existing magazine mastheads

Existing Magazine Mastheads

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Existing magazine mastheads

Existing Magazine Mastheads

Page 2: Existing magazine mastheads

This masthead is for NME music magazine. The bright red attracts the attention of the reader, and also connotes power and love,

which could signify the importance of music in people’s lives. The double outline makes it stand out, further drawing in the reader. The typography is capitalised and

extremely thick. This also grabs the reader’s attention.

This is the masthead for KERRANG! Music magazine. It is meant to insinuate the sound of a guitar being strum. This

is further emphasised through the cracked effect in the typography, because it could perhaps suggest the powerful effect of the guitar being played that it is

shattering the text. This could also display that the genre of music the magazine covers isn’t soft, and is likely to be rock/metal. The exclamation point signifies that the title is

supposed to be read with expression, and helps to accentuate the guitar playing. The white text against the black background contrasts and makes the name of the magazine extremely bold and eye catching, which would

capture the readers attention.


Page 3: Existing magazine mastheads


This is the masthead for Q magazine. The white against the red has a classy,

sophisticated effect, which is further signified through the chosen typography

for the letter Q, which is stylish and regal. The contrast between the two colours also makes it stand out, attracting the

attention of a potential reader.

These are some of the mastheads that Vibe magazine has used on front covers. Vibe often changes the colour of the typography to match the colours of the full bleed

image on their front cover. Although the colours change, each masthead is made so that the text stands out to the background, to attract the readers attention. The font is always the same, bold and thick to draw in readers. The lower case letters look fun and unique, which would also help to attract attention from the


Page 4: Existing magazine mastheads

Top of the Pops & Billboard

This is the masthead for Top of the Pops music magazine. The colours often change depending on

the colours used in the full bleed image on the front cover, but the typography is always the same. The

curly/swirly typography accentuates that the magazine is likely to be targeted towards females, as that font is typically associated with girls. The

roundness of the font connotes fun and entertainment which along with the word ‘pops’

emphasises the pop genre of the music magazine. The circle with ‘of the’ in the middle, helps attract

attention from the reader. The stars above and below the text also help to emphasise the girly feel

of the magazine.

This masthead is designed for Billboard music magazine. The round

typography signifies fun, and also looks stylish. The colours filling in the letters make it stand out and grab the

attention of the reader. It is quite a simple masthead which highlights that the magazine wants to focus more on the music and its artists rather than make a big deal out of the gossip in

the music industry.