extract from mafateeh chapter two an month of shab · -houston.org islamic education centre of...

Specific Aamal 14 th Shaban (Night & Day) Month of Shab an Two Chapter Mafateeh Extract from WWW.IEC-Houston.org Islamic Education Centre of Houston Page 1 of 66 Fifteenth Night of Shaban This night is extraordinarily honorable. Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq(a.s.) has narrated that when Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) was asked about the merits of the fifteenth night of Sha’ban, he answered, “It is the most favorable night after the Qadr Night. At this night, Almighty Allah bestows upon His servants with His favors and grants them His pardon out of His conferral of benefits to them. Therefore, you should exert all efforts to seek nearness to Him at this night, because He - the Majestic and Honorable - has decided not to reject any asker as long as he does not ask for an act of disobedience to Him. Almighty Allah has chosen this night for us, the Ahl al-Bayt, just as He has chosen the Qadr Night for our Prophet - peace be upon him and his Household. You should thus pray and thank Him diligently.” One of the marvelous blessings of this night is that it is the birth night of the Patron of the Age, Imam al-Mahdi(a.s.) - may Allah accept our souls as ransoms for him. He was born in Surra-man-ra’a (currently Samarra’) at the hour before daybreak in AH 255. This incident increases the merits of this honorable night. However, narrations have carried may recommended rites to be carried out at this night: ﴾1﴿ Bathe oneself First: It is highly recommended to bathe oneself at this night, for this act decreases the punishment for one’s sins. ﴾2﴿ spend this whole night with acts of worship Second: It is highly recommended to imitate Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-’Abidin (a.s.) who used to spend this whole night with acts of worship, prayers, supplications, invocations, and implorations for forgiveness. A tradition confirm that as for one who spends this whole night with acts of worship, his heart will not die when other hearts die. (iii) In the night of the 15 th pray 6 Rak-a’t: in 3 sets of 2 of 2 Rak-a’t, Method of Salat It is advisable to recite Surah al-Faatehah once and Surahs Yasin (No. 36), Surahs al-Mulk (No. 67), and Surahs al- Tawheed. ٰ ﺳﻮرەSurah Yaseeni (36), ِ ِ اﻟﺮٰ َ ْ اﻟﺮِ ـﻪ اﻟﻠِ ْ ِ ﴿ ١ ِ ِ َ اﻟِ آنْ ُ اﻟَ و﴿ ٢ َ ِ َ ْ ُ اﻟَ ِ َ ِ إ﴿ ٣ ٰ َ ٍ ِ َ ْ ٍ اطَ ِ ﴿ ٤ ِ ِ اﻟﺮَ اﻟَ َ ﴿ ٥ ﺎ ﻣْ َ َ رِ ﻨﺬُ ِ َ آَ رِ ﻧﺬ أَ ﻮنِ ﺎﻓَ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ُ ﺎؤ﴿ ٦ ْ ِ َ أٰ َ ُ لْ َ اﻟَ ْ َ َ ﻮنُ ِ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ َ ﴿ ٧ ِ إَ ِ َ ً َ ْ أْ ِ ِ ﺎﻗَ ْ أِ َ َ َ ﺎ ﺟِ إَ ﻮنُ َ ْ ﻢ ﻣُ َ ِ ﺎنَ ْ ذَ ْ اﻷ﴿ ٨ ْ ِ َ ا وَ ْ ِ ﻳﻬِ ْ أْ َ ﻦ ﺑِ ﺎ ﻣَ َ َ َ وْ ِ ِ َ َ ونُ ِ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ﺎﻫَ ْ َ ْ َ ا ﻓَ ﴿ ٩ ْ ِ ْ َ ٌ اءَ َ َ وَ ﻮنُ ِ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ رِ ﻨﺬُ ْ ْ م أْ ُ َ ْ رَ ﻧﺬ أ أ﴿ ١٠ َ َ اﺗَ ُ رِ ﻨﺬُ ﺎ ﺗَ ِ إِ ْ َ ﺎﻟِ َ ٰ َ ْ اﻟﺮَ ِ َ َ وَ اﻟﺬۖ ْ أَ وٍ ةَ ِ ْ َ ِ ُ ەْ َ َ ٍ ﴿ ١١ ﻮاُ َ ﺎ ﻗَ ُ ُ َ َ وٰ َ ْ َ اﻟِ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ ﺎ ﻧِ إْ ُ َ ﺎرَ آﺛَ وۚ ِ ٍ ﺎمَ ِ إِ ُ ﺎەَ ْ َ ْ أٍ ءْ َ َ و﴿ ١٢ ْ بْ اَ وَ ﻮنَ ْ ُ ﺎ اﻟَ َ ﺎءَ ْ ذِ إِ َ ْ َ اﻟَ ﺎبَ ْ أً َ ﻢ ﻣُ ﴿ ١٣ ْ ذِ إ

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  • Specific Aamal 14th Shaban (Night & Day)

    Month of Shaban Two Chapter Mafateeh Extract from

    WWW.IEC-Houston.org Islamic Education Centre of Houston Page 1 of 66

    Fifteenth Night of Shaban This night is extraordinarily honorable. Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq(a.s.) has narrated that when Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) was asked about the merits of the fifteenth night of Sha’ban, he answered, “It is the most favorable night after the Qadr Night. At this night, Almighty Allah bestows upon His servants with His favors and grants them His pardon out of His conferral of benefits to them. Therefore, you should exert all efforts to seek nearness to Him at this night, because He - the Majestic and Honorable - has decided not to reject any asker as long as he does not ask for an act of disobedience to Him. Almighty Allah has chosen this night for us, the Ahl al-Bayt, just as He has chosen the Qadr Night for our Prophet - peace be upon him and his Household. You should thus pray and thank Him diligently.” One of the marvelous blessings of this night is that it is the birth night of the Patron of the Age, Imam al-Mahdi(a.s.) - may Allah accept our souls as ransoms for him. He was born in Surra-man-ra’a (currently Samarra’) at the hour before daybreak in AH 255. This incident increases the merits of this honorable night. However, narrations have carried may recommended rites to be carried out at this night: ﴾1﴿ Bathe oneself First: It is highly recommended to bathe oneself at this night, for this act decreases the punishment for one’s sins. ﴾2﴿ spend this whole night with acts of worship Second: It is highly recommended to imitate Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-’Abidin (a.s.) who used to spend this whole night with acts of worship, prayers, supplications, invocations, and implorations for forgiveness. A tradition confirm that as for one who spends this whole night with acts of worship, his heart will not die when other hearts die.

    (iii) In the night of the 15th pray 6 Rak-a’t: in 3 sets of 2 of 2 Rak-a’t,

    Method of Salat It is advisable to recite Surah al-Faatehah once and Surahs Yasin (No. 36), Surahs al-Mulk (No. 67), and Surahs al-Tawheed.

    س ٰ ,(Surah Yaseeni (36 سورە ِم ِح ن الرَّ ٰ ْحَم ْسِم اللـِه الرَّ ِ

    ِم ﴾١﴿ س َ ﴾٢﴿ َوالُقْرآِن الَحِك َك لِمَن الُمْرَسِل ٰ ﴾٣﴿ ِإنَّ َعٍم ْسَتِق اٍط مُّ َ ِم ﴾٤﴿ ِ ِح ز الرَّ َل الَع

    َا ﴾٥﴿ ت ْوما مَّ

    َِلُتنِذَر ق

    اِفلونَ أنِذَر آَ َُهْم غ

    َُهْم ف

    ُِهْم ﴾٦﴿ اؤ

    َٰ أ لَقْد َحقَّ الَقْوُل َع

    ُيْؤِمُنونَ َُهْم

    ََ ِإ ﴾٧﴿ ف ِ

    َ ف

    ً َ ِْ أْعَناِقِهْم أغ ا َجَعلَنا

    َِّإنْقَمُحونَ ُهم مُّ

    َاِن ف


    ْذَ ِْديِهْم َسدا َوِمْن ﴾٨﴿ األ ْ ْ أ َوَجَعلَنا ِمن َب

    ونَ َخلِفِهْم ُ ِ ْ ُيَُهْم

    ََناُهْم ف ْ َش


    ََوَسَواٌء َعلْيِهْم ﴾٩﴿ َسدا ف

    ُيْؤِمُنونَ َنِذْرُهْم

    ُُهْم أْم لْم ت


    ََبَع ﴾١٠﴿أأنذ نِذُر َمن اتَّ َما تُ ِإنَّ

    ِب ْ الَغ ِ َن ٰ ْحَمَ الرَّ ِ كَر َوَخ

    َِّمْغِفَرٍة َوأْجر ۖ◌ الذ ِ ُە ْ

    ِّ َ فٍَم ُموا ﴾١١﴿ ك دَّ

    َُتُب َما ق

    َٰ َون

    َِ الَمْو ْح

    ُْحُن ن

    َا ن


    اَرُهْم َِب ۚ◌ َوآث ِ ِإَماٍم مُّ َناُە

    ْ ٍء أْحَص َْلَّ ْب ﴾١٢﴿ َو ْ َوا

    َجاَءَها الُمْرَسلونَ ِْة ِإذ َ ْ أْصَحاَب الَق

    ًَث ﴾١٣﴿ لُهم مَّ


  • Specific Aamal 14th Shaban (Night & Day)

    Month of Shaban Two Chapter Mafateeh Extract from

    WWW.IEC-Houston.org Islamic Education Centre of Houston Page 2 of 66

    بُ َّ

    ذَْ ف َن

    ْم أْرَسلَنا ِإلْيِهُم اث ْ ا ِإل

    ََّقالوا ِإن

    َا ِبَثاِلٍث ف

    َْزن َعزَّ

    َوُهَما ف

    ْرَسلوَن ُن ﴾١٤﴿ مُّ ٰ ْحَم ْثلَنا َوَما أنَزَل الرَّ ٌ مِّ َ َ َّالوا َما أنُتْم ِإ


    ِذُبونَ َ ت

    ٍَّء ِإْن أنُتْم ِإ ْ

    َْم ﴾١٥﴿ ِمن ْ ا ِإل ْعلُم ِإنَّ َ َنا الوا َرُّ


    ُ ﴾١٦﴿ لُمْرَسلونَ الُمِبُغ

    َ َ الَّا ﴾١٧﴿ َوَما َعلْيَنا ِإ الوا ِإنَّ


    ْم ِ ا َن ْ َّ َط

    َاٌب ۖ◌ ت

    َا َعذ نَّ م مِّ نَّ َمسَّ َ ْم َول ُجَمنَّ ْ َ َتُهوا ل

    َِ لْم ت ل

    ٌم ْم ﴾١٨﴿أِل َع م مَّ الوا َطاِئُرَم ۚ◌ ق ْرتُ

    ُْوٌم ۚ◌ أِئن ذ

    َْل أنُتْم ق َ

    ُف ْ ا ﴾١٩﴿ونَ مُّ َ اَل

    َٰ ق َ ْس َ َ الَمِديَنِة َرُجٌل

    َْوَجاَء ِمْن أق

    َ ُعوا الُمْرَسِل َِّْوِم ات

    َْم أْجرا َوُهم ﴾٢٠﴿ ق ْسأل َ

    َُّعوا َمن ِ


    ْهَتُدوَن ِه ﴾٢١﴿ مُّ ْ ل ِ ِ َو َطَرَُد الِذي ف ُ أْع

    َ َ ِ َوَما

    ْرَجُعوَن ُ ِمن ﴾٢٢﴿ ت


    ٍَّّ أأت ُ ِ ُن ٰ ْحَم

    ِإن ُيرْدِن الرًَُّدوِنِه آِلَهة

    وِن ُ

    ُينِقذَئا َو ْ ِّ َشَفاَعُتُهْم َش ْغن َع

    ُ ت

    َّ ﴿٢٣﴾ ِ ِإذا ل


    ِب ٍل مَُّاْسَمُعوِن ﴾٢٤﴿ َض

    َْم ف ِّ َ آَمنُت ِب

    َِّل ﴾٢٥﴿ ِإ ِق

    َة عْ ۖ◌ اْدُخِل الَجنَّ َ ِ ْو

    ََت ق ْ ا ل َ اَل

    َِ ﴾٢٦﴿ لُمونَ ق َفَر

    ََما غ ِ

    َ َرِم ِ ِمَن الُم َوَجَعلِّ ْوِمِه ِمن ﴾٢٧﴿ َر

    َٰ ق َوَما أنَزلَنا َع

    َ ِل ِ ا ُمَماِء َوَما كنَّ َن السَّ ْعِدِە ِمن ُجنٍد مِّ َ ﴿٢٨﴾

    َّْت ِإ

    َان ِإن

    ا ُهْم َخاِمُدونَ َِإذ

    َ َواِحَدًة ف

    ًَحة ْ ًة ﴾٢٩﴿ َص َ ْ ا َح َع َادِ َ ِه ۚ◌ الِع ِ وا


    َُّسوٍل ِإ ن رَّ أِتيِهم مِّ َ َما

    ونَ ُْسَتْهزئ ُهْم ﴾٣٠﴿َ َن الُقُروِن أنَّ لُهم مِّ ْ

    ََنا ق ْم أْهل ألْم َيَرْوا

    َيْرِجُعوَن َا َجِميٌع لَدْيَنا ﴾٣١﴿ ِإلْيِهْم لٌّ لمَّ ن ِ َو

    ونَ ُ َ ل ﴾٣٢﴿ ُمْحٌة َ َناَها َوأْخَرْجَنا َوآ ْ أْحَي

    ُْرُض الَمْيَتة

    َ ُْهُم األ

    لونَ أ َ ِمْنُه َا ف ٍل ﴾٣٣﴿ ِمْنَها َح ِخ ن نَّ اٍت مِّ َوَجَعلَنا ِفيَها َجنَّ

    ا ِفيَها ِمَن الُعُيوِن َْرن جَّ

    ََمرِە َوَما ﴾٣٤﴿َوأْعَناٍب َوف

    َلوا ِمن ث أ َ ِل

    ِديِهْم ْ َ ۖ◌ َعِملْتُه أَ ََحاَن الِذي َخلَق ﴾٣٥﴿ ْشكُروَن أف ْ ُس

    َا ْرُض َوِمْن أنُفِسِهْم َوِممَّ

    َ ُْت األ ِ

    ُا ت لَها ِممَّ ْزَواَج

    َ ْاأل

    ْعلُمونَ ا ُهم ﴾٣٦﴿ ََِإذ

    ََهاَر ف ْسلُخ ِمْنُه النَّ

    َُل ْ لُهُم الل

    ٌة َ َوآ

    ظِلُمونَ ْجري ِلُمْسَتَقرٍّ ل ﴾٣٧﴿ مُّ ْمُس تَ ْقِديُر ۚ◌ َهاَوالشَّ ِلَك تَ َٰذ

    ِم ز الَعِل الُعْرُجوِن ﴾٣٨﴿ الَع ٰ َعاَد َّ اُە َمَنازَل َح ْرنَ دَََّوالَقَمَر ق

    ِم ُل ﴾٣٩﴿الَقِد ْ اللَْدرَك الَقَمَر َو

    ُِ لَها أن ت َ ْمُس َي


    َهار ُحونَ ۚ◌ َساِبُق النَّ َ ْس َ لٍك َِ ف

    لٌّ ا ﴾٤٠﴿ َو لُهْم أنٌَّة َ َوآ

    ِ الُفلِك الَمْشُحوِن َتُهْم َّ رِّ

    ُن ﴾٤١﴿ َحَملَنا ذ َوَخلْقَنا لُهم مِّ

    ُبونَ ْثِلِه َما َيْر ﴾٤٢﴿ مَِّــــَخ لُهْم َو َ

    َ َُهْم ف


    َُشأ ن

    َّن ِ َو

    ونَ ُ

    ٰ ِح ﴾٤٣﴿ ُهْم ُينَقذ ا َوَمَتاعا ِإ نَّ مًِّ َرْحَمة

    َّا ﴾٤٤﴿ ِإ

    َذ ِ َو

    ْم ْم لَعل ْم َوَما َخلَف ِد ْ َ أ ْ ُقوا َما َبََّل لُهُم ات ِق

    ْرَحُمونَ ُوا ﴾٤٥﴿ ت انُ

    َِّهْم ِإ ــِّ اِت َر َ ْن آ ٍة مِّ َ ْن آ أِتيِهم مِّ

    ََوَما ت

    َ ُم اللـُه ﴾٤٦﴿ َعْنَها ُمْعرِضَا َرَزق َل لُهْم أنِفُقوا ِممَّ ا ِق

    َذ ِ َو

    ََشاُء اللـُه ق َ ْطِعُم َمن لْو

    ُاَل الِذيَن كَفُروا ِللِذيَن آَمُنوا أنِب ٍل مُّ

    َِ َض

    َّا ﴾٤٧﴿أْطَعَمُه ِإْن أنُتْم ِإ

    َذ ٰ ٰ َه َ ُقولوَن َم َ َو

    َ َواِحَدًة ﴾٤٨﴿ الَوْعُد ِإن كنُتْم َصاِدِقًَحة ْ َص

    ََّما َينظُروَن ِإ

    ُهْم ُ

    أُخذَُمونَ ت ِخصِّ َ ﴾٤٩﴿ َوُهْم

    َ َو

    ًة َ ْوِص

    َُعوَن ت ْسَتِط َ

    َ َف

    ٰ أْهِلِهْم َيْرِجُعوَن َن ﴾٥٠﴿ ِإ ا ُهم مَِِّإذ

    َور ف ِ الصُّ ِفَخ


    ِسلونَ ِهْم َي ــِّ ٰ َر ْجَداِث ِإَ َْعَثَنا ِمن ﴾٥١﴿ األ َ لَنا َمن ْ ا َو َ الوا



    َْرق ا َما وَ ۗ◌ ۜ◌ مَّ

    َذ ٰ ُن َوَصَدَق َه ٰ ْحَم َعَد الرَّ

  • Specific Aamal 14th Shaban (Night & Day)

    Month of Shaban Two Chapter Mafateeh Extract from

    WWW.IEC-Houston.org Islamic Education Centre of Houston Page 3 of 66

    ا ُهْم َجِميٌع ﴾٥٢﴿ الُمْرَسلونَ َِإذ

    َ َواِحَدًة ف

    ًَحة ْ َص

    َّْت ِإ

    َان ِإن

    ونَ ُ َ ْجَزْوَن ﴾٥٣﴿ لَدْيَنا ُمْح تَُئا َو ْ ْفٌس َش

    َظلُم ن

    ُ ت



    ْعَملونَ َ َما كنُتْم ت

    َِّة ال ﴾٥٤﴿ ِإ ِ ُشُغٍل ِإنَّ أْصَحاَب الَجنَّ َيْوَم

    ُهوَن ِ اََراِئِك ﴾٥٥﴿ ف

    َ ٍْل َع األ

    َِ ِظ ُهْم َوأْزَواُجُهْم

    ُئوَن ُِعوَن ﴾٥٦﴿ ُمتَّ دَّ َ ا َولُهم مَّ

    ٌَهة ِ ا

    ٌَم ﴾٥٧﴿ لُهْم ِفيَها ف


    ٍم ِح بٍّ رَّ ن رَّ مًِّْو

    ََها ﴾٥٨﴿ ق َواْمَتاُزوا الَيْوَم أيُّ

    ُدوا أل ﴾٥٩﴿ الُمْجرُموَن ُ ْع تََِّ آَدَم أن ا َب

    َ ْم ْ ْم أْعَهْد ِإلَطاَن ْ ٌ ۖ◌ الشَّ ِب ْم َعُدوٌّ مُّ ُه ل ُدوِ ﴾٦٠﴿ ِإنَّ

    ُ ا ۚ◌ َوأِن اْعَ

    ذ ٰ َهٌم ْسَتِق اٌط مُّ َ ا ﴾٦١﴿ ِ ِ كِث ْم ِج ِمن

    لْم ۖ◌ َولَقْد أَضلََّأف

    ْعِقلونَ َوا ت


    َِذِە ﴾٦٢﴿ ت ٰ ِ كنُتْم َه ُم ال


    ُُفُروَن ﴾٦٣﴿ ت َما كنُتْم تَ ِ الَيْوَم ﴾٦٤﴿ اْصلْوَها الَيْوَم

    وا ُان َما ِ ْشَهُد أْرُجلُهم

    َ ِديِهْم َو ْ لُمَنا أَُواِهِهْم َوت

    ْٰ أف ْخِتُم َع


    ِسُبوَن ٰ أْعُينِ ﴾٦٥﴿ َ َشاُء لَطَمْسَنا َع َ ُقوا َولْو َ َ اْسَِهْم ف

    ونَ ُ ِ ْ ٰ ُيَّأَاَط ف َ ِّ ٰ ﴾٦٦﴿ ال َشاُء لَمَسْخَناُهْم َع َ َولْو

    َيْرِجُعونَ َا َو َما اْسَتَطاُعوا ُمِض

    َِتِهْم ف

    َان ْرُە ﴾٦٧﴿ َم َعمِّ َوَمن نُّ

    ِ الَخلِق ْسُه َنُْعِقلونَ ۖ◌ ن َ

    َ َْعَر َوَما َعلْمَناُە الشِّ ﴾٦٨﴿ أف

    ِ لهُ َ ٌ ۚ◌ َوَما َي ِب ْرآٌن مُُّ ِذكٌر َوق

    َّلُينِذَر َمن ﴾٦٩﴿ِإْن ُهَو ِإ

    نَ اِف ِحقَّ الَقْوُل َع ال َ ا َو ا ﴾٧٠﴿ اَن َح أَولْم َيَرْوا أنَُّهْم لَها

    ََعاما ف

    ِْديَنا أن ْ ا َعِملْت أ مَّ َخلْقَنا لُهم مِّ

    ونَ ُهْم َوِمْنَها ﴾٧١﴿ َماِل ــُ ِمْنَها َرَللَناَها لُهْم ف


    لونَ أ ۖ◌ َولُهْم ِفيَها َمَناِفُع َوَمَشارُب ﴾٧٢﴿ ََ َأف

    ْشكُروَن لَعلُهْم ﴾٧٣﴿ ًَوا ِمن ُدوِن اللـِه آِلَهة



    ونَ ُ َ ُهْم َوُهْم لُهْم ُجنٌد ﴾٧٤﴿ ُين َ ْ ُعوَن نَ ْسَتِط َ َ

    ونَ مُّ ُ َ ْولُهْم ﴾٧٥﴿ ْحَْحُزنَك ق َ

    َ َوَن ۘ◌ ف ُّ ِ ُ ْعلُم َما

    َا ن


    ْعِلُنوَن ُ ا ﴾٧٦﴿ َوَما َِإذ

    َْطَفٍة ف

    ُّا َخلْقَناُە ِمن ن

    ََّساُن أن ِ

    ْأَولْم َيَر اإل

    ٌ ِب ٌم مُّ َ َخلَقهُ ﴾٧٧﴿ ُهَو َخِص َِ َو

    ًَب لَنا َمَث َ َ اَل ۖ◌ َو


    ْحِ اُ ٌم َمن َ َرِم ِ َشأَها ﴾٧٨﴿ لِعظاَم َو ْحِييَها الِذي أ ُ ْل


    ةٍ َل َمرَّ ٌم ۖ◌ أوَّ لِّ َخلٍق َعِل ِ َن ﴾٧٩﴿ َوُهَو م مِّ الِذي َجَعَل ل

    وِقُدونَ ُْنُه ت ا أنُتم مِّ


    َارا ف

    ََ ن ْخ

    َ َْجر األ َس ﴾٨٠﴿ الشَّ ْ أَول

    َماَواِت َوا ْخلَق الِذي َخلَق السَّ َ ٰ أن َقاِدر َع ِ ْرَض َ ْأل

    ُم ۚ◌ ِمْثلُهم ُق الَعِلَّٰ َوُهَو الَخ ا أَراَد ﴾٨١﴿ َ

    ََما أْمُرُە ِإذ


    وُن ََُقوَل لُه كن ف َ ئا أن ْ ِدِە ﴾٨٢﴿ َش َ َحاَن الِذي ِب ْ ُس


    ْرَجُعونَ ُِه ت ْ ل ِ ٍء َو

    ْ َ لِّ وُت ﴾٨٣﴿ َمل ,(Surah Mulk (67 لسورە م

    ِم ِح ن الرَّ ٰ ْحَم ْسِم اللـِه الرَّ ِ ِديٌر

    ٍَء ق ْ

    َلِّ ٰ ِدِە الُملُك َوُهَو َع َ اَرَك الِذي ِب َ

    َ ﴾١﴿ ت

    ْم أْحَسُن ُّ ْم أ لَو ْ اَة ِلَي َ الِذي َخلَق الَمْوَت َوالَح ًُز الَغُفوُر ۚ◌ َعَم الِذي َخلَق َسْبَع َسَماَواٍت ﴾٢﴿َوُهَو الَع

    اقا َ َفاُوٍت ۖ◌ ِط ن ِمن تَ ٰ ْحَم ِ َخلِق الرَّ َرٰى َا ت اْرِجع ۖ◌ مَّ


    ُطور َُرٰى ِمن ف

    ََ َهْل ت َ َ ْ ﴾٣﴿ ال تَ َ كرَّ َ َ مَّ اْرِجع ال


    ٌ ُ َخاِسئا َوُهَو َحِس َ َ َك ال ْ نَّ ﴾٤﴿ َينَقِلْب ِإل ا َولَقْد َزَّاِط َ َمَصاِبيَح َوَجَعلَناَها ُرُجوما للشَّ ِ ا

    َ نْ َماَء الدُّ ۖ◌ السَّ

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    ِع اَب السََّ

    ا لُهْم َعذَِهْم ﴾٥﴿ َوأْعَتْدن ــِّ َ َوِللِذيَن كَفُروا ِب

    َم اُب َجَهنََّ

    ُ ۖ◌ َعذ َس الَمِص ْ ِ ا ألُقوا ِفيَها َسِمُعوا ﴾٦﴿ َوَِإذ

    َ ِ قا َو ُفوُر لَها َشِهَِظ ﴾٧﴿ ت ْ ُ ِمَن الَغ َّ َم اُد تَ َ ۖ◌ تَ ِ لَما أل

    ِذيٌر َْم ن أِت َ ُتَها ألْم

    ٌَج َسألُهْم َخَزن ْ

    َْد ﴾٨﴿ ِفيَها ف

    َٰ ق َ الوا


    ِ ٍَّء ِإْن أنُتْم ِإ ْ

    ََل اللـُه ِمن زَّ

    َلَنا َما ن

    ُْبَنا َوق


    َِذيٌر ف

    َا ن


    ٍل َِ ﴾٩﴿ كِب َض ا

    ْعِقُل َما كنََّْسَمُع أْو ن

    َا الوا لْو كنَّ


    ِع ْصَحاِب ﴾١٠﴿ أْصَحاِب السََّ ُِّسْحقا أل

    َنِبِهْم ف

    َذ ِ وا

    ُف َ َ اْع


    ِع ْغِفَرٌة ﴾١١﴿ السَّ ِب لُهم مَّ ْ الَغ ِ ُهم ــَّ ْخَشْوَن َر َ ِإنَّ الِذيَن

    ٌ ُّ ﴾١٢﴿ َوأْجٌر كِب ِ هِ َوأ ِ ْم أو اْجَهُروا ْولٌَم ۖ◌ وا ق ُه َعِل ِإنَّ

    ُدور اِت الصَُّ

    ذ ُف ﴾١٣﴿ ِ ْعلُم َمْن َخلَق َوُهَو اللِطَ


    ُ ِ ﴾١٤﴿ الَخِب اْمُشوا َ ف


    َْرَض ذ

    َ ُْم األ ُهَو الِذي َجَعَل ل

    ْزِقهِ لوا ِمن رِّ ِبَها َو ِ ُش ۖ◌ َمَناُّ ِه ال ْ ل ِ ِ ﴾١٥﴿وُر َو ن

    أأِمنُتم مَُّموُر

    ََ ت ِ ا


    َْرَض ف

    َ ُْم األ ِ ْخِسَف

    َ َماِء أن أْم ﴾١٦﴿ السَّا ْم َحاِص ْ َماِء أن ُيْرِسَل َعل ِ السَّ ن

    َسَتْعلُموَن ۖ◌ أِمنُتم مََّف

    ِذير ََف ن ْ اَن ﴾١٧﴿ ك َف ْ

    َِلِهْم ف ْ

    ََب الِذيَن ِمن ق

    َّ َولَقْد كذ

    َِاٍت ﴾١٨﴿ ن

    َُّهْم َصاف


    َْ ف أَولْم َيَرْوا ِإ الطَّ

    ِْضنَ ْقَ ُن ۚ◌ َو ٰ ْحَم الرَّ

    َّْمِسكُهنَّ ِإ ُ ٍء ۚ◌ َما ْ َ لِّ ِ ُه


    ٌ ِص ن ُدوِن ﴾١٩﴿ َ م مِّ ُ ُ ْم َين ا الِذي ُهَو ُجنٌد لَ

    ذ ٰ ْن َه أمَّن ٰ ْحَم اِفرُ ۚ◌ الرَّ ُرور ِإِن ال ِ غُ

    َّا الِذي ﴾٢٠﴿ وَن ِإ

    َذ ٰ ْن َه أمَّ

    هُ َْم ِإْن أْمَسَك رْزق

    ُِ ُعُتوٍّ ۚ◌ َيْرُزق وا

    ل لجُّ َ

    ُفور ُن ﴾٢١﴿ َون ٰ َوْجِهِه أْهَدٰى أمَّ ا َع ِ ِ ُم ْم َ َمن


    ٍم ْسَتِق اٍط مُّ َ ِ ٰ ا َع ِ َس ْمْل ُهَو الِذي ﴾٢٢﴿ َ


    ِئَدةَ أ ْفَ َْصاَر َواأل ْ

    َ ْْمَع َواأل ُم السَّ ْم َوَجَعَل ل ا ۖ◌ َشأ مَّ


    ْشكُروَن ِه ﴾٢٣﴿ َ ْ ل ِ ْرض َوَ ِْ األ ْم َرأ

    َْل ُهَو الِذي ذ


    وَن ُ َ ْحُا الَوْعُد ِإن كنُتْم ﴾٢٤﴿ت

    َذ ٰ ٰ َه َ ُقولوَن َم َ َو

    َ َما العِ ﴾٢٥﴿ َصاِدِق ْل ِإنَُِّذيٌر ق

    َا ن

    ََما أن

    َّن ِ لُم ِعنَد اللـِه َو

    ٌ ِب َل ﴾٢٦﴿ مُّ َئْت ُوُجوُە الِذيَن كَفُروا َوِق ِسًا َرأْوُە ُزلَفة لمَّ


    ُعوَن دََِّه ت ِ ا الِذي كنُتم

    َذ ٰ َ ﴾٢٧﴿ َه ِ ْل أَرأْيُتْم ِإْن أْهل


    ِج ُ َمن ََ أْو َرِحَمَنا ف ِ اٍب اللـُه َوَمن مَّ

    ََن ِمْن َعذ اِف ُ ال

    ٍم لَنا ﴾٢٨﴿ أِل َو ِه تَ ْ ِه َوَعل ِ ا ُن آَمنَّ ٰ ْحَم ْل ُهَو الرَّ

    ُ ۖ◌ ق

    ِب ٍل مَُِّ َض َسَتْعلُموَن َمْن ُهَو

    َْل أَرأْيُتْم ِإْن ﴾٢٩﴿ ف


    ِع َماٍء مَّ ِ م أِتَ َمن

    َْورا ف

    َْم غ

    ُ ﴾٣٠﴿ أْصَبَح َماؤ

    Surah Tauheed (112), سورة اإلخالص ِم ِح ن الرَّ ٰ ْحَم ْسِم اللـِه الرَّ ِ

    ْل ُهَو اللـُه أَحٌد َُمُد ﴾١﴿ق ﴾٢﴿اللـُه الصَّ

    ِلْد َولْم ُيولْد َ ن لُه كُفوا أَحٌد ﴾٣﴿لْم َ ﴾٤﴿َولْم In this respect, Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported as saying, “Whoever offers these prayers, will be awarded the merits of these three months (namely, Rajab, Sha’ban, and Ramadan) and will have all his sins forgiven, except polytheism.

    ﴾3﴿ visit the tomb of Imam al-Husayn (a.s.)

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    Third: It is highly recommended to visit the tomb of Imam al-Husayn (a.s.). In fact, this is the most favorable act at this night. It also brings about forgiveness of one’s sins. If you desire that 124,000 Prophets shake hands with you, you may visit the holy tomb of Imam al-Husayn (a.s.) at this night. The least act of Ziyarah is to go up an elevated place, look to the right and the left, raise the head towards the heavens, and say these statements:

    ؑ ZIYARAH ON THE 15TH OF SHAABAN زارت امام حسThird: It is highly recommended to visit the tomb of Imam al-Husayn (a.s.). In fact, this is the most favorable act at this night. It also brings about forgiveness of one’s sins. If you desire that 124,000 Prophets shake hands with you, you may visit the holy tomb of Imam al-Husayn (a.s.) at this night. The least act of Ziyarah is to go up an elevated place, look to the right and the left, raise the head towards the heavens, and say these statements: Be it known to you that there are numerous traditions revealing the merits of visiting Imam al-Husayn (‘a) on the fifteenth of Sha’ban. As a sufficient merit, these narrations have been reported through several valid chains of authority from Imam Zayn al-’Abidin and Imam al-Sadiq as saying, “He who would like to be shaken hands by one hundred thousand and twenty-four prophets, may visit the tomb of Abu-’Abdullah al-Husayn on the fifteenth of Sha’ban, because the spirits of the prophets ask Almighty Allah to permit them to visit Imam al-Husayn’s tomb and the Almighty gives them permission. So, blessed be the one who shakes hands with these prophets among whom is the five constancy-endowed Messengers; namely, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be upon them all.” When the reporter asked the Imam (‘a) to explain the meaning of constancy-endowed, the Imam (‘a) answered, “These prophets were sent to the east and west of the globe and to both humankind and jinn.” There are two forms of visiting the holy tomb of Imam al-Husayn (‘a) on the fifteenth of Sha’ban. The first form is the same as the one previously cited for ziyarah on the first of Rajab, and the second is as follows: In his book of al-Balad al-Amin, Shaykh al-Kaf’ami has reported Imam al-Sadiq (‘a) as saying that one who visits Imam al-Husayn’s tomb on the fifteenth of Sha’ban may stop at the tomb and say the following words:

    ِ الَحْمُد ِّ ال ِ ِ ِم ال َع َعِظAll praise be to Allah; the Most High, the All-great.

    مُ وَ َ ْ السَّ ُد َھا ٲیُّ َعل ْ اِلُح الَع ُّ الصَّ ِ

    الزَّPeace be upon you;O the righteous, pure servant (of Allah)

    ً ِدُع ٲو ِّ َشھاَد ِ ل ِمُ ِّ َق

    ُْ ت إل

    َشفاَعِتک َیْوِم ِ I entrust with you a testimony of mine that takes me near

    you on the day of your intercession (for some people).

    ٲْشَھُد َِّتلَت ٲن

    ُُمْت لْم وَ ق

    َ ت

    I bear witness that although you were slain, you have not died;

    لْ اِتک ِبَرجاِء َ َ ْت َح َ لوُب َحِیَُعِتک، ق ِش

    Rather the hearts of your adherents (Shi`ah) are living on the hope of your being alive;

    اِء وَ ورک ِضُاِلُبوَن اْھَتَدی ن ، الطَّ ْ إل

    And by the light of your illumination have those seeking you been guided (to the right path).

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    ٲْشَھُد وَ َّورُ ٲن

    ُِ ن ْطف لْم الِذیا وَ ُ

    ْطَف َ دا، ُ َ ٲAnd I bear witness that you are verily the Light of Allah

    that has not and shall never be extinguished.

    وَ َِّ َوْجہُ ٲن وَ َیْھِل لْم الِذیا

    دا ُیْھل َ َ ٲAnd you are verily the Face of Allah that has not and shall

    never be perishing.

    ھِذِە ٲنَّ َھُد ٲْش وَ َة َ ْ ُّ ُت ال َ ْ

    ُ ت

    And I bear witness that this soil is yours,

    اوَ َ

    َحَرُم الَحَرمَ ھذAnd this holy precinct is yours.

    ا وَ َ

    َع هذ َ ْ عُ الَم َ ْ َدِنک، َم َ And this death is the death of your body only,

    َل َ ِلَُ هللاَو َمْغلوَب َ ، وَ ُمِعزُّ هللاَو ذ ِ نا

    While you have never been humiliated since Allah is the One Who is pouring honor upon you And you have never been

    defeated since Allah is the One Who is supporting you.

    ٌ ھِذەِ ض َیْوِم إ ِعْنَدک ِ َشَھاَدْ ِ قَ ُرو

    ِتک، َ ْ َح ِ I would like you to keep this testimony of mine with you up to the day when my soul will be grasped in the presence of you.

    مُ َ ْ َوالسَّ وَ َعل

    ُِ َرْحَمة ُہ۔وَ ا

    ُات َر َ

    Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

    raise your hands towards the heavens and say:

    مُ َ ْ السَّ ا َعل ا َ َ دِ ا ْ ِ َع ا

    Peace be upon you; O Aba-`Abdullah!

    مُ َ ْ السَّ َو َعل

    ُِ َرْحَمة ُہ وَ ا

    ُات َبَر

    Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you. One who performs this form of Ziyarah is expected to win the reward of one Hajj and one ‘Umrah. In the section of Ziyarat, we will mention further details about the peculiar merits of Ziyarah at this night.


    ﴾4﴿ Supplication which is similar to Ziyarah for Imam al-Mahdi(as) Fourth: It is recommended to say the following supplicatory prayer, which stands for a form of Ziyarah for Imam al-Mahdi(a.s.). This supplicatory prayer has been mentioned by both Sayyid Ibn Tawus and Shaykh al-Tusi:

    َحقِّ اللُهمَّ لِتنَ ِْ َمْولوِدَهاوَ هِذەِ ا ل

    O Allah: I beseech You in the name of this night and in the name of him whom was born at it

    ِتَك وَ َمْوُعوِدَها،وَ ُحجَّand in the name of Your Argument and in the name of Your

    promise in it,

    ِ َت الَْرن

    َْضِلَها إ ق

    ًَ ف ْض

    َ ،ف

    the night that You have added a new merit to its many merits

    ْت َتمََّ،وَ ِصْدقا ِلَمُتَك ف ً َعْد

    So, Your Word has been accomplished truly and fairly;

    لَ ال دِّ َ ِلَماِتَك، ُم َب َوال ِل اِتَك، ُمَعقِّ َ آلno one can change Your words, nor obscure Your signs,

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    وُرَك َُك الُمَتألُق، وَ ن

    ُاؤ َ ُق، ِض ْ الُم

    (He is) Your glowing Light and Your bring splendor

    ورُ الَعلُم وَ اءِ ِ النَُّ ُجور، َطْخ ْ الدَّ

    and the luminous sign in the obscurity of darkness

    ُرمَ ُدُە، َمْولِ َجلَّ الَمْسُتورُ الَغاِئُب َمْحِتُدُە، َوand the absent and the concealed, Lofty is his birth and

    noble is his lineage

    وَ ُُدُە، وَ الَمالِئكة ُ ُشهَّ ُە ا ُ ِ ا

    َُدُە،وَ ن ِّ َ ُم

    and the angels are his witnesses and Allah is his Supporter and Backer

    ا َعَ آَن إذ وَ اُدەُ ِم

    ُ ،أْمَداُدەُ الَمالِئكة

    when his time comes and the angels shall be his sponsors;

    ُف ْ ِ َس ُبو، ال الِذي ا ْ َي(He shall act as) the sword of Allah that shall never miss

    the target,

    وُرەُ ُْخُبو، ال الِذي َون َ

    and His light that shall never be extinguished

    و وَ ُْصُبو، ال الِذي الِحلِم ذ َ

    And the forbearing person who shall never deviate the truth.

    ْهر، َمَدارُ ُس الدَّ َواِمَ، َون ْ ْمر، َوُوالةُ الَع

    َ األ

    and the motive and reason of the course of events, and the one for whom the laws of ages have been made and (one

    of) the men of authority

    لُ َّ َ لُ َما َعلْيِهْم َوالُم َّ َ لةِ ِ َيَتْ الَقْدر، ل

    who receive that which is revealed on the Grand Night.

    ْ َوأْصَحاُب ،وَ الَح ْ َّ الand the managers of the Resurrection and the Account;


    َِه، ت ِ ِه. وَ أْمرەِ ُوالُة وَ َوْح ِ ْه

    َ ن

    (They are) the interpreters of His revelations and in charge of what is deemed lawful and what is deemed unlawful by Him.

    َصلِّ اللُهمَّ َاِئِمِهُم وَ َخاِتِمِهْم َع ف

    َ ق

    O Allah: send blessings on their seal and their Riser

    َعَواِلِمِهْم. َعْن َمْسُتور ال whom is hidden from their world.

    اَمهُ ِبَنا َوأْدرْك اللُهمَّ َّ اَمُه،وَ ظُهوَرُە وَ أ َ ِقO Allah: (please) make us causes for the coming of him,

    and causes for his advent and reappearance

    َصارِە، ِمْن اْجَعلَنا وَ ْرْن وَ أن

    ْا اق

    َ ِبَثأرِە، ثأَرن

    and (please) include us with his supporters and join our vengeance to his

    َنا وَ ْ ُت ُخلَصاِئِه،وَ أْعَواِنِه ِ اand decide us to be among his assistants and retinue.

    َدْولِتِه ِ أْحِيَنا وَ َ اِعِم

    َ ُِصْحَبِتِه وَ ،ن

    َ اِنِمَ ،غ

    and make us live in bliss in his reign, and make us win the ecstasy of his companionship,

    ِه وَ َِحقَِّ اِئِم

    َوءِ ِمَن وَ ،ق ، السُّ َ َساِلِم

    and make us of those who carry out our duty toward him, and save us from evil.

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    ا ، أْرَحَم َ َ اِحِم الرَّO the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

    ِ َربِّ الَحْمُد وَ ِ ، َ الَعالِمAll praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

    ُه وَ ُا َع َصلَوات

    َِدن ِّ ٍد َس ُمَحمَّ

    His blessings be upon our master, Muhammad

    ِم ََ َخات يِّ ِ

    َ وَ النَّ الُمْرَسِلthe seal of the Prophets and the Messengers,

    ِتِه أْهِل َع وَ ْ َ َب اِدِق ِتِه وَ الصَّ َ ْ َ ِع اِطِق ،النَّand upon his Household, the veracious, and his offspring,

    the spokespersons of the truth,

    ، َجِميعَ الَعْن وَ َ ْم وَ الظاِلِم َنَنااْح ْ َنُهْم وَ َب ْ َ and curse all the wrongdoers and judge between them and us

    ا َم َ . أْح َ ِم ِ الَحاO the Most Just of all judges.


    ﴾5﴿ Fifteen Sha’ban Night recite دعا امام جعفر صادؑق Shaykh narrated from Isma`el ibn Fazl al-Hashimiy that he said Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (a.s) instructed him to recite the following supplication at the fifteenth night of Shaban

    َت اللُهمَّ ُّْ ال أن وُم ال َ ُّ ال َقيُّ ِ ُم عَ ال َع ِظ

    O Allah: You are verily the Ever-living, the Self-Subsisting, the Most High, the All-great,

    ازُق الَخاِلُق ال ِ ال رَّ ُت ال ُمْح ِديُء ال ُمِمِديُع،ال َ َ

    the Creator, the Sustainer, the Giver of live, the Causer of death, the Originator, the Maker.

    الَحْمُد، َولَك الَفْضُل، َولَك الَجالُل، لَك To You is the Majesty, and to You is the favor, and to You is

    all praise,

    ، َولَك َرُم، َولَك الُجوُد، َولَك الَمنُّ الand to You is thanks, and to You is magnanimity, and to

    You is generosity,

    ْمُر، َولَك َكُر، َولَك الَمْجُد، َولَك األ الشُّ

    and to You do belong all affairs, and to You is glory, and to You is gratitude;

    َك ال َوْحَدَك لَك، َYou are alone without having any partner with You.

    ا ا َواِحُد َ ا أَحُد َ َصَمُد َO the One: O the Absolute: O the Besought of all:

    ا ِلْد لْم َمْن َ ْن لْم وَ ُيولْد لْم وَ َ ،أَحٌد كُفوا لهُ َO He Who neither begets nor is He begotten, and there is

    none like to Him.

    ٍد وَ َع َصلِّ ٍد آِل ُمَحمَّ ُمَحمَّ(please do) bless Muhammad and the Household of


    ِ وَ ِفْر ِْ وَ اغ ِ وَ اْرَحْم ِف ِ َماا أَهمَّ

    and forgive me; and have mercy upon me; and relieve me from whatever has aggrieved me;

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    ض وَ ِْ اق ْع وَ ،َدْي

    َّ َوسِّ ِ ِ َع ،رْزand help me settle my debt; and expand my provisions;

    َك َّإن

    َلةِ هِذِە ِ ف

    ْ ٍم أْمر لَّ الل ْفُرُق َحِكَ ،ت

    for You, at this night, make distinct all affairs of wisdom;

    َشاُء َمْن وَ ْرُزُق َخلِقَك ِمْن ََ ،ت

    and You grant sustenance to whomever You wish among Your creatures.

    َِ ف

    َْت وَ اْرُزق

    ُْ أن ْ ، َخ َ ازِق الرَّ

    So, (please do) grant me sustenance and You are verily the Best of sustainers.

    ََك ف

    َّلَت إن

    َُت وَ ق

    ُْ أن ْ َ َخ َ الَقاِئِل اِطِق :النَّ

    You have said—and You are the Best of those who speak and utter—

    َ اْسألَوا وَ ْضِلهِ ِمْن اَ ف

    “Ask Allah of His bounty.”

    ِمْن َْضِلَك ف

    َاَك وَ ،أْسألُ ف َصْدُت َّ

    َ ،ق

    I thus ask You of Your bounty; and to You do I turn my face;

    َك َواْبَن ِّ َِ َرَجْوُت، َولَك ،اْعَتَمْدُت ن

    and the intercession of Your Prophet’s son do I seek; and for You do I hope.

    َِ ف ااْرَحْم

    . أْرَحَم َ َ اِحِم الرَّSo, (please do) have mercy upon me; O the most Merciful

    of all those who show mercy.


    ﴾6﴿ Fifteen Sha’ban Night recite رم ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصدعا رسول ا It is recommended to say this supplicatory prayer, which the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to say at this night:

    ِسْم اللُهمَّ ِْتَك ِمْن لَنا اق َ َخْش

    O Allah: (please do) grant us an amount of fearfulness of You

    ُحوُل َما َنَناَ ْ َ وَ َب ْ ِتَك َ َ ،َمْعِصthat prevents us from committing acts of disobedience to You;

    لُغَنا َما َطاَعِتَك ِمْن وَ َُِه ت َك ِ

    َ ،رْضَوان

    and an amount of obedience to You that makes us attain Your satisfaction;

    ِق ِمَن وَ َ هِ َعلْيَنا َيُهوُن َما ال اُت َِ اُمِص َ

    ْن .الدُّ

    and an amount of conviction that help us tolerate the vicissitudes of this worldly life.

    أْسَماِعَنا أْمِتْعَنا اللُهمَّ ا وَ ََِصارن ْ ِتَناوَ أ وَّ

    ُ ق

    O Allah: (please do) make us enjoy our hearings, sights, and powers

    َتَنا َما ْ ا، الَوارَث اْجَعلُه وَ أْحَي ِمنَّso long as You decide to keep us alive; and (please do)

    make it the inheritor of us.

    ا اْجَعْل وَ َ ظلَمَنا، َمْن َع ثأَرن

    And (please do) make us avenge ourselves against them who wrong us;

    ا وَ َن ْ ُ

    ْا، َمْن َع ان

    َ َعاَدان

    and back us against them who antagonize us;

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    ْجَعلْ ال وَ ََنا ت َ َب َنا، ِ ُمِص ِ ِدي

    and do not suffer misfortunes in affairs of our religion;

    ْجَعِل ال وَ َا ت َ

    ْن َ الدُّ َ َنا أ لغَ ال وَ َهمِّ ْ ِعلِمَنا، َم

    and do not make our worldly affairs happen to be our greatest concern or our utmost knowledge;

    َسلْط ال وَ ال َيْرَحُمَنا، َمْن َعلْيَنا ُand do not set him who does not have mercy upon us, as

    master over us;

    اَرْحَمِتَك بِ . أْرَحَم َ َ اِحِم الرَّin the name of Your mercy; O the most Merciful of all those

    who show mercy. Actually, this supplicatory prayer is one of the perfect, comprehensive prayers that may be said at all times. In the word of the book of ‘Awali al-La’ali, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to say this supplicatory prayer at all times.


    ﴾7﴿ Recite SALAWAT e Shabaniyah By Imam Sajjad (as) It is recommended to say the following form of invocation of blessings upon the Holy Prophet and his Household that is reported from Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Sajjad (i.e. Imam Zayn al-’Abidin) each midday in Sha’ban and at the fifteenth night of it:

    ٍد َعَصلِّ اللُھمَّ ٍد آِل َو ُمَحمَّ ُمَحمَّO Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and

    the Household of Muhammad

    ، َشَجَرِ ُِبوَّ سالِة، َموِضع َو النُّ الرِّ

    the tree of Prophethood; and the trustees of the (Divine) Mission;

    الِعلِم، َمْعِدِن َو الَمالِئکةِ ُمْخَتلِف َو & the frequently visited by the angels; & the core of knowledge;

    ِت اْھِل وَ ْ ْ ۔ َب الَوand the Household of the Divine Revelation.

    ٍد َعلِّ َص اللُھمَّ ٍد آِل َو ُمَحمَّ ُمَحمَّO Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and

    the Household of Muhammad

    ِ ةِ الُفل، اللَجج ِ الجارَ الغاِمَرِ

    the sailing ships through the abysmal waves.

    َمُن َبَھا، َمْن َ ْغَرُق وَ َرِ َھا، َمْن َ َرَ ت

    He who embarks on them will be saved but he who abandons them will be drowned.

    مُ مارٌق، لُھْم الُمَتَقدِّHe who precedes them will miss the Right Path

    ُر زاِھٌق، َعْنُھْم َوالُمَتاخِّand he who misses them will lose,

    زمُ َّ الِحٌق ۔ ُھْم ل َوالbut he who adheres to them will win.

    ٍد َعَصلِّ اللُھمَّ ٍد آِل َو ُمَحمَّ ُمَحمَّO Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and

    the Household of Muhammad

    ْھِف ، ال اِث وَ الَحِص ، الُمْضَطرِّ ِغ ِ الُمْسَت

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    the impregnable shelter; and the succorers of the helpless, distressed ones;

    ،َملَجا َو َ ِ ۔ ِعْصَمةِ َو الَهارَ الُمْعَتِصِم

    & the haven of the fugitives;& the asylum of those who seek refuge.

    ٍد َعَصلِّ اللُھمَّ ٍد آِل َو ُمَحمَّ ُمَحمَّO Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and

    the Household of Muhammad

    ً ً َصال َ وُن کِثَ رضا لُھْم ت

    so much blessings that please them

    ٍد ِلَحقِّ وَ ٍد آِل وَ ُمَحمَّ َضاءً وَ أَداءً ُمَحمََّ ق

    and settle all (our) duties towards Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad

    َحْوٍل ٍ وَ ِمْن ِوَُّ ق

    by Your might and power;

    ا َ َربَّ َ العالِمO the Lord of the worlds.

    ٍد َعَصلِّ اللُھمَّ ٍد آِل َو ُمَحمَّ ُمَحمَّO Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and

    the Household of Muhammad

    َ ال ِب يِّ طََّ ْبَرار األ

    َار،األ َ ْخ

    the pure, the pious, the righteous

    َت الِذينَ ْ ُهْم، أْوَجَ ُحُقوق

    whose rights have been made incumbent upon us by You

    َرْضَت وَ َ والَيَتُهْم. وَ َطاَعَتُهْم ف

    and the obedience to whom has been deemed obligatory upon us by You and whose (divinely commissioned) leadership has

    been (also) deemed obligatory upon us by You.

    ٍد َعَصلِّ اللُھمَّ ٍد آِل َو ُمَحمَّ ُمَحمَّO Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and

    the Household of Muhammad

    ِ ْر َواْعمُ لََطاَعِتَك، ق ِ

    and fill in my heart with the obedience to You;

    ْخزِ َوالُِتَك، ت َ َمْعِص ِ

    and do not disgrace me by acts of disobedience to You;

    َِْت َمْن ُمَواَساةَ َواْرُزق ْ َّ

    َهِ ق ْ رْزِقَك ِمْن َعل

    and grant me the feeling of sympathy towards those whom You have decided to straiten their sustenance

    َما ْعَت َِّ َوسَّ ْضِلَك، ِمْن َع

    َ ف

    by means of Your favors that You have decided to make expansive for me

    َت َو ْ ََ

    َّ َعْدِلَك، ِمْن َعand by means of that with which You have covered me out

    of Your fairness;

    ِ وَ َتْ ْحَت أْحَي

    َ ِظلَك، ت

    and make me live under Your shade. Charity image

    ا َو َ

    َك َشْهُر هذ ِّ َِِد ن ِّ اُن ُرُسِلَك َس َ َشْع

    This is the month of Your Prophet and the Master of Your Messengers.

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    ْحَمِة ِمْنَك َفْفَتهُ َح الِذي الرَّ ْضَواِن وَ ِ الرِّ

    It is Sha`ban, which You have encompassed with Your mercy and pleasure,

    ِ َرُسوُل اَن الِذی ُ َص ا َوَسلَم آِلہِ وَ َعلْیِہ اand on which the Messenger of Allah—peace and blessings

    be upon him and his Family

    ْدأُب اِمهِ ِ ََ اِمهِ ِص َ هِ ِ َوِق اِل

    َ اِمهِ وَ ل َّ أused to observe fasting painstakingly and used to spend it

    with acts of worship on all of its days and nights

    ُخوعا راِمِہ ِ ل ُ إ إْعظاِمہِ َو إ ِحماِمہِ َمَحلِّ

    on account of Your honoring and dignifying this month, up to his death.

    ا اللُھمَّ اِعنََّناِن َع ف ِ ِتہِ االْس

    َّ ُس ِفیِہ، ِO Allah: (please do) help us follow the example of him (i.e.

    the Holy Prophet as regards the honoring of this month)

    ِل َو ََْفاَعةِ ن ِه. الشَّ ْ لَد

    and help us attain nearness to him.

    عا ِ َواْجَعلهُ اللُهمَّ عا، َشِف ُمَشفَّ

    O Allah: (please do) decide him as my interceder (before You) whose intercession for me is acceptable

    قا وَ َك َط ْ عا، إل َ ِ َواْجعَ َمْه عا لہُ ل ِ ُمتَّ

    and as my clear path toward You; and make me follow him

    ّ اَمِة َیْومَ القا َح ِّ الِق ا، َع راِضuntil I meet You on the Resurrection Day enjoying Your

    pleasure with me

    وِ َعْن وَ ُنُا، ذ اِض

    َ غ

    and Your overlooking my sins

    ْد ََت ق ْ ِمْنَك ِ أْوَج

    َْحَمة ْضَواَن،وَ الرَّ الرِّ

    and thus You will confer upon me with Your mercy and pleasure

    ِ وَ َزلَتْار. َمَحلِّ وَ الَقَرار َداَر أن َ ْخ

    َ األ

    and allow me to reside in the Eternal Abode and the Place of the Righteous.


    ﴾8﴿ Recite Dua e Kumail It is recommended to say the famous supplicatory prayer known as Dua Kumayl. Narrations have mentioned that it is highly advisable to say this famous supplicatory prayer at this night.

    ِ ُدَعاُء هِ الَخ ْ َ َعلل ُدَعاُء مُ السَّ رحبن زادم

    ِم ِح ْحمن الرَّ ِ الرَّ ْسِم ا ِ ٍد َع َصلِّ اللُهمَّ دٍ آِل وَ ُمَحمَّ ُمَحمَّ

    ِّ اللُهمَّ ِ ِبَرْحَمِتَك أْسألَك ِإ ْ لَّ َوِسَعْت ال َشO Allah, I ask You by Your mercy, which embraces all


    ِتَك ِ وَ ِ ُقوَّ َهْرَت الَْ لَّ ِبَها ق َش

    And by Your strength, through which You dominatest all things,

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    ْ لُّ لَها َوَخَضعَ لَّ َشَْ لُّ لَها َوذ َش

    And toward which all things are humble And before which all things are lowly;

    و ُ َِج ِ ِتَك َو َت الْ ل

    َْ لَّ ِبَها غ َش

    And by Your invincibility through which You overwhelmest all things,

    ِتَك ِِعزَّ ِ َو ُقوُم الالءٌ لَها َ ْ


    And by Your might, which nothing can resist;

    َِعظَمِتَك ِ َو ْت الَءٌ لَّ َمأل ْ


    And by Your tremendousness, which has filled all things;

    ُِسلَطاِنَك الِذي َوَ ْ لَّ َع َش

    لند ر چ ی سلطنت ذر جو اور تby Your force, which towers over all things;

    َِوْجِهَك ِ َو اَ ْعَد ال َناِء َ

    َْ لِّ ف َش

    And by Your face, which subsists after the annihilation of all things,

    ِأْسَماِئَك ِ َو ْت الَاَن َمأل ْ لِّ أْر َش

    And by Your Names, which have filled the foundations of all things;

    ِِعلِمَك أَحاَط الِذي َولِّ ِ

    ْ َشAnd by Your knowledge, which encompasses all things;

    ُِنور لُه أَضاءَ الِذي َوْجِهَك َوْ لُّ َش

    And by the light of Your face, through which all things are illumined!

    ا وُر َُا ن وُس َ دُّ

    ُ ق

    O Light! O All-holy!

    ا لَ َ َ أوَّ ِل وََّا األ َ نَ آِخرَ َو اآلِخ

    O First of those who are first and O Last of those who are last!

    ِفْر اللُهَم ْوَب ِ اغ


    ُِّ الذ هِتُك ال

    َ الِعَصَم ت

    O Allah, forgive me those sins which tear apart safeguards!

    ِفْر اللُهَم ْوَب ِ اغ


    ُِّ الذ لُ ال

    ْ َقَم تُ النِّO Allah, forgive me those sins which draw down adversities!

    ِفْر اللُهَم ْوَب ِ اغ


    ُِّ الذ ُ ال

    ِّ غَُعَم ت النِّ

    O Allah, forgive me those sins which alter blessings!

    ِفْر اللُهمَّ ْوَب ِ اغ


    ُِّ الذ ُس ال ِ ْح

    ََعاءَ ت الدُّ

    O Allah forgive me those sins which hold back supplication!

    ِفْر اللُهمَّ ْوَب ِ اغ


    ُِّ الذ ْقَطعُ ال

    ََجاءَ ت الرَّ

    O Allah forgive me those sins which cut down the hopes!

    ِفْر اللُهمَّ ْوَب ِ اغ


    ُِّ الذ لُ ال

    ْ الءَ تُ َ الO Allah, forgive me those sins which draw down tribulation!

    ِفْر اللُهمَّ ْ ِ اغ

    ٍب لَّْنَُتهُ ذ ْ

    َنْ أذ

    O Allah, forgive me every sin I have committed

    لَّ َها َخِطيَئةٍ َوُ أْخَطأت

    and every mistake I have made!

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    ِّ اللُهمَّ ُب ِإ َقرَََّك أت ْ ِذكرَك ِإل ِ

    O Allah, verily I seek nearness to You through remembrance of You,

    ْشِفعُ َ َك َوأْس ْفِسَك ِإ َِ ن

    And I seek intercession from You with Yourself,

    ُجوِدَك َوأْسألَك ِ أن ِ ْدِنَيَُِك ِمنت

    ْ قُAnd I ask You through Your munificence to bring me near

    to Your proximity,

    ِ ٲْن وَ وزَعُِ َوأنُشکَر ت لِهَم

    ُ ِذكَرَك ت

    And to inspire me with Your remembrance.

    ِّ اللُهمَّ لٍل َخاِضع ُسَؤالَ أْسألَك ِإَ

    َتذ َخاِشع مُّO Allah, verily I ask You with the asking of a submissive,

    abased and lowly man

    َساِمَح أن ِ وَ ِ ُ ْرَحَمَ ت

    to show me forbearance, to have mercy on me

    ِ َو ْجعلََقَسِمَك ت ا ِ اِنعا، َراِض

    َ قAnd to make me satisfied

    ِ ْحَوِال َجِميع َوَ ُمَتَواِضعا األ

    and content with Your appointment and [make me] humble in every state.

    ْت َمن ُسَؤاَل أْسألَك وَ مَّ اللُه ُتهُ اْشَتدََّاق

    َ ف

    O Allah, I ask You the question of one whose indigence is extreme,

    َك َوأنَزلَ َداِئدِ ِعْنَد ِ َحاَجَتهُ الشَّ

    And who has stated to You in difficulties his need

    َما َوَعظَم َبُتهُ ِعْنَدَك ِفْ َرغ

    And whose desire for what is with You has become great.

    َك َعظَم اللُهمَّ َُ وَ ُسلَطان َك َع

    ُان َم

    O Allah, Your force is tremendous, Your place is lofty,

    َ وَ ِ ، َخ ُر ٲْمُر ظَھرَ وَ َمAnd Your plan is hidden, Your command is manifest, And

    Your domination is overwhelming,

    لَب وَ َْهُرَك غ

    ََك َجَرْت وَ ق


    ُ ق

    Your power is unhindered

    ُن َوال ِ ْم ُحكوَمِتَك ِمْن الِفَرارُ ُAnd escape from Your governance is impossible.

    وِ أِجُد ال اللُهمَّ ُن

    ُاِفرا ِلذ

    َ غ

    O Allah, I find no forgiver of my sins,

    َ ِ َو اِئ َ َساِترا ِلَقNor concealer of my ugly acts

    َ ٍء َو ْ َ ْن ِل ِ مِّ الَحَسن الَقِبيح َعَم ِ ًدِّ َ َك ُم َ ْ

    َ غ

    Nor transformer of any of my ugly acts into good acts but You

    َّ َك أنَت ال ِإلَه ِإََحان ْ َحْمِدَك ِ وَ ُس

    There is no god but You! Glory be to You, and Thine is the

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    ِ ظلْمُت ْفَ ن

    I have wronged myself,

    أُت َو َجرََِّ ت َجْه ِ

    And I have been audacious in my ignorance

    ِم ِإ َسكنُت وَ ِدََك وَ ِ ِذكرَك ق

    َّ َمنِّ َعAnd I have depended upon Your ancient remembrance of

    me and Your favour toward me.

    ن مَمْوالَي اللُهمَّ ِبيح مَِّهُ ق

    َت ْ َ َس

    O Allah! O my Protector! How many ugly things You hast concealed!

    م ن َو ِادح مََِّن ف الءِ مِّ َ لَتهُ ال

    َ أق

    How many burdensome tribulations You hast abolished!

    م ْن َو ْيَتهُ ِعَثار مَِّق وَّ

    And how many stumbles You hast prevented!

    م ن َو ُروەٍ مِّ ْعَتهُ مََّ َدف

    And how many ordeals You hast repelled!

    م ن َو َنٍاءمٍَِّل ث ً لْسُت َجِم هُ لُه أْه

    َت ْ َ


    And how much beautiful praise, for which I was unworthy, You hast spread abroad!

    الِ َعظَم اللُهمَّ َ

    O Allah, my tribulation is tremendous,

    َرَط َو ْ َحِا ِ ُسوءُ أف

    And my bad state is excessive,

    ْت َو َ َُ أْعَمِا ِ ق

    And my acts are inadequate,

    َعَدْت َو َِ ِ ق

    َ أغْAnd my fetters have tied me down,

    ِ َو َسَ ِ َعن َح ْف

    َّْعُد ن آَمِا ُ

    And my far-fetched hopes have held me back from my gain

    ِ َو ا َخَدَعْت َْن ُغُرورَها الدُّ ِ

    And this world with its delusions,

    ِ َو ْفَِجنَ ن َوِمَطِا اَيِتَها ِ

    my own soul with its offences and my delay have deceived me.

    ا ِدي َ ِّ َسَِتَك أْسألَك ف ِعزَّ ِ

    O my Master! So I ask You by Your might

    ْحُجَب ال أن ِ َعْنَك َ ِ ُسوءُ ُدَعا ِفَعِا وَ َعَمnot to let my evil works & acts veil my supplication from You,

    ِ َوال ْفَضَحَِّ ت ِ َخ لْعَت َما ِ

    ِه اطَّ ْ ي ِمْن َعل ِّ ِ And not to disgrace me through the hidden things You

    knowest of my secrets

    َ ِ َو عاِجلُِة ت َ الُعُق ِ ِ َعِملُتہُ َما َع ِ َخلوا

    And not to haste punishing me on the wrong act I committed hiddenly

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    ِ ُسوِء ِمْن ، وَ ِفْع ِ ِإَساَءMy evil acts in secrecy and my misdeeds

    ِ َدَواِم َو ْفَِ وَ ت َجَهال

    And my continuous negligence and my ignorance

    ةِ َو َِْ ك ِ وَ َشَهَوا ْفل

    َ غ

    And my manifold passions and my forgetfulness.

    ِتَك اللُهمَّ كن وَ ِعزَّ ِ ِ ِ ْحَوِاللِّ

    َوفا األ

    ُ َرؤ

    And by Your might, O Allah, be kind to me in all states

    َّ وَّ ُمور َجِميع ِ َعُ َعُطوفا األ

    And be gracious to me in all affairs!

    ِ ِّ وَ ِإل َك َمن َر ُ َْي كْشَف أْسألهُ غ ِّ ُ

    My God and my Lord! Have I any but You from whom to ask removal of my affliction

    ظَر َو أْمري ِ النَّand regard for my affairs!

    ِ َمْواليوَ ِإلMy God and my Protector!

    َت ْ َ َّ أْج ْعُت ما ُح َع ََّهِ ات ، َهَوى ِف ِ ْف

    َ ن

    You put into effect through me a decree in which I followed the caprice of my own soul

    ْس َولْم َ هِ أْح ْ ِمن ِفَي، ت َعُدوِّ

    And [I] did not remain wary of adorning my enemy.


    ََما ف ِلَك َع ْسَعَدەُ َوأ أْهَوى ِ

    َ الَقَضاءُ ذ

    So he deluded me through my soul's caprice and therein destiny favoured him

    َتَجاَوْزُت ََما ف َّ َجَرىِ ِلَك ِمْن َع

    َْعَض ذ ُحُدوِدَك َ

    So, in what was put into effect through me in that situation, I transgressed some of Your statutes

    ْعَض َخالْفُت وَ أَواِمرَك َAnd disobeyed some of Your commands.

    لَك َ ف

    ُة َّ الُحجَّ ِلَك َجِميع ِ َع

    َ ذ

    So Thine is the argument against me in all of that

    َوال َة َما ِ ُحجَّ َّ َجَريِف هِ َع َك، ِف


    َ ق

    I have no argument in what Your destiny put into effect through me therein

    ِ وَ ُمَك ألَزَم َك ُحُ

    الؤ َ َوnor in what Your decree and Your tribulation imposed upon me.

    ْد َو َُتَك ق ْ

    َا أت َ ِ ِإل

    Now I have come to You, My God,

    ْعَد ي َ ْقِصَِ َو ت ا َ

    ْ ِ َع ِإ ْفَ ن

    after my shortcoming and my immoderation toward myself,

    اْعَتِذرا مُ َّا مُّ ِدما،ن ِ ً مُّ ْن ْسَتِق

    Proffering my excuse, regretful, Broken, apologizing,

    ا،مُّ ْسَتْغِفرا مُّ ِعنا مُّ ِقّرا مُّ ِنْ

    فا مُّ ذ َ ْع

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    Asking forgiveness, repenting, Acknowledging, submissive, confessing.

    ا َمَفّرا أِجُد ال مَّ ِّ اَن مِّ ِمI find no place to flee from what occurred through me,

    هُ َمْفَزعا َوال َوجََّهِ أت ْ أْمري ِإل

    Nor any place of escape to which I may turn in my affairs,

    َ َُْبوِلَك غ

    َري، ق

    ْ ُعذ

    Other than Your acceptance of my excuse

    اي ِإدَخِالَك َو َ نَسَعٍة ِ ِإْحَمِتَك مِّ رَّ

    and Your entering me into the compass of Your mercy.

    اللُهمَّ َريف

    ْل ُعذ َ

    ْ اق

    O Allah, so accept my excuse,

    ةَ اْرَحْم وَ ي ِشدَّ ِّ ُ Have mercy upon the severity of my affliction

    ِ وَ ُِ وَ َشدِّ ِمن ف ا

    َ ث

    And release me from the tightness of my fetters,

    ا ِ َضْعَف اْرَحْم َربِّ َ َدَ

    My Lord, have mercy upon the weakness of my body,

    وَ َة

    َّ وَ ِجلِدي رق


    َِّ ِدق َعظ

    the thinness of my skin and the frailty of my bones.

    ا َمْن َ ِ َدأ َخلِ وَ ِذكري وَ َ َي ِ

    ْ ي وَ تَ ِ وَ ِرِّ ْغِذَيَ ت

    O You who gave rise to my creation, to the remembrance of me, to the nurture of me, to goodness toward me and to

    nourishment on me,

    ِ َك َسِالِف وَ كَرِمَك الْبِتَداءِ َهْب ِ ِبرِّBestow upon me for the sake of Your having given rise [to me] with generosity and Your previous goodness to me!

    ا َ ِ ِدي وَ ِإل ِّ ِّ وَ َس َرO Allah, my Master and my Lord!

    َراَك ُ أت

    ِّْعَد ِبَنارَك ِ ُمَعذ

    ِدَك َ ْوِحَ ت

    Canst You see Yourself tormenting me with Your fire after I have professed Your Unity

    ْعَد وَ َطَوى َما َْهِ ان ْ ِ َعل ل

    َِتَك ِمنق

    َْعرف مَّ

    And after the knowledge of You my heart has embraced,

    هِ لِهَج وَ ِ ِ ِذكرَك ِمْن ِلَساAnd the remembrance of You my tongue has constantly


    ي اْعَتَقَدەُ وَ َك ِمْن َضِم ِّ ُحAnd the love of You to which my mind has clung,

    ْعَد وَ ِ ِصْدِق َ ا َ ِ ِ وَ اْع ِتَك َخاِضعا ُدَعاَِّ

    ُ ُ لAnd after the sincerity of my confession and my

    supplication, humble before Your lordship?

    َرمُ أنَت َهْيَهاَت َع أن ِمْن أ َضيَُِّتهُ َمنت ْ َّ رَّ

    Far be it from You! You art more generous than that You

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    shouldst squander him whom You hast nurtured,

    ِعَد أوْ َُْتهُ أدْ َمْن ت ْ

    ََد أوْ ن ِّ َ َتهُ َمْن ُ ْ آَو

    Or banish him whom You hast brought nigh, Or drive away him whom You hast given an abode

    ْسلَم أوْ ُ َ الِء ِإ َرِحْمَتهُ وَ كَفْيَتُه َمنالOr submit to tribulation him whom You hast spared and

    shown mercy.

    َت ْ اِشْعري َول ِدي َ ِّ ِ وَ َس ل َمْواليوَ ِWould that I knew, my Master, My God and my Protector,

    َسلُط ُ اَر أ ْت ُوُجوٍە َع النَّ َساِجَدةً ِلَعظَمِتَك َخرَّWhether You wilt give the Fire dominion over faces fallen

    down prostrate before Your Tremendousness,

    َطَقْت ألُسن َع وَّ َِّدَك ن ِبَتْوِح


    َ َصاِدق

    And over tongues voicing sincerely the profession of Your Unity

    ُِشكرَك وَّ ً َماِدَحة

    and giving thanks to You in praise,

    لوٍب َع وَّ ُْت ق

    َف َ َ ِتَك اْع لِهيَّ ِ ِب

    ُمَحقًِّ َقة

    And over hearts acknowledging Your Divinity through verification,

    َك الِعلِم ِمَن َحَوْت َضَماِئرَ َع وَّ ِ َّ َصاَرْت َح

    ً َخاِشَعة

    And over minds encompassing knowledge of You until they have become humble

    ِدَك ْوَطاِن أ ِإ َسَعْت َجوِارَح َع وَّ ُّ َعَ ت

    ً َطاِئَعةAnd over bodily members speeding to the places of Your

    worship in obedience

    اْسِتْغَفارَك أَشاَرْت وَّ ِ ًِعَنة

    ْ ُمذ

    and beckoning for Your forgiveness in submission.

    ا ا مََّ

    ذ َك الظنُّ َه ِ No such opinion is held of You!

    ا َوال َن ْ ِ َفْضِلَك أْخ ا َعنَك ِ

    ُم، َ كNor has such been reported - thanks to Your bounty —

    concerning You, O All-generous!

    ا ْعلُم أنَت وَ َربِّ ََِ ت َضْع

    My Lord, And You knowest my weakness

    ٍل َعن ِلَن ق الءِ مِّ ا َ َ

    ْن اِتَها،عُ وَ الدُّ َ ُق

    before a little of this world's tribulations and punishments,

    ْجري َوَما ارِە ِمَن ِفيَها َ أْهِلَها َع الَمAnd before those ordeals which befall its inhabitants,

    ِلَك أنَّ َع َالٌء ذ ُروٌە، وَّ َ لٌ َم ِل

    َُثُه، ق مَّ

    Even though it is a tribulation and ordeal whose stay is short,

    ٌ ِس ُە، َُ

    َقاؤ َ ٌ ِصَهُ ق

    ُت دَّ مُّ

    whose subsistence is but little and, whose period is but fleeting.

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    َف َْالءِ اْحِتَمِا ف َ ِل وَ اآلِخَرِة ِل ع وُ َجِل

    ُارەِ ق الَم

    ِفيَها So how can I endure the tribulations of the next world and

    the great ordeals that occur within it?

    الٌء َوُهوَ ُطولُ ََُه، ت

    ُت ُدومُ َو ُمدَّ َمَقاُمُه، َ

    For it is a tribulation whose period is long, whose station endures

    ُف َوال َخفَّ أْهِلهِ َعْن ُ and whose sufferers are given no respite,

    هُ َّنَوُن ال أل َ َّ َك َعْن ِإ ِ َض

    َ َسَخِطَك وَ انِتَقاِمَك وَ غ

    Since it only occurs as a result of Your wrath, Your vengeance and Your anger,

    ا َ

    ُقوُم ال َما َوَهذََماَواُت لهُ ت ْرُض وَ السَّ

    َ األ

    And these cannot be withstood by the heavens and the earth.

    ا ِدي َ ِّ َف َس َْا وَ ِ ف

    َُدَك أن ْ ُف َع ِع الضَّ

    O Master, so what about me?! For I am Your weak slave.


    ُل الذ ُ الَح ِل ُ الِمْس ِق ُ الُمْس ِك ِ َتlowly, base, wretched and miserable.

    ا َ ِ ِّ وَ ِإل ِدي وَ َر ِّ َمْواليوَ َسMy God! My Lord! My Master! My Protector!

    يِّ َُمور أل

    َُك األ ْ أْشكو ِإل

    For which things would I complain to You?

    ِ وَ أِضجُّ ِمْنَها ِلَما َو ْ أ

    And for which of them would I lament and weep?

    ِم ِلَاِب أل

    َ ِتِه ِشدَّ وَ الَعذ

    For the pain and severity of chastisement?

    الِء ِلُطوِل أْم َ ِتِه وَ ال ُمدَّOr for the length and period of tribulation?

    ِ لَِ ف

    َت ْ َّ اِت َص َ أْعَداِئَك َمعَ ِللُعُق

    So if You takest me to the punishments with Your enemies,

    ِ ْعَت َجمَ وَ َبْيَ ْ َ الِئَك أْهِل َو َ

    And gatherest me with the people of Your tribulation

    َت َو ْق رَّ

    َِ ف وَ َبْي

    َ ْ اِئَك َ َّ اِئَك وَ أِح َ أْوِلAnd separatest me from Your friends and saints,

    ِ َهْبَا ف َ ِ ِدي وَ ِإل ِّ ِّ وَ َمْوالي وَ َس َر

    Then suppose, My God, my Master, my Protector and my Lord

    ُت ْ َ َك، َع َص ِ اَ

    َف َعذ َُْ ف ِ ِفَراِقَك َع أْص

    that I am able to endure Your chastisement, How can I endure separation from You?

    ِ وَ ُت َهْب َْ ارَك، َحرِّ َع َص

    َ ن

    And suppose that I am able to endure the heat of Your fire,

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    َف َُْ ف ِ ظر َعن أْص

    كَراَمِتَك ِإ النَّHow can I endure not gazing upon Your generosity?

    َف أمْ ْ ار ِ أْسكُن كِ وَ النَّ َعْفُوَك َرَجا

    Or how can I dwell in the Fire while my hope is Your pardon?

    َِتَك ف ِعزَّ ا ِ

    ِدي َ ِّ َمْواليوَ َسSo by Your might, my Master and my protector,

    ِسُم ِْ َصاِدقا، أق ِ ل َت َر

    َاِطقا ت

    َ ن

    I swear sincerely, if You leavest me with speech,

    نَّ ِضجَََّك أل ْ َ ِإل ْ َ َضِجيَج أْهِلَها َب اآلِمِل

    I will lament to You from the midst of the Fire's inhabitants with lamentation of the hopeful;

    َخنَّ وَ ُ ََْك أل اَخ ِإل َ ُ َ ِخ ْ الُمْسَت

    I will cry to You with the cry of those crying for help;

    َّ وَ َ ِ ََْك أل ْ اءَ َعل الَفاِقِديَن ُ

    I will weep to You with the weeping of the bereft;

    َك وَ اِدَينََّنُا كنَت أْيَن أل َ َّ ِ َو

    َ الُمْؤِمِنAnd I will call to You, Where art You, O Sponsor of the


    ا َ َة َ ا

    ََ آَمِالغ الَعارِف

    O Goal of the hopes of Your knowers,

    ا اَث َ َ َ ِغ الُمْسَتِغيِثO Aid of those who seek assistance,

    ا َب َ لوِب َحِبَُ ق اِدِق الصَّ

    O Friend of the hearts of the sincere

    ا َ َ ِإلهَ َو الَعالِمAnd O God of all the world's inhabitants!

    اَك، َ ََُك أف

    ََحان ْ ا ُس َ ِ َِحْمِدَك،وَ ِإل

    Canst You see Yourself — Glory be to You My God, and Thine is the praised

    ْسَمعُ دٍ َصْوَت ِفيَها َ ْ ْسِلٍم َع مُّhearing within the Fire the voice of a slave surrendered to You,

    ُمَخالَفِتهِ ِفيَها ُسِجَن ِ Imprisoned there because of his violations,

    اَق وَ َاِبَها َطْعَم ذ

    َِتهِ َعذ َ َمْعِص ِ

    Tasting the favour of its torment because of his disobedience,

    َس َو ِ ُحَ ْ اِقَها َب َ ُجْرِمِه أْط َرِتهِ وَ ِ َج

    And confined within its levels because of his sin and crime,

    ِضجُّ ُهوَ َو َك َ ْ ٍل مُ َضِجيَج إل لَرْحَمِتَك َؤمِّWhile he laments to You with the lament of one hopeful for

    Your mercy,

    َك وَ ِلَساِن ُيَناِد ِدَك أْهِل ِ ْوِحَ ت

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    And calls to You with the tongue of those who profess Your Unity

    ُل وَ َك َيَتَوسَّ ْ ِتَك إل َّ ُِ ُ ِب

    And entreats You by Your lordship!

    ا َف َمْوالي َ ََْ ف اِب ِ َي

    َ الَعذ

    My Protector, so how should he remain in the chastisement,

    ِحلِمَك ِمْن َسلَف َما َيْرُجو ُهوَ َو while he has hope for Your previous clemency?

    َف أْم ْ ْؤِلُمهُ كُاُر ت اَملُ َو هُ وَ النَّ ْضلَك َ

    َ َرْحَمَتَك وَ ف

    Or how should the Fire cause him pain while he expects Your bounty and mercy?

    َف أْم ْ هُ كُْحرق ْسَمعُ أنَت َو لِهيُبَها ُ ُه َ

    ََرىوَ َصْوت

    َ ت

    هُ َان َم

    Or how should its flames burn him,while You hearest his voice and seest his place?

    َف أْم ْ ْشَتِمُل ك هِ َ ْ َها َعل ُ ْعلُم أنَت َو َزِفَ َضْعَفهُ ت

    Or how should its groaning encompass him, while You knowest his weakness?

    َف أْم ْ َ َيَتَقلَقُل ك ْ اِقَها َب َ ْعلُم أنَت َو أْطَهُ ت

    َ ِصْدق

    Or how should he be convulsed among its levels, while You knowest his sincerity?

    َف أْم ْ ْزُجُرەُ كَُتَها ت َ اِن َك ُهوَ وَ َزَ ا ُيَناِد هُ َ َرَّ

    ا اے م رب ار ر کہ وە تجھ ا ک جہنم فرش ا جھڑک جOr how should its keepers torture him,while he calls out to

    You, O Lord?

    َف أْم ْ ْضلَك َيْرُجو كَ ِمْنَها ِعْتِقهِ ِ ف

    َهُ ف ُ ْ ِفيَها َت

    Or how should he have hope of Your bounty in freeing him from it, while You abandonest him within it?

    ِلَك َما َهيَهاَت ََك الظنُّ ذ ِ

    Far be it from You! That is not what is expected of You,

    ْضِلَك ِمنالَمْعُروُف َوال َ ف

    Nor what is well-known of Your bounty,

    ٌه َوال ِ هِ َعاَملَت ِلَما ُمْش ِديَن َِك ِمْن الُمَوحِّ ِبرِّ

    ْحَساِنَك،وَ ِ Nor it is similar to the goodness and kindness You hast

    shown to those who profess Your Unity.

    ِق َ ال ََِطُع ف

    ْْمَت َما لْوال أق ِه َح ِب ِمنِ ْعِذ

    َ ت

    َك، َجاِحِدSo I declare with certainty that were it not for what You

    hast decreed concerning the chastisement of Your deniers

    َت وَ ْ َضَهِ ق دِ ِمْن ِ

    َ َك،مُ ِإْخ َعاِنِدAnd what You hast foreordained concerning the everlasting

    home of those who stubbornly resist,

    اَر لَجَعلَت ما،وَّ َبْردا لَها النَّ َ َسYou wouldst make the Fire, all of it, coolness and safety,

    َحٍد اَن َوَماَ ُمَقاما، ال وَّ َمَقّرا ِفيَها أل

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    And no one would have a place of rest or abode within it.

    َك نَّ ِ َسْت لَقدَّ

    ََك ت

    َُسْمَت أْسَماؤ

    َْها أْن أق


    َ ِمَن ت

    َن، اِف الBut You—holy are Your Names—hast sworn that You wilt fill

    it with the unbelievers,

    اس وَ ِة الِجنَّ ِمَن ، النَّ َ أْجَمِعBoth Jinn and men together,

    َخلَد َوأنُ الُمَعاِنِديَن، ِفيَها ت

    And that You wilt place those who stubbornly resist therein forever.

    َك َجلَّ َوأنَت ُ

    َناؤَلَت ث

    ُ ُمْبَتَدئا، ق

    And You— majestic is Your eulogy— said at the beginning

    لَت وَّ َطوَََّعاِم ت

    ْاِإلن ما: ِ

    رِّ ُمَتand wernt gracious through kindness as a favour,

    َمن َاِسقااَن َمن ُمْؤِمنااَن أف

    َ ۚ◌ ف

    َّْسَتُووَن َ

    (What? Is he who has been believer like unto him who has been ungodly? They are not equal)

    ِ ِدي وَ ِإل ِّ َسَ أْسألَك ف

    My God and my Master! So I ask You

    ال ِ ُقْدَرِة ِ َها الَْرت دَّ

    َ ق

    by the power You hast apportioned

    ِال ِة َوَّ ِ َقِض ْمَتَهاوَ َحَتْمَتَها ال َح

    ا م بنا قی و مح ا فرمان ج تو اور تAnd by the decision which You hast determined and


    َت وَ ْ لَهِ َمْن غ ْ َتَها َعل ْ َ أْج

    and through which You hast overcome him toward whom it has been put into effect,

    َهَب أنَ، ت لِة، هِذەِ ِ ِ

    ْ ِ الل اَعةِ َهِذەِ َو السَّ

    That You forgivest me in this night and at this hour

    لَّ أْجَرْمُتهُ ُجْرٍم لَّ ٍب َوْنَُتهُ ذ ْ

    َنْ أذ

    Every offence I have committed, And every sin I have performed,

    لَّ ِبيح َوَهُ ق

    ُْرت َ ْ لَّ أ َعِملُتُه، َجْهٍل َو

    And every ugly thing I have concealed And every folly I have enacted

    هُ أظَهرْ أْو ُتُه أخَفيْ ُتُه،أْعلن أْو ُتُه كَتمْ ُ ت

    Whether I have hidden or announced it, Or I have concealed it or manifested it

    لَّ َئٍة َو ِّ اِتَها ِبِ أَمْرَت َس ََْرامَ ث ِ َ ال اِتِب ال

    And every evil act which You hast commanded the Noble Writers to record,

    ِحْفِظ لَتُهم وَ الِذيَن وُن َما َِ ِّ ِم

    Those whom You hast appointed to watch over what appears from me

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    َّ ُشُهودا َجَعلَتُهْم وَ ، َمعَ َع َجَوارِAnd whom You hast made, along with my bodily members,

    witness against me.

    نَت َب أنَت َو ِق َّ الرَّ َراِئِهْم، ِمنَع وَّAnd You wast Yourself the Watcher over me from behind


    اِهَد وَ ِ ِلَما الشَّ َعْنُهْم، َخAnd the Witness of what is hidden from them

    ْيَتُه،أْخفَ َِرْحَمِتَك وَ But through Your mercy You concealed it

    هُ َفْضِلَك وَ َت ْ َ َس

    And through Your bounty You veiled it.

    رَ َوأنَِّوف

    ُْ لِّ ِمنَح ت لُه، َخ ْ

    ُ ت

    [And I ask You] that You bestowest upon me an abundant share of every good You sendest down,

    ْفِضلهُ ِإْحَساٍن أْو ُُە، ِبرٍّ أْو ت ُ ِ

    ْ تَOr kindness You conferrest, Or goodness You unfoldest,

    ُسُطهُ رْزٍق أْو ٍَْب أْو ت

    ْنَْغِفُرەُ ذ

    َ ت

    Or provision You spreadest out, Or sin You forgivest,

    ەُ َخَطأٍ أْو ُ ُ ْس َ Or error You coverest.

    ا ا َربِّ َ ا َربِّ َ َربِّ َMy Lord! My Lord! My Lord!

    ا َ ِ ِدي وَ ِإل ِّ َمِالَك وَ َمْوالي وَ َسِّ ر

    My God! My Master! My Protector! Owner of my bondage!

    ا ِدەِ َمْن َ َ ِ ِب اِصَيَ ن

    O He in whose hand is my forelock!

    ا ما َ ِّ َعِل ُ ِ وَ ي ِ َمْسكَنO He who knows my affliction and my misery!

    ا ا َ َفْقري َخِب ِ وَ َِاق

    َ ف

    O He who is aware of my poverty and indigence!

    ا ا َربِّ َ ا َربِّ َ َربِّ َMy Lord! My Lord! My Lord!

    َك أْسألَك َحقِّ ْدِسَك وَ ُِ ق

    I ask You by Your Truth and Your Holiness

    أْسَماِئَك وَ ِصَفاِتَك أْعظِم وَ And the greatest of Your Attributes and Names,

    ْجَعلَ أنَِ ت ا

    َِل ِ أْوق َهار وَ الل

    ِذكرَك النَّ َمْعُموَرًة، ِThat You makest my times in the night and the day

    inhabited by Your remembrance,

    ، ِِخْدَمِتَك وَ ً َمْوُصولة

    And joined to Your service

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    ، ِعْنَدَك أْعَمِا وَّ ً َمْقُبولة

    And my works acceptable to You,

    َّ وَن َحَاِحدا، وْردا لَهاأْوَراِدي وَ أْعَمِا ت وَّ

    So that my works and my litanies may all be a single litany

    َحِا َمدا ِخْدَمِتَك ِ وَّ َْ

    And my occupation with Your service everlasting.

    ا ِدي، َ ِّ ا َس هِ َمْن َ ْ ِ َعل ُمَعوَّ

    My Master! O He upon whom I depend!

    ا ِه َمْن َ ْ أْحَوِا َشكْوُت إلO He to whom I complain about my states!

    ا َربِّ ا َ ا َربِّ َ َربِّ َMy Lord! My Lord! My Lord!

    وِّ َ َجَوارِ ِخْدَمِتَك َع ق

    Strengthen my bodily members in Your service,

    َ َواْشُددْ َمةِ َع ِ الَع َجَواِنAnd fortify my ribs in determination

    ِ َوَهْب ِتَك ِ الِجدَّ

    َ َخْشAnd bestow upon me earnestness in my fear of You

    َوامَ َصِالِ َوالدَِِّّخْدَمِتَك اإلت ِ

    And continuity in my being joined to Your service

    َّ َح َح َ ْ َك أ اِدين ِ ِإلَ َ َم ِق ِ ا

    السَّSo that I may move easily toward You in the battlefields of

    the foremost

    عَ ْ َك َوأ ْ اِدرنَ ِ إلُ الم

    And hurry to You among the prominent

    َ َوأْشَتاَق َِك إْ ِ قُ

    َ الُمْشَتاِقAnd desire fervently Your proximity among the fervently


    وَ ُوَّ ِمْنَك َوأْدن

    َُ ُدن الُمْخِلِص

    And move nearer to You with the nearness of the sincere

    َك َ َوأَخاف


    ََ َمَخاف الُموِقِن

    And fear You with the fear of those who have certitude

    َمعَ ِجَوارَك ِ َوأْجَتِمعَ َ الُمْؤمِن

    And gather with the believers in Your vicinity.

    ِ أ َوَمْن اللُهمَّ أرْدەُ ُِسوءَراَدَ ف

    O Allah, whoever desires evil for me, desire [it] for him!

    ِ َوَمن ْدەُ اَد َِ ف

    whoever deceives me-deceive him!

    ِ ِدَك أَحَسن ِمْن َواْجَعل ا َعِب ِصَ ِعْنَدَك ن

    And make me one of the most excellent of Your slaves in Portion from You,

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    ِهم وَ ــَِ أقْ

    ًلة ْ ْنَك مَّ مِّ

    And the nearest of them in station to You

    ِهْم وَ أَخصًَِّك ُزلَفة ْ لد

    And the most elected of them in proximity to You.

    َُه ف

    َِّلَك ُيَنالُ ال ِإن

    ََّ ذ َفْضِلَك ِإ ِ

    For that cannot be attained except by Your bounty.

    ُجوِدَك ِ ُجْد وَ ِ And grant generously to me through Your munificence,

    َّ اْعِطْف وَ َمْجِدَك َع ِ And incline toward me with Your splendour

    ِ وَ ِبَرْحَمِتَك اْحَفظAnd protect me with Your mercy!

    ِ اْجَعلوَ ِذكرَك لَسا لِهجا ِAnd make my tongue remember You without ceasing

    ِ وَّ لََك ق ِّ ُح ما ِ

    َّ ُمَتAnd my heart enthralled by Your love!

    َّ ُمنَّ وَّ ُحْسن َع ِإَجاَبِتَك ِAnd be gracious to me by answering me favourably,

    ِ وَ ِ أِقلَ ْ ِفرْ وَ َع

    ِْ اغ َزل

    ا گناە معاف کر دے مجھ پر احسان فرما مAnd nullify my slips And forgive my lapses!

    َك َِّإن

    ََت ف ْ َض

    َاِدَك َع ق َ اَدِتَك ِع َ ِع ِ

    For You hast decreed Your worship for Your servants

    ُهموَ َُدَعاِئَك أَمْرت اِإلَج لُهُم َضِمنَت وَ ِ

    َة َ ا

    And commanded them to supplicate You And assured them that they would be answered.

    ََك ف ْ ا ِإل ُت َربِّ َ ْ َص

    َِ ن َوْج

    So toward You, my Lord, I have turned my face

    َك ْ ل ا َربِّ َو ِدي َمَددتُّ َ َ And toward You, my Lord, I have extended my hand.

    ِتَك ِعزَّ َِِ ِ اْسَتِجْب ف ِ وَ ُدَعا لْغ

    ُمَناي َSo by Your might, comply with my supplication And make

    me attain my desires!

    ْقَطعْ َوالَْضِلَك ِمن ت

    َِ ف َرَجا

    Do not severe my hoping for Your Favours

    ِ ِف َّ َواس اإلِ وَ الِجنِّ َ

    ِْ ِمْن أْعَدا

    And spare me the evil of my enemies from among the jinn and men!

    ا ــــعَ َ َضا َ الرِّO He, whose pleasure is quickly achieved!

    ِفرْ ْْمِلُك ال ِلَمن اغ َ َّ َعاءَ ِإ الدُّ

    Forgive him who owns nothing but supplication

  • Specific Aamal 14th Shaban (Night & Day)

    Month of Shaban Two Chapter Mafateeh Extract from

    WWW.IEC-Houston.org Islamic Education Centre of Houston Page 26 of 66

    َك َِّإن

    َ ف

    َاٌل ف َشاءُ لَما عَّ َ

    For You dost what You wilt.

    ا ً َطاَعُتهُ وَ ِشَفاءٌ ِذكُرەُ وَ َدَواءٌ اْسُمهُ َمْن َ ِغO He whose Name is a remedy And whose remembrance is

    a cure, And whose obedience is wealth!

    ن اْرَحم أُس مَّ َجاءُ َمِالهِ رَّ َُح وَ الرَّ اءُ هُ ِس ُ الHave mercy upon him who