excel spread sheet basics

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  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    Office of Information Technology

    Excel 2007/2010

    Spreadsheet Basics

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    0 5 . 2 2 . 2 0 1 2

    O I T T E C H N O L O G Y T R A I N I N G S E R V I C E S

    Excel 2007/2010Spreadsheet Basics

    The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.This publication/material is available in alternative formats upon request. Send requests to [email protected].

    Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with at least 10 percent postconsumer material.

    2011 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    U N I V E R S I T Y T E C H N O L O G Y T R A I N I N G C E N T E R i

    Table of Contents

    LESSON 1 7



    Open a new Excel workbook 8

    Save a workbook 8

    Enter text 9

    Use the mouse to select a cell 10

    Enter numbers 10

    Use Auto Fit to adjust column width 10

    Add up a range of numbers usingAuto Sum 11

    Label the total row 12

    Label the amount column 12

    Save changes to a workbook 12

    Format a worksheet for on-screenlegibility 13

    Right align text 13

    Select adjacent cells 13

    Add a border to a range of cells 14

    Deselect a range 14

    Select non-adjacent cells 15

    Emphasize data using the boldformat 15

    LESSON 2 17


    Add new data 18

    Copy data using the fill handle 18

    Create a multiplication formula 19

    Use the fill handle to copy a formula 20

    Insert a row 22

    Insert multiple rows at once 23

    Enter data in a selected range 23

    Edit mode 24

    Edit data within a cell using theformula bar 25

    Edit data within a cell in the cell itself 25

    Enter Edit mode using a keyboard

    shortcut 26

    Replace the contents of a cell 26

    Delete the contents of a cell 27

    Live Preview 28

    Change the font size 28

    Merge and center data across cells 28

    LESSON 3 31


    CHART 31

    Open an existing Excel workbook 32

    Delete a row 32

    Pie Charts 32

    Insert a pie chart 32

    Charts and Chart elements 34

    Move a chart 34

    Chart Tools 35

    Modify chart elements 35

    Edit a chart title 35

    The Mini Toolbar 35

    Format the chart title 36

    Add data labels to a chart 36

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r i i

    Modify data labels 37

    Turn off the legend 38

    Move a chart element: Move thetitle 39

    Move a chart element: Move a datalabel 39

    When data changes 40

    Delete a chart 40

    Change Chart Styles 41

    Move a charts location 42

    LESSON 4 43


    Use Freeze Panes to keep a row inview 45

    Find and Replace 45

    Use Find and Replace again 48

    Perform a simple ascending sort 49

    Find data 50

    Use Auto Complete 50

    Perform a simple descending sort 51

    Perform a custom sort 51

    Filter data to view particular records 53

    Remove a filter 54

    Turn off filters 54

    Unfreeze Panes 54

    LESSON 5 55


    Function syntax 56

    The AutoSum drop-down menu 56

    Use a date function 58

    Freeze Panes to keep a row andcolumn in view 60

    Hide rows 61

    Write a formula using order ofprecedence rules 61

    Edit a formula 62

    Double-click to Fill down 63

    Unhide rows 64

    LESSON 6 65


    Style types 66

    Cell Styles 66

    Format as Table 68

    Change a table format 68

    Conditional Formatting 69

    Add data to a table 70

    Delete a Row 70

    Change font color 71

    LESSON 7 73


    SETUP EXCEL 2010 73

    Print Preview 74

    Scale to fit 76

    Modify the page layout 76

    Page Layout View 77

    Add a pre-formatted header or footer 78

    Customize a header or footer 78

    Use Page Setup 79

    Zoom Out / Zoom In 80

    Return to Normal View 81

    Indent data 82

    Print Preview and Print 82

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r i i i

    Add a Command to the QuickAccess Toolbar 83

    Reset a scaled worksheet 84


    SETUP EXCEL 2007 85

    Print Preview 86

    Modify the page layout 88

    Scale to fit 88

    Page Layout View 88

    Add a pre-formatted header or footer 89

    Customize a header or footer 90

    Use Page Setup 91

    Zoom Out / Zoom In 92

    Return to Normal View 93

    Indent data 93

    Print Preview and Print 94

    Add a Command to the QuickAccess Toolbar 95

    Reset a scaled worksheet 95

    LESSON 8 97



    Rename a worksheet 98

    Shift-Click selection technique 98

    Copy and paste a range 98

    Delete the contents from a range 99

    Use the fill handle to extend a series 100

    Special fills 101

    Delete data in multiple cells at once 102

    Use the fill handle to copy multiplerows at a time 102

    Move data from one location toanother 103

    Drag and drop data from onelocation to another 104

    Copy a value repeatedly 104

    LESSON 9 107



    Use the vertical scroll bar 108

    Drag and drop copy 108

    Exercise: Modify data to suit yourpurposes 109

    Apply Cell Styles 110

    Copy cell formatting using the formatpainter 112

    Increase row height 112

    Move data from one worksheet toanother 113

    Reorder worksheets 114

    Delete a worksheet 115

    Copy data from another workbook 115

    Insert Copied Cells 116

    Error checking 117

    Fix errors automatically 118

    Fix an error manually 119

    Format numbers with the commastyle 119

    Format numbers with the accountingnumber format 120

    Copy cell formats repeatedly usingthe format painter 120

    Use the View Toolbar 122

    Apply the Total Cell Style 122

    Indent cell contents 123

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    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r i v

    LESSON 10 125



    EXPENSES 125

    Link to existing data 126

    Write a subtraction formula 127

    Write a division formula 128

    Format a number as a percentage 128

    Change the number of decimalsdisplayed 129

    LESSON 11 131


    DATA 131

    Use Excels built-in statisticalfunctions 132

    Write an average function using theAutoSum drop-down menu 132

    Insert a Function 133

    Use Auto Calculate to checkcalculation results 135

    Apply the Neutral Cell Style 135

    LESSON 12 137



    Write a projection formula 138

    Use an absolute reference 139

    Copy formulas from one worksheet

    to another 141

    Modify the copied range as needed 142

    LESSON 13 143



    Group worksheets 144

    Enter data in grouped worksheets 144

    Apply formatting to the groupedworksheets 144

    Select grouped sheets / ungroupsheets 145

    Angle text 146

    Remove Angle text 147

    Manually adjust column widths 147

    Ungroup worksheets 147

    Edit text 148

    Wrap text 148

    Copy formatting from one worksheetto another 148

    LESSON 14 151


    Write a Linking formula 152

    LESSON 15 155



    Insert a column chart 156

    Resize a chart 157

    Modify chart elements 157

    Add a chart title 158

    Format Axes 158

    Change the Location of the Legend 159

    Format the plot area 160

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    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r v

    LESSON 16 163


    Print Preview WITHOUT worksheet

    data 163

    Print Preview WITH worksheet data 164

    APPENDIX A 167


    Excels Help 167

    Convert a workbook to the newformat 169

    Interactive Guides for transitioningfrom Office 2003 169

    APPENDIX B 171



    Fill adjacent blank cells with a value 171

    Fill non-adjacent blank cells with avalue 172

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 7

    Create and Format a Simple Budget

    Excel, Microsofts electronic spreadsheet program, is often used to createbudgets, track expenses, and chart data. It's a highly flexible and powerfultool that can also be used for data storage, report generation and what-ifanalysis. In this course, you will use Excel to create a budget, track expenses,update a list, and analyze and chart data.

    You will start by creating and formatting a simple budget for regularmonthly automobile expenses.

    In class:Brainstorm regular monthly automobile expenses.

    You will enter the car budget in Excel and in the process, learn how to:

    Save a file

    Enter text

    Select a cell

    Enter numbers

    Resize columns to fit data

    Add up a range of numbers

    Select a range of cells

    Add a border to a range of cells

    Align text

    Select non-adjacent cells

    Emphasize data using the bold format

    L e sso n 1



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  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    L E S S O N 1 :

    C R E A T E A N D F O R M A T A S I M P L E B U D G E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 9

    To save, you can:

    Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

    Use the keyboard shortcutCtrl + S

    . Press F12to bring up the Save Asdialog box.

    Excel 2010: Click the File taband chooseSave.

    Excel 2007: Click the Office Button and chooseSave.

    1. Savethe new workbook now using one of the above methods. TheSave As dialog box appears and defaults to save in My Documents.

    2. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file.

    For this course, use the Excel Basics Course Fi les folder.

    3. In the File nametext box, type a name: Car Budget .

    4. Click Saveorpress Enterto save the file. The Save As dialog box closesand the file is saved with a .xlsx extension.

    Enter text

    You will start entering the car budget in A1, the very first cell of the

    worksheet, by typing a label for the budget and then labels for the monthlyline items.

    Text is alphanumeric: letters alone or letters with numbers.

    1. In A1, type the text Monthly Automobile Budget .

    2. Press Enter to complete the entry and move down the column. Theactive cell is now A2.

    3. Type the line item labels for each regularly occurring monthly car

    expense pressing Enterafter each entry: A2: Car Payment

    A3: Parking

    A4: Gas

    A5: Car Wash

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    L E S S O N 1 :

    C R E A T E A N D F O R M A T A S I M P L E B U D G E T

    1 0 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Use the mouse to select a cell

    Pressing Entermoves the active cell down a column in a worksheet. Now

    use the mouse to make a cell active.

    1. Move the mouse pointer over the worksheet to B2.

    2. Click B2. B2 is active.

    Enter numbers

    Numeric data is numbers only. For quick data entry, use the numeric key ifyou have one.

    Enter the amounts for each monthly car expense pressing Enter after eachentry:

    B2: 350 B3: 110

    B4: 80

    B5: 20

    Use Auto Fit to adjust column width

    Not all the text in A2is visible in the column. To quickly widen a column todisplay all of its data completely, Auto Fitit.

    The content of A2 is not completely visible in the column, but it is in the Formula Bar.

    Formula Bar

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    L E S S O N 1 :

    C R E A T E A N D F O R M A T A S I M P L E B U D G E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 1 1

    1. Move the mouse pointer so it is between columnAand column Bin the worksheet frame. Themouse pointer will look like this:

    2. Double-click the mouse to Auto Fitthe column. Column A will expandas wide as it needs to be to include the lengthiest data.

    Add up a range of numbers using Auto Sum

    What is the total of your regular monthly automobile expenses? You can useExcels built-in SUM function to write a formula in B6 to add up all yourexpenses. The fastest way to do this is to use Auto Sum.

    1. Select the cell where you want the results of the calculation to appear:


    2. Move the mouse to the Ribbon > Editing group and click once on the

    Auto Sum button. The mouse pointer is a left pointing white arrow.Excel automatically enters the Sum function and selects the numbers in thecell range above. The worksheet will look like this:

    3. Click Auto Sum again to accept Excels proposed formula.

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    L E S S O N 1 :

    C R E A T E A N D F O R M A T A S I M P L E B U D G E T

    1 2 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    A cell range is specified first by the upper-most left cell reference,followed by a colon, and then the bottom-most right cell reference. B2:B5isthe range of cells starting at B2and ending with B5.

    Label the total row

    1. Select A6using theleft navigation arrow on the keyboard.

    2. Type the text Total.

    3. Press Tab. The active cell moves to the right to B6.

    Label the amount column

    1. Select B1.

    2. Type the text Amount , then press Enter.

    Save changes to a workbook

    You have done quite a bit of work since you first started creating the carbudget.

    Savethe workbook.

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    L E S S O N 1 :

    C R E A T E A N D F O R M A T A S I M P L E B U D G E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 1 3

    Format a worksheet for on-screen legibility

    You can apply some simple formatting to make the Car Budget easier to

    read on-screen. You will align and bold column labels and add a top andbottom border to the total row.

    Right align text

    1. Select B1.

    2. Move the mouse to the Alignmentgroupand click the Right Alignbutton. The text in B1 aligns to the right.

    Select adjacent cells

    Experiment: Select multiple adjacent cells with the mouse. You can select

    a range of cells in a worksheet simply by pressing down the mouse buttonand dragging across cells.

    Experiment: Use thekeyboard to select ranges. You can select cellsusing the keyboard and arrow keys. Additionally, you can hold down theShiftto extend or contract selected ranges. You can use the Shiftand Ctrlkeys in concert with the arrow keys to select large ranges quickly.

    1. Use theKeyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+ End to go to the last cell

    containing data in the worksheet.2. Use theKeyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+ Home to go to the first cell

    containing data in the worksheet.

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    L E S S O N 1 :

    C R E A T E A N D F O R M A T A S I M P L E B U D G E T

    1 4 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Add a border to a range of cells

    Currently, the total label and total amount are indistinguishable from the

    budget line items. Apply a border to these cells to distinguish them visuallyfrom rest of the budget.

    1. Select cells A6:B6.

    2. Move the mouse to Fontgroupin the Home taband click the Bordersmenubutton. The Borders drop-down menu appears. The mouse pointer isa left pointing white arrow.

    3. Select the Top and Bottom Border button from the dropdownmenu. The Borders button changes to show your selection and A6:B6 has atop and bottom border.

    Deselect a range

    You can deselect a selected range by doing one of the following:

    Click the mouse anywhere in the worksheet.

    Press a navigation arrow.

    Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Home.

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    L E S S O N 1 :

    C R E A T E A N D F O R M A T A S I M P L E B U D G E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 1 5

    So you can more easily see the borders,

    Deselect the range A6:B6using one of the methods just described.

    Select non-adjacent cells

    You can select non-adjacent cells by holding down the Ctrlkey as you click

    or drag across cells with the mouse.

    Non-adjacent ranges are specified using a semi-colon between the variousranges. For example, A1:B2;A6:B6 describes the following non-adjacentrange:

    Emphasize data using the bold format

    You can make your headings easier to read simply by making them bold.The same is true for any sub-total and total rows.

    Apply the bold format to the column labels and the total row.

    1. Select the range A1:B1. The range highlights.

    2. Hold down the Ctrlkey.

    3. Use the mouse to select A6:B6. The non-adjacent range A1:B1;A6:B6 ishighlighted. The white cell in the highlighted selection is the active cell. Ifyou were to start typing, you would be entering data in that cell.

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    L E S S O N 1 :

    C R E A T E A N D F O R M A T A S I M P L E B U D G E T

    1 6 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    4. Click the Bold button in the Fontgroupon the Hometab. Therange A1:B1;A6:B6 is now bold.

    5. Deselect the range.

    Press Ctrl + Home.

    Savethe workbook.

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 1 7

    Modify a Worksheet

    You will make a number of changes to the Car Budget workbook toconvert it from a monthly budget to an annual budget. In the process, you

    will learn how to:

    Write a multiplication formula

    Insert new rows

    Use the fill handle to copy data and formulas

    Delete cell contents

    Edit text and numbers

    Replace cell contents

    Continue to work with the Car Budgetworkbook (or open

    02 Modify and Edit.)

    When finished with this lesson, the worksheet will look as follows:

    L e sso n 2



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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    1 8 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Add new data

    To transform the monthly budget to an annual budget, you will add new

    data in columns C and D. In column C, you will enter the number ofpayments per year for each line item; in column D, you will write a formulato calculate the total amount for each line item given the number ofpayments per year.

    First, add labels to columns Cand D.

    1. In C1, type # of Pmts , then press Tab.

    2. In D1, type Totals , then press Enter. The active cell moves down and tothe left to C2.

    Now enter the number of payments per year.

    3. In C2, type 12 .

    4. Press Ctrl+ Enter.The data is entered and the active cell remains C2.

    Copy data using the fill handle

    You could type the value 12 repeatedly in column C. Or, you could copy thevalue and paste it in C3:C5. You will use the fill handleto quickly fill in the

    value for the remaining line items.

    The fill handle is the small black square at the bottom-right corner of aselected cell or range. It allows you to copy data to adjacent cells.

    Select C2if necessary.

    1. To activate the fill handle, position the mouse pointer over the smallblack square at the bottom-right corner of C2so it becomes a thinblack plus sign. The mouse pointer is now over the fill handle.

    2. Hold down the mouse button and drag down three rowsthrough C5. You will see a screen tip that says 12 next to the thin blackplus sign as you drag through the cells.

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 1 9

    3. Let go of the mouse button. The value 12 copies down the column and theAuto Fill Options button appears.

    If you click the Auto Fill Options button, a drop-downmenu of appropriate options appears. In this case, thedefault option Copy Cellsis selected. To keep the defaultjust press the Esckey on your keyboard. The button itselfwont disappear until you do something else.

    Create a multiplication formula

    To calculate the annual total for Car Payment you will create amultiplication formula. All formulas start with an equal sign. The "=" tellsExcel it needs to perform a calculation. The result of the calculation willappear in the cell containing the formula while the formula will be visible inthe Formula Bar.

    1. Select the cell where you want the calculation to appear: D2.

    2. Type the equal sign =.

    3. Use the mouse to click B2, the Car Payment Amount . You will see:

    4. Type the multiplication * symbol. You will see:

    Auto Fill Options

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    2 0 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    5. Click C2, the Car Payment # of Pmts , with the mouse to select it.You will see:

    6. Press Enter. The formula calculates, the result appears in D2, and the activecell is now D3.

    Select D2, and look in the Formula Bar. The formula as you created itappears in the formula bar.

    Repeat the previous steps to generate the total for Parkingin D3.

    Use the fill handle to copy a formula

    Just as you copied the value 12down column C, you can copy the formulayou created in D3down column D.

    1. Select D3.

    2. Position the mouse pointer over the fill handle.

    3. Hold down the mouse button and drag down the column to copy theformula through D5.

    4. Let go of the mouse button. The resulting calculations appear, as do theAuto Fill Options.

    Select D5and look in the Formula Bar. The copied formula adjusted foreach of its new locations.

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 2 1

    Sum the Totals column

    1. Select D6.

    2. Click once on the Auto Sum button.

    3. Click Auto Sumagain. Excel inserts a sum function and adds up all thenumbers in the Totals column.

    Format adjacent cells

    1. Apply the Top and Bottom Borderto the range C6:D6.

    2. Align right C1:D1.

    Format non-adjacent cells

    1. Select the non-adjacent range C1:D1;D6. The range highlights.

    2. Click Bold . Cells C1:D1 and D6 are now bold.

    Savethe workbook.

    In class:Brainstorm irregular car expenses.

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    2 2 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Insert a row

    If you need new row of data amidst existing data, you can insert it in one of

    three ways:

    Right-click on the row number in the worksheet frame and selectInsert.

    Right-click anywhere in the row and choose Insert. In the ensuingInsertdialog box, select the Entire Rowoption.

    On the Home tabin the Cells group,click the Insert menuand selectInsert Sheet Rows; then click OK.

    There are car expenses that occur irregularly instead of monthly. Modify the

    budget to include these expenses by inserting new rows. Start by insertingone new row for Maintenance, in this case, the number of times per yearyou will change the oil.

    1. Right clickon row 6in the worksheet frame. Row 6 highlights. Acontext sensitive menu appears with a Mini Toolbar.

    2. Choose Insert from the menu.A new blank row 6 appears above the Totalrow. Row 6 is selected in its entirety, A6 is active, and the Insert Optionsbutton is visible.

    If you click theInsert Optionsbutton, a drop-down menu of optionsappears. You can choose to format a newly inserted row the same as therow below or clear the formatting entirely. To keep the default Format Same As Abovejust press the Esckey on your keyboard. Theoptions button wont disappear until you do something else.

    Add new data

    1. Select A6.

    2. Type Maintenance , then press Tab.

    3. In B6, type 35 , then press Tab.

    Insert Options

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 2 3

    4. In C6, type 4 , then press Tab. The Totals column updates automatically.


    You must have at least four rows of data with formulas to be able toinsert a new row and have the formulas automatically update.

    Insert multiple rows at once

    You can insert multiple rows of data at one time by first selecting the rowswhere you want the new rows to appear. Then use any of the methodspreviously described to insert the new rows.

    1. Select rows 6 and 7 by holding down the mouse button and draggingover those numbers in the worksheet frame. The rows highlight.

    2. Right clickand choose Insertfrom the context sensitive menu. Twonew blank rows appear and they are selected in their entirety.

    Enter data in a selected range

    You can quickly enter data in a range of cells by first selecting the range. Aslong as you use Tab or Enter to move from cell to cell, the range will remainselected. If you click with the mouse, press a navigation arrow, or use thekeyboard shortcut Ctrl + Home, the range will automatically deselect. Inother words, it will no longer be highlighted.

    Only one cell is active in a selected rangeits the one with the whitebackground. Currently, all of row 6 and 7 are selected. However, you onlyneed to enter data for two new line items in a much smaller range. You willfirst select that range and then enter the data.

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    2 4 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    1. Select A6:C7.

    2. Type the following data pressing the Tabkey after each entry.

    Insurance 600





    Watch the formulas update.

    3. Deselect the range.


    You can move from cell to cell in a selected range either by pressingthe Tab key or the Enter key. Tab moves the active cell acrosscolumns; Enter moves the active cell down rows.

    You can also use the Shiftkey in combination with the Tab or Enterkey to move backwards through a range.

    Edit mode

    You can edit alphanumeric or numeric data, formulas or functions. You canenter Edit mode and change the content of a cell in any one of three ways:

    Click in the Formula Barwhere you see the content.

    Double-click the cell.

    Press F2on the keyboard.

    Once in Edit mode, you can use the Backspacekey to delete to the left orthe Deletekey to delete to the right.

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 2 5

    When in Edit mode, theStatus Barat the bottom of the window says Edit.

    Edit data within a cell using the formula bar

    The Car Budget is no longer a monthly budget. Edit the text MonthlyAutomobile Budget (in A1) directly in the Formula Bar.

    1. Select A1.

    2. Double-click the word Budget in the Formula Barso it highlights.Note the left corner of the Status Bar. It says Edit. You are now in Editmode.

    3. Type Expenses .

    4. Double-click the word Monthly in the Formula Bar.

    5. Press the Deletekey twiceto remove the word and the space after it.

    6. Press Enter. The active cell is now A2 and the value in A1 readsAutomobile Expenses .

    Edit data within a cell in the cell itself

    This time, double-click in the cell to edit in the cell itself. Shorten the wordAutomobiletoAuto.

    1. Double-click A1. Your insertion point will be wherever the tip of the mousepointer was when you double-clicked. In the case of the selector mousepointer, the tip is in the center of the pointer.

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    2 6 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    2. Use the left orright navigation arrow to relocate the insertionpoint so it is to the right of the word Automobile .

    3. Press the Backspacekey several times to eliminate mobile leaving

    Auto .

    4. Press Enter. The active cell is now A2 and the value in A1 readsAuto Expenses .


    When you are in Edit mode, you can use the mouse or thenavigation keys to relocate the insertion point. You can also use theHomeand Endkeys to move to the beginning or end of cell contents.

    Enter Edit mode using a keyboard shortcut

    You can also enter Edit mode simply by selecting the cell you wish to editand then pressing function key F2. Edit the label in A1 to change Expensesto Expense.

    1. Select A1.

    2. Press F2. The insertion point flashes at the end of the cells contents.

    3. Change Expenses to Expense using the Backspacekey.

    4. Press Tab. The active cell is now B2 and the value in A1 readsAuto Expense .

    Repeat the above steps to change Totals to Total in D1.

    Replace the contents of a cell

    To replace the contents of a cell entirely, simply select the cell and enter anew value or formula.

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 2 7

    1. Select A9.

    2. Type Grand Total , then press Enter.

    Replace the contents of a cell

    Gas is turning out to be more expensive than you originally thought. Changethe amount of B4.

    1. Select B4.

    2. Type 120 , then press Enter. The active cell is now B5 and the value in B4reads 120 .

    All formulas that reference B4automatically update.

    Auto Fitcolumn A.

    Delete the contents of a cell

    Look at the new annual car budget. The Grand Total Amount , a formularesult that once totaled the regularly occurring monthly expenses, no longermakes sense. It doesnt make sense because there are now line items forexpenses that occur irregularly, not monthly. Delete it now.

    1. Select B9.

    2. Press Delete. The content empties.

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    2 8 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Add a title row

    1. Insert a new row 1.

    2. Type Car Budget in A1.

    3. MakeA1Bold.

    Live Preview

    Some formatting features in Excel will display a Live Preview of what theformat will look like if you choose to apply it.

    Change the font size

    Font size is one of the formatting tools that display a Live Preview. Changethe font size of A1.

    1. Select A1if necessary.

    2. Click the font size menu and move the mouse pointer down thenumbers in the menu.As you move over the different font sizes, you willsee a Live Preview of the font size in the cell itself.

    3. Change the font size to 16.

    Merge and center data across cells

    With a click of the mouse, you can merge cells together and center thecontents. Merging cells is a good option for headings only, not data. Mergeand center the budget title across columns A through D.

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    L E S S O N 2 :

    M O D I F Y A W O R K S H E E T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 2 9

    1. Select A1:D1.

    2. Click the Merge and Center button in the Alignment group. Thecells merge and the text centers across the columns. Note: The merged cellstill has a cell reference of A1.

    The budget as it now stands.

    Saveand Close the file.

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  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 3 1

    Create and Modify a Pie Chart

    Sometimes it is easier to analyze data using a chart. As they say, a picture isworth a thousand wordsor numbersas the case may be. You can plot

    data using one of Excels many chart types and format it with any of thebuilt-in designs. You can customize a chart in multiple ways.

    In this lesson, you will make a pie chart for the Car Budget using thebudgeted line items and their associated totals. In the process, you will

    Open an existing workbook

    Use the Insert tab

    Move a chart

    Modify chart elements Change the location of a chart

    When you are done, the workbook will contain the following chart:

    L e sso n 3



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    L E S S O N 3 :

    C R E A T E A N D M O D I F Y A P I E C H A R T

    3 2 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Open an existing Excel workbook

    Open the 03 Pie Charts workbook.

    1. Select the File tab (Excel 2007:Office Button)and chooseOpen.

    2. Navigate to Excel Basics Course Files, if necessary.

    3. Locate the 03 Pie Charts workbook.

    4. Click Openorpress Enter. The dialog box closes and the workbook opens.

    Delete a row

    If you no longer need a row of data, you can delete it in one of three ways:

    Right-click on the row number in the worksheet frame and selectDelete.

    Right-click anywhere in the row and choose Delete. In the ensuingDeletedialog box, select the Entire Rowoption.

    On the Home tabin the Cells group,click the Delete menuand selectDelete Sheet Rows; then click OK.

    Delete Row 1using any one of the above methods.

    You can delete multiple rows of data by first selecting all the rows you wantto delete and then using one of the above methods to delete the rows.

    Pie Charts

    A pie chart represents plotted data values as slices of a pie. The size of eachslice depends on its associated value. All the slices together make the piewhole. The whole pie represents the total value of all the data values.

    Insert a pie chart

    Before you insert a chart, first select the data you wish to plot, including thelabels. In the case of the Car Budget , you will select the Auto Expenselabels from column A and the Total data series from column D, a non-adjacent selection.

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    L E S S O N 3 :

    C R E A T E A N D M O D I F Y A P I E C H A R T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 3 3

    1. Drag to select the Auto Expense column label and line item rowlabels, A1:A8.

    2. Hold down the Ctrlkey and drag to select the Total column label and

    line item totals, D1:D8.

    Now with the data selected, insert the pie chart.

    3. Click theInserttab.

    4. Click the Pie button.A drop-down menuappears with several icons for possible piestyle charts.

    5. Select the first 2D Piechart type.

    Excel inserts a pie chart in the worksheet.The chart is an object and. as such, isembedded in the worksheet.

    The chart is selected and so is the data the chart refers to.

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    L E S S O N 3 :

    C R E A T E A N D M O D I F Y A P I E C H A R T

    3 4 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Charts and Chart elements

    A chart is an object composed of several elements and each element is an

    object in its own right. You can select, move, or resize objects.

    When you point to a particular element or part of a chart with the mouse, ascreen tip appears with the name of that part.

    1. Point to the Chart Title. The screen tip Chart Title appears.

    2. Move the mouseover the Pie. The screen tip displays information aboutthe data value the mouse is pointer is over.

    3. Point to theChart Legend. The screen tip displays Legend or Legend

    Entry # depending on where the mouse pointer is.

    Move a chart

    You usually have to move a new chart because it often obscures some data.Use your mouse to move the chart under the data area.

    1. Position the mouse pointer over the Chart Areatheempty space around the plotted chart. The mouse pointeris a left-pointing mouse with a four-headed arrow attached.

    2. Hold down the mouse buttonand drag the chart so it is underthe data area.

    3. Let go of the mouse button.

    Save the file.

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    L E S S O N 3 :

    C R E A T E A N D M O D I F Y A P I E C H A R T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 3 5

    Chart Tools

    When a chart is active, a new group of tabs, Chart Tools, appears at the end

    of the Ribbon. The Chart Tools tabs are Design, Layout, and Format.

    If the worksheet is active instead, the Chart Tools disappear.

    Modify chart elements

    You can edit or format chart elements in a number of ways. You can workdirectly in the chart or use the Chart Tools. You will do both in the nextseveral pages.

    Edit a chart title

    Edit the chart title directly in the chart. The current title is not informative.

    1. Click the Chart Title element to select it.The Title selects.

    2. Type Annual Auto Expenses . The new text appears in theFormula Bar.

    3. Press Enter. The new text replaces the old.

    4. Click in the Chart Area.

    The Mini Toolbar

    The Mini Toolbaris often available when you right-click on something in anExcel worksheet. It has several of the more commonly used formatting

    commands available. Often you can use one its buttons to avoid returning tothe Home tab. It always appears along with a context-sensitive menu.

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    L E S S O N 3 :

    C R E A T E A N D M O D I F Y A P I E C H A R T

    3 6 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Format the chart title

    There are many ways to format the Chart Title. Change the font size using

    the Mini-Toolbar.

    1. Right-click the Chart Title. The title selects and the Mini-Toolbar appearswith a context-sensitive menu.

    2. Decrease theFont Sizeto 14using the Mini Toolbar.

    3. Click anywhere in the Chart Areato deselect the title.

    Add data labels to a chart

    Sometimes its easier to understand a chart if data labels are associated withthe data values. Add a label to each piece of the pie (data value) using theChart Tools Layout tab.

    1. Select the Chart Tools Layouttab.

    2. In the Labels group,click Data Labels.

    A menu appears.

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    C R E A T E A N D M O D I F Y A P I E C H A R T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 3 7

    3. Choose the Outside Endoption. Value data labels append to the pie chart.

    Modify data labels

    The default labels are values. You can make the labels text and add thepercentage each pie slice represents using the More Data Labels option.

    1. Select the chart if necessary and click Data Labels.

    2. Choose the last command forMore Data Label Options. TheFormat Data Labels dialog box

    appears. Note the default options arefor Value, Show Leader Lines, andBest Fit.

    3. Deselect Value. The value labelsdisappear from the chart area.

    4. Select Category Name. TheCategory Name labels appear in thechart area. Note they are the lineitems from the worksheet.

    5. Select Percentage. The Percentagesappear adjacent to the Category Namelabels in the Chart Area.

    6. Select Outside End.All the labelsappear outside the pie.

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    3 8 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    7. Click Close. The Format Data Labels dialog box closes revealing themodified and still selected data labels.

    8. Click in the Chart Areato deselect the chartsnew data labels.

    A couple of data labels overlap and the Legend is also redundant.

    Turn off the legend

    Now that you have category names identifying each piece ofpie, you no longer need the legend. Turn it off.

    1. In the Labels group, click Legend.A drop-down menu


    2. Select the first option None. The legend disappears.

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    L E S S O N 3 :

    C R E A T E A N D M O D I F Y A P I E C H A R T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 3 9

    Move a chart element: Move the title

    You can move a chart element using the mouse. The Chart Title is too close

    to the labels at the top of the pie. Move it now.

    1. Select the Chart Title.

    2. Position the mouse pointer on anyside of the border surrounding thetitle. The mouse pointer becomes a four-headed arrow.

    3. Hold down the mouse button and drag the Chart Titleto the upperleft corner of the Chart Area.

    4. Let go of the mouse button.

    5. Click in the Chart Areato deselect the title.

    Move a chart element: Move a data label

    As you can see, a couple of the data labels overlap. Separate them now.

    1. Click on any one of the Data Labels.All the labels select.

    2. Click on one of the overlapping labels. Now only one labelselects.

    3. Point to a border, holddown the mouse button,and drag the data label upand to the right.A leaderappears from the pie slice tothe label.

    Keep moving the label

    until you are satisfiedwith its new location.

    Repeat:Repeat the above steps to move other labels as desired.

    Savethe file.

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    L E S S O N 3 :

    C R E A T E A N D M O D I F Y A P I E C H A R T

    4 0 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    When data changes

    When you change any data in the worksheet associated with a chart, the

    chart automatically updates. Change some data now.

    1. Click B3, the Parking Amount . The Chart Tools are no longer available.

    2. Type 135 and pressEnter. The chart updates: the size of the slices adjustsand the labels adjust with them.

    Delete a chart

    If you no longer need a chart, you can simply delete it.

    1. Select the chart.

    2. Press Delete. The chart deletes.

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    L E S S O N 3 :

    C R E A T E A N D M O D I F Y A P I E C H A R T

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 4 1

    Use Undo to restore the chart

    Restore the deleted chart.

    Click Undoorpress Ctrl + Z.The chart reappears just as it was in the same location.

    Change Chart Styles

    When you insert a new chart, the chart uses the default formatting for thatchart type. You can change a charts style any time using the Chart ToolsDesign tab.

    Change the style for the Annual Auto Expenses Chart now.

    1. Select the chart if necessary.

    2. Click the Chart Tools Design tab.

    3. In the Chart Styles group, click More to expand the Chart Stylesgallery.

    4. Choose a new style.

    If you need to print a chart, choosing a style that distinguishes the

    pie slices from one another more clearly can be helpful.

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  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 4 3

    Working with a Database

    In Excel, a database is also known as a listor a table. The table must have aheader row each column of data has to have a label. A column is referredto as a field. Ideally, it should contain only one data type. Each row in a tableis referred to as a recordand contains related information. Table data mustbe contiguous:

    There can be no completely blank columns.

    There can be no completely blank rows.

    Blank cells are OK.

    For the next three lessons, you will be working on the College of Ecologydepartment staff list, which is in an Excel database.

    In this lesson, you will learn how to:

    Freeze Panes

    Find and replace data

    Do a simple sort

    Create a custom sort

    Filter data to view particular records

    Sort filtered data

    L e sso n 4



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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    4 4 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Open an existing workbook

    Open the 04 Database Tools workbook.

    The workbook contains a database of all the faculty and staff in the Collegeof Ecology. The database currently contains 45 records.

    The College has a new Dean. She would like you to make the followingchanges:

    Spell out the status informationshe doesnt know what the numbersmean.

    Sort the database first by department, then by last name, and then byfirst name.

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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 4 5

    Use Freeze Panes to keep a row in view

    The column (field) labels, a.k.a. the header row, disappear from view when

    you scroll to the bottom of the database. You can use Freeze Panesto keepthe header row visible at all times.

    To freeze the header row so it is always visible:

    1. Selectthe row below the header row.

    Click on row 5 in the worksheet frame.

    2. Choose the View tab.

    3. Select the Freeze Panes button in the Windowgroup.A drop-down

    menu appears.

    4. Select the first option, Freeze Panes.

    5. Deselect the row so you can see the change to the display.A thin blackline indicates that the header row is frozen in place.

    Use the bottom scroll arrow on the vertical scroll bar to change whichrows display. Note that the frozen row stays in place.

    Press Control +Home. Note the active cell.

    Find and Replace

    Its easy to find and replace data in an Excel worksheet. You will use theFind and Replace command to replace the numbers in the status columnwith more meaningful information. Each number represents a different paycategory. Start by replacing the number 2 with Grad Student .

    1. Select the Home tab.

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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    4 6 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    2. In the Editinggroup, click Find & Select and choose ReplaceThe Find and Replace dialog box appears.

    3. Enter the appropriate information in the text fields.

    Enter2 in the Find what:text field.

    Press Tab.

    Enter Grad Student in the Replace with:text field.

    4. Click Find Next. The active cell changes to show the first instance of 2 inthe data area: D5 contains a date with a number 2 for 2007.

    You can also see that there is a number 2 in the Salary field. You need toconstrain Excel so it looks for entire cell contents.

    5. Click Options.

    Click in the checkbox next to Match entire cell contents.

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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 4 7

    6. Click Find All.

    Resize the dialog box to see all the found cells. They are all locatedin column G.

    7. Click Replace All.All instances of the number 2 in the Status columnhave been changed to Grad Student.

    8. Click OK.

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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    4 8 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    9. Click Close. The Find and Replace dialog box closes revealing theworksheet.

    Use Find and Replace again

    UseFind and Replaceto replace the numbers 3and 4 in the status column.Youdo not need to close the dialog box but can edit the values in the text fields whenyou are done replacing one value with another.

    1. Click Find & Select and choose Replace. The Find and Replace dialogbox appears. The text fields contain the previously entered values and thematch entire cell contents checkbox remains checked.

    2. Edit the text fields.

    Enter3 in the Find what:text field.

    Press Tab. Enter CS/BU for Civil Service/Bargaining Unit in the

    Replace with:text field.

    3. Click Find All.

    If necessary, move and resize the dialog box to see all the foundcells. They are all located in column G.

    4. Click Replace All.All instances of the number 3 in the Status column havebeen changed to CS/BU.

    5. Repeat steps 2-4 above to replace the number 4 with P&A forProfessional and Academic.

    6. Click Close.

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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 4 9

    Auto fit the Status column.

    Savethe file.

    Perform a simple ascending sort

    You want to see all the staff grouped by status. Perform a simple sort to seeall the grad students together, all the CS/BU staff together, and all the P&Astaff together.

    1. Select a single data cell in the Status column.

    2. In the Editing group, click Sort & Filter.

    3. Select the Sort A to Zcommand. The entire data range sorts from Ato Z by the selected column.

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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    5 0 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Find data

    Mary Johnson, the Secretary for Mammalogy, is not showing up with the

    other CS/BU staff as she should be. Find Marys record.

    1. In the Editing group, click Find & Select and choose Find. The Findand Replace dialog box appears. The Find what text field contains thepreviously entered value; the Match Entire Cell Contents option is stillselected.

    2. Deselect the Match entire cell contentsoption.

    3. Enterjohn in the Find what:text field.

    4. Click Find Nextrepeatedly until Excel finds the cell containingJohnson, Marys last name.

    5. Close theFind and Replace dialog box.

    Use Auto Complete

    Excel keeps track of all the values in a column. You can just start typing toenter a value and if Excel recognizes it, the value will display. Press Enter (orTab) to complete the entry, or, just keep typing to enter a new value.

    1. Select the cell containing Mary Johnsons status.

    2. Type the letter c . The entry to Auto Complete CS/BU appears.

    3. Press Enter to accept the Auto Completeentry for CS/BU.

    Resort the Status column A to Zto see Mary Johnson included withthe other CS/BU staff.

    Scroll up to the view the top rows of the data area.Mary Johnsonsrecord is with the other CS/BU staff records.

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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 5 1

    Perform a simple descending sort

    You can also sort data in descending order. Sort the Salary column in

    descending order.

    1. Select a single data cell in the Salarycolumn.

    2. In the Editing group, click Sort & Filter.

    3. Select the Largest to Smallestcommand. The entire data rangesorts from Z to A by the selected column.

    Perform a custom sort

    You can sort data by multiple fields at one time using the Custom Sortcommand. First, you need to determine the order in which you want thedata sorted. In this case, the Dean would like the list sorted first bydepartment, then by last name , and then by f i rst name .

    1. Select a single cell in the data range.

    2. In the Editing group, click Sort & Filter.

    3. Select the Custom Sortcommand. The Sort dialog box appears. Excel hasalso selected the entire data range (all the continuous data) in the worksheetand has guessed correctly that the data area has a header row.

    4. Set the Sort byoptions.

    From the Sort by drop-down menu under Column select

    Department .

    Leave Valuesas the Sort Onoption.

    Change the Orderoption to A to Z.

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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    5 2 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    5. Click Add Level.A new level appearspreceded by the words Then by.

    From the Then bydrop-down menuunderColumn chooseLast Name.

    Leave Valuesas the Sort Onoption.

    Leave the Orderoption to A to Z.

    6. Click Add Level.A new level appearspreceded by the words Then by.

    From the Then bydrop-down menuunderColumn chooseFirst Name.

    Leave Valuesas the Sort Onoption.

    Leave the Orderoption to A to Z.

    7. Click OK. The list sorts. Look at the results of the sort. Notice that all the records for each

    department are grouped together. Within each group, the records are sortedby Last name, then by First Name.

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    L E S S O N 4 :

    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 5 3

    PressCtrl + Home.

    Savethe file.

    Filter data to view particular records

    When working with an Excel list, you can select which records you wantdisplayed by using filters. Filters allow you to set criteria to determine whichrecords are visible.

    The new Dean has requested a list showing only the full professors. To viewjust those records, filter the data in the Position column by Prof .

    1. Select a single cell in the data range (if necessary).

    2. In the Editing group, click Sort & Filter.

    3. Select Filterfrom the menu.Note the arrow buttons tothe right of each column label.

    4. Click on the Position filter arrow.A drop-downmenu appears.

    5. Click the (Select All) checkbox to deselect allthe values in the Position column.All the

    checkboxes clear.

    6. Select Prof .

    7. Click OK. The list filters to display only thoserecords with a position value of Prof.

    Note the filter symbol on the arrow button.

    Note the row numbers in the worksheet frame areblue indicating that there are hidden rows of data.

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    W O R K I N G W I T H A D A T A B A S E

    5 4 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Remove a filter

    Remove the filterfrom the Positioncolumn.

    1. Click the Position filter arrow.

    2. Choose Clear Filter from Position. The entire list displays.

    Turn off filters

    When you are finished using filters, you can turn them off.

    1. Click the Sort & AutoFilter button.

    2. Select Filterfrom the menu.The arrow buttons disappear.

    Unfreeze Panes

    1. Select the View tab.

    2. Click Freeze Panes and choose Unfreeze Panesfrom the menu.

    Press Crtl + Home.

    Savethe workbook.

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    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 5 5

    Functions and Formulas

    You have provided the Dean with a revised copy of the staff list. She ispleased but has a few more changes. She wants to see:

    The total amount of all the salaries

    Who prepared the worksheet

    What day the worksheet gets printed

    What each persons salary would be next year if there were meritincreases and a 10% cost of living allowance for everyone

    You will use AutoSum to add up all the salaries. You will also write aformula to calculate next years salaries. You will insert a date function at thetop of the worksheet along with your name. In the process, you will

    Learn about function syntax

    Use the Today function

    Use the order of precedence rules to write a formula

    Hide and unhide rows

    When you have finished the lesson, the worksheet will look like this:

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    F U N C T I O N S A N D F O R M U L A S

    5 6 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Open an existing workbook

    Open the 05 Functions and Formulas workbook.

    Function syntax

    There are several hundred functions (pre-built formulas) available in Excel.

    There are functions that make simple calculations, such as the Sum function,which adds up a range or several ranges of numbers. And there arefunctions that perform highly complex calculations, such as VDB whichreturns the depreciation of an asset for any period you specify. There arestatistical functions, functions that make financial calculations, logicalfunctions and even functions that work with text. There are also a number ofdate and time functions, just to name a few of the function categories.

    Functions all have the same syntax: they all start with the equals sign (as doall formulas) followed by the name of the function. Then there is an openingparenthesis followed by any arguments the function takes separated by

    commas. Then they end with a closing parenthesis.

    = name_of_function(argument1,argument2,argument3)

    Some functions take no arguments (or values), some take one, some takethree and some take up to 255.

    The AutoSum drop-down menu

    Next to the AutoSum button is a drop-down menu, which contains a list of

    the most commonly used functions and a command to access all the otherpre-built functions available in Excel.

    Use the AutoSum drop-down menu to write a Sum function to add up allthe salaries.

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    F U N C T I O N S A N D F O R M U L A S

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 5 7

    Prep: Enter the text Total Salaries: in E2.

    Prep: Press Tabto go to F2.

    1. Click the Auto Sumdrop-down menu.

    2. Select Sum. Excel starts to write the formula. However, it cannot guesswhat range to add because there are no numbers above or left.

    3. Select the range containing all the salary values from the first to thelast, F5:F49.

    Use a keyboard shortcut

    Select cell F5.

    Press Ctrl + Shift +All the cells containing data select, F5:F49.

    4. Press Ctrl+ Enterto accept the formula and remain in the cell. Theformula in the formula bar reads =SUM(F5:F49) and Total Salaries are$2,081,070.

    Note: Ctrl + Shift +

    Using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + selects all the cellsbelow until Excel encounters a blank cell. You can keep pressingkeep holding down Ctrl + Shiftand tap repeatedly until you reachthe bottom of the data.

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    Insert rows

    You will include your name and the preparation date at the top of theworksheet. Insert two more rows above the header row now.

    1. Select rows 3 and 4 by holding down the mouse button and draggingover those numbers in the worksheet frame.

    2. Right clickand choose Insertfrom the context sensitive menu. Twonew blank rows appear and they are selected.

    Enter data

    Enter the data listed below.

    Type Prepared by: in A3.

    Type Date: in A4.

    Type your name inB3.

    Use a date function

    You will use the Todayfunction to generate the current date. Excel pulls thedate information from your computer settings. (So if the date and time zoneare not properly set on your computer, the wrong date will appear.) TheToday function takes no arguments.

    1. Select B4if necessary.

    2. Click the Insert function button on theFormula bar. The InsertFunction dialog box appears.

    3. Select Date & Timefrom the Or select a categorydrop-down menu.A list of all the built-in date and time functions appears.

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    Note: Dates are numbers

    When you enter a date in a cell, Excel automatically associates that

    date with a serial number. The number 1 represents January 1, 1900;the number 2, January 2, 1900; etc. Associating a date with a serialnumber makes it possible for Excel to perform calculations usingdates. By the way, the Excel date system on Macsstarts January 1,1904.

    Note: Date Formats

    When you enter a date in a cell, Excel automatically formats the cell

    as a date. If you no longer want a cell to have a date format, youmust either clear the format or apply another formatting type. TheKeyboard Shortcut Ctrl+ Shift+~applies the General format.

    Freeze Panes to keep a row and column in view

    You can freeze both a row and a column so they always remain visible.Freeze the first name column and the header row.

    1. Select the single cell that is both belowthe row and to the right of thecolumn that you want to freeze.

    Click C7.

    2. Go to the View tab>Windowgroup > Freeze Panes >Freeze Panes.Two thin black lines indicate where Excel has frozen the row and column.

    Use the scroll arrow on the horizontal scroll bar to change whatcolumns are visible. Change the view so the Salary column is next tothe First Name column. The frozen column stays in place.

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    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 6 1

    Hide rows

    Hide the first five rows so that only the data area for the list is visible.

    1. Select rows 1:5dragging the mouse through the worksheet frame.

    2. Right click and select Hidefrom the shortcut menu. Rows 1 through 5are obscured from view.

    Write a formula using order of precedence rulesWhen more than one operator appears in a formula, Excel calculates it usingthe standard mathematical order of precedence, a.k.a order of operations.This order determines which operations Excel performs first. The order ofprecedenceis as follows:

    1. Parentheses ()

    2. Exponents

    3. multiplication or division * or/

    4. addition or subtraction +or

    Excel performs any operation enclosed in parentheses first, followed bycalculating any exponents, followed by multiplication or division, whichevercomes first in the formula reading from left to right, and finally, by additionor subtraction, whichever come first reading from left to right.

    The Dean wants to see what each persons salary would be next year ifeveryone were to receive a $1,500 merit increase and a 10% cost of livingallowance on the salary plus the merit increase for each staff member. You

    need to figure out what the formula should be so Excel calculates anappropriate answer for the total increase in salary. As you will discover, youwill need to apply the order of precedence rules when you write theformula.

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    Start by writing a formula for the Total Increase for the first staff person inthe database without applying the order of precedence rules and see whathappens.

    1. Select J7, the Total Increase forChris Barker .

    2. Type =

    3. Enter the following formula using the mouse to select the cells:F7+H7*I7

    4. Press Enter. Excel calculates the result: $29,150.

    Obviously the result is incorrect. That is far too large an increase.

    Edit a formula

    You can edit a formula just as you can edit text. When you edit a formula,the Range Finder activates. The Range Finder codes cell references and their

    associated ranges with the same color.

    Edit the current formula to so Excel performs the addition operation first.Following the order of precedence rules, put parentheses around theaddition operation. Edit in directly in the cell to make the changes.

    1. Double-click the cell containing the formula, J7.The Range Finderactivates.

    2. Use the left orright navigation arrow to relocate the insertionpoint so it is after the equal sign, =.

    3. Typean opening parenthesis (.

    4. Use the right navigation arrow to relocate the insertion point so itis before the multiplication operation, *.

    5. Typean closing parenthesis ). The formula reads =(F7+H7)*I7

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    Unhide rows

    To unhide hidden rows (or columns), you have to select the rows (or

    columns) on either side of the hidden data. Then you can right-click over theselected area and choose Unhide. However, in this case, because row 1 is notvisible, there is no row above row 6. Instead, you will have to select theentire worksheet first.

    1. To select the entire worksheet click the All cells buttonin the upper left corner of the worksheet frame.

    2. Right-click somewhere over the worksheet itself and choose Unhidefrom the shortcut menu.

    Deselect the range.

    Auto-fitcolumn B.

    Unfreeze panes

    1. Select the View tab>Freeze Panes >Unfreeze Panes.

    Press Crtl + Home.

    Saveand closethe file.

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    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 6 5

    Format with Styles

    You decide you would like the list to look more legible and professionalbefore you give a copy to the Dean. You will use several of the style options

    built into Excel to accomplish this task. In the process, you will learn how to:

    Apply a variety of styles to worksheet data

    o Cell Styles

    o Format as Table

    o Conditional Formatting

    Add new records to a table

    Change font color

    Open the 06 Styles workbook.

    When you are done, the worksheet will look as follows.

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    Style types

    A style is a collection of formatting attributes with a

    name. For example, the Title style is bold, blue, andCambria 18 points. There are three style types inExcel: cell, table and conditional.

    You will apply styles using the Home tab>Styles groupmenus.

    Cell Styles

    Start formatting the worksheet by using several Cell Styles.

    Title style

    Apply the Titlestyle to cell A1.

    1. Select A1.

    2. Click Cell Stylesthe Styles groupon the Home tab.

    3. From the gallery of styles, select the Titlestyle in the Titles andHeadings group.

    Notice theLive Preview

    of the formatting to your data as the mousemoves over the various available styles.

    Heading 2 style

    Apply the Heading 2style to A2.

    1. Select cell A2.

    2. Click Cell Stylesthe Styles group.

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    3. Select the Heading 2style in the Titles and Headings group.

    Heading 4 style

    Apply the Heading 4style to A3:A4.

    1. Select cells A3:A4.


    Cell Stylesthe

    Styles group.

    3. Select the Heading 4style in the Titles and Headings group.

    Input style

    Apply the Inputstyle to B3:B4.

    1. Select cells B3:B4.

    2. Click Cell Stylesthe Styles group.

    3. Select the Inputstyle in the Data and Model group.

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    Format as Table

    New in Excel is the ability to format a list as a table. The first time you apply

    a table style to a database, Excel asks you where the table data is. As long asyou have a single cell selected in the database, Excel will correctly select it.Apply a format to the staff list.

    1. Select any cell in the data area of the list.

    2. Click the Format as Tablebutton in the Stylesgroup.

    3. Select any of the table styles. The Format As Table dialog box appearswith the data range already specified. A marquee circles the data range.

    4. Click OK. The selected table style applies. Notice that filters apply by defaultand a new tab appears Table Tools Design.

    5. Click any cell to deselect the entire table. Now the table style is apparent.

    Notice the header row: filters are automatically applied. If you scrolldown the worksheet, the header row automatically appears over thecolumns in the worksheet frame, which makes it unnecessary tofreeze panes horizontally.

    Change a table format

    Now that Excel has defined the data area, Live Preview is available makingit is easy to see what a table style will look like when you apply it.

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    1. On the Table Tools Design tab>Table Styles group, click More.

    The Table Styles Gallery appears.

    2. Mouseover the various styles to experience the Live Preview feature.

    3. Select Table Style Medium 20.

    Conditional Formatting

    You can apply criteria dependent formatting to cells called ConditionalFormatting. Conditional formatting can help you spot or highlight dataquickly. The options for cell appearance are manifold.

    Apply conditional formatting the years of service column.1. Select all the data in theService Yrs column.

    Use a keyboard shortcut

    Select E7.

    Press Ctrl + Shift +All the cells containing data select, E7:E51.

    2. Select the Home tab.

    3. Click the Conditional Formatting button inthe Styles group.

    4. Select Data Bars>Gradient Purple Data Barfrom the submenu. Purple data bars appearindicating length of service.

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    7 0 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Excel 2007: Fewer conditional formatting options are available.

    Data Bars are like having a chart overlay .

    Add data to a table

    You can quickly add data to a table. The College has just hired a newassociate professor, Neil Nelsen. Add him to the list.

    1. Press Ctrl + Endto make the last cell containing data active.

    2. Press Tab.A new row immediately appends to the end of the table.

    3. Enter the data for Neil Nelsen as shown below. Press Tab after eachcell entry.

    Use Auto Complete as available when you enter the data.

    Formulas and formatting automatically update.

    A new blank row appends to the end and the active cell moves to the firstcolumn in the table.

    Delete a Row

    Delete the new blank row at the end of the table.

    1. Right-click in row 53.

    2. Choose Delete> Table Rowsfrom the shortcut menu. The new tablerow disappears.

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    Resort the list

    You realize that Neil Nelsen should be included with the Ichthyologydepartment.

    Use a custom sort to resort the list first by department, then by lastname, and then by first name.

    Change font color

    You can change the attributes of a particular style once the style is applied.Change the font color of A2.

    1. Select A2.

    2. Click the Font Colorbutton in the Font group.

    3. Choose the fourth button in the top row, Dark Blue, Text 2. LivePreview displays as you mouseover the icons for the different colors.

    Voila! You are now ready to print the worksheet for the Dean.

    Press Crtl + Home.

    Saveand closethe file.

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    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 7 3

    Page Layout and Print Setup

    Excel 2010

    A spreadsheet may look good on screen but what looks good on screen doesnot necessarily look good on the printed page. You will now use printpreview and page layout to prepare a worksheet for printing.

    In the process, you will learn how to

    Use the Print command in the File Tab

    Use Scale to Fit

    Use Page Layout view

    Add a footer and customize it

    Manually adjust margins

    Scale the view of the worksheet

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    7 4 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Open an existing Excel workbook

    Open the 07-A Page Layout workbook.

    Print Preview

    The first step to printing is to preview how your worksheet will look on theprinted page as opposed to the screen.

    1. Select the File tab > Print. The Print Preview on the right indicates thereare multiple pages.

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    2. Click Next Page. The next page displays.

    Keep clicking Next Pageuntil you reach the last page.

    3. Click Previous Page.The previous page displays.

    Keep clicking Previous Pageif so desired.

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    Scale to fit

    As there are so few rows appearing on the second and fourth pages, you will

    set the worksheet to scale so it will print on one page only.

    1. In the Settings sectionfrom the No Scaling menuchoose theFit Sheet on One Pageoption.

    Modify the page layout

    You can use the Page Layout Tab to adjust the page setup, scaling, sheetoptions and more.

    You can rescale a worksheet in thePage Layout tab if desired:

    1. Click the Page Layout tab.

    2. Locate the Scale to Fit group. Noticethe Width and Height are both1 page.

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    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 7 7

    Beforeyou scaled the page, the Width and Height were both Automatic.

    Page Layout View

    You can change the view of your worksheet by using the view buttons onthe View Bar at the bottom right hand corner of the Excelwindow.

    1. Click the Page Layout button. The view changes to show page breaks andrulers to control margin settings.

    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page so you can see the footer area inone of two ways:

    Use the Vertical Scroll DownArrow.

    Spin the mouse wheel.

    You can now see where the first page ends and the second page begins.There is no data on the second page.

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    Add a pre-formatted header or footer

    You can use one of Excels pre-formatted headers or footers to include

    certain information about a file. In Excel, any header and footer informationyou add will appear on all printed pages of a worksheet.

    You want the Dean to know the staff list is all on one page. Add a footer thatindicates this.

    1. Click somewhere in the Click to add footer area at the bottom of thefirst page.The Header/Footer Tools Design tab displays. Notice the footerhas three sections; the same is true for a header.

    2. Click theFooterbutton in the Header and Footer group.

    3. Choose Page 1 of ?from the Footermenu. Page 1 of 1 appears in thecenter section of the footer at the bottom of the page.

    Customize a header or footerIf one of the built-in footers (or headers) isnt appropriate, you can buildyour own. The Dean wants:

    Your name on the left

    Page 1 of 1 in the center

    The file name on the right

    Customize the footer: add your name to the left and the file name to theright section of the footer.

    1. Click in the left section of the footer.

    2. Type your name .

    3. Press the tab key twice to move to the right section.

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    4. Click the Header& Footer Tools Design tabto activate it.

    5. Click Header& Footer Elements group > File Name.

    6. Click just outside the footer area to see the file name displayed.

    Use Page Setup

    The Page Setup dialog box allows you to make all kinds of changes to theway your worksheet will appear when printed. You can adjust the margins,center the page horizontally or vertically or both, and more.

    Adjust the margins and then center the data on the page using Page Setup sMargins tab.

    1. In the Page Layout tab>Page Setupgroup, click the Page Setupdialog box launcher. The Page Setup dialog box opens.

    2. Click the Marginstab.

    3. In the Left Margintext box, type 1.25 to adjust the margin to 1.25Inches .

    4. Press Tab.

    5. In the Right Margintext box, type 1.25 .

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    6. Under Center on pageselect the Horizontallyoption.

    7. Click Print Previewfrom within the Page Setupdialog box. The FileTab > Print view appears.

    Make changes as desired.

    8. Under Settings,use the Last Custom Margins menu>Custommargins.

    9. Change the left and right margins to 1 using the spinners. Excelincrements margins in quarter inches.

    Click the Home tab.

    Zoom Out / Zoom In

    The View Bar allows you to zoom in on your data or zoom out so you cansee an entire page at once.

    Zoom level Zoom Out Slider Zoom In

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    1. Click the minus sign several times on the View Barto Zoom Outuntilthe entire page is visible.

    2. Zoom In: click the plus sign several times to return to 100%.

    You can also click the Zoom levelto choose a specific magnificationlevel or use the Sliderto zoom in or out quickly.

    Return to Normal View

    You can modify the worksheet when it is in page layout view; for example,you can change data or apply different formatting to a cell. However,making changes in Normal view is easier if you want to select an entire rowor column.

    Click the Normalbutton on the View Bar. The normal view of theworksheet returns and it is 100%.

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    2. Click Print. The print job goes to the printer immediately.

    To return to the worksheet, click one of the other tabs in the Ribbon.

    Add a Command to the Quick Access Toolbar

    You can add buttons to the Quick Access toolbar making it faster to executecommands.

    It gets tiresome going to the File tab to select Print to preview a worksheet.Add the Print Preview and Print command to the Quick Access Toolbar.

    1. Click the Quick Access Toolbar drop-down menu at the right edge of

    the toolbar.

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    2. Select Print and Print Preview. The Print Preview button appears on thetoolbar.

    Try out the Print and Print Previewbutton.

    Reset a scaled worksheet

    If scaling a worksheet is no longer appropriate, you can change it.

    1. Click Print and Print Preview(or go to File > Print).

    2. Under Settings, change Fit Sheet on One Pageto No Scaling.(If you want to change the scaling to a different number of pages,select Custom Scaling Optionsinstead.)

    Saveand Close the file.

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    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 8 5

    Page Layout and Print Setup

    Excel 2007

    A spreadsheet may look good on screen but what looks good on screen doesnot necessarily look good on the printed page. You will now use printpreview and page layout to prepare a worksheet for printing. In the process,you will learn how to

    Use Print Preview

    Use Scale to Fit on the Page Layout tab

    Use Page Layout view

    Add a footer and customize it

    Manually adjust margins

    Scale the view of the worksheet

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    8 6 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Open an existing Excel workbook

    Open the 07-B Page Layout workbook.

    Print Preview

    The first step to printing is to preview how your worksheet will look on theprinted page as opposed to the screen.

    1. Select the Office Button > Print > Print Preview. The Print Previewwindow appears with the Print Preview tab. The Preview Status barindicates there are multiple pages.

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    2. In the Print Preview tab>Previewgroup, clickNext Page. The next page displays.

    Keep clicking Next Pageuntil you reach the last page.

    3. Click Previous Page .The previous page displays.

    Keep clicking Previous Pageif so desired.

    4. Click Close Print Preview. The Normal view of the worksheet returns.There are vertical and horizontal dotted lines indicating the automatic pagebreaks.

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    L E S S O N 7 :

    P A G E L A Y O U T A N D P R I N T S E T U PE X C E L 2 0 0 7

    8 8 U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r

    Modify the page layout

    You can use the Page Layout tab to adjust the page setup, scaling, sheet

    options and more.

    You can also change how your worksheet will appear when printed usingfeatures available in Page Layout View.

    Scale to fit

    As there are so few rows appearing on the second page and only one columnappearing on the third and fourth pages, you will scale the worksheet so allthe data fits on one page.

    1. Select the Page Layouttab.

    2. Locate the Scale to Fit groupon the Page Layout tab.

    3. From the Width:drop-down menu, select 1 page.

    The automatic vertical page break disappears.

    4. From the Height:drop-down menu, select 1 page. Theautomatic horizontal page break disappears and a grayed outScale box indicates the percentage scale.

    Select the Office Button > Print > Print Preview.

    Page Layout View

    You can change the view of your worksheet by using the view buttons onthe View Bar at the bottom right hand corner of the Excelwindow.

    1. Click the Page Layout button. The view changes to show page breaks andrulers to control margin settings.

  • 8/10/2019 Excel Spread Sheet Basics


    L E S S O N 7 :

    P A G E L A Y O U T A N D P R I N T S E T U PE X C E L 2 0 0 7

    U n i v e r s i t y T e c h n o l o g y T r a i n i n g C e n t e r 8 9

    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page so you can see the footer area inone of two ways:

    Use the Vertical Scroll DownArrow.

    Spin the mouse wheel.

    You can now see where the first page ends and the second page begins.There is no data on the second page.

    Add a pre-formatted header or footer

    You can use one of Excels pre-formatted headers or footers to includecertain information about a file. In Ex