excel user functions

Excel User Functions

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Excel User Functions. Writing your own Excel user function. Excel provides over 400 functions to users But sometimes it would be very convenient to have a function which is not provided - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Excel User Functions

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Writing your own Excel user function

• Excel provides over 400 functions to users• But sometimes it would be very convenient to

have a function which is not provided • In our example (in workbook

UserFunctionDemo) , we have a function that finds the middle value of three numbers

• The first step is to create a module for the function

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Mac vs Windows

• The process on the Mac is almost exactly the same

• I’ve inserted some slides at the end to show how it looks on the Mac, and made a separate video

• The one difference I’ve found is that the user functions you write don’t show up in the function list the way they do on Windows

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A User Function goes in a Module

Instead of a UserForm, insert a Module

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Change the Module Name and Type the Code

Use the Name property in the property box

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The name of my function shows up in the list of completions provided by Excel

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Here you can see it in action…

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To Add A Description…

• Users find it helpful to see a description of what the function does

• To provide one, click the macros icon (continued…)

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Type your macro name at the top (it’s not there because it’s not a workbook macro)

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Click the Options button…

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Type a helpful description and click OK

If you give your macro a shortcut key, make sure it is not the same keyused for something else really useful like control X, V, C or similar

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Another nice example

• I got this one from the website exceltip.com• It was contributed by Martin Green, an Excel

consultant• The idea: If you give Excel’s Weekday function a

date, it will give you a number from 1 to 7 representing the day. You want to have a macro return a day name instead of a number

• This is also implemented in workbook UserFunctionDemo

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Here’s the code (most of it)Function DayName(inputDate As Date) As String Dim dayNumber As Integer 'we know this number is always small dayNumber = Weekday(inputDate, vbSunday) '*** Use Select Case to choose the dayname based on the number Select Case dayNumber Case 1 DayName = "Sunday" Case 2 DayName = "Monday"… Case 7 DayName = "Saturday" End Select End Function

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A few comments…

• Giving the type of the value returned, as we did here, seems to be optional, even with Option Explicit in force

Function DayName(inputDate As Date) As String

• The definition ends with End Function instead of End Sub, as it would with a sub procedure

• This is a nice example of where the Select Case conditional gives clear, readable code

• Weekday is an Excel function; the second argument is a constant that tells Excel we want 1 to represent Sunday

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Example for DayName

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Go into the editor and choose Insert Module

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Rename the Module using the Properties window

I named it MyFunction

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Type in the code and save

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In the Developer Tab, choose Macros…

Type the macro nameand choose Options, then type the description

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Go to Excel and Use Your Function!

I used my function Middle in a formula for cell A4.