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Page 1: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one
Page 2: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one

Show last time, tonight.Show your monthly pro­gram at box oll1ce andit will admit one adultfree. with one ~aid ad­mISSIOn,

T-Bone St'eak andShoe String Potatoes "

'I 35cPlate Lunch


Oh BoyWhat AMeal!


1Mutt Ihave 'thai'ge ll

'of I (,l~tcrtn~n- 1vhich followed t a letter was'''read Bank At Ca,'roll Mrs. Ed. RethWisch were Sunday1'~11: n~ent. \' from the Nebraska Home for De- J • guests in the Haos Tietgen home.

l1\lctnlJet·s of IthD Cotl'l'le c no pendent Children, expressing ap_ May Reopen Soon Mr. and Mrs. W. J. May. Mrs.I Vo.jill be guests (~f '!the Cameo dub pl'emation for the Christmas box Depositors represent,tog about Glade McFa.dden, Irene and Wanda

tltis Friday nt a I)rogra;m and ~ca sent by the group,~EI~.LaughM 60 percent of the funds m the Car- drove' to McLean Sunday where. ~~"Itt~.~e~. l,trol',ueeel,on ~,Mtt;'~' l\n~iJltl,'1:~ds· (Continued I on e. IX) roll State bank have signed" an they spent the day in the Frank

~\I ~, ... "'" .... tt... agreement which may allow the Lewis home.


~Irs. Wiltse, Mrs FJ. O. stratlon! Southeast Wayne bank to reopen umler the new .------.----.--, I and Mrs. GeOige Anderson, Mr~. ~ state law. I,f "those holtUng 85 Altonu N¢ws,

Hbn',Y K Li'y :WIll draw illustbl- (By Staff Correspondent) perc~rlt of tIle deposits agree to Farmers Union Local 12B8, Al~II L i r II II ti~ilS for entertainment. ." Isie Hammer spent the weeh:M leave the funds in the bnnlt for n. tona, held an instructive meeting

I. ..' 'I I ' ' , I: ".' .. I I ".' A. A, U. \V. members have (]IllM en I with Helen LQ.-ughljn. YNU' nnd then draw only nne per at the home of 13arciman brothel'~, '$.Ocr~l,' Fo~t'~s~. 11 E:, Back ar~ l~o,!;'ltess,~s thIs! 'P mrs'" ner thh:J '['hHr~III'y evl.'ning at the A number in- the: vicinity hav~ cent a month thereafter, according Friday evening, February 3. Al-Ea~tern Stul"mcets to. ;rog\lIar: day tOltllC pUlIl Luthdl'lll Aitl R C. IIttlllbNll, lu)lllL'. PI·i'll'. O. H. been ill witl'l·chioken'pox· to the new la.w,. bunkH may re- t110Ugh the weather was very culd wmu OCAl3

SeS$l~ M()~day e\'€'llina-. . II wliidll l).' J,he ehUl'ell pa ·hIt1,;. Chinn ,mil ~pe:dt 01'1 "WHit li'loWt'rs' Ihunlft KnndHcn callQcl :!.'Y.tonilu open. H. D. Add~~on, attorney for, and unsettled, 10 memlJcrs amI ~Rt'~cl(alts ht'lJc a l·~gufar ~~'Sl- Foll~rc ,Ity dub ~tu s n. in N~bra~lm." PI'of, J. n. l{pith evening ~tt the CurU,:; F'oote hom:: th: Carroll bank, reports. that ~e several ViSItors were prel'ient, in- _ __, 2 00 and 8.00 p

nl.;~SS nlCttting tbis F1ti~lllY, , :V:rU~nbrye ~J.\~Ylne"t ·.ru~:!'\IlY .~'h'~ fllllliHhl'K Ulusil·,. VOHh:.':-3i'l0S, nlt' 'The IDmil Bnrelrimns culler Slll~~ Hunkli the Carroll bank WIll ,easl~y eluding Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dolph . .. Mrs Mary Young !l1~d gl'amlBOn, \\VC~l:t:nul;cljter GlIilt~ mQc~S E:cb- n1:~~g\ FlebltlQ.: ~ ,14~ at 7 ,,:W, '~uch Mrs, C. H. Chnm, Mrs, 'r. s. (tn cvpuip III the Martin Bastian have the required percent, Mr. of Leslie, WIlham Adams and ~on N, J. Juhlin who has been Illy IS James Young, l'eturnefllO Corrcc~ •

:nmry 16 With l\fi'Ss' Jfunette ~~w.., 1$ asked t~ bl'll~'g a plate, ('\1 mvl Hool{, Mi:"s ,JuSt'phl~e Sil~els, :Mli~s ho~e, g I Halstea(), state examiner, who of south of Wlsn~r. Mr. Adams jmp~ovmg slowly. , tionville, Iowa, 'rntS<.Iajjl afterhi. , p~~n. , . ..l . . , \(>ltfl HutlH'1 fm d anti l\lls~ Velma Mr. and Mr~. Emil Bal'gholz vis~ went over th~ records the last of gave an interesting talk on Farm~ MISS Mary Curner has moved to Hpending a couple W (>11::£ h!,!re 111

Mt.!ls Ruth Ross ('ntm'ta:ins' "hel' ",lght BC'Ulm~ dHI nuL nH .t no J...r(l\\'n. .. •• i1ed~Io~ridaY·evening at the Clar~ the weck, t~ll.n:d the keyH bacle to era Union activities. Luncheon wag the O. W. FOHter home.. the Dr. L B.. Young 11 lme.


l?nl'~dgt\ (~lUh Jlt':d. 'rlmll'~HUY. Il'Vl~n~ ll~:~~'a~;~ i1~~(:~~~~I];I~~~~'l~~I~~O ~~~\~: nil~~:t~lJ\f!I~l'e;;l~U~ll~e g~l;llAl)' ~·h:~ eIls:e 9l~lIerud home. . ~ the banle OffiCIals Monday. served at a lute hour by the ladies. .D. H. C~nnlngham W{LH In SIOllX Mrs. Matc McGilI w't~tO he 1;1 vi.',Jt~Q' ,1: . . :> - I . Mr and Mrs Mf1rtm Holst n I --~" -- ~ I--~- 'rhe next meeting wl11 he M'lr h" CIty Mom~<lY on bURinesR. rl Mr r J C .nll h l!:Mrs GC(H·g(~ Bort.hoft ~'l1terM I n;in the gil'Is Sn.tllrday Wht'l1 off!.· u,ll'tllm 'rUpst1nv l'wt'llng was post·. .' ,. ". '. n( Good Samuritan HORllital. at the home of MI'. ~nd Mr~. ~ .~. Miss Ma)ly LeWIS of Plainview, C '~.,) . ~v~n~~,I~ln, t w

'tain~ 'the ~. L dub n~xt Wt'~ln~s- :e:vs will ~~e olected,. 1 IPOlWd lHilll \~rpc1nesdllY of nht ~~mllY V:JHlted Fnda~ cvenmg III Mrs. Gtl~ Bodcnsh'dt of Carroll, Langemeler three miles weHt ~nd speht the wcck·entl here. A. T. C,a~anaughs .h~le, ,v~nL i;JtlJ~-, l , I~\ltl·.u.sa .club meets next 1\.101'1· wf'('k bpc:lufie of weather, con'di- 1e

jAuam Saul !10~,C. . Rurgical patient, IS proogn>ssmg two nmth of Altona Mis!':! Julia Knudsen of Laurel, AlbIOn Friday to V1SI~ ret, ttVCR, ,1

Dc~[olRy ("hnptel' meetil1Ct"' to claW W1Ut Mrs. CharIeR He~I;:(,S: !f(II' tions. 'l'hp gloup will mectlat 7:30 .Ed. Gl~sBmeytr and BaldWin n·c 1 . was a g-U('st at Wilbur Spahr'H few days. She plan::; j ) Ie urn tllGh~\:vl' "bqtn' hdd Tl.l(:sd~l;Y, was post- a ga.lentinf 'patty, Asslstmg MI~. 0'( lock 1'1 tho training sehOo]; nnd ~IRC~lWl' \VeI'c callers m the Cm~ I ~;,~ Seth M'lrricle of Carroll A. n: Bier,mann an.d family spent The "A~dr~"':' Htamm's < pl;~ to firAt or next week to her Iomll inl)(JDl'd Hftlkes tUt;-~ MI·S. R. C. Hllllbl'i~I;; 1\1~:o;s J..ta:xiJ!'th Bowman ''''ill have t s Foote home Monday. surgi~~l.1 patli'lll WllH dH{Chargeli Sunda;" afternoon In Lhe W. 1<'. move to a farm ~e~I O;kland thiB Mobil,e, Ala, making tlhe I ip fr'ol"Cl

~T. A~IO, club mct'tR next Thurs- unci 1o.1I:s. CUl')(lU Martin. <'llluge' 'of the plogrum on ~~" un~ Mrs: H,en~y Bush: jr.. Monduy, Bl(}rm<t~~l.~=-__ __ ~pnng. Omaha by plane. '1 1 /J!Id~'1Y \,.-ith lI'tn;. "-lliiam. BCc}tell. Plensllnt Vlllley club Jnl'('ltR next "MnuldUli Rlt(ltclws" by Smetana. wei: T~l~sd~y~dlOncr bllcslR of MJ'. Mrs. Chl'i~ AnderRol'I of Wayne, JI. W. T'hl'flhulcl iH ImprDving Hercry Hmt7- (~r l)(lnvc t (;(>10.}I:lUCl'. W:~dne.sday With Mrs. L ']{, Vllll'~ "hlS telb the hhitOl'y aUll tIle and M1S. C. '1,. Norto~. rnctltcal patient, wl'nt llOllW' M{Jn~ LaPorte. SlflWly follli\!.llllg a !~trr)lte of ap~ antI Mr, and !\Ifr.';. W. H. Wat.~~m

Nu Deal duh Iiwets. thig Satnr~ gm' for 1 o'clock lunChcon.tMl'!'i' .I·t'atncf's of a Bcrhqmian river t'll- The Martlll H~ll""lt irumly Hpent duy <,venmg, (By Cora Haglund) poplexy. werc Hunday dinner glllCfj~1} 01 Mr,da:'Y~ evenlng·.wlth Mr. and ::MIS, W, Je~ll'Y TUl'Ocr lund Mrs. Amel qrl'ly through toue. Miss HOWI1ltl11 all ilay Sunday 1Il th.~ Max Hen· Howard Nielsen of Win"itle, who . Mr. n.nd Mrs. Bn."'t~r Bnp were and Mrs. C. W, Whttfl, .The LIon·\V: Roe. NO~)lkes assist n!8 hostes>H!8. i', l'OndlleUllg:l $:('l'it'S of progrnms flch~o homo at Wa!teheld, suffered It fractured tadius Sun~ Mrs. C. n., Llll~flay Hpent Fn- Stlnday dlnnN' guest~ In the Lf!C. o;rd Hintz family mf Fh:~m~nt, (amp

HUl'alH()me>'1O"CietV~ladln'('lock Mrs" \V. j.;, ~reS~ler and ~ J.';;,.1. nn symphunic nt' lotH.> iioems. M~HS F}(}nn. SWaUHVI1 came to tilt' day, was rf'leased Monday. day afternoon With Mr:4. C. L. St'ymour homl'. Sunday aftclnoon rll~11 JH' 111',[lnncheoh Ii"u!Huary iq 'WIth M'I·S. K. Jt)hnson entertain jtbe iB ptiRt l'lutd C!1l1:-WrvutiOl; Lpagnc has ~ r:'t(' LOWi'~: l~~mef ~~les(\nY ~o vls- Mrs. William Hepfingt'r of Pcn- ~~l. I M A Firemen held tlH'ir rcgular' named returned wltij thl m If":l

l\Idvin Larsen. ' . ~l1fsionary so~iety th S TlilurH~lay ~1('{'tltlg T~It':-;dlJ.Y ,:v~'ning:, FClJIll- M11:: l~~~n~~~s.l'l~as~:r~~~r;I vis~ dcI', m:eical patient, is gelting wcr:·S~~~lay ~;tt'rn~~I~HI~isit~~r~'-ln~~ mN'ting Tllchday {lnd Ir_nnHa.c~cd visit in Fu'!mont.2.\IrJ::. L, E: Panabal;:~>r entertains m the formers home. Mro';;. Car· ,lry 11, \!.I lUI MIS. (.~~11 Nu!'ls. A ·t 1 th I tt' . t M J along mccly, l~ 1 L I rOlltlnp bUhiness. I , ~-===

the Dt"grce' of Honur ]ollge this los Mart1l1 It'ads the lc:r",on ll'~s{)n "II ."o('ml Sl'l"\'IC(' WIll be glV- r... e( caer:'l ~~s er. rs ohn Mr'5. C~lyn Mlllns of Carroll, is 'l'~n ~ ,onge ~. /, . 1{('l/nll 'Stl·W,U·! \'::1', it Tllf'day D&¥ _~'i4

ThU:-Sday t>veninl1:, .. (!};Irs. ~r, A. Synter en_tel'tniUS the p·rI ,~'lt? j),1P:'I:'l l'~"ad by ~rs. G1en~ ~;l~~~'n~~d;~~I~f!om. Monday \In-Ilepor~ed as lln:ha~~('(l. . di~o:rag:~~~tHFlr~~l\,LI;~gll~~(~~~C~~~~ fM'YII~~llnJK ,~~J.n~11~N7"I't'tC"l qf M~. and I, . , I'!'1h~s. Emma ,VI('tOl entNtains MethQ(hst Foreign Mil'siollUl'V SO~ M(Ll)_ 111:"1. W<~ltcr 1hller, Mrs. . .. , . Lellftlll Vancllrgtitt of Wayn,c, .'.'. ., - 'v l~ '- GAI

Gwce Lut4t;-~tan Aul th~s Friday at ciety this Tll1lrsday. Mrs, \v1i'l1iam 1<'1 ,Ink Kollf (UHI Ml!-l. c. ri;. NlellO· Ml. anl~ MI R: Hat ~cy l-:ans cn.J1~ I n;'-cdical patient, 1.'1 n tJnut the huueT H HUllI.luy: .. ' Fllrmr IS w('rp to mrl't at thr,i ,., Itll(! Cal'l Victor home. I,!) jI I~l,,,~ Beckenhauer leads dl>Vot

10lHl1<: 1,1i.o::('1l. nll'ls uf Ihp Oak troop 01 e<l m the HUlold hmtdsfm homl ~llmc I ReUben Lmd;-;ay and I lank Hag-- uly Ildll TllPqhy hut I1!1J nl,t on I

!\tB. \V. S. Brt:'~SlC!" cll.tertains and Mrs. D. S. DeWolf h.il'1 lia;·~~~ seouls wJlI glVP a l'irsl uld dt'lllon- Sunday 10 Rec the new :;on hOI!! Miss DOl'othy JTt'ndl'ick ofl1t~nd Rpent "Vl'dncsuay evC'mng WIth aCt (Junt (Jf Sfvrlr' v, •.;alhr'l Ithe \\'n~td \Vid€" Gllih of the Bnp- of the prooTnm 1:' >-:tmtlOll llnllt'l' ,su'pcl'vision tlf Mrs. that. day. , Wakefield, undcrwt'nt an opera- I~Jnoch A~tlerson. . MISS Mmi(,1 Han:lon (Jf Wake-tist {'htu'eh thi:::> Stitmjaav evening.' to· , '. I A V. 'rPl'd ait1 MitS Malion Jo MISS Aletha DaVIS of Norfolk. tion for appendicitis Wcdnesday Mrs. Richard Utecht and sons. 1 fielLl, was a WNlne<,day Olght gUI:,<;t I !

The P l\. G drb pla'"ns a: canl ~nyne .Womans club me1s thlR

lTlwobnld. 111" Tepd :>,111l explain came Sunday to vi.sit her Rister, morning, Fred and Herman, were Norfolk Iof Miss Hrlen SwanYm la~t wl:ek. Th

party With liusba QS us ~uests FndaYTWIth ~frs. H. R. 1 al.::;::on, lllE' woJi{ of tl e ghl ~COlJts and MI~s Betty Davi!'l, at the ElL Ham- J. lIilgcndorf, district manager visitors Saturday. Mr and Mrs Clrl1':n!(" Pre:otrm ea I e

FdH:URI'Y 1 t Itl th C 1 C. Petersen Mr~, ~ettle Call and Mrs. II' . L. TUt1!Hl t..lhlp (h. cll~Sinn Will follow. mer home of the Good Samarlfan hospital Mr. and. Mrs. Alhert Utecht and ani] famlly \'lrrl' Sunday rJmnpr I 1!!'Y"F'a'Jf .~ _IQ

home < , Elmr at, t~le Larson ho.me. MI S·I GIll'sts Ul L' em ll~lly lllvitc<.1 ,Mr. and MrH. L. R Winegar V1S- assncilltion, :-lpent f1 om Sunday sons spent Wednesday evening at gucsts 01 11r, and. MrH. H. A. Pres~I:\Ir~; .. II. ,1'. Fl'l6er e~tet'tains the ;~~t~· ;~:~hP:ndh~r:.S.j~l~r ~~H~)tr~ lJ A. H. lila lte'l' plan!:! II ~OIOl1lal ited at Ca~tnn~, ro~a, SlInda'y With until. ·Wednesday with the local ;lchard Utecht Band Mr.s. F. F. ton. . "Take A Ci~dllce'"

B~durbl club thls'Thbrsday at 1 on ewte~' I: CO:>IUlll(' tt'l'l t}18 Saturday aiter- the Iatt~r s blOtheI, J, T. Kendall hospltal staff. r lHher spent _th: mght there. Edmgers FurmturQ Auctlf")fi'o·doclt luncheon apl! 1m afternoon, ill ,',.. 1 , I noon at the h m(~ of Mrs. H, ~l, and family. ~rs. C, R. Lmdsay and daugh- Rale West Point, :'l/'~., now gOingl{ll bridge. I, ,Th~ P;e~l1)te.rl~n A,I~' Il1CC,t:L,> ~l b~ I Fcl!J('r Ttl(> h( stess will be aSsIst- Mrs. Hannah Beck was n VISitor Attpnd F~lIl('I.~1 .Tuesday. tel'", C~ru and Frank Haglund at~ on; tw,o 5alc~ dally 2:00 and 8.00 p.

111s8 Evelyn M('~erlplans a pn,rM r~Hf~Y }.. J <1t. _the dB.l.lell ~m1[lor~ ao~: -C'd by 1\lrs.'.1 H~ £.ilontg-omery of in the Magnus We:=;tlund home Sat- Mr, and Mrs. WIlham Becken~ tended a party for M:., and Mr~ ill, f9t1 Jty .soon for .Mis~ VlOlet Meyer who 2,3~ Th~·,vor1:t v; III b l plCCm., IV....akefll'lli. Mrs, A. 6 Goltz of urday afterno~m. Mrs. Ralph Morse hauer, . Mr,·· and Mrs. Willard Clarence ~reston at tl::Ielr home FrJ- Mr-. and 1'.11'5.•Tames KIllion. and Ij~ to be married tQis :$pFlng to Ev~ war bloc s. The ,comlmtt~e Ill-I Lamf'I. find 1rs. E. O. Stratton. and baby were also there. Wiltse and Mrs. John Volle went day.evemng. son were Sunday <.ImBer guests inC'rett Heikes ch~,les Mrs. U. S. Conn,. 111'81. .1. T I Gucsts \vlll w'ar colOnial or old- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haas and to West Point Tuesday to attendj RIchard Utecht .and daught~ the Albert Killion home south of I

Acme club helli no meeting on Bressler, Mrs. F. L. Blair all! MTS·


fushi<Uwd gow s. Mr!". Felber and Carl were Sunday guests Ill' the funeral .Iletvices for Mrs. A, D. Frances drove t? SIOUX City Wed- Wal~efteld. I:Monday on account of severe wca~ R.~. Larson, . . :i.\II~. Paul Ha Ilngton \vill playa C. J. Johnson home. Mr. and'Mr.". Krause, sist.er of Mrs, Becken- nesday to get Wllbur who had heen Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kai of Thursday Only '_ Feb. 9.thel'.. Mrs. J. T Bress~er is hostess CIrcle One of the Method st Aid piano :'loIn. ~ play, "A Dish of Wilbur Spahr and Miss Julia Knud~ hauer. who lli-eu Friday. The there for ~en days recnvermg from Pender, sptmt Sunday here v.-Ith i,

next M~nday. . meets next (wedne~c]~y wlth MIS. I Chma Tea," ·111 be presented by se~ called there in the afternoon. 'vYaync folks returned the same an operation., . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conger andHarivony chili me€'~s next 'Wed~ L, A, Fansk~. 'Asslstmg horteSQ€,s I )'lrs. D. S ¥h htman Mrs. Paul Ch' t· M' 1.1 th d M' day, Mr. and Mrs. C.' R. Lmdsay and Rhea Fern KaL

nesday with l.Irs; ~olm Nichols, are :Mrs. C. "V. Brown, :NIl'S. V. A Slman, Mts A. ft. DavIs, Miss Dora.r;a~a:'otzl:;:re:rve~nan ue~~: ----------~ daughters, Cora and FranK Hag- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur CbichesterHOIl'lc~nul.de. useful Vflentines will Senter" MIS. Jack Dawson.1 Mr,-: IHuth noss 1\1 s Ii: R Best MiHs J ;'" th CI g g Wilbur Ne,vs lunc1 and Russell Forney were en- of N19rfolk spent Sunday her~ inbe exchal1ged. I ~ ,Anton GranquIst and Mrs. H0my Fie-renee' i;pte ~l~n ~nd· Mrs. 'J. M. u~n~~~~, :IlI~MiS~9 M~:~~~eM~sl~I~;~ tertained at the ~r~est Lundahl the Willia~ Kugler and Mrs. Stella

:Meeting Of, the ¥on ay clhb w~.9 Johnson. Mrs, Brown has charge 1 8ttahan Tlw 'Olit1\1et WIll be dal'l- ma arid Ottu Frevert and Clarence (By'Staff Correspondent) home Sunday evenlDb ··" Chichester homes.pcstponed t~H;· week n account Sf of the p~~gram. I cel! by Bevcr! Strahan, Bal'bala Royal spcnt last week Wednesda SUIlshllle clHb meels ~his Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Charles. :-Valters Mrs, Henry E. Lev return-ed Fri-cold weathl"r. Mrs. A.~. WeIch enM V-layne Country club _has a SOM Ft'lber ('aUw in~' Cava.naugh anci . t th D II d I Y tIay With Mrs. Harry KIDder were Sunday afternoon VISitors at d f H wh~ h ttettains nex't' ~r~ek. .. cia! ,thts Thursday evening at 1·10- i P,ltrJcla Bmw 1, with ~<lSS Kl~th~ ~:~llln~r~ an(~ M~S.e;'~ill~~~. ~~ll~ Ernest Vonseggc:n of Randolph~ Richard Utecht's. Evening visitors f:~' ~e~ks o~~~ he~r~:r:n~~~nM:'

LegIOn Al'~..xtha"(y meets FebruM tel St~atton. The conllmttee lllM' ryn Lou DaVIS at the plano. . ·t d th D 11 d g .'Ppent the week~end m the L. Gram there were Mr. and Mrs, Harry d M D G E ..a.ry 14 with HIrs. E. W. Hn-se, Mrs: c1hges Prof. and Mrs. F. Gi Dale.l . _ .....-_,.. VISI e e u ern s. berg home. Waggeman and son and Mrs. Em- an rs.... v~n". .Ge.rt:ro.de Phij'bps and Mrs, E. E loIr:iand Mrs P, A. TheObald, 1\H I 'of'iaI. --------:- Mr and Mrs. Erwm V~lkamp rna Utecht and son, Herbert. Mrs..Manlla Tlb~jle~ e~am-Gmle;Vas host\"!..~se::j , and Mrs E E Galley. l\I anU F'I' Thr('l' Hi th~.t:\S' SOt Born Sunday, , spent Monday lO!1ternoon,wlth Mr. ed at dmner Sunday Wlt~ Mr. and

Mrs J H Brugger en:tertams l~rs. L. ,B McClure and :tv rand' T'hclJ ill(' <is came to the W J A son W Ighmg 8 pounds was and Mrs, HCTbert Thun. R ISh I Mrs. S. J. Bale, Etl~el TIbbles andthe St. Mary's 'GUild thIS Thurs- Mrs. C. C, Stlrtz, 1H IJUC'tl'W hUjl€, Sntmday evenmg born to MI and Mrs Hamtd KnlH1~ Miss Esther Taylor who teaches lIra C 00 Mrs. Harry Beclmer as guests.day ~Irs 'Norbert Brugger and Members of the Alpha WIman'] I til help :MIS, lzetta Buetow cele~ sen at Carroll, spent ~hc weekMend District 83, R. L. Larson left ~onday afterM

::vII'S \Vlll Thlelm.an aSs1st, I club and then husbands have a dlU- bra~c h1r l)1rt lc1ay The occa~lOll -- here at W. L. Taylor s. Cathryne Shannon, Teacher. noon by tram for Chicago to buyM~etlllg of Clr ':lie three of th ner I!arty next Monday ei\~nmg II wasl ah~) the Il thday of Ray Ag~ s~rpriSt. I'arty. Mr. an~ Mrs. A~drew stamm At thq last K S. S. club meet- goods for t~e Larson dry go

1\Iet~odist Aid planGed for Wed m the C. W HISCOX hom ],In; ler. JI , ,mel V dar Tzoo!{ Bunco ~ISS Bet y DaVIS entertamed and famIty were Sunday. (hnner ing the gl'OUp was awarded two store. He wIll,be gone about 0nesday WIth Mrs. .oJ. M. Bnsben Htscox and Mrs R C H hlbeck I\\ as tllVCl SlOn and luhchcon WaH Thutsday vemng at a surpnse gue.cy~ of the Carlos Martms. stones on the group castle. Several days.W,lS canc-elled on aC\~Otlnt of cold. Icomprise the menu committe 1v1I", sC'Ived party for .LIr dnd Mrs Harry MJSS Mildred Reed who teaches stones on individual castles were Mr. and :Mrs. Lyle Mabbot~ of

1.1rs John Gettmal\ and Mrs 'VV B, W Wright and Mrs L T Mcw ~* '" ~ Hammer, I bemg then weddll1g at NOlfolk, spent the week-end awarded for good deeds. The pro- Lmcoln and Chester Fowler of~ at. I Mission Sodt't ::'\[et'ts, anlllversar here III the Irve Reed home. gram committee gave a program Sioux City. will be guests t.his

~ 1 - • I I Pre:-<bytt rim MISSIona1Y SOCIety -- Mr and Mrs Fred Beckman, feaching self respect. week~end 1:!1 the P. L. Mabl)ottmrt \Vcdnesi! y \\lth Mrs F L Snrprisp 1H.Ilmhergs. :"ITrs James McIntosh and Mrs. Roy In the cross contment spelling home here.

I Bll:l.Ir Mrs (llna Horsham and Mr and lIIS Wilham Malmberg Day were~OlfOlk VISItors Fnday race the Fords are agalll III the MISS Jeanne Smith wh'o was~ I1\IIS C T r gham at the BlaIr who are movlllg to a farm near Mr and Mrs. Adolph Meyer, lead, havmg traveled 345 mIles staying III the E. A. McGarraugh:'Q I home ~IlCi etbc Call, Mrs. A I WImade Mf Ieh 1. w('rp. surpnsed LOllell,l a <1 Elmer Meyer were The Bmc}{s are close behmd With home, movcc! last weelr to the E... I It DavIS andl Mrs A B Cal hart ISunday when f!lends eame to thmr 1 hur sday evenlng guests III the 335 miles D. GonIon home.

Ihad pmt on the plog-mm Thl'lhome for the day. bungmg dmner ~\VIll Lutt ome As a drawing project the pupJls Buy new fmniture at your own

N b hostess!'s Sl,~\ed In the gloup v"ere Mtc:: John Bres~ 1fl and Mrs Albert Mau and have been deslgmng btJe pages pI ices. Echngers Furnituy'e Auc~e. I * * '" :;ler and Gordon, Mr and Mrs Je~ fmmly and MISS Rachel Hansen for the K St S scrap boolL bon sale now going on I at WestDu.'ter 18~1 Ha\e I.unl'll n lUcetmg. ny TUlner and ,'ions, 1\11 and Mrs WE're Sunday dlbncr guests m the In the fIrst grade teadmg contest Point, Neb. Two,sales daily at

D I; I LaPorte Co mUllity cJub met Att Veseen and dallghtels of Henry Mau home Raymond Jenlnns and Duane UI· 200 and X:OO p. m. f9tlI IW101 Mrs Et1!!tar Larson Wednes~ Walteflcld. Mrs Nels M Banson, Mr and Mrs ,John Dunldau and nch have an equal number of stals Ml8S Mae HISCOX of Omaha, vis-

Fig Bar's 10 Illay fOl a 1 O!IOCk luncheon. MIS, Mr and Mrs M C Lower and famdy vlsl,ted Sunday afternoon m The contest loS very eXCiting, all Ited heTe Saturday and Sunday III.. .Larson was . SSlsted by Mrs Ed John, Mr 1nd Mrs Nels Lyngren the August Kruf;e home. John the pupIls being qlllte close. the C. W H1SCO', home Miss Helen

I Sandahl and ITs Raymond Eaker and t1aught I, Mr and Mts BylOn GIamherg was also a caller that The seventh' and eIghth grade I ;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;::;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;,;;~1:1

Coffee' l' IDUling the s 01 t busmess seSSIOn Ruth and fl

mlly and Frank Ruth afternoon.. , geography class 18 making/Nlq)ra~~I~POUND 41 ---- - -- --------- f- ----- Mr. and MIS. John Dunklau ka maps and beoklek \.... JACK'S SAW SERVICE

~::ft"a~eFlour,'.n·-1'.r'."""! ........_.!...-+k-~ II "R' hfeCWad!l·ne HotfeloCo bPan


1932 :;c~l~;~~d;'ia:::~;:e~~da~tr~=~~ Bemadett~i~~~~~~-::.Teacher Beginning Feb. 14DliI.... &r~ eport 0 on Ib?n as 0 ece er, MIS. Fred Beckman' were Sunday First graders bave 'started ~n~ To Marfh 1And Notice of Indebte ness. afternoon and su~:per guests, other reacting 'contest. Bonnie Lee 5~foot hand ('ro~s cut andI. :iVlr. and Mrs. \iVill Lutt and dau- Nissen won the contest last month. lon~er gUIl1I11('d. set, elil

~ A. nlDL'£'~ ·LET......:yI1E I ReceIpts gllters were Sunday'clmner guests The Auburn won the spelling fiI('d FOR tDftrE'"~ EAJ &i U" Rent (IOC1Ud

1g note of E 0 Stratton for $4


5 in the Nels Grimm home. Others' race from the Chevrolet. The con- OthC'rs accortllllg" to length.

Extra, Fnncy. Solid, Crisp lIcads Ba)a~~re l~f\~I ~eds;r~~i~n rent note and mtt>te8 $4,~~~ gg there were the John Grimms, F. C, test was a very close one from the ('irele S'L\\' Kunrmed 31] Money bot 10 'ed durmg 1932 (notes) 55200 Hammers, Peter Nelsons and Nels beginning. The following puptls Sl't. flI(:~. }ler tooth' 2C

~:~:~~~ or I $1~49 ISe H.etllln cllmm S~'llon on le-flnancmg mortgage 105 00 Ne;:;.~~, John Dunlrlnu and Mrs'. ~~yd ~~~i~Cgt t:el;;~~:l~~~~: e~i~ JA~K DAWSONHlac]". ~.]'0. .: Ph 442J 929 L


5,74360 ji'red Beckman· were Monday af- land, Clovana Bennnett, Myron one oganBOX I' I _1.:1 Balance on h, nd 12·31~31 10757 ternoon visitors in the William Gildersleeve, Warren Austin, Wil- \\,t\ YNE, f9t2 NEB,

I ' tit l Hansen home. They came to see burt Wieland and Mary EUen Nis-K.raut StOkC')'8 fjn SARGE NO 2JA CAN 10 5,851.17 Cynal Hansen who has been III sen. ~9'f£$iM. '~~ E --a:t [ WIth pneumgnia. The little boy is First and second grade lan~

Cocoa B~1rer'K bran. 0 B id I A' (. txpedD I ur~81 I) Impr ovil'lrt now. guage class began work on nn an-,~ 1 IJl mg anc oan S8 n m an prmClpa pa 3,528 00 ,,':J • I b kl t

8·01JNCE CAN 1%3 Secretary Sa.l ry and out',ide labor 39.15 Im~ 00 de, t ]"o1ltn StOl~('l~"~ whole Kroon. ~~~:~n(i'eal e ·tat.e, pavmg, check"and oeeupatio) 8[)~.i~ ~holes duri~~mdr:~~~~l~~~iodW~~da~me" Jl .2 NO.2 CANS I Hupplw1 100 The third and fourtll graders

ILegal Itce~, 8 96 wrote original Jack Frost rhymes

Syrup Log Cabin Family Si7~ED CAN ::c Insllranie 676.24 this week.

<' im;:~s,;:jd (m mey bOl'rowed on notes) 40~.gg ]n lWnUne Ensitu'",.orChar~)& WlUwlm [payments on E. O. Stratt n 250,00 The county board at ttg regUlar

no meeting Tuesday transacted rou-I! 5 770 78 tine business."ralOkers 19~ Balancel nn h, nd 12-31-32 ' 80.39 ~~~-

" '- Poor ReUef Fund., I 5,851.17 A communication from L~ncoln"1.ioaes'e 11 sta\ed that Wayne county's poor re·"II~ Liabilities' lief fund of $13,110 in 1932 did not

Occidental Bl Hding and Loan ASB'n. Mtg. 12-3 ~31 21,768.80 include mothers' pensions and sol-

Gl",nge- Sn"',!!': 5 Oven fr sh. t T1o~UND 9. 'Interest 1~M3 -81 to 12-31-32 ' 1,764.00 diers' relief. Miss Bertha Berres,...- ~ ca- .-CommIssion or re~financingmortgage • 210.00 county cleI'k, says this sum does

~~'I""'~'I!lI,II"'''!I". include the two items mentioned.23,742.80Interest paid I, ,. .. ..Principal pai To Olllftha Hospital.

Earnil1gs ~; ha~11~:e:ea~~~~ngOfb~~~:iati~:s~Nels and Miss Hannah Munsonsouth of Wakefield, was taken toan Omaha hospital 'YedneSday byambulance, Wm. Beckenhauer andWillard Wiltse making the drive.Miss Pearson's father lives inOmaha.


Page 3: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one



Page 4: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one

.Milk,~. ---'--o-__ ~ _

Mrs. S. A. Lutgen, nation~l chair~man, of drama, ;will speak briefly.

The college 'a capella choir, di~

rected by Prof. H. Ii. Hanscom,wi.Il appear soon. Miss Charlene

'~:;~~e~~~1;'iV2eO.ap:~:'d~~~og~ A radio hobby led to a valuable and they l'e~eiv(!tl about 70 tnes£-Carlson, Prof. J. :ft, }{eith, Ker- contri'butlOn ill radio broadcllsting ngef7 each time they hroatlcast.

when Dr. S, A. r...utgen estnbHSlhcd~~~~tS~til~~~\~~~:~;~~:~l ~~~t~~~~; his station at the Waynd hm;pltlll t M~r~':l1 ~~~mt ~,hO ~~I o~e~a-features for the broadcasts. ~lero in 1924 and operated KGCH I~r:.v~, ~~me t~<; ~~~~: to al1~~~~i

The Herald plans variety so that t~~nt~r:~;c~:~ ~l~?~~~~e~f~:c~~~ and operate Dr. Lutgen's set'. Mr.

~W\l~~~~~~~.will bc of interest to union and from shipboard. The ~~~~~ti~~ka~~{l:1:oo~iJh~ns~:t~~~-.------- :~~e~~t~~~le::~, an interesting ing. Dr. Lutgen sh:;trcd in the Iln-I~=:::::====:±ii'~R~ii'!,1

Wayne Folks Home The station. which Dr. Lutgen nouncmg.

F C l "f • bought from the south, was a 500- When the Wayne station was,rom a l O,rnla watt set. At that tIme lhe sta- sold to KGBZ at York in 1927 Mr.

MI'. and Mrs. C. O. Mitchell, tion was allowed to bloadcast any Shum went to KPLA at Los An­:MisR Ada Cash and G. W. Fortner time during the day OJ' night. gcles and has been in the studio

I nr.rived home Tuesday evening Morning, afternoon and evenmg there si~e. He has also beenfrom California where they have programs were conducted each "~oun(l ixer" fOr WaTneI' brnth~

been visiting relatives and friends day and much talent from Wayne crs' com jlny. The sound mixing

~~~~c~he17~oli~~~S'pa;t~ey;=f~r~:~ Teachers College was uHcd. Pro- ~~~~~l~n~~~l~l~\~m~{::~~~~nd~ t~fe t~c~:~home the southern route through r;a~~a~~~ ~db~e~lt~~e~~~h~a~~ takcn wlth motion tllttures.FOI t Worth and Olrlahoma City, be-checkcd ovcr by radio ullthoIl- Dr, Lutgcrr rcgards the radiomaking the Journey in about SiX ties. Much exceptional talent ap- eXpel'lmcmt as a wOnderful ven­days, peared. The old time fiddlcrs were ture, one that hc enjoyed thor.

Mr. Fortner visited hiS son, among the popular entertamers oughJy.GeOlge, at Long Beach. The Mit- ~--~-__.__ :-- ~ . _chells visited their daughter in Walther League Friday evening ,serVICe at. the Methodl\;t church,Oakland, and Miss Cash was also at 7:30 In the chapeL, wa;:; well attended Dnd it was athere. They also vlsited in Long Laches' Aid, thiS Fr~day with priVilege to hear Rev. Chas. MUli­Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena and Miss Emma Victor at the CfLrl Vic- slcman, slato secretaty and W. 1~ .other points. tor home. Thomas, who has charge of the

(Continued from P{lge Onc.) The Wny;ne folks Mw Mr. and /> boys' wOlk of the slate, tell of ~het If tl .~~ Mrs. Will Hanssen, Mrs ltItis F~v3ngAli('nl Ltlthp.!'an Chnrdl. wmj{ that iR being done.

~as I~ b d 1I~ can be (Jone It ,Mindr, Mr. Lyons and da:ughter (Rev H. A. Teckhaus, piUitor) The !lIbsinnnry soclety met Wcd-~.l~U .t~ o~elm.the intl~~'eRt of Ie· Miss Lallra l Bert Brown ancl Mr' February 12: nC'i'H1ay aflcl'noon at the home of~~f' .WI ou ower!~g standards. and Mrst Cr A. Grothe) and report Sunday school at 10 a, m. Mr s. Fred Blrur. At that! time the

t h IClency often mlhtates 1l~:l1m:t I them well and happy, German servIce at 11 [I. m. OtTH'CI s for lh~ comIng year were Ijiiliiii"I,iie most agreea~le USl:S of dl'm- __ _ _ ~ H.ellgious instructIOn F0lJllIflry eIr.clcd,

oCI'acy, ana that IS Ollt' reason \', hy ID k C 11 at 1 p. m. Do you know that we have justcosts o,ften mount -not so ~"I1(1\l.'i 3. ola o'un ty The Luther League plans a so· combmed our men's and women'sIwhen t~YleS a~:.;~~__ C' I I I" cial fur B'ebrual'Y 15 at H p. m. Bible classes? The lesson subJect

. .plr s ~ Irst for next Sunday is "Four Kinds ofKi\V311iS IIear (Continued from Page One.) St. }lllul's Lutheranl eII1IrCh4 Hearers" If y'ou have not been at-

N f Ik J ,(Rev. W. C. HeidenreiCh, pastor) tending SUIHlay school, come next'or 0 ud~e panied .~)y the' fonowing .~I~ss 10:00, Sunday school. Sunday. You Will enjoy the dlscus- t

(Continued from PaO'e Onel membels. John Claycomb, GnffIth 11:00, Morning worship. stOn.:;;::-::;-:-7t=~-;:-~--:c":'-:-:--: - i Williams, Mildred Nuer,nbergcr, The Ladies' Aid WIll meet this Our services for next Sunday areCharles Musselman, Y. M C. A, Laura Louise Holmes, Esther Thursday afternoon at the ChtlICh. as follows: Sunday school, 10 ll, m.,workers here in connection WIth Spangler, Edith Prescott, Blanche At the congregational meetmg morning worship, il a. m. Thethe uni n services Sunday evenmg. Gi}tlersleeve 'and Challes Ingham. last Sunday it was decided to.pur- morning choir has asked the eve­L. W. MCNfltl, as chaIrman of th~ Others. W(lO accompanied the chase common service hymnals for ning chol.!' in charge of MISS Ing­educatiqnal committec~ mstructcd group' were Ned Snygg, Stanley use in the church services. This is ham to also sinp' at the morningCarl Nuss' in Klwanis. Dr. J. C. Merchant, Eyelyn Wendt and Es- the official hymnal of the U:qi.led hour. <:>

Johnsonl announced ladies' 'mght ther Mae Ingham. • Lutheran church. If any memoers r :Evening chQir practice 6 p. m.for Monday evening, Februa'ry 20 The' Y. W. C. A. is working out wish to purchase a book for indi- Christian Endeavor services 6:30aeorgefnderson will be III charge a project on .Chma for February vidual use, please hotify the pastor p. m. Evelllug worship 7:30 p. m.of next onday's program. , meetings. This Wednesday Miss Le- at onc.e. The cost of the b00k is The Intermediates have promised

~------ norc Ramsey ,reviewed th~ book, $1.00 If ordered. now. , . to help with the evening music by

H 'Id R J. "f;lons" A talk on ChIna a play The loyalty of God s people IS smging from the balcony.er a( 10 a~(l a Chllla tea are pla~ned for challenged in these days as never 'B d tTl other features of the month. before. The church is the only abid- First Baptist Church.

03 cas ~ () QucstlOnpalrcs were filled out ing institution on earth. Let us be (Rev. vVm. E. Braisted, minister),S M J b t d t· h 1 W d d tr ue Christians and we wilI be loy- }

~tart ()n(ay y St.' en 13 lll, cape e .nes ay al church members. 10 :00 a. m., the church Sljuday

to gam mformatlOn enabling the school Bible study for fine living(Co tinued from Page One) SpIzzcr1l1ktum staff and faculty We invite the fn-ends to worShip and strong, true livt;!s·. !s that

--~--------- - advisers whether or not to publish with us. worthWhile? Welcome, then.Norfo.lk Monday also to aSSist. With an annual this year. DecislOn bas After March 1 there will be reg- 11 00 th hi' R 1th f b d : a. m., e wars~ .. ea,

e 11'8

1roa cast from. Wayne. not yet been gIven. ular evening services in this reverent worship of th~ther-

Mrs. E na DaVIS, soprano, accom~ ~ church. This will give those who God, acknowledging the Lord and

~~n~~~ ~a~~~s~~~~t~~~~L~~~eI9~~l~~ School "'unds ~~n~;~o~~~~~~~~~~ :~;~~~: service Saviour in song and message for

King 0 chestra WIll play MISS A' D" d ::~~a~~~ ~~~~;~t~s. th;U~~~~dO:1RUby Hinnerichs \villl')Icsent l1 umo re ISllenSe Presbyterian Church. Life as a Present Reality," Is thataccordi n numbers. ,(Contlllued from Page One.) (Rev. P. A. Davies, pastor) pOSSIble? Let us think it over

State~ egion Commander Robert The extreme cold of last Sunday It desirable? I

Armstr ng of AUburn, and Deputy No. 73, Ray Worth, $18.98; No. 74, morning/kept some of our people 7:30 p. m., Lincoln's birthdayAdjutant H. H. Dudley Of LIncoln, Russell Johnson, $36.50; No. 75, from church but we had a happy service. You will like this. Prof.v.:ho

wil be in Wayne Mon~lay ev:I- r~rnest Schluns, $25.29; No. 76, helpful service. The evening serv- H. H.' Hanscom will have fine ser­mng for a county convcntwl1, WIll SholC's, Hans Twtgen, $80.63; No ice~ Which was a union Y. M. C. A. vice at the plano. Dr. Lewis willspeak 0iVer the radIO station hell' 77, Gus Marten, $36.50; No. 78,Tuesday: mormng. Don Lmn Bllc1 IHIt B hmer $2669' No 79 BIIMe:.aluIBIllIIJ:llaIllIiI:!lElliiaiilllBllllllillill:iilllliil;JilIliIClIlliK"CIIiIlIlIlIl••B ••allMarek ~()n Turel 1 H 1H 'Te t et Jet e , " , IllSUIIlI.I!B1IE'IlIIiIlIl..aKIIIlllIiIl.!lllIlIIlIl:lil:IaillSilIiIIJI.IlIJiSilIilIlllU05jili.lIl1il!I!II••J:i11

, { all( e y g W. M. Krueger, $24.59; No. ,80, E. •• ••W~ll fur ish music, plffymg two vi-I W. Stogtnberg, $23.19; No. 81, :: J :=alms, t~umpet and plano. Braden II Harry < Ird" $35.10; No. 82, Gil- •• ••car~art will pla~ saxophone solos belt .10 oson! $29.49; No. 83, Lew- :: ::

~lof. 1. H. B~ltell who \\as as~ IlS John, n, $35.10; No. 84, Alex •• ••soclate(~ early In radIO dcvelop- EddIe, $26.69: No. 85, Ernest PuIs, :: ::ment ""11th Its ~tudy ao(1 expcll M $2389; No. 86, AltJert Behmer, =: :=ments a~ Wayne TeDchers College, $2& 69 '.. liB

wilt SP~k Wednesday mornmg. ".. .11

~~~~Yw t:YM;;~IlK;~~~;~L~~r~:~ I t1m(H URCH ESfi 55 55~:rl~~n ~~Il,P~~;;PI~~~:S~~~;'II:~sG 1m. II 55 SA.'.LE55Prof. F. ~. Reed, WIth MI~S Da- UL£Li££i +h""i.. ::VIS at

tte plano, Will present COl- Sakm Chllrch. =: 8"

net sol s as feature mU~le fOi' (Rev A Hoferer pastor) R. • iii

Thursd y morl11ng. [(ev. '.V. K English se~'vIce at 3p. ~. :: ==Braiste will give a f'hort talk. Sunrlay school at 2 p m. II. • iii

Arth I' Rodman and MissV"'lan:= :=Brown, VOice pupils of Miss Ar- Theophilus Church. •• ••dath c~n, will furnish Bolo nurn- (Rev. A., Hoferer, pastor) :: \ , ::bel'S Friday, February 17. Mr. Rod~ Runday school, 9:45 a. m. •• 1111man h s been soloist with the English service, 10:45 a: m. =: ::Yankto college glee club. J. E. •• I i ==Brittai will give a r-hort address Immanuel Ey. Lt1th~ran Church. :: T d yl ../ ..

The ayne band,. directed by ·!~ni1e.s north and 3 ~ast. , =: U·es a I ==Prof. 1<1. C. Reed, Will prdent a (Rev. F. C. Doctor, pastor) m. ::progranr Saturday, February, 18, Divine worShip in the English:: ••

tIRECT SELLING. " ~~~~~~~tc~tt~~:;~rv~~e~' Sunday 55 F~B 21 t '::A t;'ntr..ibutor to' the Sioux == ' S ::

City tUilY Llye Stock Record Chul'eh of Christ. •• ••and a other to the Omaha Dally (Guy B. Dunnmg. pastor) ::. " ...::Journ I-Stockman deplore the Bible schooljat 10 o'cloele Class- •• ••practi e of direct marketlllg of es for all ages.:: ::live sock as an obstruction to The Lord's supper at 11... ,i ••highe price levelS. DIrect sell- Jumor C. E. at 6 p. m. :: On the ahove date will he held ::ing te da to eliminate competi- Semor C. E.' at 7 p. m. . •• ::tion a

ld to depress markets, so ,All young people are cordIally:: S h· I 2 "I ••

these two contrihutors contend. invited. •• . the George c nuit sa e. ml es :::: ile:a~: ~~:~~~d~~;r~~~~: Methodist Church. 55 _.' 'S5lhe ot er way-works to the lat_ (Rev. Harold C. Capsey. pastor):: north and 1 nl~le ,vest of Wayne. ••

iter's disadvantage-according Sunday school, 10 a. m. •• ::to rep rt•. The Sioux City publi. .Worship at 11 a, m. The pulpit:: 'This sale was to have heen held . ::cation s correspondent says: wlll be supplied on Sunday morn- •• ••"With: the proper, organized ef- ing by a V:isiting minister. Come:: d F h 9 h t h ==fort ut forth I am satisfied and hear hIm, . .:: Thurs ay, <e rUal;y , ute ••that ur open markets can be There will be no evenmg serVIce. •• ••restored to their former posi- ,Choir practice at parsonage at.. postponement ""Tas deelned ad- ::tion and the price of hogs can 7:30 on Wednesday evening. == ..be maint~ined two dollars per The Foreign Missionary Society.. ;=hundred weight higher lhan will meet with Mrs. V. A. Senter:: visahle on account of illclelnent ••they have been in the last few on Thur,sday afternoon at 2:30, :: I \. III 55years.I' The writer for the Om- •• th ••aha Jour_nal-Stockman pomts Chi'istian Science Church. == ,vea er. ==to discbntinuance of direct seJl- (-Beckenhauer Cb'apel) •• ••tng as a lleverage for return.of . Services are held, each Sunday == 1:=prqgperity"Hesays:I'Wearcall mornlnglateleve~oclock. . a: GEORG'E ..well aware that the -hog IS the Sunday school conveJ;j.es..at 9.45. :. ==b'asic Iproduct of all farm pro- Students up to the age of t"fenty := ' ••duce.


Hogs would sell for $;]. or a~e invJted. . . •• ::. more -higher in a short time if ~~dnesd"ay e'\reomg t~sbmonial == ' ..

the iirecii. buying were stop_ -rneetlllg,ij are h~ld the first :y\Ted- •• ==ped." few dollars up on hogS nesd~y p! each month, at ,8 oclock == SCHMITor ..would influence an Upward . You an-d your ~riends are "Cor- ... ::move ent of all prices and thu . dially.Jnvlted to dttend t»ese ser".. . . ••an inClrease in the puying' powe; vjdeSi: .,=: ==

. Of th~1 farmell-al\ imperative, . ,C:hfmtla"; ScienfJ~ programs are == I ==n.eed to bring the country out of vadlOcast each. Monday and Thurs- •• . N~R ••its economic Il~thargy, If the day at ~2;30 p. ~., oyer radio ata- :: OW \ :=:pp~" mark.et js~ one way' to irn.-, tion K:f4B, .'. -==, == Iprov;e Icondttions. for agriculture ••• .",{. ••It should be adopted without de: == D. H. Cunnlli!!halTI, auctIoneer. ••lay ,an~ m,aintatned Without •• • ~ I :=question. '~••••••••••••••••I1••••••• II'••• III••I1••••••••••••••• '11iiIi1ll'1I!I

~:iili',fiii!ii,!il!:;'Iirl!!il'!:iiiii';,;i'i;~~;!':i,ii!'i~' II! _:.:3r~ •••~~~~~~~~~~•••••,.U.'•••••••••••••III1I1.II..IJ••••"l,1

and abel' Echtenkamp and Arth­ur Longe called in the evening.

Miss M Idred Agler spent Wed­nesday ni ht with Miss Izetta Bue~

tow.Mr. an Mrs. R. W. Haller of

Winside, spent Sunday at the G.G.·}Jaller home.

The Jo n Heseman family ofWinside, I bad supper Thursday atW. H. R cherbaumers·.

G. G. aller returned from PortByrOn, I.. last Friday afterspending two weeks with his bro~

ther, W a recently suffered astroke.

Miss eleo, Miss Jessie andMiss Ru h Hanson were Mondayevening inner guests of Miss Iz-etta. Bue ow. '

MfsS FElda ,SU,nd came fromTilden 1 at week-end to be With,her ,pare tl3, the Herman Sunds.iMiss Ma ie Sundt her cousin from

The N-;hraska legi l'ature is wrestlingalong with bills to create mortgage mora­toriums. bar d€fieienc. judgments and re­duce the high school uition. Townj andrural memhe'rs 6f th legishiture arguedover the tuition prohl m at length, theformer complaining 0 an attempt to shiftthe load to 'already overly tax-riddengroups, and the latter urging a scalingdown to malch ten-ce 1t corn. To makethe tuition vary accOlding to the marketprice of corn has so fa' been ov.erlooked.


As between radica ism 011 the one handand ultra-conservatis on the other, themiddle course is alway the surest for safe-

Page 5: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one
Page 6: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one

":lii"!':'I'IT.I"'lil'I'IIJ"''ii'Il''''i:111 '1 I !I"w''A··v·,Nm,'·:,·'.:,,'iE:,.;·I·AL·D,·wAYNE·.. NE'BRA'S"'!'-'-'.',,~,HU·RS.DAY·, FE·.·B·RUARY 9,.1933.i,'i'!',1!": iJ'II:!~.j:J :):'1: I ~ ~ ~ ,J, ~,~'~' ~~,I" """1,1""",,, .1 I ,

1!'.1I1 "~I '6'. '-I", 11';i~~.'.Iil ll I'G~:-.i'!I: :..".,,1,:'1.,.1":.'.'."11 1'.'1 "', .'''1.'.'' !.. '. '. il ,. .' "0' l't '1l"!·!,I, T.~Vii'U.i nti<l Robert ,h.rr. aRJh(ll\~rfl' F:. 15·, Berry, Mr. und Friday evening for 'a party before and Mrs., W. C. Cory~n. Th~ time through the· p,rogrAnl an,elect cmot91,,!'in:'. '. "IS .," t .' ; .11"ille~rdClt, rc 'wwetl tl ° tl1ll'1l" ". d . . ., Sial' I' ad"

:: I: , :, ;" ::. ! C, : ,V _! I , ,:!, ,,(~jbph~~' or~hc, ool~> 'lL!l.d~· Fourth ~ergt. ,,' .Mrs, I, ani W: Ley, lvIlJ. nn Mrs, the Prestons move to LaureL Five y.ras. .~pent in making children'! nouneed each player. The num- gan.,,;',: '0 'e. ~~s".(c8nullhc(I (t'm r p1l.g'cl T\\'O)" ~ D1iug'h~el·."l I, ,If!''T ,~I:,~, C, M,! Cr ven l Mr" nmI Mrs, J. G. htmclred was diversion and' pri~e3 clothes a.l).d qUilt blocks. The COM- bel'S were as follows: ·~·Selicia," ~~~~~~:ln.l~n::IW~

.I"'~~~l:_'_'_ ..... ~_~.J!+'~"7~ c,:". ':, ':1..1*' !j:'+ ' l\hs.'Eli\~r3'.lslId,~t~ss. ,1\'Iincrl ntd Mr. ~a_nd Mrs, J. J. were re<;eived' by Mrs. E. M. mittee, served. The kensington Marjorie Re~ter; IIComposition:of ',I>1- :,,~Ull' ~)~gf~hl ¢hRi l~n; gn~f~ ~ re~, $:~W' f~l:", Cl~~{'.1., ,I ! Mrs. \V. A. Elnlcry c~tertained 'AheJ'n, . ,~ Laughlin, Cal."l 'Suljldell, Mrs. S. J. ,ntee,ts March 3 with Mrs. J. W. Star Spangled Ba.nner and Tramp, Da'te for thel.soch11'

J;>umq!: o~ :~he !wor S, of NePl1~Sk~' ::'Wolll'en', ~!f, ~l~ ,C~lllreh ~f Christ tl~e Nu-Fu club Saturday after~ : "'. * '" III, :. . Hale and Ray Rol,Jinson. The guests' Jone!5 with Mrs. C. M.. Graven, 'rrn.mp" Tramp," D~lrothy' ,Reut.er; been set:due to ql~'~\1th?rs. n~~t I,revi i?'d N;~l:l11¥lkn niqt 'lust.,'l'1\hrsd ly WIth,Mfs , R, H. n(-,ol1. Contract bJ:idge .\vas played At'S;e~'m l1r Home'., ,'I '.. .served luncheon. rrhe Kountry Kurd Mrs. C. H. Fisher" aud Mrs.' S, B, "Dwarf's Parade,',' qarroll Orr, jr.; vin Tro.utwein.. : ""I ,V:l1iv~r~lt¥.: i?.x~f.'nsi workl fo~! t.he ,TJl~qtlc4 n~\~f 111m Ie Cut'to.~n$!~or t~vo n.t two tublcs and ,priZ~S. .\~ent. ~~ . Mr': I. an :Mrs~ Edw. sey r,1o.ur (,l~~ Klub meets thifl.F'riday evening at Whitmore us hostcs8cs. "'rhe Waltz of the li'lower' Fair- --..,.- I'l;'ast, ten ~'l;'!Rl'S, , N-<:!xt nleq~itl!l rObrns of tl~~ C~l reh, I Miss Ktlthr.yn'LotvUavls and MIS. tertal*.ed Dr. and :MrS~'J: tW. C. thq Pcler Jorgensen hume. les,~"B"arbara Hoolt; "'rhe Old MUl M. E. ()pUTC.!I. '..~m :be 'lJith Mr. ·L.~\lgli1~n,!1 '<;>n '11' ' .1* * '" p~ L, MurCh. l\-frs. Emery'selwed Lewis, Miss Jeanette, l{e yon [till! '., * ~, * lUinr:l'\'a Cluh ]\<h~l't.S. Stream," Marcella li'revcrt; "Gu- (Rev. A. 'E.'F'.OWIC~""PU.'.S. 1').MarQhls' .1'Wth )liS~'S1~J~r, l'ln~n. luncheon. Virginia at 'dinner Sundd,' Onkficlluts I~l'hlay, Moml)(lni of the ,lvJincl'vlt club voile Modern," Dolores Frevert; Sunda.y school,'lO a. m,,'. '.

...... ... ,Metl\o~U f:i circle Tto met * '" *-'>It' ClaNS Illns rll:t;.'" "'. l' ',' ClrlH or lile Oalt. troop of, :;cllub; met MondllY with Mrs. W. H. Ellis :'~~t~:~O~~el~~~~k~~PP::'M~;~~I~~ ~;~~~ntI~~~~:~~f:6,~:U°~2°(~'Bo~~:r~t~:~~::e:O~~tertainCd a .~~~u~~~ Mt;~'i~ , ~1l~{I:~~r~t.~~~ A~~~C~~~~t~~:,I~~li~, Nicholaiseu The' class of boy~ ntl< girlH ul' :~~~~~::~'I~l(~~r~;n~h~t~~~~l'f;~ll~:~~~~\~~; ~~~~~"H ~~:)~l~~~' ~L1~~;:IYw~~'}}~~rs~'(~~ Glories~" Margarel tMall; "Curi()U~" J1Jwning ge,rvices ..I7:~O O'G~.ck. .sman group bcr lends Saturday fobnet's h9mc. M!:ss Pcalh Sewell Friday evel1ll~g at bridge.' Guests the ,Methodist." Suudu . sc'ho{;l, tend~rfoot It'sbJ ,Hnd l:cceivcd a S. SCaCc, ant! :rdis:~ Elnin'l.' Winter. Story," Jeth;l. MincH;, "Man:h 01 Choir practi~e'cvery!"Tuc,day'e'v..evening at the Pt f, A.'~~. GUlU':"Clt had ch rg~ of t 10 ~esson. ;rhe hos. were Dr. and Mr~. R.,W.',Cns1?er, .taught by Mis/:( Charlene 'Brown, pin. Matlie Scnce and 'L~hrylia Mrs. SCRee gnvc lhe Il.'.'i:-)on , 'and the Nobles," .\lllrjorie J;looli; "cr)Jl~ tiling. a~ 7;30 o'e!ock,j ,a.t -c' pa:,~,.~,home ~:t MI'. nnd Mrs,'\Villis No'nk,es" )t.h~. enjoyed n' Valerit1ne party 'rlle:;_ Whitmore of the tr~IOp, will,.gi.v~ a Mi:;s \'Vinter pluy~'d "-Bcrceu::;c filanL ])cvr)ti~:ll," Ev.elyn Noal{l~:1~.1 s(,!mgc.

• ~ III *' *' e~seS rVPl, ..t' 'jJ nnd.Mrs. J'. n. MUle,r. Prizes'V'l?,rili' day cye~il~g in the C. W. Brown dcmOl:tstratiun 'on first aid tJdwe from, Joccyln," r)y (;0(11-11'(1, and Mw;cadills," Hlllh L-unrJbcri£; "1.;;'a1 e,'ily\·~r meeting <:it the purson" ':In J. O. l\mll~r Ho e. l\bs" l\1l'.M.H?h;r. II ... ('SS. . to 01'. nnd Mrs. Ct\sper. The hos-' h0J12-e.,. G:ames 'Yere enjoyc,d ,an'd the Child conserv~tion Lcag'llc' aL "Impr'ornpLu i'1 A·, Flat," by SU1U- Palolllil," Mattie SC<1ce; "NU,Ti-:i-1 ng(~, 7;,')0 p, m,' 'rllurscl.l1y. .

l'tr and MIS J Q. MUler baCt as Mrs. C,.A1

Me 10. (ir cntert:uno~1 tess served. refrcshlU€!nts were served. Ihe the homc of Mrs Carl Nuss Ifebru- })crt Mtss Vvllltcr ll:i H. pupil at SU~I," I3(:~lly J HaWkins; "Tumble!1 Friday .cvehmg" ric .... , "E. '. F'inleldinner gtwstg 'l'fl ursuay e,'euing the EZ clttQ InoS l'"'u ny. The hos- '" ol< III "- class ~ce~t1y had a contest and ary 11 Wauneta Bomer ]O-lntd the PIof AII)crt (r Car] ,un The hos~ ~Vced:' !~pl)en .Ml~rChant; "Maret] I of U:C' _Nr.'braskn Metbodj.'1. ftospl:-Prof, and Mrs. (, Vi. C'ostensan tess held lugh s 01 n bUdge. M1S, ~ontra('.t C.Jub l\Jeets. wmne's ere treated. ttoop as 11 new membt'l', The guL tesses ;;crvet! twu·cout ~e 11lnehcOJl of the PiC,nccr:-;,' Leuna Ha~t'man; I tal Omaha, giv~ tJ.n,'i[Uu:;tra-.and Mrs. Anna M, Ll.nson, ~CMaster sorv d, nd the club Mrs. J. W. Jones was hostess last 1 * * " " meet this Friday at thc C/-ty school Ml" W C Andtew~ and Mtc; A Ii' l'Bccchel"'S:, W.tiltz In D Major,:' !.t~d modern h'mlpitaJiza-

." • meets tlns Thu 3d With Mrs. C Th\lrsday to tlle Contract bridge Mrs. ~~ey Entertains. • * "' '" Gulhvcl' cntel tal.o. the club F'cbru~ Neva Jones.; "Spi:'it \)f t~e Hour, '! tl'~n Ht ehurch; begin,n!ingGlU'st.s ut Dinn('r. C Herndon. i club. The hostess served 1 o'clock Mr~. R 111e W. Ley cnter lamed HOlm' l\n8."';ol1 Socil·ty. ary 20 at lhe former s home. BG,~~~,y""'nBcl"G"a.';,nba'On.d "Plzzacalo," 17t,~3tO",,_ l'l"l.I,'c. Tb,e nw~,ting .',:-i

Mr. amI 1111':", L, \V McNatt and .. >l'i 111~cheon to the eight guests and U. D, cltl MonC!ay when Mrs J The Mctho{hst Home MlsRJOnUIY , ~ ~ * ~ "'L<>o U - ..-f----.-----.-~ '>..'Mr.'und Mrs. Wl1li'l.1u Beclcenhauer Fm' Edward Pe r~·. .. cB:htract brtdge was dlVerSl?n at- E Hl1 for gave the lesson on pot. society met lust Thursday \\llh Bl.'tt~ AtI{~n, Entf'rf.lin:;, , 'l'..lctho(Jj·st Ji:pisc:opnl L[J.(.H~:";'"A. b'l''''ere Th\.llsllny venmg' dinner Mr. and Mrs. C, {. CorbIt, Mr tcr,wat;d, Mrs. H. H. Hahn enter~ tery, Th? hostess servcd t:a An Mrs L. W Roe, Mrs Ma.c Mcrnclc Bctty Atkin) entertamcd SatuI' Winside !moiety m..l't' al th.e chmch Il<lt;J.".'1'guests of' Supt nd lolls H R and Mrs, Joe C rbtt and Mrs, Ro- tains in two weekS, old~f hilCd house keepers day li'i and Mrs Clyde Oman m the Roc day evening at the I ~J, EllIS home. . TtJicsday uncrn.oon \'l/it. b.. ~.lrll . .\Vjl ~Best. ma.me Randall \ cn~ 0 the Edward plann~dn xt Monday. The women home Mrs MerIlclc and Mrs Oman for her twelfth bJrlhuay The (Continued from Sectwn Two) iam Cary and Mrs. Hn"mllS Jta:-.

p IOS"\ ng for l\lrs. Addi&1ll, Hostess. will gh t tbe home of Mrs. C H. had lhe lesson on tile lmimns. and guests enjoyed games In y"hlCh pn~ musscn 'ati hos-tesses. . IIIlne Dilllll'r tim'S s. a e~~~jJl'~S~~OC.a IU~~I ~ ~I~e~~nor of Mrs. H. D AddIson entertained Fl'sher an prepare dinner fm }hl'lr Mrs Mernek had charge of devo~ zes went tow JUrJIor Nelson, De- Emm.lln. Ref: Church. I Womcn'~; Foreign MLSf{\O$Ilt'y .~;(i.

Mr, and Mrs. . I~ Lf\r;;on l'n~ M~ Pel'IY's b rthd Y Refre!':.f'N the Cameo club Fnday, Mrs. L hUSbands,Wh~ ':~l~ ~ome at 6.30 tions. T~a towels were glvcn for lares McNatt and MarJorie EllIs (Rev. J:-. J?umm, pa~t~r~ ciety met at the parSl:lnag<r- Frida.\'tcrtaincd at rHnne ThursdllY (,VE~: ml,)nts Were ser e.d . .'" ·W. Jamieson reVIewed "Faraway," _ .', " .' the Albuquerque, N, 'M.,'. hospital, Lunc.heon was served by Mrs. H. L. G.crm.an servo,ee.s at 9.4il a. 111,[ afternoon with :hlrs. A.. H:,"'Fo',",,'"n,'ng·. G,,".s·'s ....--. ° ~lc, and· Mrs. . - ,,' ; E toP. th \\- I d Atk G t B Th II b S d >

,; ,,"'.. -lv.l by J. B., Priestly., M.f.s, Jolin Vollt n.r :lUiS flo nes .ly., . The hostesses servcd. Mrs. H. C, ms. ues s were' et~y.Von- IS WI e mtSSlOn~ry un ny. a!-i 1103tC85. Mrs.'. Henr'.y Ulrllch. ".'n:,..T.~. Hooit aud.:M and Mrs~ ,E. V~I. A.t "', R Ellis 100r:I:.. . of 'Williston, N. 0., who 'was a MeMbers of the NU~~u. club were Capsey, Mrs. R. J. Kingston and ~eggern, Neva Jones, MarJone EI- Sun?ay school, 10.45 a. m. in charge or devotionn.h III HwHuse. , Mr. and Mrs. W , Ellis, were gucst,'sangtu solo, ¥rs Willard guest~. Of'.Mnl. O. P. Birdsell WC.d- Mrs. Jennie Schrumpf enlertain'in hs, Bethel Brown., Betty wrigh. t, Chnstlan Endeavor society, 7:30 subject, ""G.'ive M.C '1'h."'. '•.{:l.tl;r .

'* *' • ilO;:tesses FI-ldil C .ning at 6:30 Wiftse and Mrs. Addison played nesday ~nd the ~fternoon 'was March. r HazeL Capsey, Dolores McNatt, p. m.. ' . r: and Mrs. Fowler gav¢ the I 11'HY('l".

BibJf\ ~tll[l~" ·elaS-!, ~dil~licr followed by c mtract bridge. piano ~;olos.' spent lin 90ntract brIdge, The hos· :'Vilma Baker, Evelyn Noakes, Jun~ English worship, 8:1<.1 p. m. The meeting was in U~e nattJr(~ ;I[ iJ.

The Bible StUdy £Iass met Wcd~ 'GtlCsts wen' .. Ir, In d Mrs. H, S. ., * * >\I '" tess serv~d lunc~eon.. T:he club 101' Nelson, Lee Porter, Verdon and, ~- , calico tca with invita.tion~ j carin·'j '

nesdliy with .Miss Chfl,rlotte Ziegl Senee. ~Tl'. :1nd Mr'8. J. S. Horney l\Ir:'1. Tf'cldlllUS, Ho&tess. rnem~ers lentcrtam their .huSbands l~'T~' c; ~mgtCl~ Tl~r,.;da:r, Kenneth Hurlbcrt, Burdette Han T St. l'aul~s Lut~('ran Church, wee caiico-go\vned figures i iddin~

. ~~re '~~~s~~;' ~fr?~' Bq~~~~~~O~Jlt~~~ nnd Mr. and ~:l' *J~ . Hufford. Mrs. H. A: Tcekhaus entertained ~lc~~~ar~;:r:et aA~~~~~~~e l;~~t~: day ~ith ~iss'~~~~ ~~'~il~ T~~~~ ~:~~r~:~ert Merchant and Carol C(h~~~'r~he~;s~~I~e~~a~a:~:~ing, ~r~a;;ae;u~~~06eo~~~S~Q~~ Vt,ll~:tains next 'WC~~J;' .tt !:il",."i1"llii Bir\IUhl~- DilUl('. I, ~~~I~~:~,~t;1i~~~sL~~~~~n~~I::~ Miss Anita Felber of Laurel, will be ~n~~IC~':~~~,re:gdth~~~~"s~~n~ .. * * .. February 10 at. 8 o'clo~k. ~ in charg~ of Uie p"rdgr'a,m ort. '<rr~~Gu{'!§ts on Silturd! y. 1.__" .,In hOllOI" 0, fJ bert Aulter'", and Miss Margarl;'lt Vollers were an out of town guest. Theobald, secretary, roud thO Elltcr.tuin for Bridps. and Mrs. Catechumen IDstructIon on Sat- Salt Marsh of Ignorance," ff~d M...';,

Miss Esther pwitz and her birthday Dr. an 1\1:11'" W. M. Haw· &~est~. A soc~al ~1i1~fOll~we~~OgN SUrpl"~3 Satu:~;. * )I! statet

bY·lav.t ~n two we~ks the Ot%r.;:'i~~~~g~I'i~~~te~f this fall, ur~~li:~b~~~~~e1s1,~~ 19~3~' ~. ill. ~~v~'~~S~~::r~t~rf;~~~ CS~I~~~;:,mether. lIhs. IJ'e\,ilz, entertained kinS,I MI'. UTIlI 1"8. "Biard. WHtse, Uar, u~iness an rs. ec aus Dr. Kathryn Huganir and Dr. chap er me~ s WIth Mrs. Ro~lie W.. were honored Frida.y evening when Sunday February 12 ' ,

MI.'. '.a.nel, ':Mrs, R lp 1 Eeckenhauer served. Mrs. Berna.rd Meyer entel'- Ley and D~ J G \V L II " ,,' book. Mrs. Walter GaeblI . prc~nt,car'us Saturda., cvenitiq . Mrs. Isobel Rl.i5t entertained Saturday.' ... b' eWlS WI Mrs. Hilda Anderson, Mrs. Carl F. Sunday SChO?l,10.20 a. m. sen ted a lJ.aper· on "Wi.l '·ou.r'

~:;:ai::~':~~U;u:.t~, Miss Anna r~~~tft~~~'~:dt~r._;b ::~\~~ ~~~~:~ tains in March. ~~~~~L';a~d~eD~~r~~~~ ~OOr;;~y~t i~ 'f~~: ~e;~d~(~~~·x~ehn~l.~~p:~~ :~~~: ~~r:i~:dn~t~~:~~~~fV~;~~1~: German serVICes, 10:55 a. m. Workers in China.... A lit e pIlLY

~ * *. ~lel't Saturday. being: her birthday. Bridge wa~~ ~eet~ng III Lmcoln thiS May an .m~ dersen for 20 guests 'at a. kitchen Trinity Lutheran Chureh~ ~~t~~:~OI~~c;i~~~:~~~r~.~~L~~~'~"~,Hl~\'(, Duuu'r Gups s, . )~)'f Entertain Saturday., ' StL.ipgah,t'l BrLiguathdeOra·mn.et ;'Shu.truolr,daYWlatht played at two tables and high vltatl?n for the 1934 conventlOn shower for Mrs. Victor and miscel- , (Rev. W. F. 'Most, pastor) Miss Merna Hornby, Mi£sl orma

Dean abd ::.rr.s. . Ff. Hahn Imh Mr: und !tIrS.1 R. R. Smith en- ... score prize was received by Miss to be In Wayne. laneous shower for Mrs. Bartels. Sunday school and Bible classes, Wolff, Miss Florence Scribne , Mrs.as dinner guests F"ri9ay '(Wening tertained 'Sf\.-turday at It social ev- Mr~. W. C. Heidenreich in charge. Clara E. Smothers. The hostesses .'" '" * '" Mrs. H. C. Bartels, Miss Dorothy 10 a. m. / G. A. Mittelstadt., ,MFs. 'Ma, HI1f-Mr.'and Mrs. H. V..McClure, I)r. eDing. ,G~lest's 'were l\hs. John Lois Thompson A.'1d Wilma Hei'den· scrved carrying out a color 1\1I:s. Bp-st., Hostess., Bartels, Mrs. Merle Roe and Mrs. English services, 11 a. m. faker, Mrs. Austm, 'Mrs.· arter,

* bn;uer ahd MiSS

iF'uluncll Bccken~ Dorothy Heindenreich, 'Verona were Mrs. Mae Best,'- of Neligh, town guests. The time was spent Ladies' Aid society met Wednes- members responded to ri;>ll·b II and

:~~l~~::~~~E;: :;;'lclF~:let~;~1 ::~:~ I'P~h': ,;,,:~. :::l::::na::::.o,: :bomp.on. :?~~~1~t~~~~~~~~rsTU~~:~E~~:~:~~~~:~~~:::'~b~r'J~; :;er>s,e~~~g;~~br~,~: h~~~:~::~ ~~.::~::~O~h~I:~e~~~~I~~"g::; &I~:~~;:;~!Fi~:I~~I¥i~t~·a ousiI1ess and 5 clal tim. Lun-I TIle You g P OPlt'r El1J~f' Study Ml's. Kermit Corzine onti!'l'tained ~enni~. "1.as elected delegate and Trespasses." by Rev. Lloyd Doug· Saturday school' at 2 o'clock in aId Cherry, Mrs,. Irving a'ebl~r;cheon close-d .the fternoon class met •r1(la1 e\'C mg In the E rh(' Apron club last Thursday. The Mrs. tAhqe Mabbott alternate to las. The lrostess. served, Mrs. In I"iuno Recital, afternoon,. Miss Elsie HornbYr' Mrs. ,I harle,{" , IB Young home! \Hlh Loren Carl~ tcpic for,disclUssion was "Prob· the state'parnp April 19. 'Rcfreshw Studley· presiding in pouring tea. Mrs. Grace Keyser's residence Luther League met Sunday eve- Misfe~dt,Mrs.nobertMorro ·,Mrs.\\11th :lIrs-. L., ,,,. 'o.th. sqn leading· the t!esspn from the Ierns in the Lives of Our Children." ments' were served by Mrs. Verna The club meets Feb~uary 20 fot a studio represented a radio br6ad- ning at the church with "Charact- A. T. Chapin,,' :¥rs. lIenr Flei~r,

. Mcmhers' of U e Coter e c'1uQ: fifth chapter: 0 Revelation. The The hostess served luncheon. Mrs. Berg, Mr~ Sue Brown. Mrs Mm· covered dish dinner with Mrs. E. R casting! station Friday ~ve:ning er" as devotional topic. 4 good Mrs. Monte Da\!eJ:!..po~t;Mlj'. c. c .. wer~ guests of Irs. L. -. Vath!"cillss mjcets at ,~olln~'-" Rr;",iin thj~ Virgil Holmes entertains the clUb me Rt>}an(l, MISS Eulahe Et ugger Love Mrs Auker and Mrs F A when jur.ior and intcrmediat,e pi- . it d h P lk M W R SCi b r ]it

Monday \vhen ea h gav·c a sQort: week. I, I at (l Valentine party at the hom~ and -MISS Margaret Bradford TheIMl1dnCl hostesses ana ptlpils presented a recital with ~~~vc:n;~~~~saw:~ea~~~~Oa~~d~ ~~~ H~~~ld' ;es~IY. 'Mi~S rt:.c~~' Br~c:."story for toll call. M:rf. A. T. G'av-: *.' i '" ",I of Mrs. Blaine Ellis February 16. lodge plan~ an IllvllatlOn Jance for '" '" '" '" Mrs. Keyser ·as announcer, about ther Gosch, Alice Chapman and en, Miss Ruth SC1:lind~er, M ss G()l~anaugh entertain n~xt 11-1 lDday: i O'nl'sts .Oll Slllldl~\"' : Its meetmg M.u:e~ : E,~)s,t,"ecnESats"tcc:~rnS"tOa~tOlk",ns,ngton 75 parents and friends being pre~ Lyda JeIisen. Visitors were Mar-, FdloelrOen'lcOen,sMcri"~nNeroramn'''~~,;;,Osl, f~ ...Me"in.Sas. ,,* '*, * . I }.~r. ~~nd Mr~;;. 0t'(I~ge Ikrrc:3. jf" ibn' DinllPl' (tu(':,\ts. ~ , sent 'to enjoy the program. When garet and James Mill~Velda u a j,v.l .l\"J. 1

l\lissioll Stlld~' CI ,<:,s. . I cp.tcrtamed SII daYi evening al Dr d,nd l\Jr~ U S Conn plnn to HlI\I' .JoIllL ]\[(wtlllj.{. I met .F ndH.y aftcl noon at t!lC home the ::itatian was tuned in piano Cliristiansen aT}{l Goldie'~elsen, Hornby. Next me.eU~g -orl. thl': so· ,. The St. Paul u:theran E1is.si.on 1;,vaf.f.Ie supp.er. :GUC$t~ wer.e »!r. u terlam <lL {'!Jnnel next Saturday The Kountry Kuu.l Klub ,wd L'll of r.us L B ~1CClurc 23 hewg chords announced the program Murray Powers and .Donald Miller ciety will be with Mrs: -H~ .ry'·ln-. _ ,

sttiq.y class ;mel VIi edne~d y WIth I an(l Mrs. Gpnrgq Berres, l'diRS Bl'r- I vcnmg ft'l memhels of the Dor- POI te Commumty club 40 rrt all present Ho"tess{'R were Mrs A from station MUZK. Mrs. Keyser of Wayne, and Irene Weible. The rich with Mrs. Austin., as p ogram:Mf.5. Carl Bernt on .. Mr. \Y. c.; tha B¢rn's [J:ld 1MI'. nd Mrs. Her'· mltoty corporatIOn Guests Will bel went to the Clarence Preslon h~1e A "Teich, Mrs G \V CostE'nsan carried out the broadcasting idea league will sponsor installation of leader. '

,,~~-c--4---_ .. _._-~_ ..~~~- ~----

Page 7: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one
Page 8: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one
Page 9: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one
Page 10: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one
Page 11: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one
Page 12: f-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/1933...Show last time, tonight. Show your monthly pro gram at box oll1ce and it will admit one adult free.with one

('bt.'C ,t' FOlidn.1 1-2 cups mIlk1 1-2 CUpl;l bread crumbs.2 table,:;pf'ons huttC'l'2 t'ggs1 teaspoon salt1-1 teaspoon pepper ­1 1-:} CI.ll'lS gl=atcli

cheeseScald rmHt in douhic bOller. Add

crumbs, oUlter, well-beaten eggs,salt anll pl'pper. Cook over hot wa­ter 5 minutes. Athl cheese an'd cook