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f "voTxMI.-y- O. 297. -- v.. ..... NKW YQftK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1875. PRICE TWO CKNTjT i ' THE NATHAN MUIIDKIIKKS. rfr f hist si our 7 .) if i im: in tui i.. i ii. 0, ..rrt Ihnt I far Poller took I'nrt In the (Tlinr An Hvamluntlnn Ihiit Should tin re ,ril to Dlrvrry nl ihr Murderers-pnl- li c ( opinio Kennedy' Tint Drnlnl, Hilly Kurt ester, whose poll i ult wni cnt Uersrr P"lh "titlon In t tie Intnl ;i tluit of the ffl irJff r ..f Nutlinn. hut t last told Mi Hon At thw time of the murder Forrester vai s fugltlv fr nn the Illinois Penitentiary, xnd being known as one of the mot daring tiarclirj In the t mil. II was nnt liar. I to helluva tbst ho bad .Mldcd murder ti his other offences. II .Ml uP lu Imagine ft crime which would rsqulio greater daring and coolness In th perpc- - tritor. or I IUi.1 a who possessed those I" n greater elcgreo than Forrester, Ibe New V .rk police did not. however, show much energy in the pursuit or the iiinu whom thcr auumed to believe utility of the liorrlhlu doed, mi I 1 "r. ter. h ho scorns to have courted other Hi .'i n . it'ol arrest, was ut length brought wi'hlu reach of the law liv Washington dteotlics After a brief i iamlimtlori by Jus. tl3 li.wltig tor charge of nmriler was a- - and Forrester was to the Illinois authorities, the nun. IId sild t" .i reporter of tho Chictgo 7 fines: ri,..nil. V "lurk police officials hrsrd that I hid been npMir i "i. rvi'Mtj nun uq in Niir Klite in nr rsiroasioii "''I' Pis & '."U Hie dog witu wt.lrh old Nlhi ii'i.f t ' it ml 'd- ami when lust was tatl.far-- I llf sent .'. . was taken to New Y. r.t in identify ins w'pm ftrr arriving ttiere.hta woman uaa af lusrdtne I rt m 'li a nl rcnum there toi an hour or n 41', in. w. in luriti tlinr rout octet another sttiry. Tlosu''. ti" "f oMi ttories wis to the efT ct thi't the 1 iir with u mi i. Nathan hm Wiled Hai taken 3. me irnm a)ara .1; li g t "ic place In Noonday, N. V.. which we are irr'- - ! break lino, for Hip purpose of raising a bi-- un.l wua railiol br me to I'flnt.l i. and t.jare 10 v r ork c.l . No.doi II aura llkelr I w.u!i. irr a iron ail H.i' altatier, intfiirni valuatile lint" lietilli.l and helflra, no rr t. rl.ita.los h. Intf ue. nr iro fp.t..iiil4 fr 1111 ile'i pnrtior a l.llia Ui'arr.n d. lo th w lull Hi ll li a pnl-lu- i Joh Pjr poilee al 'tiorlllfa tnflir.-i- i alirnti'.ii lrom Itirm. elvrp and ntlirr, 1 mil tril )..ll li.Bl lli.-- C1U. el ' 11 iloa lo be nude Mull lirb.n.r .ri.' wiili Miiuti .Naihiii wis killed, amletea (.rtl iiu.-i- "ti ttif 111 in miae ihe'n nl ly. 'Itiertben hit ilif : on n laole in po Ice auJ fi ii n.. ' 1 "1 .ir uii' in.' mi. lie eliu'iie.1 I la N. nil. 1 ) in. ire iti in irtaneitiir al tneni. I. in' mi) o.ithe Imril one from ilie rlRtit liit' j .'ii I, n; "it, "Tl.a! is Ilie one " N inn kno Tr? w. 'i tli 'i here there are a doin instruments a ni.-- l alts. 'iirti albino cattiint h.- untie. Itsswpiit iiij were utau Liore besides, All ot wlncti I :i rip si" Ui'jiiirter How aiiout KUIs's woman 7 What did her St' 'J SI '..Hit t 1 r.rnn.rr Oh 'twas eren thinner linn Kllls's. ii tn i,r, insd" it up mat sin siiouin swear fiisi 1 I'll.. In 1.. tn. i. In lnllji1e'p'iti l'i ..ay of lle t'i .Mirr. u iih in) 1'itt s l'toi.d) ; mat I washed uira. If tn ii'.nnl I' u4ui w I'll .111 saline awonl. 1 I. i. Pifililn dliiyi.iwl. ri I, and A prute II by II iih .line jut! i.itiist tut .j, ti t .sriiii." ao in ts'iowa ) li 11 ic wis au ili.r pul-ut- i Jul. lu ibid. I tb (. i.Hr parlies. now utr Mitit.F.ii wis nnr.. Ho milled that had the el.iniln itliin lir Ju.U'o JliMiliiiu b. . 11 se ir.'litiiL!'! i...tiilin toil It II. mid hnvo i.sillleil in tlie ilUioteiy of the inurilerere. l urrestei's theory of tbcisiaisliiii-- I ion In a.--i I'dl.iM'i: Well, itirrj aie elnssss of Ibeni One elssi coiiiiris.'N wuui jrj Known us iljy workers." hiiolber nisi what ae cill-i- "eventii," 1. J the iblr.l rlu4 taWn In lb. iilhl workers." ur I a resin men of it.e Uu "huiIiik w rker" frei.erlly rlois bis busiuL'-- s wbrn the Is t lis. Ouch a me lilted Ibe sst'Mii lume sn wtels prerloua to the iii'i ciinril access in ibe story jy II us ct Ibr p'jnh. iVben be entered Ibe room b .itwene.l a ssle stari.leij Hit re, and al once con ilidltiat Dial is tiopMie for bis stile ol II- - b'll 4111I wrnt lo Ihe ntlNUDown amler p of Jm," 10 1. 0111 be related what be bad seen. Tlui I11.111 d.ul at once rurmeii the otilnuu Ibat, as Nalh n was n rj cltlir linn, nrn as Jtws si a lie tnc Ub.'dl.insof tbeiruwo money rsin. t no trust u to t'Biik isult. the site lu question inns' roiitsl'i a en itirrit le atneuct In b.inits, money stH the Talu 1 pi.tpc.rr. lie selccied Ins ''imub" ii. .low" li. em first ho irl 10 or three tironuucit pnl'.... ouieisi. in wuli the "Job." I know .rum expert-eii- e wbureol 1 spr-tk- biejlwi notlituv of eons. q.lMn e 1 si Ii wurkeil ".ine of the nrst-c- l .ss "coppers'1 ' I ml III" 1. In 11 A wet and si. mn!lt was i Ii t n for the rubbery, ao'l lbs result Is Ki ll euuuh Luwn now. VICTIM 01' Till. l'OI.KH. (lo iid.led i t sin now lb" victim of a police conspirair. as 1 am an i"'i inui e. nl .it tbecUurfie fir w.iten nir sviouu ssnt.'iice wai ron.'Unte I Iut.' tsbl the rvldenee lu t"-'- 11 r e ore Out. lli'Trr-i'ire- and expect Ills favcr a. ' e msidr al .n ol It. as well as ibat ut Ibe Ircsl a.b t'vi nf ibr biat... upon its merits ss submitted, biiouid pi lii'ViTiior nuk tsvurabiy upon tny prtlllon,! will I 4, li. I.' ill Hi,' i'rl it ut tbC lullltu.! yr. Slid l ti u wi.i b. 'ir from me. 1 would say 111 aiHilioli Put ii.e " ilui; " hut b .fas itieii In in comm'silon of P. 'iiinrdi r w a b .riflar'a tool fiir tlui time hi wit. It w 1st"! as for ths upright. ' by - uf whl.'h the s.ic was betnir drill 'I. but was nut l.i ri ti .1 1. 11 a nun came oa lue sceue. I'orrost'T ei ,. In':. nl ttils hy n rouxli model of nf" i.r. . knik' liisirument likh he hewed out ii'h 1 1. 11 H. VI II VT l UT. KKNNFllY SATH. '.iri.r .ilo ulil thnt ilurliiu his eoiifliie-nit- " in lb I', in'.-.- , (' int. K.'lilip.l) hail t iheli n I 1' ii'.i n ih" 0 to IP nili film, ntid told the II .t Inn 11. w to identify. 'sit lv nmd) apt to n SiN reporter last I1121.t0.1t 10. siurv I.-- entirely false. I never 1 ...mi . rs 1. n to the IoiiiIid to Idsiitify For- - I Pt I I In if, noil .iltvnvs li.'llevud, that !' '!.!. r Ml." N All he Is after II .w id tf. u t Ij .1. Ili'iciUli'd to pardon loni -- itiia' In iiinv ne l"t looso 1:11011 the oin e rnori'. t Itupe, however, that tho Iiu v n . r tv ill not no .lneciveil Intu any aileh 1 mre I n re l now no eliarito on vvlileh 1'or-- 1 ."t r i' 11 In IihIiih this cltv, mill 1 leas that, III.. rt. d Juliet, he would lie free to lieirm .. l 111 11 life of crime. Ih.. Captain nil. led : lliere never was n case In vvhi, sin li ileteimllieil efforts hive lioen iii.vlitn leiret nut a a thu Nathan ii-- ' I in. murderer of Natliau killed Jourdan m' f..r J. iirilan'H death wan ca ised hy his vi.Mry iiiii nt tnnt cae. The day nefore ho died Im uu 111 my uOJce talking about It." rui: c.i.v.i- - rii.iviis. .llorueif Jcnernl'si IndicliiieDI ABalnat lleulaou, llcldeu A' Co, ' Ai.iianv, Aug. 0. Tho wliifi8 of in ciTiilnir will contain the complaint of tho Atl.iniey.Ueiieral In the case of the people aralust Denlson, lleldcni Co. Afttr recltlmr the oieciitlon of a contract between Canal Dascom and Fay, and Denli jii for (be ooiiHtrilctlon of vTork for tho sum of 0 VTlthnut the preparation of maps, Mam, bpeclfloatlons and eitlmates as required by law, mid stjtliu' that tllT.'itl hat been pild osten. nbly under Raid contract, the complaint to etatn the Items upon which this money Iih been drawn. The mm of fl5",.ta7.W hat "on oald out for work never donn. Dry ver-t- li il mill ban been bull'. In czeesn of thu enlled fur by thu contract, mnoiiiitliii; to 4.01U eiiMi' vanla, and the sum of nnfl.018 less 15 por cent, reeelved theroon. The clement vertical wall Illegally bitlll amounts to (2,1011 iml'lc ynrdi, for which there has noeu jnild the Mini of;ttl "P, les 1 per rent The tlefcndanU were not entitled in receive pay for nny rock excavation lu eiresi of 1,501 c'lible vanls, nnd et thevhave been p llil the itliin nf PJ5,0t.'f, leas 15 per cent., for SI.Ou'l cublo sards, Hiid tlio rnto nl iiavii.ent was inticli hliclier than I be actual value uf the work, I hero Inive been j H.ITi cuoti' ynrilH of eurth oxciivatlon In excess nl tho einn.iiil emlcd p.r by tho crntr.u t, lor sslilcli titer.) hat) been pild the illill of f :.'l,i)iS,"5, la-- a H per cent. Only 110 cubic, yards nf 0111-- 1 li iiikinont were called for. and yet 7d,PVi Sauls, have been built, mid f.'.lTM, leu 15 per '.'ii v., pild thereon N pint doiklm; 1 was called for. and yet 4I.I.PU feet, Ittitird incisure, have been liiruUhuil, mid Oil auiii of tHJl.'il ls 15 per lent., inld thereon. No cli. ritiiilt timber was reipilred, am) ypt A.'.77U feet, I onri! uii n iireiueut, was fur-- I inched, and i'.MJ.i.5i) p ld theieon. Ies llfleeii I 'ternunt. Other mutcrlulH have been fnrnnhed j which were not calle J for, airu'rei-'atln- u $t,iH.M, llfieen per cent, retained, Jhn veitlenl wall, built In vi'dallon of law, I) unualy defee-liv- mi vet Jai',071, lea fifteen per l ent , have t.n.tii fraud lentil pud nut fur Iti coustruellon mil 011 In.' defeitlvo lenient wall there baa 1 '"nil ul, thu bum of f lil,lJJ.7'J, leu fifteen pur ii'.tt. TU t'niiiiuir I'lllllilelllaeho Volkatcsl, Iho I'lnttdeiitachen, or North German, aver nsltliei are a pecu ir unil ill, Unci 1 pe of Ibe great "li'itonlc family, wlteli uiirermii In latisuitre. tradl-bin- s .Lid customs from lb.' Ilucbilvulscben, or Houth tl'triu ns. Prior tn lids vcar, bowevcr, they haa 110 emu' oiiiaiiiritiou uf tlulrovtn, but latterly lliey have I.'.! cm ri; ilcnlly aud laburnu lo atone iir iii suouii'i ess, ami iinw Uier.' exists lu New Vorsi a ..1 in.-- m ruiinduiif Mai. sa lirand Pullileulsc be Asso, t;li"ii w l.i. ill liiiln lis ilrsl Yuik'fi st In hrhlilleu J slk. lie ..r I' 1110 III I, Si' Ji'rsey, oil Ibe lltb of Hep. itiii'...r j, fuur foiiuw hk days, tali c atiou eum-''"'.'- . I'Tiv sub-s.- i I Hi-- . wlilcli mil all Ira repre-sin- 'i si the ruiiiiuir jei,ai.d no xin use will be spared nn ii 11,1 tu rcuder ll worltir of unh Ueriuaoy an hersuus. mi Iho l,nhe. ! of Friday vri very bark Austin and the schooner toil a r.t of 'J,0W,liiW leet Illlaiiaieia a nuts i no is ri:.:sri.r i.v.i. Trees 1'proolril. Ilniua I uronfeil anil the Crnps llrllo)eil-Tl- ir ( Inuils llienklnv In l.leul Toiienla Near Dliiiiiunn'a Ferry, Mlirciiin. 'u., Autf, P. A Uc.stiiictlvo form uf stiud. hall and rain snept over the lower part of this county lat lliur-dn- y after-iioot- i. Abo il Pnll-im- -t f mr o'clock tvro larce i loildi. one ni''Vlii, rnp'illr in a nortlinc'terly (1 lici t t. 1.11O the other to the eollthcasl, enme tiafher ovir 'In mountain ranire about two nilh s below liiticmauv Ferry, tn Delaware township Tlr "olllslon was. followed by a ter- rific report. ,ui almost Instantly Volumes of water beam pourliitf down, In a verr abort epacc nf tlmt every ravine and hollow In the 111 itmtnln side for ten miles became tho bed of a riisblm: torreut nf vvte wlilcli swept Into the Delawaie 1 alley, uproolliii: I rue trees In their roiirae, and buue roekf, vv hleh were borne iilonu tutu the llelils beluvv. Hundreds of acres of corn nnd buck w heat flehw were cover-f- it In tlii'su etreums. unit tho crops totally Milts of feiiee wire swept away, 11ml iiniliv entile fecdliu: In the pasture were itrown-i- t, llefore the fury of the rain norm was over, iti;alr 'f wind n"eonipatud with lerrlQc Hum-dcriii- llchtnltu! and a ehower nf l irwe hall atones followed In Its track. Trees weie torn tin carried from u guartcr to half a mile throuiihlthe air. one lari;e che-tnu- t bclmr borne clear across the Delaware river and turned up-el- doivn In a corn Held Itifussci rouutv. .V, J. lliini were unronfeil and hundreds of windows In'iihoiise shattered. The roof of finilie an linden's farm was curried ncross a teu-arr- field and Indued lu the topa of two larue oak tree". Three children returnlnf liome from nn at Dlnsmairn illaze. sotiiiht nholter Iroui Ilie slnrm In 11 small clell In tho mckis nt lite l,lo of the "hill re id. ' A Ms ehestiiut tree was blown down, nnd fell In front of the npeuinu In the rocks, linpriconltii: the children therein. Alter tho sturm hnd subsided thev nt'r.tcled the of a ..uu ' almii: the road liv llielr shouts. Heine unable to letnove the tree from tint opet.'iiir. be summoned nelirhborliu; farmers and they cut the awayaml released the etilldien. The storm lasted about half an hour. Hall atones nine 111, 'lies In circumference vwru lucked up In the Ileitis, and the I .ill had f.ill. n In such laruo iuantltles that li of It could be shovelled up twenty-fou- r hours alter it fell. No correct climate of the amount or damage done by tho storm has let been made, but It will amount to several ttiontind ilollim. A similar storm passed over portions of the t)"ti" of I I, .111 1.- - in and Fsllsburvli, In Sullivan c iuntv, N. Y.I -- t week, lis course was In n dri lii and covered an urea of country about half n mile wide. Its track Is maiked by piles of fallen trees, shattered tuilhlluc. ruined of corn and buckwheat, nil I roads so badly entiled and torn up as to be Imp issaula. mi: 1111 iti.Mti.iy luleieslluj 'poll- - In It nbruslrln's Park-.Vlnf- hri Hunkers Snusnues. Tin- - Tluit iii.rniiis unci Saxons lint n worry t'i.(Aisf jeaterday In ltabcnsteln'i park, at 12iith street. 'I huiinchi Is n leelon near tho centre nf liermnnv. of which thu ereater part has heloiii;ed to tlx- Savin kluedoui, ntid been aubject to axon irovernmeiil. It Is a land teeming with Incident. YcstirJav's whs al) participated in by a number of popular (lermiiii alnipue elub-- , and was attended by the F.leventb lleslnivnt. The crouuds were tlccornled with statues most prominent beltiL' that of Herman, the Herman patriot, vv ho stood with sword uplifted, surrounded by tho flags of all the old Gcun.m Mtiidi.tus al.d principalities. Off to one side, on an el.'V.i'. d platform, wis nil repre- - ml itimi In pasteboard of ttie old r c l.i inlo of Wnrtburc. where l.ullier wai, Imprisoned. It I ' oil" of Ihe Ii lasts of thu pupe : and t.mre It st 'oil, setup with much ild-li- ty by otis of the scenic arllsia of tlie Urriiiatiln Theatre, wltnnli Its turrets, walls, end battlement, stained Willi ace, but still aubst tntlullv iiiiinjured. One of tliu first spectacles presented on enter- ing the eroiinda was Mother HUiikcl's tooth, with llsslen nniinuncliiirThiirinetaii "ausaees, freshly broiled on the ( over Inilir. vised fires. Freah sausaees they were, not dried or smoked, and there stood Mother IXlukel herself, &s tialuril as tlioiurh sue had been suit over by ciblo but by tier whole fii.nll.. .uale nnd female. :r iilinr at once both the ami themselves in the effort to sup- ply trio e .iter and huiniry crowd. 'I hey aeram-ble- d for those ftauni;ea. and It wis Impos-ltd- c to cot them ready uh:My cnntiih. tliou jn Miuh.'r lllllikel sat eros- -, rired wltlilli six llli lies ol tba fire, and vv..rkeil wllhiiut liiler.nlBSlon. Tho frariut tukc ascended lu ilouds, and eu voloped tho li.iiitll and those nLuut II. Nolmdv can what lhosi sauaces aro who has not tasted tlietn. Tho linrsliiallnii - nnt en. 1111:11 I'Tll. The art uf brollli.u' ihunnitlaii sausa.-e- s shniil l in t bei omc a lost art. I'liore were many oilier Interesting Imnths, ailorned wllh names and mottoes familiar as household words In the f itlurl mil ; and old fellows ii'tended 111 some of them Hint werouf the eenulnc 'J liunnslan and H 1x011 metal, tin .Id mall sold the little cakes known as ii if, nllsse. He cinit from Is suite twiiitv ears au'o. but helss.-un- ' to day, anil he was thoroughly hnppv jcsurtl.iy unit In 1.1- - Icniiiit. iluliv I. itloiml ca.ues of hanee were plured, the pii beliut class ware. fans. pur-- , s. ,Vi-- 1111.. I. null.) attracted crowds, Ithoinrli It wis tunny to he r :i th ttoiiihtiretl Herman iiotiduct-tli.'th- e diul.iL'uo In Fni'llsh, wltli 11 tieruiau as Inoad a- - u barnd'Hir. 'I here was nhout-Ii- il wllh aruuei'iisci., Priiuuht over liero by i.vt r nceiieratlmi iil'o. but as cuod as ever with tuelr powerful M". spilm-- s and cow- hide cuds liviiina-ilc- s, polo climblinr. blind-- f ul.l walking fur prizes by thu women folk, and other similar sports, afforded much umiiseiueiit. Hut above all. It was the poopo. Immensely Jolly, di'liclitlnir lu the reminiscences of home nnd ho ne life, III nil they suvv. telling tlieir stories, sing-I- their snugs, drinking and eatltnt, and withal not thn remotest sign of disorder. As night closed In. the singing clubs began to give some of llielr best songs, while at other tables merry drinkers ani the old refrain In familiar dljlect of Johannes bad a hat, Jobam.ra bad a list, 'I lis bat It cost a thaler Aud luur aud nit) "grot," Ac The fesllwl closes tui: hum am isr.ntvn. A f .'iinililluir House Ihnl una Never llrfuro lllslurbcil by the Fuller, Iitiuf NiitUaiilel of 2K East Tliltfy-sco-ou- d street complained yesterday to Cnpt. Allaire that he had been decoyed Into the (liitham 208 llowery.nnd had lost ti. Thereupon the Captuln called up a section of men lu plain ilothes, marched up the Ilowcry, enteied the (Inthaui, and asked the bartender for tho keys to open the dours tn the gambling rooms up stairs The bartender smiled ut tho Captuln, nnd said that the eyawi rn not In his ti.'asessioii. The officers were then ordered to reconnoitre, ascend neighboring roofs, outer back doors nd ollev witvs. and endeavor t make an entrance, Officer Luke saw it skvlleht, ascended a (light of stairs, uuletlyrabed the Hani, nnd let himself down Into ihe gambling rooms. The bartender, rotters In, slid hangers croiiud had mado known the presence ol tho officers to tho gamesters, Officer Lake was confronted by William Lotvery, tho dealer, who ait uuletly smoking. All tho giinbllug Implements had been removed. Not u card it a chip was visible; nothing but the large faro table proved tho existence of 11 gam- bling house, Lake took Lower) to the station, simultaneously Cant. All lire mndo a descent on the Inaduuurters of the policy dealers ut imu llnw ry. and mrestod Josonh lltirr, William White, William Men-lit- . nnd Uugon Hull. The Uolliam was nourishing ngaln lint even- ing. A It 11 la by 1 it I lis 11 Thieves. Three It dlun sailors of the bark fl I inept to lyinir at Atliiitlc liock, Ilrooktyn, wrre tie ci .ii late on Sundiy nlgai by Oiil'er hiroble stealing l'u fut of rope troui the canal boat John Cod). As soon as they sa-- ihe otilccr lliey ran. Illovannl viil ami 'sirril r i n'M wrrseai.ture land gltcu in chariro ol s ii 1' 01 it innrrs, w lillii Ilie oitlctr naseu the third sailor. Hi was tuuu.l huhlnd soiiii. luiubi'r on the plir, aud 10 frlslit.'ll bllll ll"' nthrer dr. d ItU pistol lis lb" ulr, 'Ilia s.b r sinreiiil, r "I, and ns be was in. r 'lnil away, lie ma!u a sudd 11 spi lug, and Jiluiped lulu the waleralid w am out ol sl.lil. 1 lie w at.r w ss siarrhe.l by o.lti'Hts In 'io.iIs, but to euul.l uu! In fniiiid, nnd be) coiirlii.l.-i- ttist In bad bi"n druwi c.l Justn e ilelmur tho two into were srresltd lu Iwiutr uhis dsis hi J ill. A W rnllhv Vngi'iint, F.itrlck Vesoy was before Judge Westbrook, esternay, nil habeas corpus. The prlsonrr bad been committed lo Ibe aluisliuuie for three months as s va- grant, ard Ids counsel, Mr. Price, contended Ibat under Ihe stall' Veser could nut he ami Ibllln r while lie was possessor of aguld walchaad IIDO, and (list If he eoul I Ik. legally coniiiilllod al all it should be to the pi'iilli u 1 notorious pinon, bill Ibat Ibe romuiltiuent was wholly void, Declsluu roacrved, The North (Inrollna Fleillon. IlAi.noii Aug. 9. The result of the Conven- tion election Is atlll doubtful. Ilflurui from all Ue counties abow the repreaentalloa to I) ss follows 61) llepubhraus.ftuileinucrats, 1 Inlfpendi'ut Democrat, auuL'heroico countrlo bear from, which tsas Heretofore voted Democratic. Tbs UemocraU cUJul four insjoru lu ibe Uojtijiiuo-i- , T1IK SIlOEMaVKKllS' ST1UKK. fE.tiis mat siitiKM.iinsa .11.1 r nr. inn oi r or xuir.v. The t'llsplua lnlenl upnnn I'orinldnhln Lock-Ou- t, nuit .tinny Foiplovers Deleiiiiincd to Hcalt-- A C'onfereiiep Invited To-ilu- y. Olio liiiinlrcii nntl twi'iily-flv- o cullcrj and team men In the employ of Well Ilrothers, J. Parsons Hons, mid J..-- . K'nllskl, nil of War-te- n street, struck yesterday, some on account of the price of labor, others because their employ- ers would lint recognlro the Order of Crispins, and others because of the discharge of 0110 of their number. Well Ilfos. nay that tho mil) notlco they had was 11 statement on the part of the men. "Wo guess we'll go out nnd see the strikers'," when they donned their coafs and hats and went put. They refuse to pay nny expenses uf the strike, expressing a determination to hold out to the end, One of their strikers told tho reporter that their wages hod been reduced by this llrm below living prices, and that they would never stiliin't to tho Imposition, When naked by whose orders they had struck, thoy replied, "The Council. They control us and directed us to strike." Several of their number A- dmitted tbelr utter subjection to tho will of the Council, and say that when directed they must obey without asking any iiuestlons. Far-son- s .V Hons at first refused to say an) thing! but afterward said that their men demnnded nn advance of a cent and a half on their work and they granted It. The Council said It wis none of the men's business, nnd refusod to nllow them to work unless the settlement was effect- ed through llielr ntTlclnls. Mr. Parsons refused to recognize them, and thureupon the com- mittee ordered the men to quit. Ho upon tils tight to regulate his own business affairs w llliout the Interference uf outsiders. Ho nceused I'. C Hurt it Co. of be- ing the first ones to yield when thn mniiufiiotiir-er- s combined for mutual protection, wlills thn weaker dealers stood by their ii.'recnionl to Hie list. The trade, he slid, vvero at the mercy of the and It vru Impossible to hire n boy even without their consent. UnlNkl snld lie w mid c his bu shop rather than taku buck the in 11 he Had dis barged. His brother, nt III Wnrreii street, said his 111011 were at work, but were liable to strike at an) moment. This, ho aid, was all wrong, nnd operated ngalnst the be-- I merest a of the Crispins, He is making nutbiug, and c iimot insko niiv thing at Iho ex lulng high pilce of labor Ilatian of 111 Warren street nay that their diff- iculty Is with reference to burs' wear, and that thry expect to settle It within a day or two. I hey had uu amicable meeting with thu Council vestetday, end thev seemed likely tn agree. '1 hey ilenv Hint tliey think the Council desire 11 general strike. They deprecated the course of the strikers as unwise and unjust, 'llielr true Int." et lies lu being contented with uioderato wages, ns nny other course will destroy tho nnd thereby the opportunities of the la- borer. Messrs. V. C. Hurt Co. Hilly deny that thev are ill.ssatlstled wllh t'10 work of the new men, and say Inat th"V discharged some of litem so that a number of the old men might r.t urn. They expressed sitisia"! Ion with the sltuatluii, nnd manifested no anxiety whatever, lliey, to- gether with J lines W. Hurt. Hint ' Mears, and nil the ni.imir icurcrs, without an exception, thought that tlie strike would drlvo them luto the country. I,estisky vv.u attacked unit cru- elly beaten by ttiu moli us ho was coming out of Well lln.s.' bouse at 110011 yesterday iiicaii-- e ho hail dureil to "oik In violation of the Crispins ordeis. 'Ihe Frcsbs-t- it and Secretary of the Council, however, disclaimed nil knowledge or approval of tho assault, su) nig that lUelr rules fotb .do the use of violence. A general strike hut IhrCoun-el- l have published nn mldress ill-- .. Mining all 11 of making trouble, and dein iiidlng no- thing but n fair e. ilvaleut for the men's labor, 'Ihe) met last evening, und passed thu follow-Itt- i : .'" Irsrf, That Ibis the Central council of Ibe K, O. P. , luvs open session iTn.'s.tai errul. g. si 0 )'. for tne of br,r tig wbal ibe several eulplaiers, to whom Invtlitloua wot ic extended, luve to sar lu relation 10 tli. trade, and that we also extend an luritation to ibe press. tv ateliers patrolled In front of all the estab- lishments affected by the strike all day, and 0110 Oridlii, whom they called a " scab," narrowly esr .pe.l mobbing. He had been at work. A deal of feeling Is manifested bv both parties, nnd .,11 seemed linnresssil with tho belief that 11. e worst is id toi-oni- 'I Itou.etiuiesuppiirted out of the 11111IU..I1 fund, mid u contrloutloii has been volunteered by lb members if tlie itb ii n it iiffccietl. A number of application- -fioi.i I ilea nnd ntlier places fur tbc uteii otistilkn wcro received by the Secietarj, who Ml loutldti.l uf uivcJ tui: AMr.ittr 1 v 11 nr. The Sinners Tor Ibr First liny of Ihe August .Heeling on the Surnlogii Cniirse, tf.viUTooA, Atijr. P. Tho Augipst races second regular meeting for 17j open wllh four events. In the first race, for the Kent icky stakes, the following will probably start : McDtnlel's b. c. by Lexington, I.twreiico ." (."rtilatd'a br. c. Ambush, llelmont's It. f. 1". Loilllard's br. g. I'.,rile, F. I.urlllard's eh. g. Diirango, llelmont's ch. f. Adelaide, and John M. Harney's oh. f. I.tllle Ilelle. In the second race, the summer hudlcup, the following nre the probable start rs : M. A. 's cb. Ii. Wild Idle K. W. Sears's ch. li. A. ro-h- John Hunter's b. c. l,elats, M a ti .1 & lu.'i li. f. Mattln W.. Thniinis Fiiryenr , Co.'s b li. (Irliistead.und A. Ik ls Ca.'s b. in. Valid illtc. In the sweop-ttake- s race, for nil nces, six horses "ill . n v start, and lu the fourth race tticro will be four starters. Among tho pools sold nt Morrlssoy's this even- ing vvero the following i llw Kentucky 3111 llrlmnnt's, Ho McliaiJicl's, 15 Lawrence & Lorlllsrd's, IS liar- - l,.')'S, 10. huuimvr Handicap Urluslead. ltn &s.f ISO Wild Iilli. Ill .. to i M itile W . pa ds 15 llalidicao Meepleehase lllivolo, 1.'H fits., 7a l)md Held, tin Bs , 6"i I'avllghl, Bs., to. 'Ihri'i-nti'rir- r Mile Dssa .vu.lgr, 10.1 Bs.. HiKi l.can der. Is) tss , it'll lliigiud. lus .s., 75 ; Itnsiisiii nthui, li BS 70 Ill Bs., SJ AUalrallUd, b- -' St., ga. The llullnlo Itnees. ntTKAl), Anu'. !). Tliu tnti'lc wtu in tlio finest condition Tho sport began with the uiillnlsbed race of rlaturday for 2:10 horses. Only three horses wero left to start, Ashland Fet, Woodruff and tjuaker Hoy, J'rovloua to the heat the backers of Ashland l'et brought strongly at $30 to the field. Ashland l'et won the heat ond race In 2.'a7Vi Woodruff sec- ond, two lengths behind, who wai one length ahead of Quaker Hoy. Tho following Is the suuimar) i Itace fur the 5:P) class: purse, fl.ovit lo Ihe first, u lo Ihe serum!, ft.Vi to the third. anil IP u lo the fotirin Horse . Ashland Pel, .1, 1, t, '.',!), 1, 1 rutf, ;,'.', 1. 1, 1. :l. g ijjak.-- Uur. 1, a, a. 1. '.'. Hi Pilui. 4. 1. a, li. r. o. i ham, f. ft. S, t, f,. r o. Tiuic-g.l- is-; i, iiHi'l. g.3SK, l;J, ii&l, il.MS, v.JHi. Tl oiling nt Fleetwood I'nrk. There was a fair attendance yesterday at Fleet- wood Park lo witness the trotting. Tne cvmt of the day was a much of f loo, mtle beats, best 3 In 5, lu bar. besi, In Uf c.l John Munrt)'s b. g, IMnlc and K. Holy's br g. Jim Uosrrs. The knnnlnt ones vrcte sadly In I til race. The Utter sold a favorite, and won the flrt heat without a Draggle in 3.0.J, After Ihe heat it was proposed to rhan-r- drivers, au.l John Mur phy as put up bi'hlii.l t'liile. The second hen was a heautllul comes! betseen the pur. Ncir lb scor.) bulb ahowcu a l.iila mure spiel. Jim ll.tsers nroao up. and Pilule eiime uinbr Ibe wlri Winn r by a length it, lu the third lu at too bursts gut awar on ibe I'.rsl alteiiuii, Pa'dc going lu the front, and Iho bo'sii up the Itollli' sir, lib res lined In a victory Py Iwu lengths tor Panl.' in '.':tK'(. In Uu f tirlh i cut u good Hirt was erti cicd. with Jim Powers on tint liisniu huu Paulo in Ilie air. Ti.e boises tield the satito posliions up tlie stretch, win Jim Powers tpuilt'l. nn.l crossed undr the wlra u wluner In g:a. lu the tlftli beat Jim lloweis led. Da rouuiiii'g Into ibe slreti-i- Piinio wei.t lo iho front wl'h a rush, and, kcepliig Ibe It-- I, won tie beat mid ruci In .A'V, A bevy uniount ol muuey cituged ban Is un the rnco in the pool oox. taini'itsy, inntib ttuo against time, Divnrr nsnied bay ic. tiling llilu. la I rut a utile in 'J.tal. Jerendib pang. bo ii b. i'.n'il unit', and woni tlio Iioiid trotted bis bed unlu lu Uios, flushed li) Death hy u Fulling Tree, Foiit Jkiivis, Aug. I', Ira Wood of Harvard, Delaware lounty, wcnl lalo Iho woods ono cay last week to chop down irro. Ilewaa aciompsiiled by UU sg.'d falber. Mr. Woud cut luto a lr'c until it w.s reidy to topple uver, when he saw bis father standing wlta bis back toward It, In the very spot wberelt would fsll. Tin' old was (leaf, and did not In ar bis sou shout lo hint to Jump out uf lite way, Mr. Wood liuu leat'i-t- l tn bis father's side and puilien him out of danger and tlio Iiee tell upon himself auiicrii,ii.d huu todejtb. 'the father iiiidu vain etloiia to exliirnte the body of bis son trum beneath tlio trce,and thru bure Ibe aud uess homo lo the ursve man's tauipy. A Duel Indrlliiltely l'oalpniied, SAtlAToa.v, Aug. 0. Hiimt lively gnssslp lias been floating about In regard to a threatened duel J. H. Moras, of Ilalllmore. boarding althe tlrand Union, and Mr. Chapman, of New York, boarding at lltu United Blairs Hotel, lbs slory Is but partially true. There was a trilling collision a woman, a cane, a letter, etc.. but ootn geuuemi'ti ibiuk too muoli of tbelr Irlends aud of lti young Isjy tu incur lbs risk uf a ,Jat tCPMsUyu- - a mad srr.r.n is ntr. stiikvts, A C'hnrae upon Chllilicu nt I'lnv-- A Horn llrokeu (Irl'lu n Tclcginpk Pole -- I'lmialnt .Madly Through the llrosdvsnr Crowd. A ilroro of ciilllo frnt unloailecl ut tlio foot of F. nt Forty-fourt- street at no:u yester- day, for .fames Dentils, of 5- -' TLIrd avenue, and a large tnotlled steer, escaping, rait toward Fifth avenue. The drovers started In pursuit, and when thn nnlmnl reached Fifth avenue a crowd of at least a thousand persons followed, shouting. An effort to drive hltn Into an en- closure only Intensified hll fright, nnd with foaming mouth ho mn dorn Fifth avenue, scat- tering the private carriages into the side streets. At Thlrtj-llr- at street tho animal turned nntl ran through to First avenue. Near Twciity-tlrs- t street a number of children wero plavlng. The crowd shouted to them to get nut of the way, but they scetnrdlto bo paralyzed, and when the slcer was within a few feet of them, they ran behind n telegraph polo. Then the steer lower- ed his head nnd charged upon them. They dodged around tho pole, and with a tremen- dous shock thn horns of the anlmalstruck Into tho wood, broking olio of them off tn within a few Inches of the root. Wild with tho steer dashed down tho avnue. and at Four- teenth street ran Into Pdlncr's tea store, chasing two men w tin wero standing on the curbstone, ttl riiiilo)co In tho store fired two shots Into the flank nf thn nnlmal. but without effect. After dashing around the boxel the steer went across tho street, and a ccnllm:in who stood nn the curbstone was honked and thrown sev- eral feet In tho ulr, but he . aped with only few bruises, Tho colored lights lu a drug store wcro the next attraction, and for n quarter of an hour the animal stood and watched them. A number of frightened ladles In the store endeavored to drlvo lil in nwav. Their bright colored dresses were another challenge to the steer, and he sprang for them, but only shattered the doors and windows, Thn drovers tried to lasso the beast, and ii butcher tried to kill him, but they wcro driven off, Thoy took refuge In a wagon Willi n policeman. At Hlnvintti street tho ani- mal turned, f allowed by Iho enlarged crowd. At Fourth nvenuo Oilier Johnson nttempted to stop htm by entangling his lees with ropes, but the nnlmiil freed himself nu I knocked Iho off- icer tlowii. Theuco to llroad why the officer and the drovers engaged lu n hard tusslo to securo thn animal, but without success, wai crowded, us usual, but the steer plunged through tn 'thirteenth street, and was chased lull a blacksmith shop. The men In the shop Jumped through the wlndowi, and tho horses kicked nnd struggled with terror. Tho bellow- ing of the steer was heard at n great distance, mingle. I with tho shouting .f the crowd as they shut and barred tho dour, while Officer Johnson ascended to tho roof, mid through tlio scuttle shot tlio animal dead. For several minutes the crowd stood undecided about opening tho door, nnd not until the c irc.iss was carted avvav did they seem tu feel that the danger bad passed. snoorixu Ar citrritjiooit. The Flllli, F.lslitv-fourl- h. iiud Niucty-slxt- h Iteglineiiis I'rncllsing, ('oiiipanl"s 11, II. I. unil IC, Fifth Itoii-mer.- t, I's) men, under Capt. Kloeber, I and C Sixth, '21 men. Capt. J. M. Hermes, U and F. I.lghty-fourt- r.t men, C'.ipt II. ud, nnd II nnd C, 4:1 men, Capt. ltodonberg. shot nt Creed moor )cstenl.iy. Col. A. Slauf of tho Nluety-slxt- li Heglment commanded the detachments, ('apt. V.. C. Orvls nc lng ns brigade Inspector. Cunt. I iillcrtoti, Hlglitv-foiirt- won the regimental b idge. scoring ft") points nt tho four ranges-lm- ), 150, fUd, and 4Ud yards, cergeant Osboru, same regiment, won the Crcelmoor badge with a score of 71. In practice. Hon, VI mar, at UlU and 4.0 ynrds, scored SI out of Ss) oolntsj Cant. Or . is, ill i Capt. llretidt, 40 ; Capt, .Ti. At U0M utid too yards tne best scores wero .it follows: SIXTH ltr.iiMicJ T. C'jl. Van Week.. .17 t:n-.- 17 tirg. AmaMIs 14-- 21 Pvt.Jlarin 15 su'U l.t. ilcodhearl...t a si hergt. ItiMchinsii V li-t- ii Sergt llius in I'll. Wirt rimri.'M 1 i ..rp.Mergentbei-l.t.l.'ol- . King. ...11 17- -.ll mer I'J Cap'. llrniKs 17 .ii i) M 8. lirand . a tg .) I... si ri. Prnsl n in-- is Major la- - J.. : .. Abru & 10-- rimi iimiaasT. Pergt.nivcr 11 SJ ail t .rp lleli It I'vi.Srbuler ...111 pu. rubrum.... is I7 I'll Meyer la l'.'-- i'i Pvt. s.ecuiaii... u l'ft. Kahr a lil-- ll P"l. fser PJ 17 Hergt. tale It il-- ss 1M. I ,'hnian 7 lil Capt. Kb eber..,03 -tt fvcKiuutavftltllll 0- -i bsui.Krb S 11 I'll lienipf II 11 rtniirT F.n. vtii auauiST. Cart. Kiillfrion 11 St -t- v. Pri A. Krnst. ...n ls-i- s IS llon.ii.. .. it 1117 I ipl 11- - fj I, I. II Krnsl M ti 17 Nit. 'uen ra nil Id lu .is Pri. Prlse.'U. . .!& ir hergl. liclablr ..IV s '2 I I's 1. 1, liter 17 0 17 Her. I. Iljug'ss. ..17 ia rgl. I sllinj... 7 lil P Kl...i. n ll'!l pit. Farrwll 11 nl I'vt. llulleracld..t:l 31, , tvrTTsixrii nroiMrtCT. I.t. Itausieltrr....!! II 51 Drum. Itrquonz. 0 11-- 17 Opt. It'lrnbrrg. 7 is h.tji. Ilrber a ni 1.1 .sug. r 12 is S5 Pit. It.'utrr in ld I'll Kchwrlsulll.lll 8 21,1'It. Lpllug 11 htrgi. liorpferl.. d l!!-- la tui: oi.n mould's srirs, Miiltlcn Teriiilnnlioii of thn Collie Trlnl -- Flight id Due ot the Dele uihiuls. London, Atip. U. Tlio trial of and William Colllu, both of whom aro on ball on the charge of obtaining largo sums of money from tho London mil Westminster Hank on false pretences, was brought to n sudden stop lhl morning by the announcement that Alexan- der Collie had absconded. 11 bail was there- until! estieatcd, and n warrant lisued for his arriet. Tho Messrs. Callle's sollcltois and tier-Jea- m Ilall iniliie, ul-- o for the dofen. , their wlllidruival from the ciso. 'Iho pro-- ullon declined to proced against . It.tln Collie lu tho ab'enra of Mexatider. Tliu former was then ordered to a mouth hence, and tho cusu was adjourned. Five thousand dollars rewind has been offered for the uppreheiislon of Alexander Collie. The Kuroprnii Hreadsiiifl'i Market, London, An;;. 1). Tho Murk l.nnt In Its review ot the corn trade '.ho put week, says: The weather though broken has been on the whole tuhrahly line. The crops are progr-sstn- favorably, but ll Is uureasona de to xpeet ii cleut) ar quality of last year alter a new ly suult-s- July anil alien a heavv rain tall. Sotbrr have found In France ss farathrr have cone , and flour lias rlsea four francs tier ssea: iu Tans-Ib- e bulk of otir onu birresi is yet uncut. Homcof our country markets bav'B br'sitsled about submitting t) any uruhne, though generally It rrachM one lu two shillings per quarter. Lirgo speculsiise piircbsses have been made In London ou Mnencsn account the Lundou niarset closed with su Improved aspect aud an upward tendency which must be swayrd entirely by Ihe weather, ibi'reccrialuly scums (tuite as luucu cuauce uf a riso as a lall. The Anii'i'lcnn Tciini lu l.nudnn, Ldniuin, Altc. 0. Tho kciiIIi'UR'u of tlio American team nnd llielr filends arrived thli murnliig from Paris. Thoy report that they en- joyed their visit great!) , nnd have obtained tho recreation they so much needed after llielr I. bors mid preoccupation of the contests lu Ireland and lhigland. Hoverul of tho paitvwlll visit Sir Henry llalford nt Wlstow Hull, bis country seat In Iiclcestershlrs, where thev will meet n number of distinguished guests. nil will go to Liverpool to embark for home un the slojiitcr t;lly of ll.'rlln, fici'iit Mr. llrucc, who remuliii on tho Conti- nent. The lliiiiibnrdiiieiil of Sco il'lllgel, London, Auk. U. A lnttcr lo tho '(ill .Villi llizittc from I' mis the bombard-mei- it uf the citadel at Sctiil'l'rgcl is nut making bctlve itrorcss tiecauso tho Mfonslsts aro await- ing Iho mrlval of iiddilli'ii il heavv guns, which are expuctotl dully. Hnless relluivd. which Is hardly lutMiblo, tlio Carlist luadei, l.Uitrjga, must surreiidir, The lleriKov liilnn liisiirrcciloii, London, AiiK.y. Aitcoiuits of Iho lior.o-gnvlnl.- tn revolution from Sctnvo'ilan sources represent that tho Inaiirgonts have defeated the links in several encounters, u'r.l wounded fellm Fuclia, The Milpplng Hill. London, Auk. II. Sir C'lmrlus Atltloiloy's Shipping bill to dnv passod Its second leading In llio House of Louis. Shiihlug fp the f ilial Ciiiiliiietui a. was iiindo to Juilee Westbrnok lu tbc Hupreiuu Court ol lids city, fur au urili r of utlncli-incu- against the propi rl) of lieitlton. llcldeu AI n of Uuntlaga counly, canal contractors, for fin.oOJ, and an orderof nrr st rcitttrlng hid from each la moo. isk), tho orders wero grunlrd mi the coiiiplaini of ) llt'iiei al 1'rali, the allldavlt of Mr Hwiet, hlaie Fngtlieer, as to bow tbc money was Iriiuuliieiitl) ub. tinned trout ibr treanir , and ot Mr. Apgar, llepuiy 'treasurer, which sets fortli tho druiuiii.' lor un lit und Its, Titeuidois are itireitvd to tliu buvrltt ut Uuuuctaga county. The l.nnill. Fi'iill) lu Itoiii t. The action in the New Jersey Uupreiiiu Court to determine tho coutrol of the l.andls ihlldrrn was before Juliro Heed, In 1 reiilon, ) eslerdar. I.uuUK, bis wife, and tier brother, Capt. Meade, present. A roturu was pudo by the latter to Ihe writ compelling blm to produce tha cmldreii. and It waa agree tu traverse tlie ease, and take evldonce before u commis- sioner, a return lo be msdo Auk", (a, snacilduitu iv be vBillnbt Haul 0ARS3I EX OFF IIOCKAWAY, .i tu 1. 1 1. or HKtt.r. ry rnu if.i ;." or mi: ati.axtiv. IHglln, Ten r.rek, nnd an I nknown Dnrsinnn Howlng for thr ( liniiiplnnshlp of the Mnle An Accident ttudnn t'nexpecled Itesull. Tho rtisli to nockiiwny Uracil ycstcnlny was creator than nit tho linos of steamers com. Itlned could conveniently provide for. Tho first race of the day waa a palr-oarc- d raco open to nil entrance) freo; also double seventeen-fre- t work- ing boats, no outriggers. At 2 o'clock five boats wero pulled to tho starting point, tho contest- ants being Tommoy and ratford, Ilartlott ond O'Donovan, Policy nnd Waldcn, McCarthy and and Utimford and Murray. Ileforo the raco begun, the last three mined crews com- plained that tho first two wcro using out- riggers contrary to tho rules under which the race was to bo rowed, Tho Jtltlgo at first ruled them out, but under their protest readmitted them, nnd tho boats wero stvrlcd. Tominc and Tatfnrd got slightly the host of tho start, Ilartlctt and O'Donovan bolng about n longth behind, and Fohoy and Waldcn not tnoro than four boats lengths In tho rear of the leading boat. Tho other two crows wero close behind, nnd In tttlsordcr.wlth hardly a perceptible alteration, tbo raco was rowed to the fltiUh, Messrs. Fohoy and Waldon protested that tho uso of outriggers In tho leading boat hnd lost them the race, and offered tu row Iho winners for from J.V) to tMH The second and last event nf tho day wos a shell raco between Messrs. Illglln, Ten Htch.ntid Hell, for the championship of tho Stato nf Sow York and money prizes. There was not a groat de I of betting on the result, but Illglln was br long odds the favorite, nnd fotv doubted his ability to win wllh cai. For sumo time past ho mid Hell have been training at tho betv M.lo House, und both were In maznltlcent condition. With two such iiowerlul competitors tit Illglln Mi l Ten l.yck, Dell's chances wero looked upon ss slender, and at 4 o'clock It was announced tint Hell ha I withdrawn from tlie rner. A cheer went up as Illglln rowed his shell out. As the Judgvs' boat approached the landing nut EVCK stepped from the platform nf the hotel and walked down to thP whatf, where his shell had already been launched. As he pulled toward the starting point he looked tbo model of nn egilo narsmati. Illglln meanwhile had rowed his shell Into the wash nf n steamer, und was tossing about on the mlnilf waves which threat- ened to cap-ir- e bis frail craft. Kverywliero elso tho water was without a ripple, nuj u tnoro op- portune moment could not havo been seized upon f..r Htm ting the boits. Hut Just as Illglln began tn shoot utter the Judge.' boat, toward the starting point, another aspirant for aipiatlc lienors iippc.rt'd upon tho scene. Hovvasde-srlnU- of bi comlug champion of the State of New V'trk, nnd bad obtained permission tu row In lieu of IP 11. He carried his shell down to tho water on Ins shoulder, launched It. i.nd taking his seal, rowed toward the starting point. At 5:IU the throe Im .ts vvero lu line, and a mo- ment altcrvvnrd fix ours dipped Into tlio water, nnd tho shells vvero darting toward tho stake boat, a mile and a bait away, around which, and back tu the starling point, they had to go. As they beared tlio Neptune House. It was t thai Illglln was In i.dvalicc. pulling o isily, with Ten F.tck almost abreast of him. Jones was far lu tho rear. a row.. Illglln and Ten Hvck rowed on, neither g.ilti-lu- g nil Inch on tlie other. Tho Sen .lido House wn- - p.fn'.l, with Illglln holding a hardly per- ceptible lend, and tu this n they reached the stake boat. Hern Illglln ii'itckctied hll stroke, und tiled, by doubling tne stake boat rapidly, lo iiicicisk his advantage. The er of his shell fouled tho -- tiiko boat. ud be- fore ho could dear himself Ten l'vetc had turned his boat and was pulling for home. Illg- lln seeuied tn he trying lb "peratclv to clear him- self, but lie succeeded only lu fouling again, and again. When lit last he turned tho stakn boat. Ten Lyck wasthlrt) lengths or more in advance, pulling easily, and the raco for the New Vora cbnmptoiishfp was virtually over. Illglln nulled rill, however, ntid rapidly de- creased his opponent's load, but not enough tu can-i- TiJl I'.ick tu uulikeii his lead. As tho winning hotr''sscd thn first landing Jones, who had warily bided his time, and was walling for this onpnrtiinlt), dniheil out ami bent to his oars like a man. H'lt ho was tuiu-1- 1 to iii'ld his own with Ten l.yck. so ho lay tu mid wnlicd for lligiin. who seemed at this point ta be pulling ns though his lifo depended on It, and win u.rcd bv hi in beforo lie could getlhls shell In motion. Illglln succeeded In reducing Ills oppoueut's lead to abool mix leoglb", but lie could do no more, nnd 'leu F.)cl Passed tho II ig bout a winner by that distuned In l'J ii'luutus and Id stc.tnds. r.'OF. rii.m:s is m ri'Ai.o. IlllUlum Iteccpllon I'nrllcs lu Honor ol Ills lixcclleuey, HcrrAl.0, Aug. !. llilsarternoondnr. Tllden received a Isrge iitimber of visitors at Ihe resld-nc- e of Lieut, tiov. Dursheliuer, am later be look a drive arounl the most allrsciive parts of the city . Including a brief call st tin Driving Par., where the races weic to progress. During Ihe inter part of the afirrnooa snd esrly In the evening, ibe liuveruor received insuv ladles and gentlemen at a litvn party, held lu Ida honor on "be I. dutiful grounds of llronson C. ltumssy, Kb.., on Del- aware treii l.aiertutbe eventnj.iic was streamed at t.l llt.a,ov. IK tsbelmer's b) De'llioetdtb. clttreus, accuuioa tied by the t'uiou cornet uudiied bauu. At lliWA. M. to morrow ihe flovrrnor win be br the .luur.1 ot trad., wbe lleurge it. Illiib&ril will i. nucr nn Httdrs-.- a of w. jiii , 1 whlcu the tiuver-no- r will respond, afier w bn-- a trio ot lusaeetlon of tao canal will be made, fi bused by n ride dowu Ibe Msgara riser on S. 8. Jew en's vactit '1 Hants Ou hlsr.'tura tie will viit the stab- limite Asylum, now lu course of coiisiru tton brrc. In the he wilt buld u lurmal reecptiaa at ihe LleuienaubUuver-nor'- s msiislon. ou muruiuj, at Do'clock, the iiuyi-ruo- will take a speelat tram for Siratngat loaning stops at llssavia, tteuester, bjracuse, aud I'lica, AvviiirxT.s or mi: sr.i.sos: A llclrnlhrd Couple Drowned under the ill rail Culm ai t. Ni.vgaua Falls, Aug. . At 5 o'clock this afttrnoeii six resident of this place visited the lave uf the Wiuds without a guide, as Ibey bad frequently done before. After passing through the rsre, two or tbo party, Mr. Klhelhert Parsons, aged Su, and Miss Lottie C. I'hllpolt, aged g5, desceuded to oil eeld) width Is i.rvcr visited by tho guides, vvbt.e battling, the lady lost tier foothold and was csugltt by the but tne c uncut carried petit luto tne river below, aud tbe-- wire druwucd. Ibey were soon to bu married. The Dangers nf iho Mirf. Miss Lovejoy, while bntlilngnt L.I.,ou taliirdsy, was carried beyoud her depth. A hoy who was Oalhtng ntartbe ladyweutto tier assist sure, tiut she selxud turn and held li'iii so HgitCy that lie eotiiu do iioibiinr. 'Hie linn. tJeurge VV. li'ishb.cs, iiiuprietor ot tlie hi, Louis i'.ii-)iif- , was nub g aluug fhe neiicti iu u carriage, lie pluuged lu, aud saved buiii ihe lady uud tliu boy. New Hops In Mnilict. AliiA.nv, sug. . I'ho llrst lot of is- -j early seedling hups were received bore Ibey were grown by t. Concer A uf Water) tile, Onclda couuty, N. Y.. sad are cou.ldi red Ursi clast lu every re a.trct. Judging from lids suuide, ibe crop of bui's tor lk;.i wPI be uf sup. rlur quality. I'hey are couiigucd to 1 a) lor 4 bou, bre ers. The Dclei'livi'M Avviikcncel. Hen. lliltly Smith's exposure of his tonfieif) lias awakened tho Dctcctlvos to a luke warm lutcrcst in llielr work. Last night tracers Voa llrrlchtcn, Kcely, aud I a Hue. arresicd Joiiu Met orauck, .lam-- Msgiuri) and Henry Murphy, notorious 1 bird Avcuuc cm plikpuck. Is. A Lost Hoy Found, Tho son of Mr. Charles Drink, u collector for Ibe leriy Coi.ipany, dtsippeared ubum III, tern nitiitlis ago, and nothing was bmrdof bi'ii until Iss week, wlii'u l.ts luttur luuud blui iu the lluuse of Kcfuec, wbltlliT Its bad betell aeut as a Vsgraul. Ycllnvs I'rvcr nl Furl ll'iri'iiiteas, Foiit IIvuiivni u, Aug. Nu new enso s lice the repoi t of huiirdi). II sp.ui htuaard Vi'il. Usui L. lllll ellud list ulgai. I.ver) budy else djiug well, i.osm:s iif run;. l'atilck McOruvv's dw el. lug, at Oaslloton, vvrti burned leaierdi). Loss, ttfoo. Ilonrv Duster's aliiblo, nt Ninetieth street nnd ibe lloulevard, were buriii'il tills morulug. Avaluab.e huisc uuu cow wcie humid to death. mtoo ici.Vff, James Smith, sou ot Mr. Juntos L. Smith, the esteemed prupriilor of the .lunddv C'oml i diud In llruuklyu ) til ir .Is j. Joel 11. Webster, an nmplotse In Hotchklss i Field's axle fartory In VVilllatusuiirgti, was struck un tlie bead by a b 'll yesterday and lustaully killed. Jo'an and Thuinas Loughery wero beforo er lleiiealri in llrooaljn yeaterdsy i charge ef cuuuterfelllng. Tliey were livid lu l.uoo bill each. Tho policy shop ut Debevolae und Morrell alreets, Brooklyn, was broken up yesterday atteruooa, and Win Laucr, dealer, and Charles Auarews aaiUC'Or-uaUu- s klsucj. plkicrs. were lucksd vcji) S JACK Hit Vl'V Alin'S 1.VVK, The flnry nf his I.nlest Crime Told bv nn llnnrst Triicblilnn-Dlsnirrem- eiil of Two Jurlca-Jiick- 's very Instnlons Defence. Chnrlt's Hnrrliicton, nllas "Jnck Shcp-panl- ," has effected a second escape from State prison within three or four months by virtue of a trial in tbe Oenoral Sessions yestcnlay. Har- rington Is a g young man, always neatly dressed, but slightly disfigured by a scar Just over his right eyebrow. The last complaint against blm was made by Henry Dodson, a col- ored truck driver for Messrs. Ilrcwster 4- - Mills of UsS Pearl street. According lo tho complainant's testimony ho was driving around tho corner of Chambers street and way on the 5th of April last with a light load of brushes, worth lT0. Tlio prisoner hailed him. and asked him to enrt a box which lay on the sidewalk to Cort-l.ui- street nnd llroadway, promising him twenly-llv- e rents for the service Dodson readily undertook tho Job. Tho prisoner rodo with lilm to Cortlandt street, and there they both dismounted. The prisoner said that he had sprained his wrist In tho bursting of a belt In his employer's factory, nnd nskoit tho truckman tu carry his heavy box tu Ids nflV'o Hi tho third story of tho building. At a elovd door on the third floor, the prisoner professed dismay at having forgotten his key, and told Dodson to sit upon tho box for a mo- ment tu guard It, becnuso It contained gold watches, while ho went for the key. Tho trust- ful Hudson waited fifteen minutes, and then tried anew the weight ol the box. He didn't know how much such a case of gold watches should represent In avoirdupois, hut the box seemed heavy, (Iradii-all- y It dawned upon his mind that he was the victim of a serious practical Joke or a swindle. He shouldered the box ag.vln and went down to tho street. Ills horse, truck, and goods were gone, and there waa no claimant for the box. Dodson Immediately took It tu the Church street IiolP-- station, and when It was opened nothing mortar, bricks, stones, and straw was dis- closed. A week later Harrington was arrested and Idenlllled by tho complainant. The prisoner was bold, declared his Innocence, and upon the first trlnl attempted to prove an alibi. He suc- ceeded well enough tu secure a disagreement of the lurv. In the retrial of tho case vesterday thn defence vvosvaned. The prisoner awnro that the detectives had formed a cabal against hltn, und were endeavrrlnit to punish hltn for some other person's crime, basing their hopes of success on his refold as a convict. Tho plausible story of tho haiidsonio young man was so effective Willi Iho Jury that they dlsagrocd again. What further Is to be dono tit not jet been determined. MiiiT.i nn is inns ast The DIsKlet Commissioners Defusing to Do-u- nlr S.IO.IMMI tn dram's Kiciiu. Wasiiinuto.v, Anp. 0. Tho District Com- missioner positively refuse to allow Murtagh's extra cl dm uf nearly foOJXX) for the publication uf the tax list, which was printed some tlmo ngo In tho organ uf tho President. Thus far he has bocn paid about $.j0.0", more tli in ouo-lial- f of which Is clear protlt. Not satisfied with this sum, however, ho demands nearly ns much moro under his contract. Mr. Denulson, It scorns, Is his principal opponent. Ho holds that Murtagh has been overpaid already, and has said In prlvuto ci'iivcrrattun that no will re- sign r.l her than pay It at the dictation of tiny one. Murtagh went tn Long llruucli to Invoke the President's aid when the llrst hitch tuok place, nntl I he report Is that tlie President that the organ proprietor should be paid. Mr. Deiinlsoii, however, wus Immovable. I'd strengthen bis case, Murtagh eniplojed Jeremiah M. Wilson tu hltn In obtaining thn money. Tho Commissioners still refuse to allow the additional domanil, and Murtagh Is very Indignant and threatens to tell what lie knows. In conversation a few days ago wltu an of the lato (internment, Murlngli raid he Intended tu cxpuse the mis- deeds of tho present Commissioners and niako It lively for them. Uncharges them with ic, and tli) probabilities) are that this hlghl) virtuous organist will either demand un Investigation next winter or read Mr. Denulson and bis associates out of the party us bo did Wilson and lllalne. CVIllOSlTIKS Ol' VlllMK. The Coium-i-s Dudley's rtolcis Jesrrls-T- he llnglish Adveiilureis' Profits. The Jewels soiled from Hall 5; Henry, who nro accused of smuggling diamonds and other valuables that are supposed to hsve been stolen from Ihe ( ount. c.l HudlcT and other ladles, wcro liken It) tbc Custuin House officers to Ti.Tsnj's yesterday, and It was tlei I le I Ihsl ibey are uot the onca ibat were stolen from Mrs. Itoque dc Lara In Havana. Ileory waa asked by Hpeciat treasury Agent l batker whether he and Hall hail made much money out of their loan ouslness. He said Hut the) bad nut lie said : e 'ave been onlv a tu inth iu the country, you know, and you couldn't expect us lo nuke much, ll ) ou 'ad only let us alone, yuu kuow, we mUht 'uve made something nice." A Itufllnn Killed by n Wninnn. Montiikau Aug. P. Yostcrday afternoon flvo young roughs attempted .'orclbly to enter the bouse of a respi'duhle woman iism.t Mrs. Downs, at Point rt. Cnarie-- . Mrs. liuwus bred lato tho crowd, a'tooiiug one Merloni through tbc lungs, trout tbe edicts ot w bleb tic bas aluce died. A Young Meddler of Forluue A bright-eye- Ii. lad, about ten yoaraold, waudered along Fuurtti avenue last eretiiu, lookiiig for a place to sleep. An oldfishlnned leather travelling big was on his arm, and bis dusty appearance indicated the last stuges of a long Journey, Ju-- t as a gintlc'tiiiu was aklu blm what bo expect- ed to do. Officer Whip' spprasrhed ant questioned Ihe lad. He said bis name w s Chrl'tsve I urie, and tbst be walked irom sen Ciilon sireei. I'atarson, .v.l,nn bunday. He said be a'olu 1170 from bis uiotber aud came lo the city lo Hilda place to When taken before lae eergeant lu tlie Fifth street police slstlnn be sabl t " lie careltll of thst bag I've gut a plsiol lu turre." "Is It a reiolycr " assed tbe bergeaut. -- No, Has one shooter." answered the Isd, as the sstehrlwss opened dltclnslng the pistol and a book eutllled " Fred's fresh start, and what he did liv moral courage." Tho lad was tudlrtcreni about being scat liuiue. He was sent lo the Ccutral Police OtUcc. An Old-Ti- shipbuilder (lone. Mr. Stephen Smith, of the once flourishing shipbuilding Arm of Smith & Dimon.dlrd In Iloaelle, N. J , ou Friday, at the age of Hi )cara When tbo ness of the event reached Ibe ol'l tlme shipbuilders of the Dry Dock region they tolled "the old nierl. sales' bell" that in b) gone das rung lu bniiib A Duiion's busy ship yard. In tbe evrnhia the oil shipwrights' Association lesolved to spend Mr. ismltli's tuuersl lu a body. This they did yestrrdiy. Asking Prnlrellnti ngnlnst the l.nssyers. Comptroller (Iroeti has asked the Hoard of Appwrtioument to authorize blui lo employ counted to protect the city against the claims uf lsw)erB nnd oth- er lillere-te- d lu street openings. He aiyi that the taxed cats unJcr street opening procei dings that si re uiitistdnu .lull 1. 11.5, sr.' I?l..'.';ta.7l,siid Ihsl since lMo the city lias paid under similar proceeduiifs, It,. ala.tiOU.Bj. A Turn In Luther llrynnl's Forliliies, Luther 111) nnt, the coin dculer, who teas robbed of iu gold coin last year, has had an oil set to his bad tuck. His age I sunt, who hied lu Hamp- shire county, Mass , died lately, leavlug bun sole a f. mi of ') acres, and to penonal pr ipeny umouinlng to 7,tssi other leisures, with whom the Hied, are conlcsllug the will uu the irouud uf Insanity. (irnaahnppcrs lit NebriiNhn, Omaha, Aug. !. (Irasshopoers are very nu- merous at Oram! Island, VVnluw Is.ut'd, I etilral City. Woud Plier, and Hastings, and aie ilolit ge ti 1I.1I11 mi-- , liiiincnseilouds uf tut) insects are sill! Uyiugsoutiiward. The Flood lu the JllnsUslppl. Mr.MI'lllK. Tenii., Aug. 9. -- Up tn ft o'clock tin- ilvcr lose uue inch und a half since 11 P.M. and ts Ituw wtthlll lluee and a ball inches of ?ilcrilal. rise. There is nu clunge lu 1110 sluisiiuu. nonsi: sorn.i. Mario Stuart. Ave r rs, has been sold for rJI,iasi, gutd. to Mr. Crawlord, the owner uf (aaiig I'ur waul. Mr. (Ic urge II. Hiker, the President of tho Cti'velsatt I oh, bus bought Ihe iliestllllt geldlltg llniltoli. ny Vi ji) out of kt,taha''li,B llru) luaiu, furiM.uou. sr.titics rnoM mi: iiu.iuutAi'ii. Tbero wcio 1 1, KM 0l postal cards Issued In July. Tlie Phil whitewashed tho St. Luuiseluh ut pnllolt-lplu- )esterdu). 15 o uoliilug. Tlie printers In tliu Indianapolis .Senlfiirl office stun k lesterus) uu account ut arcduitiuu 111 ttiet ptLc ut c.tmposiuuu. Pnl rick Jlorrlssey, irnckuinn on the Stoning ton Itsilro ub was run uver yslttriiay atiernoou uy a loco luultve, aud lud tils leg taken off. Thu Mayiii of Ott.iivn, Canada, has called u liieellng ot jb maiitif aeturcrs of the lit tatvu Vaiie. lo luslte arraneeloei te lor a rupreHfiitiiliun of Ibeir Indus-trie- , at tho Phils eihlbllinu, Col. U.S. Slovens, late (leneral Manager of tbe bllsaoun, Kansas, aud lexas Itillroud, tux been appoint ed ileitcr I Manager of tbe llaoidoal aad bt. Joseph ltallroaei, with boidiuart' rs st Hsunlbal, Throuali the orrorof a iihyalcian, who left mor- phine in the piano of a foaiuuig draught, Mra. Jane (lei luu, au aged latly, ut tlardiuer, Me, .was yvstrrday fatal, la puisoni'd, and s nurse, who lailed lbs drsuaut. was wfiudimculto'saiodtnamile-sUi- . - THE TIUaASUIlY ROBBERY. l wAxrr.n, o.vr nvxnniin Tito vsa if ;J DOLLARS t oil OTrMAX. 'M j neeoTeryof n Part ofthe Stolen Mnney-fl- it. YU nan's llenvy Deposit J3 ' Inr Notes lu an Alexandria Snvlnts Hauk. 4HL' Washinhton, Atif. I).-- No time lins yo -- Jfl been fixed for a preliminary examination of that 'i f persons recently arrested for the larceny of th "JH H7,(XI0 package from the Treasury Department. "jfl ' Ottman appeared before Judge Snell this morn- - Ine and waived a preliminary examination. Af. ' 11 ' tcrhearlug the stntcment of District Attornef - Fisher us to tho character of the offence chsrgod, JgB I and the pattlclpation of Ottman In the larceny, ' Judge Shell required ball in the sum of $100,009, Vm ; In default of which Ottman was committed. ' B I It was ascertained thai Ottman recently mads) 'V I a heavy deposit in thn Clermanla Savings Hank of Alexandria. The President of tho bank had J ) an Interview with Oen. Spinner and Treasurer . d i New and consented that tho officers shall examine tho contents of the package left vjl by Oilman. Chief of Police lllehards accordlne- - .vjffl j lywent to Alexandria for that purpose. That "f f package was fejund to contain twenty-nin- e $300 , 31 j notes, nmnuntliig to IILTO. It was scaled, and hud Oilman's name upon It. .vSi This aftrnuTu Malor ltlch irds and Chief Da- - - tdf tectlvo Clanoo called upon Treasurer New and M handed hltn the 114,500 recovered In Alexandria, - "sfl i vyhero It had been deposited by Ottman. M After being counted. It was again placed Jl In tho custody of M ijor lllehards, to t.o SM used as evidence ogalnst the accused. OtU wtk man has been for several years well known ' In Alexandria, nnd Isn stockholder In the bank S In which he uinde this deposit, aud also a hearr ?l stockholder In the shipyard company and otltor aj enterprises there. It was ascortoliiod that OtU " M nan deposited with Itlirgs Si Co. as follows t MM July 1.1, check of the Commercial National llanlc HI of Sirntnga on the First National Hank of Now '28 )ork, ILWM! July aj, cheek of Win. Ilrycsi ft Co. tu the order of J. C. Vallot on the Phrrnlx sl Nutlonal Hank nf Now York for (3,51X1 i check oa M Mechanics National Hank of Worcester fur 'M. 4s Thfse sums were checked out on July 88. It ' .rl has also been ascertained that Ottman pur- - Tn chased an establishment In llrooklyn, N. Y. tor 1 15.tXX),w hero ho proposed to engage In business, and was making arranjumoiits to this end whso M$ arrested. '.M Mrs. llnlleck and .Mrs. Oltmsii, wives of Hi .mm accused parlies, were at Pollco Headritiarters ' ami had long conferences w lib their ra- - M. eel I vo husbands. II dleck Is still nt Polios) ww ti ' Hcndii:arters, but will be taken beforo th JbB I Police Court with llrown for a pre- - 9k I llmlnary exunlnatlim. Writs of attachment H ngnlnst Oilman's real ami personal property vfM having been Issued tit the Instance of the Our- - JISm eminent, the Marshal this afternoon executed '30 them, seizing his tbreo houses, hnrso and cars S. rinse, diamonds, ftc worth probably rai.uiO, and . Jfi closed Ids restaurant. About I'M.UJO of th stolen notes have thus far been recovered. Dr. Wake, rh:.lrman of the lato ooinnilsilcn to count .3 tbo niuiiey In the Treasury, disclaims the orctlll S given III in In the nowspapers of luvlng first directed suaplclonng.ilnst ll.illeck. Unsays the entire credit Is duo to tlie Metropolitan Polio detcctlvos for energetically bringing the faota ,'. - connected wLh the Treasury robbory to light, , u and for the arrest of the parties Implicated. ") " th i: i.rri: or viusisr. The Pi milling Fnder which the Itetr. Ilenrf , - Want Heceher Writes. ,Kw When Mr. Ileecher ngreed with the prnjectori e'S . of tbe "Life of Christ," some years ago, that It would be mure profitable lu write the work from an on ho los ,fcJL rather than a liberal standpoint, he received llo.rxsioa aceuunl, and promised to nutsh the book In two years. 'fm Ills failure to gcep the contract, it la conceded, has led more than almost anything else, to the failure otj. Ik vSS Ford ft Co., Ida piinllsltrrs. "You would be surprised," "H ' ail I one ol tils eiiurcb inenihe ra, in nn excusatory way, 'QdMW in a reporter, "to know bow Irksome It is for Mr, VjF Ileecher tn wrile, He liana the labor uf Using sprit, sud while bu could talk an I talk all day with pleasure, VStl he wuuid be nesiere.i to death tf be bad to write. He has frequently put oil wrl'lng for Mr. bunnir uutil tbs last miuule, sud thru dashed off soiuelblng winch cams . Into nls head nnd was worth rradtnx hecauae be had Us namctolt. He knosa the prlntrrB'rry for 'copy,' tot "T be lias wrlllcn the M.lfeof Christ' uiteler the baoltual . proddiugof Mr. Korn. and be baa often bad to wrila it: while the messenger w sited fur lila mauuscrlpl." Mr. '"H lirerhrr Is said to have made another promise lo berda fts ) to I,: -- rallli en ly nn ll.e last third of Ihe second vol. B t'J uu i sf me "Lile of Christ" when he returns lu tho lall. , ' Tbe (iliiurratf r Cenlcniilnl. I Oijiicesti;ii, Mass., Aug. 0. The day was a 1 usher. .I In by Ibe rlngln-- of bells and Ibe bring ot - .3 csunon. Tbe morning train came In with nlas cars heavily loaded, bringing hiiadreds of visitors and sev '! ersl military and t.vll orgamzalloui, lly half past u a procession w as formed, eoaststlng et - J three brigade , and after parading tbe principal alreets, lo ape Pond tirote. At 1 o'clock the norer-- nor ml stall aimed there and recelveJ tbo inlliUry. Atsorloeg tlio compiifiy sst down to dinner. Afler vi ittnnrr the exercises eotistsit it of remirks by ths Iter. ' J lllrlnrd nf Uluneeaier, s historical addrrss hy tba JSB llua. Joint .1 ll.iti-ui- i, uud s b) Mr. Loruner, aj M t) or ileorgc e. Men 111, aed lien. Ilriggs. Tulseriii- - lugiherewas a pruuiuuils concert aud a dauco at Ins Hi Uruve. J Another Failure and Assignment. i Mr. Albert L. Dodge, a wholusale and retail '.3 dealer In cigars aud liquors, made an assignment yes, Jal terdartoAlrln Hurl, a lawcr ut 11 Wall street. Mr, jisfil Dodi;e was tnc successor of Chambcrlln ft Dodge, ami 'sWfl Irantarced bnilniss at ,0i llroadway, Thehou.ohaa been lu u bad eondillon tor snin. tune, and ths aidjnre said tn i I'm. II ibililles are 7.,ti). und Ilie assets not .l over itiu.isi i. Til aisliiuiient wasmtde at the request v ef ttie ereuliors, who b eve held two uieeiius. The as- - aisii sets ul.l be illstrb uted without prefer, line. t'ne Ti heaviest credllors are Fxbrr A Co., tmpolitrs of ctgars, and lv s, tleeclier ft Co , w bob sa.e ilquor e'tlrra of US 'ia 1 met street. 'I tie clatius of these firms fund oh c uf Mr. Dodge's llanilitii-s- . g VTio-- e Jlrulher or Sou ? . j.V Mr. George Schleer of LSOlli street found th .'i bo'ivof a in In the North lifer vest r.U In waa ' use fret seven Inches high, hat llgbt iiiuuilache and jt brow n balr. and had In the pnrkrta a sin er bunting eaa walch, and a twu-ne- led eaglo wllb u eeuwn attached. i Mr. bt hirer pulled the body aaiiorr.ani listing fsst. euedlt. as he supposed, went to look fur utlp i but oa A bu return tbe budy bad Ousted away. ' J Partnership Dissolved, ,fj Joseph l'rovczon und Joseph llologno, barberts ' ' 3 at 171! Urernwlch sireet, dissolved psrtncrshlp yeiler- - TI day. Lsst night they quarrelled about the settlement. "i and Pruveiju shut Ualugue, inflicting a dangfroaa wuuud In the lett side. Iloiugne was tasen to Ilie parK 'I Ilo.pital, I'ruvciou wss lucked up in the I'nurchsirt'ot Vi statiuii. A The Wenlber (ItUre Prtdlcllnn, Continued warm nnd clear weather, with light aoiitb. rly in wes eily winds and stitlouery or falhug ' hiroiuiur, jiossibiy fo.loaed by light ralai durlug tan ulght. jorrisns .1 filter roirs. j. Ileware of bad peaches I The Suntiyslde Association, In Sudor's Rist Hirer Fsrk, August su. 'f First nnuiial nlcnle and games of the Albion Society to day ut .loues's Wood. (surge Lvw was elerted President of th j John K Dosley Assuctatlou lasi night. s.Ml Miss Julh Matthews and her Coiulo Opera L'e.iiipau) arrived Iruni Furote )eiierday. , IV Mayor Wickham has signed the w irrnnts for tbc six buntlr. d su i tilt) breiueu's sileries fur Juiy. y C iit, (Tlnclii y rlosod (leorge Williams's iiollcf shop si itou Oratid street aud rr. sted ulae ter,oui last 'e, fieulng ;j John (laven, aged 70, adofinan, of I '51 Forsyth ' street, died lasi eyeuiug Iruui au accidental dose of . - H trcusote. Thirty die liutntreil persons attended tlie an- - 'r, Itllal exriir-lo- n nf tbo I iiXpaytTB' Asto 'iallou to lul'S J . Llsnil yesterdiy. , Michael Cill.ilitu. nged 3 years, foil from a tiiird snuy utn luw at ai I West l'liirty-slxtl- i street iud sSc wits kllli'u, )t'U'rdi) . Douglas Tavlor, Coinmlaabiner nf Jurors, re- - -- '' turned iruui Lurope on huuday morulug, au.l has bis tllltt lal duties ... August FiiiMlmiitui, aged IM, dropped dead , last i Tilling while diluting uglase ot gin In IVlltlaui ' btiavt a saloon, Kl Monigoiui-r- stttnt. 'I ho llnv. (lustav A. Sriiiiildl, a rhapliliinn ' .' ard'a Isbind, dle.l from loi ,Js tcslcrd ty, l .e lesalt Ufa liesi) iron grating cruoiug his In id a inuulii a;o. Louts Ness, aged i in.its, of Fourth avontiH, iteer tftly.tlri't street, wus no .ut ir silled b a wo.Mleu r. bora lulling ou blui 1. as Ue. 'a brvwery, UM Kail Fifn llrst street, vesieirr.', j, .It. hn Murphy, nged II. of KID First nvenue, wh.. eligsm I in a nnyioi quiriel titer a pIpotLl of j tnttarro. sns sliihlieil iu tut- i Kei ti, teg .1 11, ut oil First aycuue. Tua yuuag a ssd- - ; unt , scaped. " Fifteen silk nnd worsted dresses, suited In tha Po ut rants by Inspectors Piesdeii anl Paulding, and aappof'd lo li ive neeii brought fro n I'srls by . I). ()h peiihelmer tor ia.ll, i ou Murray Hill, aro stored lu tba J lu tout lluu e, Tint F.xclso Commiislnns ynstsrday closnd tha 1 sal i. ii, of Martin llaller, 1.051 Third uveiiuu , Cbrl.lo- - ' J liber lltnuey, LoJO lltuu aveiiue, VV. r t srroli. tioj L. I tiftteUbib sirceti .1 ilui Keiuulds, UJ3 Tblrd ! avenue Charles 1. luster, '71 I lilnt sveiiue A The Secretary of thn V. S, Trevsiiry nil . closeted with Urn. Kbsrpe, Acting C i.letlor l.y.leeker, Aiprsl-e- r Dai ling, and Knerlti Agent lluwe, lis Iho Cut. " .! Iietor'a private olnce lit wit Cuetn-- llouso for sevoial J liuurs )vsierdjy. It was rumored Hist be wstilet all a Ihe bead, ot ucparluiruls removed and new olllcers appointed. . lirvslpelas ami skin diseases arn qulnkly r rested uuluured bj Us. ley's Msioal ixitsctor- - sldst.

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Page 1: · f "voTxMI.-y-O. 297. -- v.. ..... NKW YQftK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1875. PRICE TWO

f "voTxMI.-y- O. 297. -- v.. ..... NKW YQftK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1875. PRICE TWOCKNTjT




rfr f hist si our 7 .) if iim: in tui i.. i ii.

0, ..rrt Ihnt I far Poller took I'nrt In the(Tlinr An Hvamluntlnn Ihiit Should tin re

,ril to Dlrvrry nl ihr Murderers-pnl- lic ( opinio Kennedy' Tint Drnlnl,

Hilly Kurt ester, whose poll i ult wni cntUersrr P"lh "titlon In t tie Intnl ;i tluit of theffl irJff r ..f Nutlinn. hut t last toldMi Hon At thw time of the murder Forrestervai s fugltlv fr nn the Illinois Penitentiary,xnd being known as one of the mot daringtiarclirj In the t mil. II was nnt liar. I to helluvatbst ho bad .Mldcd murder ti his other offences.II .Ml uP lu Imagine ft crime which wouldrsqulio greater daring and coolness In th perpc- -

tritor. or I IUi.1 a who possessed thoseI" n greater elcgreo than Forrester,

Ibe New V .rk police did not. however, showmuch energy in the pursuit or the iiinu whomthcr auumed to believe utility of the liorrlhludoed, mi I 1 "r. ter. h ho scorns to have courtedother Hi .'i n . it'ol arrest, was ut lengthbrought wi'hlu reach of the law liv Washingtondteotlics After a brief i iamlimtlori by Jus.tl3 li.wltig tor charge of nmriler was

a- - and Forrester wasto the Illinois authorities,

the nun.IId sild t" .i reporter of tho Chictgo 7 fines:ri,..nil. V "lurk police officials hrsrd that I hid

been npMir i "i. rvi'Mtj nun uq in Niir Klite in nrrsiroasioii "''I' Pis & '."U Hie dog witu wt.lrh oldNlhi ii'i.f t ' it ml 'd- ami when lust was tatl.far-- I

llf sent .'. . was taken to New Y. r.t in identifyins w'pm ftrr arriving ttiere.hta woman uaa aflusrdtne I rt m 'li a nl rcnum there toi an hour orn 41', in. w. in luriti tlinr rout octet another sttiry.Tlosu''. ti" "f oMi ttories wis to the efT ct thi't the1 iir with u mi i. Nathan hm Wiled Hai taken 3. me irnma)ara .1; li g t "ic place In Noonday, N. V.. which weare irr'- - ! break lino, for Hip purpose of raising abi-- un.l wua railiol br me to I'flnt.l i. andt.jare 10 v r ork c.l . No.doi II aura I w.u!i. irr a iron ail H.i' altatier,intfiirni valuatile lint" lietilli.l and helflra, no

rr t. rl.ita.los h. Intf ue. nr irofp.t..iiil4 fr 1111 ile'i pnrtior a l.llia Ui'arr.n d. loth w lull Hi ll li a pnl-lu- i Joh Pjr poilee al 'tiorlllfatnflir.-i- i alirnti'.ii lrom Itirm. elvrp and ntlirr, 1 miltril )..ll li.Bl lli.-- C1U. el ' 11 iloa lo be nude Mulllirb.n.r .ri.' wiili Miiuti .Naihiii wis killed, amletea(.rtl iiu.-i- "ti ttif 111 in miae ihe'n nl ly. 'Itiertbenhit ilif : on n laole in po Ice auJfi ii n.. ' 1 "1 .ir uii' in.' mi. lie eliu'iie.1 I to.tkla N. nil. 1 ) in. ire iti in irtaneitiir al tneni.I. in' mi) o.ithe Imril one from ilie rlRtitliit' j .'ii I, n; "it, "Tl.a! is Ilie one " N inn knoTr? w. 'i tli 'i here there are a doin instrumentsa ni.-- l alts. 'iirti albino cattiint h.- untie. Itsswpiitiiij were utau Liore besides, All ot wlnctiI :i rip si"

Ui'jiiirter How aiiout KUIs's woman 7 What did herSt' 'J SI '..Hit t 1

r.rnn.rr Oh 'twas eren thinner linn Kllls's. ii

tn i,r, insd" it up mat sin siiouin swearfiisi 1 I'll.. In 1.. tn. i. In lnllji1e'p'iti l'i ..ay of llet'i .Mirr. u iih in) 1'itt s l'toi.d) ; mat I washed uira. Iftn ii'.nnl I' u4ui w I'll .111 saline awonl. 1

I. i. Pifililn dliiyi.iwl. ri I, and A prute II byII iih .line jut! i.itiist tut .j, ti t .sriiii." ao in ts'iowa) li 11 ic wis au ili.r pul-ut- i Jul. lu ibid. I tb(. i.Hr parlies.

now utr Mitit.F.ii wis nnr..Ho milled that had the el.iniln itliin lir

Ju.U'o JliMiliiiu b. . 11 se ir.'litiiL!'! i...tiilin toil ItII. mid hnvo i.sillleil in tlie ilUioteiy of theinurilerere. l urrestei's theory of tbcisiaisliiii-- Iion In a.--i I'dl.iM'i:

Well, itirrj aie elnssss of Ibeni Oneelssi coiiiiris.'N wuui jrj Known us iljy workers."hiiolber nisi what ae cill-i- "eventii,"

1. J the iblr.l rlu4 taWn In lb. iilhl workers." urI a resin men of it.e Uu "huiIiikw rker" frei.erlly rlois bis busiuL'-- s wbrn the

Is t lis. Ouch a me lilted Ibesst'Mii lume sn wtels prerloua to theiii'i ciinril access in ibe story jyII us ct Ibr p'jnh. iVben be entered Ibe roomb .itwene.l a ssle stari.leij Hit re, and al once con

ilidltiat Dial is tiopMie for bis stile olII- - b'll 4111I wrnt lo Ihe ntlNUDown

amler p of Jm," 10 1. 0111 be related what be badseen. Tlui I11.111 d.ul at once rurmeii the otilnuu Ibat,as Nalh n was n rj cltlir linn, nrn as Jtws si a

lie tnc Ub.'dl.insof tbeiruwo moneyrsin. t no trust u to t'Biik isult. the site lu questioninns' roiitsl'i a en itirrit le atneuct In b.inits, moneystH the Talu 1 pi.tpc.rr. lie selccied Ins ''imub"ii. .low" li. em first ho irl 10 or three tironuucitpnl'.... ouieisi. in wuli the "Job." I know .rum expert-eii- e

wbureol 1 spr-tk- biejlwi notlituv of eons. q.lMn e1 si Ii wurkeil ".ine of the nrst-c- l .ss "coppers'1' I ml III" 1. In 11 A wet and si. mn!lt was iIi t n for the rubbery, ao'l lbs result Is Ki ll euuuhLuwn now.

VICTIM 01' Till. l'OI.KH.(lo iid.led it sin now lb" victim of a police conspirair. as 1 am

an i"'i inui e. nl .it tbecUurfie fir w.iten nir sviouussnt.'iice wai ron.'Unte I Iut.' tsbl the rvldenee lut"-'- 11 r e ore Out. lli'Trr-i'ire- and expect Ills favcra. ' e msidr al .n ol It. as well as ibat ut Ibe Ircsl'vi nf ibr biat... upon its merits ss submitted, biiouidpi lii'ViTiior nuk tsvurabiy upon tny prtlllon,! willI 4, li. I.' ill Hi,' i'rl it ut tbC lullltu.! yr. Slidl ti u wi.i b. 'ir from me. 1 would say 111 aiHilioliPut ii.e " ilui; " hut b .fas itieii In in comm'silon ofP. 'iiinrdi r w a b .riflar'a tool fiir tlui time hi wit. Itw 1st"! as for ths upright. ' by

- uf whl.'h the s.ic was betnir drill 'I. but was nutl.i ri ti .1 1. 11 a nun came oa lue sceue.

I'orrost'T ei ,. In':. nl ttils hy n rouxli model ofnf" i.r. . knik' liisirument likh he hewed outii'h 1 1. 11 H.


'.iri.r .ilo ulil thnt ilurliiu his eoiifliie-nit- "in lb I', in'.-.- , (' int. K.'lilip.l) hail t iheli n

I 1' ii'.i n ih" 0 to IP nili film, ntid told theII .t Inn 11. w to identify.

'sit lv nmd) apt to n SiN reporter lastI1121.t0.1t 10. siurv I.-- entirely false. I never1 ...mi . rs 1. n to the IoiiiIid to Idsiitify For- -

I Pt I I In if, noil .iltvnvs li.'llevud, that!' '!.!. r Ml." N All he Is afterII .w id tf. u t Ij .1. Ili'iciUli'd to pardonloni -- itiia' In iiinv ne l"t looso 1:11011 the

oin e rnori'. t Itupe, however, that thoI i u v n . r tv ill not no .lneciveil Intu any aileh1 mre I n re l now no eliarito on vvlileh 1'or-- 1

."t r i' 11 In IihIiih this cltv, mill 1 leas that, III.. rt. d Juliet, he would lie free to

lieirm .. l 111 11 life of crime.Ih.. Captain nil. led : lliere never was n case

In vvhi, sin li ileteimllieil efforts hive lioeniii.vlitn leiret nut a a thu Nathanii-- ' I in. murderer of Natliau killed Jourdanm' f..r J. iirilan'H death wan ca ised hy hisvi.Mry iiiii nt tnnt cae. The day nefore ho diedIm uu 111 my uOJce talking about It."

rui: c.i.v.i- - rii.iviis..llorueif Jcnernl'si IndicliiieDI ABalnat

lleulaou, llcldeu A' Co,' Ai.iianv, Aug. 0. Tho wliifi8 of

in ciTiilnir will contain the complaint of thoAtl.iniey.Ueiieral In the case of the peoplearalust Denlson, lleldcni Co. Afttr recltlmrthe oieciitlon of a contract between Canal

Dascom and Fay, and Denli jii for(be ooiiHtrilctlon of vTork for tho sum of 0

VTlthnut the preparation of maps, Mam,bpeclfloatlons and eitlmates as required by law,mid stjtliu' that tllT.'itl hat been pild osten.nbly under Raid contract, the complaint

to etatn the Items upon which this moneyIih been drawn. The mm of fl5",.ta7.W hat"on oald out for work never donn. Dry ver-t- li

il mill ban been bull'. In czeesn of thuenlled fur by thu contract,

mnoiiiitliii; to 4.01U eiiMi' vanla, and the sum ofnnfl.018 less 15 por cent, reeelved theroon. Theclement vertical wall Illegally bitlll amounts to(2,1011 iml'lc ynrdi, for which there has noeujnild the Mini of;ttl "P, les 1 per rent ThetlefcndanU were not entitled in receive pay fornny rock excavation lu eiresi of 1,501 c'liblevanls, nnd et thevhave been p llil the itliin nf

PJ5,0t.'f, leas 15 per cent., for SI.Ou'l cublo sards,Hiid tlio rnto nl iiavii.ent was inticli hliclier thanI be actual value uf the work, I hero Inive been

j H.ITi cuoti' ynrilH of eurth oxciivatlon In excessnl tho einn.iiil emlcd p.r by tho crntr.u t, lorsslilcli titer.) hat) been pild the illill of f :.'l,i)iS,"5,la-- a H per cent. Only 110 cubic, yards nf 0111-- 1li iiikinont were called for. and yet 7d,PViSauls, have been built, mid f.'.lTM, leu 15 per'.'ii v., pild thereon N pint doiklm; 1

was called for. and yet 4I.I.PU feet,Ittitird incisure, have been liiruUhuil, midOil auiii of tHJl.'il ls 15 per lent.,inld thereon. No cli. ritiiilt timber was reipilred,am) ypt A.'.77U feet, I onri! uii n iireiueut, was fur--Iinched, and i'.MJ.i.5i) p ld theieon. Ies llfleeii

I 'ternunt. Other mutcrlulH have been fnrnnhedj which were not calle J for, airu'rei-'atln- u $t,iH.M,

llfieen per cent, retained, Jhn veitlenlwall, built In vi'dallon of law, I) unualy defee-liv-

mi vet Jai',071, lea fifteen per l ent , havet.n.tii fraud lentil pud nut fur Iti coustruellonmil 011 In.' defeitlvo lenient wall there baa

1 '"nil ul, thu bum of f lil,lJJ.7'J, leu fifteen purii'.tt.

TU t'niiiiuir I'lllllilelllaeho Volkatcsl,Iho I'lnttdeiitachen, or North German, aver

nsltliei are a pecu ir unil ill, Unci 1 pe of Ibe great"li'itonlc family, wlteli uiirermii In latisuitre. tradl-bin- s

.Lid customs from lb.' Ilucbilvulscben, or Houthtl'triu ns. Prior tn lids vcar, bowevcr, they haa 110

emu' oiiiaiiiritiou uf tlulrovtn, but latterly lliey haveI.'.! cm ri; ilcnlly aud laburnu lo atoneiir iii suouii'i ess, ami iinw Uier.' exists lu New Vorsia ..1 in.-- m ruiinduiif Mai. s a lirand Pullileulsc be Asso,t;li"ii w l.i. ill liiiln lis ilrsl Yuik'fi st In hrhlilleuJ slk. lie ..r I' 1110 III I, Si' Ji'rsey, oil Ibe lltb of Hep.itiii'...r j, fuur foiiuw hk days, tali c atiou eum-''"'.'-

. I'Tiv sub-s.- i I Hi-- . wlilcli mil all Ira repre-sin-

'i si the ruiiiiuir jei,ai.d no xin use will be nn ii 11,1 tu rcuder ll worltir of unh Ueriuaoyan hersuus.

mi Iho l,nhe.! of Friday vri very

bark Austin and the schooner

toil a r.t of 'J,0W,liiW leet


a nuts i no is ri:.:sri.r i.v.i.Trees 1'proolril. Ilniua I uronfeil anil the

Crnps llrllo)eil-Tl- ir ( Inuils llienklnv Inl.leul Toiienla Near Dliiiiiunn'a Ferry,

Mlirciiin. 'u., Autf, P. A Uc.stiiictlvoform uf stiud. hall and rain snept over the

lower part of this county lat lliur-dn- y after-iioot- i.

Abo il Pnll-im- -t f mr o'clock tvro larcei loildi. one ni''Vlii, rnp'illr in a nortlinc'terly(1 lici t t. 1.11O the other to the eollthcasl, enmetiafher ovir 'In mountain ranire about twonilh s below liiticmauv Ferry, tn Delawaretownship Tlr "olllslon was. followed by a ter-rific report. ,ui almost Instantly Volumesof water beam pourliitf down, In a verr abortepacc nf tlmt every ravine and hollow In the111 itmtnln side for ten miles became tho bed ofa riisblm: torreut nf vvte wlilcli swept Into theDelawaie 1 alley, uproolliii: I rue trees In theirroiirae, and buue roekf, vv hleh wereborne iilonu tutu the llelils beluvv. Hundreds ofacres of corn nnd buck w heat flehw were cover-f- it

In tlii'su etreums. unit tho crops totallyMilts of feiiee wire swept away, 11ml

iiniliv entile fecdliu: In the pasture wereitrown-i- t,

llefore the fury of the rain norm was over,iti;alr 'f wind n"eonipatud with lerrlQc Hum-dcriii-

llchtnltu! and a ehower nf l irwe hallatones followed In Its track. Trees weie torntin carried from u guartcr to half a milethrouiihlthe air. one lari;e che-tnu- t bclmr borneclear across the Delaware river and turned up-el-

doivn In a corn Held Itifussci rouutv. .V, J.lliini were unronfeil and hundreds of windowsIn'iihoiise shattered. The roof of finiliean linden's farm was curried ncross a teu-arr-

field and Indued lu the topa of two larue oaktree".

Three children returnlnf liome from nnat Dlnsmairn illaze. sotiiiht nholter Iroui

Ilie slnrm In 11 small clell In tho mckis nt lite l,loof the "hill re id. ' A Ms ehestiiut tree wasblown down, nnd fell In front of the npeuinu Inthe rocks, linpriconltii: the children therein. Altertho sturm hnd subsided thev nt'r.tcled the

of a ..uu ' almii: the road liv llielrshouts. Heine unable to letnove the tree fromtint opet.'iiir. be summoned nelirhborliu; farmersand they cut the awayaml releasedthe etilldien.

The storm lasted about half an hour. Hallatones nine 111, 'lies In circumference vwru luckedup In the Ileitis, and the I .ill had f.ill. n In suchlaruo iuantltles that li of It could beshovelled up twenty-fou- r hours alter it fell. Nocorrect climate of the amount or damage doneby tho storm has let been made, but It willamount to several ttiontind ilollim.

A similar storm passed over portions of thet)"ti" of I I, .111 1.- - in and Fsllsburvli, In Sullivanc iuntv, N. Y.I -- t week, lis course was In ndri lii and covered an urea of country about halfn mile wide. Its track Is maiked by piles offallen trees, shattered tuilhlluc. ruined ofcorn and buckwheat, nil I roads so badly entiledand torn up as to be Imp issaula.

mi: 1111 iti.Mti.iy 'poll- - In It nbruslrln's Park-.Vlnf- hri

Hunkers Snusnues.Tin- - Tluit iii.rniiis unci Saxons lint n worry

t'i.(Aisf jeaterday In ltabcnsteln'i park, at12iith street. 'I huiinchi Is n leelon near thocentre nf liermnnv. of which thu ereater parthas heloiii;ed to tlx- Savin kluedoui, ntid beenaubject to axon irovernmeiil. It Is a landteeming with Incident. YcstirJav's

whs al) participated in by a number ofpopular (lermiiii alnipue elub-- , and was attendedby the F.leventb lleslnivnt. The crouuds weretlccornled with statues most prominent beltiL'that of Herman, the Herman patriot, vv ho stoodwith sword uplifted, surrounded by tho flags ofall the old Gcun.m Mtiidi.tus al.d principalities.Off to one side, on an el.'V.i'. d platform, wis nil

repre- - ml itimi In pasteboard of ttieold r c l.i inlo of Wnrtburc. where l.ullierwai, Imprisoned. It I ' oil" of Ihe Ii lasts of pupe : and t.mre It st 'oil, setupwith much ild-li- ty by otis of the scenic arllsiaof tlie Urriiiatiln Theatre, wltnnli Its turrets,walls, end battlement, stained Willi ace, butstill aubst tntlullv iiiiinjured.

One of tliu first spectacles presented on enter-ing the eroiinda was Mother HUiikcl's tooth,with llsslen nniinuncliiirThiirinetaii "ausaees,freshly broiled on the ( over Inilir. visedfires. Freah sausaees they were, not dried orsmoked, and there stood Mother IXlukel herself,&s tialuril as tlioiurh sue had been suit over byciblo but by tier wholefii.nll.. .uale nnd female. :r iilinr at once boththe ami themselves in the effort to sup-ply trio e .iter and huiniry crowd. 'I hey aeram-ble- d

for those ftauni;ea. and It wis Impos-ltd- c tocot them ready uh:My cnntiih. tliou jn Miuh.'rlllllikel sat eros- -, rired wltlilli six llli lies ol tbafire, and vv..rkeil wllhiiut liiler.nlBSlon. Thofrariut tukc ascended lu ilouds, and euvoloped tho li.iiitll and those nLuut II. Nolmdvcan what lhosi sauaces aro who has nottasted tlietn. Tho linrsliiallnii - nnt en. 1111:11

I'Tll. The art uf brollli.u' ihunnitlaii sausa.-e- s

shniil l in t bei omc a lost art.I'liore were many oilier Interesting Imnths,

ailorned wllh names and mottoes familiar ashousehold words In the f itlurl mil ; and oldfellows ii'tended 111 some of them Hint weroufthe eenulnc 'J liunnslan and H 1x011 metal, tin.Id mall sold the little cakes known asii if, nllsse. He cinit from Is suitetwiiitv ears au'o. but helss.-un- ' to day,anil he was thoroughly hnppv jcsurtl.iy unitIn 1.1- - Icniiiit.

iluliv I. itloiml ca.ues of hanee were plured,the pii beliut class ware. fans. pur-- , s. ,Vi--

1111.. I. null.) attracted crowds, Ithoinrli It wistunny to he r :i th ttoiiihtiretl Herman iiotiduct-tli.'th- e

diul.iL'uo In Fni'llsh, wltli 11 tieruiauas Inoad a- - u barnd'Hir. 'I here was nhout-Ii- il

wllh aruuei'iisci., Priiuuht over liero byi.vt r nceiieratlmi iil'o. but as cuod as

ever with tuelr powerful M". spilm-- s and cow-hide cuds liviiina-ilc- s, polo climblinr. blind-- ful.l walking fur prizes by thu women folk, and

other similar sports, afforded much umiiseiueiit.Hut above all. It was the poopo. ImmenselyJolly, di'liclitlnir luthe reminiscences of home nnd ho ne life,

III nil they suvv. telling tlieir stories, sing-I-

their snugs, drinking and eatltnt, and withalnot thn remotest sign of disorder.

As night closed In. the singing clubs began togive some of llielr best songs, while at othertables merry drinkers ani the old refrain Infamiliar dljlect of

Johannes bad a hat,Jobam.ra bad a list,'I lis bat It cost a thalerAud luur aud nit) "grot," Ac

The fesllwl closes

tui: hum am isr.ntvn.A f .'iinililluir House Ihnl una Never llrfuro

lllslurbcil by the Fuller,Iitiuf NiitUaiilel of 2K East Tliltfy-sco-ou- d

street complained yesterday to Cnpt. Allairethat he had been decoyed Into the (liitham

208 llowery.nnd had lost ti. Thereuponthe Captuln called up a section of men lu plainilothes, marched up the Ilowcry, enteied the(Inthaui, and asked the bartender for tho keysto open the dours tn the gambling rooms upstairs The bartender smiled ut tho Captuln, nndsaid that the eyawi rn not In his ti.'asessioii.The officers were then ordered to reconnoitre,ascend neighboring roofs, outer back doors ndollev witvs. and endeavor t make an entrance,

Officer Luke saw it skvlleht, ascended a (lightof stairs, uuletlyrabed the Hani, nnd let himselfdown Into ihe gambling rooms. The bartender,rotters In, slid hangers croiiud had mado knownthe presence ol tho officers to tho gamesters,Officer Lake was confronted by William Lotvery,tho dealer, who ait uuletly smoking. All thogiinbllug Implements had been removed. Notu card it a chip was visible; nothing but thelarge faro table proved tho existence of 11 gam-bling house, Lake took Lower) to the station,

simultaneously Cant. All lire mndo a descenton the Inaduuurters of the policy dealers ut imullnw ry. and mrestod Josonh lltirr, WilliamWhite, William Men-lit- . nnd Uugon Hull.

The Uolliam was nourishing ngaln lint even-ing.

A It 11 la by 1 it I lis 11 Thieves.Three It dlun sailors of the bark fl I inept to

lyinir at Atliiitlc liock, Ilrooktyn, wrre tieci .ii late on Sundiy nlgai by Oiil'er hiroble stealing

l'u fut of rope troui the canal boat John Cod). Assoon as they sa-- ihe otilccr lliey ran. Illovannl viilami 'sirril r i n'M wrrseai.ture land gltcu in charirool s ii 1' 01 it innrrs, w lillii Ilie oitlctr naseu the thirdsailor. Hi was tuuu.l huhlnd soiiii. luiubi'r on the plir,aud 10 frlslit.'ll bllll ll"' nthrer dr. d ItU pistol lis lb" ulr,'Ilia s.b r sinreiiil, r "I, and ns be was in. r 'lnilaway, lie ma!u a sudd 11 spi lug, and Jiluiped lulu thewaleralid w am out ol sl.lil. 1 lie w at.r w ss siarrhe.lby o.lti'Hts In 'io.iIs, but to euul.l uu! In fniiiid, nnd be)coiirlii.l.-i- ttist In bad bi"n druwi c.l Justn e ilelmur

tho two into were srresltd luIwiutr uhis dsis hi J ill.

A W rnllhv Vngi'iint,F.itrlck Vesoy was before Judge Westbrook,

esternay, nil habeas corpus. The prlsonrr bad beencommitted lo Ibe aluisliuuie for three months as s va-

grant, ard Ids counsel, Mr. Price, contended Ibat underIhe stall' Veser could nut he ami Ibllln r while lie waspossessor of aguld walchaad IIDO, and (list If he eoul IIk. legally coniiiilllod al all it should be to the pi'iilli

u 1 notorious pinon, bill Ibat Ibe presu.itromuiltiuent was wholly void, Declsluu roacrved,

The North (Inrollna Fleillon.IlAi.noii Aug. 9. The result of the Conven-

tion election Is atlll doubtful. Ilflurui from all Uecounties abow the repreaentalloa to I) ss follows 61)

llepubhraus.ftuileinucrats, 1 Inlfpendi'ut Democrat,auuL'heroico countrlo bear from, which tsas Heretoforevoted Democratic. Tbs UemocraU cUJul four insjorulu ibe Uojtijiiuo-i-



fE.tiis mat siitiKM.iinsa .11.1 r nr.inn oi r or xuir.v.

The t'llsplua lnlenl upnnn I'orinldnhln Lock-Ou- t,

nuit .tinny Foiplovers Deleiiiiincd toHcalt-- A C'onfereiiep Invited To-ilu- y.

Olio liiiinlrcii nntl twi'iily-flv- o cullcrjand team men In the employ of Well Ilrothers,J. Parsons Hons, mid J..--. K'nllskl, nil of War-te- n

street, struck yesterday, some on account ofthe price of labor, others because their employ-ers would lint recognlro the Order of Crispins,and others because of the discharge of 0110 oftheir number.

Well Ilfos. nay that tho mil) notlco they hadwas 11 statement on the part of the men. "Woguess we'll go out nnd see the strikers'," whenthey donned their coafs and hats and went put.They refuse to pay nny expenses uf the strike,expressing a determination to hold out to theend, One of their strikers told tho reporterthat their wages hod been reduced by this llrmbelow living prices, and that they would neverstiliin't to tho Imposition, When naked bywhose orders they had struck, thoy replied,"The Council. They control us and directedus to strike." Several of their number A-dmitted tbelr utter subjection to tho willof the Council, and say that when directed theymust obey without asking any iiuestlons. Far-son- s

.V Hons at first refused to say an) thing!but afterward said that their men demnnded nnadvance of a cent and a half on their work andthey granted It. The Council said It wis noneof the men's business, nnd refusod to nllowthem to work unless the settlement was effect-ed through llielr ntTlclnls. Mr. Parsons refusedto recognize them, and thureupon the com-mittee ordered the men to quit. Ho

upon tils tight to regulate hisown business affairs w llliout the Interference ufoutsiders. Ho nceused I'. C Hurt it Co. of be-ing the first ones to yield when thn mniiufiiotiir-er- s

combined for mutual protection, wlills thnweaker dealers stood by their ii.'recnionl to Hielist. The trade, he slid, vvero at the mercy ofthe and It vru Impossible to hiren boy even without their consent. UnlNkl snldlie w mid c his bu shop rather than taku buckthe in 11 he Had dis barged. His brother, nt IIIWnrreii street, said his 111011 were at work, butwere liable to strike at an) moment. This, hoaid, was all wrong, nnd operated ngalnst the

be-- I merest a of the Crispins, He is makingnutbiug, and c iimot insko niiv thing at Iho exlulng high pilce of labor Ilatian

of 111 Warren street nay that their diff-iculty Is with reference to burs' wear, and thatthry expect to settle It within a day or two.I hey had uu amicable meeting with thu Councilvestetday, end thev seemed likely tn agree.'1 hey ilenv Hint tliey think the Council desire 11

general strike. They deprecated the course ofthe strikers as unwise and unjust, 'llielr trueInt." et lies lu being contented with uioderatowages, ns nny other course will destroy nnd thereby the opportunities of the la-

borer.Messrs. V. C. Hurt Co. Hilly deny that thev

are ill.ssatlstled wllh t'10 work of the new men,and say Inat th"V discharged some of litem sothat a number of the old men might r.t urn.They expressed sitisia"! Ion with the sltuatluii,nnd manifested no anxiety whatever, lliey, to-gether with J lines W. Hurt. Hint ' Mears, andnil the ni.imir icurcrs, without an exception,thought that tlie strike would drlvo them lutothe country. I,estisky vv.u attacked unit cru-elly beaten by ttiu moli us ho was coming out ofWell lln.s.' bouse at 110011 yesterday iiicaii-- e hohail dureil to "oik In violation of the Crispinsordeis. 'Ihe Frcsbs-t- it and Secretary of theCouncil, however, disclaimed nil knowledge orapproval of tho assault, su) nig that lUelr rulesfotb .do the use of violence.

A general strike hut IhrCoun-el- lhave published nn mldress ill-- .. Mining all

11 of making trouble, and dein iiidlng no-thing but n fair e. ilvaleut for the men's labor,'Ihe) met last evening, und passed thu follow-Itt- i


.'" Irsrf, That Ibis the Central council of Ibe K, O.P. , luvs open sessioniTn.'s.tai errul. g. si 0 )'. for tne of br,rtig wbal ibe several eulplaiers, to whom Invtlitlouawot ic extended, luve to sar lu relation 10 tli. trade,and that we also extend an luritation to ibe press.

tv ateliers patrolled In front of all the estab-lishments affected by the strike all day, and 0110Oridlii, whom they called a " scab," narrowlyesr .pe.l mobbing. He had been at work. Adeal of feeling Is manifested bv both parties,nnd .,11 seemed linnresssil with tho belief that11. e worst is id toi-oni- 'I Itou.etiuiesuppiirtedout of the 11111IU..I1 fund, mid u contrloutloiihas been volunteered by lb members if tlie

itb ii n it iiffccietl. A number of application-

-fioi.i I ilea nnd ntlier places fur tbc uteiiotistilkn wcro received by the Secietarj, whoMl loutldti.l uf uivcJ

tui: AMr.ittr 1 v 11 nr.The Sinners Tor Ibr First liny of Ihe August

.Heeling on the Surnlogii Cniirse,tf.viUTooA, Atijr. P. Tho Augipst races

second regular meeting for 17j openwllh four events. In the first race, for the

Kent icky stakes, the following will probablystart : McDtnlel's b. c. by Lexington, I.twreiico." (."rtilatd'a br. c. Ambush, llelmont's It. f.

1". Loilllard's br. g. I'.,rile, F. I.urlllard'seh. g. Diirango, llelmont's ch. f. Adelaide, andJohn M. Harney's oh. f. I.tllle Ilelle.

In the second race, the summer hudlcup, thefollowing nre the probable start rs : M. A. 's

cb. Ii. Wild Idle K. W. Sears's ch. li. A. ro-h-

John Hunter's b. c. l,elats, M a ti .1 &

lu.'i li. f. Mattln W.. Thniinis Fiiryenr , Co.' b li. (Irliistead.und A. Ik

ls Ca.'s b. in. Valid illtc.In the sweop-ttake- s race, for nil nces, six

horses "ill . n v start, and lu the fourthrace tticro will be four starters.

Among tho pools sold nt Morrlssoy's this even-ing vvero the following i

llw Kentucky 3111 llrlmnnt's,Ho McliaiJicl's, 15 Lawrence & Lorlllsrd's, IS liar--l,.')'S, 10.

huuimvr Handicap Urluslead. ltn &s.f ISO WildIilli. Ill .. to i M itile W . pa ds 15

llalidicao Meepleehase lllivolo, 1.'H fits., 7a l)mdHeld, tin Bs , 6"i I'avllghl, Bs., to.

'Ihri'i-nti'rir- r Mile Dssa .vu.lgr, 10.1 Bs.. HiKi l.cander. Is) tss , it'll lliigiud. lus .s., 75 ; Itnsiisiii nthui,li BS 70 Ill Bs., SJ AUalrallUd, b- -' St.,ga.

The llullnlo Itnees.ntTKAl), Anu'. !). Tliu tnti'lc wtu in tlio

finest condition Tho sport began withthe uiillnlsbed race of rlaturday for 2:10 horses.Only three horses wero left to start, AshlandFet, Woodruff and tjuaker Hoy, J'rovloua tothe heat the backers of Ashland l'et broughtstrongly at $30 to the field. Ashland l'etwon the heat ond race In 2.'a7Vi Woodruff sec-ond, two lengths behind, who wai one lengthahead of Quaker Hoy. Tho following Is thesuuimar) i

Itace fur the 5:P) class: purse, fl.ovit lo Ihefirst, u lo Ihe serum!, ft.Vi to the third. anil IP u lothe fotirin Horse . Ashland Pel, .1, 1, t, '.',!), 1, 1, ;,'.', 1. 1, 1. :l. g ijjak.-- Uur. 1, a, a. 1. '.'. HiPilui. 4. 1. a, li. r. o. i ham, f. ft. S, t, f,. r o. Tiuic-g.l- is-;

i, iiHi'l. g.3SK, l;J, ii&l, il.MS, v.JHi.

Tl oiling nt Fleetwood I'nrk.There was a fair attendance yesterday at Fleet-

wood Park lo witness the trotting. Tne cvmt of theday was a much of f loo, mtle beats, best 3 In 5, lu bar.besi, In Uf c.l John Munrt)'s b. g, IMnlc and K. Holy'sbr g. Jim Uosrrs. The knnnlnt ones vrcte sadly

In I til race. The Utter sold a favorite, andwon the flrt heat without a Draggle in 3.0.J, After Iheheat it was proposed to rhan-r- drivers, au.l John Murphy as put up bi'hlii.l t'liile. The second hen was aheautllul comes! betseen the pur. Ncir lb scor.)bulb ahowcu a l.iila mure spiel. Jim ll.tsers nroaoup. and Pilule eiime uinbr Ibe wlri Winn r by a length

it, lu the third lu at too bursts gut awar on ibeI'.rsl alteiiuii, Pa'dc going lu the front, and Iho bo'siiup the Itollli' sir, lib res lined In a victory Py Iwu lengthstor Panl.' in '.':tK'(. In Uu f tirlh i cut u good Hirt waserti cicd. with Jim Powers on tint liisniu huu Paulo inIlie air. Ti.e boises tield the satito posliions up tliestretch, win Jim Powers tpuilt'l. nn.l crossed undrthe wlra u wluner In g:a. lu the tlftli beat Jim lloweisled. Da rouuiiii'g Into ibe slreti-i- Piinio wei.t lo ihofront wl'h a rush, and, kcepliig Ibe It-- I, won tie beatmid ruci In .A'V, A bevy uniount ol muuey citugedban Is un the rnco in the pool oox.

taini'itsy, inntib ttuo against time, Divnrr nsniedbay ic. tiling llilu. la I rut a utile in 'J.tal. Jerendib ii b. i'.n'il unit', and woni tlio Iioiid trotted bis bedunlu lu Uios,

flushed li) Death hy u Fulling Tree,Foiit Jkiivis, Aug. I', Ira Wood of Harvard,

Delaware lounty, wcnl lalo Iho woods ono cay lastweek to chop down irro. Ilewaa aciompsiiled by UUsg.'d falber. Mr. Woud cut luto a lr'c until it w.sreidy to topple uver, when he saw bis father standingwlta bis back toward It, In the very spot wberelt wouldfsll. Tin' old was (leaf, and did not In ar bis soushout lo hint to Jump out uf lite way, Mr. Wood liuuleat'i-t- l tn bis father's side and puilien him out of dangerand tlio Iiee tell upon himself auiicrii,ii.d huu todejtb.'the father iiiidu vain etloiia to exliirnte the body ofbis son trum beneath tlio trce,and thru bure Ibe auduess homo lo the ursve man's tauipy.

A Duel Indrlliiltely l'oalpniied,SAtlAToa.v, Aug. 0. Hiimt lively gnssslp lias

been floating about In regard to a threatened duelJ. H. Moras, of Ilalllmore. boarding althe tlrand

Union, and Mr. Chapman, of New York, boarding atlltu United Blairs Hotel, lbs slory Is but partiallytrue. There was a trilling collision a woman, a cane, aletter, etc.. but ootn geuuemi'ti ibiuk too muoli of tbelrIrlends aud of lti young Isjy tu incur lbs risk uf a

,Jat tCPMsUyu- -

a mad srr.r.n is ntr. stiikvts,A C'hnrae upon Chllilicu nt I'lnv-- A Horn

llrokeu (Irl'lu n Tclcginpk Pole -- I'lmialnt.Madly Through the llrosdvsnr Crowd.

A ilroro of ciilllo frnt unloailecl ut tliofoot of F. nt Forty-fourt- street at no:u yester-day, for .fames Dentils, of 5--' TLIrd avenue, anda large tnotlled steer, escaping, rait towardFifth avenue. The drovers started In pursuit,and when thn nnlmnl reached Fifth avenue acrowd of at least a thousand persons followed,shouting. An effort to drive hltn Into an en-

closure only Intensified hll fright, nnd withfoaming mouth ho mn dorn Fifth avenue, scat-tering the private carriages into the side streets.At Thlrtj-llr- at street tho animal turned nntl ranthrough to First avenue. Near Twciity-tlrs- tstreet a number of children wero plavlng. Thecrowd shouted to them to get nut of the way,but they scetnrdlto bo paralyzed, and when theslcer was within a few feet of them, they ranbehind n telegraph polo. Then the steer lower-ed his head nnd charged upon them. Theydodged around tho pole, and with a tremen-dous shock thn horns of the anlmalstruck Intotho wood, broking olio of them off tn within afew Inches of the root. Wild with thosteer dashed down tho avnue. and at Four-teenth street ran Into Pdlncr's tea store, chasingtwo men w tin wero standing on the curbstone,ttl riiiilo)co In tho store fired two shots Into

the flank nf thn nnlmal. but without effect.After dashing around the boxel the steer wentacross tho street, and a ccnllm:in who stoodnn the curbstone was honked and thrown sev-eral feet In tho ulr, but he . aped with onlyfew bruises,

Tho colored lights lu a drug store wcro thenext attraction, and for n quarter of an hourthe animal stood and watched them. A numberof frightened ladles In the store endeavored todrlvo lil in nwav. Their bright colored dresseswere another challenge to the steer, and hesprang for them, but only shattered the doorsand windows, Thn drovers tried to lasso thebeast, and ii butcher tried to kill him, but theywcro driven off, Thoy took refuge In a wagonWilli n policeman. At Hlnvintti street tho ani-mal turned, f allowed by Iho enlarged crowd. AtFourth nvenuo Oilier Johnson nttempted tostop htm by entangling his lees with ropes, butthe nnlmiil freed himself nu I knocked Iho off-icer tlowii. Theuco to llroad why the officer andthe drovers engaged lu n hard tusslo to securothn animal, but without success, llrnidw.trwai crowded, us usual, but the steer plungedthrough tn 'thirteenth street, and was chasedlull a blacksmith shop. The men In the shopJumped through the wlndowi, and tho horseskicked nnd struggled with terror. Tho bellow-ing of the steer was heard at n great distance,mingle. I with tho shouting .f the crowd as theyshut and barred tho dour, while Officer Johnsonascended to tho roof, mid through tlio scuttleshot tlio animal dead. For several minutes thecrowd stood undecided about opening tho door,nnd not until the c irc.iss was carted avvav didthey seem tu feel that the danger bad passed.

snoorixu Ar citrritjiooit.The Flllli, F.lslitv-fourl- h. iiud Niucty-slxt- h

Iteglineiiis I'rncllsing,('oiiipanl"s 11, II. I. unil IC, Fifth Itoii-mer.- t,

I's) men, under Capt. Kloeber, I and CSixth, '21 men. Capt. J. M. Hermes, U and F.I.lghty-fourt- r.t men, C'.ipt II. ud, nnd II nnd C,4:1 men, Capt. ltodonberg. shot nt Creed moor)cstenl.iy. Col. A. Slauf of tho Nluety-slxt- li

Heglment commanded the detachments, ('apt.V.. C. Orvls nc lng ns brigade Inspector. Cunt.I iillcrtoti, Hlglitv-foiirt- won the regimentalb idge. scoring ft") points nt tho four ranges-lm- ),150, fUd, and 4Ud yards, cergeant Osboru, sameregiment, won the Crcelmoor badge with ascore of 71. In practice. Hon, VI mar, at UlU and4.0 ynrds, scored SI out of Ss) oolntsj Cant. Or . is,ill i Capt. llretidt, 40 ; Capt, .Ti. At U0M utidtoo yards tne best scores wero .it follows:

SIXTH ltr.iiMicJ T.C'jl. Van Week.. .17 t:n-.- 17 tirg. AmaMIs 14-- 21

Pvt.Jlarin 15 su'U l.t. ilcodhearl...t a sihergt. ItiMchinsii V li-t- ii Sergt llius inI'll. Wirt rimri.'M 1 i ..rp.Mergentbei-l.t.l.'ol- .

King. ...11 17- -.ll mer I'JCap'. llrniKs 17 .ii i) M 8. lirand . a tg .)I... si ri. Prnsl n in-- isMajor la- - J.. : .. Abru & 10--

rimi iimiaasT.Pergt.nivcr 11 SJ ail t .rp lleli ItI'vi.Srbuler ...111 pu. rubrum.... is I7I'll Meyer la l'.'-- i'i Pvt. s.ecuiaii... ul'ft. Kahr a lil-- ll P"l. fser PJ 17

Hergt. tale It il-- ss 1M. I ,'hnian 7 lilCapt. Kb eber..,03 -tt fvcKiuutavftltllll 0- -ibsui.Krb S 11 I'll lienipf II 11

rtniirT F.n. vtii auauiST.Cart. Kiillfrion 11 St -t- v. Pri A. Krnst. ...n ls-i- s

IS llon.ii.. .. it 1117I ipl 11- - fj I, I. II Krnsl M ti 17Nit. 'uen ra nil Id lu .is Pri. Prlse.'U. . .!& irhergl. liclablr ..IV s '2 I I's 1. 1, liter 17 0 17Her. I. Iljug'ss. ..17 ia rgl. I sllinj... 7 lilP Kl...i. n ll'!l pit. Farrwll 11 nlI'vt. llulleracld..t:l 31,

, tvrTTsixrii nroiMrtCT.I.t. Itausieltrr....!! II 51 Drum. Itrquonz. 0 11-- 17Opt. It'lrnbrrg. 7 is h.tji. Ilrber a ni1.1 .sug. r 12 is S5 Pit. It.'utrr in ld

I'll Kchwrlsulll.lll 8 21,1'It. Lpllug 11htrgi. liorpferl.. d l!!-- la

tui: oi.n mould's srirs,Miiltlcn Teriiilnnlioii of thn Collie Trlnl --

Flight id Due ot the Dele uihiuls.London, Atip. U. Tlio trial of

and William Colllu, both of whom aro on ballon the charge of obtaining largo sums of moneyfrom tho London mil Westminster Hank onfalse pretences, was brought to n sudden stoplhl morning by the announcement that Alexan-der Collie had absconded. 1 1 bail was there-until! estieatcd, and n warrant lisued for hisarriet. Tho Messrs. Callle's sollcltois and tier-Jea- m

Ilall iniliie, ul-- o for the dofen. ,their wlllidruival from the ciso. 'Iho

pro-- ullon declined to proced against .It.tln Collie lu tho ab'enra of Mexatider. Tliuformer was then ordered to a mouthhence, and tho cusu was adjourned. Fivethousand dollars rewind has been offered forthe uppreheiislon of Alexander Collie.

The Kuroprnii Hreadsiiifl'i Market,London, An;;. 1). Tho Murk l.nnt

In Its review ot the corn trade '.ho putweek, says:

The weather though broken has been on the wholetuhrahly line. The crops are progr-sstn- favorably,but ll Is uureasona de to xpeet ii cleut) ar quality oflast year alter a new ly suult-s- July anil alien a heavvrain tall. Sotbrr have found In France ss farathrr havecone , and flour lias rlsea four francs tier ssea: iu Tans-Ib- e

bulk of otir onu birresi is yet uncut. Homcof ourcountry markets bav'B br'sitsled about submitting t)any uruhne, though generally It rrachM one lu twoshillings per quarter. Lirgo speculsiise piircbsseshave been made In London ou Mnencsn account theLundou niarset closed with su Improved aspect audan upward tendency which must be swayrd entirelyby Ihe weather, ibi'reccrialuly scums (tuite as luucucuauce uf a riso as a lall.

The Anii'i'lcnn Tciini lu l.nudnn,Ldniuin, Altc. 0. Tho kciiIIi'UR'u of tlio

American team nnd llielr filends arrived thlimurnliig from Paris. Thoy report that they en-joyed their visit great!) , nnd have obtained thorecreation they so much needed after llielrI. bors mid preoccupation of the contests luIreland and lhigland. Hoverul of tho paitvwlllvisit Sir Henry llalford nt WlstowHull, bis country seat In Iiclcestershlrs, wherethev will meet n number of distinguishedguests. nil will go to Liverpool toembark for home un the slojiitcr t;lly of ll.'rlln,fici'iit Mr. llrucc, who remuliii on tho Conti-nent.

The lliiiiibnrdiiieiil of Sco il'lllgel,London, Auk. U. A lnttcr lo tho '(ill

.Villi llizittc from I' mis the bombard-mei- it

uf the citadel at Sctiil'l'rgcl is nut makingbctlve itrorcss tiecauso tho Mfonslsts aro await-ing Iho mrlval of iiddilli'ii il heavv guns, whichare expuctotl dully. Hnless relluivd. which Ishardly lutMiblo, tlio Carlist luadei, l.Uitrjga,must surreiidir,

The lleriKov liilnn liisiirrcciloii,London, AiiK.y. Aitcoiuits of Iho lior.o-gnvlnl.- tn

revolution from Sctnvo'ilan sourcesrepresent that tho Inaiirgonts have defeated thelinks in several encounters, u'r.l woundedfellm Fuclia,

The Milpplng Hill.London, Auk. II. Sir C'lmrlus Atltloiloy's

Shipping bill to dnv passod Its second leadingIn llio House of Louis.

Shiihlug fp the f ilial Ciiiiliiietui a. was iiindo to Juilee Westbrnok lutbc Hupreiuu Court ol lids city, fur au urili r of utlncli-incu-

against the propi rl) of lieitlton. llcldeu A I nof Uuntlaga counly, canal contractors, for fin.oOJ,and an orderof nrr st rcitttrlng hid from each la moo.isk), tho orders wero grunlrd mi the coiiiplaini of

) llt'iiei al 1'rali, the allldavlt of Mr Hwiet, hlaieFngtlieer, as to bow tbc money was Iriiuuliieiitl) ub.tinned trout ibr treanir , and ot Mr. Apgar, llepuiy'treasurer, which sets fortli tho druiuiii.' lor un litund Its, Titeuidois are itireitvd to tliu buvrlttut Uuuuctaga county.

The l.nnill. Fi'iill) lu Itoiii t.The action in the New Jersey Uupreiiiu Court

to determine tho coutrol of the l.andls ihlldrrn wasbefore Juliro Heed, In 1 reiilon, ) eslerdar. I.uuUK, biswife, and tier brother, Capt. Meade, present. Aroturu was pudo by the latter to Ihe writ compellingblm to produce tha cmldreii. and It waa agree tutraverse tlie ease, and take evldonce before u commis-sioner, a return lo be msdo Auk", (a, snacilduitu iv be

vBillnbt Haul


.i tu 1. 1 1. or HKtt.r. ry rnu if.i ;."or mi: ati.axtiv.

IHglln, Ten r.rek, nnd an I nknown DnrsinnnHowlng for thr ( liniiiplnnshlp of the Mnle

An Accident ttudnn t'nexpecled Itesull.Tho rtisli to nockiiwny Uracil ycstcnlny

was creator than nit tho linos of steamers com.Itlned could conveniently provide for. Tho firstrace of the day waa a palr-oarc- d raco open to nilentrance) freo; also double seventeen-fre- t work-ing boats, no outriggers. At 2 o'clock five boatswero pulled to tho starting point, tho contest-ants being Tommoy and ratford, Ilartlott ondO'Donovan, Policy nnd Waldcn, McCarthy and

and Utimford and Murray. Ileforo theraco begun, the last three mined crews com-plained that tho first two wcro using out-riggers contrary to tho rules under whichthe race was to bo rowed, Tho Jtltlgo atfirst ruled them out, but under theirprotest readmitted them, nnd tho boatswero stvrlcd. Tominc and Tatfnrd got slightlythe host of tho start, Ilartlctt and O'Donovanbolng about n longth behind, and Fohoy andWaldcn not tnoro than four boats lengths In thorear of the leading boat. Tho other two crowswero close behind, nnd In tttlsordcr.wlth hardlya perceptible alteration, tbo raco was rowed tothe fltiUh, Messrs. Fohoy and Waldon protestedthat tho uso of outriggers In tho leading boathnd lost them the race, and offered tu row Ihowinners for from J.V) to tMH

The second and last event nf tho day wos ashell raco between Messrs. Illglln, Ten Htch.ntidHell, for the championship of tho Stato nf SowYork and money prizes. There was not a groatde I of betting on the result, but Illglln was brlong odds the favorite, nnd fotv doubted hisability to win wllh cai. For sumo time past homid Hell have been training at tho betv M.loHouse, und both were In maznltlcent condition.With two such iiowerlul competitors tit IllgllnMi l Ten l.yck, Dell's chances wero looked uponss slender, and at 4 o'clock It was announcedtint Hell ha I withdrawn from tlie rner.

A cheer went up as Illglln rowed his shell out.As the Judgvs' boat approached the landing

nut EVCKstepped from the platform nf the hotel andwalked down to thP whatf, where his shell hadalready been launched. As he pulled towardthe starting point he looked tbo model of nnegilo narsmati. Illglln meanwhile had rowedhis shell Into the wash nf n steamer, und wastossing about on the mlnilf waves which threat-ened to cap-ir- e bis frail craft. Kverywliero elsotho water was without a ripple, nuj u tnoro op-portune moment could not havo been seizedupon f..r Htm ting the boits. Hut Just as Illgllnbegan tn shoot utter the Judge.' boat, towardthe starting point, another aspirant for aipiatlclienors iippc.rt'd upon tho scene. Hovvasde-srlnU-

of bi comlug champion of the State ofNew V'trk, nnd bad obtained permission tu rowIn lieu of IP 11. He carried his shell down to thowater on Ins shoulder, launched It. i.nd takinghis seal, rowed toward the starting point.

At 5:IU the throe Im .ts vvero lu line, and a mo-ment altcrvvnrd fix ours dipped Into tlio water,nnd tho shells vvero darting toward tho stakeboat, a mile and a bait away, around which, andback tu the starling point, they had to go. Asthey beared tlio Neptune House. It was t

thai Illglln was In i.dvalicc. pulling o isily,with Ten F.tck almost abreast of him. Joneswas far lu tho rear.

a row..Illglln and Ten Hvck rowed on, neither g.ilti-lu- g

nil Inch on tlie other. Tho Sen .lido Housewn- - p.fn'.l, with Illglln holding a hardly per-ceptible lend, and tu this n they reachedthe stake boat. Hern Illglln ii'itckctied hllstroke, und tiled, by doubling tne stake boatrapidly, lo iiicicisk his advantage. The er

of his shell fouled tho -- tiiko boat. ud be-fore ho could dear himself Ten l'vetc hadturned his boat and was pulling for home. Illg-lln seeuied tn he trying lb "peratclv to clear him-self, but lie succeeded only lu fouling again, andagain. When lit last he turned tho stakn boat.Ten Lyck wasthlrt) lengths or more in advance,pulling easily, and the raco for the New Voracbnmptoiishfp was virtually over.

Illglln nulled rill, however, ntid rapidly de-creased his opponent's load, but not enough tucan-i- TiJl I'.ick tu uulikeii his lead. As thowinning hotr''sscd thn first landing Jones, whohad warily bided his time, and was walling forthis onpnrtiinlt), dniheil out ami bent to hisoars like a man. H'lt ho was tuiu-1- 1

to iii'ld his own with Ten l.yck. so ho lay tumid wnlicd for lligiin. who seemed at this pointta be pulling ns though his lifo depended on It,and win u.rcd bv hi in beforo lie could getlhlsshell In motion. Illglln succeeded In reducingIlls oppoueut's lead to abool mix leoglb", but liecould do no more, nnd 'leu F.)cl Passed tho II igbout a winner by that distuned In l'J ii'luutusand Id stc.tnds.

r.'OF. rii.m:s is m ri'Ai.o.IlllUlum Iteccpllon I'nrllcs lu Honor ol Ills

lixcclleuey,HcrrAl.0, Aug. !. llilsarternoondnr. Tllden

received a Isrge iitimber of visitors at Ihe resld-nc- e ofLieut, tiov. Dursheliuer, am later be look a drivearounl the most allrsciive parts of the city . Includinga brief call st tin Driving Par., where the races weicto progress.

During Ihe inter part of the afirrnooa snd esrly Inthe evening, ibe liuveruor received insuv ladles andgentlemen at a litvn party, held lu Ida honor on "beI. dutiful grounds of llronson C. ltumssy, Kb.., on Del-aware treii l.aiertutbe eventnj.iic was streamedat t.l llt.a,ov. IK tsbelmer's b) De'llioetdtb.clttreus, accuuioa tied by the t'uiou cornet uudiiedbauu.

At lliWA. M. to morrow ihe flovrrnor win bebr the .luur.1 ot trad., wbe lleurge it. Illiib&ril

will i. nucr nn Httdrs-.- a of w. jiii , 1 whlcu the tiuver-no- rwill respond, afier w bn-- a trio ot lusaeetlon of tao

canal will be made, fi bused by n ride dowu IbeMsgara riser on S. 8. Jew en's vactit '1 Hants

Ou hlsr.'tura tie will viit the stab- limite Asylum,now lu course of coiisiru tton brrc. In the hewilt buld u lurmal reecptiaa at ihe LleuienaubUuver-nor'- s

msiislon. ou muruiuj, at Do'clock,the iiuyi-ruo- will take a speelat tram for Siratngatloaning stops at llssavia, tteuester, bjracuse, audI'lica,

AvviiirxT.s or mi: sr.i.sos:A llclrnlhrd Couple Drowned under the

ill rail Culm ai t.Ni.vgaua Falls, Aug. . At 5 o'clock this

afttrnoeii six resident of this place visited the lave ufthe Wiuds without a guide, as Ibey bad frequently donebefore. After passing through the rsre, two or tboparty, Mr. Klhelhert Parsons, aged Su, and Miss LottieC. I'hllpolt, aged g5, desceuded to oil eeld) width Isi.rvcr visited by tho guides, vvbt.e battling, the ladylost tier foothold and was csugltt by the buttne c uncut carried petit luto tne river below, aud tbe--

wire druwucd. Ibey were soon to bu married.

The Dangers nf iho Mirf.Miss Lovejoy, while bntlilngnt

L.I.,ou taliirdsy, was carried beyoud her depth. Ahoy who was Oalhtng ntartbe ladyweutto tier assistsure, tiut she selxud turn and held li'iii so HgitCy that lieeotiiu do iioibiinr. 'Hie linn. tJeurge VV. li'ishb.cs,

iiiuprietor ot tlie hi, Louis i'.ii-)iif- , was nub galuug fhe neiicti iu u carriage, lie pluuged lu, aud savedbuiii ihe lady uud tliu boy.

New Hops In Mnilict.AliiA.nv, sug. . I'ho llrst lot of is- -j early

seedling hups were received bore Ibey weregrown by t. Concer A uf Water) tile, Oncldacouuty, N. Y.. sad are cou.ldi red Ursi clast lu every rea.trct. Judging from lids suuide, ibe crop of bui's torlk;.i wPI be uf sup. rlur quality. I'hey are couiigucd to1 a) lor 4 bou, bre ers.

The Dclei'livi'M Avviikcncel.Hen. lliltly Smith's exposure of his tonfieif)

lias awakened tho Dctcctlvos to a luke warm lutcrcstin llielr work. Last night tracers Voa llrrlchtcn,Kcely, aud I a Hue. arresicd Joiiu Met orauck, .lam--Msgiuri) and Henry Murphy, notorious 1 bird Avcuuccm plikpuck. Is.

A Lost Hoy Found,Tho son of Mr. Charles Drink, u collector for

Ibe leriy Coi.ipany, dtsippeared ubum III,tern nitiitlis ago, and nothing was bmrdof bi'ii untilIss week, wlii'u l.ts luttur luuud blui iu the lluuse ofKcfuec, wbltlliT Its bad betell aeut as a Vsgraul.

Ycllnvs I'rvcr nl Furl ll'iri'iiiteas,Foiit IIvuiivni u, Aug. Nu new enso

s lice the repoi t of huiirdi). II sp.ui htuaard Vi'il.Usui L. lllll ellud list ulgai. I.ver) budy else djiug well,

i.osm:s iif run;.l'atilck McOruvv's dw el. lug, at Oaslloton, vvrti

burned leaierdi). Loss, ttfoo.Ilonrv Duster's aliiblo, nt Ninetieth street nnd

ibe lloulevard, were buriii'il tills morulug. Avaluab.ehuisc uuu cow wcie humid to death.

mtoo ici.Vff,

James Smith, sou ot Mr. Juntos L. Smith,the esteemed prupriilor of the .lunddv C'oml i diudIn llruuklyu ) til ir .Is j.

Joel 11. Webster, an nmplotse In Hotchklssi Field's axle fartory In VVilllatusuiirgti, was struck untlie bead by a b 'll yesterday and lustaully killed.

Jo'an and Thuinas Loughery wero beforo er

lleiiealri in llrooaljn yeaterdsy i charge efcuuuterfelllng. Tliey were livid lu l.uoo bill each.

Tho policy shop ut Debevolae und Morrellalreets, Brooklyn, was broken up yesterday atteruooa,and Win Laucr, dealer, and Charles Auarews aaiUC'Or-uaUu- s

klsucj. plkicrs. were lucksd vcji)


JACK Hit Vl'V Alin'S 1.VVK,

The flnry nf his I.nlest Crime Told bv nnllnnrst Triicblilnn-Dlsnirrem- eiil of TwoJurlca-Jiick- 's very Instnlons Defence.

Chnrlt's Hnrrliicton, nllas "Jnck Shcp-panl- ,"

has effected a second escape from Stateprison within three or four months by virtue ofa trial in tbe Oenoral Sessions yestcnlay. Har-rington Is a g young man, alwaysneatly dressed, but slightly disfigured by a scarJust over his right eyebrow. The last complaintagainst blm was made by Henry Dodson, a col-

ored truck driver for Messrs. Ilrcwster 4-- Mills ofUsS Pearl street. According lo tho complainant'stestimony ho was driving around tho corner ofChambers street and way on the 5th ofApril last with a light load of brushes, worthlT0. Tlio prisoner hailed him. and asked himto enrt a box which lay on the sidewalk to Cort-l.ui-

street nnd llroadway, promising himtwenly-llv-e rents for the service Dodsonreadily undertook tho Job.

Tho prisoner rodo with lilm to Cortlandtstreet, and there they both dismounted. Theprisoner said that he had sprained his wrist Intho bursting of a belt In his employer's factory,nnd nskoit tho truckman tu carry his heavy boxtu Ids nflV'o Hi tho third story of tho building.At a elovd door on the third floor, the prisonerprofessed dismay at having forgotten his key,and told Dodson to sit upon tho box for a mo-ment tu guard It, becnuso It contained goldwatches, while ho went for the key. Tho trust-ful Hudson waited fifteen minutes, andthen tried anew the weight ol thebox. He didn't know how much sucha case of gold watches should represent Inavoirdupois, hut the box seemed heavy, (Iradii-all- y

It dawned upon his mind that he was thevictim of a serious practical Joke or a swindle.He shouldered the box ag.vln and went down totho street. Ills horse, truck, and goods weregone, and there waa no claimant for the box.Dodson Immediately took It tu the Church streetIiolP-- station, and when It was opened nothing

mortar, bricks, stones, and straw was dis-closed.

A week later Harrington was arrested andIdenlllled by tho complainant. The prisonerwas bold, declared his Innocence, and upon thefirst trlnl attempted to prove an alibi. He suc-ceeded well enough tu secure a disagreement ofthe lurv. In the retrial of tho case vesterdaythn defence vvosvaned. The prisoner awnrothat the detectives had formed a cabal againsthltn, und were endeavrrlnit to punish hltn forsome other person's crime, basing their hopesof success on his refold as a convict. Thoplausible story of tho haiidsonio young man wasso effective Willi Iho Jury that they dlsagrocdagain. What further Is to be dono tit not jetbeen determined.

MiiiT.i nn is inns astThe DIsKlet Commissioners Defusing to Do-u- nlr

S.IO.IMMI tn dram's Kiciiu.Wasiiinuto.v, Anp. 0. Tho District Com-

missioner positively refuse to allow Murtagh'sextra cl dm uf nearly foOJXX) for the publicationuf the tax list, which was printed some tlmo ngoIn tho organ uf tho President. Thusfar he has bocn paid about $.j0.0", more tli inouo-lial- f of which Is clear protlt. Not satisfiedwith this sum, however, ho demands nearly nsmuch moro under his contract. Mr. Denulson,It scorns, Is his principal opponent. Ho holdsthat Murtagh has been overpaid already, andhas said In prlvuto ci'iivcrrattun that no will re-sign r.l her than pay It at the dictation of tinyone. Murtagh went tn Long llruucli to Invokethe President's aid when the llrst hitch tuokplace, nntl I he report Is that tlie President

that the organ proprietor should be paid.Mr. Deiinlsoii, however, wus Immovable. I'dstrengthen bis case, Murtagh eniplojed

Jeremiah M. Wilson tu hltn Inobtaining thn money. Tho Commissioners stillrefuse to allow the additional domanil, andMurtagh Is very Indignant and threatens to tellwhat lie knows. In conversation a few days agowltu an of the lato (internment,Murlngli raid he Intended tu cxpuse the mis-deeds of tho present Commissioners and niakoIt lively for them. Uncharges them withic, and tli) probabilities) are that thishlghl) virtuous organist will either demand unInvestigation next winter or read Mr. Denulsonand bis associates out of the party us bo didWilson and lllalne.


The Coium-i-s Dudley's rtolcis Jesrrls-T- he

llnglish Adveiilureis' Profits.The Jewels soiled from Hall 5; Henry, who nro

accused of smuggling diamonds and other valuablesthat are supposed to hsve been stolen from Ihe ( ount.c.l HudlcT and other ladles, wcro liken It) tbc CustuinHouse officers to Ti.Tsnj's yesterday, and It was tlei I le IIhsl ibey are uot the onca ibat were stolen from Mrs.Itoque dc Lara In Havana. Ileory waa asked by Hpeciattreasury Agent l batker whether he and Hall hail mademuch money out of their loan ouslness. He said Hutthe) bad nut lie said : e 'ave been onlv a tu inth iuthe country, you know, and you couldn't expect us lonuke much, ll ) ou 'ad only let us alone, yuu kuow, wemUht 'uve made something nice."

A Itufllnn Killed by n Wninnn.Montiikau Aug. P. Yostcrday afternoon flvo

young roughs attempted .'orclbly to enter the bouse ofa respi'duhle woman iism.t Mrs. Downs, at Point rt.Cnarie-- . Mrs. liuwus bred lato tho crowd, a'tooiiugone Merloni through tbc lungs, trout tbe edictsot w bleb tic bas aluce died.

A Young Meddler of ForluueA bright-eye- Ii. lad, about ten

yoaraold, waudered along Fuurtti avenue last eretiiu,lookiiig for a place to sleep. An oldfishlnned leathertravelling big was on his arm, and bis dusty appearanceindicated the last stuges of a long Journey,

Ju-- t as a gintlc'tiiiu was aklu blm what bo expect-ed to do. Officer Whip' spprasrhed ant questioned Ihelad. He said bis name w s Chrl'tsve I urie, and tbstbe walked irom sen Ciilon sireei. I'atarson, .v.l,nnbunday. He said be a'olu 1170 from bis uiotber audcame lo the city lo Hilda place to

When taken before lae eergeant lu tlie Fifth streetpolice slstlnn be sabl t " lie careltll of thst bag I'vegut a plsiol lu turre." "Is It a reiolycr " assed tbebergeaut.

-- No, Has one shooter." answered the Isd, as thesstehrlwss opened dltclnslng the pistol and a bookeutllled " Fred's fresh start, and what he did liv moralcourage." Tho lad was tudlrtcreni about being scatliuiue. He was sent lo the Ccutral Police OtUcc.

An Old-Ti- shipbuilder (lone.Mr. Stephen Smith, of the once flourishing

shipbuilding Arm of Smith & Dimon.dlrd In Iloaelle,N. J , ou Friday, at the age of Hi )cara When tboness of the event reached Ibe ol'l tlme shipbuilders ofthe Dry Dock region they tolled "the old nierl. sales'bell" that in b) gone das rung lu bniiib A Duiion'sbusy ship yard. In tbe evrnhia the oil shipwrights'Association lesolved to spend Mr. ismltli's tuuersl lu abody. This they did yestrrdiy.

Asking Prnlrellnti ngnlnst the l.nssyers.Comptroller (Iroeti has asked the Hoard of

Appwrtioument to authorize blui lo employ counted toprotect the city against the claims uf lsw)erB nnd oth-er lillere-te- d lu street openings. He aiyi that thetaxed cats unJcr street opening procei dings that si reuiitistdnu .lull 1. 11.5, sr.' I?l..'.';ta.7l,siid Ihsl sincelMo the city lias paid under similar proceeduiifs, It,.ala.tiOU.Bj.

A Turn In Luther llrynnl's Forliliies,Luther 111) nnt, the coin dculer, who teas

robbed of iu gold coin last year, has had an oilset to his bad tuck. His age I sunt, who hied lu Hamp-

shire county, Mass , died lately, leavlug bun solea f. mi of ') acres, and to penonal pr ipeny umouinlngto 7,tssi other leisures, with whom the

Hied, are conlcsllug the will uu the irouud ufInsanity.

(irnaahnppcrs lit NebriiNhn,Omaha, Aug. !. (Irasshopoers are very nu-

merous at Oram! Island, VVnluw Is.ut'd, I etilral City.Woud Plier, and Hastings, and aie ilolit ge ti 1I.1I11 mi--


liiiincnseilouds uf tut) insects are sill! Uyiugsoutiiward.

The Flood lu the JllnsUslppl.Mr.MI'lllK. Tenii., Aug. 9. -- Up tn ft o'clock

tin- ilvcr lose uue inch und a half since 11 P.M.and ts Ituw wtthlll lluee and a ball inches of?ilcrilal. rise. There is nu clunge lu 1110 sluisiiuu.

nonsi: sorn.i.Mario Stuart. Ave r rs, has been sold for

rJI,iasi, gutd. to Mr. Crawlord, the owner uf (aaiig I'urwaul.

Mr. (Ic urge II. Hiker, the President of thoCti'velsatt I oh, bus bought Ihe iliestllllt geldlltgllniltoli. ny Vi ji) out of kt,taha''li,B llru) luaiu,furiM.uou.

sr.titics rnoM mi: iiu.iuutAi'ii.Tbero wcio 1 1, KM 0l postal cards Issued In July.Tlie Phil whitewashed tho St.

Luuiseluh ut pnllolt-lplu- )esterdu). 15 o uoliilug.Tlie printers In tliu Indianapolis .Senlfiirl office

stun k lesterus) uu account ut arcduitiuu 111 ttiet ptLcut c.tmposiuuu.

Pnl rick Jlorrlssey, irnckuinn on the Stoning tonItsilro ub was run uver yslttriiay atiernoou uy a locoluultve, aud lud tils leg taken off.

Thu Mayiii of Ott.iivn, Canada, has called uliieellng ot jb maiitif aeturcrs of the lit tatvu Vaiie. loluslte arraneeloei te lor a rupreHfiitiiliun of Ibeir Indus-trie- ,

at tho Phils eihlbllinu,Col. U.S. Slovens, late (leneral Manager of tbe

bllsaoun, Kansas, aud lexas Itillroud, tux been appointed ileitcr I Manager of tbe llaoidoal aad bt. Josephltallroaei, with boidiuart' rs st Hsunlbal,

Throuali the orrorof a iihyalcian, who left mor-phine in the piano of a foaiuuig draught, Mra. Jane (leiluu, au aged latly, ut tlardiuer, Me, .was yvstrrday fatal,la puisoni'd, and s nurse, who lailed lbs drsuaut. waswfiudimculto'saiodtnamile-sUi- .



wAxrr.n, o.vr nvxnniin Tito vsaif ;JDOLLARS t oil OTrMAX. 'M j

neeoTeryof n Part ofthe Stolen Mnney-fl- it. YUnan's llenvy Deposit J3 'Inr Notes lu an Alexandria Snvlnts Hauk. 4HL'

Washinhton, Atif. I).-- No time lins yo --Jflbeen fixed for a preliminary examination of that 'i fpersons recently arrested for the larceny of th "JHH7,(XI0 package from the Treasury Department. "jfl '

Ottman appeared before Judge Snell this morn- -Ine and waived a preliminary examination. Af. ' 11 '

tcrhearlug the stntcment of District Attornef -Fisher us to tho character of the offence chsrgod, JgB I

and the pattlclpation of Ottman In the larceny, '

Judge Shell required ball in the sum of $100,009, Vm ;

In default of which Ottman was committed. ' B I

It was ascertained thai Ottman recently mads) 'V I

a heavy deposit in thn Clermanla Savings Hankof Alexandria. The President of tho bank had J )

an Interview with Oen. Spinner and Treasurer . d i

New and consented that tho officersshall examine tho contents of the package left vjlby Oilman. Chief of Police lllehards accordlne- - .vjffl jlywent to Alexandria for that purpose. That "f f

package was fejund to contain twenty-nin- e $300 ,31 j

notes, nmnuntliig to IILTO. It was scaled, andhud Oilman's name upon It. .vSiThis aftrnuTu Malor ltlch irds and Chief Da-- - tdftectlvo Clanoo called upon Treasurer New and Mhanded hltn the 114,500 recovered In Alexandria, - "sfl i

vyhero It had been deposited by Ottman. MAfter being counted. It was again placed JlIn tho custody of M ijor lllehards, to t.o SMused as evidence ogalnst the accused. OtU wtkman has been for several years well known '

In Alexandria, nnd Isn stockholder In the bank SIn which he uinde this deposit, aud also a hearr ?lstockholder In the shipyard company and otltor ajenterprises there. It was ascortoliiod that OtU " Mnan deposited with Itlirgs Si Co. as follows t MMJuly 1.1, check of the Commercial National llanlc HIof Sirntnga on the First National Hank of Now '28)ork, ILWM! July aj, cheek of Win. Ilrycsift Co. tu the order of J. C. Vallot on the Phrrnlx slNutlonal Hank nf Now York for (3,51X1 i check oa MMechanics National Hank of Worcester fur 'M. 4sThfse sums were checked out on July 88. It ' .rlhas also been ascertained that Ottman pur- - Tnchased an establishment In llrooklyn, N. Y. tor1 15.tXX),w hero ho proposed to engage In business,and was making arranjumoiits to this end whso M$arrested. '.MMrs. llnlleck and .Mrs. Oltmsii, wives of Hi .mmaccused parlies, were at Pollco Headritiarters '

ami had long conferences w lib their ra- -M. eel I vo husbands. II dleck Is still nt Polios) ww ti '

Hcndii:arters, but will be taken beforo th JbB IPolice Court with llrown for a pre-- 9k Illmlnary exunlnatlim. Writs of attachment Hngnlnst Oilman's real ami personal property vfMhaving been Issued tit the Instance of the Our- - JISmeminent, the Marshal this afternoon executed '30them, seizing his tbreo houses, hnrso and cars S.rinse, diamonds, ftc worth probably rai.uiO, and . Jficlosed Ids restaurant. About I'M.UJO of thstolen notes have thus far been recovered. Dr.Wake, rh:.lrman of the lato ooinnilsilcn to count .3tbo niuiiey In the Treasury, disclaims the orctlll Sgiven III in In the nowspapers of luvlng firstdirected suaplclonng.ilnst ll.illeck. Unsays theentire credit Is duo to tlie Metropolitan Poliodetcctlvos for energetically bringing the faota ,'. -connected wLh the Treasury robbory to light, , uand for the arrest of the parties Implicated. ")

"th i: i.rri: or viusisr.The Pi milling Fnder which the Itetr. Ilenrf , -

Want Heceher Writes. ,KwWhen Mr. Ileecher ngreed with the prnjectori e'S .

of tbe "Life of Christ," some years ago, that It wouldbe mure profitable lu write the work from an on ho los ,fcJL

rather than a liberal standpoint, he received llo.rxsioaaceuunl, and promised to nutsh the book In two years. 'fmIlls failure to gcep the contract, it la conceded, has ledmore than almost anything else, to the failure otj. Ik vSSFord ft Co., Ida piinllsltrrs. "You would be surprised," "H 'ail I one ol tils eiiurcb inenihe ra, in nn excusatory way, 'QdMWin a reporter, "to know bow Irksome It is for Mr, VjFIleecher tn wrile, He liana the labor uf Using sprit,sud while bu could talk an I talk all day with pleasure, VStlhe wuuid be nesiere.i to death tf be bad to write. Hehas frequently put oil wrl'lng for Mr. bunnir uutil tbslast miuule, sud thru dashed off soiuelblng winch cams .Into nls head nnd was worth rradtnx hecauae be had Usnamctolt. He knosa the prlntrrB'rry for 'copy,' tot "Tbe lias wrlllcn the M.lfeof Christ' uiteler the baoltual .

proddiugof Mr. Korn. and be baa often bad to wrila it:while the messenger w sited fur lila mauuscrlpl." Mr. '"Hlirerhrr Is said to have made another promise lo berda fts )to I,: -- rallli en ly nn ll.e last third of Ihe second vol. B t'Juu i sf me "Lile of Christ" when he returns lu tho lall. , '

Tbe (iliiurratf r Cenlcniilnl. IOijiicesti;ii, Mass., Aug. 0. The day was a 1

usher. . I In by Ibe rlngln-- of bells and Ibe bring ot - .3csunon. Tbe morning train came In with nlas carsheavily loaded, bringing hiiadreds of visitors and sev '!ersl military and t.vll orgamzalloui,

lly half past u a procession w as formed, eoaststlng et - Jthree brigade , and after parading tbe principal alreets,

lo ape Pond tirote. At 1 o'clock the norer--nor ml stall aimed there and recelveJ tbo inlliUry.Atsorloeg tlio compiifiy sst down to dinner. Afler viittnnrr the exercises eotistsit it of remirks by ths Iter. ' Jlllrlnrd nf Uluneeaier, s historical addrrss hy tba JSBllua. Joint .1 ll.iti-ui- i, uud s b) Mr. Loruner, ajM t) or ileorgc e. Men 111, aed lien. Ilriggs. Tulseriii- -lugiherewas a pruuiuuils concert aud a dauco at Ins HiUruve. J

Another Failure and Assignment. iMr. Albert L. Dodge, a wholusale and retail '.3

dealer In cigars aud liquors, made an assignment yes, JalterdartoAlrln Hurl, a lawcr ut 11 Wall street. Mr, jisfilDodi;e was tnc successor of Chambcrlln ft Dodge, ami 'sWflIrantarced bnilniss at ,0i llroadway, Thehou.ohaabeen lu u bad eondillon tor snin. tune, and ths aidjnresaid tn i I'm. II ibililles are 7.,ti). und Ilie assets not .lover itiu.isi i. Til aisliiuiient wasmtde at the request vef ttie ereuliors, who b eve held two uieeiius. The as- - aisiisets ul.l be illstrb uted without prefer, line. t'ne Tiheaviest credllors are Fxbrr A Co., tmpolitrs of ctgars,and lv s, tleeclier ft Co , w bob sa.e ilquor e'tlrra of US 'ia1 met street. 'I tie clatius of these firms fund ohcuf Mr. Dodge's llanilitii-s- . g

VTio-- e Jlrulher or Sou ? . j.V

Mr. George Schleer of LSOlli street found th .'ibo'ivof a in In the North lifer vest r.U In waa 'use fret seven Inches high, hat llgbt iiiuuilache and jtbrow n balr. and had In the pnrkrta a sin er bunting eaawalch, and a twu-ne- led eaglo wllb u eeuwn attached. iMr. bt hirer pulled the body aaiiorr.ani listing fsst.euedlt. as he supposed, went to look fur utlp i but oa Abu return tbe budy bad Ousted away. ' J

Partnership Dissolved, ,fjJoseph l'rovczon und Joseph llologno, barberts ' ' 3

at 171! Urernwlch sireet, dissolved psrtncrshlp yeiler- - TIday. Lsst night they quarrelled about the settlement. "iand Pruveiju shut Ualugue, inflicting a dangfroaawuuud In the lett side. Iloiugne was tasen to Ilie parK 'IIlo.pital, I'ruvciou wss lucked up in the I'nurchsirt'ot Vistatiuii. A

The Wenlber (ItUre Prtdlcllnn,Continued warm nnd clear weather, with light

aoiitb. rly in wes eily winds and stitlouery or falhug '

hiroiuiur, jiossibiy fo.loaed by light ralai durlug tanulght.

jorrisns .1 filter roirs. j.

Ileware of bad peaches I

The Suntiyslde Association, In Sudor's RistHirer Fsrk, August su. 'f

First nnuiial nlcnle and games of the AlbionSociety to day ut .loues's Wood.

(surge Lvw was elerted President of th j

John K Dosley Assuctatlou lasi night. s.MlMiss Julh Matthews and her Coiulo Opera

L'e.iiipau) arrived Iruni Furote )eiierday. , IVMayor Wickham has signed the w irrnnts for

tbc six buntlr. d su i tilt) breiueu's sileries fur Juiy. y

C iit, (Tlnclii y rlosod (leorge Williams's iiollcfshop si itou Oratid street aud rr. sted ulae ter,oui last 'e,

fieulng ;jJohn (laven, aged 70, adofinan, of I '51 Forsyth '

street, died lasi eyeuiug Iruui au accidental dose of . - Htrcusote.

Thirty die liutntreil persons attended tlie an- - 'r,Itllal exriir-lo- n nf tbo I iiXpaytTB' Asto 'iallou to lul'S J


Llsnil yesterdiy. ,

Michael Cill.ilitu. nged 3 years, foil from atiiird snuy utn luw at ai I West l'liirty-slxtl- i street iud sScwits kllli'u, )t'U'rdi) .

Douglas Tavlor, Coinmlaabiner nf Jurors, re- - --''turned iruui Lurope on huuday morulug, au.l hasbis tllltt lal duties ...

August FiiiMlmiitui, aged IM, dropped dead ,last i Tilling while diluting uglase ot gin In IVlltlaui 'btiavt a saloon, Kl Monigoiui-r- stttnt.

'I ho llnv. (lustav A. Sriiiiildl, a rhapliliinn ' .'ard'a Isbind, dle.l from loi ,Js tcslcrd ty, l .e lesaltUfa liesi) iron grating cruoiug his In id a inuulii a;o.

Louts Ness, aged i in.its, of Fourth avontiH,iteer tftly.tlri't street, wus no .ut ir silled b a wo.Mleu r.bora lulling ou blui 1. as Ue. 'a brvwery, UM KailFifn llrst street, vesieirr.', j,

.It. hn Murphy, nged II. of KID First nvenue,wh.. eligsm I in a nnyioi quiriel titer a pIpotLl of jtnttarro. sns sliihlieil iu tut- iKei ti, teg .1 11, ut oil First aycuue. Tua yuuag a ssd- - ;

unt , scaped. "

Fifteen silk nnd worsted dresses, suited In thaPo ut rants by Inspectors Piesdeii anl Paulding, andaappof'd lo li ive neeii brought fro n I'srls by . I). ()hpeiihelmer tor ia.ll, i ou Murray Hill, aro stored lu tba J

lu tout lluu e,Tint F.xclso Commiislnns ynstsrday closnd tha 1

sal i. ii, of Martin llaller, 1.051 Third uveiiuu , Cbrl.lo- - ' Jliber lltnuey, LoJO lltuu aveiiue, VV. r t srroli. tiojL. I tiftteUbib sirceti .1 ilui Keiuulds, UJ3 Tblrd !avenue Charles 1. luster, '71 I lilnt sveiiue A

The Secretary of thn V. S, Trevsiiry nil .closeted with Urn. Kbsrpe, Acting C i.letlor l.y.leeker,Aiprsl-e- r Dai ling, and Knerlti Agent lluwe, lis Iho Cut.

" .!

Iietor'a private olnce lit wit Cuetn-- llouso for sevoial Jliuurs )vsierdjy. It was rumored Hist be wstilet all aIhe bead, ot ucparluiruls removed and new olllcersappointed. .

lirvslpelas ami skin diseases arn qulnkly rrested uuluured bj Us. ley's Msioal ixitsctor- -sldst.