examining homeless outcomes among foster care youth in wisconsin

Examining Homeless Outcomes Among Foster Care Youth in Wisconsin Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Prepared by: Beauregard Blazavier, Sarah Foster, Brett Halverson, Ellen Hildebrand, John Magnino, and Caroline McCormack

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Examining Homeless Outcomes Among Foster Care Youth in Wisconsin. Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Prepared by: Beauregard Blazavier , Sarah Foster, Brett Halverson, Ellen Hildebrand, John Magnino , and Caroline McCormack. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Examining Homeless Outcomes Among Foster Care Youth in Wisconsin

Examining Homeless Outcomes Among Foster Care Youth in Wisconsin

Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families

Prepared by: Beauregard Blazavier, Sarah Foster, Brett Halverson, Ellen Hildebrand, John Magnino, and Caroline McCormack

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Context: Former Foster Care Youth Outcomes

● Limited financial or social support post-discharge

● Higher risk of adverse economic and social outcomes

Source: www.youthintransition.org

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Project Background

●2-year grant (Phase I) to “better understand the causes and consequences of youth homelessness and to create targeted interventions that equip youth to thrive in adulthood.” (DCF 2014)

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Project Goals1) Identify factors associated with homelessness among the former foster care population in Wisconsin

2) Review innovative state programs in transition planning for youth aging out of care

3) Provide recommendations for improving outcomes for former foster care youth

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● Merged DCF and Department of Administration Data• eWiSACWIS• Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

● Literature review of foster care outcomes and homelessness studies

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Background: Former Foster Youth in Wisconsin

● Approximately 450 Youth Age out of foster care each year

● Discharged from system at age 18 or 19

● Limited federal funds for employment training, education, housing services

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Background: Homelessness in Wisconsin

• “Homelessness” defined as at least one entry into an emergency shelter in Wisconsin

• Wisconsin homeless rate (2012): .4 percent

• 41 percent Black

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New Findings from Matched Dataset

• 4.3 percent of former foster youth

• 6.5 percent of aged out youth

• 38 percent Black

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Regression Analysis Variable Description Correlation of


Black Race +

Female Gender +

Parent is Abuser Substantiated Allegation


Group Home Placement Type +

Residential Care Center Placement Type +

Adoption Discharge to Permanency


Reunification Discharge to Permanency


Guardianship Discharge to Permanency


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Discussion: Predictive Probabilities

Compare to 4.3% baseline probability


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5









Percentage Point Probability Increase of Becoming Homeless

Discharged to Guardianship

Reunified with Family



Parent is Abuser


Relative Placement

Each Additional Foster Placement


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Best Practices in Transition Planning

Permanent Connections: -Training frontline staff (NYC)-State Legislation (CA)

Housing: -Partnerships with housing authorities (CA, AK, CT, IL, NY) -Financial assistance and counseling (IL)

Source: National Center for Children and Families: www.nccf.org

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Best Practices in Transition Planning Employment and Training: -Nonprofit contracting for employment training and job connections (CA, ME, NY, FL, CT)-Partners with directly with employers (FL)

Education: -Partnerships with school districts (PA) -Connections with community colleges (CT) Source: Reuters: http://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/educating-foster-youth

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Conclusion and Recommendations: Data

● Communicate to federal funders that Wisconsin has completed the most in-depth analysis of administrative data to understand homeless problem among foster youth● Secure data to analyze socio-economic factors such as education and income●Utilize data set to support current and future initiatives

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Conclusion and Recommendations: Policy

● Our findings from merged dataset reveal that limited access to familial resources is a consistent predictor of homelessness ● Prioritize permanent connections and housing programs ● Examine education and workforce training programs

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For further informationContact the La Follette School’s publications office at 608-263-7657 or [email protected]

Or see www.lafollette.wisc.edu/publications/workshops.html

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