrNotf.i3n/itt 2 p. in. for tbe piirpcse of fidvnnclng itpiice of milk for tbo winter months.

James* Cox of Alt. Tabor is making toaiimprovcin< nts nn tbe buildings of his ne1

ly uurchaticd farn. "•"•~"~7^ ~, '•' •;r"nnd-:Mra Ji cob Harin and L cbam and dan g tit or, Bmlati, Hp(

S-tiurday with Mr.. ahd

n v o u r o r rThe holidfiy

d i P nof Dolls, Christmasholidfiy btrcka of Oolm, O

Oirdii attii Paney Coxts aro now ready foryour Inspection In this atore.

The1 Star and Thrice-a-Week NewYor]i'World, $2 per year, in advancer v '

S i n a yPerry near yonr tow

Mlas-Beriio Staplen le't Friday for Marlboro, where HIIO will spend tbo winter wiher sister, Mrs. GVover. •,; ,

Notice to Crt-dltor's.AuvclMms flRnhiHttho lato. Mnry. Ji

VKIJPJM k'e of \i;dorson sbon'd he prcnoied nt once under'ual> or - fa fU filiation-fpayment to Andrew. VatiSvckte, «-xecuiaf.tho fslRte <'f Anfoh G.-yfJiBviklo.™

Ulcn Oarrlnnr, N. J;'.' ' ' : :

Nov. 21,1901. U-28-St

KILLED IN PHILLlPSBURii-rinner Washington CHl/.^n Run Oown

by Train und Minified— Kellow ' :

Workmuu Slmrw dumo Kuto ':.\In a terrible accidenV'whiah occurredn r the Scookton street bridge inlillipBburg Fridr.v morning, Thomoajnnrd, formerlj a w«ll known citizenWashington andOxford, was in-

_ntly killed. His bod7 was horriblylangladjay.'a jJaCdine; awitcri pngiae' theOet.crai vftiiroau. •- Auu'Luur mttuSB killed at ibVsaratv t;mo and Btillicther barelyJeacapt'fiVfrigLtful iu-

i r i e e . • ' - . \ . '.- . • . • / K •••• •• •

Leonard was a m&mber of Mai tinTtihey's Be<tloii" gang and with half' )zen others waa engaged in making>me track rcpair^tianr the bridge.addenly a train of; Ciira loomed up be-ire them and before Leonard could

jove he was t t rnc i down and croundtndcr the wheela. Thomas IIIIIH, aIngle Hun, shared a like fate. BothIa tegs were cut clean off. Ue died ai-tle later in the E-st in hoBpitnli'ahey also went down and those whoyitneased the accident were sure hemd been killed bat when the train;opppd be crawled out from under ar. He had Baved his life by grabbingtruck and allowing himself to be

ragged along over tho tie.i.The train which was responsible fo.in damage la what la known aa tbeLight aide Bob. ' ; !The engine WSB(UshinR t i e cars but there wai noirskeman on the front end of the trainid no warning whistle was Bounded.ne men were so surprised by the ap-earance of the train that tbey did notave time to think. Leonard lived ontercer street and his body waa _ tikenera. He waa born at Boweratown

iid had livrd moat of hia life in thisplace and in the nearby towns. Hejeaves three sons and ono daughter,

Johnson SyinHcate'fl New Trolley.The Johnson Byndicare, which owns

.ie Lfhigh Valley Traction liuee, anixtenaion of which Ia proposed from"hillipsburg to Washington has openedsimilar road ftoai Trenton ta Prioce-m, a distance of twelve milea.Cars weighing nearly 50,000 pounds•e used, and are driven by four 50-orse power motora, or 200-horaejower altogether, and have all knownlonvenienceB which can be placed on, trolley car. Air brakes, air whistles,re headlight, enclosed veotibulen,rosR-Beats and Pullman trunks consti-ute the main points of superiority.The time made, including stops, is

wenty minutes for the twelve miles,md a spocd of sixty milea per hour isiitiined. The line runs entirelyhrough a private right of way, and isme of the flneBt pieces of trolley trackn the world, costing more than most"nfile track steam roads.Oars are being run every hour andill be run every' half hour aftar ther>t of December, and the fare is ten

.ents, with free backB to the center of;he city in Trenton. A locomotiveifluls the freight ears, and is alsoquipped with a snow plow for useJuring the winter. A large expressutrhaa been ordered and the United••ates Express company begins a ser-'ice over the line the flrab of — 'iort'1.

The road is standard railroad gauge,perEt'd under a railroad charter and

'onnotti with the Reading Riilway-afnrenton. Tim t-xpense of building.nd equipping the line amouxti t<

.nore than half-a million dollars. Iwill form . inart of t^e through syttemncom New York to Philadelphia.

Intended for Last Week.The follow!tin two iicms were Pccident-

llv omitted freni tu rks t itsue after btii)u t iu t y p e : - -•;-.-::•;.--*.-.—-1:.r~.:-'L?.-r- •••- •"--

Mr. AIVHII Bryun of ihia borough an1ifs Ethelda Smltb:-of GS2 Pearl stree.ihStoii, were m'arrit'd on Wednesday o.)--t week ut lhu home of Lbetftoom by Rev,leofge B. Armslronp of the Episcouahntc". The ritiii service WSB used. Th-rroom wasatt»nci< d hy liis i ej Lew, Pran.1 0<'ri.stinP, while ttio brir'eiiiiaid we.i I s Ethel L. Bryan, n sister t:f ftj r. BryunThe bride wes'attired in Rr»y Bilk wit?i;lovesand bat to m-itch. After the certii"iiy was perfirined n wedding dint:cvas nerved at Mr. Bryati'd nouie. The

ill live hero. : .... _Ves'e'tdny was t i e S3td birthday nnn

ternary of Mrs. Cat bnmm Bowers of Wtslolinston street, and tbe day was made H}-ueciall.v happy one lor the old lady breason of ,a turj rite \is-it from her tlire);io.li7iuE:'a"l!.iJrst1ction;"Jut.OKeth*>r-'V!"e\r wives and others of h«r off'prlihttre were four genermiorB rcpuseiiteit,.;the-.big-tuikej'r*'imn--r=aprcr.6i;i:i';he

2OHOV home.' Mrs Bi.iwcr-s wl.ileerj »jinier f_ cu It ies to a surprising degree, la muc

crippled hv rhtuuiatisin and unable to ~'ubuut much. .

H e r to a Piil[).

Mt3. John E : Suuit, wiie of the Pn-tv.)wn poik >bu<ctier, Juhn E, St< ut, m>with nn_txcec;ditigly pidnful niid ierioi"socirienfat^ ner'titiriioon^TufPilhiy—lB!She WHS engaged in fueriinsr muat into thi

rge sausage t;rin(ter, which is run by H_ <sinc, I" her biiHbnnd's butcher Bhoiwhen her right hand WHS CHUiiht in ihiniHOhino and tbe two middle fingers wer

•:Q~-int,ii^H~)jaip;-^rho~rcnjB!iiirs and thumb were b«dly lacernte

\ "


IEVERAL PERSONS H U R gad Sunday Smasfiup Near Washington ;

, . j s . . PassencerS ta t ion .J i^ . ^ l ^L^ l

7ost Freight Plows Into Rear of Coal Trainand Docs Considerable Damage.

u ip tad lon of Mrs. Stout," herself, inuiiKiAing the machine nut of pear is nilthiitsavtd her from further h'jury. Dr.VfBt of" Phillips'mrg was immediatelyuninmt'cdTa; d:later.-..with • th(ir«st-i!«t;»i!ce'-f nn E"«t"n f-urgci.nn the two fl>gfra ns^st

badly i'-jnrerl were ft'nput»ted.---T'IK)ctorsil«iiik tho other flnperH aud thumbay bo aayt d. At preHt tit the woundw,

-. I'ho"«VlVO"«UritM|;"t lrS"jjii'i iaMb"flrt(>Tunt*uCnl'of pnin, aro considered hy: lier pbyticianas doing an well HU can hi expected.

Ki'.vlvHl at Port Murray.Revival meetings aro being hetd in tho

P..rt Muimy M. E.'churoh every lilgbtthis week; and nro to he continued throughliext. weifciv-' Erunjielist Mrs. J, A.:B ytntof Wii.thlnplnti is HwifHtliiR in the services,NextVT(;1J1fidiiy;s.O'jo. l5ih, an nil dny r«vivrtruonic.e will hfj^helrt. Neighhortniiee will j ^

n and Inymt'n willd l n

lncAll lirebl H

A wreck which might have cost :

jzpitis of lives occurred on the Morris. E^aex division of the Lacbawanna

_unday afternoon between Morrittiwn .and Morris Plalnfl, when two trainslume together iu a head-on collisionvhich compUtaly demolished,' the'ronta oYboth engines. •;

The two trains which tried the old /rick of passing on the same track were;be regular Buffalo express due hereit 4:15 p. m. and a local .passenger ;.''..,.;raiu which leavea Dover for Hoboken"""'-'•""•lach day at 2:44 p. m. The engineer : 'f the latter was GosperHill of Ho- ' ;oken. He bad orders to wait at Mor-is Plains until the express passed, but: seems he failed to understand. He :lelieved he wan to ron into a Bwitch at ^ irlorriBtbwn and meet the espress there.' ; ' •''":

^he engineer of the esprees, Johnikillmau, who is widely known along :

tbe Licbawann east of Scranton andespecially in Washington, received bislaual orders to go ahead and, all un-ionscious of the impending danger,ras makiDg good time toward Morris'laina wbon ho rounded Pocahoi t i a r ;

jurve and saw the local coming to-ward him at top speed.

Both engineers applied the airirakes and the trains began to slow npj u t n t t enough t> prevent a seriouswreck. The locomttlves buried them- •lelves in each ether until the'smoke- '•jtatikij touched and the audden f t i p -ping of the trains caused the forward:ars in each case t> pile themaelves up .. ';

D t>p of the wreckngi*. ,; -//.'" x>-•••••'When the crews of the engiuea saw

-bat a collision waa unavoidable tbeyjiimped and thus saved tht-ir lives.Engineer Skillmnn rolled down, a-flfv.i"..:teDn-foot embankment and Btruck t»rse at the bittern. Ilia Bhoulder wasiislocatid and he was brutapd and catibout the body. He WHS taken to AllJainta' hoBpltal in Morristown. ObarleBLoper, the expreeu UremaD, leaped tothe ground and was badly shaken up.He went to his home in Iloboken. •-.<••Obarles Hicholfl, the conductor, washrown violertly to f i e floor of one of.jhe cars by the forceof the UOL tact but - >,was not dangerously hurt.- - , ' -• - - . : • : -

The tender of the local was jammed -hrouRh the bnggnge car and m'o th**5irtt coach. James Clinton of Morris

.Mains was pinned b<tween two^fatet.and serioualy injured. He WPS^BIBOtaken to All Souls' hoapital. Conduc-:or George Brown of Summit, in charge ,-:>f the lpcdl, had an arm.broken.xiL::;;;;,;;„_;;;;

Many paseongers ' were:"cut"::and"'•""""iruiaed, among them being Abraham

Kaufman and Miles L'lwery of R'.iek-nway, JiimcsDiivis of New.York, MissElla Petcre, Revere, MSBP., and Mrs.Mary BaBtPdo of Brooklyn. Bothirains were filled with paeVengers, andj'.velve children were noticed in~thecrowd.a9 .they, .clambered out. of : the ,r ->OVPrtUmed COachCS:! '.v. ~ ;":-r;;;~i::-;r—: -rH ii-

It took all the balance of the after-noon nnd all the following nig! t to get .b'ie debris clearpd up, in the mpan- vt mo no triune beiDg run over the Mor-1'.ris & Eaeex hrtinch. The "cost of thewr. ck to the Lickawanna will amountto a good raimy thousand dollarBandwill result, no doubt, in some old and •',heretofore trusted ^employees of theroad loaing their poeitionp. ,:"WEECK IN THE WASHINGTON YAHpS."^0;^"Another stnuBh-up occurred in the

Waahington yards at se.y+'ii o'clockSunday rnorning in which fortunatelynobody was hurt. An engine, caboose _and two care were piled up and the"p?\v_.(9tp>!onr.iisrrowly-Tf>.Rcap|ed partial-,—demolition. -"" ''""""" """"""" •"""

The Rolliding trains were a Scran tonwildcat; and tniti No. Cl, composed J,principally of empty freight, cars.' AbHat-kt t stown the regular stopped toput in a car and the wildcat passed.Upon reaching here atie stopped fororriors and had har«ly come to ,i stand-stilLwhenJirBin No. 61 crashed into the .r(iar""endr"The":c6liI^lbn'occurred al- r v v ;

mott directly in froi t o f the: new 6ta-tion and one of ' t i e freid' t cars wasthrown oveVupou:Uie;:Wfllk'fSurrouucl-;-i:;ing the building. "Another freight "carwns piled up along the other side ofthe tracks The caboose of the wildcat,train was emaRhpd into kindling wood.EBg!noiNpri.40Si-.efstheiMgulBr=Has=i:damaged considerably, Her piUt.wastorn away, her froi.t truck j tmmedloone and tha froi t port battered inv

A wreckinir crew from 'Hobokeu got;here^a^out ll.o'.clock and, with .the aid vof the local dril';' got the tracks clenred .by.l:.oIelocuv- ItriB-eaid-vtnat-the"flag---?man of the wildcat IB r.eepi>nBlhle for ""_the,wreck_in not going out with hisMgnaialn-timB~to~BEop"lb^^^

...' . Not Ico to Advortlaera. 'fh..'.. ,,AB tho STARof DPP. 12th will be the :

nnnunl Ohribtmna Number, con&iHtingof 20 pages each, and entailing morethan four times HB much woik m therepulfir number, we are'compelled to ;

inbit-t that all new ' 'ads" and changeshe in our hands 'he first of next weekat the'latest. W« shall much^ppre-

iiivitcd to coinu and titivo nn or joyahio anHprrQtablo limQ. Dinner and cupper' willhe provided U\ the cluiroh and an oppor-tu'iiy for frco-wllt cfforltiES to ihe Lordwill be given.;: ••: C D Smftlly, Pastor. ••-•

~.0_dgen;Whit*ell.oryt«nxia has heen rstored to'the pe- ciih list" by UDchrSaand now drawi; $12 per moath.,ll?


e lates h^ppthe receipt'of the. new>.copy this


The curtnin rises* louinlit nb the Opcra~~Hnusp-et-^.o'fOnik-atirt frnm nl] spjwijp.-,ancct there will be a bis andleme T h opiny 1B "Esmeral^a" by local taltint,and la'-worth "(i0lu!riff^tnIlG5.to" r o c " T t i 5 i l i J 5 %sloa Is 35 and 60 cento.

Page 2: F. WWWE - digifind-it.com · Itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula-tion'" of the STAR for tlio firm n\x mnntha of the pnwnt} year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n; lrcula-

Mrs* Bryan is Guir&tl.Road HOP Letter to Mrs* PInUhanim

|Q Of


for two years with fall-tho ovavies aud bladder.

bloated very badly. My left' would.swell so I could not

>p on my foot. I had suchbearing-aown pains I could

not straighten up or walkacross tho room, and such ;shooting pains would go

throuph me that IHit I could not

inland < it.": l l y -mother. pot men bottle of Lydia .

E. PinkhunVsVegetable 'Compound and told melo try it. I took sixbotllesund now, lliuuks

to your wonderful medi-cine aloiicr-lftm a well

v BEbVlOBBB.Tbe law of Pennsylvania relative to

same nays tbut DO game a not ID the Statemust be brought out, and yet every daygamo is brougnt Into New Jersoy tbat wasgialn lu Pennsylvania. No* Jersey ban dosucti fool lab law on tier statute boob. The

I tfamolawaof too two States.ought to be' uniform, and sensible at tbe same time.: A live bird shooting match took place. back of tbe Seminary on Saturday after-noon and tbe outside gunners capturtd

1 enough stray blrda to injure them a potlieouSunday. Theaa sboots are munllyheld on u cold, raw day, or when tbe Bnowi3 flying, and Httract Iota of murkumen.Tho whole business Hecms to be very.cruel,nut when ao ontjobjecbi to it it muBC be

[ • l a w f u l . . , .: •.• • . - _ . - . . • - _ . , . •

The remains of Mrs. M.G. Moore ofI Koselle, N. J., were brought hero for burial

on Sdturday. Tho fttiiilly lived here a• • • - " • • a m i o c o u

Mies Lura BraUtTeatertalnod" a dozenfriends at tbe home;of her uuol«. J. I).Uofftaan, on High street, la*t Friday. Thoafternoon was upent In fancy work and atalz o'clock a very dainty supper WPBnerved. The affair waa given in honor ofMfsa E. L. Voorheosof Philadelphia, who isspending a couple of weeks with MlasSmith. - . . • . • •

The Cataract Hose Company and theVigilant H. and h, Co., accitmpaniod bytho Haokettatown Band, gave HerbertEilor a serenade last Friday ovoning at thehome of Mr. Ferguson oa Ohmou streetof Mr. Fand afterwardV l l l l Bild

i number of years ago aud itipled the

• i',1'-wisfr eveVj wonian IIferirig;" with female weak-" ~ i!

would begin its use a t I' — M R S . ELSIE BRYAN, Otis- c

How many women thorp are ^yho suffer just like Mrs.1 Bryandid! If you ask such sufferers what tmm.ieut they have.youwill find they are depending upon some jirofpssional theorist

i who has never cured a case of uterine 01 ".ovarian trouble, oryou will find tbat they went to their ilrungisi, to Ret Lydia E.P:nkhani's Vegetable Compound and were advised by thodealer to take something else. You' may be sure that suchBufTerini; from female derangement will not exist when LydiaE. Pinkhabi's Vegetable Compound ia used. This statementfinds overwhelming verification in the grateful^ letters fromwomen, •*'- . . .

When you ask for Mrs Pinkluim'a medicine at your dealer's,you may safely distrust tho motives of any one who asks youto take something else in place of

Lydia E* Pinkham's Vegetable Compound*



e depositedional City li0 ; .O 0 O* w

son who can find thnt the above testimonialletter is not jienuiiuv or was published beforeobtatuinj: the writer's special pentii.«Mou.


From Factory to Home.Our chief business is the manufacturing

of Couches and Odd Upholstered Chairsfor the wholesale trade. There are so manypersons In this immediate vicinity whohave expressed a desire to buy our goods,and since none are on sale in this section

:* at .retail,' we have decided to extend ihertourtesy of the wholesale prices to all such.

That our goods are superior lo thegrades usually on sale in furniture stores tfcan only be demonstrated bv comparisons-^They are built entirely upon our o\vr.:prern-

-Ises-by :;men; of. lQng«ycnrsl.i.^'experienc^i^^Tioucn and1"Chair construction.; We useonly the best material for theframes and finishing, as wellas the highest grade springs.These are crossed tied, eightknots to the spring. Thec o v e r i n g is of your ownchoosing. Photographic re-productions of the v a r i o u scouches and chairs, togetherwith samples of coverings,will be submitted upon appli-cation. •••

In style, material, work-manship and prices, you willfind our goods far in the lead.?i

Write today for pictures ofthese Couches and Chairs andget prices.


STYLE SO. 1080.

_ L . . ^ _ . . . . : . , „ •H. A. Schu^rmann,

92 West SteWaft Street, hear Grand Avenue, Washington, N. j ,

S H O E Sr -;• •••• - . • A . J R R i y i r N G , J D A , I _ L 1 Y . v . . , : ' . , / .•::.•

Quality and Fair Dealing is what brought our business up to its presenthigh standing, and we expect to continue this policy

as'long as we keep store.

••..,. ,-."'• M e n ' sPatent Leather, Patent Colt Skin,

Box Calf, Veiour Calf," Vici Kid, Enamel.

- $1.98 to $4.00.ALL STYLES AND ALL WIDTHS.

B]jys'~an(f "Youth's'Patent Leather, Patent Colt Skin,

Box Calf, Vici Kid.

; $1.25 to $3.00.-ALL STYLES AND ALL WIDTHS..

Women'sPatent Leather Vici, Pat. Leather,

Box Calf,Vici Kid, Dongola Kid.


iMims* a i r Children's^Patent Leather, Box Calf,

Vici Kid, Dongola Kid.


b now o-viicu by Tilra. O'Briuu, uoruursecond and Greenwlchtttrebta. Mr. Moorecpont a sntuour of years iu «. bina and Wasfitniliar with the people of that far off

'country. VVoleurn tbat at present he idquite ill at his home In Rosolle.

James Hapan, who for years has beentbe right band man at tha AmericanHouse, and who recently left and went toNoivton, has returned to Belvidere andmay hereafter be found at hia old pout."Jimmy" is an indispensable fixture at theAmerican House,

The work of putting in the new bridgeover tho Pequent creek by tbo PenuByl-vauia Rilirodd Co., is going on Blowly.Workmen have been engaged on tbe jobforseveral wetk*. The undertaking is abig one and a good deal of time is requiredto finish it. New piera have been In id upon the Water street sfdo of the bridge audtbe bridge proper will be.tilaced in posi-tion at a tltno when tbo feast trains arerunning, which will probably be on Sun-day.

Elisha Burd of Riverton, wbo has beenquite ill for a number of weeks, we areglad tu loam ia improving aud will soon houble'to resume his usual business.

We understand thut tbe committee hav-ing tbe mutter in charge awarded tho cou-trnct for doing certai" tndexlue, recording,Ac, at tbe Ckrk's ifflce, to Clerk Firth,and taut the amount appropriated by theBoard, viz., the sura or *500r ' s to '»fi P"1dwheti the work is finished. Tne Work weunderstand to be of great importance tothe county and when finished wilt aislstmaterially in expediting Beirchea, &cSome of r he books oF record in the vaultof the office are in bad shape and ought tobe renewed before they fade entirely fromview. We have no doubt that tho workwill be well done under the direction ofClerk Firth and his able and accotnuiodat-* iR assistants.

U is now generally conceded that Free-holder Laire will not be obliged to resignon arcnunt of his recent election to tbeAssembly. The two offices, so tbe bestof autnoritiea any, art) uot incompatible,and Mr. Lsire will therefore serve out histerm as Freeholder. TblH la a fortunatethiug as he makea a most excellent mum-ber of the board. Belvidere will thereforehave but oi.o Freeholder to elect! in thespring. 'Mr.Case's term expires and hissuccessor will bo eieeted. Toe Legitliturashould repeal that clause of tbe freeholdernet that gives Bolvidere two Freeholders.We do not need two Freeholders anymorethan we need two pout-offices or a halldozen policemen.

A Qoe entertainment, with local talentas actors, was given in Wideoor'a OperaHouse on Wednesday evening. Our peo-ple gave it very liberal patronags and feelthat they bad'their nioiiey's.worth. .Weare exceedingly modest in Belvidere but itisjiibttosay thatin point of talent, musi-cal and otherwise, our towu is highlyfavored. ,v y

A. B. Kelaay h'rid the misfortune to losehis Gordon setter a few days ago. The dogwas taken Bick and all efforts to bring himaround proved of no avail. He was valuedat|150. . ^ r . ' , . ™ — • - • - -••

, The farmers held quite a rally at thecourt house last week, and the old stand-bys were out iu full force. You ctn alwayscount on the Addises, the Silver-thorns, theRoseberrys, tbe Alherteons and a few moreof tho faithful ones to be present at thesegatherings. la fact they would not havean organiz ition of farmers were it not forthese loyal eons of toil who are notashamed of their colors. Ex-SherlffCox ofHunietdon county was the principal spea-ker at tbe meeting. „ ,-. ..;

The Washington people will epj iyai . .treat at the Te-.chers' Institute when JudgeMorrow delivers his famous lecture on Ab-raham Lincoln. It to" worth going twenty-flve miles to,hear. ;( \\'}rTi The hew" seals just "put into the EOIRCO-pal nhurchwereuiatle by the Warren WoodWorking Co , mid fire beautits. . They aremade of pl»in oak^ud they are, highlyfinished. The Rev.'Air. Young fetla prettyproud of them.

A man named Frick, hailing it is saidfrom the vicinity of Washington, was ar-restid a few days ago chareed with shoot-ing rabbits out of season. His hearing was

it down for Wednesday. Judge Schullzof Phillipsburg Is his attorney.

Mrs. Philip WHsnu of, Belvftiero'andMrs. Adam B- Slruerion of Manunkacbunkare both suffering from iujuriea receivia few da.\B Hgo, Buth women marie mis-steps and fell, and'were seriously injured.

Miss Mary A. Pbilhrook, Newark's at-torney arid couuscllor-at-law, paid Belvi-

thc tint, woman to ho ndmitted OH an attor-ney at l.iw in New Jer«t*y.

Municipal Building, whero the groom set'etn up. The H. and L Co. wore theirnow uniforms,of navy bluo cloth, witbrock coata and caps aim liar to those of the

Cataract Company's, aud mndoa-flnc ap-pearance. ' . , „ . , „ .-•- St.Mary's Guildhold a social last Tues-day evening. The principal feature of thoevening was a number of tableaux. ;

Mrs. Angle Johnston baB sold her.prop-erty on Washington street tos£awi»'"O.VanSyckle; consideration, $1,400. Airs.Johnston and son will move to Easton tuemiddle of Ducemberwhore tbey will maketheir future ; home with another aou,Samuel Jobnstou, who is a successfulpbutugrapher thero.

Dr. Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. George J._>jmun will hold a reunion of thoFarrow family on Thanksgiving. Therewill be about thirty people preaont.-Mian Elizabeth VanHornenfJorflny CUvfl spending a couple of weeks with MIusE.

M, Porter on Main street.George Pickle has purchasod the Sitter

property on Center atreut aud has takenpobaeasion.

Theodore Neighbor will move tbts weekto the Johnhou property on Center streetrecently purchased by his son, JamesNeighbor.

Josoph Mitchell will movo from tho Reanaanbion to tbe bouse vucdttd by TheodoreNeighbor.

ington street yesterday uftemorin. Therewero.about thirty, present.- Flv«,prizeswere awarded and rejfreebmonta served.

Tbe annual entertainmont to bo givenby tbe young people of the Presbyti-riauchurch will occur Thanksgiving evening.Two playii will bo proscntc^d entitled: "Dr.Baxter'a Inveuifou" and "Auut Jorahua'sQuiiting Party."

Mra. Georgo M. Rusling hns had a widecement walk laid In front of her Moorebtreet proporty. George W, Smith willbavo one la

.'. telescopes,' all sizes, 35c to $1.25. Dress Suit 'Cases, gi.25 to S3.50.

19 E. Washington Ave.

To the PublicAllow me t i say a few words in praise of

Chamherlaiu's Cougb Remedy. I canrecommend it witti the utmist confidence.It has done good work for me arid will dotbBBame Tor others. I hxd a "ery severecough and cold and feared I would getpneumonia, but after, taking the seconddoso of this - medicine 11 felt better, threehnt-ileH of It- enreri1 rnycold^and-the. -oainBin my chest disappeared entirely^" Iiirrimost respectfully yours for health, RALPHS. MEYEH3, 64—Thirty-seventh St., Wntiol-ing, W. Va. For Bile by F. N. Jenkins,Washington ; J. A. Allen,.Oxford.

n onthe evening at theh th st

KNOWLTON.Mrs. P. E. Bond npoht Tocsday and

Wedne-iday with her daughter, Mih. FrankD o n f l o l d . • . " ' • • : * !

Mrs. John A. Walters waa entertainedby her Bister, Mr'. Jefferson Loller, at Mt.Hermon, on Wednesday.

Master AuguBtus Letda of Towntburyvlaited bis uncle, Abraham Wildrick, fromWednesday to Friday.

M. Pittcoger spoat Saturday with Wm.Teel at Vienna. ; V--> A corn busking frolic was held at Wm.Millhelm'a on Thursday.

Thoso wbo have been on the s'ok Iht areGeorgo Shotwell and R >burt ftltllhelm.Mr. Bhotwell Is able to be around again.Tbe latter has beon very ill with pneu-monia but Is Improving at this wrilng.7; Mrs. Elizibeth Hartzell visited her sisterat Vail 011 Thursday.: Alfred Dance hns his carpenters at'woikon Mr. Turnor'n barn ou tho farm occupiedby Wm. Millhelm. ..' ..,. fleveral of our peoule took in the socialnt Eugene Lmnlug'd at Mt; 'Hcroiou onPrid*y night.;- ?,;^-

Mrs Mirnhill PIttenger vfBltorl Mr. andMrs. Hizan Bingbarton Friday.

Mlsa Doll a Luida of Blulrstown stoppedwitb her sister, Mra. J. A. Wai torn, overSunday. 1

Mrs. Katharine Detn spent Tuesdaywith Mrs. Bllzibetb tlarUoli.

Clark Kfuhpaugb returned to bis duMosinching snhnol on MoDciny dftur R monlh'p

abionco, .::".'".John Wulters, who spent a wrek in York

State hui ing cattle, returned homo Tues-day with A lar^e berd.

Tho Christian Enduavor- wilt he inclmrgoof Cella Linaborry Hundiiy niuht. Topic:"Onildreu of God," Rom. '8:1117.

Our vlllnge was very much bhuken up bythe exploHlou of tbe dynainito works atLike HopittcoiiEf on Thursday nfgbt.There was a young mun who WHS callingon his Hweet heart neir here that evening

Good and Sufficient every one, it is,to your advantage to buy of us whenyou.want a ;

The Indies' Euchre was held ft the")homu ol MIBS Jenniu Johnston nn " " ' 'Liome ot MIBS Jennfo Juhuston nn U'HSIH Would quickly Jeivo you,"if you usedIngton street yesterday uftemorin. .There Dr. King's Ne* LI To •Pills. Thousands of...AMtft f.^r.1.1- tktnki* . *.* _»* Uli.r^' \i^Ir.<i«i . _..H _ . I... -*J * ! _ , . J_ ^ ^ . . * _ l . . . . —t *.

jorty. 1id in tho early spring, which

will complete the whole block, ma King tbebest paved block in town.

Mrs. Dr. F. M. Cook recently ontortainedcompany in honor of bur niece, Miss

Carrie Rlttenbouse of Washington.Mr. and Mrs. James Bveritt and Mrs.

Nancy Dill will spend Ttmnk-^iving Ditywith Dr. aud Mrs. 'Richard Vanborue in

List Saturday the 0. C. I; football teamplayed tho clOBing game of the ee^s-m atBlairstown at which game neither teamBcortd. C. 0. I. baa made a remarkablerecord having won every game this season,ics^uding Penniugton aud the Drat gamewith Blair Hall. • ?

Mrs. Ruth Porter will give a dinnerptrty on Thanksgiving. : ::•

The dedication of the C. C. I. by Bav. G.

suflerers have proved their nmtchless meritfor flick and Nurvous Iteadrtctiea. Theymake pure blood and buildup your health.Only 25i'onts. Money back if not cured.Sold by F. N. Jenkins, druggist.

H. Wbitnev, D. D., will occur next Tbuia-j ia m u c U

day at 10:45 a. m. At the same exercises " — *

Tlio people of this community weregreatly shocked on Mo'idny to hear of thesuddmi death of John Appiir of - HighBrlduet nephew of Frank Apjjar of tliinplace. He wan a very flue young man andhighly respected by alt who knew him,and will rib greatly missed In the Chris-ttnn Endeavor Society and other churchwork where he took a prominent part.Hit parents have the t-ympitby of all theirfriends.

Miss Sadie Chamberlain of Netconc isunending a fuiv days with her cousin, Mrs.Wm, Miller.

Tbe members of the SfibbntliBchool aremaking arrangements for a CbrlBtmas en-tertainment whfuh wfll be held In tbeschool house. The date will he decidedipou later. .I. S. Smith is visiting his sitters in Belvi-

dere.Little Charlie Hnnce, wbo has been a

sufierer frora aplnal d i la te for some time,

Dependable Tailor-made Suit'••] that is strictly:up-to-date;both as to

: character of goods; and styles ofmaking. We purchased our elegantnew line from the foremost makers.They are worthy in every sense. Asto prices we know that no one sellsthe same grade of garments for lesseven if as cheaply. We are satisfiedwith a very modest profit. Thesesuits are in Broadcloth, Camels' Hairar.d Ladies' Cloth and range in pricefrom 34.75 to $9.75.

Attention is also invited to our line ofLadies' Jackets and Coats. All "are newthis year. They are nobby and will givegood service. Come while the selection isthe best. The Price Range is

From $2.75to3iO.OO.Recent invoices make our Dress Goods

Department an interesting place to visit.Call and see. our All Wool Suitings and;Dress Flannels, and, if we should forget,remind us to show you the new line of

Under Skirts and Outside Skirts and the. exceptional valuesin Underwear. • . - • ' •

e foriltuia writing.:

Eev. C. W. McCormick, p. D., will beinaugurated as the president; :

Oa Wednesday evening an organ recitalwill be given at the C. C. I by ,W. C. Carlof New York. ;Miis Cornish, the vocalteacher, will also render several selections,

Deafaesfl Cannot be Cured -•„by local applicatious aB they cannot reachthe dlsetised portion of tlie c-tr. There isonly one way to cure deafness, and that isby constitutional remedies. - Deafness iscxused by an inSimed condition of themucous lining of the Eustachlan Tube.Wtien this tube is inflamed you have arumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, andwhen it is entirely closed, Deafness' is theresult, and unless tbo inflammation can betaken out and this tube restored to Itsnormal condition, hearing: will be des-troyed forever; nine cases out of ten arecaused by Catarrh, which is nothing butan itjfl-imed condition of tho mucous sur-

We will give One Hundred Dollars forany case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)that cannot be cured by Hall's CatarrhCure. Send for circulars, free. : , .

F. J. CHENY & CO., Toledo, O.Sold bv Drugging, 75u.Hall's Family Pills arc the best. — ™••'-•-"••

__rB. Amanda Hopler of Bartloy was en-tertiintd ou Wednesday by ber daughter,Mrs. Jacol Wiaeburn.

Misses Cora May H-inn And BorthaMiller were entertained on Wednecd^y atthe borne of their grandfather, StewartHann, at Pleasant Grove.

Mrs. Frank Apgar Is papstng a few dayswith ber biiHband's mother, Mrs. SunanApgar, at Anthony.

/ • • < •

BLOOA1SUUUY.Rev. Edwin Ells dear Washington City

will occupy the pulpit in ibo Preafcytoritncliurcb n*-xt Sabbath, D«c, 1st, and willbe entertained over Sabbalh by Mr. andMrs. George Houael.. The pulpit of the Presbyterian churchwas Hgilu very sitlsfiictorily filled byParke Richards, a student of LafayetteCollege, who delivered an excellent dirf-courtte tn t*>e morning which was iuyplriiigand helpful to all who heard him. Iu theevening the anniversary of the ChristianEndeavor Society took the place of the re-gular preaching service and WHS addressedby Mr. R-ctiardH and the Rtv. E J. R-)inke.;rhe,continucd rain somewhatJesstnedJbeattendance on tueso services.-

It will be well for tbe people attendingthe Presbyterian church to remember thatafter this date the clergymen occupyingthe pulpit from Sibbath to Sabbath willbe candidates for the pafator*to, ,and inorder to vote intelligently they should beregular in their attendance.

Mr. and Mn Anderson, and Mr.

Hurcti jnl.;jN7*


SAVINGS.^Nkj;florristown, New Jersey.



$2,377,036 /2,155,235 5

•ffNTKRERT ts declared anil paid in Janii-nry and July of each year from thf

profits of ihe previous six mouths' bu.siuesa,

Wiil'OSITS mnile OH or l>efore the 3rd d.i>of January. April. July and (Wtot.c'i

drnw interest from the first day of saidmonths respectively. .,

CorresDondencc Solicited.




aud Mrs. George M. Pidcock, flpant.last.rJsK..^daturduy In New York city. ~""^ "~ Tw™?],!""':"

A t t h e h o m e of he r Bon-in-law, W . H . ^ l u l "

tojed and.hands-.im--.."esf-cased - beatty's-Organs and Pianoswe have ever ship-red. II any reader of.the STAR IS thinkingof getting one, besure to call at ouroffice, 16 Belvidere

COL DANIEL F. BEATTY. Avenue, or write at


' I ' - t i r ^ l

-lb buy/atimrbest stocked Lumber Yard inWafren county, because you'can''"always"----find what you want, have a good selec-tion" and have the assurance^ that ho other.,yard will sell you at low,er prices. That.,w

:yard is the , ',. . b t

W. DQULlCKv Proprietor,

. . . y . „(EccRUfle cf the inolemont weather there

woro no aervicea in eitner church at Jobn-Bonburff on Suudaylaat. "" ' ' '

Don'b forsti-««r-~.nrt!fmi.Thanksgiving.service on Thursday evening of t> ia week.We expect to aee a largo crowd present., Rav. J^meB QHrdnor'HtinhjBOtjnext 3<ib^

" bath~mornin?"nt theMriarcburoh-wiiroe••l,The ereat need of(Uio-"Metliotllst Churchin these latter dajs." ;/

Ilov. Jamea H. Gardner, according totho figreement made between him andPrincipal Aten of tne public school, willpresent a prize to the boy or girl whoexee-Si-considerine recitations, examina-tions, attendance, punctuality and degort-ment, in the• fall examinations, which arenow in session. Tne children are anxious-ly waiting to see who will be tbe twinnorin this contest.

Quite a few people in our vicinity aroButlertng from heavy colda.'We are glad to know that Fred Savacool

haB decided to rualde-at-hi8 old home-inJnlinnnnbarg during the winter..mont-haand that Miss Stern, the assistant te*oherin our public acbool, will board "nitSi: him.Miss Florence Sivacool will., of course,fceop.house for hor grandfather.; ~*

A I m e Dorno 01 ner BOH-IU-IU'V, w . r i . Aiitin.r "in K.HOIL-II uinim"Remember no payAlpnugh, at Bound Brook, Mrs. Wm. Rntt *M -iwuy'B nin.i»tmi * « r 3 w you are en-P»i^raway;on:Priday_.nlBhtrat ;%15p.: ,^"x^ l^«^m. ufler an illnesT of about'tbreo ';weeKsp -iivnisitorm»; ' ; - " -.•: ~ - - •- -

AddrpRsor Cull Upon



duration, aged 80 years find 11 daya.V Sue Ul;1H survived by one;daughter mid two sons,Mrs. W. H. Alpatigh aud J. E.-'Butt-ofBound Brook,.ami W, W. Rutt of this COLONEL DANIELi 'F. BEATTY,placu.-Funeral aurvioea wei« lieiuaoner " """ " ' "' " " 'Into home Monday morning and were con-ducted by Rev. J O. Jones of the Con-gregational church, after which the re-mains were brought to this pl»ce on theeleven o'clock train, thenco conveyed totbe beautiful cemetery at Mt. Pleasant ,and lald.to.:rest-besideLher_huBbaDd,;a'!id,.b r o t h e r . " - ' " : " . ' .'• ~ ':.'„-?'''.•'•'• ^ ' . y - " ^ " ":'1":-••.""" '

Mrs. Elizabeth Runltle, widow of tho I J TT A r»r\ \T7 A DTJ ••'•late Danlul RuDtele, died at ber home in | S . . f l A K U W n K j l ^

two sons, Hurry of Orange, and Willi-im of .Plitinneld, Mrs. Iiuukle was n< highly 1ORteemed lady, a warm friend to hoth richand poor and ever ready to render asatet-ance to tbejieedy. >; ; , ^-—,..:

Mra. A.n"naT Prtibaaco Allen, daughter^ofSylvet-tor ProbaBOO of Pittstown, died at1

her late home in Paterson on Friday nt 1:25-a. m. Mrs. Allen in. her girlhood diyspassed considerable of her time with roln-tlveB and friends In our town'. She waa 'greatly beloved by•• all who knew her..Mr. Prnbasco han lost three daughters and T

his wife, and has the betrtfeltayrapathy ofmany warm friend^iu town and vicinity.

Rev, P«rbo_[Unhandof Lnfayotte College.1was entertained over Sunday by. Mr. andMra. Theodore Melick. 7 v;-; janicoW Uli.'sniStjn-baa-returned-bems_:frora the West with a fine car load ofcattle which be now ofleni for sale.

the Fall: Season is almost com-

pleted. A few things only remain

the general assortment in each and ;

every department throughout, the

store* thiLvery^ best; that we .have:.,:



7 .CUTLERY; — : X N D — •&""-" '


A, MASTERS/i•'.•£. Wnshintjtrm.fci._^w

Depot for Devoe's Pure Lead and= / . . : Zinc Paints, Oils,.etc. I=s

Page 3: F. WWWE - digifind-it.com · Itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula-tion'" of the STAR for tlio firm n\x mnntha of the pnwnt} year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n; lrcula-


Whether you get much or little bread,:you should be critical in regard to-the

Jiuality. i Health is lost »r gained by theood we.eat. Our bread nourishes the

system and pleases the palate.


latest Dentistry.PrlMm of, work to anil

everybody. - Tenth examinedand advice K'v0|t fruo.

Teeth Extracted 25c.All local jipplIcationB free

Teuth extracted poult! vel)without pain by the use otour vltallied air or vapor.BO centH. :

Teeth Filled with Gold, $ 1 and up.Teeth Filled with Silver, 70c.A set of teeth, $5.Best set of teeth, $8 .

. 'Our $H Ht>tH of troth are the boBt that a«

Wer iB the teeth aru out, nfUlentfl comlntf itthe ra riling cun hfive their teeth made tbfitmednr by notllylnjc UH three days In ad-ranee. Teeth filled an nalnlenHly aa dental(clflDce TTIII permit. Gold (Wins a npeclaltJ.Partial RBtH of tooth nut In with gold with.

- out plateH, culled brldgo-work. All kinds *

Philadelphia Dental Rooms,212 Northampton St., East on, Pa,(Mike Open From 7 a' in. to 8 u, m.


Manufacturer* of



Fifth Avenuo

and loth Street,

New York.



Nnw ilnrney.

C. S. Ammerman,Successor to NhurU Urn-;,

Washington, N J.

GIRL WOMEN.The general standard of measurement

for womanhood is ''grown-up-ness."When a girl is emancipated from schooland arrives at the dignity of trailingskirts and elaborate hair dressing she islooked upon asa young woman.B u t : n a t u r ek n o w nothing1!of such stand-1ard'j. When the,womanly func-tion is establish*edf womanhoodis attained ac-cording \t<>. herstandards, andthere is need of,womanly careand caution. - Itin girlish ignor-ance or neglectat;this;cnticaltimewhicb oftenresults in longyea r s of aftermisery.

Mothers whoperceive the evt-aencest ..offline--tional derange- • •incut in young girls should promptlyhave them begin the use of Dr. Tierce'sFavorite Prescription. It establishes reg-ularity, tranquihzes the nerves and tonesup the whole system.

"My troubles glutted during my girlhood,"writes Miss Flora I. Crecr, or 107 Howe Street,Akroti. O., "but did not prove serious until 1593.From Umt time I did not see u well day. IButtered nt every monthly period with terribleheadache, irritation of the spine and pains fnmy heels. I had BO re ncsa through myliiiis midovarieH all the time and constant backache.One doctor would tell tuc one thing fitloil me,another would say itot nettling nltngethcr differ-em, but they only relieved me. I then wroteyou and followed your advice. 1 look five bullies'of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription, four of'Golden Medical Discovery' mid five vial* of' Pellets.' Have not had a single symptom of

d l f C l good k

NOT STRICTLY LOCAL.Notes of the Week's Happen logs la Other

Counties and States.

Items ol General Interest Picked Up Here and

There, and Humorous Squibs.

out (ILnress."11

Dr. I'ierce's I'len&ant Pellets cleanse thebowels und stimulate the sluggish liver.


II. n . l h lH .ms . LnmcnenH. Injuries,CL'KLSjltllCUIIIftllolll.»:. <;.(hoiti; THROAT. <n.-in»>, Kpizootic,cviub))I>inicmp<:r.J}?,,1,*;} WORMS. Hula, U r u U ,K.K.MOKJim, ('nlili, Inniipii7ii. InflatneOtURKs J Liingi, lNi'iini-l'iirmiiiiiiln.I'. F . M'OIJC, ]lHI>nriu>. UCLHEuJlMurrhrft. HiM-iurry.(;.<;. Prevent* MIKCAIUUA

COc. each; Stable Cuso, Tun Specific*, ilook, Ac . 9?,At clrngfflMlsor Rout prujiald on rooelin otprico.Humphrey.-)' Mcdluina Co., Cm. William & John



and Prostration from Over-work or other causes.

Humphreys' Homeopnthic Specific]No. 28, in usuovep40 yonrs, the onlysuccessful romody.$1 per vial,oripeolalpackae» with powuV,for$a

tarilllEVS'JitD C O U l

BEST FOR THEir you haven't ft remit ar. IwMlliy movement of thnbowels evt-ry dny, yuii'i't* ill ur will l»«. Kvrp yourbowel* mien, ami lie well. Pun-.-. In ilia «hn|iiiuf vio-lent i>li>'nic or pill t'OlMin, 1.1 Uniik'i'iotis. Tim smooth-est. eaHlu-t. must iierfvet way or keuping tliu bowtla

A SEE G. FORCEfor Choicest De-fens, Best

•> Workmanship and MostReasonable Prices.' ;


EAT JE.M LIKE CANDYj -|Pli<npniii...|'itUtal)tn;':l>atciit,-.T:t!;li* (Ino.l. .'Iio (Toe'pt>rkliux; ^Wrltu for fi'i'n itnliiiiii1, 'mill - liuukltt j

MeatQuajity• We"tu^the~fih^7lieav"y. corn-fed West

am Beef. It costs us more than to kill thinative product and costs more than thilighter weights which are commonly soldbut such meat insures tender, jutcy.'roastiand steaks and gives good satisfaction.

Billiard P o i n t s :

Opera House Block, Next Door toPost Office.

Six Splendid Tables. Courteous Treatment

Full Stock of Fine Cigars and Tobacco


: Flmniii«ton, N. J .

ArtlHtlc Plom PcHfiirti1nln'il for all o

. Hl(inn"at,utiort tm

Country Advertiser

. !OS^Iihy^;MAGAZ!S.K:.!!ercte:! ;.!;.tliu'uilvurtlHl'iK int«ri't*iH ol I'liiintry

'mprcluui t mil l hintlm-im in.-n. II;1IP1I>B ymi t o lielp .voiirnt'lf.1 Matte y o u r•uii v(-ri,IptliK:T'n>\""-.V: contn :;alh.-,vcar,"..iTulw o r t l i It. Ronrt tmliiy fo r v l r ee sauiplccnrnviinil Hpot'lnl ])rn|)OHltlon.Al tNOLl) DUOS., I 'UIIH., Grenob le , Vn.

HTKHI-ISfl IlKflliltV


Man in \foGhslr?. • --


tniitlHtii 1MciUMeri l).v uric, fu-lilID thchtuo,). iniml-iniie i t frum :t)K-flymem anil youwill have no rheum-

aSlTHEN'S 'SPEEDY" RHEUMATIC CURE "will,curt' yon JIIHIIIH Hiirely UH water will qiicnchaiiirrtti-ii.Voi^wiii^ulKorihti-reiireuy^Ever/bottlcK'iiarantTOil;' Una bottle wilt not cun-every cum;, lint cnntimie UH UHC'lor IV uliorttlnip ami a cure !n HHHiirod. > , - . • •- "we'iit air.iirtiKKlHlV (iii.l Kum;riiUloren. :


Dr. E. E. B Beatty,Spccialist on Diseases ot the Stomach and

Digestive System 0 ~.v . 'Mmiy yearn nfesiturlent'i! In tlio treiitmenL

of nil tlirniK ot fiitiullomil i i i idvhMii lv itrffiiiilc.I1IH<>HHI>K <>r IlieKtntiUK'.li. K|»'(-liili!;at[i)iuui<lluillviihializiiliiiu KIVI-II (O illp>Hilv(> liyck'iie,niHHHimi', l iydni t l iernpy, illi-tk-w, lnvime. o r

. Htannu-lMViiMlilnir, k'nmrle Kiirayln^, elcult-ic*My (ln)tli : liitm-tiiwtli! a m i in'r-ciitaiifonw

1 mi'tliniltO, mi'>lirlni'H, elf. I'hiKnoidH, wiicti

"! i 17y Si? ai'Hl Kir«"miTl~m I? rTwrifi IfTini ITilifTii Ic-iiliinalyslH of IIIL' K'lHti-ie t'tiiilvntti. tlu> latterwhich reveiiln the ftinutlounl HIJTIIH, iinil tlilwIn itHt-lf in tli>' licviiou' to ilie Hiiec>K«fiil liuiii-a-nnnin un.l n'entnient. of nu-h lu.llvlilti.OCH«eV-~Miifiv.~iir-iIi"M:;iMUMl("iiIiftl!iiViv:tiii(I In-tractiililc fiirmn of lin!lnentl(ni, elironic tin-turrlin. iitccrn. etc., have IH'CII and can hcHiu'-CCHSfully treined li.v.iiuiM upon turuMiln^ mowIMriii-oniiilit'ecllii'li'al h^ torv ut-tlie eawe.Siieciiilfiirmula^ia both-tahh'tH mnl llnnldMtop-i-m-li individual wloinaeli dlwiiw.'.'^All «])!•-elnlfoMiiuliiMtinilo from Mi.* 1»'HI firnirit <»i»-tulnatdf, mid liy the numt Hkllleit eltemlKt.Cull nt ritllee, o r w r l t u . lor i)iirticularH andcllnlctillilHtory.hlitnk. ,v

DR. E E. B. BEATTY, Newton, Now Jersey

I Omce"Kuurs: uiiii! 3'«~tii<i 12 !« 3 p-ili.'; G to'S pTuCBoth Sussex and Long Distanco Telephones.

The rainco p!o crop tbraatenu tu'bo atit-*] failure because of tbo failure of the0 dor ajppl;« .

Ca-i Hulbre, the villas blacksmith ofSpirta. lhea alone and keeps twelve catslurcmuanlonsblp. -•

Tho LickrtWtnna la preparing to closePnr«diH(j tonne), near Mt. Pocono, bavhiu1 lid double tracku around it. '

-- U. S. postal rsgulatloDa protect mullcarriers from iijuty by providing thatwhere dogs nro allowed to be At largo in a

1 perron's ytrd or house, the:canior needn »t dblher their mall. . / • -i •

Tbo'Lact a wanna, in common with allthe rail roads In the United States, Is affect*ed by H car famine. It lit protcctii g ilnolfi>y refusing to allow lea V.ATH to he lowdedfor polnta offiU line, without spccinlper*oiisBlon of tbo oar departtneut.

Ocean Grove will probably becomo amunicipality this winter. Ir Is now part of INeptune township and bet idea supplyingIwolf with light, good streets and: a:dozenother cUy necessities pays aixty-livo percent, of tne township's expenses.

The larger cities of the State are expect-ing a Borloua epidemic of snullpox duringihe coming winter and are making everypflbrt to rneer. an emergency of tuia charac-ter. Already the diseaao In prevailing toan uninual extent in Newark, new casesbeing of dally occurrence.

Howard Little's Suasax Record la evi-dently to be the reil thing in that countyhereafter. Prosecutor Swayze ban goneinto ihe Record company and tbe concernhHH nmployed James E land? of Goshen,N. Y.t to r- n the paper. It is claimed hegiven up ofllcinl positions paying hini$2 600per year to take the place.

Zapata county, Texas, Is In a criticalRtHte. In a word, Us people are starving*Tney hava appealed to tbe Legislature* foraitf, lent the entire population die.Ttioro Is m chance to raise crops earlierthan April or May next and tbere la scarce-ly a bit of food on hand. Here is a cbancefor same practical home mission try work.

The new wing to the Morris Plains Hos-pitalwes opened laBt Tbursnuy and a veryr 'prtsentatlve party of prominent citizensof tbe State gntbbred tbere to celebratethe event. Tnere were speeches by formerSenator Smith, Governor V"orhees andmany others and the whole affair conclud-ed nith a bai quettbatoutshown anythingpreviously seen in this part of the State.

A. ten-year-old son of John S. Dalley,who lives nenr Flemington, was thrownfrom a wagon drawn by a runaway team)> st week and was perlwDB fatally injured.A physician who was en lied aald the boy'st-kutl was fractured and recommended thathe be sent to tbe hospital, but the fatherthought: bo could be treated at home.When last heard from tbe youth was stillalive

Although it was not known In this neigh-borhood, Flemington has been under thoban to a ceitain extent for several weeksbucuiise of the reported presenca - tbere ofeevoral cases of smallpox. Tbe Democrat-Advortlser stated that, tbe report doea thetown ;in ir justice an tbere have boon huttwo cises of varioloid In tbe place. Tbevictims were tbe widow and sin of Dr.Mublon G. Mattiaon, who have fully ru-covered. ••,-

According to the Bnnual report of Wm.Stalnsby, chief of thu Now Jersey BureaunfHtatlaiics, tbere are 43cahiiOrieB lu theState. Eleven of the estHbllahm.Vnta handleboth fruit und vegetables, and'37 put upvegetables only The total amnnnt ofcapita! Invested In the Industry is $807,104.The total number nf pernons"emplovf'dlast year 6,423-4 033 females and 2,395malpH. The total amount paid in wageswas $286 832. , . • . _ , ; . , -

Albert M. Carroll, a Horriatowri mailcarrier, wnHfiunpenried Innt week pendingan examination by u post-office inspector.Be was handed a letter to register by alady along his route but when sbe failed toget a receipt In due time sbe reported tbematter to the post-office department. Carrroll cl'tims to hnve lost the letter and bepromptly made good the ten dollars whichit contained. The- postmaster • eays hethinks the carrier tolls tho tiuth.

Last, but in the editorial scheme notleant, empp the month's contributions tothe Century's leading feature, the "Yeerof American Humor " These are "Black-gum Ag'in Thunder," by Prank R. Stock-ton; '-Tne Testimonial," by GelettBurgess, "The Dt-ception of MarthaTucker,"' an automobile extravaganza, byCharles Battoll Liom'sj more of " Pnllco-

;:.mfm-FIymi'H--Adventures,'—by "Elliott' Slower, "Officer Brady (the Modem Re-cruit).": . •:.- . : . • • . .

When a rough looking tramp appearedit thn home or Mrs. Bllsha Kuhl a few daysiso In Hunterdon cnuuty, Mr*. Kubl verykindly «avo him hln supoer. When he hadfinished, the traveler naked if he mightstay all night to which the good womanreplied that be might aleap in tbe barn.At this the trmno drew i big revolverwhich he shoved in tirs.^Kuhl's' face undrolled "I'll sleep iti your housel'* Tnef. mhtonod wo nun ran from the house andHcross tbe flulda to a constable's house andr-tiirned witti that offinor whu capturedthe tramp nrd took him to tbe countyjttil. It is beiieved he is an e-caped lunatic.

Some Clinton ladies, who wars holding aquint little quiltiwr party oue oven ing last»vb«k,-«oibnOiiiicnly-ujrtiib^aw.Uuof.tln)clone proximity of a strange animal by thefierce odor that permeated tho n>oni. Aninvestigation was made and in the cornerof the hitclien was uboutaB cute a bunchof.hln.ckfuras.one ever sees. The ladles,however, wore" much interested'm-ialterthinge just at'thpt time and instead of foi d-llngtUt) nnlinal--flud in dismay from the:house. The skunk stayed us-long as hedfflired. uiid-when done.with.his inyestltra^.>jont 'rionarted. ,_Th~e Hu"ddenTendliiK'of.th"equlltirg party'h'aa been'the talk of Clinton"lor a week. "

' McRlnley pothal cirds willaoou'beIssuedhv the PnHt ollice DeparfctnentrAiJHiHtfi* tPostmBBter-Gt-nersl Undden havlt-g decid-ed thut cards hearing (ho profile ol thti IntoPresident shall ho pplnted under the no^contriict shonly afier Docembt-r 1 AnnitidthedentmrwtH lie"ttie-nsme-"MoK!n!6y;'-!ttiedatoof hla birth and of hts death, aswell as tho words, "Series 19iH." Tnewords, l - U.S.' Postal Curd," will appearmore toward the centre of the card, BO USt > nuke sufficient room above theso wordsfor the postmark, which heretofore .wits il-legible on accounts of. heintr- inipreseed•cross the words, "U. 8. Postal Card."Thia spneo w'll, on tho now cap(tH, be iibovotho wnrd». "U. -1. Postal Curd," and the^7OTun;-!-TiiDSpaG3:shovc-:in:rcscrTCd::fGr:posttonrfe,", will apponr. Below will hethe sentence, " Tne sp*co bBlowi* for thoaadroia only." An entire new Horlos ofpostngfl stamps beiring MoKinloy's por-trait- wiiiriiila6"lju"l5&utid intbc ncarfuturo.

"The Star and Jri-Weekiy N.Y. Tribune, $2.25 a year.

"Pipelng" the square has at last beentried and tho "engineering department"has concluded tun; the thing la a failure,Ht leant under the well digested plans andspecifications—as what waa buildud for tberelief of tbe square has proven a beautifulaulaaace; the little tain fall of Saturdaynight and Sunday turned the equaro into amud hole and now, tvo understand, tbe icommittee is about to undertake thatwhich they should bavo dune in the firstInstance^employ a com potent surveyor,find, or establish a grade and then—welldevlie, and carry out the beat plan forrelief generally without damage to'per-sons] holdings and we are convinced tbeIntentions of the committee are directedto that event. .

The busiest m<in in town is FreeholderStocker, "ItJBe'MH building a large doublehouse on Wanhlngion Hvunue, west of tbesquire, on tbo old Fulmer p-operty; thohiucfesmith sbopts full of work, and theduties of Freeholder, all combined, whichwnllu they dou'l bother him entirely, keepthe uld mau a "humpln." But never mind,Roit, jou're ail right even if you dou'ttuiijk no oumetlmcs.

Andy Smith has been nursing a lamehAiid iuru few days.past;-lt crnne, accl-deutaily, iu contact wuh tne head ot oneof bin tiomea aud tne cousequence was,Andy's hand resembled « good aiztd box-lug glove, but dear melt was a very tore,aa well as a very lame hand. 3,111 hotwater and arnica combined are able toproduce miracles, wnen bruises are con-cerned,

"Town of Edison, N. J., a deserted vill-age. Two yeara ago one thousuod personslived there now only nix families. It la allbecause the Edison works have not beeuoperated since 1800 and the. micUmury isboicz moved to Mr. Edison's other plants/—Naw Vork World, Nov. 25.

Tula, we take It, should be understood aameaning tbat i/lt. Edbou has decided hecould carry out hiB ideas and designs at abolter advantage in some other locality,irrespective of tbo euurmuu9 outlay atEdison wnich plant was, BU far as weunderdtand, the situation, simply au ex-periment on a grand scale, consequentlyU may appear extravagant to the uutsldeworld. But as that la a matter entirely incontrol of the minagenieut we naturallyconclude that tue movement, causing tbepublishing of thtjabuvu ottption from theworld WHS thoroughly Understood and ap-preciated, mill tno ordinary public willOe very apt to predict a similar result fortbe BdUon Portland Cement' Company,which plant is near tbU place, but ascomparisons are odious, we leave our per-sonal opinions unexpressed, not beingfauiiliar enough, or Interested sufficiently,(meaning personally) to UourAsomethingtbat in tbe e,nd migutr prove a boomerangto the man expressing his "positive con-

ViCtiODB."Mrs. Andrew C. Smith, accompanied by

her son Roger, has gone to Brooklynwhere thev propose spending tbe winterwith Airs. Smith's mother. Mrs. Smith issubject to inU&mmtitory rheumatism andthu change is expected aud huped to givegenuine relief for all of which woalncerelypray.

From best Information tbe trolley line. between Philllpsburg and Washington iu| in rapid progress of being something morethan a. thing of talk. Tbure id no reasonwhy tbere snould be any delay—BO far astlie sentiments of the. people are con-cerned and the people are after all—wellsomething.

At thin writing wo are not advised as tothe result of the protest by village proper-ty owners before tbe Committee of Ap-peals on Tweeddy las', against tbe unfairandui'just increase of valuations 20 percent, on Stewartsville properties, al vaysbearing in mil d tbat although farm landsabutt on the different streets of the village,and these farm Jands are adjacent to pri-vate dwellings, these stme firm lands areassessed at farm valuation as adjudged bytbe farmer assessor of Greeuwicn town-ship, while the village holdings are jumped:up 2i) per centum.

Dear me, what a nice time—a genuine, Thank-giving time—will be enjoyed today |, in tbe Lutheran church. Just think of it,'a'l coming together to eat a Thanksgiving| dinner with friends, and tbat means avery-b< dy, relations and all, even the poor out-siders who might think they wtre in itbecause the happiness iu general was su-preme. But tbere te one thing certain, Imay be fnuud tonigbt Indulging in chickenand wnill a in the basement of the Luth-eran church.

O ie of the complaints we bear amongour farmers is the short npple crop, for beitkno-vn, tbe.apple is tb« fruit. Peachesareallright.deliciou^HDd worth preservingin various forms, but the apple appealsaiwnj'8 to o:d and young; and then to thinkof apple pie, apple sauce with roast pig.apple fritters, etc , to say nothing aboutjust after Thanksgiving, when the nightsare cold, n good rousing tire in the oldhome, the family all enjoying tho jollity ofbeing together; bie plates of doughnuts,and tthellbtirkK, pltchttre of cider and aheaping dtnbful ot tipples, out all thin timetbe generous feeling permeates tbe com-pany. The winds miy blow, storms rntiewithout, while inside the old bouse thefire burns bright. And the outside worldis left to tbo cold moun and glittering stars.In that borne of life, everyone is welcome |—'he wanderer, the vagabond, and ttiepoor Generally, they will find comfort inthu home of every man and woman thatrecognizes this one day in the history ofour national life, and does not forget theprecept:-'-; Do yejjnU^plherH.'''" ••_"-•••-

RtiAL. ESTAI'K TltANSKKRS.List of real eBtate transfers lodged for

record at the County Clerk's office since

VIENNA.Miss Cora a tiff returned to her home on

Saturday after upending a week with herfriend, Miss Laura Williams.;• Mrs. Peter Welsh outertnlned Mrs.

Frank Dunlap and Mi*s Celta Button ofBrighton a few days l*st week.

Mr. and Mm. P. R. Cuoralna were theeuenta of Mr. and MM. Henry Hopler ofBelvldore on Thanksgiving.

Mr. and Mrfl. Edward Bird and MissSaran, Mr, and Mro. Andrew Warner aruvialtlng relatives at Part Jervls,

Mr. and Mrs Lewie Schneck aro visitingtheir Hlhtor, Mrs. Orvll O tvls, at Nutley. j:• A Union Thanksgiving service waa heldin tbe Ohrlntlun ohuroa tbly morning,(Thur-day). The address was made byRev. Crouee at Danville.

David Mainoa bod a plowing frolic onThursday and on Saturday Bert GIbbsgave a wood frolic. '

Mrs Simon Cummins gavo a dinner onThursday to ber children and a number offriends. ,

GoorRO and Will Whltesell are visitingtheir grandmother, Mrs. Silas Hibler, atBlalrfltawn1:""/::'":"'1;:' ' "^"; " ' • ; ' • '

Miss Jessie Wheelor went to Morrlstownon Saturday. ;

Elijah Cox was BO unfortunate on Thurs-day as to have his leg broken between theknee and ankle by 'a kiok from a cowwhich he was putting in the stable.

A very pratiy ive'ddtiig look plaro n,t thohome of Mr. and Mrs. D. D, Wolfe onThursday at five o'clock when Miss Lottlobecame the wife of David Ayers of Pe*ors-hurg, the ceremony waa performed byRev. Walker before a bank of ohryaan-themumB. Tbe bride wore a gray travel-ing suit with bat to match, they left ontbe eight o'o'ock train from Hackettutownfor PluinQeld.

LOPATCONG.Mr. and Mrs, Oeo. Brakeley left their

summer home at this place last week andwent to Pbillipsburg to spend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubler Sblmer and grand-son, Arthur Russell, left on Saturday forBiiltimoro, Md., to vUit Mr. and Mrs.Howard Shlmer, formerly of thia place.Tney exptct to be absent about ten days.

Harry Lea her of Pbilllpaborg and MissMay Winter of lhi« place were marriedon Saturday lost by Rav. Carson at theLower Harmony M. E. parsonage. Theyleft tbe sani" evening on their weddingtrip to New Yo'k. Tue groom 1B employ-ed at tbo Standard nllb mill, Phillipsburg.Tbe happy couple have the beat wishes ofa host ot friends.

"Bert" Aber has taken a position at thenew Vulcanite Cement plant.

There wes fair skating on some of theSussex lakes on Saturday.

The New Jersey School for FeebleMinded boyn and girls at Vlneland needscontributions of clothing, toys, food audmoney.

One hundred miners were smothered todeath in a mine at Tullurlde, Col., one daylast week. Toe mine buildings burnedto the ground and the air supply WBB tbuBShutliff. : :

Judge A. Q Qarretson has npnointed asthe Sussex Oouuty Lake and Park Com-mission, Messrs. Luther Hill, Wm. D.Aokerson and John A. MoBrido. Two ofthese gentlemen were bitterly opposed tothe Hoe bill by which their present officeswere treated and the friends of the meas-ure aiy that the commission as now conbtj-tuted will do ell in its power to make thebill unpopular. ;

Morris Brink of Belviriere claims thedistinction of being tbe fl-et man to enterBulvldereiu a trolley car. It happenedlast week, when Mr. Briufc was atManunkachunk, and the combinationfreight and passenger train left for thecouu'v-peat. One of the flat cars containeda trolley car destined for a traction corn-puny iu Pennsylvania. -Mr. Brink gotaboard the trolley car and rode to Belvi-dere.

Lleutnant Commander McCrea of theUnited States battlesbip Iowa has landed ,marines at_ Colon on. tbe Isthmus ofPanama and has, taken charge of thePanutna railroad which connects tbeAtlantic and Pacific oceans. The liberalpolitical p-rty was beaten at the recentelection .and as coon oa the Huncesafulcandidate took his:office they began awar which bos already cost millions ofdollars and hundreds nf lives. The gov-ernment was "bout to fire on Colon andinterrupt traffic when the United Statesstepped in and railed a halt.

An Epigram of Epicurusreads, "''Abstain in Order tb! |v:Enjoy." This means in their;matter of Life Insurance that 'S:a little saving on your part |

t-will result in much "good to ; •you and yours in the future. :


-._.— . Home Office

JOHN F.THYDES, PreHltlectiLESLIE I). WARD, Vice President.EDGAR 11. WARD, 3d V,Trun't and Counnt'1.FOmtlCST F. DUYDtiN, Kt'cretaryH . C.DEDIMCK, ABHt. Supt., Wa«hlngton Nat' l Bank

. B T d ' g , BroaO St. and WiiHliIUKton Ave., WaHliington, N. J .

,. To Successful Treatment ol the Hair. VT»R Pini-o HAV SrectAiTins Co., Newark. N J

GUNTLKMRN - M y tuiraU taniu out, 1 liar! to tieup my head to keep it warm. 1 snv an advertisementand seat to the drug s'lore to get a bottle ot


^Healthand a c.ike o( HARFINA SOAP. Slionlsrafter Icorn me net a using it. my* liait aen^ti to craw as HULKasitwaswlien 1 was a youiiffwoman. 1 recommendina°loranVi°oneS iuir"! was 72 yea r /o ldVhen^fos t m y half. MvliairisBTfiwinjf.fiasitsnat-ural colnr.nnd it thicker Uiau it was bdore it cimo out Many liunkt to Hny'a Hair-Health.^AKKOS O-, Nov. 3i, 1900. Yours very truly. Mrs. MARY A. KOPL1N.

HAY'S HAIR-HEALTH will restore gray, faded or falling hair to its youth-ful color, thickness or beauty. It {5 not a dye, but a cleanly, healthful tonicto the hair and scalp, removes and prevents dandrufif and will notstnin skinor clothing. Its use cannot be detected. Equally good for men and women.


Soap Offer

Any person purchasing 3 bottle ol" ••- Hair-Hcalih anywhere In the

' ' icy back bywrmnTpi r iuo 'HAV^PEC^

Address. Ft/use tuhtitutti. Jnsitt an having J/.iy's Hair-Health.Following DruEElsIs supply Bay* UilHIealtb and Uarilna Soap In Ibdr Bbopa only:

; ' V.'N.rJutiktiiH1 Wi i r r enUoi i iuy 'UruKStorLv w •'!

229 Northampton Street. Between 2nd a r t .3d Streets


. Spreads.-Like-Wild flro.-~^yhen.tliii>aR e-rn-Mtimjwwst.ut.hp'y beoomo.f tho hesraolllntr."" Ahfahnm IInie,alcod-'iiigdruugifit,- o f Bol'evlllo, O , wrilya:"Electric Bi'torsnro the beat soiling hittersI httvu,handled in 20yours." ' You knowwhv? *Most diHQtses begin in disorders ofHiomnch, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood nnd.nowa^Bleeirlo^BX1.^™.* ton«g_up_thoH|omachrTrRUiaiea~iivorr:;Itiiiii«>'b~--Hiiu-bowela, purifles tho blond, ptronfrthona thenerves, Uencu oun-s multitudes of ninladiea.!(• liiilids up i lie'eiitire-Bystoni;-" Puta nowlifo and vigor into any weak, aiekly, run-down, nmii or woman. - Price 50 conts.Sold by F. N. Jankins; dragglet.



JobnS. Dufford and wife to AngeliueJ.ibiiHtrtn of Haekettstown duted January23,' 3890, conveys pyiporty^in Hacketta^

~A.i)ge!i[iOr.Jfthuston;,ttJ^:LGwis::O.;ir:Va!iSvckie of Hackettntown dated Nov. Iti,1901J convoys pi-nriBrty in Haukettstowi)}coiicidurt-tioii gi-,'I00.- '•-'-----"•' •'-1-~-;-~:-;--:-- -~ MurrtsW." Frace 'and wifo to Adolpb E "R Coll inanof Ens ton dated February 20,1901, c >uveys lot in Wnituker; contjidura-lioniflOO. , :

- Ai-R.-R-- Oollrnan-nnd -wifrt-to .Onnr_.()Kuobnot" P u , d i t e d N'tv. 12,19M.~6ouv(jynlot In Wultaker ; oonslduratlon $100

T h e Cole Lund Co. to Jonn K Rialer 01Wdfhlnfjton dated Nov. -i, 1901, tvtovtylund lu Washington; coi.siJennioii ??50

John K. Rlslor and wire to D nU-.Bpinpniibcrg of WflHtington clitnn,!:Noy13|\100l, oonveyn nroperty in VVaBbingtup;coi'Stderfttiim $1,160 ' . . .-_Qooroe-.W. Saraoii.nnd.wirt. t n - W a a h i n e ^tbTrw«lirCiC'diited*Jrily27riOOtrcoiivo7T-'lHnd In Oxrord; coiibirtoruli n $300.

Arthur Alteger and wife to 3 t tnn 'Krioa of Oxford. d«Ud M. roh^31 , 1S98convcya lot in.Osforrt; coiiolduratUiii J2S-v

Abrfttn \ . Yonne t" Lie 3 Clymer^iP ' . , dutod Nov. 20, .1901, oonvtys iut.,liWniUkoi; cunsldoralioa $125 .- Joa..Plum and wifcztu-A'id^'W .Crst'icof Ubutinn dAlud Nov. -2. 190i, QW eV"lnnd in Oxford, etc.; uonMdur»Mion J3 000

Ann Smith to John E.$3tn"r;, et n l , o!Pbillipsburg dated Nnv^5, 1901, ennvt-ypmporlj -in Pbilllpsburg; cunaldenttiui

U ;ill right, if you are too*=fat;and all wrong, if too thin already.

Fat, enough for your habit, ishealthy; a little more, or less, isno great harm. Too fat, consulta doctor; too thin, persistentlythin, .no. matter .what cause,, take^Scott's Emulsion of~~C6cl"Livero n . - " ; : • • . . : : ^ • • - . • • • ' ; - " _ " • • • • • '

There arc many causes of get-•niig-1^"teb^lunV"~^Hc3p^U~cbm:b:

cinder, these ; two heads: over-jvor KTan d3mde"gd igest ipKZZZZ.

Stop over-work, if you can;hut,^.whcther.;;:ybu:.:canTorn^take Scott's r.,Emulsion of CodLiver Oil, to f balance yourselfwith "your "work."" Ybu"can'tiivcon it—true—but, by it, youcan. There's a limit, however;you'll pay for it.

Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver_..is -the..-_readiest.„ cure..,for.

We are pleased to call the attention of our numerous /customersarid the public generally to the magnificent and most fashionablestock of merchandise we have ever offered.

CLOAKS. CLOAKS.Long Cloaks will have the call this season. 27, 42 and 57 inches are the fashionable

lengths. 27-inch from $5 00 to $16 50. 42-inch from fio.co to S25.00. . . .

57-inch from Si 5.00 to £25.00.

Suits, Skirts and Furs.Suits at ?S.oo, worth ? i2 . . Suits at Sioioo.wnrth SiS- ..Suits'at Si ? . » ; .worth S20.

-•"••-•:--rr VValklng-SkirLs'r5275:to"?6:ooTr-LoTig Flare'Sklits?$i;<)8 t o ^ s - o o . " — '-•"->-"-

•Long Flounce Skirts, trimmed with'sH'K bands or •tucked, 53.98 to 56.75.

Fur Scarfs. We are headquarters on Fur Scarfs. You must see:to appreciate them

Prices range from S3.98 to 520.00.

DRESS GOODS.Our Dress Goods.department containsall the new weaves in black and

colors that are fashionable and our prices', as usual, are the lowest. c




Alleger's Lumber YardBroad St., Washington, N. J.

"et fll.-of y/aihingtori d*ted^Ntfvr22^19017oonve\8 .and in" Washington twp; ooneider«tion,:«7liiR.fi0..v-——:.-- =?r^i^^:~ ™ ^ 5

Francos Cilvin et al. to Wm. E. Calvinof Pobaicongdatod Nov. 23, 1901, cvivcysland in Pobatcong; coiiaidoratlou $500.

"can't eat," unless it\comes ofyour doingvno work—you can'tlongbe'weir^d'stTdifgj'witKbufsome sort of activity. .

The genuine has ,Lhi3:plcture.;:on fit,T-take no other.

If you have nottrlea it, send for ..free sample, its a- ~.greQable-tasts wijj.. 1^surprij;e"ypu". Jl^Slll^'i

Chemists,- !W409 Pear!-.Street",-"1 New. York.50c. and $1.00; ai) druggists.

thrive on less food than do'rthe"iieg"-I^jrsl/Jeasts. It is,'therefore, plain.tfi&Stjsrreal_econ6jiiy'' to buy warmstabie.~blSnk~etsT" With tiiis'iirviewrcall and see our new line. We havewarm blankets to,,;suit every wallet,for outside.use as well as indpors.'"lZAiid.JaMofeOJf3ro"ui'se7 rMibts of'

Tlliern.' Sof?fe"liairdsoTiiFones"rtra~low'''


Page 4: F. WWWE - digifind-it.com · Itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula-tion'" of the STAR for tlio firm n\x mnntha of the pnwnt} year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n; lrcula-

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0f>J3W .^VplJJ nO B3S'!3Jppu 9q,l,•JWBA" sun Jsqtnam jad Rjnaa aaaqr

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qojqAV ScioniB loaiiiaiojd 'uopniJ i ii] opaui 3J0A\ s^iJanqo iwojpBJIUICS puB /Bp SBBiiiBnq sqi BBA\ ^BpiJ,j

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*! Bl P1111 J l t ' psp|AOJd-Bjnqi 110 OOO't-1- 1° 1r!3P M B! ~

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•aopnaAaootioq Xiiptins oqi jo Snn

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s^Cunditioo japAvoa OIIAJOJI oil) jo o.uj,


111 U0ISS3S JB1U .

U3U1 3i]j ssqjJssaG uioog -A

j ^ | imraninii:

1* SOW S !O9i"SOW 9 !09*IS '«V3A ISaNTAdr HI X1BTJ.TJ B

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Page 5: F. WWWE - digifind-it.com · Itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula-tion'" of the STAR for tlio firm n\x mnntha of the pnwnt} year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n; lrcula-



The Celebrated Scranton CoalAT RETAIL.. -

Wash ing ton , N . J . , Dooombor 3,1900.MthoD,,L.Jc W, Jt. Jt. JJlOTfttod Cliutus, ni

..head or llrat right hand utrestubuv New Wind-sor Uotol.

Grato. j 4.2ft per ton• - Egg.. . . WWi per ton,

Hlove 4.7Q per ton.Chestnut.. 4 75 per ton,Pea (termed by sorao winpanlefl

•--..,„ u So.!i(.'heamutJ ,8.55 per ton• ' B u c k w l i w t t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ia,tfu —BlacKemUalUKor Ultumlnouacoul.ia.OOporton.

T"SSTBuiil qimlUlttrt always uu UuuJ, dry (umlorcover.)

Goal loaded dlroct from chutou (over Bcroena) law a g o n u •• •-- • •• •••-• ••' - '-•>•

-••'•'; -• ; : ;- J A M K 3 L H U 1 K L D S , -


cau De obtained only at our chutes along inoMorris Uaiiul, at Its junction with liolvlJoreAveuue. , ";. Kgg ........£).?& per ton

Htovo 6.OU " "Cheamut.,. 6.00 " M

l»ea 8.50 " •'— All coftl Unrter Oover and delivered lO.wngou

over Screcm The suporlorliF ot Loatgb VuiiuyCoal HOB la ttio faut Unit It la harder, burns

- longer, given forth more heat, bums up cloaaer•-the horit, th ore tore the clieiipoat.

Bltuiuluotitt Coal 95.00 jmr toil. -K. L. OLINB & CO.

Alvah J. Walton a well known citizen• of Mdrkaburo is qulto 111 with pnuumuuld.

Tvvo lutiumroui.dii uncalled lor in tliuWit^iiiiistju (JUitollIjo. I'iiuy nra uudrusn-oduululiuwo: Juan Uuwloy, O, M. jluiur.

Judge Joiin A. Blair IMH tlucidod taut1 .tliuru lu iiu iatv In Ltii.i S.iue by wnimi n• tuuitru uttu oj uo.iiiittllui4 to "liMO it ao^ra' on duudiiy.

Tuo onicbon and waillj supper and• buzurotuiu Lidiea' Aid ri-iuiocy of tuo

Btu.^willo tf. E. cnuruu will UKO |j),tootain uvuuliii:.

Ttiuru IB a milk fainino in Sussex andtliou^u tlio furmum mo rocuiviun fl «*l) pur

> can Luuy duuiitiu tiiuy mo losing muuuybuuttuto of tho iiigu pfico uf loud.

(ioor^u V.ui Horn, grandson of JjHupbB. Li^u ut Jiinii.onOura, ti<u> iiuruhnMud ui

•V>V. .•il'UIirU'ur'Nuw'fuiiuiUHuruuuiiVu in. J.iiiniouDar', nutv occui>Ud by V. J..'.Wtluillcld.

T.'W. aipjrtoa li'isaccuplod a clurkstiipnt tUu II jtoi No.v vVJ.idiur. Mr. Uupui-iou

. tuu ti hoit uf Iiiouild i.i tnla Huotlu.i wnuaru ploaaod to lonrn Liiil no Una Uuuidud loremain in tmvn.

I. is lopjrtod tli tt ' Jeasia tlcmlurttiot ofHum(>tun tuivna.iifj, Sussex1 uuumy, isnutcotlaUug lor tuu puroiioHO oi LIIU uotol

- at Jjuuao.iour^. fuo pritiu ankod fjr ttioproporty is fo.609,

Adam Tranauo of Columbia tins about j' decided tu ru^urch.trtu tno D'AV V\UW HOU ,a \

ou me Jertiuy aldo of uio DdUivaro Water' Ciap, I'uo piti^out. proprietor, Wilhum

Burnt, will return to New Yurtc, ;James O S-ttuley, the road contractor,

, hati bi.un cam polled to loavo oil tue work_..<»t,firmer uiauadainiziug until apdng, tno |

, grouuu cau not DO worked in advantage.Tau ploiSiiit Won VV.ublamou av«auj

home or Air. and Mra. (ijur^o T, Uoou u&aIjutii further boauLillod iiiid- uiudu liielodl-

• oils by tuu introduction of ouu uf ttie ti«ud* I• fijmodt piaaoa fruin ttie OoratdU factory. !

Pastor Erneat A. Boom and Mr. R-bert• Liuco *vont ro CUntou 1'ueaday to act aa

delegutaut tbo oidmtttlon council of thenortf Baptlut uiiubtor, Mr. Ufchardaoii,

'who oas ukon chirjje of tne Utiutou. Biptlat uhurcu. : : . - ' . • .

:. JahQ 11. Hill, proprietor of the Hotel Bol-vlddroatlhe coUui>-aoat, wntle opening

. ojateru a fevv dayj ngu, cut a terriolo gostiin nls aaud trom waico ho almost blud tu

' djath. do faiuted from the tosd of bloudaudhidaluiuat blud to deatn wiieu die-

• covered. , .: About forty Odd Fellows took the En-

-oampmetit degrees on^Munday uight. Tne.grand ufQcern were present and had chargeof the vvoik. J ihu Aiyeru vt&a elected«Pdud Patriarch; J. Van dum. 8r. Warden;Thomas B. Gordon, High Priest; E.iocn

' Fitts, Treasuier. aud Tneodore Btaatea,"Hi ' ' :- "

The night drill, which was taken out of: service here several; months ago, wan, puton again OD Saturday nlgut. Jacob tiblieais eniilueer and blugh Furuuaon conductor.

.. A crew from tJtroudsourg will heroaltortake care of ibe Oxford work while the

. lourtl drill will relieve Conductor Murphy.. in tau work ut the terra cotta works.

A largo crowd gathered In fiont of Ford---•!'& :-Fitiuiiiitf'(i^ blX'-eUoiv-nliidaw-diiturdtiy'

Ll^ot, a part oi the window havii g beenarranged as a fully (quipped beuroom.Bbtween thewnowy hhcuts ou the prettyir>>n and brass btdsluud Uy us black a

: pickaninny «a uvtr came to town. Ii WI\Ba uiupliy tbat would h.no hUracted at-tiiDttnu in any wh.d »w in N«w York.. .

Harry M Bull and S-inuil Smith, formerresidents uf Waut.iiigt »n, who i.ro workingin Udrwoud, camo iiuar bL-in? aapby xii.t'fiiIn that place one day luit wetk. The

. utjvc doar bucatne untautened in auras wayand tuo bouse fi led with coal gus Wuendfwcovei oa both men were in o»d shape,Mr. Bull tiolntf uncouiuiuus. It took a

• pbysicUn two bouts to briny him HroundTtio aiilo of tho Geo. P , Wjoki IV real

OHtaie willd»ubiluB8 uo the smiruu ul pi oiltublo lavwstiuwiit for good judguH of prop-

.^T«Hy values; -Tiiu'bis-l-oinJ i. ouau and LwoMinnie houses in P>>rt Ooldon, a frame

dwelling tinuse in Wasliiii^ton, anotherno.(r Brass Cialle, a wheol^ri/ibt shop at

•IKirr.iVllle and l..ur timber irHCls. Thoeale will t-ke place at tlio at. Cloud Ilotiiloh Due.19ta.

,~»«,,Mr..F. 3. 9tovons.returned-to-WtHhing-:tbii lust TliuVa'tlay™6ve"ing, ~RCCUIII pi.nled

_^by, Miss Itutb Bowlby wuom be orougnt-

ourly Friday tnurulng. We wore not ableto ItHrn whore he Is now residing, but he

--.".omiQfmed the report ot1 eovoral wtuka ago:-"ttiat-"hG*-aiid-*Mra.'"Alioo'--Bowlby -v/ero. -unltnd in marriage right after they loft

Washington.A sllok swindler bos been working In

Muuroo county, P.i., and nan gathorod Inmiiiiy (luiUrM.'-Ild in duo to atrtu^Wnrreii

• County any day, He Hajs bin name ia JobuMayer. Ela method has tmen to appoar.it

• the tiiiuae of some lady, m-ike her a a .lo ofetnmpud piltornfl for doliltia nnd otherfanu.V work «tf 1,60, wlitcn, however, wore

iT.r.bt dolivorcd. -Uia claim wns unit a ladywould fallow him tho next d.iy to tenonthe use m well ay to deliver tho putteniaAfter they le irnod ihoy wore to .bo" paid

.,;for tho work done. Che l tdydtd not np--:.Puar.arid it'diWuad.upon.tlio.vlctlina. that'they had boon duped/;"™"" ™ -— -

Next Saiidny, morning P.iBtor Boom willcommence a aerloa of " Studies In Old T. s-

.-tamoiit Hiit>ry." They will ne dolivurtd' ou alternate Sand t.V mornii-ga, and the

toplo next Bunduy will ho "Beginning of~-i"Bibla'Hlliiatpry.rt."'A;b'tft(ikboRrclAvllil bo used: on tneaa occasl'ins Everyone 1H cordiallyinvited to the surtficea.' Bring your^Bloies

-• and oomo prooirod to loarn in^re of tneTBloIeHtiiry. 'Noxt Sunday ovontngf Pastor

.v.Boom will dolivor. a Bpojlal -patriotic ad-droHB by invitation to the local lodge of

' tho DaughterH of Llhurty. T.bo toptct willhe " Lliibtand flldo LightB/foir Our Iraml-grantLiwa." Tuoro will ho no.v mualc by

i 'wtut , better^Utirlstra3S,.pro3on"t:icnT~am in give to bis wlfo than a lifd or endow-

-iaent Ifiauranco polloy. for one, two ortbroo thousand dollars. Henry Johnston•can tell you about the cost. Address himAt Washington.

ft f.jot vv.wi!nihiturnally injurud.A correspondent In Allmnuchy writing

a Hiu'CL-ttuA-n paper says thorn aro tnirtjj

H l g y The cill la for Tnurdduy,Deo 5 b, <it 2 o'clock p. m. '.

, . . . l w l . „,„.,. .,-, ,., v Mirk Addl*. son of Samuel Addis, whilojaHOrtofsorethro.it in that neighborhood scraping v-irnlHh at the Ndodtmui fac^"ryand that the trouble it so suveru tutt It hus on Tuesd ly, plunged n chltiel in hit) bandbeen huppiwed to be diphtheria until • hotwuan hid thumb aud forefln^er. A'iwithin me l«at week. Thuro have beon artery w*s severtd and tho young mm[our doaths from the dlsuaao. j loUcoinider.it»le blootl before I)r McKlu-

Mr. J mph Wlllevor of Bfoad-vay and . " V MtlwA •m ( i d r e " j d l t i e W l 'u n d"H d;iu;hiora daairo to in ifco public Birough Clerk J Craft received a letterknowledgement through the ST.VU of from a leidlng citizen of the county who

tnoir gmtitudg to thoie" wh ) bef lended ; atk.i If thero U any chince of getllne aem.ln t IO beroavonient that came to . trolley franchise IT Wd-»nlngt »I. TheO'n through the death., of hta diu^htsr, wrirer of the letter U a guntleraan closuly\m B^nin i Cedelin, laat week. ' connects 1 with capltaliati nnd it is poesi-

The recont oloctlon cost ibo county over13,000.

The Wnnhlncton Dancing Ouuw willmout tbis (Thuruday) afternoon at 2:30. ,

The M. E. conprmgatlon of Broadwaywill hold nn oyBter supper on Friday oveu-mg, Dec. (1th.

A musical soiroo will be held in tho M.R church Sunday ovoding, with an ad-dreaj by tbo pastor.

A high OIOHH untortalnmont will be givenby tho King'i) D i ugh tern uf tiie Methodistutiuroh on Duo. Sfltn.

This i-t SlioriDT Cole'aliflt yoar in offl:e.is BUM Putur Id ainoiiiouti to Huccutdihl

Thero are nlso othera. 'Ttio VVoht Jersoy TolcpbonoCo. oQbrs a

reward for ttio apprebunslon of-tho por-Htns who have been autttng its telephonelines.;: ••'- •-. -••'•; - . ••>.".-» ^ ; >

:' v « „ • — ^

Tno mnrabortof DeMolny Comir.rtd'iery,KnigtitaT<;niplar, lodu'gcd In a fete^ofturkoy and "siah thinua" at tho cloia ofIttHt night's neftfiioii, - • . . <

TliudUteTrojocator&V'Aoniiclatlon bash*-ou formed in Trenton with John S.Vo.irheen of Middlesex on president andUooigj A. Angle.oV Warreii as treasurer.

Hiiuuo Brothers have sold one ofjtholrilnu black h-tr^sa to Robort Taylor n\\ thoL'uylnr I.oii&3:eel Ou. of High Bridge.Mr. T.ivlor U uo*/ a very ayed mnu but ia

still a giod horseman.J. W. So^iuckors, who bad charge of the

JerJey.bulldtris «t< .the Pd'i-AmerJcan es-pes'tfon Is In tno hospital In Buffito and isnot oXDOcttd to live. UU breakdown litlargoly due to the work during tho fair.

Mt»s' Mary A. Philbrboic of No.vark,nn attorn^y-iit-lnw culled on the legalfraternity in'Bilvlderu Inttt weik Bvury' twypc utthoiMunty-Hcat has wprucud uphis olfi :e hofjlng thatIn the tu'ar future.

will come again

Look for my now -odvertlaemont In thteIssue. WllH«m WWtranrs.1--

Patrick Dt)(jan will begin housekeepingin Poter 8, Slater's double houuo on Waab'lngtoo avenue. ' ."" ' '":U. V

A sorted of revival tnectlngn will bo coinmenced nt tb i now Chnagowntcr M, E,church utxt Monday. " v, .

Tbo Plondora Progressive Eucbro andDunce takoH phco In tbo Hotol NowWindsor parlora tomorrow utght.

"Tho Two Jolly Companions*' appear intha Wanhingtan Ooora Homo neztS.tur-diiy n)giit, Nov. 30tii. Seats aro oovvoapale.

Josopb W. Klnnarann has bin now gro-cery on 8elvid<>i-e avouuu fairly I-mncdodand tiopou to merit a fair abaro of public

*troiiHuo.Ttio Biziar for tho benefH of St. Mary's

church nt t-facteettitown will bi continuednoxt 3 tturriay nl^lit at Luce's Opera HouaoIn thittown. . , v

Daniel ;Maxwoll. and Lewis Anplegatebavo formed a pirtnorabip in IlackoitS'f>wn wtieru tboy will engage in tuo but-\\u% buninoKs. . , ' ,;David Williams nnd M'EH Eva Smith,

two eolornd ra^ldcnU of Port Colden, woromarried by ttio Ho7. D. B. Tomtelna 01Thuwday fibt.

Mm Ki'Z ihoth Runklo, widow ofthn lateJAIIIUI Ruakio oi Aabury, dlod nt Aubiiryan Hundiy afternoon. Tne tunoral washold ab her home yastorday., „ ,

Tint organt peclod Dun inns,Thu buIltJ Wrung turkey'd horn

We a'lsing ul'id tioHitiina-),Ou tlin, Flirtfikfgivl;-g, inorn,

A Union Tnanks^lvint service will bofid this year in the Knpiist cliu'oh at

10;30 u m. tod-iv Riv. D. B. P. Rtmtc1 -pistor ofitio \I E u'lurun in to miikoadiir^s. A cordial tnvIiHtlon Is extendedto till.

it h tmdoof tho wed-„,,. , ..n , _ x Opiyka nnd Mrs.

tin Friduy iin,l after 11 Hnurt nervine in the <- Bm-ilino linUff .Viic^i 'iccu/rfd at theMothodiHti tihiipcti word bur-iud In t h o ' M " "'"-*"••'\V.uliliigtoiicemjtery. '

William CiHtrier, tho U i>ui£;ewaU'r nmi,viiiMV.ia rUro'Vt; iroui IL Ue-itml ndlroidtriln In Phillip'iburi! ton d i.vs Hgo andu.koti to tne B i t-n1 hr>^plt il with n broken10id, Hcunn t ) ba Imorovi ig. Ttmro in10.V Homu ctianeo Hi it In will recover.

Thorenmlnsof Mrs. lUclmrd Bowlby, a i t 0 tUl-fitnnur roildunt of Adbiry, who dlud in Tho anmuTimnr'n1'nl'ddelp iU last woek, were hrougtit hero! (',illt'',,0'' Mr.^Suarln

A p!uim;it place to rmnd out tho boll-clav fiia ovening .will b-j «t tha Opera

Mothodfot pn'tnnagt) in P >rt Cold tn Nov.1'1'h, Tuo ctjrom'my was perlonned byU»v. D. B. Tomklns. j

The Ur*t of a series of s^cla^les will ]bohold in the duptist church next Tiiuminy.A il io pro^rn<n H being arr inged and ro-fruHiime.i'H will be sitrvud. Tii'i arlmission

frto. A Hiker utTatUtg will be taken,l d l l l I i t d :

is frto. A i e r t gAll are cordlully Invited.

Arthur Beatty Id liying a ilagstono pave-IIuu'io A'lioro home tilont will prosant tlio ! ment in rrunt of tils profjerty 011cmrming play '-niinsr itdi." Tno piece'. ton nvtinua, oucupl-jfl t>y Mr*.l.t uivun undur tlio'tiHuic-Jsof tho LidieV Kennedy. Putor d. SUter IKIUBO puttingAM 3jcl«Jty of tno Prunyturl in cliuruli. don'n aaimllir pi'."-m»-(t in fr"'rf.af l»f

P.Mnte U.ito, BOI of N ilioa Cole of FJ ink- j tvvo [Jropurtios on W.whiutl mi ave.iuo.ii, VHH pjrhap^ fitilly injured in a The ciiHlrnnn of tho_ W irren County

trolley cir wreck In Xiwuk itit wuekJ Democratic Executive Commit tuo hasI'lio ljp,iKu of hlncir refuted to work and : miud a mil lor tuu annu-il me*tinguf theIr. wentcr,iHhini; Into tnu cir ahead. Ills: voters of th;it party in c*u*:m to colectlitft f.jot vv.wi!ni*hed itnd Itii fdftrod ho is • monnon to ser«« on the cinvnittee tho

t l l i j d

anxious to provide ;| bid lie raiy bo dc:i>i^'!n their.behnlf.jwith ttTiKinkaglvlng dinner vlMtod Wm.l Anvotie who desirea a ciurae ticket forWhltmorn'fl hen house, juit outbido the i the Radpath Lyceum entertainments to behorou^u, on Monday night and extracted given here under the amp-ces of thefourwon of ma litest chicken v from their- W^iiUiglon AMileUu' A^oatatlon, shouldrnrwtl ig pole. Among *hoai wore two app'y to one of the enterUiumentcom-Wy^ndottea which Mr. Wbltmore valued mlttee without deUv a*, th i acting o ipacl-very high ly and in ordfir to get tbem back ty of Asaooiation Hall is very limited,heoffera Inexchangetwo plump Plymouth i MansQeld cowmulp has brought aultRockv HeauyBthere will beno quQstiuns agalnat the Lacktiwrtnna railroid ti> com-

kddof tne party returning the fowls. ••;! pe! the; Utter c »rpo*atfoo to rflst-nre theThe Warron County Teachore1 Institute,- crossin? gates In tbi t township. The

'IU be tieldia the O^era House on Dae 9,1 beai-lng will tako plate bnfore the Court of" ' • "" • • • Gh.incery at Trent-m on D -c 20th. Smith

& Brady will appear for the township.Mrs. Ila Taylor-Hann, formerly of this

borough, recently auatain-ad vory painfulinjuries. While standing in the doorwayof her home In Jersey Citv Bhe was seizedwith a fainting apell and fell forward,breaking one of her ftnriM In two olaceaShe was ttken to a New Y irk S'up talwhere the injured m e t i e r was eiRmlnedwith the aid of the X-rav. Mrs. Hcinn'acondition is now very satisfactory.

Mrs. Morris Sllberraan, one of the fewfemale shoemakers in the United States,who has long o inducted a cobbling shopon E>iMt WaHhliigton avenue, hn» moved toNew York wht-rts it. Is presumed her honh4nd IH located. An ind'etmont ia etand-Ing nguiiHt 3tlberiuan charging him withreceiving stolen goods and he loft townvery suddenly nearly a yeir HGO. PrankDivfs htm taken charge of Mrs. Sllber-mm's shop. ?'

I alter fur oofits lo tho latest styles.-•; il.EreLner.CiErtstWdSbingtou avenue.

10 and 11. The citizens of Waabtngtonhave a well deserved reputation for boapi-tallty and minyVtoachers remember withpleasure their liberal treatment here fouryears ago. Any of our citizens who willentertain teachers at (1 00 per day duringthe Institute will please hand their names'o any of the teachers before Dec. 3rd, glv-_ng street, number, and number of teachersthey Crin accommodate;: also, whetherthey wlah ladies or gentlemen.

The Loyal Temperance Legion gave avery Interesting aud much appreciated en-tertainment at the Baptistchurohou Tues-day evening. There were aolos by MaadElnneman and Emma Thatcher as well astbree chorusca by the Legijn. Recltntloiiawete rendered by Emma Taylor, EmmaThatcher, Mary G*no'.and Mra. Boom.Four girls tonk part in a very pretty dia-logue and Ruy. Dr. Gray of Broadway,who fins been a medlcnl mltislouary InIndia for several yearH, p<ive H very Inter-esting nddre*s on the Children ofl'iflia.The whole affilr was a success and reflect-ed credit on all who took part; : :

At tho Council whieh met Tuesday atClinton ttie ptstor elect. Rev. J. C Rich-»rdH' n, pna-ed a very successful exumlna-tion nnd at Itn close it WKS unanimous*lv dtci'icd to proceed with his ordina-tion. The a-rvices wero held at night anduorialdcrttiR tho t-evere weather a Inrgeindiunco tr^thcrcd. Tho f-ermon was de-livered by Rev. Lynn E. Whe«lor of NewB"un8u>ltilc. Rev. H. L Cox of Crolonflared thnordrtlniriK priyor.with tho iHy-ua on *>f | hn h»ndrt nf the pro ctmrs pres-

ent. R'JV. W. W. Biirktr of PhlMipshurcI be ch <rs« to the candidate aud Pas-

or Boom deliveiod the* chatgo to tliucnuruh. Tho choir furnished appropriaie

CENT A WORD COLUMN.Advertisements under this beaa are publlahed

at the uutrorm rate of one ceut a word, but noadvertis n t ill b i d fo I th UcentP f'T

FOR SALE—Two fresh ROWS, one spring-er and or.o yuarlintr huifor, ali-o nine pit-a.O II. Perry, between Washington and Asbury. ' It" WASTED—503 inn's of eircorn nt highestranrliei, p.futiH. Thomas Umig, Jr., Butlz-ville, N. J.

FOR SALE CHEAP—Threeone In u pianoW h t

(J. S.Ali-as-tf

— -7 ---o£-Millioi\sof cans of Royal Baking Powder.have been used in making bread,bisc'uit and cake, and every house-keeper using it has rested in perfectconfidence that her food would belight, sweet, and above all, whole-some. "Royal" is a safeguardagainst alum, which comes in the

"cheaply UTade powders so often"pushed 'upon tiie unwary purchaser.'Caution'your grocers never to sendyou any baking powder other than

s ^ f - r ^ —


FOR BALE—Freab COW and a calf fob"weeks old. J. L. * Bowman, Lomonoufarm, near Broadway. It.

Mrs. Rebecca A. Snyde'r, PleaBnnt Val<ley, also recommends Hibbard Beatty'sSarsapaiilla Cough Syrup.

Edgehuret Farm milk costs n little moretbun any other milk sold In Washington,but tho difference of u cent a quart doesnob noirly represent tbo diflurence Invalue. Our patrotm known why, but per-hbp* you do not. Ic Is became itlaex-oluslvt'ly tho product of our own herd ofblooded Jerst y cowa The lioaJtb of the*vCOWB is icpeatediy certified by a quxlidcdveterinarian. They art) kept in ueil UKtil-ed, vonltUted aud disinfected btablta. ThemllklHcirofully nreaied and cooled, andits food value 1H 50 per cent, to CO per cent,greater tbun the milk. iroin avtr^gofluatlvo and^HoIateln cows. Wo do notaim to Boll mortt milk limn wo cat) producuon the farm. At present we h«ve barelyenough to supply our roguUr customers,but have arranged to Increase our outputID tho near future HO that by tbe middle ofDecember we cnlH mipply a few additionalf-nnllle.1. We would uo pleaded to haveyou visit tho farm and tee the cattle andother, ovidoiice of tbe'ruth of our cMius.

It. J. U. SCRASTON, Prop'r.. FOR SALE—Brown mare, weight elevenhundred, nultuble for family or teamingpurpoi-cs. No reatounhlu offer refused,do'd for want of ut-e. I quire at eapruuaofflco, Oxford, New Jersoy. It.

We arc open for er!ffUReT^£nia!:nt;tnra-luK and pruning trees hnd shrubbery j a

Hpecimdii of our work IH that on the JimcdL. Soiolria lot on E t&t '•Vashlnston avonue.Wo arf florists of many yoitra' I'Speriftice.Bare; & Kuuhoauor. LoiVo ordurs nt STAR Iofilce. 11-28 3

FOR RKNT—DesirnMo iiouao on Grandu ^ y , li'ijulreal 01 Uraud avenue. It. i

FOB ^A'LE—A. W«I1 hehavfd oil hcitpr;st $5 0J list, Hiixsoit; will sell for $3 00.

A(.py ttttJTARotlljo. U-28-U •FOR SALE—TWO good horses, very cheap;

also buvurnl jfuod Htc<ii,d imnotd buugiex,at Cbriaiine'ti Ltvery diable. 11 21 tf.

FOR KENT— House ot live rootnn at 182West Wuiiiin^tuu A.v«. lucjulrd of EmiurSnyder, ISO W. W<whlngton A.ve. 11 2L tf.

WANTKD-Manor woiijttn who will in-jvest $2,0JO in H very pn.U',nble bualuess InWarron county. May bo cither active urullent, pariuer. Addreaa "^ractictl lUn"care STAR. 11 21 41,.

(?HAIS WANTED—I will pay h gaeatcaihpriced lur all Kltmn of grain. Cuaiaui workduno promptly. O-iudin^ bur corn aHpiic-inlty. Warren Hcatiy, Crauiur'n Mill,Imlriydiile/ ' U-2l2t

FOK SALB—Four uocoiid-buuilod Wcuaeb, retngura'or, oil stovu, coiu tlotgrapjophoue. B. G. Nolan, 51) RailroadAve.

FOR REST—Part1 of house ntxt to M.E. p<trHonago. Ii.qalro David Burtron. tf.



• • • : . - , U P -

* \ V; • • ••" ' • • ; ' •

Special reduced prices this month.

Call and see for yourself.

Warren County Drug StoreF . N. JENKINS, Prop'r.

City and country rtsldouciB, (til farmropurty, htorea, miila, etc., Inaiiiea, Dun't

w>ilt. Libuml aajubtmeut; small cost;Write for circulars or iur personal Interview. Owaa Ooerly, titeWiirtsvIllf, N J.,Hgeut Pdrmers' Mutual. ll-7-0t.

FOR RENT— Wtiite house on HorubakerBtreut. Wm. A. Striker. It.

T U B BEST OYSTEKS-a tbo price of th«inditltjfuut (tlnd, at J. K. RbkT'u,

BUCKWHEAT wanted at. the Red Mill;hlgiittdL piiuu p*ld for good, dry bm;kwheat, 50 IDs. to the bushel. H. U ParculJ,Glen Gardner, N. J. ; : 10 3 8t.,,

BUCKWHEAT—tilghest cash priue paidfor ouuKrtfueiit aud r\e at LarlbOu'a Mill,Wm. L^riaou. 10 3-tf.

F O R 8ALB—Properties located at 103Bruad street, 23 Butt Unurch street aud ISBeetuovun ttvtmuu, Wttsuiugton. Smallamount of cash required. U. R. Wolver-tuo, 235 Gdrside stieet, Newark, N. J.

Go to G. S. Mattison'a for crayon andpicturo frames, 19 Taylor etreet. ,

TRAINED Nun8B.-M.lBfl Annie Dafford,medical. BurgicaJ and obstetrical nursing.Addresa:—Waahineton, N. J, 7-29-tf

ALBUMS, BIBLES,'Clocks, Lace Ourtalnuand Hugs let out on; time. EJ. U. Snyder,Washington.

"WANTED—1,000 pigs, 50 pounds and up-ward, &l uigheui caaa price. If you haveany lor sale write me. Wm.TUiBinan, fortMurray..--.: ...;.. .:.;-:.:•.:•:;•,: ::~r..'!,.

The late Andrew E. Kinney Is succeededby Owen Ooerlyof dtoWKrtaville as agentof tue Farmers' Insurance Co. ot Reading-ton, N . J . 11-7-flU

F O B SALE—Large English Berkshire pigsfrom two io four inoniiia old, botn aeicaJ. W. CUne & sou. 11-7 4c

F O B SALE OR RENT—My building inDelaware, N. J., buiutnle for a utore'orhotel. Near to D , L. & W. ai.d N. Y. S.& W. statioue. Eighty miles iroin NewYork, excellent raliroad facilities. Uullon or addrtibB Mra M. E. Higgius, 3-1SWest 4th St., New York city. 10 31 9s.

F O B RENT—Trtro first-class dwelliufis inperfect Oider;"possession" immediately.Apply to tUBUornlsu Co.

FOR RENT—Hunae with double lot, ata-ble'uiid ciiiuktsu tin uses, No. 5 BtiHt War-ren street. F. Al. Uonleln. 10 24-tf.

tfld Colonel Daniel F. Beatty's pianoand organ advertisement iu another col-umn.

W A S T E D - T W O single men to work onfarm. Good vyimert to c>"d men; uonoothers watited. JiiineB L Salelds.

A^out four loads One manure for cover-ing flutvcnj.lbr sale by I. dtewart,110 Broadstreet.-

Health by good living."H G tod honest j

Home Comfort. . ;Uae these goods. Save the wrappers;

they will get >ou a'm -at anything youwant. Ask your m c c m u t to put. them histock. J O H N O . KENNEDY,

with Lewis DuGrull'tfe don. I

Watch BargainsI ha^e no-

ticed tha iother dealerswho claim tomake a spe-c i a l t y ofWatches askmore for thenthan 1 hayever thoughof asking.

When itc o m e s towatch sellingthis store is A 10235unquestionably the be&i '«..ciobuv. Justco -pare these prices with others, thencome and see the goods. You cannot bedeceived. , •

Setb Thomas' movement in a 20-yearguaranteed gold case, 18 size, $11.00,Waltham or Elgin movement in the

same .case, $12.00., I have other sizes at proportionate prices.'. Here is also je velry of every other de-scription, including wedding rings of myown make—made from the melter b»r.

Also Cl jcks, Spectacles and Eyeglasses.

O.B.HULL38 E. Washington Avenue.

Look for ourBiff



Next Week.




as exemplified in.the magnifi-cent collection of pictureshere appeals with great forceto people of good taste andthose who would beautifytheir homes most effectively.

We have pictures of every'reputable sort, making it pos-'sible to meet the demands ofevery purse, bur. we do not<ind will not sell tra5h.

When malting out the Holi-day gift list do not fail to in-clude pictures for those youthink the most of. There isnothing more acceptable.



Commencing Saturday, Nov. 16.

THE COHEN BARGAIN STORE.1 have opened a_Brancii Store in the Scholz Building

(tfie old Remnant Store.)



anc!. will run one of the greatest sales that has ever occurred in Oxfordor within io miles. A monstrous merchandise movement. I will sel

I for the next 30 days, at great slaughter prices, my immense stock ofnew, bright up-to'date Men's and Boys' Clothing and Ladies' Fuinish-ng Goo^s. Talk of this and come-and visit the store and?ee foryourself the great bargains I am offering. The store is open even-

I ings until 10'0'clock.

JOSEPH GQHEN, Proprietor,Oxford, New Jersey.

— A W-lHen^Guaranlto jwtii DC given with every 1

Gold or Silver Watch told j

to be kept in repair lor j6 years free of cost - ^ _ - •

Don't try to decide on your gift purchases before visitingus and examing our newly beltxled Uigeat stock of Watches,*Rings, Jewelry, etc. ever shown in Northern New Jersey.We have a wealth of pretty things from which you can choose

Gifts for Father,Gifts for Mother.

~~ ~ ~ '- ~~" - Gifts for Sister,"Gifts for Brother, i

- - Gifts for Sweetheart,Gifts for Friends.

Sold for cash or on our EASY PAYMENT Pl/ti, weekly ormonthly, just as may suit customer's,, convenience.

ewelei-.^Watchmakar, Optjclst,

_Washington, N7~J.~Will examine your eyes by my new method .and tell you if you need

glasses or not;(,charges tor glasses only. ,

lhaVeTiadrmuch:rsati£facfib"n;-seni^They make friends for me, in,that they steam quickly, hold fire.over-ivnight—in fact, we have had cases where they held fire for,three da>s;are ecuiibniical-in-fuel and arcs=Bl!-Steara BoJlers.=-;;;-=±::~-;--'-r.: i==^

Ask the following persons how they are pleased with them.

REFERENCES:A. B. Groff & Bro. . . . Washington

Henry: s rGro f f " -~"~-'. ; ; ; • ; ; " -~«r---~

Charles M. Tuttle . . . <• •' •

•W;rBFShimer=^=^-7=;=^====="~===iM. E. Church . . . . . " ;,E l i s h a B u r d ' '.,-, ; "•"... ''Watson Skinner,; . . ^ . ; " .._

Ja,cob" R e e ' d i ~ ~ 7 " ' 7 ~ ; ~ ~ ~ " ~ " ~ " ~ "~~:^

Dr. Nelden . , . . . , . . . ; . Stanhope

Wm. E;:.King •. . ; ';-~r: . T • Landing

Mary Ncvius . . ' . : • . Franklin Park

M. R.'Albright • . . . . ; , . , . . . Junction



Page 6: F. WWWE - digifind-it.com · Itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula-tion'" of the STAR for tlio firm n\x mnntha of the pnwnt} year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n; lrcula-


-^,.vi.,.--.., •.£•":..


A ton-cent package of this delicious year 'roucd luxury

Large Pies, ^ you pwrw a, Three Small Pies

" None Such" is " condensed "— tlmt is. compressed in adry, clean form, ami packed in nir-tiylit.wuter-proof cartons. iy

It alto makes• delicious ,.„„, I

Reclpps on every r.iclinc". Valuable premium ...... ...lUwnrnre rnclon.it. iiew.in* of t'tiltntori. U-i HH know it ytiur C

r» to supply you. We wit' toll you une that will 1*J RIJUI to.

Mcrroll-Soulo Co., Syracuse, N. Y.

Fruit Pudding and Fruit Cake


This Cloth ing Businessof ours is steadily increasing because of the merit of the Gar-ments and the low cost. .The values we give are hard to equal:1

MEN'S STYLISH SUITS. ;QR f)f) For a choice.\or" elegant Suits that'bring more in1

(pU.UU other stores; Mixed Cheviots in plain colors;:black, blue or brown aiid neat stripe effects.

0 7 / 7 / 7 For Men's Fine Suits of Mixed, Fancy, Black andyi/.l/U glue Cheviots and Gassimere; cut and made inthe most approved manner.:

(Si/1 nn * W r Ml For an elegant line of Men's Su-ipiU.UU-ip I Q.VU p e r b Suitsof Fancy Worsteds, Cas-•'simeres and Cheviots; stripes and checks; all perfectly made.

MEN'S STYLISH OVERCOATS.Ar nn For Black and Blue Beaver Overcoats, full length,yjU.UU w e n made and lined; unequalled for the price.

rt/j f / j For Stylish Dark Oxford mixed Overcoats; goodipu.i/U and serviceable; of extraordinary value.

AQ fif) For a choice line of black and blue Kerseys and0 0 . 1 / 1 / grey mixed herringbones; finely tailored andvery dressy. ;

01H f)tl (tf1t\ nn A large variety of the betterQlU.UU-iplU.UU g r a d e s in Friezes and Beavers,including the newest Yoke Overcoats in greenish effects.

LITTLE BOYS' RUSSIAN OVERCOATS /in plain blues and reds, the latest style for the AQ f)/)"^little men; sizes 3 to S years . V . .:•:.99'""':''

MEN'S FURNISHING NEEDS.. . . . . A department.that.gr.03ys more popular every day, that

carries an unexcelled stockoraK'triat is up-to-date and desir-able jn Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery, etc.

Shoe Opportunities.Never before have the men, women and children of .this

town had the chance to buy shoes from such a carefully se-lected high grade and fashionable stock of Shoes. We offeryou reliable Shoes only, the kinds that can be depended upon.We have the Exclusive Agency for the following celebrated

'"lines: 'i :;

Ralston Heal th Shoes for Men . . . $4.00W. I . Douglas Shoes for Men . . . 3.00

. Queen Quality Shoes for Women . -. . . 3.00Boardman Shoes for Women . . . . 2.00

Franklin Shoes for Men " . . \ " . : 2X)0


BlooabiseaseCatarrh, "''J:-CsSs'JpstlnnDiarrhoea!""

:Di!*tness, .^Dyspepsia,'.~Dvssnter.v,' £

Ear Disetses,


Lton'i suffer beciuineof money , an (mtlnfuctory arranRB-.mentn unn be miule with lliB*e Doctors for p n y m e n L Con-'Hullatlou nnd uilvitw by mull or In oillcR freo n n d c o n f i d e n t ,;Unl . If/ '- ' icumblo you will be Lold 10, Hjuasav lne t l m e u u d . .money. DItlh'ult CUHUH In pur t lcu lur w a n t e d T " — : ™-™~~

ttUUKS- t i ' t bUR. m., 2 to 6 u n d o to It .Sundays from IDA.M.102 P.M. Trent m e tit liloetrloiU a n d MedlcaL Tlie la tes t a n dbeat civeu to t b e medloi l world.

;ye Diseases, Lumbago, Self Abuse, Bladder Diseases._ Jczema^-v-'-1-—'Lnnsr.Iiisease, Skin Diseases, Chronic Diseases,:v*•••••i, Byalcr lf l , - - L i v e r Disease, - S t r i c t u r e s , " Female Diseases, ' '"-1"^

Hemorrboias , Kidney Disease, Tape Worm, Nervous Diseases,•HAV. Feve r . Men's Diseases: .Tnraors. .~-~.-.~ P r i v a t e Diseases. .- .Head^lToiBesr Mali lrUT""" Ulcers',"*- '• Th roa t Diseases ,

• — • ' - • " ^Women's Diseases, -.:Diseases of » Special ,

HeaiTlToIaesr MalilrUT""" Ulcers',"*-Hvdrocele, . BeuralBia,';.^i:-~:Varicucle.Indigestion, • P ha rm sit is, Vertigo, \»<Jann<Hc?; -" Rhtnmatijtn, Dlscnarclu?

Ear Disetses, Xoit Vitality, Rectal Diseases, Ears,1 x • •,Tte Pr. Btraes Electro-Medical Instltnte and Staff ol Doctors, Physicians,1 r « n s in A Spec'aUitB, PEAKS BUILDIHG, 19 S. Third Street, EAST0H, PA.

Mlafl Lulu Von Lovonskj ild has securedt\ puulttou la Now York aud left on Mon-f)*y- •

'\ Miss Llda Komvlck spent a few days thisweek at Dovur. ' , ;'Mrs. Svptiers and (Uuqhler LIzzto, of

Valley, werenuttBtsat Mrs. Croagor'u laalw e e k . ....-.,"Tno Ladies' Aid of tbo &I. E. cburcbcloired about $63 at tbelr fair held onWedueadaj oflnm week. ;i Potec Bowlby had a sale ofhtahouBO-

huld gnodn lout Saturday, Ho will makebit* homo with lib son Frank at Dunolloo.

MisB\Mliit)le Bardy spent Sunday IDWa8b)-4,-.ton.;.Mra.Win. Albrightnnddaughter Hazel,of Alpbn, passed a ttr.'.daya last week withMrti. L. L. Fulpur.'/Mrs O. W.'. Adams spent Sunday inWilkettlmrrtJ. J,

A ralhsionary tntertalnrooot Will bo giv-en next Sunday evening in the Aletbo-Hint Epipcopnl cburcb by tho YounnWomen's M a-jlonary Hoclety and tbe Sun*day echool. An elaborate program busbeen prepared under the direction of MissBelle W aid man, and the mite boxes whichft rive broii given out tor the benetH of MissWatdman's scbool In Bucioa Airen, will bebrought In and broken. Evorybody is in-vited to attend and enjoy this service.

Mrs. Frank Bowlby of Durollen spontthe psat week with relatives In town.

MIBS Bertha Shurta, who Is nttendinR aselect school In Pbiladeluitla, la spendingthe Thanksgiving holidays at her homo.

Ml*s Belle" Wa!dmE.n Bpont Sunday atBloomsbnry. ^ ;

A'very interesting Thanksgiving enter*taioment was given at the school on Wed*ne*d iy afternoon. There will be no scboolon Thursday and Friday of this week andnono on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-day of next week HB the Hunterdou Coun-ty Teachers' Institute will be held at Flum*ictou on tho three last dttca.

The Epworth League /of the M. K.jhurcb will bnld n HCCIH! tn the cbapel on

B L A l I t S T O W H .Bddon B. Pierce of Flomlngton and

Cln»rlesLoBBt:of Nowark are theeuostoottheir pu.enia tula week,

Tbe Town Commit too met on Saturdayiobtto nciiive ttio road books. Work baajufct been ttuisbed in somo of the dUtnota.

Rev. J. DoHart Bruen of BeWidure givea leoturo on Ml«slou work in India onWednesday nlghc In tbo Prost>>torlauohurcb. It naHlllusirAted by Btereoptlcanviews of tuo country aud natlvos, A largoaudience wan present. His son Barry Islaboring In tbat fur offcountry.

B'raor Vough bad iho ulsforlano to fallfrom tbe rouf of GymriMMum Ball lastwci-k on a pile of brl k-t. Too distance wasabout twenty feet Ho waa badly bruisedbut no bones woro broken. ~i ' ' . .

Mrs. W. B. Slgldr was the guest of herfather, Alfred Henry, at Danville, ovorSunday. ,

Tbe Farmers' Institute will be held InBlalrstown on Thursday and Friday, Dec.StbandBth.

Tbe Charles Smith farm hear W*lniitValley and tbo late Clinton McCunachvform near Washington Sabool-bouse willbe offered at public sale at the hotel onSaturday. ;, .

Dr. Caarlea flyman gavo a very Interest*ing and instructive lecture In tbe M. E.church on Tdurflday ovonl-g to a largoaudionco. The wubj- ct waa ''Finding Matesand Building Neat*, or Happy Homes.":.••' Mrs;Edwin T.A'An Qorn and eonj Leo-nard, of Hope, were the guests of ber par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jabez J. Linabeny, partof last week.

Tbe marriage of Mies Cora DeltTitman,daughter Read Titmau of Alt, Vernon, toCharles N. Shotwelt of town occurred atthe Fredon residence of Rev. Wayland O.Johnson on Oct. 30tb. They are livingwUh bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shot-well.

Oa Wednesday afternoon tbo Blair Acad-emy ''scrubs" and tbe local '"Tigers"played a fool ball g*me tbat resulted Innscore of 0 to 0, neither team bblng able toscore a toucodown.

Samuel Cook of Silver Like hid tbe mis-fortune to losu one of his best Jersey cowslast week.

The second lecture at tho Blair Presby*terlal Academy was givon in tbe cbapel on

Saturday eveniog, Nov. 30 Refreshments Tuesday evenii g hy Dr. E. W. Holmes ofof various kinds will bo for sale. A good Philadelphia, hubjeel: "Briton and Boer,"literary program has been arranged and a story of South Africa. It was wellat-will be given ID the church.. One feature . tended and gieatly enjoyed,os tbe evening will be an Immense pie, | Jabez Quick has rtcovered bio healthwhicn will contain the names of ladles.; and ia now learning- to shavo hoop polcoThese numes will be attached to strings, jwlth our local firm, Messrs. Depuy. ,,,-\mu „ i . i . o ^ g a t u r d a y t h f l c < a J t f o o t b a n t e n m o f

Hucketist->wn met the Academy boys ontho local grounds and played a Btronggame. Neither side was able to score.

Frank P. Bunnell is enclosing thesbelvca

will entitle each couple to refreshments.

Greut Luck Of An Ktlltor.

DELAWAKU,The pupils of our public school beld

their Thanksgiving entertainment on Fri-day afternoon. There were quite a num-ber of tbe parents preteiit and all enjoyedthe occasion very much.

Several poraorm from town attended theplay at Wldcnor'» Ouera House, Bulvldero,on Thur-dny aid Friday tvening. Theywere well pleased-with tho show.

Charles Cyphers b«B quit tho mill and Isnow om ployed with tbo Lackawauna sec-tion gang. ..;•

Mrs. Onrlslino Smith spent Thursday inEautun shopping.

Our nrobOHtra, undor tbe londorsblp ofWilliam H. Harlune, has heon reorganizedand b^gan practlcinR on Friday evening. '

William LittA of Clark's Summit, Pa.,was in town on Friday lost renewing oldacquaintances.

Mies Lola Potoru apeut a few daya lastweekatMrs. E. A.Kirkbuff's. . •

Mm. Morrln Jennings and Miss MarthaSmith epent Wednesday io Hope. ^

Harry Qiilg his accepted a position anclerk in a procory store, at. Orange,wbltber bo started last week.

Rev. J. DoHart Bruen of Bolvldere at-tended tbo church session In town onThursday. •. •.

William H. Jamo<it our paperbannor andpainter, is kept qulto busy thefO daysaround town, and bis work meets wltugeneral satisfaction. . . ----- --.

The Lidfea' Guild of the Episcopalchurch will boM a chowder festival In theatore building belonging to Onio T. Hlg-glns on Thanksgiving night. A good at-tendance la expected, as extomtvo prepar-ations are being mado for Us succoss.

J . L. Smith, who bas boon in Indiana foreome time, oxpecta to spend ThanksclvlogIn town with bis family.

The Farmers' Instttute will meet inDelaware on December Oth and 7th.

John H. Royt and Cbas. J. Qulg spentThursday last In New York city on busi-ness.

Miss Spinsfmbcrg and Miss RIddIo ofHazon spent Tuesday with William Coutz'afamily, south of town.

Quito a number of farmers from thislocality attended the meeting of the Boardof Agriculture at Belvidereon Wednesday.

Tho W, C. T. U. met «t Mrs. A B. Slmor-aon'son Wednesday aftumoon with a fair

itendance.J. H. Albertson and wife andj . E. Al-

bortaon:attended the;.wedding .of ^ theircouMn in Stroudsburg on Thursday.

i. Uttlo etraneer mado its appearance at

New Patterns



Holiday Trade

This line includes Full Sets and an f l y o r s ^

BUSINESS: SENSE.. Good business sense would advise you i

Particular attention is also invited to buy that coal which gives the best re-to our new and up-to-date lamps, suits'lor the money.'. Lehlgh coal being

harder, burns longer; gives torth less gas;We have, without question, the leaves no clinkers and produces a hotter

greatest variety and handsomest fire. Since il burns longer, it is more val-lamps in Washington. A new lot -uable-so much more, indeed, lint .thejust received from the factory. Ourlow prices have caused real sur-prise. :

Already our 1902 pattern.'/ofWall Paper are beginning to ai rive.They are beauties and the creamof the market.



Majestic Pianor e P r e s e n t s for the money than any

_Mrs,K'ato Mann returned-homo from f'a™ « A ^ . . ? ' ? . l ° ^ t V0HJHG u . . . . . . . .

"For two years all efforts to cure Ec- of his Variety Siore Kith glais so thatema !n tho palms of my hands failed," <"»• pl,»co 1"1» eood. on exhibition wlthi

hezenrn !n the palma of my hands failed," can pmce uu EOOQB on exmoiuoo wunoutwrites Editor H. N. Lester, of Syrneuno, ^posing them to tho dust. CuterdonKan., "then I was wholly cured by Buck- Smith U doing thfl work.len'« Arnica Salve." It's the world's beat' It >ger Pettlnglll of Lawrence, Mats, Iafur E-iiDtions, Sores and all bfeio diseases, pamitig 8o<ne time with bride, nee Mrs.Only 25c at P. N.Jenkins'. Emma G. King.

Arthur H. Rusting now


Haztm after a BUort stay with iriends andrelatives there.

William Coutz, having purchased

remove bis family thoro hi tbe spring.

Astounding Discovery.From Cooperevllle, Mich., comes word of

a wonderful dlBcovery of n pieasunt tasting

another babv ,1,, a-dlt arrived 1« Wed-, '^J^^Ti 'SS ."SSiSgiS Wi

policytolead"jewelry. ., J i^ '"n ho r se 'S «..k. A tick from at P. N. J.ukintf. . Trtal bottlM f,ee,Frances Crane entertained &3me of her another horse broke leg a and It bad to be

young friends at tea Saturday. killed.Mabel Garey of near Anderson Bpent! Seldon.son of JabczW. Shannon began

Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, work'in Brantean'a pharmacy on MondHy.Mrs. P. B. Whitman. \ He is an induatrious, trustworthy boy and

Sadie Lee of Port Colden Is visiting we wish him abundant success,friends in this place. | B. Larue Linterman, who is traveling

A 1 A H K S U O K O .Raymond Wl'drfck of Hainesbure, who

has been visit lug at. the home of his grand-father, Rov. R. J. Burtt, of Korr'a Corner,waa ia town Saturday calling on friends,

- r . „ . , o John H. Besoherer is now marketing bisMitts Armstrong haa the' names of 28 through the middle West in the interest of celery. It ia very floe—the finest he baa

tiupils on the school roll, only ten of whom a Philadelphia Qrm, 1B now home slightly i raised tinea he tiaa been In the bubiuesawere present Monday morniDg. In the indisposed. neJ|e ' „ . », T m , ^ „ A .

, . . ... _._ i_.i-__ i_ . L _ — ( j , ^ y , g gr8j. SOcjaj o f the season was " e v * *•• * • McLaury officiated at theheld at tbe home of Dr. Schubert on Pri- J ? M ' a l °£ ra. Cooke, widow of Re«dday evenlr.g. It was a great auccess and a ' Cooke, which wae held on Friday. Iuter-

1 large number were present. These aoclala ™ e n t ^ the Markaboro cemetery,are held once each month. Misses Mary Lannine and Nioa Wild rick

Anumbarofyouog men from here at-! a. r.e v l a t t lDB f r l e n d a i n flnd I i e " r New YorktePded the donation at Hope laat Tnura- cl}&i

Our boya think there is no place 1"

near future we will doubtless hear the cryof poor teacner,

Notice t o Trespasser!Notice 1« herebv Rlvon tluitiiny ant] all per-

[ d tpatnt l t iK with rod pluitiiny ant]ith rod or

einlMLM ol tin* bto tlie lull ex

found .. .trap upon tliwill ue proHoclaw.Peter Weller near No-

.hicoli I)iiiui.//.'.'//.V/.'.'/."'.'."'.VR;arNu'Theodore A. litidine ."/ .St<



Vtayi Gardner returned to his Brooklynstreet car position on Saturday after pasa-i th with hi b t h e r

useJ in the public schools of New York city.


GABLERIt has been before the public for more than 45

years and needs no recommenJatlon.


RADLEwill selUurins November at «1

F. W. Kluppelberg's Son,HACKETTSTOWN, N. J.

The oldest and largest dealersin iforthern Hew Jersey.

Tlicodorc A. IStidine . / ; S t e'Vra. «. Dulfonl WnHliinictoo1'etilien M. Itrvan near Now Hiuninon.v'imam It W y c k o f f l a c k H u n Valley

llle ing a month with his brother.The Hill homestead farm In HardwickM. Itrvan near Now

It. Wyckoff lackh : [ i k

with a small force of men.Station Agent and Mrs. Garrfa attended

the funeral of his grandmother, MrsOarris of Newton, wbicn wan held onTuesday of last week. Operator Stld-

.JucoliThiiiuuii :...iickrion Viillvy1). F. I'urn ! : OxfonJ Townflih)\V. W. rrutne.1 ...Montana. X. J .John Wnrne ..Ilrimo Ciintk'.Icn-r.nram OxfordC. Itatlk- Near MontanaI,evl KIIHII Ifick-rm ValK-.VM tiler Marltitt :....! ark no 11 Vnlli'.v

lruw IIiHim .". Port Murrayl ; ; - ; i : : - ; ; : ; M u

ml'ulk'v w«s not sold on Saturdry, the rale h e i n g ' w o r t h / o f B l a i r a t o w o h a d £bue0 o f t h 0

'?..YJ^ i ^ S K i i ^ ' ^ y S t f 8 UDlU De0> 7- U,offlce during his absence.ran bid.10-nearly $2,000. | Uzal Crouae of Swartswood moved IntoCharlf s Raub waa a guest of Belvdiere t h e t e n a n t h o u s o o n t b o Thompson estate

friends Tueaday. - j o n F r i d a y , He in employed as a carpenterAmzl Linaberry was , assisting at tho ou the cement building.

Mrs. Huldah Luce went to New York

John Wi-nluy Kiune.v HnnmmyX. Wtime Krimdway(i . ;»w.[ . and Aniui ltaylor : DrumlwaySuiniii'l Oiufll ..liickmiii VnV(Jhrlsttii'liLT I-'OHEJ WnHlihifitnii TwMUtnii Slut IT .Huwerntow.Mnnclii'ri If mm ..IlnwiTcl.iw..X. s. ltiiLv luckKon Viilloy

Portland Enterprise office a few dayB last

Wilbur Bird was a guest of hiH uncle, I.B. Bird, In town, over Sunday,

Most of the business places io town will __ _„ __L.j--ba closed on••Thai.lragiviag.Day.-......;:.:.,•.•.':."•„•,• beeu eeeu recently passUig bouih* Hickory-nuts are worth f 1.25 per bushel parsons In tuis vicinity.

cityrs. Huldah Luce went to New Yorkon Wednesday of last week for a twoiths' visit with ner children ~ who-re-

side there.Several large flocks of wild geese have" • - " - • - ' • • ' , r t l b y

in town.Joseph D. Ervine TUB out In Pennsyl-

Mra. John H. Beschurer- spent Tuesday,WedntBday and Tnursday of last week attbe homes of ber cousins, Mra. Ueorgon. L 11-no 1 it Vnliev vaniu last week'buying . ...%i.~i,^....<t, - - - - . ,-.-

rt.....;.. I;.'..I'lcariimt firove poultry. It cm be bought at a mucn Otrtur of Blalrhtown Hiid Mrs. Caroliue•ill rt. Sniltli Near .hicknon ValU'y 8mil]ler figure out there. McCoaaohy of JackBonburg.

'''-••! • Itowi.'rKtiiwn , qine r a m ( n g of many wiodo%v panca was

Hi'iiryrtovAnnlv M. -V. K. ItaniA. K. Uimli

A Violent Attack of Croup Cured.>• i*urin,*ru'rt Murray j "Laat winter an infant coild 0' mine bad on'TUuraday.

Monmnii croup in a violent form," a-tys Elder Jonn John Rvman

,, Plcitfiint Grove

ratting y pheard in Miirbsboro on the evening of. the,exploHion of thepowdur houses at Kenvil


OCULIST,will be at :

Si. Cloud Hoiel, Washington

Second and fourth Fridays Monthly,

,/from 2 to 5 p. m.

Cramer's Hotel, High Bridge,

. First Friday in Each Month,

: ,==-::™-~:froitl 9 to.

Wcllcr's Hotel, Clinton,

First Friday in Each Month,

from 2 to 5 p. m.

Pre* Eye Bxa m I nation*.

! • !

ie In 'the prices of L'chlgh

and the common sort is quickly wiped out.Lehigh Coal is the best and cheapest

coal mined.

Only R.LCLINE & CO.self

Lehigh Coal in Washington.

Just a MomentPlease!

Our business as contracting build-ers has been so extensive nnd varied.that for the past two years we havehud constantly in our employ one of"the besl house painters In all this •section. We have found Ills serv-ices necessary in order tn facilitateour work. 'At the same time it hasbeen demonstrated that if our force-were larser it would be even better,and we have deleiuilned to employother painters and place ourselvesin the position of

Contracting Painters.Therefore, we desire the public to-

know that we are now ready to giveestimates on house painting of allkinds We shall assume all respon-siblity in the matter, guaranteeingprompt and carefully executed work .and charge 110 more than others forthe same class of service. • We know-how such work should be done.

Allow us to submit color schemesand estimates the next time you de-cide to have your buildings painted.

Jas P. DcRcmer & Sons.




nnl Ot t


•n I l 'ort.la| l<r

.Nt.itr Itutlr-rmllk ISrldRC Jonkiiis, V.'aahingioii::J.A. Allen, Oxford.He-

GLEN GAHDNBK. tbo community caust-d by tho death ofMrs. Eliziinoth Ruuklo Ust Sunday alter-

:uThfi.-hteh';~wUid.nf..S.iturd4V' night un- wnnn, Mrrt. It inkle • had-«! j-jy d- good

A Bhadow of gloom has been cast over J-, r> o«^:<-U £* /~* A mnon«rit sd b rh death f C. D. S m i t h CC Company,

Whnl«wi.l«AirflnT«. Newark. N. .1• ! IMereuce: WALLAHOUT BANK.

•*>9 9 • • • • • • B • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • •


-rcuiiilrAViirni!.;.:..: BroadwayI*eti'r M. I'eterson ..; OxfordC. II. Duri'iiU'r " Nonr MniitannWilliam KrlttH, WIIHIIIIIKIOII nnd Franklin

\ V n 11n'm ' i l l c h i l e V.V,V \V.V.V.V.V.".'.'.V.'.N%Vw"11" n u J t « nDavid Minimum..:. Nwir » muiiTiKloti.liuiH'H Lnniimtm.... ; Anbury

•K I'.'Hi'ird \VnHhlnrt<ni ami 'Oxford Twii.<H. V. UnlHlilJi.T.. 8u»wn

the Hiram Force oatato, wairClernolit-Bed.Mra.-Wra. Foss<-Apgar~:hfl9~ vacated' ber

home on \l»In htreac and will live horeaf-tfr with her son, George Fosa PrluclpilN.. J..Tomer, .will_occupy -Mrfl. AjigMr|Bhome."''"'"' "."'.'. ."'

J tmes Smith gai^ a dinner to a numberof friends pa Sunday.

The factory building la all thfi1 is left ofour brush huniuess. Tbe building andpower Aro In flnu condition to bo utilized

donce"yeaterd-ty'.-( Wertneaday )..afternc6nv™ B' vore'participated In bv her pattor,

". L Ournisu, Bov. G W To-nH m ofWoodiiury and Dr.T, A. MJIU of Wllbee-

.barre, bo^h former,paatora.^tSho.had li>ng_been a mtmberof tU«Pi"esbyttriAiicburcb,-was liberal in Its support and wan endowedwith'extraordinary gUUs which, unitedwith a aweet spirit, gruutiy undeaied berto overy circle in which sbo moved. Shewill be sarlly missed in the communityand tho church will lose an earnest and

.. • - O r d e r t o Show Ouuse. jWAHIIKK COUNTY OIII'HANH' COUKT.

i r i t r J l tor 1 " J*' *1 licoSV' C * * Kl 11 ne J ,* d'uceaHudV'Voorder to HUUIIUKIH to pny ilebtH,,

^f>ur;!tr-Ji;!Ii;rv;-;n!iiiiiiU:i't'itur:rni::,]"ncoi)''C.""Khiiiev," fluceiiHcd, , IwivltiK cxhlliltud limlcr

011th l i jnn tand true account (if the purHintiilestntu iiiul dubtn of tlin «ald dwonnod, wherc-hv ItaiMioarx t l ia t t.lii! IKTHOIIHI i.'Htato of mild.TilCOb G. KIllIH'V lH lllHIllllclL'Ilt ,tO/loMn, and reiiucHtwl tl

P' _by ano her ln(iimtry,.: ---,T: ,-.--(.);,. •_;,•••; . ' exompi>iry~merabor. ,s She gave .libernj'ly.

Six flocks of wild goose passed ovor town toiva>d tho building of tbe'church" edificeSaturday afternoon, They wore flying in and wns fonni'iHt in all of Ha enterprises.1

a 8i)U'.wesWrly._dIrectlon., . j^lLTh.9...deceased is Hurvlved^by two n8orii*,John Force ha% taken tbo* gflneral'agen-


nt ,t nny IIIHf thu Court In

r, A. T).tcllrlntc

^U^nr th l« . f• lUOL'tmlcrrxl Unit nil IKMW.IIH lnt

t.bn IIIIHIH. t<>nomi!ntri. IUKI real CHtute of rntJacnb'G.' Kliini-y. ik'ccnHHtl.'Oppi'ar ln-forc tliuCourt u t tin' Court 11 OHM.-. In Hi-lvjili-n*, onTiiertilay, the i t lHlday of Hwomlnir next, a t11 o'clock hi t b " fnrnimiiii,. to MIIOW. OHIMC

^ w li v ~ MI* -1111 ilo i • =• of ~-tli ti"T-«n j tlS-! a.« ;1 fiL*^-tcm::n en tita i i ' i r«>Jil (•Htaie Ztt t be mW J a c o b C. K'liiiioy,

.-,!..-.1.1,u<..! .uhn.niil iHit l ioHii ld an \v\\\ UOHUIII -'""cl'u'nt t « i m y litH'ilcbtii;"or tliirrf'Hlfiiie t t icreof;'tin tin- CIWB t a n y ri!f|iilre. a,ml t l n i t n o t i c e olrhln bnler be' iirlntcd in THE WAHIIINOTON

- STA'II, II ROWBpnucr of the-County of Wnrren.0r;6llGE M. SIIII'MAN, JIIIIRC.

RUPTUREcuri-d bv-l. A. Hiiornmn'H MI3TH0» wltlioiioperation, tormuiitlnir trum'H- or lilnilriiiicfrom lniHliU'H«. ..CntiMUlLulldii dally. ,. ..'•-•- G. \V. «IIi;[tMA.\, llcraln S|ifclullHtr~

l A " " ' """ '" iMUHlld^S J75John Force han taken tha generalagon

cyifor tb«,»rtlt* of olirudded sugar beet foodtor milch COWB. t"?

The farmers in this neighborhood havetht-ir corn crlobed and the BtalkB Htached.

Samuul Pribta has taken charge of theLebanon township poor home.

James Little, our butcher, his boon miss-inix hit), cpid wood from ; the slaughterh o u s e . " ••"'-• '•"•A?1 - T ; - : - '-•-•V^-- ;•,-•„•

\ tTho Dean house on Stain street, vacatedfty Dr. Fu'per laat week, will bo" o'cou"pi6db M B Bk S l tbfty Dr. F p tby Mrs. Be>t7era.burn andjjtahle.

e , w pBaker Seals, uses tbe

9n:K]nebTrtnTd^btrubieii7awof bin carloadof potatoes at eicbty

cents'per .bu^heii™^'^-:^^™?^;^?^™™^Wm. Smith will vncito Judge MartenIH'S

hnuHe^onv;Main "street' nnd"ooiiupy1"Mra.Eliza iiadvera' hcu^e on Rdlroad Terraco,

flild sUnion aervices were hold in the p s b y

terlan church laBtSund*y evenlhs. Owingto the inclement wua tho r the atteiidunceWHRHmall. '! ,wA; ...n- .,:;..;

Mrs H. Mr l i ldd leT w h o has boon laid u pwith a sprained nnklo the past two wo> ks,is getting along fiatlyibut is Btill ooLfiuedto the house. ,. •••'•- , .

".The rotnalns of-JIid i

Send card for frco book Hiving in forma-tion and contftUimtJ " l11

ials and rorcirenoos,ms tustimen-

cents and upwards Der roll of efght yards."Borders, l -2c per. yard_and_.upwards,...Plctiij:9l,_:Moulding l c per foot andTpwaftl's.' -^-"-™

Great reduction in prices of;,all grades ol; -Wall Paper and Borders over last year at >

1 In ttio 1' John

I'liw . . .' tlie.County o

I\\>K (-liilniN n(.'ahiHt tln> oMtntu «f Julin \V, OF1HH, line of iln> County uf Wiirr,ni,1],.a.,iHpii,I j i i i m m L<t" t l u i .< i t . i t •& l i i t l . , . ^ . i t l . I t . . i • :

ROUILLOTCOII 1224 Morkot Street,

MISSION CO.,Phlindolphla, Pa. I l'r'slce: ?G,

Page 7: F. WWWE - digifind-it.com · Itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula-tion'" of the STAR for tlio firm n\x mnntha of the pnwnt} year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n; lrcula-


Fashionable and Not Costly.

Haberdasheryand Hats

for every occasion that arc just right land..that .will suit your."most exacting fancies and your pocket book. You can makeyour selections from a complete stock of new, fresh goods, andit will be well worth your while doing so.

CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN.At (f 1fl lift The collection of Men's Suits and Over-nl yi lu.UU. c o a t s which we have prepared to sell at$10.00 includes every swell fabric for this season. Cut inevery fashionable shape, and every one wortlv$i;.oo.

At 9 / T Of) " 1 e l u l m ' ' e r " ' Suits and Overcoats thatnl v> I U.UU. w t . |,.,VL, selected to sell at the very popu-lar price of Si 5.00 is far larger than ever before in variety offabrics, patterns, shapes and sizes. You will he most agree-ably surprised at the remarkable values, for they are equal inevery way to S25.00 made-to-order garments.

At *k9ft fif} ^on w ' " " '" ' " l e m o s ' suPer ' ' assortment" ' P i U i l / l / of ready-to-wear garments ever prepared

.to sell at this price. The linings and makin(! are..the. very•'_bust possible,.and these garments can only be compatei.^'.vith

the products of the high class custom tailors. They includemany of the world-famous EFF-EFF make.

THE LITTLE CHAPS,from 3 to \6 years, will be outfitted here appropriately forevery occasion, and every garment is guaranteed. They arefitted with the same care that we give you, but prices are low-er than you can buy the same styles and qualities for elsewhere.

You fan PROTECTED against possible disappointment by ourguarantee. Money promptly refunded if you wish it.

Red Front Clothing House222-224 NORTHAMPTON STREET,


re! stands for" priced HereTyou"fmS; the: lowest prices

"stands for impossible. It. js,;irnpgssible, to do better_.any\yhere.else. . ' P " T = " - ~ '-."" '••"

stands for novelties. All the; latest novelties :you"will

stands for .greats^ -The greatest assortment to selectfrom .in this vicinity.t o > :

stands'- for extend. We extend^our business frorrvs e a s o n t o s e a s o n . ™ ; . . . ; - _ • • • • • . ' M . : : . : ~ - . , -•••-•- •..[.'-<-..„ '•*- '-••..

JlJU'Stands for right. Always right styles alright pricesisJJ3I what you will find here. • ° ,.,.,


SPIUNGTOWN.Little Beatrice Fracu of PiiilllpsburK la

Wtlnff her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Alvln Mo lick.

1 Jennie Arthur of Coplay is spond-'ew daya ID lown.

jumped on an inverted rako amdo of ten feceiviia, HmonR ntoera, an ofl.r to ociteuen.iy nails, tmd thrust one n-11 entirely l» « P«ti»»ylvtt. 11 town wiuon ouVra 50through her loot and a «eco«.d one naff acres of and, no taxes for 5 years, cost ofway through. Uhsmberlaln'H Pain Balm moving the plant from here, and all thowas promptly applied and five minutea mo»ey on hand ibatis needed.1 "or tliepiln had disappeared and no more Astne tlrno draws no ir Tor tho selection

[Ferlnp was experienced. In tbreo d iyn oF a poatmanter of Phlllipi-burg tofauecetde cblld was wearing her shoe as u^uil Stmuel V, Diti-i, thy incumbent, o-tndl-

_ , n i .d wltb absolutely no discomfort. Mr. date* HFO lootiitnc up in such numbers tbatTho Christian Endeavor Society will rowellia H wall knowu i W o U u t <>i Fork- a , (Mil for tun MppuL.tm^nt, cuiii .t be

hold a ft'MWiil in the chapel Saturday ]a ud, Va. Pain Balm is an ntlseptlo aud avoided. It la claimed that J I B. Itt-iley, iovening, Nov. 30, j heala such tnjurleH without maturation and the Kt-puMIean leader of ttie town, tins

Mrfl. John Warner entertained Mm. Geo. In oae-thlrd tho time required ny the u»iul selected J icob d. Stewart as bla c-mdidnte.'H. Mutchler of Phllllpsburg on Wed nee- treatment, for Sale by F N. Jenftins, Joseph Pleraon HIUO wants tbo ofllue andday of last week. ; '• ' " - 1 - ' - * * •••-- « — • • -•• -•

Miss ftlflbol Mcllck pnFsed a few daysloot week with her relatives at Harmony.

John-Arthur moved with hia family toArnirod last Monday where he liasseuuroda position In the cement works.

-ml (inn.(..Niiltii


&..R. Sbaobt-'ttoti, who hits maoy friendsIn tula neighborhood, and who formerlylived in this locality, la visiting old ao-cnalfctancea.

Tao ftirmorsaro rushing their potitooatt market before winter clonus In. TheyTWclvo aevonty cunts a busnul for thorn.

Thesqu'al of tho r«t po k - r la hoard Inthe lana. Some heavy woigbta have beenslaughtered, ;

Georgo Wlntermato, who lost a limbjnd tbo use of hid right arm by beluKcruahodln a aton« quarry, baa Rppllod foran Increase of puiihton frnm eight totwelve dollars per month. Ilia nuraeronafrlonda trust he may succeed an ho Is to-tally disabled from labor.

Percy Banchart of Plalnflotd, Charles of IOlinton and Henry of Phitlipsburg visitedtheir parents at this place last week.

Georgo Boyer-haa the lumber op thogrotiud for his c ml bins. Aa soon aa heo«n securfl fwrpentern to put them up howili bo ready for business. : ;

Dolraer Binghart, while Banning nearSarepta swamp, shoL an English pheasnnta few dn.va ago. It:1/sighed two.and ahalf pounds. ' • -'

MIHS Gertfo Shipraan of Hozen, whoteaches the Sarept-t bnbool, Is well likedby thoacbolaro.. Bnal3a Brst-clias teaoh-er and keeps tho bout of order. Her pu-pils are learning very fast under her tui-tion,

Oursuperintendontoftho highway hasmade faomo noedort repairs on hi-i districtroads, opening drains and clearing tboroad of stone. : .

John R. Buttz of Hareptn, who la near-In^ Ufa ninetiftb je t r , inhale and hearty,tie In out In all kind, of weather mid fromajtponranmH will reach the century mark.Hh son, CharleH W , who res'dea at Butlz-vlllo, North Dakota, looks older tbnn hisfather. ,

Reuben Searles is much Improved Inhealth. If there Is no bad turn bo wilt gothrough tho winter.

A dancing party wtn held st the homo ofDAvid RottbioB on Wednesday Avantng ofla^tweek »ndlt wa? a pleas*at entartaln-

ll prw«nt ^l ^ tweekment for e p ^' Mrs. Hemy MUlerof RJvortf>ntP«-,spont

ttflveral days last wook with,Mrs. Mars Dal tBellla and other reUtlves, returning .lomoon Monday. ( [,.^ ; , / ;

-Mrs . Robert Hartunsr tofi town <in Vrldsyfoi- Betheliem to soend a few days wltb bormother who Is Halving frum paratybia atthe . home of another duughw- in thatp l a c e . ' ' ' . ; ' . ' • . ' •• • • - •' ' • ' . • • . .. •• •

Mrs. Nelson S Brand's Is stopping withfriends in Newton a few days.

P H I L L I P S If Ul lU,Tho Warrop Machine A Foundry Co. Is

ibl|)olnj£bboat ton plica of Iron pipe per. --illness with the concern labn-

illy bri»k. : - > ( ;Oblldren pldylng with m&t«hes caused a

light flre on tVednesday 0 ' laat week atOlldren pldylng w

slight flre on tVedneth h f A l f d

m&t«hes c e d a01' laat week at

M i tslight flre on tednesday 01 laat week atthe homo of Alfred White on Main streetTho Jersey HOBO company responded butdid nut go Into service, as tbebl*zemiaezttngulsaed by a bucket brigade. ;

Tho Lackawanna section force underThomas DOUD here tiM been reductd bythe dropping of three men from the pjyroll

Some of tbo maohlnery has been moved, Wm. O. Ward, Mins Susto Ward and Mr., ! |J,,Vt l lo"' i t o Mi l1 . N o - 3 a

(l Yulo*nli.et

iind Mra Andrew Smith of town were in When tfle new plauta begin to maket t d t th l t i t S e r a B ^ t h o comp*ny'8 capao'ty will beattendance at the burpriB© party given to!

Elbert Alborwon at Colombia on Fridayevening. • , . " > ' "

MIM Eatella Brands of Portland spentHiturd*y and Sunday with Miss EllaYoaog.

Joseph Beck of P<tterson called on hlBpareDta in tbla place lust Saturday,

Wm. Keene moved from Brmdsvllto toWm. Lundy'd tenant houau at Wdrringtonlast Week.,.,j ;.; y,; , .:,... ....;„. ,;... ....

Tno township committee mat at Colum-bia on Tuesday and received tbe roadbooks and transacted other busing.

Frank Beck, a do <ler In fur, last weekpurchased a red skunk, the flrat one of thatcolor over seen Iu tula uti*hbornood.

Profs Uoloman and B. F. Ward of Haok-:tnt«wn_Rj>ent Sunday with Mr. and Mra.

tho company's captio'ty will bejunjea,Kobblna Brothers, the large ,

makers uere, foiled on Thursday, owingupward ol |20,000 The failure WVB brougntabout throucu toe Inability to m*ko cul-lectlons and the fact that tbe firm loit$5,000 thin year iu bad debts. Tho imnwgerof melr Allentown branch Hltio decainpudwith abuut $2,000 of tbo firm's money audthin also cri(iulwd the coocero.- Uhristopher Uoangdt, a nlffbt watchmanin the Leblgh Valley yurda, was struck bythe Biuck Dium-ind Express Ttiursdiiyev»-nliiE aud conafrterably I* jured. He waflstanding alongside the truck and wasbumped by the engine aa it camo throughthe yard at Blotv speed.

Dr. Qilrk's furniture, which wan Rt-tnchud uy three different p i t i es at tho

,m..u. wara. , Lenlgn V-tlley frefgbt dapot iibauta weekMr. and Mra. Jacob S. Andreas left .ago, am Bnully neon aulpped t<» Its destina-

Saturday to spend a couple of daya with, Uou ai Btyro, the claims haviug beenRev. and Mrs. W. 0. Timbrelt at Rouka- | satisfactorily adjusted.way,

Frank Elnney has pnrchased aline rond-' be piflter of Aaron Stiff uf Marftaboro. '"" '

Is there no way by which our people canp r e c t e d froin tiie pusn-yang woo .ply

their trade at nlxiit duopiie tbo police? APeter Rhodes left last week for Allen-1 mmi or woman Kuo*n to nave a dollar is

town to vfnlt Bis brother who ia contlned . hardiy-aafe on our thoroughfarea after 8to hifl home by Illnem. o'ul -.cb at night.—News.

Tbu storm l^tSi turdny night did con- Tho Rrocery store of Mra William Carty,iderabto damage here. Tbe high wind oxeeuLratrix of tbo late William Oarly, on

blew tho rain fmo m*ny bouaoa and also, Bullman htreot, has beon cl'woi • oir. a• - •' • ' oredltor'a execution by Sooriff Colo. We

presume that nutters will be settled andtbe more reopened by Mrs. Carty.

Tbo American Hnr^ehoe Company has

w ioInto the churcQ.

Jumped on a Ten Penny Nail.The llttlo daughter of Mr. J. N., Powell




Wusbiogion; J. A. Allon, Oxford."

HOP IS.- Mr. and Mrs, R, F. Ayers olcity hnve beon vinlfclng ntHenry Aten. *• • -on tbe New"city. Monday

e M ' IT u'aapirants. While Smui) f .N Q .w Y o r ^ like another term and ij ...... .,w.. T.».....B ,w tho hnmn nt «b w e i i arebucu oloso frle^da,

ffi N-'ewYo*' &Z5£$&S£ft 'til btVf ' ™7f X"^y.Monday morning. ; : ! r » . ? ? ? / 1 . t a n - . M ' 1 ( l K . e ' N o ' 2 ? 1

his claim on the work he nas donefor the parly In years* gone by. ClarenceWalters i* nl-tq named ai one of tbe

muel V. Davis wouldita he and Senator

frltj>>du, he will, U is

Knights ofJ message"»y, in1 I ap-







Steinway & Sons.Kranich & Bach.Estey Pianos. . . .

And othcrs-at Manufacturers' LowestPrices, Cash or Easy Payments.

New Pianos, $175 to $850.

. . . Eetcg ;m& tacavee Organs . . .EVEKVTIIINa MUSICAL. CATALOGUE FREE.

Keller's Music House,219, 221 Northampton SL,



Presidlng E der Obarl"B Eyman nnd eon pathy extended to her on September 14,were guests of Uaarles Hiwall part of last the day nf the aapas-ination of tbe lateweek. Tuey wore here for a hunt. President Willium McKinley.

Ned Wills of Stanhope was here lost The Second N-itloaal Bank expects toTlie HtiiiKcrlhiTH will well at iiubllp vt> ilue.' week and the boys piloted him through move Into its remodeled end splendidly

at tho St.' (Jluticl HotL'l, In the Homu^li of the woodB Iu great shape. Ouedayhe t'-ud equipped building today. ' *"U-nHliln«ton. Comity o( Witrren imd State of Nelson «not well, the noted fox hunter, The hat VIorrIa Odnal boats of the seasonsew. .KTHCJ , mi I baeired two redfuxpM. , \ . _ .

THUItSDAY, DGCHMI1HK 10, 1901,1 , ; m., t l» (uu . ,wi n s . I twrlted . . ro .

Story Stone Dwelling withlik- tftuuit IHMIW, at Tort Coldlili- for ri>f*li]i!iicL>t hotel or boi

bagged two redfuxeu.;Mr, and Mrs. George Matlook and da ugh. '

ter of Newton ivcro hero over Sunday,The two lattnr remained with her mother,^ r s . Mary Wildrlck, atl the week.

have gune out.th A Brady of this place, attorneyse Township of Mansfield, this county,

_ served notice on the lackawannaRailroad Company of a suit brought by the

Milton Garrison, having served his time township against the company to compel i, ,.„ „ „ , , , , , , ,.,,-, ,„ ,-.— -- with Henry Aten, la about to embark in the lattwr to place safety gates at all their

MiVar"iu«FvM ' t o « r t l l t ' (r ^ o r

1 t h e t e a b u s I n e B B f o r t h e Union Tea Com- crosslnns In t h a t t o w n s b l ? A hear ine i n 1

W m It'oom DwL'llInf? a t T o r t CoMen,! pany- , , t h e case IB set down for December 10 I n !known tiH.McCiut a huiiML', with 20-100 or a n ; R « y m o n d Black, w h o is engaged a t fcft., t h e Court of Chancery a t T ren ton .

' ' • ' F reedom, waa home over S u n d a y . .A good sized audience WAS In a t t endance

a t t b e M. B . churcQ last Toured »v n igh t ,a n d t b e donation fund r a n up to $55.

>iit)Llntn< twi'tiiv.four roomUrn win h,. |HUI('| tuKetlior c

loom Divdllni: on Curlton avenue,on. known JIH the Crevelln* IIOUIK, Miss Bailey of Long Island will lec ture

o ' "in.'ir Q'.Jirv lIii;,n«n n w , r nPn in t h e M. E cbU'Cti ddtuMay aod Sundayevenings Nov 30 and Dec 1 on the Bub-

'. C O L U M B I A .Mr. and Mra. A. Transoe of this town

Miss Bailey of Long Island will lecture spent Thureday at Water Gap.j the M. G obu-ch ddtuMay and Sunday Mica A. Bchaler of Buttz/llle, who visited

U"'\\NVMVi'nutoiVt»'Wi!Miiiir'n^ evenings, Nov. 30 and Dec 1, on the Bub- Meuik in thfs place last «7eek, returned toL-.i h.v sTtMviirt Lee, with abattt one and ject of temperance. , her home on Friday.oi» aori'H. • I The.Commlaalonera of Appeai aat a t ' The oyster supper held by the Ladles'•n!?n-M. « !HP .'1 .i^nnMV U'I oninn" Rund le'sHotel on TaPBday to consider re- Aid Suclety Ttiunday eveoioe at the home

(townMlu|i,wlthnUmit one n»d -'U-100 ^ d u c U o n 8 i o t a x e 8 ) T a a ? e w e r e 6 e v e r a i of Mrs. Ohaa. Link was weU attended and' • Wood TnictH ttllHtttmte in MansSeld j matters brought bBfore them. . { about ^ 3 was taken in.

v - '"Hi ,„ „ , , „ , , All the household goods and personal MIBS Nellie McOracken of PolkvllleNo. 1 Ali(iut.ls_avn>M, afljolnlnrc Beulamin ! n r OpBrtyof tho late Oeorgell Beatty will visited frlunda In Columbia a few days laat

ie sold on tbe bomcitoad Wednesday and, week.

t 18 u<H>1I-YU. „.-}• nnd Jin _ .

So 2. Ahiintln itmiscMon aciPH,: kiIH tint I't'ter Crejrur tract, anil niljuliiH An-Iri-u* Ik'jun, Michaol ItOH'lierry nin! otlu-rH,nnl couwlHtH nf clicKtniit timln-r HUltnblu forit-.t mill trti'iilnitic ]KJ1I»H.No :i. About -JO (icri'i*, known IIH the Mary

Vim IVrry tract, anil IVHCUXH otlior tructH alntt'Ut'or^v V. W.vckolf. One luilf In lit'avy.Imlicr ami one half oproutB of tt-n yt'iirn'

' Nn. 4.' AimiitS iiTiinn-100 acreH.'ivilioliilnplacnl) f it IH mill Wlllluni Ganlm-r. tiooiltniwtti vlniHtmitanrl mik. . . .

'I'urnm OIIH.V; cotKlltimm nttule known onililj o sao. T\M/,l-:N'_\VYflKOFK.TUIZKN W Y K O F K .

.lAlJiHt K. WY(!KI>I''I-',-MAity u. itrisictiKUEty,HDITM KI.KMINd,


KEAL"ESTATE. .11 v vlriiii'of mi iinkTiif tln'OriiliaiiH'Oourt

iif ttiL'Cinint.v n( WiuTi'ti. niiulf nn tliV iln.v[ tin1 ilntf hereof, tlie oiibNi'rlliern, exuentorsf the will of I'hillii It Mi-rk-lf. tnii- nf tlieiwnnlillt "f Kmm-ltoii, hi Hiihl rntmlv, il<;-•nfL'd. will Ht'll at. imhlic vi'iidn.' ut. LliJliotol[lK'tirKe 11. HiHinli'i-. in th«> villiiKi'orColmn-UL In suiil to\viiHlil|ianil rotiiit.i, onSATUKDAY. TIIH nUJUTKKSTII DAY

OF DlvUKMHI-lK XKXT,nt two o'clock In tlie iifturruion, nil tlie IIUKIH

I! ivnl estate wlu>r.'uf said d.-waHt'-l IIILM!mil, IIH fullown, tlmtlrt to way,—Situnti* In

Hilp uMCiiowlLon, uutl ili'Hcrllietl

skill could euL'E^et was done to sAve I Mr. and MM. Dnvld Gardner of Newarkher life, but nil iu vain. Dr. Smith WHS visited the former's alatur, Mrs. A Gardner,the attending pliyMcfiin and he had Dr. last week.McKioHlry in consultation, and thuy called T >v\c for Epwirtli League service:Dr. Harris of Pnterson, u upeclnHst, Who "Children of Qjd;" leader, Mrs. Juiiniecould suggest nothing more thun whit Mad Nmvliart -i.lrui|dy been doiitf, and th«t an owrHtlnn i D.vidGirdner m>ved l.U household

ll tfollo


UT:—The JinliiKH whureoiitit Llic tlini!

r l K l

(KrncreHr»itiiitiil liv Inn-lsof-Klt .John Liuiihoi'litliiiu Alt-rk'li;nilth mi tlio.HoiiTl w l t

n'ritwul IUenlil ilocwiscil itHt hin (Icutii, hmiiii L ' M K l l


miNu;l:nruMi-1 Ifffk.nn the

irth, nf tliu fHtuant and ut

torreli i! hvn1--»K«l.K rl),'lit

; •

tml H2-riri:


TliiM two liitn wern coiivtyiil t« nal-iiMcil hv IK-Htt.-r.NkTk-lcainl others, K,'i:ti:r... Mfirislc.-ik-twmi; tl ;-••.!)}•:: tim!-;rl!it Cili'inlter 'X,'^Sit. ami rt'conU'il In Wuk'i-k'Holllci>ln Vol. MOof tk-edH, iitiK^

Tiumi:—I'lvp lot« nf Inmi c-uiiviy-V'dtiTcw'UHi'il hv Mni-v A. H u n t m i ' I OIIIITiH-il ilute'l Mnn-li" S, IS'.ll, rccardcil Ink-rk'tf oillw In Vol. l-Mi ot (kt.ilH,'|i»in>H

l.nt, 1, (<nn(ti!nIiiKM2"IfLGrfH: Lot -2, con-lnlnlnj,'-l.7«VtvM l.nt -I, roiitiilttltt)?<l tieren;Lot '••, contalnli.j,- Hill iirrtM. TInHf. Unx ml-oln tin' liomi'sU'iul prctnl-cKitinl tin- hint in led.'v-lii'.i'Js^'f^iitifk-iiir.i-Klirl.vni^nt-itnSjprtl\ltclien, ul (HuauCohH iiml Jol>a .Smith millJthe.ru. • • •-l,ni:icotit!ilttfi.'n.u*wTt(< nnd iHitnnmlcilli.V liimlH ol llcnrv Ili^-'iiti ttu.-HLUtli; nt Hob-•n Kitchen on tlitrcaHt j'.nil north, iiml ofI'et-r Itliod.'H on tliu WCHI.

All tlnne II'HN'ol laml IV mvir io i-iieli otliormil, Lnuroilior. cotixHtiitf a ili'nlrablf f,[HircliiiMLTK of iniKlorntt* in on IIH.

Attetillon will lit! Kiven a t Him* ot ft

I'ETHII .\i..K!Tpni-:x,\,-, utorn.Wiltlnm 11. Morrow; I'ructor.Dated: Nov. la ; l«oi. >~

Thursday, Dec. 4 and 5. Mr. Hornbeck and bride, who visitedrelatives in this to vn inat week, wore !serenaded at the home of Mr. Cisco lostB K O A O W A Y .

A shadow of gloom was cast over our Thursday evening,villHga Friday morning tvhen It us an-1 Miss Berta Wallace left Columbia Mon-nouucedihHttbeangeiofdadthhad visited day for Jersey Oity, where sbe will betbe bume of Joseph Willever tbe night bo- companion to a lady of that city,fore at 10 o'clitclc, and tnkeo bis yomgeat; Rev . H. P. King will open revival ser-daughtur, Misa Emma, who had been nick vices in tbo ouurub. in tbls town Sundayonly a few da>sof peritonitis. On Friday evei,iQE . :.- . \•.••..•••---'. •-oftheweek preceding her death she at-| M m o, j . . . J I A J ~i n . . i. .*.L-_

l just » few hours before her Teld^S

Sort-o'-tells its own storyof Turkey, Celery and Cran-berry Sauce, and plenty ofgood cheer and thankfulness.As a people we are very aptto accept everything as a mat-ter of course and forget to bethankful. Wise heads yearsago set a special time forthanksgiving, and'we do wellto follow their example. Now,while we have dozens of nicethings in both Furniture andCarpets; to tell you about, thisweek we want to thank ourmany friends for their liberalpatronage. Be assured weshall not relax our efforts inthe least, but shall, as in thepast, continue to try to.makeours the store where a thor-oughly reliable article can beprocured at a reasonable price....Again,.we thank you.


il!little ones to a father's care. The fourchildren (nil girls) griuvHo womanhoodnnd were * credit alike to their father a«dtho community in which" they lived. l)e ;

conned WHS thirty-two > cars old last Mtirchand abe is survived by her father and threeslHterc, the Litter bn\as Mrs GeorgeCook H (id Mrs. Henry BowersofBroadwayand Mrs Theodore Smith of Asbury,

The I'unerHl services were held nt theJ n n Monday m^Tiiing «J 1(1:30 o ' k

Irving Ltb.tr returned to her homeon Sunday niter a vteit with fiiands inBLtirtttoivn.

MIBS Prances S<Jdnor of Hickettstowri isbeing eutertaiued at tbe home of heri n o t t i c r . 1 :- • "• • . - •;-•:'-••..-••• j (

It has beeu decided to heat the churchRev. Eicbnrdaoii Gray olfiJatinc, The, by uteum Inutoud of hot air as was firstinterment was mnde In the fmnfly plot of talked of. \'Jthe*-1- ' -1"-1-- - v ' — •]y havetb6 svnipittby of th^j entire com-muniiy ID tlieiread bereavement. ,

W - l S - L * i \ •• \3-?\ vH3l KorUiampibii Sty Easton,PaV~

W. Vn ,1 waBtfthcri with cholera morbus,.which-was-followed ;'.,l)y_/rifarrhoen,-"v.The'doctor's tncdioiii'o did mo no good.,. I->vnsadvised to get it bottle of UhambirUIn'sColic,.-Ctinlara-Hnd^ n^rrhwa-Rcmedv,-which I did, arid it oiired me sound andwoll —G. A , MOHKIS, Kmbreeville, Pa.Sold by F N Junkimi,. WiuttiinelouuJ.VA.Allen, Oxfortl. ^-- •-— - - - • -

J|. ANTHONY. ' .. vSamuel W.ilters h ts ronled a PortCulderi

fiirm^of VVosli-y Flemhiu aud wUlinovethorcontliocomitiK spring.,:,,_:, %:-..: ,;,,^

Alex. Andornon has been engnged insarvsjiiag-at:Califoiii--;La.vor-.yaUcy~aadFairmouut tho Insb two weutts.

Wm. W. Terry in io lnck Ho has Fe-cured tho services of Eliz • Goldsmit h, thef«irmtir housekuepurol'Uei'j imin Uoffuian,deceased. ' "

There baR boon no school recently atLittle Brook owing to ttio toucher havingtcirletuiiti. r '"'.

MACO Ulldobrant will enmmenco farm-ing in the eprlncon Wtn. BoHtiy'a farm..... Ovrua A.Ui^iffinin, wbo Inherited tho oldH, ffinni1 bi'iiicntead.'tuLtt wild tbe parae IoLbronzo D Sutinn. B "nor fixes the prlcoat between fGOOO trnd J7000. . ,,

Sidney Liooe ti.»d ibe misfortune toloose a valuiblo horso a few days kgo. It

I VV/W kiukou lU tlio otttWo auti biia-ti lcK| broken. • i( .. • ... ,;,.

'^Stewart Fritts; has rented tbe" SamuelVanuatta farm. * , • ^

Monday after itt t N

tful visit ^vitb herit

n y e t f ^ f u lparents at New York city.- Miss;Ma'j»rte,,WykBrivvjw;y;h!oHgueflt-Htber touain'o home uear Dcckertowii Satur-day and Sunday.

:-"A! plunsunt'reception wan given Mr. nndMra. Ch is. Coltnim at ixU mother's resi-doiico_.To tusdiiy. •—Tbe-.hr lri«-and; jjrouaijare «oli known and highly esteemed inthis community... MrVceeland and. Arthur.Drake of.-New.York city are the gueata of J.'B," Drake" a tthis writing. '... • .. ';

Wm. Runlonof Qroycoupt pn&sed a-ftiwd YH of last week with hia fattier, J, R.Buniun:""'' ; : •"• '-••-'••—"'-••'- '• - - ; . - • - -" — • -

"'j"j.^JACKSON" Mrs. Andruw Ctuts"ppent last"wMr. ai d Ura. Marvin ttunh.

(Jlnrk Pi8r8oii"reLurnrdzhoeno,.Siturdayafcur 8pending; two weeks in CutasHOiiiia;""7

Mrs. Vlhr^aret Qullck'a woi d^frollo waslargely alteodedlist woek and a big heapof wi-od WHQ cut, v

Heury Wurman moved to Rookport lastet t ' '"' '

i agcleR*aeand Mrs. Marvin Rushwero iho, Riiest--'of Mr. And'-airs. DanielWillover on Friday. ,-•' Tbo many,.little friends of MIBS, M-iyCoen > gave her,a, Burpr.iae,.8aturdfly, ihwoccHslon being her birttid -y anhlv'erSaryT"_ftlra ,.Jacob Tbomaa. had ,a rair.carpet'party laBt'woofcr" rberewere^abduTflileenladies present who cut and sewed manyballs "f raga. At noou they al]< oujoyed a'good dinner. , ...

Have You Cleaned House?

N o t

V« TOllrOriilTHiH-nlllirti'iiml Citil'ot. SlTlic Star Carpel Cloiuiin^ Comimny

will lietti .vim out. 14 ycarH of HiitlHtiictioii.UctnovL'K nil ihirm.ilIrt.tnoLlniixl Inm'CtH. HL>-Uinieil lirlfclit iiml fn-uli liinbliiu; nn new,

l'UICl::S.OF.CLKAXIXg.;^.., ./.._,„.ff nnd I iiffrni n "T""7".'"" ~ i : 2e ytVissttls. liinly or Tapestry !J l-*Jc ydtcf Grades . . . 41-lic yd

HERBERT COLE & CO^(Suoccsso sto.C. P. Kollor&Co,)


At Nolan's


you'can.procure nearly every kin'J:" ""x' of good candy.A well selected assortment of


.either;inJancyipackages-orlin-,'rj!lc,-_always_onJianaO vv ""

We make'dandy"a specialty.

E. G; NOLAN^Prop'n

OOc«and residence,136 West WaBblDgton

Tolepbone connection.

Washington, N. J ,

f8toBa.m.Offlco hours.-I l to 3 p. m.

"*'••- (.6 to 7.30 p.m.Suadflys,! to 2 p.m. only.

Telephone connection. ; :

WM. A. BTUYKEB,No.Z0S.W«8hla


Sopreme Oonrt OommlMlonar, -and Spoclal Ma*ter In Oh&ntMry,

PrftCtltloner In all ,\ t ; ' Z" "..*.'••United States, state and County Ooartt

1 8 7 S . _-_ ..••• •_•--'. '••.• ' • ' . • : • ' • . ' " - . v ; • . • " • . ' ! ' . , ' * » * « ! : . • ; . ' :



' ' • ' • " : ' :

" • ' ' • • . "


Mltwy Solicitor and

In OhaBOerj.~['\-r

Omoo next door to the St. Cloud Hot«l :Washington Avenue.


c B. SMITH, M. D.,

Wcahlngton, W. j . ,; . .:

Offlco hoara.-Jlto3p.ic.1

, (6.80 to 8 p. • .

T T M. C0X.M. D.(Washington, N. J.

(7toBa.M.Office houw. <i to 5 p. m.

IT to tf p.m.Telephone connection.

/^1HAS. 'U, W I L I J I A M S , M. D.,

Office and Residence,133 BeMdere Avenue, Waihlnglon.h. j ,

f 8 to 10 a.m.ICE I1ODI!B{ 1 to 3 p. m.

pnnefl of tbe Eye, NOHC, Ear amtt Specialty.


67 Kallroad Avenue,Washington, K. J .

At Washington on Wedneadays and 8«tir>'*daye; at Newton on Mondays and TatmAmja.

Special lit la Chronic C u « .

D K. P J . KOKEli,


Waahtngton, H. i.Ofllce and residence,

.... Opposite St. Cloud Hotel



8e»nd floor, ?ord A Fleming Building.

~)tt. G. T. FOX,

Office and Residence, 172 Main B

"|"OHN R. J J I N D A B K R R Y ,

ComralsBloner ol DCCIIH. InHurnnce, Heal JSi.tftte and l'enelon AKeat."

11 Broad Street, Washington, R. J ,

Odlco Hours—From tfti. ta. co 4 p. m. Pi«e.;tlce limited to UlaeaBeH of the

EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROATjEfirAlso, Itotnictton ol the Eyes for tho *4-

jUritmunt of KltiHttcu.CoiiHtautlv 011 hand tlie largetitosfiortiQent

ot Sl'HOTACLBS aud EYi: GLASSES In th«L-jUlt-'li Valley. • • • .•••'•

At^ASTo.V, Franklin House, TDESDAY8.Ad(irL'a<t: Ilatli, 1'a. . . .


Archi tect ,

3} East Washington AT*, ,

V? aeblngton, N. J.

TT\ V.

ta«aranbe aad KESSI Estate (

WASHINGTON, K. JTelephone Call No. 31.- - -rr

Unaurpngfied In locution, nccommodutlonnnd maini^omoiit. Permanent and trauclont

15very room heated by s team and lightedby^electrlclty. • ,..... ,. ..

WuMt WuHhliiBton A v c , Washington, N. J . •'•


^ F l u u l y nrriinsoii,uBi)nctoi!B srrounds,uluetrlc HRhtH, Htoc.nv^C^-5 'bus

:.•-,.in :UK! Irmii.-J'o'.', will riPjj«>:-_-. ;—

A iilciiRant aummer retreat.


•-"^Ttcmooelcrt'and-'Vory Oomfortatiilvi'Forti7«li'~"(1. Goo;] TalilB..'A m>leni11d -place tontop^!V>i»n-tnklnK ft p!e»H»rs:dr!vs.^^^i=i2^x=i

Steani licut In ovorj; room, allothormnrt«r»

Page 8: F. WWWE - digifind-it.com · Itopreiientfi the aver-' agotjann flde circula-tion'" of the STAR for tlio firm n\x mnntha of the pnwnt} year. Theyeur'H average wan 8fl2n; lrcula-


mm" PERSONAL MENTiON.A Week's Record ol the Movements o!

.'.-•,..• ! (he People You Know.

( . S K U J Events!ol the -l« Days Briefly ChroU'

vs." " ; clled lor Quick Peruwl.

..- MloAnna Wright spent Saturday In* t : :

nd\.'tiBton:Mr.'John Mohair of Nertton was a visitor

n was a visitor"i h to iowc on SuuiUy. ..:•'/,'ifMr Hay Sainpaonof Eantoi;* inr nay QHIH^UU <

• fin town on Tuesday.tw y' ; V Mr. OHvcr Shnfcr o ' Trenton la a guest

:- *tbday of MIw Jennio Woller.: vi^-Mr. and Mrn. John 0. Groff are pasjlng

i tbe day with friends In Chester.:'=. V ia l»* Mary Carter In entortfllnlnR this

• week Ml'B Nita HulTof Trenton.-::i-Mi« W*v Gordon entertained last Satur-

day M'a. Carl AllRrunn of Bethlehem.Mr. Daniel Snyder of Girwmd visited

hlsparfnfsat lirasaCiHtlo last Sunday.Mini Emma Bailey of Trenton Is the

Eueat tbU week of Mi*s Estella Bowers.Mr Albert B Frit ta of Ne^ York la the

Thnnkfai^ing Day Rucstof his parents.":' Mi«B Lillian Frit^Hpenl Fn«l*v wltli barsister, Mrs. Floyd Riub, in PoHUpeburg.

Mr. and Mrs. fleoreo S trson of Montanaare apendlnjj trday with relntlves In town.

Mr. Samuel \V. Christine Is unendlnp to-day with Mr. Harry Pettit in Philadelphia.

Mr. John Hall of Pen Arpyl In amonu tbevisitors in town for over ThanksgivingDav.

Mr. Winiam Hendorshot of N'pwtor.spent Sunday with hla parenta on Willowstreet.

Mr. Front Grofl Is spending Tba"kpglv-Jnp Il»v with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.

- 8.Groff.Councilman and Mrs. John L. ShurtB are

the gnests this week of her mother inNewark. ; • ..

Mr. flrd Mrn Joseph Uarrlpon are enter-talnlne Mrs. Margaret Apgar of Plainfleldthis week.

M'st L'zzie Hoover will leave tod<»y for aweek'" visit with Miss Sadie Nunn inBrorklyn.

Mr. and Mrs. Bvron FOIROHI anil child ofEastern were the Sunday guests of rela-t ive here.

Miss Midori* Thompson has arcepted apnsitlnn in *S. W. Christine's jewelry storef t hp s i l nforamnnth.


Johnston of Now York Isi d f h k ith

ph Johnston of Now YorkHPpiptfhe remainder of the week with

hlaparpniB bere.'Mr? Jnc^ph Btird l« entertalnjntr todny

Mr. Edwnrri Christine and friend, Mr.J f N tM»ud Hftycck and Mr. Win. Chris-

li T h k i i with her

MrJonea. of

tine ore spending Thanksgiving with her.parents ID Oxford.

-Mr. Charles Carter of Eneletvooa w a aSaturday truest of bis parents on West"Washington avenue.

Mr. Will ism Beers and daiieh^er ofBroad ly i re tbe guests today of Mr. andMrs. Wm. Shipmnn. .'... _

Mr WIIHam Ciphers of Bineharatonwan with hi- porents Mr. and Airs. R. A.Cyphers,over Sunday.

M^a. : Fred Ynweer and children arefippndfnc thfi wer-fc with her father onScbnolpy's Mountain.

Mlfw Florence Slater of Hackettstown isapen(HT.ffPe prHl days this week with Mr.and Mrs. J. R. Br.vant.

Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. H. Perry are snfindinKTbank°stvir>£ with Mr. Samuel Welter'sfamily in Pbillipsburg.

Mrs. l/iwrence Salmon of BelvidereBppnt.nfreral dnvs last week as the guestof Miss Liura Hamilton.

Pottetawn, P i , were entertained last weekby Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Petty.''

& f y M Hennrie C. Dedrick had ase ! "UW Madeline

ADDITIONAL STARLIGHTS.The piko and plcttirul season cltsctt on

Saturday.Ono of tbo societies of Somcrrillo bos

taken ono of the entertalnmor-t course.*supplied by Iho fiedpntb L>teuiu Burtau,

Edwnrd O'Hara, fourteen yearn old,Dl-yod wth a can of powder Iai»t Sundny.It exploded und bis fttco WHS budly burnt.

Tho Durham furtiaco rc<r RleculsvIH",Pa., haa been sold for $100,000 to H s'uekcompany which will mnko Importantchanges and put tbo plant In operation.

Majbo it Isn't Sus.-cx after all. Snmumean person has Instituted proceedingto to-tt the locality of the town council'*action in changing tho name of Decker-town, and the cate will have to co throughtbo courts .

Junies Wnr burton, tbo human junk-shop,dledTuesdiy in thu vlnrriH IMalnn Lospltal.A post-mortem examination pn'enleri theprt-st'tjcu in his 8lomnch of 102 differentarticles of an indigot-tlhlo nature. Tt:coiticludrd wire, Btonc, old Irou and comtis

The Ellzahetb EvenincTtmefl, a huBllfnf:Democratic journal started some monthaago by a Btou« company with Wm. W. St.John as editor, is about tbu liveliest In-fant in the Stite. For its s'zb it cirrlvsmore Hdvenfslic than anv daily in thoStite, nnd on Fridays Is compelled to Mietwelve pnga editions.

Mro, Georeo Metier of Eiston, a sister ofhHrIc< Orether, visited him In the Strnudfl-

niirj; jilt a few days HRO and Hiniuuiiuud:natsnf> could du nothing tostve him. It!: Hitd Grr ther Is eMinc eoap in order tomake himself Inok like tbe shadow ofdeath in the bnpe of Ritlninp f.ivor withthe jury that will try him for bis life

Robert Alhin. formerly manHgcr of theEmoi-odteel & Iron Companv'n plnnt InOxfoiu.h-8 formed tbe firm nfAlhla&Co,and no Icsed the "(7row" mines at buitz-vlUp.'•• These mines have not heen. operat-ed for several yenre, but Mr. Alt)in hr.3 put.a. lareo force to work nnd expects to carryon the enterprise on an extensive scale.

There have been many notablo people atAllaniuchy during tbo past month, theguests of "nutherfurd Stuyvesant atTran*qullity FarniH. Amonc them were mem-bers of the G"ii'd and Astor fnmiUefl. Lastwet-k Mr. aid Mrs. Joseph H, Choato anddaughter came out and spent a ploisantfew days. Mr. Choate Is ArahflBsndor toEnglfind and Is home on a short vacation.

Tho Grand Lodge of Old Fellows in ses-sion nt Trenton laf-t week failed to takecharge of the Odd Follows' Home, whichf ortod by nhniit fif'y«'x Inripefi

Wyckoff & Shieldshave the largest and best stocked•. •.:'•. Grocery in town.

Finest Sucnr Cured Hams, mild and.sweet, 13c lt>.

GooJ Hams for 12c Ib.Boneless Shoulders. 12 l-2c I k :New Sweet S!ioulJer<, 11 c Hi.1

Bacon, Sail I'ork, Sausage, Fresh Pork.The fines' Mackerel'ln the market, 15c Ib.Choke Mackerel, 12c It).

:hoke Lion; Brc.d Salmon, z large cansfor 25c; ' . - ; • - .

Choice Soup Beans, 10c quart. ,Choice Marn>.i fat Beans. 12c quart.Choice Lima Beans, 14c quait.We always e lw-yoir lite best in Coffees

for the price you pay. Try us; we keepno trash. ~"

Big can Table Syrup, 10c.3 c.ins Choice Tomatoes, 25c.3 cans Choice Corn, 25c. -1

All Canned l-'ruit the best and every canwarranted.

fa no'Otod byt l t

Home,fif'y-«'x I

PThroueh the ttlorts of former ProsecutorWm A. Stryker a per capita tax of tencents was levied on taoh member for thesupport of the home. This will brli R inen ouch revenue to keep the institution outofHebt.

Ttio public school authorities in Penn-sylvania have aereed herenfter to recne-nfzellfpcertUl'nteaHnd normal snbool di-plomas issued In this State, and it will rolonger bo necessary for teachers equippedwith these documents to pass an oxumlna-lloii In tlint State in order to e*1*ti Fch'ioKThe N'ew Jersey State Board of Educationha<i extended tho same courtesy to thePennsylvania authorities.

The report which has calne'd generalcirculation to the (fleet that the Lncka-wanna would pay Its station neentfl afterJanuary 1st according to the income ofs'id sfntions. snpeary to be without anyfoundation. What was aaid by tho offi-ciate of the roid in a circular was thatberetifter increases in salary wnu'd dependto some extent on the earnings of theoIHro in which the applicant, in Incated.

There are S3 patients in the MorrisPlains hospital from W-rrpn county. Itcwtthi1* county.nearly 513,000 to pay fortheir treatment and board thi" year. Hadthey been confined in a county hnspitalth<> Stnte would have contributed nearly$9,000 toward their expenses Still thereare newspapers and individual in thecounty insisting that H county nsvluuiwnald be a losing venture. Tbe evidenceall seems to point the other wny.

M^. MOrrU Sw.neh»rt a n d . f l ^ ^ ^pastor of the Grt-enwiuh (Straw) churchnear Stewartsville for the past sevenyeara, in about to leave that charge. Hehas acceoted n unanimous call to become

- and TJWP Heyder of Newton.Mm. Wm Shields, and Mrs. Edward

Stewart of Strondahure "'•e Daaaing severaldaya this week in^New York.

Mrs. Vim CampheU bus been soendlncaWeek in Morriftfown the' guest of her

^daogbter, Mrs. Samuel Ramsey.Mr. J W. Clineof Frcchtnwn is upend-

ing a eo"n'e of days witii Mr. nnd Mrs.B E. S^ahler on Broad street.

hns acceoted n unanimous cal to hecomepastor of the Wharton street Prepbyterfanchurch in PhilfldelDhia and will leavp furhi ld f l b i f k RchuhisR i

in P h i l e DBeld of lnbor in a few weeks. Rev.

i b t h i f l fhi r Bed fReinke, who is but thirty-flve yeara of Hge,is one of fhe.most popular ministers in theNewton Preshyfery.

The Sussex Record, which lisa had manyuns nnd downs, has passed into the handsof a stock company of which Propecu'orS e of Newton Is one of the principal

d S te t th f du n » r , e K r J . ^ u , B . ™ u ^ . , ^ 1 . J ptockhnldon.. awayzei^notonthefriehd--M-8. Dr. Richard Cook and daughter of, l i ep ( w U h t h e

Jr e a t o f h i a p a r t y flnd

Dover ppent, sevprq rfnya ln-»t week with , R d ig t 0 bft M a or ( r f in - A Onshen,herPister. Mrs. William P. Mattiaon. 2J«W York, .man, It l« paid, has been In-

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wfller and flon, I duccd to qive up an oiiicinl position payingrKenneth, are gppnflinp Thar bsnmne Day.l dim >2ydfin per vpnr to comedown nnd rakewiih her parents on Pchooley'a Mountain, charge of ihe Record. Tbe first ia-ue dnps

Mr A'thur Dunhntn nnd Mies Genreia not indicate thut the new management is a°f Orance nr

h i t

n etis Th«n(tS!iivincB l i d

D^v °f Orance nr SDedis ! i cDsy with his mother on Belvidere avenue.. M-fl. Margaret H'hn and rtauphterMartce are spending ThankeEtivincr withher dauchter, Mis. William Ringe,in Ho-boken.

Mi"s Grace Rnnyon of West Held isspend-Ing Thnnkssiuine nrd the remainder nfthe week with her mother, Mrs. L. M.Runyon.

Mr and Mrs. W. Clarke Smith ofKnnwl-tin v\*\tM wlrh Mr. and \Trs. David Shan-non—on the Hornbuker farm—the first ofthe,weeb.

MiW Maeele Cenney of Philadelphiad l r , week in Wnshi-'cton thn cuest

^ b b i M A

Mrs. John Greek of FMllipshnnr, whohas been visiMng her daughter, Mrs. JohnHarie, for the past two weeks, returnedhome today. -

Mr. ani 'Mrs. Frank B. Mitchell hnrehad as iheir gnest for the post/^wo weeks.Mfa Au"n«tuflT)rakfi ofChoster. She willbejolD£d by Mr: Drake tod'i'y. ,-••

Mrs: K« VstieiCnv nnd "gr'annsbiiV^IitH^rJustin Shpftrn, of Birttap. havej^een theg'lesrirof'Mrr-arTd^lrarTbo1!. 'Bvrne, onWest Wdrrcn street, the.past.week..

i c t e tworld heater.Mr. M. E. Rflnl»y,

New York City.Dear Sir: —Ynur comedy, Two Jolly

Companions, played my house two p"page-mwriis, February Oth and M»y tth, 1001

Bu'inesithe last encasement was betterthan the Or^t, naturally showing your per-fonnarce was entirely sntisfnctnry,

Mn.vO::h,19OL Oeo. W Jacobs.


ThU is the time of year when it is most

that make up the stock of a grocery st re.Ever> tiling at lowest possible prices forthe very best new fresh pa king of CannedVegetables, California Fruits, New Rais-in-v GuHan'tsV-T-unes,r-Citrr.n: -i;i, fact,>yervth!nft--a-~first:.i:!ass.-:grocer«shuuW'hnnuleishere and at lower prices, thanoihersask;. :.-., '^Ssi-'-.J :.:.:.:_:.:;;:;,:

FLOUR.For a StralRht Fami y Flour ihe Wyckoff

& Shields Lily White Flour- is superiorto all others!

Gilt Edge Flour is the hest Patent Flouron the market. :

Buckwheat. Floi'.', Whole Corn, CrackedCorn. Wheat,' Corn Meal, Middlingsa;id Bran at the lowest market prices

Our stock of Household anil KitchenUtensils is the most JO nplete in to.vn.Why payihlth prices for these goodswhen we sell them so cheaply? Don tforget the place.

Wyckoff & Shields35 E. Washington Avo.,



will make of 1501 a yea r o l " "

H jimorCcnWbKlors fo the Ywr of Humor \

"Mark Tviilw." F. I>. llnnm> ("MMInol.* " 1 ..I'K-I rinimlh-r l l . r r l . r'Um-U'lU'iiuir*"'., •

hdwjirJ W.T.iwn-,.|.il (••tiilmtnlv Ku-liU-r'),(Uorm> ulc, Itntli Mi-Km-rv StL-nrt, <

• ? .Imiii'H VVlilii-oiiic ttlfi-v, > "" '•'•'I I'mil Lniin<nrt< Dutil-tir, "

Oi'loit Iliiruc**, I'rutik It. .Stouktnn,TulorJciikH, Klilx 1'urk.T llnticr,Ctirul.vn rtVIin, l ln r rvS . Hiiwiinlc,

Clu-HtiT Itiillt-y'lVrimlil,CluirlcK Unttell l.imiiil-.

Oliver llprfnpl, Klllot 1'iciwr,Albert lllKi'luw INtliu*, ltmtrice Hurforil,

Reminiscences and Portraits of"I'l'trDli'iiin V N««l>y." ".IONII ltlillni.H,"

"Murk Twain,1 ' .Inlni (I. Mmr,"MrH. rnrtlimtoii.11 "Mlk-OMU-lllv."

"lldiiH Itri'ltiiiiinii,1' "ArU'iini^ Wnril."•'Ortilit-ll-* C. Kt'rr." "Illll Nvi',11

°runk li. KlurklMii. Doml.l I!. MlU'lu'll.II. C. IliuniiT. ••Sinn Klk'k." KlIKi'ili- KIolO,

KIHmril l lmut U'liUf,Cnjit. fli-orui' II. Di-rhv ("Jiilni I'lincnli"),

Ollwp WeiiiMI lliAmm, Urtt Harm

(U.'K.TlillnmliT I)oi«tltk», 1". 11.")

The WestIllustrated by Remington

IlltlTOMtlllK I'llIHTi* Oil

SOCIAL LIFE 1N_NEW YORKI'lTHdtllll Arllclfrtl.il


A tiri'iit 'year of ilif pri-ntfut nf Attn'rioimmn«ii!:lin'H hftrlrin in N u u ' m k r , i m n .

tlritt li*Hui> tif tht> m>iv viiIimiM. Any rcmter oftlilx nilvi>rtiHi>im>[it will riTclvt' n eoji.v D( Uh.Mutlftit iHinkl.'t i>ri>iti-<l In six fnlorx. L'lvlni:tnll |iliuiH <il Tin: CiiXTi-itY In IW1, l>y ail-ilrvHfitiK a t inii'i'THE CENTURY CO., Union Square, New York.

Warranted not to

Rub Off or Fade.'. Our *Griirmine Ebony Toilet Articles arc warranted asabove. Heretofore we have been selling EbenoiJ or EbonizetlWoods aikltiiey gave very poor satisfaction, so we deciJed to

" look up something better, and now we have'it.

It is'genuine imported ebony and black all the way through.

We sell it at the same price others sell the imitation for.

- Comb and Brush in silk lifted box, $1.75.

Pair of Military Brushes in genuine leather case, $3.00.

Complete Toilet Set of six pieces in Seal Skin Case lined

with Pig Stin, $5.00. ., - • . - , .

'"'-'• Extra Large and Long Shoe Hook, $1.25. i

Any one of these would please either a lady or gentleman y

of the most fastidious taste as a Christmas gift.

21-23 W.Washington Ave-Washington, N. J.S. W. Christine,



: - . • - : • carries a. comple te . l ineof -n rugs , ..Patent Medicines, , ;- ' : : . ; ;- . ._Paints , Oi ls , Glass , and a brand new line of old reliable

"HOLLER BRAND"RAZORSSold here for 10 years and never one that failed to please.

AIL ARE WARRANTED.A full line of Pocket Cutlery of the same brand.

Writing Tablets, Pound and Box Paper. Stock renewed every weekFamily Recipes and Prescriptions carefully compounded.

Open Sundays 9 to io a. m.; 4 to 5 p .m.^


flRBntl^t week with nor "faipr.1 Mrs. Ohns. uon't wan until me last moment to pur-Christine. Mr«. Ohrintine'p.nd' her sister chase vour I hanksgivinf; supplies.' Pur-are spending this week in Kohnken. chase now while our stock isfcomplele,

— TwantlethJIentufv Euchre Cliib] bright, fresh and new.

Now Currants, lf ''-,..„-'.• New Cilron,

CnpoCod Crnnhnri'ics,

entertfl inertlfPry ^ yClam L. Fulper. The prizes were

ihyMisa^den Dell and Mr. Efiward

Mr. Wesley O,. BQIVCR in borne enioyinc:fAwdftVu'-relaxatlun from liis studieB at

^etion"r"List"nii?ht he was ctven n aur-„ . . . hv i nu-ab \r of bla friends ia honorof Ms 21st birthday. ._ ,

Mr. <i.nrt Mrs. 0! ;D. Bi"sett and son of

Mra* Oeorgo Youne in Betvidore?"" Mrrand: Mrs Sunuel M. Ynunpr of this place >areAlan their Thankfleivinp guusts. '

Master Milrpn Dfldriplc Ra™"« hirthdav""party tofthoiit>S?aity'-four of hto'Trlonds

Ust Saturdav M^ j | apn .u Games were

: ft "was an enjoyable treat for the little foll^.™,MlBfl- Alhorta-Shrnpe, who ifl Mtendlnc

RIder'a Busings :Collepe in Trenton, inpi^Inff the week with her parpnta. SheWRS ncoompanlfid home by_ MiRa.BeBsieBtorms of Long Branch, who is a classmate

• In college. •:,,,. * :*Mr. and Mrs. V. p.Kenney of Ilolmdel.

•K)DOiir»l»» v __*_, C ™ « .KAiit 'Knv.r of n o t e , r e ach ing homo abou t Nov-ember 1st.". -;';. ••..••: ;. "• "-• ^

. Xew! P r u n e s , "JK.Now Fi«s, v

u .New, I'In in INiildhi^,

<• Nicn I-'HI. ClUckeiis,All Icimls of N'uls and. Coni'iiclioncry.

Blue Front Grocery,L HI. DAVIS, PROPRIETOR.

Opposite Cornish's.factory, v . :..:: .. .

At Alleger's Organ Factory,All kinds ol Machine Work micli

-Jng and Planing; to onler. i>;r;"Whlie walthin plnco your order "^

for a good piano or organ.

ALUEQiER ORGAN FACTORY,40 BroaJ Street. .Wuhliigtn, N. J.



or anyone .else. can. be., bought at, the right.p r i c e h e r e , • •• •'•""•'•' ' '•' -~ '-• ••"•--•- •" " . v - ; ' :

Toys, Dolls, Knivesr Razors;-'Albums,—Toilet^SetsrSrh^king-Setv'SHavih^'Seisr1

Guns, Rifles; Books1/F.ootb.^lls; in fact, wehave for sale any article made by X mas.goods manufacturers,.

Call and have any article you- desirelaid away for future delivery, if you wish.


1'iilillc notlivlx tion'liy (jlvcn by tliu niitt*»crll«T, J.-Vim IIOHK, CuHiviiir of Arri-nrn ofTit*i'« of Hi'1 UoniitKl) <>( WUHMIIKIOII, In theCounty of Wum-ii, that hy vlrirn* ui a nixwarm lit (united mi UH> Hi-vuith <hi,v nl Oft-,

liyVii' I'oinriuiti Cuitiicll ut tin- n\M Itunmsli«F WjiHlilmituii, t'.at In* n-llt H.-II IU |>ulitlc;vcn'l'Ji' till tlic ui in In, tt'iii'iiuMiiM, licri'illtitiiHitH tintl rt-Jil(>H(ii(t'lu'n-iniiftiT nii'iitlDiinfur tin-hliorii-it t.-rm (<ir wlilcli miy ("T-im ,or iH-nmtM will nunn1 tit tuk» tlic H-uue :ni<t *lift?" tin* tn.xiMnm.-it.fi ntintnut tin* xfuii'- luritlu- vrnrolKiiifcn liitiflri-iltinU tiinctv.iilm'U.

iinil nil fiinlK. clinr«i'i* ii.'il pxpi-nm-H In riMi-'tlnii to llit* levy, (iH«i'**tiutiltinil culktilloii uf,

!lM tllXOit. ; \Ttii> HIIM *itt<> will tnk.' jiiiV.'^.it l!i<> Colu-

mn i, Cmnii'l! romif, In tlu> I'IMVI. Hull, In tlu*M Ilur >n«ti uf Wniltitiiitiiu. on !


a t 2 oViiu'k in the nfttTiiiiini.Tiit* xalil lainlH, t^ni'iiU'itiM, liorfilitntiicntH

inil rt'Jilt'Mtnteiui ti>tn> MIIM.'iintl'tin- namcH>f tli<- ii.T^iti^ ii^iiltmt whom tlif KIIIII tnxv

have liet'ii liiM mi nrt'iitint of tin- minif, uml .tin1 anioiint lull) on iu-L'ituiil uf each |u\m>l.l

l^tntt-of Joxciili llrown. Aniniirtrif u\i,\tW0llt.V-!lvc iltiliiini iiuil IUln>iu'fiit>«(*L'."i.iri):!hoiiHC uml lot mi ctinur uf KnM Cliurcii and

Wililnm 1'orfp. Amount of ins,four ilollitrn uml M<vi'in.v-*fven ci>ntx (^I.TT);

oii^Miml lot on \\Vi>t Clmri-li xtn>ft..Mr*. Annii lti'Il. Ainniiut of tiix. iiln<> tin).

larHiiml [orty-HKht ct'iiu ($i».-lri); Iioum';iinJlot on Hnmi I * trot-1.

iler, Atnomit nf tax, tirnt'ilolliirHiUKl flulitv-ronr (£:i.SI); IHHIKI' IIIKI

it No. 1i:iHon.lnikiTHtm'i.Kivil SIJI.-U vHltti-. Amount ol t(i\.llnrrtiiitl twi'tiry-o

id lot'on Cornlnli Ht

rolliDated Nov. lit),

.1. VAN IIO.SS,orof Arn-arwo! Tai

FAT CHICKENS,Tlircf iioiiinN ami ii|iw:tr<l a l

10 Ci:\TS I'KK I'OUXl).KreHh Turk, lKnm'ina.le Saiiwtc,-, Ilainn nnd

Hiu-oti.lloiicv, Svrui> niitl all klmlrt of cerctilri tor

• * • . . . . lironkf/iHt.

BUTTERIINEliOc Iti; 5 llm for 6oc.

iff...i.... i....iik to ::uc

Liini|i Halt (or licimert ami etutli!."":

Tnliluitml Kloor Ulk-loth. ;-.

Koe«l, Cut Hay ami nil kliulr* uf Krn!n.

Axford's GroceryCor. Belvidere and Carlton Avenues.

The First NationalBank of Easton allowsinterest on time depos-its, computed by calen-dar months, at 3 percent, per annum.

Great Sale of Cloaks,Silks and Dress Goods;;also, Blankets, Under-wear, Carpets and Oil-cloths.

Grand Display of Holi-day Goods in Our BigBasement.

China, Lamps, Statu-ary, Pictures, Bric-a~Brae, Books and Games,!Dolls and Toys.

, - • .

1111111111i »

< )i »11



I '

• : < >"



First of .all is a good cup of Coffee ; without it your turkey dinneris N. G. We carry a full and complete line of Chase & Sanborn'sWori.o'Renown.ed Teas and Coffees, is'uff said.

Now you may need a few dainty Crackers or Wafers. Here is ••headquarters for the American Biscuit Company's Famous Crackers-jand Cakes. Don't have to go into details; the name explains all. r,

.Almeria1 Grapes; J

Concord Grapes,

Niagara Grapes,

New Layer Figs,

Persian Dates,


. Oranges,






Sweet Potatoes,

Mixed Nuts,


Dark Brown Sugar.

Layer Raisins,

Seeded Raisins,

Orange Peel,

Lemon Peel, ,


Plain Olives,

Stuffed Olives,

Fine Cheese.

MinceMeatJikirnpther used to make. Pumpkins for Pumpkin Pies.-

John .OorrilsHT

S e e dy=#%ebFine New Millinery in White Esquimaux Felt Hats. Daintier and-:

A.Snbw-WhiU: Large Hal in Beaver, with wave brim, trimmed in,

Violets and Foliage in the most fetching effects to be seen. .r-sW1iil«* primarily this is a men's tailoring1

establishment, we nre thorouglilv conversantwith the. tailoring needs of-the-wnmen, tu ;whom we hav^catered with marlteJ success

making a specialty of the swell ' '

The Scratch Felt Hat in.white, with drapery of.'-beautif

Moire Velvet and drooping Hdmpons, lendsr itself to^ycry ricii^efTects; '""

proprietor Washington's Mammoth Sporting GoodS:_House

for bnth men and women. A nice line ofsuitable materials her: for your'inspection.You,will,not buy the careless ready-madeKarmpntsS-'atter j on "compare them with ouruperior workmanship, and our prices.' , -

H: ^renner* 61* E; Washington Ave. ;

"The Star and Tri-Weekly.N. Y.,,Tribune,;?2.2S a year.

, Notice <?fJ5Le.*:tl0Ilt 'o1"'anminr"ii'lectinir:'ifv'li™H6>B~o!rtn1c

1>O11H oi«u,from 10:;i0 to il::to u. m.J. K. rin-ruB, Secretary.

FimpoffSi'Kats-we-iuivFuie"-best bargains in White Camel's Hair and Stitched Felt, in all the different-tyles and shapes. They, are"absollitely"niatcliless in this city.

We invite your attention particularly to our magnificent collection'of beautiful Outing and Ready-to-Wearc Hats.. A fresh lot just received..'

AlSig: variety of Children's Hats, in. Camel's Hair .and Scratched''Felts,'"to select from at special pricesT "" jj:" , "' ~"ir , ' "


" 356 Northampton Street,. Easton,. Pa |