173rd edition • bi-monthly • june/july...

173rd Edition Bi-Monthly June/July 2013

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    173rd Edition • Bi-Monthly • June/July 2013

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 2 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    Adam FellersOwner/HandlerMid West Region

    Charley ParretOwner/Handlerindiana Region

    Gary Ramsey-OwnerNolan Huffman-HandlerSouth Carolina Region

    Boomer’s Little Flash

    Quail Valley’s Nose Knows

    Windswept Ridge’s Gunsmoke




  • p8Article: Kansas Retiree Honored for work getting kids outdoors

    WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 3 i G

    National Shoot-To-RetrieveField Trial AssociationIN THIS ISSUE


    TOC Winner ................................................................................. Cover

    Runner Ups ..................................................................................... IFC

    Letter from the Officers ...................................................................... 5

    National Officer Region Assignments ................................................ 6

    Just A Reminder ................................................................................. 6

    Pup Pics ............................................................................................. 7

    Offical Dog of the Year Entry Form .................................................. 10

    In the Know ..................................................................................... 11

    Kennal Ads ....................................................................................... 13

    Article: 25x Champion Stephens Bright Copper ............................... 14

    Scholarship Fund Application .......................................................... 15

    Offical NSTRA Clothing .................................................................... 16

    Regional Trials ............................................................................. 18-25

    Spring Trials ................................................................................. 26-33

    Article: Gun Dog Series .................................................................... 34

    Things to Remember ........................................................................ 35

    2013 Trial of Champions Championship ..................................... 37-50

    Highlights and Event photos ................................................... 43-50

    Article: Purina Feeding a Performance Dog ................................. 82-83

    First Time Placements .................................................................. 84-85

    Champions .................................................................................. 85-87

    Article: Dog Advises Shooter ............................................................ 88

    2013 NSTRA Region President Dirctory ........................................... 90

    TOC Runner Ups ............................................................................... 91

    June/July 2013


    2013Inside this issue: TOC Highlights & Event Photos Page 37-50

  • 674732

    B:11.375 inB:8.875 in

    T:10.875 inT:8.375 in

    S:10 inS:8 in

    Stylish on birds

    is the name of the

    game. Heads high,

    tails erect, their

    intensity shows

    their desire.



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  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 5 i G

    News From the OfficersNational Shoot-To-RetrieveField Trial Association

    NSTRA Office203 N. Mill St.Plainfield, IN 46168(317) 839-4059Fax (317) 839-4197email: [email protected] www.nstra.org


    PReSiDeNT Chad Collison

    1st ViCe PReSiDeNT Scott Townsend

    2nd ViCe PReSiDeNTJohn Holder

    SeCReTARyMarilyn (Frank) Cunningham

    TReASuReRJohn C. Davis

    NSTRA OFFiCe PeRSONNelJulia HerweheBev [email protected]

    NSTRA:The magazine for NSTRA members

    CREATIVEJulie A. Carrierwww.juliecarrierstudio.com

    National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association Magazine (ISSN 1098-4429; USPS 016589) is published bi-monthly by the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc., 203 N Mill St., Plainfield, IN 46168.Copyright 2003 National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Publisher reserves the right to reject any material submitted for publication and to edit any material at its sole discretion. Publisher is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any article or advertisement appearing herein.

    Subscription rate is $50.00

    Advertising rates are available by contacting NSTRA 203 N. Mill St., Plainfield, IN 46168 phone: (317) 839-4059

    Periodical postage paid at Plainfield, IN and additional mailing offices.

    Postmaster: send address changes and inquiries to National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc. 203 N. Mill St., Plainfield, IN 46168


    Well, all of us new officers made it thru our first set of meetings, and I feel with good success. I feel we have a strong, organized group with an extreme focus for bettering NSTRA, increasing membership, and leaving a strong, continued foundation for those who follow us. We had quite the agenda and discussed many topics:

    • Restructuring database and online draw• Strong sponsorship possibilities• Performance award criteria• UKC• Judging consistency thru video footage • Monetary support of our regions• Endurance criteria

    As usual, all of this information was sent to the region presidents. Please reach out to them to find out more detail. If you have any further questions, please ask the national officer in charge of your regional area.

    As the spring season comes to a close, I want to congratulate all of the regional winners. I would also like to thank all of our committee members who volunteer their time to help the national office make educated decisions. Without their help and support, we couldn’t function as efficiently as we do.

    Please remember we have two offices open for our upcoming election: secretary and 2nd vice president. Steve Jaspering chairs the nomination committee. We are looking for strong leaders to help our organization prosper. If you, or anyone you know has an interest and is willing to put forth the effort, please contact Steve. If we want to continue progressing, it requires all of us to make a difference.

    In closing, please always remember, be part of the solution, not the problem.

    Sincerely,Chad Collison

    “Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.” - Ann Landers

    Deadline for publication information is JULY 3, 2013

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 6 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG



    NaTIoNaL offIcEr r e g i o n a s s i g n m e n t s

    Chad Collison – president [email protected]

    Mid-West Mid-South

    Missouri-Kansas Northern illinois

    Wisconsin Kentucky

    North West Judging Program issues

    John Holder2nd Vice [email protected]

    AlabamaBig Sky


    illinoisCentral Canada

    Virginia Rule issues

    John C. [email protected]

    Dixie West Texas

    South Carolina Gulf Coast

    Florida Georgia indiana


    Marilyn (Frank) Cunningham [email protected]

    Rocky Mountain Oklahoma

    No. Calif-NevadaSouthern California

    Arizona Arkansas-louisiana Missouri Show-Me

    utah lone Star

    JOiN THe FuN, JOiN NSTRAwww.nstra.org

    Scott Townsend1st Vice President [email protected]

    July 4, 2013 NSTRA Office closed

    July 15, 2013 Deadline for Endurance Entries

    July 26, 2013 Deadline for Submission of By-Law

    changes before Dog of the Year

    August 25, 2013 Deadline for Submission of Rule Changes

    before Dog of the Year

    September 4 – 7, 2013 Purina Endurance Classic Trial, Lewistown, M

    September 9, 2013 Deadline for Dog of the Year Entries

    September 30, 2013 Ballots for election of National Officers must be

    mailed and postmarked.

    October 23 – 26, 2013 Dog of the Year Trial, Amo, Indiana

    November 1, 2013 Spring Trial Schedules due in office.

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 7 i G



    Send in your photos of pups or NSTRA

    friends and we will print them!

    Happy 5th birthday Bobby! IT’S PARTY TIME!

  • Kansas retiree honored for work getting kids outdoors on the prairies

    By Brent FrazeeThe Kansas City Star

    (reprinted with permission)

    EMPORIA, Kan. — When Phil Taunton follows a bird dog through a field or casts a line into his favorite fishing lake, it always brings back fond memories of time spent with his dad.

    Thanks to his father, Taunton grew up with a deep appreciation for the outdoors. Whether it was walking in his dad's footsteps hunting quail where Milford Reservoir now sits or setting cane poles for catfish on creeks, father and son were immersed in nature.

    And his father's death in 1995 left a void for more people than just Phil.

    "My dad was an inspiration," said Taunton, 65, who lives in Emporia, Kan. "And not just to me. There wasn't a kid in the neighborhood who didn't look at my dad as their dad.

    "He loved the outdoors, and he loved to get kids involved in things he had a passion for."

    Taunton is continuing that family tradition. A tireless worker for getting children involved in the outdoors, he recently was recognized for his achievements when he was named the national Volunteer of the Year by the National Wildlife Federation.

    "I have a picture down at my lake home that shows a ghostly figure of an adult hunter with his bird dog and then a boy with a younger dog on a leash, going through a field," Taunton said. "To me, that picture has always been special.

    "It reminds me that we have to pass down our love of the outdoors to the younger generation."

    Taunton has been busy doing that for years. After his father died, he wanted to do something that would honor him. So he became a hunter-education instructor, a volunteer position he still holds. From there, his efforts just mushroomed.

    Now retired from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, Taunton has a hectic schedule that would leave others exhausted. When it comes to recruiting kids into the outdoors, there aren't enough hours in the day for Taunton.

    He started by helping organize Take a Kid Hunting programs and National Hunting and Fishing Day celebrations

    in the Emporia area. From there, he became involved with environmental education programs such as Green Schools, ECO-Meets, No Child Left Inside and local Environthon competitions

    He played a major part in developing an Emporia State booklet titled "Last Child on the Prairie: A Directory for Parents and Teachers for Returning Children to the

    Outdoors." And he shows youngsters the excitement of working with bird dogs when he puts on The World of Sporting Dogs presentations.

    When Beau Arndt, a local youth who was an avid outdoorsman, was killed in a hunting accident, Taunton worked with the Arndt family to create 4 Beau Arndt, Love of the Outdoors Appreciation Days and establish a scholarship at Emporia State in Arndt's name.

    He also has been active in programs for everything from the Kansas Wildlife Federation to 4-H, and he enthusiastically touts young outdoors enthusiasts as "our future." He gets the word out on a weekly radio show,

    heard from 8:15 to 8:55 a.m. Fridays on KVOE, 1400 AM."It's the dedication and commitment of people like

    Phil Taunton that helps ensure a wildlife heritage for our children," said Larry Schweiger, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation.

    Troy Schroeder, president of the federation, added, "Phil is a true inspiration. His love of the outdoors and youth is abundant and never-ending. His energy to assist outdoor groups knows no limits."

    But to Taunton, the only reward he needs for his hours of volunteer work is seeing children becoming involved in the outdoors.

    "At one of our bird-dog demonstrations, a dad and his son were there when one of my dogs went on a solid point right in front of them," Taunton said. "I could tell the father hadn't hunted very much, but he was just amazed.

    "He turned to his son and said 'Everyone should see this at least once in their lifetime.' And the boy said, 'Dad, we

    Phil and Lil Mern

    WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 8 i G

  • have to do this.' Letter to a first grader on hunting…“Flat Stanley”

    presentation:Laura, My name is Phil Taunton and I do want to thank

    you for your interest in becoming a hunter. I have been involved with hunting and developed an appreciation of wildlife and our natural world when I was about your age----60 years ago!

    We all know the end result of hunting means a critter of some type will be harvested. Since your teacher introduced me to your “Flat Laura” I have been working on just how I can let you know what hunting and wildlife appreciation means to me. And did you know in order to live, the early settlers of America would have never survived if they didn’t know how to hunt and live off the land? Very few stores existed on the Kansas prairie and the Pioneers had to travel very long distances for food and supplies.

    Hunters play an important role in conservation and wildlife management. A lot of people don’t realize that.

    All hunters need to learn respect. They respect their family and the friends they hunt with. Landowners, who trust hunters on their land and the animals hunters seek need to be respected, also.

    Most of all, hunters must respect themselves. They also need to learn about the safe handling of firearms and how to store all guns safely in the home, locked up and away from little kids. Developing a good code of ethics will play a big part in becoming the hunter you want to be. You will learn you need to obey all hunting regulations and understand you can not be on someone’s land without their permission. That is called trespassing and trespassing is against the law. It is also illegal to be on railroad tracks and even be on the railroad right of way where you don’t have permission; even in town. You will also learn about survival in the wild and to respect the weather. Another thing you will learn is to plan ahead and be responsible for your actions.

    When you are 11, you will be able to take a Kansas Hunter Education course. I hope I will be your instructor. You can legally hunt until you are 16 years of age under the direct supervision of someone 18 years of age or older without taking the course, but the course has a lot of really useful information for people of all ages and is definitely worth your time.

    During our short time together this week, I have introduced “Flat Laura” to the animals and birds I enjoy seeing in the wild. Wildlife can also be enjoyed in the City. Their beauty and watching their antics will develop the appreciation of wildlife I hope you gain as you grow older. Reading books about birds and animals is also very rewarding. Just remember, your activity in the Outdoors, whether it is hunting, fishing, exploring or just enjoying Nature will last a lifetime!

    Flat Laura was a guest on my radio show last week-- KVOE’s What’s in Outdoors.

    We had fun talking to her in the field with the prairie chickens and I could just see you on the bison hunt with those Old Timers! Hopefully, you will join me on the show when you get older and let all of Emporia know of your outdoor activities and achievements.

    One thing I ask of you now is to be sure to eat a lot of ice cream, have fun, catch fireflies, feel the soft brush of a butterfly’s wing on your nose and enjoy the Great Outdoors. n

    continued from page 8

    JuNe/July 2013 i 9 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 10 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG


    Dog’s Registered Name: Number:


    Owner: NSTRA #


    City: State: Zip: Phone: ( )

    Handler: NSTRA #

    CC# _______________________________Exp Date: ___________

    Entry Deadline: Postmarked by September 9, 2013Phone and email entries must be received by the office 5:00 p.m. Eastern on September 9, 2013

    No After Hours message will be accepted.

    Late entries of bye dogs will be accepted in the office up until close of business (5:00 pm Eastern) on Monday, October 21. No e-mails or telephone messages will be accepted. You must call the office and talk to

    someone. ALL late entries (after the initial entry deadline) will be charged $25 extra per entry.

    • Please Check: In the event this dog does not make the original field, I would like for it to be drawn as a standby dog: Designate YES _____ or NO _____, if not marked you will not be considered for standby.

    • Please check Yes ___ if you would like an entrants packet mailed to you, otherwise it will be posted on our website, www.nstra.org

    2013 Official Entry Form

    October 23-26, 2013Amo, Indiana Entry Fee: $150.00

    Send Entry and Fee to: NSTRA

    203 N. Mill Plainfield, IN 46168

    If paying by check or money order, please

    submit one per entry.


  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 11 i G

    The Know!

    News that we feel is important to everyone.

    Endurance Trial – The qualifications for the Endurance Trial have been changed as follows:

    Entry into this trial is based on all open points earned from June 1 through May 31, except points earned from placements in the final “Top 4” of a National Championship trial or Regional Championship trial (qualifying rounds do count) plus any NSTRA open champion dog. Champion dogs will be accepted first in the case of a tie-breaker in regards to entries. No invitations will be sent.

    Renew Your Membership:You can now renew you memberships (or start a new one) online on our website. Just click the “Join Now” button in the upper right hand corner and follow the steps. This is much faster than calling the office and you can renew at any time of the day. Soon, you will be able to pay your trial sanction fees the same way! Computer System Upgrade:The Board of Directors recently voted to approve the bid for upgrading our computer system. This will include significant changes and improvements to the online trial drawing utility and the NSTRA database and integration with our new website. These changes should be well on their way to completion by the end of the year.

    Hall of Fame:The Board of Directors voted to change the criteria for Hall of Fame nominated dogs. In order to be nominated to the Hall of Fame a dog must accumulate at least 13 points through any combination of the following: 8 points for a National Trial win, 5 points for a National Final Four placement (2nd, 3rd, and 4th places), 6 points for a Top Performance win, 2 points for a Regional Championship and 1 point for every 5 NSTRA championships (for example a 12xCH = 2 points). The new method allows members to qualify using various combinations of accomplishments. Nominations will still be accepted November 1 through March 31 and will not be “carried over” from year to year. Addition to ATV Guidelines 9:All rules of safety apply for a handler with an ATV variance as if he/she was a walking handler even though their guns are unloaded.

    Get yours today!!Annual $50

    Associate Membership $20(spouses and childern 18

    & under)

    Annual Canadian Dues $50(U.S. Funds)

    Lifetime Membership $500Membership forms and other

    NSTRA forms can be found at ourwebsite, log onto..


    NSTRA has 31 regions that cover the lower 48 states and Central


    Please visit out regions page to determind which region is

    the nearest for you. Should you need assistance to determind your region or any additional

    information is needed, feel free to contact the NSTRA office.

    Office 317.839.4059

    email: [email protected] members receive our

    bi-monthly magazine. Remember, you must be a member to

    participate in NSTRA Sanctioned Field Trials.

  • JUNE/JULy 2009 i �� i www.NSTRA.oRg

    Kennel Ads Now Available:

    We are now accepting kennel

    ads—1 column by 1-1/2 inches.

    Run it all year (6 issues)

    for only $50 per year.

    Contact the NSTRA office to place ad

    your classified orKennel ad today!



    LOCATED IN BERKSHIRE COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTSwww.frostymorningkennels.com

    [email protected]


    Premier breeder of Black and White German ShorthairsAt Stud: NSTRA 2x Champ Rockin G's

    Uodibar Rusty

    Rockin g kennel www.rockinGkennel.com

    John George – Oklahoma [email protected]

    (405) 623-5594

    E & S KennelHome of Elhew Sidewinder & CH Mr. Elhew Excitement and other fine Elhew bred Pointers

    East KY Kennel West KY KennelContact Owners ContactEddie & Sharon Ross J.W. CollinsBlaine, KY Albany, KY606-652-9550 606-278-3173606-624-5111 (cell)

    EandSKennels .com

    SeTTeR dogSHome of 4X NSTRA CH and Region

    Hall of famer Stud “Shades” Training for all pointing and flushing breeds.

    Guided hunts for quail & turkey Authorized Dealer for Deer Creek Dog Boxes & Dogtra E-Collars/Launchers

    Jim Gourley 785-249-4316 [email protected] Kansas


    voting Rights for Associate members:

    A question has come up as to whether “associate members” can vote in regional elections. To clarify any confusion,

    the answer to said question is “No”.

    When the associate membership was established, it was done in order to allow

    families to be able to participate at a lesser rate. To that means, to havevoting priveleges at the National or

    Regional level, one must be a full member.


    NSTRA june july 09.indd 38 5/15/09 2:55:47 PM

    JuNe/July 2013 i 12 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG


    Make your good dog be t t e r.


    are proud to announcethe

    Partners in the Field Programaimed at bringing your hard-earned

    money back into your National Field Trial Organization.

    Simply use the source code “NSTRA” when placing your order, we take care of the rest!

    How it works: for every dollar you spend at DOGS Unlimited, 5% of your purchase*

    goes back to NSTRA

    For example, if you decided to purchase an E-collar, bird bag, check cord and a custom Dura-Lon collar your purchase would be estimated at $300. Five percent of

    your $300 purchase would go back to NSTRA! That is $15 and every penny counts!

    For more information contact:NSTRA Alan O. Davison(317) 839-4059 or Dogs Unlimited, [email protected] 800/338 DOGS (3647)

    Now when you make your good dog better,you make your National Organization better too!

    Some restrictions may apply. Offer not valid with other discounts or on sales items. Shipping charges not included. Offer subject to amendment or cancellation at any time.


    DOGS Unlimited offers a wide range of quality sporting dog supplies from durable collars and leads to bird bags and holsters. If we don’t have the color or size you want, we can easily customize. It’s just another way we strive to make your hunting and training more enjoyable.

    Visit www.dogsunlimited.com today for great deals on the custom products you need to make your good dog even better.


  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 13 i G

    Kennel Ads Now Available:We are now accepting

    kennel ads1 column by 1-1/2 inches. Run it all year (6 issues) for only $50 per year.

    Contact the NSTRA office to place your classified or

    Kennel ad today!

    Deadline for next publication isJuly 3, 2013

    KENNEL ADSPremier breeder of

    Black and White German ShorthairsAt Stud: NSTRA 6X Champ Rockin G’s

    Uodibar Rusty

    rockin G Kennel www.rockinGkennel.com

    John George – Oklahoma [email protected]

    (405) 623-5594

    JIM forK KENNELS.coMPups available from

    Jim Fork Jackson X Daughters of Elhew Sinbad. These pups are beginning to win everywhere. All phases of training, specialize in

    forced retrieve.Glenn Cumbie Ft. Smith, AR


    Nick Miller

    Mil Run FarmOwens Dog Box Dealerwww.milrunfarm.com

    419-583-7136Champion english Setters


    940-626-1586 Decatur, TX• Training• German Shorthairs• English Setters• Training Equipmenwww.ander-sonranchgundogs.com

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 14 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    Lee Stephens texted, Copper died today! The news stung me and I texted back 13 3/4 x 7 = 96.25 in dog years which equals a million great memories and many lessons learned. So many good men train, trade and spend and never own a dog like Lee and Lindsay Stephens were blessed with early in their lives.

    Copper was born in my barn on June 27, 1999 at Flat Branch Kennels (Texas). Copper was one of five males and two females. His sire was 25 time Champion, Crow's Little Joe and dam 4 time Champion, Total Package Sadie. Sadie is the greatest producing female in NSTRA history. Sadie was near passing Nell's Rambling On and Wine List to become the greatest in American Field records when NSTRA & American Field parted ways. Six of the seven pups in Coppers litter won various NSTRA trials. Two of Coppers litter mates were multiple champions. Sadie produced winners in all five of her litters by three sires.

    Copper was first trained by Rick Bertinetti. I cannot thank him enough for his efforts and for selling Copper to me. I hunted that winter with Copper in Kansas, and Texas. In the spring of that year I decided to concentrate on just one dog (Ranger) and so I sold Copper to Ed Orms after a fun trial run of 6-6 and back. Ed would later sell Copper to Lee Stephens due (if my memory is correct) to Ed’s blood pressure.

    Together, Lee and Copper were off. Lee learned fast and could get to Copper fast. Copper was head strong, had the nose and stamina seldom seen in a dog. Scott Boomershine, once said after running Copper, that he had never run a dog that hated birds as much as Copper. Copper could be read. You could see his intensity as he waited for you to kill the bird. Copper was always thinking about next bird. Copper had the dedication, and conviction that all men should seek. He seldom came back for direction, he just needed a gunner.

    Lee and Copper racked up the points and many miles together. During one year Copper had enough points in three different regions to be the high point dog. Copper & Lee's accomplishments were the result of dedication, perseverance and burning desire to compete.

    Lee later got sidetracked by a pretty girl, soon married and started a family. As Lee’s focus changed it gave me the opportunity to have Copper back into my barn for the third time. Seeing this opportunity I convinced Lee into letting me take over Copper's handle. It was an honor to have him back with me again. After two and a half years of running, Lee, Lindsay and Trey came to Texas to run Copper his last brace. Our goal of 25 Championships, and passing his sires (Crow's Little Joe) point total (451) was completed. Copper was retired. I loved Copper. He rode up front with me and I told everyone around me, “This is Copper’s truck I just drive.”

    The uniqueness of Copper is that he was as intense on his last bird as he was on his first. He went all out every time on

    every run. He was exciting to watch and honor to run. Copper loved everyone but he had a little extra love for those bearing arms! Copper was a true friend and a gentle spirit. In all of my years I never saw him fight.

    In Copper’s latter years he would sneak down to the soccer fields to see the kids play. Lee would always have to go retrieve him. Lee said, “I had the best tracking dog in the country and now he can't find his way home.”

    I will attempt to list his accomplishments and express appreciation to all who placed Copper in trials. If there is anyone I have missed, please except my apologies. Without everyone’s help, Copper passing Joe's point’s record could not have been possible. I sent an email to Lee on entry fees after we passed Joe’s record. I remember his response, “$75 entry fee-owning the winningest pointer ever PRICELESS!”

    Glory to GOD, for all gifts undeserved handlers.

    Three National Championship Trials back to back to back DOY -QI -QU

    • Lee Stephens DOY & QI • Scott Boomershine QU 25 Times NSTRA Champion (455 lifetime points)

    • Scott Townsend• Chad Calicot• Ed Orms • Terrance Bailiff • Jim Harmon • Jodie Reece

    Regional Championships in Kentucky-Alabama-Texas • Lee Stephens

    • Don Markham

    2004 Top Performance Champion2004 Kentucky Regional Champion2005 Dixie Regional Champion2005 Dog of The Year National Champion2006 Quail Inv. National Champion2006 Quail Unlimited National Champion2006 Top Performance Champion2007 Dixie Region High Point Dog2008 Lone Star Regional Champion2008 2nd RU Top Performance2009 3rd Lone Star Regional Championship2010 2nd Lone Star Regional Championship

  • A. NATUREOFAWARD:NationalShoottoRetrieveisofferinganonetimescholarshiptoanysonordaughterofaNSTRAmemberingoodstandingwhoisenrolledintheirjuniororsenioryearofhighschoolortheirfreshmanorsophomoreyearofcollegethatmeetstheselectioncriteria.Saidmonetaryawardshallbe80%oftheamountraisedattheprioryear'sfundraisingevent.

    B. CRITERIAFORSELECTION:1- Anyhighschooljuniororseniororanyfirstor2ndyearcollegestudentwhoistheson/daughterofaneligibleNSTRAmembercanapplyforthisscholarship.Forpurposesofthisaward,“eligibleNSTRAmember/parent”meansanymemberingoodstandingforatleast5consecutiveyearspriortothesubmissionofthisapplicationandwhohasactivelyparticipatedinatleast6trialsineachofthoseyears;2- Applicantmustsubmitevidenceofstrongacademicperformancetodate,supportedbythesubmissionofofficialdocumentationindicatingclassrank,gradepointaverageandACTorSATtestscores.OfficialdocumentationmeansthisinformationMUSTbeprovidedinletterheadfromtheirschooland/ornationaltestingoffice.Intheeventthatthisdocumentationisnotavailableaclearandconciseexplanationastothereasonmustbeprovided;3- Applicantmustbeenrolledoracceptedinanaccreditedacademiccollegeandsupplyappropriatedocumentation.Aletterofadmissionorgradeslipfromthecollegeifalreadyenrolled,constitutesadequatedocumentation;4- Applicantmustprovide3lettersofrecommendationfromacademicadvisorsorteachers.Theselettersmustspecificallyaddresstheapplicant’sacademicachievementsandabilities;

    5- Applicantmustsubmitevidenceofextracurricularactivitysupportingscholasticachievement,anyotherschoolinvolvementorcommunityactivities.AnylettersofrecommendationfromNSTRAmemberswouldbeinadditiontothelettersfromteachersoracademicadvisors;6- Applicantmustsubmita3-5pageessaydetailingwhatNSTRAmeanstohim/her,totheirfamilyandhowthe“eligibleparent’s”participationinNSTRAhasimpactedonhis/herlife.Applicantmustalsoexplainhowacollegeeducationwouldaffecthis/herfutureandwhathis/hereducationalgoalsare;7- Essaymustnotincludenameoftheapplicant.AseparatecoverletterandapplicationformwithallpertinentinformationshouldaccompanytheapplicationEachapplicationwillbeassignedanidentificationnumberandeachwillbereadbythescholarshipcommitteewithoutanameattachedtoit;8- ItisexpectedthattherecipientwillprovideNSTRAfor3yearswithfollowuptohis/heracademicachievementsafterreceiptoftheaward.

    C. STIPULATIONS:TherecipientwillreceivealetterofCertificationofAwardfromNSTRA.Thislettershouldbepresented,bytherecipient,totheuniversitywhothenmaycontactNSTRAtosecurethemonetaryaward.

    D. PRESENTATIONOFAWARD:ThescholarshipwinnerwillbeannouncedduringtheannualDogoftheYearbanquet.ThecurrentNSTRAPresidentwillmakesaidannouncement.Ifrecipientisnotpresent,awardwillbeforwarded.

    Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________

    City: ______________________________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: _______

    Phone: ________________________________________________ NSTRA Region: _____________________________

    Parent’s NSTRA Member #: __________________________________________________________________________

    High School and current level (ex. Senior, grad, etc.): __________________________________ GPA: ______________

    College and current level: ________________________________________________________ GPA: ______________

    Describe any school or community activity you have been involved in over the past three years. Describe specifically your role in each, any offices held, etc. (use additional pages as needed):

    1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    References: Please list at least three persons we may contact for a recommendation (i.e., teacher, region president, NSTRA member). This would be in addition to your three school related references that are received:

    Name Address Phone

    1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    NSTRA Youth Scholarship Fund Application

    Application must be received in the NSTRA Office by June 30, 2013


    WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 15 i G

  • (A) Black Wind Shirt .............................$45(B) Orange Logo Hoodie .......................$30(C) Short Sleeve Polo (Navy) ..................$32(D) Orange Logo Tee ........................... $12 (left chest & full back)

    Also Available:

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    Crew Neck Orange Logo Sweatshirt 50/50 cotton/poly S-2X ...$20

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    See you next at: The Trial of Champions...... Amo, Indiana

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    Black Wind Shirt 100% polyester microfiber jacket. Wind & Water resistant S-4X

    Orange Logo Hoodie 50/50 cotton/poly S-2X

    Short Sleve Polo (Navy) 100% combined cotton pique' relaxed fit S-4X

    Orange Logo Tee 50/50 cotton/poly S-4X

    JuNe/July 2013 i 16 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 17 i G

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 18 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    regional Trialing


    Larry Cook with Lacey

    Top 3 Plus Judges

    On March 2, 2013 the North Arkansas Quail Club held a NSTRA All-Amateur Trial at Feathers & Gunpowder Preserve in Newburg, Arkansas. 28 dogs and handlers competed in the last of three NSTRA Trials of the season held by NAQC.

    Competition was intense as all Placements would qualify for Regionals. NAQC mem-bers, Larry Cook & Lacey and Deb Meline & Lippy, both first-time placements, secured their positions to go to Stuttgart, Arkansas for the Ark/La Regional Trial.

    It was extremely cold and windy but judges Robert Tipton and Kevin Scribner dressed for the weather and never missed a lick. Larry Cook & Lacey put on quite a show and warmed up the gallery. Brad Beetch & Kylee’s Secret Element finished 2nd with Deb Meline & Lippy finishing 3rd.

    Once again, great job by L.D. Moser and the North Arkansas Quail Club for putting on a quality trial.


    A-Field1st Ruby - Brian Rubello 2nd Bella - Mike Kitchens3rd Abe - Ginger Rogers

    B-Field1st Doc - Mike Kitchens

    2nd Ruby - Debbie Carnahan3rd Amos - Darrin Verros

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 19 i G


    Thunderking Classic, Lisa Russel giving Lil' Sadie last minute instructions. Tellin' dog tales!"

    Winners 1st Snake Island Navigater & Gary Drinnen and 2nd Appalachial Lilly & Steve Wallace.

    Thunderking Amateur winners, 1st Ridge Wind Luke, 2nd Appalachial Chug, and 3rd Ripshine Ante Up Kate .

    Parrottsville Bird Hunters on 1-6-13. 1st West Lakes Windy & Greg Whitager, 2nd Rowdy Time & Nick Davenport, and 3rd Appalachian Chug & Steve Wallace Davy Crockett Bird Hunters on March 17, 2013 with the winners 1st Slim

    Pickins & Ed Ford, Jr, 2nd Ripshine Mohawk Zax & Steve Wallace, and 3rd Gambels Go-Jo & Jeff Gambel.


    SAVAGE CONDITIONS during a weekend trial in Savage, Mt !!!! The Jepsen family put on another great trial regardless of the conditions. As trial chairman Michael runs a great trial with support from his wife Sandy as food coordinator, Hanna as bird planter, and Claire as marshal assistant/scorekeeper. This shot is of Jason Norton and "Eli" (from the Mid-North region) & Gary Bauer and "Piper" (from the Big Sky Region).going to the start line. Piper got on the track and scored a five bird run for first place.

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 20 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG


    Pond Field A 2-2-131st Place - Jim with Bill Moore2nd Place - Toby with Mike Grissom3rd Place - Bill with James Erwin

    Pond Field B 2-2-131st Place - "G" with Chuck Tash2nd Place - Jack with Steve Jaspering3rd Place - Waco with Angela Autry

    Bethel Springs, TN 3-2-131st Place -LJ with Chuck Tash2nd Place- June held by Angela Autry handled by Chuck Tash 3rd Place - Macie with Steve Autry

    Bethel Springs, TN 3-3-131st Place - Dick with Bill Moore

    Jack Mullins2nd Place - Nelle with Richard Mullins

    3rd Place - Hawk held by Chris Mul-lins handled by Bill Moore

    Pond Field A 3-16-131st Place - Gus with Larry Mize2nd Place - Packer with Mike Grissom3rd Place - Angel with Johnny Thomp-son

    Pond Field B 3-16-131st Place - Kate with Bill Moore

    2nd Place - Jeb with Steve Jaspering3rd Place - June with Chuck Tash

    West Lakes Windy and Greg Whitager, High Point Dog Dixie Region 2013.

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 21 i G

    NorTHErN caLIf/NEVGreen Gulch Ranch - Cinco De Mayo TrialCongratulations, Speedy got 2nd Place! The NCN Region wel-comes Speedy and owners Jim and Diane Rienstra

    A Field Champ / Eric Bowen, Romeo / Steve Karnes, Snap / Craig Braby B Field Bandit / Shaun Rydl, Smitty / Bryan Camper, Jet / Ian Johnson (owner)


    Angela and Steve Autry proudly announce Autry's Rowdy "Waco", Llewellin Setter, earned his 2nd NSTRA Championship by placing 1st Runner Up in the MidSouth Regional Elimination Tria on Saturday, April 5 & 6, 2013.

    Green Gulch Ranch May 3rd trial. - First place Bruce Lyon with Trooper, 2nd Place Dale Ikuta with Gunner, 3rd Frank Rowe with AbbyJudges Chris Grossman and Cindy Lyon

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 22 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    NorTH WEST

    Moses Lake – April 2013 Mike Stotts, Nance Ceccarelli, Jack Richardson, Arnie Sullivan, Mike Smith - Greater Seattle Bird Dog Club Saturday placements A and B fields

    Moses Lake – April 2013 Greater Seattle Birddog Club Saturday

    placements A and B fields:Nance Ceccarelli, Jack Richardson, Arnie

    Sullivan, Mike Smith, Mike Stotts

    NCN Family Affair 2012 - Corning, CA 12/09/12

    The December trial was a true family event. The weekend was wet and dry, cold and warm, windy and calm; just normal for all trailers. The old adages “Three’s a charm” or “All for one and one for all” or even “Blood is thicker than water” applied. Maybe even “The Three Stooges win the day.”

    The placements were controlled by three brothers from the same litter (Crosswind Truckin Chopper X Histep Screamin Eagle Addie 01/08/09) First place was scooped-up by Gus handled by John Hervey, second place was grabbed by Spot handled by Larry DeWebber, and third was captured by Topper also handled by John Hervey.

    The boys all look quite different on the outside, but on the inside; the brains and noses are the same.The Histep/Crosswind family rules!

    Pictured L to RGus, Spot & Topper

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 23 i G

    A Field - judges Allan Coil and Matt Clark, bird planter Mike Akey and 1st place dog Duke owned and handled by Roger Lansdell of Michigan and Boss owned and handled by Tom Berry

    B Field - judges, Bill Keplar and Crystal Grimm, bird planter Mike Akey and the 1st place dog, Lita owned by Colton Coil and handled by Tyler Robinson and 4th place dog, Dutch owned and handled by Rex Messner.

    Boss's placement made him a 1 x NSTRA Champion. His picture with Tom is also attached.

    Eric Westerholm and his young wirehair Trigger took 1st place in both fields in the amateur division at Wayne Coon Hunters in Wooster Ohio on 4/21/13.


    John Bacik and his Vizsla Bailey took a 1st place at the Fundraiser trial at Wayne Coon Hunters in Wooster Ohio on April 21st, 2013. This placement made Bailey a 1x NSTRA Champion. Congratulations Bailey & John!

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 24 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    Sunday, April 7th A Field winners: 1st-Mike Weis with Kimber (held by Melissa Weis), 2nd-Mike Weis with Dutch, 3rd: Steve Lund with Zig

    Sunday, April 7th B Field winners: 1st-Lance MacLennan with Stash (not pictured), 2nd-Mark Beninga with Casey, 3rd: Gerry Woelfel with Star

    Saturday, April 20th A Field Winners: 1st-Gerry Woelfel with Star, 2nd-Mark Pace Sr. with Bart (held by Laura McGilvery), 3rd-Mark Pace Sr. with Jewell

    Saturday, April 20th B Field Winners: 1st-Mark Pace Sr. with Jewell (held by Laura McGilvery, 2nd-Lance MacLennan with Tui, 3rd-Mark Pace Sr. with Bart

    Sunday, April 21st A Field Winners: 1st-Gerry Woelfel with Gunner, 2nd-Lance MacLennan with Tui, 3rd-Wayne Baker with Buck

    Sunday, April 21st B Field Winners: 1st-Zane Mowers with Bobby (not pictured), 2nd-Gerry Woelfel with Gunner, 3rd-Don Boswe

    rocKY MoUNTaIN

    Saturday, April 6th A Field winners: 1st-Mike Weis with Dutch, 2nd-Tom Lefor with Chester, 3rd: Jake Elliott with Jager

    Saturday, April 6th B Field winners: 1st-Paul Mawhorter with Nixon, 2nd-Mike Weis with Adde, 3rd: Gerry Woelfel with Gunner

    Trial chaired by LockNLoad Kennel and held at A-Plus Game Birds in Wiggins, CO on April 6 & 7, 2013

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 25 i G

    Sunday, May 5th B Field Winners: 1st-Kevin Creeden with Rosie, 2nd-Zane Mowers with Otis, 3rd-Alan Higham with Murray

    Sunday, May 5th A Field Winners: 1st-Charlie Golden with Henry, 2nd-Gary Wood with Heidi, 3rd-Curt Lang with Jett

    WEST TExaS

    1st placements on March 9th Amarillo Field Trial A field and B field - Sealed up her 1st time Championship! Owned by Lisa Burnett Handled by Wes Barr.

    Saturday, May 4th A Field Winners: 1st-Mark Pace Sr. with Jewell, 2nd-Cheryl Higham with Annie, 3rd-Cory McGilvery with Wyatt

    Saturday, May 4th B Field Winners: 1st-Alan Higham with Murray, 2nd-Mark Beninga with Casey, 3rd-Mark Pace Sr. with Bart

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 26 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    Entry forms must contain all requested information or entry cannot be accepted. Trial chairman may not accept entries postmarked prior to December1st for the Spring trial season (January 1 to June 30) or postmarked prior to June 1 for the Fall trial season (July 1 to December31). Trials will be advertised in the NSTRA magazine, NSTRA web page, or regional presidents may be contacted.


    october 19, 2013Heflin EABHChairman: Terry Ransone104 Mattox RdNewnan, GA 30625770-253-6162

    november 9, 2013Heflin EABHChairman: Ray Harper110 Felton Ct.Fayetteville, GA 30214404-355-8971

    november 16, 2013TuskegeeChairman: Mark LeePO Box 72Cottonwood, AL 36320 334-691-3455

    november 23, 2013Heflin EABHChairman: Wesley Downs9845 Co Rd 51Ranburn, AL 36273256-748-3453

    november 30, 2013TuskegeeChairman: George Gordon1499 AL Hwy 199Tuskegee, AL 36083334-703-7194

    December 7, 2013Heflin EABHChristmas ClassicChairman: Alan Holloman2600 Rainey Rd.Temple, GA 30179770-562-8855


    July 20 & 21, 2013Kendrick Park Summer SeriesKendrick Park, AZ Chairman: Todd Zondlo137 E Sharon Ave Phoenix, AZ 85022(602)548-2283Co-Chairman: Mike Kitchens(928)242-4570Entry Fee: $40

    August 24 & 25, 2013Kendrick Park Summer SeriesKendrick Park, AZChairman: Ray Rees1610 E Alameda Tempe, AZ 85282(480)967-2739Co-Chairman: Brian Rebello(520)836-5772Entry Fee: $40 September 21 & 22, 2013Kendrick Park Summer SeriesKendrick Park, AZRandy Dombrowski5634 W Cholla SGlendale, AZ 85304(623)237-3442Co-Chairman: Brad Chris-tensen(928)925-6586Entry Fee: $40 october 26 & 27, 2013Kendrick Park Summer SeriesKendrick Park, AZChairman: Mike KitchensPO Box 1554Show Low, AZ 85902(928)242-4570Co-Chairman: Darrin Veros (623)760-7070Entry Fee: $40


    September 28, 2013Razorback Club Open/DblMonticello, ARChairman: Eugene ImbodenPO Box 962 Monticello, AR 71657870-723-4797Entry Fee: $35

    october 5 & 6, 2013West-Ark Open/Amateur Sgl/SglCharleston, ARChairman: Glenn Cumbie1413 Armistead Rd.Ft. Smith, AR 72916479-461-5509Entry Fee: $35

    october 12, 2013Green Acres Open/Amateur/DblMarion, LAChairman: Bobby Green3510 Highway 828Farmerville, LA 71241318-368-1114Entry Fee: $35

    october 12 & 13, 2013North-Ark Quail Club Open/Ama-teur Sgl/SglMelbourne, ARChairman: Heath BlankenshipPO Box 282Melbourne, AR 72556870-373-0212Entry Fee: $35

    october 19, 2013Razorback Club Open/DblMonticello, ARChairman: Phillip Reed177 Ashley 470 Road NHamburg, AR 71646870-853-5603Entry Fee: $35

    october 26, 2013Bistineau Birdhunters Open/SglBienville, LAChairman: James FergusonPO Box 404Dubach, LA 71235318-777-3357Entry Fee: $35

    november 2 & 3, 2013Razorback Club Open/Dbl/DblCharlie Nichols MemorialStuttgart, ARChairman: Carroll Evans1503 Redbud LnStuttgart, AR 72160870-673-6664Entry Fee: $40

    november 16 & 17, 2013West Ark Open/Amateur Sgl/SglCharleston, ARChairman: Glenn Cumbie1413 Armistead Rd.Ft. Smith, AR 72916479-461-5509Entry Fee: $35

    november 23, 2013Bistineau Birdhunters Open/SglBienville, LAChairman: James FergusonPO Box 404Dubach, LA 71235318-777-3357Entry Fee: $35

    December 7 & 8, 2013North-Ark Quail Club Open/Ama-teur Sgl/SglMelbourne, ARChairman: L.D. MoserPO Box 483Melbourne, AR 72556870-291-7554Entry Fee: $35

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 27 i G

    December 14, 2013Razorback Club Open/DblMonticello, ARChairman: Robert Franks90 Conley LnDewitt, AR 72042870-946-6291Entry Fee: $35

    December 14 & 15, 2013QUWF Open/Amateur Sgl/SglNeosho, MOChairman: Robert Tipton13477 Lawrence 1045Stotts City, MO 65756417-499-0472Co-Chairman: Rodney Neece417-483-9002Entry Fee: $40

    December 21, 2013Bistineau Birdhunters Open/SglBienville, LAChairman: James FergusonPO Box 404Dubach, LA 71235318-777-3357Entry Fee: $35

    December 21 & 22, 2013West Ark Open/Amateur Sgl/SglCharleston, ARChairman: Glenn Cumbie1413 Armistead Rd.Ft. Smith, AR 72916479-461-5509Entry Fee: $35

    January 4 & 5, 2013Razorback Club Open/Dbl/DblRichard Murphee MemorialMonticello, ARChairman: Bo Nut350 S PlumBearden, AR 71720870-918-5229Entry Fee: $35


    July 27, 2013Big Sky RegionJudging Seminar/Training DayLocation: Great Falls, MFor informa-tion please contacDoug Cartwright (406)727-6877

    July 28, 2013Big Sky RegionOpen/Amateur DoubleLocation: Great Falls, MChairman: Doug Cartwrigh101 24th Street SWGreat Falls, MT 59404(406)727-6877Entry Fee: $40Write checks to: Big Sky NSTRA

    August 24-25, 2013Golden Triangle Fall Chukar Trial, Open/Amateur D/DLocation: Great Falls, MChairman: Brent Underdahl29 Treasure State DriveGreat Falls, MT 59404(406)454-1840Entry Fee: $40Write checks to: GTSDC

    August 31 and September 1, 2013Endurance Classic Pre-Trial, Open Dbl/DblLocation: Lewistown, MChairman: Doug Cartwrigh101 24th Street SWGreat Falls, MT 59404(406)727-6877Entry Fee: $40Write checks to: Big Sky NSTRA


    october 12, 2013Dixie Region FundraiserBird Dog Cigar Trial (Dbl) OpenBreezy Knoll FarmBelvidere, TNChairman: Jeff GamblePO Box 25Belvidere, TN [email protected]

    october 13, 2013Parrottsville Bird Hunters Trial(1 day Sgl) OpenNewport, TNChairman: Larry Sane2365 Goodhope Rd.Parrottsville, TN 37843423-623-8975865-322-0439423-623-6197Entry Fee: $35

    october 27, 2013Davy Crockett Bird Hunters(1 day Sgl) OpenMorristown, TNChairman: Greg Whitaker1547 Allen Rd.Talbott, TN 37877423-581-8789Entry Fee: $35

    november 2, 2013Bird Dog Cigar Trial (Dbl) OpenBreezy Knoll FarmBelvidere, TNChairman: Jeff GamblePO Box 25Belvidere, TN [email protected]

    november 10, 2013Parrottsville Bird Hunters Trial(1 day Sgl) OpenNewport, TNChairman: Larry Sane2365 Goodhope Rd.Parrottsville, TN 37843423-623-8975865-322-0439423-623-6197Entry Fee: $35

    november 24, 2013Davy Crockett Bird Hunters(1 day Sgl) OpenMorristown, TNChairman: Greg Whitaker1547 Allen Rd.Talbott, TN 37877423-581-8789Entry Fee: $35

    november 29 & 30, 2013Ed Pearson Memorial Trial(Dbl/Dbl) OpenBreezy Knoll FarmBelvidere, TNChairman: Jeff GamblePO Box 25Belvidere, TN [email protected]

    December 8, 2013Parrottsville Bird Hunters Trial(1 day Sgl) OpenNewport, TNChairman: Larry Sane

    2365 Goodhope Rd.Parrottsville, TN 37843423-623-8975865-322-0439423-623-6197Entry Fee: $35

    December 14, 2013Bird Dog Cigar Trial (Dbl) OpenBreezy Knoll FarmBelvidere, TNChairman: Jeff GamblePO Box 25Belvidere, TN [email protected]

    December 22, 2013Davy Crockett Bird Hunters(1 day Sgl) OpenMorristown, TNChairman: Greg Whitaker1547 Allen Rd.Talbott, TN 37877423-581-8789Entry Fee: $35

    December 27 & 28, 2013Christmas Trial(Dbl/Dbl) OpenBreezy Knoll FarmBelvidere, TNChairman: Jeff GamblePO Box 25Belvidere, TN [email protected]


    June 15 & 16, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglChairman: Charlie Standish2741 Bolder Ln.Orlando, FL 32812407-484-0453Co-Chairman: Steve Walker5025 Lake Buffum Rd.Lake Wales, FL 33859863-528-0249

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 28 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    July 13 & 14, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglChairman: George Sterner IV2917 Canoe Creek Rd.St Cloud FL, 34772407-738-6881

    August 3 & 4, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglChairman: Charlie Standish2741 Bolder Ln.Orlando, FL 32812407-484-0453Co-Chairman: Steve Walker5025 Lake Buffum Rd.Lake Wales, FL 33859863-528-0249

    September 7 & 8, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglChairman: Bruce VanVlie2003 Capps Rd.Lake Wales, FL 33898239-289-2589

    September 28 & 29, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglChairman: Donnie Layton720 Sundance TrailWimauma, FL 33598813-728-1898october 12 & 13, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglChairman: Rick Trezona2261 NE 37th TerraceHomestead, FL 33033786-417-1116

    november 12 & 13, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglChairman: Sam Ashmore13710 Haynes RdDover, FL 33527813-685-0648

    november 16 & 17, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglChairman: Bruce VanVlie2003 Capps Rd.Lake Wales, FL 33898239-289-2589

    December 14 & 15, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglSteve Walker5025 Lake Buffum RdLake Wales, FL 33859863-528-0249

    December 28 & 29, 2013CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/SglChairman: Sam Ashmore13710 Haynes RdDover, FL 33527813-685-0648


    october 5 & 6, 2013Georgia Fundraiser Trpl/TrplMillstone Shoot to RetrieveWashington, GAChairman: Ricky Gunnyon10 Riverbend Ct.McDonough, GA 30252770-957-9078

    october 19 & 20, 2013Gold and Grass Farms Dbl/DblChairman: Gary Garret737 Yellow Creek Rd.Ball Ground, GA 30107678-906-6556

    november 9 & 10, 2013Gold and Grass Farms Dbl/DblChairman: Gary Garret737 Yellow Creek Rd.Ball Ground, GA 30107678-906-6556

    november 30 & December 1, 2013Murdock Farms Dbl/DblLavonia, GAChairman: Ed MurdockPO Box 599Lavonia, GA 30553706-716-0344Co-Chairman: Johnny Murdock706-491-1553

    December 7 & 8, 2013Wagon View Farms Dbl/DblChairman: Dale AldridgePO Box 357Pavo, GA 31778229-859-2112229-224-4838 cell

    GULf coaST

    September 28, 2013Barry Farm Sgl/OpenGrand Coteau, LAChairman: Rob BarryCo-Chairman: Bobby Begnaud

    PO Box 228Sunset, LA 70584337-662-5690Entry fee: $40 brace/ dog october 5 & 6, 2013Katy, TX D/D OpenChairman: Maggie Parsley419 Sherman Blvd.Galveston, TX 77551409-771-9644Entry fee: $40 brace/dog

    october 12, 2013Barry Farm Sgl/OpenGrand Coteau, LA Chairman: Rob BarryCo-Chairman: Bobby BegnaudPO Box 228Sunset, LA 70584337-662-5690Entry fee: $40 brace/dog

    october 19 & 20, 2013Rosepine, LA D/D OpenChairman: John BlankenbakerPO Box 432Rosepine, LA 70659337-348-6750Entry fee: $40 brace/r dog

    november 2, 2013Barry Farm Sgl/OpenChairman: Rob BarryCo-Chairman: Bobby BegnaudPO Box 228Sunset, LA 70584337-662-5690Entry fee: $40 brace/dog november 9 & 10, 2013Giddings, TX D/D OpenChairman: Doug Neyer21402 Lakefront Dr.Lago Vista, TX 78645512-267-1766Entry Fee: $40 brace/ dog

    november 23 & 24, 2013Long River Lodge Dbl/Dbl Open and Novice/OpenMelville, LAChairman: Grant CannatellaPO Box 523Melville, LA 71353337-658-7100 Entry fee: $40 brace/dog

    December 6 & 7, 2013Floresville, TX D/D OpenChairman: Scott ThomasPO Box 1196 Helotes, TX 78023512-925-9500Entry fee: $40 brace/ dog

    January 18 & 19, 2014Floresville, TX D/D OpenChairman: Scott ThomasPO Box 1196Helotes, TX 78023512-925-9500$40 brace/dog


    September 7 & 8, 2013Matt Spinner Farm Dbl/DblHillsboro, ILChairman: Dean ReynoldsPO Box 95St. Jacob, IL 62281-0095618-972-5574Entry Fee: $35

    September 14 & 15, 2013Hillsboro, IL Sgl/SglChairman: Dennis McCammack3 Hilltop Dr.Hillsboro, IL 62049217-556-1712Entry Fee: $35

    September 21 & 22, 2013Bunker Hill, IL Dbl/DblChairman: Lloyd Lawson2060 Ness School Rd.Bunker Hill, IL 62014618-604-4503

    September 28 & 29, 2013Pyramid State Park Dbl/DblChairman: Bruce Zoller456 US RT 51DuQuoin, IL 62832618-318-2490Co-Chairman: Al HallPO Box 92Marissa, IL 62257618-713-4378Entry Fee: $35

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 29 i G

    october 5 & 6, 2013Matt Spinner Farm Dbl/DblChairman: Ron Huels19402 Sand Ridge RdCarlyle, IL 62231618-444-3938Entry Fee: $35Note: Check must accompany entries.

    october 11, 2013IL Region Benefit Dbl/Dbl Dbl/DblWorld Shooting ComplexSparta, ILChairman: Ron Huels19402 Sand Ridge Rd.Carlyle, IL 62231618-444-3938Entry Fee: $35All Entries should be sent to:Marilyn CunninghamPO Box 227Medora, IL 62063618-729-4485618-980-1727Note: Check must accompany entries.

    october 12 & 13, 2013Shriner’s Benefit Dbl/Dbl Dbl/DblHigh Point Belt Buckle Will Be AwardedWorld Shooting ComplexSparta, ILChairman: Ron Huels19402 Sand Ridge Rd.Carlyle, IL 62231618-444-3938Entry Fee: $35All Entries should be sent to:Marilyn CunninghamPO Box 227Medora, IL 62063618-729-4485618-980-1727Note: Check must accompany entries.

    october 19 & 20, 2013Bunker Hill, IL Sgl/SglChairman: Herb Ralston1860 S Dorchester Rd.Bunker Hill, IL 62014618-972-1990Entry Fee: $35

    october 30, 2013Count Line Hunting DblMacedonia, ILChairman: Roger Drake

    Route 1 Box 79McLeansboro, IL 62859812-430-5775Entry Fee: $35

    november 2 & 3, 2013Russ Taylor Farm Dbl/DblChairman: Russ Taylor1301 W Hickory SMahomet, IL 61853217-898-7226Entry Fee: $35

    november 9 & 10, 2013Pana, IL Dbl/DblChairman: Gordon Galloway709 S Tohill Pl.Decatur, IL 62521217-855-2632Entry Fee: $35

    november 16 & 17, 2013Matt Spinner Farm Dbl/DblChairman: Matt Spinner17348 Deer TrailHillsboro, IL 62049217-710-6256Entry Fee: $35

    november 30 & December 1, 2013Pyramid State Park Dbl/DblChairman: Bruce Zoller456 US RT 51DuQuoin, IL 62832618-318-2490Co-chairman: Al HallPO Box 92Marissa, IL 62257618-713-4378Entry Fee: $35


    June 22 & 23, 2013Pigeon River D/DChairman: Harold Smith1275 S 800 WAngola IN 46747260-665-6573Entry Fee $ 35

    August 3 & 4, 2013Conservation Bird Dog Club D/DChairman: Jr Coke89 Victory HillCoatesville In [email protected] Fee $35

    August 17 & 18, 2013Conservation Bird Dog Club D/DChairman Jr Coke89 Victory HillCoatesville In [email protected] Fee $35

    August 27 & 28, 2013Brookville State Park D/DChairman: Bob Felix14108 ST RD 101Brookville IN 47012765-647-3638Entry Fee $ 35

    September 21 & 22, 2013Pigeon River D/DChairman: Harold Smith 1275 S 800 WAngola IN 46747260-665-6573Entry Fee $ 35

    September 28 & 29, 2013Conservation Bird Dog Club Open/ NoviceChairman Zack Norman71 Cherry Dr.Tuscola, ILl [email protected] fee $35 october 5 & 6, 2013 Glenns Valley D/D Chairman: Dave Chandler4449 Tulip Drive NMartinsville IN 46151317-201-1507Entry Fee $ 35

    october 19, 20, 21 & 22, 2013 Conservation Bird Dog Club TripleChairman: Wayne Fishburn8319 Country Ridge Dr.Indianapolis IN 46234317-509-0312Entry Fee $ 40 november 29, 30, & 31, 2013 Conservation Bird Dog Club TripleChairman: Jr Coke89 Victory HillCoatesville In [email protected] Chairman: Butch Jackson 317-710-3068

    Entry Fee $35Entry for high point dog $50Will be giving away a 20 gauge side by side for the high point dog.Please have entries in by Nov 17th

    December 14 & 15, 2013 Glenns Valley D/D Chairman: Dave Chandler4449 Tulip Drive NMartinsville IN 46151317-201-1507Entry Fee $ 35


    August 24-25, 2013Ohio County Quail Hunters D/DCentertown, KYChairman: Jim Harmon30 Hunters CrossingBowling Green, KY 42104(270) 792-3957

    September 14-15, 2013Ohio County Quail Hunters D/DCentertown, KYChairman: Jim Harmon30 Hunters CrossingBowling Green, KY 42104(270) 792-3957

    September 25-29, 2013Central KY Birdhunters Club D/DBerry, KYChairman: Bob McCandless11090 HWY 330 WBerry, KY 41003(859) 391-5696

    october 12-13, 2013Ohio County Quail Hunters D/DCentertown, KYChairman: Jim Harmon30 Hunters CrossingBowling Green, KY 42104(270) 792-3957

    november 2-3, 2013Central KY Birdhunters Club D/DBerry, KYChairman: Mikeal Mulberry225 Ragtown RdCorinth, KY 41010(859) 242-0643Co-Chairman: Ashley McCandless(859) 322-7000

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 30 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    December 14-15, 2013Kentucky/Mid South Region ChallengeLawrenceburg, TNChairman: Steve Jaspering25159 Sweet Springs RdElkmont, AL 35620(256) 497-0066

    LoNE STar

    September 28, 2013 Anna Amateur TrialAnna, TXDoubleChairman: Dale Heaton8 North Star RdAllen, TX 75002214-543-0907Entries only accepted by mail or [email protected]$25 September 29, 2013Anna Open/Novice TrialAnna, TXDoubleChairman: Dale Heaton8 North Star RdAllen, TX 75002214-543-0907Entries only accepted by mail or [email protected]: David [email protected]$40 october 19 & 20, 2013 Sissortail Ranch Lake Richland ChambersCorsicana, TXOpen Double/DoubleChairman: Barry Godwin230 Turtle CreekSulphur Springs, TX 75482903-440-3548Entries only accepted by mail or [email protected]$40

    october 26, 2013 Anna Open/Novice TrialAnna, TXDoubleChairman: Dale Heaton8 North Star RdAllen, TX 75002214-543-0907

    Entries only accepted by mail or [email protected]: Charlie [email protected]$40

    october 27, 2013 Anna Open/Open TrialAnna, TXDoubleChairman: Dale Heaton8 North Star RdAllen, TX 75002214-543-0907Entries only accepted by mail or [email protected]: Charlie [email protected]$40

    november 16 & 17, 2013 Sissortail Ranch Lake Richland ChambersCorsicana, TXOpen Double/DoubleChairman: Tom Paullus5117 Vickery BlvdDallas, TX 75206214-499-3007Entries only accepted by mail or [email protected]$40 December 14 & 15, 2013 Sissortail Ranch Lake Richland ChambersCorsicana, TXOpen Double/DoubleChairman: Jim Selby1004 Desperado Dr469-525-0965Entries only accepted by mail or [email protected]$40


    July 13 & 14, 2013Pigeon River Kennels Dbl/Dbl Trial Chairman: Crystal Nichols 1628 S 445 E LaGrange, IN 46761 260-585-7277 [email protected]

    August 10 & 11, 2013Pigeon River Kennels Dbl/Dbl Trial Chairman: Crystal Nichols 1628 S 445 E LaGrange, IN 46761 260-585-7277 [email protected]

    September 7 & 8, 2013Cedar Creek Ranch Open/Amateur Gladwin, MI Chairman: Chris Ritter 38395 Tyler Rd Romulus, MI 48174 734-740-7300 [email protected] Entry Fee: $40

    September 15 & 16, 2013Crosswind Kennels Dbl/Dbl Open Chairman: Scott Townsend 11460 Day Rd Maybee, MI 48159 734-755-0888 Entry Fee: $40.00

    november 23 & 24, 2013Crosswind Kennels Dbl/Dbl Open Chairman: Scott Townsend 11460 Day Rd Maybee, MI 48159 734-755-0888 Entry Fee: $40


    october 2 - 3, 2013Chester Kiestler ClassicOpen / Amateur (Sat SGL)Open / Novice (Sun SGL)At: Bethel Springs, TNChairman: Ed Stackens280 Sewell RoadSelmer, TN 38375731-645-5133Co Chairman: Bill Moore4344 Purdy RoadSelmer, TN 38375Phone: 731-645-5126

    october 19, 2013Bryan FarmsOpen / Amateur (DBL)At: Arlington, TN Chairman: Brett Bryan10266 Gratitude Church RoadArlington, TN 38002Phone: 901-828-2677Co Chairman: Mike Grissom7700 Braden Road

    Arlington, TN 38002Phone: 901-466-0535

    November 9, 2013Pond FieldOpen / Amateur (DBL)At: Pond Field PreserveLawrenceburg, TNChairman: Steve Autry255 Charles Smith LoopHenderson, TN 38340731-983-5813

    november 16 - 17, 2013Richard Neil Moore MemorialOpen / Amateur (Sat SGL)Open / Novice (Sun SGL)At: Bethel Springs, TNChairman: Chris Mullins1361 E Poplar Ave.Selmer, TN 38375731-645-6159Co Chairman: Bill Moore4344 Purdy RoadSelmer, TN 38375Phone: 731-645-5126

    november 23, 2013Pond FieldMid South Fund RaiserOpen / Amateur (DBL)At: Pond Field PreserveLawrenceburg, TN Chairman: Steve Jaspering25159 Sweet Springs RoadElkmont, AL 35620Phone: 256-497-0066

    December 7 - 8, 2013Volunteer Gun Dog ClubOpen / Amateur (Sat SGL)Open / Novice (Sun SGL)At: Bethel Springs, TNChairman: Bill Moore4344 Purdy RoadSelmer, TN 38375Phone: 731-645-5126

    December 14 - 15, 2013Mid South / Kentucky Challenge Open (DBL/DBL)At: Pond Field PreserveLawrenceburg, TNChairman: Steve Jaspering25159 Sweet Springs RoadElkmont, AL 35620Phone: 256-497-0066Co Chairman: Jim Harmon30 Hunters CrossingBowling Green, KY 42104270-792-3957

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 31 i G

    December 21Pond FieldOpen / Amateur (DBL)At: Pond Field PreserveLawrenceburg, TN Chairman: Steve Jaspering25159 Sweet Springs RoadElkmont, AL 35620Phone: 256-497-0066

    January 4, 2014Pond FieldOpen / Amateur (DBL)At: Pond Field PreserveLawrenceburg, TN Chairman: Steve Jaspering25159 Sweet Springs RoadElkmont, AL 35620Phone: 256-497-0066


    August 31, September 1 & 2, 2013 IGDA dbl/triple Osceola, IA Chairman: Jim Wells 1074 R Ave Boone, IA 50036 515-290-1762 Entry Fee $41

    September 14 & 15, 2013 HLOA dbl/dbl Afton, IA Chairman: Craig Braby 2434 125 Ave Maloy, IA 50836 HM: 641-785-2244 Cell: 641-202-0242 Entry Fee $41

    September 28 & 29, 2013 Rock Creek dbl/dbl Waverly, NE Chairman: Leo Hergenroder 22706 Hwy 6 Gretna, NE 68028 402-681-6958 Entry Fee $41

    october 5 & 6, 2013 IGDA dbl/dbl Osceola, IA Chairman: Bruce Murphy 4221 159th Urbandale, IA 50323 515-669-4938Co Chairman: Shaun Rydl 205 Lake St

    Osceola,Ia 50213 515-208-1742Entry Fee $41

    october 12 & 13, 2013 Rock Creek dbl/dbl Waverly, NE Chairman: Mike Rost 11800 McKelvie Rd Malcolm, NE 68402 402-525-8334 Entry Fee $41

    october 19 & 20, 2013 Rock Creek dbl/dbl Waverly, NE Chairman: Bill Dubbs 796 Quail Lane David City, NE 68632 402-367-4244 Entry Fee $41

    october 19 & 20, 2013 IGDA dbl/dbl Osceola, IAShaun Rydl 205 Lake St Osceola,Ia 50213 515-208-1742Entry Fee $41


    September 7-8, 2013Elk Fork Kennels (Open) Dbl/DblBob (White) Brown Trial GroundsMadison, MOChairman: Chad Calicot3254 County Rd. 2610Moberly, MO. 652701-660-633-8928Entry Fee: 35.00 September 21 & 22, 2013Missouri Gun and Quail (Open/Novice) Single/SingleWright City MO.Chairman: Kevin Sprick21 Redbud LnWarrenton, MO 633831-636-262-1415Entry Fee: 35.00

    September 28, 2013Show-Me BDC(Open) 1-day TripleClarence MO.Chairman: Curt Beckley4163 Shelby 209Clarence, MO 634371-660-651-7287Entry Fee: 35.00 october 19-20, 2013Moniteau Creek BDC (Open) Dbl/DblBob (White) Brown Trial GroundsMadison, MOChairman: Lonnie Jones3358 Highway 124Fayette, MO 652481-573-819-8896Entry Fee: 35.00

    november 2-3, 2013Marion County BDC (Open) Dbl/DblClarence, MOChairman: Jack Glover6316 Highway 168Shelbyville, MO 634691-573-338-0498Entry Fee: 35.00 December 7-8, 2013Moniteau Creek BDC (Open) Dbl/DblBob (White) Brown Trial GroundsMadison, MoChairman: Lonnie Jones3358 Highway 124Fayette, MO 652481-573-819-8896Entry Fee: 35.00


    FIELD TRIAL SCHEDULE Please help our trial chairmen by sending in correct entry with payment as early as possible after June 1, 2013.

    All open entry fees are $40 per run.

    August 31, 2013Miami County BDC Amateur Dbl/DblPrescott, KS Chairman: Gary Hampton, Sr.9096 W 311th St.Louisburg, KS 66053913-837-3665

    September 14 & 15, 2013Old Fort BDC Dbl/DblPrescott, KansasChairman: Larry Bailey15474 E Jayhawker RdNevada, Missouri 64772417-549-9919

    September 21 & 22, 2013Kansas City Bird Dog Club Dbl/DblBraymer, MissouriChairman: Ken Perdue7215 Little Platt RdEdgerton, Missouri 64444816-728-0315

    September 28 & 29, 2013Miami County BDC Dbl/DblPrescott, KansasChairman: Gary Hampton Sr.9096 W 311th St.Louisburg, Kansas 66053913-837-3665

    october 5 & 6, 2013Saline County BDC Sgl/SglSalina, KansasChairman: Jeff Brooks1332 Bradshaw Dr.Salina, Kansas 67401758-452-0859

    october 12 & 13, 2013Salt Plains BDC Sgl/SglSalina, KansasChairman: Mark Gillespie8401 Langdon RoadSterling, Kansas 67579620-278-3359

    october 19 & 20, 2013Top Law BDC Dbl/DblOverbrook, KansasChairman: Rick Meyer808 East 100 RoadOverbrook, Kansas 66524785-215-3102

    october 26 & 27Northwest Missouri BDC Dbl/Dbl TBAChairman: Ben Hill320 West High St.Marshall, Missouri 65340660-631-1987

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 32 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    november 9 & 10, 2013Kansas City Bird Dog Club Dbl/DblBraymer, MissouriChairman: Bob Sawyer26406 Ridge RoadExcelsior Springs, Missouri 64024816-750-4499


    September 7 & 8, 2013Greater Columbia PDC NSTRA Chukar Limited Open Dbl / DblBuckhorn RanchMayville, ORChairman: Mike Ouchida6339 SE BeverlyMilwaukie, OR 97222503-775-5056 Home503-320-9164 [email protected] Fee: $50'

    NorTHErN caLIforNIa

    october 5-6, 2013Green Gulch Ranch Sgl/ SglVinton, CA Chairman: Deric Fletcher 47115 Wingfield Susanville, CA 96130 530-917-5959 Entry fee $45 November 16-17, 2013 Raa-hauge’s Hunt Club Sgl/ SglDunnigan, CAChairman: Cindy Hervey 605 N. Lincoln Ave Manteca, CA 95336 209-823-6261Entry fee $45

    December 7-8, 2013Clear Creek Sports Club Sgl/ SglCorning, CaChairman: Frank Rowe22410 Dog Bar RdGrass Valley, Ca 95949530-346-7208Entry Fee $45


    August 24 & 25, 2013Open D/DChairman : James W KisnerP. O. Box 110

    Armington Il 61721217-481-0922Entry Fee: $37 September 7 & 8, 2013Open D/DChairman: Stefan Lewandowski2780 Rhodes AveNorthlake Il 60164847-791-9203Co – Chairman: Ricky Hubbard(847)455-0864Entry Fee: $37 october 19 & 20, 2013Open D/DChairman: Bob Webber1620 East Main St.Griffith IN 48319(219)922-0429Entry Fee: $37 november 2 &3, 2013Open/Novice Saturday and SundayChairman: James W KisnerP. O. Box 110Armington Il 61721217-481-0922Entry Fee: $37 november 23 & 24, 2013Open D/DChairman: James W KisnerP. O. Box 110Armington Il 61721217-481-0922Entry Fee: $37


    September 7 & 8, 20132 day Single, Open/AmateurWayne Coon Hunters21334 Foster RoadWellington, OH 44090Chairman: Derek Plyler5260 Erhart RdMedina, OH [email protected]: Dave [email protected] Fee: $40

    September 14 & 15, 20132 day Single, OpenMahoney FarmChairman: Jim Mahoney1900 Upper Valley Dr.West Jefferson, OH 43162614-879-7040Entry Fee: $40

    october 19 & 20, 2013Region Fundraiser2 day Single, OpenMahoney Farm1900 Upper Valley Dr.West Jefferson, OH 43162Chairman: Derek Plyler5260 Erhart RdMedina, OH [email protected]: Rod Howard2528 Woodmere Ave.Akron, OH [email protected] Fee: $50

    December 7 & 8, 20132 day SingleWayne Coon HuntersWooster, OHChairman: Joe Giacomoni2880 Seville, Rd.Rittman, OH [email protected]: Ann Giacomoni330-903-1347Entry Fee: $40


    September 21 & 22, 2013Boggy Creek KennelEl Reno, OKChairman: David Lacy13201 SW 9thYukon, OK 73099Make checks payable to David LacyEntry Fee $40

    october 5 & 6, 2013C & L Quail InvitationalLocation TBDChairman: Chris Preston10015 Fawn Trace Rd.Mustang, OK 73064Make checks payable to Chris PrestonEntry Fee: $40

    november 2 & 3, 2013Garfield Kennel ClubEnid, OKChairman: Chad Mantz107 Phillips Rd.Enid, OK 73701Make checks payable to Chad MantzEntry Fee: $40

    January 18 & 19, 2013Willie T KennelPonca City, OKChairman: Willie Thorton1703 Fairway Pl.Ponca City, OK 74604 Make checks payable to William ThortonEntry Fee: $40

    rocKY MoUNTaIN

    August 17 & 18, 2013 D/DRocky Mt. Sporting Dog Club & High PlainsLaramie, Wyoming George - ChairmanWayne - Co-Chairman23 Brittany LnLaramie, Wyoming [email protected] Fee: $42

    September 14 & 15, 2013 D/DRocky Mt. Sporting Dog Club & Great West VenturesStrasburg, Colo.Zane Mowers - ChairmanWayne Baker - Co-Chairman47844 County Road 43Pierce, Colo., [email protected] Fee: $42

    September 28 & 29, 2013 D/DRocky Mt. Sporting Dog ClubStrasburg, Colo.Wayne Baker - ChairmanMark Pace Sr. - Co-Chairman5862 Queen SArvada, Colo., [email protected] Fee: $42

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 33 i G

    october 12, 2013 S/SPrairie Wing KennelsLocation TBDSuzanne Freehauf - ChairmanGerry Woelfel - Co-Chairman14801 CR 100Nunn, Colo., [email protected] Fee: $42


    August 10, 2013Utah RegionalVernal, UtahChairman: Richard “Kip” BottomleyPO Box 1439Vernal, UT [email protected]

    December 7 & 8, 2013Double/DoubleNewton, UChairman: Maureen GoodrichPO Box 153Newton, UT [email protected]


    September 14 & 15, 2013Blue Ridge STR S/SLynchburg, VAChairman: Randy Fairfield2554 Crockett Rd.Forest, VA 24551434-525-0034

    September 28 & 29, 2013Front Royal Grouse Hunters D/DFront Royal, VAChairman: Steve Whittington22 Fieldstone Ct.Front Royal, VA 22630540-635-7637

    october 5 & 6, 2013Tri-County Birdhunters S/SKittrell, NCChairman: Ken Sikes6112 Old Bailey Hwy.Nashville, NC 27856252-459-7859

    october 19 & 20, 2013Cripple Creek Kennels S/SSpring Hope, NCChairman: Jody Bass

    476 Macedonia Rd.Spring Hope, NC 27882252-478-3180

    november 2 & 3, 2013Shade Tree Kennels S/SUnion Hall, VAChairman: Jeff Holland8870 Old Franklin TurnpikeUnion Hall, VA 24176540-576-2197

    november 16 & 17, 2013Cripple Creek Kennels S/SSpring Hope, NCChairman: Jody Bass476 Macedonia Rd.Spring Hope, NC 27882252-478-3180

    December 7 & 8, 2013Walker Farms S/SBenson, NCChairman: Ted Purdie9824 Jordan Rd.Raleigh, NC 27603919-779-4035

    December 14 & 15, 2013Taylor Farms S/SErwin, NCChairman: Kyle Taylor9167 US Highway 401 SouthErwin, NC 28339910-263-9357

    December 21 & 22, 2013Blue Ridge STR S/SLynchburg, VAChairman: Bernie Davis579 Quail Rd.Lynchburg, VA 24504434-993-3579

    WEST TExaS

    September 14-15, 2013Amarillo Bird Dog ClubAt: AmarilloChairman: Phil Bonsal4212 HarrisonAmarillo, TX 79110806-336-0246Co-Chairman: Martin Hargesheimeremail entries [email protected] Entry Fee $40 per run

    September 28-29, 2013Amarillo Bird Dog ClubAt: AmarilloChairman: Rick Smith11870 Indian HillsAmarillo, TX 79124806-789-4844([email protected])

    Mail or email entriesEntry fee $40 per run

    october 5-6, 2013South Plains Pointer ClubAt: Shallowater, TXChairman: Randy Jordan8708 North FM 1264Lubbock, TX [email protected]: Zane Shamburger806-781-7274Mail or email entriesEntry Fee $40.00 per run

    october 12-13, 2013Open/Novice format trialWTX Trial at WintersAt: Winters, TXChairman: Nathan Tekell206 Penny LnWinters, TX [email protected] or Email EntriesEntry Fee $40 per run


    September 14 & 15, 2013 West Allis Training Kennel Club Dbl/Dbl Chairperson: Steve Rossman 9100 W. Eden Place Milwaukee, WI 53228 414-530-9430 (Text message preferred) Entry Fee: $35.00

    September 21 & 22, 2013 Ottawa State Park S/S Chairperson: Mike Leslie N7249 Skislide Rd. Oconomowoc WI 53066 262-719-2165 Entry Fee: $35.00

    october 5 & 6, 2013 The Cheese Head Challenge Dbl/Dbl Rooster Heaven Forest, IL. Chairperson: WI-Steve Rossman Chairperson: N.IL-James Kisner 9100 W. Eden Place Milwaukee, WI 53228 414-526-0991 (text message preferred) Entry Fee: $37.00

    Get yours today!!Annual $50

    Associate Membership $20(spouses and childern 18

    & under)

    Annual Canadian Dues $50(U.S. Funds)

    Lifetime Membership $500Membership forms and other NSTRA forms can be found at

    ourwebsite, log onto..


    NSTRA has 31 regions that cover the lower 48 states and

    Central Canada.

    Please visit out regions page to determind which region is

    the nearest for you. Should you need assistance to determind your region or any additional

    information is needed, feel free to contact the NSTRA office.

    Office 317.839.4059

    email: [email protected] members receive our bi-monthly magazine. Remember,

    you must be a member to participate in NSTRA Sanctioned Field Trials.

  • JuNe/July 2013 i 34 i WWW.NSTRA.ORG

    (There never can be a substitute to seeking the professional advice/experience of a professional NAVHDA/VHDF Certified Trainer.)

    It's no secret that giving your gun dog lots of experience with live birds in the off-season will make them a better hunter when the Fall Chukar Season comes around. NAVHDA Judge/Trainer Breeder Bob Farris (Cedarwood Gun Dogs) showed the use of live birds at the ICFI Gun Dog Training for Chukar Hunting in Meridian, ID in early May 2012.

    But what types of birds are best? The short answer is, "Any you can get!" But if you have a choice, you'll want to give some thought to your budget and what type of training you're doing.

    Professional Trainers use all types of birds in their upland bird training programs, both for their own dogs and clients' dogs. Remember, before you acquire any birds, be sure to check your local/state laws regarding possession, transportation and training with live birds. These laws vary widely from state to state, so make sure you know them before you start.

    Perhaps the most common and economical training birds are pigeons (Idaho has a lot of dairy farms that may allow free trapping of pigeons). Pigeons are strong flyers that are easy to keep and care for over extended periods, pigeons are the staple of most training programs. The most valuable aspect is that they can be used over and over because when release they return to their roost. They also give off lots of scent, a nice advantage when introducing a young dog to birds and their return to home when working on breaking point training.

    The downside to pigeons is that they are hard to plant with predictability. Many training exercises fall apart when a pigeon takes wing while the dog is still 50 yards away resulting in breaking point. Experiment with different methods of dizzying birds so they stay put most of the time and, unless you’re using electronic release traps (cost can reach into the thousands), just accept the fact that you’re going to lose a bird now and then.

    Also, if you start your dog on pigeons, it can be a bit of a challenge to transfer them over to upland birds, which give off “less” scent. Keep in mind that Bob Farris educated us at his ICFI Gun Dog Training Clinic for Chukar Hunting is that most of an upland bird’s scent comes from its breath. Most professional gun dog trainers find pigeons to be a great value.

    Quail tend to cost more than pigeons, but they are still fairly economical for most trainers. Healthy, pen-raised quail closely simulate wild birds. However, unlike pigeons,

    quail can be difficult to keep healthy and maintain. Unless you have a large chunk of land where you can set up a recall pen and tend to the birds regularly, you might be better off purchasing quail as needed.

    Insist on quality when you purchase quail. There's nothing worse than flushing a quail in front of a young dog's point, then having the bird flutter several feet and land again while your dog rushes in and tries to catch it. This may be great fun for your young dog, but if that happens too many times

    you'll find yourself doing a lot of retroactive training to keep him from breaking point.

    Chukars and pheasants have it all. They give off plenty of scent, and they’re hard to beat for training gun dogs to handle runners. Yes, they’re expensive. But if you plan on hunting chukars/pheasants, you’ll be way ahead by purchasing these larger birds in the off-season and letting your pointing gun dog get used to the boisterous flush and extra size and weight during retrieves.

    Last, a wonderful resource are the upland bird hunting reserves (pay to hunt on private land with stocked birds), Idaho has a multitude of options that will put gun dogs on live birds that can be pointed, downed and retrieved. Also the use of these upland bird hunting reserves can start your season early and extend it late because of their operating dates usually from early August through late March.

    Hike High & Far, enjoy the wildlife/wilderness and shoot less!

    Gun Dog Training: Live Birds are the Key

    Remember, before you acquire any birds, be sure to check your local/state

    laws regarding possession, transportation and training

    with live birds

    Written by:Drew Wahlin, President

    IDAHO CHUKAR FOUNDATION INCSubmitted courtesy of Robin Tomasi,

    American Brittany Club Facebook Chair

  • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 35 i G

    cHaNGE of HoME rEGIoN:Members requesting a change of Home Region must do so, in writing, through the National Office between the dates of October 1st and January 1st. *Exception: A member who permanently relocates to within the boundaries of a Region, other than their Home Region, may make written application to the NSTRA office at anytime to request a change in their Home Region.

    rULE cHaNGES:Proposed new rule changes or additions shall be submitted sixty (60) days prior to the first day of the Trial of Champions and/or the Dog of the Year trial.

    coNSTITUTIoN/BY-LaW cHaNGES:All proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws shall be submitted to the National Officers at least ninety (90) days prior to the first day of the Trial of Champions or the Dog of the Year trial.

    rEGIoN HIGH PoINT:Points earned in the qualifying rounds of a Regional Elimination or a Champi-onship trial DO count towards the re-gion’s high point competition. Points earned in the finals of above trials DO NOT count towards the region’s high point.

    oWNErSHIP cHaNGE:Once a dog takes a NSTRA placement, any subsequent ownership changes must be sent to the NSTRA office. Please send a copy of the papers with the new owners’ names to the office. Transfer copies will not be accepted. The date of transfer will be the date shown on the papers.

    aSSocIaTE MEMBErSHIPS:Associate memberships are available to members’ spouses and children 18 years and under, still living at home. There must be a least one regular paid membership in the household to qualify. Associate members have the same rights as regular members EXCEPT they are unable to vote in any regional or national elections in-cluding rule or by-law changes, they can-not hold an office, and they do not receive a magazine.

    TrIaL ScHEDULES:Fall trial schedules are due in the officeby May 1. Spring trial schedules are duein the office by Nov. 1. All trials must bepublished on the website 4 weeks prior to their running.

    ScHEDULING fEES:Trial scheduling fees are due in the NSTRA office 4 weeks prior to your trial date.

    TrIaL rEPorTS:Trial reports are due in the NSTRA office 10 days after the trial date.

    QUaIL INVITaTIoNaL:This trial is always held the last week in February that includes a Saturday. The qualification period for this trial is Nov. 1 through Oct. 31. This includes all points earned during the time frame, except points earned from placements in the final “Top 4” of a National Championship trial or Regional Championship trial (qualifying rounds do count). Entry into the trial is based on points (dog with most points first to get in and on down the list, etc.). NO INVITATIONS WILL BE SENT. Any dog with a placement during specified time frame will be eligible to enter. Amateur points do not qualify entry into Championship trials.

    TrIaL of cHaMPIoNS:The criteria for entry into this trial is that the dog has earned an open championship and is at least a 1X open champion by February 1 of the current year OR the dog can be a paid standby for this trial by achieving their open championship between February 2 and March 31 of the current year. All entries for this trial must be postmarked by March 11. No invitations will be sent.

    UKc PErforMaNcE cLaSSIc:This year only, the qualification will be points earned from March 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013. Weekend trials only, no qualification or final rounds of National Championship or Regional Championship trials.

    DoG of THE YEar:This trial will begin on Wednesday of the last full week of October. This trial is based on region elimination placement and/or high point status. All entries must be postmarked 45 days prior to the first day of the Dog of the Year trial. (NO INVITATIONS WILL BE SENT.)

    ENDUraNcE cLaSSIc: The qualifications for the Endurance Trial have been changed as follows:

    Entry into this trial is based on all open points earned from June 1 through May 31, except points earned from placements in the final “Top 4” of a National Championship trial or Regional Championship trial (qualifying rounds do count) plus any NSTRA open champion dog. Champion dogs will be accepted first in the case of a tie-breaker in regards to entries. No invitations will be sent.

    (Change voted on by the Board of Directors April 24, 2013)

    ToP PErforMaNcE rEPorTING:This award is presented to the dog accumulating the most points from June 1 through May 31. During this time frame all points will count except those points earned during qualifying and final rounds of National Championship and Regional Championship Trials.

    HaLL of faME NoMINaT