existing and proposed system

Existing system working method The Regional transport office have different designation employees in the office to manage all the work. The chief is the Regional Transport Officer . And there are many clerks in the office to carry the work. Initially people have to obtain the prescribed form and fill it properly . And also they nee d att ach all relevant documents necessary for it. After that they need pay the prescribed fee in the fee counter. After that all the forms and attached document s must be given the concern clerk for the further proceedings. Generall y there is al ways delay in the process, this is due to the number of applications they receive they each day. And as per the clerks notes the applications are not complete in all terms some may have lack of sufficient supporting documents or application is not filled properly, and there are many other reasons. hen the person get back to the office to know about its appl ication the appl icati on will not available immediately it is messed up with other applications, which very much time consuming to search for it. And the clerks generally ask the people to come back again some other time. If everything goes as per the procedure the work will be get over smoothly and the person will get the corr esponding license or registration in prescribed time. !ut most of the time it will not happen there are lot of mismatch will happen in the office, for an individual it is difficult task to obtain the license.

Upload: raj-bangalore

Post on 02-Jun-2018




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Existing system working method

The Regional transport office have different designation employees inthe office to manage all the work. The chief is the Regional Transport

Officer. And there are many clerks in the office to carry the work.

Initially people have to obtain the prescribed form and fill it properly.

And also they need attach all relevant documents necessary for it.

After that they need pay the prescribed fee in the fee counter. After

that all the forms and attached documents must be given the concernclerk for the further proceedings.

Generally there is always delay in the process, this is due to the

number of applications they receive they each day. And as per the

clerks notes the applications are not complete in all terms some may

have lack of sufficient supporting documents or application is not filled

properly, and there are many other reasons. hen the person get backto the office to know about its application the application will not

available immediately it is messed up with other applications, which

very much time consuming to search for it. And the clerks generally

ask the people to come back again some other time.

If everything goes as per the procedure the work will be get over

smoothly and the person will get the corresponding license orregistration in prescribed time. !ut most of the time it will not happen

there are lot of mismatch will happen in the office, for an individual it

is difficult task to obtain the license.

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Problems of the existing system

The main problem employees facing is the storage of all applicationsforms, every day they receive many applications of different type they

need store all these applications in a order, which is very difficult "ob

because many people will involve in that applications, so applications

lie in the different places in the process.

If the work it is get over as prescribed procedure, then there will not

be much problem, if the file struck in between due to lack supportingdocuments or unfilled application or necessary payment is not done or

if the person is not turned back in time. In all these cases the

application file need to be maintained properly, but due to many

applications like lying every where it is difficult to manage them.

The movement of file is need be done manually, that means some

body as to take these files from table to table, there is no e#act timeframe how much time each one need, some time most of the files lay

with someone he took long time clear them, by the same time other

person don$t have any work because he don$t have any file with him.

%o some time one will more work and other don$t have any work. Also

once he completes one file nobody is there to move it to ne#t person,

so he completes all files then he will take to the ne#t person, it

consumes lot of time on each file.

To store all the applications re&uires lot space, also search them is

very difficult task, apart from that they need to be protected against

environmental problems.

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The proposed system

The proposed system is a software application program to manage the

RTO office day to day work. The software will be developed in 'isual!asic (.) as front end and *% Access as a backend.

The proposed system will solve many problems faced by the RTO office

at the movement. It stores all the information digitally so the

information can be stored in a small place. Also the searching of this

information is very fast. Also information can moved from one person

to another person very &uickly.

All calculations will done digitally so there will not be any arithmetic

errors. +ollecting money in the cash counter counting it and take a

report will be very easy in the proposed system. The time spend

earlier bring drastically down with this system.

Information is available in click of button so there is no problem of searching of files as said in the earlier system. ere all information

available digitally so searching will be faster and easier.

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To buy this pro"ect you can send us a re&uest by %*% -*obile o

9243101428/ or email [email protected]/

e also undertake new pro"ects, if you re&uire any new pro"ect writeto us. e can develop the new pro"ect in a weeks time.

The pro"ect will be provided along with the source code. %o you have

an option to change the color, design, and look and feel. %o all options

are open to modify the pro"ect as per your re&uirement.

0ro"ects Available in

Offline Project (Windos !ased"

'isual !asic ( with *% Access

'isual !asic ( with %&l %erver

'isual !asic ( with Oracle

'b.net -'isual !asic 1)2), 1)23/ with %&l %erver

+ %harp -1)2), 1)23/ with %&l %erver or any other backend

Online Projects (We! #ased"

A%0 pro"ects with *% Access or %&l %erver Or Oracle

A%0.et 0ro"ect with '! coding or + sharp +oding with %&l %erver

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4or more details contact us

$aksha %nfotech

o. 51(, 6th *ain, ampinagar,

'i"ayanagar II %tage,!angalore 7 8()2)9.

ear ampinagar *ain !us %top.

0hone : )5) 131)(528. 61932)2915

e*ail : rakshainfotech;gmail.com

website : www.rakshainfotech.com

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+ontact us to buy this pro"ect

Raksha Infotech <


&cademic Projects

'oftare Projects ith 'orce )ode

for !+A, *+A, !.%c, *.%c, =iploma, !.> students

0ro"ect Available in : 'isual !asic (.), '!.net,'isual !asic 1))5 1)2)

A%0, A%0.net -'!/, A%0.net -+?/, + %harp, *%Access, %&l %erver, Oracle

please check out list for more details.

*he folloing +rojects a,aila!leith

-#.net)/ ith ''l 'er,er

a,a coding ith m'l ata!ase'er,er

-#5 ith '&ccessOracle

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Prodct *itle 6 We! !ased online+rojects


0arks !udgeting And *anaging 21)2

ashing *achine +ustomer +are


Overseas +all +enter >mployee


0olice =epartment 'ehicle


0olice =epartment %tationwise

>mployee 0rogram21)8

0olice =epartment 0romotion And

Transfer *anagement21)(

Traffic 0olice +ase Registration %ystem 21)@

Traffic 0olice Areawise =uty Allotment 21)5

%chool +hildren ealth Analysis


!irth And =eath +ertificate

Registration %ystem


+ar 0arking +ontrolling And *anaging 2122

Tours And Travel +all +enter0rocessing %ystem


+lub *ember Administration 2123

*etro Train %mart +ard Issue And

Recharge %ystem2129

ighway Tollgate Toll +ollection


0rivate +ourier +ompany


+ourier 'ehicle Administration 212@

orkorder 0rocessing %ystem 4or 2125

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+ompany >mployees

+ement arehouse Administration 2126

%chool !ooks %upply *anagement 211)

eekly *againe Indent And

=istribution %ystem2112

>vening ewspaper =istribution


ews 0aper Advertisement Revenue

+ollection %ystem2113

ewstv 'ehicles Administration 2119

ews >diting %ystem 4or ews Tv



ews >diting %ystem 4or ewspaper 211(

Tv 0rogram Administration And

>mployee Allocation211@

+ompany Begal +ases *anagement

And Information %haring %ystem2115

>lection 0rocess =atacollection And

Result Announce %ystem2116

=ata +ollection 4rom >lectronic 'oting*achine -simulation/


+ity !us Time Table Administration 2132

+ity !us 'ehiclewise +ollection %ystem 2131

0lants Information +ollection And

%torage %ystem.2133

Coo Administration 2139

Coo Animal 4ood 4eeding 0rocess%ystem 2138

Dail Administration 213(

%ite *anagement %ystem 4or Band


*ultiple ouse Renting And Rent 2135

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+ollection %ystem

Administrative 0rogram 4or ursing


0re<school +hildren =ay To =ayActivity Registration %ystem 219)

etwork !ased !illing %ystem 4or A

!randed %tores2192

=igital *oney Transaction Esing *obile0hones -simulation/


Tender 0rocess Administration 2193

%olar ater eater =istribution


indturbine 0ower Generation+ompany Administration


Tidal 0ower Generation +ompany


Generator %ervicing AndAdministration


0ersonalied %oftware 0ackage 4or


0ersonalied %oftware 0ackage 4orBawyers To *anage Their +lients


0ersonalied %oftware 0ackage 4or

0rofessionals To *anage Their +lients218)

ospital O.t Administration 2182

ospital Out 0atient Registration%ystem


ospital In 0atient !illing And



=iploma +ollege Administration 2189

+ompetitive >#am %election 0rocess4or +ollege >ngineering %eats


+ompetitive >#am %election 0rocess

4or +ollege *edical %eats218(

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+ompetitive >#am %election 0rocess

4or !anking Dob218@

=riving %chool Administration 2185

%ms !ased *oneyorder %ystem 4or0ost Office =epartment 2186

>lection +ard Registration 0rocess 21()

>lection omination 4iling %ystem 4or

>ach +onstituency21(2

>lection inners Registration AndAdministration %ystem


!aby 4ood *anufacturer +lient


%oftware 0ackage 4or 4ish >#port+ompany


+ruise %hip Tour And Travel


+ruise %hipwise Tour !ooking %ystem 21((

>lectric +ar !attery >#change*anagement


Administrative 0rocessing %ystem 4or

>nvironment =epartment 21(5

Administrative 0rocessing %ystem 4or0ollution +ontrol =epartment


Administrative 0rocessing %ystem 4or

%ocial elfare =epartment21@)

%oftware 0ackage 4or *inistry OfRural =evelopment


%oftware 0ackage 4or *inistry Of

%ocial elfare


%oftware 0ackage 4or *inistry Ofome Affairs


%oftware 0ackage 4or *inistry Of


>mployee Transfer *anagement 21@8

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%cience %eminar *ember Registration


Registration And Administration OfIndian >mbassies In 4oreign +ountries 21@@

Image %torage And %earching %ystem

4or %urvey Of India21@5

+ar %howroom Administration 21@6

0roduct =isplay And %election %ystem4or +ustomers


=riving Bicense +omputer !ased Test


Dob %election Offline >ntrance TestAnd Result 0rocessing %ystem


Asset *anagement %ystem 4or A


Bife Insurance Administration 2159

0roperty Insurance Administration 2158

ealth Insurance Administration 215(

Accidental =eath And =ismembermentInsurance


Automobile Insurance Administration 2155

!oiler Insurance Administration 2156

!ond Insurance Administration 216)

!usiness Overhead >#pense =isabilityInsurance Administration


+asualty Insurance 0olicies 2161

+hargeback Insurance Administration 2163

+orporate<owned Bife InsuranceAdministration


+rop Insurance Administration 2168

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orldwide >arth&uake Registration


>mployment<based Immigrant 'isa%ystem


+entralied 'isa 0rocessing %ystem 2165

+ustomer Information *anagement


!udget Allocation And 0rocess %ystem 23))

*he folloing +rojects a,aila!le


as+.net -#)/ coding ith ''l'er,er

a,a7 'P coding ith m'lata!ase 'er,er

PP ith m'l ata!ase 'er,er

Prodct *itle 6 We! !ased online+rojects Project)ode

Online +ustomer +are *anagement

%ystem 4or A !randed 0roduct28)2

Online 0olice =epartment Information%ite


2)th %tandard Online >#am

Registration %ite28)3

Online >ntrance >#am And %eat

0rocessing %ystem28)9

Online +ar !ooking %ystem 4or

*aruthi %uuki +ars28)8

Online *ovie Ticket !ooking %ystem 28)(

Anti&ues Registration And Action %ite 28)@

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*etro Train Online Time Table %ite 28)5

Online Tollgate Toll +ollection

Administration At *ultiple 0oints28)6

+ourier Tracking And =istribution%ystem 282)

Transport 'ehicle Bocation !ased

Reporting %ystem2822

Online arehouse And %tock 0ositionAdministrative %ystem


eekly *agine Indent And 0rocess


+orrespondence +ourse %election And

Registration %ystem2829

0lant Information %toring And %haring

%ystem 4or !io =epartment2828

Animal Information %toring And%haring %ystem 4or Coological



Online Coo Information %ite. 282@

Online otel Room !ooking %ystem. 2825

0reschool 4ranchisee AdministrationAnd Bisting Of 4ranchisee %chools In

=ifferent +ity


Online etwork !ased !illing %ystem4or !randed %tores.


Online Tender Administration %ystem. 2812

Online Open !idding Tender 0rocess


Online *aterial %upply Registration%ystem 4or *anufacturers 2813

ighly 0rofessional =octors

Appointment Registration %ystem.2819

Instantly Online *oney Transfer%ystem.


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Online Air Ticket !ooking %ystem 289(

Online !ook %hopping %ite 289@

Online Ias >#am And Result 0rocessing 2895

Online ews 0osting And 0ublishing 2896

Online +lassified Realestate %ite 288)

Online +ompany %hare Trading %ite 2882

Online +ommodity Trading %ite 2881

Online 0oint Of %ale Administration 2883

0ort Trust Administration And %hip+ontrol %ystem


Online %hopper >card, To !uy0roducts And In Turn To Get %ome



Online %ocial ebsite 288(

Time *anagement And 0ro"ect0rogress Administration


Eid Aadharcard 2885

ebbased ostel *anagement 2886

Online edding +ard Registration And=isplay %ystem


Online 0df !ooks Epload And=ownload %ystem


Online Information Epload And'iewing %ystem


Online 0icture %elling And %haring%ystem


Online All Type Of +lassified ebsite 28(9

Online *ulti Bevel *arketing %ystem 28(8

*ember Registration And 0roduct=istribution %ystem


'ehicle Registration And %earch 28(@

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%ystem 4or 0olice =epartment

+riminals Registration And %earch

%ystem 4or 0olice =epartment28(5

Online Dailed 0eople Registration And%earch %ystem 28(6

%ugar +ane +rop Registration %ystem

4or %ugar +ane Growing 4armers28@)

0incode !ased 0ost Office %earching%ystem


Online eather 4orecasting %ite 28@1

Air 0ollution Registration %ite 4or

+oncerned =epartment28@3

>arth&uake orldwide Information%ite


Online %cholarship Registration And

0rocessing %ystem28@8

Online Two heeler +ommission!ased Auto +onsultant %ite


0reowned +ar %ales Administration 4or

!randed +ar *anufacturer28@@

Online +ompliant 4iling %ystem 4or+oncerned =epartment


Registration 4or A 4ree eart

Operation At %atya %ai ospital28@6

Online 0assport Registration And%tatus Info %ite


Online 0atent %ubmitting %ystem 2852

Online 4und Rising %ite 4or 0articular



eb !ased Recruitment *anagement%ystem


oliday Resort Reservation

*anagement %ystem2859

eb !ased +laims 0rocessing %ystem 2858

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%imple Image Gallery ith *ember

ise Bisting And =eleting285(

Online =ictionary 4or 0articular%ub"ect


%ports %tudent Information %ystem 2855

Online %chool *anagement %ystem 2856

Online *obile 0hone +ustomer +are


Online *ovie =atabase, Info Of All The*ovies


Theft 'ehicle Registration %ystem 2861

>mail !ased *essage Or Better=istribution %ystem 4or 0ost Office


Asset *anagement %ystem 4or

Temples Or Trusts2869

Boan =efaulters Registration And

%haring %ystem 4or !anks2868

*ultilevel +hess +ompetitionRegistration And %election 0rocess



Active ebsite 4or International*onetary 4und An International



Interactive ebsite 4or InternationalOrganiations


Online !lood =onors Info %ystem 2866

omination And 0rocessing Of obel

0rie %ite2())

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*o ! an of these +rojects +leasecontact s.

$aksha %nfotech

o 8257 9th ain7 am+inagar

#angalore7 :arnataka7 %ndia. Pin 6 ;50104.

email < [email protected]

We!site < .rakshainfotech.com

o!ile < 9243101428. Phone < 080 2320581;

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please contact at our office at

$aksha %nfotech

o 51(, 6th *ain, ampinagar,

'i"ayanagar II %tage

!angalore, 0in < 8()2)9.

ear R0+ Bayout *ain !us %top.


ampinagar *ain !us%top,

4ind !rokline ational 0ublic %chool take Opp Road.

ne#t 4ind !ake my =ay bakery in the corner

that is 6th main,

from that point, it is 2)th building,

or comedown around 2))meters.

use the following link for google map

